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    l of Business Ethics (2005) 59: 3 47-3 60 Springer 2005

    Brian W. Kulik

    ST RA CT . Applying evidence from recendy available

    ethi sand legal theories, and (3) the proper

    E. Kulik is a Ph.D. candidate in Management at

    Washington State University s chool of Business. His work

    focuses on the prevention of corporate corruption, corporate

    govemance and ethics, teamwork and diversity, and research

    methods. His research to date hasappeared in the Western

    and National Academy of Management conference proceed

    ings and the journalOrg anizatio nal Analysis. Heearned

    M.S. degreesfrom Washington State University and T7ie

    University of Cincinnati, and M.B.A. from Tlie University

    of Denver.

    ntrodu tion

    What can a corporate executive do to positively

    influence organization-wide ethical conduct? The

    ethics literature is replete with suggestions, including

    selection and hiring of ethically-oriented employees

    (Abdolmohammadi et al., 2003), establishing codes

    of ethics (Gaumnitz and Lere, 2004), promoting an

    ethical culture (Sims and Brinkmann, 2003), devel-

    oping employees internally (Becker, 1998; Petrick

    and Quinn, 2000), and taking a stewardship per-

    spective (Davis et al., 1997). Given the well-known

    recent corporate scandals, and especially the plethora

    of now pubhcly available information that is avail-

    able from Enron, two critical questions emerge.

    First, if the suggestions from the literature cited

    above had been implemented by Enron's top man-

    agement team, could Enron's ethics shortcomings

    have been avoided and bankruptcy averted? Second,

    if the answer to the first question is n o , then in

    what direction(s) must the relevant ethics literature

    proceed before suggestionimplementation congru-

    ence is obtained?

    The case of En ron stands as a unique oppo rtunity

    to investigate the above critical questions because the

    widespread interest in identifying Enron's downfall,

    and what the business world should do about it, has

    spawned a num ber of books and articles. In addition,

    the previously private information now made public

    by the company's bankruptcy proceedings has shed

    light on Enron's operations to a depth that is not

    available from most other companies, public or

    private. For example, bankruptcy court-appointed

    examiner Neal Batson's third ihterim report (2003)

    found that six financial institutions had 'actual

    knowledge' of Enron's wrongful conduct, gave

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    Brian W Kulik

    'substantial assistance' by aiding in the structuring

    and funding of Enron's now infamous special-pur-

    pose entities, that the amount of money involved

    was 'material,' and that such disguise harmed other

    creditors. These findings may help define hmits to

    strategic alliances more clearly and delineate a firm's

    motivation for the creation of such alliances. In a

    recent book by Smith and Emshwiller (2003), the

    Wall Street Journal reporters who first made known

    some of Enron's impropriety (specifically, special

    purpose entities, or SPEs, named LJM and LJM2) to

    the public, chronicled their work before and during

    Enron's demise. This work may be interesting to

    researchers in the tactical positioning that companies

    use in the disclosure of negative informa tion. Finally,

    a book co-authored by Sherron Watkins (Swartz and

    Watkins, 2003), former vice president at Enron,

    details her involvement in Enron since 1993. Their

    contribution was essentially an exposure of the cul-

    tural and chmatic conditions within which Enron

    employees worked . Th ere is a grow ing consensus on

    the idea that Enron 's cu lture, rather than the isolated

    actions of a few individuals, was the key enabling

    mechanism that allowed the widespread practice of

    unethical and illegal behavior based on self-interest

    (Bryce, 2003; Cruver, 2002; Fusaro and Miller,

    2002; Mills,


    Sims and Brinkmann,


    Swartz and Watkins, 2003; Windsor, 2004). How-

    ever, no attempt has been made to link the charac-

    teristics of Enron's culture to a theoretical base that

    might be used to both test the potential imple-

    mentability of recommendations to practitioners in

    the ethics hterature and the closeness of Enron's

    culture to those of other firms.

    This paper first establishes a theoretical base which

    might be used (1) as a means in itself of providing

    practitioners a way to avert future Enron-hke deba-

    cles by the identification and generalization of

    Enron's culture and (2) as a test of


    avertability of

    Enron's downfall through some of the ethics litera-

    ture's recommendations. To this dual end, I draw a

    number of parallels between Enron's culture and

    agency theory, a theory made popular by lawyers,

    economists, and finance and management theorists,

    that attempts to explain the effectiveness of corporate

    govemance in publicly-held corporations. The next

    section describes the key elements of agency theory

    and how it is purported to work correctly. Then,

    Enron's culture is identified as one centered in the

    basic tenets of the agency relationship, with paral

    drawn between their dysfunctional culture

    agency theory 's characteristics. In search of a solu

    based on recommendations made in the ethics li

    ature, I investigate alternative approaches that

    organization's cultural and ethical base might inst

    be founded on, but I find hmits to their effectiven

    in correcting the problems in an agency cultur

    conclude by noting that, while enduring compa

    cannot harbo r cultures based purely in agency the

    vital questions must be answered before specific

    effective measures can be taken to avert the em

    gence of

    destructive culture such as Enron's.

