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  • 8/8/2019 Aftab Final Touch




  • 8/8/2019 Aftab Final Touch




    The purpose of the business report is to examine and assess the Fuji Fertilizers Company (FFC)strategy for recruitment and selection. An attempt to establish what level of understanding theFFC has of the recruitment and selection process is carried out. In addition, the current strategy

    and processes used to implement recruitment and selection in the FFC is being assessed. Finally,recommendations will be made based on the information gathered, whilst taking intoconsideration the current economic climate and the availability of suitable resources.

    The information used to write this business report came from several sources. One such sourcewas a personal communication with the Managing Director. The major source used was the FFCHR manager. This consisted of one informal discussion with the HR manager, in addition to ascheduled meeting and a planned interview. Two different types of research tools were used toobtain the information required to prepare this business report.

    The first was a questionnaire that was developed and subsequently completed by the HR

    manager. The other research tool used was a set of interview questions that had been compiled.These questions were asked of the HR manager during the planned interview.

    The business report covers two main areas of the FFCs strategy for recruitment and selection.These areas are the recruitment process and the selection process. Encompassed in these twoareas are specific steps that are used to implement the FFCs recruitment and selection process.All steps used were assessed and issues were found with the following: recruitment preparation,employment agencies, vacancy promotion, internal vs. external recruitment, interview structure,interview environment and orientation. These steps will be discussed and analyzed in thisbusiness report.

    It is said if right person is appointed at right place the half work has been done. In this project I havetried to cover all the important point that should be kept in mind while recruitment and selectionprocess and have conducted a research study through a questionnaire that I got it filled with the staffof the FFC and tried to find out which methods and various other information related to recruitment

    and selection and tries to come to a conclusion at what time mostly the manpower planning is dont

    , what the various method used for recruiting the candidates and on what basic the selections is done. .


    Following are the research objectives of my project:

    1. To study the recruitment and selection procedure followed in Fuji Fertilizers Company2: To study the various sources of recruitment followed in Fuji Fertilizers Company.3: To learn what is the process of recruitment and selection that should be followed.

    4: To search or head hunt people whose skill fits into the FFCs values?

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    Literature Review:


    Thomas Adison defines recruitment as: Recruitment refers to the process of sourcing,screening, and selecting people for a job or vacancy within an organization. Though individualscan undertake individual components of the recruitment process, mid- and large-sizeorganizations generally retain professional recruiters.Amjad khan said that the recruitment process in India is designed in such a way that eachcandidate gets the desired job profile according to his or her own choice. Placing the candidate inthe right job profile, in the best company, is the end solution of most of the Indian recruitment

    agencies. The process of attracting qualified candidates from whom it is possible to select andappoint competent workers. Similarities to marketing, communicates about the firm, a processwhich involves the application of appropriate methods with the aim of selecting and appointingcompetent persons, a two-way process of communication and establishing a positivepsychological contract..

    Recruitmentis the process used by an organization to locate and attractjobapplicants in orderto fill a position. An effective approach to recruitmentcan help a company successfully competefor limited human resources. To maximizecompetitive advantage, a company must choose therecruiting method that produces the best pool of candidates quickly and cost effectively.Flippos definition: It is a process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating andencouraging them to apply for jobs in an organization.

    Thus the purpose of recruitment is to locate sources of manpower to meet job requirements andjob specifications.

    Importance of Recruitment & Selection

    John Groth studied about the importance of recruitment and selection is critical to the overallhealth of a business. Smart employers know that filling a job vacancy with a warm body is arecipe for disaster. Finding the right person for the right job means the recruitment and selection process are one of the key factors in the overall success of the business. One of the mostimportant aspects of the recruitment and selection process is to have a clear framework for short

    listing candidates for a vacancy. This means that an employer should have some idea of whatthey want to see on a person's resume and what kind of experience, skills and abilities theyexpect a potential employee to have had.

    Consequences of Recruitment & SelectionVerena Veneeva says that recruitment is almost central to any management process and failurein recruitment can create difficulties for any company including an adverse effect on its

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    profitability and inappropriate levels of staffing or skills. Inadequate recruitment can lead tolabor shortages, or problems in management decision making and the recruitment process coulditself be improved by following management theories. The recruitment process could beimproved in sophistication with Rodgers seven point plan, Munro-Frasers five-fold gradingsystem, psychological tests, personal interviews, etc. Recommendations for specific and

    differentiated selection systems for different professions and specializations have been given. Anew national selection system for psychiatrists, anesthetists and dental surgeons has beenproposed within the UK health sector.

    Employer Expectation:

    It is of utmost importance for an employer to be absolutely clear on what they expect anemployee to be. The skills required for the job should be enumerated as precisely as possible.Transferable skills which the company could use also deserve a mention. So the chances ofzeroing in on the right candidate increase greatly if the vacancy advertised is very specific as tothe requirements. If recruitment agency service is opted for by the employer, the agency or theconsultant should get very precise instructions from the employer.

    Methods of Recruitment And Selection:

    Frok Hyme investigated that recruitment and selection is back bone for any organization, so hesugeests the methods which are related to recruitment and selection. First is traditional agency itis also known as employment agencies, recruitment agencies have historically had a physicallocation. A candidate visits a local branch for a short interview and an assessment before beingtaken onto the agencys books. Second is Headhunters, a "headhunter" is industry term for athird-party recruiter who seeks out candidates, often when normal recruitment efforts have failed.Third is Niche recruiters, more and more weare seeing the emergence of specialized firms whichonly staff for a very narrow specialty. Because of their focus, these firms can very often producesuperior results due to their ability to channel all of their resources into networking for a veryspecific skill set. Fourth is in house recruitment; larger employers tend to undertake their own in-house recruitment, using their human resources department, front-line hiring managers andrecruitment personnel who handle targeted functions and populations.

    Sources to Recruit & Select Employees

    Dr.N. Shani (Sep 07, 2009) find out the various sources of recruitment are classified into twobroad Categories, namely Internal sources and External sources . First is Recruitment InternalSources, it includes the present permanent employees, present temporary employees or part time,retrenched or retired employees, disease or disable employees and employee referrals. Secondway is Recruitment External Sources, which contain campus recruitment, private employmentagencies or consultants, public employment agencies, professional associations, data banks,

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    casual applications, trade unions, walk-in, consult-in head hunting, body shopping, M&A and E-recruitment.

