aiims 2015 paper

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  • 8/20/2019 Aiims 2015 paper


    91. Which jaw cyst is pre-malignant?

    a) Radicular Cyst

    b) Dental Cyst

    c) Odntgenic !eratcyst

    d) Dentigerus Cyst

    "nswer# Odntgenic !eratcyst


    Odntgenic !eratcyst is de&elpmental dntgenic cyst ' epithelial rigin.

     (he dntgenic !eratcyst is !nwn 'r its high recurrence rate aggressi&e

    beha&ir and its ccasinal assciatin with the ne&id basal cell carcinma


    9*. " tddler has 'ew drps ' bld cming ut ' rectum. +rbable diagnsis is

    a) ,u&enile rectal plyp

    b) "denid plypsis cli

    c) Rectal cancer

    d) +iles

    "nswer# ,u&enile rectal plyp


     ,u&enile plyps are mst cmmn type ' childhd plyps ccurring in up t 1 ' 

    preschl children.

     (hey are slitary plyps 'und in the rectum which mst cmmnly present with

    rectal bleeding.

    9. /arrett0s esphagus is diagnsed bya) 2uamus metaplasia

    b) 3ntestinal metaplasia

    c) 2uamus dysplasia

    d) 3ntestinal dysplasia

    "nswer# 3ntestinal metaplasia


    /arrett0s esphagus is a serius cmplicatin ' 4$RD 54astr-esphageal re6u%

    disease). 3n /arrett0s esphagus nrmal tissue lining the esphagus changes t

    tissue that resembles the lining ' the intestine./arrett esphagus is mar!ed by the presence ' clumnar epithelia in the lwer

    esphagus replacing the nrmal s2uamus cell epithelium7an e%ample '

    metaplasia. (his metaplasia cn'ers an increased ris! ' aden-carcinma.

     (he presence ' gblet cells called intestinal metaplasia is necessary t ma!e a

    diagnsis ' /arrett esphagus.

    98. st cmmn mechanism ' 4$RD

  • 8/20/2019 Aiims 2015 paper


  • 8/20/2019 Aiims 2015 paper


    prbable cause ' his bleeding is

    a) +rtal ;ypertensin

    b) 4astric ulcer

    c) Dudenal ulcer

    d) Drug-induced 43 injury

    "nswer# +rtal ;ypertensin


    Cmplicatins ' prtal hypertensin#

    $sphageal and gastric &arices and assciated li'e threatening bleeding


    plenmegaly r enlargement ' the spleen

    Decreased white bld cell cunts and mild pan-cytpenia

    ;epat-renal syndrme

    pntaneus bacterial peritnitis

    ;epatic encephalpathy

    9E. "'ter rem&al ' the +artid gland patient is ha&ing sweating n chee!s while

    eating. "uricul-tempral ner&e which cntains parasympathetic secret-mtr

    =bers t partid gland is 'used with

    a) 4reater petrsal ner&e

    b) Facial ner&e

    c) 4reater auricular ner&e

    d) /uccal ner&e

    "nswer# 4reater auricular ner&e

    $%planatin#Frey0s syndrme 'ten results as a side eGect ' surgeries ' r near the partid

    gland r due t injury t the "uricul-tempral ner&e which passes thrugh the

    partid gland in the early part ' its curse.

     (he "uricul-tempral branch ' the (rigeminal ner&e carries parasympathetic =bers

    t the sweat glands ' the scalp and the partid gland.

    "s a result ' se&erance and inapprpriate regeneratin the parasympathetic ner&e

    =bers may switch curse and is 'used with smatic sensry greater auricular ner&e

    resulting in Hgustatry weatingI r sweating in the anticipatin ' eating instead

    ' the nrmal sali&atry respnse.

