
AITUC AITUC - Early Historic Period Modern mechanized industries did not appear in Kerala till the early decade of the Twentieth Century. The First Coir Factory in Kerala was established by the Europeans in Alleppey in the year 1859. The ‘ Travancore Labour Association’, the first Labour Organization in Kerala was formed there in April 1922. P. K. Bava (Popularly known as Vadapuram Bava) was the founder of the ‘Travancore Labour Association’. He was an employee of the Empire Coir works. He also evinced interest in the social reform activities of Sree Narayana and T.K. Madhavan. Originally the ‘ Travancore Labour Association' was named the ‘ Labour Union’ in its first meeting held at Alleppey in April 1922. The Meeting elected Dr. Antony as the President and P.K.Bava as the Secretary. Four months later, the general body of the 'Labour Union’ met again and adopted the new name ‘ Travancore Labour Association’. The first Labour Strike took place in Kerala in the year 1907 in protest against the twelve hour work norm prevalent in the Derasmale Company. The working hours got reduced by one and a half hours. During the time the First World War there was wide spread cut in wages and retrenchment in factories. In the Year 1928 the workers in the tile industry in Quilon came together to form the ‘Quilon Labour Union’. The Trade Union organizers in Quilon during the First World War period and after were K. G. Sanker, Adv. K. P. Damodaran, K.P.Narayanan, Dr. M.R.Govinda Pillai and M.R.Madhava Warrier. The first Labour Strike took place in Kerala in the year 1907 in protest against the twelve hour work norm prevalent in the Derasmale Company. The working hours got reduced by one and a half hours. During the time of the First World War there was wide spread cut in wages and retrenchment in factories. In the Year 1928 the workers in the tile industry in Quilon came together to form the ‘Quilon Labour Union’. The Trade Union organizers in Quilon during the First World War period and after were K.G.Sanker, Adv. K.P.Damodaran, K.P.Narayanan, Dr.M.R.Govinda Pillai and M.R.Madhava Warrier. In the Plantation Sector Trade Unions emerged only later. In 1930 an organization for Plantation Labourers came in to being at Mundakayam. It was in the aftermath of the 1928 Railway Strike that Trade Union

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AITUC - Early Historic Period

Modern mechanized industries did not appear in Kerala till the early decade of the Twentieth Century.

   The First Coir Factory in Kerala was established by the Europeans in Alleppey in the year 1859.

   The ‘ Travancore Labour Association’, the first Labour Organization in Kerala was formed there in April 1922.

   P. K. Bava (Popularly known as Vadapuram Bava) was the founder of the ‘Travancore Labour Association’. He was an employee of the Empire Coir works. He also evinced interest in the social reform activities of Sree Narayana and T.K. Madhavan.


Originally the ‘ Travancore Labour Association' was named the ‘ Labour Union’ in its first meeting held at Alleppey in April 1922. The Meeting elected Dr. Antony as the President and P.K.Bava as the Secretary. Four months later, the general body of the 'Labour Union’ met again and adopted the new name ‘ Travancore Labour Association’.


The first Labour Strike took place in Kerala in the year 1907 in protest against the twelve hour work norm prevalent in the Derasmale Company. The working hours got reduced by one and a half hours.

   During the time the First World War there was wide spread cut in wages and retrenchment in factories.

   In the Year 1928 the workers in the tile industry in Quilon came together to form the ‘Quilon Labour Union’. The Trade Union organizers in Quilon during the First World War period and after were K. G. Sanker, Adv. K. P. Damodaran, K.P.Narayanan, Dr. M.R.Govinda Pillai and M.R.Madhava Warrier.

   The first Labour Strike took place in Kerala in the year 1907 in protest against the twelve hour work norm prevalent in the Derasmale Company. The working hours got reduced by one and a half hours.

   During the time of the First World War there was wide spread cut in wages and retrenchment in factories.

   In the Year 1928 the workers in the tile industry in Quilon came together to form the ‘Quilon Labour Union’. The Trade Union organizers in Quilon during the First World War period and after were K.G.Sanker, Adv. K.P.Damodaran, K.P.Narayanan, Dr.M.R.Govinda Pillai and M.R.Madhava Warrier.

   In the Plantation Sector Trade Unions emerged only later. In 1930 an organization for Plantation Labourers came in to being at Mundakayam.

