aficionado (n) an enthusiastic and usually expert follower or fan devotee, enthusiast*affection for...

Aficionado (n) An enthusiastic and usually expert follower or fan devotee, enthusiast *affection for something

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Post on 16-Dec-2015




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Aficionado (n)An enthusiastic and usually expert follower or fan

devotee, enthusiast *affection for something

Browbeat (v)

To intimidate by a stern or overbearing manner; to bully

cow, coerce *bully beats someone

Commensurate (adj)

Equal in size, extent, duration, or importance; proportionate; measurable by the same standards

comparable, corresponding, coordinate*co: together

Diaphanous (adj)

Very sheer and light; almost completely transparent

translucent, gossamer ***cellophane –see through, too

Emolument (n)Profit derived from an office or position or from employment; a fee or salary

pay, wages, compensation *** for employment

Foray (n)

A quick raid, especially for plunder; a venture into some field of endeavor

Sortie *foraid

Genre (n)

A type, class, or variety, especially a distinctive category of literary composition

species, sort, school *genus

Homily (n)

A sermon stressing moral principals

***holy homily

Immure (v)To enclose or confine within walls; to imprison; to seclude or isolate

Incarcerate *imprison

Insouciant (adj)Blithely indifferent or unconcerned; carefree; happy -go –lucky


Matrix (n)A mold; the surrounding situation or environment

pattern, model *matrix movie

Obsequies (n)Funeral rights or ceremonies

last rites, funeral services

Panache (n)Confident and stylish manner, dash; a strikingly elaborate or colorful display

style, verve

Persona (n)A character in a novel or play; the outward character or role that a person assumes

personality, image, role *person

Philippic (n)

A bitter verbal attack

tirade, diatribe **flip out

Prurient (adj)Having lustful desires or interests; tending to arouse sexual desires

lascivious, salacious, lewd *pru – rude, lewd


Sacrosanct (adj)

Very sacred or holy; inviolable; set apart or immune from questioning *sacrament

Systemic (adj)Of or pertaining to the entire body; relating to a system or systemsextensive, comprehensive, system-wide


Tendentious (adj)Intended to promote a particular point of view, doctrine or cause; biased or partisan

partial *tendency toward a certain viewpoint

Vicissitude (n)A change or variation

fluctuation, vacillation *vacillate