ai!n·~m~·ur t)f · this st:llkm.:ul ai!n·~m~·ur anti...

This St:llkm.:ul anti made a!- nfthi,. \"' ''"Y t)f Bank, N.A. ("'FDIC ·R .. ) m1d M:m:u:; t\clcnnan. tl.lark !\U{!Ii!l<tn. W;IItCJ CU\)k. R.1fad llia;o .. Jimmy R. fm-rest. Alan I .. Frct:mun. O!>.;;ar G;tcl:tn. Marvin U. Ruonic .. and Daniel Schw:anz the .. s,·uliu.l! lndi\liduals''l. and Spcl!iahy (\"lmpany tl'lk/a lntemuriuual lnsuram:c C(lmi'""Y) ( Spc:.:iuhy·· ,., rhc "htsumncc l'om.,;my''al ill\livi&tu:rlly. the FI)IC-R. lite lnthviduals and CnmJ':toy m3y he n·l\!rn:d t•• lk'l'\.'in ''Party'' mnl Ctlll.::ctiH:Iy as the .. Pitrtie;. .. ). I. Prior ll' I I. 2UOQ. Rctlllhlic B:mJ... N.A. t''llanl.'') wa!:i H dcpnsit.-vy instiiUiiun tmder the o)f the I :nitoo Statell: 2. On II. 2UCI'). the w:tH'l<lSt:d by the Office of lhc CilmJllmller l)f thd ·urn:m;y t;'U<"l."'l ;uhl llllr.;tl;mt ll' 1:! II I IQ l(c). th.: I·DII.'·I{ was :appointed recci\'t;:r. In with 1:' tr.s.C. * I K21hll. tin· 1-'1))( -R ll' ;tll.-ighfs.. lillc:->. :md fmu.:tinu!>. duties and _.l'ls lll> dircctnl'!! :ittalll •r 1•tlin:1s uf tire Bank. I ln July 'tl. tht.• FDIC. '·R 1!-aw inu:nt lH t.:laim:> Man.:l'" :\d..cnnan. Walter <.·Ot.,l... R;tlacl lli;v. Al:111 I .. Frt:cman. Ose:u Cittelan, Murvin ll. 1.-tmf••. ;uul O;micl Sd-rwm11.. au,1 therealler. hch\o\!1:11 Oclttber Itt. .!0 and October Jll. :!1) 12. lhe FVIC. R IWti .. ·o;.· •'If it' inte-nt tu (b)(6) ······"" ....... ·····

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Page 1: Ai!n·~m~·ur t)f · This St:llkm.:ul Ai!n·~m~·ur anti Rd~'IN.'I'',\gr"'Cnlenf'l i~ made a!-nfthi,.\"' ''"Y t)f Bank, N.A. ("'FDIC ·R .. ) m1d M:m:u:; t\clcnnan. tl.lark Al~-ddu.Jam~s

~ This St:llkm.:ul Ai!n·~m~·ur anti Rd~'IN.'I'',\gr"'Cnlenf'l i~ made a!- nfthi,. \"' ''"Y t)f

Bank, N.A. ("'FDIC ·R .. ) m1d M:m:u:; t\clcnnan. tl.lark Al~-ddu. Jam~s !\U{!Ii!l<tn. W;IItCJ CU\)k.

R.1fad llia;o .. Jimmy R. fm-rest. Alan I .. Frct:mun. O!>.;;ar G;tcl:tn. Marvin U. Land~l, Ruonic

Marlin~:t .. and Daniel Schw:anz tcHII~"Ctivcl)· the .. s,·uliu.l! lndi\liduals''l. and Charti~ Spcl!iahy

ln~ur:mcc (\"lmpany tl'lk/a !\m~:ric.:an lntemuriuual ~ll\.'\:i;all)' Lin.:~ lnsuram:c C(lmi'""Y) ( "(~hartio;

Spc:.:iuhy·· ,., rhc "htsumncc l'om.,;my''al ill\livi&tu:rlly. the FI)IC-R. lite Sctlliu~ lnthviduals and

th.,·lnsuran~~ CnmJ':toy m3y he n·l\!rn:d t•• lk'l'\.'in ••~ ''Party'' mnl Ctlll.::ctiH:Iy as the .. Pitrtie;. .. ).



I. Prior ll' Dt·c.:nl~t I I. 2UOQ. Rctlllhlic F"" B:mJ... N.A. t''llanl.'') wa!:i H

dcpnsit.-vy instiiUiiun tlrguni~-~lmul cxi~;tint; tmder the law~ o)f the I :nitoo Statell:

2. On lha:~mhcr II. 2UCI'). the l::tan~ w:tH'l<lSt:d by the Office of lhc CilmJllmller l)f

thd ·urn:m;y t;'U<"l."'l ;uhl llllr.;tl;mt ll' 1:! II .S.C.~ I IQ l(c). th.: I·DII.'·I{ was :appointed recci\'t;:r.

In :u:~tlnlancc with 1:' tr.s.C. * I K21hll. tin· 1-'1))( -R snc&:cl.',l~tl ll' ;tll.-ighfs.. lillc:->. Jlt"lW~rs :md

fmu.:tinu!>. duties and _.l'ls lll> dircctnl'!! :ittalll •r 1•tlin:1s uf tire Bank. I ln July ~1. ~n 'tl. tht.• FDIC. '·R

1!-aw n~•ticc nfit~ inu:nt lH <~sscrt t.:laim:> il~iust Man.:l'" :\d..cnnan. Walter <.·Ot.,l... R;tlacl lli;v.

