agape flash may 2013

AGAPE WORD CENTER CHURCH INT. 850 Sligo Ave, Silver Spring, MD. 20910 Tel: 240 694 8572/301 588 1695 / Email: [email protected]g 1 EMOTIONS AND PATTERNS THAT INFLUENCE IT. ABSTRACT BY PAUL EBOHON MARCH 24 SERMON BY PSTR MUNA CHONGO Page....2 MY TESTIMONY “I came to know the will of God in my life just last year (December 2012) when I was praying for God’s Divine Establishment. I asked God not to let the year 2012 give power to 2013 without establishing me. He heard my prayer and came for me. He visited my spiritual life and physical life.” PATRICIO MOKETO MOTHERHOOD EXPERIENCES BY VARIOUS MOTHERS Page....5 Page....3 Come and drink from the Oasis of Love….Let the Living Waters flow! Agape hosts powerful meetings to equip and empower you to soar and excel in the marketplace as the rivers of living water flow from within you in this year to Arise and Shine. AGENTS OF CHANGE ARISE AND SHINE! 2013: THE LORD WILL ARISE OVER YOU AND HIS GLORY WILL BE SEEN OVER YOU. ISAIAH 60:1-3 KEEP THE FAITH! WOMEN ARISING IN EXCELLENCE ! May 2013 Agape Flash MOTHERS DAY ** 12 MAY GRILL FEST & FRIEND AND FAMILY DAY 26 MAY CORPORATE FAST 1-7 JUNE FATHERS DAY 16 JUNE DELF CONFERENCE 22 JUNE WOMEN CONFERENCE 29 JUNE AGENT OF CHANGE ANNUAL CONFERENCE 20 -22 SEPTEMBER HOLY GHOST CONFERENCE NOVEMBER TBA UPCOMING EVENTS 2013! 10 TH MS. JOYCE KIYEMBA 12 TH MOTHERS DAY 15 TH MS. SUSAN PRITCHETT 16 TH MR. CHAMA CHISATA 19 TH MIN. MUNA CHONGO 21 ST MRS. SUZYO TEMBO 23 RD MR. LEMUEL MIKISA 25 TH MS. ETHEL KAYUMA 25 TH MR. SAMUEL KALENZI 27 TH MR . MIKE DARNALL 29 TH MRS. MARIEL AKINBOYE 31 ST MR. MICHAEL MURPHY 31 ST MRS. ELIZABETH SYMBA 31 ST MR. DION FOOTES MAY BIRTHDAYS GRILL FEST & FRIEND AND FAMILY DAY 26 MAY

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AGAPE WORD CENTER CHURCH INT.850 Sligo Ave, Silver Spring, MD. 20910

Tel: 240 694 8572/301 588 1695 / Email: [email protected]






“I came to know the will of God in my life just last year (December 2012) when I was praying for God’s Divine Establishment. I asked God not to let the year 2012 give power to 2013 without establishing me. He heard my prayer and came for me. He visited my spiritual life and physical life.”




Come and drink from the Oasis of Love….Let the Living Waters flow! Agape hosts powerful meetings to equip and empower you to soar and excel in the marketplace as the rivers of living water flow from within you in this year to Arise and Shine.




May 2013

Agape Flash











26 MAY

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Pastor Muna Chongo

While dealing with emotions, it’s possible to be inclined towards negativity rather than progressive thinking. The quality of questions that you develop

yourself in asking will lead to the quality of answers sought. The “Why” questions allows you to discover the issue of concern, while those dealing with “How” allows you to move away from “Why”. If you constantly ask yourself quality “How” questions, you’ll be surprised about the quality of results received under the direction of God. He has an answer to your questions that need a breakthrough. God is always communicating answers to his children. In order to receive such answers regarding your “Why” and “How” questions, you need to be properly positioned according to His word (Proverbs 20:5).

