ahumc discipleship catalog - summer 2012

Arlington Heights United Methodist Church www.ahumcfw.org Discipleship Opportunities for Adults Summer 2012

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Catalog of Discipleship Opportunities for Adults at Arlington Heights United Methodist Church


Page 1: AHUMC Discipleship Catalog - Summer 2012

Arlington Heights United Methodist Church www.ahumcfw.org

Discipleship Opportunities

for Adults

Summer 2012

Page 2: AHUMC Discipleship Catalog - Summer 2012
Page 3: AHUMC Discipleship Catalog - Summer 2012

Table of Contents



INTRODUCTION TO THE OPPORTUNITIES CATALOG ........................................................................... 2 

TERMINOLOGY AND OTHER NOTES .................................................................................................. 3 

GROW TO THE FIFTH SELF-ASSESSMENT......................................................................................... 4 

RADICAL HOSPITALITY .................................................................................................................... 6 

PASSIONATE WORSHIP ................................................................................................................. 18 

INTENTIONAL FAITH DEVELOPMENT ............................................................................................... 24 

RISK-TAKING MISSION & SERVICE ................................................................................................. 31 

EXTRAVAGANT GENEROSITY ......................................................................................................... 45 

Page 4: AHUMC Discipleship Catalog - Summer 2012

Introduction to the Opportunities Catalog 2

INTRODUCTION TO THE OPPORTUNITIES CATALOG WHY THIS BOOKLET? As Arlington Heights United Methodist embraces the Grow To The Fifth Discipleship Exploration over the coming months, this catalog has been prepared by the Adult Ministry Team as a resource for ideas. As you assess where you are in your own journey toward discipleship and prayerfully consider the areas where you desire growth, we encourage you to take advantage of the opportunities contained within this catalog to develop in the direction of your personal discipleship goals. Simply stated, discipleship is the process of understanding who we are and how we live our lives in faith. We love out of our understanding of who we are in relationship to God, to one another and to the world. The Christian faith is grounded in the love and grace of God, experienced through Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit. The Christian life is our response to God’s love and grace. In Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations, [http://fivepractices.org/] Bishop Robert Schnase summarizes that “through these practices, God changes us from the inside out and works through us to transform the world.”

WHAT DOES THIS BOOKLET CONTAIN? This guide contains a brief description of the programs, projects and opportunities within the church. However, the information is not all-inclusive and it will continue as a work in progress. The entire staff of Arlington Heights United Methodist and the Adult Ministry Team welcome other ideas you may have or opportunities you desire. You are encouraged to browse and dream; realize that some journeys are sprints and others are marathons; spend time in prayer; and consider your commitment and desire to participate within the five areas of the Grow To The Fifth framework:


HOW DO I USE THIS INFORMATION? As you begin to map your plan for growth and begin thinking of your spiritual commitment to journeying into deeper discipleship, we encourage you to browse this booklet and visit the resource website. Then sign up for participation in the programs that speak to your heart, and put to use the gifts and talents you have been blessed to have. As you join in this process, we pray you will encourage others through your actions, words, and example that together the church family of Arlington Heights United Methodist will lovingly and thankfully move forward in our quest to Grow To The Fifth as disciples of Christ.

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Terminology and Other Notes


TERMINOLOGY AND OTHER NOTES These opportunities are organized in five sections, corresponding to the Five Discipleship Practices. Each section begins with a definition of the practice and a listing of the opportunities available in that discipleship area. Opportunities designated as ***NEW*** are newly proposed or currently in-active. Your expressed interest in these items will assure that you and other interested individuals will be able to move forward with these opportunities. Each entry includes a simple Low / Medium /High rating of the difficulty of the content of the opportunity and of the commitment required of participants. Although imprecise, we hope these ratings will be useful as you consider how these opportunities fit your current and future needs. Ratings indicate the following: Content Rating:

Low = Introductory Content or Skills Medium = Moderate Content or Skills with Prior Experience Suggested High = Significant Content or Skills with Prior Experience Recommended

Commitment Rating:

Low = Occasional Attendance or Limited Time of Participation Medium = Regular Attendance Suggested (3-6 wks) / Moderate Time Suggested for Participation High = Regular Attendance Recommended (> 6 wks) / Significant Time Recommended for Participation

Some opportunities may require the purchase of materials or other costs. Scholarships are always available. Visit with the Ministerial Staff for further information.

"And serve each other according to the gift each person has received, as good managers of God's diverse gifts."

I Peter 4:10

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Grow to the Fifth Self-Assessment 4


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Grow to the Fifth Self-Assessment


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Radical Hospitality 6

RADICAL HOSPITALITY The Practice of Radical Hospitality is opening ourselves up to our neighbor to extend the gracious invitation and spirit of Christ to others and supporting them in their spiritual journeys. Opportunities to consider include: Adopt-a-Bed Gardening Ages and Stages AHUMC History Committee ***NEW*** Atrium Ambassador ***NEW*** Atrium Receptions Team Bread Ministry Bus Stop Grace Station ***NEW*** Children's Worship Bags Church Newspaper/Webpage contributor Display Case Coordinator ***NEW*** Flower Ministry Funeral Meal Care Team Greeters Heights Nights Meal Organizing Heights Nights Socializing Heritage Hour HomeBuddy Buddy Kitchen Care Team ***NEW*** Newcomer / New Member Mentoring ***NEW*** Parenting Classes Photography Ministry Prayer Garden Team Pumpkin Patch S.A.M. Activities Special Events and Safety CoordinationTeam ***NEW*** Vacation Bible School Helpers Welcome Center Volunteer Worship Services Ushers

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Radical Hospitality


Adopt-a-Bed Gardening Although a professional lawn maintenance service mows and edges the grounds, the aesthetic landscaping is designed and maintained entirely by volunteers! If your group or family is interested in helping, sign up to "Adopt-a-Bed". Small or large flower bed areas are available, and adopters are asked to plant and maintain the bed year-round. Master Gardener Camille Thomason is available to advise as you plan and maintain your area. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Low/Low Resource Requirements: Individuals / groups purchase materials for the plantings and provide necessary tools for maintenance Pre-requisites: Basic interest in gardening Contact: Camille Thomason

817-731-3161 (Please ask the office to deliver your inquiry via e-mail) [email protected]

Ages and Stages At various times during the year, presentations are scheduled which deal with various topics about health, wellness and related issues. Outside speakers present information on topics such as Wills and Estate Planning, Hospice, Healthy Eating and Cooking, How to Navigate Medicare, Caring for Aging Loved Ones, and much more. If you are interested in a specific topic in this area, please contact as indicated to let us know. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Low/Low Resource Requirements: None Pre-requisites: None Contact: Rev. Nancy Allen

817-737-3161 [email protected]

AHUMC History Committee ***NEW*** Individuals assist in the organization of and access to church archives (such as photos, news articles, bulletins, administrative records and other official and unofficial church documents from the past). Interested individuals will assist in inventory, organization and cataloguing of current materials and in developing records retention guidelines and procedures for on-going maintenance. Training requirements to be determined. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Medium/Low Resource Requirements: None Pre-requisites: None Contact: Rev. Nancy Allen

817-737-3161 [email protected]

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Radical Hospitality 8

Atrium Ambassador ***NEW*** Ambassadors are available in the atrium and hallways during worship services and other church events. In this capacity, they provide assistance to or simply are present with individuals who are not in the various events. You may help guests find locations within the church, or just provide a heart of love and a listening ear. If not occupied, you can usually watch the service or event on the monitors. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Low/Low Resource Requirements: None Pre-requisites: None Contact: Robbie Patton

817-909-2584 [email protected]

Atrium Receptions Team Individuals help plan, coordinate and host receptions in the Atrium for events such as clergy recognitions, special guests, and concerts or other special events. Individual's responsibilities will vary from event-planning to cookie-baking to punch-serving. Bring your heart for hospitality to help host these important events. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Low/Low Resource Requirements: None Pre-requisites: None Contact: Cherry Richardson

817-737-0508 [email protected]

Bread Ministry For years, AHUMC has had a tradition of delivering a loaf of fresh bread to visitors (at their home) on the Sunday of their first visit to AHUMC. You may remember when you received yours. Volunteers are needed to pick up the bread at La Madeleine Bakery on Camp Bowie and accompany one of the clergy in this visit of hospitality on Sunday afternoons. Individuals are welcome to become weekly volunteers or to sign up for a rotating assignment. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Low/Low Resource Requirements: May need transportation, depending on arrangements with the other volunteers and clergy Pre-requisites: None Contact: Grant Palma

817-737-3161 [email protected]

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Radical Hospitality


Bus Stop Grace Station ***NEW*** The bus stop at the corner of Camp Bowie and Hulen is a connecting point for several bus routes, so at certain times during the day, many individuals are waiting for their next bus to arrive. During the heat of the summer and cold of the winter, a wait outside can be an uncomfortable necessity for these neighbors of ours. We have a vision to create a point of hospitality a few times each month by offering cold water or hot beverages, according to the need. If you are interested in being involved in the planning and delivery of this gift of grace, contact as indicated. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Low/Medium Resource Requirements: None Pre-requisites: None Contact: Kristi Evans

817-296-7409 [email protected]

Children's Worship Bags Individuals stock and maintain worship bags for ages pre-kindergarten through 5th grade. The bags serve as a worship tool to engage children in the worship experience. There are two responsibilities with this ministry:

1. Prepare an ample number of bags prior to Sunday worship. 2. Between Sunday worship services, collect and return used bags and re-stock for the

next service

Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Low/Low Resource Requirements: All materials for the bags are provided Pre-requisites: None Contact: Christy Barto

817-737-3161 [email protected]

Church Newspaper/Webpage Contributor All church members are encouraged to submit articles (and accompanying photos) with Sunday School class news or information about small group events and projects. Any testimonials that one might want to share and notices of future happenings and new groups forming are also welcome. Any newsworthy information can be included in the newspaper, as space permits, and most information can also be published on the webpage. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Low/Low Resource Requirements: Access to a computer to transfer information and photos will be very helpful Pre-requisites: A willingness to share with fellow church members all the wonderful things that are happening at AHUMC Contact: Sarah Boyette