Al:111 I .. Frt:cman. Ose:u Cittelan, Murvin ll. 1.-tmf••. ;uul O;micl Sd-rwm11.. au,1 therealler. hch\o\!1:11

Oclttber Itt . .!0 I~ and October Jll. :!1) 12. lhe FVIC. R ~:tw IWti .. ·o;.· •'If it' inte-nt tu :t~scrl dttint~ (b)(6)


....... ·····

Page 2: Ai!n·~m~·ur t)f · This St:llkm.:ul Ai!n·~m~·ur anti Rd~'IN.'I'',\gr"'Cnlenf'l i~ made a!-nfthi,.\"' ''"Y t)f Bank, N.A. ("'FDIC ·R .. ) m1d M:m:u:; t\clcnnan. tl.lark Al~-ddu.Jam~s

(b)(4) .

s~uliug ludi\'idu;l(S ~cncd 31 \'arious Linu.:s ··~ :lllin-ctor andiHr an (lfliccr of the 13auJ..:

4. Chal1is s..,~~ially is,;u~tl Man:I~~IIICIIl (tlhl f'H•I~~-.innal Liahilitr l'oli~y N ... o. J,..~-..... -.'r lh\! l'nliey f.'crir•d Jnly :!.7. ~Ui)l) 111 July ~~ .1UIIJ (lh~ "f'ulicy"J. which insured rhc

lit .. • sen lint! Individuals have mad.: daim' mu.lcr th~ l,ulicy. :\r lh~ time Chnn is Spc..:i:th~ was

(lf"t..>s~nlctl with l.hc .:lilim~ 111nd\! hy th~ FUIC-R ag<~in!>t thl: Sculing lndi\'iduals. Char1is ~J>ed;tlt~·

~~n·cd il.; ri~hN umlcr 1h~ PHiicy li11· claims as~cnctl by the FDIC agaiust th<~ Scttlin!,!

linhili1y of any kintl f, •r .any :md all claitns mudc 1\gain,;t him hy tile FDIC -H..

l1. ·n.c undcrsi~ov"'C(I P:1nic;; deem it in their b&.-st interests to enter intnlhi~ Agreement

'" ;tvoid lh~ unccrlainly. lm11hk. ;mel CX('ICI\M! of li1igatim1.

f\;( JW. It-t EREI·ORt.. in .:onsiderruiou u( lh~ rromises. undcrMkings. ll3YIOCIIIS. :Jnd

A. i\s an cs!'4.·ntial c~•"cn:ml :nhl .:•mdili•lll "'this AgrcL'nu:ne. the Scttlin~ lnclividtmls

:uul <'hurt is Sjlccialty. r.;ollc~livc:l}. agree thlltlhll FlliC "" p:litllhc stun ,lf $.l . .l milliom (_tile

·'Scu kmcnl 1-unds'·). t lpon rhc cxccrllillll of :111 •ll"i~in:d. or clril!in;tl:. in L~lunlt:rp•lrl. tlf1his

Aprtc'•.'llh:UI hy ea.:h o\flh~ nndersir.ncd l'<~rli<'" '"litis AgrccmciU. hy the l:1h:r trf~~pl~tnhcr :?.O.

2Ut.• . .-u· ;;even c:dcndur t.l:lys after this Arrt.·,·mcnl i~ sigm.·d l'ly th~· fUIC -R ith.: •·nut.• l.>nto:-'"1.

f h:tni.; S(lc:.:ially ~lutll poty itlld .Jdivt~r th,: "enlcmetU f-nmls h• ltliC' hy ch~o.-ck drawn upon a

dcptlsil•"~ry in:-titutinn acceptable to ll>IC.


Page 3: Ai!n·~m~·ur t)f · This St:llkm.:ul Ai!n·~m~·ur anti Rd~'IN.'I'',\gr"'Cnlenf'l i~ made a!-nfthi,.\"' ''"Y t)f Bank, N.A. ("'FDIC ·R .. ) m1d M:m:u:; t\clcnnan. tl.lark Al~-ddu.Jam~s

I >:tie. interest ,..h:1ll ••~<:rue nn ~•lluup:~id ;uuuu•U" at dt\' r<llc of;; r-.ercent ~r annum from lltl' I )u-::


t ·. In additi''"· :nul withnur w:1iving :my i•lhcr rif!hl..; thnlthc FUI{'-1{ ma~ have, in

lh(: t•v.;.· all S<>llk!mcnl fuml' ;en: JM'I ~''-'<:..:iv\.·tl b) tl"· !'DIC-It hy Ill\:' Du<: D;th.'. &hen. lh4:

l'unds ''' ded:Jrl! this !\gn .. ~mcnl null and ~.ooitl, ,;h:dllmw llu: ri~Ju '" c:dcnd lhis AJ!n.·cm~nt lor

any periuJ ,,f tim~ until it rt:~d'V.:.''> an S~nkm~ll Fund~. :.mliur shall h:HIC lh.: ri~lll tn Cll t(lr~c:

tbis A;:rct:m<nlag.'lillst lh< ScltliUJ! Jndivi,lu:th. in whid1 event lhc ScUiiu!L hlllividu.tb ag1w 1(1

jnrisdk~i0n in I: 11 it~..! State:> L>i~trict t·,,un li•r 11".: Suulht--nl Ui<otrkl ul' ~l.,ridn and attrcc to llt1Y

all t) r dtl.' FrJI<.' -R. s rc:s~unoble all\ ~l'Y. ~ re~~ C:'<(lCnd.;d in c:nfi •rdn~ th,· h:rm:. uf this

Agreement. ('II)' tled:;inn hy thi' n liC-R til ex lend the term~ ~,f lhis /\grecm~tlt ;;;ht~llnot

(lr.:ju.ticc its riglu~ Hlch:d:tre ihis .1\~n."\:m'-~nl null atld void :11 :my fin•~ prinr It~ rcc~ipe uf :Ill

Scltlc:m~nt huul,; nr lc' cnf..)(c:C lhc lcnno; nf I hi~; ScUinncnt/\t~re~:mcm ..

