agenda governing body thursday, 23 january 2019 10.00 am ...€¦ · 1 agenda governing body ....

1 AGENDA Governing Body Thursday, 23 January 2019 10.00 am – 12.00 pm (Public) Living Waters Church, South Shields ITEM TIME TITLE LEAD 2019/100 10:00 Welcome and introductions Matthew Walmsley Verbal 2019/101 Apologies for absence Verbal 2019/102 Declarations of Interest ‘A conflict of interest occurs where an individual’s ability to exercise judgement, or act in a role is, could be, or is seen to be impaired or otherwise influenced by his or her involvement in another role or relationship. In some circumstances, it could reasonably be considered that a conflict exists even when there is no actual conflict. In these cases it is important to still manage these perceived conflicts in order to maintain public trust.’ Verbal 2019/103 Draft Minutes: Meeting of 28.11.2019 Enclosure 1 2019/104 Matters Arising Verbal Question Time 2019/105 10:05 Members of the public may raise questions that relate to items on the agenda. The Chair’s discretion is final on matters discussed and timescale. Matthew Walmsley Verbal 2019/106 10:05 Chief Executive’s Information David Hambleton Verbal Quality 2019/107 10:10 Key Assurance and Risk Report from Quality and Patient Safety Committee Jeanette Scott Verbal Performance 2019/108 10.20 Performance Report Matt Brown Enclosure 2 Finance 2019/109 10.30 Financial Monitor Kate Hudson Enclosure 3 Commissioning Business 2019/110 10.40 End of Life/Palliative Care Update Jon Tose/ Mark Girvan Enclosure 4 Partnership 2019/111 11.10 Continuing Healthcare - Update Sarah Golightly Enclosure 5 2019/112 11.20 Public Health Report and Health and Wellbeing Board - Update Tom Hall Enclosure 6 Governance 2019/113 11.30 Appointment to the Governing Body – GP Member/Primary Care Health Professional Keith Haynes Enclosure 7 2019/114 11.40 Risk Register Matt Brown Enclosure 8 Sub-committee Minutes 2019/115 11.50 Executive Committee (25.09.2019; 23.10.2019; 27.11.2019) David Hambleton Enclosure 9 2019/116 Audit and Risk Committee (10.09.2019) Paul Morgan Enclosure 10 2019/117 Quality & Patient Safety Committee (06.11.2019) Pat Harle Enclosure 11

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    AGENDA Governing Body

    Thursday, 23 January 2019 10.00 am – 12.00 pm (Public)

    Living Waters Church, South Shields



    Welcome and introductions

    Matthew Walmsley

    Verbal 2019/101 Apologies for absence Verbal 2019/102 Declarations of Interest

    ‘A conflict of interest occurs where an individual’s ability to exercise judgement, or act in a role is, could be, or is seen to be impaired or otherwise influenced by his or her involvement in another role or relationship. In some circumstances, it could reasonably be considered that a conflict exists even when there is no actual conflict. In these cases it is important to still manage these perceived conflicts in order to maintain public trust.’


    2019/103 Draft Minutes: Meeting of 28.11.2019 Enclosure 1 2019/104 Matters Arising Verbal

    Question Time 2019/105 10:05 Members of the public may raise questions

    that relate to items on the agenda. The Chair’s discretion is final on matters discussed and timescale.

    Matthew Walmsley Verbal

    2019/106 10:05 Chief Executive’s Information David Hambleton Verbal Quality

    2019/107 10:10 Key Assurance and Risk Report from Quality and Patient Safety Committee Jeanette Scott Verbal

    Performance 2019/108 10.20 Performance Report Matt Brown Enclosure 2

    Finance 2019/109 10.30 Financial Monitor Kate Hudson Enclosure 3

    Commissioning Business

    2019/110 10.40 End of Life/Palliative Care Update Jon Tose/ Mark Girvan Enclosure 4

    Partnership 2019/111 11.10 Continuing Healthcare - Update Sarah Golightly Enclosure 5

    2019/112 11.20 Public Health Report and Health and Wellbeing Board - Update Tom Hall Enclosure 6


    2019/113 11.30 Appointment to the Governing Body – GP Member/Primary Care Health Professional Keith Haynes Enclosure 7

    2019/114 11.40 Risk Register Matt Brown Enclosure 8 Sub-committee Minutes



    Executive Committee (25.09.2019; 23.10.2019; 27.11.2019) David Hambleton Enclosure 9

    2019/116 Audit and Risk Committee (10.09.2019) Paul Morgan Enclosure 10 2019/117 Quality & Patient Safety Committee (06.11.2019) Pat Harle

    Enclosure 11

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    Andy Sutton Governance Officer South Tyneside CCG

    2019/118 Patient Reference Group (03.10.2019) Paul Cuskin Enclosure 12 Minutes For Information 2019/119

    11.50 PCCC (26.09.2019) Pat Harle Enclosure 13

    2019/120 Northern CCG Joint Committee (07.11.2019) David Hambleton Enclosure 14 OTHER BUSINESS

    2019/121 11.50 Cycle of Business 2019/20 Matthew Walmsley Enclosure 15 2019/122 11.50 Any Other Business All Verbal 2019/123 11.55 Question Time: Members of the public Matthew Walmsley Verbal Close

    Date and time of next meeting 26 March 2020, 10.00am – 12.00 pm Hebburn Central, Hebburn

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    Governing Body (PUBLIC) 28 November 2019 10:00 am – 12 noon

    Hebburn Central, Hebburn

    Present: Dr Matthew Walmsley Chair, STCCG MW Matt Brown Director of Operations, STCCG MB Dr Tarquin Cross Secondary Care Consultant, STCCG TC Paul Cuskin Lay Member, STCCG PC Dr David Hambleton Chief Executive, STCCG DH Pat Harle Lay Member, STCCG PH Kate Hudson Chief Finance Officer, STCCG KHu Paul Morgan Lay Member, STCCG PM Jeanette Scott Director of Nursing, Quality & Safety, STCCG JS Dr Vis-Nathan GP Governing Body Member, STCCG VN In Attendance: Shelby Davison Graduate Management Trainee SD Keith Haynes Governance Lead KHa Helen Ruffell Operations Manager, STCCG HR Andy Sutton Governance Officer, STCCG AS Apologies Tom Hall Director of Public Health, STC TH 2019/75 Welcome and Introductions

    Members were welcomed and introductions made. 2019/76 Apologies for Absence Apologies were received as noted above. PURDAH The Chair advised that as a consequence of the upcoming 12 December 2019 General Election, the CCG, as a public body was in a period of Purdah, the principles of which required it to be seen to act with political impartiality, not use any resources for party political purposes, and not act in any way to originate public controversy. 2019/77 Declarations of Interest

    Pat Harle advised the governing body of her position as a lay member of the governing body of Sunderland CCG and as the CCG appointed member on the STSFT Council of Governors.

    2019/78 Draft Minutes from the Meeting of 26 September 2019 (Enclosure 1)

    Resolved: That the minutes of the 26 September 2019 be approved, subject to the amendment of:

    Agenda item 2019/103 Enclosure 1

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    i) Declarations of Interest Pat Harle - to refer to Pat as the CCG appointed member of the STSFT Council of Governors.

    ii) Minute 2019/53: Key Assurance and Risk Report – Care Homes First sentence to read: ‘The Chair of QPSC and staff from the Joint Commissioning Unit ………’

    2019/79 Matters Arising

    There were no matters arising other than those that were the subject of substantive report elsewhere on the agenda.

    2019/80 Question Time

    A number of questions were raised from members of the public: i) Minor Injuries

    Q: Where is the orthopaedic service based for residents of South Tyneside? A: Related services are provided at South Tyneside District Hospital’s fracture clinic.

    ii) Sunderland Royal Hospital Q: At what time in the evening do attendances at South Tyneside District Hospital’s emergency department cease? A: The children’s emergency department at South Tyneside District Hospital closes at 10pm each night and reopen each following morning at 8am. Overnight emergency care for children is provided at the Paediatric Emergency Department at Sunderland Royal Hospital.

    2019/81 Chief Executive’s Information (Verbal)

    The CCG’s Chief Executive made a verbal report on issues relating to the operation of the CCG. A number of issues were reported: i) Court Hearings

    • Path to Excellence The High Court had, on 19 November 2019, heard an appeal from the Save South Tyneside Hospital Campaign Group against the earlier Judicial Review decision to dismiss its case against the joint decision of South Tyneside CCG and Sunderland CCG to proceed with a reconfiguration of acute clinical services (Stroke; Maternity; Paediatrics) across both localities as part of the Path to Excellence. It was anticipated that a judgement would be handed down early in 2020.

    • Avastin® In November 2019 the High Court had heard an appeal from Bayer and Novatis, the leading market providers of Ranibizumab (Lucentis®) and aflibercept (Eylea®), against the earlier decision to dismiss their appeal against the decision of the Northern CCGs to promote Avastin® as a more cost-effective medicine within the CNE region for the treatment of patients newly diagnosed with neovascular (wet) age-related macular degeneration (wAMD). A judgement was anticipated early in 2020.

    ii) CCG Conference The CCG had in November 2019 hosted a well-attended national London-based conference, which had expounded the use of the Canterbury principles of joint organisational working.

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    iii) The Kings Fund The CCG’s Chief Executive had been a guest speaker at the Kings Fund annual conference on the theme of alliancing, reflecting the increasing recognition that STCCG was receiving for collaborative working relationship with local partners, including STSFT, South Tyneside Council and partner organisations from the voluntary sector. ACTION AS. Arrangements are to be made for a future governing body development session on the theme of DH’s Kings Fund presentation.

    iv) Winter Pressure Day-to-day pressure had begun to be evident through increased demand on services in the first phase of winter 2019/20, including early outbreaks of Influenza and Norovirus.

    Resolved: That the Chief Executive’s information report be noted.

    At this stage Dr Tarquin Cross joined the meeting. QUALITY

    2019/82 Key Assurance and Risk Report from Quality and Patient Safety

    Committee (QPSC) (Enclosure 2) The Governing Body received the regular bi-monthly key assurance report that highlighted, by exception, assurances and mitigating factors that had been considered at the 06.11.2019 QPSC meeting. The report served to assure members that risks and concerns had been identified and continued to be effectively managed. Attention was drawn to multiple issues, including:

    • Meditech

    STSFT’s introduction of the Meditech system had resulted in primary care communications-related incidents, changes to discharge correspondence and concerns over accessibility by external teams e.g. psychiatry liaisons. Related meetings had been held between the CCG, STSFT and primary care to explore the impact.

