agenda date: 10/28/21

STATE OF NEW JERSEY Board of Public Utilities 44 South Clinton Avenue, 1 st Floor Post Office Box 350 Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0350 CLEAN ENERGY IN THE MATTER OF THE COMMUNITY SOLAR ENERGY PILOT PROGRAM IN THE MATTER OF THE COMMUNITY SOLAR ENERGY PILOT PROGRAM YEAR 2 APPLICATION FORM AND PROCESS – APPLICATION AWARDS ) ) ) ) ) ) ORDER DOCKET NO. QO18060646 DOCKET NO. QO20080556 Party of Record: Brian O. Lipman, Esq., Acting Director, New Jersey Division of Rate Counsel BY THE BOARD: This Order reflects the actions of the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (“Board” or “BPU”) on the applications received for participation in Program Year 2 (“PY2”) of the Community Solar Energy Pilot Program (“Pilot Program”), codified at N.J.A.C. 14:8-9 et seq. BACKGROUND The Pilot Program was established by the Board pursuant to the Clean Energy Act of 2018 (L. 2018, c. 17) (“Act” or “CEA”) through rules adopted on January 17, 2019 and published in the New Jersey Register on February 19, 2019. 1 The Pilot Program enables New Jersey electric utility customers to participate in a solar energy project that may be remotely located from their properties and receive a credit on their utility bills. Community solar therefore enables access to clean energy generation for utility customers currently unable to place solar generation directly on their own properties. The BPU is particularly interested in ensuring that low-and moderate- income ("LMI") customers are able to access community solar, and that community solar development is pursued without compromising the preservation of open space or protected lands in New Jersey. The Pilot Program is designed to provide the necessary experience and to lay the groundwork for the development and implementation of a full-scale Community Solar Energy Program within 36 months of the implementation of the Pilot Program. 1 51 N.J.R. 232(a). Agenda Date: 10/28/21 Agenda Item: 8J

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STATE OF NEW JERSEY Board of Public Utilities

44 South Clinton Avenue, 1st Floor Post Office Box 350

Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0350


) ) ) ) ) )


Party of Record: Brian O. Lipman, Esq., Acting Director, New Jersey Division of Rate Counsel BY THE BOARD: This Order reflects the actions of the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (“Board” or “BPU”) on the applications received for participation in Program Year 2 (“PY2”) of the Community Solar Energy Pilot Program (“Pilot Program”), codified at N.J.A.C. 14:8-9 et seq. BACKGROUND The Pilot Program was established by the Board pursuant to the Clean Energy Act of 2018 (L. 2018, c. 17) (“Act” or “CEA”) through rules adopted on January 17, 2019 and published in the New Jersey Register on February 19, 2019.1 The Pilot Program enables New Jersey electric utility customers to participate in a solar energy project that may be remotely located from their properties and receive a credit on their utility bills. Community solar therefore enables access to clean energy generation for utility customers currently unable to place solar generation directly on their own properties. The BPU is particularly interested in ensuring that low-and moderate-income ("LMI") customers are able to access community solar, and that community solar development is pursued without compromising the preservation of open space or protected lands in New Jersey. The Pilot Program is designed to provide the necessary experience and to lay the groundwork for the development and implementation of a full-scale Community Solar Energy Program within 36 months of the implementation of the Pilot Program.

1 51 N.J.R. 232(a).

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2 Docket Nos. QO18060646 and QO20080556

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Community solar projects are selected by the Board for participation in the Pilot Program via a competitive solicitation process, as directed by N.J.A.C. 14:8-9.3(c). During the first Program Year (“PY1”) solicitation, the Board received 252 applications and selected 45 applications, representing approximately 78 MW. In July 2020, the Board conducted a stakeholder process regarding lessons learned from PY1 and possible improvements to the Pilot Program. Following public comment, the Board proposed two (2) rule amendments to the Pilot Program, published in the New Jersey Register on November 16, 2020, with comments received no later than January 15, 2021. The first rule amendment proposed to change some administrative requirements, particularly those relating to project milestone deadlines, and facilitate LMI verification.2 This rule amendment is being considered by the Board on a companion item on this Board Agenda. The second rule amendment proposed to allow a new type of customer enrollment, called “automatic enrollment” or “opt-out” for 100% LMI projects owned by local government entities.3 This rule amendment will be considered at a later time. On October 2, 2020, the Board issued the Application Form for the PY2 solicitation.4 The Application Form included application requirements and the PY2 Evaluation Criteria, and set the deadline for submitting applications of February 5, 2021 at 5:00 p.m. EST. The Board directed Board Staff (“Staff”) to develop an online application process for submitting applications. In the October 2 Order, the Board clarified that, in order to limit regulatory uncertainty for projects applying to PY2 of the Pilot Program, applications selected as part of PY2 will be eligible to register for the Transition Incentive (“TI”) Program, even if said Applications are selected after the establishment of the Successor Solar Incentive (“SuSI”) Program. PY2 projects’ TI eligibility is subject to maintaining compliance with the rules and regulations of the TI Program and Community Solar regulatory deadlines. The October 2 Order set the PY2 capacity at 150 MWdc, with the flexibility to allocate up to 10% (i.e. 15 MW) over or under this 150 MW capacity limit. In the event that there are not enough applications submitted in a given service territory to provide adequate competition, the Board found that it may, at its discretion, elect to not award any capacity in said service territory, and may reallocate the unused capacity. Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 14:8-9.4(e), at least 40% of the PY2 capacity (i.e. at least 60 MW) must be allocated to projects serving LMI subscribers. Furthermore, N.J.A.C. 14:8-9.4(d) provides that: “the annual capacity will be divided among each EDC area based on their average respective percentages of in-State retail electric sales.”

2 52 N.J.R. 2039(a). 3 52 N.J.R. 2041(a). 4 In re the Community Solar Energy Pilot Program; In re The Community Solar Energy Pilot Program Year 2 Application Form and Process, BPU Docket Nos. QO18060646, QO20080556, Order dated October 2, 2020 (“October 2 Order”).

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The breakdown of PY2 available capacity is as follows: Table 1: PY2 Available Capacity EDC % retail

sales MWdc allocated capacity

Atlantic City Electric Company (“ACE”) 12.35% 18.525 Jersey Central Power & Light Company (“JCP&L”) 28.86% 43.29 Public Service Electric & Gas Company (“PSE&G”) 56.87% 85.305 Rockland Electric Company (“RECO”) 1.92% 2.88 Total 100% 150

In January 2021, Staff issued supplemental instructions for submitting an application via the Board’s online e-Filing portal. In response to questions, Staff held an informational webinar demonstrating how to upload applications to the e-Filing portal on February 3, 2021; a recording of the webinar was circulated on the community solar listserv and was posted on the New Jersey Clean Energy Program website. The Board’s rule at N.J.A.C. 14:8-10.1 indicates that solar electric generating facilities meeting the TI eligibility criteria established in the subchapter may register for the TI Program “following April 30, 2020, and prior to the Board’s announcement of the opening of a registration process for the solar Successor Incentive Program.” On July 28, 2021, the Board ordered the closure pf the TI Program to new registrations on 11:59:59 p.m. on August 27, 2021.5 In the July 2021 Order, the Board once again reiterated that projects selected to participate in PY2 of the Pilot Program shall be allowed to register for the TI Program regardless of when these Applications are selected by the Board. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS Community Solar Applications Received The Board received 412 applications by the deadline of February 5, 2021 at 5:00 p.m. Collectively, these applications represent approximately 804 MWdc.6 These 412 applications were broken down by EDC as follows: Table 2: Number of Applications Received in Each EDC Territory

ACE………………………………….. 63 applications received JCP&L………………………………. 108 applications received PSE&G………………………………234 applications received RECO………………………………..7 applications received

5 In re A New Jersey Solar Transition Pursuant to P.L. 2018, C. 17, BPU Docket No. QO19010068, Order dated July 28, 2021 (July 2021 Order”). 6 A small number of applications provided a capacity range; Staff assumed the high end of the range for this overall estimate.

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The 5:00 p.m. cut off was applied strictly, based on the electronic timestamp automatically generated when each application was submitted. Several applications were submitted after 5:00 p.m. These applications were not accepted, and are not included in the 412 applications counted above.7 Evaluation Committee Review As set forth in the PY2 Application Form, applications were first reviewed for administrative completeness. Applications were deemed complete if: 1) All questions are completed, except those explicitly marked as optional, 2) All required attachments are included (see Appendix B for a checklist of required attachments), and 3) All required signatures are included. Applications that were found to be administratively complete were then scored by the Evaluation Committee, based upon the information provided in the applications, and following the scoring rubric issued by the Board in Appendix C of the PY2 Application Form, and reproduced below: Table 3: PY2 Evaluation Criteria Evaluation Criteria Max. Points

(total possible points: 100)

Low- and Moderate-Income and Environmental Justice Inclusion Higher preference: LMI project


Siting Higher preference, e.g.: landfills, brownfields, areas of historic fill, rooftops, parking lots, parking decks, canopies over impervious surfaces (e.g. walkway), former sand and gravel pits, former mines Medium preference, e.g.: floating solar on water bodies such as water treatment plants and sand and gravel pits, that have little to no established floral and faunal resources (*) No Points, e.g.: preserved lands, wetlands, forested areas, farmland Bonus points for site enhancements, e.g. landscaping, land enhancement, pollination support (**) Bonus points if project is located in a redevelopment area or an economic opportunity zone (**) *Note: Applicants with a floating solar project must meet with DEP prior to submitting an Application, and take special notice of DEP’s siting guidelines. **Note: bonus points will only be available for projects in the “higher” or “medium” preference siting categories. Projects in the “No Points” siting categories are not eligible for bonus points.