817 737-3161 [email protected]

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Radical Hospitality 10

Display Case Coordinator ***NEW*** The display case in the hallway near the church office is a great place to spotlight upcoming activities, church seasons, or special recognitions. A coordinator is needed to manage the scheduling of displays and to coordinate the change over from one display to the next. The coordinator will not be responsible for providing displays, but rather for recruiting individuals or groups in the church to use this eye-catching display space, and coordinating the use of the display cabinet. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Low/Low Resource Requirements: None Pre-requisites: None Contact: Rev. Nancy Allen

817-737-3161 [email protected]

Flower Ministry On Mondays, a team of talented volunteers re-purposes the beautiful flowers adorning the chancel area during Sunday worship into individual floral arrangements. These arrangements are delivered as tokens of AHUMC’s love to those needing comfort or to others simply as a cheery reminder of God’s love. Volunteers are welcomed in two capacities:

1. Assist in the floral arranging 2. Deliver the arrangements to individuals during the week

Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Low/Low Resource Requirements: Individuals delivering arrangements will need transportation Pre-requisites: None Contact: Betty Cox

817-624-3653 [email protected]

Funeral Meal Care Team Do you like to cook? Individuals on this team help prepare home-cooked foods for family meals at funerals and for other church sponsored meal events. The team has a menu of simple casserole and sides dishes that provide a lovely meal for a crowd. Individuals prepare one or more recipes of the selected dish, and with everyone's help, a feast for a crowd is served! Team members are included on a roster, and the coordinator rotates through the list and contacts individuals as needs arise. Members may also be invited to provide cookies or other snacks for receptions and events. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Low/Low Resource Requirements: Meal supplies may be donated or reimbursed, as desired by the volunteer Pre-requisites: Basic cooking skills Contact: Cherry Richardson

817-737-0508 [email protected]

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Radical Hospitality


Greeters Anyone from high school on up is welcome to volunteer to greet. Our goal is to assure that each person who comes to Arlington Heights UMC receives a warm welcome and whatever help they need, whether it be information or other assistance. Regular attendance and an outgoing personality are the only requirements. Regular weekly greeters are welcomed, as well as substitutes who can fill in when the regular greeters must be absent. Individuals are generally scheduled to volunteer around the regular course of their Sunday morning or their attendance at special events at the church. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Low/Medium Resource Requirements: None Pre-requisites: Regular attendance and outgoing personality Contact: Jack Smith

817-946-7901 [email protected]

Heights Nights Meal Organizing Individuals help with set-up, clean-up, hospitality at our Wednesday night fellowship dinners. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Low/Low Resource Requirements: Just show up! Pre-requisites: No special skills required; willing heart and hands Contact: Rev. Nancy Allen

817-737-3161 [email protected]

Heights Nights Socializing Come and enjoy dinner and conversation around the table on Wednesday evenings. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Low/Low Resource Requirements: Cost of dinner is $5 Pre-requisites: Ability to talk to your neighbor Contact: Rev. Nancy Allen

817-737-3161 [email protected]

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Heritage Hour Food, fun and fellowship are the themes of this group of Senior Adults. Participants play a variety of games, host monthly birthday celebrations, and enjoy a meal together once a quarter. The group meets weekly in Fellowship Hall. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Low/Low Resource Requirements: None Pre-requisites: None Contact: Rev. Nancy Allen

817-737-3161 [email protected]

HomeBuddy Buddy Many elderly members are no longer able to attend services or events at the church due to mobility issues or illness. To keep these HomeBuddies included in our community of faith, assigned “Buddies” make regular visits to these shut-ins to share the love of Christ and remind these members that their faithfulness is honored and remembered. Buddies should have a heart for elders and be comfortable creating a loving relationship in the name of Christ. Buddies remember birthdays and other special dates, and may take snacks or other small tokens of love on their visits. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Low/High Resource Requirements: Ability to call or visit another member at their home, occasional purchase of cards, small gifts or treats Pre-requisites: None Contact: Rev. Nancy Allen

817-737-3161 [email protected]

Kitchen Care Team ***NEW*** Individuals will work together to coordinate the organization and up-keep of the church kitchen. The team will develop (as needed) kitchen operating guidelines, including offering periodic training for specific kitchen equipment and appliances. The team will host and coordinate periodic 'deep-cleaning' events, and 'kitchen gift showers' as tools and supplies need refreshing. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Low/Low Resource Requirements: None Pre-requisites: None Contact: Gwen Patteson

817-737-3161 [email protected]

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Radical Hospitality


Newcomer / New Member Mentoring ***NEW*** Remember the last time you were the “new kid” somewhere? Things that are eventually easy can sometimes seem complicated or confusing the first time around. Individuals will help our AHUMC newcomers and new members successfully navigate the community and activities of our church by being Ambassadors or Mentors for the first year of a newcomer’s journey at AHUMC. These mentors will provide an easy point of contact and extend continuing hospitality as individuals and families find out for the first time about the wonderful opportunities at AHUMC. For instance, as an ambassador, you will assure that they know what “Fall Festival / Lord’s Acre” is all about, and invite them to join you for lunch that day. You will help them understand what sorts of things happen at AHUMC during Lent and Advent. By extending a friendly call every so often and a familiar handshake upon meeting, these newcomers will be reminded that their love, mixed with ours, changes us in wonderful ways. An attempt will be made to match mentors and new comers based on similar life-stages, life-styles, interests or other commonalities. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Medium/Medium Resource Requirements: None Pre-requisites: Active Member with good general knowledge of happening at AHUMC Contact: Rev. Nancy Allen

817-737-3161 [email protected]

Parenting Classes Parenting discussions, seminars and classes such as the 5 week series “Parenting with Love and Logic” are offered through our Children’s Ministries. Programs presented to our families are intended to offer parents a fresh perspective that perhaps they have not encountered before in other parenting forums and offer families a way to live into their faith as individuals, families and a community. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Low/Medium Resource Requirements: None Pre-requisites: None Contact: Christy Barto

817-737-3161 [email protected]

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Photography Ministry Individuals who enjoy photography are invited to volunteer periodically to help with photographing new members and baptisms on Sunday mornings or members when we update our church directory. They also capture images of special events such as Fall Festival, Trunk or Treat, La Posada, Christmas and Easter activities, and class activities. They can also provide other inspirational photos that might be used in publications from time to time. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Low/Low Resource Requirements: Having your own digital camera available and access to a computer to transfer the images as needed to [email protected] or flickr.com/arlingtonheightsumc Pre-requisites: A love for and enjoyment of capturing images of people, places, and things Contact: Sarah Boyette

817-737-3161 [email protected]

Prayer Garden Team Be a part of the team that designs, installs and maintains the garden landscaping in the Prayer Garden area near the west entrance on Hillcrest Drive. Although a professional lawn maintenance service mows and edges the grounds, the aesthetic landscaping is designed and maintained entirely by volunteers! Individuals on the team join forces for a couple of workdays each year (spring and fall), and donate additional time individually as needed. Tasks include basic maintenance like weeding and pruning, as well as designing the expansions and modifications of existing plantings. The team includes both experienced and aspiring gardeners. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Low/Low Resource Requirements: Basic gardening tools Pre-requisites: Interest in gardening Contact: Camille Thomason

817-737-3161 (Please ask the office to deliver your inquiry via e-mail) [email protected]

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Radical Hospitality


Pumpkin Patch Each Fall, the Children's Ministry Team sponsors the Pumpkin Patch. You may initially think of this as a fundraiser for Children's Ministry needs (which it is), but more importantly, it is a way to meet our neighbors and invite them to feel the warmth of our church family. Volunteers staff the Patch daily for about three weeks in October, starting on Lord's Acre/ Fall Festival weekend, and ending at Halloween. Shifts run from 10 am - 7pm on weekday, and a bit earlier on weekends. Volunteers collect money and greet visitors. Pumpkin unloading is a family event and individual volunteer shifts are available through the run of the Patch. Watch the newletter for specific dates or contact now to be involved in planning and volunteer coordination. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Low/Low Resource Requirements: None Pre-requisites: None Contact: Christy Barto

817-737-3161 [email protected]

S.A.M. Activities Senior Adult Ministries (S.A.M) brings together older members for fellowship and fun. Activities are organized throughout the year and include things such as museum trips, day-trips (via the church bus) to nearby destinations (such as Clark Gardens in Mineral Wells), meal gatherings and other fun things at a senior pace. Volunteers help identify and coordinate activities. AHUMC members attend and invite friends. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Low/Low Resource Requirements: None Pre-requisites: Activities intended for individuals 60+, but others welcomed Contact: Rev. Nancy Allen

817-737-3161 [email protected]

Special Events and Safety CoordinationTeam ***NEW*** Members of this team will interface with our FWPD Neighborhood Patrol Officer, and perhaps area neighborhood associations. Additionally, team members will help ensure participant safety during events through their attention to traffic control (both vehicles and people), coordination of street closure with the City, and other related items. The team may also promote basic safety with occasional seminars or updates on pertinent local safety topics. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Low/Low Resource Requirements: None Pre-requisites: None Contact: Kakkie Cunningham

817-737-3394 [email protected]

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Vacation Bible School Helpers AHUMC hosts Vacation Bible School for children ages three through those entering sixth grade. This week long, inter-generational time of lively Bible learning and fun is hosted in June, and will be held in the evenings this year (VBS has also been hosted as a day-time opportunity). Adults of all ages (men included!) are invited to join as we model our faith and lead our children to learn about God and feel his love. Volunteers are needed to assist in all facets of Vacation Bible School:

- Administration (marketing, registration) - Decoration - Snacks coordinator - Music - Games - Worship

Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Medium/Medium Resource Requirements: Out of pocket expenses may be incurred, and are reimbursable upon request. Pre-requisites: Passion for children, and passion for your volunteer area Contact: Allison Smith