    gency theory

    Agency theo ry, as developed primarily by Jensen

    Meckling (1976), is a popular tenet in corpo

    govemance today. For example, the ISI Social S

    ence C itation Index finds that Jensen and Me ckli

    (1976) work has been cited more than 3,000 tim

    since 1989 and every article in the Academy

    Management Review's 2003 special issue on c

    porate governance cited Jensen and Meckling (19

    see Daily et al., 2003), and at least one textbook

    strategic management (Hitt et al., 2005) structures

    chapter on corporate governance around age

    theory. Typical of


    use in articles concerned w

    corpo rate gov ernan ce. Daily et al. (2003) sta

    Jensen and Mec kling (1976) propo sed age

    theory as an explanation of how the public cor

    ration could exist, given the assumption that m

    agers are self-interested, and a context in wh

    those managers do not bear the fuU wealth effect

    their decisions (p. 372). Thus, one can hardly av

    discussion of agency theory in any dialogue

    corporate govemance.

    In particular, agency theory states that, in a pu

    corporation, there exists a central problem with

    gard to shareholders' interests: top m anagemen t d

    not always act to maximize shareholders' return

    investment. With regard to a corporate execut

    agency costs will be generated by the diverge

    between his interest and those of outside sh

    hold ers Qensen and M eckhn g, 1976, p. 3

    According to Rediker and Seth (1995), mechani

    used to ahgn the interests of


    manager with th

    of the shareholders take the fomi of threats

  • 8/10/2019 agency theory enron.pdf


    Agency Theory Reasoning and Culture at Enron


    toJensen, 1986, creditors under high debt

    and incentives (stock ownership, salary, and

    his incentive to devote significant effort to

    ventures falls (Jensen and Meck ling, 1976 , p.

    to the interests of the shareholders. Th us, agency

    Unfortunately, some self-serving executives may


    the 'pay package point'). As long as their

    enc y culture The Enron case

    2001,En ron was a highly respected

    thetop 25 managers of

    tune named Enron the most innovative company for

    seven consecu tive years prior to its downfall (Cruver,

    2003;Swartz and

    W atkins,

    200 3), and



    as 2 1


    printed a glowing interview of Ken Lay (Hamel,

    2001). An article appeared in Money as one of six

    energy stocks that can light up you r profits (Brush,


    Chief Executive (1997) wro te



    profile of Ken Lay, stating that Lay estimates com -

    petition will reduce consumer electricity


    by 30 to

    40 percentwhich w ould be likeanational tax cut of

    around $70 billion. (p. 41). Tha t same year (1997),

    Ken Lay also attended the W orld Eco nomic Forum,

    and was an honored guest at the opening of Rice

    University's James A. Baker III Institute for Pubhc

    Policy (Swartz and Watkins, 2003). Even when near

    bankruptcy, despite a falling stock price throughout

    2001 and some negative press, a positive article ap-

    peared as late as November, 2001 in which the mag-

    azine Better Investing (2001) noted that the

    consensus opinion among the analysts making esti-

    mates was that Enron's earnings will grow at an

    average annual rate of 17 percent over the next five

    years (p. 54), while on Octo ber 26 , the Wall Street

    Journal's article on Enro n


    Enro n: Rarely have

    somanyanalystslikedastock they concede they k now

    so httle about (Craig and W eil, 2001), an article that

    was at least

    backhandedly positive in that the stock was

    seen as still popular among investors even though it

    was acknowledged that no one understood its balance

    sheets. Furthermore, Enron had the support and

    direction of consulting firm McKinsey and Co ., case

    studies were written by Harvard Business School

    Publishing (Rangan et al., 1996; Tufano and

    Bhatnagar, 1994), and a supposedly exemplary E nron

    team was profiled in a popular teamw ork book that is

    still widely cited in the literature for its teamwork

    theory (Katzenbach and Smith, 1993). Enronwasalso

    popu lar from


    societal poin t of view ,


    CEO Ken


    became a well-known philanthropist who contrib-

    uted generously to a number of charities and pohti-

    cians' campaigns with personal and Enron funds.

    Philanthropy was not limited to Lay, but Sw artz and

    Watkins (2003) and Bryce (2003) claimed that each

    senior executive was involved in his or her favorite

    charity. Taken collectively, one could conclude that

    Enron had built up a considerable amount of reputa-

    tional capital

    with politicians, minorities, local

    businesspeople, charities, academia, investors, and the

    business press. At the same time, however, unusually

  • 8/10/2019 agency theory enron.pdf


    5 Brian W Kulik

    excessive perquisites were apparently consumed by

    Enron employees at all levels of the organization

    (Bryce, 2003; Cmver, 2002; Swartz and Watkins,

    2003) as discussed in more detail below.

