agr - amazon web services · wheeler and nicole lincé, helped out through the weekend. this is the...

The Alumni Newsletter of Alpha Gamma Rho at the University of California Davis Davis, California Fall 2009 Crescent The Alumni President’s Report Annual Meeting Held at the AGR house begin- ning at 2:00 P.M. on Picnic Day, April 17th, 2010. The purpose is to update members on the status of the House and the Alumni As- sociation. Awards Banquet Held at the Joe A. Heidrick Western Center for Agricultural Equipment on the Friday evening prior to Homecoming.The date this year is Friday, October 16th. This is the time we recognize brothers for their outstanding achievements and get an update on what is hap- pening at UC Davis. To be announced... Finally we are developing a plan to hold a rotating event to be held during summer. The idea is to move this event from place to place, highlighting local alumni and their businesses with an event. We will keep you updated and hope to hold our first event during the summer of 2010. Again, our hope is to offer am- ple opportunity for our members to attend at least one event and either stay connected or reconnect with the fraternity. By bringing consistency to the events we hope to make it easier to plan. As always, your comments and input are welcome. Sincerely, Brett Tank Dear Brothers, Until recently we have held the annual meeting for the alumni as- sociation on the Friday prior to Pic- nic Day. This was followed by the annual awards dinner. On Picnic Day a barbeque was held at the house. Over time, due to various reasons, attendance has declined. Over the past two years we have been working on holding more events throughout the year to offer those unable to attend Picnic Day an opportunity to get together and reconnect. While these have been well attended, we do not be- lieve they have reached their full potential due to a lack of enough advance notice and consistency on the part of your Board. That ends with this letter. While I am sure we are all in- volved with small groups of fel- low alumni in our area, we would like to hold four events per year that everyone is aware of. So, we have come up with the following events and dates. Our hope is that by holding the events at the same time each year we can begin plan- ning earlier and everyone can add it to their calendar long before the event. Here are the events: Alumni Dinner Held in the AGR Room of the Walter Buehler Alumni & Visitors Center. The next date is Saturday February 13th, 2010. The focus is on reconnecting and enjoying ev- eryone’s company over dinner and music. See ALUMNI on Page 2 AGR University of California Davis 1111 Drake Dr Davis, CA 95616-0817 530.756.9811 Website: Noble Ruler Jacob T. Bates [email protected] 805.245.0639 VNR Recruitment Robert Vyvlecka [email protected] 530.908.5194 VNR Alumni Relations Zach Duey [email protected] 530.409.8454 Advisers Jeremy Turner [email protected] 530.334.6247 Rich Engel [email protected] 530.219.2636 Alumni President Brett Tank [email protected] 916-685-5422 Contact Information In this edition... Page 2 •Lookin’ for Lunkers... Page 3 •Bishop Mule Days •Chapter Scholarships

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Page 1: AGR - Amazon Web Services · Wheeler and Nicole Lincé, helped out through the weekend. This is the third year that Phi chapter has assisted with the event. The booth sold ribs, burgers,

The Alumni Newsletter of Alpha Gamma Rho at the University of California DavisDavis, California Fall 2009


Alumni President’s ReportAnnual Meeting HeldattheAGRhousebegin-ning at 2:00 P.M. on PicnicDay,April 17th, 2010.The purpose isto updatemembers on the statusof theHouseand theAlumniAs-sociation.

Awards Banquet Held at the Joe A. HeidrickWestern Center for AgriculturalEquipment on the Friday eveningpriortoHomecoming.ThedatethisyearisFriday, October 16th.Thisis thetimewerecognizebrothersfortheiroutstandingachievementsandgetanupdateonwhatishap-peningatUCDavis.

To be announced... Finally we are developing aplantoholdarotatingeventtobeheld during summer.The idea istomove this event fromplace toplace, highlighting local alumniandtheirbusinesseswithanevent.We will keep you updated andhopetoholdourfirsteventduringthesummerof2010.

Again,ourhopeistoofferam-ple opportunity for our membersto attend at least one event andeitherstayconnectedorreconnectwith the fraternity. By bringingconsistencytotheeventswehopetomakeiteasiertoplan. Asalways,yourcommentsandinputarewelcome.