    • Serious Incidents (SI) Annual Report 2018/19 The total number of SIs reported was 966, of which 45 (5%) related to South Tyneside CCG patients. It was not clear over which area this number of incidents had occurred. The most frequently reported types of SIs were Slips/Trips/Falls, Self-Harm and Pressure Ulcers. 12 Never Events had been reported, four each by GHFT, CHSFT and CDDFT. STSFT reported 26 SIs, 96% of which involved STCCG patients, with pressure ulcers being the most frequently reported SI type. CHS reported 42 SIs, 69% of which involved Sunderland CCG patients, the most frequent types of SIs being Slips/Trips/Falls. Analysis of the lessons learned identified from all organisations showed that there were 245 actions that address Internal Communication issues, 121 involving Assessment of Care Needs and 104 that addressed Adherence to Trust Guidelines.

    • Safeguard Incident Risk Management System (SIRMS) Q2 2019/20

  • 4

    STCCG was, in Q2 the highest reporter of incidents regionally per 1,000 list size, with member practices reporting 141 incidents in July to September 2019. The most frequent types of practice incidents related to clinical documentation, medication and information governance. A working group had been established to look at how the CCG and member practices are able to better use and apply learning from SIRMS.

    • Safeguarding Children and Adults The ‘Designated Nurse for Children Looked After’ (CLA) had left the CCG in November, with interim arrangements now in place and working well.

    In addition to this report, a verbal update was given regarding concerns about care at Deneside Court. In discussion a number of issues were raised: - Deneside Court

    The current situation at Deneside Court (parent organisation Careline Lifestyles) had been the subject of lengthy discussion at QPSC. CQC had issued Deneside a Notice of Decision for Closure in relation to the quality of services to and safety of patients. Steps were being taken at both a local and regional level with a view to regaining assurance through a return to the provision and delivery of high quality and safe services to residents.

    - Serious Incidents Clarification was sought on the precise number of South Tyneside patients who had been the subject of SI reports. ACTION JS is to provide detailed information on the number of South Tyneside patients who had been the subject of SI reports to the next meeting.

    - Mental Health-related Sis It was acknowledged that within South Tyneside the primary care sector and all schools had access to good mental health support services, with South Tyneside developments in this area now receiving national and international recognition.

    - Meditech It was anticipated that any initial adverse impact on the primary care sector would be resolved through a programme of staff training. Specific impacts on the antenatal service were being addressed as a priority. ACTION JS is to continue to monitor any residual issues concerning the introduction of the Meditech system, seek STSFT’s involvement in a process to identify any mutual learning and report feedback to the next meeting.

    Resolved That the Key Assurance and Risk Report be noted.

    2019/83 Safeguarding Annual Report (Enclosure 3)

    The Governing Body received the 2018/19 Annual Safeguarding Report, which had been considered by QPSC at its meeting of 06.11.2019. The report, which summarised both safeguarding children and adults related work carried out in support of the Safeguarding Children Board, the Safeguarding Adult Board and

  • 5

    the Community Safety Partnership Board, providing assurance that the CCG was compliant with essential statutory obligations. Attention was drawn to: i) The significant contribution of the safeguarding team to the work of the

    safeguarding boards from the Director of Nursing, Quality and Safety, Head of Safeguarding, the Designated Nurse safeguarding adults and Designated Nurse LAC, supported by the Named GPs and the Designated Doctor for Safeguarding;

    ii) The increased scope of work undertaken by the safeguarding team, which had included preparations for new statutory tripartite safeguarding arrangements (CCG/Local Authority/Police); the Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards related issues and Child Death Reviews (CDR).

    iii) Key priorities for 2019/2020. The work of the safeguarding team notwithstanding, it was acknowledged that major challenges lay ahead, as evidenced by the reference within the report of the decline of South Tyneside from 52nd most deprived in 2010 to 32nd most deprived in 2015 in the in national Index of Deprivation. Resolved That the Safeguarding Annual Report be noted.


    2019/84 Performance Report (Enclosure 4)

    Members received the regular report that summarises the performance of the CCG against NHS Constitution Indicators, CCG Outcome Indicators and the CCG Quality Premium. The report provided threshold, actual and year-to-date performance with trend lines based on the last 4 available data points. In addition, risks to year end performance were RAG-rated with comments where an indicator is red. In reporting, attention was drawn to a number of issues:

    i) Staffing

    STSFT had experienced delays in awarding honorary contracts for Secondary Care Coaching, with a resultant negative affect on the Trusts ability to deliver projects. Work was continuing with the provider to identify solutions, including GP Practice drop-ins and the development of a HealthPathways page.

    ii) Referral to Treatment (RTT) RTT remained ahead of the 92% national threshold for patients waiting for initial treatment on incomplete pathways within 18 week.

    iii) Emergency Department (ED) STSFT had missed the 95% threshold for patients spending 4 hours or less in A&E (or minor injury), with performance having continued to deteriorate (as was the case regionally and nationally). In mitigation, a range of measures had been taken: the A&E Delivery Board had implemented a related investment plan; the Urgent Treatment Centre was on schedule with support from Vocare; and STSFT had an overarching action plan in place.

  • 6

    iv) Mental Health (MH) Performance against MH indicators had remained strong in all 8 related indicators.

    In discussion a number of issues were raised: • The inability of STSFT to manage the award of honorary contracts for

    Secondary Care Coaching, an issue that had first been raised over a year ago, remained a source of great frustration. Discussions had now been escalated to a senior level with a view to a quick resolution.

    • South Tyneside’s management of mental health issues is an example of good practice, learning from which should be shared with other disciplines. ACTION JG - That the report on the Learning Disabilities Transformation Plan that is to be submitted to a forthcoming meeting of the governing body incorporate wider learning from the approach taken that can be applied to other areas of CCG business.

    Resolved That the performance report be noted.


    2019/85 Financial Monitor (Enclosure 5)

    Members received a forecast of the CCG’s financial position in the 7-month period to 31.10.2019, which provided assurance that key financial performance targets for the year ahead would be met. The CCG’s notified revenue resource limit for 2019/20 was £300,090k, of which £291,557k was recurrent and £8,533k non-recurrent. NHSE Business Rules required the CCG to remain within its running cost allocation and to achieve a breakeven position in year or better for 2019/20. It was noted that the CCG had received the return of additional surplus achieved in 2018/19 and was able to draw down historic surplus to the same value. This funding is non-recurrent and must be used in 2019/20. While a proportion of the drawdown had been committed in support of the local health economy, the remainder had been the subject of expressions of interest from the alliancing group and allocated to a range of projects. Resolved That the financial monitoring report be noted. COMMISSIONING BUSINESS

    2019/86 Annual Review: Financial Scheme of Delegation (Enclosure 6)

    Members considered the CCG’s revised Scheme of Delegation, which following review had led to changes of a minor and clarificatory nature. The scheme incorporated officers from the CCG and those working on its behalf at North of England Commissioning Support Service (NECS), the Joint Commissioning Unit (JCU), NHS England (NHSE) and South Tyneside Council.

  • 7

    Resolved: That the revised CCG Scheme of Delegation be approved. COMMISSIONING BUSINESS

    2019/87 Emergency Preparedness, Resilience and Response Assurance (EPRR)

    Assurance 2019/20 (Enclosure 7) The Governing Body received a report on the CCG’s EPRR Assurance for 2019/20, which had been approved at its meeting of 26.09.2019 and which was 100% compliant with all core NHSI standards. Subsequently, an NHSI moderation session for CCGs had resulted in an action log that was to be used to refine and strengthen submissions across the wider system. Resolved: That the update on Emergency Preparedness, Resilience and Response Assurance (EPRR) Assurance for 2019/20 be noted. PARTNERSHIPS

    2019/88 Public Health Report & Health and Wellbeing Board - Update (Enclosure 8)

    The Governing Body received a report on the 13.11.2019 meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB), which includes an update from South Tyneside Council’s Public Health team. Attention was drawn to a number of issues: • HWB had focused on an update from the Health Protection and Emergency

    Preparedness Resilience and Response Group, which provided assurance on local matters relating to health protection and emergency preparedness.

    • The second dose of Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) at age 5 had fallen below the 95% benchmark in Q1 2019/20. This was not uncommon and there was no reason to assume the formation of a trend.

    • Respiratory Infections While respiratory infections were largely attributed to seasonal influenza and although in the summer there had been low related activity in primary care (and moderate to high in secondary care), there had continued to be a number of outbreaks in care homes, with no clear anti-viral pathways in place. In response to the national Flu Immunisation programme, local immunisation uptake remains low in some risk groups and 2-3 year olds for South Tyneside.

    • Winter Plan/System Resilience The local A & E Delivery Board was overseeing winter planning and system resilience, with an attendant ‘Outbreak Management Policy’ underpinning a shared response.

    In discussion it was noted that the flu vaccination rate within South Tyneside was good and that efforts were to be redoubled to further increase the uptake rate in vulnerable groups.

  • 8

    Resolved: That the Public Health Report and the Health and Wellbeing Board update be noted.


    2019/89 Governing Body Assurance Framework (Enclosure 9)

    Members considered the Governing Body Assurance Framework 2019/20, which had been updated at its half-way point using the Safeguard Incident and Risk Management System to ensure alignment with the risk register and to reflect the CCG’s updated strategic objectives and commissioning intentions. The Framework has been reviewed and updated at a November 2019 workshop, with each risk, control and assurance being updated where necessary. Attention was drawn to risk-scoring, with a number of amendments being made: • Strategic Risk 1990, Framework Sub-Objective 1.4 ‘Enabling people to stay

    in their own homes and communities’. The initial risk score had been increased to 16 (from 12) and the residual score to 12 (from 8).

    • Strategic Risk 1912, Framework Sub-Objective 1.3 ‘Enabling people to receive timely, safe and appropriate care’. The initial risk score had been increases to 16 (from 12) and the residual score to 12 (from 8);

    • Strategic Risk 1909, Framework Sub-Objective 2.3 ‘Making the Best Use of Resources (Commissioner)’. The initial risk had been increased to 16 (from 12) with the residual risk remaining at 8.

    Resolved That the half-way point review of the Governing Body Assurance Framework be noted.

    2019/90 Standards of Business Conduct and Declarations of Interests Policy (Enclosure 10) Members considered the revised CCG Standards of Business Conduct and Declarations of Interest policy, the previous iteration of which had been approved by the governing body at its meeting of 28.09.2017. It was noted that no substantive amendments had been made. Resolved That the revised Standards of Business Conduct and Declarations of Interest policy be approved.


