agenda - immigration… ·...

London & Middlesex Local Immigration Partnership 1 Agenda LMLIP Inclusion & Civic Engagement Sub-council Location: Kinsmen Arena Rm.4 Date: January 14, 2016 Time: 2:30-4:00pm Item Description 1. Chair’s Opening Remarks 2. Additions to Agenda 3. Adoption of November 12, 2015 minutes 4. Central Council Update- Rose Aquino 5. ICE Strategic Plan 2016-2019 - Discussion 6. Work group updates: a. Juan Bello, social media company update - Huda b. Newcomer Volunteering Work Group- Maria Vasquez, Susannah Gergich c. Civic Engagement Handbook Work Group-Dharshi Lacey/Rose Aquino d. Community Engagement Learning Project with Western Huda/Nassisse, Shezan e. Collaboration with London Youth Advisory Council update Huda f. I am London- Rose/Kelly 7. Information Sharing 8. Chairperson’s Closing Summary and Review of Action Items 9. Adjourn 10. Next Meeting: March 10, 2016 from 2:30-4:00pm @ Kinsmen Arena Rm. 4

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London & Middlesex Local Immigration Partnership



LMLIP Inclusion & Civic Engagement Sub-council Location: Kinsmen Arena Rm.4

Date: January 14, 2016 Time: 2:30-4:00pm

Item Description

1. Chair’s Opening Remarks

2. Additions to Agenda

3. Adoption of November 12, 2015 minutes

4. Central Council Update- Rose Aquino

5. ICE Strategic Plan 2016-2019 - Discussion

6. Work group updates:

a. Juan Bello, social media company update - Huda

b. Newcomer Volunteering Work Group- Maria Vasquez, Susannah Gergich

c. Civic Engagement Handbook Work Group-Dharshi Lacey/Rose Aquino

d. Community Engagement Learning Project with Western – Huda/Nassisse, Shezan

e. Collaboration with London Youth Advisory Council update – Huda

f. I am London- Rose/Kelly

7. Information Sharing

8. Chairperson’s Closing Summary and Review of Action Items

9. Adjourn

10. Next Meeting: March 10, 2016 from 2:30-4:00pm @ Kinsmen Arena Rm. 4

London & Middlesex Local Immigration Partnership



LMLIP Inclusion & Civic Engagement (ICE) Sub-council

Meeting Location: Kinsmen Room 4

Date and Time: January 14, 2016 2:30 – 4:30 pm

Present: Rose Aquino, Kelly Barnes, Suzanne Huot, Dharshi Lacey , Susannah Gergich, Christina Lord, Clint Thomson, Shezan Muhammedi, Kelly Barnes, Mahin Ghasemiyani, Valy Marochko, Maria Vasquez, Robin Armistead, Katy Boychuk, Huda Hussein, Vivette Martin

Guest: Sharon St.Amour

Item Description

Information, Update, Action, Lead and Due Date

1. Chair’s Opening Remarks

Rose Aquino welcomed the group and wished them a happy New Year.

2. Additions to Agenda

None. Approved by Christina Lord, seconded by Mahin Ghasemiyani and approved

3. Adoption of Previous Minutes

Motion to approve November 12, 2015 minutes was moved by Suzanne Huot, seconded by Dharshi Lacey and approved.

4. LMLIP Central Council Update: Rose Aquino

Vicki Esses facilitated Pathways to Prosperity workshop in Edmonton in October.

The response to refugees was discussed and the summary was sent to sub-councils, in addition there are updates on the portal.

Strategic Plan: The Governance Task Group will continue to fine-tune themes and drafts will be taken to each sub-council.

Newsletter has been released; Facebook page is live and has events related to the LMLIP. Members should send information on events that pertain to the LMLIP to Vivette

Online survey launched by Vicki Esses for the 2016 LMLIP Community Capacity and group was requested to fill it out.

5. 2016 – 2019 Strategic Plan: Discussion

The group decided that some members (Susannah Gergich, Katy Boychuk, Suzanne Huot and Kelly Barnes) would meet at later date to decide the gaps, themes and priorities. The group decided it needs to focus more on specific projects

6. Work group updates:

a. Juan Bello, social media company: Huda Hussein

Juan Bello has received information from another sub-council and they will work

Identified members will get together and decide a path. Will update in March.

London & Middlesex Local Immigration Partnership


together on this project.

b. Newcomer volunteering work group: Maria Vasquez, Susannah Gergich

The workgroup met recently and has decided to conduct an evaluation with the group they presented to. They would like to measure the impact their presentation has had, if any.

Other suggestions: As a sub-council can we do more with outcome and evaluation? Can we start a project that connects the LMLIP? We need to understand the gaps of the LMLIP and how we can fill them.

Unsure of next steps and do not want to continue until there is a clear outcome

When we start a new project, there should be a template that states objectives, outcomes etc. (The Governance Task Group needs to be aware of this and create it)

c. Civic Engagement Work Group – Dharshi Lacey/Karen/Rose

The handbook, adapted from the Alberta civic engagement handbook, is ready

It has been translated into Spanish, work is under way on the Arabic version

Met the previous Monday to edit the brochure that goes with the handbook

Need to plan a launch for March

d. Community Engagement Learning Project: Shezan

This project has started and is in the first phase: research.

The students are looking if there is a system that already exists, if so how does it function?

Once they have completed research they will compile an annotated bibliography and give a presentation to the ICE Sub-council to see if this is something they would like to continue with.

Shezan sent out the CEL application ahead of time and has asked if anyone has amendments.

