air xxxx

Upload: ardianalim

Post on 11-Oct-2015




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    As shown in Figure 4, there are two basic compressor types: positive- displacemen t and dynamic.

    In the positive- displacement type, a given quantity of air or gas is trapped in a compression

    chamber and the volume it occupies is mechanically reduced, causing a corresponding rise in

    pressure prior to discharge. At constant speed, the ai r flow remains essentially constant with

    variations in discharge pressure.

    Dynamic compressors impart velocity energy to continuously flowing air or gas by means of

    impellers rotating at very high speeds. The velocity energy is changed into pressure ener gy both

    by the impellers and the discharge volutes or diffusers. In the centrifugal - type dynamitage

    lubricating oil to ensure that it would stick to the cylinder

    bore, piston rings, and piston rod packing. The additive also caused

    the oil to stick to the moving parts of the valve. Sticktion

    is defined


    As shown in Figure 4, there are two basic compressor types: positive- displacemen t and dynamic.

    In the positive- displacement type, a given quantity of air or gas is trapped in a compression

    chamber and the volume it occupies is mechanically reduced, causing a corresponding rise in

    pressure prior to discharge. At constant speed, the ai r flow remains essentially constant with

    variations in discharge pressure.

    Dynamic compressors impart velocity energy to continuously flowing air or gas by means of

    impellers rotating at very high speeds. The velocity energy is changed into pressure ener gy both

    by the impellers and the discharge volutes or diffusers. In the centrifugal - type dynami viscous

    adhesion of oil between the moving and stationary

    parts of a valve, and is detrimental to valve reliability in

    two ways.

    First, sticktion inhibits plate opening, causing the plate to slam open

    when the pressure force exceeds the sticktion force, which can cause

  • damage not only to the plate but to the underlying springs. Second,

    sticktion delays plate closing, which elevates the plates closing impact

    velocity. If the plate closes so late that there is

    backflow through

    the valve, then there is not only a greater potential for plate


    but there is also an actual loss of cylinder capacity. In this

    case study,

    the high oil viscosity and increased lubrication rate contributed


    the sticktion effects.