    2019/91 Executive Committee: 24.07.2019; 22.08.2019 (Enclosure 11) 2019/92 Quality and Patient Safety Committee: 04.09.2019 (Enclosure 12)

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    2019/93 Patient Reference Group: 01.08.2019 (Enclosure 13) 2019/94 Council of Practices: 20.09.2019 (Enclosure 14)


    2019/95 PCCC: 25.07.2019 (Enclosure 15) 2019/96 Northern CCGs Joint Committee: 05.09.2019 (Enclosure 16)


    2019/97 Cycle of Business 2019/20 (Enclosure 17)

    RESOLVED: That the 2019/20 Governing Body Cycle of Business be noted.

    2019/98 Any Other Business

    • Palmers Community Hospital It was reported that incidents that may take place at Palmers Community Hospital, Jarrow, would be coordinated and reported back through a combination of SIRMS, QRG and QPSC.

    2019/99 Question Time (Verbal)

    A number of questions were raised: i) Agenda Navigation

    Q: Can improvements be made that would allow members of the public to follow agenda papers for the governing body? A: Improvements would be made to agenda paper numeration and in the use of acronyms.

    ii) Palliative Care Q: Has a resolution yet been reached for the future of palliative care services in South Tyneside? A: The CCG was observing Purdah reporting restrictions. Further consideration of future palliative care services had been deferred to the 23.01.2020 meeting.

    iii) Performance Report Q: Within the performance report reference is made to an Urgent Treatment Centre hub. Where is this located? A: This is the Urgent Care Hub at South Tyneside District Hospital.

    iv) Health Service Privatisation Q: Is the use of Vocare an example of NHS privatisation? A: Vocare has been engaged by the Trust for many years. Further discussion was terminated due to Purdah reporting restrictions.

    Andy Sutton Governance Officer South Tyneside CCG 29.11.2019

  • REPORT CLASSIFICATION – please refer to Report Classification Guidance and check appropriate box below

    Official Official Sensitive: Commercial Official Sensitive: Personal

    MEETING TITLE: STCCG Governing Body (PUBLIC) DATE: 23 Jan 2020

    REPORT TITLE: Integrated Quality and Provider Management Report AGENDA ITEM: 2019/108 ENCLOSURE: 2 LEAD DIRECTOR / REPORT SPONSOR: Matt Brown, Director of Operations, [email protected] REPORT AUTHOR: Gillian Johnson, Head of Commissioning


    The following report gives a summary of the performance at CCG level for NHS Constitution Indicators and CCG Outcome Indicators. The report provides threshold, actual and year to date performance. In addition risk to year end performance is RAG rated with comments where an indicator is red.

    FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS / RISKS: EQUALITY IMPACT ASSESSMENT (EIA) COMPLETED Following the launch of the revised EIA documents on 1 March 2016

    EIAs must be completed as follows:

    An EIA should be undertaken at the start of the development for a new

    proposed service, policy or process to assess likely impacts and

    provide further insight as to what will be required to implement it

    effectively. The EIA form and associated documents can be found on

    the CCG’s intranet or through NECS Equality and Diversity Team

    Has an Equality Impact Assessment been completed using the equality

    impact documents ensuring that no persons are adversely affected as

    required by the Equality Act 2010

    (Please check the relevant box by double clicking on the box and

    selecting “checked” under the default value heading – only one box

    should be checked.)

    NO YES

    If no please specify the reason why: This is a position statement against a national dataset which in itself will have been subject to an Equality Impact Analysis at national level.

    If yes please attach a copy of the completed assessment to the back of your report

    QUALITY IMPACT ASSESSMENT COMPLETED: Following the implementation of the STCCG Quality Strategy

    (September 2015) it has been agreed that a QIA should be undertaken

    for a new proposed service, policy or process or any changes to current

    services which may have an impact on quality or experience.

    Has a Quality Impact Assessment been completed using the quality

    impact assessment tool ensuring that they have demonstrated the

    potential quality and safety impact?

    NO YES x

    If no please specify the reason why: This is a position statement against a national dataset which in itself will have been subject to an Equality Impact Analysis at national level.

    If yes please complete the below Quality Impact Assessment and submit with your report

    STCCG Quality Impact Assessment 2

    PURPOSE OF REPORT: For Information For Approval To Note For Decision

    RISK REGISTER: Is the report subject matter included on the CCG Risk Register

    NO If not updated please specify the reason:

    YES If yes please confirm the risk register has been updated in accordance with the content of this report: Updated


    Has the Lead Director approved the paper (proof of approval must be

    retained for audit purposes)



    Papers without Lead Director approval will be withdrawn from the agenda

  • Integrated Provider Management Report

    South Tyneside CCG Governing Body 23 January 2020

  • Exception Summary

    Performance o RTT: remains green but Waiting List position

    deteriorating and impacted by IT issues. o ED: STSFT has continuing challenges to

    performance, achieving 74.7% as a Trust and only 70% at South Tyneside site.

    o Cancer 62 day target remains a challenge with a need to explore Trusts beyond STSFT

  • Summary Performance : Key Points January 2020

    The following section provides a summary of performance CCG level including the CCG Quality Premium. This includes dashboards with thresholds and actual and year to date performance. In addition, risk to year end performance is RAG rated. Where an indicator is identified as being red, additional information is provided describing the issue and actions being taken to recover performance. Reporting will be framed around the CCG Strategic Objectives outlined below.

    Strategic Goals Key points January 2020

    People are able to take greater responsibility for their own health

    • A Better U Health Coaching - Rollout across South Tyneside continues. • Secondary Care Coaching - Ongoing delays to get STSFT honorary contracts in place with

    Secondary Care Coaching staff. Issues have now been going on since the beginning of the year. Teams also experiencing problems relating to room bookings to be able to deliver alongside outpatient clinic.

    • Patient Activation Measure (PAM) – Workforce training programme commissioned and due to launch in February.

    People are able to stay well in their own homes and communities

    • All mental health standards met for this reporting period.

    People receive timely and appropriate complex care

    • Cancer - Diagnostic and Outpatients are main areas of delay due to capacity and complexity of

    cases. • A&E performance continues to deteriorate with no recovery in January and impacted by

    implementation of MEDITECH system. • RTT still in a challenging position also impacted by MEDITECH following new system and work on

    data alignment.

  • CCG level performance Director leads: Matt Brown Author: Gillian Johnson

  • People are able to stay well in their own homes and communities 2019/20

    Threshold date Threshold Latest Data Period Actual

    Emergency admissions for alcohol-related liver disease Nov 2019 ytd 37.5 Nov 2019 ytd 60.9

    Proportion of people feeling supported to manage their long term condition 2016/17 64.9 2017/18 59.1

    Unplanned hospitalisation for chronic ambulatory care sensitive conditions Nov 2019 ytd 794.7 Nov 2019 ytd 994.1

    Unplanned hospitalisation for asthma, diabetes and epilepsy (under 19s) Nov 2019 ytd 211.9 Nov 2019 ytd 228.4

    Estimated diagnosis rate for people with dementia Nov-19 66.7% Nov-19 72.8%

    Emergency admissions for acute conditions that would not usually require hospital admission Nov 2019 ytd 1070.3 Nov 2019 ytd 1354.3

    Emergency readmissions within 30 days of discharge from hospital Oct 2019 ytd 15.4% Oct 2019 ytd 15.9%

    Emergency admissions for children with LRTI Nov 2019 ytd 221.6 Nov 2019 ytd 212.5

    6 Week wait IAPT treatment (People Entering Therapy) Sep-19 75% Sep-19 98.5%18 Week wait IAPT treatment (People Entering Therapy) Sep-19 95% Sep-19 98.5%6 Week wait IAPT treatment (People Completing Therapy) Sep-19 75% Sep-19 100.0%18 Week wait IAPT treatment (People Completing Therapy) Sep-19 95% Sep-19 100.0%Early intervention in psychosis - % with 1st episode treated within 2 weeks Nov-19 56% Nov-19 100.0%Increase percentage people with anxiety disorders and depression who access psychological therapies (IAPT) Oct 2019 ytd 11.08% Oct 2019 ytd 11.34%

    IAPT Recovery Rate Oct 2019 ytd 50% Oct 2019 ytd 52.5%Care Programme Approach - % people followed up within 7 days of discharge from psychiatric in patient care Q2 2019/20 95.0% Q2 2019/20 97.2%

    Helping people recover from episodes of ill health or following


    Preventing people from dying prematurely

    Mental Health

    Enhancing Quality of life for people with LTC

    Indicators Indicator Description

    NHS South Tyneside CCG

  • People receive timely and appropriate complex care 2019/20

    % patients waiting for initial treatment on incomplete pathways within 18 weeks 92.0% 92.7% 93.2% 84.4%

    Number of patients waiting more than 52 weeks for treatment 0 0 0 1,398

    Number of patients on an incomplete pathway 9,750 12,760 12,760 4,415,207

    Diagnostic waits % patients waiting less than 6 weeks for the 15 diagnostics tests (including audiology) Nov-19 1.0% 1.40% 0.92% 2.9%

    % patients spending 4 hrs or less in A&E or minor injury unit 95.0% 70.4% 84.4% 79.8%

    Over 12 hour trolley waits 0 0 0 2,347

    % patients spending 4 hrs or less in A&E or minor injury unit 95.0% 76.2% 83.1% 79.8%

    Over 12 hour trolley waits 0 0 0 2,347

    % of patients seen within 2 weeks of an urgent GP referral for suspected cancer 93.0%

    86.9% (556/640)

    90.8% (4398/4841) 91.3%

    % of patients seen within 2 weeks of an urgent referral for breast symptoms 93.0% 83.7% (36/43)87.5%

    (351/401) 87.5%

    % of patients treated within 31 days of a cancer diagnosis 96.0% 96.4% (81/84)98.4%

    (735/747) 95.9%

    % of patients receiving subsequent treatment for cancer within 31 days - surgery 94.0%

    92.2% (13/14)

    93.5% (116/124) 91.6%

    % of patients receiving subsequent treatment for cancer within 31 days - drugs 98.0% 100% (47/47)

    99.2% (263/265) 99.4%

    % of patients receiving subsequent treatment for cancer within 31 days - radiotherapy 94.0% 100% (19/19)

    99.1% (213/215) 96.9%

    % of patients treated within 62 days of an urgent GP referral for suspected cancer 85.0%

    75.0% (30/40)

    82.8% (304/367) 77.4%

    % of patients treated within 62-day of referral from an NHS cancer screening service 90.0%

    91.7% (11/12)

    89.1% (57/64) 83.8%

    % of patients treated for cancer within 62 days of consultant decision to upgrade status N/A 100% (4/4)

    87.2% (34/39) 81.6%

    Mixed Sex accommodation Mixed Sex accommodation - number of unjustified breaches Nov-19 0 0 0 1,968

    Incidence of MRSA CCG Nov-19 0 0 1 86

    Incidence of C Diff CCG Nov-19 59 3 69 1,038

    Ambulance response Cat 1 Dec-19 7 mins 00:07:14 00:06:37 00:07:35Ambulance response Cat 2 Dec-19 18 mins 00:39:11 00:30:42 00:28:08

    Treating and caring for people and protecting from avoidable harm

    NEAS Ambulance response times

    Nov-19Cancer Waits

    A&E - South Tyneside

    A&E - City Hospitals Sunderland

    RTT Nov-19


    Indicator Description England Benchmark

    NHS C



    Threshold Month YTD

    Latest Data PeriodIndicators

  • People are able to take greater responsibility for their own health South Tyneside CCG Exception report January 2020

    Performance area Issues/Risks or Good Practice Mitigating actions and timeframe Lead Positive experience of care People feeling supported to manage their long term condition

    Issues /Risks • Secondary Care Coaching - Continuing ongoing

    delays to get STSFT honorary contracts in place with Secondary Care Coaching staff - Issues have now been going on since the beginning of the year. Teams also experiencing problems relating to room bookings to be able to deliver alongside outpatient clinic.