    9J. " patient ' Crhn0s disease underwent resectin anastmsis. w presents n

    Eth pst-p day with anastmtic site lea! 'rm a =stula. $&eryday lea!age &lume

    adds up t 1>@-*@@ml. (here is n intra-abdminal cllectin and the patient is

    stable withut any cmplains. What will be the ne%t line ' management?

    a) D cnser&ati&e treatment and lea&e him and hpe 'r the spntaneus


    b) +er'rm lapartmy and chec! 'r lea!age site and healthy margins

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    c) +er'rm lapartmy and cmpletely e%teriri

  • 8/20/2019 Aiims 2015 paper


    c) Decreased bld supply t lwer limbs

    d) Discntinuatin ' "rteria Radicularis agna

    "nswer# Discntinuatin ' "rteria Radicularis agna


     (hree spinal arteries ne anterir and a pair ' psterir spinal arteries 'rm the&ertebral arteries supply the crd.

     (he anterir spinal artery is the principal artery ' the three supplying the anterir

    tw-thirds ' the crd including the critical mtr area.

    egmental arteries 'rm subcla&ian inter-cstal upper lumbar and branches 'rm

    the internal iliac and middle sacral arteries regularly 'eed the anterir spinal artery.

     (he great radicular artery ' "dam!iewic< r "rteria Radicularis agna riginates as

    a branch 'rm a le't inter-cstal artery between (9 and (1* in E> ' patients.

    Operati&e inter'erence with this artery is implicated as ne ' the causes '

    paraplegia in thrac-abdminal aneurysmal repair.

    1@1. (rue abut epigastric ;ernia is

    a) :cated belw the umbilicus and always in the midline

    b) :cated ab&e the umbilicus and always in the midline

    c) :cated ab&e the midline and n either side

    d) Can be seen anywhere n abdmen

    "nswer# :cated ab&e the umbilicus and always in the midline


    "n epigastric hernia is an pening r wea!ness in the =brus tissue ' the abdmen

    between the breast bne and the belly buttn.

    3t is caused by incmplete clsure ' the =brus tissue ' the abdmen duringde&elpment.

    3n adults t much abdminal pressure can cause an epigastric hernia.

    1@*. $%ternal ;emrrhids belw the dentate line is-

    a) +ain'ul

    b) !in (ag is nt seen in these cases

    c) ay turn malignant

    d) ligatin is dne as management

    "nswer# +ain'ul$%planatin#

    ;emrrhids present ab&e the dentate line are classi=ed as internal hemrrhids.

    ;emrrhids ccurring belw the dentate line are classi=ed as e%ternal


    $%ternal hemrrhids are in sensiti&e anal canal s!in and are pain'ul while internal

    hemrrhids are in insensiti&e anal canal mucsa and are painless.

    +rlapse ' internal hemrrhids is highly characteristic ' mre ad&anced and

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    chrnic hemrrhidal disease.

    1@. $arly cmplicatin ' ilestmy in the pst-perati&e perid

    a) Diarrhea

    b) Obstructin

    c) ecrsisd) +rlapse

    "nswer# ecrsis 5?)


    any studies 'cusing n stmy-related cmplicatins measured their incidence

    &er the =rst 1 t * pstperati&e years.

    Duchesne and c-in&estigatrs reprted results ' a retrspecti&e re&iew ' *@8

    stmy patients during a -year perid.

    $arly pstperati&e cmplicatins included prlapse 5**) necrsis 5**) stensis

    51E) irritatin 51E) in'ectin 51>) bleeding 5>) and retractin 5>).

    tmal necrsis is de=ned as the death ' stmal tissue resulting 'rm impaired

    bld 6w.

    3schemia typically ccurs within *8 hurs ' the stmy surgery resulting in a dar!

    necrtic stma that appears marn t blac! and is typically s't and 6abby t


    Causes ' stmal necrsis include cnstricting sutures mesenteric tensin

    disprprtinate clipping ' the mesentery embli pressure assciated with barrier

    wa'er cnstrictin and abdminal edema r distensin.

