africa stop malaria

For those who think that another world is possible. “Africa, Stop Malaria”

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Post on 19-Jul-2015



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For those who think that another world is

possible.“Africa, Stop Malaria”

“Africa, Stop Malaria” is a non profit association created one year ago as an alternative to big NGO’s to fight against malaria.

Delivering, supervisation and reimpregnation of mosquito nets with insecticide.

Delivering at the orphanage of Mandinarin.

75 children now sleep under the protection of a mosquito net.

Census of population at risk of suffering from malaria.

Reimpregnation of mosquito nets with insecticide.

Education for development.

Distribution of the book “Stop a la malaria en África” from the writer Montserrat Rabat.

Plantation of Artemisa annua to fight against malaria.

With this plant the poorest villages with no health care would be able to treat malaria. Buniadu field.

Artemisa, the plant of hope

Sustainable tourism and cooperation

Tour along Gambia river.

The kind Gambia

Thanks to our volunteers.

Without whom these dream wouldn’t have been possible.

And our collaborators:Global Unification

The monkeys

Believing is seeing…

… and make see the world that is possible to believe again.

Say STOP MALARIA with us!

7€ = 1 mosquito net1 T-Shirt = 1 book for Africa

And you, want to help?La Caixa 2100 – 0324 – 15 - 0101013481

[email protected]