aidan burley mp's annual report 2011/12

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Aidan Burley MP's Annual Report 2011/12


AIDAN BURLEY MPAnnual Report 2011/12Your Member of Parliament for Cannock ChaseHouse of Commons, London SW1 A

Aid an Bur ley MP


The Cannock Jobs Fayre

MPS JOBS FAYRES HELP LOCAL PEOPLE BACK INTO WORKAs part of his mission to get Cannock Chase working, Aidan Burley organised two local Jobs Fayres last September. Over 600 local people and 40 employers attended the two Jobs Fayres held at South Staffordshire College in Cannock and the Rugeley Rose Theatre, where over 360 CVs were given out to employers. As well as meeting potential employers, local people also had the opportunity to attend a number of free seminars and workshops aimed at improving their employability skills, including CV workshops. The Fayres delivered real success, with over 50 jobs being offered as aAidan welcomes a jobseeker to the Cannock Jobs Fayre

direct result of people attending the Fayres. For example, 8 jobs were filled at Blue Bird Care, 4 jobs at HSBC, 3 jobs at Chase Tyres, 2 jobs at the Newlife Foundation and many more, including a good number of the 400 recent appointments at Amazon. Many apprenticeship places were also signed up for on the days themselves, including over 60 at Cannock, with many more candidates filling in their application forms online at the laptops provided at both Jobs Fayres. Local Cannock jobseeker Matt Bainborough said after the Fayre,Aidan with some of the potential employers exhibiting at the Fayres

Welcome to my second Annual Rep ort, provided to you at no cost to the taxpayer. I hope you find it an interesting and informative account of what I have been doin g on your behalf, both locally here in Cannock Chase and dow n in Westminster. The MP Help Zone in High Gree n Court, Cannock has gone from strength to strength. In the last twelve months we have helped over 1,500 individual constituents, many on several occasions. I have kept my commitment to base the majority of my team in the constituency, with three fulltime, dedicated staff working for you all year round. You never need an appointment just pop in and get help and advice, Monday to Friday, 10am-4pm. In Westminster I have continued to stand up for you the people of Cannock Chase. I have spok en in 30 Debates, tabled 42 Parliamentary Questions to Ministers and responded individually to thousands of ema ils and letters. I have voted in 82% of votes in this Parliament classed as above average on the independent website theywork I have tried to change the law to help severely disabled children access high specification wheelchairs and attempted to end the end the scandal of the taxpayer, instead of the Unions, paying the wages of their full time officials in the public sector. I look forward to continuing to serve you all in the year ahead.

To sum up today in one word superb. Today has given me an added boost of enthusiasm and hope to find a new employer.Aidan chats to a local jobseeker at Rugeley

Aidan said: I always said if we could help one person back into work the Fayres would be worth it. Im delighted weve helped over 50.

Aidan with three Jobs Fayre attendees who got jobs at Bluebird Care after the Fayres

This report has not been paid for by public money. It has been entirely funded by private donations, and printed locally in Rugeley.

LUNTEER DAYS VOMay 2011 Aidan spent an evening volunteering at the Aquarius Ballroom in Hednesford. Aidan felt honoured to be volunteering on the final weekend of dancing at the ballroom, famous nationwide for its perfect dancing floor. It was an emotional evening, hearing people's stories of meeting loved ones at the dance many years ago. Aidans duties for the evening included welcoming guests and selling tickets. April 2011 Aidan joined volunteers to conduct the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty's 2011 Visitor Survey. The survey aims to establish how many visitors travel to the Chase, where they come from, and why they visit AONB sites in order to continually improve the tourism offer to local people and protect Cannock Chase.

around the ch month volunteering ends up to one day eaon his Volunteer Days from the past year. Aidan Burley MP sp some brief reports community. Here areJune 2011 Aidan worked in the British Heart Foundation store in Cannock Town Centre, operating the till and sorting out donated stock. He also spent time helping raise money for the "Big Hearts wear Little Hearts" campaign, raising awareness of heart problems in children and young people. Aidan was struck by just how busy and popular the shop was and how hard the 3 paid staff and their army of more than 44 registered volunteers work to keep things running smoothly.