817-793-7850 [email protected]

Welcome Center Volunteer We need friendly and helpful people stationed at the Welcome Center in the Atrium before and after worship services and other church events. Individuals will provide general information to visitors and others, as well as make introductions, greet, and guide individuals to other locations in the building. You will receive your training "on the job" by partnering with an experienced volunteer for the first few times you help. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Low/Low Resource Requirements: None Pre-requisites: None Contact: Robbie Patton

817-909-2584 [email protected]

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Radical Hospitality


Worship Services Ushers A great opportunity for newcomers to get to know the congregation. We have ushers for all three worship services on Sunday morning. A smile and a handshake is the goal to ensure that every person who comes to worship (member or visitor) at Arlington Heights Methodist Church feels welcomed. The ushers greet, provide the worship bulletins and collect the offerings. Individuals volunteer on a recurring or rotating basis, as best suits his or her schedule. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Low/High Resource Requirements: None Pre-requisites: Willing to commit to at least one worship service a month Contact: Brice Cottongame

817-877-4900 [email protected]

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Passionate Worship 18

PASSIONATE WORSHIP The Practice of Passionate Worship is celebration - expressing our love of God in Christ through the Spirit that involves our mind, body, and soul. Opportunities to consider include: Chancel Choir Communion Servers Family Advent Celebration Handbell Choir Homebound Communion La Posada Lectio Divina Group ***NEW*** Middle Service Band Ministry of Cards and Calls Prayer Labyrinth Special Seasonal Worship Vespers Vocal Ensembles

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Passionate Worship


Chancel Choir The Chancel Choir is our large adult choir that sings during Sunday morning worship services and also in larger choral works several times each year. There is no audition for joining this choir, and you need not have a “soloist-quality” voice to be a valued member of the choir. One only needs to have interest in helping to lead worship through song. The choir rehearses from 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm on Wednesday nights. Although regular attendance is encouraged, it is not required, as it is understood that everyone has many responsibilities to balance. We encourage you to also consider and enjoy the fun of being in the choir. As important as the singing is that we do for worship, is the notion that we are a choir family and that we enjoy the many opportunities we experience together. From Pops Concerts to parties to retreats and singing at Cats baseball games, the choir officers work hard to provide fun activities to accompany those relaxed (and enjoyable!) rehearsals we have together. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Medium/Medium Resource Requirements: None Pre-requisites: Prior musical experience helpful, but not required Contact: Steve Simons

817-536-3886 [email protected]

Communion Servers Volunteers are invited to assist with Holy Communion at regularly scheduled and special worship services. Individuals receive a brief training and are asked to be available on a rotating basis to assist with this important worship sacrament. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Low/Low Resource Requirements: None Pre-requisites: None Contact: Frank Shroyer

817-737-3161 [email protected]

Family Advent Celebration Usually the first Sunday of Advent, this evening of activities invites all to prepare for Advent. The event is fun for all ages and includes crafts, missions, a light meal and brief worship. Volunteers are need to help plan and coordinate activities. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Low/Low Resource Requirements: None Pre-requisites: None Contact: Christy Barto

817-737-3161 [email protected]

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Handbell Choir Handbell ringing is a dual art: It is a musical art and a visual art. AHUMC has two adult groups that participate in the art of handbell ringing. Foster-Murray Ringers is the oldest established group and Bell Conte Ringers, a group of more advanced ringers, is in its fourth year of existence. While some ringers participate in both groups, the level of music rung by each group is wide ranging. Both choirs rehearse from late August through mid-May each year and have a 2-hour practice once a week. Both choirs ring in morning worship throughout the year and present two major concerts (May and December) each year. Potential ringers should speak with either or both of our directors in order to determine which choir would best fit the gifts that ringer would bring to the choir. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Medium/Medium Resource Requirements: The Handbell Ministry provides all the necessary equipment needed to participate in a ringing group. Pre-requisites: Participation in a handbell choir does not necessarily require prior handbell ringing experience, but it is essential that ringers have ability and experience with reading musical notation. The handbell choir directors will teach prospective ringers the art of handbell ringing prior to them joining the established handbell groups. Contact: Frank Shroyer

817-737-3161 [email protected]

Homebound Communion Once a month, volunteers visit homebound members to offer the sacrament of Holy Communion. The volunteers receive a brief training, and follow a prepared order of worship. The worship ritual includes an opening prayer, scripture reading, Lord's Prayer, sharing of the elements, and closing prayer. The elements are prepared in individual containers and delivered in a bag available from the church. Communion is usually delivered the week following the first Sunday of the month, as schedules allow. Volunteers are welcome to participate monthly or on a rotating basis. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Low/Low Resource Requirements: Transportation to homebound member's location Pre-requisites: None Contact: Jeanne Boyd or Joann Basham

817-738-0844 [email protected]

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Passionate Worship


La Posada This special Advent experience re-enacts the Christmas Story, complete with the traveling couple, angels and wise men on camels. This outdoor neighborhood event is held on the first Sunday of January to celebrate Epiphany. The worship team includes musicians, singers, dancers, and other costumed characters. Following the procession from Grace UMC and the worship service, guests enjoy AHUMC's hospitality expressed through our gifts of food and small treats. The church lawn is lined with tents from which groups pass out these goodies. A petting zoo is available for children. Volunteers are needed for all positions described. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Low/Low Resource Requirements: Groups sponsoring booths provide the food or treats Pre-requisites: None Contact: Eunice Lopez

817-738-8149 [email protected]

Lectio Divina Group ***NEW*** The practice of Holy Reading is an ancient one. Encountering the scriptures in a prayerful manner opens the Word of God to us in unexpected ways. Lectio Divina involves alternating periods of reading a particular scripture, sitting in silence, reflecting, responding and resting. This is a prayer opportunity rather than a study opportunity. No previous experience required...just an open heart. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Low/Low Resource Requirements: None Pre-requisites: None Contact: Rev. Nancy Allen

817-737-3161 [email protected]

Middle Service Band Voices, guitars, percussion and keyboards combine to enhance the casual worship style of the Middle Service. Musicians are invited to explore opportunities to add their individual talents to the joyful offering of the band. Level of skill and experience will guide how you may be invited to participate. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Medium/Medium Resource Requirements: Instrument, if applicable Pre-requisites: Musical experience required Contact: Jon Albright

817-249-2436 [email protected]

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Ministry of Cards and Calls Be part of the weekly prayer team focusing on concerns identified through the church office. Members meet at the church on Friday mornings to pray as a community for individuals and situations lifted to our attention. The team sends a hand-written note of concern to each individual or follows-up with a phone call, as appropriate. Members continue personal prayers throughout the week for these concerns. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Low/Low Resource Requirements: None Pre-requisites: None Contact: Jeanne Boyd

817-738-0844 [email protected]

Prayer Labyrinth The prayer labyrinth has been around for hundreds of years. In the past 20 years there as been an increase of labyrinths found in the United States. They can be found not only in churches of all denominations but also in hospitals, schools and other institutions. People use the labyrinth to pray, meditate, relax, ask questions and find inspiration. AHUMC is fortunate to have large portable labyrinth that can be made available in Fellowship Hall. This beautiful prayer space is a replica of the labyrinth in the Chartes Cathedral in Chartes France, originally constructed during the second decade of the 13th century and used by countless pilgrims. By offering the labyrinth space, we offer individuals a time to stop… to offer prayers, ask questions, reflect on life events, and maybe even discover answers. The labyrinth is available during Lent, but may be offered at other times as need is identified. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Low/Low Resource Requirements: None Pre-requisites: None Contact: Ministerial Staff

817-737-3161 [email protected]

Special Seasonal Worship Sunday morning worship during special times in our Christian calendar offers the opportunity for new expressions of worship, from special decorations to music, dance and dramatic elements. Volunteers assist the Worship Team in planning, coordinating and leading these services. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Low/Low Resource Requirements: None Pre-requisites: None Contact: Pam Price

see email [email protected]

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Passionate Worship


Vespers Vespers is a service of quiet music, meditation and reflection. It is a prayer based service that covers lectionary scriptures. The group is Lay led and meets every Friday from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm . Bring your friends, you will enjoy this unique worship service. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Low/Medium Resource Requirements: None Pre-requisites: None Contact: James Hinsey

817-291-8975 [email protected]

Vocal Ensembles Vocal Ensembles focus on singing compositions specially suited for smaller choirs. These groups also provide an outreach from AHUMC by taking music to community luncheons, receptions, nursing homes and other event gatherings in small venues, such as the Marty Leonard Chapel. The ladies ensemble, Grace Notes, is for women who love to sing harmonies. This group rehearses each Wednesday evening from 6:30 pm to 7:20 pm in the Sanctuary to prepare music for worship and special occasions. AHUMC would welcome a men’s ensemble or a mixed voice ensemble if you are interested in participating in one of these smaller choral groups. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Medium/Medium Resource Requirements: None Pre-requisites: Prior musical experience suggested Contact: Alice Walker

817-737-3161 [email protected]

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INTENTIONAL FAITH DEVELOPMENT The Practice of Intentional Faith Development includes experiences that help us mature in faith, grow in grace, and increase our knowledge and love of God. Opportunities to consider include: Adult Sunday School Classes Bible 101 Christianity Through the Ages ***NEW*** Companions in Christ Confirmation Mentors Disciple Series Bible Studies (32 Week Courses) Disciple Series Bible Studies (8-10 Week Courses) First Wednesday Book Club Living the Questions ***NEW*** Men's Ecumenical Discussion Group ***NEW*** Methodism 101 Monday Men's Prayer Breakfast Pastor's Bible Study Walk to Emmaus

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Intentional Faith Development