Huda will take it back to Governance group to create a template moving forward

Dharsh Lacey will connect by email and set a date

e. Collaboration with London Youth Advisory Council: update

LMLIP connected with three members of the advisory council, but they are very tight on time. Information was given to them, but no interest yet.

f. I am London: Kelly Barnes

I am London is an extensive project, Kelly Barnes needs help with it

The project can be broken down into recruitment, communication (A/V) and another group for events

Can give a written schedule on a timeline. Usually starts in January, recruitment is the hardest part

What is the measureable impact?

Suggestions: should the group restructure and relaunch in 2017?

7. Information Sharing

LMLIP is organizing an information session on January 29 for all groups/individuals sponsoring Syrian refugees

Vivette Martin will email details on Friday, please forward to anyone who would be interested.

I am London work group meeting to be, coordinated by Kelly, who will give an update in March.

London & Middlesex Local Immigration Partnership


8. Chairperson’s Closing Summary and Review of Action Items

Rose Aquino thanked the group

9. Adjourn

The meeting was adjourned at 4:05 p.m.

10. Next Meeting Location and Date – Please mark your calendars:

March 10 at Kinsmen Room 4.

London & Middlesex Local Immigration Partnership



LMLIP Inclusion & Civic Engagement Sub-council Location: Kinsmen Arena Rm.4

Date: March 10, 2016 Time: 2:30-4:30pm

Item Description

1. Vice Chair’s Opening Remarks

2. Western University Community Engagement Learning Project Presentation: Implementing a

Recognition System for Diversity

3. Additions to Agenda

4. Adoption of January 14, 2016 minutes

5. Central Council Update

6. ICE Strategic Plan 2016-2019 - Discussion

7. Work group updates:

a. Newcomer Volunteering Work Group: Maria Vasquez, Susannah Gergich

b. Civic Engagement Handbook Work Group Launch: Dharshi Lacey

c. I am London: Kelly Barnes

d. Spouses of international students survey update: Clint Thomson

8. Discussions on:

a) Opportunity to collaborate with students in a new Community Engaged Learning component at

Western University

b) Contribution of content and suggestions for periodicity of LMLIP newsletter

c) Dates for 2016-17 meetings

9. Information Sharing

10. Chairperson’s Closing Summary and Review of Action Items

11. Adjourn

12. Next Meeting: To be decided

London & Middlesex Local Immigration Partnership



LMLIP Inclusion & Civic Engagement (ICE) Sub-council

Date and Time: March 10, 2016 2:30 – 4:30 pm

Meeting Location: Kinsmen Arena, 20 Granville Road

Present: Kelly Barnes, Dharshi Lacey, Susannah Gergich, Christina Lord, Shezan Muhammedi, Mahin Ghasemiyani, Maria Vasquez, Robin Armistead, Katy Boychuk, Nassisse Solomon, Patricia Mazariegos, Sharon St. Amour, Huda Hussein, Maria D’Souza

Regrets: Rose Aquino, Valerian Marochko, Suzanne Huot, Janice Walter, Clint Thomson, Karen Pennesi

Absent: Francis J. Hinnah

Item Description

Information, Update, Action, Lead and Due Date

1. Vice Chair’s Opening Remarks

Kelly Barnes chaired the meeting in Rose Aquino’s absence. She welcomed the group and new member, Sharon St. Amour.

2. Additions to Agenda

None. Motion to approve the agenda was moved by Dharshi Lacey, seconded by Christina Lord and approved

3. Adoption of Previous Minutes

Motion to approve January 14, 2016 minutes was moved by Susannah Gergich, seconded by Maria Vasquez and approved.

4. LMLIP Central Council Update: Huda Hussein

Huda Hussein reported that the main focus of the the Central Council has been the 2016-2019 Strategic Plan. At the January and February meetings, the council reviewed and made suggestions for the sub-council’s plans and then focused on their own plan.

5. 2016-2019 Strategic Plan: Discussion

The group discussed and redrafted the Strategic Plan.

6. Western University Community Engagement Learning Project Presentation: Implementing a Recognition System for Diversity

Tully Cogswell, Jacquie Hicks and Kienen Chong, students from a class in International Conflict Management at Western University presented a concept they have been working on. The students hope to implement a project, in conjunction with the ICE Sub-council, to recognize diversity in London. The parameters of the project will be decided. After some discussion, it was decided that the project would be taken on as a one-year

Huda to email redrafted plan with timelines and IRCC outcomes to Sub-council

Shezan to: 1) summarize and send project info to Huda to email to Sub-council. 2) Check with

London & Middlesex Local Immigration Partnership


pilot to start with. Sharon St. Amour will be working with the students. A decision will also be made regarding applying for a Royal Bank of Canada grant for the project, by the deadline of April 15.

7. Work group updates: Tabled to next meeting

a. Newcomer Volunteering Work Group: Maria Vasquez, Susannah Gergich

b. Civic Engagement Handbook Work Group Launch: Dharshi Lacey

c. I am London: Kelly Barnes

d. Spouses of international students survey update: Clint Thomson

In response to a question about the goal for the sessions organized at London and Area Association for Volunteer Administration (L.A.V.A), it was noted that the objective of those sessions was to inform volunteer coordinators about untapped resources among immigrants and to promote the diversity of their volunteers by recruiting volunteers from immigrant communities.