    Continuing to working with Provider and escalating through usual channels

    Hannah Jeffrey

  • People receive timely and appropriate complex care South Tyneside CCG Exception report January 2020

    Quality and Performance


    Issues/Risks or Good Practice Mitigating actions and timeframe Lead

    A&E 4 hour wait South Tyneside and Sunderland FT

    • December for South Tyneside District Hospital 70.4% against a threshold of 95% (see table).

    • The combined Trust total 74.7%.

    • Performance STDH is below England average 79.8%

    • Urgent and Emergency Care continues to be a challenge across the region • A&E Delivery board investment plan in implementation phase • Staff familiarisation process with Meditech now complete and should no longer be impacting on

    performance but process taking longer than with previous system. • Staffing still an issue with proposal to VOCARE to increase capacity - no action has been taken yet as

    proposal already submitted should prevent it from being required.

    Matt Brown

    Number of Patients on an incomplete pathway

    • Above plan for November 2019.

    • Trust has continued to achieve national target for incomplete RTT pathways at the end of November. Performance about the same as October. Continues to perform better than the latest national average (down to 84.7% for the latest month available).

    • Trauma & Orthopaedics, Plastic Surgery, Urology, Oral & Maxillo Facial Surgery (OMFS), Thoracic Medicine and General Surgery failed to achieve the target this month. Escalation processes and recovery plans being implemented. Trust pursuing all available options for additional activity to positively impact upon RTT performance as well as reduce the volume of patients on incomplete pathways.

    • Risk performance will deteriorate and incomplete volumes will increase over winter months. • Risk Ophthalmology (capacity issues), and Speech and Language Therapy (sharp increase in demand). • Gastroenterology, Neurology and Geriatric Medicine improved slightly in November. • Total Incomplete waiting list risen between October (36,158) and November (37,064). Currently 3.57%

    above trajectory that was submitted to NHSI. Increase associated with STDH since the implementation of Meditech; Data Assurance fully reviewed all relevant pathways and corrected any issues on Meditech, as well as providing appropriate feedback to individual areas. It has been concluded that the increase is a genuine impact relating to aligning processes between sites. SPC special cause flags again triggered for both RTT performance and volume of incomplete pathways. Both measures have shifted, in this case, performance reduction and increase in volumes. Predominantly due significant capacity and demand issues across a number of specialties.

    Gillian Johnson

    Site Apr-19 May-19 Jun-19 Jul-19 Aug-19 Sep-19 Oct-19 Nov-19 Dec-19

    SRH 86.30% 86.20% 86.60% 86.30% 86.90% 83.5% 80.0% 76.8% 76.2%STDH 92.50% 91.90% 89.80% 89.00% 91.60% 88.7% 73.5% 70.0% 70.4%STSFT 88.20% 87.90% 87.60% 87.10% 88.20% 84.9% 78.2% 75.0% 74.7%

  • People receive timely and appropriate complex care South Tyneside CCG Exception report January 2020

    Quality and Performance


    Issues/Risks or Good Practice Mitigating actions and timeframe Lead

    Cancer - % of patients seen within 2 weeks of an urgent GP referral for suspected cancer Cancer -% of patients treated within 62 days of an urgent GP referral for suspected cancer

    In Nov monthly performance was below the target at 86.9% (target of 93%. ) Ytd performance is 90.8% In Nov 75.0 % (below target) of the CCGs patients were seen compared to a target of 85%. Ytd performance 82.8%

    2WW STSFT as a provider was successful in achieving 2ww performance overall With 95.7% against target of 93%. Colorectal and lung did not meet the standard due to a combination of Pt choice, outpatient capacity and ‘other.’ All other Trust actions to maintain and continually improve performance for ST Pts remain as reported in October 2019. ST CCG as Commissioner achieved 86.9% against a target of 93%. 62 day standard STSFT as provider achieved 78.7 % with the 62 day continuing to be a challenge. Performance issues in Nov cover mainly urology, lung and upper GI tumour sites. Urology will improve once the ACPs, this will mitigate against some of the consultancy vacancies are in post although two years of training is required for these posts to be fully functional. Delays are currently in the diagnostic part of the pathway. Updated plan to be circulated. Lung are seeing delays in PET CTs which are outsourced to Alliance Medical. Upper GI delays are mainly diagnostic delays. ST CCG as Commissioner achieved, for September 2019, 75% against the 85% target. As previously reported, Board level discussions with NCA regarding an ICS response to regional workforce issues are being discussed as performance is challenging for the majority of Trusts with the NCA only achieving 80.7% overall.

    Guy Nokes Guy Nokes

  • A&E - % patients spending 4 hrs or less in A&E or minor injury unit

    NHS North of England Commissioning Support UnitBusiness Information Services Department

    South Tyneside CCG KPISPC Charts


























































































































    A&E - % patients spending 4 hrs or less in A&E or minor injury unit

    Indicator Target 95% Lower CI 95% Higher CI STFT Only


    Data Classification

    NHS North of England Commissioning Support Unit

    Business Information Services Department

    Report Title e.g. South Tees Inpatient Activity

    Sources and Definitions

    Warnings e.g. Draft, Data tables provided but additional analysis at own risk, Data quality is bad, etc.

    Information Governance:This report should be shared with NECS and the relevant CCG personnel only. In order to be compliant with CCG data sharing agreements, any values between 1 and 5 MUST be suppressed if shared outside of NECS or the CCG.

    Recipient Name:Name/s

    Recipient Organisation:Recipient organisation name/s

    Data Sources:List of data sources used

    Report Description:High level description of what the report show and/or is for

    Period:Data period/s covered in report

    Coverage:Area or organisations report refers to

    Criteria:Additional data limiting criteria not previously mentioned in the high level description

    Notes:Additional information not previously mentioned in the high level description

    Produced by:Name

    Job title



    Production Date:mm/dd/yyyy

    Checked by:Name

    Job title



    Check Date:mm/dd/yyyy

    Version number:vX.x

    File Path:…NECS\Information Services\Analysis\Reports\Routines

    Request ID:xxxxx

    Disclaimer:No part of this report should be reproduced or shared in any form or by any means without reference to NECS Information Services.No attempt should be made to un-pseudonymise or disaggregate any of the information contained within this report with the intention of identifying individuals.



    NHS North of England Commissioning Support Unit

    Business Information Services Department

    South Tyneside CCG KPI

    SPC Charts

    A&E - % patients spending 4 hrs or less in A&E or minor injury unit

    RTT - % patients waiting for initial treatment on incomplete pathways within 18 weeks

    Cancer - % of patients seen within 2 weeks of an urgent GP referral for suspected cancer

    Cancer - % of patients treated within 62 days of an urgent GP referral for suspected cancer

    IAPT - Access & Recovery

    From July 2018 the access rate uses local, not national data.Recovery for July and August are local, not national data.

    IAPT Access

    2016/17424904252142551425824261342643426744270442735427664279442825428554288642916429474297843008430394306943100431314315943190432204325143281433124334343373434044343443465434661.6630974620677086E-22.9844625689160249E-24.4653027748667244E-25.8094500387296667E-27.2447259306511136E-28.8622590786895702E-20.105481386977719050.12051761060737230.132136510684831650.146033626463753590.160386385382968070.17724518157379142017/181.5036223629653256E-23.3034127671207912E-25.0348567002323777E-26.6068255342415824E-28.2243586822800377E-29.7507632022599905E-20.115733357634300820.133731261675855470.145122340183168550.162892422654576930.177017360003645150.191597940493005882018/191.4656341602135014E-22.9312683204270027E-24.4187776173601083E-26.13E-27.7399999999999997E-29.0899999999999995E-20.10740.12390.135899999999999990.153Access Target (19%)424904252142551425824261342643426744270442735427664279442825428554288642916429474297843008430394306943100431314315943190432204325143281433124334343373434044343443465434661.5833333333333335E-23.1666666666666669E-24.7500000000000001E-26.3333333333333339E-27.9166666666666677E-29.5000000000000015E-20.110833333333333350.126666666666666680.142500000000000020.158333333333333350.174166666666666690.19000000000000003


    IAPT Recovery

    Recovery2018-112018-102018-092018-082018-072018-062018-052018-040.540540540540540570.580645161290322620.50.50.487804878048780480.50.515151515151515140.508771929824561430.50.543478260869565190.523809523809523840.568627450980392140.568181818181818230.523809523809523840.538461538461538440.59574468085106380.530612244897959220.576923076923076870.509803921568627420.545454545454545410.558139534883720920.557377049180327820.511111111111111070.577777777777777720.543478260869565190.59574468085106380.534883720930232510.544000000000000040.545000000000000040.56250.540540540540540570.6Recovery Target (50%)42490425214255142582426134264342674427044273542766427944282542855428864291642947429784300843039430694310043131431594319043220432514328143312433434337343404434340. CI42490425214255142582426134264342674427044273542766427944282542855428864291642947429784300843039430694310043131431594319043220432514328143312433434337343404434340.540459573595401980.540459573595401980.540459573595401980.540459573595401980.540459573595401980.540459573595401980.540459573595401980.540459573595401980.540459573595401980.540459573595401980.540459573595401980.540459573595401980.540459573595401980.540459573595401980.540459573595401980.540459573595401980.540459573595401980.540459573595401980.540459573595401980.540459573595401980.540459573595401980.540459573595401980.540459573595401980.540459573595401980.540459573595401980.540459573595401980.540459573595401980.540459573595401980.540459573595401980.540459573595401980.540459573595401980.54045957359540198Upper CI42490425214255142582426134264342674427044273542766427944282542855428864291642947429784300843039430694310043131431594319043220432514328143312433434337343404434340.576077227202448470.576077227202448470.576077227202448470.576077227202448470.576077227202448470.576077227202448470.576077227202448470.576077227202448470.576077227202448470.576077227202448470.576077227202448470.576077227202448470.576077227202448470.576077227202448470.576077227202448470.576077227202448470.576077227202448470.576077227202448470.576077227202448470.576077227202448470.576077227202448470.576077227202448470.576077227202448470.576077227202448470.576077227202448470.576077227202448470.576077227202448470.576077227202448470.576077227202448470.576077227202448470.576077227202448470.57607722720244847