SF.<.:TION II: Rcleii!IC~

A. R .. ·lt:a.w nf Sdtlin;; lnlfivitluals by f-DIC-R.

t:ffc\'.ti,·c upo.n rcl:cipt in full of th.: Scnl~mcnt Fund:; ,,Ius :my :tec.rucd im~·rcsl t.lcserihed

in SH'TI( •N I ah.wc. and c:x~·cpl a!'> rmwi,lcd in 1':\RMil~t\11 1111.1-1. llelolW. lhc HJIC-R. for

iiself<tnll ils ,;m·ccssllrs :1ml assigns. hcrcl'ly rdca!..::~ anti dischn'l!es \.'!1\:11 ,lflht.· ~~Uiing

Judi" iduals nn.l lh.;···d iv~· heirs. cxc~·••luls. ;\dministmlnrs. rcprescnlativc~. :'Uccessf•rs. :.n.l

assigns. frcll\1 auy and ;~II cl;~im .... demands. ,,hlig:11inns. Jam:~~es. ~ti\ms. :•nd ~;tus~s nf <tclicnl.

dirn't !lf indircl'l. iu law ••r in equity. hclnuginl! lulhc I-IJI< '-R. lhitl w~r.: ro1iscd '"' o;o)\]ld have

\ b)(6) .. ····· .. -····

Page 4: Ai!n·~m~·ur t)f · This St:llkm.:ul Ai!n·~m~·ur anti Rd~'IN.'I'',\gr"'Cnlenf'l i~ made a!-nfthi,.\"' ''"Y t)f Bank, N.A. ("'FDIC ·R .. ) m1d M:m:u:; t\clcnnan. tl.lark Al~-ddu.Jam~s

ll Rd-:as~: '-'IIDIC by llw S,;lllill!: ln,lh•id!t.11s.

1: n tl\:t i\'(' s i mu ltaRC"llll;o;ly with I he ri' 1,•;1.,.; ~r:mt\!tl in I)" I~ t\{ j K "I'll II.'\ <tl'lo IVl!, thl'

Scttl in .,:t Individual~. on bch:df ut" themse-lves mctivirhmlly. :md their rc~1•ec• h·c he irs. ~wcutHM.

atlm iuistmlors. :t!!cnh, n~pn:.'i\.~ntat iv.:s. sul·l·css••rs :md ''""i~ns. h'-'1\:hy n·lc;IS<.' <nl(l dio;o:hllrl~,·

rT)Ic..>R. and iti- cmpl•lYC'-"S, ntliccr~. dira:bns. rcpn,:-.c:nt;llivcs. .;u~ccs,;o~ :md a! from any

and ~JII claim ... ,J..:m:nuJs, ,,hli~eticui ... 1lHnm~cs. a,·tiuus. ltnd .:auscs uf ;~eti<~n. rlirccl ••r indirc:.:l. in

l:tw or in cquil)'· thut arise fwm 1)r relate: k•. the IJ.Jnk ,,r to the p:rr{•mlancc. noupcrli.lm•ancc:. ur

manner uf ~rli•rtmmce uf th.: ~ltlin~ Individuals' fc'itl\:dive li.mclillu~ .• lutil·s an,l ;u,,ti.>us :1!'

ol'liccrs ~md/m· diro;;ctors or the Bank.

t '. Rdr;3S\;, bv. S~.UJing lnd i" illuab l)f Fuch Other.

t:tfe~.:tiv~ simultanc:mt,oly with th..- 1\.·l~o.'liSC~ ~ranted in l'<~nt!l•·a11h II.R. ah4we. the Set1ling

llldividuals. :md their l'l'"pcctiv.: heir);.. c.\.ccutors. :1dmiuistmtn~. rcpn:sentativc:s. sm:c~.ssors :ll1rl

a:;-;igns. hcrchy rele.a:-;c :md cti~dmr~~ ca..:h ••thl'.r lmm <~II) otm1 .-11 daim!., tlcmmhls. nhliW'Iions.

damn~e<.. a.:ti•ms. anci cause:; of flclinn. directnr inJin:~:l. iu luw or in C!1Uily.thatariS(~ frt.""lfn or

rd~1tc '"'h'· ~rtormmh:e:. nlmpcrlilnnancc, or manner ol" p~:rrumumcc nfthcir rt:sp"'~:tiv..­

f(mcti•'ns. duli~o·.~ :tthl :tl.'l imts as ulliccr!. andltlr dirccltl!'!' tlfthc

U. B£lcn~c (1fChartis Spcciilh\' hv .tOIC.R.

EITcct ivc simu hanc, 111sl y wil h thc •·dcnsc.s ~··.1111\..'ll in P;·mtgraph~ 11.1\. ;md I Ul. nh•W~.

the t-=IJIC-R. li>r 11o;clf ~tlld its succcssms ;-.kl "'-'si~ns, bcr\.!h~ release.~ ;~nd di:;chllrge~ Clmnis

Spc~.i:tlty. its 111tr.:ms. snb.;itli:.riL>s, ;tflili:~h!!>. ;tml n:in~ml:'t':". and thdr respective t:~UJllu~c.-cs.