    As Petrick et al. (1999) highlighted, reputational

    capital is an important antecedent to sustainable

    competitive advantage. How, then, could the

    simultaneous building up of social capital and the

    excessive, nonsustainable acquisition of pay and

    perquisites by the very same corporate executives

    have occurred? Identifying some of Enron's execu-

    tives as anomalous bad apples, with personahty

    traits includ ing greed, dishonesty, arrogance,


    ishness, cowardice, hypocrisy, disrespect, and injus-

    tice (Petrick and Scherer, 2003, p. 40) ignores

    Enron's prior popularity and the substantial social

    capital that these same executives had shored up. To

    alternatively point to 'the system' as flawed and in

    need of more controls, such as the use of more,

    better, and more transparent accounting mles

    (Petrick and Scherer, 2003; Senate Subcommittee

    on Investigations, 2002) may merely motivate im-

    moral, but innovative executives, accountants, and

    lawyers to find different ways around the new

    controls (Mills, 2003). Instead, Enron's core behefs

    and values must be investigated in an effort to query

    just how Enron could be simultaneously popular and

    insidious. Only then can one hope to curtail the

    prohferation of corruption, wh at Petrick and Scherer

    (2003) called En ron itis (p. 37), regardless of any

    future accounting, SEC, or NYSE mle changes.

    Below, I argue that Enron's core values and be-

    hefs were forged by the basic tenets of agency the-

    ory. M y argu ment is in two steps: (1) Enron's senior

    executives used agency reasoning to both determine

    and explain their behavior and (2) this agency rea-

    soning resulted in a corporate attitude throughout

    the organization that led to a culturally accepted

    behavioral norm: an agency culture.

    Enron executives and agency reasoning

    In speculative support of the first step of my argument,

    note that many of Enron's executives were well ed u-

    cated in business and economics to be sufFiciendy

    familiar vwth agency theory. For example. Ken Lay,

    with a Ph.D. in economics, must have known about

    agency theory as one of several economic theories

    describing the mechanisms of corporate govema

    His own Ph.D. work was centered in free ma

    theory (Fusaro and Miller, 2002), which he app

    bo th ou twardly as a corporate strategy, or fomiula

    success (Swartz and Watkins, 2003), and inwardly

    retaining, every six months, only the upper 85th

    centile of Enron's employees after their semian

    ranking by the firm's perfomiance appraisal (Crv

    2002; Swartz and Watkins, 2003). Executives Jef

    SkiUing and Rebecca Mark, bo th H arvard M BAs,

    must have been familiar with agency theory. So

    should have Andy Fastow, with an undergraduate

    gree in econom ics (and Chinese) from Tufts Unive

    and an MBA from Northwestern University. Fin

    Michael Kopper, who worked with Fastow on



    held an advanced degree from

    London School of Econom ics, and lsomust have

    famihar with agency theory. Even if agency th

    were not known among these and other executi

    one of its central assumptions, that of self-intere

    parties (Eisenhardt, 1989), is certainly fairly com

    theory in many economics theories (Harrison, 19

    and it is this assumption that is essential to thin

    within an agency theory framework.

    If Enron's executives were taught agency th

    as part of their business/economics education,

    they may have used 'agency reasoning' in the de

    of Enron's organizational stmcture and its polici

    efinition 1:

    Agency Reasoning is any behav

    demonstration of rational thought that links corpo

    govemance mechanisms (incentives and controls)

    individual behavior.

    Thus, an individual expressing agency reaso

    might express that his/h er lowp y h s negative e

    on his/her incentive to m aximize his/her compa

    profits. This definition leads us to a proposition

    summarizes the first step of my argument:



    If Enron executives applied age

    soning to both determine and explain their beha

    then published material describing their behavior

    contain agency reasoning.

    Evidence for agency reasoning by Enron executives

    The first piece of evidence is an argument give

    the board of directors for approval of one of Fast

    SPEs, LJM 2:

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    Agency Tlieory Reasoning








    Fastow's presentation,


    Directors envi-





    which Enron business units





    to be






    potential buyers)







    of Enron. Because each business unit's financial results





    Board assumed they

    had an


    to insist that transactions were

    on the

    most favorable

    tenns available

    in the

    marke t (Powers, Tro ubh


    Winokur, 2002,




    ofagents for Enron's business units were

    and not wi th Fastow's . Fol lowing Re dike r


    aligning mechanism that



    this case





    losing o ne's




    ofmon i tor ing per fomiance

    the incentive ofa highpay



    sufficient con trol ov er


    per formance

    and distr ibution of boriuses to

    his own

    'incentives' (Swartz

    and Wat-

    is beside the point here: In his presen-


    Enron 's board




    board itself

    an impor tant goveman ce mechanism accord-



    Hi t t

    et al.