   It was in the aftermath of the 1928 Railway Strike that Trade Union Consciousness started in the Malabar (North Kerala) region.

   During the period 1930-1931 a labour strike took place in the Kozhikode Commonwealth Cotton Mill. Tile factories and power loom textile sector also witnessed labour strikes. These strikes were not held under the banner of any trade union.

   The ‘ Thiruvithamkur Boat Crew Association’ was formed in Alleppey in the year 1930.

   The great depression of the 1930’s witnessed several labour agitations in Kerala. It was during this period that the Labour Unions turned to agitations like strikes in place of the earlier form of petitioning. The Unions formed in different sectors

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came under the influence of the Congress Socialist Party (CSP). Trade Union activities spread to every nook and corner of Malabar.

   In May 1935 the first All Kerala Workers Conference was held in Kozhikode. The conference demanded complete independence for India.

   The Second All Kerala Workers Conference held at Trissur on 25th April 1937 asked the Trade Unions in Kerala to get affiliated with the AITUC.

   The Trade Union movement got further strengthened in Travncore and Cochin with the passage of the new Trade Union laws providing for registration of Trade Unions. In 1938 the ‘Thiruvithamkur Coir Factory Workers Union’ registered and it was the First Trade Union in Travancore Cochin.

   In 1939 the All Malaber Motor Workers Conference was held. This marked the beginning of workers in one sector organizing their own unions.

   Travancore State Congress began the struggle for Responsible Government in the Princely State of Travncore on October, 1938.

   In 1939 the Congress Socialist Party (CSP) in Kerala became the Communist Party.

   In order to end the Dewan’s autocratic rule in Travancore, the workers began their political strike on 22 October 1946. This struggle signaled the emergence of a politically conscious proletariat in Kerala.


(aim nd objective)

To establish a socialist state in India;

  To socialize and nationalize the means of production, distribution and exchange as far as possible;

  To ameliorate the economic and social conditions of the working class;

   To watch, promote, safeguard and further the interests, rights and privileges of the workers in all matters relating to their employment.

  To secure and maintain for the workers :

  The freedom of speech

The freedom of press

The freedom of association

The freedom of assembly

The right of strike ; and

The right to work or maintenance

  To co-ordinate the activities of the trade unions affiliated to the AITUC;

  To abolish political or economic advantage based on caste, creed, community, race or religion; to fight against all forms of social oppression and injustice;

  To fight against all forms of atrocities against women and harassment at place of work.


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The AITUC shall endeavor to further the aforesaid objects by all legitimate, peaceful and democratic methods such as legislation and, in the last resort, by strikes and similar other methods, as the AITUC may, from time to time, decide.


 About Us


To establish an order of society which is free from hindrance in the way on an all round development of its individual members, which fosters the growth of human personality in all its aspects and goes to the utmost limit in progressively eliminating social political or economic exploitation and inequality, the profit motive in the economic activity and organization of society and the anti-social concentration in any form.

To place industry under national ownership and control in suitable form in order to realize the aforesaid objectives in the quickest time.

To organize society in such a manner as to ensure full employment and the best utilization of its manpower and other resources.

To secure increasing association of the worker in the administration of industry and their full participation in its control.

To promote generally the social civic and political interest of the working classto secure an effective and complete organization of all categories of workers, including agricultural labour.

To guide and co-ordinate the activities of the affiliated organizations.

To assist and co-ordinate the activities of the affiliated organizations.

To assist in the formation of trade unions.

To promote the organization of workers of each industry on a nation-wide basis.

To assist in the formation of Regional or Pradesh Branches or Federations.

To secure speedy improvement of conditions of work and life and of the status of the workers in industry and society.

To obtain for the workers various measures of social security, including adequate provision in respect of accidents, maternity, sickness, old age and unemployment.

To secure a living wage for every worker in normal employment and to bring about a progressive improvement in the workers standard of living.

To regulate hours and other conditions of work in keeping with the conditions of the workers and to ensure the proper enforcement of legislation for the protection and up-lift of labour.

To establish just industrial relations.

To secure redressal of grievances, without stoppages of work, by means of negotiations and conciliation and failing these by arbitration or adjudication.

To take recourse to other legitimate method, including strikes or any suitable form of satyagraha, where adjudication is not applied and settlement of disputes within a reasonable time by arbitration is not available for the redress of grievances.

