agronomy management of the natural resources used in food, feed and fiber production. “making two...

Agronomy Management of the natural resources used in food, feed and fiber production. “Making two blades of grass grow where one once grew.”

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Page 1: Agronomy Management of the natural resources used in food, feed and fiber production. “Making two blades of grass grow where one once grew.”


Management of the natural resources used in food, feed and fiber production.

“Making two blades of grass grow where one once grew.”

Page 2: Agronomy Management of the natural resources used in food, feed and fiber production. “Making two blades of grass grow where one once grew.”

Crop Science: Principles & PracticeFifth Edition, by R. E. Mullen A copy has been requested to be placed

on two-hour Reserve, in Marston Science Library (MSL).

If you have a previous edition, Fourth or Third, the changes are not great – but you would be well-advised to go to MSL and compare and note changes.

Page 3: Agronomy Management of the natural resources used in food, feed and fiber production. “Making two blades of grass grow where one once grew.”

Suggestions for success

Stay ahead of lecture topic in your reading Attend class – there will be information in

class not in text and there will be text info that the instructor will not emphasize

Review notes after class – clarify what is not understood (text, friend, instructor)

Study for quiz with one or two friends

Page 4: Agronomy Management of the natural resources used in food, feed and fiber production. “Making two blades of grass grow where one once grew.”


Helps us understand plant behaviour Helps us make management decisions Helps us communicate with practioners

- We get better answers when we ask more precise questions

Page 5: Agronomy Management of the natural resources used in food, feed and fiber production. “Making two blades of grass grow where one once grew.”

We will emphasize two families

Monocotyledonous plants – ‘grasses’- one seed leaf- all have “hypogeal” emergenceDicotyledonous plants – ‘broadleaf plants’

- legumes are dicots - two seed leaves - most are “epigeal,” but some are “hypogeal”


Page 6: Agronomy Management of the natural resources used in food, feed and fiber production. “Making two blades of grass grow where one once grew.”

The Plant Cell – p. 1

Page 7: Agronomy Management of the natural resources used in food, feed and fiber production. “Making two blades of grass grow where one once grew.”

Cell wall – to emphasize

Nucleus – genetic material (DNA), contents determined by both parents

Cytoplasm – inherited from female – only Ribosomes – protein manufacture +DNA Mitochondria – respiration site + DNA Chloroplast – photosynthesis site + DNA

Page 8: Agronomy Management of the natural resources used in food, feed and fiber production. “Making two blades of grass grow where one once grew.”

Monocot Seed Anatomy (corn) -3

Page 9: Agronomy Management of the natural resources used in food, feed and fiber production. “Making two blades of grass grow where one once grew.”

Monocot Seed Anatomy (wheat) -3

Page 10: Agronomy Management of the natural resources used in food, feed and fiber production. “Making two blades of grass grow where one once grew.”

Monocot Seed Highlights - I

Caryopsis (pericarp is fused ovary tissue) Embryo tissue separate from storage

tissue – living tissue stains red with tetrazolium

Wheat, rye and triticale contain “gluten”

Page 11: Agronomy Management of the natural resources used in food, feed and fiber production. “Making two blades of grass grow where one once grew.”

Monocot Seed Highlights -II

Big three = rice, wheat, corn (cereal) Cereal = “grass grown for edible seed” Globally, 70+% human diet are cereals Cereals store well, retain germination well Cereal protein content – 7-17%

Page 12: Agronomy Management of the natural resources used in food, feed and fiber production. “Making two blades of grass grow where one once grew.”

Cereal Germination/Emergence -5

Page 13: Agronomy Management of the natural resources used in food, feed and fiber production. “Making two blades of grass grow where one once grew.”

Germ./Emerge. Highlights, corn

Mesocoty (first internode) pushes coleoptile to surface

Sunlight hitting coleoptile is the stimulus for mesocotyl to stop growing, coleoptile to split, secondary roots (coronal, adventitious) develop at that point

Primary root system – radicle and seminal roots survive about three weeks

Page 14: Agronomy Management of the natural resources used in food, feed and fiber production. “Making two blades of grass grow where one once grew.”

Cereal Germ./Emerg. II - 7

Page 15: Agronomy Management of the natural resources used in food, feed and fiber production. “Making two blades of grass grow where one once grew.”

Legume Seed Anatomy

Page 16: Agronomy Management of the natural resources used in food, feed and fiber production. “Making two blades of grass grow where one once grew.”

Legume Seed Highlights

Dicots – two cotyledons True ‘seed’ as the pod is the ovary and the

seeds are the ovules Note the exposed position of the embryo

axis – susceptible to mechanical damage Note also that if cotyledons split, the

epicotyl goes with one or the other

Page 17: Agronomy Management of the natural resources used in food, feed and fiber production. “Making two blades of grass grow where one once grew.”

Legume (epigeal) Germ/Emerg -9

Page 18: Agronomy Management of the natural resources used in food, feed and fiber production. “Making two blades of grass grow where one once grew.”

Legume Emerg. (hypogeal) Highlights Observe the difference vs the cereal

emergence – the legume pushes/pulls a huge mass to surface – planting depth is more critical

Note the helpful definition of two terms:“epi” – above“hypo” - below

Page 19: Agronomy Management of the natural resources used in food, feed and fiber production. “Making two blades of grass grow where one once grew.”

Legume (hypogeal) Germ/Emerg -9

Page 20: Agronomy Management of the natural resources used in food, feed and fiber production. “Making two blades of grass grow where one once grew.”

