agile marketing: how companies keep pace in an always-on world

CAMPAIGN MANAGER LEADERSHIP SERIES How top companies keep pace in an always-on world AGILE MARKETING

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Page 1: Agile Marketing: How Companies Keep Pace in an Always-On World


How top companies keep pace in an always-on world



Page 2: Agile Marketing: How Companies Keep Pace in an Always-On World


1 /// Rapid response to market changes or customer behaviors

2 /// More strategic delivery of event invitations

3 /// Increased effectiveness of triggered communications (e.g. “welcome” and “thank you”)

4 /// Adjust content or segmentation mid- campaign to optimize effectiveness

than ever to respond to the fast-paced needs of empowered customers who control the conversation of your brand. Consider this: consumers will own nearly 4 billion smartphones by the end of 2017,1 which the IDC predicts will drive $1 trillion in mobile commerce that same year.2

This ability to interact, research and purchase almost anything, anytime, anywhere has changed expectations. It necessitates an accelerated pace of campaign creation and implementation to nurture ongoing relationships and have real-time dialogues.

To do that, marketers are getting more agile. They are identifying and defining steps in quick succession to make the next moves predictable. They are being transparent and sharing information and data across the enterprise to ensure that nothing gets left out or left behind that could have adverse effects later. And they are moving fast.


AGILITYThis overview will reveal some of the latest foundational tools that enable marketers to be more agile in response to customer behaviors and market realities.

With these new tools, marketers gain enhanced agility in managing campaigns, including capabilities such as:

1 - Ben Evans, “Mobile, context, and discovery,” February, 2014

2 - IDC, November, 2012

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The speed at which you can get your message in front of your customers and the agility in your response to their needs are critical to the successful marketer. If you can’t keep up, your competition will be glad to step in.

Campaign management technology provides a valuable answer to this need for speed. Ideally, the solution will be integrated across the enterprise with other components of the marketing solution and provide marketers with access to huge volumes of customer data from wherever it resides. This enables you to focus on segmenting the list and executing campaigns.

The best solutions enable you connect to one or multiple data sources, eliminating data silos and enabling you to create a single view of the customer. Once connected, you decide the access level that best meets your segmentation need (e.g., household, individual, product) and can switch between them within a segmentation for quicker and more efficient targeting efforts. That means less time spent on back-end processes—importing data, running segmentation and counts, or re-uploading data back to an email delivery service—and faster response to marketing needs. And of course, it must scale with your organizational needs and requirements.




89%of customers will buyfrom your competitionafter a bad experience3


3 - RightNow Customer Experience Impact Report, 2011

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The American Red Cross is an international non-profit organization that relies on volunteers for both time and financial donations. When disaster strikes, they need action and to be able to communicate quickly to get resources where they will do the most good. For too long their siloed information was a drag on their response capabilities. When the organization made the move to a more modern system, their new integrated marketing platform eliminated silos. Now they can build a campaign from concept to execution in less than 5 hours and reach millions of volunteers. The result is sure to save lives.


The digital era has accelerated and shortened the reaction time that customers expect every time they interact with you. Not only do marketers have to continually improve the relevance and timeliness of their messages to enhance the customer experience, they also have to respond to corporate directives and fend off competitors. The agile marketer needs a tool that provides the information required to present the right offers and messages based on customer behavior and response – and do it fast.


5 hrs Saved Lives

millions ofvolunteers

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Creating the best possible customer experience means keeping your message fresh in the customer’s mind regardless of channel. You need the ability to respond in hours, if not right now. And you need to do it within your processes.



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To begin agile marketing, you’ll need:

A single platform for easy usability everywhere it’s needed.

Easy access to customer information, whether in-house or

third party, and wherever or whatever the database.

Ability to change customer segmentation criteria for the

customer information source on-the-fly to match market needs.


A SINGLE, SCALABLE MARKETING PLATFORMYour campaign management solution should be integrated and scalable, enabling you to deliver multiple campaigns and scale as your organization requires. When customization is required, it should be open and flexible. This ensures solution usability and adoption across the enterprise, as well as consistency in reporting and tracking, with the flexibility to match the organization’s unique requirements.




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The solution you choose should support your choice of marketing databases: native, third party databases, or a combination of both. The solution should enable marketers to seamlessly connect to, manage and segment across all your customer data, simultaneously. And naturally, it should work with other marketing programs across your organization to create a single view.

To take advantage of this valuable customer data, marketing solutions should be able to access and segment against one or more external marketing databases. Ideally, the task of moving data should be eliminated. This enables faster campaign execution

with less preparation or lag caused by data availability. This also reduces the burden on IT.

The ability to add lists on-the-fly should also be considered. For instance, you might want to add new prospects or recently acquired customers into a segmentation of an ongoing campaign. Tools should enable this addition while including the ability to exclude fraudulent individual IDs, recent “do not solicits,” or any variety of variables, including ZIP code.

From Internal and External Marketing Data to a Single

Holistic Source



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What are best practices? The answer is always “test” because customers and their expectations are continuously evolving, as is our understanding of their motivations.

Marketing is all about crafting the right message and offer for the right customer. This involves filtering your database to find the customers and segmenting your audience by the criteria you believe will be most responsive.

One key to being agile is the ability to work in smaller defined pieces and execute shorter interactions. By testing messaging with a variety of segmentations, marketers can pinpoint what resonates with different personas. Armed with this information, they can make smart decisions about the communications going forward for that audience member and others who fall into a similar profile.

RELEVANT AND REAL-TIMEYour customers want a relevant and compelling experience. In fact, 61 percent of smartphone owners say they have a better opinion of brands when they offer a good mobile experience.4

CHANGING CUSTOMER SEGMENTATION CRITERIAChanging segmentation criteria is among the more common tasks facing digital marketers as they continually adjust their message offerings. Marketers may also need to append additional information to a specific segmentation. Ideally, the marketing solution will enable marketers to move between selection contexts without having to move data or create a new segmentation. The result is the ability to deliver the right message with significant time savings.




4 - Bricks and Mortar and Mobile: How to Take Advantage of an Unrealized Opportunity, MarketingProfs, Catherine Dickinson:

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In the marketing space, customer interactions are key. And they require an almost immediate response. The conversation timeline has shrunk from weeks to days—or even seconds, honestly. Marketers who delay in getting back to a customer risk the conversation ending entirely. Or worse, that customer moving to a more nimble and attentive competitor.

Successful agile marketers have the ability to respond with the speed marketing demands. By providing rapid access to target data, customer segmentation and campaign execution can happen in a fraction of the time when compared to the use of conventional tools. The goal of “right person, right message, right time,” is the expectation today.

Digital marketing has introduced an era where your customers crave relevant connections and seek out relationships that can be nurtured and developed. Make sure you have the agility to keep up—and give your customers what they want.

To learn what tools you need to have for a complete view of the customer, check out “Tools You Need to Drive Revenue and Build Relationships.”


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