8. Discussions on:

a) Opportunity to collaborate with students in a new Community Engaged Learning component at Western University

Maria D’Souza informed the group that Prof. Leora Swartzman is awaiting final approval for a course on Community Psychology in which Community Engaged Learning (CEL) is a component. If the course is approved, her students could work on a couple of projects for the LMLIP where they could give 4-5 hours of time per week for a 20 week period (around 80-100 hours). Prof. Swartzman also mentioned that students could collaborate with other Western professors who offer a course on qualitative research and survey methods respectively. Members are requested to think of and suggest projects that they could coordinate with the students on. A list of possible projects from all sub-councils will be compiled by project staff and sent to Prof. Swartzman by. The students will then select the two projects based on their interest.

b) Contribution of content and suggestions for periodicity of LMLIP


The group agreed with the decision of other LMLIP Sub-councils that a quarterly publishing schedule would work best for the LMLIP newsletter.

c) Dates for 2016-17 meetings Meeting dates will be emailed to members for feedback.

9. Information Sharing


10. Chairperson’s Closing Summary and Review of Action Items

Kelly thanked the group for attending.

11. Adjourn

The meeting was adjourned at 4:35 p.m.

12. Next Meeting Location and Date – Please mark your calendars:

Nassisse if she can participate in the project

London & Middlesex Local Immigration Partnership


April 14, 2016 at Kinsmen Arena.

London & Middlesex Local Immigration Partnership



LMLIP Inclusion & Civic Engagement Sub-council Location: Kinsmen Arena

Date: April 14, 2016 Time: 2:30-4:00pm

Item Description

1. Chair’s Opening Remarks

2. Additions to Agenda

3. Adoption of March 10, 2016 minutes

4. Central Council Update

5. ICE Strategic Plan 2016-2017 Implementation: Discussion of:

a. Projects and formation of work groups

b. Opportunity to collaborate with students in a new Community Engaged Learning component

at Western University

6. Work group updates:

a. Newcomer Volunteering Work Group: Maria Vasquez, Susannah Gergich

b. Civic Engagement Handbook Work Group Launch: Dharshi Lacey

c. I am London: Kelly Barnes

d. Spouses of international students survey update: Clint Thomson

e. Inclusivity badge award system: Nassisse Solomon

7. Information Sharing

8. Chairperson’s Closing Summary and Review of Action Items

9. Adjourn

10. Next Meeting: June 14, 2016

London & Middlesex Local Immigration Partnership



LMLIP Inclusion & Civic Engagement (ICE) Sub-council

Date and Time: April 14, 2016 2:30 – 4:30 pm

Meeting Location: Kinsmen Arena, 20 Granville Road

Present: Rose Aquino, Valerian Marochko, Dharshi Lacey, Susannah Gergich, Christina Lord, Mahin Ghasemiyani, Maria Vasquez, Clint Thomson, Robin Armistead, Francis J. Hinnah, Ashanti Cooray, Huda Hussein, Maria D’Souza

Regrets: Kelly Barnes, Nassisse Solomon, Katy Boychuk, Suzanne Huot, Shezan Muhammedi, Karen Pennesi, Janice Walter

Absent: Sharon St. Amour, Patricia Mazariegos

Item Description

Information, Update, Action, Lead and Due Date

1. Chair’s Opening Remarks

Rose Aquino welcomed the group and new member, Ashanti Cooray.

2. Additions to Agenda

None. Motion to approve the agenda was moved by Maria Vasquez, seconded by Francis Hinnah and approved

3. Adoption of Previous Minutes

Motion to approve March 10, 2016 minutes was moved by Mahin Ghasemiyani, seconded by Susannah Gergich and approved.

4. LMLIP Central Council Update: Huda Hussein

The Strategic Plan was reviewed and finalized;

Updates were provided on meetings that the co-chairs and staff had with system partners to explore concerns and how we can work together as a community. The importance of Settlement Workers in Schools (SWIS) and libraries was highlighted;

It was decided that the LMLIP will continue to have an annual meeting with system partners,

A similar meeting was also held with ethno-cultural groups to highlight the LMLIP’s strategic plan and discuss community concerns and

Pathways to Prosperity annual conference will be held from November 30 to December 2 in Ottawa. More information is available on their website.

5. ICE Strategic Plan 2016-2017 Implementation: Discussion of:

a) Projects and formation of work groups

Activity: Raise immigrants’ awareness of and facilitate their integration through leadership opportunities

An inventory of leadership programs that can be promoted was suggested. The

London & Middlesex Local Immigration Partnership


inventory can be created by Community Engaged Learning students with supervision by Sub-council members.

Activity: Educate immigrants about the 2016 Census

Connecting with ethno-cultural and faith groups to conduct information sessions on the Census was suggested;

An online education toolkit is available on the website. Community organizations can be encouraged to disseminate the toolkit to members. The adult education kit can be used in ESL classrooms, and

LMLIP will email the Census link for Sub-councils to promote

Activity: Promote and support the annual ‘I am London’ social media campaign

Robin Armistead suggested tying the campaign in to 150th anniversary of Canada celebrations. Dharshi Lacey and Robin will join the work group with Kelly. Kelly will be informed to take the next steps (set up meeting), and

Additional volunteers could be recruited from other Sub-councils.

Activity: Promote initiatives that educate immigrants about the host community

Educate immigrants about different services available to them such as the Culture Pass.

Activity: Promote existing resources and intercultural competency education and training programs

The diversity and cultural competency document on the LMLIP website is to be updated. The link should be emailed to all Sub-councils to provide any updates. The date the document is updated will be added at the end to allow better tracking;

OCASI is planning to do education campaign regarding Islamophobia that can be publicized.