20 Max. possible bonus points: 3 Max. possible bonus points: 2

7 On August 25, 2021, the Board received a petition requesting consideration for an application that was submitted after the 5:00 p.m. deadline. This petition, BPU Docket No. QO21081100, is being considered as a separate item on this Board Agenda.

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Community and Environmental Justice Engagement Higher preference: formal agreement, ongoing collaboration or effective partnership with municipality and/or local community organizations and/or affordable housing provider (per Section X, Questions 1, 2, and 3) Medium preference: consultation with municipality and/or local community organization(s) and/or or affordable housing provider (per Section X, Question 4) No Points: no collaboration or collaboration has not been proven


Product Offering Higher preference: guaranteed savings >20%, flexible terms* Medium preference: guaranteed savings >10%, flexible terms* Low preference: guaranteed savings >5% No Points: no guaranteed savings, no flexible terms* *Flexible terms may include: no cancellation fee, short-term contract


Other Benefits Higher preference: Provides jobs and/or job training and/or demonstrates co-benefits (e.g. paired with storage, EV charging station, energy audits, energy efficiency)


Geographic Limit within EDC service territory Higher preference: municipality/adjacent municipality Medium preference: county/adjacent county No Points: any geographic location within the EDC service territory


Project Maturity Higher preference: project has received all non-ministerial permits; project has completed an interconnection study


Pursuant to the PY2 Application Form, projects must score a minimum 50 points total in order to be considered by the Board. Projects that scored above 50 points were broken out by electric distribution company (“EDC”) service territory, and ranked in order, starting with the highest-scoring application. Following review of the applications, Staff consulted with the New Jersey Department of Environmental (“NJDEP”) for preliminary feedback on non-rooftop applications, to verify that the facts presented in the applications were correct. This high-level review was not a formal assessment of the projects. Staff recommends that the Board require that all non-rooftop projects contact the NJDEP’s Office of Permitting and Project Navigation (“OPPN”) within 30 days of the effective date of the Board’s Order, and comply with all information requests and/or follow-up meetings deemed necessary by the OPPN. Recommended Project Awards Based upon the above review process, the Evaluation Committee recommends that the Board grant conditional approvals to the Applications identified in the attached Appendix 1. The approvals would be conditional upon the receipt of all relevant permits, interconnection approvals, and be contingent upon the project being constructed and operated as it was proposed in its application.

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All applications recommended for conditional approval in Appendix 1 propose to develop LMI projects, i.e. are projects in which at least 51% of the project’s capacity is subscribed by LMI subscribers [N.J.A.C. 14:8-9.8(b)]. The list of recommended project awards is therefore compliant with the requirement at N.J.A.C. 14:8-9.4(e) that “at least 40% of the annual capacity limit shall be allocated to LMI projects.” The Evaluation Committee recommends that the Board deny without prejudice the remaining applications, identified in the attached Appendix 2. If the recommendations above are adopted, the Board would grant conditional approvals to 105 projects representing a total of 164.69524 MWdc, broken down as follows: Table 4: PY2 Conditionally Approved Capacity in Each EDC Territory EDC Number of Applications

Conditionally Approved Conditionally Approved Capacity (in MWdc)

ACE 7 21.323 JCP&L 28 47.4487 PSE&G 67 90.32454 RECO 3 5.599 Total 105 164.69524

Special Considerations for Municipal Automatic Enrollment Projects Based on feedback from some stakeholders, the Board proposed a rule amendment to the Pilot Program rules that would enable a limited scale testing of automatic enrollment of subscribers (also known as “opt-out” subscriber enrollment) in the context of LMI municipal projects.8 The PY2 Application Form included a section dedicated to projects interested in utilizing automatic enrollment subscriber enrollment where owned and operated by a local government entity. The PY2 Application Form specified that permission to operate as an automatic enrollment project was contingent on the Board’s approval of the proposed rule amendment, stating that “if the application is selected but the proposed rule amendment is not approved by the Board, the project will be required to proceed using affirmative consent (i.e. “opt-in”) subscriber enrollment rules, as currently provided for in the Pilot Program rules at N.J.A.C. 14:8-9.10(b)(1).” One of the applications recommended for approval in Appendix 1 indicated its interest in proceeding as a municipal automatic enrollment project, namely the application with the Docket Number QO21020400. At this time, the Board has not yet considered final adoption of the rule amendment that would permit automatic enrollment of municipal LMI projects. Therefore, Staff recommends that the Board approve this application with the caveat that it must follow the Pilot Program rules currently in effect. Should the Board approve the rule amendment allowing automatic enrollment at a later date, the application identified above would be allowed to proceed as an automatic enrollment project, contingent on maintaining compliance with the Pilot Program rules and the facts stated in the application.

8 52 N.J.R. 2041(a).

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Milestones for Selected Projects In Section A-III.13 of the PY2 Application Form (Terms and Conditions: Milestones and Follow-Up for Approved Projects), the Board stated that should a proposed community solar project be approved by the Board for participation in the Pilot Program, such approval would be conditional on the project being constructed and operated as was proposed in its application. In order to monitor compliance, the Board stated that conditionally approved projects would be required to submit updates to the Board at three Milestones: 1) prior to beginning of construction; 2) prior to applying for Permission to Operate (”PTO”), and 3) prior to applying to the relevant EDC for allocation of bill credits. As was implemented in PY1, Staff recommends that monitoring of applications be tied to the existing TI Program administration, so as to provide a process that is effective and does not create an undue burden on applicants, the Board, and Board Staff. Additionally, some milestone requirements were modified by a rule amendment adopted by the Board in a companion item on this Board Agenda.9 As such, Staff recommends that the Board implement the following process:

1) Conditionally Approved projects submit an initial TI registration package within 14 days of the effective date of the Board’s Order, and comply with all applicable TI Program regulations;

2) Conditionally Approved projects provide quarterly updates on the status of project progress through a community-solar specific Milestone Reporting Form associated with their TI Program registration;

3) Conditionally Approved projects become fully operational within 18 months of the effective date of the Board’s Order. Staff may grant one six-month extension if substantial progress is demonstrated toward becoming fully operation within the initial 18-month period pursuant to N.J.A.C. 14:8-9.3(c)(8);

4) Conditionally Approved projects submit a TI Program Final As-Built packet, which includes (but is not limited to):

a. Copies of all permits received, including local and State permits; b. A copy of the EDC Permission to Operate; and c. A signed and notarized affidavit certifying that the community solar facility was built

and will be operated as it was proposed in the original Application; and 5) After completion of the TI Program requirements, Staff would direct the TI Program

Administrator to issue a Transition Renewable Energy Certificate (“TREC”) Certification Number.

Furthermore, as stated previously, for all conditionally approved projects not located on a rooftop or a parking canopy, Staff recommends that the Board require contact with NJDEP’s OPPN within 30 days of the effective date of the Board’s Order, and comply with all information requests and/or follow-up meetings deemed necessary by the OPPN. Staff also notes that some projects recommended for conditional approval in Appendix 1 may have applications pending with the board, or have been granted conditional certification, pursuant to L. 2012, c. 24 (“Solar Act”), codified at N.J.S.A. 48:3-87(t) (“Subsection (t)”). Staff recommends that the Board disallow concurrent TI registrations for duplicative PY2 and Subsection (t) projects. 9 See BPU Docket No. QX20090577, Proposed: November 16, 2020, at 52 N.J.R. 2039(a), Adopted Amendments: N.J.A.C. 14:8-9.2, 9.3, 9.4, 9.6, 9.8, and 9.10.

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Pilot Program Year 3 and Permanent Program The CEA directs the Board to “convert the Community Solar Energy Pilot Program to a permanent program” “no later than 36 months after adoption of the rules and regulations [establishing the Pilot Program].” This three-year milestone will occur on February 19, 2022. The Pilot Program has enabled the Board to explore and test the implementation of community solar in New Jersey, and to launch a new segment of the solar industry in New Jersey. The Pilot Program rules envisioned that a competitive solicitation would occur during each of the three (3) calendar years [N.J.A.C. 14:8-9.3(a) and 14:8-9.4(b)]. It will be exceedingly difficult to hold a third solicitation before February 2022. Additionally, Staff believes the PY1 and PY2 solicitation process have provided the experience necessary to convert the Pilot Program into a permanent program. As such, Staff recommends that the Board waive its rules at N.J.A.C. 14:8-9.4(b) establishing a capacity allocation for Program Year 3 (“PY3”), and instead proceed immediately to the development of the permanent program. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION The Board HEREBY FINDS that 412 applications for PY2 of the Pilot Program were received by the deadline on February 5, 2021 at 5:00 p.m. EST. The Board GRANTS conditional approval to the projects listed as “Conditionally Approved” in the attached Appendix 1 (henceforth called “Conditionally Approved Projects”). The Board DENIES without prejudice the Applications listed in the attached Appendix 2. The Board FINDS that applications that are not selected may reapply in future community solar application proceedings, subject to meeting applicable rules and regulations. The Board DIRECTS applicants with Conditionally Approved Projects to submit an initial TI Program registration package within 14 days of the effective date of this Order, in accordance with N.J.A.C. 14:8-9.7(q) and N.J.A.C. 14:8-10.4(e). The Board ORDERS that a Conditionally Approved Project may not have concurrent PY2 and Subsection (t) TI registrations, and DIRECTS applicants with existing TI registrations pursuant to Subsection (t) to withdraw such registrations prior to submission of the TI Program registration package for PY2 projects. The Board ORDERS all applicants with Conditionally Approved Projects to comply with the regulations and procedures of the TI Program including, but not limited to, submission of quarterly Milestone reporting forms. The Board FINDS that, in compliance with N.J.A.C. 14:8-9.11, applicants with Conditionally Approved Projects must notify the Board in writing within 30 days of any changes to the project developer, owner, or operator in case of sale, transfer, contract modification, or other material change to the parties initially listed in the Application. The Board DIRECTS Staff to develop a standard affidavit certifying that the community solar facility was built and will be operated as it was proposed in the original applications. The Board ORDERS that all conditionally approved community solar facilities must be built and operated as they were proposed in the original application, and ORDERS applicants with Conditionally Approved Projects to sign, notarize, and submit the affidavit developed by Staff stating as such along with the “Final As-Built” packet to the TI Program Administrator. The Board FURTHER ORDERS applicants with Conditionally Approved Projects to comply with any requests from Board Staff intended to verify that a project was constructed and operated in compliance with its original application, this Order, and applicable rules and regulations. The Board ORDERS that, pursuant to the Pilot Program rules at N.J.A.C. 14:8-9.3(c)(7), as amended, Conditionally Approved Projects must provide quarterly updates on the status of the