Adult Sunday School Classes Although we traditionally call them “Sunday School Classes”, adult small groups for spiritual formation can meet anywhere and anytime. AHUMC currently has many active groups, but perhaps the one you are looking for is yet to form. Please consider investigating one of the following, or talk to clergy about starting something new! Unless otherwise noted, classes meet at 9:40am on Sundays. Around the Kitchen Table (Variety of ages, couples/singles), Room 215 W Bible Study, Contemporary Issues, Comparative Religions, Discussion Companions (Active retirees, couples/singles), Room 201 W Bible, Social Concerns, Lively Discussion Cornerstone Class (Middle Adults, couples/singles), Room 252 E Bible, Study and Discussions Co-Workers Class (Senior Adults, couples/singles), Room 109/Parlor Adult Bible Study Series, Hymn Singing Franklin's Fellowship (Young Adults), Meet monthly, location and times vary Sunday lunch and lively discussion. The favorite meeting place is the Magnolia Motor Lounge. Conversation ranges from theological to theater to sports. The group is always looking for new folks and new projects; their greatest claim to fame is the creation of FW Dishout. The group meets for a while and breaks for a while; whatever the group decides. Genesis/Partners (Middle Adults, couples/singles), Room 210 Bible, Book Discussions Group Class (50’s to 60’s, couples/singles), Room 202 W Social Concerns, Bible, Relationships Joint Venturers (40’s to 50’s, couples/singles), Room 255 E Bible, Family Issues, Social Concerns Pathfinders (20’s, 30’s & 40’s, couples with children), Room 211 W Scripture, Christian life, Relationships and Biblical and Social Concerns No Frills (Casual fellowship and study in a group led setting), Adult Library This is a drop-in style gathering formed with new comers and occasional attenders in mind. Topics vary and lessons do not carry over from week to week. Sojourners Class (30’s & early 40 something, couples/singles), Room 253 E Basics of the Christian Faith/Bible and Contemporary topics. This class has many families with young children. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Low/Medium Resource Requirements: None Pre-requisites: None Contact: Rev. Nancy Allen

817-737-3161 [email protected]

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Bible 101 This is an introductory opportunity to explore using the Bible, how it came to be, theological themes, historical background, and more. This is a great opportunity for folks "new to the Bible" or who need a refresher. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Low/Low Resource Requirements: Bring your Bible Pre-requisites: An open heart... Contact: Rev. Nancy Allen

817-737-3161 [email protected]

Christianity Through the Ages ***NEW*** How many major Christian denominations can you name? How do these faith traditions relate to each other? This 4 week survey will include historic and theological explorations of Christianity though the ages. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Low/Low Resource Requirements: None Pre-requisites: None Contact: Ministerial Staff

817-737-3161 [email protected]

Companions in Christ The Companions in Christ series of studies are spiritual formation resources edited and published by Upper Room Ministries, www.companionsinchrist.org. The studies focus on spending time together in community, practicing daily habits of personal listening to God, and creating space to listen to God together that move us to action, so that we may be the transformed community, the presence of Christ in the world. Companion groups meet weekly in small groups (6-12 individuals). Classes last about 2 hours and meet on an on-going basis. A rhythm of reading a weekly article, engaging in daily reflective exercises, and a weekly group meetings is the pattern of the Companions experience. Studies in the series are generally 28 weeks in length, but other studies may be selected for Lent, Advent or other focus. New participants are welcome at any time and will join into the group’s current study topic. Two groups are currently meeting: Monday evening and Wednesday morning. Other groups will form as needed. “As we meet together, listen for God, and respond to what we hear, we expect to be transformed!” Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Low/High Resource Requirements: Book purchase $11.50, scholarships available Pre-requisites: Willingness to engage with a community of growing Disciples Contact: Rev. Nancy Allen

817-737-3161 [email protected]

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Confirmation Mentors Individuals serve as a mentor to a 6th grader (confirmand) through the confirmation process of the United Methodist Church. The commitment is for the length of the school year and includes teaching the 6th grade class on a rotational basis with the other mentors, connecting with your 6th grader once per month, and leading confirmation group activiites on a rotational basis. The confirmation program runs from September through May each year. Mentors are recruited in July. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Medium/Medium Resource Requirements: All resources provided Pre-requisites: 1. Interest in building relationships with 6th grade youth 2. Willingness to share your faith with and serve as a role model for the confirmation class Contact: Christy Barto

817-737-3161 [email protected]

Disciple Series Bible Studies (32 Week Courses) The purpose of DISCIPLE Bible study is “to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ.” ~Ephesians 4:12. DISCIPLE: BECOMING DISCIPLES THROUGH BIBLE STUDY focuses on the disciple as learner, believer, follower, proclaimer, and servant while providing the fellowship of a small group for study, prayer, preparation, support, and servanthood. The studies gives the Old and New Testaments equal time, emphasizing the wholeness of the Bible as a revelation of God and draws upon the work of scholars to aid understanding of the Bible. These long-term classes meet weekly in small groups (8-14 individuals). Classes last about 2.5 hours and meet for 32 weeks. Participants prepare with daily readings and reflections (requiring roughly 30 minutes each day). The greater the commitment of the group, the more fulfilling the experience. It is recommended that DISCIPLE I be taken first. Other courses in the series can be taken in any order. Courses include:

- Disciple I: Becoming Disciples Through Bible Study - Disciple II: Into the Word, Into the World - Disciple III: Remember Who You Are - Disciple IV: Under the Tree of Life - Jesus in the Gospels - Christian Believer

Sessions are offered based on expressed interest, so please let the staff know your interests. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Medium/High Resource Requirements: Book purchase, scholarships available Pre-requisites: Familiarity with your Bible Contact: Rev. Nancy Allen

817-737-3161 [email protected]

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Disciple Series Bible Studies (8-10 Week Courses) (Learn more about the DISCIPLE series in a nearby entry.) These short-term classes meet weekly in small groups (8-14 individuals). Classes last about 2 hours and meet for 8 - 10 weeks, depending on the study. Participants prepare with daily readings and reflections (requiring roughly 30 minutes each day). The greater the commitment of the group, the more fulfilling the experience. These courses can be taken in any order. Courses include:

- Invitation to John (11 wks) - Invitation to New Testament (8 wks) - Invitation to Old Testament (8 wks) - Invitation to Genesis (10 wks) - Invitation to Romans (8 wks) - Invitation to the Psalms (8 wks)

Sessions are offered based on expressed interest, so please let the staff know your interests. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Low/Medium Resource Requirements: Book purchase $11.50, scholarships available Pre-requisites: Familiarity with your Bible Contact: Rev. Nancy Allen

817-737-3161 [email protected]

First Wednesday Book Club This casual book club meets at 6:15 pm on the first Wednesday of each month in Room 202. We read a wide variety of books, with the goal of expanding our horizons and learning something about our faith or the world. The group votes on what books to read; some are selections from the United Methodist Women booklist. All are welcomed to attend. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Low/Low Resource Requirements: Provide your own book, scholarships available Pre-requisites: None Contact: Sarah Boyette

(817) 361-7573 [email protected]

Living the Questions ***NEW*** This video-based learning opportunity is designed for those who enjoy lively discussion and expanding perspectives of their faith journey. Topics are designed to help people wrestle with the relevance of Christianity in the 21st century. Sessions are 9-12 weeks in length. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Medium/High Resource Requirements: Purchase study guide, scholarships available Pre-requisites: Previous Bible Study experience recommended Contact: Rev. Nancy Allen

817-737-3161 [email protected]

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Men's Ecumenical Discussion Group ***NEW*** This new group meets monthly and explores topics of interest and importance from various faith traditions. As a new group, it is still "finding its way" and encourages anyone who is interested to join in the discussion and planning. Meets 3rd Monday of the month Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Low/Low Resource Requirements: None Pre-requisites: None Contact: Jason Manriquez

817-386-2129 [email protected]

Methodism 101 Basic introduction to the history, polity and doctrine of the United Methodist Church. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Low/Medium Resource Requirements: Book purchase optional Pre-requisites: Desire to learn more about the UMC Contact: Rev. Nancy Allen

817-737-3161 [email protected]

Monday Men's Prayer Breakfast Each Monday morning at 7AM, a group of AHUMC men meet at Ol'South Pancake House for a devotional, fellowship and prayer. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Low/Low Resource Requirements: None Pre-requisites: None Contact: Stu Arledge

214-789-8442 [email protected]

Pastor's Bible Study As a part of the weekly Heights Nights activities on Wednesday Evenings, Senior Pastor Mary Spradlin leads a small group Bible study. Participants are welcome as regular or occasional attenders. Studies may follow a book series, seasonal study or other special focus. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Low/Low Resource Requirements: May require a book purchase, scholarships available Pre-requisites: None Contact: Gwen Patteson

817-737-3161 (Please ask the office to deliver your inquiry via e-mail) [email protected]

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Walk to Emmaus The Walk to Emmaus is a multi-denominational experience of Christian spiritual renewal that includes a 72-hour retreat, usually in a camp-type setting. Through this retreat, individuals examine their personal walk with Christ and learn more of his love and grace as revealed through talks and meditations, skits and laughter, prayer and song and more. The purpose of the Walk to Emmaus is to prepare Christians to take leadership roles in their congregations and in service to God’s people. The Walk to Emmaus experience begins with the prayerful discernment and invitation from a sponsor (one who has already experience the love and growth of a Walk). After one accepts this invitation and completes an application, the individual is prayerfully considered by Emmaus Leaders beyond the congregation, and in God’s time, the person is invited to a weekend experience. Following the 72-hour experience, participants are joined in small groups to support each other in their ongoing walk with Christ through joint accountability and sharing of praises and concerns. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Medium/Medium Resource Requirements: Application fee and expenses of the weekend experience, scholarships are available. Pre-requisites: Applicants are Christians in regular attendance in their local congregation. Sponsor recommendation and clergy approval are elements of the application process. Contact: Joy Perry

817-731-9772 [email protected]

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Risk-Taking Mission & Service


