africa rising in east and southern africa: year 1 overview

Africa RISING in East and Southern Africa: Year 1 Overview I. Hoeschle-Zeledon (IITA) Africa RISING East and Southern Africa Research Review and Planning Meeting, Arusha, Tanzania, 1- 5 October 2012

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Presented by I. Hoeschle-Zeledon (IITA) at the Africa RISING East and Southern Africa Research Review and Planning Meeting, Arusha, Tanzania, 1-5 October 2012


Page 1: Africa RISING in East and Southern Africa: Year 1 Overview

Africa RISING in East and Southern Africa:Year 1 Overview

I. Hoeschle-Zeledon (IITA)

Africa RISING East and Southern Africa Research Review and Planning

Meeting, Arusha, Tanzania, 1-5 October 2012

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The Start

Oct. 2011: Brain storming meeting in preparation of inception workshop, agreement on countries

Nov./Dec. 2011: Development of Concept Notes

Feb. 2012: Inception workshop DSM, decision on Program approach and name Africa RISING, call for jumpstart project proposals

April 2012: Approval of 10 jumpstarts, contracts, fund disbursement

May 2012: Office set-up and staff recruitment

Continuously: Strategic Program/Project documents developed, teams established

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Approved jumpstart projectsLead Title BudgetIITA Grain Legume Value Chain Analysis 169,447

CIMMYT Improved Post-harvest Technologies 173,000

ICRAF Evergreen Agriculture 172,000

CIAT Catalogue of Crop, Soil, Water Management Technologies


IITA Mycotoxins in Maize and Cassava 170,439

CIAT Seed Systems Analysis 170,000

ICRISAT Seed Multiplication 270,000

CIMMYT Intensification of Farming Systems 109,999

AfricaRice Weed Management 170,000

AVRDC Enhancing Vegetable Value Chain 214,969

Grant ($120k) to MSU for first 6 months of research on Agroecological Intensification in MAL and TZ through Action Research

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Lessons learntEntry points: - SI to build on existing policies, technologies- Gaps identified to fill (technological, capacity, policies, institutions, existing data)

Opportunities:- Participatory approaches towards integration of disciplines, evaluation of best bets, land use planning- seed systems improvement- private sector involvement

Partnerships and engagement- Interaction among researchers- internal/external communication- Policy maker/private sector engagement

Logistics and organization- contractual issues, inadequate infrastructure

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Research framework

generic to be applicable across all three Africa RISING regions

flexible to allow site specific adaptation

test a set of hypotheses linked to research outputs and associated development outcomes

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Selection of Action Sites

Co-location with USAID country mission investments/other actors

Representative regarding drivers of intensification to allow for scaling up to areas with similar conditions: population density, market access, agro-ecological condition

Provide for rigorous M&E to determine impact of AR

IFPRI: stratification/characterization of target wards and villages

TZ: Kiteto, Kongwa, Kilombero, Babati districtsMAL: Ntcheu, Dedza districtsZAM: Eastern Province

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Communication Strategy and Tools (ILRI leadership)

wiki , website, repositories for docs, images, presentations

M&E Plan (IFPRI leadership)

Program LogframeProgram Document: assembly of all strategic documents program context

purpose, objectives , outcomes, guiding principles and conceptual framework research design logframe M&E plan communication strategy management structure

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Our website

Where to share news, updates and announcements

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Our wiki

Collaboration space to support planning, sharing early documents, reporting and organizing events.

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Communication Strategy and Tools (ILRI leadership)

wiki , website, repositories for docs, images, presentations

M&E Plan (IFPRI leadership)

Program LogframeProgram Document: assembly of all strategic documents program context

purpose, objectives , outcomes, guiding principles and conceptual framework research design logframe M&E plan communication strategy management structure

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Program Management Structure

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Project Coordination Committee (PCC)

Provides advice and coordination on Project activities Provides science guidance to Project implementers Guides Project planning and all activities Advises on annual Project workplan and budget Oversees coordination between Project components and partners Liaises with IST to oversee M&E; cc PCT on all reporting Keeps PCT informed of activities via the Project Coordinator Reviews and makes suggestions to Project Coordinator on semiannual technical progress reports to USAID Plans yearly stakeholder meetings with support from Program

Communications Team Decisions made by consensus Meets annually in personal and virtually as called by the Chair

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ESA PCC Composition

Chair: IITA Reg. Dir. for EA Project Coordinator, serves as Secretary (IITA) Project Chief Scientist (IITA) Research partners: CGIAR (1, AfricaRice), yearly rotation

sub-regional research organizations (1, ASARECA) NARS (1, COSTECH) and others as designated

Project M&E Lead (IFPRI) Project Communications Lead (IITA) USAID Activity Manager

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Science Advisory Group

Proposed members:

Maggie Gill (DFID)Ken Giller (WUR)John Dixon (ACIAR)Bruno Gerard (CIMMYT)Dave Harris (ICRISAT)Bernard van Lauwe (IITA)Reps. from CRSPsUSAID gender specialistAR chief scientists (3, ILRI/IITA) USAID Activity Manager (J. Glover)

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USAID visit, June 17-22

J. Glover and E. Witte from DC: meet with project staff in Tanzaniameet with USAID country mission partners, e.g. NAFAKA, SUAsee ongoing activitiesget better idea of future action sites discuss alignment with MAFSC , USAID mission, other actors

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Thank you!