Emotions are strong feelings that make you inclined towards doing something (1 Corinthians 2:14: Amplified (AMP) version). This inclination due to emotions can also make you sin (James1:14 - 15). When lust is conceived, it brings forth sin. Lust is often taken as an indication of sin, and this is not always the case. The Spirit lusts against the flesh (Galatians 5:16 -17); therefore lust can be associated with gravitating towards or against something.

Sin does not just happen; it’s associated with emotions. Prior to committing a sin (physically or not), you have already done it internally. An association of your mind with a sinful act causes emotional attachment to the act in question. This in turn, causes you to act (physically) based on your thoughts. Emotions can be spiritual, and God wants you to display holy emotions. Such a display would cause others to be attracted to you. In order to stay connected to God, you definitely need emotional attachment and corresponding (extraordinary) faith. Having clearly established that emotions drive us to do something, it’s imperative to be conscious of the fact that, “The way you feel affects your relationship with God”.

People who sin understand the consequences of their actions, yet this does not deter them from sinning. Their emotions plays a big role in their sinful acts (Proverbs 6:20 - 35). By sinning, you enable your emotions to take control over you; therefore, you are primarily responsible for your actions. Recognizing your sinful nature should be a reason for submitting yourself to God for help.

Rejoicing is an emotion, and the scripture tells you to do so. The bible commands your soul to praise Him and be joyous (Psalms 98: 4). Regardless of your circumstance, encourage yourself to rejoice in the Lord. Being encouraged is also an emotional state. Negative emotions such as anger, pride, and sadness are easily identified, and the devil tries to blind you from recognizing positive ones such as humility, and compassion. The devil tries to contradict believers’ faith by making them believe that positive emotions are wrong.

Your emotions can act as a limitation to your goals in life. Remember that the devil does not create; rather, he tries to pervert that which God has created. How much emotion do you display while worshipping God? Be set free in His presence, and don’t let the devil harbor unconscious emotions in you. Such emotions can make you feel unworthy in God’s presence or make you feel so proud and cool that you can’t be seen dancing and jubilating in God’s presence. Remember that there are consequences associated with disobeying God’s word (Deuteronomy 28:47 - 48, Proverbs 16 :18); one of which requires you to worship Him joyfully.

PATTERNS THAT CANINFLUENCE YOUR EMOTIONS.1) The words you use and listen to (Romans 12: 2): Take control of your mind, and remember that neglecting it causes regression; thereby leading to engagement in worldly activities. Take control of your mind, and read the word of God so that you remain aligned with Him. Be consciously aware of what you’re thinking about. Tell your mind where you want to go, and don’t let it control you. Such direction for your mind can be very difficult, but the word of God is there to direct and help you.

2a) what you believe about God (1 John 4:8): Do you sincerely believe that God loves you, or His sole purpose for existence is to find your faults (which is not the case)?

2b) What you believe about others (1 John 4:11): Do you see yourself as a vehicle that God can use in blessing others? Are you waiting for others to be nice to you, rather than being proactive?

2c) What you believe about yourself: Have you fully accepted the image which God has for you? The way that you see yourself about God plays a role on how much you can be an instrument for His kingdom and a blessing to others.

3) How you position your body: Your body’s posture affects how you feel, so it’s imperative that you harness the power within your body. Sit up straight and walk with your head high! Be confident and remember that God wants the best for you. Horrible sleep patterns can affect your productivity, so recognize and change such patterns. Also exercise your body because it affects your mood (1 Timothy 4:8). Recognize the things in your life that affects your mood, and take total control over your body.

4) What you focus on (Colossians 3:2): What are you focusing on? Are you focused on the negativity of others, rather than their positive sides that can be a blessing to you?

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My name is Patricio Moketo but many call me Pastor Mark, a member of the

Agape Word Center Church International where Agents of Change are developed. The testimony is to testify the goodness of God upon my life, where He has brought me from and where He is taking me to. To encourage those who are seeking God, those who hope in the Lord and those whose lives are sinking because they do not know the way of truth. May this testimony bring transformation and enlightenment by the sufficient power of the Holy Ghost in your life in Jesus name Amen.