RISK-TAKING MISSION & SERVICE The Practice of Risk-Taking Mission & Service involves spreading the Spirit and grace of God by serving others in the name of Christ. Opportunities to consider include: Adoption Tree at North Hi Mount Elementary Adult Mission Trip ***NEW*** Church on the Slab Fix-It Squad ***NEW*** G. I. F. T. Shop Habitat for Humanity Heifer International Jenna's Hope of Grace Mission Shop Jo Kelly School Volunteer Kairos Prison Ministries ("Inside") Kairos Prison Ministries ("Outside") KidsHopeUSA Mentoring Lord's Acre / Fall Festival Meals on Wheels NICA (Northside Inter-Commuity Agency) Prayer Shawl Ministry Room In the Inn Stephen Ministry ***NEW*** Union Gospel Mission United Methodist Men - Meal Fundraisers United Methodist Women WestAid Youth in Mission - Adult Volunteer Youth Sponsor

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Adoption Tree at North Hi Mount Elementary North Hi Mount students and their siblings are nominated by the school counselor to be adopted for Christmas by members of our congregation. Children are profiled on angel tags which decorate a tree in our atrium during the early part of Advent. Members of the congregation select children from the tree and purchase gifts for the child(children) they select. Gifts are returned, sorted, and delivered to the school, where AHUMC volunteers assist the school counselor in distributing gifts to parents. Volunteer Opportunities are available for:

- Adoption Tree Helper: work at sign up table in Atrium - Gift Helper: Receive and sort gifts, deliver gifts to school, and assist school counselor

with gift distribution

Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Low/Medium Resource Requirements: A large vehicle helps for gift delivery Pre-requisites: Gift Helper requires some lifting for transport and sorting of gifts Contact: Jane Melms

817-938-9770 [email protected]

Adult Mission Trip ***NEW*** Although AHUMC's Mission Trip focus has traditionally been on summer trips with our youth, many churches organize Mission Trips specifically for Adults. As interest and leadership is present, AHUMC will help organize and fund trips for adults. Opportunities are available in many areas, both domestic and international. From self-defined construction and ministry opportunities such as the AHUMC trip to Mexico City in 2010, to established outreach organizations like the Appalachian Service Project (asphome.org), individuals called to serve in this way can readily find many opportunities to do so. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Low/Medium Resource Requirements: Leadership to organize and coordinate the mission opportunity and fundraising requirements Pre-requisites: Some international trips may require inoculations Contact: Kevin Allen

817-738-9568 [email protected]

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Church on the Slab The Church on the Slab is a fellowship of believers that meets at Rosedale and I-35 in Fort Worth. Many congregants are street people who - as their experiences have shown - would not be welcomed in many traditional churches. The Church on the Slab provides outreach to homeless veterans, elderly and working poor living on the streets of Tarrant County. Food, water, clothing, counseling and spiritual guidance are daily aspects of the supportive services provided. Sunday service begins promptly at 9:30 a.m. This includes praise, worship and teaching based singularly on the Holy Scriptures. At the close of the service, volunteers provide nearly 170 meals and distribute clothing and hygiene kits. This is a youth led ministry for our church, and AHUMC volunteers worship at The Church on the Slab the first Sunday of each month, and assist in distribution of clothing and supplies, as well as in the serving of a meal. Visit their website at isyourheartpure.org. Volunteer Opportunities include:

- Driver: Provide transportation for volunteers from AHUMC to The Church on the Slab - Helper: Assist as needed in serving a meal and distributing supplies to the homeless - Donations Coordinator: Coordinate the collection of used clothing and shoes (or other

items as needed)

Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Low/Low Resource Requirements: Donations Coordinator should have transportation to deliver donations to The Church on the Slab 8 am - 5 pm weekdays or by appointment. Pre-requisites: Volunteers meet at AHUMC to travel together to The Church on the Slab. Volunteers should wear comfortable, casual clothes and shoes. Contact: Robin Burroughs

817-673-7785 [email protected]

Fix-It Squad ***NEW*** Individuals with basic home maintenance and light construction skills will be available to the Trustee Committee and Building Maintenance Manager to assist with small repair and maintenance projects around the church. Individuals will be called on as tasks and small projects arise. Individuals will be expected to provide basic tools and necessary safety gear, but materials and supplies will be provided by the church. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Medium/Medium Resource Requirements: Basic tools and safety gear Pre-requisites: Individuals must identify their specific construction / repair skills and their level of competence so that appropriate tasks will be assigned. Contact: Paul Wright

817-472-2631 [email protected]

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G. I. F. T. Shop G.I.F.T. Shop (Giving Inspired by Faith and Thanksgiving) is an annual event in which local non-profit agencies are invited to AHUMC on a Sunday morning to provide an opportunity for AHUMC members to support the agencies with direct donations. Agencies provide a gift acknowledgement of a tangible item for each donation made to their agency. For instance, Meals on Wheels might offer “10 meals for the elderly” for a $20 dollar donation. A gift card is provided, which may be gifted to a loved one acknowledging that “10 meals” have been provided in their honor. Volunteers are needed to help contact agencies, arrange the event, and help agencies on the day of the event. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Medium/Medium Resource Requirements: None Pre-requisites: None Contact: Kelly Bevis

817-377-2262 [email protected]

Habitat for Humanity AHUMC occasionally organizes workdays to participate in Trinity Habitat for Humanity construction projects in the Fort Worth area. Founded in 1976 by Millard and Linda Fuller, Habitat for Humanity has built more than 300,000 quality affordable homes and has served over 1.5 million people around the world. Habitat volunteers, working hand-in-hand with the families they serve, build quality, affordable homes using donations of money and materials. Trinity Habitat is the local affiliate that serves the four counties around Fort Worth. In addition to being ranked #21 out of 1,571 Habitat affiliates in the nation in new home production, Trinity owns and operates four “ReStores”, retail outlets where used and new building materials are sold at a fraction of normal prices. Proceeds from the stores help Habitat's mission of building more homes. ReStores also help the environment by re-channeling good, usable materials into use. These stores (two in Fort Worth, one in Arlington and one in Cleburne) need volunteers willing to give of their time on a recurring basis to assist with inventory, unloading donations, and helping customers in the stores. Volunteers are especially needed during the week. Visit their website (www.trinityhabitat.org) for store info or contact as indicated to be involved in AHUMC’s project participation. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Low/Low Resource Requirements: None Pre-requisites: None Contact: Ed Coburn

817-249-4619 [email protected]

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Heifer International Heifer International is a nonprofit, humanitarian organization dedicated to ending hunger and poverty and caring for the earth. Heifer currently provides livestock, trees, seeds and training in environmentally sound agriculture to families in more than 50 countries, including the United States. Visit their website at www.heifer.org Children at AHUMC routinely support this mission though cash and coins collected during children’s time in the worship services. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Low/Low Resource Requirements: None Pre-requisites: None Contact: Christy Barto

Jenna's Hope of Grace Mission Shop Jenna's Hope of Grace Mission is a ministry of Grace UMC, our covenant congregation, located at the corner of Clover and Calmont. Jenna’s is a thrift store and proceeds from sales benefit other ministries of Grace. Clothing and houseware donations are accepted Monday through Thursday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. There is not room for furniture in the store, but Grace hosts a Garage Sale bi-annually, and accepts larger items then. Volunteers help sort and organize merchandise and assist customers. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Low/Low Resource Requirements: None Pre-requisites: None Contact: Janice Culpepper

817-731-1984 [email protected]

Jo Kelly School Volunteer Jo Kelly School is a unique FWISD campus for students with severe challenges. Most of the students use wheelchairs and need assistance with daily living skills. They are cared for by a dedicated staff who takes care of their needs and supports their families. AHUMC volunteers assist the staff in various ways, such as serving meals to staff and parents, hosting an annual Christmas party, and helping with a Scout Day school carnival. Volunteers who sew may make bibs and lap robes for students per teacher requests. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Low/Low Resource Requirements: Volunteers often provide home-made treats for the staff. Pre-requisites: None Contact: Jane Melms

817-938-9770 [email protected]

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Kairos Prison Ministries ("Inside") Kairos is an International Christian Ministry addressing the spiritual needs of incarcerated men, women and children, and to their families and to those who work in the prison environment. Through Kairos Inside, trained teams of volunteers present an introductory 4-day weekend (described as a short course in Christianity) to incarcerated individuals inside the prison facility. The facility Chaplain carefully selects up to 42 inmate leaders to attend. A well-organized follow up program is part of Kairos Inside. Two weekends are held each year, with subsequent follow-ups. Volunteers are needed for both the Inside Team and the Support Team. All volunteers must attend 6 team meetings for training. On event weekends, the Inside Team spends 30 hours (beginning Thursday evening, concluding Sunday afternoon) with the Brothers in White. The Support Team stays at a nearby host church to prepare meals, sort cookies and pray individually and corporately (at Chapel time) for the volunteers and the Brothers in White. Funds for Kairos are raised by individual and team fundraising events. Weekends are scheduled at the Alred Unit (Wichita Falls) in April and October, at Estes (Venus) in July and December. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Low/Medium Resource Requirements: Individuals must assist in fundraising Pre-requisites: Inside volunteers must have a strong spiritual and prayer life and good communications skills, and be prepared to share the Good News and relate one-on-one with the Brothers in White. Support volunteers should have basic cooking and organizational skills. Contact: Robbie Patton

817-909-2584 [email protected]

Kairos Prison Ministries ("Outside") Kairos is an International Christian Ministry addressing the spiritual needs of incarcerated men, women and children, and to their families and to those who work in the prison environment. Kairos Outside sponsors a special annual weekend retreat designed to support the female loved ones of men and women who are or have been incarcerated. Families of the incarcerated “do time” right along with their loved ones. In a safe environment with loving people, women interact with other women who are in similar situations and learn to form small groups to support and give them strength for the challenges they face. Volunteers help plan, coordinate and host a weekend retreat with good food, comfortable accommodations and lots of fun surprises for these women. In addition to the hosting the event (Friday evening through Sunday afternoon), volunteers attend a meeting for training before the event weekend and a reunion afterwards. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Low/Low Resource Requirements: None Pre-requisites: None Contact: Joy Perry

817-731-9772 [email protected]

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KidsHopeUSA Mentoring KidsHopeUSA is an in-school mentoring program that partners one church with one school to reach and love at-risk kids in one-to-one relationships. AHUMC is partnered with North Hi Mount Elementary. Trained mentors meet with one child, for one hour each week. The mentoring time is built around growing a simple caring relationship between a single mentor matched to a single child. A behind-the-scenes prayer partner supports this match by lifting them in prayer each week at the time of their meeting. Volunteer opportunities are available for:

- Mentor: For one year, the Mentor meets weekly (at the school) in a 1 hour session with a child (K-5th grade) on a consistent day and time during the school week.