August 2011 Aidan helped out at prominent Cannock charity Newlife Foundation for Disabled Children, a great local charity that helps to raise awareness and money to support families with disabled and terminally ill children. Aidan started the day spending time stocking up shelves before serving on the till at the popular Newlife at Home store in Cannock. Aidan then moved across to Newlife HQ where he joined their brilliant Nurse team, reviewing equipment grant applications from families across the UK.

July 2011 Aidan spent the evening helping out at the Help for Heroes Summer Ball at the Lea Hall Club in Rugeley. The event, attended by more than 200 people, raised money to help and support serving and retired armed forces personnel. Aidan helped sell raffle tickets before presenting awards and certificates of appreciation to soldiers who have been on active service in Afghanistan and Iraq.

October 2011 Aidan volunteered to help with support group You Too. This group gives parents of children with additional needs being assessed by the Child Development Centre somewhere to go to talk to other parents and get advice from professionals. Aidan welcomed the parents and listened as they shared their experiences. Later in the day, Aidan helped supervise the childrens activities, allowing the parents the time to get the advice they need.

September 2011 Aidan joined volunteers from the Inland Waterway Association who help campaign for the use, maintenance and restoration of Britain's Inland waterways. After a ride down the canal to see the impressive work already done to clean up the canal edge, Aidan and fellow volunteers moored by the 'Bloody Steps' in Rugeley where they cleaned up graffiti, painted railings, dug out compacted turf and trimmed trees.

December 2011 November 2011 Aidan joined the staff and pupils at Hazel Slade Primary School in Cannock Wood to help serve up lunch. The school's new healthy eating policy has been a great success and Aidan was happy to help promote their healthy eating menu and the wider importance of healthy eating by donning a chefs hat and serving lunch. Aidan headed over to the Cannock Campus of South Staffordshire College to take part in a painting and decorating apprenticeship lesson. With paintbrush in hand, Aidan set about painting one of the training booths before being taught how to wallpaper a room quickly and easily. These are real 'hands on' sessions that enable the apprentices to hone their skills in a real environment. Apprenticeships are central to the Government's strategy to deliver growth and a sustainable economy.

February 2012 March 2012 Aidan spent time meeting and talking to volunteers from Victim Support. They help support victims and witnesses of crime through the court process, which can often be daunting and intimidating. Aidan praised the valuable work they do in supporting the local community. Aidan joined the Friends of Norton Canes at Norton Canes Library, hand-making greetings cards, specialising in a 'ladys apron' 3D design, which they sell at local craft shows for charity. As well as getting stuck in making cards, Aidan also held a 90 minute Q&A session with local residents, hosted by Norton Canes Community Partnership.


Annual Report 2011/12attending a care quality seminar at Stafford Hospital and the public meeting in Cannock. During a recent visit to Cannock Hospital (pictured with Stafford MP Jeremy Lefroy and Occupational Therapist Alison Nunney), Aidan took the opportunity to press the Trust to ensure sufficient services are provided at the Hospital. He was pleased to learn that more services for Minor Injuries will now be operated at Cannock. Patients needing X rays and plastering for breaks or fractures will be able to get treatment at the Hospital's Minor Injuries Unit (MIU), to complement existing treatments. Aidan was shown around Cannock Hospital by Mid Staffs Trust Chief Executive Lyn Hill-Tout who has recently committed to the future of the Hospital following a question by the Cannock Chase MP at a recent public meeting, asking her to commit to a "two site solution" which would ensure the futures of both hospitals.

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News in brief...Aidan with staff at local Cannock firm Fuel Conservation Services Limited. Aidan raising the shocking case of Jobe Felton with David Cameron at Prime Ministers Question Time. Aidan alongside Managing Director of local business Mailcoms Ltd, Des McManus. Aidan at the JCB Cab Systems factory in Rugeley with local workers. Aidan visiting growing business Key Precision Ltd in Hawks Green.