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project, and that these updates be provided by means of the TI Program Milestone Reporting Form. The Board FURTHER ORDERS that, pursuant to the Pilot Program rules at N.J.A.C. 14:8-9.3(c)(8), as amended, Conditionally Approved Projects must become fully operational within 18 months of the effective date of this Order. Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 14:8-9.3(c)(8), as amended, Board Staff may approve one six-month extension if substantial progress is shown towards becoming fully operational within the initial 18-month period. The Board may grant subsequent extensions if it deems warranted upon review of a petition submitted to the Board. The Board DIRECTS Staff to issue a TREC Certification Number to Conditionally Approved Projects upon the applicant’s demonstration that all requirements for full certification have been satisfied, including the receipt of all necessary permits, fulfillment of all TI Program requirements, and being otherwise in compliance with applicable laws, rules, and regulations. The Board FURTHER FINDS that allocation of bill credits to subscribers of a project by the relevant EDC is contingent upon receipt of a TREC Certification Number. The Board ORDERS all Conditionally Approved Projects that are not sited on a rooftop or parking lot canopy to contact the NJDEP OPPN within 30 days of the effective date of this Order, and comply with all information requests and/or follow-up meetings deemed necessary by the OPPN. The Board FINDS that, if a Conditionally Approved Project fails to comply with the requirements of this Order, the Pilot Program rules at N.J.A.C. 14:8-9 et seq., or to be built and operated as proposed in its original application, this failure may be grounds to cancel the Board’s conditional approval of a project. The Board URGES the applicants with Conditionally Approved Projects to review all applicable rules and regulations, particularly N.J.A.C. 14:8-9.10, regarding consumer protections, and N.J.A.C. 14:8-9.11, regarding reporting. The Board has the authority to waive its rules pursuant to N.J.A.C. 14:1-1.2(b), which provides that “[i]n special cases and for good cause shown," the Board may relax or permit deviations from these rules. Further, in accordance with the general purposes and intent of its rules, the Board shall waive sections of its rules if "full compliance with the rule would adversely affect the ratepayers of a utility or other regulated entity, the ability of said utility or other regulated entity to continue to render safe, adequate and proper service, or the interests of the general public."10 The Board HEREBY FINDS that, in light of the timing of the permanent program and the experience gained throughout the implementation of the Pilot Program, there is good cause to waive its rules at N.J.A.C. 14:8-9.4(b) establishing a capacity allocation for PY3, and instead proceed immediately to the development of the permanent program. The Board FURTHER DIRECTS Staff to launch a stakeholder proceeding, and to report back to the Board with recommendations regarding the establishment of rules for the permanent program. Finally, in order to create regulatory certainty for PY2 applicants, the Board found in its October 2 Order, and again in its July 2021 Order, that the TI incentive shall be available to selected PY2 projects regardless of whether Board selection occurred after closure of the TI program and opening of the Successor program. Here, a waiver of the Board’s TI rules is proper and necessary to effectuate the intent of the Board’s prior orders, and is also necessary because full compliance with the TI rules would adversely affect the PY2 community solar program and the interests of the general public. Therefore, consistent with the October 2 and July 2021 Orders, the Board HEREBY FINDS good cause to waive those portions of the Board’s TI Rules at N.J.A.C. 14:8- 10 N.J.A.C. 14:1-1.2(b).

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10.1, N.J.A.C. 14:8-10.4(c), and N.J.A.C. 14:8-10.4(e) to the extent that they would otherwise prevent PY2 Conditionally Approved Projects from being eligible for registration in the Tl Program.

The effective date of this Order is November 4, 2021.









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Division of Rate Counsel Division of Rate Counsel 140 East Front Street, 4th Floor Trenton, NJ 08625-0003 Brian O. Lipman, Esq., Acting Director [email protected] Division of Law Richard J. Hughes Justice Complex Public Utilities Section 25 Market Street, P.O. Box 112 Trenton, NJ 08625 Darren Eppley, Esq. Section Chief [email protected] Pamela Owen, Esq. Assistant Section Chief [email protected] Michael Beck, Esq. Deputy Attorney General [email protected] Publication on the NJ Clean Energy Program community solar listserv All applicants identified in Appendix 1 and Appendix 2

Board of Public Utilities 44 South Clinton Avenue, 1st Floor Post Office Box 350 Trenton, NJ 08625-0350 Aida Camacho-Welch, Secretary [email protected] General Counsel’s Office Abe Silverman, General Counsel [email protected] Carol Artale [email protected] Suzanne Patnaude [email protected] Office of the Chief of Staff Christine Sadovy, Chief of Staff [email protected] Executive Director’s Office Bob Brabston, Esq., Executive Director [email protected] Stacy Peterson [email protected] Division of Clean Energy Kelly Mooij, Director [email protected] Ariane Benrey [email protected]

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Appendix 1: Conditionally Approved Projects Note: The projects below are organized first sorted by EDC, then by Docket Number. The order in which the Conditionally Approved Projects are listed therefore bears no meaning on the scores received by individual applications. Rockland Electric

Docket Number Project Name Applicant

Name Size

(MWdc) Project Type Address Contact

Name Contact Email

QO21020492 100 Performance Sun Garden

Altus Power America Inc.



100 Performance Drive, Mahwah, 07495

Nicholas Minekime [email protected]

QO21020493 301 Island Sun Garden

Altus Power America Inc.



301 Island Road, Mahwah, 07430

Nicholas Minekime [email protected]

QO21020495 320 Route 17S Sun Garden

Altus Power America Inc.



320 Route 17 S, Mahwah, 07072

Nicholas Minekime [email protected]

Atlantic City Electric

Docket Number Project Name Applicant

Name Size

(MWdc) Project Type Address Contact

Name Contact Email

QO21020146 Pennsville Landfill Solar Project (A)

Pennsville Landfill Solar, LLC

2.7 Landfill

Industrial Park Road, Pennsville, 08070

Angie Daoud [email protected]

QO21020147 Pennsville Landfill Solar Project (C)

Pennsville Landfill Solar, LLC



Industrial Park Road, Pennsville, 08070

Angie Daoud [email protected]


Pittsgrove Township Community Solar Project

Pittsgrove Township



1050 Porchtown Rd., Pittsgrove, 08318

Charles Hughes

[email protected] [email protected]

QO21020474 1300 Wheaton Ave

Solar Landscape Development LLC



1300 Wheaton Avenue, Millville, 08332

Shaun Keegan [email protected]

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QO21020475 1401 Wheaton Ave

Solar Landscape Development LLC



1401 Wheaton Avenue, Millville, 08332

Shaun Keegan [email protected]

QO21020511 6730 Delilah Rd

Solar Landscape Development LLC



6730 Delilah Road, Egg Harbor, 08234

Shaun Keegan [email protected]

QO21020564 Stafford Park Solar 3, LLC

Stafford Park Solar 3 LLC 4.99

Landfill / Brownfield / Area of Historic Fill

400 Haywood Road, Manahawkin, 08050

Heshy Katz [email protected]

Jersey Central Power & Light

Docket Number Project Name Applicant

Name Size

(MWdc) Project Type Address Contact

Name Contact Email

QO21020110 100 Middlesex Center Sun Garden

Altus Power America Inc.



100 Middlesex Center Blvd., South Brunswick, 08831

Nicholas Minekime [email protected]

QO21020135 36 Newburgh Sun Garden

Altus Power America Inc.