    (2005), Fastow apphed agency

    to predict the behavior of Enro n executives




    In short , Fastow, and the


    their approval


    LJM2, applied

    As further support


    Proposi t ion

    1, I



    ofReb ecca Mark 's c losingof the second

    of the

    Da bho l po we r plant deal (before


    was completed) as described by Bryce

    Mark prevailed. She got a bigger project. And a

    bigger project meant nosurprise a bigger bonus.

    Getting the second phase of Dabhol approved right

    away 'meant doubling ortriplingherbonus,' saidone

    Enron employee who worked on Dabhol. I ll never

    again underestimate the power of an incentivecom-

    pensation program and the desire it can instill in

    people (p. 172).

    one was never finished at Dabho l and E n r o n





    project . Mark, however , made money

    on the


    because she had ' incent ive ' to close the deal - the

    biggest possible

    but no

    ' incent ive '




    i tabihty from operations or even a finished project.

    Thus, Mark allowed herself



    her own self-

    interest as long as the boundar ies set by control

    mechanisms (such as scmtiny by Enro n 's aw ard-

    winning board of directors or internal managerial

    accounting efforts) were not crossed and sufficient

    ' incent ive ' was provided for through bonus pay:

    Agency reasoning.

    Evidence for agency reasoning by Enron employees

    Leaders can have a major influence on an organi-

    zation's culture (Schein, 1992)which in turn can act

    as an impor tant control mechanism for individual

    behavior. Schein (1992) described culture


    emerging from the repeated resolution of recurr ing


    in the



    over t ime . Thus , followers

    may adopt their leader's values, beliefs, assumptions,

    and expectations (Clawson, 2002)


    these help solve

    recurring problems. Schein's (1992) theory has re-

    cendy received some empirical support

    at the

    supervisor-subordinate dyad level (Block, 2003),

    wherein cultural dimensions of involvement , con-

    sistency, mission, and adaptabil i ty were observed to

    be strongly


    posit ively correlated with


    transformational leadership styles, weakly correlated



    transactional style,


    negatively correlated

    with the laissez-faire style of leadership (see Yuk l ,





    these three leadership styles).

    These results suggest that leaders' values, beliefs,

    assumptions, and expectations may at least partially

    explain the behavior of followers, especially for

    value-oriented transformational-style leaders. Fur-

    thermore, f ive


    Schein's (1992)


    primary lead-

    ership mechanisms of attention , reaction to crises,

    ro le m odel ing

    and a

    leader 's be havior,



    of rewards, and criteria of selection and dismissal

    have recently been used

    as a



    explaining why En ron's culture contrad icted its own



    ethics (Sims


    Br inkm ann, 2003) . Thus,

    assuming that Schein's leadership mechanisms were





    that leaders' styles were

    predominantly transfomiational (as Bryce, 2003 ,

    suggested when describing





    b e t w e e n


    transactional-styled Kinder,


  • 8/10/2019 agency theory enron.pdf



    Brian W Kulik

    SkiUing, his transformational-styled successor as

    COO), the agency problem may be one of those

    recurring problems identif ied by Schein (1992) that

    allows leaders to propose their own solutions. Such

    leaders may thereby influence their followers who

    subsequently adopt their leader 's solution. For

    example, Jeffrey SkiUing, Enron's de facto leader

    whi le act ing as its C O O and then C E O (Bryce,

    2 0 0 3 ; Cmver , 2002; Swar tz and Watkins, 2003),

    apparently knew about and fostered his own agency

    reasoning as a way of solving the problem of inno-

    vat ion and mot ivat ion among employees. Bryce

    (2003) no ted that Fastow abso rbed SkiUing's

    methods of managing people and his view of the

    w orl d (p. 202). It seems reasonable, then, to con -

    sider that Enron's employees at aU levels of the

    organizational hierarchy - applied agency reasoning

    as a means to solve the agency problem, and evi-

    dence of agency reasoning should appear in pub-

    hshed stories of Enron employees:

    ropos t on 2:

    If employees at the lower levels of En-

    ron's hierarchy frequendy applied agency reasoning to

    both determine and explain their behavior, then

    published material describing their behavior will

    contain agency reasoning.

    In support of Proposit ion 2, while numerous

    examples were discovered, only three corroborating

    excerpts are offered here. The first excerpt, from

    Swartz and Watkins (2003), demonstrates employ-


    use of agency reasoning in their summarized

    view of En ron's cu lture - wh at the authors terme d a

    'high r isk/high reward' mentali ty:

    contro l mechan ism he re, wher e aU of the o

    govemance mechanisms lay domiant (referred to

    no ru les in the above excerpt). Bryce's (2

    account of employees' expectations was htt le


    Flowers, first-class airfare, first-class hotels, lim


    new computers, new Palm Pilots, new des

    Enron employees began to expect the best of ev

    thing, all of the time. And there were salaries, lot

    salaries (p. 134);

    as was Cruver 's (2003) account of his ow n beha v

    and att i tude:

    I continued taking business-related trips, stayin

    the best hotels and eating in the best restaurants. Th

    were the perks that the majority of Enron employ

    enjoyed - and it was fair trade for being on the r

    for being away from families, and for working f

    teen-hour days. I considered it part of our comp

    sation (p. 73).

