after feast exaltation

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  • 8/8/2019 After Feast Exaltation



    19thSunday after Pentecost (Sept 20/Oct 3)Afterfeast of the Exaltation of the Cross

    Commemoration of the Holy Greatmartyr Eustathius & Those with Him

    VESPERS: Tone 2

    P. Regular BeginningC. Lord I have cried...

    1. Come let us adore theWord of God,/ begotten of the Father before the

    world began,/ and incarnate of the VirginMary./ For of His own will

    He suffered the Cross and submitted toburial.// He also rose from the

    dead and saved me, an erring man.

    2. Christ, our Saviour, blotted out the bond that pledged us to the

    decrees of the law/ by nailing it to the Cross,/ and He put down the

    dominion of death.// We worship His Resurrection on the third day.

    3. In common with the Archangels let us praise the Resurrection of

    Christ./ He is the Deliverer and Saviour of our souls./ And He will

    come again in dread glory and great power,// to judge the world He


    Stichera for the Feast (Tone 4)

    4. Today Thy precious Cross hath shone forth radiantly like the sun, O

    Saviour Christ/, set up and elevated on the all-gloriousplace of the

    skull,/ on Thine all-holymountain,/ showing forth most manifestly that

    it is thereby, O Omnipotent One,/ that Thou hast raised our nature up

    to the heavens,// in that Thou lovest mankind.

    5. Today, O Unapproachable One,/ the heavens have declared Thy glory unto

    men;/ for the image of the Cross, shining forth in radiance with

    unapproachable light,/ hath denounced the savage and cruel nature of

    those who slew God./ Wherefore, we glorify Thy loving dispensation,//

    O almighty Jesus, Saviour of our souls.

    6. By stretching forth his arms Moses vanquishedAmalek,/ prefiguring the

    image of the Cross;/ and we now, bowing down before the tree of the

    Cross,/ trample the wiles and machinations of the enemy underfoot,/

    having Christ as our champion,// Who was lifted up upon it in the

    flesh, slew the serpent and saved man.

    Stichera for the martyrs (Tone 4)

    7/8. Thy calling was from on high, and not from men, O Eustathius;/ for

    Christ, Who loveth mankind,/ Himself appeared to thee and ensnared

    thee, O blessed one, in the nets of faith,/ washing away thy sins with

    thy baptism and the trials of life,/ and, as Master, he extendeth

    patience to thee// and showeth thee to be a victor renowned.

    9. Rejoicing, O Eustathius, in thy youth thou didst receive instruction in

    the virtues,/ and, bereft of thy children and thy spouse, thou didst

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    valiantly endure captivity,/ suffering ignominious slavery./ But thy

    courage in battle made thee loving and rendered thee radiant,// O ever-

    memorable one.

    10. Thou didst offer thyself to God as divine incense rendered most

    fragrant in the fire,/ a beautiful holocaust, a right acceptable

    sacrifice,/ a living and most perfect offering,/ fruitful with all thy

    household./ Wherefore, the mansions of heaven and the armies of the

    saints have now received thee and thine,// O right wondrous Eustathius.

    Glory... (Tone 2)

    Eustathius setteth himself before us as a second Job in life,/

    sufferings and struggles, a model of the virtues/ and a tower of patience

    truly surpassing Job in that virtue with his spouse and children,/ faithful

    in life and unshaken amid trials, a victor amid sufferings./ Him do we set

    forth in supplication before Christ,// that He grant unto our souls

    enlightenment and cleansing of transgressions.

    Both now & ever... Dogmatikon (Tone 2)

    At the coming of grace, the shadow that is the lawpassed away./ Justas the bush that burned was not consumed,/ so hast thou, Virgin, given birth

    andVirgin remained./ Gone was the Pillar of fire,/ and lo, in its stead

    the Sun of Righteousness shone forth.// Behold, instead of Moses, Christ,

    the salvation of our souls.

    P. Wisdom. Aright!

    C. O Joyful Light...

    P. Prokimenon. The Lord is King...

    P. Wisdom! (And readings, if any)

    P. Augmented Litany

    R. Vouchsafe...

    P. Litany of Fervent Supplication

    APOSTICHA: (Tone 2)

    1. Thy Resurrection, O Christ,/ has given light to all the earth/ and has

    called up Thy creature.// Therefore, glory to Thee, O Almighty God.

    V. The Lord is King,/ and hath put on glorious apparel.

    2. Through Thy rood, O Saviour,/ Thou hast done away with the curse of the

    tree,/ and through Thy burial Thou hast put down the dominion of

    death,/ and Thou hast enlightened mankind by Thy Resurrection./Therefore we cry to Thee:// Glory to Thee, O Christ, our God, the

    Giver of life.

    V. He hath made the world so sure/ that it cannot be moved.

    3. Thou, O Christ, didst appear, nailed upon the Cross/ having changed the

    beauty of created things./ And in cruelty the soldiers pierced Thy

    side with a lance;/ while the Jews begged that Thy tomb might be

    sealed,/ for they both had no faith in Thypower./ But Thou, O Lord,

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    for Thy mercy's sake hast submitted to the tomb/ and hast risen on the

    third day.// Therefore, unto Thee be glory.

    V. Holiness becometh Thine house/ O Lord, forever.

    4. Of Thine own will Thou, O Christ, the Giver of life,/ for the sake of

    mortal man hast endured Thypassion/ and hast descended into hell, in

    mightypower,/ snatching as it were from the jaws of a great monster

    those who awaited Thee there,/ granting them an abode in paradise./

    Therefore to us who give glory to Thy Rising on the third day,// grant

    cleansing of our sins and Thy greatmercy.