;•lliccr!>. ,1 ircct .. ro;. ag~nls. r~·prcscn1111ivcs. '-'IIC.:c:;~u•·-. mtd ;ts<~igns. lium au~ and all dnim'i.

dcman<b. nhli!,f:ll~llls. datnil:,!\'~. m:tit)ns ;md L':'lll~s •lf xtinn. clirc\.'1 ,)r indirc~l. in 1:1\\· ••r in

Ctfuity. thai arise lrflm 1.•r rel;~le In the l'cllicy an&lll•c d:tim,; a~xcrtcd ;l[!tl in~t the '\t:fllittg

lndivduals. The FOI< '·R a~f'-'CS that ;m~ inhm:~l i' may have undc:r th~ Pnli..:} i:' c\tin~ui.o;hcd. Gb)(4)

Page 5: Ai!n·~m~·ur t)f · This St:llkm.:ul Ai!n·~m~·ur anti Rd~'IN.'I'',\gr"'Cnlenf'l i~ made a!-nfthi,.\"' ''"Y t)f Bank, N.A. ("'FDIC ·R .. ) m1d M:m:u:; t\clcnnan. tl.lark Al~-ddu.Jam~s

H1h:tivc ... inmh;~ue.llnd) with th.: release~ ~ranted in l":tra!!ni('h!: II..'\. and 11.11. ahove.

the Sclllinl! Individuals. '·'II behalf ufth~.·msd"c" individually. an1l tlwir n;s~~ti,·c hl'irs.

ony an.t all daim:.. demands. 1.•blil!alivns. tl:ltn~llcS. ;~clivns :tnd ~l\ll!ii.'S uf ;t-..•tion. ~.lie·c~:t Ol'

indircd. in l:nv Ol' in ~tuit~·.l..nnwn ur uul.nmo,;n. incltkling claims fi··•· ··had l~1ith" Ul' claims

Hfcctivc.: simuhan,-ously with the rclca~ ~Jnk-d in Paragraph II.D. alwvc. Ch:111i:.

affiliates and rein~urel's, and their successors and :.ssi!,!ns. h~.,-chy rcl<:as"!; ;uultlisch:tr,;cs fl)l(' •

:n1~ anti all clnim s. demand~. obi i!,t!llions. dam<~ges . .actiuns. ami cau!'ics uf action. di rc~t or

Ellc~tivc "inmll:mc-lu~ly will• the rclca~~-s gl':mtcd in Pnm~r;1ph II.E. ab~.1vc. ( 'har1is

b)(6) /

, ... ····

Page 6: Ai!n·~m~·ur t)f · This St:llkm.:ul Ai!n·~m~·ur anti Rd~'IN.'I'',\gr"'Cnlenf'l i~ made a!-nfthi,.\"' ''"Y t)f Bank, N.A. ("'FDIC ·R .. ) m1d M:m:u:; t\clcnnan. tl.lark Al~-ddu.Jam~s

m:tinns. an.:l t::luS\""> uf ;~~,:1 ion. din:.;t •'I' in,tirccl, in law _•ll' in ctluity. I hal arise fr<'m ••r n•l:th.' tu the


relcaSl.'. and CXJlR:!--sly pres~~:s fully and ''' the ~amc extent as if the A,:.rc~uu:nlltad IIlli been

exe~:ut~1l, :my daims nr cuuses nr action:

a. ay.ainst the Settling Individuals or nn~' oth.:r person or n1tity for lial,ility. it'

paynhlc or .nvcd h) them lu Fill( ·-R. the Ban'k. ntl1e1· fimmci:~l institulinnl>, or any uthcr ,,erson

t)f '-'nlit~. iududin~ wilhuutlimitmion any claims act111iR:d hy J;DIC as sut.:c~s:st~ in imcn:st ICllhc

R:mk ••r any pcr~('ln or .::ntity .-~thcr than I he nan'-:

b. a~ninlil :1ny per:\• Ill ,.r entity nul c.'lprcssly relt:ascd in this 1\gn:\:mcnt: ;nld

.:. which :u-c not cx~sly relc;~scd in l1an•~raph11II.A. or II.U. :1huvc.

2. N(lhvith~landin~ :my oth .. ·r prnvi:<;i•lll. n1•1hing in this ,\grcem(:lll ~h1tll he

cnno;;trncd or inlcrpn;.iL-.1 :ts limi1ing. waivin~. rdea~in~ ur comprmnisin~ the jurisdiction and

('I the,. adtn in islr:tt i" l' ~:nl(lrccm\'111 :tl'l i• •n

wai\•e. or intend ~~~ w;~ivc. ;my claim~ whil!h .:nul.l he ttmught by lht> ( ln ilt'd Sl<~l~~ll thmu~h either

or any other kdcml juctid:ll dis1ricr lfl :'lllditillll. the t:l >IC-R ~~.:ilicolly rcscncs tl~ right lu

SCl'k Clltll1 nn.t~rcd rc'ililut inn rmrsu;~nt ltl I he 1'Cit::V31\1 rl\wisit111S ,.r II~ Vi~tim and Witnc.;c;

l'roiectic.•n ""'t, IS Ll.S.C. §§ JbbJ g. SL'!J .. if allPWJlrinrc.

