aiesec curtin newsletter issue 7

AIESEC Curtin Issue No. 7 14 th Aug 2012 Distributed by AIESEC Curtin Marketing and Communication Portfolio For any questions, feedbacks and suggestions, please contact [email protected] AIESEC Curtin Go Global event LCP corner GoGobal events updates Portfolio updates OGX newsletter No.1 AIESEC Elearning site Upcoming events and important notices

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AIESEC Curtin internal newsletter issue 7 Aug 2012


Page 1: AIESEC Curtin newsletter issue 7



Issue No. 7


Aug 2012

Distributed by


Marketing and Communication Portfolio

For any questions, feedbacks and

suggestions, please contact

[email protected]

AIESEC Curtin Go Global event

LCP corner

GoGobal events updates

Portfolio updates

OGX newsletter No.1

AIESEC Elearning site

Upcoming events and important notices

Page 2: AIESEC Curtin newsletter issue 7

Hey AIESEC Curtin,

Welcome to my corner once again. I can’t believe I have 4 months left in my term. I feel like it was only yesterday that I remember having a bucket filled with chips, grass, sand, soap, sticks, leaves and a bit of water poured over my head to signify that I had been elected as LCP of 2012.

To be honest though, my LCP term has been far from stock standard. However I wouldn’t change anything for the world. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger? And having these challenges at a young age really have helped me transition better into my current full time job and the challenges I meet every day at work.

Looking back at my LCP term thus far, and entering into a construction analogy, I would like to say the current EB team (and me apart of this team) have worked hard in ensuring that the foundations of AIESEC Curtin are good and solid. When you do the foundations of a building, you don’t just dig a hole and pour some cement in. First you start with the soil. There is no way you can build a house on mud if you know what I’m saying? Then you ensure you have your foundations in the right place. Where you’re load bearing walls are going to be, you need to put your foundations. You’re building is just going to collapse if you don’t provide proper support where it needs to be supported. Not to mention the water proofing of the concrete so you’re concrete doesn’t rot and the steel inside the concrete doesn’t rust. So you see, a lot needs to happen with the foundations. And if you don’t get it right, you need to start all over again.

The foundations will be finished soon and hopefully ready to support an LC that can achieve 15 TNs and 150 OGX

in the future, maybe even more. Sometimes an EB team might come along and create a new foundation to extend the building out, or dig under an existing foundation to add extra support to make the building 5 stories high. But never will future EB teams have to re-visit past foundations.

Currently, when you look back at the block of land, there is no pretty housing there, no beautiful structure. Just a lot of dirt and cement. In saying this AIESEC Curtin we may not have a pretty house or a beautiful apartment complex at the moment, but we are almost finished with good, solid foundations that will support the growth I know will definitely come to AIESEC Curtin in the coming years.

I’m not sure if this will be my last LCP corner for 2012 so I would like to take a moment to appreciate my Executive Board Team for their efforts in 2012 thus far. Without you guys, my LCP role would be so boring... Linh your thoughtful comments and advice, Whitney your threats to kill the world and commitment, Ernest your Laugh and normalisation, Tien your blank looks when I ask you questions as well as your ‘can do’ motivation, Krunal your humour and determination, and finally Vivien the strong shoulder I can always lean on. I will never forget our team and the awesome work we have done. We have four months left and I know we can achieve our Vision!!!

We’ve done a lot of hard work in the past 7 months AIESEC Curtin, but I can tell you now. The next 5 months will only get harder. So never give up, never settle for less than excellence and ‘work smart, work hard - play harder’ ;)

Xo shez

LCP corner

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Go Global events and RTF updates

Heyya Everyone :)

As you all know the EP RTF team has been working hard over the past month to get Curtin students to go on our amazing Go Volunteer and Go Teach programs. We started off with producing huge sign up numbers at the Guild Day and Careers Fair Stall. This was followed by the Info session where we had a massive 22 attendees!! And just last Wednesday we had the Global Community Exchange Forum with the help of the Curtin Careers Centre. We launched the FB photo competition at the Global fair and so far our Facebook Page has increased by 100 likes!!

These are great numbers so far but we have a long way to go. To this date we’ve had 11 applications, which means we haven’t even dented our goal of getting 90 applications. We have some cool things coming up that will help boost these numbers. Our next Information Session will be on Tuesday the 14th of August and then of the 5th, 12th and 19th of September. There are Facebook events for all of these so Invite People!! We are always looking for volunteers so if you want to help out or just learn about things outside of your portfolio let us know :)

So far the team has had so much support from the Local Committee which is great to see. So a HUGE THANK YOU to you all :)

And remember the amazing team behind all this work; Alison, Ivan, Cheng Yee, Asha, Leon, Wylie and the UR representative Eva.