    Glory... (Tone 6)

    O thou who art as firm as adamant in soul,/ how can we praise thee as

    is meet?/ For, deprived of thy spouse, thou didst transcend nature,

    possessions and children,/ and didst utter the blessed and ever-memorable

    cry of Job:/ 'The Lord hath given, and the Lord hath taken away!/ As the

    Lord hath willed, so hath it been!'/ But God Whom thou didst love and Whom

    thou didst fervently desire again/ gave thee most cherished things,/ O thou

    who took thought beforehand concerning those who suffered with thee./ Andhaving reached the end of divers torments with them,/ receiving them as thy

    fellow supplicants,/ O blessed Eustathius, patient of soul,// pray thou,

    that we be delivered from our iniquities.

    Both... (Tone 6)

    O Cross of Christ, hope of Christians,/ guide of the lost, haven of the

    tempest-tossed,/ victory amid battles, confirmation of the whole world,/

    physician of the ill, resurrection of the dead:// Have mercy upon us!

    C. St. Symeon's Prayer

    R. Trisagion

    C. Rejoice, O Virgin Theotokos x2

    Troparion for the Cross (Tone 1) x1

    O Lord, save Thy people/ and bless Thine inheritance./ Grant victory to

    the Orthodox Christians/ over their adversaries,/ and by the virtue of Thy

    Cross,// preserve Thy habitation.

    Blessed be the Name of the Lord...

    MATINS: Tone 2

    P. Regular BeginningP. Great Ectenia

    C. God is the Lord...

    C. Sunday Troparia (Tone 2) x2

    When Thou didst descend to death, O life immortal,/ Thou didst slay

    hell with the splendor of Thy Godhead/ and when from the depths Thou didst

    raise the dead/ all the powers of heaven cried out:/ O Giver of life,

    Christ our God,// Glory to Thee!

    Glory... Troparion for the Martyrs (Tone 4)

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    In their sufferings, O Lord,/ Thy martyrs have received imperishable

    crowns from Thee, our God;/ for, possessed of Thy might,/ they cast down

    the tormentors and set at naught the feeble audacity of the demons.//

    Through their prayers save Thou our souls.

    Both... Troparion for the Cross (Tone 1)

    O Lord, save Thy people/ and bless Thine inheritance./ Grant victory to

    the Orthodox Christians/ over their adversaries,/ and by the virtue of Thy

    Cross,// preserve Thy habitation.

    Lord Have Mercy 3x


    R. Now...

    R. Kathisma II

    P. Small Ectenia

    R. Sessional Hymns:

    The noble Joseph, taking Thine all-pure body down from the Tree and

    wrapping it in a clean winding-sheet, enclosed it in a new tomb with sweet

    spices; yet Thou didst arise on the third day, O Lord, granting great mercyto the world.

    V. Arise, O Lord my God, let Thy hand be lifted high; forget not Thy

    paupers to the end.

    Standing before the myrrh-bearing women at the tomb, the angel cried:

    "Myrrh is meet for the dead, yet Christ hath shown Himself to be a stranger

    to corruption! But cry aloud: The Lord hath risen, granting the world

    great mercy!"

    G/B... Thy mystery, O Mother of God, is most glorious and passeth

    all understanding, for stamped with the seal of purity and thy virginityinviolate, thou art acknowledged without doubt to be the Mother who indeed

    hast given birth to the true God. Do thou beseech Him to save our souls.

    R. Kathisma III

    P. Small Ectenia

    R. Sessional Hymns:

    Without hindering the Jews from sealing the stone of the tomb, in

    arising Thou didst bestow the rock of faith upon all. O Lord, glory be to


    V. I will confess Thee, O Lord, with my whole heart, I will tell of

    all Thy wonders.

    With one accord the choir of Thy disciples rejoiceth with the myrrh-

    bearing women; and with them we celebrate a common feast to the glory and

    honour of Thy resurrection. And through them we cry out to Thee, O Lord Who

    lovest mankind: Grant Thy people great mercy!

    G/B... All-blessed art thou, O Virgin Theotokos, for by Him Who

    became incarnate through thee hath hades been made captive, Adam restored,

    the curse annulled, Eve set free, death slain, and we have been given life.

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    Wherefore, chanting, we cry aloud: Blessed is Christ God Who hath been thus

    well pleased! Glory be to Thee!

    R. Psalm 118

    C. Evlogitaria (Blessed art Thou, O Lord...)

    P. Small Ectenia

    R. Ypakoe:

    After the Passion, when the women went to the tomb to anoint Thy Body,O Christ our God, they saw angels in the sepulcher and were affrighted, for

    they heard them say that the Lord was risen granting the world great mercy.

    Hymn of Degrees: (Antiphon One)

    I cast the eyes of my heart toward Thee in heaven, O Saviour. Save me

    by Thine overshadowing.

    Have mercy on us who offend Thee greatly every hour, O my Christ, and

    grant that we may offer Thee repentance before the end.

    G/B... It is fitting that the Holy Spirit reign, sanctify and move

    creation, for He is God, consubstantial with the Father and the Word.

    Hymn of Degrees: (Antiphon Two)If the Lord Himself were not with us, who would be preserved whole from

    the enemy, the slayer of men?

    Give not Thy servant over to the teeth of mine enemies, O Saviour, for

    they move against me like lions.

    G/B... The Holy Spirit is the Source of life and worship, for by His

    power as God He preserveth all created things in the Father by the Son.

    Hymn of Degrees: (Antiphon Three)

    They who hope in the Lord are like a holy mountain: they are in nowise

    moved by the assaults of the enemy.

    Let those who live godly lives stretch not their hands forth to

    iniquities, for Christ will not withhold His staff from such in His portion.G/B... Through the Holy Spirit doth all wisdom flow: through Him

    have the prophets received vision, hath grace come upon the apostles, and

    have the martyrs been crowned with the endurance of suffering.

