ain (25jun15) russia confirms more tu-160 bombers

 RUSSIA CONFIRMS MORE TU-160 BOMBERS  b y V l ad i m i r K ar no zov  J UN E 25 , 2 0 15 , 7: 3 7 A M H TTP: //WWW. A I N O N LI N E. CO M/AV I ATI O N - N EWS /D EFE N S E/2 0 1 5 - 0 6 - 2 5 /RU S S I A - CO N FI RMS - MO RE- TU - 1 6 0 - BO MBERS Russia will “eventually” produce 50 more Tu-160M swing-wing intercontine ntal supersonic bombers, sa id Russian air orce commander !en" #ictor $ondarev " “T%e supreme commander and t%e deense minister %ave made t%e decision to restart production,” %e continued" &pea'ing to t%e media, $ondarev said t%at 50 is t%e number re(uir ed to )ustiy t%e e*pense o reviving t%e line" +is remar's ollow t%ose o deense minister !en" &ergei &%oigu during %is recent inspection o t%e aan .ircrat /roduction rganiation ./2" . prototype o t%e Tu-160 made its maiden 3ig%t in 4ecember 11, and deliveries began in .pril 17" T%e type was in production at ./ rom 18 t%roug% t%e early 10s, w%en unds dried up ollowing collapse o t%e &oviet 9nion" :n t%e new century t%e actory was able to complete only a couple o new aircrat, rom parts manuactured earlier" ;6 e*amples built, 16 Tu-160s remain active wit% t%e Russian air orce"  T%ey are under going a mid-lie upgrade and moder niation program" T%i s e<ort will be complete in =01, according to $oris >ais%uler, director o t%e design center at ./" +e urt%er said t%at t%e ?rst p%ase o t%e program o@cially launc%ed in =01=2 %as been completed" T%e second p%ase, w%ic% runs t%roug% =01, calls or replacement o “almost all” t%e e*isting radio electroni c e(uipment in operational aircrat wit% new %ardware" 4uring t%is process, all non-Russian-made e(uipment t%at originated in t%e ormer &oviet republics, now independent states2 will be replaced wit% Russian substitutes" .s part o t%e Tu-160 revitaliation e<ort, RussiaAs 9nited Bngine Corp rewor'ed t%e bomberAs unetsov >;= engine it received a new gas generator2 and re-launc%ed production" .n initial batc% o newly built >;=s will be delivered to Mo4 late ne*t year"

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Post on 04-Nov-2015




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Russia Confirms More Tu-160 Bombersby Vladimir Karnozov-June 25, 2015, 7:37 AM will eventually produce 50 more Tu-160M swing-wing intercontinental supersonic bombers, said Russian air force commander Gen. Victor Bondarev. The supreme commander and the defense minister have made the decision to restart production, he continued. Speaking to the media, Bondarev said that 50 is the number required to justify the expense of reviving theline.His remarks follow those of defense minister Gen. Sergei Shoigu during his recent inspection of the Kazan Aircraft Production Organization (KAPO).A prototype of the Tu-160 made its maiden flight in December 1981, and deliveries began in April 1987. The type was in production at KAPO from 1984 through the early 1990s, when funds dried up following collapse of the Soviet Union. In the new century the factory was able to complete only a couple of new aircraft, from parts manufacturedearlier.Of 36 examples built, 16 Tu-160s remain active with the Russian air force. They are undergoing a mid-life upgrade and modernization program. This effort will be complete in 2019, according to Boris Naishuler, director of the design center at KAPO. He further said that the first phase of the program (officially launched in 2012) has been completed. The second phase, which runs through 2019, calls for replacement of almost all the existing radio electronic equipment in operational aircraft with new hardware. During this process, all non-Russian-made equipment (that originated in the former Soviet republics, now independent states) will be replaced with Russiansubstitutes.As part of the Tu-160 revitalization effort, Russias United Engine Corp reworked the bombers Kuznetsov NK32 engine (it received a new gas generator) and re-launched production. An initial batch of newly built NK32s will be delivered to MoD late nextyear.