    1@8. Ca /reast tage (8b in&l&es all $LC$+(

    a) ipple retractinb) !in ulcer &er the swelling

    c) Dermal $dema

    d) atellite dule

    "nswer# ipple retractin


     (@# clinical e&idence ' primary tumr

     (is# Carcinma in situ

     (1# (umr * cm r less in greatest dimensin

     (*# (umr mre than * cm but nt mre than > cm (# (umr mre than > cm in greatest dimensin

     (8# (umr ' any si

  • 8/20/2019 Aiims 2015 paper


    1@>. Which ' the 'llwing anti-estrgen drug is used in estrgen receptr psiti&e

    breast cancer?

    a) (am%i'en

    b) Clmiphene Citrate

    c) $strgend) "driamycin

    "nswer# (am%i'en


     (am%i'en is nly eGecti&e in treating estrgen receptr psiti&e breast cancers.

     (am%i'en belngs t class ' drugs !nwn as selecti&e estrgen receptr


     (am%i'en is used t treat patients with early stage breast cancer as well as thse

    with metastatic breast cancer.

    1@. "calculus chlecystitis are caused by

    a) D

    b) (+

    c) :eptspirsis

    d) $strgen therapy

    "nswer# a b and c


    "calculus chlecystitis is a se&ere illness that is a cmplicatin ' &arius ther

    medical r surgical cnditins.

    Causes ' "calculus chlecystitise&ere trauma


    +stpartum perid

     (tal parental hyper-alimentatin

    /iliary sludge


    :eptspira almnella r M. cli

    1@E. Right sided cln Ca is assciated with

    a) "nemiab) /leeding +R

    c) ass +"

    d) "lternate cnstipatin and diarrhea

    e) 3nternal bstructin

    "nswer# a and c


  • 8/20/2019 Aiims 2015 paper


    Right sided cln Ca#

    ;yp-chrmic micrcytic anemia



     (rans&erse and ascending cln Ca#

    "bdminal crampOccasinal bstructin and apple cre r nap!in ring in radigraphs

    Rect-sigmid Ca#


  • 8/20/2019 Aiims 2015 paper


    d) +resents with abdminal mass

    e) Old age presentatin implies gd prgnsis

    "nswer# a b and d


    3n childhd abut 8@ ' neurblastma arises in adrenal medulla and presentswith abdminal mass 'e&er and weight lss.

    ecnd mst slid malignancy ' childhd

    etastasi years usually ha&e e%tremely pr utcme irrespecti&e '


    111. urgical indicatin in the R% ' hemptysis

    a) +r'use uncntrlled bleeding

    b) /rnchiectasis

    c) /rnchial adenma

    d) /rnchial =stula

    "nswer# a c and d


    "bslute indicatins ' pulmnary resectin in management ' hemptysis#

    assi&e hemptysis

    /rnch-pleural =stula

    uspicius ' carcinma

    Destryed lung and psiti&e sputum

    11*. Cntra-indicatin 'r radical mastectmy in Ca breast

    a) Distant metastasis

    b) Fi%ity t chest wall

    c) "%illary :. in&l&ement

    d) upra-cla&icular :. in&l&ement

    "nswer# a and d


    Cntra-indicatin 'r radical mastectmy in Ca breast#mall tumr

    n palpable lesin

    Distance metastasis

    +atients wh wants recnstructi&e surgery

    C-e%istence ' se&ere systemic disease

    11. plenectmy is indicated in

  • 8/20/2019 Aiims 2015 paper


    a) ;ypersplenism

    b) ;ereditary sphercytsis

    c) 3.(.+

    d) 4. +D de=ciency

    e) +rtal hypertensin

    "nswer# "ll


    118. (rue abut /arrett0s esphagus

    a) etaplasia

    b) +eptic stricture

    c) +araesphageal hernia

    d) 2uamus carcinma

    "nswer# a b and c


    Cmplicatin ' /arrett0s esphagus#

    +eptic ulcer in lwer end ' esphagus


    Dysplasia 5"dencarcinma)


    3mprtant pints#

    3ntestinal metaplasia with gblet cells in the esphagus is diagnstic ' /arrette


    11>. 3n Crhn0s disease all are seen e%cepta) ;yper-plastic plyps

    b) Di&erticulsis

    c) Fissuring ulcer

    d) $pithelid granulma

    e) Crypt abscess

    "nswer# a and b


    +athlgical 'eatures ' Crhn0s disease#

    "phthus ulcerCrypt abscess

    n caseating type ' $pithelid granulma

    11. /: breast Ca

    a) :bular Ca

    b) Ductal Ca

    c) Cmed Ca

  • 8/20/2019 Aiims 2015 paper


    d) Cyst-sarcma phylldes

    e) cirrhus carcinma

    "nswer# :bular Ca


    3n&asi&e lbular Ca is 're2uently multi'cal multi-centric and bilateral.

