aiming for the ideal synthesis

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    DOI: 10.1021/jo1006812 Published on Web 06/11/2010 J. Org. Chem. 2010,75, 46574673 4657

    r 2010 American Chemical Society

    Aiming for the Ideal Synthesis

    Tanja Gaich and Phil S. Baran*

    Department of Chemistry, TheScrippsResearchInstitute, 10550 North Torrey Pines Road, 92037 La Jolla, California

    [email protected]

    Received April 8, 2010

    The field of total synthesis has a rich history and a vibrant future. Landmark advances andrevolutionary strides in the logic of synthesis have put the practicing chemist in the enviable positionof being able to create nearly any molecule with enough time and effort. The stage is now set fororganic chemists to aim for ideality in the way molecules are synthesized. This perspective presentsa simple and informative definition of ideality and demonstrates its use during the self-evaluationof several syntheses from our laboratory.


    In the 20th century, the art and science of complex natural

    product total synthesis defined the frontiers of organic

    chemistry.1 Throughout these decades, fundamental insights

    into reactivity and selectivity principles were revealed by

    these numerous synthetic endeavors. The field of total

    synthesis has served and continues to serve as the ultimate

    testing ground for new methodologies and strategies. The

    capability and power of organic synthesis has thus experi-

    enced a dramatic increase putting todays synthetic chemists

    in the position to construct molecules of more or less anydegree of structural complexity. Consequently, the definition

    of a complex target has undergone considerable revision.

    However, what yetremains to be reframed,and what we wish

    to emphasize here, is the need for a sea-change in the

    perception definingart in organic synthesis today. This key

    issue was first addressed by Hendrickson in 1975 when he

    defined the ideal synthesis as one which:2

    ...creates a complex a sequence of onlyconstruction reactions involving no intermediary refunctio-nalizations, and leading directly to the target, not only itsskeleton but also its correctly placed functionality.

    This prescient statement truly encompassed and epito-mized the economies of synthesis design3 many yearsbefore the ideas of atom,4 step,5 and redox-economy6 wereformally galvanized. Many factors may be responsible forthisone of them perhaps being that, in 1975, the chal-lenge of organic synthesis was not efficiency so much asfeasibility. In other words, the era of rationally plannedcomplex molecule construction was still developing at ablistering pace. To be sure, erythronolide, paclitaxel, paly-toxin, brevetoxin, vitamin B12, ginkgolide, and hundredsof other natural product targets still awaited completion

    in 1975. Now, in 2010, the field has reached an awe-inspiring level, with many proclaiming that synthesishas matured.7 Indeed, it has certainly matured to the pointthat molecules such as teicoplanin or calicheamicin nolonger appear hopelessly complex. But before one declaresthe science of synthesis as an endeavor in engineering,one only needs to reflect on the inspiring ease with whichNature crafts large (metric ton) quantities of its mostcomplex molecules (e.g., vancomycin and paclitaxel).Total synthesis in this century must therefore be keenlyaware of this ultimate challenge: to be able to providelarge quantities of complex natural products with a

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    minimum amount of labor and material expense.8 Thenatural consequence of pursuing such a goal is to embrace theHendrickson dictum (vide supra). Pursuing synthesis in such away forces the practitioner into the role of an inventor. It alsonaturally leads to explorations into biology since multiplecollaborations can be forged with an ample supply of materials.Finally, scalable syntheses of complex natural products helpdebunk the myth that such compounds are not economicallyviable targets in the pharmaceutical industry.

    Attempting To Quantify the Ideal Synthesis

    Over the years, numerous attempts have been made toquantify various parameters of efficiency in chemicalsynthesis.9a-d What follows is our elementary effort tofurnish a numerical expression for Hendricksons concep-tion of an ideal synthesis. The purpose of this simplemetric isto aid practitioners of synthesis to easily make comparisonsand pinpoint areas for improvement. Thus we define percentideality as follows:


    no:of construction rxns no:of strategic redox rxns

    total no:of steps 100

    Construction reactions, as defined by Hendrickson, arethose which form skeletal bonds (C-C and C-heteroatom).Strategic redox reactions (another form of constructionreaction) have been previously defined as those that directlyestablish the correct functionality found in the final product,such as asymmetric oxidations and reductions or C-Hoxidations.9e All other types of reactions fall into the cate-gory of a concession step: (1) Nonstrategic redox manipu-lations (i.e., reduction of ester to alcohol), (2) functional

    group interconversions (i.e., alcohol to mesylate to azide),and (3)protecting group manipulations. The termconcessionstep is applied to these types of reactions since it is well

    accepted that they require extra effort but are often simplyunavoidable. To substantiate the principle of ideality insynthesis, the trend-setting synthesis of daphniphyllum alka-loids by Heathcock et al. is showcased in Scheme 1.10 Thesynthesis of dihydro-protodaphniphylline (9) starts withtwo C-C bond formations between the lithium enolate oftert-butyl acetate and1, followed by an alkylation of3with4, to give after acid hydrolysis compound 5. The acidhydrolysis is considered as a concession step (protectinggroup manipulation). What follows is another C-C-bond

    formation, in this case an aldol reaction of3 and 5, to givecompound 6. Aldol product6 is converted into compound7 via two concession steps, namely a mesylation and anelimination reaction with DBU, both being functional groupinterconversions. Diester 7 is transformed into dialdehyde 8via a reduction/oxidation sequence, therefore representingtwo nonstrategic redox reactions. Reaction of8 with methy-lamine and subsequent treatment with acetic acid completethe synthesis of dihydro-protodaphniphylline 9. These lasttwo steps build up the carboskeleton with the correct func-tionality and oxidation states in place and are thereforeconsidered as construction steps. Thus, despite the beautyand groundbreaking nature of thislandmark 10-step synthesisit exhibits only 50% ideality.