36 Newburgh Rd., Hackettstown, 07840

Nicholas Minekime [email protected]

QO21020141 1790 Swarthmore

Evergreen Energy, LLC



1790 Swarthmore Ave, Lakewood, 08701

Jacob Sussman [email protected]

QO21020163 1245 AIRPORT ROAD

Lexington Holdings, LLC



1245 Airport Rd., Lakewood, 08701

Perel Hoberman [email protected]

QO21020224 1705 Oak St

Solar Landscape Development LLC



1705 Oak Street, Lakewood, 08701

Shaun Keegan [email protected]

QO21020226 1695 Oak St Solar Landscape



1695 Oak Street, Lakewood, 08701

Shaun Keegan [email protected]

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Development LLC

QO21020232 1205 Paco Way

Solar Landscape Development LLC



1205 Paco Way, Lakewood, 08701

Shaun Keegan [email protected]

QO21020234 1100 Towbin Ave

Solar Landscape Development LLC



1100 Towbin Avenue, Lakewood, 08701

Shaun Keegan [email protected]

QO21020238 900 Towbin Ave

Solar Landscape Development LLC



900 Towbin Ave, Lakewood, 08701

Shaun Keegan [email protected]

QO21020240 1001 New Hampshire Ave

Solar Landscape Development LLC



1001 New Hampshire Avenue, Lakewood, 08701

Shaun Keegan [email protected]

QO21020242 Oak Ridge Parkway Community Solar

EDF Renewables Distributed Solutions, Inc.

4.989 Brownfield

227 Oak Ridge Parkway, Toms River, 08755

Rod Viens [email protected]

QO21020266 Old Bridge - Global Landfill

AC Power, LLC

2.8 Landfill 1 Global Access,

Old Bridge, 08859 Annika Colston [email protected]

QO21020286 BEMS Community Solar East

BEMS Community Solar East LLC

5 Landfill

Big Hill Rd. and Old Forge Rd., Southampton, 08088

Gary Cicero [email protected]

QO21020369 46 Park Rd

Solar Landscape Development LLC



46 Park Rd, Tinton Falls, 07724

Shaun Keegan [email protected]

QO21020376 30 Park Rd Solar Landscape



30 Park Rd, Tinton Falls, 07724

Shaun Keegan [email protected]

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Development LLC

QO21020437 Eagles Solar I Hathaway Solar, LLC

5 Landfill

630 Pinewald Keswick Road, Berkeley, 08722

John Ervin [email protected]

QO21020439 Eagles Solar II Hathaway Solar, LLC

5 Landfill

630 Pinewald Keswick Road, Berkeley, 08722

John Ervin [email protected]

QO21020472 3403 NJ Route 33

Solar Landscape Development LLC



3403 NJ Route 33, Neptune, 07753

Shaun Keegan [email protected]

QO21020500 2540 NJ Route 516

Solar Landscape Development LLC



2540 NJ Route 516, Old Bridge, 08857

Shaun Keegan [email protected]

QO21020501 317 NJ Route 37 E

Solar Landscape Development LLC



317 NJ Route 37 E, Toms River, 08753

Shaun Keegan [email protected]

QO21020506 501 Cheesequake Rd

Solar Landscape Development LLC



501 Cheesequake Road, Parlin, 08859

Shaun Keegan [email protected]

QO21020507 1110-1170 NJ Route 36

Solar Landscape Development LLC



1110-1170 NJ Route 36, Hazlet, 07730

Shaun Keegan [email protected]

QO21020510 2990 NJ Route 66

Solar Landscape Development LLC



2990 NJ Route 66, Neptune, 07753

Shaun Keegan [email protected]

QO21020513 1 Costco Dr, System A

Solar Landscape



1 Costco Drive, Monroe, 08831

Shaun Keegan [email protected]

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Development LLC

QO21020539 1175 NJ Route 10

Solar Landscape Development LLC



1175 NJ Route 10, Whippany, 07981

Shaun Keegan [email protected]

QO21020540 60 Littell Rd

Solar Landscape Development LLC



60 Littell Road, East Hanover, 07936

Shaun Keegan [email protected]

QO21020548 307 E Hanover Ave

Solar Landscape Development LLC



307 E Hanover Avenue, Morristown, 07960

Shaun Keegan [email protected]

QO21020550 277 US Highway 46

Solar Landscape Development LLC



277 US Highway 46, Parsippany-Troy Hills, 07054

Shaun Keegan [email protected]

Public Service Electric & Gas

Docket Number Project Name Applicant Name

Size (MWdc)

Project Type Address Contact

Name Contact Email

QO21020111 283 Prospect Plains Sun Garden

Altus Power America Inc. 5 Rooftop

283 Prospect Plains Road, Cranbury, 08512

Nicholas Minekime [email protected]

QO21020112 400 Cabot Sun Garden

Altus Power America Inc. 5 Rooftop 400 Cabot Drive,

Trenton, 08691 Nicholas Minekime [email protected]

QO21020113 1240 Cranbury Sun Garden

Altus Power America Inc. 5 Rooftop

1240 Cranbury South River Road, Cranbury, 08512

Nicholas Minekime [email protected]

QO21020180 8290 National Highway

Independence Solar, LLC 1 Rooftop

8290 National Highway, Pennsauken, 08110

Keith Peltzman [email protected]

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QO21020181 1650 Sherman Ave

Independence Solar, LLC 1.16 Rooftop

1650 Sherman Avenue, Pennsauken, 08110

Keith Peltzman [email protected]

QO21020183 875 Sherman Ave

Independence Solar, LLC 0.771 Rooftop

875 Sherman Avenue, Pennsauken, 08110

Keith Peltzman [email protected]

QO21020187 905 N. Lenola Road

Independence Solar, LLC 1.68 Rooftop

905 N. Lenola Road, Moorestown, 08057

Keith Peltzman [email protected]

QO21020192 2 Twosome Drive

Brightcore Energy LLC 0.42 Rooftop

2 Twosome Drive, Moorestown, 08057

Robert Krugel [email protected]

QO21020193 2 Commerce Drive

Brightcore Energy LLC 0.319 Rooftop

2 Commerce Drive, Moorestown, 08057

Robert Krugel [email protected]

QO21020194 30 Twosome Drive

Brightcore Energy LLC 0.373 Rooftop

30 Twosome Drive, Moorestown, 08057

Robert Krugel [email protected]

QO21020195 2 Executive Drive

Brightcore Energy LLC 0.4218 Rooftop

2 Executive Drive, Moorestown, 08057

Robert Krugel [email protected]

QO21020196 31 Twosome Drive

Brightcore Energy LLC 0.862 Rooftop

31 Twosome Drive, Moorestown, 08057

Robert Krugel [email protected]

QO21020197 101 Commerce Drive

Brightcore Energy LLC 0.514 Rooftop

101 Commerce Drive, Moorestown, 08057

Robert Krugel [email protected]

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QO21020198 41 Twosome Drive

Brightcore Energy LLC 0.37 Rooftop

41 Twosome Drive, Moorestown, 08057

Robert Krugel [email protected]

QO21020199 40 Twosome Drive

Brightcore Energy LLC 0.364 Rooftop

40 Twosome Drive, Moorestown, 08057

Robert Krugel [email protected]

QO21020201 50 Twosome Drive

Brightcore Energy LLC 0.277 Rooftop

50 Twosome Drive, Moorestown, 08057

Robert Krugel [email protected]

QO21020202 97 Foster Road Brightcore Energy LLC 0.464 Rooftop

97 Foster Road, Moorestown, 08057

Robert Krugel [email protected]

QO21020203 225 Executive Drive

Brightcore Energy LLC 0.411 Rooftop

225 Executive Drive, Moorestown, 08057

Robert Krugel [email protected]

QO21020204 201 Commerce Drive

Brightcore Energy LLC 0.286 Rooftop

201 Commerce Drive, Moorestown, 08057

Robert Krugel [email protected]

QO21020205 202 Commerce Drive

Brightcore Energy LLC 0.439 Rooftop

202 Commerce Drive, Moorestown, 08057

Robert Krugel [email protected]

QO21020206 102 Commerce Drive

Brightcore Energy LLC 0.299 Rooftop

102 Commerce Drive, Moorestown, 08057

Robert Krugel [email protected]

QO21020207 915 N Lenola Road

Brightcore Energy LLC 0.511 Rooftop

915 N Lenola Road, Moorestown, 08057

Robert Krugel [email protected]

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QO21020208 1256 N Church Street

Brightcore Energy LLC 0.591 Rooftop

1256 N Church Street, Moorestown, 08057

Robert Krugel [email protected]

QO21020209 1507 Lancer Drive

Brightcore Energy LLC 0.382 Rooftop

1507 Lancer Drive, Moorestown, 08057

Robert Krugel [email protected]

QO21020210 840-844 N Lenola Road

Brightcore Energy LLC 0.534 Rooftop

840-844 N Lenola Road, Moorestown, 08057

Robert Krugel [email protected]

QO21020211 1247 N Church Street

Brightcore Energy LLC 0.401 Rooftop

1247 N Church Street, Moorestown, 08057

Robert Krugel [email protected]

QO21020212 1400 Imperial Way Sun Garden

Altus Power America Inc. 1.193 Rooftop

1400 Imperial Way, West Deptford, 08066

Nicholas Minekime [email protected]

QO21020213 2900 Cindel Sun Garden

Altus Power America Inc. 5 Rooftop

2900 Cindel Drive, Delran, 08075

Nicholas Minekime [email protected]

QO21020220 560 Jefferson Sun Garden

Altus Power America Inc. 0.918 Rooftop

560 Jefferson Avenue, Secaucus, 07094

Nicholas Minekime [email protected]

QO21020230 1112 Corporate Rd

Solar Landscape Development LLC

0.696 Rooftop

1112 Corporate Road, North Brunswick, 08902

Shaun Keegan [email protected]

QO21020231 1101 Corporate Rd

Solar Landscape Development LLC

1.11 Rooftop

1101 Corporate Road, North Brunswick, 08902

Shaun Keegan [email protected]

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QO21020243 BEMS Community Solar West