- Prayer Partner: For one year, the Prayer Partner prays weekly at the time the Mentor and Student are meeting.

Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Medium/High Resource Requirements: None Pre-requisites: Mentor - basic reading and math skills, application, 4 hour training, background check; Prayer Partner - application, 1 hour training Contact: Linda Allen

817-738-9568 [email protected]

Lord's Acre / Fall Festival This is the annual fall event in which AHUMC invites members and the surrounding neighborhood to celebrate God’s generosity with food, fellowship and giving. Activities include a canned food collection, live auction, silent auction, food booth, general store, country kitchen, children’s area, musical entertainment, and a drawing for specific donated items. Volunteers are needed to coordinate and run all activities. Monetary proceeds of the event are shared among the Trustees Committee, the Missions Committee and the operational budget of the church. Trustee Funds go to the ongoing maintenance and improvement of AHUMC’s facilities. The Missions Committee funds are directed to non-profit agencies, missional activities of AHUMC, or missions of the global UMC. Food collections made in the past have been directed to the Tarrant County Food Bank, NICA and WestAid. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Low/Low Resource Requirements: Individual donations of hand-crafted items, food-goods and gift certificates for goods and services provide the inventory for auctions and sales areas through which funds are raised. Pre-requisites: None Contact: Kevin Allen

817-738-9568 [email protected]

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Meals on Wheels The Meals On Wheels Association of America is the oldest and largest national organization composed of and representing local, community-based Senior Nutrition Programs in all 50 U.S. states, as well as the U.S. Territories. All told, there are some 5,000 local Senior Nutrition Programs in the United States. These programs provide well over one million meals to seniors who need them each day. Some programs serve meals at congregate locations like senior centers, some programs deliver meals directly to the homes of seniors whose mobility is limited, and many programs provide both services. AHUMC supports Meals on Wheels with week-day meal deliveries to homebound, elderly or disabled individuals on specified routes. Meals are delivered Monday-Friday at lunchtime. Meals are picked up after 10:30 at a designated location. Delivery time takes from 1-1.5 hours. Most volunteers deliver meals once a month. Volunteer opportunities include:

- Meals on Wheels Driver: Volunteers pick up meals at a local distribution site and deliver meals to clients at their homes.

- Substitute Driver: Same as Driver, but fills in when regular volunteers are unavailable

Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Medium/High Resource Requirements: Volunteer must be a licensed driver with a vehicle (with auto insurance) Pre-requisites: Volunteers should like interacting with people (primarily the elderly) Contact: Marie Johnston

817-624-3054 [email protected]

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NICA (Northside Inter-Commuity Agency) NICA is a community agency that is working to prevent poverty by helping people in need to help themselves and their neighbors. NICA provides food, clothing, and self-help programs to families on the Northside of Fort Worth and surrounding communities. NICA’s vision includes the whole family: physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual aspects. The most pressing needs are met through direct aid programs. Providing a hand-up, not just a handout, longer-term goals are met through case management, crisis counseling, and employment, education and community services. NICA’s aim is to aid and empower, to provide or link people to opportunities to get back on their feet, to strengthen their families, and ultimately to strengthen their neighborhoods. Vist the NICA website nicaagency.org. Volunteer opportunities include:

- Thrift Store Helper: Making visitors feel welcome, helping clients find sizes, recording sales and donation of clothes, sorting clothes, thanking donors

- Holiday Volunteer: Help with applications for assistance, count and sort food, assemble Thanksgiving baskets, help with toys

- Food Pick-up Volunteer: Meet at scheduled times on Tuesday, Thursday or Friday mornings to pick up and deliver food that is donated to NICA

Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Low/Low Resource Requirements: Food Pick-Up Volunteers need a truck. Help is provided for loading and unloading - lifting not required Pre-requisites: Volunteers may participate on an occasional or on a recurring basis, as best suits the individual Contact: Barbara Nance

817-236-4012 [email protected]

Prayer Shawl Ministry The Prayer Shawl Ministry is an international ministry that reaches out to those in need of comfort and solace by gifting hand-made items, symbols of prayers. Volunteers turn yarn and fabric into items that are interwoven with prayers, to reach out to those in need of comfort and solace with hand-made creations.The creation and presentation of a shawl, lap-robe, baby blanket or any other hand-made item enriches the giver as well as the recipient. Volunteers work independently and gather once a month for fellowship, updates regarding recipients, and blessing of the hand-made items for donation. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Medium/Low Resource Requirements: The ministry is dependent on individual donations of supplies Pre-requisites: Ability or desire to learn how to crochet, knit, quilt or sew Contact: Lana Halpin

817-738-0087 [email protected]

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Room In the Inn Room in the Inn is a community collaboration of area churches who work together to provide a safe place within the church for homeless men, women and children to sleep during the hottest (July and August) and coldest (December, January and February) months of the year. While the concept is new in Fort Worth, it has been a well established ministry in Nashville, Tennessee for more than 20 years. AHUMC participates in Room in the Inn, offering shelter to 12 single women on Thursday evenings. Volunteers set up the sleeping room, prepare the beds, make and serve the evening and morning meals, stay overnight, and transport our guests to and from the Day Resource Center. Volunteers also launder bed linens and towels following each stay. Individuals, families, Sunday school classes and other groups are invited to assist. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Medium/Low Resource Requirements: Volunteers provide the meal. Donations of personal toiletries and hygiene items provide necessities for each guest Pre-requisites: A Training is required of all Room in the Inn volunteers and is held prior to each season of Room in the Inn Contact: Joy Perry

817-731-9772 [email protected]

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Risk-Taking Mission & Service


Stephen Ministry ***NEW*** Stephen Ministries is a program of lay caregiving founded in 1975, and now active in more than 9000 congregations in over 100 denominations (www.stephenministries.org) Guided by the words of St. Paul, Stephen Ministries endeavors "To equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until all of us come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to maturity, to the measure of the full stature of Christ" (Ephesians 4:12-13). To become a Stephen Minister, a member must pass a thorough interview and screening process, and complete a course of required trainings. Once complete, these individuals become the congregation’s lay caregivers, caring for people inside and outside the congregation, including those experiencing grief, divorce, job loss, terminal illness, loneliness, spiritual crisis, hospitalization, relocation, and other life difficulties. Men are matched with men, women with women. Caring relationships last for as long as the person needs this level of care. Stephen Ministers are not pastors nor counselors, simply loving caregivers serving others in need. Stephen Ministers receive guidance and support from the ministerial staff and AHUMC’s adjunct counselor, Dr. Monica Kintigh. They also participate regularly in continuing education to enhance their skills and help them keep growing as caregivers. AHUMC is seeking to re-engage in Stephen Ministry and is seeking applicants to be caregivers as well as to serve in two leadership roles in the Ministry. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Medium/High Resource Requirements: Training is required and may require purchase of materials. Costs are reimbursable on request Pre-requisites: Volunteers apply and are approved through an interview and screening process conducted by the ministerial staff Contact: Rev. Nancy Allen

817-737-3161 [email protected]

Union Gospel Mission Go to the the Union Gospel Mission on the 3rd Saturday of each month to serve the evening meal, which includes 3 settings: women and children residents, men residents and the homeless. We meet in the parking lot of the church at 3:30 pm or at the Union Gospel at 4:00 pm. The first setting is at 5:15 pm. We help by taking the food trays to the tables, serving the food in the kitchen, cleaning the tables, folding napkins, etc. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Low/Low Resource Requirements: Provide your own transportation or meet at the church for carpooling at 3:30 pm; wear comfortable, closed shoes, no open sandals Pre-requisites: None Contact: James Hinsey

817-291-8975 [email protected]

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United Methodist Men - Meal Fundraisers United Methodist Men is a group for Christian Fellowship and Service among the men of AHUMC. This group supports youth scholarships, Aldersgate Enrichment Center and other missions with meal fundraisers throughout the year. Volunteers for the meal fundraisers need basic cooking, serving and cleaning skills. Each meal requires a few hours, meals are served on Sundays (pancake breakfast, fiesta dinner). Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Low/Low Resource Requirements: None Pre-requisites: None Contact: Jack Smith

817-946-9901 [email protected]

United Methodist Women United Methodist Women is a community of women whose purpose is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church. Local members of UMW are organized in groups known as “Circles”. Active Circles at AHUMC are:

- Gee/Crow/Gist Circle meets the fourth Tuesday morning of every month at the church at 10 am, focusing on multi-media mission studies

- Lois Carver Circle meets the first Thursday morning of every month focusing on hands-on mission projects, both on and off-campus

- Wilma Smith Night Circle meets the first Monday of each month in members’ homes at 6:30p.m. The group alternates a study with a mission project

Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Low/Medium Resource Requirements: None Pre-requisites: None Contact: Gale Boyd

817-296-5629 [email protected]

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Risk-Taking Mission & Service


WestAid WestAid is a nonprofit organization providing assistance to Southwest Tarrant County since 1985. WestAid provides emergency food, monthly food assistance, holiday food assistance, and local transportation (via public transport vouchers and gasoline vouchers) to for qualified applicants. AHUMC supports WestAid through occasional food collections and assembly of holiday food baskets. Volunteers help coordinate these collections at AHUMC and work directly with WestAid for food pantry management and other work tasks. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Low/Low Resource Requirements: None Pre-requisites: None Contact: Shirley Modesitt

817-732-3702 [email protected]

