ag s computers, inc. fifth avenue new … s computers, inc. 485 fifth avenue new york, n.y. 10017 1...

AG S COMPUTERS, INC. 485 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK,N.Y. 10017 1 AREA CODE 212-661-4588 availability of adeouat? test data is one of +'.e most imqortant nrerequisitns in testin.: a Trorram. T%c3 proyrnmme~Freoi~~ntly has to cl~r?lon llis OTJ~ test data hecalise a c t ~ ~ a l data i_s not availah!n. $~ta i.: vvayrpil~hle ~PC~T~SF? of the nrn5ram~r's ?h;rs!cal s ~ ? a r a t i o nrrnm the Jatg sogrcn or ~PC~L~SP tho datg hgs -ot vat Lean rrea+~rJ, Jrrq to a qn77 chaq-eyl COT^ Fnrmat, ~TPF r.y"ia? t11~3, data 4s ~vai_lahlo L+ i.: fpvariab1.l~too reoetitio~is ppr1 yarel~.c0nt~i.p.: PYRrTnln? OF tl~e ~~~~nti-nq % covd;tions. Tt also dops not iso'lat~! soma of t7-- fpetor~ +o bn t~.:+-d. Thir <$ esnnrial1:- mfiani.~zful {n a r~al-tjva s;lstem. Thp 4rC T-s~ ";re? Cnn~ya+or t--lns to solve tl~is --roSlmn. T+ a~svrn~c; +ha+ it i~ ?referahlo to rlecfn~ tha cbara~t-riq+ics 3nd i-ntnrrqlatignqhf-.: OF tl-a +a+a rgthnr t'-~q fo +frnrtl-7- g11A fnrl jrridiipl 1:- d~qyr<>n each data e1nrnnqt. T7-q ASS nata +perator yrfornv three func+-ions' +hn onqaya+ion OF thq r?c+r~al data, the forrva+t;-n OF it ipto rncorC1~ avd than {n+~ iln~l-.:, anrl the creation OF files (data set-.:) hy the ~rritjqm or the bl orl:.:, vs;vo the s?pciFieA f i-le orcl;ani zation tpch~iqrie, OF+O an o~t~ilt r'nvj CP. k l ~ 7 th~? lat+er tr.70 $r?nct; 0-5 arq n ~ r f ormpd bl~ n-pviotis data Zepprators. Fa~h of +h?qa t h r n p fviqcf--7-ons 2.: deffnod h-7 r-lrit?r..- a series @F .:tat?vpntc ~.:fr"hm Arc Tnsr n ~ t a Tan7upy. 4 1 f.:t and hr'of: de~~ri~tf~n, are are rprt~i red, of ti,- Cnat~rynq 0 t',cj l2nc;~~ra folly~~. A Fnrmattfnn nnJ +--?tiny gC D;las 1 nili- tit 4n~r-i PP 2. "il~ oyea*j-zati on tpclmi CL~P MANAGEMENT AND COMPUTER SCIENCES

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Page 1: AG S COMPUTERS, INC. FIFTH AVENUE NEW … S COMPUTERS, INC. 485 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK, N.Y. 10017 1 AREA COOE 212-661.4588 II, Ststemnt Ibsemtption A, Gm~ral Tomat 1. File Statements


availability of adeouat? test d a t a i s one of +'.e most imqortant

n r e r e q u i s i t n s i n testin.: a Trorram. T%c3 proyrnmme~ F r e o i ~ ~ n t l y has t o

c l ~ r ? l o n llis O T J ~ t e s t da ta hecalise a c t ~ ~ a l da t a i_s no t availah!n.

$ ~ t a i.: vvayrp i l~h le ~ P C ~ T ~ S F ? of t h e n r n 5 r a m ~ r ' s ?h;rs!cal s ~ ? a r a t i o n rrnm

t h e J a tg sogrcn o r ~ P C ~ L ~ S P t h o datg h g s -o t v a t Lean r r e a + ~ r J , J r r q to a

q n 7 7 chaq-eyl COT^ Fnrmat, ~ T P F r.y"ia? t11~3, d a t a 4 s ~ v a i _ l a h l o L + i.:

fpvariab1.l~ t oo r e o e t i t i o ~ i s ppr1 y a r e l ~ . c0nt~i.p.: P Y R r T n l n ? OF t l ~ e ~ ~ ~ ~ n t i - n q %

covd; t ions. T t a l s o dops no t i s o ' l a t ~ ! soma of t7-- f p e t o r ~ +o bn t~ . :+-d .