    Not surprisingly, Natures biosynthesis is often nearlyideal. The biosynthesis of penicillins is just one exampleof a completely ideal synthesis that confirms this view,11a

    and similar lines of analysis could be used for otherfamous natural product classes (such as erythronolide,paclitaxel, and vancomycin). Starting from completelyunprotected amino acids cysteine, valine, and amino-adipate, tripeptide 13 is formed at the expense of three molecules ATP, constituting a construction step(Scheme 2). Thereafter, isopenicillin-N-synthase buildsup the bicyclic framework characteristic for penicillinsvia a strategic redox reaction. The last step allows for

    SCHEME 1. Total Synthesis of Dihydro-protodaphniphylline by Heathcock et al.

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    the introduction of various side chains without anyintermediate hydrolysis steps and, therefore, also consti-

    tutes a construction step. For this reason, biomimeticsyntheses are often incredibly efficient and closer to

    ideality than abiotic variants.11b-d

    A fair evaluation of a synthetic route of any targetstructure is inevitably tied to the molecular complexityit exhibits. Therefore, the definition of ideality, as wewish to describe it, is restricted to the comparison ofdifferent routes leading to the same target structure.Our intent is to provide the practitioner with a tool forthe purpose of self-reflection and evaluation. We are wellaware, that ideality in synthesis is just one variablefor the consideration of a synthetic route. Depending onthe purpose of the synthesis, other factors like easeof purification, high overall yields, costs of reagents,etc. will govern the choice of the sequence finally carriedthrough. In our own work, we have found it useful toevaluate three specific metrics: Overall yield, step count,

    and percent ideality.This Perspective details our efforts inaiming for the Hendrickson ideal synthesis in the contextof complex natural product synthesis. During the pastseven years, the structures shown in Figure 1 weresynthesized in our laboratories, and they represent abroad cross-section of small molecule natural productsubtypes, ranging from indole alkaloids to pyrrole-imidazole alkaloids to steroid-derived compounds, pep-toidal architectures, diterpenes, and polyhydroxylatedterpenoids. A previous account from our laboratoryshowcased several of these natural product syntheses in rela-tion to the chemoselectivity challenge they posed and the plann-ing guidelines used for their construction.12 In this account, wewill examine our total syntheses through the critical (and often

    harsh) lens of ideality with particular attention paid to deficien-cies and areas for further improvement. The natural productswill be discussed arbitrarily in order of decreasing nitrogencontent.

    Palauamine, Massadines, and Axinellamines

    Palauamine (16),13 massadines (17),14 and axinellamines(18)15 are marine natural products belongingto thepyrrole-imidazole family possessing a very high degree of com-plexity.16 Their highly polar structures exhibit a varietyof halogenation patterns and have a very dense arrange-

    ment of functionality on their carboskeleton. Especiallynoteworthy is the guanidinium hemi-aminal functionality(highlighted in red in Scheme 3) that they all share. Thewell-documented difficulty of installing this critical func-tional group inspired us to pursue a C-H functionaliza-tion approach. By deferring hemi-aminal formation to theadvanced stages of the synthesis, it was surmised thatconcession steps could be minimized. Although there

    was ample precedence for the oxidation of amines toimines, no method for the oxidation of guanidines wasknown from the literature. The C-H bond in questionelectronically resembles that which is adjacent to anamide rather than an amine. Further, with such densefunctionality present in these molecules, chemoselectivityissues would need to be overcome. Most worrisome wasthe problem of overoxidation since it could be easilyargued that the product of such a transformation iseasier to oxidize than the starting material. After exten-sive experimentation we found that silver(II) picoli-nate (40)17 was suitable for the oxidation of 41 to 39(Scheme 3A). This key reaction enabled our 2008 syn-thesis of the axinellamines (18a/b) and paved the way for

    the completion of 17a/b and 16.18

    The reaction wasdramatically improved by adding 10% trifluoroaceticacid19 (see Scheme 3D) and has subsequently found usein the pharmaceutical industry. In 2010, Aldrich Chemi-calCo. began selling 40 ($10/g).20 Our unified approachtothese alkaloids begins with central building block 43.In the case of 17, oxidation of 43 to hemi-aminal 44/45was performed before oxidation of the aminoimidazolemoiety (44/45 f 46) because the hydroxyl group of thehemi-aminal in 46 was required to form the tetrahydro-pyran ring in 47.19 The third and most complex sibling,palauamine (16),21 possesses a unique structural featurecompared to its two congeners: one pyrrole is embedded i nan exquisite hexacyclic framework comprising a trans-fused