Activity: Promote Council’s communication strategy to further drive both service providers and immigrants to the Immigration Portal for information

There is a concern that immigrants are not aware of services, a discussion followed regarding the best ways to disseminate information. Holding information sessions for ethnic and faith groups who can then educate their members, was suggested

Robin informed the group that the City is developing a toolbox on the immigration portal to guide international students. A similar guide is also being developed for those seeking to work in the city. It is likely to be ready this year. When it is ready, the ICE Sub-council will review and provide the necessary support in promoting and or to build on it

Activity: Organize a community event for funders, institutions, government organizations to showcase the existing resources and strategies available in our community that address issues related to reducing barriers to social, political and civic engagement

It was decided to postpone the event to 2017-2018. The event may be modelled on the Employment Sub-council’s Employer Resource Fair.

b) Opportunity to collaborate with students in a new Community Engaged Learning component at Western University

Susannah Gergich suggested collaborating with the students on evaluating the impact of projects undertaken by LMLIP Sub-councils;

An impact evaluation template that all Sub-councils can use, will be created;

Research tools, including surveys, will be used;

Robin to check if an expert is available to provide information on the census

Kelly to set up work group meeting for ‘I am London’

London & Middlesex Local Immigration Partnership


Students will be asked for suggestions/insights after reviewing material and attending Sub-council meetings, and

Susannah and Clint Thomson will be part of the work group.

6. Work group updates:

a. Newcomer Volunteering Work Group: Maria Vasquez, Susannah Gergich

On hold for now.

b. Civic Engagement Handbook Work Group Launch: Dharshi Lacey

The handbook was formally launched on April 7. Brochures are available in English, Arabic and Spanish and have been uploaded to the LMLIP website. LMLIP to send link to NIC and other members. Dharshi reported that she received an enquiry from LINC site requesting a presentation on how the project was developed.

Rose congratulated and thanked Dharshi for her work and leadership on this project.

c. I am London: Kelly Barnes – tabled to next meeting

d. Spouses of international students survey update: Clint Thomson

The survey has been sent to the Ethics Board for approval and will be sent out within the next few weeks. Rose commented that the survey is timely as international masters student enrollment has increased by 15%, which will mean an increase in accompanying spouses and family.

e. Inclusivity badge award system: Nassisse Solomon via email

Rose read out Nassisse’s update on the project. A number of concerns were raised with regard to this project and the group decided to remove this item from their plan moving forward. The students, Nassisse and Shezan were thanked for their work and contributions on this project.

7. Information Sharing

A poster publicizing a fund raising dinner on May 14 for the ACFOLA Cultural & Business Community Centre was passed around.

8. Chairperson’s Closing Summary and Review of Action Items

Rose thanked the group for attending and shared Shezan Muhammedi’s farewell email thanking members for their support.

9. Adjourn

The meeting was adjourned at 4:15 p.m.

10. Next Meeting Location and Date – Please mark your calendars:

June 9, 2016 at Kinsmen Arena.

Staff to send handbook link to members and NIC

London & Middlesex Local Immigration Partnership



LMLIP Inclusion & Civic Engagement Sub-council Location: Kinsmen Arena

Date: June 9, 2016 Time: 2:30-4:00pm

Item Description

1. Chair’s Opening Remarks

2. Presentation of Community Engaged Learning (CEL) Project Proposal - “Cross Cultural

Collaboration in Practice” by third year Anthropology summer students

3. Additions to Agenda

4. Adoption of April 14, 2016 minutes

5. Central Council Update

6. Evaluating the impact of LMLIP Sub-council projects: Discussion on implementation.

7. Work group updates:

a. 2016 Census Work Group: Kelly Barnes, Robin Armistead

b. I am London: Kelly Barnes

c. Spouses of international students survey update: Clint Thomson

8. Information Sharing

9. Chairperson’s Closing Summary and Review of Action Items

10. Adjourn

11. Next Meeting: September 8, 2016

London & Middlesex Local Immigration Partnership



LMLIP Inclusion & Civic Engagement (ICE) Sub-council

Date and Time: June 9, 2016 2:30 – 4:00 pm

Meeting Location: Kinsmen Arena, 20 Granville Road

Present: Rose Aquino, Kelly Barnes, Nassisse Solomon, Katy Boychuk, Suzanne Huot, Francis J. Hinnah, Sharon St. Amour, Patricia Mazariegos, Huda Hussein, Maria D’Souza

Regrets: Karen Pennesi, Janice Walter, Maria Vasquez, Robin Armistead, Dharshi Lacey, Valerian Marochko, Susannah Gergich, Christina Lord, Ashanti Cooray

Absent: Mahin Ghasemiyani

Guests: Andrew Walsh, Ashna Ali, Jamie Duncan, Sanni Jaotombo, Antoinette Monardo, Dana Patton, Tahosy Radaniarison, Arien Tahir, Mirlande Dickinson, Marlene Be Razafindravola

Item Description

Information, Update, Action, Lead and Due Date

1. Chair’s Opening Remarks

Rose Aquino welcomed members and Western University Anthropology Professor, Andrew Walsh, who was making a presentation with his students. The guests were given a brief overview of the LMLIP and roundtable introductions were made.

2. Presentation on Community Engaged Learning (CEL) Project Proposal –“Cross Cultural Collaboration in Practice” by third year Anthropology summer students

Based on a priority/gap identified by the Sub-council’s Plan, which is “improve leadership development and supports for immigrants,” the students proposed taking on a project that may deliver three outcomes:

Outcome 1: Literature review and brief overview concerning relevant projects and research undertaken elsewhere relating to immigrant engagement in leadership activities. Documentaries and videos would be reviewed in addition to literature, resulting in an annotated bibliography that maps programs and resources. Outcome 2: Literature review and brief overview concerning cross-cultural perspectives on leadership. This would examine what leadership means to newcomers and the research would take demographics into account. Outcome 3: Draft survey(s) and/or other research instruments appropriate for future research.