    11E. Cntraindicatin ' enteral nutritin

    a) 3ntestinal bstructin

    b) "cute pancreatitis

    c) e&ere diarrhea

    d) 3/D

    e) 3ntestinal =stula

    "nswer# a b c and e


    Cntraindicatin ' enteral nutritin#

    mall bwel bstructin r ileus

    e&ere diarrhea

    +r%imal small intestinal =stula

    e&ere pancreatitis

    11J. (rue abut $ 33-b 5ipple syndrme)

    a) +hechrmcytma

    b) ;yperparathyridism

    c) uc-cutaneus neurmas

    d) edullary Ca ' thyrid

    "nswer# a c and d


    $ 33-b 5ipple syndrme)#

    edullary Ca ' thyrid

    uc-cutaneus neurmas


    ar'anid 'eatures

    119. 3ndicatins ' surgery in pulmnary (/a) uspicin ' malignancy

    b) Ca&itary lesin with "spergillma

    c) assi&e hemptysis

    d) "ll

    "nswer# "ll


  • 8/20/2019 Aiims 2015 paper


    "bslute indicatins ' pulmnary resectin in management ' hemptysis#

    assi&e hemptysis

    /rnch-pleural =stula

    uspicius ' carcinma

    Destryed lung and psiti&e sputum

    1*@. :w ris! in Ca thyrid

    a) enQ8@ year

    b) Wmen Q>@ year

    c) +apillary Ca Q8 cm

    d) etastasis

    e) Fllicular Ca A >cm

    "nswer# a b and c


    :w ris! in Ca thyrid#

    "ge Q8@ year

    etastasis ne


  • 8/20/2019 Aiims 2015 paper


    c) Familial plypsis cli

    d) ,u&enile plypsis

    e) +eut

  • 8/20/2019 Aiims 2015 paper


    a) Flush ligatin

    b) tripping ' great saphenus &ein

    c) 3ncmpetent per'ratr ligatin

    d) hrt saphenus ligatin

    "nswer# a c and d$%planatin#

     (rendelenburg peratin#

    Flush ligatin

    3ncmpetent per'ratr ligatin

    hrt saphenus ligatin

    3mprtant pint#

     (rendelenburg peratin is dne 'r &aricse &ein which in&l&e ligatin '

    saphenus &ein.

    1*. "ccidental =nding ' incidentalma 5"drenal mass) is detected n B4.

    Fllwing isare t be ruled ut

    a) Cushing0s disease

    b) etastasis

    c) "drenal adenma

    d) Carcinma

    e) "drenal hyperplasia

    "nswer# "ll


    "drenal incidentalma#

    "ldsterne prducing adenma- 1 etastatic carcinma- *

    "dren-crtical carcinma- >

    +hechrmcytma- >

    +re-clinical Cushing0s- >

    +resumed nn-'unctinal adenma- J*

    1*E. " patient was presented with strangulated hernia ne%t line ' management

    a) Operate immediately

    b) 3.M. 6uids

    c) C( cand) B4

    e) L- ray abdmen

    "nswer# a and b


     (he diagnsis ' strangulated hernia is made n clinical grund.

    Migrus resuscitatin with intra-&enus 6uids nasgastric aspiratin and antibitic

  • 8/20/2019 Aiims 2015 paper



    $mergency r immediate peratin

    1*J. "$ used t detect Ca prstate

    a) +"

    b) R3c) C( scan

    d) D"

    e) (RB

    "nswer# b c and d


    3n&estigatin ' Ca prstrate#

    Digital rectal e%aminatin

     (RB 5(rans-rectal B4)

    +rstatic bipsy by (RB r (BR+


    3mprtant pints#

    C( scan is rarely accurate 'r staging and nt rutinely recmmended.