    % patients spending 4 hrs or less in A&E or minor injury unit

    Indicator421244215542185422164224742277423084233842369424004242942460424904252142551425824261342643426744270442735427664279442825428554288642916429474297843008430394306943100431314315943190432204325143281433124334343373434044343443465434960.922275641025640970.950737545226829960.922694643843181010.9528354856822010.9627565982404690.955835962145110020.952237305178482040.933931687858388980.926835443037975050.901303088803088960.921153355447817960.918480778138026980.939602924317221030.938244383763748970.938631453825812030.931423323399214960.919480522928772030.9294221124386830.928851696123329960.925589642784872990.917823537302893010.868110857423964990.934092947543435970.975332813316945990.967645997193176010.9639573403028050.968137174119521050.959944701014558980.960938515219465050.964890817588239020.959119761265062040.958197332088015050.880555554608201010.856167240314113950.917330141925874030.906821788447225050.924676046268270050.944669278176818010.954193032758966050.944512565710272980.944650362012703030.955421433741735050.961861629824651950.952587031829812970.914803499126801030.90968240071209705Target421244215542185422164224742277423084233842369424004242942460424904252142551425824261342643426744270442735427664279442825428554288642916429474297843008430394306943100431314315943190432204325143281433124334343373434044343443465434960.950.950.950.950.950.950.950.950.950.950.950.950.950.950.950.950.950.950.950.950.950.950.950.950.950.950.950.950.950.950.950.950.950.950.950.950.950.950.950.950.950.950.950.950.950.9595% Lower CI421244215542185422164224742277423084233842369424004242942460424904252142551425824261342643426744270442735427664279442825428554288642916429474297843008430394306943100431314315943190432204325143281433124334343373434044343443465434960.928066917236769040.928066917236769040.928066917236769040.928066917236769040.928066917236769040.928066917236769040.928066917236769040.928066917236769040.928066917236769040.928066917236769040.928066917236769040.928066917236769040.928066917236769040.928066917236769040.928066917236769040.928066917236769040.928066917236769040.928066917236769040.928066917236769040.928066917236769040.928066917236769040.928066917236769040.928066917236769040.928066917236769040.928066917236769040.928066917236769040.928066917236769040.928066917236769040.928066917236769040.928066917236769040.928066917236769040.928066917236769040.928066917236769040.928066917236769040.928066917236769040.928066917236769040.928066917236769040.928066917236769040.928066917236769040.928066917236769040.928066917236769040.928066917236769040.928066917236769040.928066917236769040.928066917236769040.9280669172367690495% Higher CI421244215542185422164224742277423084233842369424004242942460424904252142551425824261342643426744270442735427664279442825428554288642916429474297843008430394306943100431314315943190432204325143281433124334343373434044343443465434960.943169925982557220.943169925982557220.943169925982557220.943169925982557220.943169925982557220.943169925982557220.943169925982557220.943169925982557220.943169925982557220.943169925982557220.943169925982557220.943169925982557220.943169925982557220.943169925982557220.943169925982557220.943169925982557220.943169925982557220.943169925982557220.943169925982557220.943169925982557220.943169925982557220.943169925982557220.943169925982557220.943169925982557220.943169925982557220.943169925982557220.943169925982557220.943169925982557220.943169925982557220.943169925982557220.943169925982557220.943169925982557220.943169925982557220.943169925982557220.943169925982557220.943169925982557220.943169925982557220.943169925982557220.943169925982557220.943169925982557220.943169925982557220.943169925982557220.943169925982557220.943169925982557220.943169925982557220.94316992598255722

    % patients waiting for initial treatment on incomplete pathways within 18 weeks

    Indicator4212442155421854221642247422774230842338423694240042429424604249042521425514258242613426434267442704427354276642794428254285542886429164294742978430084303943069431004313143159431904322043251432814331243343433734340443434434650.952971913780000010.949536889170000010.956360946750000050.950361838750000020.946076915150000030.946534037920000020.946411277309999970.943392211110000050.939141214920000020.939286124180000010.943834508260000040.946936542670000050.949518467562704970.964707068669961030.951918261043773970.950756831138194980.947762591275042030.938995684582188960.944956005729486010.948258091115233960.943240454076367030.941225165562914020.944312183003830020.942223578476249050.941329076032727970.947629890291864950.946579671730043980.954578375581996990.9522643818849450.947948876520305020.946227680875219020.9483092827912990.940015104110475950.943328628813374980.943079753273454950.943912034701906990.943966766495990980.946714031971580990.948233974957952030.949138487054270950.948349804214059010.943902924209270020.941466854724965050.944844367839399960.935186124353383Target4212442155421854221642247422774230842338423694240042429424604249042521425514258242613426434267442704427354276642794428254285542886429164294742978430084303943069431004313143159431904322043251432814331243343433734340443434434650.920.920.920.920.920.920.920.920.920.920.920.920.920.920.920.920.920.920.920.920.920.920.920.920.920.920.920.920.920.920.920.920.920.920.920.920.920.920.920.920.920.920.920.920.9295% Lower CI4212442155421854221642247422774230842338423694240042429424604249042521425514258242613426434267442704427354276642794428254285542886429164294742978430084303943069431004313143159431904322043251432814331243343433734340443434434650.94483400658470640.94483400658470640.94483400658470640.94483400658470640.94483400658470640.94483400658470640.94483400658470640.94483400658470640.94483400658470640.94483400658470640.94483400658470640.94483400658470640.94483400658470640.94483400658470640.94483400658470640.94483400658470640.94483400658470640.94483400658470640.94483400658470640.94483400658470640.94483400658470640.94483400658470640.94483400658470640.94483400658470640.94483400658470640.94483400658470640.94483400658470640.94483400658470640.94483400658470640.94483400658470640.94483400658470640.94483400658470640.94483400658470640.94483400658470640.94483400658470640.94483400658470640.94483400658470640.94483400658470640.94483400658470640.94483400658470640.94483400658470640.94483400658470640.94483400658470640.94483400658470640.944834006584706495% Higher CI4212442155421854221642247422774230842338423694240042429424604249042521425514258242613426434267442704427354276642794428254285542886429164294742978430084303943069431004313143159431904322043251432814331243343433734340443434434650.947864877621268250.947864877621268250.947864877621268250.947864877621268250.947864877621268250.947864877621268250.947864877621268250.947864877621268250.947864877621268250.947864877621268250.947864877621268250.947864877621268250.947864877621268250.947864877621268250.947864877621268250.947864877621268250.947864877621268250.947864877621268250.947864877621268250.947864877621268250.947864877621268250.947864877621268250.947864877621268250.947864877621268250.947864877621268250.947864877621268250.947864877621268250.947864877621268250.947864877621268250.947864877621268250.947864877621268250.947864877621268250.947864877621268250.947864877621268250.947864877621268250.947864877621268250.947864877621268250.947864877621268250.947864877621268250.947864877621268250.947864877621268250.947864877621268250.947864877621268250.947864877621268250.94786487762126825

    % of patients seen within 2 weeks of an urgent GP referral for suspected cancer

    Indicator4212442155421854221642247422774230842338423694240042429424604249042521425514258242613426434267442704427354276642794428254285542886429164294742978430084303943069431004313143159431904322043251432814331243343433734340443434434650.916817359855334970.954724409448818980.965999999999999970.957044673539519050.965048543689320030.940695296523517020.983772819472616970.964539007092198970.953999999999999960.965163934426230050.969939879759519010.973846153846154030.950764006791171010.960591133004926050.958477508650518950.957720588235294050.952961672473867980.944162436548222960.9523809523809520.961983471074379980.963414634146340990.970149253731342980.974576271186440970.945652173913043010.955252918287938010.966101694915253990.951175406871608950.9620253164556960.954474097331240.972111553784861030.967924528301887020.976230899830221040.967999999999999970.975609756097560950.969981238273921020.861261261261261010.842715231788080050.925872093023256020.935433070866142020.927559055118109990.925170068027211020.9078260869565220.954621848739495960.945993031358885020.94117647058823495Target4212442155421854221642247422774230842338423694240042429424604249042521425514258242613426434267442704427354276642794428254285542886429164294742978430084303943069431004313143159431904322043251432814331243343433734340443434434650.930.930.930.930.930.930.930.930.930.930.930.930.930.930.930.930.930.930.930.930.930.930.930.930.930.930.930.930.930.930.930.930.930.930.930.930.930.930.930.930.930.930.930.930.9395% Lower CI4212442155421854221642247422774230842338423694240042429424604249042521425514258242613426434267442704427354276642794428254285542886429164294742978430084303943069431004313143159431904322043251432814331243343433734340443434434650.942976798855698850.942976798855698850.942976798855698850.942976798855698850.942976798855698850.942976798855698850.942976798855698850.942976798855698850.942976798855698850.942976798855698850.942976798855698850.942976798855698850.942976798855698850.942976798855698850.942976798855698850.942976798855698850.942976798855698850.942976798855698850.942976798855698850.942976798855698850.942976798855698850.942976798855698850.942976798855698850.942976798855698850.942976798855698850.942976798855698850.942976798855698850.942976798855698850.942976798855698850.942976798855698850.942976798855698850.942976798855698850.942976798855698850.942976798855698850.942976798855698850.942976798855698850.942976798855698850.942976798855698850.942976798855698850.942976798855698850.942976798855698850.942976798855698850.942976798855698850.942976798855698850.9429767988556988595% Higher CI4212442155421854221642247422774230842338423694240042429424604249042521425514258242613426434267442704427354276642794428254285542886429164294742978430084303943069431004313143159431904322043251432814331243343433734340443434434650.95884283704061690.95884283704061690.95884283704061690.95884283704061690.95884283704061690.95884283704061690.95884283704061690.95884283704061690.95884283704061690.95884283704061690.95884283704061690.95884283704061690.95884283704061690.95884283704061690.95884283704061690.95884283704061690.95884283704061690.95884283704061690.95884283704061690.95884283704061690.95884283704061690.95884283704061690.95884283704061690.95884283704061690.95884283704061690.95884283704061690.95884283704061690.95884283704061690.95884283704061690.95884283704061690.95884283704061690.95884283704061690.95884283704061690.95884283704061690.95884283704061690.95884283704061690.95884283704061690.95884283704061690.95884283704061690.95884283704061690.95884283704061690.95884283704061690.95884283704061690.95884283704061690.9588428370406169