Suggestions made by members to the students included:

Drafting an evaluation tool to assess the impact of the project;

Recommending programs that can be used to encourage immigrants to volunteer, and

London & Middlesex Local Immigration Partnership


Devising plans to market the programs to the community, keeping in mind that marketing campaigns need to be no or low cost.

Professor Walsh will supervise the students and preliminary documents will be ready by June 22 for the Sub-council to review. During further discussions by the group it was suggested that the Sub-council contact Ivey Business School to seek their assistance in developing an impact assessment tool since it helps to have an external body’s perspective. Ivey also has experience in evaluating not for profit organizations.

3. Additions to Agenda

None. Motion to approve the agenda was moved by Katy Boychuk, seconded by Patricia Mazariegos and approved

4. Adoption of Previous Minutes

Motion to approve April 14, 2016 minutes was moved by Francis Hinnah, seconded by Rose Aquino and approved.

5. LMLIP Central Council Update: Rose Aquino

Proposal submissions are being encouraged for funding of up to $8,000 per project for research related to Pathways to Prosperity (P2P) national research themes. The application deadline is July 8, 2016.More details are available on the P2P website;

The fourth annual P2P conference will be held at the Westin Hotel in Ottawa on December 1 – 2, with a pre-conference workshop on November 30;

The new 2016-2019 Strategic Plan has been launched. The next phase is communication and implementation. Central Council has requested members to be champions of the new plan, and to communicate widely with their organizations and with local communities, especially ethno-cultural communities, with which they are associated. Creating a PowerPoint presentation or infographic on the Plan was suggested;

‘We are London’ has completed shooting all its episodes and is currently on hiatus;

The Governance task group will be reviewing the LMLIP Terms of Reference, and

The ‘Life as a Refugee’ event will be held on June 20 at Best Western.

A suggestion was made for Prof. Walsh to apply for P2P funding.

6. Evaluating the impact of LMLIP Sub-council projects: Discussion on implementation

A proposal to evaluate the impact of LMLIP Sub-council projects was submitted to Professor Leora Swartzman as a possible CEL project. The Sub-council will be informed if the project is selected to work on.

It was noted that evaluation should be built into every project going forward and developing standardized evaluation tools was suggested.

7. Work group updates:

a. 2016 Census Work Group: Kelly Barnes

Randy McTaggart from the City of London, prepared an in depth presentation explaining the 2016 Canada Census. Two sessions were held: the first was at London Cross Cultural Learner Centre (CCLC) where 20 people attended and the second was at Central Library for Women of the World where seven facilitators attended.

The feedback received was that the presentation was informative and helpful and in

Rose will forward P2P link to Prof. Walsh to apply for funding

London & Middlesex Local Immigration Partnership


future should be planned and delivered ahead of time.

b. I am London

The event format will change for 2017 since it coincides with the 150th anniversary of

Canada, highlighting one person each month for the whole year. An event to launch the campaign will be held in January. Huda Hussein mentioned that Lia Karidas, Coordinator of Canada’s 150

th Anniversary

celebrations in London has requested a description of I am London to include it in the events calendar. Huda noted that the Employment Sub-council would like to coordinate with the ICE Sub-council to showcase successfully employed immigrants. Other possible themes that could be highlighted include education (teachers and students) and inclusion (volunteers, leaders). Other Sub-councils could also be approached to nominate candidates. A discussion focusing on how to keep people engaged in the campaign every month led to various suggestions such as releasing content to different channels each week (one week social media, the second to radio etc.). Since the campaign already has numerous followers on Facebook and Twitter, those accounts will continue to be used and LMLIP will re-post and retweet the content. Work group members are Kelly Barnes (lead), Robin Armistead, Dharshi Lacey, Sharon St. Amour and Nassisse Solomon. Members will be divided into various groups handling content creation, communications, events and recruitment. It was suggested that the work group meet during the summer to draft a work plan that can be implemented from September.

c. Spouses of international students survey: update

Rose informed the group that Clint Thomson, who was handling the project, has left the Sub-council since he has relocated to British Columbia. The survey had been sent to the Ethics Board for approval and the status is unknown. Rose will check with Clint regarding the current status of the project and confirm with Vicki Esses if it can go ahead if she agrees to be the principal investigator. Nassisse Solomon offered to be the lead if the project goes forward. It was suggested that the Sub-council begin thinking more concretely about the idea of a community event in 2017 promoting knowledge exchange (e.g. via case studies, etc.). The Employment Sub-council’s recent forum could be used as a template for such an event.

8. Information Sharing


9. Chairperson’s Closing Summary and Review of Action Items

Rose thanked the group for attending and wished them a happy summer.

10. Adjourn

The meeting was adjourned at 4:15 p.m.

11. Next Meeting Location and Date – Please mark your calendars:

September 8, 2016 at Kinsmen Arena.