BEMS Community Solar West LLC

5 Landfill

Big Hill Rd. and Old Forge Rd., Southampton, 08088

Gary Cicero [email protected]

QO21020253 Mill One UGE USA, Inc. 0.2109 Rooftop

1 North Johnston Avenue, Hamilton, 08609

Mateo Chaskel [email protected]

QO21020254 57 N Johnston at Mill One

UGE USA, Inc. 1.09 Rooftop

57 North Johnston Avenue, Hamilton, 08609

Mateo Chaskel [email protected]

QO21020255 Studio Park UGE USA, Inc. 0.8895 Rooftop 1800 E State St.,

Hamilton, 08609 Mateo Chaskel [email protected]

QO21020290 2 Corporate Pl S

Solar Landscape Development LLC

1.87 Rooftop 2 Corporate Pl S, Piscataway, 08854

Shaun Keegan [email protected]

QO21020291 535 Secaucus Rd

Solar Landscape Development LLC

0.556 Rooftop 535 Secaucus Road, Secaucus, 07094

Shaun Keegan [email protected]

QO21020303 1 Wiley Drive Sun Garden

Altus Power America Inc. 2.938 Rooftop 1 Wiley Drive,

Somerset, 08873 Nicholas Minekime [email protected]


The City of Hoboken Community Solar Project

The City of Hoboken 3.91644 Rooftop 201 Bay Avenue,

Elizabeth, 07201 Jennifer Gonzalez [email protected]

QO21020404 Newark Solar 1 LLC

Newark Solar 1 LLC 2.81 Rooftop

397-447 Ferry Street, Newark, 07105

Rafael Dobrzynski [email protected]

QO21020438 Henderson Solar LLC

Henderson Solar LLC 0.9518 Rooftop

5 Henderson Drive, West Caldwell, 07006

Rafael Dobrzynski [email protected]

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QO21020471 18 Engelhard Ave

Solar Landscape Development LLC

1.21 Rooftop 18 Engelhard Avenue, Avenel, 07001

Shaun Keegan [email protected]

QO21020473 303 Ridge Rd

Solar Landscape Development LLC

0.789 Rooftop 303 Ridge Road, Dayton, 08810

Shaun Keegan [email protected]

QO21020479 11 Corn Rd

Solar Landscape Development LLC

3.85 Rooftop 11 Corn Road, South Brunswick, 08810

Shaun Keegan [email protected]

QO21020502 2870 Brunswick Pike

Solar Landscape Development LLC

0.959 Rooftop 2870 Brunswick Pike, Lawrence, 08648

Shaun Keegan [email protected]

QO21020508 725 NJ Route 1

Solar Landscape Development LLC

0.446 Rooftop 725 NJ Route 1, Iselin, 08830

Shaun Keegan [email protected]

QO21020509 777 Lehigh Ave

Solar Landscape Development LLC

1.71 Rooftop 777 Lehigh Avenue, Union, 07083

Shaun Keegan [email protected]

QO21020517 820 East Gate Dr

Solar Landscape Development LLC

1.07 Rooftop 820 East Gate Drive, Mount Laurel, 08054

Shaun Keegan [email protected]

QO21020518 601 Delran Pkwy

Solar Landscape Development LLC

0.687 Rooftop 601 Delran Parkway, Delran, 08075

Shaun Keegan [email protected]

QO21020519 22 Hollywood Ave

Solar Landscape Development LLC

0.742 Rooftop 22 Hollywood Avenue, Ho Ho Kus, 07423

Shaun Keegan [email protected]

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QO21020521 69 Mallory Ave

Solar Landscape Development LLC

0.61 Rooftop 69 Mallory Avenue, Jersey City, 07304

Shaun Keegan [email protected]

QO21020524 116 Gaither Dr

Solar Landscape Development LLC

1.1 Rooftop 116 Gaither Drive, Mount Laurel, 08054

Shaun Keegan [email protected]

QO21020542 Franklin Solar 1 LLC

Franklin Solar 1 LLC 3.71 Rooftop 13 Jensen Drive,

Franklin, 08873 Rafael Dobrzynski [email protected]

QO21020549 Moorestown Solar 1 LLC

Moorestown Solar 1 LLC 0.7887 Rooftop

550 Glen Avenue, Moorestown, 08057

Rafael Dobrzynski [email protected]

QO21020551 Moorestown Solar 2 LLC

Moorestown Solar 2 LLC 0.6264 Rooftop

600 Glen Court, Moorestown, 08057

Rafael Dobrzynski [email protected]

QO21020553 552 Grand Ave

Solar Landscape Development LLC

0.402 Rooftop

552 Grand Avenue, Ridgefield, 07657

Shaun Keegan [email protected]

QO21020555 Mayhill Solar LLC

Mayhill Solar LLC 1.6 Rooftop

301 Mayhill Street, Saddle Brook, 07663

Rafael Dobrzynski [email protected]

QO21020557 Franklin Solar 2 LLC

Franklin Solar 2 LLC 4.97 Rooftop 50 Veronica Ave,

Franklin, 08873 Rafael Dobrzynski [email protected]

QO21020558 Somers Solar LLC

Somers Solar LLC 1.27 Rooftop

17 & 20 Veronica Avenue, Franklin, 08873

Rafael Dobrzynski [email protected]

QO21020561 1234 NJ Route 46

Solar Landscape Development LLC

0.273 Rooftop 1234 NJ Route 46, Clifton, 07013

Shaun Keegan [email protected]

QO21020567 1817 NJ Route 38

Solar Landscape 1.24 Rooftop

1817 NJ Route 38, Lumberton, 08048

Shaun Keegan [email protected]

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Development LLC

QO21020574 1951 E Linden Ave

Solar Landscape Development LLC

0.882 Rooftop 1951 E Linden Avenue, Linden, 07036

Shaun Keegan [email protected]

QO21020592 601 Penhorn Ave

Solar Landscape Development LLC

0.262 Rooftop 601 Penhorn Avenue, Secaucus, 07094

Shaun Keegan [email protected]

QO21020593 1 County Rd

Solar Landscape Development LLC

2.25 Rooftop 1 County Road, Secaucus, 07094

Shaun Keegan [email protected]

QO21020594 301 Penhorn Ave

Solar Landscape Development LLC

0.485 Rooftop 301 Penhorn Avenue, Secaucus, 07094

Shaun Keegan [email protected]

QO21020595 501 Penhorn Ave

Solar Landscape Development LLC

0.662 Rooftop 501 Penhorn Avenue, Secaucus, 07094

Shaun Keegan [email protected]

QO21020596 55 Jiffy Rd

Solar Landscape Development LLC

0.731 Rooftop 55 Jiffy Road, Somerset, 08873

Shaun Keegan [email protected]

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Appendix 2: Non-Approved Applications

Docket Number Project Name Applicant Name

Contact Name Contact Email

QO21020107 Zitone-Montague-CS Parallel Products Solar Energy, LLC

Phillip Cavallo [email protected]

QO21020109 Oberlin Ave Project Evergreen Energy, LLC Jacob Sussman [email protected]

QO21020126 USS Pollinator Solar LLC

US Solar DG Development LLC ("US Solar")

Peter Schmitt [email protected]

QO21020127 Deptford Community Solar 1 Herskowitz, LLC Andrew and Jeffrey Herskowitz

[email protected]

QO21020128 Deptford Community Solar 3 Herskowitz, LLC Andrew and Jeffrey Herskowitz

[email protected]

QO21020129 Deptford Community Solar 2 Herskowitz, LLC Andrew and Jeffrey Herskowitz

[email protected]

QO21020137 67 Route 46 Summit Ridge Energy QO21020138 1301 Metropolitan Ave Summit Ridge Energy Stephanie Sienkowski [email protected] QO21020142 CSEP LLC CSEP LLC Louis Sabec [email protected]

QO21020143 1845 Delsea Drive, Deptford New Jersey Pennoni

James Maddonni [email protected]

QO21020144 62 Veronica 62 Veronica LLC David Bernstein [email protected] QO21020145 2303 Center Square Road Summit Ridge Energy Stephanie Sienkowski [email protected] QO21020148 1550 Imperial Way Summit Ridge Energy Stephanie Sienkowski [email protected] QO21020149 1351 Metropolitan Ave Summit Ridge Energy Stephanie Sienkowski [email protected] QO21020151 24 Stewart Pl Summit Ridge Energy Stephanie Sienkowski [email protected] QO21020152 10 Washington Ave Summit Ridge Energy Stephanie Sienkowski [email protected] QO21020153 12 Gardner Road Summit Ridge Energy Stephanie Sienkowski [email protected]

QO21020154 Flemington Sunpin Energy Services, LLC

Tessa Wheeler [email protected]

QO21020155 Brick Landfill Brick Landfill Solar 1, LLC

William Trimarchi [email protected]

QO21020156 Community Solar of Jersey City LLC

Community Solar of Jersey City LLC

Heshy Katz [email protected]

QO21020157 Hamilton Renewables, LLC Nexamp Solar, LLC Palmer Moore [email protected]

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QO21020158 Hanover Crossroads Solar Project FFP Origination, LLC

Rebecca Peichel [email protected]

QO21020159 Carter Airstrip Carter Airstrip Solar 1, LLC

William Trimarchi [email protected]

QO21020160 Bridgeton Sunpin Energy Services, LLC

Tessa Wheeler [email protected]

QO21020161 502 Jersey Ave, New Brunswick Paladin Solar, LLC

Robert Hoffmann [email protected]

QO21020162 Esky Solar 1 NJ Resources Clean Energy Ventures

John McCauley [email protected]


Perel Hoberman [email protected]



Perel Hoberman [email protected]



Perel Hoberman [email protected]



Perel Hoberman [email protected]


Perel Hoberman [email protected]

QO21020169 Mazza Solar Project FFP Origination, LLC Rebecca Peichel [email protected] QO21020170 Elk Elk Soltage NJ DevCo LLC Zac Meyer [email protected] QO21020171 Hopewell Roadstown Soltage NJ DevCo LLC Zac Meyer [email protected] QO21020172 Love Lane 2 Love Lane 2, LLC Victor Naar [email protected]

QO21020173 Barrington Solar Amp Solar US Holdings, Inc.