    % of patients treated within 62 days of an urgent GP referral for suspected cancer

    Indicator4212442155421854221642247422774230842338423694240042429424604249042521425514258242613426434267442704427354276642794428254285542886429164294742978430084303943069431004313143159431904322043251432814331243343433734340443434434650.941176470588234950.891304347826087030.80.878048780487804990.842105263157895020.781250.842105263157895020.868421052631578980.886363636363636020.80.853658536585365950.914285714285714040.935483870967741990.894736842105263050.80.897959183673469050.833333333333333040.823529411764705950.878048780487804990.918367346938775970.904761904761904990.906250.9428571428571429510.886363636363636020.921052631578947010.842105263157895020.880952380952381040.936170212765957020.93750.80.80.864864864864865020.8771929824561399710.921052631578947010.833333333333333040.853658536585365950.880.836734693877550950.804347826086956990.893617021276596040.833333333333333040.960.82608695652173902Target4212442155421854221642247422774230842338423694240042429424604249042521425514258242613426434267442704427354276642794428254285542886429164294742978430084303943069431004313143159431904322043251432814331243343433734340443434434650.950.950.950.950.950.950.950.950.950.950.950.950.950.950.950.950.950.950.950.950.950.950.950.950.950.950.950.950.950.950.950.950.950.950.950.950.950.950.950.950.950.950.950.950.9595% Lower CI4212442155421854221642247422774230842338423694240042429424604249042521425514258242613426434267442704427354276642794428254285542886429164294742978430084303943069431004313143159431904322043251432814331243343433734340443434434650.860292597144569520.860292597144569520.860292597144569520.860292597144569520.860292597144569520.860292597144569520.860292597144569520.860292597144569520.860292597144569520.860292597144569520.860292597144569520.860292597144569520.860292597144569520.860292597144569520.860292597144569520.860292597144569520.860292597144569520.860292597144569520.860292597144569520.860292597144569520.860292597144569520.860292597144569520.860292597144569520.860292597144569520.860292597144569520.860292597144569520.860292597144569520.860292597144569520.860292597144569520.860292597144569520.860292597144569520.860292597144569520.860292597144569520.860292597144569520.860292597144569520.860292597144569520.860292597144569520.860292597144569520.860292597144569520.860292597144569520.860292597144569520.860292597144569520.860292597144569520.860292597144569520.8602925971445695295% Higher CI4212442155421854221642247422774230842338423694240042429424604249042521425514258242613426434267442704427354276642794428254285542886429164294742978430084303943069431004313143159431904322043251432814331243343433734340443434434650.891814655598009210.891814655598009210.891814655598009210.891814655598009210.891814655598009210.891814655598009210.891814655598009210.891814655598009210.891814655598009210.891814655598009210.891814655598009210.891814655598009210.891814655598009210.891814655598009210.891814655598009210.891814655598009210.891814655598009210.891814655598009210.891814655598009210.891814655598009210.891814655598009210.891814655598009210.891814655598009210.891814655598009210.891814655598009210.891814655598009210.891814655598009210.891814655598009210.891814655598009210.891814655598009210.891814655598009210.891814655598009210.891814655598009210.891814655598009210.891814655598009210.891814655598009210.891814655598009210.891814655598009210.891814655598009210.891814655598009210.891814655598009210.891814655598009210.891814655598009210.891814655598009210.89181465559800921

    RAIDR Data

    % patients spending 4 hrs or less in A&E or minor injury unit% patients waiting for initial treatment on incomplete pathways within 18 weeks% of patients seen within 2 weeks of an urgent GP referral for suspected cancer% of patients treated within 62 days of an urgent GP referral for suspected cancer

    LocalityIndicatorLevelOrganisation CodeIndicatorIDValidDateNumeratorDenominatorIndicatorYTD or PeriodAreaTargetIndicatorNameMovingAverageCentred Moving AverageTrendAbsoluteSeasonalStDevSESQRT Pop95 lower95 higher 95% Lower CI95% Higher CI95% Lower CI95% Higher CILocalityIndicatorLevelOrganisation CodeIndicatorIDValidDateNumeratorDenominatorIndicatorYTD or PeriodAreaTargetIndicatorNameMovingAverageCentred Moving AverageTrendAbsoluteSeasonalStDevSESQRT Pop95 lower95 higher 95% Lower Confidence Interval95% Higher Confidence Interval95% Lower CI95% Higher CILocalityIndicatorLevelOrganisation CodeIndicatorIDValidDateNumeratorDenominatorIndicatorYTD or PeriodAreaTargetIndicatorNameMovingAverageCentred Moving AverageTrendAbsoluteSeasonalStDevSESQRT Pop95 lower95 higher 95% Lower Confidence Interval95% Higher Confidence Interval95% Lower CI95% Higher CILocalityIndicatorLevelOrganisation CodeIndicatorIDValidDateNumeratorDenominatorIndicatorYTD or PeriodAreaTargetIndicatorNameMovingAverageCentred Moving AverageTrendAbsoluteSeasonalStDevSESQRT Pop95 lower95 higher 95% Lower Confidence Interval95% Higher Confidence Interval95% Lower CI95% Higher CI

    SOTWCCG00NI05Apr-15345337440.922275641PeriodNECS95.0%% patients spending 4 hrs or less in A&E or minor injury unit0.9222756410.91369939770.93085188440.92806691720.943169926SOTWCCG00NI09Apr-15875491860.9529719138PeriodNECS92.0%% patients waiting for initial treatment on incomplete pathways within 18 weeks0.95297191380.94864267490.95730115270.94483400660.9478648776SOTWCCG00NI12Apr-155075530.9168173599PeriodNECS93.0%% of patients seen within 2 weeks of an urgent GP referral for suspected cancer0.91681735990.89380022460.93983449510.94297679890.958842837SOTWCCG00NI14Apr-1532340.9411764706PeriodNECS95.0%% of patients treated within 62 days of an urgent GP referral for suspected cancer0.94117647060.86208535841.02026758280.86029259710.8918146556

    SOTWCCG00NI05May-15341635930.9507375452PeriodNECS95.0%% patients spending 4 hrs or less in A&E or minor injury unit0.95073754520.94366108920.95781400120.92806691720.943169926SOTWCCG00NI09May-15891993930.9495368892PeriodNECS92.0%% patients waiting for initial treatment on incomplete pathways within 18 weeks0.94953688920.94511001840.95396375990.94483400660.9478648776SOTWCCG00NI12May-154855080.9547244094PeriodNECS93.0%% of patients seen within 2 weeks of an urgent GP referral for suspected cancer0.95472440940.936644540.97280427890.94297679890.958842837SOTWCCG00NI14May-1541460.8913043478PeriodNECS95.0%% of patients treated within 62 days of an urgent GP referral for suspected cancer0.89130434780.80135536550.98125333020.86029259710.8918146556

    SOTWCCG00NI05Jun-15334236220.9226946438PeriodNECS95.0%% patients spending 4 hrs or less in A&E or minor injury unit0.931902610.93699591750.97828132350.0555866796-0.05558667960.01631287770.016898389530.88932865130.97447656880.91399671920.93139256850.92806691720.943169926SOTWCCG00NI09Jun-15905194640.9563609468PeriodNECS92.0%% patients waiting for initial treatment on incomplete pathways within 18 weeks0.95295658320.95252157070.94621267180.01014827490.01014827490.00341205460.003495259430.93348565160.97242751490.95224502340.96047687010.94483400660.9478648776SOTWCCG00NI12Jun-154835000.966PeriodNECS93.0%% of patients seen within 2 weeks of an urgent GP referral for suspected cancer0.94584725640.95255180870.9914086510.025408651-0.0254086510.02576501320.026492312330.89234231040.99935220250.95011456580.98188543420.94297679890.958842837SOTWCCG00NI14Jun-1524300.8PeriodNECS95.0%% of patients treated within 62 days of an urgent GP referral for suspected cancer0.87749360610.86697232450.84304100320.0430410032-0.04304100320.07159435310.076428755730.78830320240.96668400990.65686183830.94313816170.86029259710.8918146556

    SOTWCCG00NI05Jul-15339435620.9528354857PeriodNECS95.0%% patients spending 4 hrs or less in A&E or minor injury unit0.94208922490.94409240040.93263429360.02020119210.02020119210.01682892360.01733845230.89884711120.98533133870.94587361810.95979735330.92806691720.943169926SOTWCCG00NI09Jul-15932498110.9503618388PeriodNECS92.0%% patients waiting for initial treatment on incomplete pathways within 18 weeks0.95208655820.95150989590.95630746840.0059456297-0.00594562970.00372463870.00381720930.93174328550.97242983090.94606398360.95465969390.94483400660.9478648776SOTWCCG00NI12Jul-155575820.9570446735PeriodNECS93.0%% of patients seen within 2 weeks of an urgent GP referral for suspected cancer0.9592563610.960977050.99544053390.0383958603-0.03839586030.00595427630.006079412930.93353504180.98497768010.94057180640.97351754070.94297679890.958842837SOTWCCG00NI14Jul-1536410.8780487805PeriodNECS95.0%% of patients treated within 62 days of an urgent GP referral for suspected cancer0.85645104280.84825119530.73578601660.14226276390.14226276390.04933525810.053309687130.78241257070.93048951480.77788365510.97821390580.86029259710.8918146556

    SOTWCCG00NI05Aug-15328334100.9627565982PeriodNECS95.0%% patients spending 4 hrs or less in A&E or minor injury unit0.94609557590.9516191290.95333690090.00941969740.00941969740.020864080.021450219230.89794756340.99424358850.95640092140.9691122750.92806691720.943169926SOTWCCG00NI09Aug-15917696990.9460769152PeriodNECS92.0%% patients waiting for initial treatment on incomplete pathways within 18 weeks0.95093323360.94929541540.9520167610.0059398459-0.00593984590.00516577150.005297368530.92697546620.97489100090.94158177560.95057205470.94483400660.9478648776SOTWCCG00NI12Aug-154975150.9650485437PeriodNECS93.0%% of patients seen within 2 weeks of an urgent GP referral for suspected cancer0.96269773910.95848028850.98186071840.0168121747-0.01681217470.00491875790.005013147430.93931978660.98607569150.94918648050.98091060680.94297679890.958842837SOTWCCG00NI14Aug-1532380.8421052632PeriodNECS95.0%% of patients treated within 62 days of an urgent GP referral for suspected cancer0.84005134790.83692634790.80735157950.03475368360.03475368360.0390649070.042622005330.77416853360.90593416220.72616579850.95804472780.86029259710.8918146556