Thir <$ esnnrial1:- mfiani.~zful {n a r ~ a l - t j v a s;lstem. Thp 4 r C T - s ~ ";re?

C n n ~ y a + o r t--lns to s o l v e t l ~ i s --roSlmn. T+ a ~ s v r n ~ c ; +ha+ i t i~ ? r e f e r a h l o

to r l e c f n ~ tha c b a r a ~ t - r i q + i c s 3nd i-ntnrrqlatignqhf-. : OF tl-a +a+a r g t h n r

t ' - ~ q f o +frnrtl-7- g 1 1 A fnrl jrridiipl 1:- d ~ q y r < > n each d a t a e1nrnnqt.

T7-q ASS n a t a +pe ra to r y r f o r n v t h r e e func+-ions' +hn onqaya+ion

OF t h q r?c+r~al d a t a , t h e forrva+t;-n OF i t i p t o rncorC1~ avd t h a n { n + ~

i l n ~ l - . : , anrl the c r e a t i o n OF f i l e s (da ta set-.:) hy t h e ~ r r i t j q m or the

b l orl:.:, vs;vo the s?pciFieA f i-le orcl;ani z a t i o n t p c h ~ i q r i e , O F + O a n o ~ t ~ i l t

r'nvj CP. k l ~ 7 t h ~ ? l a t + e r tr.70 $r?nct; 0-5 a r q n ~ r f ormpd b l ~ n-pviotis da t a

Zepprators . F a ~ h of +h?qa th rnp fviqcf--7-ons 2.: deffnod h-7 r-lrit?r..- a s e r i e s

@ F .:tat?vpntc ~.:fr"hm A r c Tnsr n ~ t a Tan7upy.

4 1 f.:t and hr'of: d e ~ ~ r i ~ t f ~ n , are are r p r t ~ i red , of ti,- Cnat~rynq 0 t',cj

l 2 n c ; ~ ~ r a f o l l y ~ ~ .

A Fnrmattfnn nnJ +- -? t i ny g C D;las

1 nili- tit 4n~r-i PP

2 . " i l ~ oyea*j-zati on tpclmi C L ~ P


Page 2: AG S COMPUTERS, INC. FIFTH AVENUE NEW … S COMPUTERS, INC. 485 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK, N.Y. 10017 1 AREA COOE 212-661.4588 II, Ststemnt Ibsemtption A, Gm~ral Tomat 1. File Statements


- 2 -

3. hTiim13er of recorT! format^ i ~ ) R f i l e

4 . T 1 u m h ~ r o f r ~ j c o r d s f . ~ ) a llloeli

5. Pnrlr1i.ny ~ ' 1 ~ r c 7 c + ~ l - c ;

R . nnta aj -e ld 3efCni-tCon

1. var?7 f i n l d i n a r 3 c o ~ d Pan hp ~ ~ n f ? ~ a t r ? r l i n onn of t l l ~ m n h a s i . ~ \,jayq

a ) "anrTon

vie val r le i q , y e ? ? y a t ~ d hy r7 ranrlnm T 7 r l l l l ~ n ~ p e y a t o r .

b) h l y ~ r + t 3 v

1 1 4 P r d p f i - n n ~ an nln;nb.-a;: f o r ~ i l l r ? f o r +ha c y e a t j o q

nr s u c r ~ s ~ i ~ r n T T ? ~ I - P S .

c ) 1,; str

" h ~ T i n o r p 7 1 n r i F i n ~ p ' l i y f : of v a l t i e c , each nn? r l n s c r i h i n ? t 1 7 n

d a t a f o r a p a r t i c u l n r r n r o r d , The l i ~ t ov+ion f~ q imi- lar b t ~ t

morn ?0~7qr~111 tl?r?n +he +-racl: t! on? 1 pothod o r dfiecri13inz f-mt d a t a ,

3. T'-9 17a111@$ C a r l h ~ a a h s o l ~ ~ t n , r n l a t f . r e (r?nnmndir)y +hn .r7alUo g C Ot\pr

F i -o l Jc ) . o r c o + j + < o n a l .

?. T1in ~rc711lns cqn hn re$?-i ~i-tlior a h s o l tl+el !i. o r r ~ l a t f ~ r p l y.