    azabicyclo[3.3.0]octane ring system (e.g. trans-5,5-bicycle), pre-viously unseen among natural isolates. This is a centralreason why it had eluded synthesis for almost seventeenyears since its isolation in 1993. Our initial attempts for abiomimetic approach to 16 failed, presumably due to thevery high ring strain imposed by the trans-5,5-bicycle(Scheme 3F). The lessons learned thereby inspired analternative approach that exploited a macrocyclic constitu-tional isomer (48a) (e.g., macro-palauamine Scheme 3E)of16, spring-loaded for a transannular ring closure, andenabled by a dynamic equilibrium between the aminoimi-dazole and amidine form (48b, Scheme 3C). For thispurpose, 48a was accessed from 49 with EDCI in theabsence of protective groups.

    Exposure of48ato TFA elicited the desired transforma-tion to yield palauamine with its characteristic highlystrained trans-5,5-bicycle. This reaction exemplifies howsubstrate preorganization and proximity effects can over-come energy barriers, enabling counterintuitive transfor-mations that lead to otherwise difficult to access molecularscaffolds (inthis case the trans-5,5-bicycle, see Scheme 3E).Another example of this type of strategy will be discussedin the kapakahine section (vide infra). The most strik-ing feature of the logic underpinning these syntheses arethe late-stage chemoselective oxidations on completelyunprotected intermediates possessing no fewer than nine

    SCHEME 2. Biosynthesis of Penicillins

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    nitrogen atoms. Overall, the syntheses of 18, 17, and 16all take place in 25 steps with 32%, 36%, and 36%ideality, respectively. Thus, 60-70% of the steps involvedin these total syntheses are concession steps and there-fore detract from the appeal of these routes. The overallyields of these routes also suffer as a consequence (2.7%for 18, 0.6% for 17, and 0.015% for 16). Studies arenow underway in our laboratories to streamline theseroutes.21a,22

    Sceptrin, Ageliferin, and Nagelamide

    Whereas the previous section dealt with marine sponge-

    derived natural products of the pyrrole-imidazole family

    that contain a central five-membered ring, the biosynthetic

    machinery of the same sponges also create beautiful

    structures possessing cyclobutane and cyclohexane core

    skeletons. Known as sceptrin (19),23 nagelamide E (20),24

    and ageliferin (21),25 they can be biosynthetically traced

    FIGURE1. Structures of natural products recently completed in our laboratories.

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    back to the monomeric natural product hymenidin (seeinset). At the time our laboratory embarked on theirsynthesis, it was believed that 19-21 were independentlyformed via [2 2] and [4 2] cycloadditions, respectively,of hymenidin.26

    We formulated an alternative hypothesis in which 21 and20 were derived from 19 via a formal vinyl cyclobutanerearrangement.27 This hypothesis proved correct (at leastin thelaboratory)and allowed forthe gram-scale synthesis ofthese intriguing natural products.28 Thus, when an aqueoussolution of19 washeated to 200 C for 1 min in a microwave,

    21and 20 were produced in synthetically useful yields. Ourfull account on the subject has shown how the yield of thisreaction, which requires microwave irradiation, is counter-ion dependent.28 The mechanism of this reaction has beenhypothesized to proceed via a diradical intermediate.29 It isinteresting that vinylcyclobutane rearrangements are now

    being invoked in the biosynthesis of completely unrelatedmarine natural product families.30 The hypothesis that19isan important precursor to other pyrrole-imidazole alka-loids led us to pursue the correct structure of palauamine(see the previous section) before it was officially revised byKock in 2007.13e Since sceptrin exhibits potential for thetreatmentof cysticfibrosis and Alzheimers disease, access tolarge quantities of this natural product was imperative.28b

    We therefore developed a short, chromatography-free, high-yielding synthesis featuring a rare oxiquadricyclane56frag-mentation to rapidly build the all-trans tetrasubstitutedcyclobutane core.28,31,32 With a total number of 11 steps

    SCHEME 3. Total Syntheses of Axinellamines, Massadines, and Palauamine

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    and only two protective group manipulations, access to morethan 10 g of sceptrin 19 was gained. Although multigramquantities of19-21were accessed, their syntheses only showed36%(for 19) and 42% (for 20 and21) ideality, respectively, withoverall yieldsof 24%for 19,12%for 21, and 3%for20(Scheme4). The reason for this shortcoming in ideality lies in twononstrategic redox reactions, three functional group intercon-versions, and two protective group manipulations.33

    Kapakahine and Psychotrimine

    Psychotrimine (22)34 and kapakahine F (23)35 are interesting

    examples of howthepositioning of a singlefunctional group canstimulate the invention of methodology. Specifically, bothnatural products are polymeric indole alkaloids that in the caseof 22 present a rare N1-C3-connection between two trypt-amine residues (indolenomenclature, Scheme5A). This connec-tivityis especially curious given the indole heterocycles inherentpreference36 to dimerize and generate a new carbon-carbonbond(typical connectivitydepicted in Scheme5D) ratherthan acarbon-nitrogen bond. In 2006, when the synthesis of22 beganin our laboratories, no methodology for the direct coupling ofindoles to give this N1-C3-bond was known. The formalreactivity pattern (depicted in Scheme 5B) requires one um-poled indole moiety, which is engaged by a second indole unitvia its C3 carbon atom. Embracing this disconnection, a reac-

    tion was invented using o-iodoaniline (59) as an indole

    surrogate.37 In the event, 59 was oxidatively activated usingN-iodosuccinimide and combined with 58 via the proposedmechanism depicted in Scheme 5C. Our recent full account onthis topic traces the design, development, mechanistic intrica-cies, and relevant historical context of this methodology.38

    Following Larock annulation (to deliver 57), Buchwald-Goldberg-Ullmann coupling, and methyl carbamate reduc-tion, a gram-scale, four-step synthesis of22was completed.

