ahapc present to standing cmte. on aboriginal affairs and northern development, nov.17, 2009

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  • 8/14/2019 AHAPC Present to Standing Cmte. on Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development, Nov.17, 2009


    Alaska Highway AboriginalPipeline Coalition

    Helping Yukon First Nations prepare for the proposedAlaska Highway natural gas pipeline

    Presentation to

    Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs

    And Northern Development

    November 17, 2009


  • 8/14/2019 AHAPC Present to Standing Cmte. on Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development, Nov.17, 2009


    Proposed Alaska Highway Pipeline Project

    2700 km long buried48 to 52 natural gas

    pipeline from AlaskasNorth Slope

    Crosses Alaska,southwestern Yukon,northeastern BritishColumbia and intoAlberta

    Approximate cost of$30 billion, with gasstarting to flow in 2018

    Two competingproponents:TransCanada and Denali


  • 8/14/2019 AHAPC Present to Standing Cmte. on Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development, Nov.17, 2009


    Two Competing ProponentsTransCanada (Foothills)

    Regulated under the

    Northern Pipeline Act

    Foothills (TransCanada

    subsidiary) awarded

    certificates to build pipelinein 1978

    Northern Pipeline Agency

    (NPA) to serve as single


    Denali (BP & ConocoPhillips)

    Regulated under the

    National Energy Board Act

    Owned by two of the three

    largest North Slope gas


    Does not have certificates

    to build pipeline


  • 8/14/2019 AHAPC Present to Standing Cmte. on Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development, Nov.17, 2009


    Streamlined Pipeline Schedule


    Planning ~2yrs

    ApplicationReview &









    Complete in

    July 2010


    phaseMost jobs

  • 8/14/2019 AHAPC Present to Standing Cmte. on Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development, Nov.17, 2009


    The Pipeline and the AHAPC

    Should the project be approved, the pipeline will

    pass through the traditional territories of nine YukonFirst Nations.

    of the route is on First Nation land of Self-Govering

    First Nations. The project will have: social, cultural, environmental,

    and economic effects, and

    The project will be subject to a complex regulatoryreview and permitting process.


  • 8/14/2019 AHAPC Present to Standing Cmte. on Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development, Nov.17, 2009


    AHAPC = Coalition of 5 Member First Nations


    aan Kwchn Council


    uth Massie Kluane First Nation Director, Chief Wilfred Sheldon

    Champagne and Aishihik First Nations Director, Mary Jane Jim,


    Kwanlin Dn First Nation Director, Bill Webber, Elders Council Carcross/Tagish First Nation Director, George Shepherd, Councillor

    Observer Status Liard FN, Kaska Dena Council, Teslin Tlingit Council and

    White River FN

    Full participation by all First Nations on the Alaska Pipeline Project ismost welcome and would maximize the one-window approach.


  • 8/14/2019 AHAPC Present to Standing Cmte. on Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development, Nov.17, 2009


    Beginnings of the AHAPC

    Initiated in 2001 with pipeline preparednessinitiatives undertaken by Council for Yukon FirstNations, Kwanlin Dun First Nation and Tan

    Kwachn Council; incorporated as a non-profitsociety in 2004.

    Started with $200K / yr budget from YG

    All non-core activities rely on funding fromindustry and Canada.


  • 8/14/2019 AHAPC Present to Standing Cmte. on Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development, Nov.17, 2009


    The AHAPC Does Not:

    Have Aboriginal rights

    Speak or negotiate on behalf of First Nations

    Have decision-making authority

    Instead, the AHAPC provides the unbiased information and

    research for each First Nation to use to represent their own

    interests, whatever each community decides those interestsare.


  • 8/14/2019 AHAPC Present to Standing Cmte. on Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development, Nov.17, 2009


    The AHAPCs Role

    central coordinating body

    conduit for unbiased information on pipeline


    the AHAPC encourages informed discourse,meaningful engagement, and works to ensure

    full participation of First Nations during all

    stages of the proposed project



  • 8/14/2019 AHAPC Present to Standing Cmte. on Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development, Nov.17, 2009


    To help First Nations prepare:

    The AHAPC provides information specific to

    First Nation interests including: descriptions ofthe proposed project, business, employment,and training opportunities, and the

    environmental and socio-economic reviewprocess.

    Maintains website, sends e-mail updates,

    makes community presentations, hostsworkshops and attends conferences.


  • 8/14/2019 AHAPC Present to Standing Cmte. on Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development, Nov.17, 2009


    Guidelines Project Underway

    Creating guides for First Nations navigating the proposed pipeline

    project Guide to Establishing Respectful Relationships with Yukon First

    Nations on the proposed Alaska Pipeline Project

    Guide to Developing Participation Agreements with Yukon FirstNations on the proposed Alaska Pipeline Project

    Guide to Yukon First Nation Participation in the EnvironmentalAssessment of the Alaska Pipeline Project

    (The guides were drafted by First Nations legal advisors)

    Community Consultations are presently underway seeking feedback

    Drafts should be completed by end of November 2009


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    Key Successes & Plans

    Developed strong information sharing relationships with

    Yukon First Nations, Governments of Yukon and Canada, andindustry (community tour visits & regular meetings).

    Hosted three informational workshops: Introductory (Apr/07);Employment, Training, and Business Opportunities (Nov/07);and Environmental Assessment (May/08).

    Planning for Learning from Past Preparing for the Futureworkshop planned for Feb. 10-11, 2010

    Distributes current information directly to Yukon First Nationsand other interested parties (Guidelines Project, website and



  • 8/14/2019 AHAPC Present to Standing Cmte. on Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development, Nov.17, 2009


    For Fiscal Year 2009-10 the following have

    contributed to the AHAPC:

    YTG - for Operations - $200,000. CEAA for Joint Community visits and a Winter

    Workshop - $104,245.

    Canada the Targeted Investment Program for theGuidelines Project - $143,400 for Phase 1 and 2, whichis complete.

    Canada the Targeted Investment Program for the

    Guidelines Project - $106,100 for Phase 3 and 4. Weexpect that project to be completed by the end ofNovember 2009.


  • 8/14/2019 AHAPC Present to Standing Cmte. on Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development, Nov.17, 2009


    Needs identified by the AHAPC To operate at full capacity, the AHAPC has a need for more in-house staff and

    positions located in each of First Nation communities along the corridor.

    Presently the positions funded for by YG are: Operations Leader, Researcher/Communications Coordinator, Office Manager

    Needed positions are: Communications Coordinator and Community LiaisonWorkers in each of the FNs communities (nine).

    Communications Coordinator would manage the overall information inflow& outflow and activities, work closely with Researcher & Operations Leaderand Community Liaison Workers.

    Community Liaison Workers would be a critical link for communicatinginformation about the Aboriginal Pipeline Project for and from the AHAPC,

    industry, governments and all players. They would be a one-stop shop forthe communities. Funding is being continuously sought unsuccessfully forthese positions.


  • 8/14/2019 AHAPC Present to Standing Cmte. on Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development, Nov.17, 2009


    Please Contact Us!

    Pearl Callaghan, Operations LeaderJames Allen, Research and Communications Lead

    Margret Njootli, Office Manager

    Suite 2, 4230-4th Avenue, Yukon Inn Plaza

    P.O. Box 31099 Whitehorse, YT Y1A 5P7

    (867) 456-7314 Tel (867) 456-4328 Fax

    [email protected]