PART ONE OF MY TESTIMONYMy family was a devoted family to the ways of God. My father was a church elder, filled with the Holy Ghost to the point where occultic men were afraid of the power of God that was in operation in his life, so was my mother and all of us his children. But as time went by, there came a great darkness upon our family. It all started when my parents backslid from God, and the whole family became a house of terror, a satanic playground, where there was lack of trust, fighting, division, giving into idolatry, believing in witchcraft, rather than believing God as they used to. This terror of the devil kept on terrorizing us to the point where we, the children, lost our focus on the things of God. I for one, when I went for evangelism with my group in the church, the satanic manipulation and its darkness would change my purpose of witnessing Christ to looking for women, and giving to drinking alcohol ….etc.

Fellow brethren in the Lord that was just an introduction of the kingdom of darkness into my life. By doing all those little things such as, telling lies, drinking of alcohol, bearing false witness, sexual immorality etc... As a Matter of fact, I was indulging in all

kinds of unfruitful works of darkness as it is written in (Ephesians 5). All these things I was doing then, was without knowledge, thinking they are pleasures of life. Little did I know that I was under satanic control, and all these were parasites to drain my belief in God, to cover the gifts of God, all His promises and good will upon my life, to hide me from knowing who I am, and to bring me to a greater darkness where I will suffer for eternity under torment. Satan took control over me and made me a master man or expert in his things. He got me into greater darkness and to be a messenger of evil, or soul winner to the kingdom of darkness. So the devil struck one of my sister’s sons by using some occult men, of which my late uncle who was a chief was one of them. He was to be used as a sacrifice for the throne. My sister’s son was taken to the hospital but the doctors told my mother that the situation is not physical but spiritual, and she was referred to a witch doctor. This witch doctor came to that city to bring many under the captivity of the devil. At that time my mother was blinded with darkness and could not go to God for help but rather to the devil through a witch doctor. It was all a strategy of the devil that I come to his captivity.

The witch doctor told my mother that her grandson must be taken to his temple in another province, which

was the home town for the man. But then someone was needed to take care of my nephew, while my mother ran around for the items needed or asked for by the witch doctor, and I was the only one available. So I went with the witch doctor, with my nephew and many others that were sick. We got to his temple, and found more than 40 people that believed in this man’s charms. I learnt that there were more that believed in him, or were under his spell that lived around the country. While I was there, too many spiritual things took place, powers against powers, and spirits against spirits. This made me eager to have powers just like the witch doctor that I may be able to stand any spirit or power that I came in contact with. My desire gave the devil advantage to offer me a place in his kingdom.

Now let me explain how; as I stood there looking over my nephew and I began to help this witch doctor with the application of his charms to the people that were there because he was blind. When he made demands from the people, I would be the one to collect them. He demanded for things such as their fingernail, hair, their names and any other property which belonged to them. I would collect these things and give them to him. After that he would tie them and put them under a big stone. Assisting the witch doctor was training session for me. Little did I know that I was giving my soul to the devil.

One day the witch doctor told me that the spirits he served liked me and warned me to remain with him, and work with him. When my mother heard this she was happy that I will become a witch doctor, so the family will be protected by me. I was persuaded with power and became second in command. One day we took all the people to be baptized at midnight. I led the people to a river to be baptized by this man and I was baptized too. Everybody was naked, both men and women. As the people were being baptized, one


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doctor and I went to give sacrifice to the spirits of that river. Little did I know, the baptism was to separate our soul from us into the kingdom of darkness. After this and the training I was initiated and became a messenger of darkness. I left the man took my nephew home he was fine.