4 . f i F f ~ l d C ~ V b e condi.fiiona1f:- ; n p ? r i A n r l .

5. TI?? 1 m n ~ + 1 ~ o F 9 f i e l r l can Fn p h q O l ~ ~ + c o r r n l a t < . c ~ r ,


Page 3: AG S COMPUTERS, INC. FIFTH AVENUE NEW … S COMPUTERS, INC. 485 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK, N.Y. 10017 1 AREA COOE 212-661.4588 II, Ststemnt Ibsemtption A, Gm~ral Tomat 1. File Statements

A 6 S COMPUTERS, INC. 485 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK, N.Y. 10017 1 AREA COOE 212-661.4588

II, S t s t e m n t Ibsemtption A, Gm~ral Tomat

1. File Statements ~ ~ T Y I Statemtx? &a Statemzits

B, FeCatum De?sdtim and -l@S 1. Fi le S t s : 2, i;leoorc=l S 1-

a* N&m@ b. Ger&r ?)q~!? c, Generated M a Fonn d. Field Jength ec Mditiand V a l u e QmmcteriRtics f, C m * e, Header and 'hdkr Labels

C Value Expreashm

El Statement Qntinmtions


Page 4: AG S COMPUTERS, INC. FIFTH AVENUE NEW … S COMPUTERS, INC. 485 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK, N.Y. 10017 1 AREA COOE 212-661.4588 II, Ststemnt Ibsemtption A, Gm~ral Tomat 1. File Statements



?he ava5lahflit-y of adequ- test data fs ane of -the mst hprtrmt

p ~ r ~ ~ l ~ ~ l i s i t e s fn testing a prepram. The pmgramm Imquently has to davelap

his arm trsst dirta hcffmse actual ?wit data 3,s nat dvalilablc~. !he &&a 2s

mm&hhIe because of the D-F's @ys%cd sepmtim from the data

s- or batxiuse the data has not yet beem meat&, due -ZJo a new or &wg&

EWRI fclnnat. Even when the data -is mailable it is invdabily tno mpe-

idthw a d rarely ccntains examn3.e~ of mbst of the 6xcwptf,on m d i t i m ,

It EXSO c b s not k h t e some of the factom itn be! tmttx?. 7hLs1 is especially

m i ~ g f u l in a syst~?r:~ The K;S D n t e T e t Pmgmm helps to salve

this pmbhm, It msumes t ha t it: is pmfer;SZc to ckscdbe the &mete-

Tfstica and fntemlatimir;hip3 of #s data raam ern dmctly and in-

divi~?~&L& & f h eetch devra ele~~ntr

?he lewl of leaguage specef.ied is not m t to ha the mmt cdmpmmim

pceakbls! but mtt~er 3s selected as a pmctical balm- between the needs

far all possible ganm?5on algd?3m; md the desil?e for a Ian-

which is relatiwly simple to i n p l ~ m w t , fGS has discovered many field

SntemLatimships which m@m the fU p&jsr of a CDWVE or LOCIC

venb t~ exad3.y c h p l i a t ~ a potential file tx> d&ug a p m r The god,

at my rate, is to ep ccnsidemibly fur&er than #e present Wt Data

Genembrs which only pmvfde file formatting, K S E S T perfm three

Page 5: AG S COMPUTERS, INC. FIFTH AVENUE NEW … S COMPUTERS, INC. 485 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK, N.Y. 10017 1 AREA COOE 212-661.4588 II, Ststemnt Ibsemtption A, Gm~ral Tomat 1. File Statements


functicns; the creating of .the data i t s e l f , the fomatting of it in-to

mccmb end then blocks, md the m a t i a n of a file by d d n g the blocks

rn-to output devicm, I%& o f .these fvnctbns fs defined by a series of

pam!n@ter statemts . 'he F i b Definiticm spedfies the nw&er of i t m t h s thro gh the Ramrd

