african commission on agricultural statistics (afcas)iv list of main recommendations of the 20th...

RAF/AFCAS/07–REP/E African Commission on Agricultural Statistics (AFCAS) Twentieth Session Algiers, Algeria 10 – 13 December 2007 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Regional Office for Africa Accra, Ghana February 2008

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Page 1: African Commission on Agricultural Statistics (AFCAS)iv LIST OF MAIN RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE 20th SESSION The commission has: 1. highly appreciated that FAO and the Consortium PARIS


African Commission on Agricultural Statistics (AFCAS)

Twentieth Session Algiers, Algeria

10 – 13 December 2007

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Regional Office for Africa Accra, Ghana

February 2008

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I.1 Organisation of the Session I.2 Opening Ceremony I.3 Election of Officers I.4 Adoption of Agenda I.5 Closing Ceremony I.6 Vote of sympathy to the Algerian Government following the tragic events during the Session

1 1 2 2 2 2









AFRICA (Item 8)






6 7 7

7 8 8 9

ANNEXES 1. List of participants.……………………………………………………………… 2. Provisional programme …………………………………………………………. 3. Provisional agenda ………………………………………………………………. 4. Vote of Sympathy ……………………………………………………………….. 5. Report of the workshop …………………………………………………………. 6. Statements by Partners ………………………………………………………….

10 22 26 28 39 32

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Origin of the African Commission on Agricultural Statistics (AFCAS) During its 11th Session (1961), the FAO Conference approved the creation of the African Commission on Agricultural Statistics (AFCAS). The Commission was subsequently established by the Director General in October 1962. Goals of the African Commission on Agricultural Statistics

- Study the status of food and agricultural statistics in the region - Advice Member countries on the development and harmonization of agricultural statistics in the

general context of FAO’s statistical activities - Organize meetings for study groups or other subsidiary bodies made up of national experts to

achieve these goals. Past AFCAS Sessions

- Twentieth Session – Algiers, Algeria, 10 – 13 December 2007 (immediately after the Technical Workshop, 8 – 9 December 2007)

- Nineteenth Session – Maputo, Mozambique, 24 – 27 October 2005 (immediately after the Technical Workshop,22 – 23 October 2005)

- Eighteenth Session – Yaoundé, Cameroon, 27 – 30 October 2003 (immediately after the Technical Workshop, 20 – 22 October 2003)

- Seventeenth Session – Pretoria, South Africa, 27 – 30 November 2001 (immediately after the Technical Workshop, 22 – 26 November 2001)

- Sixteenth Session - Conakry, Guinea, 28 July – 1 August 1999 (immediately after the Technical Workshop, 23 – 28 July 1999)

- Fifteenth Session – Accra, Ghana, 28 – 31 October 1997 - Fourteenth Session – Dakar, Senegal, 21 – 25 March 1994 - Thirteenth Session – Gaborone, Botswana, 28 November – 16 December 1991 - Twelfth Session – Rabat, Morocco, 13 – 23 November 1989 - Eleventh Session – Arusha, Tanzania, 31 August – 4 September 1987 - Tenth Session – Port Louis, Mauritius, 26 – 30 March 1984 - Ninth Session – Lomé, Togo, 19 – 23 October 1981 - Eighth Session – Accra, Ghana, 29 May – 3 June 1978 - Seventh Session – Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, 28 January – 3 February1975 - Sixth Session – Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 12 – 17 November 1973 - Fifth Session – Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 1 – 5 November 1971 - Fourth Session – Algiers, Algeria, 15 – 20 December 1969 - Third Session – Kampala, Uganda, 17 – 23 December 1966 - Second Session – Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 24 August – 1 September 1964 - First Session – Tunis, Tunisia, 22 – 27 October 1962

AFCAS Member Countries Algeria, Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Democratic Republic of Congo, Republic of Congo, Côte d’Ivoire, Djibouti, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Sudan, Swaziland, United Republic of Tanzania, Togo, Tunisia, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe.

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The commission has: 1. highly appreciated that FAO and the Consortium PARIS 21 (Partnership in Statistics for

Development in the 21st Century) had once more, jointly organized another technical workshop on the integration and access to agricultural statistics for the formulation and monitoring of to rural development policies in Africa (on 8-9 December 2007), back-to-back of the 20th Session of AFCAS and had adopted the conclusions and recommendations of this workshop;

2. noted with satisfaction a positive trend in the establishment of statistical systems on food and

agriculture in the African countries as well as in the use of statistics despite some observed weaknesses: poor human and financial resources, lack of appropriate methodologies, etc.;

3. recommended the pursuance by countries of previous efforts done for the improvement of the

statistical systems for food and agriculture and to generate useful indicators for the users (like those related to food insecurity and the monitoring of MDGs);

4. boosted FAO to maintain its support to African countries for the establishment and enhancement of

appropriated and renovated food and agricultural statistical systems; 5. recommended that FAO maintains its activities with other partners in order to adapt to the African

context of the methodologies and concepts used in the international manual on Statistics on Rural Development and Agriculture Household Income and wished that the manual be translated in French (as the present version is only in English);

6. recommended FAO to assist member countries in the enhancement of the dialogue between

statistical producers and users; 7. boosted member countries to improve their systems of data dissemination, by transforming available

data into usable ones for decision makers and development planners; 8. asked FAO to assist member countries in the enhancement of their capacities in the use of new

statistical concepts and appropriate tools for gathering and analysis of sex disaggregated data in view of gender issues;

9. recommended to give more time to countries for the completion of the questionnaire on the state of

food and agricultural statistical systems in Africa; this would increase the response rate and also allow those who have not responded yet exhaustively to review non response cases and provide the information (this will also allow for the correction of eventual incoherencies observed into some questionnaires already filled and sent); to include in the next version of the “questionnaire” qualitative questions to enable appreciate certain replies better; once all the required information have been dealt with, to elaborate on a global report and a kind of pamphlet which could be used by countries as an advocacy tool for agricultural statistics activities and to provide countries with more detailed data and metadata issued from the questionnaire;

10. recommended that countries take reference on modular and integrated approach, as recommended

by FAO, when elaborating and conducting their agriculture censuses; 11. recommended to FAO to provide their technical support to countries to enable them perform their

agricultural census in accordance with the content of the World Programme for Census of Agricultural 2010;

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12. encouraged countries to create strategies for establishing efficient links between agricultural census

and population census without impacting on their respective quality results; 13. highly requested from FAO to pursue its work, through close collaboration with regional and sub

regional institutions, on the way of conducting an agricultural census in coordination with a population census;

14. recommended FAO to take appropriate measures to provide countries with the new manual on

Monitoring and Evaluation of Agriculture and Rural Development Programmes (this manual contains Indicators for tracking results in less-than-ideal conditions);

15. recommended FAO to organize, in partnership with other institutions, a high level technical experts

consultation to validate the results of the pilot study on the use of GPS for measuring plot areas in order to reduce the costs of surveys and make appropriate recommendations;

16. recommended the establishment of metadata systems to provide detailed information on techniques

used for generating statistics on prices (sampling, questionnaires, concepts, definitions) as well as the enhancement of countries capacities, not only to produce basic data, but also secondary statistics to increase the coherence on prices information;

17. recommended that countries share their experience in the field of on fishery and aquaculture

statistics at different levels; 18. asked FAO to support the development of alternative methods for the gathering and analysis of data

by using new techniques (notably GIS and remote sensing) and to intensify its efforts to enhance capacities of data producers in the use of GIS and remote sensing;

19. asked that Agricultural component of African Index on gender and development (AIGD) be provided

to countries for ownership and that cooperation between FAO and ECA for the finalization of the African component of AIGD be more strengthened;

20. recommended more collaboration and coordination between FAO and the International Food Policy

Research Institute (IFPRI) for the finalization of the Sectorial Model on agriculture with the objective to provide countries with a valuable tool for analysis and valorization of agricultural statistics, as a helpful tool for decision making, notably investment decision (this model is being elaborated by IFPRI); and this model must be available to all member countries for their ownership and to perform it according to their needs;

21. recommended the pursuance and extension of useful experiences in the use of agricultural statistics

as assessment tools for investment strategies and agricultural development policies at the level of monitoring and evaluation directed towards all programmes of planning and poverty reduction.

