aiesec slovakia mcp application


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AIESEC Slovakia MCP application


Page 1: AIESEC Slovakia MCP application


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Page 2: AIESEC Slovakia MCP application

AIESEC Slovakia, Košicka 37, Bratislava, Slovak Republic, +421 2 45 52 61 10

Dear MCP candidate,

First of all let me congratulate you because by opening this application you are on the way to the

most exciting, challenging, rewarding and memorable experience in your life.

There is very small but powerful community in AIESEC network. It is called MCP community and it has

special magic which I want to share an introduction to this application.

First of all now you are fully responsible for the change you want to see. The power which you are

getting is to create and manage the direction for Slovakia to follow. This is great prestige as well as

big pressure. At the end you will learn that MCP is the one who always takes ownership for the

decisions made by himself and the country.

Secondly this year you are going to solve not just cases related to your country but being part of the

global plenary your decisions will influence lives of people all over the world. Be ready to participate

in discussions about opening new countries, new financial models, allocation of

international conferences, selection of PAI, creating IT solution to 86 000 members of

AIESEC globally…

And third MCP has a unique role which is the selection of her/his own

team. Why unique? The reason is that here you are choosing not just

people with whom you are going to work every day, make strategic

decisions, teach and learn but with whom you are going to live one year

of your life sharing successes and challenges, work and home place. MCP

simply has a chance to select your own family may be for a year, may be

for a life time.

There much more things which this turning year of your life is going to bring

you. It is not easy but it is definitely worth it!

I wish you good luck with application and election process.

Best Regards,

Nadin Anikieva

Member Committee President 2012/2013 AIESEC Slovakia

Page 3: AIESEC Slovakia MCP application

AIESEC Slovakia, Košicka 37, Bratislava, Slovak Republic, +421 2 45 52 61 10

Application booklet for MCP applicant

Who can apply for position?

The position is open to all members of the AIESEC Network (including internationals) with the

relevant and required experience and competencies as mentioned in the Job Description.

*Note: All international MCP candidates are required to be physically present at the elections in the below

mentioned conference.

DEADLINE: 13th of January 2013, 20:00 CET (GMT + 1)

All application packages need to be sent to: [email protected] (MCP Slovakia – Nadin

Anikieva) Mob. No.: +421 902 918 220. Confirmation of your application is going to be sent within 24

hours since receiving the application package.

Your package has to be sent in .zip or .rar file with following name format “AIESEC


Election Procedure:

The elections will be held at LEAD Conference happening 24th January, 2013.

The election procedure will consist of:

Online forum on before election- 16th – 22th January, 2013.

Speech- max 10 minutes (motivation, strategies, etc.),

Q&A (In plenary & Rotations)- depends on number applicants

Final 3 minute speech

There might be additional requirements like case studies and group discussion. The exact

process will be given to candidates after the deadline.

Please keep in mind that the voting system will be preferential if there are more than 2 MCP


*Note: Applications that have not been sent on or before deadline will not be accepted. Any applications that

do not contain all enclosures and/have missing requirements will not be accepted.

Page 4: AIESEC Slovakia MCP application

AIESEC Slovakia, Košicka 37, Bratislava, Slovak Republic, +421 2 45 52 61 10


Outgoing programmes

Incoming programmes

Business development

Finance Talent Management and LC Development

Marketing and Events


Elected MCP is required to

Be present at National Presidents Meeting on 8th -10th

February, 2013

Attend International Presidents Meeting in Serbia on 16th – 27th

February, 2013 and China in February, 2014

Be present at BRIDGE National Conference on 6th – 7th

April 2013

Be available for individual transition during Spring 2013 (upon agreement with current MCP)

Be physically present for team transition and national planning events in Bratislava from 27th

May, 2013

MCP term starts on 1st July, 2013 and last till 30th

June, 2014 (MCP needs to present discharge report and fill in the internal audit in July, 2014).

Be present at International Congress in Egypt, in August 2013

Be present on all national conferences defined with next MC team.

Presence on CEE MCPs meetings is highly recommended- May and December, 2013.

General information for MCP applicant:

Term last one year: 1st July, 2013- 30th

June, 2014*

Accommodation, national conferences and all required events are covered with transportation costs as well

Food is not covered

Salary is up to 220 EUR based budget planning- might be changed on last BoP with both term LCPs

MCP workload is 40-50 hours/ week and weekends are free except weekends with national conferences and events

* It may start 1-1,5 earlier in case current MCP will be required to start transition in next AIESEC leadership position.

Proposed structure for term 2013/2014:

* Note that final structure is going to be finalized by MCP elect.

Page 5: AIESEC Slovakia MCP application

AIESEC Slovakia, Košicka 37, Bratislava, Slovak Republic, +421 2 45 52 61 10

Job Description of MCP

Strategy creation and Planning Alignment with Global Strategies Ensure AIESEC in Slovakia is aligned to the Global Association Downsize global initiatives Long-term Vision Management

Ensure continuous progress towards country’s long term vision esp. AIESEC 2015

Ensure long-term approach to strategic decisions and ensure the memory of the organizational change is kept

National and MC year Planning

Form yearly national drivers and strategy

Ensure a clear and effective MC planning process and follow up on the national plan

Education in planning and overseeing the planning system in the LCs

Tracking national goals fulfilment MC Team Management Selection of MC Team Review MC Structure with team – ensure role of each VP is understood Set the team culture Team building and bonding Development of MC members (in cooperation with VP TM) Tracking of MC members performance Transition of MC team (in cooperation with VP TM)