    P. Prokimenon: (Tone 2)

    Arouse Thyself, O Lord my God, in the commandment which Thou hast

    enjoined,/ and a congregation of peoples shall surround Thee.

    V. O Lord my God, in Thee have I put my hope: Save me.

    C. Let every breath praise the Lord.

    P. GOSPEL #8

    C. Having Beheld the Resurrection of Christ...

    R. Psalm 50

    C. Glory... Now... Have mercy on me... Jesus having risen...

    P. Save, O God, Thy People...


    Canticle One

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    Irmos: Overwhelming power once laid low the whole army of Pharaoh in

    the deep,/ and the incarnate Word hath destroyed pernicious

    sin./ All-glorious is the Lord,// for gloriously hath He

    been glorified.

    Glory to Thy Holy Resurrection, O Lord.

    The prince of this world, under whom we have enlisted, not having

    obeyed Thy commandment, was condemned by Thy Cross, O Good One; for the weakone attacked Thee as one mortal, recoiled from the might of Thine authority,

    and was exposed as weak.

    Thou camest into the world, the Deliverer of the human race and Author

    of life incorruptible; for by Thy resurrection Thou didst break asunder the

    bonds of death. This do we all glorify, for gloriously hast Thou been



    Thou wast revealed as higher than all creation, visible and invisible,

    O pure Ever-virgin; for thou gavest birth to the Creator, in that He was

    well pleased to become incarnate in thy womb. Entreat Him with boldness, tosave our souls.

    Most Holy Theotokos, Save us.

    Of old, the immaterial ladder and the strangely solidified path amid

    the sea revealed thy birthgiving, O pure one, which we all hymn, for it hath

    been glorified.

    The Power of the Most High, the perfect Hypostasis, the Wisdom of God,

    Who became incarnate of thee, O most pure one, drew nigh unto men, for He

    hath been glorified.

    Glory to Thy Precious Cross, O Lord.

    Of old, Moses, standing between the priests, prefigured in himself the

    image of Christ's most pure sufferings; for, forming a cross with his

    outstretched arms, he raised up victory, vanquishing the might of the

    tyrant Amalek. Wherefore, let us hymn Christ our God, for He hath been


    Upon a pole did Moses set the cure of the deadly and venomous sting of

    the serpents, and the deliverance therefrom; for to the tree, in the image

    of the Cross, he bound a serpent which crawleth upon the ground, triumphing

    over the sinister bane therein. Wherefore, let us hymn Christ God, for

    He hath been glorified.

    The sky showed forth the victory of the Cross to the divinely wise

    Emperor Constantine, the pious ruler; and therein the audacity of the

    hostile foe was cast down, delusion was destroyed and the divine Faith

    spread to the ends of the earth. Wherefore let us hymn Christ our God, for

    He hath been glorified.

    Holy Greatmartyr Eustathius and companions, pray to God for us!

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    Subduing the uprising of my passions by thine entreaties, O martyr of

    Christ, by thy discourse dispose me to praise well the sacred celebration

    of thy struggles, O most blessed one.

    Thy name was not given thee by men, O most excellent one, but from the

    heavens, for Christ called thee as before He had called Paul, appearing

    like a hart and delivering thee from venomous serpents.

    Glory... Full of heavenly wisdom, O martyr, crowned with all thyhousehold thou didst most piously prefer the delight of heaven to

    corruptible riches and pleasures.

    Both... God, the Creator of all, found thee to be more pure than all

    creation, O most pure one, and, intending to take the form of man in the

    flesh through thee, He was well-pleased to become incarnate.

    C. Katavasia (Tone 8)

    Inscribing the invincible weapon of the Cross upon the waters,/ Moses

    marked a straight line before him with his staff/ and divided the Red Sea,/

    opening a path for Israel who went over dry-shod./ Then he marked a second

    line across the waters and united them in one,/ overwhelming the chariots ofPharaoh.// Therefore let us sing to Christ our God, for He has been


    Canticle Three

    Irmos: The desert, the barren Church of the nations,/ blossomed like

    a lily at Thine advent, O Lord;// and therein hath my heart

    been established.

    Glory to Thy Holy Resurrection, O Lord.

    During Thy suffering creation was altered, beholding Thee, Who foundedall by Thy divine gesture, in pauper's form, mocked by the iniquitous.

    With Thy hand Thou didst fashion me out of dust, in Thine image; and

    having descended into hades, O Christ, with Thyself Thou didst raise me up

    who had again been broken down into the dust of death for my sins.


    The ranks of the angels marveled, O most pure one, and the hearts of

    men have been filled with awe at thy birthgiving; wherefore, we honour thee,

    the Theotokos, with faith.

    Most Holy Theotokos, Save us.

    He Who, as the Creator of time, far transcendeth all time, was of His

    own will formed of thee as a babe, O Virgin.

    Let us hymn the womb which is more spacious than the heavens, through

    which Adam, rejoicing, dwelleth in the heavens.

    Glory to Thy Precious Cross, O Lord.

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    The rough stone, struck, put forth water for a disobedient and

    hardhearted people, and showed forth the mystery of the divinely elect

    Church, whereof the Cross is the might and confirmation.

    When Christ's all-pure side was pierced by the spear, blood and water

    flowed therefrom, renewing the covenant and washing sin away, for the Cross

    is the boast of the faithful, the might and confirmation of kings.

    Holy Greatmartyr Eustathius and companions, pray to God for us!

    Deprived of thy children and wife, thou didst mightily endure the

    threefold billows of perils, O glorious Eustathius, martyr of Christ.

    Thy children, saved by God from the depredations of wild beasts, O

    Eustathius, martyr of Christ, vanquished the noetic beasts.

