ahcmj vol 4 number 2 2008 p 89-109 (1)


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AHCMJ, Volume 4, Number 2, 2008




Shawn M. Carraher, Cameron UniversityM. Ronald Buckley, University of Oklahoma


The purpose of this study was to determine whether employees'attitudes towards benefits and behavioral intentions were related to nurseturnover, absenteeism, or on-the-job performance. Dramatic increases in thecost of benefits to employers, along with the need to attract and retainemployees, have resulted in the requirement that the ramifications ofemployees' perceptions of benefits be better understood. Despite the fact thatthe literature is replete with studies involving pay equity and satisfaction,studies concerning the effects of perceived benefits are few.

Attitudes towards benefits, intentions to search for a new job, to quit,to be absent, ratings of performance, and actual turnover – and absenteeism -were assessed using a sample of 386 nurses. The results indicate that East ofReplacement of Benefits was significantly related to turnover but not toabsenteeism or performance. Behavioral intentions to Search for a new job,to quit, and intention to be absent were related to actual turnover andperformance but not to absenteeism. The implications of these findings arediscussed and areas for future research are presented.

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AHCMJ, Volume 4, Number 2, 2008

low base rates of turnover and absenteeism caused by organizationalattractiveness. Future areas for research are suggested.


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