afghanistan accepts pakistan’s offer of to watch

Back Page July 06, 2017 Email: [email protected] Phone: 0093 (799) 005019/777-005019 Add: Sarai Ghazni, District 3, Kabul Email: [email protected] Phone: 0093 (799) 005019/777-005019 Add: Sarai Ghazni, District 3, Kabul Jalalabad Kandahar Ghazni Mazar Herat Bamayan Kabul Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Partly Cloudy 43°C 41°C 28°C 19°C 33°C 38°C 21°C 32°C 23°C 13°C 38°C 21°C 32°C 28°C Daily Outlook Weather Forcast تیفا:اهماهنگی ن در کمیسیون جدیخاباتی انت شکایاتجود دارد و Email: [email protected] Phone: 0093 (799) 005019/777-005019 Afghanistan Accepts Pakistan’s Offer of ‘Coordinated’ Anti-Terror Opera tions Residents Concerned over ‘Intensified War in Kunduz’ Afghan Robotics Team to Watch Competition on Skype Detained Kabul Protester Released on Bail: MoI Herat Grape Yield to Go up by 20 Percent, Predicts MAIL Power Bills worth 35m Afghanis Payable by Ghazni Govt. Offices Nabil Reacts at Joint Ops Agreement on both Sides of Dubrand Line Hundreds of Daesh Rebels Emerge in Kunar: Police Chief Ghani Orders Repair of Schools Damaged in Truck Bombing ISLAMABAD - Pakistan and Afghan- istan have agreed to conduct “coor- dinated, complementary” security operations against terrorist groups on their respective sides of the shared border, officials confirmed Wednes- day. A high-powered U.S. bipartisan con- gressional delegation led by Senator John McCain mediated the deal dur- ing its visit this week to Islamabad and Kabul. “The [U.S.] Senators said that the head of Pakistan’s armed forces, General Qamar Javed Bajwa, agreed to joint operations against terrorist groups in the Durand Line region,” said an Afghan statement after Tues- day’s talks between President Ashraf Ghani and the U.S. delegation. “They said that the U.S. would pro- vide monitoring and verification of these operations,” the statement quoted McCain’s delegation as say- ing, while sharing the Pakistani pro- posal with Ghani. ASADABAD - The Kunar po- lice chief says hundreds of Daesh or so-called Islamic State (IS) militants have emerged in the eastern province, receiving training from foreigners. Maj. Gen. Jumma Gul Himmat in an exclusive interview with Pajhwok Afghan News said the exact number of Daesh fighters in Kunar was not clear, but they were in hundreds and had started their activities from Chapa Dara district. He said the militants had train- ing centers in Batash moun- tainous area of Nari district KABUL - President Ashraf Ghani has ordered reconstruc- tion of schools damaged in May 31 truck bombing in Kabul on a priority basis, the Presidential Palace said on Wednesday. KABUL - The Ministry of Ag- riculture, Irrigation and Live- stock (MAIL) on Wednesday predicted grape production in western Herat province would increase by 20 percent this year. GHAZNI CITY - Government departments, including the governor’s office, in southern Ghazni province have defaulted on paying 35 million afghanis in electricity bills, officials said on Wednesday. Jan Mohammad Noori, Da Af- ghanistan Breshna Sherkat (DABS) head for Ghazni, told Pajhwok Afghan News the pow- er utility was in trouble imple- menting projects due to unpaid bills. KABUL - The former Afghan in- telligence chief Rahmatullah Na- bil in his reaction regarding the agreement for joint operations on both of sides Durand Line has said details regarding the agreement should be shared with the people. Nabil has expressed concerns that the agreement which has secretly been reached will once again offer concessions to Pakistan. “It seems @ARG_AFG once again signed a secret agreement with PAK & give unilateral concessions to PAK again. AFG public should know d detail,” Nabil said in a Twitter post. The Afghan government has said it agrees with the proposal for the which were run by foreign Daesh fighters. The IS fighters have also ap- peared in Mazar Dara area About 150 people were killed and more than 350 were wound- ed in the truck bomb attack in Zanbaq Square, also damaging many government and private buildings.President Ghani on A statement from MAIL quoted experts as expecting the pro- duction of Herat grapes soaring to 110 tonnes in 2017, compared to 95 tonnes last year. It said 19,774 acres of land in Herat had been sown with grapes, mostly in Injil, Guzra, Pashtun Zarghoon and Oba districts. The statement said 139 types of grapes had been grown on test farms in Herat as part of efforts to boost grape yield across the country. Herat grapes are popular in the country due to their high qual- ity and taste. MAIL has built 300 raisin houses so far in the province. In Herat, 256,000 peo- ple are dependent on farming, with 150,000 busy in gardening. (Pajhwok) “When we ask the central DABS office for the implementation of a project, they tell us we should first collect power bills,” he said, urging government organs to clear their bills. On the other hand, Noori said, Ghazni province would be pro- vided with imported electricity soon. Najibullah, a resident of Ghaz- ni City, said most parts of the provincial capital were still de- prived of ...