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I. INTRODUCTION I.1. Organization of the Session 1. The Twentieth Session of the African Commission on Agricultural Statistics (AFCAS) was held in the Conference Hall at the Hilton Hotel in Algiers, Algeria, from 10 to 13 December 2007. The seventy-six (76) delegates originated from 31 African countries members of AFCAS, as well as representatives from multilateral institutions (FAO, ADB, AU, UNECA, EAC and IFPRI). The complete list of participants may be found in Annex 1. I.2. Opening Ceremony The Opening Ceremony was marked by four speeches. 2. The proceedings of the 20th Session of AFCAS were officially opened by His Excellency the Minister for Agriculture and Rural Development of the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria, Dr. Saïd Barkat. He welcomed participants and expressed gratitude to FAO’s Management and AFCAS Member countries for selecting Algeria to host the 20th Session of AFCAS. He deemed it a mark of the high esteem in which they hold the People of Algeria, its Head of State as well as the institutions under his responsibility. 3. He recounted the interest of Algeria in the work of the Commission whose contribution to the implementation of the Maputo Declaration in July 2003, on Agriculture and Food Security in Africa is preponderant. He remarked that the Commission is expected to materialize the spirit and will expressed by the founders of NEPAD, relying on the exchange of experiences and increasing the value of statistics, thus enabling the appearance of common measuring and orientation tools. 4. He then shared with participants the main lessons learned from the Algerian experience in the field of agricultural statistics development. In that country, the agricultural sector has, for many years, boasted of its own statistics service covering the whole country and interacts in perfect synergy with national statistical services which make up the National System of Statistical Information (SNIS). The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development is considering, in the framework of the agricultural law on orientation to be passed soon, to put in place a real Agricultural Information System (AIS). 5. He acclaimed the relevance and quality of conclusions and recommendations of the just ended regional workshop on agricultural statistics development in Africa, and emphasized the relevance of the agenda items of the 20th Session of AFCAS. He concluded his statement by wishing that all these items be thoroughly discussed to contribute to a fruitful and sustainable development of African statistical systems. 6. Mr. Edouard K. Tapsoba, FAO Assistant Director General and Regional Representative for Africa (ADG-RR, RAF) addressed the meeting through Mr. Guy De Lannoy, FAO Representative in Algeria. He expressed his sincere gratitude to the Algerian government for agreeing to host the session as well as for all the facilities provided for the success of the session. 7. He noted that, for our present generation and for the next one, the main challenge facing the African continent is the eradication of poverty, the sustainable solution to food security issues. However, he stressed that the agricultural and rural sector, which is important for the continent, is suffering from a lack of statistical data for the formulation, monitoring and implementation of policies for development and reduction of poverty. Most African countries do not have appropriate national agricultural and rural statistics systems, neither do they have data analysis capacities to develop tools for decision making. 8. Thus, FAO resolutely got involved itself alongside other partners for the development and improvement of national agricultural and food statistical systems in Africa. He also mentioned that important subjects on burning issues facing the development of agricultural statistics will be presented and will make a major contribution to the proceedings.

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9. He concluded his statement by wishing successful work to the participants and expressed the hope that, at the end of the session, Africa through AFCAS would make a major contribution to building up coherent national agricultural statistics systems, mainly within the strategic frames of the fight against poverty and reduction of food insecurity. 10. In a message read on his behalf by Mr. Hiek Som (Chief, FAO Country Statistics Service), the Director of FAO Statistics Division also thanked the Government of the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria for accepting to host this session of AFCAS. He noted that the great number of participants to that session clearly shows the appreciation and wish on the part of member countries to see Algeria play an active role in the development of agricultural statistics in Africa. He also recalled the important recommendations of the previous session as well as the development of their implementation since the past two years. He concluded his address by indicating that important documents have been prepared for presentation and discussion during that Session and wished that they would result in fruitful debates. 11. Mr. Diogo Domingo, Chairman of the 19th Session of AFCAS also addressed the meeting and welcomed all participants to the session as well as Algerian authorities who graced the opening ceremonies by their presence. He then thanked the government and people of Algeria, on behalf of all participants, for having agreed to host the 20th session of the African Commission on Agricultural Statistics and for their warm welcome. Reminding the audience of some of the main recommendations from the 19th Session, he wished great success to the session. I.3. Election of Officers 12. The Commission elected Mr. Idir Bais (Director of Agricultural Statistics and Information Systems in Algeria) as Chairman of the 20th Session of AFCAS, while the Vice-chairmanship was entrusted to Mr. Oswald Ruboha (Principal Economist, Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Cooperatives of Tanzania). Mr. Ayi Yves Césaire Ajavon (Chief, Statistical Service, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fishery of Benin) and Mr. Hezbourne Obongo (Chief, Agriculture, Nutrition and Environment Division of the Central Bureau of Statistics of Kenya) were elected as rapporteurs. I.4. Adoption of Agenda 13. The Commission then adopted the programme of the Session (see Annex 2) and approved the agenda of the 20th Session of AFCAS (See Annex 3). I.5. Closing Ceremony 14. The 20th Session of AFCAS was closed by its Chairman, Mr. Idir Bais, Director of Agricultural Statistics and Information Systems of Algeria and was followed by a diner kindly offered by the Government of Algeria. I.6. Vote of sympathy to the Algerian Government following the tragic events during the Session 15. Following the painful events that struck the People of Algeria on 11 December 2007, the participants to the 20th Session of AFCAS expressed their deepest sorrow and compassion to the Algerian Government, to the People of Algeria, to the UN System and particularly to the families and friends of all the victims. Participants expressed their great indignation in the face of these unjustifiable events. The full text of the vote is reproduced in Annex 4 of the present report.

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The documents RAF/AFCAS/07-2a, 2b, 2c and 2d were presented and discussed in the context of this agenda item. 16. Overview of FAO Activities relevant to the Africa Region since the 19th Session of AFCAS - Document RAF/AFCAS/07-2a. The Commission was informed that the Statistics Division of FAO conducted several studies jointly with African States and partners to improve the capacities of national agricultural statistics systems as regards collection, analysis, dissemination and utilization of statistical data on food, agriculture and rural sector. These activities mainly concern the support to the formulation, preparation and implementation of agricultural census programmes, the strengthening of capacities for agricultural and food statistics systems, as well as for methodological development. The Commission was also informed of the utilization of new initiatives developed by FAO to improve its global database on agriculture, especially the new country component (CountrySTAT) and the Tool Kit. Moreover, the French and Spanish versions of the new global programme for agricultural census 2010 are available and the inclusion of the content of this new programme in the elaboration of agricultural census programmes in many African countries has become a reality. Also, statistical yearbooks are still being edited by FAO and deal with statistics on agriculture, livestock and fishery. Various training seminars and workshops have been organized at continental level to strengthen capacities in fields related to agricultural and food statistics. FAO also continued providing support in relation with the production and analysis of sex disaggregated agricultural statistics as well as those in fishery. Lastly, the commission was informed that appropriate actions have been taken to implement the recommendations produced during the previous Session of AFCAS. The Commission recommended that countries pursue their efforts in improving statistics production systems on agriculture and food. It urged FAO to keep supporting African countries in the implementation of agricultural statistics systems. 17. Introduction of the International Handbook on “Rural Household’s Livelihood and Well-Being: Statistics on Rural Development and Agriculture Household Income” – Document RAF/AFCAS/07-2b. A communication was presented on the international manual on rural statistics and farmers’ income. The Commission praised the availability of this manual. It was noted that most of the examples in the document originate from developed countries. The Commission recommended that FAO pursue activities with other partners to adapt methodologies and concepts to the African context. It also wished that this manual be translated in French (since the only existing version is still in English)

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18. Presentation of the « Agri-gender », ToolKit for collection and use of data – Document RAF/AFCAS/07-2c. This communication informed the Commission that, for years now, significant progress has been made in producing sex-desegregated agricultural statistics in many African countries. The Commission appreciated on-going efforts. Particularly, it:

- Noted with satisfaction FAO’s initiative to prepare a statistical tool kit, the Agri-gender database which contains useful examples of census issues and tables that can contribute to a greater availability of this type of data.

- Further recognized the need to embrace newly introduced concepts and to adapt them to the

countries’ specifics.

- Recognized the need to better utilize agricultural statistics in general, and particularly sex desegregated statistics in particular.

The Commission thus:

- Recommended that FAO assists Member countries to strengthen the dialogue between statistics producers and users;

- Urged Member countries to improve their data dissemination systems, by transforming

available information into information that can be used by decision makers and planning agents of development programmes;

- Requested that FAO assists Member countries to strengthen their capacity in the utilization of

new statistical concepts and appropriate tools for collecting sex desegregated data and the analysis of data in the perspective of gender issues.