    Kapakahine F (23) is a heptacyclic peptide that exhibitsthe same type of N1-C3 linkage as 22. The 16-memberedtwisted (kapakahi is Hawaiian for twisted) macrocycliclactam incorporated in this structure, with an embedded R-

    carboline moiety, poses an additional synthetic challenge.The unique N1-C3 linkage was constructed in the samefashion as in psychotrimine, yielding pyrroloindoline (68) asa single diastereomer. Larock annulation and functionalgroup manipulations gave a fused peptide (65), which wasready for macrocyclization. By examining the structure ofkapakahines, it becomes immediately evident that simplemacrocyclization would produce a pyrroloindoline structureanalogous to that found in psychotrimine (see structure67, Scheme 6B) rather than the kapakahine skeleton 66,(Scheme 6B). Therefore, the success of the route dependedexclusively on the existence of a proposed dynamic equilib-rium between pyrroloindoline (65) and R-carboline (64), ofwhich the latter would undergo macrocyclization in prefer-

    ence to the former.

    SCHEME 4. Total Syntheses of Sceptrin, Nagelamide, and Ageliferin

    SCHEME 5. Total Synthesis of Psychotrimine

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    This constitutes a Curtin-Hammett-scenario39 in whichthe primary amine in64should react faster than the secondaryamine in65. In accord with our design, when65was submittedto macrocyclizationconditions, the desired kapakahinescaffold66was isolated as major product (11:1 = 66:67) in 64% yield.Thisoutcome substantiates the existence of a Curtin-Hammettscenario in which64is the kinetic isomer but is removed fromthe equilibrium due to a lower activation barrier in the macro-cyclization reaction (Scheme 6B). In contrast, macrocyclizationof65is slow due to its higher activation energy.40

    From the vantage point of ideality, the direct N1-C3coupling method enabled a concise four-step synthesis of22in 43% overall yieldand 75% ideality. The clear Achilles heelof that synthesis is the reduction of the carbamates in the laststep (89% yield), which was necessary to set the properoxidation state of the methyl groups. This singular conces-sion step was, however, worthwhile since it permitted theother three reactions to take place chemoselectively andeased purification and characterization. In the case of kapa-kahine F (23), an additional five functional group intercon-versions and one protecting group operation lowered theideality to 42% over 12 steps with 12% overall yield,primarily due to the stepwise nature of the peptide backbonesynthesis.41


    Chartellines constitute a modestly sized family of marinenatural products of extremely high molecular complexity.42

    The scarcest naturally occurring among them, chartelline C(24), contains an indolenine motif with an imidazole em-bedded in a 10-membered macrocyclic lactam, and a -lactam attached in a spiro fashion to the indolenine. Theindole and imidazole subunits are perfectly positioned for -stacking, and the overall architecture is folded so as toaccommodate the unusual -lactam ring. Biosynthetically,

    the chartellines are related to securines and securamines.Thus, the proposal we put forth contained a highly unusualring contraction based on fundamentally sound oxidativerearrangement/dearomatization cascade chemistry to formthe-lactam ring (Scheme 7B).43 Although it was very easyto locate precedent for the failure of the proposed spiro-ringcontraction, it was hypothesized that -stacking and ringconformational effects would overcome this problem (seehypothesized reaction coordinate in Scheme 7C). Securine-type structure72 was synthesized via standard transforma-tions not mentioned here. Thermolytic Boc-deprotection ofcompound72 and subsequent treatment with N-bromosuc-cinimide gave securamine structure type 71, which uponheating rearranged to give the desired-lactam of chartellineC.44 An unusually facile exchange of bromine for chlorineupon standard workup with brine took place, and afterdecarboxylation of70 the natural product was obtained inoverall 16 steps, 6% yield, and 47% ideality. The synthesiscontains three nonstrategic redox reactions, which are usedto build up key precursor 72 and largely detract fromideality. Two protecting group manipulations and threefunctional group interconversions additionally lower theoverall ideality.45

    Hapalindoles, Fischerindoles, and Welwitindolinone A

    Terpene-indole hybrids from marine cyanobacteria haveinspired practitioners of synthesis for decades.46 With 60

    members andgrowing, there is ampleopportunityto imaginehow Nature fashioned these natural products and designroutes, which mimic some, butnot all, of those steps. In 2003,when we embarked on the synthesis of this family, efficiencyand practicality was our ultimate objective. A retrosynthesiswas designed whose sole purpose was to avoid the mostglaring of concession steps: protecting group manipu-lations.47 This required a plan that would maximize both