Nothing would be possible without these amazing people.



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Portfolio update – UR

Hey AIESEC Curtin, how are you doing? Good! (Yeah UR!). UR is more than happy to share with the LC what has been happening with us. As you know, the LC is very busy and full of excitement because of the LCP Election Campaign. UR is as busy as it can get to.

Last week, new UR members have successfully completed the Introductory Task to become Full Members. Also, UR members refreshed our knowledge of OGX by coming to Exchange Information Session organised by EP RTF team.

Moreover, SLAP OC team and managers have worked really hard to bring it back on track and enable it to run during 2012 summer period (5 November to 21 December). UR would like to use this little space here to recognise the SLAP OC team (Jacinta Lee, Michael Haynes, Viral and Elaine Chong) for their hard work, especially Jacinta who actually can understand Spanish after reading tons of Spanish learning materials. Good news from this morning: we managed to resign the MoU with Perth Education City to specify the terms and conditions for SLAP project. As well, UR managed to get SLAP promotions running through many channels: stalls, Marketing School Blackboard & TV ads, Facebook fan page set-up for SLAP - SLAP at Curtin, Guild picture frame and so on). We are expecting to get at least 27 people to register for SLAP classes by 31st August, please help us promote SLAP by telling your friends or SLAP them in the face.

This week UR came to work with smile on our face because we signed the MoU with School of OT & Social Work and the credit mainly goes to our UR member: Audrey Teo. Both AIESEC Curtin and School of OT & Social Work are organising a workshop "Assertiveness & Conflict Management" presented by Jenish Pandya, one of AIESEC Curtin alumnus. It is FREE workshop on Thursday 16th August 2012 5 - 7pm at 407.208. Another exciting news is we have formed the OC Team for the coming up Networking Event which is on 20th September. More information will be provided at the next newsletter! Furthermore, UR came down to Global Opportunities Fair to help out promoting our exchange program this week. Until next time, UR

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Portfolio update – BD, Finance


Preparing for the audit of AIESEC Curtin

Tracking the cash inflow and outflow for SLAP, university and Small Business Enterprise Networking event

Tracking the process of raising interns in BD and sufficiency of EP applications in OGX

Business Development

We have an intern coming to work for STAWA as a graphic designer! She is an Armenian girl called Lucy. We can't wait to meet her!

A fun and exciting Sales Blitz is happening from 15/8-12/9. BD members are put in teams to compete with each other’s by arranging appointments everyday with new/existing customers like a true sales person! There will be an ultimate winner and a winner team.

Co-organise an info session/networking event with UR aiming to raise interns in small business enterprise and university where the owners and managers will be invited to attend this special event.

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Issue:1 06/08/2012



Portfolio update – TM As you might have known, TM is in charge of recruitment of members hence contributing

directly to our organisational MOS: 90 TMP and 29 TLP. In semester 2, TM has managed to recruit eight new members to our LC: 2 for BD (Michael, Adil), 2 for OGX (Cindy, Ajola), and 3 for UR (Eva, Robert, and Baldeep). At the same time, TM has been a supporting portfolio to help others achieving their exchange goals. We are able to do so through two focus areas: Member's Performance Tracking and Member Development. Elaine Tan is the team leader of Tracking and Evaluation team. In the upcoming weeks, her team is working hard for there are several activities to be taken place: 1. Coffee Chat with each LC member by Meryl & Steph: the purpose is to go through a Personal Learning Plan with the members, making sure that their goals in AIESEC are clearly identified, and how they can achieved their goals through their roles and the leadership opportunities in AIESEC. 2. Membership Performance Analysis: every week a record of member's performance will be collected by Amanda and presented to the LC, to make sure we can recognize out-standing as well as address under-performed individuals, hence maximize the effectiveness & efficiency of our human resources. 3. Exit interviews for members leaving the LC: from these interviews, we can take on feedback from these alumni and improve our LC in the future. Zareef Ramsey is the team leader of Development & Engagement team. The team is also working hard so these activities can be organized in the next few weeks: 1. Career-orientation workshops with external speakers. In this semester, TM will have a series of three workshops focusing on a theme "Preparing members for their careers after AIESEC". The workshops will be very relevant to what skills you would need for your career which have not been taught at uni, how to 2. LCM with external speakers: We are working with the learning partners to ask them coming to LCM and facilitate the Learning Hub. We believe that as a member, you would want to improve your soft skills and hard skills to be able to perform your job. And to have the experts coming to LCM and provide advice and recommendation from external perspective, that would make sure our LC is at its best to perform and reach to our goals. 3. Member's engagement activities: Buddy System & Regional Bonding night. As buddy system has been going on, we would love to see more cooperation from your sides as the buddies to make this initiative successful: become more pro-active and willing to meet up and help each other out in the LC, especially for those who are buddies with the new members. In the tuition-free week, TM from Curtin will coordinate with TM from UWA to organize an exciting regional bonding night for you guys. What activities will it be? Let's keep it a secret for now. :P So that's it for TM updates, hope you all understand a little bit more about TM and what we are

doing and achieving Tien.

