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Page 1: AGENDA REPORTS PACK HIGHWAYS COMMITTEE 8th November 2016 · Agenda Reports Pack - Highways Committee - 8th November 2016 Page 4 of 15 16H/056. A14 Community Fund – Consider response



8th November 2016

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Agenda Reports Pack - Highways Committee - 8th November 2016

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16H/044. Minutes INSERTED: 16H/047 “onto the High Street from”

Meeting Minutes of the Highways Committee Held in the Village Hall, Lambs Lane, Cottenham

On Tuesday 13th September 2016 at 7.30pm

Present: Cllrs McCarthy (Chair), Collier, Morris, Nicholas, Ward, Young, Assistant Clerk

16H/041. Any Questions from the Public or Press – none. 16H/042. Standing Orders re-instated - Chairman’s Introduction and Apologies - Apologies accepted from SCDC

Cllr Wotherspoon (work) and Cllr Hodson (personal). 16H/043. Declarations of Interest - To receive disclosures of pecuniary and non-pecuniary interests from Councillors

on matters to be considered at the meeting. None received. 16H/044. Minutes - To resolve that the minutes of the Committee meeting held on 14th June 2016 be signed as a

correct record. RESOLVED. 16H/045. TRO (Traffic Regulation Order) Applications – update on progress re Lambs Lane Parking restrictions,

High Street parking restrictions (outside Shaun’s Newsagent/Post Office), Twentypence Road layby, Twentypence Road speed humps, Remembrance Day road closures - report circulated prior to meeting. Cllr Morris stated that there is no TRO in place for Twentypence Road speed humps, these could be part of an LHI (Local Highways Initiative) bid. Awaiting update from County Council on others. Cllr McCarthy to attend TMCE (Traffic Management for Community Events) training course on 10th October 2016.

16H/046. Highways Issues - report circulated prior to meeting - Cllr Young asked why there was no progress on some items – Asst Clerk stated that staff changes and holidays were causing delays. Asst Clerk to continue chasing. Cllr Morris is awaiting information as to what works we could carry out ourselves, as Histon and Impington Parish Council do, e.g. clearing debris covering the Histon Road cycle path lighting studs.

16H/047. Consider speeding, parking issues and implementation of weight restrictions requests by residents - Beach Road, Histon Road, Denmark Road, Telegraph Street and Rooks Street – report circulated prior to meeting. Cllr McCarthy said that CPC were aware of most the issues raised, but we cannot do anything due to budget constraints. Many of the resident’s concerns are addressed in the Neighbourhood Plan and will be dealt with as that progresses. Beach Road issues are covered by the Safer Route to School project, using S106 monies from Race Course View, possibility of adding roundels to be investigated (see 16H/0510). Telegraph Street is the logical choice for HCVs to take as turning right onto the High Street from Denmark Road is very difficult – blue signs are advisory not compulsory. Histon Road – Cllr Morris suggested a LHI bid to reduce speeding. Cllr Nicholas outlined that the issue has been on lots of previous agendas, all suggestions have fallen foal of residents. Cllr Morris suggested 2 priority features on alternate sides of road. Cllrs Ward and Young raised concerns about backup of queuing traffic. Rooks Street – Cllr Nicholas has received a complaint – would like more bollards or yellow lines next to two cottages to prevent commercial vehicles parking in front of the cottages blocking their light. Cllr Ward said bollards are not effective as the one that is already in place has been knocked down several times, yellow lines would more effective. McCarthy suggested yellow lines would be the best solution, but may be difficult for other neighbours to agree. Cllr Collier queried costs. Cllr Morris stated that the most expensive part is the TRO application itself. Cllr Young said vehicles would still park on the road if bollards were there. Cllr Morris said it may be possible to bundle yellow lines into our LHI bid. Budget restraints are a major obstacle, and individual projects are unlikely to be successful, which is why we are bundling together groups of projects.