19. Conclusions and recommendations of the Technical Workshop – Document RAF/AFCAS/07-2d. The conclusions and recommendations of the Workshop on the integration and access to agricultural statistics for a better formulation and monitoring of rural development policies in Africa organized before AFCAS, from 8 to 9 December 2007, jointly by the United Nations Organization for Food and Agriculture (FAO) and the Consortium PARIS21 (Partnership in Statistics for Development in the 21st Century), were presented to the Commission and adopted. These recommendations are presented in Annex 5 of the present report and address the following points:

1. National strategy for development of statistics (NSDS) and integration of agricultural statistics; 2. Utilization of new dissemination and archiving tools; 3. Needs in agricultural and rural statistical data.

20. The video (DVD of FAOSTAT/PARIS21) – Advocacy in favor of Agricultural Statistics development was presented to the Commission and was highly appreciated by the audience. 21. Other information items. The Commission was informed of the coming 54th Session of ISI (International Statistical Institute) in Durban, South Africa, from 16 to 22 August 2009 and of the 5th International Conference on Agricultural Statistics (ICAS) in 2010 in Uganda.

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22. Report on the state of Food and Agricultural Statistics Systems in the region on the basis of country questionnaires - Document RAF/AFCAS/07-3a. The Commission was presented with a communication on the state of statistical systems on food and agriculture in the region. The main conclusions of this report concern the existence of legal frameworks for the production of agricultural statistics in countries, the provision of human and financial resources to agricultural statistics, the coverage of agricultural statistics production, etc. The Commission noted with satisfaction that most countries have responded with a record response rate of 76% in 2007 (against 61% in 2005). The Commission, after further appreciating and congratulating the initiative, recommended the following:

- To extend the deadline for countries to improve the response rate and enable those who did not provide comprehensive responses to review cases of non-response and document them. This would also enable to review and correct possible inconsistencies in the questionnaires already submitted.

- To include in the next version of the questionnaire the qualitative variables to better appreciate

certain types of response.

- Once all expected information have been transmitted and processed, elaborate a kind of pamphlet that could be used by countries to advocate for agricultural statistical activities.

- Make available to countries, comprehensive data and metadata resulting from the exploitation of

the questionnaire. 23. Specific Country experiences - Documents RAF/AFCAS/07-3b, 3c and 3d. Experiences from Ethiopia and South Africa in developing and implementing agricultural statistics systems were presented to the Commission. Mozambique presented the experience acquired through surveys of households for the development of “food insecurity indicators”. Finally, Burkina Faso also made a presentation on the “state of undernourishment in Burkina Faso”. It is about results of an interesting study based on the Permanent Agricultural Survey 2006-2007 that is used to monitor international commitments (MDG and World Food Summit, Rome 1996). After taking note of national experiences on agricultural and food statistics, the Commission: Noted with satisfaction the positive and significant progress in the implementation of food and agriculture statistics production systems in African countries as well as their utilization in spite of noted insufficiencies: lack of human and financial resources, lack of appropriate methodology, etc.; Recommended that countries pursue their efforts in improving food and agriculture statistics production systems and identify useful indicators for users (such as those related to food insecurity and the monitoring of the MDG’s objectives); Urged FAO to keep on assisting African countries in the implementation of agricultural statistical systems.

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IV. WORLD PROGRAMME FOR THE CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE 2010 (WCA 2010) WITH THE MODULAR AND INTEGRATED APPROACH (Item 6) 24. Application and lessons learned from the new modular approach in the Agricultural and Livestock Census of Niger - Document RAF/AFCAS/07-4a. The Commission was introduced to the Niger experience in realizing agricultural and livestock census with the modular and integrated approach encouraged by FAO through the World Programme for the Census of Agriculture 2010. The Commission expressed its satisfaction of the work accomplished by Niger in this respect and congratulated FAO for its support to the implementation of this programme. It recommended that other countries follow the same approach to develop and conduct their Agriculture census programmes; Finally, the Commission recommended that FAO provides technical support to countries to conduct their agricultural census on the basis of the World Programme of Agriculture Census 2010. 25. Complementary guidelines on « Agricultural module of Population Census and Community level data » – Document RAF/AFCAS/07-4b. The Commission was informed of the availability of a complementary guide on agricultural module of population census and community-level data. It is worth noting that the new World Programme for the Census of Agriculture recommends a link between the two types of census (population and agricultural census). The Commission further recognized the importance of a coordination of activities between the agricultural census and the population census, offering undeniable advantages for countries (a saving of time, human and financial resources, and technical tools). The Commission encouraged countries to develop adequate strategies to improve the links between the agricultural census and the population census without affecting the quality of results of any of them. To assist countries in developing such strategies, the Commission eagerly requested FAO to pursue its works on keying-in between the agricultural census and the population census jointly with regional and sub-regional institutions. 26. Use of agricultural Census for monitoring and evaluation of the Strategy Programme of the Poverty Reduction: Case of the Agricultural Census of Tanzania – Document RAF/AFCAS/07-4c. Tanzania presented to the Commission useful experiences on planning, delivery and analysis or agricultural census as well as their use in providing needed information for monitoring and evaluation of poverty reduction strategy indicators. V. MONITORING AND EVALUATION OF AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPEMNT PROGRAMMES – THE ROLE OF AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS (Item 7)

27. Indicators for tracking results in less-than-ideal conditions: a monitoring and evaluation sourcebook for agriculture and rural development – Document RAF/AFCAS/07-5. The Commission was presented with the indicators described in the sourcebook on monitoring and evaluation for agricultural and rural development. These indicators are related to the monitoring of results in less-than-ideal conditions.

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The Commission praised the sourcebook and recommended that FAO make appropriate arrangements to make it available to countries. VI. REDUCING COST AND GEO-REFERENCING AGRICULTURAL SURVEY DATA IN AFRICA (Item 8)

28. Progress report on pilot study for use of GPS for crop area measurement and geo-referencing agricultural data and way forward. The Commission noted the preliminary results of the pilot study for the use of GPS for crop area measurement to reduce agricultural surveys costs. The Commission expressed its satisfaction for FAO’s work in this respect and encouraged the organization to pursue the work, finalize a comprehensive reference document on the use of GPS and make it available to countries. The Commission further recommended that FAO organize, in collaboration with other institutions, a high-level expert consultation to validate the results of the study and make recommendations for the use of GPS in measuring crops areas in order to reduce the cost of agricultural surveys. VII. IMPROVING AGRICULTURAL DATA QUALITY AND ACCESSIBILITY (Item 9) 29. Improving the Data Quality monitoring framework – CCSA/Eurostat self assessment initiative: Case of FAO Producer Price data (methodology and data quality self assessment) – Document RAF/AFCAS/07-7. The Commission was introduced to the main differences between national and international criteria, as well as data qualitative aspects which are of particular interest for agricultural prices indicators. Also, the results of the data quality self-assessment exercise of FAO producer prices, compiled on the basis of the questionnaire developed by the Committee on Eurostat statistical activities, were reviewed. The Commission recommended :

- The strengthening of countries capacities, not only to produce basis data, but also secondary

statistics to improve coherence of information on prices; - The establishment of meta-data systems to provide detailed information on techniques used to

produce statistics on prices (sampling, questionnaires, concepts, definitions). VIII. NEW DEVELOPMENTS IN FISHERY STATISTICS IN AFRICA (Item 10)

30. Fishery and aquaculture statistics with emphasis on GIS tools for data collection – the African Water Resource Database - Document RAF/AFCAS/07-8. This document reminded the Commission of the significant contribution of fishery and aquaculture to the framework of food security, poverty reduction and the realization of the Millennium Development Goals. It emphasized the possible use of the Geographic Information System (GIS) and remote sensing for data collection activities on fishery and aquaculture in particular, and agriculture in general. A special emphasis was put on the “African Water Resource Database” (AWRD). The Commission:

- Stressed the importance of data collection on fishery and aquaculture in the production of agricultural statistics, mainly in carrying out agricultural census;

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- Recommended that countries share their experience in the field of data production on fishery and aquaculture at different levels;

- Requested FAO to support the development of alternative methods for the collection and analysis

of data through new techniques, notably the GIS and remote sensing;

- Urged FAO to intensify its efforts to strengthen the capacities of data producers in the use of GIS and remote sensing.