Planning and delivery of MC Days

Assuring team preparation for international conferences Slovak LCPs Management Manage functional team of LCPs Provide education and knowledge for LCPs to perform in their roles Facilitating Board of Presidents discussions and meetings Coaching LCPs Ensuring involvement of LCPs in strategic decisions Legal Processes Compendium Tracking LCs membership criteria Be a statutory and official representative of AIESEC in Slovakia

Maintaining and reporting to the Supervisory Group

Assuring financial sustainability and legality of AIESEC Slovakia

Final responsible for accountability and governance Country Representation in Global Association Make sure AIESEC in Slovakia is fulfilling global membership criteria Represent AIESEC in Slovakia in the international and regional meetings and in the international legislation (ILM) Represent AIESEC in Slovakia towards international and regional bodies External Representation Represent AIESEC at key strategic External Events Communicating with Alumni Association of AIESEC Slovakia

Page 6: AIESEC Slovakia MCP application

AIESEC Slovakia, Košicka 37, Bratislava, Slovak Republic, +421 2 45 52 61 10

Competencies of MCP:

Knowledge and Skills Gained Critical Competencies Experience

Coaching Personal Effectiveness Advanced coaching

Training and Facilitation Inner Strength Advanced training and facilitation

Planning and Tracking Commitment to Results Advanced planning

Team management Effective Communication Strategy building Developing Others

Stakeholder Focus


Content of application package:

Application Form

in English

PDF Format

Maximum 12 Pages (minimum

font size of 10)

Use your creativity with flow and

frame of application

Should include the following:

1. 7 Sections (All elements

mentioned are addressed in


2. Last Block Executive Summary

(Not exceeding more than 1 page)


in English

PDF Format

Describe your experience


o Studies

o Skills and developments


Max. 2 pages

Personality test

MBTI and Belbin tests results

(separate page from CV)


in English

PDF Format

Min.2 and max.3 people (2 must

be from AIESEC member and 1

from external)

It is recommended to have at

least one endorsement from MC


For International applicants- it is

required to have one from your

country- MC member

Please provide contacts of

referring person

Video presentation

in English

.avi format

Max 5 minutes

Spoken word at least 1 minute

Use this time in the best and most creative way as you can


personal introduction

summary of your AIESEC XP

your motivation to be MCP 13-14 in Slovakia

Why do you represent the leadership that Slovakia

needs for the next period?

Page 7: AIESEC Slovakia MCP application

AIESEC Slovakia, Košicka 37, Bratislava, Slovak Republic, +421 2 45 52 61 10


1. Section: Personal Data and your motivation

Name Picture


Date of Birth


Phone Number

Skype ID

LC, Year of joining

Most recent/current role in AIESEC

1.1. Why do you want to become MCP of AIESEC Slovakia?(Max. 1 page)

2. Section: I am an MCP

2.1. Please state 3 most relevant experiences in your AIESEC Career.

2.2. Please state 3 most important conferences and your role and key learning points.

2.3. Describe you as a leader and your leadership style and please state it on 1 concrete

example. Don’t forget to mention how many people you were leading, what were the

results and your key learning points and how can you use them as an MCP.

2.4. What are your values? How do those values shape your leadership style?

2.5. What would you like to be doing in 10 years? What will a term on the give you towards the

skills and experiences needed to achieve your 10 year plan?

3. Section: AIESEC Slovakia past & Present

3.1. Make an analysis of past 3 terms including term 11/12 and please state what you would

keep/sustain to the future from each term. Don’t forget to mention MoS, main

achievements and challenges of the terms.

3.2. Please state relevance of AIESEC Slovakia in Slovakia.

3.3. Make an analysis of 3 external and 3 internal factors and how would you capitalize on them?

Year Area Skills/Knowledge Result/Key learning points

How can you benefit as MCP from this XP?

Year Conference Role Result/Key learning points

How can you benefit as MCP from this XP?

Page 8: AIESEC Slovakia MCP application

AIESEC Slovakia, Košicka 37, Bratislava, Slovak Republic, +421 2 45 52 61 10

4. Section: AIESEC Slovakia in term 2013/2014

4.1. Define role of MC in AIESEC Slovakia and what should be the role of MC in your term?

4.2. State your Vision for term.

4.3. What are the main drivers for your term? Why?

4.4. What are MoS of ELD programs?

4.5. What are your strategies to achieve results in chosen drivers?

4.6. What is the structure of MC and NST you would imagine in term 2013/2014?

4.7. What are the biggest challenges of AIESEC Slovakia for your term?

4.8. What is the contribution of AIESEC Slovakia on regional and global network?

5. Section: Organizational understanding

5.1. Please Explain AIESEC’s Impact Model according to the AIESEC Way.

5.2. Name and describe the main global trends which are currently aiming to drive the network

in the direction of such an impact model.

5.3. What does 2015 mean for you?

5.4. What are going to be your next steps with ambition 2015 in AIESEC Slovakia?

6. Section: Big Idea

6.1. Describe your one innovative and creative ideas that you would like to see implemented in

AIESEC Slovakia? The idea should reflect high growth at least in one area or MoS. (Max. 1


7. Section: Summary

7.1. Use this space to summarize your application in max. 1 page

Congrats to your application. On behalf of MC Step UP,

Nadin Anikieva