Legume Seedling Highlights

Leaves are “netted-veined” in contrast to grasses which are “parallel-veined”

Most legume leaves are “compound” – that is they have two or more leaflets/leaf

In soybeans, the first leaf is “unifoliolate,” subsequent leaves are “trifoliolate” . . . (careful with spelling, as similar spellings have very different meanings)

Page 21: Agronomy Management of the natural resources used in food, feed and fiber production. “Making two blades of grass grow where one once grew.”

Leaves– comparing parallel-veined leaves w/ netted-veined leaves -11

Page 22: Agronomy Management of the natural resources used in food, feed and fiber production. “Making two blades of grass grow where one once grew.”

Practical leaf implications

Herbicides often are broadly categorized as broadleaf herbicides or “grassy” weed herbicides

The leaf is the first place we look for nutrient deficiency symptoms – where on the leaf is the deficiency located? Where on the plant is the deficient leaf located? More on this later.

Page 23: Agronomy Management of the natural resources used in food, feed and fiber production. “Making two blades of grass grow where one once grew.”

Dicot leaf, view a -12

Page 24: Agronomy Management of the natural resources used in food, feed and fiber production. “Making two blades of grass grow where one once grew.”

Dicot leaf, view b - 12

Page 25: Agronomy Management of the natural resources used in food, feed and fiber production. “Making two blades of grass grow where one once grew.”

Monocot leaf -12

Page 26: Agronomy Management of the natural resources used in food, feed and fiber production. “Making two blades of grass grow where one once grew.”

Monocot leaf comments

Note the “bulliform cells” – when moisture deficient, these cells go flacid and the leaf rolls – a self preservation mechanism that reduces moisture loss

Water and mineral nutrients travel in xylem Photosynthates travel in phloem – living cells. Foliar

applied herbicides also travel in phloem – which is one reason why rate of application is important (if herbicide kills phloem cells, will not be translocated to other plant organs and weed survives)

Page 27: Agronomy Management of the natural resources used in food, feed and fiber production. “Making two blades of grass grow where one once grew.”

Leaf comments

Leaves of some species have additional features – wax (moisture retention) or pubescence (depending on pest, trichomes may provide some resistance (e.g., leaf hoppers) or may contribute to susceptibility (e.g., spidermites)

Leaves w/ no pubescence = glabrous

Page 28: Agronomy Management of the natural resources used in food, feed and fiber production. “Making two blades of grass grow where one once grew.”

Stomata -13

Page 29: Agronomy Management of the natural resources used in food, feed and fiber production. “Making two blades of grass grow where one once grew.”

Stomata comments

Stomata vary in density w/ plant species and from top to bottom of leaves, depending on plant species

Stomata open when sufficient moisture present in guard cells to cause to swell (inside of guard cell wall thicker than outside and causes cell to curve when turgid), and with oxygen concentration in cells

Not all gas (O2, CO2, H20) is exchanged thru stomata – some passes thru epidermis

Page 30: Agronomy Management of the natural resources used in food, feed and fiber production. “Making two blades of grass grow where one once grew.”

Parts of Grass Leaf -14

Page 31: Agronomy Management of the natural resources used in food, feed and fiber production. “Making two blades of grass grow where one once grew.”

Grass leaf parts comments

Leaf anatomy is important in species identification – presence, shape and type of ligule, auricles, pubescence at the collar region help identify species.

Tillers are like stem clones, multiples arising from one seed or crown area – highly desirable in small grains.

Stolons and rhizomes contribute to spread – and in weeds, rhizomes make control more difficult

Page 32: Agronomy Management of the natural resources used in food, feed and fiber production. “Making two blades of grass grow where one once grew.”

Parts of Legume Leaf -15

Page 33: Agronomy Management of the natural resources used in food, feed and fiber production. “Making two blades of grass grow where one once grew.”

Stem Anatomy, longitudinal -16

Page 34: Agronomy Management of the natural resources used in food, feed and fiber production. “Making two blades of grass grow where one once grew.”

Dicot stem, cross section -16

Page 35: Agronomy Management of the natural resources used in food, feed and fiber production. “Making two blades of grass grow where one once grew.”

Monocot stem -17

Page 36: Agronomy Management of the natural resources used in food, feed and fiber production. “Making two blades of grass grow where one once grew.”

Vascular bundle - 17

Page 37: Agronomy Management of the natural resources used in food, feed and fiber production. “Making two blades of grass grow where one once grew.”

Modified Stems -18

Page 38: Agronomy Management of the natural resources used in food, feed and fiber production. “Making two blades of grass grow where one once grew.”

Plant Roots -19

Page 39: Agronomy Management of the natural resources used in food, feed and fiber production. “Making two blades of grass grow where one once grew.”

Root Systems -20

Page 40: Agronomy Management of the natural resources used in food, feed and fiber production. “Making two blades of grass grow where one once grew.”

Root System comments

Type affects tolerance to moisture stress periods – tap-rooted species generally root deeper, and if irrigated, need irrigation less often, but application amount is greater

There are soil-building and carbon sequestration differences – fibrous root systems deposit and distribute carbon more effectively – think of the rich prairie soils

Page 41: Agronomy Management of the natural resources used in food, feed and fiber production. “Making two blades of grass grow where one once grew.”

Grass & Legume Inflorescence -20

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Page 43: Agronomy Management of the natural resources used in food, feed and fiber production. “Making two blades of grass grow where one once grew.”
Page 44: Agronomy Management of the natural resources used in food, feed and fiber production. “Making two blades of grass grow where one once grew.”
Page 45: Agronomy Management of the natural resources used in food, feed and fiber production. “Making two blades of grass grow where one once grew.”

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