    SOTWCCG00NI05Sep-15333334870.9558359621PeriodNECS95.0%% patients spending 4 hrs or less in A&E or minor injury unit0.9571426820.95704298530.9671722120.0113362499-0.01133624990.00508800120.005200664830.93336593990.98091942420.94901640510.96265551920.92806691720.943169926SOTWCCG00NI09Sep-15913596510.9465340379PeriodNECS92.0%% patients waiting for initial treatment on incomplete pathways within 18 weeks0.94765759730.94699917040.94715937010.0006253322-0.00062533220.00235306860.002417179330.93148811780.96382707670.94204579120.95102228470.94483400660.9478648776SOTWCCG00NI12Sep-154604890.9406952965PeriodNECS93.0%% of patients seen within 2 weeks of an urgent GP referral for suspected cancer0.95426283790.95871752890.98137394390.0406786474-0.04067864740.01241265960.012706643430.91712546590.991400210.91976040580.96163018720.94297679890.958842837SOTWCCG00NI14Sep-1525320.78125PeriodNECS95.0%% of patients treated within 62 days of an urgent GP referral for suspected cancer0.83380134790.82781076170.8077260760.026476076-0.0264760760.04893073910.053585893930.76006703570.90753566010.63801467820.92448532180.86029259710.8918146556

    SOTWCCG00NI05Oct-15378839780.9522373052PeriodNECS95.0%% patients spending 4 hrs or less in A&E or minor injury unit0.95694328850.95213913680.96805644790.0158191427-0.01581914270.00534635490.005465308530.93257036440.98131621260.94560994320.95886466710.92806691720.943169926SOTWCCG00NI09Oct-15879592930.9464112773PeriodNECS92.0%% patients waiting for initial treatment on incomplete pathways within 18 weeks0.94634074350.94589329280.94542241670.00098886060.00098886060.00023658310.00024319830.94121365720.95146782970.94183244480.95099010980.94483400660.9478648776SOTWCCG00NI12Oct-154854930.9837728195PeriodNECS93.0%% of patients seen within 2 weeks of an urgent GP referral for suspected cancer0.96317221990.96308729710.96425905870.01951376080.01951376080.02159996970.022009043430.91418245951.01216198030.97261956640.99492607250.94297679890.958842837SOTWCCG00NI14Oct-1532380.8421052632PeriodNECS95.0%% of patients treated within 62 days of an urgent GP referral for suspected cancer0.82182017540.82620614040.76884686650.07325839670.07325839670.03513480260.038756907630.75933924270.88430110810.72616579850.95804472780.86029259710.8918146556

    SOTWCCG00NI05Nov-15374640110.9339316879PeriodNECS95.0%% patients spending 4 hrs or less in A&E or minor injury unit0.94733498510.94250156520.9656211820.0316894942-0.03168949420.01174622770.012068314730.91120831330.98346165680.92624420960.94161916610.92806691720.943169926SOTWCCG00NI09Nov-15886693980.9433922111PeriodNECS92.0%% patients waiting for initial treatment on incomplete pathways within 18 weeks0.94544584210.94421370490.94462054360.0012283325-0.00122833250.00177955550.001830177530.93138424940.95950743480.93871999860.94806442360.94483400660.9478648776SOTWCCG00NI12Nov-155445640.9645390071PeriodNECS93.0%% of patients seen within 2 weeks of an urgent GP referral for suspected cancer0.96300237440.96521982490.9793471880.0148081809-0.01480818090.02157983260.02199046430.91403545511.01196929360.94927558680.97980242740.94297679890.958842837SOTWCCG00NI14Nov-1533380.8684210526PeriodNECS95.0%% of patients treated within 62 days of an urgent GP referral for suspected cancer0.83059210530.84811104470.78632516840.08209588430.08209588430.04471143820.049059683330.76010850730.90107570320.76094229230.97589981290.86029259710.8918146556

    SOTWCCG00NI05Dec-15366139500.926835443PeriodNECS95.0%% patients spending 4 hrs or less in A&E or minor injury unit0.93766814540.92917910930.95488853020.0280530872-0.02805308720.01310665810.013535284530.89950670750.97582958330.91871444860.93495643750.92806691720.943169926SOTWCCG00NI09Dec-15833388730.9391412149PeriodNECS92.0%% patients waiting for initial treatment on incomplete pathways within 18 weeks0.94298156780.94179404230.94270405520.0035628402-0.00356284020.00365238590.003761188130.9228365770.96312655860.93416673230.94411569760.94483400660.9478648776SOTWCCG00NI12Dec-154775000.954PeriodNECS93.0%% of patients seen within 2 weeks of an urgent GP referral for suspected cancer0.96743727550.96433579470.97817673630.0241767363-0.02417673630.01509652820.015348490730.92648129881.00839325220.93563782290.97236217710.94297679890.958842837SOTWCCG00NI14Dec-1539440.8863636364PeriodNECS95.0%% of patients treated within 62 days of an urgent GP referral for suspected cancer0.86562998410.85861244020.81016961170.07619402470.07619402470.02226080520.023926254830.81589646620.91536350190.79258706240.98014021040.86029259710.8918146556

    SOTWCCG00NI05Jan-16373541440.9013030888PeriodNECS95.0%% patients spending 4 hrs or less in A&E or minor injury unit0.92069007320.91856035120.94480373310.0435006443-0.04350064430.01716043550.017884284730.87702412480.96435602170.89222209440.91038408320.92806691720.943169926SOTWCCG00NI09Jan-16818487130.9392861242PeriodNECS92.0%% patients waiting for initial treatment on incomplete pathways within 18 weeks0.94060651670.94068023290.93970978560.0004236614-0.00042366140.00241356990.002488604530.92423048450.95698254890.93427176840.944300480.94483400660.9478648776SOTWCCG00NI12Jan-164714880.9651639344PeriodNECS93.0%% of patients seen within 2 weeks of an urgent GP referral for suspected cancer0.96123431380.96213445930.97237797380.0072140393-0.00721403930.00627288660.006398126230.93483379490.98763483270.94889491970.98143294920.94297679890.958842837SOTWCCG00NI14Jan-1624300.8PeriodNECS95.0%% of patients treated within 62 days of an urgent GP referral for suspected cancer0.85159489630.8491344770.83390340650.0339034065-0.03390340650.0455742150.049385865830.78043450240.92275529030.65686183830.94313816170.86029259710.8918146556

    SOTWCCG00NI05Feb-16361039190.9211533554PeriodNECS95.0%% patients spending 4 hrs or less in A&E or minor injury unit0.91643062910.91503818490.92796451980.0068111644-0.00681116440.01340534920.014003233630.87783680520.9550244530.91271561780.92959109310.92806691720.943169926SOTWCCG00NI09Feb-16816786530.9438345083PeriodNECS92.0%% patients waiting for initial treatment on incomplete pathways within 18 weeks0.94075394910.94205317040.93799973270.00583477560.00583477560.00266882620.002751580830.92353372140.95797417680.93898323850.94868577810.94483400660.9478648776SOTWCCG00NI12Feb-164844990.9699398798PeriodNECS93.0%% of patients seen within 2 weeks of an urgent GP referral for suspected cancer0.96303460470.9663422970.97262882360.0026889439-0.00268894390.00818049360.008336016430.9328859110.99318329840.95495774970.98492200980.94297679890.958842837SOTWCCG00NI14Feb-1635410.8536585366PeriodNECS95.0%% of patients treated within 62 days of an urgent GP referral for suspected cancer0.84667405760.85132773730.81566299230.03799554430.03799554430.04360340160.047387330530.77706929920.91627881610.74546783590.96184923730.86029259710.8918146556

    SOTWCCG00NI05Mar-16396643180.9184807781PeriodNECS95.0%% patients spending 4 hrs or less in A&E or minor injury unit0.91364574080.92002904670.92361504220.005134264-0.0051342640.01077225420.011269838130.87904925060.9482422310.91031909370.92664246260.92806691720.943169926SOTWCCG00NI09Mar-16865591400.9469365427PeriodNECS92.0%% patients waiting for initial treatment on incomplete pathways within 18 weeks0.94335239170.94505778230.93843682540.00849971730.00849971730.00384792840.003961776830.92267516750.96402961590.94234095360.95153213170.94483400660.9478648776SOTWCCG00NI12Mar-166336500.9738461538PeriodNECS93.0%% of patients seen within 2 weeks of an urgent GP referral for suspected cancer0.96964998930.96725000140.9745974060.0007512521-0.00075125210.0043483630.004415890530.94766928310.99163069560.96157706390.98611524380.94297679890.958842837SOTWCCG00NI14Mar-1632350.9142857143PeriodNECS95.0%% of patients treated within 62 days of an urgent GP referral for suspected cancer0.8559814170.87856206210.82245011120.09183560310.09183560310.05717825590.061801460230.77627483290.93568800110.82154090311.00703052550.86029259710.8918146556

    SOTWCCG00NI05Apr-165871.75138904826249.18381699910.9396029243PeriodNECS95.0%% patients spending 4 hrs or less in A&E or minor injury unit0.92641235260.92926085740.91978216660.01982075770.01982075770.01150126310.011949324930.89066437190.96216033330.93369650120.94550934750.92806691720.943169926SOTWCCG00NI09Apr-16897294490.9495184676PeriodNECS92.0%% patients waiting for initial treatment on incomplete pathways within 18 weeks0.94676317280.95024193290.93989803660.00962043090.00962043090.00284594290.002924862930.92898071290.96454563280.94510397160.95393296350.94483400660.9478648776SOTWCCG00NI12Apr-165605890.9507640068PeriodNECS93.0%% of patients seen within 2 weeks of an urgent GP referral for suspected cancer0.96485001350.9632918890.97707422080.026310214-0.0263102140.01235420710.012577229130.92780018661.00189984040.93329065820.96823735540.94297679890.958842837SOTWCCG00NI14Apr-1629310.935483871PeriodNECS95.0%% of patients treated within 62 days of an urgent GP referral for suspected cancer0.90114270730.90798909150.84788260580.08760126520.08760126520.0424664610.044735189830.83245140020.96983401440.8490015121.021966230.86029259710.8918146556