16H/048. Beach/Cottenham Road - to consider requesting Cambridge County Council to investigate the deterioration in the road from Cottenham to Landbeach and make good the deterioration from the recent resurfacing work before this winter – Cllr Young said that since the surface dressing, the surface has pitted causing puddling, particularly the Race Course to Landbeach stretch. When this water freezes,

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the surface will deteriorate further, making it a high accident risk. The surface dressing is less than 6 months, there should be guarantees in place by the contractors. Asst Clerk to write to David Jenkins expressing our concerns.

16H/049. Local Highways Initiative (LHI) bid – to consider ideas for submission towards a Local Highways Improvement bid – Cllr Morris outlined report circulated prior to meeting. Ideas from residents were consistent with NP (Neighbourhood Plan) survey results. Despite our failed bid 2 years ago, we were encouraged to bid again at the Highways Depot Open Day, bids will be assessed on: persistent problem(s), road safety, community improvement (NP survey evidence) and added value, particularly in the core of the village. Cllr Young said that changing the bus route to High Street only would cause problems for older/immobile residents. Cllr Morris said that the NP survey shows demand for north of village and faster journey times into Cambridge. Cllr Morris recently met with Stagecoach, to discuss changes and improvements to route. Stagecoach will only change to what they think is commercially viable and they would like to be able to turn in the north of the village. Stage coach will only consider more straightforward routes. Cllr Morris said it is imperative to improve pavements along, and access to, the High Street. Cllr McCarthy expressed concerns that a limited one-way system throughout the lanes would lead to more speeding. RESOLUTION to carry forward 4 ideas for an LHI bid to next full meeting (4th October 2016):

Pavement improvements on both sides of the High Street – Community Centre to Cottenham Club

Limited one way system on The Lanes and yellow lines on parts of Rooks Street.

Histon Rd - opposing priority features, with 40mph-30mph buffer zone, including blue police speed area check signs.

Twentypence Road – similar layout to Histon Road. RESOLVED Cllr Morris to sketch out ideas by the next full meeting.

16H/050. Feedback from Highways Depot open day 4th July 2016 – Cllr McCarthy outlined report circulated prior to meeting, no further comments.

16H/051. Update on Pavement project - Cllr Morris outlined report circulated prior to meeting. The next stage of the project is a safety audit of the designs, to be carried out by County Council. Cllr Collier queried the proximity of the priority feature planned for Beach Road, to junctions with Brenda Gautrey Way and Coolidge Gardens. Cllr Morris pointed out that the aim is to make it more difficult for HCVs and speeding vehicles. Cllr Young raised concerns about the visibility for cyclists turning right out of Brenda Gautrey Way. Cllr Morris stated the safety audit would determine any problems. Cllr Morris to investigate the possibility of including roundels as part of the proposed design. Zebra crossing on the High Street would give priority to pedestrians – the current railings/island do not.

16H/052. Upgrading of illuminated speed warning signs - Cllr Nicholas requested that we upgrade the illuminated speed warning signs to speed indicator devices (SIDs). Cllr McCarthy said a mobile speed sign was discussed at the highways depot open day. As well as warning drivers of the speed, they can also gather traffic speed data that CPC can use when considering local traffic initiatives. Cllr Nicholas queried who would be responsible for moving and maintenance. Cllr Morris stated that they cost approximately £4,000 and that the County Council won’t supply them – CPC would have to purchase, maintain and operate. Cllr Ward raised security issues. Cllr Morris said that they would be securely strapped to road signs/lampposts. RESOLUTION to investigate logistics of owning, using and maintaining speed indicator device, before deciding to purchase or not. RESOLVED Cllrs McCarthy and Nicholas to report to next Highways Meeting.

16H/053. HCV update - Cllr Ward outlined report circulated prior to meeting, there were 2 approaches being considered and clarified the differences between loading/access. Cllr Morris said it would need qualified traffic police officers to enforce. Cllr Young stated it would be deterrent effect. Cllr Ward added that Cambridge County Council are now considering reviewing policies of 20mph on strategic roads such as the High Street.

16H/054. Community Highways Volunteering Scheme – to consider taking part - report circulated prior to meeting. Cllr Morris queried who would organise volunteers. Due to possible admin responsibilities and extra work involved, it was decided not to take part.