    Glory... Passing over life as though it were a river, O glorious

    one, by thy trials thou didst preserve the divine aspect of thy soul


    Both... Come, ye faithful, and with songs of joy let us hymn thepure and honoured habitation of purity and virginity.

    C. Katavasia (Tone 8)

    The rod of Aaron is an image of thismystery,/ for when it budded it

    showed who should be priest./ So in the Church that once wasbarren,/ the

    wood of the Cross has now put forth flower,// filling her with strength and


    P. Small Ectenia

    C. Kontakion (Tone 4)

    Lifted up of Thine own will upon the Cross,/ do Thou bestow Thy mercy

    upon the new commonwealth that bears Thy Name./ Make the Orthodox people

    glad in Thy strength,/ giving them victory over their enemies;// may Thy

    Cross assist them in battle, weapon of peace and unconquerable ensign of


    R. Ikos of the Feast

    He who was caught up to the third heaven of paradise and heard

    unspeakable and divine words which the human tongue cannot utter, what

    writeth he to the Galatians, which, as lovers of the Scriptures, ye have

    both read and come to understand? God forbid, saith he, that I should

    glory, save only in the Cross of the Lord, -- whereon having suffered Heslew the passions. Let us all then firmly hold this boast, the Cross of the

    Lord; for this Wood is our salvation, the invincible trophy, the weapon of


    C. Kontakion for the Martyrs (Tone 2)

    Manifestly emulating the sufferings of Christ,/ and having drained His

    cup with fervor, O Eustathius,/ thou wast a partaker and fellow heir of

    glory,/ receiving divine remission from on high// from the God of all


    R. Ikos for the Martyrs

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    Grant me the gift of hymnody, O Lord my God, that I may now hymn and

    speak of the struggles of Thine athlete, that in good order I may praise

    Eustathius, who was valiant in sufferings, who was ever the victor in

    battle against the enemy, who was great in piety, and hath shone forth

    among the choir of the martyrs. For with them he singeth unceasingly to

    thee with the angels, O most Wise One, receiving divine remission from on


    R. Sessional HymnsAbove the hart thou didst see the image of the Cross, and thereon the

    image of Jesus; and falling prostrate thou didst marvel at this vision and

    camest, with all thy household, to divine baptism; and becoming poor, thou

    wast shown to be like a second job. Wherefore, deprived of spouse and sons,

    thou didst cry aloud: "The Lord hath given, and the Lord hath taken away!"

    O Eustathius, commander of warriors, entreat Christ God; that He grant

    remission of sins unto those who with love celebrate thy holy memory.

    G/B... The honoured one removed the Cross of the Saviour, which had

    been hidden in the earth, she filleth the fullness of the world with joy,

    and in the divine temple proclaimeth that it is to be elevated in the

    Spirit, and beareth it as a scepter into the royal chambers. Wherefore,Helena cried out to her son: "Reach out, O wise master, and take in thy

    hands dominion and victory, and teach the nations to worship the Cross and

    the sufferings of Christ in piety!"

    Canticle Four

    Irmos: Thou didst come forth from the Virgin,/ neither a mediator

    nor an angel,/ but Thyself incarnate, O Lord,/ and hast saved

    me, the whole man;// wherefore, I cry to thee: Glory to Thy

    power, O Lord.

    Glory to Thy Holy Resurrection, O Lord.

    O God my Master, Thou standest before the judgment-seat as one

    condemned, without crying out, bringing forth judgment in behalf of the

    gentiles. Thereby Thou hast wrought salvation for the whole world through

    Thy suffering, O Christ.

    Through Thy suffering, O Christ, the weaponry of the enemy failed, and

    by Thy descent into hades the cities of the adversary were destroyed and the

    audacity of the tyrant set at naught.


    O Theotokos and Mistress, all of us, the faithful, know thee to be the

    haven of salvation and an immovable rampart; for through thy supplications,

    thou dost deliver our souls from perils.

    Most Holy Theotokos, Save us.

    Lo! as the dwelling-place of the Lord, the Mother of God, the divine

    mountain, hath most clearly been exalted far higher than the hosts of


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    Having given birth beyond the laws of nature unto Him Who hath dominion

    over creation, O only Virgin, thou wast vouchsafed a divine calling.

    Glory to Thy Precious Cross, O Lord.

    Of old, Moses transformed with a tree the bitter springs in the

    desert, showing forth the conversion of the gentiles to piety through the


    Jordan, having hidden in its depths an axe-head, gave it forth again

    through the power of a stick, signifying the cutting off of deception by

    the Cross and baptism.

    In a sacred manner did the people encamp in four divisions; and

    preceding in this fashion the tabernacle of the witness, they were

    glorified in the cross-like formation of their ranks.

    Wondrously stretched forth, the Cross emitted rays like the sun's, and

    the heavens declared the glory of our God.

    Holy Greatmartyr Eustathius and companions, pray to God for us!

    Thou wast protected against the tyranny of the enemy by the hand of

    God, and thy spouse, preserving her chastity, cried out: Glory to Thy

    power, O Lord!

    Placed in peril and subjected to divers trials, O Eustathius, martyr

    of Christ, thou didst hasten to the arena to bear witness, crying out to

    thy Master: Glory to Thy power, O Lord!

    Glory... Guided by the precepts of the Master, O evermemorable and

    glorious Eustathius, thou and thy wife and children were shown to be

    adorned with the blood of martyrdom.

    Both... Without knowing wedlock, O Virgin, thou gavest birth, and

    even after birthgiving thou wast shown to be virgin still. Wherefore, with

    unceasing voices we cry "Rejoice!" to thee, O Mistress, with steadfast


    C. Katavasia (Tone 8)

    O Lord, I have heard the mystery of Thy dispensation;/ I have

    considered Thy works,// and I have glorified Thy Godhead.