(More on P4)...(12) joint operations with Pakistan along the Durand Line. A statement by ARG Palace said Senators led by Senator John McCaine visited Afghanistan to review progress and all agreed regional solution is needed. “Pres Ashraf Ghani said Afghanistan agrees with propos- al for joint border operations with Pakistan, monitored by US,” ARG Palace added. Nabil has long been criticizing ...(More on P4)...(14) The nearly 2,600-kilometer, largely- porous border between Afghanistan and Pakistan is called the Durand Line. Both countries regularly accuse each oth- er of not doing enough on their respec- tive sides to stop terrorist infiltration. The KUNDUZ - Kunduz police chief said the security forces are capable of defending the province and maintaining the safety of its residents. Some members of Kunduz provincial council said Taliban has built ‘main strong- holds’ on the outskirts of Kunduz city and that the group has reached areas close to the center of the city in the past three days. “The security forces launched an operation and cleared Talawka area (in the outskirts of Kunduz city) in 15 days. But unfortu- nately the militants captured the area in a few hours,” said Khosh Mohammad Na- siryar, member of the provincial council. Kunduz residents said they are concerned about the war on the outskirts of the city. “Government should come and have a look at the situation closely,” said Hamza, a resident of Kunduz....(More on P4)...(10) KABUL - The competition, which starts on July 16, is the FIRST Global Challenge - a robotics Olympics dreamed up by Dean Kamen, inventor of the Segway. The Afghan female robotics team will have to watch the first international robotics competition in Washington via Skype fol- lowing the U.S embassy’s decision to deny them visas. The FIRST international robotics competi- tion is expected to be held in Washington next week. “We were very worried when we received a negative response, the entire team was disappointed, because we will not be able to attend the competition,” said Lida a member of the Afghan National Robotics Team. “We wanted to show that despite having limited resources we succeeded to create these robots and can compete against other countries,” said another member, Fatana Qadiryan. ...(More on P4)...(9) KABUL - A protester who was arrested during the rallies in Kabul city has been released on bail, the Ministry of Interior (MoI) officials said Wednesday. MoI acting spokesman Najib Danish said Mujib Zia was released after going through investigations. He said the investigations are still being conducted regarding the presence of Zia in the rallies as he has been released on bail. According to Danish, the presence of an active officer of the ministry among the protesters and in their support is against the enforced laws of the country. Dozens of protesters started their rallies in Kabul city on Monday morning almost a month after a similar protest turned vio- lent, resulting into the casualties of the nu- merous people. They ended their rallies in the city by an- nouncing their declaration and demanding the resignation of the government leaders and key security officials. They asked the international community, specifically the United Nations to inter- vene and ...(More on P4)...(13) allegations are blamed for deep mutual mistrust and strained bilateral ties. “The Afghan ...(More on P4)...(8) of Norgul district and moun- tainous areas of Watapur and Manogi districts, the police chief said. ...(More on P4)...(11) Wednesday morning went to Zarghona High School of Kabul and inspected damaged parts the school, a statement from the Presidential Palace to Pajhwok Afghan News said.Ghani di- rected the ministries of urban development and housing and finance to reconstruct the dam- aged schools at the earliest pos- sible.The president also met stu- dents and teachers of the school and hailed efforts of teachers and the high morale of students with regard to acquiring education. The statement added the stu- dents assured President Ghani of their continued commitment to achieving knowledge, saying ter- rorist attacks couldn’t deter them from education. (Pajhwok)