    Taken together , evidence in Swartz and Wat

    (2003), Bryce (2003) and C m ve r (2003) prov

    corroborative support for agency reasoning's pre

    lence at lower levels in the organization's hierarc

    individual behavior and motivation was explained

    a part icular combination of pay and perquisi te

    Jensen and Meckling's (1976) 'pay package poin

    where, in the Enron case, high levels of motiva

    and incentive alignment (personal and corpo

    interests) were associated with the high posit ion

    each individual 's pay package point .

    You deserved the best laptop and hotel room because

    you were traveUng around the world booking million

    dollar deals. You deserved to cheat on your spouse

    because you were so stressed... booking million doUar


    On the edge, there were no rules to constrain

    you r thinkin g at the office and, as it happened , no rules

    to constrain your behavior outside it. The youngest

    traders bought themselves silver Porsche Boxters and

    submitted $10,000 expense reports... They deserved

    it (p. 192).

    If Rediker and Seth's (1995) substi tution principle

    were to be applied to the Enron case, one would

    have to conclude that ' incentive, ' in a combination

    of many perquisites and high pay, was the active

    Agency culture

    A definition of agency culture

    If individuals throughout both the upper and lo

    levels of Enron's hierarchy employed agency

    soning, then one might generalize the Enron con

    to a particular kind of culture that might deve

    elsewhere. Thus, I assert that Enron executives

    plied a corporate governance theory as a basis for

    foundation of their organizational culture. It is

    thing to acknowledge the existence of the age

    relationship, but quite another to develop a cor

    rate culture from agency theory's basic tenets. W

    the idea that culture, rather than individual tra

  • 8/10/2019 agency theory enron.pdf


    Agency Theory Reasoning and Culture at Enron

    ar (Sutherland, 1940) is not n ew , the co n-

    er culture is agency theory . No co n-

    Dejinition 2: Agency Culture is a type of culture

    wherein members repeatedly solve the agency problem

    with agency reasoning to the extent that agency-rea-

    soned solutions become instilled in members' values,

    beliefs, assumptions, and expectations.

    tions of a strong agency culture

    is expected to de-

    s) , and increase financial perfomian ce. R e -

    At Enron, there appears to have emerged a

    2003; Cruver ,

    Swartz and Watkins, 2003). For example,

    atkins (2003) described the culture as almost

    ike (p. 193) a very strong culture indeed.

    hout the durat ion of the employmen t c on-

    Age ncy culture In search of an antidote

    Integrity and selection

    The idea that a manager should act with integrity is

    not new. Fayol 's (1949) second principle of man-

    agement includes the fol lowing recommendat ion:

    The best safeguard against abuse of authority and

    against weakness on the part of a higher manager is

    personal integrity and a particularly high moral char-

    acter of such a manager, and this integrity, it is well

    known, is conferred neither by election nor owner-


    (p. 22).

    That is, after being selected manager, an individual

    does not then suddenly increase his or her moral

    character and personal integrity to match the

    requirements of the posit ion held, but moral char-

    acter and personal integrity must pre-exist with in the

    individual 's character . One might naively ask why

    these additional factors should be considered. Isn't

    technical and organizational skill sufficient for to-

    day's manager? Barnard (1968 [originaUy pubhshed

    in 1938]) provides some further insight:

    Tha t w hich is unique to the executive functions,

    however, is that they also impose the necessity of

    creating moral codes. Thus, to the moral problem of

    individuals generally, organization adds in the case of

    . the executive substantial increase ofmor lcomplexity,

    and of tests of responsibility, and the function of cre-

    ating moral conditions. The latter is a distinguishing

    characteristic of executive work . .. (p. 274).

    Barnard went on to assert that unresolved moral

    dilemmas move up through the organizational

    hierarchy until they are resolved. Therefore, a cor-

    poration's senior executives encounter only the most

    difficult moral dilemmas that exist in the organiza-

    tion; they may often have no choice but to create a

    new moral code to resolve a situation. This explains

    why high moral character is important for managers

    to possess, as the creation of new moral codes

    through the resolution of moral dilemmas is an

    impor tant funct ion of management .

    One might suggest a solution based on these

    preliminary assertions: Select only those employees

    with high levels of moral character and integrity.

    This was in fact the recommendation of at least one

  • 8/10/2019 agency theory enron.pdf


  • 8/10/2019 agency theory enron.pdf


    Agency Theory Reasoning and Culture at Enron

    updated objective codes that was the basis of con-

    tinued success to that point in their lives. One

    cannot merely argue that executives' sets of codes

    needed an infusion of integrity, because it may have

    never lost its sense of integrity in the first place, at

    least from an objectivist's point of view. Thus,

    objectivist ethics fails to provide an antidote to

    agency culture in a munificent, rare-failure envi-

    ronment. Clearly, waiting for failure to occur in

    such an environment before employees learn

    important moral lessons may be too htde too late for

    organizations already exhibiting agency culture

    characteristics. Again, we must look elsewhere in the

    literature for any antidote to agency culture.