    Selection Criterias:

    Effective Recruitment and Selection Guide describes several selection criterias. First is askingcandidates to produce a piece of work on a given subject in advance of the interview this can beused to check writing skills, ability to structure an argument or research subject knowledge.Second isasking candidates to make a presentation on a given subject tests presentation skillsand subject knowledge. Third is asking candidates to read a document and discussing it at theinterview tests ability to foster thoughts clearly and quickly. Fourth is a typing/word-processingtest tests speed and accuracy. Fifth is a written test (e.g. drafting correspondence) tests ability towork under pressure and produce quality written work to deadlines. Sixth is an assessment centrecombining various exercises, tests and interviews, an assessment centre may also requirecandidates to engage in a group exercise during which assessors observe their interpersonalskills. Seventh is an in tray exercise assesses ability to prioritize and plan workload. Eighthcriteria are psychometric tests occupational personality questionnaires and ability tests such asverbal reasoning, logical thinking, numeric tests etc. The personality questionnaires give anindication of a persons style and preferred approach to situations at work and the ability testsprovide information about specific skills. The University has a set of psychometric tests for usein recruitment. Where the use of such tests is envisaged panels need to agree that the use of testsis appropriate .Ensure that the outcomes relate clearly to an item on the person specification.Tenth criteria is arrange for candidates to receive feedback on the outcomes of the test. Maintainconfidentiality in respect of test results and the retention of completed documentation. Eleventhis to provide test practice leaflets to candidates when invited to interview. Twelfth criteria toconsider whether the test may have a discriminatory effect for any disabled candidates or

    candidates from different cultural backgrounds and if so discuss with your HR Adviser.

    Implication for Recruitment Process: Natalie Skinner, Ann M. Roche, John OConnor, Yvette Pollard Chelsea Todd say thatRecruitment and selection is not only about choosing the most suitable candidate. Therecruitment and selection experience can also impact on the likelihood that a candidate willaccept a job offer and on their commitment to remaining with the organization. Committing timeand resources to develop a comprehensive recruitment implication is a worthwhile investment.Poor recruitment choices can have a range of undesirable consequences for the organization and

    the worker including: Higher rates of turnover reduced performance effectiveness lowered jobsatisfaction reduced work motivation.

    In this we consider three steps in an effective recruitment process:

    Step 1: Ensure an up-to-date job description

    Step 2: Develop an effective recruitment strategyStep 3: Evaluate the recruitment strategy.

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    Strategies for Recruitment and Selection

    Heidi Carson, MS describes the some important strategies which are for security personnel.

    Security personnel requires the knowledge of where and how to seek out employees that will fitthe position that you are looking to fill. One of the first strategies that should be utilized isdefining the type of employee that you are looking for. You should prepare a list that helpsdefine such things as the years of experience that you are looking for, knowledge base and thecandidates' skill set. This list will help to narrow the search and hopefully decrease the amount oftime spent with recruiting security personnel. Another strategy to look at is conducting aninternal and external search to find your security personnel. Selecting from an internal pool cutscost that are incurred with outside recruitment, but you also do not get a chance to explore thetalent that is available with an external search. Conducting both internal and external searchesprovides the widest selection of possible candidates. Depending on the type of security personnelthat you are looking for, you can search universities and special classes for candidates who have

    shown exceptional academic excellence and experience with any volunteer work in the securityfield. You want to be able to select an individual who fits into the organizational culture of thecompany. You can help define if he is the right fit by conducting criminal background checksand verifying employment. It is also suggested to ask for letters of recommendation. Due tosensitivity of the security field, try to seek out candidates that have received awards,accommodations and special acknowledgements. It is also prudent to seek out security personnelwho have a vast knowledge of the security business; this helps to shorten the training period sothat the employee can get acclimated to her new position.

    Ethics in Recruitment and Selection:

    By: Jacob Gan suggests important that sound ethical rules for hiring a new employee. Writerdiscusses in sixth points. First the candidates are to be Selected Based on MeritsApplicants should be selected based only on merits to the firm requirements. Merit criteria canbe how relevant the knowledge is to the firm requirements, how useful the skills are to the firmoperation, and how well the applicant can perform the tasks the position calls for. Other than the preferential treatments to certain specific groups, there should be no discrimination to peoplefrom any other group due to race, religion, gender, marital status, or even pregnancy. SecondObjective is that the candidate evaluation consistency and objectivity are very important whenwe evaluate the suitability of a candidate for a position. Consistency and objectivity not onlyensure that the most suitable candidate is selected; they also ensure that our employees maintain

    a high level of morale. This is because it is important that our employees hold high regards fortheir colleagues. It is frustrating to have to work with an underperforming colleague who wasrecruited through a faulty selection process. Third ethics rule contains all information relevant toemployment disclosed when recruiting new employees, the candidates should be told the truthabout the organization, and under no circumstance they should not be misled. For example, thecandidate should be informed of any relevant information, including those not publicly known,that may materially affect the new employee future employment with the organization. He losthis job one year after joining the new company. He sued and was awarded $10 million. Forth

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    rule contain no misleading recruitment advertisement: We should not place misleading jobadvertisement just to get applications while we actually want to offer a different type of jobcontracts. For example, imagine the situation where what we really want to engage areindependent contractors but not full-time salaried employees. We may choose to engageindependent contractors because we do not have to burden ourselves with high wage bills for

    employees who do not perform well, but we will reward employees according to theirperformance. In this case we should be upfront with our terms and conditions. We should neverget involved in any job scam. Fifth contains do not hire former employees of anotherorganization to reward or lobby: This rule applies especially when employing former seniorgovernment employees or their relatives. If the senior government employee has an influence onthe awards of contracts to an organization like yours, do not return employment favor to wincontracts. The case of Ms. Darleen Druyun at the Department of Defense and Mr. Michael Searsat Boeing is a good illustration of the importance of such a rule. In this case, employment favorwas apparently granted by Boeing in exchange for favorable consideration for the awards ofcontracts by Department of Defense. Sixth rule contains Courtesy: Even though it may not beconsidered as unethical by some employers, as a matter of courtesy and good public relationship

    we should inform an unsuccessful applicant. In this case, if situations change and theunsuccessful applicants are now suitable, they may be more inclined to respond positively whenapproached to offer jobs to them.