I started my mission bringing people to the witch doctor for solutions to their problems and for protection. I went around challenging every spirit that comes my way. If any person offended me, I would use my power to tie that person not to progress in anything he or she does. I had a song that when I sung it, it brought those evil spirits. I became the devils Intern and I could not progress in all things I did no matter how hard I tried. All the blessings of God upon my life were covered by darkness. One day I went to live with my elder brother, and there through him and his friends as they were sharing the Word of God, I was in the bed room, the Mighty Hand of God, His divine presence, His uncommon Grace, and infinite mercy fell upon me, piecing my heart, and the Holy Ghost asked me to surrender all the charms I had. So when my brother and the friends left the house, I went to the restroom and got rid of all the charms I had on me that was how God saved me.

My brothers and sisters in the Lord, I want you all to know that whatever situation you find yourself in, God is going to come to your rescue. It does not matter if you are the only one who truly knows God in your family. God has a plan for everything. He preserved my brother from the terror that fell on our family, even when everybody in the family went for protection to the witch doctor. My brother chose to stand in Christ and rather die than to seek protection from a witch doctor. God kept him for my redemption, that he will be the one to bring the light of God back to our family. Be strong and let your heart take courage all whose hope is in The Lord, for God will never forsake you or leave you, Amen.

PART TWO OF MY TESTIMONY- How God brought me to the knowledge of His perfect will in my life

When I got saved, I lived many years without knowing the perfect will of God in my life. I want you to take note of this very carefully; being saved does not mean that the devil has given up. Till you know the will of God in your life and work in it, you will never be a free man or

woman. Many people are believers of God today but still live under the manipulation of the devil that is why they cannot prosper or attain the level that God has designed for them; because there are some satanic parasites that drain or hinder the blessing of God upon our lives. I came to know the will of God in my life just last year (December 2012) when I was praying for God’s Divine Establishment. I asked God not to let the year 2012 give power to 2013 without establishing me. He heard my prayer and came for me. He visited my spiritual life and physical life. By His grace I am Arising and shining this year and it’s my year to shine forth! Glory to God!!!!!

Save the date - IT YOUR TIME! 29 JUNE9 : 30 AM to 6 PMWomen Conference


Pastor Astrid is a Maid Servant of God, who gave her life to Christ at an early age with a firm conviction that prayer changes things. Over the years, she has matured in the word, to teach, preach, intercede and evangelize to people. Presently she ministers at the Revelation church in Silver Spring, Maryland. She firmly believes in the word of God in power, winning and preparing souls for Christ soon coming. A worshiper at heart !


Reverend Malebogo Munamunungu is a pastor and mother at heart! With an intense desire to see people walking in their God given purpose, she preaches the gospel with power and conviction, flowing in the power of the Holy Spirit. Rev. Lebo, as she is fondly known, has a deep passion to see captives set free from spiritual prisons, the broken-hearted healed and the oppressed going free. Rev Lebo is married to Pastor Munamunugu Kwame with three children, and together they serve the body of Christ at Betterdays Interna-tional Church, upper Marlboro, Maryland.

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Ms Annette Birungi.

Personally, I stand up to say that I have become a better person and still striving to

become that woman that God intends me to become over the years as a mother. Secondly, mother hood has made me an outstanding role model to mothers and women who still feel life will come to a standstill and cannot do the things they used to do before they became mothers. I am the mother to Jordan, Jade, Jewel, Jasmine and Josiah. As a mother I am able to multi task between my children, house chores, work, within the same time limit as the woman with no kids.

Mrs Roseburough.

Being a mother is one of the greatest gift ever, a blessing indeed. I am thankful and

love being a Mother. It gives me joy to know and realize that God trusted me, and gave me a child whom I love. It’s something that comes natural, and with a lot of joy. Being a mother has made me grow

physically and spiritually just from the experience of bearing a child. I am mother to Malachi and have

had almost 7 months experience. I am excited looking forward for my second one in the future.



For example women give excuses as unable to clean their environment because of kids and are unable to do anything on time because of the kids. The experience of raising my children as a single parent simply amazes me but I know it is the grace of the Lord by His help I can overcome and handle anything. May the Lord be magnified and I thank God for all those who have been there in this journey of motherhood.

Jasmine, Jewel and Jade

Jordan and Josiah.