    Integrity and integrity capacity

    A second approach rooted in integrity is the multi-

    dimensional construct of integrity capacity as pro-

    posed by Petrick and Quinn (2000), and recently

    applied to the Enron scandal (Petrick and Scherer,

    2003). In short, integrity capacity explains that an

    organization's members exhibiting high levels of

    integrity capacity cognitively balance the use of four

    ethics theories (teleological, deontological, virtue,

    and systems development), combined with the bal-

    anced use of four legal tbeories (positive law, natural

    law, civic responsibility, and social refomi) to de-

    velop (from coUective connivance to compliance to

    integrity) and institutionalize a system of ongoing

    moral improvement (Petrick and Quinn, 2000).

    Integrity capacity assumes that any imbalance in the

    above construct would likely lead to instances of

    unethical behavior.

    This approach would not have been effective in a

    pure agency culture for two reasons. First, the temi

    balan ced in this construct is ambiguous. Ho w can

    ethical dilemmas be objectively balanced? Was

    SkiUing balancin g deontolog ical and teleological

    ethics equaUy by first rejecting Fastow's chief exec-

    utive position in an early SPE named Chewco

    (according to deontological ethics by foUowing

    Enron's ethics code), but later approving Fastow's

    chief executive position for SPEs LJMl and LJM2

    (according to teleological ethics by maximizing

    benefit to stakeholders after the code of ethics was

    waived by the board of directors)? Second, Enron

    executives may have actuaUy been operating under

    coUective integrity as defined by Petrick and Quinn

    (2000). Petrick and Scherer (2003) associated

    Enron's employees with nomiative behaviors of

    connivance and comphance, rather than coUectiye

    integrity. The way for an organization to proceed

    toward coUective integrity would be to anticipate

    and avoid any behaviors today that wiU become

    iUegal tomorrow, thus moving beyond 'mere'

    comphance (Petrick and Quinn, 2000). However,

    senior executives at Enron presented many of the

    now-iUegal accounting practices of the SPEs as

    'cutting-edge' practices to the board of directors

    (Zandstra, 2002), suggesting that Enron executives

    may have been trying to anticipate the direction of

    future comphance, and were in fact changing the

    current laws (such as deregulation of gas and elec-

    tricity) to fit with their 'cutting edge' practices. This

    appears at least on the surface to be an integrity-

    based approach to such an extent that it won the

    approval of Enron's board of directors. Furthermore,

    Swartz and Watkins (2003) referred to widespread

    deregulation as the N ew Econo my , and to Enron

    as Houston's ambassador to it (p. 132). Impropriety

    was acceptable in corpora te life because it was seen as

    a game, the goal of which was to see how much

    could be extracted witho ut ever paying up (p. 196).

    In this sense, it could be argued that it was actuaUy

    'coUective integrity' that Enron employees practiced

    as defined by Petrick and Quinn (2000). In other

    words, if integrity capacity were to be implemented

    in its curren t state of develop ment, it may be difficult

    in non-compliance situations to discern between

    connivance and commitment. What is legal, yet

    nioraUy questionable today may be legally proscribed

    tom orrow - or it may be both legal and moraUy

    acceptable tomorrow. Enron executives may have

    seen market deregulation, balance sheet manage-

    me nt, and the p rivatization of corporate information

    as trends foUowing the latter direction rather than

    the foniier. Perhaps the crux of the matter here is the

    development of the idea of coUective commitment,

    in which managers are expected to be concerned

    with answering the question, W ha t principled

    system is worth multiple stakeholders' ongoing

    participation and com mitm ent? (Petrick and

    Scherer, 2003, p. 40). For Enron, deregulated elec-

    tricity and gas markets w ere seen as just such a

    'principled system' in which there were only

    winners: Consumers paid fairer prices and Enron

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    Brian W Kulik

    employees realized high pay package points for their

    services. Likewise, hiding debt and poorly per-

    forming assets through SPEs may have been regarded

    as another 'principled system' with only winners:

    Enron was able to keep its debt rating above junk

    status (Bryce, 2003), thus keeping the company

    operational and m aintaining a high stock price based

    on its considerable reputational capital. For this,

    Fastow, architect of the many SPEs, undoubtedly

    justified his huge personal gains by his creation of the

    'principled system' that benefited the most stake-

    holders simultaneously. My point here is not to

    defend the behavior of Enron executives by any

    means, but to iUustrate how agency reasoning and

    culture might circumvent the construct of integrity

    capacity in its current form. It seems that more work

    needs to be done in the construct of integrity

    capacity before it can be apphed as a pragmatic

    solution to the problematic agency culture.