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Portfolio update – OGX

Hey AIESEC! Thanks to EP RTF we have obtained 14

applications up-to-date, with a majority of them being Go

Volunteer applicants! So give a pet on your back if you have been

helping out at the AIESEC stalls or information sessions because

you have helped made this happen

OGX is abit on the slow start due to the personnel restructuring

that occurred in the past couple weeks. We are sad to see active

members like Geoffrey, Melissa and Tyler moving into the Alumni

stage; but instead we got two transferees into our Portfolio –

Abraham and Adeline!

So now that OGX is back on gear, we have conducted a total of 9

expectation interviews and 2 MRB passes last week organized

by Leon, which will put our total EP Raises to 12 by this week.

Abraham will be organizing another Member Review Board on the

25th August and we are aiming to achieve 15 RAISES by 31st

August 2012. Furthermore, OGX is also organizing an EP

appreciation dinner for the EPs who have been so supportive to

us during our recruitment duration on the 1st September 2012,

further details will be briefed by Cindy on a later date.

Moreover, OGX is also collaborating with TM in terms of member

EPs recruitment, as seen from the weekly country presentations

done by different OGX members, like Qarrem, Ajola and Alison.

I’ve been talking to some of the members regarding exchange this

summer. Yes, there was a lot of talk and interest, but no action.

Many said that ‘Ya, I’ll apply later.’ As much as we wished for you

to develop and enjoy your AIESEC experience at the fullest, it the

end, this is your AIESEC experience, and we cannot force you to

push the ‘Apply’ button on the webpage. Opportunities have a

small window of opening, and if you miss that opportunity, it’ll just

slam shut in your face.

‘We don't get a chance to do that many things, and everyone

should be really excellent. Because this is our life. Life is brief, and

then you die, you know? So this is what we've chosen to do with

our life.’

~ Steve Jobs, Founder of Apple

Go Global at:


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AIESEC Curtin Elearning site

We are proud to present the

AIESEC Curtin Elearning site.

This is the first official internal

communication platform for all

LC members. This platform


- Documents sharing

including different portfolio’s

important documents and


- Up to date Calendar with

latest upcoming events.

- Discussion forum for

AIESEC discussions and

learning hubs.

This platform is created for

all members to achieve great

communication among the

LC. Therefore we really

encourage members to use

this platform as much as

possible. All development,

AIESEC opportunity and

skills discussion must be

discussed in elearing site


We hope all members would

feel more comfortable in

using this website.

Please come to the Elearing site and experience more!

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Upcoming events and important notices

Upcoming Events

1. On 18th August 2012(Saturday), we will have the AIESEC Curtin 2013

Local Committee President Elections. Every member in the LC will

have their right to vote. It will be YOUR choice. So please come if


Plenary Room: 408.2038

LCP Candidate Room:408.1501

Room will open at 2:30pm, Starting 3:00PM SHARP

Important notice:

Plenary will close at 3pm SHARP. No people are allowed to enter or

leave later for respectful reasons. Also no people are allowed to leave

the election till the end. Therefore please plan your timetable before

the election. Full time table can be found on the event page:

2. On 16th August, 2012 (Thursday), UR will have an Assertiveness &

Conflict Management Workshop. It will be free and welcome all


Presenter: Jenish Pandya

Date: 16th of Aug 2012

Time: 5pm to 7pm

Location: 407: 208

Event Page:

3. On 5th September, 2012 (Wednesday), we will have our next Go

Global Information Session. Volunteers are wanted at all time. We had

such successful ones before and we hope it will become better!

Date: 5th September, 2012

Time: 12pm – 2pm

Location: TBA

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Upcoming events and important notices (con’t)

Upcoming Events

4. UR networking event:

Date: 20 September, 2012

Time: TBA

Location: TBA

5. Second Language Acquisition Program(SLAP)

SLAP is a project organized by AIESEC Curtin over summer 2012. It

is a program that involves the teaching of a foreign language and

culture by a native speaking intern.

This program Curtin is teaching Spanish in coming summer. It will

be from 5th November to 21th December. Registration is opened now

so feel free to sign up if you would like to learn the Spanish language

and the culture.

Event Page:

Registration form:
