ahmad glacier

Glaciers Glaciers Dr. R. B. Dr. R. B. Schultz Schultz

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Dr. R. B. SchultzDr. R. B. Schultz

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What is a glacier?• snow -> granular


• granular snow -> firn

• firn -> ice

• ice -> flowing ice

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GlacierGlacier -- mass of ice formed by the recrystallization of snow under its own weight (compacted snow becomes “firn”). Ice and snow in layers is necessary for development.

One last requirement: more snow has to be present than melted in the previous year's worth of snowfall so that it can accumulate in layers (annual bands).

 Where do glaciers form?• In areas where precipitation falls as snow; snow must accumulate. • In high (polar) latitudes or at High elevations (in mountains) even at

the equator

Development of the Glacial TheoryDevelopment of the Glacial Theory1. 1829 - Swiss engineer named J. Venetz first proposed that glaciers had

once been more extensive than at present. His observations inspired Jean de Charpentier to begin a field study of active glaciers.

2. 1837 - de Charpentier presented his results to the Swiss naturalist, Louis Agassiz (considered to be the "Father of Glaciation"), who developed the first comprehensive theory of glaciation. Based on Uniformitarianism concepts.

We now know there were several ice ages in Earth history. 

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Agassiz's Glacial Theory

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Proof of Agassiz’s Glacial Proof of Agassiz’s Glacial TheoryTheory

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Current Glaciers on Earth

Greenland Ice Sheet

Antarctic Ice Sheet

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Types of glaciersTypes of glaciers1. Ice sheets (continental glaciers) -- cover large areas of land 2. Valley (alpine) glaciers -- form at mountain tops and flow down valleys  How do glaciers move? Glaciers must be thick enough so that they flow downslope. Flow is by basal slip or plastic flow. Basal slip -- ice moves over a thin layer of meltwater Plastic flow -- ice deforms internally and flows like plastic  

Valley (Alpine) GlaciationValley (Alpine) GlaciationGlacial ErosionValley (alpine) glaciers erode material at the surface by breaking off pieces of rock

and/or by abrasion of underlying rock.  Landforms produced by valley (alpine) glacier erosionLandforms produced by valley (alpine) glacier erosionU-shaped valleys Horns Cirques Arêtes Hanging valleys Glacial lakes (Tarns) Groups of glacial lakes: Paternoster lakes 

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Important Stages of Alpine Glaciation

1. Unglaciated v-shaped stream valley

2. Glaciation Stage

a. Horn

b. Cirque

c. Arête

d. Medial moraine

3. Post-Glaciation

a. Hanging valley

b. Pater noster lake

c. Tarn

d. Glacial trough

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Erosional Landforms Caused by Valley Glaciers

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Alpine Glaciation Alpine Glaciation FeaturesFeatures

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Continental GlaciationContinental GlaciationGlacial DepositsDrift -- general term applied to any deposit associated with glaciers Till -- sediment deposited directly from melting ice; till is unsorted and unstratified Stratified drift -- deposits from glacial meltwater streams Outwash -- another term for sediment deposited by meltwater streams These deposits are stratified and sorted.  Landforms made of tillMoraines -- ridges made of till that form at margins of a glacier End (or Terminal) moraine -- forms at bottom end of glacier Lateral moraine -- forms at side of glacier Ground moraine -- forms by deposition of till at the base of a glacier; not a ridge,

just a lumpy plain. Medial Moraine – when two glacial valleys mergeDrumlins -- streamlined hills made of till; steeper on the side from which ice came

The area (south of L. Ontario) is covered by classic drumlin fields.  Landforms made of stratified drift: KamesKames -- small, steep-sided hills or mounds. Kame deltas -- form where sediments are deposited in meltwater lake Kame terraces -- form from stratified drift deposited in meltwater streams

alongside valley glaciers. Eskers are sinuous ridges made of stratified drift. The stratified drift is deposited in

sub glacial meltwater streams.  