31. Introducing the sectoral African Gender and Development Index (AGDI) on Agriculture - Document RAF/AFCAS/07-9. The Commission was informed about the components of the African Gender and Development Index (AGDI), a composite index combining quantitative as well as qualitative indicators and enabling the monitoring of progress and the equality of men and women socially, economically and culturally. The Commission :

- Recognized that the introduction of the African Gender and Development Index in computing indicators on the agricultural sector will increase the visibility of women’s efforts in production;

- Requested that the agriculture component of AGDI be made available to countries for appropriation and enrichment;

- Requested an increased strengthening of the cooperation between FAO and EAA in finalizing the


32. Presentation of IFPRI’s Project on Sectoral modeling (IFPRI: International Food Policy Research Institute) Project Document RAF/AFCAS/07-10a. The Commission was informed of the project for the development by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), of a sectoral model on agriculture with the objective of making available to countries, a study and valorization tool of agricultural statistics, as a tool contributing to decision making, mainly investments decisions. It was noted that it constitutes a new opportunity to strengthen national agricultural statistical systems, particularly with the assistance of the “Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation”. The Commission :

- Praised the development by IFPRI of the sectoral model as a tool to assist in taking appropriate decision and facilitating meeting numerous requirements facing countries in the field of agricultural statistics;

- Invited IFPRI to finalize the calibration of the model on the basis of data collected from a true

sample of member countries;

- Requested for a better collaboration and coordination between FAO and IFPRI to finalize the model;

- Recommended that the model be made available to all member countries to enable them embrace it

and develop it based on their particularity.

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33. Complementary presentations by specific countries cases - Document RAF/AFCAS/07-10b, 10c, 10d and 10e. The representatives of the following countries presented the Commission with useful experiences in the use of agricultural statistics as evaluation tools for investments strategies and agricultural development policies: The Democratic Republic of Congo, Eritrea, Zambia and Nigeria. The Commission, after noting the presentations by the above countries:

- Congratulated member countries for their continued efforts in improving their agricultural statistics production systems, through the provision to users of essential data for the monitoring and evaluation of strategies and programmes for agricultural development;

- Recommended the continuation and extension of monitoring and evaluation activities of all

planning programmes and poverty reduction strategies;

- Recommended that FAO further strengthen its assistance to countries in producing agricultural statistics.

XI. ANY OTHER BUSINESS (Item 13) 34. Statements by partners. The Commission listened with interest to statements by partners and external independent observers. These statements are reproduced in Annex 6 of the present report and were made by the following institutions: African Development Bank, African Union Commission and East African Community. 35. Finally, the Commission discussed the date, venue and possible topics to be considered during the twenty-first Session of the Commission. Date: In 2009 (ensuring AFCAS would take place before ICAS 5) Venue: The representatives of the following countries expressed interest in having their country host the twenty-first Session of the African Commission on Agricultural Statistics (AFCAS): Benin, Morocco and Tanzania. Potential topics for the twenty-first Session of AFCAS :

- Use of GIS to collect data; - Agricultural statistics as analytical and monitoring-evaluation tool of agricultural policies; - Capacity Strengthening; - Agricultural census; - Livestock productivity; - Food balance Sheets; - Producers’ income; - Analytical study on production factors; - Use of satellite tools for the production of agricultural statistics; - Agricultural statistics for environment monitoring; - Monitoring and Evaluation indicators and monitoring of poverty reduction strategies; - Agricultural statistics funding sources.

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Titre Title Institution Adresse

Address Téléphone- Bureau Telephone-Office

Mobile Fax E-mail Site Web Website


Directeur des statistiques agricoles et des systèmes d'information

Direction des statistiques agricoles et des systèmes d'information

Ministère de l'agriculture et du développement rural, 12 bd Amirouche, Alger

(213) 021 71 88 36

(213) 050 80 81 07

(213) 021 74 9942 [email protected] www.mina

LOUNIS Mouloud Sous-Directeur des systèmes d'information

Direction des statistiques agricoles et des systèmes d'information

Ministère de l'agriculture et du développement rural, 12 bd Amirouche, Alger

(213) 021 74 4006

(213) 071 161481

(213) 021 74 9942

[email protected]

DOUBA Mohamed Sous-Directeur des statistiques agricoles

Direction des statistiques agricoles et des systèmes d'information

Ministère de l'agriculture et du développement rural, 12 bd Amirouche, Alger

(213) 021 74 9942

HAMMAMI Rabah Directeur des Statistiques Régionales

Office National des Statistiques

Agricoles et de la cartographie, Direction Générale, 8 & 10 Rue des Moussebiline

(213) à 76/63.97.45

(213) 73 613511

( 213).0.21. 63.79.55

[email protected] or [email protected] or [email protected]


KHAMER Souraya

Ingénieur d’Etat en Statistiques, Chargée des Statistiques Agricoles

Office National des Statistiques

Direction Générale, 8 & 10 Rue des Moussebiline

(213) à 76/63.97.45

(213) 021 639974

( 213).0.21. 63.79.55 [email protected]

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Pays Country

Nom des participants Name of Participants

Titre Title Institution Adresse

Address Téléphone- Bureau Telephone-Office

Mobile Fax E-mail Site Web Website

Angola ANTÓNIO DA CUNHA Isabelita

Head - Department Statistics

Ministry of Agriculture at Rural Development, Rue Major Canhangulo 37, Luanda

224-31943 917813661 / 923492756 [email protected]

Benin AJAVON, Ayi Yves Césaire

Chef - Service Statistiques

Ministère de l’agriculture, de l’élevage et de la pêche, 03 BP: 2900 Cotonou

(229) 21 30 25 37 (229) 95 05 18 96

(229) 21 30 02 89 [email protected]

GOPOLANG Phetogo Patricia

Principal Statistician

Central Statistics Office (CSO)

Ministry of Finance & Development Planning, Private Bag 0024, Gaborone

(267) 3900209 / 3950565

(267) 71292720 (267) 3952201 [email protected] www.csbot

GAOBOTSE, Ditshupo

Senior Statistician

Finance & Development Planning, Central Statistics Office (CSO)

Ministry of Finance and Development Planning, CSO, Private Bag 0024, Gaborone

(267) 367 1300 (267) 71331148 (267) 3952201 [email protected] www.cso.g

GAREOITSE, Dickson Dikoloti Statistician Central Statistics

Office (CSO)

Ministry of Finance and Development Planning, CSO, Private Bag 003, Gaborone

(267) 3950 573 (267) 7185 7116

(267) 395 2201 [email protected] www.csbot


MOTSWAGAE, Bakang Susan Statistician

Finance & Development Planning, Central Statistics Office (CSO)

Ministry of Finance and Development Planning, (CSO), Private Bag 0024, Gaborone

(267) 3188500 (267) 71835423 (267) 3952201 [email protected] www.cso.g

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Pays Country

Nom des participants Name of Participants

Titre Title Institution Adresse

Address Téléphone- Bureau Telephone-Office

Mobile Fax E-mail Site Web Website


Directeur Général

Direction générale des prévisions et des statistiques agricoles

Ministère de l'agriculture, de l'hydraulique et des ressources halieutiques, BP 7010 Ouagadougou 03

(226) 50324579 / 80

(226) 70246605

(226) 50305486 [email protected] www.sisa.b


Burkina Faso

KABORE, Moussa Directeur des Statistiques Agricoles

Direction générale des prévisions et des statistiques agricoles

Ministère de l'agriculture, de l'hydraulique et des ressources halieutiques, BP 7010 Ouagadougou 03

(226) 50324579/80

(226) 70667898

(226) 50305486 [email protected] www.sisa.b

f / agristat

Burundi NDABEMEYE Gérard Directeur général Planification Agricole

Ministère de l’Agriculture et de l’Elevage, Quartier Asiatique, Avenue Imbo No 7, B.P. 1850 Bujumbura

(257) 22 24 1801 (257) 79 985 193

(257) 22 222873 [email protected]

Cameroon KAMGAING, Serge Ingénieur d'études MINADER/DESA

Ministère de l'agriculture et du développement rural, B.P. 30960 Yaoundé

(237) 22 234507 (237) 75 06 66 57

(237) 22 23 45 07 [email protected]

Cape Verde INUSSA Bari Directeur - Statistiques agricoles

Direction Statistiques/GPOG

Ministère de l'environnement et agriculture, Pouta Belém, B.P. 115, Praia

(238) 261 5716 (238) 956 761

(238) 261 4717 [email protected]

Congo, DRC NGONDE NSAKALA Robert Directeur

Service National des Statistiques Agricoles (SNSA)

Ministère de l’Agriculture et du Développement Rural, Boulevard du 30 juin, Kinshasa/Gombe

(243) 81 510 18 94

(243) 99 946 98 71

[email protected] / [email protected]

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Pays Country

Nom des participants Name of Participants

Titre Title Institution Adresse

Address Téléphone- Bureau Telephone-Office

Mobile Fax E-mail Site Web Website

GBAHI, Djoua Luc Chef de services études et enquêtes

Ministère de l’Agriculture, BP 203 Abidjan

(225) 20 21 85 26/ 20 21 58 63

(225) 09 88 43 53

(225) 20 21 58 63 [email protected]

GNANDJI Adjo Danielle Patricia

Sous-Directrice des statistiques de l'informatique et de la documentation

Direction de la planification et des programmes

Ministère de la production animale et des ressources halieutiques, Cité Administrative Tour C, 9ème étage, 06 BP 6319 Abidjan 06, BP V185 Abidjan