    SCHEME 6. Total Synthesis of Kapakahine F

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    convergency and innate reactivity. Therefore, the central

    strategic disconnection utilized in the course of this synthesisprogram was the direct formation of a carbon-carbon bondbetween C3 of the indole moiety and the R-carbon atom ofthe terpenoid fragment derived from carvone (Scheme 8C).48

    The oxidative radical coupling used for this purpose bringsabout the great advantage that no prefunctionalization ofeither fragment is required (compare the hypothetical trans-formation of 79 to 80 with 81 to 82, Scheme 8B).49 Thiscontributes to the step economy of the synthesis and avoidspotential protective group manipulations. The assembly ofthe carvone and indole fragments (in Scheme 8C) wasachieved via simple deprotonation and use of a copper(II)oxidant for radical dimerization to give pivotal buildingblocks77 and78a/b, respectively.

    Fischerindoles U (26c), G (26b), and I (26a) were preparedfrom 77 via a cationic cyclization reaction to give the desiredfive-membered carbocycle.8a,48 The total synthesis of welwitin-dolinone A (25) shows parallels to the-lactam formation in thechartelline C synthesis (see Scheme 8B), where an oxidative ringcontraction of a five-membered ring wasinvolved to provide theunique cyclobutane structure element of welwitindolinone A,accompanied with the formation of the oxindole moiety of thenatural product. Hapalindole U (27a) and ambiguine H (27b)were also prepared via compound 77 on a gram scale.50 Thesynthesis of27awas completed with a ring annulating Heckreaction, whereas for compound27ban additional prenylation

    reaction was performed. Clearly, the oxidative coupling of

    indoles and carbonyl compounds was the critical invention thatenabled the avoidance of protective group manipulations,provided a generalized approach to this alkaloid family, andhence furnished gram amounts of these natural products.The route to fischerindole I involved eight steps (11% overallyield) leading to an ideality of 75%. Hapalindole U andambiguine H were synthesized in four steps (24% overallyield) with 75% ideality and six steps (9% overall yield) with83% ideality, respectively. Welwitindolinone A was synthe-sized in nine steps (3% overall yield) with 78% ideality.46b,51

    Avrainvillamide and Stephacidins A and B

    Stephacidins A (30) and B (28) possess unique structural

    features, including a very dense functionality and an uncom-mon oxidation pattern for indole alkaloids. The signaturebicyclo[2.2.2]diazaoctane ringsystemand the dimericcharacterof stephacidin B granted considerable potential to develop newmethodology.52 Our focus resided on the development of ascalable route to stephacidin A (30) (Scheme 9A),53 a positionand chemoselective oxidation of30 to avrainvillamide 29,54andeventually its dimerization to give stephacidin B (28).54,55 Thedimerization of29 as outlined in Scheme 9B was proposed to beNatures pathway to28, a prospect easily probed with a viableroute to 29. Access to large quantities of 30relied upon anefficient construction of the distinctive bicyclo[2.2.2]diazaoctane

    SCHEME 7. Total Synthesis of Chartelline C

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    ring system. The strategic bond highlighted in Scheme 9A(structure 30) in red was thereby gained via an oxidativeenolate heterocoupling of an ester and an amide enolate(Scheme 9D). This methodology gave good yields, couldbe conducted on a preparative scale, and was completelystereoselective.56 Furthermore, this conversion representeda rare example of two different types of carbonyl compounds(ester 84 and amide 85) undergoing an oxidative radicalheterocoupling. This intermolecular oxidative enolate hetero-coupling reaction has since found use in the pharmaceuti-cal industry for the preparation of unsymmetrical, enantio-

    pure succinate building blocks.57 Oxidation of stephacidinA to avrainvillamide was conducted with substochiomericamounts of selenium dioxide and hydrogen peroxide.58 Aspontaneous double-Michael addition of two molecules of29gave rise to the dimer stephacidin B. The numbers revealthat, for 30, 29,and 28 (16, 17, and18 steps, respectively), theideality ranges from 38% for 30, 41% for29, to 44% for28.The sequence leading to stephacidin A (30) involves 16 steps,among which are seven protecting group manipulations, one

    nonstrategic oxidation reaction, and two functional groupinterconversion.59


    Cyclophanes are highly strained compounds with an alkylbridge between nonadjacent positions of an aromatic ring.60

    There are very few examples of this structure motif in naturalproducts,61 with haouamine A (31) representing one of them.62

    Its striking architectural feature comprises a [7]-azaparacyclo-phane structure element, which makes it a very attractive target

    for total synthesis. The aromatic ring of the p-cyclophane in31adopts a strained boat conformation, thereby bending out ofplane and imposing considerable ring strain (Scheme 10B). Inorder to construct this natural product, one must apply amethod for ring closure that can overcome this strain. In ourfirst-generation approach, the method of choice was an intra-molecular R-pyrone Diels-Alder reaction with a tetheredalkyne (depicted in Scheme 10B), the driving force of this

    reaction originating from the liberation of carbon dioxide.63

    SCHEME 8. Total Synthesis of Fischerindoles, Hapalindole U, and Welwitindolinone A

    SCHEME 9. Total Synthesis of Stephacidins A and B and Avrainvillamide

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    Our synthesis commenced with a concise eight-step synthesis

    of 90 on a multigram scale.