16H/055. City Deal Congestion – Consider response to consultation - report circulated prior to meeting. Cllr McCarthy wrote on behalf on CPC 6 months ago. Cllr Morris stated that lots had changed since then; proposals are now better for Cottenham residents. RESOLUTON to prepare draft response and circulate to Highways Committee prior to submission. RESOLVED Cllrs Collier and McCarthy will draft.

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16H/056. A14 Community Fund – Consider response to Rampton PC’s proposal re. cycle path and lighting - report circulated prior to meeting. Cllr Morris suggested we wait until we know the outcomes of the various major developments, before agreeing to anything. Asst Clerk to respond to Rampton PC and ask for cost analysis so that we can consider further.

16H/057. Child Designed Road Signs – to consider enlarging from A3 to A1 – Cllr Morris stated that Balfour Beatty have approved installation of up to A1 sized signs. Cllr Morris has concerns regarding the fixings. Cllr Nicholas demonstrated different sizes. Asst Clerk to obtain costs for A2 size and add to the next full agenda.

16H/058. Matters for consideration at the next meeting – to be emailed to Asst Clerk before next meeting. 16H/059. Date of next meeting – 8th November 2016 16H/060. Close of meeting - 9.28pm

Signed _____________________________ (Chair) Date_______________________

16H/065. REPORTS

Updates TROs Twentypence Road layby – works completed 23/09/2016

Lambs Lane – works completed 24/10/2016 Remembrance Parade 13/11/2016 – article informing residents Cottenham Newsletter Issue 155-Oct/Nov. Cllr McCarthy passed Traffic Management for Community Events training 10/10/2016. Notification letters sent out 26/10/2016 to Police, Fire Service, Stagecoach and affected businesses along closure route. Notice displayed 29/10/16 on PC notice boards and telegraph poles in relevant locations.

Shaun’s/Post Office – signs ordered 29/09/16, installation date TBC

Beach/Cottenham Road – areas marked out for repair- date TBC (see issues)

Child Designed Road Signs – A2 size ordered, delivery expected 11/11/2016

Pavement Project

High Street zebra crossing – no significant issues with the proposals in general, we can proceed to consultation and implement if the Parish Council are happy.

Beach Road – some issues with forward visibility, road safety auditors are recommending not to proceed with the priority feature – Ross needs to discuss this with the audit team to determine what the issue is, and the next steps.

Alterations to junction radii on Lyles Road junctions – generally ok, need to analyse swept paths to ensure there’s no conflict between pedestrians and vehicles turning.

Lambs Lane layby – no significant issues with the proposals, we can proceed to implement if the PC are happy.

Lambs Lane/ uncontrolled pedestrian crossing – safety concerns with pedestrians potentially crossing in the shadow of waiting buses, recommendation is to relocate the crossing. Ross to check this on site to see how this could be mitigated, and how it affects the proposals.

NB: Clerk would like to know if Victory Way improvements include a new bus shelter? If there was a clear one rather than solid brick it would increase visibility further for both pedestrians crossing and vehicles. Clerk feels that it needs a complete redesign. Take away bollards because they just take up space. Doesn’t need 2 entrances/exits and there’s space to create a proper sunken bus stop/layby which would help traffic flows. Also, removing an entrance/exit would make it safer for kids.

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Highways Issues - Anything in bold is new or an update.

Footpath from Pelham Way to High Street – very uneven, cracks, potholes, puddling - County informed AC on 25th May that they will visit the site shortly. Although unsightly nothing meets current intervention levels. Condition to be monitored.

Beach Road following surface dressing road puddles badly and there is lots of residual gravel, blocking gullies. Road surface has worsened since redressing carried out. Complaint made to County Highways and County Councillors. Three new gully covers installed. Gullies cleaned out and another sweep took place 23/09/16. Surface - concerns raised by CPC re poor quality of work – Surface Dressing is a thin coating over the existing surface, that does not alter the existing profile of the road, or have any structural value. Post Dressing information does indicate that by dressing the road, texture has indeed been restored to the surface. However, the inspection did reveal that there are areas where potholes have still formed. Order raised to have these areas rectified. The road will also be subject to another inspection at the end of winter, where any further defects will be addressed.