    Stewardship theory, developed as the antithesis to

    agency theory, assumes that the agent's sense of

    responsibUity has already aligned her or his interests

    with that of the principal: Stewardship theory de-

    fines situations in which managers are not motivated

    by individual goals, but rather are stewards whose

    motives are ahgned with the objectives of their

    principa ls (Davis et al., 1997, p. 20 ). Thus ,

    stewardship theorists assume that a 'pure' agency

    relationship as put forth by Jensen and Meckling

    (1976) does not, in reality, exist. While Eisenhardt

    (1989) cited somewhat consistent evidence for the

    agency relationship, there is more recent evidence

    from perhaps finer-grained studies that the stew-

    ardship relationship may also be needed to more

    completely explain empirical results (Conger et al.,

    2001; EUoumi and Gueyie, 2001; Finklestein and

    D'Aveni, 1994; Frankforter et al., 2000; Golden and

    Zajac, 2001; Rediker and Seth, 1995). The discus-

    sion here does not concern the empirical existence

    of agency and stewardship's prevalence in today's

    corporations, but rather poses the question: W ould a

    culture based on stewardship

    a 'stewardship rea-

    soning culture'

    solve the problem of an agency

    culture? At first blush, one may have reason for

    optimism: managers, when coalescing corporate

    culture, could stress what objectives the firm and

    employees have in common. For Enron, ch

    executives could have stressed the traders' love

    gambhng, Enron's exceUent reputation, and the fl

    experience (Csikszentmihalyi, 1990; Csikszentmiha

    and LeFevre, 1989) that results from taking risks

    an intrinsic reward for making profits while trad

    gas and electricity. At Enron International, the id

    of making a difference to those in less fortun

    countries by providing more people in those cou

    tries access to basic utihties could have been

    vanced. In this way, the 'bonus' would have exis

    in the form of intrinsic rewards rather thanend

    the-year cash bonuses and stock options. But in t

    sort of stewardship culture, power might swing o

    to the profit-seeking fimi, which could manipul

    the stewardship perspective to underpay

    employees. As with the integrity capacity literatu

    one might argue for a balance between agency a

    stewardship, but again the term 'balance' sugge

    more the existence of ambiguity in its applicati

    than an implementable solution.

    is ussion

    Clearly, more work must be done before imp

    mentable recommendations may be applied on

    systemic, organizational level to counter any ext

    agency culture. To make a difference, research

    have until the next economic boom period, a

    consequent wave of corporate improprieties, to fi

    implementable recommendations, if any exist. W

    regard to the approaches discussed above, a num

    of questions must be addressed before any solution

    the agency culture question might be found. C

    cerning integrity based on objectivism, its stren

    hes in the idea that ethics are objective rather th

    relative, and thus integrity means more than sim

    doing what one beheves, but also in having beh

    based on rational values in the first place. Howev

    more w ork must be done in the development of

    sets of objective codes held by senior executiv

    How and where are sets of objective, rational co


    v lues

    developed? Are MBA and other univers

    business programs influential in altering an indiv

    ual's integrity and mitigating agency reasonin

    Perhaps more importantly, how and when do th

    codes change to account for new perceptions a

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    Agency Theory Reasoning and Culture at Enron


    experiences? With regard to the development of the

    construct of integrity capacity, considerable progress

    has already been made toward identifying the multi-

    dimensional and multi-step complexity involved in

    creating an organizational system that is high in

    integrity capacity. However, the key to the realiza-

    tion of integrity capacity s fuU and considerable

    potential is first in the further elaboration of the temi

    balance to account for the co-existence betwee n

    competing managerial, ethical, and legal theories,

    and second in the clear distinction of the imple-

    mentable differences between coUective connivance

    and coUective commitment. Finally, while a stew-

    ardship-based culture goes a long way toward

    reduc ing the p roliferation of perquisites as com pared

    to an agency-based culture, a culture based purely on

    stewardship is an equally unlikely and unbalanced

    solution, so that a similar question of balance be-

    tween agency and stewardship in any organizational

    culture should be a pressing question for ethics


    This paper suggests at least two additional direc-

    tions for ethics researchers. First, much more

    empirical work needs to be done to detemiine just

    how widespread the existence of an agency culture

    actuaUy is in today s organizations both in corpo-

    rations and in society in general. In particular,

    exactly how is an agency culture detrimental to

    organizations? Can poor performance be directly

    related to the presence and/or prevalence of an

    agency culture? Second, while this paper focused on

    the im mediately salient agency relationship as a

    theoretical foundation, perhaps similar use has been

    made of other economics and govemance theories

    such as transaction cost economics or game theory.