    We were then able to accessDiels-Alder precursor 89 with the two crucial functional

    groups (alkyne and R-pyrone) in gram quantities. The Diels-Alder reaction required exposure of89 to 250 C in dichloro-

    benzene for 10 h and provided the desired carbo-skeleton ofhaouamine in a 10:1 ratio in favor of the desired atropisomer in

    low yield. In accord with the isolation report, 31was found toexist as a mixture of rapidly interconvertingisomers,which could

    be explained either by atropisomerism or pyramidal inversion at

    nitrogen.65 A collaboration with Genentech was forged toelucidate the biological mode of action for 31s anticancer

    activity. Unfortunately, the first-generation route to 31could only deliver small quantities that were insufficient

    for extensive analysis. A second-generation route to 31

    was therefore designed with the issues of scalabilityand atropselectivity in mind.66 Slightly saturated versionsof31 and atrop-31 were targeted as shown in Scheme 10

    (91a/b). It was reasoned that these enones would be

    susceptible to oxidation/aromatization and that atrop-selectivity would be easily achieved by transferring their

    point chirality into the planar chirality of the naturalproduct.

    Atropisomers91a and 91b were generated through a high-yielding macro-alkylation and separated by column chro-matography. Chemoselective aromatization was achievedwith N-tert-butylbenzenesulfinimidoyl chloride67 to yield

    haouamine A (31) and tentative atrop-haouamine A,

    respectively. With both atropisomers in hand, we were ableto prove that the isomeric mixture of31stems from nitrogeninversion and concomitant conformational tetrahydropyri-dine rearrangement rather than atropisomerism. As a resultof this work, the supply of haouamine for extensive biologi-cal evaluation is no longer an issue (samples freely availableon request). Both (first- and second-generation) routes werecarried out in racemic and enantioselective68 forms. Theracemic first-generation approach is eight steps, with 1%overall yield, and exhibits 50% ideality, whereas the enan-tioselective first-generation approach consists of 12 stepswith 0.6% overall yield and 50% ideality. The racemicsecond-generation approach includes nine steps with 5%overall yield and 44% ideality versus 13 steps for its en-

    antioselective version with 3% overall yield and 38% ide-ality. Application and refinement of this strategy to otherchiral and strained cyclophanes are underway.69

    Cortistatin A

    The cortistatins constitute an unusual family of 9-(10,19)-abeo-androstane steroids and were isolated from a marinesponge.70 They feature very potent inhibition of humanumbilical endothelial vein cellswith cortistatin A (32) asthe most potent member (HUVECs, IC50 = 1.8nM) withoutexhibiting any cytotoxicity toward either healthy or cancer-ous cells. Cortistatin A is a high-affinity ligandfor a small set

    SCHEME 10. Total Synthesis of Haouamine A

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    of protein kinases including ROCK, CDK8, and CDK11.71

    Its outstanding biological activity combined with an unusual

    array of functionality attracted our attention and led usto pursue a practical semisynthesis given the historicalsuccess in the commercialization of steroids through suchstrategies.72 Prednisone 100 appeared to be a versatile starterunit to us, as it is inexpensive ($1.2/g) and already contained70% of the carboskeleton of 32. The principle highlightsof our approach include the construction of a heteroada-mantane core in ring A (see structure 99, Scheme 11A),the first example of an alcohol-directed geminal-dihalogena-

    tion (Scheme 11B), and an isohypsic ring expansion(Scheme 11C) to establish the B-ring with its correct oxida-tion state.73 Cortistatinone (98) was accessed on multigramscale in 7% overall yield from prednisone in twelve steps.This critical intermediate could be used to access cortistatin

    A (32) and myriad of related analogues.The overall yield was 3% for32, with a total of 15 steps, with

    fourconstructionsteps andfourstrategic oxidations contributingto the 66% idealityof thesynthesis.Although the sequenceis veryshort, there is room for improvement. All together five conces-sion steps had to be carried out, one of which was a nonstrategicoxidation, two functional group interconversions, and twoprotecting group manipulations. Full details of our second-generation route to32will be reported in the near future.70d,74


    The total synthesis of vinigrol 33 stood as a major chal-

    lenge in terpene chemistry over the last two decades.75 The

    extreme difficulty in preparing this diterpenoid stems from

    its unprecedented decahydro-1,5-butanonaphthalene ring

    system, which bears eight contiguous stereogenic centers.

