aim: to what extent does the environment have an impact on human cultures and societies?

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Post on 17-Jan-2018




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AIM: to what extent does the environment have an impact on human cultures and societies? Where do they live and how do you know? Why? What countries have the best ice hockey teams? Why? Nigerias Ice Hockey Team AIM: to what extent does the environment have an impact on human cultures and societies? Houses? How might the environment have an impact on the types of houses we live in? AIM: to what extent does the environment have an impact on human cultures and societies? What about this place? 100km Directions and Questions Where would you establish a town? Why? If this land is rugged i.e.: mountainous, how might that fact affect your decision? What foods might the locals eat? Why? What economic activities might the locals participate in? What economic activities might they get good at? Describe their military. Why would it be structured in such a manner? What sorts of stories would they tell? Why? How might their political hierarchy be structured? and the Odyssey use geography. What about food? Does the environment have any impact on what we eat? How so? Why? However Always be careful of stereotypes considering that we live in an ever increasing cosmopolitan world in which cultures are continually intermingling. Remember CULTURAL DIFFUSION Getting back to the environment having an impact on culture. What environmental factors might have an impact on the development of human cultures and societies? Several Environmental and Geographic Factors Effect Culture. Latitude Altitude Precipitation Topography Proximity to water Fin Some geographic features serve as cultural barriers? E.g.: What is the Sahel? Where is the Sahara? What are North Africa and Sub- Saharan Africa?