Rampton Road – Junction with High St/The Green due to be resurfaced 15th September 2016 – completed

Gullies around the Green – are full again (College side) and overflow during heavy rain. Works to be carried out after leaf-fall - jetted 03/11/2016

Leopold Walk – (walkway from High St) overgrown shrubs/trees - all funding for vegetation works has run out.

High Street – overgrown tree next to bus shelter (opposite Cost Cutters). To be trimmed mid-October. AC

chased 31/10/16 – response “I have found nothing warranting attention but may be worth a further inspection.” Will be inspected when Highways Officer next in area – AC sent photos.

High Street – sunken manhole cover opposite Cross Keys Court, leaking manhole outside 332– reported to Cambridge Water 20/10/16 and 31/10/2016 – awaiting updates.

Wilkin Walk (High St End) – Overgrown weeds, brambles and hedges - This is part of the village maintenance and is cut twice a year. This would be an ideal job for volunteers. Asst Clerk went back and stated that as these were now over 20ft and full of brambles, we can’t expect volunteers to cut. Answer: Unfortunately, all funding for vegetation works has run out.

High Street – poor visibility of traffic calming bollards - Inspected 16/09/16, reflective strips to be cleaned/replaced 07/10/16. Replacements reflective strips fitted 12/10/2016. Highways Officer says kerbs have never been painted with reflective paint and it is not something they would do. "As the kerbs were never painted with reflective paint then I will not be applying this. If people drive into kerbs and damage their vehicles, then they are perfectly entitled to make a claim but I cannot envisage a situation where a claim against the council would be successful as kerbs are part and parcel of the fabric of the road and if people are competent drivers then they should be able to avoid the kerbs."

Lambs Lane – CPC have requested extension of school layby to accommodate 2 buses. Overgrown Vegetation - 300 High St – Before (July 16) and After (Oct 16)

No other reports of overgrown vegetation received since last meeting.

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Twentypence Rd - email from resident [SIC]

Subject: Speed bump outside the Wooden House Cottenham Date: 25 October 2016 09:48:00 BST Dear Martin

I do realise that I should have kept up my campaign, started years ago, to have the speed bump removed from outside our house and I have let the time slip. You so kindly met me down here and I am now writing to you again to see if anything at all has moved forward on this.

With the increase in traffic and especially heavy traffic cracks are appearing in our house to an alarming degree. I was asleep the other morning about 5 am when a huge lorry crashed over the bump and I heard the house crack. Truly crack. It is alarming.

But not only the damage being caused but the desired effect is not being met. Those who drive slowly do and those that don’t just hit the bump at full speed as you yourself witnessed when you were here.

Is there anything that can be done? Should I write to anyone else or have you any ideas? I would be so very grateful for your reply.

High Street - email from resident [SIC]: Sent: 13 September 2016 09:50 Subject: High Street/Bramley Close bus stop

Please could you consider moving the layby for this bus stop. It is currently positioned across the entrance to Bramley Close. When a bus stops here, which it does not only to drop off and collect passengers, but now also seems to use as a waiting point, sometimes sitting there for 5-10 minutes at a time, it completely blocks access to and from Bramley Close.

Apart from the inconvenience this causes, it can also block the High Street if you are waiting to turn right into Bramley Close, as cars travelling from Histon cannot get by.

Sometimes the bus will attempt to move forwards in the layby to let you in behind, but if they do this when you are coming out, you have no visibility of the road you need to turn into.

Simply moving the layby to be infront of the bus stop, infront of 333 The Hight Street, would solve these issues and also give people a safer place to queue for the bus. They currently stand in the layby right across the end of the Close.

AC Responded: Cambs County Council would have to authorise any changes to the existing layby. We would also have to move a telegraph pole and street light to position the layby in front of 333 High Street – will bring to the attention of Highways Committee at next meeting.

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Lacks Close – email from resident [SIC]:

Sent: 01 September 2016 09:50

Subject: Possible Resdients parking Scheme - Lacks Close

Ive spoke to Lynda about this and she said its best to ask you first via the Parish as it may be a highways matter?