Kelly to provide event description for inclusion in Canada 150 calendar

Rose to connect with Wilma de Rond on Employment Sub-council and Phillipa Myers of Education Sub-council regarding participation in I am London

London & Middlesex Local Immigration Partnership


London & Middlesex Local Immigration Partnership



LMLIP Inclusion & Civic Engagement Sub-council Location: Kinsmen Arena

Date: September 8, 2016 Time: 2:30-4:00pm

Item Description

1. Chair’s Opening Remarks

2. Additions to Agenda

3. Adoption of June 9, 2016 minutes

4. Central Council Update

5. LMLIP member Letter of Understanding: Huda Hussein

6. Work group updates:

a. I am London: Kelly Barnes

b. Community Engaged Learning (CEL) June 2016 project (Prof. Andrew Walsh’s Anthropology

course) and possible next steps or ideas for another CEL project: Rose Aquino

c. Community event: Discussion on what this might look like and if a work group should be


d. Spouses of international students survey: Rose Aquino

7. Events in January and April 2017: Maria D’Souza

8. Information Sharing

9. Chairperson’s Closing Summary and Review of Action Items

10. Adjourn

11. Next Meeting: November 10, 2016

London & Middlesex Local Immigration Partnership



LMLIP Inclusion & Civic Engagement (ICE) Sub-council

Date and Time: September 8, 2016 2:30 – 4:00 pm

Meeting Location: Kinsmen Arena, 20 Granville Road

Present: Rose Aquino, Katy Boychuk, Janice Walter, Valerian Marochko, Susannah Gergich, Jean-Pierre Cantin, Robin Armistead, Patricia Mazariegos, Huda Hussein, Maria D’Souza

Regrets: Suzanne Huot, Kelly Barnes, Nassisse Solomon, Maria Vasquez, Sharon St. Amour, Dharshi Lacey, Ashanti Cooray, Mahin Ghasemiyani

Absent: Francis J. Hinnah

Item Description

Information, Update, Action, Lead and Due Date

1. Chair’s Opening Remarks

Rose Aquino welcomed members and roundtable introductions were made. Jean-Pierre Cantin, who has rejoined the LMLIP, was welcomed back. Rose informed the group that Christina Lord and Karen Pennesi have resigned. Karen will still participate in work groups.

2. Additions to Agenda

None. Motion to approve the agenda was moved by Katy Boychuk, seconded by Jean-Pierre Cantin and approved

3. Adoption of Previous Minutes

Motion to approve June 9, 2016 minutes was moved by Katy Boychuk, seconded by Rose Aquino and approved.

4. LMLIP Central Council Update: Rose Aquino

The last Central Council meeting was held on June 27.

Jill Tansley from the City of London is now co-chair following the retirement of Elisabeth White;

The fourth annual Pathways to Prosperity (P2P) conference will be held at the Westin Hotel in Ottawa on December 1 – 2, with a pre-conference workshop on November 30. More information is available on the P2P website;

Disseminating the 2016-2019 Strategic Plan was discussed and a key messaging sheet was developed for members at large to use when speaking to ethno-cultural groups about the plan, and

Central Council members were requested to volunteer for four work groups: Governance, Communications & Marketing, Measuring Outcomes and Welcoming Communities.

London & Middlesex Local Immigration Partnership


5. LMLIP member Letter of Understanding: Huda Hussein

Huda Hussein thanked members for their contributions and continued engagement. She reminded them of the LMLIP Terms of Reference and explained the addendum of April 2015. She requested members to review the Letter of Understanding once more to remind themselves of their commitment with regard to their roles and responsibilities including time and involvement in work groups. Members were requested to return the signed letters after review.

6. Work group updates:

a. I am London: Susannah Gergich and Katy Boychuk

The event format will change for 2017 since it coincides with the 150th anniversary of Canada, highlighting one person each month for the whole year. The work group met on August 15 to plan next steps;

All Sub-councils will be requested to nominate candidates pertaining to their own area/theme;

The nomination application will Include the candidate’s profession;

The possibility of introducing French nomination applications and social media messaging will be discussed at the next work group meeting;

A suggestion was made to include one question that applies to Canada 150 in the Nomination application;

A call will go out to LMLIP members to volunteer to provide translation, photography, graphic design and videography for the event;

The launch is planned for the last week of January 2017at Pillar Non-Profit Innovation Works, which can accommodate up to 120 people. There are plans to feature a famous immigrant at the launch and Dharshi has reached out to someone. Other Sub-councils will also be asked for suggestions;

b. Community Engaged Learning (CEL) June 2016 project Prof. Andrew Walsh's Anthropology course) and possible next steps or ideas for another CEL project: Rose Aquino

Prof. Andrew Walsh’s Anthropology students made a presentation to the Sub-council last June and their proposal to develop a resource list and report on developing, marketing and evaluating leadership programming was accepted. The students produced a resource list which was circulated to Sub-council members prior to the September meeting. Rose requested members for their input on possible CEL projects that could be developed based on the report:

Many LMLIP members have expertise in leadership and can contribute in kind to a leadership seminar. They can present on various aspects that would encourage and promote immigrant participation in leadership experiences;

An observation was made that while non-profits encourage immigrant volunteering and leadership, corporates still have to be brought on board;

Big Brothers Big Sisters of London and Area is launching a mentorship program soon. The London Cross Cultural Learner Centre (CCLC) has also obtained funding for a youth mentorship program and will connect with homework help groups and other youth outreach programs. LMLIP can connect with both these initiatives to have ICE Sub-council members present on engagement and volunteering;

The resource report’s suggestion to draft an evaluation template for all LMLIP

Staff will share with work group links from I am Waterloo that has adapted the idea for their use

London & Middlesex Local Immigration Partnership


events will be taken to the Measuring Outcomes work group;

The Sub-council can compile a list of leadership programs in the community. Janice Walter will lead the project and start work on it at the end of October;

A suggestion was also made to look into London’s relationship to the world. This could possibly tie into another CEL project for students from an International Conflict Management course at Western. There is an increase in immigrants coming to London from conflict areas around the world and the work group could look into various aspects including available demographic and settlement data and how best to integrate these immigrants into communities;

Project staff will send the list of possible CEL projects to the Sub-council and request their input by the end of September for submission to Western.