SUPPORTING THE FELTONS AND ABDUCTED ANGELSAt Prime Minister's Questions (PMQs) in January Aidan raised the horrific case of constituent Jobe Felton who was kidnapped from his home in Norton Canes and taken to Thailand by his mother in March 2010. Six months later his father, Sean Felton, finally tracked Jobe down in a remote village and found his son in a terrible condition. Jobe couldn't speak, had broken teeth and bruises all over his body. Jobe's father believes that had he not got Jobe back then, Jobe would have been sold.Aidan with the General Manager of Cygnus Automotive in Cannock, and Cllr Mike Sutherland.

BURLEY BACKS BUSINESSAidan Burley MP believes the best way to get our economy back on track is to support local businesses, who will in turn create jobs and growth. Since being elected, Aidan has visited many local businesses, meeting with managers and staff in order to best understand issues affecting them. For example, during his visit to local taxi meter manufacturers Cygnus Automotive, Aidan learnt of an issue in a 1976 law which is hampering the firm, which he took back to Westminster to lobby to get changed. Later in 2012 Aidan will also be coorganising the first ever Cannock Chase Business Awards along with TheBestOfCannock.

Aidan at the reopening of the refurbished Brian James Furnishing in Cannock.

PROTECTING CANNOCK & STAFFORD HOSPITALSAidan has been working hard over recent months to ensure the re-opening of Stafford Accident and Emergency Unit and also to ensure that sufficient services are provided in Cannock Hospital to keep it economically viable. Aidan has met with Health Minister Simon Burns MP, Trust Chief Executive Lyn Hill-Tout and PCT Chief Graham Urwin several times to apply continuous pressure for the re-opening of Stafford A&E as soon as possible. He has been holding the Leadership team at Mid Staffordshire NHS Trust to account by

Aidan answering pupils questions during a visit to Moorhill Primary School.

Aidan said: "This visit gave me the opportunity to witness some of the vital services the hospital offers as well as enabling me to ask questions on key issues, including ward closures and car parking.

VISITING LOCAL SCHOOLSAidan speaking about trade union reform at a Trade Union Reform Campaign event, which Aidan chairs.

TRADE UNION REFORMAidan has spoken multiple times in the House of Commons over the past year calling for an end to taxpayer funding for Pilgrims. These are people employed to do a public sector job, like teaching or social care, only to spend all their time on trade union and often political activities. Aidan believes that at a time of national austerity every penny of taxpayers money should be spent on services.

debates in the past Aidan has spoken in 30 written questions to 42 year, as well as asking ered by Aidan have Ministers. Topics cov irs, s on powered wheelcha included regulation lear power stations, business, housing, nuc g. foreign affairs and policin

Speaking in the House of Commons

Aidan with local constituent Charlotte Wright from Breakthrough Breast Can Campaigns & Advocacy Network (CAN cers ) at the 12th Annual Westminster Fly-In event to discuss how to improve breast canc er survival rates, including Breakthrough Breast Cancer's Bridging the Gap in Breast Cancer Survival Char ter.

Backing Breakthrough Breast Cancer

Organising Chase Community Showcase

Aidan at the Chase Community Showcase at the Premier Suite in Cannock Town Centre in August 2011. The event, organised by Aidan and his Help Zone team, was aimed at promoting and showing the benefits of the Big Society here in Cannock Chase.

"Cannock Hospital should be a source of local pride and I am keen to ensure the Hospital is fully utilised. Its hydrotherapy pool and facilities are simply world class and I urge all local people to ask their GP to refer them to Cannock Hospital, if appropriate, for their ailments. We need to bang the drum for Cannock Hospital and the quality healthcare it provides on our doorstep."