St:<TIUN IV: Wqinr of m~icleruls

b)(6) ....... ·· /

__ .. /

Page 7: Ai!n·~m~·ur t)f · This St:llkm.:ul Ai!n·~m~·ur anti Rd~'IN.'I'',\gr"'Cnlenf'l i~ made a!-nfthi,.\"' ''"Y t)f Bank, N.A. ("'FDIC ·R .. ) m1d M:m:u:; t\clcnnan. tl.lark Al~-ddu.Jam~s

It' the \lXtcnt. if any. that Sc-ttlin~ lmlivitluals ;m: nr w.:re slt;Ut!h•lldet·s of th\l Bani.. and

h~ v irluc thcr~.:uf ;tro: ••r 111il) have: 1~--cn ,·Jditlell t,• ~ tli\·iJcnd. ~~ll)'lttc:nt. ''" •'lhl!'r 11r•• r-.Jta

distriltution upon rcsnlutic1n .-.r the r~ccivcr~hip uf the Haul. th..:y h~rt.-by ~llt•winJ;IY <t!>.ioign M th~:

FIJIC any muJ all ri!!hl:;. till.:s anJ interest in ami It• any and ull sudt Jit·id~nds. IJ<t~mcnts m·

(tthcr prn nuu dislribuliono;;.

SE('TION \': Rcpr~scolatloiL'i and Arkno\\·IC'tlt:t:R1~n ts

/\ N•_, Admiss~m ,~r Linhilit'X. The umkrsi~.tned l,anics each acknuwlcdg.e and agree

tlmt rh .. · mau .. ~rs .;~1 l(trlh in this 1\11-r~t:m~.. .. ,t cnnstitutc 1he scnl.:ment and cnmprumisc of tlisplllt.'tl

dai1n-.. ;~nd thnlthi!> 1\t,tn.:cmctlt is nv1 an mJmissi1.111 (If eviden« ~f liability by any nf them

rcg:u·ding. :my clnim.

R. Excculion 4n (. 'tldntcrn:ut..<o. u,;_, A~rCCIUCill may ll\: cx~utcd in (;l)Uittcrparts by

nne: nr mur~: uf the Pm'li~" n:uned hen-in and"" such cmmt~rflarl$ when S•' executed shall

togc.thcr .:._lnstilltlc the linul A~trccmcnf. ;ts if unc doctum!nt hutl h<.·.cu sig!ll'<i by <tlll)artics hereto~

and cadi s11d1 cunnlcrpart. "f"K'" C"':\'l:ttiim• 01nd 1lcli\•cry. sh11ll he tkl"mcd :1 .:nmplde urigim1l.

binditlf! the l•any or l .. nrlies sullscrihcd rhcrclu up.m lhc Cl\cculiun by alll':ntics to this


C. llindi111; l:fiC..'\:t. Each •lf the und~r<oi~ned rcr~mls rCJlrc!\CIH" und warrams th:K

the}· are •• Par1y hereto or art' autl":triz~.~ltn si}!itthis Agreement nn hchalf uf the res,~ectivc Pur1y.

and that tltcy lmv,· the full pnwcr and :uuhority tu hind ;;uch l,m1y 1&\ c:~eh aud c\•cry 1mwisi•Jn of

this ;\~t-ccmtml. This A~reement shall I~ llin,lin~ U(l()ll ilnd imm: to llu: hc:ndit uf lhl'

under'iAncd l•:u1iL~s and rheir n:-.pc<.:tin: hdt·o;. cxccutnrs. admini'>tnllttrs. rcprescntativco,;.

sn\'l"('liS••rs anc.l a!>!.i~lh.

U. ('h,.,i~~ nti!< Agreement shall he interrnctcd . ..:on.;nu~d nnd .::nt\ltced

<t.:~o·t•nlin~ h.' "l'rlic;tble ltod('rall:tw. ••t in ils :thS\!n..'.l'- lhc ht'"~ ,,fth<: Sl:tlc ,,f

1:::. l:::ntirc 1\gn:cm~nl lind t\mcndtn~.:nts. This Agrct"tncnt con,.tilnlcs th.: .:ntirc




Page 8: Ai!n·~m~·ur t)f · This St:llkm.:ul Ai!n·~m~·ur anti Rd~'IN.'I'',\gr"'Cnlenf'l i~ made a!-nfthi,.\"' ''"Y t)f Bank, N.A. ("'FDIC ·R .. ) m1d M:m:u:; t\clcnnan. tl.lark Al~-ddu.Jam~s

ag..-ccm~nl :n1tl tmderstam.lin!! hl!tWcl!ll illlt1 anwn~ lht· uudersigm.-d l'm1i~~ t:unct.-rnin!! 1 ht" malkr'

s~l fttrlh h~r...-in Thi~ Al!rccnwnt may nul b.: :nucndc\1 vr m(tdill~d cxccpt by annther \\ rittcn

insu·um .. !nl .;ign~J fly the P0111~ ••r l'<trlic .. lo ht· ho•uttd thereby,,,.. hy theit t·-.·spccti\'l: authnri7.ctJ

:mnmcyl s t or other represenL,t ivcl s ).

F. St•ct:.ilk lkm'l!~c:ntnliun!. W;uran.t.i.c"' muf Qilil:!~imcr. Tbc Sell ling ludh·idmds

e.xpn;,.sly i!d;nnwlcdg.c tlmt in Jete-tmininl! to settle the claims 11'--rc. the H)IC-It has

rcw.unohly ;uhljustili:thly relied "1'"11 the a\Xnr:tcy uffin:uk:ial inli111natinu itt rh..- lin:mdal

cli~lu:;urcs submitted. The Sellling Individuals scv&;rally. but n,.,, jointly. sweat· am.J allirm that

all linand:\1 infumtitl ion in their iinnncial disc luo;urc:.; (lrcrarccl hy I hem and l'ruvid ... d tu tho: ·