    These six rules, while simple and logically, are not normally followed by many organizations intheir recruitment process, leading to poor employee morale and productivity, as well asdamaging law suits.

    Selection Techniques:

    Natalie Skinner, Ann M. Roche, John OConnor, Yvette Pollard and Chelsea Todd gave an

    overview of best practice in selection techniquesA wide selection of techniques is available which range from intensive (and expensive) activities(e.g., multi-day assessment centers), to the more commonly used interviews and referencechecks. Based on the evidence alone, best practice in selection requires a comprehensive program that includes realistic tests of work practice and the use of validated psychometricinstruments. This is clearly an unrealistic expectation for most AOD organizations. The nextsection describes evidence-based best practice for three of the most commonly used selectiontechniques: First is Curriculum vitas / rsums and written applications which gives theinformation about a persons professional qualifications and experience can be obtained fromtheir curriculum vitae (CV) / rsum and their written applications. This information needs to beverified as far as possible before the person is hired. Second is Conducting interviews which

    based on structured and unstructured interviews, In order to obtain the best person job fit astructured interview format is recommended. Unstructured interviews are based on the shapelessinterviews, so no proper structure is made to conduct the unstructured interviews. And the lastone is Reference checks, in this step checking the references of candidates.

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    Procedure/Process of Recruitment:

    University of Bradford written down the process of recruitment which contains the severalstages:

    Stage 1: This stage includes the four steps: step one is identifying the resource need, step twocontains discussions with HR and Finance, step three is completing the RSA form and providinga business case, step four is the last step of stage 1 which is proposed grading of a post .

    Stage 2: It is related to Job Description/Post Specification to Choosing Selection Exercises and italso contains three steps: step one related to prepare a Job Description, post specification,supplementary information and a raft advert, Step two is related to considering selectionexercise, Step three contain a question that Are Pre-employment ChecksAppropriate/Required?

    Stage 3: It is from advertising to closing date. It also includes four steps: 1st is Advertising, 2nd is

    Receiving and Responding to Enquiries, 3rd

    is Issuing Applicant Packs, 4th

    is Receiving andProcessing Applications.

    Stage 4 It is From Delivery of Response Pack to Recruiting area to Short listing. It alsoincludes four steps: 1st is Delivery of Response Pack to Recruiting Area, 2nd is Organizing theShortlist Panel, 3rd is Short listing Applications, 4th is Feedback to unsuccessful applicants.

    Stage 5: It is from making arrangements for the interview to making a decision on whichcandidate to appoint. It includes seven steps: 1st is Interview, 2nd is Organizing the interview panel, 3rd is Notice to candidates, 4th is Information for interview panel members, 5th isInterviewing candidates, 6th is Additional parts of the process and 7th is Making a decision.

    Stage 6: It is From Making a verbal offer of appointment to Notification to unsuccessfulcandidate. It contains four steps: 1st step is Making a verbal offer, 2nd is The formal offer ofappointment and contract of employment, 3rd step is Notifying unsuccessful candidates and lastone is If the preferred candidate declines the offer.

    Significance of Recruitment:

    Recruitment Policy defines the objective of the recruitment and also provides a framework forthe implementation of the recruitment program. The policy should be based upon corporate goals

    and needs. The criteria for selection and preferences should include merit and suitability. WhileRecruitment organization is necessary to centralize the recruitment and selection function in asingle office. This will bring about maximum efficiency and success in hiring. This centralizedoffice is known as the Employee Office or the Recruitment Section. Recruitment is important forforcasting ofmanpower which usually specifies the jobs or operations for which the personshould be available, duration of their employment, salary to be offered & terms of theemployment, . necessary qualification and experience. The importance of recruitment is that itallocates the sources of recruitment like internal sources and external sources.

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    Steps in Selection Procedure:

    There are following eight steps which include in selection procedures:

    Step1. Reception of applications or preliminary screening

    Step 2. Application bank that gives a detail about the applicants background and life history

    Step 3. A well conducted interview to explore the applicants background

    Step 4. The physical examination

    Step 5. Psychological testing that gives an objective look at a candidates suitability for that job

    Step 6. A reference check

    Step 7. Final Selection approved by the manager

    Step 8. Communication of the decision to the candidate

    12 Steps for Hiring Productive Employees:

    Regina Boor investigated the twelve steps of hiring the proactive employees, which shows all thecriteria of hiring the employees. These twelve steps are given belowStep1: Set standards high and communicate them.Step 2: Establish good rapport with search personnel.Step 3: Consider external as well as internal candidates.Step 4: Carefully review rsums/applications.

    Step 5: Test candidates.Step 6: Ask the right questions and listen carefully to answers.Step 7: Check all references.Step 8: Include a second interview with at least two individuals whose judgment you trust in theprocess. Then get feedback from all the interviewers.Step 9: Trust your intuition.Step 10: Be open to salary negotiations, but do not make promises you cannot keep.Step 11: Never rush a search.Step 12: Use a probation period to evaluate your hiring decision.

    Recruitment Planning Process:

    Following steps involve in recruitment planning:

    Step 1: Identify the Job OpeningStep 2: Decide How to Fill the Job OpeningStep 3: Identify the Target PopulationStep 4: Notify the Target PopulationStep 5: Meet with the Candidates

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    Functions of Recruitment and Selection:

    Rebecca Mazin developed the functions which are related to recruitment and selection. Thatspecifies all the consequences and reasons which involved during recruitment and selection

    procedure. First function tells us that hiring an employee is easy. Hiring the right employee forthe job takes more work than just saying yes to the first candidate. The chances for success areimproved by understanding the components involved in an effective recruitment and selectionprocess. Second function tells how sourcing the candidates? effective recruiters identifycandidates through multiple sources. The Internet is today's go-to resource, hosting sites that rangefrom free local online bulletin boards to giant job search platforms. Employee referrals, constantnetworking, and staffing services create a pipeline of candidates when openings occur. Thirdfunction tells about the interviewing that the actual interview can be the core of the process, but itinvolves more than the time spent talking to the candidate. Smart interviewers prepare questionsafter reviewing the job description, resumes, and applications. Post-interview assessment and follow-up completes this phase of recruitment and selection. Fourth tells about the applicant flow log in

    which candidates apply in a trickle or a wave, but employers need to track all the information in afile, spreadsheet, or applicant-tracking software. Including data about the source, qualifications, andinterview results will provide organization, help in ranking, and prove useful for future searches. Thecandidate for the next job may be interviewing this week.