To make necessary arrangements for the efficient conduct satisfactory and speedy conclusion of authorized strikes or satyagraha.

To foster the spirit of solidarity, service, brotherhood co-operation and mutual help among the workers.

To develop in the workers a sense of responsibility towards the industry and community.

To raise the workers' standard of efficiency and discipline

 intuc in 21st century

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 The Trade Union Movement in the 21st Century is not going to be as smooth as it has been so far, rather it is going to be a challenging task for the working class. The analysis of global situation as made hereunder reveals that globalization of trade and liberalization of economy has considerably contributed in widening the gap between the rich and the poor. Rather the situation has become adverse in the countries which are developing or are under-development and the democratic system is under threat. 

“Widening gaps between the poorest and the wealthy within and between countries is a threat to the survival of democracy. Unemployment and poverty create fertile ground for the enemies of democracy. An increasing number of countries appear on the brink of collapse and are easy prey to take over by warlords of various motivations. Democratic countries must be ready to mobilize resources to tackle poverty and, if necessary, to mobilize human resources for national growth.”

In the special meeting of the General Council of the INTUC consisting of the top leaders of the Trade Union movement of the country covering different trades and industries as well as the various States and Territories of India, having met in Mangalore on 24-25 September, 2000 and having help deep discussions on the economic and social situation of the country, including the implications and impact of policies of liberalization and privatization as well as the impact of the world phenomena of globalization and operation of multinational corporations, solemnly declares:-   

That Trade Unions have been, are and will continue to be highly significant institutions of civil society in the 21and the Third Millennium and most potent and reliable instruments to promote social justice in society;

That human centered development and participatory society alone can assure sustainable and equitable development as well as help humanity survive and meet the challenges of the future, and this is only possible through active, effective and meaningful involvement of the people through their representative democratic and autonomous organizations like trade unions;

That while trade union’s primary concern is to protect and promote the economic, social, cultural, political and other interests of their membership, through their activities, functioning and work, they as well endeavour to help promote the interests and welfare of the whole community;

That Trade Unions seek to help build up an egalitarian society of social equality and equal opportunity, irrespective of caste, creed, religion, colour or sex, in which alone they firmly believe their highest aspirations and aims and goals can be fully realized;That substantial material equality and a necessary mechanism to prevent the undue passing of wealth and privilege from generation to generation is essential for assuring effective enjoyment of equality of inequality and limiting their significance, there is need as well to ensure that one kind of privilege of advantage is not manipulated to translate into achieving others;

That the ends the trade unions cherish continue to be expressed in the beautiful slogan of the French Revolution – Liberty, Equality and Fraternity. But these remain mere slogans and mocking shadows in societies without assurance of meaningful equality and full employment opportunity to all with freedom and dignity;That globalization with its potentiality of increased trade foreign investments and new technologies offers enormous potential for economic growth and for eradication of poverty;

That today’s globalization – opening up of national borders to trade, capital and information – is driven mainly by market forces resulting in opportunities and rewards to “spread unequally and inequitably, concentrating power and wealth in a select group of people, nations and corporations, marginalizing others”;

That globalization is too important a phenomenon to be left as unmanaged as today. The need is for stronger governance to preserve the advantages of global markets and competition to ensure that globalization works for the people, and not just for profits, with greater assurance of respect for human and trade union rights, less disparity within and between nations and less marginalization of peoples and countries. In this structure of civil society must be given an effective voice and their rightful place;

That the INTUC fully endorses the ICFTU’s statements on strategies to deal with MNCs and accepts that the starting point should be to strengthen the link between the Unions indifferent countries who share the same employer. The need is to make full use of information technologies to exchange information and ideas on systematic basis and improving the

effectiveness of international company councils. 


For the effectively early realization of the aims and goals set out in the Narora Declaration, the Working Committee resolves to make the INTUC still more powerful and effective instrument of social justice and the vanguard of the forces of freedom, democracy and progress. Among others , the concentration will be on our,

Achieving a membership of one crore within a period of five years. For the purpose, we will have to set about the task of further strengthening of our affiliates who are mainly in the organized sector of the industry as well as to organize the

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unorganized in the growing informal and sprawling rural sector. The State Branches of INTUC and National Industrial Federations are called upon to convene special meeting of their Working Committees for detailed review of the existing organizational situation and to plan for the future to achieve the goal of the INTUC to have a membership of one crore. The programme should be time scheduled and properly targeted with provision for regular periodic and systematic review and appraisal.