We all know how bad parking is in the village on some streets, and people who like to pop to the co-op and park on

the bend. Even the Co-op said they were going to re paint the line sand add additional signage. De-moutable bollards

would be more useful there?

Would it be possible for the council to consider some kind of Residents parking scheme for Lacks Close, whether it

be simple signage, Warning notices to tank traps?. im quite happy to slap a notice to a windscreen if it helps!

There is public parking outside the CostCutter shop and the chequers pub but

We have suffered from:

Bad parking, from locals who have high street parking and driveways,

Parking and then going away for the weekend,

Parking and cycling off somewhere.

Parking badly that it either blocks access to drives or stops you parking outside your house, which then means two

residents cars are then having to park elsewhere

Parking on the path

Parking on junction then popping to shop

And soon to come, contractors parking on the road (although this has been added to the conditions for the

development opposite us) Ive attached a few photos showing what i mean.

Some of the above is probably a Police matter but we cant keep bothering them as the cars have gone by the time

they would arrive

Hopefully you can help in some way

AC Responded: Cambs County Council would have to authorise a resident permit scheme – will bring to the attention of Highways Committee at next meeting.

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16H/067. Neighbourhood Plan – to consider traffic issues arising from emerging Neighbourhood Plan Draft Policy Table T: Traffic

Ref Policy Objective met

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T/1 Introducing a long-term pavement improvement project throughout the

Conservation Area


T/2 Progressively adapting the village’s five approach roads to include:

a) 400m buffer zones of 40mph outside the 30mph built-up area,

b) mobile speed-activated signage and advisory “Police Speed Check Area”


c) carriageway-restricting priority features


T/3 Discouraging through traffic in the Lanes by introducing a simple system of

1-way streets. (VDS H/2)


T/4 Introducing a long-term pavement improvement project to improve

connection with the High Street from Brenda Gautrey Way, Coolidge

Gardens, Lambs Lane and Stevens Close


T/5 Introducing a long-term cycleway / footpath project to interconnect key

business, education, leisure and recreation facilities within Cottenham


T/6 Encouraging limited-scale housing development that helps traffic dispersion

and generates fewer than 0.7 trips per household in the morning peak hour


T/7 Improving the effectiveness of the traffic-calming measures Y Y Y

T/8 Encouraging businesses using HGV delivery to use smaller vehicles or move

out of the central core.


T/9 Provide cycle parking at High Street bus stops outside 800 metres from the

village core.


T/10 Encourage Stagecoach services to avoid unclassified roads in the village and

extend the service beyond Lambs Lane northward to a turning circle / small

bus hub at Fen Reeves


T/11 Investigate provision of Community bus services linking Cottenham to Ely,

Oakington and Waterbeach


T/12 Introducing a long-term cycleway project to improve connections with

neighbouring villages


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16H/068. Major Developments – to consider traffic implications of Major Developments – Cllr Morris

Traffic congestion at Oakington Road – Rampton Road roundabout


This report estimates the effects of several planning applications in Cottenham on the already congested Oakington

Road – Rampton Road roundabout following independent measurements of traffic flows carried out by TSL Traffic

Data Collection on 26th September 2016.

Oakington Road connects villages to the south-west of Cottenham via this roundabout to Cottenham and the

network beyond via Rampton Road which runs north-west to Rampton, Willingham etc / south-east to Histon and

Cambridge. Measurements or flows and queue lengths were taken on all legs of this roundabout.

Short queues develop in both the morning and afternoon rush hours with a longer queue present on the Oakington

Road approach during the evening peak.

All four current planning applications will, unless the effects are mediated in some way, exacerbate these queues as

they contribute additional traffic to Oakington Road and Rampton Road.

Unlike many studies in support of planning applications, the estimated trip rate generation is based on real

measurements on the relatively new Brenda Gautrey Way estate in Cottenham. Measurements here slightly under-

estimate vehicle flows on the planned development because Brenda Gautrey Way is physically closer to Cottenham

village centre so a higher proportion of journeys can be walked. Nevertheless, the expected number from these

measurements – 0.76 vehicle trips per household in the rush hours - is generally higher than that predicted using

TRICS data from unrepresentative sites in other parts of the country.