    Canticle Five

    Irmos: Thou art a Mediator between God and man, O Christ God:/ For

    by Thee, O Master,/ are we led up out of the night of

    ignorance to Thy Father,// the Source of light.

    Glory to Thy Holy Resurrection, O Lord.

    Thou didst break the audacity of the nations by Thy will, as if they

    were cedars, O Christ Master, for it was Thy will to be lifted up in the

    flesh upon the cypress, the pine and the cedar.

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    When they laid Thee, dead and bereft of breath, in a deep pit, O

    Christ; yet, wounded, through thy wounds Thou didst raise up with Thyself

    the forgotten dead who slept in the graves.


    Entreat thy Son and Lord, O pure Virgin, that He grant peace unto those

    who hope in thee and deliverance from the assaults of adversaries unto


    Most Holy Theotokos, Save us.

    O ye clouds, rain down the delight of gladness upon those on earth, for

    a Child hath been given, He Who hath existed from before time: Our God Who

    is incarnate of the Virgin.

    Light hath shone upon my life and flesh and destroyed the gloom of sin!

    In latter times the Most High became incarnate of the Virgin without seed.

    Glory to Thy Precious Cross, O Lord.

    O ever-hymned Tree, whereon Christ was stretched: the whirling swordwhich guarded Eden stood in awe of thee, O Cross, and the dread cherubim

    withdrew, when Christ was nailed to thee, Who granteth peace unto our


    The adverse powers of the nether world are stricken with fear when the

    sign of the Cross is traced in the air in which they live, as are the

    generations of the earthborn and the heavenly, who bend the knee to Christ,

    Who granteth peace unto our souls.

    Having shone forth a divine light and revealed itself in rays of

    incorruption unto the benighted gentiles astray in error, the divine Cross

    acquireth them for Christ Who was nailed thereto, and granteth peace untoour souls.

    Holy Greatmartyr Eustathius and companions, pray to God for us!

    Thou didst show thyself to be like Job; for, blameless and pious, thou

    wast found to be sailing through life with long-suffering.

    Glory... Who can hymn the pangs which thou didst endure, O blessed

    martyr, deprived of spouse and children?

    Both... O Mother of God, who gavest birth to the all-good Word Who

    is the Benefactor of all: heal thou the affliction of my soul.

    C. Katavasia (Tone 8)

    O thrice-blessed Tree, on which Christ the King and Lord was

    stretched!/ Through thee the beguiler fell, who tempted mankind with the

    tree./ He was caught in the trap set by God,/ Who was crucified upon thee

    in the flesh,// granting peace unto our souls.

    Canticle Six

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    Irmos: Whirled about in the abyss of sin,/ I call upon the

    unfathomable abyss of Thy loving-kindness:// Lead me out up

    from corruption, O God.

    Glory to Thy Holy Resurrection, O Lord.

    The Righteous One was condemned as a malefactor and nailed to the Tree

    with iniquitous men, through His blood granting remission to the guilty.

    Through one man, the first Adam, did death enter the world of old, and

    through the one Son of God hath the resurrection been revealed.


    Thou gavest birth without having known a man, O Virgin, and thou

    remainest a virgin eternally, revealing the images of the true divinity of

    thy Son and God.

    Most Holy Theotokos, Save us.

    Human nature, enslaved to sin, hath through thee obtained its freedom,

    O pure Mistress; for thy Son is slaughtered like a lamb for all.

    We all cry out to thee, the true Mother of God; Deliver thy servants,

    who move God to wrath, for thou alone hast boldness before thy Son.

    Glory to Thy Precious Cross, O Lord.

    Bent with age and weighed down with infirmity, Jacob drew himself up

    when he crossed his arms, showing forth the power of the life-bearing

    Cross; for God Who was nailed in the flesh hath set aright the obsolescence

    of the law of the Scripture which was written in shadows, and hath

    dispelled the soul-destroying disease of deception.

    Divine Israel, laying his hands cross-wise upon the heads of the

    young, revealed that the people who hath the honour of being the elder is a

    slave to the law. Wherefore, when suspected of erring in so doing, he did

    not alter the life-bearing image, for, he said, protected by the Cross, the

    newly established people of Christ God surpass them.

    Holy Greatmartyr Eustathius and companions, pray to God for us!

    Thou didst desire Christ Who had appeared to thee, O glorious one, and

    didst unite thyself to Him with love; for thou wast shown to be adorned,

    clad in the purple robe of thy blood.

    Glory... Thou didst make haste to follow the divine steps of Christ,

    and, crowned with all thy household, O martyr, wast most perfectly shown to

    share in His sufferings and kingdom.

    Both... Using now the words of Gabriel, O most immaculate Virgin, we

    cry out: Rejoice, O only blessed Mother! Rejoice, O thou who didst have

    within thee the Sun of righteousness!

    C. Katavasia (Tone 8)

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    Jonah stretched out his hands in the form of a Cross in the belly of

    the seamonster,/ plainly prefiguring the redeeming Passion./ Cast out from

    hence after three days,/ he foreshadowed the marvelous Resurrection of

    Christ our God,/ Who was crucified in the flesh and enlightened the world//

    by His Rising on the third day.

    P. Small Ectenia

    C. Kontakion (Tone 2)Hell became afraid, O almighty Saviour,/ seeing the miracle of Thy

    Resurrection from the tomb!/ The dead arose! Creation, with Adam, beheld

    this and rejoiced with Thee!// And the world, O my Saviour praises Thee


    R. Ikos

    Thou art the light of those in darkness; Thou art the resurrection of

    all and the life of men, and hast raised up all with Thyself, O Saviour,

    abolishing the dominion of death and breaking down the gates of hades, O

    Word. And the dead, beholding the wonder, marveled, and all creation

    rejoiceth in Thy resurrection, O Thou Who lovest mankind. Wherefore, we all

    glorify and hymn Thy condescension; and the world, O my Saviour, ever

    hymneth Thee.