For achieving the above the Working Committee will give all possible cooperation and help. It offers the following suggestions for the purpose:-   

That review of existing organizational situation should be brutally frank even sometimes agonizing, so that suitable and bold steps are taken to remedy the weakness;

That greater stress on internal democracy and greater involvement of rank and file of the members should be laid to ensure that our affiliates more truly reflect the aspirations, problems and difficulties of their membership. For the purpose, well known methods like energising shop and local committee, education of membership and training of leadership would be given more importance.

Every member, quite naturally, judges the organization by his or her own experience of the organization. To the extent the organization has helped him or her during the time of need determines his or her response and loyalty. it is, therefore, essential for union leaders to give greater attention to the individual problems of the members and to do their  utmost for their satisfactory redressal.

Trade Unions, no doubt, have to give attention to the problems of the memberes relating to the working conditions and other conditions of employment. These must be given due consideration and effective steps must be taken for their redressal through the established grievance redressal machinery in which the shop steward is the king pin. He must be

enable to be more effective through proper training and councelling.  

The following areas need to be immediately discussed  for  the preparation of guidelines for our affiliates:

   * Workers participation in Equity  and Management ;* Education Research and Training;* Health services;* Social security;* Employment creation 

The president would appoint the Study Groups for each of the above, which are required to submit their recommendations for consideration


The Youth movement initiated by the INTUC during 1961 has succeeded in generating a growing consciousness for the organization of the young workers to obtain the nation’s much towards its cherished goal of socialist society.

   INTUC with the concept of developing second level leadership constituted youth structure formation within INTUC to have young workers train through various training through vocational training to inculcate able leadership quality for the benefit of the working people.  INTUC YOUNG WORKERS COUNCIL is a Youth Wing of INTUC, that was establishment with the objective of mobilizing Youth Workers throughout our country

and under the fold of Trade Union movement makes them aware of their rights, responsibilities and also train them through seminars and workshop to face the challenges in the emerging scenario of globalization with its associated fears of in securities and social tension.   In the back drop of globalization of market, modernization of industry economies of newly independent developing countries with this fast rate of productivity with consequent downsizing and redundancy of man power have let to widespread fears and insecurity in work place. Today young people are facing greater exclusion from the labour market. Unemployment, Underemployment and job insecurity are of great concern to today’s youth. It is therefore, imperative to harness this youth strength and turn this latent idle power into productive power. For that, it is necessary to give the youth adequate opportunity for educational, vocational training courses to meet the challenges imposed by the policy of globalization, liberalization and introduction of new technology.

The basic problems identified by INTUC Young Workers Council among Youth Workers are the widespread fears and insecurity attached in the workforce. This insecurity is generated primarily by the following facts at the work place:

(a)   Contractual nature of employment(b)    Denial of Statutory Employment benefits

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(c)    Transient nature of employment(d)    Social insecurity(e)    Health and Safety Hazard in work Place 

It is becoming a challenging job in the present scenario for the working class to keep their employment intact, secured for them and their dependents on them as well. Fear and insecurity have grasped the younger generation in the workplace. This insecurity at the workplace spreads to the home and community and creates loss of the confidence of the working people and to propel of the country as a whole.

With the support of various State Presidents and Industrial Federation Presidents Youth Committees have been formed in maximum states covering length and breadth of India under the able and competent guidance and endeavor ofK. Yadav under the able stewardship of Shri G. Sanjeeva Reddy, INTUC Young Workers Council conducted many seminars, Workshops and rallies were held at many places to prepare and develop Young Workers to meet the challenges which they are bound to face in the context of globalization of the market with consequent introduction of new technologies.


 “The workers in India are only a section of the people and not a class apart. The culture and their tradition form part of the common heritage of the people of India. In organizing them and seeking the redressal of their grievances, ways and means have to be evolved in consonance with our condition. No more grafting or transplantation of a foreign ideology or method however suited to the condition else where, is likely to yield healthy results here. What is required is an indigenous movement having its roots in the Indian and soil. Such a movement has for long been in existence and has attained a remarkable center. A new organization, that would give the correct lead to the working class and strives to established social justice, peace and security with a constitution and working. Which would be essentially democratic giving every one of its constituent units ample scope for free expression of views and action has become imperative.”

