aids treatment is prevention

Imagine ending a disease that has killed 30 million people. Thirty years ago when HIV/ AIDS was discovered, a world without it was un- imaginable. It was a rampant disease and there were few effective ways to control it. Globally, there are still 2.6 million new infections and 1.8 million lives claimed every year by AIDS. In the United States 56,000 new cases occur every year, and AIDS is the leading cause of death for young African-American women. But now, thanks to stunning scientific advances, effective public health programs, and the voices of every- day people fighting for governments to support HIV treatment and prevention, the end of AIDS is not just a dream — it can be a reality — but only if we act! We have the know-how to halt and reverse this epidemic, but we need your voice to make a difference. JOIN RESULTS THIS JULY FOR AIDS 2012! AIDS Treatment is Prevention In 2011, a study known as HPTN 052 proved conclusively that treating HIV-positive people early with antiretroviral therapy (ART) can re- duce the risk that they transmit the virus by 96 percent. By suppressing the virus, AIDS drugs not only keep people living with HIV healthy and alive, the drugs can prevent the virus from being passed on to others. The research also showed that early AIDS treatment reduced the occurrence of tuberculosis, the leading killer of people living with HIV/AIDS, by 84 percent. The implications of the study are momentous. We now know that treatment is prevention. When used in combination with other preven- tion strategies, including the prevention of transmission from pregnant mothers to their children, we can turn the tide against HIV/AIDS. By starting AIDS treatment earlier, improving the quality and access of TB services, and en- suring people living with HIV/AIDS are tested for TB (and vice versa), we can reduce TB-re- lated AIDS deaths by 80 percent by 2015. That would prevent an additional 1 million deaths. Investing to End the Epidemic Recent economic modeling from UNAIDS shows that investing more in treatment efforts now will reduce the cost of the AIDS response in the long run. It’s common sense — waiting to address a problem can often make it more expensive. Increasing global spending by an additional $5 billion per year by 2015 would not only save lives and prevent new infections, it would make such an impact on the epidemic that the total cost of fighting AIDS would start to decrease. However, global AIDS spending fell by 10 percent in 2010 — the first decline in a decade. Translating Evidence into Action Now is a critical moment to bring together evidence and activism to demand that the U.S. Government embrace the opportunity to invest now in the end of AIDS. In July, AIDS 2012 – the International AIDS Society conference – will be held in Washington, D.C. and it will attract tens of thousands AIDS experts and activists. This is the global moment to generate political commitments in the fight to end HIV/AIDS. Now is not the time to retreat, not when we possess the tools to end AIDS. CAN YOU IMAGINE THE END OF AIDS? IMAGINE… 2012 WILL BE THE YEAR WE BEGAN TO END AIDS. Find out more | | 202.783.7100

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Post on 03-Feb-2022




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Imagine ending a disease that has killed 30 million people. Thirty years ago when HIV/AIDS was discovered, a world without it was un-imaginable. It was a rampant disease and there were few effective ways to control it. Globally, there are still 2.6 million new infections and 1.8 million lives claimed every year by AIDS. In the United States 56,000 new cases occur every year, and AIDS is the leading cause of death for young African-American women. But now, thanks to stun ning scientific advances, effective public health programs, and the voices of every-day people fighting for governments to support HIV treatment and prevention, the end of AIDS is not just a dream — it can be a reality — but only if we act! We have the know-how to halt and reverse this epidemic, but we need your voice to make a difference. JOIN RESULTS THIS JULY FOR AIDS 2012!

AIDS Treatment is PreventionIn 2011, a study known as HPTN 052 proved conclusively that treating HIV-positive people early with antiretroviral therapy (ART) can re-duce the risk that they transmit the virus by 96 percent. By suppressing the virus, AIDS drugs not only keep people living with HIV healthy and alive, the drugs can prevent the virus from being passed on to others. The research also showed that early AIDS treatment reduced the occurrence of tuberculosis, the leading killer of people living with HIV/AIDS, by 84 percent.

The implications of the study are momentous. We now know that treatment is prevention. When used in combination with other preven-tion strategies, including the prevention of transmission from pregnant mothers to their children, we can turn the tide against HIV/AIDS. By starting AIDS treatment earlier, improving the quality and access of TB services, and en-suring people living with HIV/AIDS are tested for TB (and vice versa), we can reduce TB-re-lated AIDS deaths by 80 percent by 2015. That would prevent an additional 1 million deaths.