    Fifth tells about references and back ground check: Reference checks can be cursoryconfirmations of dates of employment and wages, or more in-depth conversations aboutemployment. Since candidates are unlikely to provide references that will be negative, specificquestions must be asked to get examples of performance and accomplishments. Confirmation ofeducation, credit reports, drivers license, and criminal background reviews can also be important parts of background checks, depending on employer industry and needs. Sixth tells about the

    evaluation of candidates in which results from interviews, references, and comparison with therequirements of the position will all be combined

    Steps involves in Recruitment and Selection:

    Good practice Guide contains the following steps of recruitment and selection:

    Step 1: This contains the Defining the position which includes Job analysis, Position description,and Position evaluation. Step 2: It includes planning to recruit which subdivide in Approval torecruit, Redeployed / rehabilitees, Recruitment process timeline, Panel membership and

    International recruitment. Step 3: this step suggests the Attracting candidates which furtherdivide in Advertising, Employment referral program, Information for applicants, Responding toenquiries and applications, Targeting an international audience, Application requirements andTimelines for advertising internal and external vacancies. Step 4 - Selecting a candidate includesShort listing, Selection techniques, International recruitment, Prior knowledge, onlineverification of qualifications, Reference checking, informing candidates of the outcome andAdministration requirements. Step 5: Appointing a candidate includes Authority to make an offer

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    of employment, Remuneration, Negotiating the offer, formalizing the offer, Contract ofemployment, Appeals, International recruitment and Information and forms.

    Recruitment and Selection Stages

    Hambler investigated the important six stages of recruitment and selection. Stage 01: Responseto vacancy includes Vacancy arises, impact on staffing plan? Job re-design, re-shuffle? ,Permission to recruit/replace and Exit interviews?Stage 02: Job analysis suggests is the post understood by participants in the process, what are the priorities, demands, competences required? Analyze the job, Produce/up-date job description, personnel specification; define target groups - where are they and what will attract them toapply? Stage 03: employment terms suggest the terms and conditions of employment, agree therewards package internally, Anticipate anomalous relationships with other jobs, Equalopportunities?Stage 04: Communicate Vacancy suggests Where will we get our candidates from (sources),

    Should the vacancy be offered openly, is there scope for internal promotions and job transfers,Knock-on effects, External sourcing. DIY and/or use agencies, Confidentiality, Determinebudgets and placement schedules and Prepare copy and place. Advertising - standards?Stage 05: Process applications suggest the administrative machine ready to respond toapplications? Is job documentation for candidates prepared? Log applications/CVs. Compareeach with personnel profile, Follow-up on references/security clearancesStage 06: Carry out selection programmed base on Organize candidate accommodation, Cook'stour and arrangements for testing, Brief reception staff, Finalize selector briefing/training andinterviewer preparation/strategy, Implement selection programme: conduct interviews, exercises,tests and Review candidate data and make selection

    The biggest challenge facing anyone engaging in social media is time; the commodity most indemand for any progressive recruiter in the current climate. Just choosing the right socialchannels can be sapping so managing the distribution of content is an altogether more dauntingprospect. Simon Lewis Posted: Jan 08, 2010

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    Fuji Fertilizers Company Limited


    Fertilizers are chemical compounds applied to promote plant and fruit growth. Fertilizers areusually applied either through the soil (for uptake by plant roots) or, by foliar feeding (for uptakethrough leaves).

    Fertilizers can be placed into two categories, Organic Fertilizers (composed of decayedplant/animal matter) and Inorganic Fertilizers (composed of simple chemicals and minerals).Organic fertilizers are 'naturally' occurring compounds, such as peat, manufactured throughnatural processes (such as composting), or naturally occurring mineral deposits. Inorganicfertilizers are manufactured through chemical processes (such as the Haber process), also usingnaturally occurring deposits, while chemically altering them (e.g. concentrated triple superphosphate).

    Fertilizers typically provide, in varying proportions, the three major plant nutrients: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium known shorthand as N-P-K); the secondary plant nutrients (calcium,sulfur, magnesium) and sometimes trace elements (or micronutrients) with a role in plant oranimal nutrition: boron, chlorine, manganese, iron, zinc, copper, molybdenum and (in somecountries) selenium.

    Both organic and inorganic fertilizers were called "manure", derived from the French expressionfor manual (of or belonging to the hand) tillage, however, this term is currently restricted to

    organic manure. Though nitrogen is plentiful in the Earth's atmosphere, relatively few plantsengage in nitrogen fixation (conversion of atmospheric nitrogen to a plant-accessible form).


    While manure, cinder and iron making slag have been used to improve crops for centuries, theuse of fertilizers is arguably one of the great innovations of the Agricultural Revolution of the19th Century.

    In the 1730s, Viscount Charles Townshend (16741738) first studied the improving effects ofthe four crop rotation system that he had observed in use in Flanders. For this he gained the

    nickname of Turnip Townshend.

    Chemist Justus von Liebig (18031883) contributed greatly to the advancement in theunderstanding of plant nutrition. His influential works first denounced the vitalist theory ofhumus, arguing first the importance of ammonia, and later promoting the importance ofinorganic minerals to plant nutrition. Primarily Liebig's work succeeded in exposition ofquestions for agricultural science to address over the next 50 years.


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    At that time in England, SirJohn Bennet Lawes (18141900) was experimenting with crops andmanures at his farm at Harpenden and was able to produce a practical super phosphate in 1842from the phosphates in rock and coprolites. Encouraged, he employed Sir Joseph Henry Gilbert,who had studied under Liebig at the University of Giessen, as director of research. To this day,the Rothamsted research station the pair founded still investigates the impact of inorganic and

    organic fertilizers on crop yields.