    :i!e C( R3 is incapable ' accurately diGerentiating intra-prstatic lesins.

    D" 5Digital subtractin angigraphy)

    1*9. Child0s criteria includes

    a) $ncephalpathy

    b) 4O(4+(

    c) "scites

    d) Creatininee) "lbumin

    "nswer# a c and e


    Re&ised Child0s classi=catin ' clinical se&erity ' cirrhsis# Criteria

    utritinal status


    erum albumin

    erum bilirubin

    +rthrmbin time;epatic encephalpathy

    1@. Catheteri

  • 8/20/2019 Aiims 2015 paper


    e) Rupture

    "nswer# a and b



  • 8/20/2019 Aiims 2015 paper


    "nswer# d and e


    litary thyrid ndule is abut 'ur times mre cmmn in wmen than men.

    litary thyrid ndule is rem&ed surgically t e%clude malignancy.

    1. 4d prgnstic mar!ers in breast Ca

    a) $R 5receptrs) S&e

    b) +rgesterne 5receptrs) S&e

    c) ;$R -* neu 5receptrs) S&e

    d) CD88 receptr S&e

    e) +> gene S&e

    "nswer# a and b


    4d prgnstic mar!ers in breast Ca#

    $R 5receptrs) S&e

    +rgesterne 5receptrs) S&e

    Wrst prgnstic mar!ers in breast Ca#

    ;$R -* neu 5receptrs) S&e

    utated +> gene

    +resence ' mre micr-&essels

    n-diplid tumrs

     (umr with pr nuclear grade

    Cell cycle antigen +C"!iE

    18. 3n the R% ' hydatid cyst +"3R is cntraindicated ina) :ungbne cyst

    b) icm

    c) t amenable t R% with "lbenda cmCyst with daughter cysts

    ultiple cysts i' accessible t puncture

    3n'ected cyst

    Cntra-indicatins ' +"3R 5+uncture aspiratin injectin re-aspiratin)#

    3naccessible lcatin

    ultiple cysts nt accessible t puncture

    Cyst in spine brain bne lung heart

  • 8/20/2019 Aiims 2015 paper


    3nacti&e and calci=ed lesins

    Cyst cmmunicating r pen t ther rgans r ca&ity

    1>. (he caudate lbe ' li&er crrespnds t with segment ' Cuinaud


    a) egment 3b) egment 33

    c) egment 333

    d) egment 3M

    e) egment M

    "nswer# a


    Cuinaud classi=catin#

    egment 3# Caudate lbe

    egment 33 and 333# :ateral segment ' le't lbe

    egment 3M# edial segment ' le't lbe

    egment M t M333# Right lbe

    1. +apillary ca thyrid

    a) st cmmn thyrid cancer

    b) +sammma bdies seen

    c) $ncapsulated

    d) /ld brne metastasis is cmmn

    "nswer# a and b

    $%planatin#+apillary ca thyrid#

    3t is mst cmmn primary malignant tumr ' the thyrid gland.

    3t has a prpensity t spread &ia the lymphatic system but can metastasi

  • 8/20/2019 Aiims 2015 paper



  • 8/20/2019 Aiims 2015 paper


    4ases used 'r +neum-peritneum#

     (he abdmen is in6ated with abut 1 t 8 : carbn di%ide.

    /ut diagnstic purpse nitrus %ide rm air r %ygen can be used.

    181. Charct0s triad includes

    a) +ainb) Fe&er

    c) ,aundice

    d) "nemia

    "nswer# a b and c


    Charct0s triad is an epnym re'erring t tw sets ' clinical 'eatures# ne 'r acute

    chlangitis r less cmmnly a secnd set 'r multiple sclersis.

    Charct0s triad#




    Charct0s neurlgic triad#


    3ntentin tremr

    canning r staccat speech

    Charct0s neurlgic triad is assciated with multiple sclersis hwe&er it is nt

    cnsidered pathgnmnic 'r it.