Investing to End the EpidemicRecent economic modeling from UNAIDS shows that investing more in treatment efforts now will reduce the cost of the AIDS response in the long run. It’s common sense — waiting to address a problem can often make it more expensive. Increasing global spending by an additional $5 billion per year by 2015 would not only save lives and prevent new infections, it would make such an impact on the epidemic that the total cost of fighting AIDS would start to decrease. However, global AIDS spending fell by 10 percent in 2010 — the first decline in a decade.

Translating Evidence into ActionNow is a critical moment to bring together evidence and activism to demand that the U.S. Government embrace the opportunity to invest now in the end of AIDS. In July, AIDS 2012 – the International AIDS Society conference – will be held in Washington, D.C. and it will attract tens of thousands AIDS experts and activists. This is the global moment to generate political commitments in the fight to end HIV/AIDS.

Now is not the time to retreat, not when we possess the tools to end AIDS.



Find out more | | 202.783.7100

JOIN US! July 21-24 in Washington, D.C. for the RESULTS/RESULTS Educational Fund Internation-al Conference to End Poverty and AIDS 2012!

Learn the impacts of poverty here in the U.S. and globally and the fight against HIV/ AIDS! Build new advocacy skills with experts in the field! Join with others to build a solidarity movement for justice! Engage directly with your policymakers and use your voice to make a difference!

For three decades RESULTS has been shining the light on critical and effective solutions to poverty through savvy grassroots advo-cacy. By combining the collective, powerful voices of volunteer advocates in over 100 communities throughout the U.S. with solid research and oversight of U.S. anti-poverty efforts at home and abroad, we have been changing our government’s priorities as well as people’s lives.

Annually, RESULTS’ volunteer activists from around the globe gather together for the RESULTS International Conference (IC) in Washing-ton, D.C. The IC offers inspiring, high-level speakers; educational workshops on effective poverty solutions; advocacy skills trainings; and the experience of lobbying on Capitol Hill. All of this happens in an atmosphere of passion, collaboration, support, and fun.

Previous speakers have included:• Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State and former First Lady

• Winstone Zulu, Zambian AIDS Activist and patient advocate

• Prof. Muhammad Yunus, Nobel Peace Prize laureate and Founder of the Grameen Bank

• Stephen Lewis, UN special envoy for HIV/AIDS in Africa

• Ambassador Mark Green, Senators Dick Durbin, Sherrod Brown and Bob Bennett, and many other members of Congress!

In July, the 2012 RESULTS IC will coincide with AIDS 2012. Both conferences are being held in Washington, D.C. during an election year, and President Obama and Congress will need to pay atten-tion! (See reverse side for more info on the end of AIDS.)

Through the years, the RESULTS IC has helped drive many poverty reduction successes. We’ve powerfully aligned the annual RESULTS IC with AIDS 2012 to create a unique moment: combining our suc-cessful advocacy model with the voices of thousands of others to create even greater momentum for the end of poverty and AIDS. The RESULTS IC will offer a special “advocacy boot camp” with ses sions for experienced advocates looking to deepen their skills and trainings for people completely new to advocacy. During AIDS 2012, admission is free to the Global Village Expo where there are networking opportunities and teach-ins. These confer ences are for anyone looking to make a difference on poverty and AIDS. Learn to use your voice to bring health, education, and economic opportuni-ty to those who need it most. Make a real difference and have fun! The 2012 RESULTS International Conference will be our largest and most impactful ever, and we hope to see you there!

RESULTS, more than any citizen’s group, has had an incredible impact on world health and on bringing attention to these problems…The progress would be much less if you were not so engaged.

Senator Sherrod Brown

RESULTS is one of the few voices we have that is really trying to say the right thing on Capitol Hill. Otherwise we would be in a pretty sorry state without your efforts… It doesn’t matter how large your organization is on the Hill; it matters how effectively your organization works on the Hill.

Laurie Garrett, Author and Senior Fellow at Council on Foreign Relations

For me, there is nothing like the feeling of using my voice for those who have no voice.

Sammi Fredenburg, RESULTS Volunteer

I remember my first conference as a volunteer myself. It was the energy, the community, and the strategic support to confidently knock on the doors of about half a dozen Hill offices that got me hooked on RESULTS and this work.

Dr. Joanne Carter, Executive Director of RESULTS


Find out more | | 202.783.7100