and Data Fyald definitions whi& fallow. It &so defines the output device

type end ntrmber, mA the file orffznnimtbn *chrtiques,

The Recard C~.finitim specifies the nwer of recursllans throw *the rlata

fields. It Pllsa specifies t?te bbcking factor, if ptm:.hmt, md whether

Yhe Data Dofinition fields &~crlba the pammters fir every f ie ld w f t b

2n a TFD-~x~M. 'he data cart be ~~ m&m2y, fmn a list or by sane

sinrple algorithm*

f i l e b f i n i t i o n

Zhe f o m t fir a ffie definition staterent ks f ~ l l a w s t Qw ward FILE

preceded or f o M by ert: least one bl& The n ~ z r of it9~tkms fol-

lowed by a m a , me output device type, EoUmmd by a coma, the &vice

nurber, followed by a camna, a d the file orgmimth technique foL1cmd

by a period* The nu&m of iteratibns sub f i e l d hdcata9i the number of

.recumions A-Test should make through the followhf: Re& and Data De-

finitions. Normally this field is me, but if a file is to msht of nore

than m e mmTd f o m t md the fonnate~ a m a> be alternated, the field am

Page 6: AG S COMPUTERS, INC. FIFTH AVENUE NEW … S COMPUTERS, INC. 485 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK, N.Y. 10017 1 AREA COOE 212-661.4588 II, Ststemnt Ibsemtption A, Gm~ral Tomat 1. File Statements


take an a vaJm equal to the nwrber of iterations through all t?m

mmrd f o m s r The numiber of Starertbns is written as a value em

?ha outplt d d c s can be one of .the f6llowing mmst

Tape 7 - S w e n level mappetic tapes T p e 9 - Nine level magmetic tape3 Dnrm Disk Paper tape Ca-tul

The file ;;-l;.fm technique la apecef id by me of the f o l l a ~ h g

XSAM Indemd Sequeanbd. Access Method 3hl? Dime Access Vethod O M Cbmecutive RcQss Method

?he peameters oaol be cwleteily deleted st- f r o m tfie rfpfit hand

and or hdivl.Aual pmmetem cea be deleted as long BE) the following

cwnm~ 3 s present. Ihe f b l W n g a m the implied veilues for .the varYiotls

Nulbsar of 2temti.ons = 1, Output devioe type = CARD Device nwrber r 1 F i l e orpniza?&m tecrhrdquet J. seqursnthl

FILE: 1, DISK, 1, ISQ. or FILE, MSK, ISEQ* m e itemrth an* &k 1 whg in&&

sequential o&kring FILE dl panmeters axe i n p > l i &

Page 7: AG S COMPUTERS, INC. FIFTH AVENUE NEW … S COMPUTERS, INC. 485 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK, N.Y. 10017 1 AREA COOE 212-661.4588 II, Ststemnt Ibsemtption A, Gm~ral Tomat 1. File Statements


Ihe bmrd Definition format is follaw% : A t least m e blank pmmding

the swl K D followed by at least one b l d r The nmber of mmrds

followed by a carorla, padding character follcwed by a ccarmet and .then

the n&r of recc)r&s to be p h t e d follakted by a period.

A l l the values except for Ure pad chamcter enre define alue expmssions,

?he paa'ding character am be my sin~le &meter. The parmeters can be

mmpletely deleted, start ing fmm the d@at hand end or individual values

cast be &leted as lcng as the following a m is p m

The fQUowinp, a m the i n p l i e c !s for the various ~iWfeZ&:

nuher of rewW = 1 number of reaorv31 per block = I padding chamcter = rro padding n-r of mcor& to be printed m e

Them must be at least ma RCD statement far evrsxy FILE staterrent,

RCD . All the par~anrstem are impIAecb

RCD 105,20,9,20. T h h specifies fine bbck of 20 rncords WA&

and a sixth black w i t h 5 mco- and nine's padding* Tne! first black will be printed.

Page 8: AG S COMPUTERS, INC. FIFTH AVENUE NEW … S COMPUTERS, INC. 485 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK, N.Y. 10017 1 AREA COOE 212-661.4588 II, Ststemnt Ibsemtption A, Gm~ral Tomat 1. File Statements


Data Statements

A data f ie ld statement aansbts of a n m , the penepator t y p , the

pnewated data f m type, the f i e ld lmeh, addritimal &~~t~c&s t i c s

of value, vdlw mstrictbs itnd a m n t s .

a* 'l3e narru? subfield allows the user to use the entire Bi? a

field as a perrameter in mother stcntEmt. Zha name f i e l d is

optimal. mea present it mt st& in mlwn 1, end have a

length of f r o m 1 to 8 c k \ M e r s , of whi& the f imt mwt be

alphzbeticPI2, A few pcssble names am not allowed. (See Qla* 1)

?ho maxim al lmab l~ f i e ld length for a sl kt b tm whm

the fie1 1 is nermed.

b, The gemr&tnr type is sepe-d P m the nam by at least

me blank. If a name is not given, The gml an be

tnb,ltm in my c a 2 m after 2.e fimt. ntnm p e m r types - am avtdlah2e: memt, famula and list, R urns that the

that the us- spdfies a f m a fm the starting ~ l u e and

a fomda fir the amtint by whit31 it i.8 .tP be mdified far

actual values that can be used in a list,

The thrae pmEt?nr types eule w r i t t e n as fdllrsws:

Page 9: AG S COMPUTERS, INC. FIFTH AVENUE NEW … S COMPUTERS, INC. 485 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK, N.Y. 10017 1 AREA COOE 212-661.4588 II, Ststemnt Ibsemtption A, Gm~ral Tomat 1. File Statements


McM TVw flenemth (I?) a l h m the \ser ?D have the sp&h data entire-

Xy cmeted by the AC5 Tes t &ta Gmera?~s. Pn I? fs d m - n zs .the data p

neraeon m e . 12 z s & & a r expmssion m be wed "tr, Ih3.t vrrtw, Ihe

fidt~ a m c ~ ? ~ ~ % s e d h Additimjt V a l u e bara&mhtics ~ U b f i e l d r

Seq\tenti&L wp! M a Gmemtim (S) a U w s the mar tJo clefhe the f imt

va3.m .tn be used md me OF two &lgod.thm fbr ~mredng s&seqwnt, 'lha Sequentia;~ type data is specified by rm S* ?he hit- value

dhem expression 2 specifiprs the mthod for calculating valm after the value of eqressim 1,

where e x p m s h 2 is wed fs gmemte Yhe semd, fowth, sixth, etc, values and expmssbn 3 is used to pm-tet the .t3.tbd, fifth, seventh, etc. values.

Page 10: AG S COMPUTERS, INC. FIFTH AVENUE NEW … S COMPUTERS, INC. 485 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK, N.Y. 10017 1 AREA COOE 212-661.4588 II, Ststemnt Ibsemtption A, Gm~ral Tomat 1. File Statements


RF? e ; e m C : aAni! thin? exmessims m t star t w i t h arr opmsimr

(9 m - fm Level A: +, -, or x fm B: and 4, -, x, for Level C)r

'Ibis spcifies tihe a~itt.lmetj-e r~a,Iatianship bstwem the fallowing value

The aewnd mmrd value is the sum, d i f f e m ~ , pmduct: or quutient of

the first mcord value and the value fdllawing the arithmtic apmtnr,

depending urwn the opamtbr. Each s u b s v t rcsmrd uses the pmviatzs mmnl

value as i@ BeraK3 value. When t w ~ g o r J . ~ are &finad S S T e s t altpemates


Any sylsbols used me ev& ated mly at the time of the gmemtbn of the

fimt maarsd. ?he a k d t h m emmmian may incluck (I md303 which has not

b m defj he the 2. first enaomtm 1d w l l Z , ! f i e l d fie fie

of mume, have beea definead when valw is actually used. The f ie ld is

ri@t justified if specific length fs greater -than *the gemmted value.

The values t3remfore absolute after the first m d .

Page 11: AG S COMPUTERS, INC. FIFTH AVENUE NEW … S COMPUTERS, INC. 485 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK, N.Y. 10017 1 AREA COOE 212-661.4588 II, Ststemnt Ibsemtption A, Gm~ral Tomat 1. File Statements


F"ht value 2 S e m d valw 6 (2x33 n~rcr! V R ~ W 3.2 (5e) ,Fourth value 36 (12x31 F.j.331 tviluc 72 ( 36x2)

First vdue 2 (1+1) Semnd vdtw 5 (2+3) Third valux 8 ( 543) Favrthvalue 11(8+3)

2he Sqmntial @ner&nr Tjqx cliff- :mm the L i s t Gmemtcn? ?Lpe in that

the ~ T c M ~ ~ I ? specifiafi tbe n-?hod of o'std.nhg -the vsl.t#?6 nither thw defining

L i s t w, Data -. r.lene,wrianI (L) allows the *ng. d3 exactly sped.@ the data

f M d fop a ~econ3. ?ha w w also specifies whether the expmsaion should

be used sequentially ar mdanly,

Zhe Lht type is s p c i f h d by an L. ?he valma a m zxtpmwted by a serkes

of e m m s s h (See Ve lue Expre~3shs) s e p m h d by comesl An enpmsbn

which includes s synblic value nat'be enelmad in parenthesFs. '.this is

mquimd to distinguish bemen a fiynbcil. and an alphabetic value. me first

item is rewed after tho 1st i t e m when sequential ae lec th is desired.

Page 12: AG S COMPUTERS, INC. FIFTH AVENUE NEW … S COMPUTERS, INC. 485 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK, N.Y. 10017 1 AREA COOE 212-661.4588 II, Ststemnt Ibsemtption A, Gm~ral Tomat 1. File Statements


f&ancwr it is dss4-md that -the valrxs be? n s l e c y t d m d w ' y mthm *izn

i+m in the list. This value wt be n d c md is alw* enclosed in

Ic-t: m a blmk seprtrbs the! list h p t h v&w f m t ? ~ flmt l iest

in whenever tllB items w i t h h the list are %o be ranbmly selected,

~ ~ 3 . f ? s of List Type Data:

Ln(3) me, EF,Q;n : , rn* Them are four itern 3.n the list* Each i t e n is &wce & - a m i n h f ' j h easEa tlhe itern a m .tD be selected sequentially, Femrd 1 ARC

2 D z f 3 G I 4 J;n 5 A-3 C

'Xhe first value 3 s me value of the field cifiS1ed NAME plw 2.

me s m d value is 22*

The third md fourth values am the sam as tlw first e m i%ot&h i3e

f i e l d called NRE m y have a diffemt value at this tinre. W(2) (3 ) ~MAA.1E),349~TEAHJZ+1)

?he valtrzs arps: be selected rrndanly between the three d e f h d value+,

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c. The generatar type is h e d i m l y follawed by .the data type. Inters-

m i n g spaceer am 61SSmp:amled. The data t y p specifies the mde fomt

for the pmera+ed &anactem, Six am pmsently &Hnec'

A 8 h i t IBCMC alphabe tic N 8 bit l3CEIC n m r i c C 8 h i t A? (1 &ha &mmr D 8 b i t A3 C d d . ~ d II t r t . 2 t I ! ~ x a i ? e ~ M (0-9, A-F) B 4 bit Binary ( 0-15

d, Ihe len* is spcifid inmediawly after the data typa fJ

m h g spaces a m d-tsm~mkd. Ihe Mgt3 field sonsists of a v a t s ex-

pression (Sae V&w Expression Se&) ar pat e n t h data f *,e :Id def

t i cm w i t h a fm m t r i c t b n e t , In either m e the length field in en-

closed in p m t h e s h . If a mmllste data ststmnmt 5s writtea aa the

length, it (?he irrne~ statement) cannot be n m d i Ihe IF iler not alSaJed,

end - its length nrrzst be e vdzlat eqmsskmr,

Each f i e ld will msist of 1 alphe h t i c ( 8 b i t ) character, r a n m y selected.

pdcf(RJ(1) >3 AYD (8) Each f ie ld will msbt of fm 4 b 7 8 bi t n m r i c ehamcters, m Q d y selected* ?he particular length w i l l &so be mdonily selected within the ~;r>ec.rllf ied limits r

Page 14: AG S COMPUTERS, INC. FIFTH AVENUE NEW … S COMPUTERS, INC. 485 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK, N.Y. 10017 1 AREA COOE 212-661.4588 II, Ststemnt Ibsemtption A, Gm~ral Tomat 1. File Statements


c, Mclithd. value chbkactedqfio; fleld. Zhh f i e l d h separated by

at Least me blank fmm the lmLW f ie ldc It defines value limits,

m s t d c t ' m e and btm-mlati0nshi.p between vadotrrr: data. fields*

A perfod m u s t always be nlphced at d of every data f i e l d definition.

It t m L n a t @ s ?%e scxwn$xix nJ: the ert&%mnt and a l l w g cnm 3


8 ) Values cai be a n t h u s t r y sdected or gmemted until it

fulfil.3.s the m + u i m m t s or the &ld clern be akfpped if the

fie.lectecl or ge~~erateid value dcms not met the r r a q d n * .

'Jhe pmpra5.l ans'ims that St should keep trying unless an IF

is placed in fmnt of We mtzdctin~ fields.

2) L h f t s can be p2am.d on the pesmissable values a2 +

s31~rS:cly OF .z~.-LctJn?.y, This 5q Roaa by win% the paZP,r than

( 3 ) or l.ews than (4 s ip follcwed by c?I*er 8 ntxrilber

OF a. field n e , 7he f l e l d neme m t elways ham b e n p v i o t s l y

def.ined. If the Field nzrme is used md rrusrss memsry is avdlable

the f ie ld xefemd im daeff not have b ba fm the cmmmt

mmrd. The mcaxlr3( desired can be a p c i f i e d by a dodmal nmber

i n penv;n.thesls follawhg the field n m , Zhe 1ettew A or !4 am

be US& instead of a dedd nunkerb

3) A f i e l d ceol be set equal tn mother field by writing an equal

sQg hllJrrwed by the crtfier f i e ld n m , hs in 2) tibow, the

ofher f i e l d name cen be srtbsmipted ff m a s s m r y is availabre.

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In .Wts Level B + C versions o f AC8 - Tes t anam field can ba given

a subscript, written arti YPW ( y ) , w\exr- y cm be a &cimal vdm, an

A or aar N, ?he decimal vdws specifigs which =cord is being specif5e6,

The present rewrd iq asstnned when a subscript is Rot: present. TRe A

has dfffemt meanings depend-in~ on a s preceding rebrkve field for

g e n e r e d moorcts for thi= field must m% the limit mt

=and N O P cases Wa A meam that if 3 pmvJlam v&us for th i s f i e ld

mrsets jfrictim, this hdicates an acceptable valu N

indimtees that no previous value m t have mt t21f.s q~~dificat5.i

h y or a.31. o f ?be 2 b i t fj.el& m y be left sirt excent %at a VAL=

f3-eld m t be pmmt F m aw?ry condf?5omal or * l ~ * ~ v e f i e l d that

fF ,>3 Zhts f ield is h d t e d for this reoord only if the ftmt seXecr4ed val l~e is ,mater than 3,

IF 23 /4ND (6 'ke field is Inc1.udeP F c r ~ thh mccvrd wi ly if the f imt selected vi.2~9 h 4 or 5 .

IF > S OR (6 me f h l b is bcltt&d for %ir, record only if FIP fist J C ~ B C S T ~ ~ ? v ~ l t m i ~ ; ?%PS tF4w 5 or 6.

IF W#E This f i e l d 3s j.nclucbd f o ~ this mcarril mly if the first selected value .2rs less than the value f o ~ t ? ~ c f i e l d ?i?3 5 . is r ~ c c e ,

Page 16: AG S COMPUTERS, INC. FIFTH AVENUE NEW … S COMPUTERS, INC. 485 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK, N.Y. 10017 1 AREA COOE 212-661.4588 II, Ststemnt Ibsemtption A, Gm~ral Tomat 1. File Statements


IF NAME (3 ) The f1sM is indttded for Wfs record only if the f imt ~dect-ec? valw 3.s pate^ fhm the vat& of the Fj.eJd NAME in the third nmcrd.

IF T?F?E *I e 1 is incbuchd %r .this mal only if t l e first salecteci value is greater +ha +& v&!.w? of the field NAME p l ~ 1,

f F NAME = 1 3 5 s field 5s h d u c k d fir this I v a l ~ of ?JeQ!E % I.

IF HEi>E(2 3 2?1e field is L~&t&d for this E nly if the f i e l c? called PMEC was hcLuc?c he se- a n d 3 X C D r d r

?JOT NA? dE: &ID N M (1) + 1 ?his f ield is bndwbd for -this amrd cnly if the field cal?ed ?!P?CE ::war; not jncluded for %% ic:3rul and the selected valm is 1m3 than -the value ~11-1.; 1 of '!.\PI? in ?he first remXdl Not-C. %at if the f i e l d c?XL&- NNT ::-?as not included in l5e F i ot mmrd, *then the e n t i p 'kmt fai ls cmd ThiS f ie ld is not included for this ~ ~ d r

MOI' 25 OR NAME Values are m t k w 3 l y selected rntil one is rnatg?~ than 21! o r the selectled value is greatex-