            Thus declared the iron man and unifier of India. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, in his presidential address to unique congregation of national leader like Pandit Javaharlal Nehru, Jagjivan Ram, Aruna Asaf Ali, Ram Manohar Lohia,  G. Ramanujam, V.V. David, Shankar Rao Deo, B.G. Kher, O.P. Ramasami Reddiar, Ravi ShankarShukla, Hare Krishna Mehtab, S.K. Patil, Kamaldevi Chattopadhyaya, Ahoka Mehta, R.R. Diwakar and Bhimasen Sacar. Prominent among the labour leaders attending the conference were G.L. Nanda, Khadubhai Desai, Suresh Chandra Banerjee, Abid Ali Jaffarbhoy Michael John, Deven Sen, Harihar Nath Shashtri, S.R. Vasavda, S.P. Sen, R.K. Khedgikar, G.L. Mapara and G.D. Ambekar. They had all gathered at conference, held at the Constitution Club, New Delhi on May 3 and 4 ,1947 , determined to form a new trade union centre which could voice the genuine demands for realizing the aspirations of the working class in the country, at the same time keeping the national interest foremost in view. The number of trade unions centre which could voice the genuine demands for realization of the working class in the country, at the same time keeping the national interest foremost in view. The number of trade unions represented at the same conference was 200

with a total membership of over 5,65,000.

Acharya J.B. Kripalani, the then president of the Indian National Congess who inaugurated the conference, in his address said: “ The proposed organization should not hesitate to employe the weapon of strike, if it were essential to promote the true interest of labour. But that weapon is to be employed only after due consideration and with aim was to achieve any legitimate economic and social objective. But it would however , not only be misuse of this weapon but doing actual harm to labour’s own interests if it were to be employes for the attainment of sectional political ends. If labour were to submit its organized strength to such exploitation. It would become a mere tool in the hands of unscrupulous party politicians.

Blessing the new organization, the Acharya said: “It is a happy augury for the Indian working class that trained and trusted leaders of the labour movement are starting the new central organization on healthy lines.” 

Explaining the circumstances that led to the proposed organization, Shri Ghulzari Lal Nanda, Secretary of the Hindustan Mazdoor Sewak  Sangh under whose auspices the meeting was held, pointed out that to disclosed the productive organization of the nation at that crucial period in the history of the country was really to strike a direct blow on the life of the nation and its political integrity and it would harm which the communist activity was causing from day to day if to mischief was not counteracted at once. 

Concluding Shri Nanda said: “While there is no common ground  between those inspired by communist philosophy and those who have fail in democracy, the proposed organization can provide a broad platform and ensure the largest measure of unity as the latter in pursuit of the aim of the labour movement.” 

The main resolution moved by Dr. Suresh Chandra Banrjee said: “Whereas the course of the labour movement in the country is taking under the leadership of those who are opposed to peaceful change and democratic methods has provide extremely detrimental to the growth of strong and healthy trade unionism and is doing incalculable harm to the true interest of the masses of the country and whereas it has become a scared and imperative obligation of those who are for

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the well-being of the working class to take concerted action to safeguard and promote its interest, it is resolved that to give effect to this purpose, an organization – called the INDIAN NATIONAL TRDE UNION CONGRESS

The resolution was by late Michael John and was passed by an overwhelming majority. 

Thus INTUC was born on May 3, 1947 as historic necessity, just before Indian attained independence. The constitution of INTUC was adopted in the second day’s proceedings of the conference, Mahatma Gandhi who was then in Delhi also blessed the new found trade union centre.

BHARATIYA MAZDOOR SANGH – At a Glance The circumstances in which BHARATIYA MAZDOOR SANGH (BMS) came into existence in the trade union field of India have shaped its significant role in the trade union movement. BMS was founded on 23rd of July, 1955 – the day being the birth anniversary of Lok Manya Bal Gangadhar Tilak – veteran of Freedom Movement. Two important aspects stand out in connection with this: (a) Formation of BMS was not the result of split in the existing trade union organisations,

unlike in the case of almost all other trade unions. Hence it had the formidable responsibility of building its organisational structure from the grass root level. It started from zero having no trade union, no membership, no activist (karyakarta), no office and no fund.