Traffic flows were also measured on the road into Cambridge – Histon Road – as a comparator with other available

statistics and predictions.

This report also considers the likely effect of adding a “clean” left filter lane on each leg of the roundabout. To

function effectively, this would require considerable widening of both the inner “lane” of the mini-roundabout and

addition of an outer lane to minimise interference between the various flows on what is a relatively tight

roundabout. Such a widening scheme has serious planning and safety issues as the roundabout is located in front of

the Grade II listed Moretons Almshouses and the driveways of several houses connect directly on to the roundabout.

Nevertheless, such a design, if feasible, would alleviate the effects of adding three of the developments but a fourth

would make the situation worse than today, even with these radical, possibly fanciful, improvements.

Gladman’s proposed approach is sketched below. It is less effective than “clean” left-filter lanes and has serious

planning issues regarding the alms houses and amenity issues for residents from the speed tables and cushions.

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16H/069. Community Minibus – to consider response to Cllr Harford’s request to bid for Community Minibus funding together with Rampton Parish Council (closing date 2nd December 2016).

From: Lynda Harford [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 22 October 2016 10:01 To: Jo Brook <[email protected]>; John Garstang <[email protected]> Subject: Community Minibuses

Dear Both

I would like to discuss the possibility of Cottenham and Rampton PCs making a bid. Cottenham Day Centre

wants to replace its aged minibus which it only uses one day a week and Rampton's lack of public transport

might also be addressed through a shared minibus. I am sure that there would be many other uses for it too.

Please can I ask for your help in pursuing this. The deadline is not that far away.

Best wishes



£2m Fund for Community Minibuses

Earlier this month, the Department introduced a new minibus fund to support schools and community groups

across the country with access to transport. So far over 300 charities and communities in England have

benefitted from the fund, with the first round of successful bidders having the cost of 350 minibuses covered

by the fund. Recognising the different requirements for some passengers, winning bidders receive a 9 to 16-

seater minibus specifically tailored to their needs, including disability-friendly access. The second round of

funding opened on the 8 September and closes on the 2 December 2016.

Sent from my iPhone

so please excuse any typos

Lynda Harford

South Cambridgeshire District Councillor -

Cottenham, Rampton, Oakington and Westwick

Cambridgeshire County Councillor - Bar Hill, Boxworth,

Dry Drayton, Girton and Lolworth

[email protected]

01954 251775/07889 131022

Follow me on Twitter: @2whit2whoo

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16H/070. Local Highways Initiative (LHI) bid – to consider next step towards submission of Local Highways Initiative bid (closing date 20th November 2016) – Cllr Morris

Possible Highways Improvements in 2017/8

1 Speed reducing on arterial roads – Histon Road

Is it wanted in Cottenham?

In an unprompted Neighbourhood Plan survey question

about what residents dislike most about living in

Cottenham the most widely mentioned issue, by far,

related to traffic, speeding and HGVs (cited by 45%,

three times more than any other issue) and this rose to

71% of residents living on Histon Rd

92% want Cottenham to be described as ‘safe’ in


90% felt it was important to preserve the

character of the village and conservation area

89% felt it was important to ensure that noise

and pollution levels do not increase over the

next 10 – 15 years – this figure was 97% amongst

those living on Histon Rd

80% thought it was important to improve

movement into, out from and around the village

over the next 10 – 15 years

What is proposed

Introduce a 400 metre 40mph buffer zone on the Histon

Road approach with entry marked by 40mph signage and

priority feature to restrict inbound flows; exit is at the

current 30mph limit with opposing priority feature to

restrict outbound flows.

Does it meet the LHI criteria?

Persistent problem

Road safety

Community improvement

Added value

Police comment?

Histon Rd

40mph buffer – dependent upon extent, anticipate no


Priority chicanes.

Subject to the location and meeting of design standards –

anticipate no issues.


Assess fit with criteria

Develop case for submission as part of LHI bid.