    Vinigrol can be viewed as a cis-decalin system bridged by a

    four-carbon-atom handle.76 This makes the structure very

    rigid and renders any kind of ring closure disfavorable. We

    therefore envisaged the construction of another readily

    accessible ring system109that could then be fragmented into

    the vinigrol carboskeleton.77 This progenitor ring system was

    accessed via two Diels-Alder reactions (111f110f109) as

    shown in Scheme 12A. Grob fragmentation78 was planned to

    occur along the highlighted bonds in 109, according to the

    mechanism being depicted in Scheme 12C. For comparison(Scheme 12B), one can see that the stereoelectronic require-

    ments for the Grob fragmentation are perfectly fulfilled, and

    indeed, the desired transformation proceeded smoothly to

    give the desired vinigrol skeleton.With the backbone set in place, the main obstacle to

    complete the total synthesis of 33 became the installationof the 1,2-syn-hydroxymethyl system (shown in 107). Afterextensive experimentation, the reaction of in situ generated

    SCHEME 11. Total Synthesis of Cortistatin A

    SCHEME 12. Total Synthesis of Vinigrol

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    bromonitrile oxide with bis-olefin 108 and concomitantfunctional group interconversions afforded desired 107. Upto this point, all reactions were carried out on gram scale,demonstrating the robustness and scalability of the syntheticroute. Shapiro reaction of 107 and trapping of the inter-mediate trianion (double alkoxy plus vinylic anion) withformaldehyde successfully concluded the synthesis of33.The

    synthesis of vinigrol comprises 23 total steps with overall 3%yield.79 The route suffers from four nonstrategic redoxreactions and eight functional group interconversions, butonly one protecting group manipulation was carried out.These concession steps are opposed by only seven construc-tion steps andthreestrategic redox reactions, which results inthe relatively low ideality of 43%.75a,80 Indeed, aswillbe seenin the following section, our work in the vinigrol arenaprompted us to take a step back and question whether theremight be a more efficient general strategy for assemblingcomplex terpenes in the laboratory.

    Chemo- and Site-Selective C-H Oxidation To Access Poly-hydroxylated Terpenoids

    On January 12, 2007, we were invited by the editor ofNature Chemical Biology to write a review on modernapproaches to terpene synthesis.81 This puzzling invitation(we had only published alkaloid syntheses at that point) waseagerly accepted with the hopes of entering this area andlearning about recent trends in the synthesis of such mole-cules. After pouring through the literature, it became quiteclear that the overall modus operandi that chemists useto plan and execute terpene syntheses has not changed overthe past several decades. To be sure, organic chemists havebecome quite adept at building up molecular skeletonsbut fall short of ideality when functional groups need tobe installed. On the other hand, Nature constructs terpenes

    in two distinct phases, referred to as the cyclase and oxi-dase phases by enzymologists.82 Inspired by the generalbiosynthetic terpene pathway, we envisaged a similar two-phase strategic plan, namely the synthesis of a nonoxidizedpolycyclic precursor, or cyclase-phase, and the subsequentselective oxidation of this polycycle, or oxidase phase(Scheme 13). As a prelude to more complex terpenes(ingenol and paclitaxel, for instance), we chose the eudes-mane terpene family as a proof of principle. In the labora-tory, the cyclase phase would take advantage of decades ofadvances in carbogen construction, whereas the oxidasephase gives one the opportunity to explore fundamental

    reactivity and invent new methods for selective functionali-zation of C-H bonds.

    Starting from inexpensive and commercially availablestarting materials (118a and 118b), the enantioselectivesynthesis of dihydrojunenol 117was accomplished in ninesteps on a gram scale (Scheme 14A).83,84 4-epi-Ajanol (34)and dihydroxyeudesmane (35) were targeted first. Both

    natural products have the same oxidation state (redoxisomers), but the position of oxidation differs on the carbo-skeleton, making them ideal test systems for site-selectiveC-H functionalization. After the trifluoroethyl carbamatedirecting group was appended onto 117,85 adduct119wasevaluated by X-ray crystallography and NMR spectroscopyto predict the most likely sites of C-H oxidation. Bothtechniques combined with literature precedence for rapidequatorial C-H oxidation (vide infra) pointed to H1 beingoxidized more rapidly with an intermolecular oxidant andH5 being oxidized under the direction of the trifluoroethylcarbamate group (intramolecular). In accord with thisprediction, reaction of methyl(trifluoromethyl)dioxirane(TFDO)86 with119selectively produced compound 120 in

    very good yields on a gram scale. In contrast, dihydroxyeu-desmane (35) was accessed by reaction of 119 with acetylhypobromite, which gave exclusive functionalization of theside chain (H5). Conversion of bromide121to35completedthe synthesis. Our NMR data of35 perfectly matched theisolated material, requiring a structural reassignment of35ato35, which was supported by single-crystal X-ray analysis.

    The synthesis of trihydroxylated pygmol (36) required anadditional C-H-functionalization reaction, which was con-ducted on 4-epi-ajanol precursor120 using acetyl hypobro-mite to yield122 (see Scheme 14B). Conversion to 123 andhydrolysis gave 36 in good yields. For the synthesis oftetrahydroxylated 11-epi-eudesamantetraol (37a) and eudes-manetetraol (37), epoxide126 was generated as outlined in

    Scheme 14B. By either acidic or basic opening of 126, bothnatural products were accessed from the same intermediate. Itis worth noting that the transformation of120 to olefin 124represents a unique example of a formal remote dehydrogena-tion process. Additionally, if olefin124is exposed to SharplessAD-mix Ror, a 1:1.5 mixture of37a/37is obtained, furtherstrengthening the tactical advantage of using a directing group.