Suggestion was also made to include CEL students in planning social media campaigns. How can outreach be maximized and which social media channels should be focused on, particularly for I am London?

c. Community event: Discussion on what this might look like and if a work group should be formed

Since the Sub-council is already working on other projects, implementation of a community event will be deferred to April 2017. Project staff will email information on the Employment Sub-council’s Employer Resource event to ICE for possible ideas.

d. Spouses of international students survey: Rose Aquino

Prior to leaving, Clint Thomson, who had initiated the project, had mentioned that the study had been submitted to Western’s Ethics Board for review. Rose reached out to Vicki Esses, the principal investigator, for an update but has not heard back. A decision regarding the project will be made when more information is available.

Suggestions were made to include Information on inclusion and civic engagement in international students’ orientation packages as they can then pass it on to their spouses.

7. Information Sharing

Jean-Pierre: Centre Communautaire Regional de London (CCRL) has received funding from the Central South West Health Network for the Welcoming Community program. A welcome package listing community resources will be given to all Francophone students at universities.

SWIS workers for French school boards will be provided by Windsor-Kent and located at CCRL offices. A full time settlement worker will also be provided for both school boards by College Boreal from September 19 - March 31.

Katy Boychuk: United Way’s campaign goal will be announced at the Harvest Lunch on September 15.

Huda reminded members to review the diversity resource on the LMLIP website ( and inform project staff of any changes/additions.

Susannah: Pillar Non-Profit’s Board of Governance training program starts September 20. The workshops can be completed as an entire series or in modules. More information is available on Pillar’s website.

Janice Walter: Neighbourhood Children and Fire Services Dept. at the City of London is requesting all Londoners to complete a brief online survey to develop

An email will be sent to members to join the work group

Staff to email list of possible CEL projects to ICE for input

Katy to provide specifications for student involvement in social media for I am London

Staff to email info on Employer Resource event

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the 2017– 2020 London Strengthening Neighbourhoods Strategy. The survey at is open until early October 2017

o Neighbourhood Decision Making process is a new initiative being piloted in the two neighbourhoods of Medway and Ward 13. This is an opportunity for residents to propose ideas and vote on how to spend a portion of the municipal budget in their Neighbourhoods. Idea submissions are currently open at and

8. Chairperson’s Closing Summary and Review of Action Items

Rose thanked the group for attending.

9. Adjourn

The meeting was adjourned at 4:20 pm.

10. Next Meeting Location and Date – Please mark your calendars:

November 10, 2016 at Kinsmen Arena.

London & Middlesex Local Immigration Partnership



LMLIP Inclusion & Civic Engagement Sub-council Location: Kinsmen Arena

Date: November 10, 2016 Time: 2:30-4:00pm

Item Description

1. Chair’s Opening Remarks

2. Additions to Agenda

3. Adoption of September 8, 2016 minutes

4. Central Council Update

5. Work group updates:

a. I am London and November 1 presentation to Community Engaged Learning (CEL) students:

Kelly Barnes

b. Leadership inventory: Janice Walter

6. LIP Logic Model & LMLIP Key Discussion Points for Members: Huda Hussein

7. Information Sharing

8. Chairperson’s Closing Summary and Review of Action Items

9. Adjourn

10. Next Meeting: January 12, 2017

London & Middlesex Local Immigration Partnership



LMLIP Inclusion & Civic Engagement (ICE) Sub-council

Date and Time: November 10, 2016 2:30 – 4:00 pm

Meeting Location: Kinsmen Arena, 20 Granville Road

Present: Rose Aquino, Katy Boychuk, Janice Walter, Susannah Gergich, Robin Armistead, Mahin Ghasemiyani, Patricia Mazariegos, Huda Hussein, Maria D’Souza

Regrets: Jean-Pierre Cantin, Valerian Marochko, Kelly Barnes, Nassisse Solomon, Maria Vasquez, Dharshi Lacey

Absent: Francis J. Hinnah, Ashanti Cooray

Guests: Jutta Zeller-Beier, Dana Patton, Rebecca Rollings

Item Description

Information, Update, Action, Lead and Due Date

1. Chair’s Opening Remarks

Rose Aquino welcomed members and guests Jutta Zeller-Beier, Dana Patton and Rebecca Rollings. Roundtable introductions were made. Rose informed the group that Suzanne Huot and Sharon St. Amour have resigned. She noted that the Sub-council has to start recruiting new members and requested the group to reach out to their networks.

2. Additions to Agenda

Discussion on Community Engaged Learning (CEL) Health Communications and Survey Design added by Rose. Motion to approve the amended agenda was moved by Katy Boychuk, seconded by Rose Aquino and approved

3. Adoption of Previous Minutes

Motion to approve September 8, 2016 minutes was moved by Susannah Gergich, seconded by Katy Boychuk and approved.

4. LMLIP Central Council Update: Rose Aquino

Central Council meetings were held on September 26 and October 31.

As was done with the Sub-councils, Central Council members were reminded of their roles and responsibilities and requested to review the Terms of Reference and the Letter of Understanding once more and to return the letter after signing.

The Measuring Outcomes Work Group met and identified its objectives which include drafting an evaluation template and evaluating the functioning of the LMLIP in 2018-2019.

Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) is placing more emphasis on supporting private sponsorship while adding more structure and oversight of private sponsors. The IRCC is also undergoing restructuring and has appointed a new director general for settlement and a new director for domestic immigration.

London & Middlesex Local Immigration Partnership


Changes are anticipated due to the restructuring and have not been announced at this time.