Over the course of the past year Aidan has visited many local schools to support their work and hear about any problems or issues that he can help resolve. During these visits, Aidan always makes time to spend as much time with the pupils as possible - talking to them about his work as a Member of Parliament and also answering their questions. Aidan at Hednesford

Research by Aidan's office has shown that each year in the UK over 500 children are kidnapped in similar circumstances. Aidan praised the work of Sean Felton and his charity Abducted Angels and called on the Government to do all it can do to help other parents in similar situations. In his response the Prime Minister said: "It is absolutely vital we put in place the best possible arrangements. As he knows, the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) system is going to be put into the National Crime Agency. I very much hope we will be able to legislate for the National Crime Agency and make sure it is properly resourced. It is vitally important that when these appalling acts happen we get on top of them right away. The early time and early effort is absolutely vital in saving these children."

Aidan with Sean and Jobe Felton during their visit to Parliament.

CAPPING BENEFITS FOR FAMILIES WHO DONT WORKAidan has welcomed the Government's welfare reforms which mean the benefit payments an out of work household can claim are capped at 26,000 per year - to ensure that work always pays. Under Labour, households were able to receive up to 104,000 per year in Housing Benefit alone, which Work & Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith MP (pictured with Aidan in Cannock) was determined to stop. Furthermore, Labour opposed this cap, voting to maintain a something for nothing culture. Commenting, Aidan said: "In Cannock Chase

Aidan has also welcomed a number of schools to the Houses of Parliament, where they have enjoyed a tour, the chance to see the House of Commons in action, as well as time to talk to Aidan about the burning issues of the day. If you are a teacher or school governor and would like to arrange a visit for your Aidan at Chadsmoor Community Infants and Nursery School, where school to Westminster, please call Aidans office on 01543 he became a milk monitor to celebrate World School Milk Day. 502 447.

Valley High with Head teacher Anita Rattan and pupils.

APPRENTICESHIPSThe number of people starting an apprenticeship locally increased by 610 last year. This is thanks to the Government's extra spending and cutting of red tape to encourage businesses to take on apprentices. Aidan at a presentation on a new social media apprenticeship programme run by local firms. Aidan is also supporting a new social media apprenticeship programme run by SSC Learning in Hednesford and Passionate Media in Bridgtown.

Aidan awarding the priz e to Charter Fair winning MO this years Rugeley BILE float - The Royal British Legion with local councillor Ann Allt and members of the winnin g float team.

Judging at Rugeley Char ter Fayre

Supporting 3 Battalion the Mercian Regimentrd

MPs Aidan alongside other Staf fordshire alion rd ing their support for the 3 Batt show s) whilst the Mercian Regiment (the Stafford tan. e service in Afghanis they were on activ

Aidan with Cannock Chase constituents Elizabeth and Philip Orm Dystrophy Campaign me e at a Muscular eting, where Aidan pledged to back local fam devastating muscle-wast ilies affected by ing fight for specialist ser vic disease in their es, which they say would change lives wh ile millions of pounds in cos saving the NHS ts.

Combatting Muscula r Dystrophy

JOY AS SPACESHIP INCINERATOR IS FINALLY REJECTED BY COUNTY COUNCILAidan Burley MP was appalled that Staffordshire County Councillors initially approved planning permission for a huge new incinerator in Cannock. The decision would have been disastrous for public health and sent out the repellent message that it is okay for Cannock to be the dumping ground of the West Midlands. After intensive lobbying by Aidan and local Conservative District Councillors the decision was finally overturned by the County Council. This is great news for local people.

CHASE LINE SPEED UPGRADEAidan has welcomed news that Network Rail are funding the West Midlands Line Speed Improvement scheme for the Chase Line. The Chase Line has the second highest levels of passenger growth in the Centro area and this important scheme will help deliver faster journey times, allow better value for money and facilitate better connections at Rugeley Trent Valley.

POST OFFICES SECURE IN CANNOCK CHASEA 10-year deal between Royal Mail and the Post Office has been struck, securing the future of services without resorting to the failed closures programme which dominated Labour's time in government. Commenting, Aidan said: "In opposition I campaigned tirelessly to overturn Labour's cuts to our Post Offices here in Cannock Chase. This news means the future of the Post Office is secured."

the average person would have to pay tax for 32 years to pay for one household to receive 104,000 in benefits a year, which could happen if Labour had their way. This benefit cap shows that Conservatives are the party of fairness, standing up for hard working taxpayers."