Yle vc?;uc fzr, the T',czt{l l~belecc! ??AmI

2 + 3Q .. The field set to 20 mom t3m the field cd led xT."l'T, t se c?.? tl?e q u - 2 . r 4 , ~ . m ?he f i m t f ie ld of the En6.t: P2eic; a+Tecdvely ovemides the c~rlier) ?erkitlcr trf tl-e Ee?.d,

f* G28?mants -. %-): w~:n?: he wd-ttm on any s?atr?m~lnt f07 lowlng the tep- minating -1 (a plrbd),

Page 17: AG S COMPUTERS, INC. FIFTH AVENUE NEW … S COMPUTERS, INC. 485 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK, N.Y. 10017 1 AREA COOE 212-661.4588 II, Ststemnt Ibsemtption A, Gm~ral Tomat 1. File Statements


Header a d tmdler fields c~aar be spcified 3m

r;'rcmnnr bfj my data f i e i d except .that en header 1W m t

new the s m l3L m d a tm.Uer label mrst have *e n m TL.

C1 Vd* " -qr;tg~hs

TiaLue c;-pxwt;;ics;~ ar@ used i n 3eqm.trid. Pm@W%9rr(3) md in

LSst Cmerathn (L) rn specie t?x ve?llms* They am used in the

r e s t r i c t h field fir j13 psmtnfi tpes ?D &fine the value

of the restriction, md they may be wed iq cary of the &ow

contexts Befhjng lenm fie ld ,

fn ex,,mssicm consists of me or mm synbols (field n-sl and

nunclric values m m - d by mithmt$.c aperatnm* The allmeble

catr5hls.the fm each inplmntatbn level am &scribed below

h ChmI: II* '210 V&~E b mG~Xtad I)TOCBSS* ~ % Q = s s ~

left tw, right .:xmpt #at dtipJ.icationIdivh2m Is perfomd

before ad8iWstl33straction end s-mftbts wlthln parem-

#esa w e evaluated fimt,

3, Xestr ictbn Expmss&m

A limit cen of A aandit.fanal field (IF), a W a t h

f i e l d (>,/,, =, NOT>, NOT<, NIT=, NDT) avalus field (sym

bolic numeric or mimd), a logic oonnectm f i e ld (AbaD, OR) a se-

cand relative f i e l d and a semnd value field, Spaas &re cfisre-

gBPded between .the lfmit field*

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OR 2

?he conditional field indicates what action should be taken if *e se-

lected value does not met the l i m i t mstricthns. When the I F is present

#e f i e ld is not p e m t e d for this mmrd i f the f imt selected value

does not fall w i t h i n the limits, Successive values are gcnemted until.

one me* the restrictions when the I F is not p m e n t .

'Ihe relative f i e l d indicates the way i n whi& tfie following v d w limits

the selected value. alative f i e ld m t be present unless an I F is

pmsmt, A value f ield mt always b: w r i t t e n for every limit, It can

be any decimal value (hemafizr called y ) , a f i d d name (hereaf-t~r called

N M ) or a NAME p l w or rninws a d e c i m a l v&w or another NAME,

Ihe selected value a lways fails the l imit t e s t whenever the Entit %st

calls for a mmpmison to a field valu4 end -&at f ieLd has mt beem in-

clubd for the specified record.

E. Statement bitjnuatiorzs

A datA f i e ld ckfinitbn cefn extend beyond one lher ?his is accomplished

by writing m non-blank character in alum 72 ar .the line of *the f ie ld to

be extended. The additional hfarmation is then written st-ing in

col\nm 16 of the following line. The procedure aern be mntinued for up

ten lines, The! non-blank character written in c o l m 72 is mt udes

as p m t of lhe data field,

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r ( m y chmcter is allwed in List). S w l (a l l sphls must haw been previously defined), S5mkmJ. + Nder (addition or stbstraztbn).


Syrr3391 + SytTbol L

S W l x Ntmber (rsrultipliczsth) S y ~ r b l x sym1 S y m l (1 Suhcriptlne; t h e 3 n m d c value w i t h i n the

p m . t h e s i s indicate3 the &sired remrd.

Level C - Any seqwce of syr&~lts and n w r i : v:las separated by the plus ( * I , minm (-1, r~ l l t ip ly (x) a d divide (1 ) arithmtic o ~ t ~ r s .

Three levels of pa3lenthesized.m eule allowed to &mge *a order of evaluation, ?he synibols need not hawe been p r n ~ b ~ l y &fined,

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C H A R T I11




@ = Blank R e q u i r e d / = Blank Optional

?he Narre, Value Restrictions and C o m t s are optional