Chris McDermott [email protected]

QO21020174 8 Vreeland Avenue Summit Ridge Energy Stephanie Sienkowski [email protected] QO21020175 400 Grove Rd Summit Ridge Energy Stephanie Sienkowski [email protected] QO21020176 Burlington Solar 2 LLC Burlington Solar 2 LLC Rafael Dobrzynski [email protected] QO21020177 Florence Solar 1 LLC Florence Solar 1 LLC Rafael Dobrzynski [email protected] QO21020178 Florence Solar 2 LLC Florence Solar 2 LLC Rafael Dobrzynski [email protected] QO21020179 Florence Solar 3 LLC Florence Solar 3 LLC Rafael Dobrzynski [email protected]

QO21020184 850 Sherman Ave Independence Solar, LLC

Keith Peltzman [email protected]

QO21020185 32 Chestnut 32 Chestnut LLC David Bernstein [email protected] QO21020186 Love Lane 3 Love Lane Solar 3 LLC Victor Naar [email protected]

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QO21020188 Deptford Solar One VCP, LLC d/b/a Verogy Bryan Fitzgerald [email protected]

QO21020189 BSR Community Solar BioStar Renewables LLC

Andrew Stancati [email protected]

QO21020190 Monmouth Solar Project 1 Monmouth Solar 1, LLC Daniel Grohman [email protected] QO21020191 Monmouth Solar Project 2 Monmouth Solar 1, LLC Daniel Grohman [email protected] QO21020200 1290 Wall St Summit Ridge Energy Stephanie Sienkowski [email protected]

QO21020214 Egg Harbor - Winzinger Landfill AC Power, LLC

Annika Colston [email protected]

QO21020215 Hamilton Solar 1 LLC Hamilton Solar 1 LLC Rafael Dobrzynski [email protected] QO21020216 299 Fairfield Ave Summit Ridge Energy Stephanie Sienkowski [email protected] QO21020217 7300 West Side Ave Summit Ridge Energy Stephanie Sienkowski [email protected] QO21020218 320 Fairfield Rd Summit Ridge Energy Stephanie Sienkowski [email protected]

QO21020219 1200 Valley Brook Sun Garden

Altus Power America Inc.

Nicholas Minekime [email protected]

QO21020221 AMT-52 Infinite Power and Storage LLC

Gregory Ashley [email protected]

QO21020222 Ocean View Solar Farm Lacey Holdings, a New Jersey Partnership

Stephan Leone [email protected]

QO21020223 2321 High Hill Sun Garden Altus Power America Inc.

Nicholas Minekime [email protected]

QO21020225 Hamilton Solar 2 LLC Hamilton Solar 2 LLC Rafael Dobrzynski [email protected] QO21020227 Pompton Lakes IPPsolar LLC Paul Jeun [email protected] QO21020228 Hamilton Solar 3 LLC Hamilton Solar 3 LLC Rafael Dobrzynski [email protected]

QO21020229 300 Prospect Plains Rd Solar Landscape Development LLC

Shaun Keegan [email protected]

QO21020233 Hamilton Solar 4 LLC Hamilton Solar 4 LLC Rafael Dobrzynski [email protected]

QO21020235 1400 Randolph Ave Solar Landscape Development LLC

Shaun Keegan [email protected]

QO21020237 1500 Rahway Ave Solar Landscape Development LLC

Shaun Keegan [email protected]

QO21020239 Windsor Solar 1 LLC Windsor Solar 1 LLC Rafael Dobrzynski [email protected] QO21020241 Windsor Solar 2 LLC Windsor Solar 2 LLC Rafael Dobrzynski [email protected]

QO21020248 Clovermill - Adamsville Advanced Solar Products, Inc.

Lyle Rawlings [email protected]

QO21020250 Baxter Park Sunrun, Inc. Daniel Saviteer [email protected]

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QO21020252 East Windsor Community Solar LLC

East Windsor Community Solar LLC

Heshy Katz [email protected]

QO21020256 Franklin Asbury Broadway Soltage NJ DevCo LLC Zac Meyer [email protected] QO21020259 Franklin White Bridge Soltage NJ DevCo LLC Zac Meyer [email protected]

QO21020260 587 Industrial Sun Garden Altus Power America Inc.

Nicholas Minekime [email protected]

QO21020261 Dey Grove Road Community Solar Project

Lightstar Renewables LLC

Andrew Varrow [email protected]

QO21020263 Renners Road SolarStone New Jersey LLC

Jeffery Bertch [email protected]

QO21020264 Barbara's Place Sunrun, Inc. Daniel Saviteer [email protected] QO21020268 Clifton Community Evergreen Energy, LLC Jacob Sussman [email protected] QO21020269 Branch Village Townhomes Sunrun, Inc. Daniel Saviteer [email protected] QO21020271 Boulevard West Sunrun, Inc. Daniel Saviteer [email protected]

QO21020273 GSHP Community Solar Canopy

Ecogy Solar LLC dba Ecogy Energy

Jack Bertuzzi [email protected]

QO21020274 GSHP Community Solar Roof Mount

Ecogy Solar LLC dba Ecogy Energy

Jack Bertuzzi [email protected]

QO21020275 MHCS CSG SunVest Solar LLC Tim Polz [email protected]

QO21020276 Ridings at Millstone Dynamic Power Partners, LLC

John Mosca [email protected]

QO21020277 Brittin Village Sunrun, Inc. Daniel Saviteer [email protected]

QO21020281 Coachlight SolarStone New Jersey LLC

Jeffery Bertch [email protected]

QO21020282 Fenimore Landfill AC Power, LLC Annika Colston [email protected]

QO21020292 Building G, Linden Logistics Center Accord Power Inc.

Lincoln Xia [email protected]

QO21020293 200 Birch Creek Rd, System B

Solar Landscape Development LLC

Shaun Keegan [email protected]

QO21020294 North Brunswick Community Solar LLC

North Brunswick Community Solar LLC

Heshy Katz [email protected]

QO21020295 200 Liberty Way Solar Landscape Development LLC

Shaun Keegan [email protected]

QO21020296 Twinbridge Community Solar 3

Infiniti Energy Services, LLC

James Weil [email protected]

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QO21020297 Twinbridge Community Solar 2

Infiniti Energy Services, LLC

James Weil [email protected]

QO21020298 Twinbridge Community Solar 1

Infiniti Energy Services, LLC

James Weil [email protected]

QO21020299 Clovermill - Finderne Advanced Solar Products, Inc.

Lyle Rawlings [email protected]

QO21020300 1200 Wall Street Sun Garden Altus Power America Inc.

Nicholas Minekime [email protected]

QO21020301 Woodward Terrace Sunrun, Inc. Daniel Saviteer [email protected] QO21020302 Lawrence Main Soltage NJ DevCo LLC Zac Meyer [email protected] QO21020304 Morgan Village Sunrun, Inc. Daniel Saviteer [email protected] QO21020305 Branches at Centerville Sunrun, Inc. Daniel Saviteer [email protected] QO21020306 Carrino Plaza Sunrun, Inc. Daniel Saviteer [email protected]

QO21020307 286 Prospect Plains Rd Solar Landscape Development LLC

Shaun Keegan [email protected]

QO21020308 Cooper Plaza Sunrun, Inc. Daniel Saviteer [email protected] QO21020309 Clifton Main Mews-IRM Sunrun, Inc. Daniel Saviteer [email protected]

QO21020310 200 Birch Creek Rd, System A

Solar Landscape Development LLC

Shaun Keegan [email protected]

QO21020311 Glennview Townhouses I Sunrun, Inc. Daniel Saviteer [email protected] QO21020312 Francis J.Gorman Sunrun, Inc. Daniel Saviteer [email protected] QO21020313 Horizons at Plainfield Sunrun, Inc. Daniel Saviteer [email protected] QO21020314 Halls Corner Sunrun, Inc. Daniel Saviteer [email protected] QO21020315 Horizon Heights Sunrun, Inc. Daniel Saviteer [email protected] QO21020317 Horizons at Clifton II Sunrun, Inc. Daniel Saviteer [email protected]



Perel Hoberman [email protected]

QO21020319 Horizons at Clifton III Sunrun, Inc. Daniel Saviteer [email protected]



Perel Hoberman [email protected]



Perel Hoberman [email protected]

QO21020322 HK4 - Northwest Soltage NJ Devco LLC Zac Meyer [email protected]



Perel Hoberman [email protected]

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Perel Hoberman [email protected]

QO21020325 HK1 - Southwest Soltage NJ Devco LLC Zac Meyer [email protected] QO21020326 HK2 - West Soltage NJ Devco LLC Zac Meyer [email protected] QO21020327 HK3 - Southeast Soltage NJ Devco LLC Zac Meyer [email protected]



Cindy Guttman [email protected]



Cindy Guttman [email protected]

QO21020330 HK5 - Northeast Soltage NJ Devco LLC Zac Meyer [email protected]


Cindy Guttman [email protected]

QO21020332 1501 W Blancke Sun Garden Altus Power America Inc.