    In the early decades of the 20th Century, the Nobel prize-winning chemists Carl Bosch of IGFarben and Fritz Haber developed the process that enabled nitrogen to be synthesized cheaplyinto ammonia, for subsequent oxidation into nitrates and nitrites.


    The fertilizer industry has played a significant and responsible role in the development of boththe agriculture and industrial sectors of economy. Fertilizer Industry is in turmoil due to 70% rise

    in gas prices in the year 1999. Agriculture sector occupies the dominant position but failed togive due attention to Economic Development. The yield per hectare is low in our country due tovarious reasons. Using Fertilizer in required quantity and quality at appropriate time is best hopeto improve per hectare yield if irrigation water and certified seeds are provided according torequirement and weather conditions are favorable, because fertilizer provides essential nutrientswhich are required for the smooth growth of a plant. At the time of independence of Pakistan,there was no any fertilizer factory but at present eleven fertilizer units work both in private and public sectors. The Government imports fertilizers by investing huge foreign exchange everyyear in order to meet the requirement of farmers which results in balance of. Payment crisis andshortage of food. In England in 1842 SirJohn Lawes treated bones with sulphuric acid and beganproducing a product he called superphosphate. In 1685, or the first time, potassium was Detected

    in the rock salt mined at stassfurt, Germany. This discovery led to the foundation of the potashindustry. In Pakistan, Fertilizer is produced since 1957, at present five types of fertilizer i.e. N,CAN, AS, NP, and SSP are produced and marketed besides imported Fertilizers, by both Publicand Private Sector.


    The Fertilizer Industry in Pakistan recently invested 700 million dollars. Apart from exposing thedomestic fertilizer producers to unfair competition, the country is spending huge sum in foreignexchange. The Production of urea during 199697 was 3258666 MT against 326075 MT during1995-96 showing a shortfall of 0.04%. The reason of decline was:

    y Pak-China, Hazara plant was shut down during May-June 1997y Pak-Arab Fertilizer Multan remained stopped for 227 Hours in May 1997 for scheduled


    y Maintenance of Engro in June 1997y Fertilizer Available in Pakistan

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    The sources of fertilizer supply in Pakistan are domestic product and imports. Thosemanufactured locally include Urea, Ammonium Sulfate, and Calcium Ammonium NitrateN andStraight Nitrogen, Single Super Phosphate as Straight Phosphatic Fertilizer, and Nitrophos whichis the only NP complex fertilizer locally produced, all other fertilizers are imported and there aremany grades of fertilizers available in Pakistan. The fertilizer marketing distribution system in

    Pakistan is characterized by a mixed structure i.e. private and public. Domestic production ismarketed mainly by producers themselves, while imports are marketed through both private andpublic channels. The historical background far this dual distribution system lies in the gradualexpansion of fertilizer production by the private sector and greater autonomy accorded to it inmarketing fertilizer. Individual provinces has also established their own marketing agencies, inaddition to the Private Sector marketing channels to guarantee fertilizer supplies especially inremote areas.


    The private sector comprises 3 major companies namely Dawood Hercules Chemicals Ltd.,

    Engro Chemicals Pakistan Ltd. and Fauji Fertilizer Company Ltd., Each company has its ownmarketing set up. Dawood Hercules established a separate marketing subsidiary, DawoodCorporation Limited. Engro Chemicals and Fauji Fertilizer have established marketing divisionswithin their company structure. These companies also have their own dealer networks whichreceive supplies either directly from the factories/imports or through company managed largeware houses. These dealers in turn sell fertilizer to retailers and farmers. The Government ofPakistan accompanying the privatization of fertilizer sector, decided to allow private distributionof imported as well as locally produced fertilizers. The basic reason for this connection was totake full advantage of the available distribution system and there by ensure that all majornutrients are offered to farmers in order to maintain balanced plant nutrition.


    The public sector marketing sector agencies distribute their products through a network of outletsand dealers fertilizer distribution and marketing through public channels is mainly under takenby 5 public sector agencies. NFML, the largest marketing agency, a subsidiary of NFC owned bythe Federal Government, has a country wide marketing operation and accounts far the biggestmarket share. The other 4 agencies operate within their own provinces and are directlyresponsible to the provincial government.


    National Fertilizer Corporation of Pakistan Limited is a successor to the Pakistan IndustrialDevelopment Corporation. It was incorporated in August, 1973 and by June 1974 the fertilizercompanies set up by PIDC at Faisalabad, Jaranwala, Daudkhel and Multan, as well as theexpansion project of Pak-Arab Fertilizers at Multan, had been transferred to it. Since 1974, inaddition to the three existing companies taken over from PIDC, NFC has launched six newcompanies viz Pak-Suzuki Fertilizer Limited for the Ammonia/Urea Complex at MirpurMathelo, Sindh, Pak-China Fertilizer (Pvt) Limited at Haripur, NWFP, National Fertilizer

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    Marketing Limited at Lahore, Punjab, Fertilizer Research and Development Institute (Pvt)Limited.

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    3.1 According to Rajendra (2008), methodology may be a description of process, or may be

    expanded to include a philosophically coherent collection of theories, concepts or ideas as they

    relate to a particular discipline or field of inquiry. Methodology may refer to nothing more than a

    simple set of methods or procedures, or it may refer to the rationale and the philosophical

    assumptions that underlie a particular study relative to the scientific method.

    According to Zikmund (2002), following are most commonly used research methodologies: Surveys:

    3.1.1 Surveys enable the researcher to obtain data about practices, situations or views at one

    point in time through questionnaires or interviews. Quantitative analytical techniques are then

    used to draw inferences from this data regarding existing relationships. The use of surveys

    permit a researcher to study more variables at one time than is typically possible in laboratory or

    field experiments, whilst data can be collected about real world environments. A key weakness is

    that it is very difficult to realize insights relating to the causes of or processes involved in the

    phenomena measured.