    Canticle Seven

    Irmos: The command of the iniquitous tyrant, opposed to God,/ raised

    up a lofty flame;/ but Christ, Who is blessed and all-

    glorious,// spread a spiritual dew upon the pious youths.

    Glory to Thy Holy Resurrection, O Lord.

    In Thy loving-kindness, O Master, Thou couldst not bear to see man

    tormented by death; and, becoming man, Thou didst come and save him by Thy

    blood. Blessed and most glorious is the God of our fathers!

    Seeing Thee arrayed in the vesture of vengeance, O Christ, the

    gatekeepers of hades were affrighted; for Thou didst come to slay Thy

    servant, the mindless tyrant. Blessed and most glorious is the God of our



    We understand thee to be holier than the Holy of holies, for thou alone

    gavest birth to the immutable God, O blameless Virgin, unwedded Mother; for

    thou hast poured forth incorruption upon all the faithful through thy divinebirthgiving.

    Most Holy Theotokos, Save us.

    At night, Jacob beheld as in a vision the incarnate God, Who through

    thee hath appeared in splendor to those who chant: Most divine and most

    glorious is the God of our fathers!

    Manifesting within thee beforehand the signs of the ineffable descent

    whereby He united Himself unto men of His own will, O pure one, the most

    divine and all-glorious God of our fathers wrestled with Jacob.

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    Glory to Thy Precious Cross, O Lord.

    The first man, tasting of the tree, made his abode in corruption; for,

    having condemned himself by an inglorious rejection of life, he imparted a

    certain taint as a corruption to the whole race. But we mortals, gaining

    utterance through the tree of the Cross, cry out: O all-hymned God of our

    fathers, blessed art Thou!

    Disobedience violated the commandment of God, and the tree brought

    death to man by its being partaken of unseasonably, for, for the

    preservation of that which is most precious, the tree of life was

    forbidden; but God disclosed it to the hapless thief who cried out rightly:

    O all-hymned God of our fathers, blessed art Thou!

    Israel, foreseeing things to come, laid hold of the tip of Joseph's

    staff, revealing beforehand that the most glorious Cross would seize the

    power of the kingdom, for it is the victorious boast of kings and a light

    for those who cry out with faith: O all-hymned God of our fathers, blessed

    art Thou!

    Holy Greatmartyr Eustathius and companions, pray to God for us!

    Imprisoned within a brazen bull glowing red with heat, as in a

    furnace, O martyrs of Christ, ye cried out in thanksgiving: Blessed art

    Thou in the temple of Thy glory, O Lord!

    Glory... United by the law of love and nature, O right glorious

    martyrs, suffering ye showed forth a single endurance, chanting: Blessed

    art Thou in the temple of Thy glory, O Lord!

    Both... Thou alone art truly more exalted than the heavens of God

    from all ages; for thou gavest birth ineffably to their Creator, O mostpure Mistress Theotokos.

    C. Katavasia (Tone 8)

    The senseless decree of the wicked tyrant,/ breathing forth threats and

    blasphemy hateful to God, confused the people./ Yet neither the fury of

    wild beasts nor the roaring of the fire could frighten the three Children,/

    but standing together in the flame,/ fanned by the wind that brought

    refreshment as the dew, they sang:/ Blessed art Thou and praised above

    all,// O our God and the God of our fathers.

    Canticle Eight

    Irmos: Once, in Babylon,/ the fiery furnace divided its activity at

    the command of God,/ consuming the Chaldeans, but bedewing

    the faithful, who chant:// Bless the Lord, all ye works of

    the Lord!

    Glory to Thy Holy Resurrection, O Lord.

    Beholding the vesture of Thy flesh stained with Thy blood, O Christ,

    the ranks of the angels were filled with awe and trembling at Thy great

    longsuffering, cried aloud: Bless the Lord, all ye works of the Lord!

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    By Thine arising, O Compassionate One, Thou hast clothed my mortality

    in immortality; wherefore, in gladness Thy chosen people thankfully hymn

    Thee, O Christ, crying out to Thee: Death is swallowed up in victory!


    Without seed thou didst conceive Him Who is inseparable from the

    Father, and He dwelt in thy womb as God and man; and thou didst ineffably

    give birth unto Him O all-pure Theotokos. Wherefore, we acknowledge thee asthe salvation of us all.

    Most Holy Theotokos, Save us.

    Through thee the One Who is incomparable in goodness and power was seen

    on earth and dwelt with men. And, chanting unto Him, all of us, the

    faithful, cry: Let all existing creation hymn the Lord and exalt Him

    supremely for all ages!

    Truly proclaiming thee to be the pure Theotokos, we glorify thee; for

    thou gavest birth to the One of the Trinity Who became incarnate, to Whom,

    with the Father and the Spirit, we all chant: Let all creation hymn theLord and exalt Him supremely for all the ages!

    Glory to Thy Precious Cross, O Lord.

    O hosts of heaven, chant ye to the exalted Tree which was drenched in

    the blood of God the Word incarnate, celebrating the restoration of those

    on earth. Ye people, worship the Cross of Christ, whereby the resurrection

    of the world is accomplished forever!

    O ye mortal stewards of grace, in sacred manner raise on high with

    your hands the Cross whereon Christ God stood and the spear which pierced

    the body of God the Word, that all the nations may see the salvation whichis of God, glorifying Him forever!

    O faithful Christian kings, forechosen by divine decree, be ye glad!

    And having received from God the precious Cross, rejoice in it, the weapon

    of victory, for thereby tribes of warriors seeking courage are scattered

    abroad forever.