Nicholas Minekime [email protected]


Cindy Guttman [email protected]



Cindy Guttman [email protected]

QO21020335 BTR Project Company-2 BTR Project Company, LLC

Payne Morgan [email protected]

QO21020336 BTR Project Company-3 BTR Project Company, LLC

Payne Morgan [email protected]

QO21020337 BTR Project Company-4 BTR Project Company, LLC

Payne Morgan [email protected]

QO21020338 BTR Project Company-5 BTR Project Company, LLC

Payne Morgan [email protected]

QO21020339 BTR Project Company-6 BTR Project Company, LLC

Payne Morgan [email protected]

QO21020340 BTR Project Company-7 BTR Project Company, LLC

Payne Morgan [email protected]

QO21020341 BTR Project Company-8 BTR Project Company, LLC

Payne Morgan [email protected]

QO21020342 BTR Project Company-9 BTR Project Company, LLC

Payne Morgan [email protected]

QO21020343 BTR Project Company-10 BTR Project Company, LLC

Payne Morgan [email protected]

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QO21020344 BTR Project Company-11 BTR Project Company, LLC

Payne Morgan [email protected]

QO21020345 BTR Project Company-12 BTR Project Company, LLC

Payne Morgan [email protected]

QO21020346 BTR Project Company-13 BTR Project Company, LLC

Payne Morgan [email protected]

QO21020347 BTR Project Company-14 BTR Project Company, LLC

Payne Morgan [email protected]

QO21020348 Cokesbury IPPsolar LLC Paul Jeun [email protected] QO21020349 200 Pemberton CastleRock Energy, LLC Victor Naar [email protected] QO21020350 701 12th St Summit Ridge Energy Stephanie Sienkowski [email protected] QO21020351 429-449 Schiller Street Summit Ridge Energy Stephanie Sienkowski [email protected] QO21020352 2125 McCarter Hwy Summit Ridge Energy Stephanie Sienkowski [email protected] QO21020353 90 Raskulinecz Rd Summit Ridge Energy Stephanie Sienkowski [email protected] QO21020354 2C Terminal Way Summit Ridge Energy Stephanie Sienkowski [email protected] QO21020355 400 Gotham Pkway Summit Ridge Energy Stephanie Sienkowski [email protected] QO21020356 50 Furler Street Summit Ridge Energy Stephanie Sienkowski [email protected] QO21020357 1501 Grandview Ave Summit Ridge Energy Stephanie Sienkowski [email protected] QO21020358 4 Gardner Rd Summit Ridge Energy Stephanie Sienkowski [email protected] QO21020359 200 Federal Blvd Summit Ridge Energy Stephanie Sienkowski [email protected]

QO21020360 100 W Manor Way, System B Solar Landscape Development LLC

Shaun Keegan [email protected]

QO21020361 Lawrence New Soltage NJ DevCo LLC Zac Meyer [email protected]

QO21020362 100 W Manor Way, System A Solar Landscape Development LLC

Shaun Keegan [email protected]

QO21020363 251 Union St Solar Landscape Development LLC

Shaun Keegan [email protected]

QO21020364 Living Springs Senior Sunrun, Inc. Daniel Saviteer [email protected] QO21020365 Living Springs Manor Sunrun, Inc. Daniel Saviteer [email protected]

QO21020366 280 Prospect Plains Rd Solar Landscape Development LLC

Shaun Keegan [email protected]

QO21020367 Esky 3 NJ Resources Clean Energy Ventures

John McCauley [email protected]

QO21020368 Lincoln Towers (NJ) Sunrun, Inc. Daniel Saviteer [email protected]

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QO21020370 LaFayette Senior Living Center Sunrun, Inc.

Daniel Saviteer [email protected]

QO21020371 Mill Creek Garden Sunrun, Inc. Daniel Saviteer [email protected] QO21020372 Montvale Commons Sunrun, Inc. Daniel Saviteer [email protected] QO21020375 Monastery Sunrun, Inc. Daniel Saviteer [email protected] QO21020377 Sebastian Villa Apartments Sunrun, Inc. Daniel Saviteer [email protected]

QO21020378 Foul Rift Solar Farm Foul Rift Solar Farm, LLC

Gary Cicero [email protected]

QO21020379 Ocean Pointe Elderly Sunrun, Inc. Daniel Saviteer [email protected]

QO21020380 SL Miller Farms Solar I, LLC SL Miller Farms Solar I, LLC

James Pochez [email protected]

QO21020381 Tabernacle Sand Solar Hathaway Solar, LLC John Ervin [email protected] QO21020382 Waterfront Village Sunrun, Inc. Daniel Saviteer [email protected] QO21020383 Senior Horizons at Bayonne Sunrun, Inc. Daniel Saviteer [email protected] QO21020384 Senior Horizon at Clifton Sunrun, Inc. Daniel Saviteer [email protected] QO21020386 Townhouse Terrace East I Sunrun, Inc. Daniel Saviteer [email protected]

QO21020387 Building E, Linden Logistics Center Accord Power Inc.

Lincoln Xia [email protected]

QO21020388 Solar Star Pennsauken CS SunPower Corporation, Systems

Miles Hovis [email protected]

QO21020389 Syncarpha Woodbridge

Syncarpha Solar, LLC on behalf of an entity to be formed

Cliff Chapman [email protected]

QO21020391 Syncarpha Ridgefield

Syncarpha Solar, LLC on behalf of an entity to be formed

Cliff Chapman [email protected]

QO21020392 GRM - East Brunswick Advanced Solar Products

Lyle Rawlings [email protected]

QO21020393 Alexandria Solar Nexamp Solar, LLC Palmer Moore [email protected]

QO21020394 Hamms Landfill Solar Farm Hamms Landfill Solar Farm, LLC

Gary Cicero [email protected]

QO21020395 Big Horn Landfill Solar Farm Big Horn Landfill Solar Farm, LLC

Gary Cicero [email protected]

QO21020396 Rocktown Road Solar East Nexamp Solar, LLC Palmer Moore [email protected] QO21020397 Rocktown Road Solar West Nexamp Solar, LLC Palmer Moore [email protected]

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QO21020398 400 Airport Corporate Drive - Community Solar Project

Herring Management Inc.

James Herring [email protected]

QO21020399 Downe Township Solar Nexamp Solar, LLC Palmer Moore [email protected]

QO21020401 The Highland Park Community Solar Project

The Borough of Highland Park

Teri Jover [email protected]

QO21020402 Burlington Solar LLC Burlington Solar LLC Rafael Dobrzynski [email protected] QO21020403 Commerce Solar LLC Commerce Solar LLC Rafael Dobrzynski [email protected] QO21020405 Starke Solar LLC Starke Solar LLC Rafael Dobrzynski [email protected] QO21020406 Newark Solar 2 LLC Newark Solar 2 LLC Rafael Dobrzynski [email protected] QO21020407 Mount Laurel Solar LLC Mount Laurel Solar LLC Rafael Dobrzynski [email protected]


Cindy Guttman [email protected]


Cindy Guttman [email protected]



Cindy Guttman [email protected]


Cindy Guttman [email protected]


Cindy Guttman [email protected]



Cindy Guttman [email protected]

QO21020414 125 New Dutch Lane Summit Ridge Energy Stephanie Sienkowski [email protected] QO21020415 5 Washington Ave Summit Ridge Energy Stephanie Sienkowski [email protected] QO21020416 25 West Greenbrook Rd Summit Ridge Energy Stephanie Sienkowski [email protected] QO21020417 10 Stewart Place Summit Ridge Energy Stephanie Sienkowski [email protected] QO21020418 295 Fairfield Ave Summit Ridge Energy Stephanie Sienkowski [email protected] QO21020419 150 Mid Atlantic Summit Ridge Energy Stephanie Sienkowski [email protected] QO21020420 39 Plymouth St Summit Ridge Energy Stephanie Sienkowski [email protected] QO21020421 6 Washington Street Summit Ridge Energy Stephanie Sienkowski [email protected] QO21020422 1 Gardner Rd Summit Ridge Energy Stephanie Sienkowski [email protected] QO21020423 Franklin CSG LLC Franklin CSG LLC Rafael Dobrzynski [email protected]

QO21020424 GRM - South Brunswick (Cranbury)

Advanced Solar Products

Lyle Rawlings [email protected]

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QO21020425 Esky Cold Storage Solar NJR Clean Energy Ventures III

John McCauley [email protected]

QO21020427 Springfield Renewables Nexamp Solar, LLC Palmer Moore [email protected] QO21020428 Franklin Renewables Nexamp Solar, LLC Palmer Moore [email protected] QO21020429 Millstone Solar One VCP, LLC d/b/a Verogy Bryan Fitzgerald [email protected] QO21020430 Port Murray Solar Nexamp Solar, LLC Palmer Moore [email protected] QO21020431 425 Rising Sun Bordentown EnterSolar, LLC Ella Wynn [email protected] QO21020432 600 Meadowlands Summit Ridge Energy Stephanie Sienkowski [email protected]

QO21020433 RGC 1 LLC Solar Development Spectacular Solar, Inc.