(b) On the very first day it was visualised as a trade union whose base-sheet anchors – would be Nationalism, would work as a genuine trade union, keeping itself scrupulously away from party politics. This was also unlike other trade unions which were linked to one or the other political party, overtly or otherwise.

 Dawn of BMS, therefore, can be truly described as watershed in the course of trade union field. ORGANISATIONAL GROWTH BMS in 1955 existed only in the minds of a few determined persons who assembled at Bhopal under the guidance of Shri D.B. Thengadi – a thinker and intellectual, who had even earlier dedicated accepting the noble principle of self abnegation, his entire life to social work. He collected a band of determined workers around him to work for the organisation selflessly. The first task was to build a strong organisational structure on the noble principles already declared. Constant tour of the country by Shri Thengadiji and the local efforts of his then colleagues resulted in setting up of a union here, and a union there. Of course that looked insignificant in the broad canvas of the trade union field like tiny dots on a large map. Most of these unions were in the unorganised sector. With the increase in experience, slowly, BMS unions sprung up in important industries. In a few States, State Committees were formed. Thus it was only in 1967, twelve years after its formation – that the first all India Conference of BMS was held in Delhi, in which the initial national executive was elected. At the time the number of affiliated unions was 541 and total membership was 2, 46,000. Shri Thengadiji was elected General Secretary and Shri Ram Nareshji as first President. From then on there was no looking back. In 1967 it had 2, 36,902 members. In 1984 Central Government after membership verification of all major Central Labour Organisations declared BMS as second largest Central Trade Union Organisation with 12,11,355 members and during 1996 it was declared first largest organisation with 31,17,324 membership by the Government of India, Ministry of Labour. The reckoning date of the above verification was 31st December 1989. In the subsequent verification held by Government of India for the year 2002, BMS retained its position of NUMERO UNO in the Country. Of the 44 industries classified by the Ministry of Labour, Government of India for the purpose of membership verification, BMS has affiliated unions in all industries. BMS has membership of almost 1 crore in all States comprising more than 5000 affiliate unions. BMS is productivity oriented non-political CTUO. It rejects the idea of State control rather it views it as an evil to be restricted to inevitable sector like defence, but stands firmly for the principle of public accountability of each industry and consequent enunciation of public discipline. It tries to bring consumers as the third and the most important party to industrial relations. For the furtherance and realization of its aims and objects BMS applies all legitimate

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means consistent with the spirit of nationalism and patriotism. BMS is significantly represented in most of the bipartite/tripartite labour and industrial committees/Boards constituted by the Central Government including Indian Labour Conference (ILC), Standing Labour Committee, Central Board for Workers Education, ESI, EPF, National Productivity Council, National Safety Council, Negotiation Committees of Public Sector Undertakings like BHEL, NTPC, NHPC, BEL, Coal, Industrial Committees of Jute, Textiles, Engineering, Chemical-Fertilizers, Sugar, Electricity, Transport and the consultative machinery of Government employees and various other Committees / Boards. BMS also leads the delegation of Indian workforce in the Conferences of International Labour Organisation (ILO). MANIFESTATION OF NATIONALISTIC OUTLOOK Being nationalistic in outlook, it was but natural that this would be manifested in its activities. National interest was accepted as supreme and the workers interest to be protected and promoted within its frame work. National Commitment was to guide all negotiations at collective bargaining and promoted within its frame work. Good of the country, the industry and the workers was accepted as the guidelines. Workers are part of the society and have the obligation to serve it. Consumers’ interest was taken as nearest to national interest. 

Hence the saffron flag of BMS, a symbol of sacrifice and service, the age old cultural emblem, a source of inspiration, began to flutter in the trade union field. The BMS insignia symbolises the rhythm between human controlled industrial development and agricultural prosperity. This is clearly depicted by impression of strong, confident and erect thumb of fist in between moving wheel and sheaf of corn. Significantly, BMS is the first one in the trade union field to use a logo of human organ.

 AIMS AND OBJECTIVESThe aims and objectives of BMS are: (a) To establish ultimately the Bharatiya order of society in which there shall be secured

among other things:


i. Complete utilisation of manpower and resources leading to full employment and maximum production.

ii. Replacement of profit motive by service motive and establishment of economic democracy resulting in equitable distribution of wealth to the best advantage of all individual citizens and of the national as a whole.

iii. Development of autonomous industrial communities forming part and parcel of the nation, culminating in ‘Labourisation of industry’

iv. Provision of work with living wage to every individual through maximum industrialisation of the nation.