    Holy Greatmartyr Eustathius and companions, pray to God for us!

    The choir of true witnesses, united in splendor by the laws of nature

    and the word of the Faith, let us all now piously praise as lovers of

    piety; and with faith let us sing: Bless the Lord, all ye works of the


    Ye were beautifully united, O honoured one, having been separated

    before by providence most great; and having dyed the purple robe of

    betrothal in your blood, ye hasten ardently to the heavenly bridal chamber,

    crying: Bless the Lord, all ye works of the Lord!

    Let us bless Father, Son, Holy Spirit, the Lord!

    O blessed Eustathius, thou didst offer to God the fruit of thy loins

    and thy spouse who rejoiced; for thou didst receive them as partakers of

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    Let all the trees of the forests rejoice, for their nature hath been

    sanctified by Him Who planted them in the beginning--Christ Who was

    stretched out upon the Tree. Wherefore, worshipping it as it is now raised

    aloft, we magnify thee, O Theotokos.

    A sacred horn hath been lifted up, the chief horn for all the divinely

    wise: the Cross, whereby all the horns of the sinful are noetically broken

    asunder. Wherefore, worshipping it as it is now raised aloft, we magnifythee, O Theotokos.

    Holy Greatmartyr Eustathius and companions, pray to God for us!

    With gladness thou didst pass wholly over to the light of the Trinity

    and now rejoicest with the angelic army, O martyr Eustathius. With them

    pray thou unceasingly, that all who hymn thee be saved.

    Thy struggles. and diverse tribulations on earth have now won for thee

    gladness in the heavens with the righteous. And enjoying it, O glorious

    one, vouchsafe it also unto those who hymn thee.

    Glory... I offer myself wholly unto thee with fervor, O martyr

    Eustathius, that I may be enriched by thee, mine intercessor before the

    Master and mediator of divine salvation, who art able to help me out of

    every evil circumstance.

    Both... Confessing thee to be the Theotokos, O Virgin Mother, we all

    earnestly entreat thee, who without knowing man gavest birth to the

    Saviour, the Bestower of life, that through thy supplications we may be

    delivered from all sorrow.

    C. Katavasia (Tone 8)

    O Theotokos, thou art a mysticalparadise,/ who untilled hastbrought

    forth Christ./ He has planted upon earth the life-giving tree of the

    Cross:/ Therefore at its exaltation on this day,// we worship Him and thee

    do wemagnify.

    P. Small Ectenia

    C. Holy is the Lord our God...

    R. Exapostilarion Eight (John 20:11-18)

    Seeing two angels inside the tomb, Mary was struck with wonder and notknowing Christ, she asked Him supposing Him to be the gardener: 'Where OLord, hast thou laid the body of my Jesus?' And recognizing by His callthat He was the Saviour Himself, she heard: 'Touch me not; tell thebrethren I go to my Father.'

    Glory... Exapostilarion for the martyrs

    With thy divinely wise children and thy most blessed wife thou hast

    received the glory of immortality and never-ending life, O blessed

    Eustathius, having abandoned the pleasures of the world. Wherefore, with

    love we celebrate thy most sacred and divine memory.

    Both... Exapostilarion for the Feast

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    Placing our hope on thee, O Theotokos, we win a most perfect victory of

    twofold foes, having the Cross of thy Son as our weapon and trophy, our

    shield, sword, spear and arrow against Belial.

    C. Lauds: Tone 2 Stichera

    Let everybreath praise the Lord/

    Praise the Lord from the Heavens/

    Praise Him in the highest/

    To Thee is due a hymn, O God/Praise Him, all ye HisAngels;/

    Praise Him, all ye His hosts.//

    To Thee is due a hymn, O God.

    R. (The following may be read or sung antiphonally)

    Praise Him, O sun and moon; praise Him, all ye stars and light.

    Praise Him, ye heavens of heavens, and thou water that art above the


    Let them praise the name of the Lord; For He spake, and they came to be; He

    commanded, and they were created.

    He established them forever, yea, forever and ever; He hath set an

    ordinance, and it shall not pass away.

    Praise the Lord from the earth, ye dragons and all ye abysses,

    Fire, hail, snow, ice, blast of tempest, which perform His word,

    The mountains and all the hills, fruitful trees, and all cedars,

    The beasts and all the cattle, creeping things and winged birds,

    Kings of the earth, and all peoples, princes and all judges of the earth,

    Young men and virgins, elders with the younger; let them praise the name of

    the Lord, for exalted is the name of Him alone.

    His praise is above the earth and heaven, and He shall exalt the horn of

    His people.

    This is the hymn for all His saints, for the sons of Israel, and for the

    people that draw nigh unto Him.Sing unto the Lord a new song; His praise is in the church of the saints.

    Let Israel be glad in Him that made him, let the sons of Sion rejoice in

    their king.

    Let them praise His name in the dance; with the timbrel and the psaltery

    let them chant unto Him.

    For the Lord taketh pleasure in His people, and He shall exalt the meek

    with salvation.

    The saints shall boast in glory, and they shall rejoice upon their beds.

    The high praise of God shall be in their throat, and two-edged swords shall

    be in their hands.

    To do vengeance among the heathen, punishments among the peoples,

    To bind their kings with fetters, and their nobles with manacles of iron,

    V. To do among them the judgment that is written/ This glory shall be

    to all His saints.

    1. All that hath breath, all the creation praises Thee, O Lord./ For Thou

    alone lovest men,/ and hast put down de-ath through Thy Cross,// so as

    to show mankind Thy Resurrection.

    V. Praise ye God in His saints,/ praise Him in the firmament of His


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    2. Let the Jews say how the soldiers lost the King over Whom they

    watched./ Why did the stone fail to guard the rock of life?/ Let them

    give up Him who was buried or worship Him risen and declare with us://

    Glory to Thy manifold mercies, Glory unto Thee, our Saviour.