    18*. +ygenic granulma true statements isare

    a) Mascular pathlgyb) /leeds rarely

    c) 3ncreased in pregnancy

    d) :cal e%cisin

    e) Recurrent N malignant

    "nswer# a c and d


    +ygenic granulma 5lbular capillary hemangima) is a relati&ely cmmn benign

    &ascular lesin ' the s!in and mucsa.

    +ygenic granulmas are misnamedU they are neither in'ectius nr granulmatus. (he lesin usually ccurs in children and yung adults as a slitary glistening red

    papule r ndule that is prne t bleeding and ulceratin.

    +ygenic granulmas typically e&l&e rapidly &er a perid ' a 'ew wee!s mst

    'ten n the head nec! e%tremities and upper trun!.

    +ygenic granulma 'ten arises in pregnancy 5r rarely with ral cntracepti&e

    usage and then is termed the Hpregnancy tumr.I

    Recurrence ccurs in're2uently.

  • 8/20/2019 Aiims 2015 paper



    Curettage and Cauteri

  • 8/20/2019 Aiims 2015 paper


    "nswer# "ll


    Cmplicatin ' (+ 5:ate mnths nward)#

    $ssential 'atty acid de=ciency

    Mitamin de=ciency

    Vn 3rn Cpper chrmium and selenium de=ciency

    18. (rue abut branchial cyst

    a) een deep t lwer 1 ' stern-cleidmastid

    b) Wall cnsists ' lymphid tissue

    c) Filled with straw clred 6uid with chlesterl crystals

    d) ne

    "nswer# b and c


    /rachial cyst#

    /rachial cysts are characteristically 'und anterir and deep t upper third '


    ecnd brachial remnants are the mst cmmn

    Bsually lined by s2uamus epithelium and shws layer ' lymphid tissue

    Cntain thic! turbid 'ull ' chlesterl crystals

     (reatment- urgical e%cisin

    18E. tructures nt rem&ed in radical nec! dissectin

    a) L ner&e

    b) L3 ner&e

    c) (ail ' partidd) +artid and pst- auricular ner&e

    "nswer# a and d 5?)


    tructures nt rem&ed in radical nec! dissectin#

    Cartid artery

    /rachial ple%us

    +hrenic ner&e

    Magus ner&e

    arginal mandibular branch ' 'acial lingual and glss-pharyngeal ner&esCer&ical sympathetic chain

    tructures rem&ed in classical radical nec! dissectin#

    Cer&ical lymphatics and lymph ndes

    3nternal jugular &ein

    "ccessry ner&e



  • 8/20/2019 Aiims 2015 paper


     (ail ' partid

    ubmandibular gland

    18J. Mariant ' papillary carcinma thyrid

    a) edullary

    b) Warthin0sc) Clumnar

    d) 3nsular

    e) DiGuse sclersing

    "nswer# c d and e


    Mariants ' papillary carcinma thyrid#

    +ure papillary

    Fllicular &ariant

    DiGuse sclersing

     (all cell &ariant

    Clumnar cells &ariant


    Mariants ' 'llicular carcinma thyrid#

    inimally in&asi&e

    Widely in&asi&e

    ;rthle cell carcinma


    189. Diagnsis ' traumatic rupture ' diaphragm is made by

    a) :aparscpyb) Chest L ray

    c) Diagnstic peritneal la&age

    d) ne

    "nswer# a and b


    Diagnsis ' traumatic rupture ' diaphragm#

    Chest L-ray a'ter placement ' nasgastric tube

     (he mst accurate e&aluatin is by M"( 5Mide assisted thracscpy) and

    laparscpy.Cntrast study ' 43 C( scan and diagnstic peritneal la&age all lac!s psiti&e r

    negati&e predictable &alue.

    1>@. (rue abut breast carcinma in men

    a) $strgen receptr psiti&e

    b) "ssciated with gynecmastia

    c) Raditherapy cntraindicated due t clse pr%imity t chest wall

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    d) ne

    "nswer# a and b


    /reast carcinma in men#

    "ppr%imately 9@ ' male breast cancers cntain estrgen receptrs."ssciated with gynecmastia and ris! ' cancer is much greater in men with


    3rradiatin is the =rst step in treating lcali