(b) With a view to enable the workers to strive successfully for the ultimate realisation of the above objects and to strengthen them, in the meanwhile, to make their own contribution to the cause of protecting and promoting their interest consistent with those of the community:


v. To assist workers in organising themselves in trade unions as a medium of service to the motherland irrespective of faiths and political affinities.

vi. To guide, direct, supervise and coordinate the activities of the affiliated unions.vii. To assist the affiliated unions in the formation of state BMS units and Industrial

Federations as constituent units of the BMS andviii. To bring about unity in the trade union movement.

(c) To secure and preserve for the workers:  ix. The right to work, the right for security of service and for social security, the right

to conduct trade union activities and the right to strike as a last resort after having exhausted other legitimate methods of trade unionism for redressal of grievances.

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x. Improvement in conditions of work, life and social and industrial status.xi. A living wage consistent with a national minimum and due share in the profits in

their respective industries as partners.xii. Other appropriate amenitiesxiii. Expeditious enforcement and appropriate amendment of existing labour

legislation in their interest andxiv. Enactment of new labour laws from time to time in consultation with the labour

representatives.(d) To inculcate in the minds of the workers the spirit of service, cooperation and

dutifulness and develop in them a sense of responsibility towards the nation in general and industry in particular

(e) To educate the labour by organising worker’s training classes, study circles, guest lectures, seminars, symposia, excursions etc., in cooperation with institutions and organisations having similar aims and objects such as the Central Board of Workers Education. Labour Research Centre, Universities etc., and also to maintain libraries.

(f) To publish or cause publication of journals, periodicals, pamphlets, pictures, books and many other types of literature mainly concerning labour and their interests and to purchase, sell & circulate them.

(g) To establish, encourage and organise Labour Research Centres and similar activities.(h) Generally to take such other steps as may be necessary to ameliorate the social,

economic, cultural, civic and general conditions of the workers. For sound health of workers and society BMS has been against the use of any type of drugs, liquor, alcohol and smoking.

(i) To render assistance or to establish cooperative societies, welfare institutions, clubs etc., for the overall welfare of the common man in general and the workers and their families in particular.


India has a heritage of thousands of year where the dignity of labour as well as those of labourers was well established. The dire need of the hour is to re-establish the same - the Dignity of Labour by observing our own labour day. As also, most of the Nations have their National Labour Day. National Labour Day was rediscovered to be on Vishwakarma Jayanti, Vishwakarma, being the first craftsman – artisan, sculptor, and engineer - and in fact the traditional symbol of hard labour. This falls on Kanya Sankranti of each year. BMS, since its inception, has been observing Vishwakarma Jayanti – on 17th September of English Calendar Year National Labour Day.

 While functioning since 1955 it has given to the labour movement new slogans benefiting its ideology: Bharat Mata Ki JaiWe will work in the interest of the country and will take full wage for the work done (Desh ki hit me kam karenge, kam ki lenge poore dham)The sacrifice, penance and martyrdom are identification of BMS (BMS ki kya pehchan, Tyag, Tapasya aur Balidan)Understand the value of Capital and Labour is equal and same (Paise aur pasine ki kimmat samjo ek samaan).Workers unite the world (Mazdooron duniya ko ek karo)Industrialise the nation, Nationalise the Labour, Labourise the Industry (Rashtra Udyogikaran, Sharamik ka Rashtriyakaran, Udyog ka Mazdoorikaran)Bonus to all wage earners – as deferred wage (Sabi Vetanbogiyonko der se diya hua vetan ki roop me bonus)Stop discrimination. Income-ratio should be one and ten. (Bedbhav bandh karo. Aay ka anupath Ek aur Dus ho)