Youth in Mission - Adult Volunteer Each summer, AHUMC sponsors two youth service trips, one for Junior High Youth, one for Senior High Youth. On these week-long trips, adult volunteers provide leadership while working side by side with our youth in hands-on mission work. The Senior High Trip takes place in June as a part of the Central Texas Conference Youth in Mission (CTCYM) coordinated event, involving youth from churches from across the Central Texas Conference. Mission sites are in a neighboring state, and involve construction work and repairs on individual homes. The Junior High Trip takes place in July and is organized by our church for our youth, with the focus and work-type changing each year. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Low/Medium Resource Requirements: See pre-requisites Pre-requisites: Adult Volunteers must pass background checks, have a valid driver's license, and have the ability to work. Varying levels of construction skills are welcome, and some positions (cooks and administrative positions) do not require outdoor physical labor. Contact: Robin Burroughs

817-673-7785 [email protected]

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Youth Sponsor Adult Sponsors meet weekly on Sunday evening (5pm-7pm) with our youth (grades 7-12). Along with the Youth Director, these sponsors provide a listening ear, a hearty laugh and some gentle guidance as our youth navigate life and their paths of growing discipleship. Our youth are engaged in a variety of fun and service based activities, but primarily come together to be a community of faith supporting each other in Christ's love. Sponsors generally serve for one year, meeting each week and occasionally for special events like overnight lock-ins or Conference events. Caring adults who are not able to make the year-long commitment are also invited to participate as they are able. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Low/High Resource Requirements: None Pre-requisites: Background check and love of Youth grades 7-12 Contact: Robin Burroughs

817-673-7785 [email protected]

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Extravagant Generosity


EXTRAVAGANT GENEROSITY The Practice of Extravagant Generosity involves sharing and giving of our resources, such as time, talent, and gifts, for the purpose of sharing Christ with others. Opportunities to consider include: Advent Noon Concert Helper Audio/Visual Team Becoming a Tither ***NEW*** Bible Study Facilitators Birthday Shepherds Children/Youth Sunday School Teachers Children's and Junior Choirs Church Committees Communion Preparation Volunteers Financial Peace University ***NEW*** Fort Worth Dish Out Giving Made Easy Instrumentalists ***NEW*** Lay Leader Academy ***NEW*** Lay Speakers Lenten Noon Concerts Helpers Library Helper Lighting Director ***NEW*** Office Volunteers Prayer Labyrinth Helper ***NEW*** Recycling Team Remembering the Church through Wills and Estate Planning ***NEW*** Spiritual Gifts ***NEW*** Sunday School Leaders & Teachers Understanding Church Finances ***NEW*** Youth Snack Supper

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Advent Noon Concert Helper One weekday during Advent, a noon concert is held in the Atrium. Various individuals and ensembles perform, and a simple meal is provided for a modest cost. Volunteers are needed to prepare dining tables in the Atrium and to assist with food preparation, serving and clean-up. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Low/Low Resource Requirements: None Pre-requisites: None Contact: Kakkie Cunningham

817-737-3394 [email protected]

Audio/Visual Team The Audio/Visual Team provides care for and operation of the audio, video and lighting resources for events at the church. Volunteer experience, training requirements, and service commitments depend on the role filled. Middle Service A/V Operator: Several individuals are needed to be on rotating assignment to operate the sanctuary sound system for the Middle Service. One individual is needed each Sunday. Since almost all of the set-up is done by others, one Sunday of observing is all the training that is required. The commitment is to serve one month every three or four months. We can work out lots of flexibility in the schedule when necessary. First & Last Services A/V Operator: Several individuals are needed to be on rotating assignment to operate the sanctuary sound system for the 8:30 and 10:50 services. This is a long term commitment. Individuals are needed to be on call when one of the regular operators needs to be absent, or (with sufficient experience) to be worked into a regular rotation. Persons interested in this job need to have some background in operating and hook-up of audio devices (hook-up and operation of a home theater set-up will suffice). A one-hour PowerPoint training session plus several Sundays of observing are required. Persons in this category may also be called on to cover special services in the sanctuary such as weddings, funerals, and other non-Sunday events. A/V Operator for Other Church Events: Several individuals are needed to help with providing audio/visual support for the whole church. Some background in audio/visual devices is desirable but not absolutely necessary. The training will be "on-the-job". The commitment is an hour or two per month as needed. Tasks will range from repair of microphone cords to set-up of projectors (and screens) including use of a lap-top computer as an input device for the projector. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Medium/Medium Resource Requirements: None Pre-requisites: Experience as noted Contact: Phil Truax

817-244-1547 [email protected]

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Extravagant Generosity


Becoming a Tither ***NEW*** John Wesley said “Earn all you can ; save all you can; give all you can". For most of us, this is easier said than done. This new 4 week study will explore the Biblical principle of tithing, and offer practical advice on how to get from where-you-are to where-you-want-to-be in your financial stewardship. Clergy and lay members will lead this study. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Low/High Resource Requirements: None Pre-requisites: None Contact: Rev. Nancy Allen

817-737-3161 [email protected]

Bible Study Facilitators Many Bible studies at AHUMC are lay led, generally by an individual who is an experienced facilitator, has received specific training, or has previously experienced the study materials. Facilitators are not teachers, in that they lead the group to experience the lesson series together, using prepared resources and guide questions. Facilitators should be good listeners, accepting of others,and willing to devote required time and spiritual energy to preparation for and delivery of materials within the group setting. Studies vary in length (4 to 34 weeks) depending on the study series. Opportunities are available for seasonal studies, Heights Nights short-term offerings, and weekly classes. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Medium/High Resource Requirements: Varies based on assignment Pre-requisites: Familiarity with materials and clergy approval for specific leadership assignment Contact: Rev. Nancy Allen

817-737-3161 [email protected]

Birthday Shepherds Our Birthday Shepherds help build and foster a better community throughout our church by contacting members on or around their birthday with a 'wellness call'. Shepherds call to let each person know that he or she is remembered in prayer on their special day. As possible, Shepherds engage the individual in conversation: confirming church records, informing of coming events, asking about interests and church involvements, and inviting prayer requests. Information is passed along to staff as appropriate to assure members are supported in ways that are invited. Shepherds contact about five people each month. "Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God." Acts 20:28 Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Low/Medium Resource Requirements: Phone to make calls and the ability to convey information along to staff via written record Pre-requisites: None Contact: Lana Halpin

817-738-8879 [email protected]

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Extravagant Generosity 48

Children/Youth Sunday School Teachers If you love children and young people, enjoy interacting with delightful, thoughtful young people, and are willing to commit to nurture them in their faith journey, then this is an opportunity for you! Regular teachers and substitutes are needed for all classes from age 2 through Senior High. Curriculum is provided; support and training occur on a regular basis; fun is guaranteed. You can help on an occasional basis or in an every Sunday capacity. There is much flexibility in this opportunity. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Low/Low Resource Requirements: None Pre-requisites: Must pass back-ground check and attend "Safe Sanctuaries" training Contact: Christy Barto or Robin Burroughs

817-737-3161 [email protected] or [email protected]

Children's and Junior Choirs There are so many reasons to volunteer your time with the choirs for our children. When children sing in worship, they feel ownership in their church. Singing and participating in choir puts the focus on what children can give to the church rather than what they get. The stories and words of every song are based on church theology and Bible teachings, and these discipleship lessons form and inform their young lives. Adult and youth volunteers are needed to assist in weekly choir practices and occasional performances. Individuals help the children learn words and music, as well as other performance elements of special musical offerings. The Children’s and Junior choirs meet at 4 pm and 5 pm, respectively, on Sunday evenings. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Low/High Resource Requirements: None Pre-requisites: Prior musical experience helpful, but not required Contact: Tani Simons

817-536-3886 [email protected]

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Extravagant Generosity


Church Committees Committees perform a number of vital functions in the ongoing operation of our church. Committee service is a great way to get to know others in your faith community, as well as to be involved in creating discipleship opportunities for yourself and others. Consider serving on one that matches your skills and interests and will provide you with opportunities for spiritual growth. Only a few of the committees require any specific training, but all encourage enthusiastic and committed involvement. Time requirements vary by committee. Please see any member of the ministerial staff if you would like information regarding a specific committee and feel called to serve in that area. Members are nominated to serve 3 year terms:

- Discipleship Council - Endowment Committee - Finance Committee - Haupt Preschool Board - Lay Leader (Sits on all of the committees and attends as many as he/she is able) - Lay Leadership Committee - Lay Members to the Annual Conference - Staff Parish Relations Committees - Trustees Committee

On-going Committees:

- Adult Ministries - Children's Ministries - Evangelism Team - Hospitality Team - Mission Committee - Senior Adult Ministries - Worship Team

Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Low/Medium Resource Requirements: In most cases, no specific resources are required Pre-requisites: For most committees, interest and enthusiasm are the only requirements. Time committments vary depending on the committee. Contact: Ministerial Staff

817-737-3161 [email protected]

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Extravagant Generosity 50

Communion Preparation Volunteers Individuals are invited to assist with communion by setting up the elements prior to service, clearing the table following the service, and cleaning the serving pieces and linens afterwards. The linens must be laundered, pressed and ready for the next use. Individuals are needed for regularly scheduled and special worship services and are invited to volunteer weekly or on a rotating assignment basis. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Low/Low Resource Requirements: Resources to launder and press the linens Pre-requisites: None Contact: Ministerial Staff

817-737-3161 [email protected]

Financial Peace University ***NEW*** AHUMC has not recently offered a series on personal finance but many are available. One popular series is offered by Dave Ramsey, American financial author, radio host, and motivational speaker. Ramsey’s materials focus on discouraging the use of debt, and include a Christian perspective, based on his personal faith. “Financial Peace University” is a Biblically-based 13-week video training series for adults, with a companion series available for teens. Children’s materials are also available. Some topics covered in the series are cash flow planning, investing, saving, credit, retirement, and giving. Learn more at www.daveramsey.com Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Low/High Resource Requirements: Purchase study guide, scholarships available Pre-requisites: None Contact: Ministerial Staff