    SOTWCCG00NI05May-166743.93949165487187.82825493890.9382443838PeriodNECS95.0%% patients spending 4 hrs or less in A&E or minor injury unit0.93210936210.9354678080.9234608940.01478348970.01478348970.01182223050.012245202930.89586600180.96835272230.9326795340.94380923350.92806691720.943169926SOTWCCG00NI09May-16956799170.9647070687PeriodNECS92.0%% patients waiting for initial treatment on incomplete pathways within 18 weeks0.9537206930.95455097940.94177625490.02293081380.02293081380.00960166250.009831863330.92105800190.9863833840.96107538920.96833874810.94483400660.9478648776SOTWCCG00NI12May-165856090.960591133PeriodNECS93.0%% of patients seen within 2 weeks of an urgent GP referral for suspected cancer0.96173376450.95917232370.97179198750.0112008545-0.01120085450.01158341850.011811615930.92585833430.99760919480.94513810160.97604416440.94297679890.958842837SOTWCCG00NI14May-1634380.8947368421PeriodNECS95.0%% of patients treated within 62 days of an urgent GP referral for suspected cancer0.91483547580.89578785670.87312940030.02160744180.02160744180.02037907670.021306543730.86725037460.9624205770.79715924240.99231444180.86029259710.8918146556

    SOTWCCG00NI05Jun-166187.83020528336592.39596122840.9386314538PeriodNECS95.0%% patients spending 4 hrs or less in A&E or minor injury unit0.9388262540.93746298710.92599109390.01264035990.01264035990.0006999060.000722349130.9300076750.94764483290.93283776860.94442513910.92806691720.943169926SOTWCCG00NI09Jun-16950399830.951918261PeriodNECS92.0%% patients waiting for initial treatment on incomplete pathways within 18 weeks0.95538126580.95558765970.94758431980.00433394120.00433394120.00816502920.008353517430.9252610820.98550144950.94772148830.95611503370.94483400660.9478648776SOTWCCG00NI12Jun-165545780.9584775087PeriodNECS93.0%% of patients seen within 2 weeks of an urgent GP referral for suspected cancer0.95661088280.95777031310.97044772020.0119702115-0.01197021150.00517265130.005288658730.93263716740.98058459830.94221360410.97474141320.94297679890.958842837SOTWCCG00NI14Jun-1632400.8PeriodNECS95.0%% of patients treated within 62 days of an urgent GP referral for suspected cancer0.87674023770.87048612310.88054679730.0805467973-0.08054679730.06951171230.074237359730.78885665790.96462381750.67603871570.92396128430.86029259710.8918146556

    SOTWCCG00NI05Jul-166342.11311331126809.05551104930.9314233234PeriodNECS95.0%% patients spending 4 hrs or less in A&E or minor injury unit0.93609972030.93297241020.92804615810.00337716530.00337716530.00405450020.004190600630.91487473450.95732470620.92542023960.93742640720.92806691720.943169926SOTWCCG00NI09Jul-169673101740.9507568311PeriodNECS92.0%% patients waiting for initial treatment on incomplete pathways within 18 weeks0.95579405360.95296997410.94865194850.00210488260.00210488260.00774071110.007917693730.926466950.98512115730.94655229660.95496136570.94483400660.9478648776SOTWCCG00NI12Jul-165215440.9577205882PeriodNECS93.0%% of patients seen within 2 weeks of an urgent GP referral for suspected cancer0.95892974330.95765816650.96884538530.0111247971-0.01112479710.00148774790.001519273530.94607263140.97178685520.94081070920.97463046730.94297679890.958842837SOTWCCG00NI14Jul-1644490.8979591837PeriodNECS95.0%% of patients treated within 62 days of an urgent GP referral for suspected cancer0.86423200860.85399809050.86102986650.03692931720.03692931720.05564987930.05986170130.78559791980.94286609740.81320262950.98271573780.86029259710.8918146556

    SOTWCCG00NI05Aug-165673.84762699896170.70996667370.9194805229PeriodNECS95.0%% patients spending 4 hrs or less in A&E or minor injury unit0.92984510010.92831020980.92790195590.008421433-0.0084214330.00967251930.010030770730.8970621110.96262808910.91269145360.92626959230.92806691720.943169926SOTWCCG00NI09Aug-1610124106820.9477625913PeriodNECS92.0%% patients waiting for initial treatment on incomplete pathways within 18 weeks0.95014589450.94799213170.94920264260.0014400513-0.00144005130.00214413860.002199670930.93471094630.96558084270.94354300010.95198218250.94483400660.9478648776SOTWCCG00NI12Aug-165475740.9529616725PeriodNECS93.0%% of patients seen within 2 weeks of an urgent GP referral for suspected cancer0.95638658980.95400074440.96734091030.0143792378-0.01437923780.00299011310.00305753130.9381592810.97461389850.93564103870.97028230620.94297679890.958842837SOTWCCG00NI14Aug-1640480.8333333333PeriodNECS95.0%% of patients treated within 62 days of an urgent GP referral for suspected cancer0.84376417230.8476857410.8701625480.0368292147-0.03682921470.04980564440.054221062530.76937357820.91815476650.727902120.93876454660.86029259710.8918146556

    SOTWCCG00NI05Sep-165794.36428035686234.37316888570.9294221124PeriodNECS95.0%% patients spending 4 hrs or less in A&E or minor injury unit0.92677531960.9263467150.92503385330.00438825920.00438825920.00639622980.006644110230.90011650880.95343413040.92306440550.93577981930.92806691720.943169926SOTWCCG00NI09Sep-169574101960.9389956846PeriodNECS92.0%% patients waiting for initial treatment on incomplete pathways within 18 weeks0.9458383690.94487156480.94893202460.00993634-0.009936340.00611212860.006284692330.91977833450.97189840350.93434996240.94364140680.94483400660.9478648776SOTWCCG00NI12Sep-165585910.9441624365PeriodNECS93.0%% of patients seen within 2 weeks of an urgent GP referral for suspected cancer0.95161489910.95072495980.96495256790.0207901314-0.02079013140.00687867850.007051384530.9239689660.97926083210.9256506250.96267424810.94297679890.958842837SOTWCCG00NI14Sep-1628340.8235294118PeriodNECS95.0%% of patients treated within 62 days of an urgent GP referral for suspected cancer0.85160730960.84828890910.86217902820.0386496165-0.03864961650.04044009630.0438220330.78457489920.918639720.69538716430.95167165920.86029259710.8918146556

    SOTWCCG00NI05Oct-166000.7469046566460.39290201090.9288516961PeriodNECS95.0%% patients spending 4 hrs or less in A&E or minor injury unit0.92591811050.92693629710.92492768370.00392401240.00392401240.00558240490.005801429830.90101294630.95082327470.922582930.93512046230.92806691720.943169926SOTWCCG00NI09Oct-16923697740.9449560057PeriodNECS92.0%% patients waiting for initial treatment on incomplete pathways within 18 weeks0.94390476050.94398734380.94676415710.0018081514-0.00180815140.00447699680.004608108530.92160130580.96620821520.94043452520.94947748630.94483400660.9478648776SOTWCCG00NI12Oct-165405670.9523809524PeriodNECS93.0%% of patients seen within 2 weeks of an urgent GP referral for suspected cancer0.94983502050.95133865360.96107326160.0086923092-0.00869230920.00492117520.005049457730.92645132440.97321871660.93485182710.96991007770.94297679890.958842837SOTWCCG00NI14Oct-1636410.8780487805PeriodNECS95.0%% of patients treated within 62 days of an urgent GP referral for suspected cancer0.84497050850.85914284410.85356167830.02448710220.02448710220.02906300530.031616933530.78814425750.90179675960.77788365510.97821390580.86029259710.8918146556

    SOTWCCG00NI05Nov-165738.10812063086199.40830729940.9255896428PeriodNECS95.0%% patients spending 4 hrs or less in A&E or minor injury unit0.92795448380.92602138790.92478261390.00080702890.00080702890.00206777620.00214654630.91279688140.94311208620.91905672960.9321225560.92806691720.943169926SOTWCCG00NI09Nov-16920097020.9482580911PeriodNECS92.0%% patients waiting for initial treatment on incomplete pathways within 18 weeks0.94406992710.94477738870.94625267120.00200541990.00200541990.00469434710.004831401430.92123149180.96690836250.94385041230.95266576990.94483400660.9478648776SOTWCCG00NI12Nov-165826050.9619834711PeriodNECS93.0%% of patients seen within 2 weeks of an urgent GP referral for suspected cancer0.95284228670.95605098630.95960449180.00237897920.00237897920.00891946970.009137523930.92136130530.98432326810.94674475350.97722218860.94297679890.958842837SOTWCCG00NI14Nov-1645490.9183673469PeriodNECS95.0%% of patients treated within 62 days of an urgent GP referral for suspected cancer0.87331517970.88685392860.85803222420.06033512270.06033512270.04759583720.050931148130.80059361240.94603674710.84170215910.99503253470.86029259710.8918146556

    SOTWCCG00NI05Dec-165702.57952964656213.1545965840.9178235373PeriodNECS95.0%% patients spending 4 hrs or less in A&E or minor injury unit0.92408829210.9139648190.92400315290.0061796156-0.00617961560.0056652990.005893402430.89899889870.94917768550.91099459710.92465247750.92806691720.943169926SOTWCCG00NI09Dec-16914096900.9432404541PeriodNECS92.0%% patients waiting for initial treatment on incomplete pathways within 18 weeks0.94548485030.94486304360.94648989680.0032494428-0.00324944280.00255027990.002622772230.92865141810.96231828250.93863338370.94784752450.94483400660.9478648776SOTWCCG00NI12Dec-164744920.9634146341PeriodNECS93.0%% of patients seen within 2 weeks of an urgent GP referral for suspected cancer0.95925968590.96222106940.96031502960.00309960460.00309960460.00599998230.006126068830.9334398350.98507953680.94682511340.98000415490.94297679890.958842837SOTWCCG00NI14Dec-1638420.9047619048PeriodNECS95.0%% of patients treated within 62 days of an urgent GP referral for suspected cancer0.90039267740.90509288060.86978781530.03497408950.03497408950.02051132150.021616116230.85265343020.94813192460.81598419650.9935396130.86029259710.8918146556

    SOTWCCG00NI05Jan-175388.97966736286207.70909760780.8681108574PeriodNECS95.0%% patients spending 4 hrs or less in A&E or minor injury unit0.90384134580.90525856330.92189400090.0537831434-0.05378314340.03118619810.03280320930.84497596450.96270672720.85969336940.87652834550.92806691720.943169926SOTWCCG00NI09Jan-17909696640.9412251656PeriodNECS92.0%% patients waiting for initial treatment on incomplete pathways within 18 weeks0.94424123690.94358358560.94573451530.0045093497-0.00450934970.00362169650.003727095930.92418105950.96430141430.93653573530.94591459580.94483400660.9478648776SOTWCCG00NI12Jan-175205360.9