Sean Felton, who was in the gallery with Jobe during PMQs said: "I cannot thank Aidan and his aide Peter enough for all the help and support they have given me over the last two years firstly in my fight to get my son back and then on my efforts to help other parents like me."

Opening Little Learners Nursery

Aidan at the launch event for Little Learners Nursery at South Staffs College in Cannock. He is pictured here alongside Chief Executive Principle of South Staffs College Graham Morley, putting his hand to some new art work for the nursery!

Aidan and Rt Hon Mark Francois MP visiting Briggs Equipment UK Ltd in Orbital Way, Cannock as part of Freaky Friday to help raise funds for local charity, Dogs for the Disabled. Aidan and Mark brought prizes from the House of Commons and helped judge the winning charity competition entries, which all had a dog theme, before driving a forklift truck and meeting with local workers.

Raising funds for charity

Promoting the Staffordshire Hoard

Lefroy, Aidan with Staf ford MP Jeremy Minister John Penrose MP, Tourism Corfield Staffordshire County Councillor Pat a briefing and an Anglo Saxon warrior after . on the Staffordshire Hoard on Tour

Promoted by Ian Collard on behalf of Aidan Burley MP, both at 90 High Green, Cannock WS11 1BE and printed by The Benhill Press Ltd, Brook Square, Rugeley, Staffordshire, WS15 2DU.

AIDAN CYCLES THE TOUR DE NOCK FOR CHARITYAidan was among over 250 riders who braved freezing January temperatures to take part in the Tour de Nock charity bike ride to raise money for local charity The Hibbs Lupus Trust. Beginning at Hayes Green Community Centre, the MP rode 45 miles through the Chase and Staffordshire, at one point even entering South Derbyshire! Aidan, who was equipped for the event with a racing bike and cycle equipment from Mammoth Lifestyle and Fitness, was joined by Ian Kendrick, Bar Manager of the local Conservative Club. Together they raised over 350. Organised by local The men Neil Scriven and Matt Williams Aidan helps present a cheque for 1744.94 of Cycle Shack and to the Hibbs Lupus Trust from money raised sponsored by during the Tour de Nock. Chuse Design and Cycle Shack, the event raised 1744.94 for the trustees, friends & supporters of Hibbs Lupus Trust. The Hibbs the charity and so relies heavily on Lupus Trust provides support for the support of the general public. those affected by lupus and helps raise awareness of the condition. It is run entirely by voluntary

Aidan with Tour De Nock cycling partner Ian Kendrick

RAISING MONEY FOR WOODEN SPOON CHILDRENS CHARITYAidan Burley MP has helped Wooden Spoon, the children's charity of rugby, raise 6,000 at a dinner prior to the opening games of the Six Nations. A House of Commons bottle of whisky signed by the Prime Minister and donated by Aidan raised 100 to help disadvantaged children at the event organised by Spoon regional chairman Phil Pemble. "Aidan provided one of our more unusual auction items," said Phil, "and the money raised will be used to benefit less fortunate children who need our help. We put on these events and use the fellowship of the sport to provide help for needy children and young people out in our communities."Aidan donating a bottle of House of Commons whisky, signed by the Prime Minister, which was used to raise money for the Wooden Spoon childrens charity.

How to contactBy phone: 01543 502 447 By post:

AIDAN BURLEY MPBy email: [email protected] In person: Drop into the MP Help Zone (address left) or call for an appointment at one of Aidans regular help and advice surgeries.To contact Aidan Burley MP online and to read more news from your Member of Parliament for VisitCannockBurley visit: website at Aidan Chase MPs

Aidan Burley MP 6 High Green Court, Newhall Street Cannock, WS11 1GR

You can now follow Aidan Burley MP on Twitter - @AidanBurleyMP


Promoted by Ian Collard on behalf of Aidan Burley MP, both at 90 High Green, Cannock WS11 1BE and printed by The Benhill Press Ltd, Brook Square, Rugeley, Staffordshire, WS15 2DU.