817-737-3161 [email protected]

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Extravagant Generosity


Fort Worth Dish Out Fort Worth Dish Out (www.fwdo.org) is a part of the Sunday Soup network of local micro-financing initiatives growing throughout the US. It has been created to be a first step for members of the Fort Worth community to learn more about locally based projects and initiatives that serve the greater good. Fort Worth Dish Out provides an easily accessible, fun opportunity to gather in community with entrepreneurial spirits who are motivated and interested in helping worthy projects in need of a platform to gain more awareness. Roughly four times annually, Dish Out hosts a simple meal at a local venue where three locally based projects are highlighted. Guests pay $20 for the meal, and join others to learn about the projects. Following presentations by representatives from each project, guests vote on the one that most inspires them. The winner receives 60 percent of the night's net proceeds; the remaining 40 percent is split evenly between the other two projects. Event attendees make the micro-financing possible, so individuals are encouraged to come and invite friends to attend the events. You will learn about the people and projects that are important in our community, as well as possibly find a new opportunity to plug into some good work. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Low/Low Resource Requirements: $20 per person for each event Pre-requisites: None Contact: http://www.fwdo.org

Giving Made Easy It has been said that, "Stewardship is everything you do after you say , ‘Yes’ to Jesus". It is a lifestyle choice that recognizes our responsibility, as followers of Christ, to be wise and generous stewards of all that we have given. This includes our contributions of time, talent, prayers, and financial resources. Financial stewardship at AHUMC can now be simpler. You have the option of contributing electronically on a weekly, monthly or annual basis. The church accepts bank transfers from your checking, savings accounts, debit cards, Visa and Mastercard. Contact as indicated for information. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Low/Low Resource Requirements: None Pre-requisites: None Contact: Sue McCuistion

817-737-3161 [email protected]

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Extravagant Generosity 52

Instrumentalists ***NEW*** The Music Ministry welcomes individuals who play an instrument to volunteer their talents to the church. You may be one of the talented instrumentalists in our community of faith, but have never considered offering your musical gifts through the church. Although professional musicians may be hired for more involved performances, volunteers are often the source for worship offerings and other special events. From accompaniment to vocal music, to solo or ensemble presentations, many options are available. Level of skill and experience will guide the opportunities in which you may be invited to participate. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Medium/Low Resource Requirements: Instrument, if appropriate Pre-requisites: Music experience Contact: Alice Walker

817-737-3161 [email protected]

Lay Leader Academy ***NEW*** AHUMC Lay Leader Academy will debut this summer and fall! In three or four 6 hour sessions, Academy attendees will find out about United Methodism and AHUMC. The Academy is intended for individuals currently active in leadership roles at AHUMC or those interested in becoming more involved in the leadership of our church. The sessions will provide active fellowship with others interested in strengthening our fruitful congregation, and will cover a broad view of issues and practicalities that are important to understanding how our church works. From a back-stage tour of the building, to an overview of Wesleyan theology, attendees will journey and learn together. Specific session topics are TBD. Attendees will be asked to attend all sessions, if possible. We hope to have enough interest to host the Academy annually. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Low/Medium Resource Requirements: None Pre-requisites: None Contact: Rev. Nancy Allen

817-737-3161 [email protected]

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Extravagant Generosity


Lay Speakers A designation offered by the United Methodist Church, a certified Lay Speaker serves in ministry to the congregation. Lay speakers are engaged in the following ways: • leading meetings, prayers, and study programs • assisting in worship services • providing support to care-giving ministries Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Medium/Medium Resource Requirements: The initial 12-hour training will require purchase of materials, approximately $25. The annual training seminar cost is $195, which includes lodging and meals. Pre-requisites: Lay speakers are called into purposeful role in ministry in the church. To obtain certification, candidates receive 12 hours of training over six weeks. Thereafter, Lay Speakers maintain status by attending a seminar each year. Contact: Rev. Nancy Allen

817-737-3161 [email protected]

Lenten Noon Concerts Helpers One week during Lent, concerts are held in the atrium during the noon hour. Various individuals and ensembles perform, and a simple meal is provided for a modest cost. Volunteers are needed to prepare dining tables in the atrium and to assist with food preparation, serving and clean-up Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Low/Low Resource Requirements: None Pre-requisites: None Contact: Kakkie Cunningham

817-737-3394 [email protected]

Library Helper AHUMC has two wonderful libraries: Children's and Adult. Both collections include a selection of religious and secular books, periodicals and multi-media resources. Individuals are welcomed to assist the Volunteer Library Coordinators in the on-going management of the libraries Tasks may include resource check-ins and organization, assisting library visitors, being a reader for Vacation Bible School, helping with the summer reading programs and assisting with occasional projects. Volunteers are invited to serve on a recurring or occasional basis. Training is provided. Carolyn Davis is the Children's Library Coordinator; Kathleen Lobrecht is the Adult Library Coordinator. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Low/Low Resource Requirements: None Pre-requisites: Training is required for some tasks Contact: Carolyn Davis / Kathleen Lobrecht

817-246-2337 / 817-423-3075 [email protected]

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Extravagant Generosity 54

Lighting Director ***NEW*** One or two individuals are needed to take on the job of Lighting Director for various special performances such as musicals and dramas. AHUMC has a lot of lighting equipment including a spot-light, fixed lights, and lighting controllers. The Lighting Director would work with the director and producer of a proposed performance to decide if the available equipment would do the job or if other lighting equipment needs to be borrowed or rented. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Medium/Low Resource Requirements: None Pre-requisites: Experience with lighting equipment Contact: Phil Truax

817-244-1547 [email protected]

Office Volunteers Volunteers are needed occasionally to help with preparation of printed materials, general office tasks or miscellaneous light administrative assignments. Interested individuals are included on a call list and contacted when needs arise. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Low/Low Resource Requirements: None Pre-requisites: None Contact: Gwen Patteson

817-737-3161 [email protected]

Prayer Labyrinth Helper ***NEW*** When the prayer labyrinth is presented, a docent is available to help individuals on their journey, offering materials that may be helpful in the individual's walk, including a history of labyrinth and scriptures. The labyrinth is usually presented during Lent, but may be offered at other times as need is identified. Volunteers are invited to support the labyrinth ministry by serving as docents and by speaking to groups interested in learning more. Training is available. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Low/Low Resource Requirements: None Pre-requisites: None Contact: Wendie Lunsford

817-891-5290 [email protected]

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Extravagant Generosity


Recycling Team You may have noticed the recycling bins on the way into Fellowship Hall. A team of volunteers maintains and manages these bins in order for members to have an option for responsible stewardship of personal recycle-able items. Volunteers are need to manage the bins and deliver items to the FW recycle center (or other appropriate destination) as bins are filled. In the past, AHUMC has also had an Environmental Stewardship Team that provided oversight to ways in which our congregation can be good stewards of the resources we need and use. If you are interested in serving on such a team, contact as indicated. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Low/Low Resource Requirements: None Pre-requisites: None Contact: Bill Sumner

817-737-3161 [email protected]

Remembering the Church through Wills and Estate Planning ***NEW*** As you conduct your personal financial planning, in may be helpful to know more about options for bequests to the church or other charitable organizations. This proposed two week study would explore both “what to give” and “ways to give”. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Low/Low Resource Requirements: None Pre-requisites: None Contact: Church Office

817-737-3161 [email protected]

Spiritual Gifts ***NEW*** Every person is gifted by God. These spiritual gifts are innate - inborn orientations that transcend skills or abilities. Prayerfully discerning your unique gifts can enhance and energize your discipleship journey. Questionnaire style assessments can introduce you to the gifts of the Spirit, but to fully understand your giftedness and learn of ways to use these gifts in connection with others in the community of faith, study in a group setting is encouraged. "Spiritual Gifts", a 6 week course, will be offered at AHUMC as interest is expressed. To get a taste of the 20 spiritual gifts identified in the new testament, take the on-line assessment available on the United Methodist Church webpage. (www.umc.org <http://www.umc.org/> and search "spiritual gifts"), then let us know of your interest in the study. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Low/Medium Resource Requirements: None Pre-requisites: None Contact: Rev. Nancy Allen

817-737-3161 [email protected]

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Sunday School Leaders & Teachers As you continue your journey of intentional faith development, perhaps you are called to provide leadership to your peers in a small group or Sunday School Class setting. Perhaps the call is to share your growing understanding of faith issues as a teacher, either for a series of lessons or a one-session spotlight of a special pilgrimage or faith experience. A list of available teachers and topics is available to classes, and your offering can be listed here. "So continue encouraging each other and building each other up, just like you are doing already." I Thessalonians 5:11 Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Medium/Medium Resource Requirements: None Pre-requisites: Desire to grow and serve Contact: Rev. Nancy Allen

817-737-3161 [email protected]

Understanding Church Finances ***NEW*** Understanding the basics of church finance may help inform your Discipleship journey. This proposed two week class would cover the basics of church finance, from exploring how the AHUMC budget is established, to learning about the endowment, special giving and apportioned giving of the UMC. In the midst of learning about finances, you may come to know more about how we take Christ into the world. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Low/Low Resource Requirements: None Pre-requisites: None Contact: Rev. Nancy Allen

817-737-3161 [email protected]

Youth Snack Supper Each Sunday evening, our youth meet for fellowship and learning. The evening begins with a light meal served at 5:30. Individuals and groups are needed to prepare and serve the meal each week, which is set buffet-style in the main room on the youth floor. The meal should feed 15-20 and includes an entree, dessert and drinks. Plates, cups, napkins and plastic-ware are provided. The cost of the meal is off-set by a $2 contribution by each youth. Menu tips are provided when you sign-up. Difficulty of Content/Commitment: Low/Low Resource Requirements: Cost of food Pre-requisites: None Contact: Linda Allen

817-991-3808 [email protected]

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Make Disciples of Jesus Christ to Transform the World


Arlington Heights United Methodist Church 4200 Camp Bowie Boulevard

Ft. Worth, TX 76107 817-737-3161