FOIC..'-R w;ts ITue and a~cnml(.· at tht: tin'll: ol' Mtbmissinn. u: in the linand31 di~cl,lsurc. :1 Sdlling

ludividuitl bus litilcd h1 dis~o:l,lS~~ an) material inlc:resl. lc~al. equitallll:. ''' llcnldi~i<~l. in llll} m;!-e1,

the FDil'-tt in ih sole di~o:r~1iun. m:.y exercise one,,. rnorc oe· ~•II ufthc t(,llmving rcmcclil's: (:tl

the fD1C-R moy dc:d<th: lh.: rdca.:.c~ ~:tmntcd hl lhc Scnling fndi\'itln;tl in lJIICl>lie.•n null and void:

(hl the fl>IC-1< tn:l)' rctl'lin the SettlllOieJlll:unds; tel the I'I>IC-r( tn:.y sue the S~ttling lndividn31

1;"~,. dama(lC'>. nn in.innctilm. and spccitk.: l'~rr..,rman~~: l(•r the hrc~tch of this Al!re~mcnt: 31ld hi I

tlw Fill( '-It mn~ ~ck "' rdn~mc I he HU('-R 's daim!: against dlt' Settling Individual. I: ad•

St:tiJing ln<li\•itlu:tl :I~Jl.'C' lln-.1 if ill :tny ,,f I heir lillllfiCi;tl tli~ltlSUI'eS f;tilcd ltl \li'>dtlSC :111)­

ntah.'riaJ int~·r...-~t. l~gal. C(tnitahle:. ,,,. hcnt:fki,ll. in any :\.o;sct. dml f-.culinl,! lndi\•idual w:.ivc~ :my

~tal Ilk ~ , .. I im it:.l io\IIS I hal W.\ltld h:tf :my nt' 1 ht~ H){('-R '~ dnim.; ;tgainsl !ht• s~rtl ing I nttio.· idmll_

<i Rc .. s.•nl:lhly.i~~~m!.im!- rlu: undcr~ign~o•<ll'arti~s agree tol l:•'dpermc in :,!t'l\ld

f::tilh In o:fl«tuah: all the tcrut'> :uul CPntlilimt,; ,,f lhi!- At!r<.t"mt:nt indutling dHing ,,,. ~·:tusing th~i•·

ltgCIII!' :md ilUOmcys h•li•~. whah:\'CI' j~ rca,;tlll;lbl~ IICCCSVlry In cll~~1nah; I h-.• 'igning. tidl\·cry.

o:xceulitin. til in~. n.~urcfin~. anll o!lllf)r. •lf any ololl'UIIIc:nls ltCl.'t:"-'i<U)' ltl lli.'Jittrllt the lcnns or Ibis


II. AJvicc ul' COtms~l. b•L:h l'arly hcn:hy :t~knmvl~:d)!.CS th:tl i1 has consultc:d wiLh

alltl tlh(;linetl tlu: lltlvi..:e o\r ~nnnscl rri.u to (''(l.'i,:llling this o\g.t'l.."l'111~111, and that this


Page 9: Ai!n·~m~·ur t)f · This St:llkm.:ul Ai!n·~m~·ur anti Rd~'IN.'I'',\gr"'Cnlenf'l i~ made a!-nfthi,.\"' ''"Y t)f Bank, N.A. ("'FDIC ·R .. ) m1d M:m:u:; t\clcnnan. tl.lark Al~-ddu.Jam~s

(b)(6) .............. · ·····

Agreement has been explained hl that P~u1y by his tlr her counsel.

f.N WITNESS WUEREOF. the Parties ~rcto have c3used this Agrecmcnllo he executed

by each of them or their duly authori7.ed r<:pn:senlativc~ on lhe Jules hereinafter subscribed.


Date: 01/rJ :W IJ BY

TITJ.E: .ounscl

I)RJNT NAME: Steven E. Smith

Date: _ _ _ MI\RCOS ACKERMAN, as an Individual

Date: _ _ _ MARK ALEDOJ\, a.-; an lndividual

- ·----·······----- ---

_ Date: __ _ JAMES ANGLETON. as an Individual

_Date: __ _ WALTER COOK. llS ao Individual


Page 10: Ai!n·~m~·ur t)f · This St:llkm.:ul Ai!n·~m~·ur anti Rd~'IN.'I'',\gr"'Cnlenf'l i~ made a!-nfthi,.\"' ''"Y t)f Bank, N.A. ("'FDIC ·R .. ) m1d M:m:u:; t\clcnnan. tl.lark Al~-ddu.Jam~s

(b)(6). _

Agreement has been cxplainctlto thai Party hy his or bet L"ouru;cl.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the Panies hereto have ~~ed this Agre~menl Ito be executed

by each of them or their duly aulhorized reprcscotatives on lhc d •ttcs hereimdier suhscribiXI.


Oalc: ___ _ BY:

TITLE: Co~toscl

PRJNT NAMI!: Steven B. SmidJ

Date: _ _ _ MARCOS ACKERMAN. as an Individual

· I --- I ::.::.:.;

Dale: __ _ MARK ALEDDA. ban Individual

_ Date: __ _ JAMES ANGLETON. b an l.odividual

_Date: _ _ _ WALTER COOK, u an Individual

114111 18JJ7.5506vl 9

Page 11: Ai!n·~m~·ur t)f · This St:llkm.:ul Ai!n·~m~·ur anti Rd~'IN.'I'',\gr"'Cnlenf'l i~ made a!-nfthi,.\"' ''"Y t)f Bank, N.A. ("'FDIC ·R .. ) m1d M:m:u:; t\clcnnan. tl.lark Al~-ddu.Jam~s

Agreement hn.~ heen explained In l'any by his o)r h.:r ~lltlllSd.

IN WITNESS WUFRH W. thl" Parties h~rell\ h11ve c1tused this Agreement tn he ~xccutet.l

hy each l)j' ll~m ur their duly authnrited rerr~s~nt3fiv~s 1tn the: dates suhscri~d.