Douglas Heck [email protected]

QO21020434 GEMS Landfill Syncarpha GEMS, LLC Clifford Chapman [email protected]

QO21020436 Pauline B. Grant CME Church Community Solar Farm Mission Energy LLC

Connor Haney [email protected]

QO21020440 Somerville Pioneer Solar I Hathaway Solar, LLC John Ervin [email protected] QO21020441 Somerville Pioneer Solar II Hathaway Solar, LLC John Ervin [email protected]

QO21020442 Alma Community Solar Infiniti Energy Services, LLC

James Weil [email protected]

QO21020443 465 Mola Community Solar ECA Solar Jerry Donovan [email protected] QO21020444 Ridge at Back Brook CDG Accord Power Inc. Lincoln Xia [email protected]

QO21020445 NJ Kennedy International DG New Jersey K Int Rooftop CS LLC

Craig Both [email protected]

QO21020446 NJ Toll House Plaza DG New Jersey THP Rooftop CS LLC

Craig Both [email protected]

QO21020447 NJ Motorsports Park Site 1 DG New Jersey MSP CS LLC

Craig Both [email protected]

QO21020448 NJ Motorsports Park Site 3 DG New Jersey MSP CS LLC

Craig Both [email protected]

QO21020449 AMT-54 Infinite Power and Storage LLC

Gregory Ashley [email protected]

QO21020450 AMT-209306 Infinite Power and Storage LLC

Gregory Ashley [email protected]

QO21020451 AMT-208299 Infinite Power and Storage LLC

Gregory Ashley [email protected]

QO21020452 AMT-306734 Infinite Power and Storage LLC

Gregory Ashley [email protected]

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QO21020453 CCI-872567 Infinite Power and Storage LLC

Gregory Ashley [email protected]

QO21020454 CCI-806262 Infinite Power and Storage LLC

Gregory Ashley [email protected]

QO21020455 AMT-65 Infinite Power and Storage LLC

Gregory Ashley [email protected]

QO21020456 CCI-806262 Infinite Power and Storage LLC

Gregory Ashley [email protected]

QO21020457 AMT-88079 Infinite Power and Storage LLC

Gregory Ashley [email protected]

QO21020458 4 Pleasant Hill Rd Summit Ridge Energy Stephanie Sienkowski [email protected]

QO21020459 CCI-872581 Infinite Power and Storage LLC

Gregory Ashley [email protected]

QO21020460 CCI-872615 Infinite Power and Storage LLC

Gregory Ashley [email protected]

QO21020461 75 Haag Ave Summit Ridge Energy Stephanie Sienkowski [email protected] QO21020463 Deptford CSG 2 LLC Deptford CSG 2 LLC Rafael Dobrzynski [email protected]

QO21020464 Casino Drive Community Solar Project

Lightstar Renewables LLC

Andrew Varrow [email protected]

QO21020465 Willow Brook Road Community Solar Project

Lightstar Renewables LLC

Andrew Varrow [email protected]

QO21020466 ACCP Green Solar II ACCP Green Solar II, LLC

Annika Colston [email protected]

QO21020467 Evesham - Aero Haven II Aero Haven Solar, LLC Annika Colston [email protected] QO21020468 Winslow - Pettinos Landfill Pettinos Solar, LLC Annika Colston [email protected]

QO21020470 906 Murray Rd, East Hanover, NJ

Nautilus US Power Holdco, LLC

Eric Paul [email protected]

QO21020476 905 Murray Rd, East Hanover, NJ

Nautilus US Power Holdco, LLC

Eric Paul [email protected]

QO21020484 903 Murray Rd, East Hanover, NJ

Nautilus US Power Holdco, LLC

Eric Paul [email protected]

QO21020485 Aeromarine Landfill Bayridge Realty Corp. Alexander Seligson [email protected]

QO21020497 ILR Phase II Community Solar Vanguard Energy Partners, LLC

Shannon Donnelly [email protected]

QO21020512 ES-EDF-LL-Newark-NJ ESNJ-LL-Newark, LLC Peyton Boswell [email protected] QO21020514 Wrightstown I GoSolarFinance, LLC Qiuping Zhang [email protected]

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QO21020515 Stockton I GoSolarFinance, LLC Qiuping Zhang [email protected]

QO21020516 Shree Swaminarayan Temple YSG Development Company LLC

Kaelyn Roche [email protected]

QO21020527 357 Wilson Avenue, Newark EnterSolar, LLC Ella Wynn [email protected]

QO21020529 2707 Main St Solar Landscape Development LLC

Shaun Keegan [email protected]

QO21020530 Taylor Wildlife Preserve Community Solar Solar States

Todd Baylson [email protected]

QO21020531 4 S Middlesex Avenue, Monroe Township EnterSolar, LLC

Ella Wynn [email protected]

QO21020533 Township of Middletown Train Station Parking Lot Township of Middletown

Anthony Mercantante [email protected]

QO21020535 66 Station Rd, Cranbury EnterSolar, LLC Ella Wynn [email protected] QO21020536 100-400 Nixon Ln, Edison EnterSolar, LLC Ella Wynn [email protected] QO21020537 201 Elizabeth Street Solar Fruit, LLC Daniel Popkin [email protected] QO21020538 Broadway Solar Broadway Energy LLC Brett Nolt [email protected] QO21020541 Herrod Community Evergreen Energy, LLC Jacob Sussman [email protected]

QO21020543 41 Slater Drive Sun Garden Altus Power America Inc.

Nicholas Minekime [email protected]

QO21020544 5 Dedrick Place Sun Garden Altus Power America Inc.

Nicholas Minekime [email protected]

QO21020545 111 Lehigh Sun Garden Altus Power America Inc.

Nicholas Minekime [email protected]

QO21020546 Mays Landing AC Power, LLC Annika Colston [email protected]

QO21020547 BTR Project Company-1 BTR Project Company, LLC

Payne Morgan [email protected]

QO21020552 1051 Edward Solar Energy Systems Renewable Assets, LLC

David Buckner [email protected]

QO21020554 Mount Holly Solar 2 LLC Mount Holly Solar 2 LLC Rafael Dobrzynski [email protected]

QO21020556 Blanchard Street

Morris Fairmount Associates Urban Renewal, LLC

Keith Morris [email protected]

QO21020559 South Grand Street Solar Project 2020

Distributed Solar Operations, LLC

Allison Mathern [email protected]

QO21020560 Springfield Solar LLC Springfield Solar LLC Rafael Dobrzynski [email protected]

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QO21020562 West Deptford Solar 1 LLC West Deptford Solar 1 LLC

Rafael Dobrzynski [email protected]

QO21020563 Mount Olive Solar LLC Mount Olive Solar LLC Rafael Dobrzynski [email protected] QO21020565 Pennsville Solar FFP Origination, LLC Rebecca Peichel [email protected] QO21020566 Logan Solar 1 LLC Logan Solar 1 LLC Rafael Dobrzynski [email protected] QO21020568 Union Solar LLC Union Solar LLC Rafael Dobrzynski [email protected]

QO21020569 Lacey Sand Solar Farm Lacey Sand Solar Farm, LLC

Gary Cicero [email protected]

QO21020570 Logan Solar 2 LLC Logan Solar 2 LLC Rafael Dobrzynski [email protected]

QO21020571 465 Eagle Rock Ave Solar Landscape Development LLC

Shaun Keegan [email protected]

QO21020572 Springfield AC Power, LLC Annika Colston [email protected] QO21020573 North Hanover AC Power, LLC Annika Colston [email protected] QO21020575 Pennington Solar Project FFP Origination, LLC Rebecca Peichel [email protected] QO21020576 Horseshoe Bend Solar Project FFP Origination, LLC Rebecca Peichel [email protected] QO21020577 Bordentown Solar LLC Bordentown Solar LLC Rafael Dobrzynski [email protected] QO21020578 50 Meister LLC Amergy Solar Inc Bill Wang [email protected] QO21020579 Greenwich Solar Project FFP Origination, LLC Rebecca Peichel [email protected] QO21020580 HJCY GROUP NJ INC Amergy Solar Inc Bill Wang [email protected] QO21020581 Gloucester Solar Project FFP Origination, LLC Rebecca Peichel [email protected] QO21020582 473 Ridge Road Property LLC Amergy Solar Inc Bill Wang [email protected]

QO21020583 1735 Jersey Avenue Property LLC Amergy Solar Inc

Bill Wang [email protected]

QO21020584 Kingwood I Solar Project FFP Origination, LLC Rebecca Peichel [email protected]

QO21020585 207 Pond Middlesex Property LLC Amergy Solar Inc

Bill Wang [email protected]

QO21020586 Kingwood II Solar Project FFP Origination, LLC Rebecca Peichel [email protected] QO21020587 501 Jersey Ave Property LLC Amergy Solar Inc Bill Wang [email protected] QO21020589 750 Realty LLC Amergy Solar Inc Bill Wang [email protected] QO21020590 Woodbridge Solar 1 LLC Woodbridge Solar 1 LLC Rafael Dobrzynski [email protected] QO21020591 Penny Point Park 64 Solar Craig Harrigan [email protected] QO21020597 Citizens Hunterdon Solar Citizens Energy Michael Kennedy [email protected] QO21040683 TATLEAUX BRIDGETON CS Tatleaux Solar Group Joseph Cortes [email protected] QO21040684 TATLEAUX GLASSBORO CS Tatleaux Solar Group Joseph Cortes [email protected]

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QO21040685 6W BP Solar dGEN Energy Partners, LLC

Brandon Stromack [email protected]