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Motherhood is a bundle of joy. Everyday watching your little one grow up. I love it and I thank God for the wonderful blessing that I have.I am a proud mother.

Mrs. Juliet N.Pritchett

Mrs Norah Itamba.


Mrs Lulu Ziba.

Being a first time mother is exciting and priceless as my only payment is pure love for this God given gift. I have learned that having a baby is the most

wonderful thing that has happened in my life, not forgetting the day I met my amazing husband of seven years. I have also learned to appreciate my parents more and am enjoying every moment of it. To God be the glory for the great things he has done.

Motherhood ranks #1 of the fulltime jobs there is. I glorify God for this job that required no resume yet it pays more than any job i know. Thank God for motherhood.

Mrs .Jackie L. West.

The most rewarding experience is motherhood. Forever I am grateful to God for His excellent plans and good thoughts for us. They are indeed gratifying. Thank you, Yaweh ! I am mother of three.


Ruth Joanne






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We celebrate Mothers !

Attend Mothers Day Service where the women take over. Come and

and experience the power of God at work in the Esther Women of Agape! You will be blessed as we minister in

Song and the Incorruptible Word.

Let us walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to

God. Ephesians 5:2



• Children, obey your parents in

everything, for this pleases the Lord. Colossians 3:2

• My son, hear the instruction of your father; reject not nor forsake the teaching of your mother. Proverb1:8

• Hearken to your father, who begot you, and despise not your mother when she is old. Proverbs 23:22

• Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land that the LORD your God is giving you. Exodus: 20:12

• Hearken to your father, who begot you, and despise not your mother when she is old.23 Buy the truth and sell it not; not only that, but also get discernment and judgment, instruction and understanding.24 The father of the [uncompromisingly] righteous (the upright, in right standing with God) shall greatly rejoice, and he who becomes the father of a wise child shall have joy in him.25 Let your father and your mother be glad, and let her who bore you rejoice.26 My son, give me your heart and let your eyes observe and delight in my ways. Proverbs 23:23-26


WOMEN ! SHINE FORTH : Our light should be seen and it

should dispel darkness where ever we are be the difference.

Matthew 5:16-17 And a burning light is not put under a vessel, but on its table; so that its rays may be shining on all

who are in the house. 16 Even so let your light be shining

before men, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.

Question to reflect on: Are you obedient, respectful and helpful to your Parents? Do you manifest the character of Christ in your relationship with your Parents ?

What’s in Your Apron Pockets?”A is for ATTITUDE 1 Peter 3:8P is for PATIENCE Romans 8:24-25R is for RESPONSIBILITY Galatians 6:4-5

O is for OPPORTUNITIES Ephesians 3:7

N is for NEEDS Proverbs 30:8



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Ministry Spotlight

AGENTS OF CHANGE ARE PEOPLE OF S. P. E. E. DSELFLESNESS - A people walking in the Agape Love of God 1 Corinthians 13.PRAYER -A people affecting their generation thru prayer-James5:16b, Luke18:1, 1 Thess5:17EVANGELISM-A people winning souls to Christ Act1:8, Matt 28:18, Acts8:35EMPOWERMENT-A people economically empowered to further the gospel and improve lives. 2Cor 9:8-11DISCIPLESHIP- A people walking in the Lord’s ways and training others to lead. Eph. 4:7-16, 2Timothy 2:2

What a joy it is to introduce you to Agape Word Center church! You will discover that our passion

is to provide a place where people just like you can have a life changing experience with God. AGAPE Word Center Church International is a multicultural and multinational nondenominational church with a passion to develop Agents of Change who purpose to positively impact their world for Jesus Christ, Ambassadors of a living Christ to a dying world. Join us for exuberant praise, passionate worship, the incorruptible Word and Agape after-service fellowship.

We look forward to worshiping with you as we endeavor to faithfully influence the effective discipleship of the body of Christ in this generation, according to the will of God.

Our prayer is that through this newsletter, you will experience first love and the power of Christ in your life. We trust that you will discover Agape to be a church full of People who love God and are excited to serve Him alone.