(225) 20218875/20215258

(225) 07883055

(225) 20219462 [email protected] Côte d'Ivoire

TAMBLA Cinaly Sous-Directeur - Statistique

Direction des statistiques, de la documentation et de l'informatique

Ministère de l’Agriculture, BP 203 Abidjan

(225) 20 21 58 63 (225) 0575 2122

(225) 20 21 58 63 [email protected]

Eritrea ANDEMESKEL, Yacob

Budget Unit Head

Ministry of Agriculture, P.O. Box 5318 Asmara, Eritrea

291-1)-181042 (291-1)-181713 (291-1)181759

/ 181415 [email protected]


Head of Natural Resources and Agricultural Statistics Department

Central Statistical Agency (CSA)

Ministry of Finance and Economic Development, CSA, P.O. Box 1143, Addis Ababa


(251) 0911-427306

(251)-1 55 0334 [email protected] www.csa.g


FELLEKE, Getachew Ayitaged

Advisor, Agricultural Development Sector

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, P.O. Box 41320, Addis Abeba

(251) 115516150 (251) 911255093

(251) 115512984

[email protected] / [email protected]

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Pays Country

Nom des participants Name of Participants

Titre Title Institution Adresse

Address Téléphone- Bureau Telephone-Office

Mobile Fax E-mail Site Web Website

DZAH Francis Senior Statistician

Ghana Statistical Service

P.O. Box GP 1098, Accra (233) 21-682654

(233) 20-6370354 (233)-242-546810

(233) 21-682637 [email protected] www.gssgh


Deputy Government Statistician

Ghana Statistical Service

P.O. Box GP 1098, Accra (233) 21-660615 (233) 246-

849592 (233) 21-682637

[email protected]

OKU, Samuel Acting-Director

Statistics Research and Information Directorate

Ministry of Food and Agriculture, P.O. Box M37, Accra

(233) 21-666 727 (233) 208193118

(233) 21 664317 [email protected]


MENDS, Phyllis Assistant-Director

Statistics Research and Information Directorate

Ministry of Food and Agriculture, P. O. Box M37, Accra

(233) 21-666 727 (233) 244 753586

(233) 21 664317 [email protected]

MACKOBONGO, Hezbourne O.N.

Head of Agriculture, Nutrition, Environment and Statistics Division

Kenya National Bureau of Statistics

Ministry of Planning and National Development, Box 30028, 00100, Nairobi

(254) 2-317588 (254) 720-340373


[email protected] / [email protected]

NDERITU, Paul M. Senior Econolist

Kenya National Bureau of Statistics

Box 30266, 00100, Nairobi, Kenya

(254) 20-2718870 or (254) 720-340373

(254) 0722 848190 / 0722 29 13 11

(254)-2-335977 [email protected]

KIRIGWI James M. Chief Economist

Ministry of Agriculture, Box 30028, 00100, Nairobi, Kenya

(254) 20 2718870 (254) 722 291311

(254) 20 2732884 [email protected] www.kilimo



Director of Policy and Agricultural Development Coordination

Department of Policy Ministry of Agriculture, P.O. Box 30028 - 00100, Nairobi

(254) 02 3505461 (254) 722 247330 [email protected]


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Pays Country

Nom des participants Name of Participants

Titre Title Institution Adresse

Address Téléphone- Bureau Telephone-Office

Mobile Fax E-mail Site Web Website

Lesotho BOKAAKO Ntlhonamo

Economic Planner Statistics

Department of Planning and Policy

Agriculture and Food Security, P.O. Box 24, Constitution Road N. 80, Maseru 100

(266) 22 326 235 (266) 58 756 770

(266) 22 310 186

[email protected] / [email protected]


Directeur Executif

Projet de Soutien qu Développement Rural (PSDR)

Ministère de l'agriculture; de l'élevage et de pêche, B.P. 1281 Antananarivo 101

(261) 2022 31722 ou 2022 36752

(261) 3204 46084

(261) 20 22 21813

[email protected]


RANARIVELO Lucien Secrétaire Executif

Fonds compétitif d'appui à la recherche agricole du Projet de soutien au développement rural (FCRA/DDR)

Ministère de l'agriculture; de l'élevage et de pêche, B.P. 1281 Antananarivo 101

(261) 20 22 36752

(261) 3204 11625

(261) 20 2221813

[email protected]

Malawi CHIRWA Isaac Kawenji Statistician

Ministry of Agriculture, C/O Planning Department, Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security, P.O. Box 30134, Lilongwe3

(265) 1 789 033 (265) 8732898

(265) 1 789 218 [email protected] N/A

Mali BA Bocar Dit Siré

Chef de Division Statistique et Documentation

Cellule de Planification et de Statistique

Ministère de l'Agriculture, CPS/MA, B.P. 1460, Bamako

(223) 223 04 25 (223) 673 02 58

(223) 223 04 25 [email protected]

Mauritania MINT El MOUVID Mariem

Directrice des Politiques, de la Coopération, du Suivi et de l'Evaluation / Statisticienne

Direction des Politiques, de la Coopération, du Suivi et de l'Evaluation

Ministère de l'Agriculture et de l'Elevage, 23 K, Nouakchott

(222) 529 4704 (222) 635 8846 or 608 1909

(222) 529 4704

[email protected]

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Pays Country

Nom des participants Name of Participants

Titre Title Institution Adresse

Address Téléphone- Bureau Telephone-Office

Mobile Fax E-mail Site Web Website

Morocco ARRACH Redouane

Chef de Division des Statistiques agricoles et de l’Informatique

DPAE Ministère de l'agriculture et de la pêche, Km4, Avenue Hassan II, Station DBAGH, Rabat

(212) 37 69 0085 (212) 48 44 15 39

(212) 37 69 84 01 [email protected]


Mozambique DIOGO Domingos Advisor on Agricultural Statistics

Direcção de Economia

Ministério de Agricultura, Praça dos Heróis Moçambicanos, Av. Armando Tivane 373, 2. Dto Maputo


(258)-82-9800930 [email protected]

Namibia HAUFIKU Katarina Frenada Statistician Directorate of

Planning, Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry, P/Bag 13184

(264) 61 208 7660

(264) 81 299 0410

(264) 61 208 7767

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

SEYDOU Boureima Coordonnateur National Volet Elevage

Recensement Général de l'Agriculture et du Cheptel (RGAC)

Ministère des ressources animales, Quartier terminus, Niamey

(227) 20 725690 (227) 96275045

(227) 20725690

[email protected]

DOULAYE Ali Coordonnateur National Volet Agriculture

Recensement Général de l'Agriculture et du Cheptel (RGAC)

Ministère du développement agricole, B.P. 12091, Niamey

(227) 20 725690 (227) 9696 3273

(227) 20725690

IBRAHIMA Harouna Directeur des statistiques agricoles

Ministère du développement agricole, B.P. 12091 Niamey

(227) 20 37 27 75 (227) 96881126

(227) 20 73 20 08 [email protected]


Expert national en Informatique

Recensement Général de l'Agriculture et du Cheptel (RGAC)

Coordination du projet RGAC/FAO, FAO, BP 11246, Niamey Niger

(227) 20725690 / (227) 93919717

(227) 20725690

[email protected]



Conseiller Technique Principal, projet RGAC, Niger

FAO FAO, Niger, BP 11246, Niamey (227)20 725690 (227)

96598094 (227) 20725690 [email protected]

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Pays Country

Nom des participants Name of Participants

Titre Title Institution Adresse

Address Téléphone- Bureau Telephone-Office

Mobile Fax E-mail Site Web Website

Nigeria AYENI Funsho James Chief Statistician

Statistics Branch, Planning, Research and Statistics Department

Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources, Area Eleven Garki., P.O. Box 2051, Garki Abuja

(234) 8036249275 (234) 8042144696

(234) 8036249275 (234) 8042144696

[email protected]

Rwanda GAKWANDI Jean Marie Vianney

Chargé des Statistiques Agricoles

Ministère de l’agriculture et des ressources animales, Gakwandi JMV, B.P 621 Kigali

(250) 585053 (250) 08863346 (250) 585057 [email protected] www.mina

Senegal WANE Mamadou

Chef - Division Statistiques; Documentation et Information Agricole

Direction de l’Analyse, de la Prévision et des Statistiques

Ministère en charge de l'Agriculture, 137 Sacre coeur Pyrotechnie, BP 4005, Dakar

(221) 33 864 64 13/68/70

(221) 77 659 05 64

(221) 33 864 64 71 [email protected]

MNYAKA Moses Manager - Agricultural Statistics

Statistics South Africa 70 Andries Street, Pretoria, 0001 South Africa

27(12) 310 8984


27(12) 310 8664

[email protected]

South Africa

MALEBANE Phuti Statiscian Statistics South Africa 43 Aurora Annex, 680 Pretorius Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083 South Africa

27(12) 336 0234 27 (73) 560 3198

27 (12) 310 4641/2 [email protected] www.statssa.