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Possible Highways Improvements in 2017/8

2 Limited 1-way system in the Lanes

Is it wanted in Cottenham?

In an unprompted Neighbourhood Plan survey

question about what residents dislike most about

living in Cottenham the most widely mentioned

issue, by far, related to traffic, speeding and HGVs

(cited by 45%, three times more than any other

issue) and this rose to 71% of residents living on

Histon Rd

92% want Cottenham to be described as ‘safe’ in


90% felt it was important to preserve the

character of the village and conservation area

80% thought it was important to improve

movement into, out from and around the village

over the next 10 – 15 years

59% would be in favour of measures to change

traffic routes to avoid sensitive areas (e.g. primary

school, narrow pavement sections)

What is proposed

Introduce a limited 1-way system in parts of Rooks

Street and all of Margett Street to inhibit rat-running

through unsuitable roads with limited quality


Does it meet the LHI criteria?

Persistent problem

Road safety

Community improvement

Added value

Police comment?

One Way system

Provided rendered self-enforcing by design -

anticipate no issues.


Assess fit with criteria

Conduct local consultation

Develop case for submission as part of LHI bid.

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Possible Highways Improvements in 2017/8

3 Improved pavements in village core

Is it wanted in Cottenham?

In an unprompted Neighbourhood Plan survey

question about what residents dislike most about

living in Cottenham the most widely mentioned

issue, by far, related to traffic, speeding and HGVs

(cited by 45%, three times more than any other issue)

and this rose to 71% of residents living on Histon Rd

92% want Cottenham to be described as

‘safe’ in 2030

89% felt it was important to ensure that

noise and pollution levels do not increase

over the next 10 – 15 years – this figure was

97% amongst those living on Histon Rd

80% thought it was important to improve

movement into, out from and around the

village over the next 10 – 15 years

What is proposed

Evaluate and make selective improvements to

pavement surfaces and crossing places along High

Street between Community Centre an Cottenham


Does it meet the LHI criteria?

Persistent problem

Road safety

Community improvement

Added value

Police comment?

Footway Engineering.

Does not require consultation with police.


Assess fit with criteria

Develop case for submission as part of LHI bid.

Page 15: AGENDA REPORTS PACK HIGHWAYS COMMITTEE 8th November 2016 · Agenda Reports Pack - Highways Committee - 8th November 2016 Page 4 of 15 16H/056. A14 Community Fund – Consider response

Agenda Reports Pack - Highways Committee - 8th November 2016

Page 15 of 15

Possible Highways Improvements in 2017/8

4 Speed reducing on arterial roads – Twenty Pence Road

Is it wanted in Cottenham?

In an unprompted Neighbourhood Plan survey question

about what residents dislike most about living in

Cottenham the most widely mentioned issue, by far,

related to traffic, speeding and HGVs (cited by 45%,

three times more than any other issue) and this rose to

71% of residents living on Histon Rd

92% want Cottenham to be described as ‘safe’

in 2030

89% felt it was important to ensure that noise

and pollution levels do not increase over the

next 10 – 15 years – this figure was 97%

amongst those living on Histon Rd

80% thought it was important to improve

movement into, out from and around the

village over the next 10 – 15 years

What is proposed

Introduce a 400 metre 40mph buffer zone on the

Twenty Pence Road approach with entry marked

by 40mph signage and priority feature to restrict

inbound flows; exit is beyond the Brooklands

estate entrance with opposing priority feature to

restrict outbound flows.

Does it meet the LHI criteria?

Persistent problem

Road safety

Community improvement

Added value

Police comment?

Twenty Pence

Extend current 30 and introduce 40 buffer. The

30, - road and highway environment does not

look/feel like a 30 – nor would a move further

out of the 40 buffer. No evidence of current

mean and 85th%tile speeds or a collision history

that is speed related. View is that the current

speed restrictions are fitting. Most likely to

create an enforcement issue + safety concerns

regarding potential for overtakes. Proposal most

likely NOT supported.

Priority chicanes.

Subject to the location and meeting of design

standards – anticipate no issues.