Date: ___ _ HY:

TITLE: (\•unsel

PRINT N.'\MF: Stc\"dl E. Smith

Date: __ _ · MARCOS ACKERMAN, as nn Individual

MARK ALl :no A. as un Individual

(b)(6). ___ _____ __ --ll--- -

_Date: ___ _ JAMES ANlii.E I UN. as an lndividuul

.. ........ _. ____ _

_Date: _ _ _ WA I TF.J~ ('(IC lK. as :rn

Page 12: Ai!n·~m~·ur t)f · This St:llkm.:ul Ai!n·~m~·ur anti Rd~'IN.'I'',\gr"'Cnlenf'l i~ made a!-nfthi,.\"' ''"Y t)f Bank, N.A. ("'FDIC ·R .. ) m1d M:m:u:; t\clcnnan. tl.lark Al~-ddu.Jam~s

(b)(6) .......

A!!rt:c:mcnt has bL>cn explained to that J•:~rly hy his or her counsel.

IN WITNESS WHFR.EOF. the J)arties hcrCtQ h:.w cau~ this Agf'C\.'tnt'nl to I~ executed

hy each of them \lf lh t:-i r duly authori<'"-'tl representatives on the tlato:s hcreinafl\.."r subscribed.


Date: ___ _ BY :·

TITI .E: t ·nun~ I

I'RINT NAMF: Steven E. Smith

O:Jte; _ _ _ MARCOS ACKEI~MAN. as iltt lndivi\)u;,l

Dale: _ __ _ MARK ALEDO/\. :~san Individual

- - - ---------·-· .. -·--

_ Date: ___ _ JAMES 1\NGI.FTON. as :111 Individual

. ... Jiy,;

a ..

_ Date: ___ _ WALTER C'OOK. as an Individual


Page 13: Ai!n·~m~·ur t)f · This St:llkm.:ul Ai!n·~m~·ur anti Rd~'IN.'I'',\gr"'Cnlenf'l i~ made a!-nfthi,.\"' ''"Y t)f Bank, N.A. ("'FDIC ·R .. ) m1d M:m:u:; t\clcnnan. tl.lark Al~-ddu.Jam~s

IN WITNESS WHEREOF. 1h~ Parti<., h~relo have .;ausc:d this Agre~m~nl l\1 he executed

hy c~lr ,..,f thcrn or th~ir duly aurhorized rej>rcsentativell on the datt.-s he~inafler subS(:ri~d.


llnte: ___ _ llY:

TITI.E: CounSi'l

I'RINl !~,!AML:: Steven E. Smith

Dare: __ _ MARCOS ACKFrtMAN. as an Individual


l>:lh:: __ _ M1\ltK AI F.OJ)A. all an Individual

_Dale: ___ _ JAMES ANGLETON. 11s an lndividuul

·---· ... --------

WALTER COOK. as an Individual

Page 14: Ai!n·~m~·ur t)f · This St:llkm.:ul Ai!n·~m~·ur anti Rd~'IN.'I'',\gr"'Cnlenf'l i~ made a!-nfthi,.\"' ''"Y t)f Bank, N.A. ("'FDIC ·R .. ) m1d M:m:u:; t\clcnnan. tl.lark Al~-ddu.Jam~s

(b)(6) ___________________________ ,~~~--~--~-~~~~~~~~

Date: __ _ RAFAEL L>IAZ. as an Individual

Date: __ _ JIMMY R. FORRF-ST. as an Individual

-·-----·---·- - .. -··--· ----

Oat~: __ _ ALAN L. FREEMAN. as ;m ludi\,idual

OaiA:: __ ~ OSCAR C.AETAN. a.~ an lndividuul --~ MARVJN D. LANOO. os an Individual

Oalc: __ _ RONNIE \tlt\ltfiNEL as an lnt.livit.lual

[>ate: __ _ UANIF.I. SCHWARTZ. ~san lndividu11l


Page 15: Ai!n·~m~·ur t)f · This St:llkm.:ul Ai!n·~m~·ur anti Rd~'IN.'I'',\gr"'Cnlenf'l i~ made a!-nfthi,.\"' ''"Y t)f Bank, N.A. ("'FDIC ·R .. ) m1d M:m:u:; t\clcnnan. tl.lark Al~-ddu.Jam~s

--- ! 1 ·-' 7 Date: -1 ;/ ..... / ·, - r ,.

RAFAEl .. DIAl. a!> an lntli .. ·tdual

(b)(6 -------------- I -a.zus :;

Dab:: _ _ _ JIMMY R. FOKKEST. as an Individual

U:u~ : _ _ _ AlAN 1 .. r:REEMAN. as 3n Individual

D:ue: __ _ OS( 'J\lt GI\ET.-\N. 11s au Individual

D;uc: __ _ MARVIN ll. LANDO. as 811 Individual

- ---------............ __ Date: __ _ KONNIE MARTINEZ. as an lndi,•idual

----...... _ . ....