RUBOHA Oswald Mugyabuso

Principal Economist

Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Cooperatives , P.O. Box 9192 Dar-es-Salaam

(255) 222 862 480

(255) 754 882005

(255) 222862077 [email protected] www.kilimo


GAMBAMALA Lubilili Marco

Senior Statistician

The National Bureau of Statistics

Ministry of Planning, Economy and Empowerment, P.O. Box 796, Dar es Salaam

(255) 22 2122 722

(255)-784-625-394 [email protected]

[email protected]

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Pays Country

Nom des participants Name of Participants

Titre Title Institution Adresse

Address Téléphone- Bureau Telephone-Office

Mobile Fax E-mail Site Web Website

Togo LAWSON-ATUTU Latévi N'Bouka

Ingénieur Agro-Economiste, Chef de Division Informatique

Direction des Statistiques agricoles, de l'Informatique et de la Documentation (DSID)

Ministère de l'agriculture, de l'élevage et de la pêche, B.P. 8377 Lomé

(228) 221 6013 (228) 905 66 37 / 958 82 06

(228) 221 8624 [email protected]


Principal Statistician

Uganda Bureau of Statistics

C/O Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, Plot 9, Colville Street, P.O Box 7186 Kampala

(256) 414 - 706000


(256)-414-237553 [email protected] www.ubos.


MENYHA Emmanuel Senior Statistician

Uganda Bureau of Statistics - Agricultural Statistics

C/O Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, Plot 9, Colville Street, P.O Box 7186 Kampala

(256) 414 706000 (256) 772 889554

( 256) 414 237553

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Uganda

OUMO NAIGA Flavia Statistician Uganda Bureau of Statistics

C/O Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, Plot 9, Colville Street, P.O Box 7186 Kampala

(256)-414-706000 / 414-706021



[email protected] / [email protected]

Zambia ISIMWAA Michael Chief Agriculture Statistics and Data Analyst

Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, 48 - 04 Kabwata Estates, P.O. Box 50197, Lusaka

(260) 1250 532 (260) 955 623847 (260) 977 442962

(260) 125 3520 [email protected]

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ORGANIZATION Nom des participants Name of Participants

Titre Title Institution Adresse

Address Téléphone- Bureau Telephone-Office

Mobile Fax E-mail Site Web Website

AU Commission YEO Dossina Statisticien, Responsable de l'Unité Statistique

African Union Commission B.P. 3243 Addis Ababa (251) 11551 92

87 (251) 917 800901

(251) 11551 02 49

[email protected]

BAD ADAM Abdoulaye Statisticien Principal

Département des Statistiques ESTA2

Banque Africaine de Développement, 13 Rue du Ghana, 1002 Belvédère, Tunis Tunisie

(216) 71 103 658 (216) 22 69 2451 [email protected] www.afdb.


EAC MAATE Robert Senior Statistician

East African Community

Secretariat Headquarters, AICC Building, Kilimanjaro Wing, P. O. Box 1096, Arusha, Tanzania

(255)-27-2504253 / 8

(255) 787097022

(255)-27-2504255 [email protected]


IFPRI WOOD Stanley Senior Research Fellow

International Food Policy Research Institute

2033 K Street, NW, Washington, DC 20006, United States

1-202-862-8122 1 (202) 467-4439 [email protected] www.ifpri.o


ABDALLAH Souleymane Economic Affairs Officer

Economic Affairs Officer

United Nations Economic Commission for Africa

ACGS, New Building, 3rd Floor, Room 3N07, P.O. Box 3005 Addis Ababa - Ethiopia

(251) 115 443784 (251) 911 388700

(251) 115 512785

[email protected] / [email protected]


THIONGANE Awa Senior Regional Adviser

United Nations Economic Commission for Africa

ACGS, New Building, 3rd Floor, Room 3N07, P.O. Box 3005 Addis Ababa - Ethiopia

(251) 11 544 3451 [email protected]


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FAO/UN Nom des participants Name of Participants

Titre Title Institution Adresse

Address Téléphone- Bureau Telephone-Office

Mobile Fax E-mail Site Web Website

Accra TEMPELMAN Diana Senior Officer, Gender & Development

FAO Regional Office for Africa

Gamel Abdul Nasser Road, P.O. Box 1628, Accra-Ghana

(233)21-675000 Ext. 3131

(233) 244 35 86 36

(233) 21 668 427 or 21 701 0943

[email protected]


Regional Statistician

FAO Regional Office for Africa

Gamel Abdul Nasser Road, P.O. Box 1628, Accra-Ghana

(233)21-675000 Ext. 3147

(233) 245 00 21 51

(233) 21 668 427 or 21 701 0943

[email protected]

Accra KUMAPLEY Ami Bilingual Secretary

FAO Regional Office for Africa

Gamel Abdul Nasser Road, P.O. Box 1628, Accra-Ghana

(233)21-675000 Ext. 3207

(233) 21 668 427 or 21 701 0943

[email protected]

Rome SOM, Hiek Chief - ESSS Country Statistics Service - Division de la Statistique (ESS),

Room C-428, FAO Headquarters, viale Terme di Caracalla, 00153 Rome, Italy

(39) 06 570 55070

(39) 340 6999803 [email protected] www.fao.or


Rome KEITA Naman Senior Statistician

National Statistical Systems Group, Country Statistics Service, FAO Statistics Division

FAO Headquarters, viale Terme di Caracalla, 00153 Rome, Italy

(39) 06 57053827 (39) 346 24 55090

(39) 06 570 55 615 [email protected] www.fao.or


Rome N'GOMA-KIMBATSA, Paul Statistician Division de la

Statistique (ESS) Division de la Statistique (ESS), FAO Room C-428

(39) 57055845 (39) 3285630729 (39) 57055615 paul.ngomakimbatsa@fao.


Rome FABI, Carola Statistician Division de la Statistique (ESS)

FAO Headquarters, viale Terme di Caracalla, 00153 Rome, Italy

(39) 06 5705 4555

(39) 348 562 7646

(39) 06 5705 5615 [email protected] www.fao.or



Fishery Resources Officer

Aquaculture Management and Conservation Service (FIMA), Fisheries and Aquaculture Department

FAO Headquarters, viale Terme di Caracalla, 00153 Rome, Italy

(39) 06 570 55452

(39) 06 999 390

(39) 06 570 53020

[email protected]

Caire BARRE Mohamed Regional Statistician for Near East

FAO - Statistics Division

23 Road 206 Digla Maadi, Cairo or 11 Eslah Zerai, Dokki Cairo, Egypt

(20) 2 33316172 (20) 166842650

(20) 23331 6000 [email protected] www.fao.or


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Nom des participants Name of Participants

Titre Title Institution Adresse

Address Téléphone- Bureau Telephone-Office

Mobile Fax E-mail Site Web Website

CLEMENTS Jonathan Interpreter FAO – Headquarters, Via del Governo Vecchio 101, 00186 Roma, Italy

(39) 570 570 75 (39) 346 679 8883 [email protected]


JEANNE Blandine Interpreter FAO, Via Clementina 8, 00184 Rome ITALY

(39) 06 570 54503

(39) 348.76.15.273

[email protected]

DE SOUZA Noel Agnel Interpreter noel.a.desouza@gmai

BENCHEHIDA-KHELLADI Hafida Interpreter 13 rue des Cedres,

ALGERIA (213) 21 69 35 77 (213) 61 59 68 25

(213) 21 69 35 77

[email protected]


MOULOUDI Ibtissem Ingénieur d'Etat en statistique

Ministère de l'agriculture et du développement rural, 12 bd Amirouche, Alger

(213) 021 71 17 12, poste 2947

(213) 061 79 73 93

MEDJANI Myriam TIS en Informatique

Ministère de l'agriculture et du développement rural, 12 bd Amirouche, Alger

(213) 021 71 17 12 poste 2731

(213) 072 10 97 52

FEGHOUL Fouzia TIS en Informatique

Ministère de l'agriculture et du développement rural, 12 bd Amirouche, Alger

(213) 021 71 17 12 poste 2731

(213) 072 10 97 52 [email protected]