    To the best of our knowledge, this represents the firstexample of the use of multiple C-H activation processes toinstall carbon-oxygen bonds in total synthesis. To summar-ize, 4-epi-ajanol (34), dihydroxyeudesmane (35), pygmol(36), and eudesmanetetraols (37) were synthesized in 12,

    SCHEME 13. Two-Stage Retrosynthesis for Terpene Total Synthesis

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    12, 13, and 15 steps, with overall yields of 17, 9, 9, and 4%,respectively. As a testament to the underlying logic of thisapproach, the ideality increased with increasing number ofsteps starting from 58% ideality for 34and35, 62% idealityfor 36, and66% ideality for 37 and 37a. This counterintuitive

    increase provides some evidence that C-H activation meth-odology canindeed contribute to the economies of terpenesynthesis.

    In fact, it has long been appreciated that terpenes, with theirdiverse oxidation patterns, constitute an ideal playground for

    SCHEME 14. Total Synthesis of Eudesmane Terpenoids Using Site-Selective C-H-Activation Methodology

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    the testing of new selective C-H activation methods.87 Yet, inorder to apply multiple site-selective C-H activation reactionsin a synthesis, profound understanding of reactivity trends isrequired. For instance, the selective oxidation of equatorialC-H bonds over their axial counterparts has been observedfor decades, but explanations remain somewhat ambiguous.88

    The eudesmane synthesis prompted us to take a careful look atthis phenomenon, specifically the conversion of 119 to 120(Scheme 14A). On the basis of steric and electronic argumentsalone, one might propose that H5would react in preference toH1, yet the opposite is observed. In our 2009report, it was hypo-thesized83 that suchselectivity was due to strain release effects in

    the transition state during oxidation. As shown in Scheme 14C,a developing positive charge or radical character is observed inthe transition state of the TFDO oxidation (this occurs in anyreaction of a C-H bond with an electrophilic oxidant).89 Thisleads to a bending of the carbon center toward planarity andthus alleviates 1,3 diaxial interactions in the transition state. Incollaboration with Professor Albert Eschenmoser, a modelsystem was designed that would provide nearly unassailableevidence for a strain-release effect leading to rate acceleration(Scheme 14D).90 Indeed, model system127reacted slower than119due to lower ground-state destabilization. Thus, studies ontheeudesmanes brought to light strainrelease as a newreactivity

    factor to be considered in planning and understanding theselectivity of C-H activation reactions in complex settings inaddition to the well-known effects of steric hindrance and C-Hbond nucleophilicity. Time will tell whether the two-phaseapproach to terpene synthesis will succeed in even more complexsettings, and those studies are ongoing in our laboratory.


    Ideal beauty is a fugitive which is never located.Marquise de Sevigne, Marie de Rabutin-Chantal

    Can the same be said for synthesis? Perhaps, but thefutureof organic synthesis must be in constant search of the idealsynthesis. Efficiency and practicality are the yardsticks bywhich beauty and ideality in synthesis will be judged. Themeans by which practitioners aimfor this goal will differ, butinnovation will invariably be the result. Ideality in synth-esis is only one variable of several that should be considered.It is a useful tool for the purposes of self-reflection andevaluation but NOT an ultimate measure of a synthesis.Although the pursuit of an ideal synthesis may naturally leadto a better route in many instances, certain situations (ease ofpurifications, inexpensive reagents, higher atom economy,

    TABLE1. Overview of the Ideality of the Syntheses Described

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    higher overall yield, etc.) might dictate choosing a path withlower ideality.

    In this perspective, we have summarized the past sevenyears of our ownefforts towardidealityin total synthesis (seeTable 1 for a numerical summary). Table 1 aims to providethe reader with an overview for estimating the extent that theHendrickson ideal has been fulfilled for the specific targetstructures in question. However, as stated previously, it does

    not provide a method for comparison of syntheses of differ-ent target structures because of the strong divergence intheir molecular complexity. While attempting to adhere toHendricksons vision of an ideal synthesis, we have completedseveral practical syntheses of complex natural products, alongwith the discovery of interesting methods, strategies, andfundamental insights into reactivity. We may never achievea total synthesis characterized by 100% ideality, but such apursuit serves as a constant source of inspiration.

    Acknowledgment. This perspective is dedicated to the stu-dents and postdoctoral scholars who, through their boundlesspassion and creativity, have made this research possible (nameslisted in references). We thank Dr. Shun Su, Dr. Chad A. Lewis,and Jonathan W. Lockner for fruitful discussions and Ian B.Seiple and Dr. Tanja Gulder for assistance with manuscriptpreparation. We are grateful to Amgen, Bristol-Myers Squibb,Pfizer, Roche, GlaxoSmithKline, AstraZeneca, Dupont, SearleFoundation, Beckmann Foundation, The Scripps ResearchInstitute, Skaggs Institute for Chemical Biology, the NIH,NSF career, and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation for fundingover the years. The Austrian Science Foundation (FWF) isthanked for a postdoctoralfellowship (J2899)to T.G. Thecoverartwork was acquired from

    Note Added after ASAP Publication. There were errors inthe version published ASAP June 11, 2010. Schemes 2, 3, 14and Figure 1 were replaced and various text changes were

    made; the corrected version reposted on June 18, 2010.

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    Gaich and Baran JOCPerspective

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