The Welcoming Communities theme is a major focus area for all Sub-councils and there are multiple activities addressing it. All initiatives outlined in the Strategic Plan under Welcoming Communities will be supported by the Welcoming Communities Work Group which met to discuss next steps. The work group is chaired by Valerian Marochko.

LMLIP was invited and will be making a presentation at the next meeting of the Diversity Inclusion Anti Oppression Advisory Committee

The Governance Work Group is reviewing the LMLIP Terms of Reference to identify gaps and provide clearer direction of mechanisms and processes.

The Marketing & Communications Work Group intends to have the LMLIP leverage the work group as a resource rather than having each Sub-council and work group set up their own communications groups.

LMLIP is participating in the upcoming Pathways to Prosperity (P2P) annual conference. Huda Hussein is a panelist at a concurrent conference workshop on December 1 titled, "How Local Immigration Partnership - Municipal Relationships are Easing the Immigrant Integration and Settlement Process". A poster presentation will also be made on the Health & Well-Being Sub-council position paper "Speaking Freely: A Case for Professional Health Interpretation in London, Ontario."

Central Council was informed about in kind support offered to LMLIP by individuals and organizations. From April 1, 2015 - March 31, 2016 total in kind contributions by way of volunteer hours, meeting space and promotion amounted to $188,523.50. LMLIP thanks all contributors.

The Education Sub-Council Welcoming All Voices resource evaluation that is under way showed that six Thames Valley District schools have applied for Parent Reaching Out grants for parent leaders on school councils. The grants, if obtained, will support special programs to enhance the school community.

The Employment Sub-council is organizing an information session for immigrant entrepreneurs wishing to start their own business at G. A. Wheable Centre for Adult Education. The Sub-council is also exploring the possibility of Middlesex County organizing a similar session.

The Justice & Protection Services Sub-council announced that the Immigrant Community Capacity and Engagement (ICCE) project has received funding from the Ontario Trillium Foundation to work with six communities over the next three years. The John Howard Society of London and District is the lead on the project, which aims to educate immigrants about justice and protection services in their own language.

5. Work group updates:

a. I am London and November 1 presentation to Community Engaged Learning (CEL) students: Susannah Gergich, Katy Boychuk & Maria D’Souza

Robin, Kelly, Dharshi, Susannah and Katy have been meeting. The larger work group will be reconvened to implement action items.

The London Community Foundation Canada 150 grant was applied for. Robin helped prepare the grant application.

The London Arts Council has expressed interest in being involved in the campaign.

More nominations are required and all members are requested to nominate candidates. LMLIP members are encouraged to apply.

Nominations have not yet been received for Francophone candidates.

London & Middlesex Local Immigration Partnership


Francophone members will be requested again for nominations.

A presentation was made to CEL students at Western by Maria and Kelly on November 1.Students were requested to participate by drafting a social media plan for the campaign.

b. Leadership inventory: Janice Walter

Dana, Jutta, Mahin and Dharshi will be on the work group which aims to do an inventory of leadership and mentorship programs for immigrants. The inventory will include targeted and universal projects.

It was mentioned that the London Cross Cultural Learner Centre (CCLC) is connecting with community partners to examine the collective impact of partnership in newcomer leadership programs.

6. LIP Logic Model & LMLIP Key Discussion Points for Members: Huda Hussein

Huda discussed the Local Immigration Partnership (LIP) Logic Model which explains the role and mandates of all LIPs. Noting that the LMLIP facilitates the coordination of services by agencies, she explained that LMLIP is a conduit of information that aids collaboration within the community and is not a service provider.

Key messaging which includes tangible examples of Sub-council projects was developed to help members disseminate information on the LMLIP and its Strategic Plan. The messaging approved by Central Council, is being distributed to all LMLIP members.

7. Community Engaged Learning (CEL) Health Communications and Survey Design: Rose Aquino

Rose explained that she had received a request from the CEL coordinator regarding a project where the students are trying to better understand how local organizations conduct data collection and analysis with hopes that they can identify and develop resources that may assist the organizations. A link to an online survey that would help students put together useful resources was included. After some discussion, the group decided that the project should be referred to Central Council as it is more relevant to them.

8. Information Sharing

CCLC and LMLIP are hosting a free information session on November 22 for groups and individuals who are privately sponsoring refugees. The session will provide information on available transitional supports to sponsors of new families.

The annual Journeys of Migration will be held at Western University on November 24 as part of the International Week from November 21-25. A Francophone event is also being hosted for students:

Susannah: Pillar Non-Profit is hosting its 2016 Community Innovation awards, which celebrate the non-profit sector, on November 23.

A community conversation titled “Exploring Power and Privilege” is being organized on December 5 in collaboration with Family Service Thames Valley and the Canadian Labour Congress. Participants will explore what it means to have power and privilege and how leaders can create deeper transformative social change.

Robin: An update on the first year of the London Economic Road Map will be

London & Middlesex Local Immigration Partnership


presented on November 16. Presentations on Canada 150 London will also be made at the event. Event links can be added to the Canada 150 calendar.

Janice: Networking for an Inclusive Community is hosting an information session on December 6 on the licensing process for professionals as well as alternative careers available to those not working in their fields or in the process of obtaining licensure. The Access Centre for Regulated Employment will be presenting the information.

9. Chairperson’s Closing Summary and Review of Action Items

Rose thanked the group for attending.

10. Adjourn

The meeting was adjourned at 3:55 pm.

11. Next Meeting Location and Date – Please mark your calendars:

January 12, 2017 at Kinsmen Arena.