Sincerely,Brett Tank


Until recently we have held theannualmeetingforthealumnias-sociationontheFridaypriortoPic-nicDay.Thiswasfollowedbytheannual awards dinner.On PicnicDay a barbeque was held at thehouse.Over time,due tovariousreasons,attendancehasdeclined. Over the past two years wehave been working on holdingmoreeventsthroughouttheyeartoofferthoseunabletoattendPicnicDayanopportunitytogettogetherand reconnect.While these havebeenwellattended,wedonotbe-lieve theyhave reached their fullpotentialduetoalackofenoughadvance notice and consistencyon the part of your Board. Thatendswiththisletter. WhileIamsureweareallin-volved with small groups of fel-lowalumniinourarea,wewouldlike to hold four events per yearthateveryoneisawareof.So,wehavecomeupwith the followingeventsanddates.Ourhopeisthatbyholdingtheeventsatthesametimeeachyearwecanbeginplan-ningearlierandeveryonecanaddittotheircalendarlongbeforetheevent.Herearetheevents:

Alumni Dinner HeldintheAGRRoomoftheWalterBuehlerAlumni&VisitorsCenter.Thenextdate isSaturday February 13th, 2010.Thefocusisonreconnectingandenjoyingev-eryone’scompanyoverdinnerandmusic.

See ALUMNI on Page 2


University of California Davis1111 Drake DrDavis, CA 95616-0817530.756.9811Website:

Noble RulerJacob T. [email protected]

VNR RecruitmentRobert [email protected]

VNR Alumni RelationsZach [email protected]

AdvisersJeremy Turner [email protected] 530.334.6247

Rich [email protected]

Alumni PresidentBrett [email protected]

Contact Information

In this edition...

Page 2 •Lookin’ for Lunkers...

Page 3 •Bishop Mule Days •Chapter Scholarships

Page 2: AGR - Amazon Web Services · Wheeler and Nicole Lincé, helped out through the weekend. This is the third year that Phi chapter has assisted with the event. The booth sold ribs, burgers,

CrescentThePage 2

Lookin’ for Lunkers...TheFLWCollegefishingcircuitisanewopportunityforcollegestu-dents to compete in the growingsport of bass fishing. The event,which is primarily sponsored bytheNationalGuard,consistsoffourqualifying tournaments in whichthewinningtwo-personteamcanwinacheckfor$10,000. IamcompetingintheWesternDivisionoftheCollegeSeriesandfishedthreeofthefourqualifyingtournaments.AfellowanglerfromUC-Davis,SteveReed,andIwonthefirst tournamentat thenotori-ousClearLakeinCalifornia.Wetook theprizewith the full6-fishlimitallowedbythecollegeseries(3bestfisheach)withabagweigh-ing23pounds9ounces,defeatingthesecondplaceSacramentoStatebymorethan4pounds.Ourbagconsistedofallgood-sizedfishbut

toppedoffwith a 6-pound large-mouththatwaslandedbybothofus. The second tournament washeld at Lake Oroville in Califor-nia; we finished 4th, which wasenoughtowinus$3,000. The UC-Davis bass fishingteam has now qualified to fishin the 3-day Western RegionalChampionship tournament in theCalifornia Delta. The tourna-ment is from September 19-21,with thefinaldayonlyconsistingof the top10boats from thefirst

twodays.Thefinaldayweigh-inwill take place on theUniversityofthePacificcampusinStockton,California.Thefirstplacewinnerwill receive a Ranger bass boat;thesecondplaceteamtakeshome$25,000. The college fishing circuit al-lows any 4-year school to com-pete;alltheyhavetodoiscreateabassfishingclubandregisterwithFLW.Boatsareprovidedandtheyevencovergasmoneytodrivetothe tournament, all in the inter-est of evening the playing fieldfor college studentswith shallowpockets.Formoreinformationonresults, dates and locations, pic-tures, or creating your ownclub,visit

Fraternally,Ken Gunderson

A few Phi Chapter alums were in attendance during the 2008-2009 Student Teacher

Banquet. Jacob Bates was honored with the Brad Norman Davis Award. From left to

right: Dr. Edward Depeters, Jeremy Turner, Charles Van Riper, Jacob Bates, Dana Van Liew, Alex Xanthus, Donnie Whitworth and

Jim Rumsey.

Page 3: AGR - Amazon Web Services · Wheeler and Nicole Lincé, helped out through the weekend. This is the third year that Phi chapter has assisted with the event. The booth sold ribs, burgers,



attending the Uni-versity of Califor-nia-Davis. I am afood sciencemajorwithaminorinani-mal science, withan emphasis onlivestockanddairy.

MyfamilyandIemigratedfromIndonesia toAmerica for abetterlife inAprilof1999. I havehadvery few experiences in terms ofagriculturebuthavecometolearnalotmoresinceIcametoDavis.Ihavebeen takingseveral intern-ships in the Dairy Barn workingwiththedairycattle. I joined Alpha Gamma Rhobecauseitisanagriculturalfrater-nityandoneofthemostreputablefraternitiesinthenation.