OVAHCÉNE Kamel Agent de Bureau

Ministère de l'agriculture et du développement rural, 12 bd Amirouche, Alger

(213) 021 71 17 12 poste 2803

(213) 061 86 66 80

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Annexe 2

RAF/AFCAS/07 – PRODecember 2007


Twentieth Session

Algiers, Algeria, 10 – 13 December 2007


MONDAY, 10 DECEMBER 2007 08h00 – 09h00 Registration 09h00 – 10h00 Agenda Item 1

Opening Ceremony 1. Chairman’s Opening Remarks. 2. Address by the Officer-in-Charge, FAO Regional Office for Africa FAO Regional Office, Accra, Ghana, 3. Address by the Director a.i., FAO Statistics Division, FAO Headquarters, Rome. 4. Opening Speech by His Excellency, the Minister of Agriculture,

Republic of Algeria

10h00 – 10h30 Coffee break 10h30 – 11h00 Agenda Item 2 Election of Officers Agenda Item 3 Adoption of Agenda Agenda Item 4

FAO’s Activities in Food and Agricultural Statistics relevant to Africa Region since the last 19th Session of the Commission

11h00 – 11h30 Overview of FAO activities relevant to Africa region since the last 19th AFCAS

Session 11h30 – 12h00 Presentation and lunching of the Handbook on: Rural Household’s Livelihood and

Well-Being: “Statistics on Rural Development and Agriculture Household Income” 11h45 – 12h15 Advocacy video in favour of Agricultural Statistics development: Presentation of


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12h15 – 14h15 Lunch break 14h15 – 14h45 Presentation of the “Agri-gender database” 14h45 – 15h15 Discussions on the previous presentations 15h15 – 15h45 Coffee break 15h45 – 16h15 Conclusions and recommendations of the Technical Workshop 16h15 – 16h30 Other information items 16h30 Adjournment of Session 18h00 Cocktail to welcome the participants TUESDAY, 11 DECEMBER 2007 Agenda Item 5

State of Food and Agricultural Statistics Systems in the countries of the Region

08h00 – 08h30 Report on the State of Food and Agricultural Statistics Systems in the region on the

basis of country questionnaires 08h30 – 09h00 Discussions

09h00 – 10h00 Specific country experience: Ethiopia and South Africa 10h00 – 10h30 Discussions 10h30 -11h00 Coffee break Agenda Item 6

World Programme for the census of Agriculture 2010 (WCA 2010) with modular and integrated approach

11h00 – 11h30 Application and lessons learned from the new modular approach in the

Agricultural and Livestock Census of Niger 11h30 – 12h00 Complementary guidelines on “Agricultural module of Population Census and

Community level data” 12h00 – 12h30 Use of Agricultural Census for monitoring and evaluation of PRSP: Case of the

Agricultural Census of Tanzania 12h30 – 14h00 Lunch break 14h00 – 14h30 Discussions on agenda item 6 Agenda Item 7

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Monitoring and Evaluation of Agriculture and Rural Development Programmes

14h00 – 14h30 GDPRD-FAO/WB study on core list of indicators and data requirements 14h30 – 15h00 Discussions Agenda Item 8 15h00 – 15h30 Progress report on pilot study for use of GPS for crop area measurement 15h30 – 16h00 Coffee break 16h00 – 16h30 Discussions 16h30 Adjournment of Session WEDNESDAY, 12 DECEMBER 2007 Agenda Item 9

Other related agricultural statistics topics 08h00 – 08h30 Improving the Data Quality monitoring framework (CCSA/Eurostat self

assessment initiative) - Case of FAO Producer Prices data (methodology and data quality self assessment)

08h30 – 09h00 Discussions 09h00 – 09h30 FAO Data collection system: Pre-validation tools to improve data quality: case of

the new FAO Production data collection system 09h30 – 10h00 Discussions 10h00 – 10h30 Coffee break 10h30 – 11h00 An overview of fishery and aquaculture status and trend of the Africa region and

introduction of the newly developed GIS-based tool, "African Water Resources Database", with examples of how to utilize this in enhancing data collection

11h00 – 11h30 Discussions 11h30 – 12h00 Update on integration of sex-disaggregated agricultural statistical data in the

African Gender and Development Index 12h00 – 12h30 Discussions 12h30 – 14h00 Lunch break 14h00 – 14h30 Presentation of the Sectorial Modelling Project IFPRI (International Food Policy

Research Institute 14h30 – 15h00 Discussions 15h00 – 15h30 Coffee break 15h30 – 16h30 Specific country papers: Nigeria, DRC, Eritrea, Lesotho, etc.

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16h30 Adjournment of Session 19h00 Dinner offered by The Government of Algeria THURSDAY, 13 DECEMBER 2007 08:30-10:00 Finalization of the Report (rapporteurs) 10:00-10:30 Coffee break 10:30-11:30 Discussion/Adoption of Draft Report 15.00-15.30 Closing ceremony

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EAnnex 3

RAF/AFCAS/07 – 1

December 2007


Twentieth Session

Algiers, Algeria, 10 – 13 December 2007


I. Opening Ceremony II. Election of Officers III. Adoption of Agenda IV. FAO’s Activities in Food and Agriculture Statistics Africa Region since the last Session of

the Commission

1. Overview of FAO activities in Africa Region since the 19th AFCAS.

2. Presentation and launching of the Handbook on Rural Household’s Livelihood and Well-Being: “Statistics on Rural Development and Agriculture Household Income”.

3. Advocacy video in favour of Agricultural Statistics development: Presentation of the


4. Presentation of the “Agri-gender database”.

5. Conclusions and recommendations of the Technical Workshop (organized back to back with 20th AFCAS).

6. Other Information items

a. Preparation of the Africa Statistical Yearbook (2nd Edition) b. Conferences: ICAS 4 in Beijing and ICAS 5 in Africa; next ISI Session in South

Africa c. African Statistical Journal d. Other events

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V. State of Food and Agricultural Statistics Systems in the countries of the Region

1. Report on the State of Food and Agricultural Statistics Systems in the region on the basis of country questionnaires.

2. Completed by specific country experiences (cases of Ethiopia, South-Africa and Senegal).

VI. World Programme for the Census of Agriculture 2010 (WCA 2010)

1. Application and lessons learned from the new modular approach in the Agricultural and

Livestock Census of Niger 2. Complementary guidelines on “Agricultural module of Population Census and Community

level data” 3. Use of Agricultural Census for monitoring and evaluation of PRSP: Case of the Census of

Tanzania. (Tanzania)

VII. Monitoring and Evaluation of Agriculture and Rural Development Programmes – the role of agricultural statistics

1. GDPRD-FAO/WB study on framework and core list of indicators and data requirements

for monitoring and evaluation of outcome and impact of Agriculture and Rural Development Programmes.

VIII. Reducing cost and geo-referencing agricultural survey data in Africa

1. Progress report on pilot study for use of GPS for crop area measurement and geo-

referencing agricultural data and way forward

IX. Improving Agricultural Data Quality and Accessibility

1. Improving the Data Quality monitoring framework - CCSA/Eurostat self assessment initiative: Case of FAO Producer Price data (methodology and data quality self assessment).

2. FAO Data collection system – Pre-validation tools to improve data quality: Case of the

new FAO Production data collection system.

X. New Developments in Fishery Statistics in Africa

a. An overview of fishery and aquaculture status and trend of the African region and introduction of the newly developed GIS-based tool, "African Water Resources Database", with examples of how to utilize this in enhancing data collection.

XI. Contribution of partners in the development of agricultural statistics in Africa

1. Presentation of the Sectorial Modelling Project IFPRI (International Food Policy Research

Institute). 2. Completed by specific country papers: Nigeria, DRC, Eritrea, etc.

XII. New Developments in Gender Statistics in Africa

i. Update on integration of sex-disaggregated agricultural statistical data in the African Gender and Development Index.

XIII. Any other business: Topics, date and venue for the next AFCAS Session

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Annex 4

Vote of Sympathy to the Government of Algeria following the tragic events during the Session

20th Session of the African Commission on Agricultural Statistics Algiers, Algeria, 10 – 13 December 2007

Vote of Sympathy Tragic events stuck the People of Algeria on Tuesday 11 December 2007. At this occasion, participants to the 20th Session of the African Commission on Agricultural Statistics, held in Algiers, from 10 to 13 December 2007, express their deepest sorrow and compassion to the Government and People of Algeria, to the UN System and particularly to the families and friends of all the victims. The participants express their regret and great indignation in the face of these unjustifiable events. Participants to the Session.