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Page 1: Afghanistan Accepts Pakistan’s Offer of to Watch

Back Page July 06, 2017

Email: [email protected]: 0093 (799) 005019/777-005019

Add: Sarai Ghazni, District 3, Kabul

Email: [email protected]: 0093 (799) 005019/777-005019

Add: Sarai Ghazni, District 3, Kabul

Jalalabad KandaharGhazni Mazar Herat Bamayan KabulClearClearClear Clear ClearClear PartlyCloudy


28°C 19°C






21°C 32°C 28°C

Daily Outlook Weather Forcast

تیفا: ناهماهنگی جدی در کمیسیون شکایات انتخاباتی وجود دارد

Email: [email protected]: 0093 (799) 005019/777-005019

Afghanistan Accepts Pakistan’s Offer of ‘Coordinated’ Anti-Terror Operations

Residents Concerned over ‘Intensified War in


Afghan Robotics Team to Watch Competition

on Skype

Detained Kabul Protester Released

on Bail: MoI

Herat Grape Yield to Go up by 20 Percent, Predicts MAIL

Power Bills worth 35m Afghanis Payable by

Ghazni Govt. Offices

Nabil Reacts at Joint Ops Agreement on both Sides of Dubrand Line

Hundreds of Daesh Rebels Emerge in Kunar: Police Chief

Ghani Orders Repair of Schools Damaged in Truck Bombing

ISLAMABAD - Pakistan and Afghan-istan have agreed to conduct “coor-dinated, complementary” security operations against terrorist groups on their respective sides of the shared border, officials confirmed Wednes-day.A high-powered U.S. bipartisan con-gressional delegation led by Senator John McCain mediated the deal dur-ing its visit this week to Islamabad and Kabul.“The [U.S.] Senators said that the head of Pakistan’s armed forces, General Qamar Javed Bajwa, agreed to joint operations against terrorist groups in the Durand Line region,” said an Afghan statement after Tues-day’s talks between President Ashraf Ghani and the U.S. delegation.“They said that the U.S. would pro-vide monitoring and verification of these operations,” the statement quoted McCain’s delegation as say-ing, while sharing the Pakistani pro-posal with Ghani.

ASADABAD - The Kunar po-lice chief says hundreds of Daesh or so-called Islamic State (IS) militants have emerged in the eastern province, receiving training from foreigners.Maj. Gen. Jumma Gul Himmat in an exclusive interview with Pajhwok Afghan News said the exact number of Daesh fighters in Kunar was not clear, but they were in hundreds and had started their activities from Chapa Dara district.He said the militants had train-ing centers in Batash moun-tainous area of Nari district

KABUL - President Ashraf Ghani has ordered reconstruc-tion of schools damaged in May 31 truck bombing in Kabul on a priority basis, the Presidential Palace said on Wednesday.

KABUL - The Ministry of Ag-riculture, Irrigation and Live-stock (MAIL) on Wednesday predicted grape production in western Herat province would increase by 20 percent this year.

GHAZNI CITY - Government departments, including the governor’s office, in southern Ghazni province have defaulted on paying 35 million afghanis in electricity bills, officials said on Wednesday.Jan Mohammad Noori, Da Af-ghanistan Breshna Sherkat (DABS) head for Ghazni, told Pajhwok Afghan News the pow-er utility was in trouble imple-menting projects due to unpaid bills.

KABUL - The former Afghan in-telligence chief Rahmatullah Na-bil in his reaction regarding the agreement for joint operations on both of sides Durand Line has said details regarding the agreement should be shared with the people.Nabil has expressed concerns that the agreement which has secretly been reached will once again offer concessions to Pakistan.“It seems @ARG_AFG once again signed a secret agreement with PAK & give unilateral concessions to PAK again. AFG public should know d detail,” Nabil said in a Twitter post.The Afghan government has said it agrees with the proposal for the

which were run by foreign Daesh fighters.The IS fighters have also ap-peared in Mazar Dara area

About 150 people were killed and more than 350 were wound-ed in the truck bomb attack in Zanbaq Square, also damaging many government and private buildings.President Ghani on