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Continental Glaciation Landform Continental Glaciation Landform FeaturesFeatures

Southernmost extent of continental glacier

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lateral moraine

medial moraine

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Lateral Moraines

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Medial Moraine

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Ground Moraine

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Pertinent Web SitesPertinent Web SitesArctic Research Consortium

The Arctic Research Consortium of the United States (ARCUS) was formed in 1988 to identify and bring together the distributed human and facilities resources of the Arctic research community—to create a synergy for the Arctic in which each resource, when combined with others, can result in a strength that enables the community to rise to the many challenges facing the Arctic and the United States.

Ask a Geologist If you have questions, a professional geologist is here to help.

Alpine Glacial Landforms This site presents basic definitions and examples of common alpine glacial landforms discussed in introductory

level university physical geography, geology and earth science courses. Examples are provided as photographs with accompanying topographic maps.

Alpine Glaciation Features Photographs and explanations of features of alpine glaciation.

Arctic Theme Page (NOAA) NOAA's Arctic Theme Page provides access to widely distributed Arctic data and information for scientists,

students, teachers, academia, managers, decision makers and the general public.

Extinctions, Inc. Fossils from the Extinctions Fossil Company, a commercial source.

Glacial Links

Several links to Web sites containing glacial information.

Glacial Geology, Journal of Glacial Geology and Geomorphology is an electronic journal of The British Geomorphological Research Group

(BGRG) developed by The Queen's University of Belfast and published by The BGRG. It is a refereed journal with a variety of facilities available to subscribers.

Glacial Geology Photo Gallery Glacial geology images from the Maine Department of Conservation.

Glacial Landforms Text and images about how glaciers shape the land from the Geological Survey of Canada.

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GLACIER (Rice University) GLACIER is a Web site all about Antarctica and the part Antarctica plays in our global system of weather and

climate and oceans and geology. The site is intended to introduce you to the Antarctic and the brave souls who are investigating that vast, frozen continent.

Glacier Bay (NASA) An excellent NASA site featuring a multi-media tour of Glacier Bay, Alaska.

Glacier National Park—A Virtual Field Trip This Web site addresses various aspects of alpine glacial landscape interpretation, including landform

identification, geomorphic processes, and glacial history. Glacier National Park, Montana, USA, provides the backdrop for this virtual field trip.

Glaciers and Climate Change Links (NAGT)

An extensive listing of glacier and climate change links arranged by topic from the National Association of Geology Teachers (NAGT).

Glaciers and Ice Ages Links (Houghton Mifflin) Links to several glacier and Ice Ages sites, including class lecture notes, arranged by topic.

Glaciers Links This Central Michigan University site maintained by Dr. Mark Francek lists several good links to websites

containing information relative to topics discussed in the chapter.

Glaciers: Satellite Images The United States Geological survey (USGS) satellite image atlas of glaciers of the world.

Ice Age Atlas An atlas of the Ice Age Earth.

Ice Age Exhibit

The Ice Age Exhibit from the Illinois State Museum is an excellent source for Ice Age information.

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Ice Age—National Scenic Trail, Wisconsin A good introduction to Wisconsin's glacial landscape.

Institute For Ice Age Studies The home page of The Institute for Ice Age Studies (IIAS), an anthropolgy site specializing in the Ice Age.

Landform Atlas of the United States The color landform atlas of the United States includes shaded relief maps and satellite image maps of each state.

Mendenhall Glacier—A Virtual Tour

Midwestern U.S. 16,000 Years Ago An exhibit from the Illinois State Museum featuring the midwestern United States 16,000 years ago.

National Geophysical Data Center The National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC) manages environmental data in the fields of marine geology and

geophysics, paleoclimatology, solar-terrestrial physics, solid earth geophysics, and glaciology (snow and ice).

National Parks: Alaska

Links to national parks, national monuments, etc.

National Parks: Washington Links to national parks, national monuments, etc.

National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) The National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) is a data and information resource for those studying snow and

ice, and their importance to the Earth system.

Paleoclimatology Program (NOAA) Access to a wealth of paleoclimatic data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).