Our FeaturedUndergrad...


small townofDavis.EveryyearthealumniofAlphaGammaRhobring their friendsand family membersovertothehousefora big reunion and atime for reminiscing.

All the undergraduates attend aswell, tomeet someof thepromi-nentmemberswhoonce lived inthe very same rooms we live intoday. Aside from all the festivities,thealumniofAlphaGammaRhohandedoutsevengenerousschol-arships to seven qualified under-graduate members. Each awardhas itsownrequirements, includ-inglivinginthehouse,maintainingacertainGPA,orsimplyhavingamajorintheCollegeofAgricultureandEnvironmentalScience. After a very professional andeloquent interview process, andwhat I can only imagine was atough decision for the alumni tomake,thisyear’swinnerswere: Jef-frey Paul, Travis Goldman, Robert Vyvlecka, Marc Sallaberry, Jacob Bates, Anthony Gadd and Zach-ary Duey.AlltherecipientswerehonoredtowintheirawardsandabigthankyougoesouttoAlumnifor their contributions to the PhiEndowmentFund.


Awardedandburgers.Forfurtherinforma-tiononhowyoucanbecomeapartof theAlphaGammaRhoBishopMule Days experience, pleasecontactChiChapter’sHouseAdvi-sorFrankLuenserfordetails.Nomatterifyou’reanactivememberoralumnus,youwon’tregretit.

The40thannualBishopMuleDayswasheldwithgreat success from

March 19th-24th. Thefestival cel-ebrated mulesas strong andversatile workanimals, with

awide variety of events for theirownerstoshowofftheirtalents. People from across the U.S.competedineventssuchasmulechariotracing,timedfarriershoe-ing,sledpulling,steerroping,cowcutting, team sorting, and the al-wayschaoticpackraces. Thero-deoaspectoftheweekwasfilledwithexcitementandcomedic re-liefastheannouncersmadeitfunfor all ages. Great fishing, hik-ing, and vistasmake the townofBishopagreatMemorialWeekenddestination for any outdoors per-son. Alpha Gamma Rho was rep-resented by Chi Chapter alumniMatt Kelly, James Bledsoe, Robert Anderson, Carlos Martinez, andScott Rogers.Frank Luenserwithwife Heidi and daughter Andreaoperated the Alpha Gamma RhoBBQ booth. Phi Chapter activeTravis Goldman, accompaniedby UC-Davis undergrads BeckyWheelerandNicoleLincé,helpedoutthroughtheweekend. This is the third year that Phichapterhasassistedwiththeevent.Theboothsoldribs,burgers,tritipand softdrinks to thepublicat ablisteringpaceduetothehighde-mand for high quality beef, ribs,

Bishop Mule Days Celebration

Page 3

Page 4: AGR - Amazon Web Services · Wheeler and Nicole Lincé, helped out through the weekend. This is the third year that Phi chapter has assisted with the event. The booth sold ribs, burgers,

Alpha Gamma Rho FraternityPhi Chapter at the University of California Davis1111 Drake DriveDavis, CA 95616-0817

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Goldman,filledinatsecondbaseand was key in turning doubleplays with our shortstop, Justin Gotfried. We had some trouble at thebeginning of the season, losing7-9toateamthatwecouldhavebeat if we had been defensivelysound.We bounced back in thenexttwogameswithanoffensiveexplosion, as we scored 45 runsandonlygaveup7. After these two games weclinched a playoff spot andwerereadytofaceoneofourarchrivalsfrom last year,TheDingos.How-ever,injuriesandoffensiveoutputplaguedusthatgameandweend-ed up losing 14-3.The followingweek,we entered the first round

Whilemost studentsatUC-Davisthinkofthespringasthetimepe-

riodwheretheflowers startb lossoming,or opening ofthe rec pool,it is knownassoftballseason

forthemembersofAlphaGammaRho.ItistheseasonforkickingonthecleatsanddustingofftheglovetocompeteinMen’sBsoftball. Thisseasonwenearlyhadallthe starters return from the prioryear, including twoalumni, Jeran Leymaster and Ray Davis. Rayplayed pitcher for all five gamesand Jeran played in the last two.Oneofournewmembers,Travis

oftheplayoffswiththe14thseedand lost the team that beat us inthefirstroundlastyear. Whileourrecordwasadisap-pointing2-3,wefinishedthesea-soninthetoptenforrunsscored.Comenextspring,afocuswillbeplaced on defense. I anticipateonlylosingoneortwoplayersbe-causesomeofourgraduatingse-niorswillliveintheareanextyearandwillcompete inanother sea-sonwithus.With these returningplayersandworkingoutourkinksearly in the season,wewillbeahard-to-beatteamfornextyear.

James NicholsIM Sports Captain

Softball Update