    Case Study:

    3.1.2 Case studies involve an attempt to describe relationships that exist in reality, very often in a

    single organization. Case studies may be positivist or interpretive in nature, depending on the

    approach of the researcher, the data collected and the analytical techniques employed. Reality

    can be captured in greater detail by an observer-researcher, with the analysis of more variables

    than is typically possible in experimental and survey research. Case studies can be considered

    weak as they are typically restricted to a single organization and it is difficult to generalize

    findings since it is hard to find similar cases with similar data that can be analyzed in a

    statistically meaningful way.


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    3.1.3 Interviews are among the most challenging and rewarding forms of measurement. They

    require a personal sensitivity and adaptability as well as the ability to stay within the bounds of

    the designed protocol. Interviews are a far more personal form of research than questionnaires. In

    the personal interview, the interviewer works directly with the respondent. Unlike with mail

    surveys, the interviewer has the opportunity to probe or ask follow up questions. Interviews are

    generally easier for respondent, especially if what are sought are opinions or impressions.

    Interviews are time consuming and they are resource intensive. The interviewer is considered a

    part of the measurement instrument and interviewer has to well train in how to respond to any


    In everyday life human being has to face many problems viz. social, economical, financial problems.These problems in life call for acceptable and effective solutions and for this purpose, research isrequired and a methodology applied for the solutions can be found out. Research was carried out atFFC.Ltd to find out the Recruitment and selection process.


    Primary Data:

    Primary data was collected through survey method by distributing questionnaires to branchmanager and other sales manager. The questionnaires were carefully designed by taking intoaccount the parameters of my study.

    Secondary Data:

    Data was collected from books, magazines, web sites, going through the records of the organization,

    etc. It is the data which has been collected by individual or someone else for the purpose of other

    than those of our particular research study. Or in other words we can say that secondary data is the

    data used previously for the analysis and the results are undertaken for the next process. .

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    4.1 This chapter discusses the results of the survey of this study. It gives the brief description

    regarding the bifurcation of research sample. It bifurcate the sample on the basis of gender, age

    group, education, employee categories, job duration and participation in union. Every individual

    question of the questionnaire is analyzed individually and the explanation we got through

    interviews was quoted in the research result where appropriate. In the end, overall conclusion is

    given regarding the research results.


    Sr No Item Description Numbers

    1 GenderMale 48

    Female 2

    2 Age Group

    26-30 4

    31-35 10

    36-40 34

    41-50 2

    3 Education

    Intermediate 14

    Bachelor/Graduation 20

    Master 12

    MS/ M Phil 2

    PHD 2

    4 Employee Categories

    Permanent 46

    NTC 2

    Contractual 2

    5 Job Duration

    Less Than Five 2More Than Five Years But less Ten six years 6

    More Than Ten Years 42

    6Participation In


    Unionist 12

    Non-Unionist 38


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    4.2 All the questions of questionnaire are grouped according to the research questions. Each of

    the questions asked in the questionaire is described below one by one along with their analysis.

    Question No 1: Are you satisfied with the role of union leaders currently?

    It is obvious to found from the figure 4.1 that the role of CBA was unsatisfactory for 50% of the

    employees at the time of privatization but now more than 80% of employees think that union is

    not protecting their rights and they are suffering from worst conditions ever. Although more than

    50% were dissatisfied with the role of CBA at the time of Privatization. But over the period of

    time this satisfaction has gone greater and greater. They are of the view that currently union is

    highly ineffective.

    Figure 4.1

    Satisfaction with Role of Current Union Leaders

    Question No 2: Do you think that CBA at the time of Privatization was performing his role


    It is clear from figure 4.2 that 52% of employees were dissatisfied with the role of CBA at the

    time of privatizaiton. At the time of privatization, the role of CBA and UAC i-e Unions Action

    Committee was very mystrical. They were fighting against privatization for more than three

    months and suddenly on one day they came up with the view they are going to accept the

    privatization of PTCL. When this confusion was inquired in this research from PTCL

    employees,more their 50% showed their disstisfaction.







    Satisfy Dissatisfy


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    Figure 4.2

    Satisfaction with Role of CBA during Privatizaiton

    Question No 3: What do you think is the best way to resolve the conflict?

    Figure 4.3 clearly depicts that negotiation is the best tool to resolve any kind of conflict between

    union and management. Now 84% of the employees think that during the union and management

    conflict, negotation is the only best way to resolve the conflict. Now, they strongly discourage

    strike and compromise and were of the view that conflict should be resolved at equal level and

    through negotiations. Although 4% still think strikes is the best way but 84% of employees think

    that democratic way of resolving the issues is the best way i-e the negotiation strategy.

    Figure 4.3

    Best Way to Resolve the Conflict







    20% 28%52% Series2

    0% 50% 100%




    Any Other






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    Question No 4: Are you satisfied with the role of union to stop layoff of employees after


    Figure 4.4 shows that only 20% of employees were satisfied with the role of union to stop lay off

    of employees in 2007. When they were inquired whether union played a sufficient role to stop

    the layoff of employees than 60% showed their dissatisfaction. Whereas only 20% were of the

    view that union does played his vital role but could not succeed.

    Figure 4.4

    Satisfaction with Union Role after Privatization

    Question No 5: Does your union take effective actions against the rehiring of voluntarily

    separated employees?

    Figure 4.5 clearly shows 32% of total employees simply state that union was simply ineffective.

    Since 36% were of the view that such strategy of rehiring VSS opted employees was not good.

    The possible situation behind may be that since union has to see the larger interest of the

    employees. They normally reside at the higher position and have a broader vision throughout the

    organization. But interestingly for answering this question, 48% reserved their comments. The

    greater good behind may be that since all those employees who are rehired were obviously their

    colleagues and anything that benefit their colleagues will be appreciated by them.









    60% Series2

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    Figure 4.5

    Satisfaction with Unions Role Against Rehiring ofVSS Opted Employees

    Question No 6: Do you think that retaining monopolistic status of PTCL was best in the

    interest of customers?

    According to figure 4.6 only 32 % agree where as 48% of employees do not agree with the fact

    that if PTCL was allowed to retain its monoploistic status, it was in the best interest of

    customers. Whereas 48% clearly of the view that privatization was in best interest of customers.

    Through privatizaiton of PTCL, ultimately customers will be facilitated. This fact is truly

    represented by the following figure.

