ahp operational measures (ahpoms) · pia meeting with sas to cross reference dataset discussions...

AHP Operational Measures (AHPOMs) November2017 07/12/2017 Active and Independent Living Improvement Programme 1

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Page 1: AHP Operational Measures (AHPOMs) · PIA Meeting with SAS to cross reference dataset Discussions with partner boards for phase 2.2 Planning for definitional workshop . Project Plan

AHP Operational Measures (AHPOMs)


07/12/2017 Active and Independent Living

Improvement Programme 1

Page 2: AHP Operational Measures (AHPOMs) · PIA Meeting with SAS to cross reference dataset Discussions with partner boards for phase 2.2 Planning for definitional workshop . Project Plan

AHP Operational Measures

• Phase 1: Oct 2015 - May 2016 Aim: to capture AHP Operational Measures data from 2 Health boards, identify issues and write a full business case supporting national implementation.

• Phase 2: Nov 2016 - May 2018 Phase 2.1 Nov 2016 – July 2017

Aims: to create a defined and functional minimum data set fully consulted upon across Scottish AHPs and accompanying guidance.

Phase 2.2 Aug 2017 – May 2018 To build a good understanding of AHP data held by health and social

care partnerships for future inclusion in Operational Measures. To work with partner organisations representing the geographic

breadth of AHP service delivery in Scotland to test and refine the minimum data set against local systems, build data extraction protocols and produce example analysis.

07/12/2017 Active and Independent Living

Improvement Programme 2

Page 3: AHP Operational Measures (AHPOMs) · PIA Meeting with SAS to cross reference dataset Discussions with partner boards for phase 2.2 Planning for definitional workshop . Project Plan

AHPOMs Dataset

07/12/2017 Active and Independent Living

Improvement Programme 3

Page 4: AHP Operational Measures (AHPOMs) · PIA Meeting with SAS to cross reference dataset Discussions with partner boards for phase 2.2 Planning for definitional workshop . Project Plan

Logic Model

07/12/2017 Active and Independent Living

Improvement Programme 4

Page 5: AHP Operational Measures (AHPOMs) · PIA Meeting with SAS to cross reference dataset Discussions with partner boards for phase 2.2 Planning for definitional workshop . Project Plan

Project Plan – Milestones (cont.) Insert Planned Milestones – Colour green if complete, red if overdue

07/12/2017 Active and Independent Living

Improvement Programme 5

Jan 17 Feb 17 Mar 17 Apr 17 May 17 Jun 17

First definitional workshop

Five more definitional workshops completed

Collation and analysis of workshop feedback

Dataset consultation open Publicity of consultation launch including blog on AHP Scot Blog PBPP approved

Consultation closes Start analysis of feedback Complete logic model Meeting with IG re PIA Meeting with SAS to cross reference dataset Discussions with partner boards for phase 2.2

Planning for definitional workshop

Page 6: AHP Operational Measures (AHPOMs) · PIA Meeting with SAS to cross reference dataset Discussions with partner boards for phase 2.2 Planning for definitional workshop . Project Plan

Project Plan – Milestones (cont.) Insert Planned Milestones – Colour green if complete, red if overdue

07/12/2017 Active and Independent Living

Improvement Programme 6

July 17 Aug 17 Sept 17 Oct 17 Nov 17 Dec 17

Discussions with partner boards for phase 2.2 Begin analysis of feedback

Complete analysis of feedback Begin phase 2.1 report

Publish phase 2.1 report Provide summary of feedback responses Publish version 1.0 of AHPOMs dataset Engage stakeholders with report, feedback and dataset Engage stakeholders with report, feedback and dataset Meet with electronic system suppliers to inform about AHPOMs PIA sign-off

Develop data extract specification Work with participating boards/partnerships to prepare data extracts Respond to NZ AHP dataset

Extract data from participating boards / partnerships(s) Ongoing discussions with partner boards/partnerships unable to get data extractions by AHPOMs project team guideline date

Begin analysis of data from all participating boards/partnerships

Page 7: AHP Operational Measures (AHPOMs) · PIA Meeting with SAS to cross reference dataset Discussions with partner boards for phase 2.2 Planning for definitional workshop . Project Plan

Project Plan – Milestones (cont.) Insert Planned Milestones – Colour green if complete, red if overdue

07/12/2017 Active and Independent Living

Improvement Programme 7

Jan 18 Feb 18 Mar 18 Apr 18

Continue data extract analysis

Sense check data analysis and outputs with national and local clinical information leads

Write phase 2 report with business case options for phase 3

Publish phase 2 report and secure funding for phase 3 Present anonymised data output possibilities to wide stakeholders to influence decision o fund phase 3

Page 8: AHP Operational Measures (AHPOMs) · PIA Meeting with SAS to cross reference dataset Discussions with partner boards for phase 2.2 Planning for definitional workshop . Project Plan

Aim Primary Drivers Secondary Drivers Change Ideas

By 2020, 100% of 5 AHP professions will be reporting the AHPOM dataset items with the data displayed on a national dashboard

AHPOM continues to be a priority work stream for AILP

Data is extracted from all boards

Systems that AHPs

use are able to report on all data item

AHP staff using e

systems to record the dataset

Increased AHP awareness and knowledge of data and the benefits of it

Reducing variation in practice (including data collection and consumption)

AHP Directors and eHealth Leads working to get all AHPs on electronic systems

System providers are aware of AHPOMs and building recording and reporting capabilities in to systems

Visual representation of potential dashboard content by April 2018

Informing all stakeholders in ongoing AHPOMs project

System providers information session to be held in September 2017

A user friendly dashboard is created

Agreed implementation program for AHPOMs by summer 2018

Influence ongoing funding from SG for future phases of AHPOMs

Driver Diagram

Page 9: AHP Operational Measures (AHPOMs) · PIA Meeting with SAS to cross reference dataset Discussions with partner boards for phase 2.2 Planning for definitional workshop . Project Plan