A statement from MAIL quoted experts as expecting the pro-duction of Herat grapes soaring to 110 tonnes in 2017, compared to 95 tonnes last year.It said 19,774 acres of land in Herat had been sown with grapes, mostly in Injil, Guzra, Pashtun Zarghoon and Oba districts.The statement said 139 types of grapes had been grown on test farms in Herat as part of efforts to boost grape yield across the country.Herat grapes are popular in the country due to their high qual-ity and taste. MAIL has built 300 raisin houses so far in the province. In Herat, 256,000 peo-ple are dependent on farming, with 150,000 busy in gardening. (Pajhwok)

“When we ask the central DABS office for the implementation of a project, they tell us we should first collect power bills,” he said, urging government organs to clear their bills.On the other hand, Noori said, Ghazni province would be pro-vided with imported electricity soon.Najibullah, a resident of Ghaz-ni City, said most parts of the provincial capital were still de-prived of ...(More on P4)...(12)

joint operations with Pakistan along the Durand Line.A statement by ARG Palace said Senators led by Senator John McCaine visited Afghanistan to review progress and all agreed regional solution is needed.“Pres Ashraf Ghani said Afghanistan agrees with propos-al for joint border operations with Pakistan, monitored by US,” ARG Palace added.Nabil has long been criticizing ...(More on P4)...(14)

The nearly 2,600-kilometer, largely-porous border between Afghanistan and Pakistan is called the Durand Line.

Both countries regularly accuse each oth-er of not doing enough on their respec-tive sides to stop terrorist infiltration. The KUNDUZ - Kunduz police chief said the

security forces are capable of defending the province and maintaining the safety of its residents. Some members of Kunduz provincial council said Taliban has built ‘main strong-holds’ on the outskirts of Kunduz city and that the group has reached areas close to the center of the city in the past three days.“The security forces launched an operation and cleared Talawka area (in the outskirts of Kunduz city) in 15 days. But unfortu-nately the militants captured the area in a few hours,” said Khosh Mohammad Na-siryar, member of the provincial council. Kunduz residents said they are concerned about the war on the outskirts of the city.“Government should come and have a look at the situation closely,” said Hamza, a resident of Kunduz....(More on P4)...(10)

KABUL - The competition, which starts on July 16, is the FIRST Global Challenge - a robotics Olympics dreamed up by Dean Kamen, inventor of the Segway.The Afghan female robotics team will have to watch the first international robotics competition in Washington via Skype fol-lowing the U.S embassy’s decision to deny them visas. The FIRST international robotics competi-tion is expected to be held in Washington next week.“We were very worried when we received a negative response, the entire team was disappointed, because we will not be able to attend the competition,” said Lida a member of the Afghan National Robotics Team.“We wanted to show that despite having limited resources we succeeded to create these robots and can compete against other countries,” said another member, Fatana Qadiryan. ...(More on P4)...(9)

KABUL - A protester who was arrested during the rallies in Kabul city has been released on bail, the Ministry of Interior (MoI) officials said Wednesday.MoI acting spokesman Najib Danish said Mujib Zia was released after going through investigations.He said the investigations are still being conducted regarding the presence of Zia in the rallies as he has been released on bail.According to Danish, the presence of an active officer of the ministry among the protesters and in their support is against the enforced laws of the country.Dozens of protesters started their rallies in Kabul city on Monday morning almost a month after a similar protest turned vio-lent, resulting into the casualties of the nu-merous people.They ended their rallies in the city by an-nouncing their declaration and demanding the resignation of the government leaders and key security officials.They asked the international community, specifically the United Nations to inter-vene and ...(More on P4)...(13)

allegations are blamed for deep mutual mistrust and strained bilateral ties.“The Afghan ...(More on P4)...(8)

of Norgul district and moun-tainous areas of Watapur and Manogi districts, the police chief said. ...(More on P4)...(11)

Wednesday morning went to Zarghona High School of Kabul and inspected damaged parts the school, a statement from the Presidential Palace to Pajhwok Afghan News said.Ghani di-rected the ministries of urban development and housing and finance to reconstruct the dam-aged schools at the earliest pos-sible.The president also met stu-dents and teachers of the school and hailed efforts of teachers and the high morale of students with regard to acquiring education. The statement added the stu-dents assured President Ghani of their continued commitment to achieving knowledge, saying ter-rorist attacks couldn’t deter them from education. (Pajhwok)