    Figure 4.6

    Agreement with Retaining Monopolistic Status of PTCL before Privatization

    Question No 7: Do you think PTCL was possessing state of art technology at the time of


    It is obvious from figure 4.7that almost 44% employees agreed that yes PTCL was possessing

    state of art technology and it was possible for pre-privatization to come up with such innovative

    0% 20% 40% 60%








    0% 20% 40% 60%








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    ideas. After privatization, PTCL has introduced different products like DSL, IPTV, EVO etc.

    Now market analyst is of the view that this type of innovative product which PTCL has managed

    to introduce was the miracle of privatization. This is the basic reason behind asking this question

    that whether PTCL possessed this kind of technology at the time of privatization of it has just

    happened because of privatization. 44% of the employees think that this technology was already

    available to PTCL. Almost 44% employees agreed that yes PTCL was possessing state of art

    technology and it was possible for pre-privatization to come up with such innovative ideas.

    Whereas 36% of employees think that this new technology was introduced after privatization.

    Etisalat has brought this technology with innovative ideas from their home and other

    international subsidiaries.

    Figure 4.7

    Satisfaction with PTCL Possession of State of Art Technology at the Time of Privatization

    Question No 8: Do you think that the rehiring of voluntarily separated employees was in

    the best interest of PTCL?

    Through figure 4.8, it is clear that 40% of employees were happy with the rehiring of Voluntarily

    Separated Employees. Through VSS, PTCL managed to lay off 30,000 employees. There are

    examples that few of the employees who were forced to opt VSS were re hired by PTCL. Therewas a conflict among employees that if those ex-employees were such an importance for PTCL

    than why they were given VSS. 40% of employees were of the view that such a strategy opted by

    PTCL was of significance and in the best interest of PTCL. They were lay off all along with VSS

    benefits and were rehired on NTC i-e New Terms and Conditions. Normally the NTC package is

    much higher than the package for permanent employees. Thats why 36% of remaining

    0% 20% 40% 60%








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    permanent employees thought that PTCL should not opt this strategy. Instead they should hire

    new employees for overcoming the scarcity of employees. This response is clear from the

    following figure.


    igure 4.8Agreement with Rehiring ofVSS Opted Employees

    Question No 9: Do you think that the pre privatization PTCL was good as compared to

    Post Privatization PTCL?

    Figure 4.9 clearly depict the fact that 68% of employees were satisfied with the pre privatization

    of PTCL and only 12% of employees are satisfied with the pos privatized PTCL. Post privatized

    PTCL has brought numerous new concepts which are not previously part of PTCL. Most

    important of this is the introduction of computer interfaces in every department and also for

    communicating with the customer. Only 12% of employees are happy with the post-

    privatization. These 12% are those who were computer literate and can manage to use new

    interfaces like Bncc and SAP. These persons involve majority of young blood who was hired just

    before privatization. These people managed to cope up with the changes and become in line with

    the operations of PTCL. These statistics are cleared from the following figure.

    Figure 4.9

    Comparing Pre-privatized PTCL with Post-privatized PTCL






    Agree Indifferent Disagree



    36% Series2









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    Question No 10: Do you think that employees job security was better before privatization

    of PTCL?

    It is clear from the figure 4.10 that more than 80% of employees are dissatisfied with the current

    job security. There was a time when PTCL job was one of the most secured, well respected job

    in Pakistan. Every employee of PTCL got influence in the society and especially in the social

    sector and civilians. But now in PTCL, more than 80% of employees are dissatisfied with the

    current job security.

    Figure 4.10

    Satisfaction with Employees Job Security before PTCL Privatization

    Question No 11: Do you think that layoff of employees after privatization was in the best

    interest of PTCL?

    A figure 4.11 shows thats a mixed response was gathered regarding this question. 44%

    employees agreed that this layoff was necessary in the interest of PTCL and 44% employees

    disagreed and were of the view that it was not in the best interest of PTCL. Through VSS, PTCL

    managed to lay off 30,000 employees. They simply thought that this layoff lead to the scarcity of

    employees in PTCL and due to this scarcity, PTCL now cannot provide quality service to its

    customers. Most customer complaints remained pending. Due to scarcity of administrative and

    operational staff, PTCL has lost his efficiency and effectiveness.

    Figure 4.11

    Agreement with Layoff of Employees after Privatization







    Agree Indifferent Disagree






    Agree Indifferent Disagree




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    Question No 12: Are you satisfied with the current working environment of PTCL?

    Figure 4.12 depicted a great dissatisfaction with the current working environment at PTCL. 68%

    of employees showed their dissatisfaction with the current working environment. Whereas 16%

    of employees are now satisfied with the current working environment. Whereas 68% of the

    employees are very unsatisfied. They feel themselves under lot of stress and of the view that in

    todays working environment they have simply lost the piece of mind.

    Figure 4.12

    Satisfaction with Current Working Environment


    4.18 If we analyze the role of unions in the world and compare it with the role of unions in

    Pakistan Telecom Sector, uniformity can easily be identify that the role of Unions in the world

    generally and in Pakistan Telecom Sector particularly is diminishing. Unions have lost their

    strength in the world. Now employees are avoiding joining any unions and direct relationship

    between the lower level employees and management is observed. Now lower level employees

    give more preference to the management for the resolution of their issues than they gave

    previously to the unions while evaluating on cost and benefit analysis of the both management

    and the union. More cost is attached with the union for employees since employees have to pay

    the annual fee of the unions and even after that the resolution of the problem of employees was

    not 100% confirmed. Even in PTCL, unions have lost their dignity among PTCL employees due

    to its own faith. There was a time when union was thought to be the true representative of

    employees. But on the critical occasion like privatization of PTCL, VSS and rehiring of VSS

    opted employees, the betraying role of union and CBA have made them unreliable. They have








    68% Series2

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    now lost the trust of employees. Union representative are paying cost for their attachment with

    the unions. Now in PTCL, union itself is unable to protect its own representative. Their

    representative are suffering for dismiss, waiting for posting and transfers. But the union leaders

    are not paying attention to it. Thats why employees commitment with the union has also been

    reduced. Also management has successfully neutralized the power of unions. By lying off 30000

    employees, management successfully take away the real strength of employees. After wards they

    are trying different tactics in order to create hindrances in the activities of union. These tactics

    involve dismissing the employees participating in union activities, proper check and balance on

    the attendance of employees and indulging every employee with high work load. Therefore a tug

    of war is going on between the typical government culture already prevailing in PTCL and a

    company culture which the new management is trying to enforce in PTCL.