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 NEW TRENDS IN THE TRADE UNION MOVEMENT BMS has contributed quite a few new ideas which have virtually become trend setters. The non-political nature of BMS has now gained currency and has become acceptable not only in India but also abroad. The XII World Trade Union Congress of WFTU, held in Moscow, in 1990, adopted a document to this effect. BMS doesn’t believe in class concept and rejects the class theory propounded by Marx. Instead its struggle and fight is against the injustice on workers from whatever quarters. Being non-political, its attitude towards any democratically elected government is governed by the principle of “Responsive Co-operation”. BMS idea of “Labourisation” of Industries – a stage where workers would collectively own and manage the industrial units has initiated a national debate on it. This experiment has been successfully undertaken in New Central Jute Mills, West Bengal. THE NEW ECONOMIC POLICY (NEP) AND NEW INDUSTRIAL POLICY (NIP) While opposing the above policies BMS was first to give slogan for 2nd war of economic independence. At the same time it has suggested some positive alternatives. It has vigorously condemned the object surrender to the conditionality of the IMF and WB as that would amount to giving up our sovereignty. BMS considers the movement as an opportunity to build up Swadeshi Model of Economy. Hence it has inspired movement for the use of Swadeshi (Indigenous) Products as against the foreign or MNC products. It has offered to cooperate in turning the loss making PSUs profitable where practicable, it has agreed to induce the workers to take up their unit to run them on sound lines. To curb excessive profiteering, which is the main culprit behind price rise; it has suggested that the Government should take steps to make the consumer aware of the cost of production of each product to daily use. This awareness will serve as a watch dog to restrain the prices. BMS is also of the view that for creating enough job opportunities, agricultural development should get more attention as also agro-based and small and tiny industries. Vishwakarma Sector (Self employment sector) should get more encouragement than at present. On modern technology, BMS while not being antagonistic would prefer developing our own technology based on indigenous and traditional knowledge to best suit our conditions. From this angle national technology policy should be drawn. INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Being one of the most representative organisations of Labour, BMS has a place in the Indian delegation to the annual International Labour Conference held by ILO at GENEVA every year. Being largest Central Trade Union Organisation of India, BMS is leading the Indian Labour delegation to ILO, Geneva each year on behalf of Indian workforce. Special Session of United Nations Organisation was held on 5-9 June, 2000 in New York on “Women 2000, Gender Equality, Development and Peace for 21st Century”. Kum. Suchitra Mahapatra of BMS participated on behalf of Indian Women workforce. It works in close relations with the ILO office in Delhi, participating in all its national and regional level seminars / workshops, its endeavour being to contribute its best. BMS is not affiliated with any International Confederation but maintains cordial relation with all such organisations. Instead of giving call for the workers of the world to unite, it has given a call to the workers all over, to unite the world. 

ALLIED ACTIVITIESBHARATIYA SHRAM-SHODH MANDAL (BSSM) “Bhartiya Shram-Shodh Mandal’ formed by BMS is a research based institution, established on 26th May, 1980, to promote objective studies based on impartial examination of facts and developments in the industrial field. The activities of the Mandal are:

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i. Survey for Social Causesii. Critical appraisal of Annual Budgetiii. Workshop and Tripartite Conference on labour laws.

iv.Impact assessment of new economic policy and new industrial policy on labour and economy.

v. Publications SARVA PANTH SAMADAR MANCH Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh firmly believes in non-discrimination of labour based on caste, creed or religions. BMS believes in equal respect for all religion. To promote the same sense of harmony among the labour, BMS in 1994, founded forum known as Sarva Panth Samadar Manch. Maulana Wahiduddin Khan and Jal. P. Jimmi were the founder members of this organisation. 25th March of each year is celebrated as “Ekatma Diwas” to commemorate the holy sacrifice of Shri Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthi for the cause of Hindu Muslim unity. VISHWAKARMA SHRAMIK SHIKSHA SANSTHA Based on resolution adopted by executive committee of BMS held at Shimla on 26th April, 1982 a Vishwakarma Labour Training Institute was established having its headquarter at Nagpur. Regular training camps, workshops etc., have been organised by this institute in collaboration with Central Board of Workers Education. PARYAVARAN MANCH In 1995, Paryavaran Manch was set up to pragmatise the activity of Trade Unions, which was till that time limited to wage, bonus etc. It is the obvious responsibility of the labour to keep their surroundings clean, safe and pollution free. 3rd December, the Bhopal disaster is mourned and remembered each year as “No More Bhopal Day”. VISHWAKARMA SANKET Vishwakarma Sanket – a Bi-lingual (In English and Hindi) monthly is regularly published by BMS from Central Office in Delhi to keep their cadres well informed about the news and views on various issues of the contemporary national scenario. Many State BMS and Industrial Federations affiliated to BMS also publish periodical and journals at their regional / federation level.