Key Performance Indicators

• % of health boards fully implementing AHPOMs dataset (AILP measurable item)

• % of health and social care partnerships fully implementing AHPOMs data set

• % of professions fully implementing AHPOMs dataset locally and nationally

• % of data items from AHPOMs dataset collected locally and nationally

07/12/2017 Active and Independent Living

Improvement Programme 9

Page 10: AHP Operational Measures (AHPOMs) · PIA Meeting with SAS to cross reference dataset Discussions with partner boards for phase 2.2 Planning for definitional workshop . Project Plan

AHPOMs Data Items Progress Map

Page 11: AHP Operational Measures (AHPOMs) · PIA Meeting with SAS to cross reference dataset Discussions with partner boards for phase 2.2 Planning for definitional workshop . Project Plan

AHPOMs Data Items Progress

Data Items Completion % NHS GG&C NHS Grampian NHS Lothian

54% 51% 86%

Data Items Progress Table

Data Items Collection Table Example

Data items by board and profession

Page 12: AHP Operational Measures (AHPOMs) · PIA Meeting with SAS to cross reference dataset Discussions with partner boards for phase 2.2 Planning for definitional workshop . Project Plan

Mock dashboards

07/12/2017 Active and Independent Living

Improvement Programme 12

Allied Health Professional's - Workforce

Board/ Partnership: Profession: Date From: Date To:

All All October 2016 December 2016

Staff in Post (WTE) Workforce Trend

Staff in Post (WTE) - Scotland: 10,800

Prof 1

Prof 2

Prof 3

Prof 4

Prof 5

Prof 6

Prof 7

Prof 8 9800






Oct-16 Nov-16 Dec-16




Page 13: AHP Operational Measures (AHPOMs) · PIA Meeting with SAS to cross reference dataset Discussions with partner boards for phase 2.2 Planning for definitional workshop . Project Plan

Mock dashboards (cont.)

07/12/2017 Active and Independent Living

Improvement Programme 13

Allied Health Professional's Source of Referral / Request

Board/ Partnership: Source: Date From: Date To:

Scotland GP, Self, Personal January 2017 July 2018

Source of Referrals (GP, Self and Personal)












Jan 17 Jul 17 Jan 18 Jul 18















Jan 17 Jul 17 Jan 18 Jul 18




Page 14: AHP Operational Measures (AHPOMs) · PIA Meeting with SAS to cross reference dataset Discussions with partner boards for phase 2.2 Planning for definitional workshop . Project Plan

Mock dashboards (cont.)

07/12/2017 Active and Independent Living

Improvement Programme 14

Allied Health Professional's - Episode of Care

Board/ Partnership: Profession: Date From: Date To:

All All October 2016 October 2016

Number of contacts from first contact until discharge


















Page 15: AHP Operational Measures (AHPOMs) · PIA Meeting with SAS to cross reference dataset Discussions with partner boards for phase 2.2 Planning for definitional workshop . Project Plan

Risk Register

The medium likelihood risks are • There is a risk that the project is not deemed to be of sufficient

relevance or priority to the boards and partnerships because of other more pressing demands (such as waiting times, data provision for Source etc.).

• There is a risk that local financial pressures reduce the capacity for boards/ partnerships to participate due to lack of resource locally.

• There is a risk that participating organisations cannot submit data at the required level to fulfil all the KPI requirements.

• In funding by phase, there is no guarantee of funding for future phases which could result in a lack of national data and loss of support from stakeholders for future national data initiatives.

07/12/2017 Active and Independent Living

Improvement Programme 15

Page 16: AHP Operational Measures (AHPOMs) · PIA Meeting with SAS to cross reference dataset Discussions with partner boards for phase 2.2 Planning for definitional workshop . Project Plan

Good News Story

• An AHP dataset for AHPs by AHPs

• 121 responses to the dataset consultation

07/12/2017 Active and Independent Living

Improvement Programme 16

What a massive job to develop – thanks for the work that is going in to it.

I think this is very comprehensive

Well done We are pleased that

work is being done on this and think that it

will be very beneficial for the AHP professions.

Page 17: AHP Operational Measures (AHPOMs) · PIA Meeting with SAS to cross reference dataset Discussions with partner boards for phase 2.2 Planning for definitional workshop . Project Plan

How long will I wait? How long will they see me? What will they do?

How will I know it’s a good service?

Will they respect my wishes?

This data will help me to • Work efficiently

• Focus on care needs • Improve the service we

deliver • Let me compare service

with others • Improve quality of care


Page 18: AHP Operational Measures (AHPOMs) · PIA Meeting with SAS to cross reference dataset Discussions with partner boards for phase 2.2 Planning for definitional workshop . Project Plan


How will this data • Prove value of AHPs

in transforming Primary Care

• Demonstrate efficient use of local


AHP OMs will • Provide data that can be linked to

populations • Standardise data collected across

Scottish AHPs in all sectors • Link activity data to workforce • Facilitate service evaluation and


Benefits (cont.)

Page 19: AHP Operational Measures (AHPOMs) · PIA Meeting with SAS to cross reference dataset Discussions with partner boards for phase 2.2 Planning for definitional workshop . Project Plan

What help do we need?

• Ongoing leadership from SG

– Devolved leadership to ADSG, National Leads and profession/service/location leaders

• Resource for Phase 3

• Influence AHPs adopting electronic systems

• Rebranding for the future!

– AHPOMs dataset will sit behind and feed the AHP Activity Dashboard (AHPAD)

07/12/2017 Active and Independent Living

Improvement Programme 19