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    5.1 Internationally the trend of unions in any organization and industry is diminishing. New

    management practices discourage the role of unions and prefer the direct contact with

    employees. This is done by giving employees more power and autonomy in the organization andby giving them more responsibility. New management has upheld the lower level of employees

    from the union activities by giving them status of more significance within the organization. In

    most of the developed countries, lower level of employee get more salaries as compared to

    higher level of employees. There rights are more protected.

    Unions remained very effective in PTCL before privatization. But due to the interruption created

    by union at the time privatization, management has used different tactics in order make the

    unions ineffective. Like since after privatization, no CBA was made possible by the

    management. Now in April 2010, Shaheen Group has been announced as CBA by management.

    But over a period of time, union has lost its significance in PTCL. Worker sees their role very

    disappointing especially in privatization and VSS Scheme. Workers now believe that union work

    only for his own interest and no in the better interest of employees. Union and management

    conflict in PTCL now is seen as evidence to the fact that union might be in need of some benefits

    from management that is why they are undergoing strikes and lock downs.

    Majority of employees are now dissatisfied with their role. Employees think that privatization

    was stoppable but UAC did not act sincerely in the critical movements. In the same way, they are

    of the belief that VSS scheme was accepted by union in spite of unwillingness of employees.

    Than in 2008, for raising the salaries of employees, unions went for strikes. They were

    demanding at least 50% increment. That strike remains effective for 15 days. But in the end, due

    to the settlement between union and management, management gave only 15% increment and

    the union got the benefits they needed. The effect of all these steps taken by union madeemployees mistrusting them. That mistrust was truly endorsed when union call strike for pay rise

    in 2009, but majority of employees did not participated. Similarly in the 2010 referendum, 30%

    of the total employees did not participated at all. So now management through different tactics is

    making unions ineffective. Management is not taking direct steps. Instead they are using back

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    channel diplomacy and the ultimate objective of management is to wipe away unions from

    PTCL. And the way unions are working, it is not seen too far.

    As far as privatization is concerned, it was the good step. But the way it was done was not good.

    Management did not try at all to convince employees and unions. They simply enforced their

    decision by force through involving army and police. They built pressure on unions and

    employees to accept their decision either by dialogue or by force. When unions did not comply,

    management tried to gave them certain out of the way promotions and they succeeded to

    convince UAC to sign on privatization agreement. This created a trend among the management

    that when so ever conflict arises, they gave illegal benefits to union and make the agreement with

    them on their own terms. Now, PTCL is facing decline in their market worth because of some

    steps taken by management. The most significant of them was lying off 30000 employees. This

    VSS created such a space which is not yet been covered. Due to VSS scheme, all the operations

    of PTCL have seriously affected. This space need to be filled immediately by recruiting


    Conclusively saying union has made themselves worth less due to their own acts. It might not be

    able to get any support from employees in their future. They must have to regain their trust by

    taking steps in the best interest of employees. Otherwise they will be simply wiped off from

    PTCL and after wards there will be no one to protect the rights of employees except management


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    5.2 After analyzing the situation at PTCL, we will make the following recommendation for the

    union and management at PTCL;

    y All the unions with in PTCL must have a same standing point. Currently every union isplaying its own politics and is overlooking the interests of the employees. Thats why

    employees are suffering because management is taking advantage of this week point of

    unions. Management normally obliges one union at the interest of the PTCL employees.

    y Management need to implement the Human Resource Practices in its full strength.Different categories of employees should be eliminated at once like permanent

    employees, contractual employees, NCPG employees and daily wages.

    y Management has to understand the fact that employees go for unions when their rightsare not fulfilled by the management. Union will always interfere when so ever

    management will not full fill the rights of employees. So the only way to stop unions

    disturbances is through fulfillment of the rights of the employees.

    y Union has to reinstate their lost image. They need to take step to show their commitmentto the employees.

    y Management should protect the rights of employees and especially lower level ofemployees in order to avoid any conflict with unions because conflict with unions make

    PTCL bears lot more cost in the form of strikes.

    y Employees in PTCL are very dissatisfied with the working environment. So the workingenvironment should be bettered off by giving employees facilities.

    y Promotions should be at the due course since number of employees is working at thesame positions for more than 7 to 8 years.

    y Employees evaluation should be objective not subjective. Their promotions andincentives should be linked with their performance.

    y Human Resource Department of PTCL has to perform lot of work. They must place theright person at the right position. They need to resolve the problems of the employees by

    themselves in order to avoid conflict with unions.

    y Unions role in the PTCL is thought to be very negative. They are thought to be negativefor both PTCL management and also non managerial staff. Therefore, unions must have

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    to be redirected and their motives should be well addressed to both managerial and non

    managerial staff that union is working in their best interest.

    y A well established performance management system should be implemented in PTCL inorder to quantify the performance of employees.

    y Training of employees should be done on regular basis. So that employees feel up to dateand thought themselves to be eligible for pay rise and promotions within the


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    Finally the persons who were interviewed are;

    1 Abid Sultan, SM HR PTCL Multan.2 Rasheed Ahmad Malghani, Manager Admin PTCL Training Center Multan.3 Miss Sadiya Qureshi, Director Training PTCL Islamabad.4 Mr. Tahir Mushtaq, Director Human Resources PTCL Headquarters Islamabad.5 Mr. Rizwan, VSS Officer PTCL Headquarter Islamabad.6 Mr. Ijaz Gul, Training Specialist, PTCL Headquartar Islamabad.7 Mr. Tahir Mushtaq, EVP HR PTCL Headquartar Islamabad.8 Mr. Ahmad Jalal, General Manager PTCL Headquarters Islamabad.9 Mr. Jamilluddin, General Secretary, PTCL Shaheen Union Party Multan.10 Mr. Muhammad Nasir, General Secretary PTCL All-Employees Union Party Multan.