    Fusaro and MiUer (2002) suggested Coase s (1937)

    free-market theory of fimi efficiency as a theoretical

    basis for unde rstanding Ken Lay s understand ing of

    market systems. Future work might address the

    acculturation of other economics theories. For

    example, what is the relationship, if any, between

    the corporate use of outsourcing (as a means of

    solving the recurring problems of internal cost and

    quality) and the cognizance of transaction cost eco-

    nom ics, and does it have similar moral-erosion ef-

    fects on an organization s mem bers as does agency

    culture? Based on the theory and perspective

    developed in this paper, an empirical study might

    shed more light on that and related topics.

    A potential limitation of this paper is the relevance

    of an analysis of Enron in the first place: Since the

    corporate scandals of


    has corporate culture in

    America changed to the extent that the problems

    attributable to Enron are no longer problems in

    today s com panies? I chaUenge the relevance of this

    relevance argument by suggesting that white-coUar

    crime is cychcal, always re-emerging in economic

    boo m times. Wh ile the questions raised in this paper

    may (MiUs, 2003) or may not be immediately rele-

    vant to the present state of corporate America and

    beyond, finding answers to the questions raised

    herein wiU likely be directly applicable to the next

    and future periods of widespread economic growth

    and prosperity, as each such period may well be

    accompanied by corporate scandals.

    Summ ary and onclusion

    It has long been know n in the fields of m anagement,

    social psychology, and organizational behavior that a

    strong culture can act as a vital control mechanism

    over individual behavior. The field of leadership has

    to some e xtent investigated a leader s influence over

    the culture that controls employees, and how an

    organization arrives at a culture in the first place

    (Schein, 1992; Sims and B rinkma nn, 2003). If a

    leader can influence her or his organizational cul-

    ture, the n it must be considered that the leader s

    theories of govemance can be transformed into an

    organizational culture that is then used as a general

    meth od of solving problems. The best cultures that

    have been proposed are flat, empowered ones in

    which pay is at least partly based on fair measures of

    performance and innovation leads to quick adapta-

    tion and learning (Galbraith, 2002). The example of

    Enron, which may be generahzable to examples of

    other recently failed companies as well as currently

    existing companies (MiUs, 2003), suggests the need

    for researchers wh o apply a best cultu re approach

    to recognize that an irresponsible use of power

    (Gandz and Bird, 1996) may be prevalent in an

    empowered, innovative culture when incentives are

    established on the assumption of a pure agency

    relationship betwe en a firm s ownership and its


    Using recent hterature o n En ron s operations, I

    have argued for the existence of an agency culture that

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    Brian W. Kulik

    may well be as detr imental to the lon g-term health of

    corporate A merica as i t was to En ron . I proposed that

    an agency culture should be distinguishable from

    other cultures because, in an agency culture,

    employees te nd to explain their behavior scontrolled

    by govem anc e mechan isms, defmed as agency rea-

    soning. I t is important to note that , compared to

    criticisms of Enron's improprieties and illegal activi-

    ties, agency culture was the conclusion reached after

    juxtaposing Enron 's populari ty on the one hand, and

    its unsustainable corporate improprieties on th e o ther.

    I further noted a number of undesirable behavioral

    consequences that managers should expect to see in

    their employees operating within an agency culture.

    Lastly, I tumed to four possible antidotes to an agency

    culture - selection, objectivist integrity, integrity

    capacity, and stewardship to illustrate both the

    shortcom ings of these solutions and a future direction

    for m aking these approaches implem entable so that in

    the future the eme rgence of an agency culture m ight

    be averted. In short , we n eed to dev elop answers to a

    strong agency culture that functions in a munificent,

    few-failure environment containing new hires with

    low ethical characteristics.

    W e are increasingly a culture that not only focuses

    on the short term (Piety, 2004), but also on the

    agency relationship in our pursuit of wealth. The

    perils involved in this pursuit was noted by Weber

    (2001 [originally published in 1905]) , who wamed:

    In che field ofitshighest development, in the United

    States, the pursuit of wealth, stripped of its religious

    and ethical meaning, tends to become associated with

    purely mundane passions, which often actually give it

    the character of sport (p. 124).

    Agency culture seems to foster such a sporting char-

    acter. In particular, the correction of an agency culture

    toward the restoration of some sort of 'rehgious and

    ethical meaning' (Conroy and Emerson, 2004) could

    be a priority for any model that claims to systemicaUy

    infuse ethically appropriate behavior throughout any

    organization, given the environmental conditions

    identified herein. However, it appears at this critical

    point in American and global corporate history that

    infusion-of-ethics approach es such as integrity and

    stewardship fall short of implementabil i ty. What we

    need is an ethics approach that addresses the agency

    problem directly; otherwise, current ethics ap-

    proac hes may n ot be as effective as they co uld be up

    pract i t ioner implementat ion.


    would hke to thank Richard Reed and Je

    Goodstein for their many helpful comments

    earher versions of this paper and Dave Lemak

    numerous discussions of the relevance of ethics

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    Department of Management and Operati

    Washington State Univer

    Todd 337, Box 6447

    Pullman, Washington 99164-47

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    E-mail: bkulik@pullman.

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