    V. Praise Him for His mighty acts,/ praise Him according to the

    multitude of His greatness.

    3. O ye people, rejoice and make glad./ An angel sat upon the stone of

    the tomb and announced to us:/ Christ, Saviour of the world is risen

    fromthe dead/ and has filled the universe with fragrance.// Rejoice

    and make glad, O yepeople.

    V. Praise Him with the sound of trumpet,/ praise Him with psaltery

    and harp.

    4. Before Thy conception, O Lord,/ an angel brought the joyful salutation

    to the Virgin, full of grace,/ while at Thy Resurrection an angel

    rolled back the stone of Thy glorious tomb./ The one, in place ofsorrow disclosed tokens of joy,/ the other instead of death, proclaimed

    the Master, Giver of life to us.// Therefore we cry: Glory to Thee, O

    Lord, Benefactor of all mankind.

    V. Praise Him with timbrel and dance,/ praise Him with strings and


    Stichera for the martyrs (Tone 4)

    5. Who will not bless thine all-blessed character, O Eustathius?/ For

    thou didst valiantly undergo assault by the enemy, the author of evil,/

    yet didst not despair at the loss of thy spouse and children,/ but

    didst cry out Job's cry of thanksgiving:/ 'Naked came I forth from mymother's womb; and naked shall I depart to the only Creator,// the

    Saviour of our souls!'

    V. Praise Him with tuneful cymbals, praise Him with cymbals of

    jubilation./ Let every breath praise the Lord.

    (Tone 6)

    6. As a habitation of the incorrupt Offspring of Mary, Omartyr,/ abiding

    unceasingly in immaterial light,/ thou dost render the uncreated

    Trinity// right merciful unto us.

    V. Arise, O Lord my God, let Thy hand be lifted high;/ forget not Thy

    paupers to the end.

    (Tone 8)

    7. Entering into the impenetrable cloud and uniting thyself to the Sun of

    righteousness/ Who appeared noetically fromon high/ and having come in

    contact with the image of God through a living creature,/ thou becamest

    an inspired image, O most blessed Eustathius./ Wherefore, having been

    enlightened by water and the Spirit/ and washed by thine activity and

    the blood ofmartyrdom,/ thou hast been vouchsafed to join chorus with

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    the assemblies of the angels in heaven,// wherein do thou also unite us

    to Christ our God and Saviour.

    V. I will confess Thee, O Lord, with my whole heart,/ I will tell of

    all Thy wonders.

    8. Having resigned thy military commission in a kingdom here below/ when

    our Saviour appeared to thee in an image above a wild creature,/ thou,

    together with thy wife and children,/ dost now join chorus with theinhabitants of heaven,/ O most blessed Eustathius.// Wherefore, we

    entreat thee: Beseech the Lord in behalf of our souls!

    Glory... Gospel Sticheron (Tone 8)

    The tears of Mary are not warmly shed in vain./ For behold, she was

    held worthy of the angels' teaching/ and vouchsafed the sight of Thee,

    Thyself, O Christ./ But again her thoughts were earthly thoughts as those

    of a weak woman./ Therefore she was dismissed and told not to touch Thee, O

    Christ./ But she was also sent as herald to the disciples,/ and she

    affirmed to them the good tidings proclaiming the Ascension to the portion

    of the Father.// With her do Thou also make us worthy of Thy manifestation,OMaster and Lord.

    Both now and ever... (Tone 2)

    Most Blessed art Thou, O Virgin Theotokos,/ for through Him Who became

    incarnate of thee is hades led captive,/Adam recalled, the curse annulled,

    Eve set fre-e, death slain,/ and we are given life. Wherefore, we cry aloud

    in praise:/ Blessed art Thou, O Christ God,// Who hast been thus well-

    pleased, glory to Thee.

    The Great Doxology

    Dismissal Tropar:

    Having risen from the tomb, and having burst the bonds of hades, Thouhast destroyed the sentence of death, O Lord, delivering all from the snares

    of the enemy. Manifesting Thyself to Thine apostles, Thou didst send them

    forth to preach; and through them hast granted Thy peace to the world, O

    Thou Who alone art plenteous in mercy.

    P. Litanies


    R. Hours

    Tropar: Resurrection & Feast/Martyrs alternating

    Kontak: Feast/Resurrection/Martyrs/Feast alternating

    At Liturgy

    Order of Troparia & Kontakia: (in a Church dedicated to a saint)

    Tropar Sunday

    Tropar Feast

    Tropar Temple

    Tropar Saint

    Kontak Sunday

    Kontak Temple

    Glory... Kontak Saint

    Both... Kontak Feast

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    Prokimenon for Tone 2

    The Lord is my strength and my song, and He is become my salvation.

    V. With chastisement hath the Lord chastened me, but He hath not given me

    over unto death.

    Prokimenon for the Saints (Tone 4)

    In the saints that are in His earth hath the Lord been wondrous; He hath

    wrought all His desires in them.

    Epistle(s): Gal 2:16-20 & Eph 6:10-17

    Alleluia for Tone 2

    V. The Lord hear thee in the day of affliction; the name of the God of

    Jacob defend thee.

    V. O Lord, save the king, and hearken unto us in the day when we call upon


    Alleluia for the Saints (Tone 4)

    V. The righteous cried, and the Lord heard them, and He delivered them

    out of all their tribulations.

    Gospels: Mark 8:34b-9:1 & Luke 21:12-19

    Instead of It is Truly Meet, do refrain & irmos from Canon 9

    Communion Hymn: Praise ye & Rejoice in the Lord, O ye righteous, praise is

    meet for the upright.