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Annex 5

RAF/AFCAS/07-E _____________________________________________________________________________________ December 2007


Twentieth Session

Algiers, Algeria, 10 - 13 DECEMBER 2007



(Back-to-back with the 20th AFCAS), Algiers, Algeria, 8-9 December 2007. I. INTRODUCTION The FAO/PARIS21 Regional Workshop on the integration and access to agricultural statistics for better formulation and monitoring of rural development policies in Africa, was held from 8 to 9 December, 2007 in Algiers (People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria and) in the Conference room of the Hilton Hotel. II. ORGANIZATION The opening ceremony of the workshop was marked by the welcoming speeches delivered by Mr Guy De Lannoy, on behalf of the Director General of FAO, by Mr Francis Fonteneau, on behalf of the Manager of PARIS21 and by Mr. Idir Bais, on behalf of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development. The work began with the election of Officers (Bureau), made up as follows: Chairman: Algeria; Vice Chairman: Kenya; Rapporteurs: Niger, Uganda and Senegal. The workshop focused on the following three sessions:

- Session 1: National Strategy for the Development of Statistics (NSDS) – Integration of Agricultural Statistics;

- Session 2: New Tools for dissemination and storage of agricultural data; - Session 3 : Needs for agricultural and rural statistics.

III. RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE WORKSHOP 3.1 Session 1: National Strategy for the Development of Statistics (NSDS) – Integration of

Agricultural Statistics The session was introduced by Mrs. Norah Madaya (UBOS, Uganda), followed by presentations of experiences of Senegal, Philippines and Uganda. Another presentation was made by the African Union Commission relating to the African Charter of Statistics.

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Recommendations: Member States 1. All the agricultural structures must initiate the SNDS in partnership with central offices in

accordance with the guidelines of PARIS21. 2. Member States must first endure the financing of the SNDS by insisting on the effective integration

of agricultural statistics. 3. Member States must give priority to the completion of the census of agriculture and livestock to

have reference data needed to improve the formulation and monitoring of the rural development policies in Africa.

FAO 4. FAO should consider the possibility to support the process of developing the SNDS of countries

within the framework of its Technical Cooperation Program with a view to consolidate it. African Union 5. Member States should study the African Charter of Statistics, and the African Union should speed

up the procedure for its approval. 3.2 Session 2: New Tools for dissemination and storage of agricultural data The session was divided into two main themes:

- Theme 1: Accelerated Data Program (ADP) and IHSN Tools (Toolkit, NADA) for the dissemination and archiving of data from surveys and agricultural censuses;

- Theme 2: Country STAT and Metadata.

The first theme was introduced by PARIS21, followed by presentations of experiences of Uganda, Cameroon, Niger and Senegal. The second theme was introduced by FAO, followed by presentations by the experiences of the Philippines, Tanzania and Niger. Recommendations: Member States 1. The central statistical offices and the sector services must proceed with the systematic archiving and

dissemination of past and present surveys. 2. The training and involvement in all phases of a large number of staff on Toolkit and CountrySTAT. 3. Member states must clearly express their commitment to a plan of action to get a better

CountrySTAT assistance of the FAO. 4. The use of international standards (DDI) and tools developed by the International Household Survey

Network (IHSN) and their implementation by the Accelerated Statistics Program (Toolkit, NADA). PARIS21

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5. The assistance by PARIS21 of States in the definition of a policy of dissemination by respecting the statistical secret by favouring research based on the use of data from surveys and censuses, as well as the material support to the countries participating in the Accelerated Statistical Program.

FAO 6. Country STAT must continue to ensure the definition and implementation of SDMX (Statistical

Data and Metadata Exchange) based on exchanges between the national levels and regional levels for a better synergy with partners.

PARIS21 and FAO 7. The strengthening of the complementary between the Accelerated Program Statistics tools (Toolkit,

NADA) and Country STAT. 3.3. Session 3 : Needs for agricultural and rural statistics

The session has been introduced by FAO through a paper related to Rural Development Statistics and Farmers Income Data for Policy Monitoring, followed by a second presentation on Statistics and Information on Agriculture Investment. Recommendations:

Member States

1. The need for an administrative classification by urban and rural areas for a better assessment of

statistical data on rural development and farmers' incomes, which should be a module of CountrySTAT.

2. Member states should pay special attention to the collection and dissemination of data on public

investment in the agricultural sector. IV. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The workshop thanked the Government of the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria and, PARIS21, IFPRI (International Food Policy Research Institute), FAO and other partners for their contribution to the success of the organization of the workshop. Finally, the workshop participants expressed their gratitude to the interpreters, the Secretariat of the workshop, the staff of the Hilton Hotel, and all those who have contributed closely or from far to the success of the workshop. Algiers, 9 December, 2007.

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Annex 6


1. Statement by the African Development Bank Thank you Mister Chairman, I would like to thank FAO for inviting the African Development Bank to participate in this important meeting of the 20th Session of the African Commission on Agricultural Statistics (AFCAS-20) and the people of Algeria for the exceptional welcome extended to us since we arrived. One of the objectives of my participation in this meeting is to be informed of the state of agricultural statistics in African countries with the aim of extending the capacity strengthening programme of the Bank to agricultural statistics. We have already initiated discussions with FAO to define the main collaboration themes for capacity strengthening of African countries in the field of agricultural statistics. We aim at finalizing our discussion with FAO and start working with you very soon. Actually, the work has already started. An operational agricultural statistics system requires to put in place an integrated national statistical system (INSS). The Bank, in collaboration with other partners, has undertaken a programme to support countries in developing their INSS and contributed to the development of a manual for the integration of sectoral statistics – including agricultural statistics – in the INSS. A copy of this manual was handed over to FAO to be included in the documents CDs to be distributed to participants at the end of this meeting. Concerning agricultural statistics, we put more emphasis on production. The pre-production aspects, mainly agricultural research that could contribute to the sustainability of this production, are ignored. Statistics are an essential tool in conducting this research and should be fully part of agricultural statistics. I would like to propose that agricultural research statisticians be invited to the next AFCAS meeting and consider statistics for agricultural research as an integral part of agricultural statistics. In conclusion, I would like to say that this meeting has given me the opportunity to get acquainted with agricultural statistics realities in our countries and I promise to convey faithfully the lessons learned to the Managers of the Statistics Service of AfDB. Thank you. 2. Statement by the African Union Commission The African integration agenda has been seriously hampered by the absence of harmonized and reliable statistical information required to implement, monitor and evaluate the continental integration programmes and activities of the continent. To overcome these challenges, the African Union Commission is working in collaboration with the Members of the African Statistical System in order to coordinate statistical activities, harmonize statistical data and information, and advocate for statistical literacy in Africa. The AUC, within the framework of harmonizing African statistics, has organized a seminar in the course of 2006 with the main objective of creating a minimum framework for the harmonization of social and macro-economic statistics that would allow one to compare the economic and social results of countries and to monitor socio-economic development of the continent in a permanent way.

In addition, in order to overcome the various difficulties facing Africa in endowing itself with a well-functioning statistical system, the AU Executive Council mandated the AUC to elaborate, in collaboration with Members of the African Statistical System and other partners, an African Charter on Statistics and submit it for its consideration and adoption. The Charter should contribute to the advocacy for statistical development in Africa, promote statistics on integration, serve as a reference for statisticians and as a code of professional ethics and good conduct in the production and dissemination of statistics. It should also clarify the process of coordinating statistical activity in Africa and contribute to the harmonization of statistical data. Representatives of National Statistical Officers adopted the draft Charter in Rubavu,

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Rwanda, in June 2007. The Charter will be discussed with African Ministers of Finance and Economy in April 2008 before being submitted for endorsement by the Heads of State and Government of the Africa Union in July 2008. A study on the evaluation of the African Statistics System along with a study on implementation mechanisms of the Charter; and a study on the creation of an AU Fund for the financing of Statistical activities in Africa are in progress. The AUC is also envisaging undertaking the elaboration of a continental and global strategy on statistical harmonization, which will be implemented by its pillars of integration, the Regional Economic Communities, in order to achieve the African Economic Community.

3. Statement by the East African Community The East African Community (EAC) has put the development of Statistics in the region as one of their priority areas. This has arisen out of the need to monitor and evaluate the progress on the implementation of the EAC Projects and Programs. Availability of statistics at the EAC is key to the regional planning process. Other than timely available of reliable statistics at the EAC through the EAC Statistics Database that is currently under development, the other key task is the harmonization of statistical tools and methods in order to have regionally and internationally comparable data. This is an ongoing process and the agriculture and livestock subsectors are among the areas under focus for harmonization. The harmonization process includes: Building Capacity in ministries responsible for agriculture and the National Statistics Offices; Sharing regional expertise through South – South Cooperation; Fast track countries to adopt best practices; and development of databases for micro data. The EAC is committed to ensuring that countries carry out timely agricultural census or large scale surveys in order to have up-to-date benchmark figures.