MIA !8J3265CJ8vl Ill

Page 16: Ai!n·~m~·ur t)f · This St:llkm.:ul Ai!n·~m~·ur anti Rd~'IN.'I'',\gr"'Cnlenf'l i~ made a!-nfthi,.\"' ''"Y t)f Bank, N.A. ("'FDIC ·R .. ) m1d M:m:u:; t\clcnnan. tl.lark Al~-ddu.Jam~s

Uat~: __ _ RAFAEL r>IA7. as ;m lndivitluul

(b)(6) Oate: !1/i}J_J


Uatt:: __ _ ALAN 1 .. FRF.f.MAN. :Js un lndividu~l

Date: __ _ OSCAI< tiAI::T/\N. aun Individual

-----·· ... _ - -·---·---------

Oate: __ _ MARVIN D. LANDO. as an lndividnal


UtUe: __ _ RONNIE MARTINE/~ as an lndi\liduol

_ _____ , ........ -..... -----

Date: __ _ UANIEI, SCII\Y ARTZ. as an Individual


Page 17: Ai!n·~m~·ur t)f · This St:llkm.:ul Ai!n·~m~·ur anti Rd~'IN.'I'',\gr"'Cnlenf'l i~ made a!-nfthi,.\"' ''"Y t)f Bank, N.A. ("'FDIC ·R .. ) m1d M:m:u:; t\clcnnan. tl.lark Al~-ddu.Jam~s

lbl...-: ___ _ 1~:\1 \II. I H \/. :1, .u; ln.h& ttlll.ll


I bh:: ----


Oalc. ( )S( · \1~ ( io\ I I' \ '\, ,,, "" lndl\ :•lu.d

I.Jah:: __ _ \1.·\ R\ I'\ D. l.f\~;l.)fl .. 1:' .tn lmll';ulu:d

lhtt:: ___ _

D;Ul': ___ _

Page 18: Ai!n·~m~·ur t)f · This St:llkm.:ul Ai!n·~m~·ur anti Rd~'IN.'I'',\gr"'Cnlenf'l i~ made a!-nfthi,.\"' ''"Y t)f Bank, N.A. ("'FDIC ·R .. ) m1d M:m:u:; t\clcnnan. tl.lark Al~-ddu.Jam~s

··----·---- - -------

O:u'"·: __ _

nm'-": __ _ JIMMY R. I OI<RE~-1. as au lndh•itlual

·- -··- -- -·--· -- -··- ··-

!\LAN 1.. 1·1<1~ lMAN. as ;m lndi\·iclual

---··--· - - - - - - ·---··-- --


D:tl\': J~1f.j I

(•SCAR ct .. \E-:T AN. as an huljvjslwel

Ualc: __ _ ~lA I{ VIN D. l.ANUO. as an fndi\·idual

- ----. ···- ·-- ··-· -··· -·· ···--···· ..... -

Dah:: __ _ RfJNNII. M!\RliNEZ. ns au lndi\•idtml

------- ·-·

l)ah:: __ _ I>ANIH SCHW!\IHZ. :t~ an Individual

Page 19: Ai!n·~m~·ur t)f · This St:llkm.:ul Ai!n·~m~·ur anti Rd~'IN.'I'',\gr"'Cnlenf'l i~ made a!-nfthi,.\"' ''"Y t)f Bank, N.A. ("'FDIC ·R .. ) m1d M:m:u:; t\clcnnan. tl.lark Al~-ddu.Jam~s

Pate: - -----..- RAFAEL DlAZ, as an Individual

Date: __ _ JIMMY R. FORREST, as an htdividual

Date: __ _ ALAN L. FREEMAN, as an Individual

Date: __ _ OSCAR GAETAN, as an Individual

Date: _ _ _ MARVIN D1 LANDO, rs ~Individual

l (b)(6) .......................................................................................................................

Date: __ _ RONNIE MARTINEZ, as an Individual

Date: __ _ DANIEL SCHWARTZ, as an Individual

MIA f83325508v1 10

Page 20: Ai!n·~m~·ur t)f · This St:llkm.:ul Ai!n·~m~·ur anti Rd~'IN.'I'',\gr"'Cnlenf'l i~ made a!-nfthi,.\"' ''"Y t)f Bank, N.A. ("'FDIC ·R .. ) m1d M:m:u:; t\clcnnan. tl.lark Al~-ddu.Jam~s

-·---·········· - ---····· ..... ···--·---

r~ A FA E'l. J.)IAl.. ··-~ Ull lndl\'t<lu;~l

Date: _ _ _ J/MM Y H. . ,_.ORRES'I. as <~n Individual

D:u.:: ---- -- .. -- ALAN 1.. FltEEMAN. as ;m lndindual

---··· _____ ..:...._ ______ _

OSCAR (i.4,f:TAN, as an lndi\idu11l

···- --·---------- ----

Dllll'" _ _ _ MARVIN r>. 1.1\NOO. a .~~~~ Individual

(b)(6) , ••• __!j}/_lt.)J?J -----------------------------


nm.·: __ _ DANIEL SCUWARrz. :.~san lndi,·idual

MIA 183325~·1 Ill

Page 21: Ai!n·~m~·ur t)f · This St:llkm.:ul Ai!n·~m~·ur anti Rd~'IN.'I'',\gr"'Cnlenf'l i~ made a!-nfthi,.\"' ''"Y t)f Bank, N.A. ("'FDIC ·R .. ) m1d M:m:u:; t\clcnnan. tl.lark Al~-ddu.Jam~s

(b)(6). ___ _ ----------- 1------------

Date: __

MIA 18332~8v1







Page 22: Ai!n·~m~·ur t)f · This St:llkm.:ul Ai!n·~m~·ur anti Rd~'IN.'I'',\gr"'Cnlenf'l i~ made a!-nfthi,.\"' ''"Y t)f Bank, N.A. ("'FDIC ·R .. ) m1d M:m:u:; t\clcnnan. tl.lark Al~-ddu.Jam~s

~~/1072013 u~=~~ 'Ttl Lill[::_,



(b)(6) ··········································· . ·qt~J-Date:--'1/ lJ . BV:IL.._ ....... _. _________ _.

TilLE.: VP