Agape Word Center Church is conveniently located in the heart of downtown Silver Spring with easy access from Silver Spring Metro station, at850 Sligo Avenue, Silver Spring, MD 20910.

Welcome to




• The welfare of the Church is shouldered by the Women’s ministry which is the beacon of the Church. Acting as the pillar, the women’s ministry will take on the role of the Mother to the church in all its endeavors.

• The virtuous women will attract goodness whereas a woman with a questionable virtue brings disgrace upon herself and to all who are associated with her.


• To Embrace and respond to God’s call for women to live in intimacy with Christ as they serve him through the local church and develop evangelism, discipleship and missions.


• To achieve unity by being there for one another so as to full fill the greatest commandment, love thy and educating ourselves and our wards to be prayerful, studying the word and applying it in our daily lives.

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Vision: To distribute the word of God as a global resource and mediator of God’s word to all nations by providing quality internet, print,

audio, and video products.

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“When I first walked through the doors of Agape Word Center Church Interna-tional, I immediately felt the Lord’s pres-ence. I had experienced many difficul-ties and members of the Agape Church family where there to lift me up with the Word. In that time, I fully comprehended what it means to say and truly believe that the joy of the Lord is my strength. I thank God and Agape.” - Shala

“Agape Word Center Church Interna-tional is a place where Agents of Change are developed and commissioned. I am a testimony myself since becoming a member of Agape, my Christian walk has never been the same. I have learnt so much through the word of God that is taught at church. And I like the fact that our church is also family oriented, members treat each other like family, because as believers we are all part of God’s great family.”- SL

“Since I came to Agape Word Center Church, the sermons bless me and I feel touched. These sermons are a blessing to my family as well. I believe Agape is truly a place for agents of change. Ev-eryone is caring at Agape and the Pastor and his wife listen to everyone, regard-less of their backgrounds!!”- JDK

Agape Word Center is a place for Agents of Change. I am a living testimony .- DK

“Agape Word Center Church International is 100% where agents are transformed due to my life experience. I am a living testimony. When I joined Agape, I was heartbroken and had questions but got the answers. Through the warm welcome at the church, I felt the peace of God in me. I knew I was at home with my fellow brothers and sisters in the Lord. The foundation at Agape Word Center Church is based on truth of the incorruptible Word of God. Why do I say that? Having attended different Bible study Classes, the Dig Deeper at Agape is real and Practical! I would recommend Agape for Worship because this is a place where agents of change are trained and go to the market place to fish for souls.”

“I am an Agent of Change. I have been trans-formed in many aspects of my life especially in my spiritual life. I have seen and expe-rienced Agape Word Center Church as a hospital for those who need spiritual inter-vention and a place where agape love is felt and it is a lifestyle. I am thankful to God and may God bless Agape Word Center Church, the Pastors and the members.” - Sam Kay


What’s your Agape Experience?Please visit to submit your testimony, or email us

at [email protected]

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Contact info

You are an Agent of Change! Keep the Faith and have a great month God

bless You.

Scripture Study Class: Sunday 9:00amCelebration Services: Sunday 10:00am“Dig Deeper” Bible Study: Thur. 7:00pmEvery 1st Friday Prayer Night 9:30pm

Holy Ghost Service – Come for a time of Prayer, Healing and Deliverance on Friday starting at 7:00pm - 9:00pm.

Service Tmes

Administrator: [email protected] of Destiny: [email protected] Women: [email protected] Study Class: [email protected]: [email protected] and Build: [email protected]

Prayer line: [email protected]

Oasis of love: healing ,Deliverance & counseling : 240-463-8485 - [email protected]

P. O. Box 13312, Silver spring, MD. 20911

240-694-8572 / 240-463-8801 2404638485

[email protected]

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Providing web design services, Magazines, cooperate booklets, ads, flyers, brochures, posters, illustrations, books, and t-shirt designs



HighDezigns 240-281-7376 [email protected]

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