ajay kushwaha final report on price sensitivity of life insurance products


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Company Guide Faculty Guide Ms. Swapna Nair Prof. T.N. Ramakumar

Branch manager IBS, kochi Geojit BNP Paribas Financial services ltd.

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I hereby declare that this report on ‘‘Price sensitivity of life

insurance products’’ has been written and prepared by me

during the academic year 2009-10. This project was done under

the guidance and supervision of company guide, Ms. Swapna

Nair, branch manager, Geojit BNP Paribhas Financial Services

Limited and faculty guide Prof. T.N Ramakumar, ICFAI Business

School, kochi, in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the

Master of Business Administration course of the ICFAI Business


I also declare that this project is the result of my own efforts and

has not been submitted to any other institution for the award of

any degree or diploma.

Place: Kochi Ajay Kushwaha

Date: (08BS0000184)

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I express my gratitude to Ms. Swapna Nair, Branch Manager,

Geojit BNP Paribas Financial Services Limited, infopark branch

for giving me the opportunity to work and learn and to be the

part of Geojit BNP Paribas Financial Services Limited and for

being my company guide.

I would like to thank my faculty guide Prof. T.N. Ramakumar for

helping and providing regular guidance for the completion of the


I would like to show my gratitude towards Ms. Swapna Nair for

her direction and assistance at each and every step of the project

and for giving valuable time out of her busy schedules to me and

rendered assistance in terms of information and guidance. I

would like to thank the branch manager of Geojit BNP Paribas

Financial Services Limited, Ms Swapna Nair for providing me the

opportunity to learn more about the share market also.

I would like to thank all the staffs of the Geojit BNP Paribas

Financial Services Limited for sparing their time with me and

providing their support for the completion of the project.

I would like to thank the nature for giving the favorable

conditions and I would also thank my flat mates for helping and

encouraging me for the completion of the project.

Finally, I would like to thank Micro-soft Corporation for their best

user friendly MS office software package. With this software only

I am able to complete my project.


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The Summer Internship Program in Geojit BNP Paribas Financial Services

Ltd. started from 23rdof February, 09. The objective of the project is to

know that the impact of premium charged by Insurance companies on

their life products have any impact on life insurance investment pattern in

Ernakulam. As we know that there are various factors which affect the

consumption and investment behavior of individuals. Factors include:

Price of the product

Income of the consumers

Type of goods available in the market

Tastes and preferences of individuals, etc

So our work was that to know about the perception of individuals with

respect to price i.e. premium charged by life insurance companies on their

life insurance products. Our work was also to find out various reasons

which are considered by people to choose one company from other.

For our study we have chosen infopark area because likely respondents of

this area could be sharing certain demographic, age, income and other

similarities. The steps or the points that we have covered in our study as


Studying the contours of Indian insurance industry.

Learning about the basics of insurance.

Defining the objectives and scope of the research.

Evolving a proper methodology.

Devising a suitable questionnaire.

Administering the questionnaire to selected respondents.

Finally analysis of the feedback received.



At the outset we have started our research with studying the basic tenets

and features of insurance business in India. Various types of insurance

policies in use are studied for this purpose

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The objective of the study is to find out the various insurance policies now

available in the market. By administering the suitable questionnaire, the

preferences of customers in terms of choice for a particular policy, from

the particular company and the reasons thereof are sought to be elicited.

While doing this special importance is given on the price sensitivity of life

insurance products at infopark area.

The respondent base for this exercise is chosen from infopark area,

kakkanad. The assumption here is that the respondent base is more or less

uniform in terms of geography, income levels, age and other parameters.

We have planned to cover around 100 respondents.


In the second stage we are using two techniques for analyzing the Indian

insurance industry. Techniques are:

1. PEST analysis

2. Michael porter’s five factor analysis.


In the final stage we have prepared the questionnaire (see annexure A)

consisting of 20 questions to collect the information from individuals at

infopark area. We have met with 100 individuals and collected data from

them. We have also conducted personal interview to collect the

information regarding the perception of investors on several factors while

investing in life insurance products. We have given more focus on

premium as a factor of deciding investment in life insurance products.


Yes premium charged by life insurance companies on their life

insurance products have impact on investment pattern of

individuals. The reason is the percentage of income spent on life

insurance products is high. So if high percentage of income is spent

on life insurance products, then the particular individual will not be

able to do other things. But premium is not only the important

variable. It is concluded that if investors will sure that they will get

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the return then they will definitely take any type of policy which

their income level permits.

Research shows that there is correlation between income of the

people and their investment behavior.

More than 50% of the respondents who have income level of below

Rs. 2lakhs (both who have taken life insurance products and who

haven’t taken life insurance products) considered price i.e. premium

payable on life insurance products as the most important factor

while investing in life insurance products. The reason given by them

is the affordability. It means if the premium is affordable then only

they shall able to buy the policy.

Respondents who have income level of more than Rs. 2lakhs (those

who have already taken life insurance policy) considered both

premium and reputation of the insurance company as the first most

important factor while investing in life insurance policies. Our

research clearly shows that around 32% of the respondents have

ranked both premium and reputation as first most important factor

and again 23% have ranked it as second most important factor. For

them premium is not that much important if the reputation of the

company is good because they can get the return on their

investment. It means they are ready to pay higher premium for

reputed companies in the market.

There are various factors which are considered by respondents

while investing in life insurance products. They are:

Premium charged by life insurance companies on their life

insurance products.

Reputation of the company in the market

Their total income

Their total savings

Variety of life insurance products

Location of the company

Familiarity with the agent

People prefer one company over another because of various

reasons. Premium charged by life insurance companies and their

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past services and the reputation in the market are the important


Respondents are aware about various types of life insurance

products. And the demand for money back policy is higher than any

type policy by the respondents.

The reason for higher investment in money back policy is because of

the higher expected return on investment on the periodic intervals.

Most of the people have taken and wants to take policy with rider.

They are ready to pay higher premium on additional benefits.

It is clear that people still have great confidence on government


It is clear that people used to invest by the recommendation and

suggestions of their friends and relatives. This corroborates in

marketing notion that word of mouth is the best vehicle of


The preference for ULIPs is also considerable lower than money

back. It shows that people have awareness about the innovations of

new products in the market.

Preference for term insurance is very less instead of their low price

i.e. premium. Because it is uncertain that whether investor will get

benefit or not.


Geojit can give some incentive or bonus points to their clients who

have already taken policy from them if they recommend their

friends and relatives to buy the policies from Geojit BNP Paribas

financial services limited.

Agent can give information about life insurance products and the

company better than anyone else. So Geojit may have to focus on

their agent base.

Our research shows that ICICI Prudential and SBI life other than LIC

also have good potential for growth. So they have to focus more on

ICICI Prudential and SBI life and not on LIC to sell life insurance

products (because customers already have preference for LIC).

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Executive summary………..………………………………………………………………………07

Chapter.1-Introduction ………………..………………………………………………….13-20

1.1. Objective of the research……………….………………………………………………..16

1.2. Scope of the research……………………………………………………………………...17

1.3. Methodology ………………………………………………………………………………….18

1.4. Methods ………………………………………………………………………………………...18

1.5. Population and sample…………………………………………………………….…..…18

1.6. Sampling technique…………………………………………………………………………19

1.7. Data collection………………………………………………………………………………..19

1.8. Data analysis……………………………………………………………………………….….19

1.9. Limitation of the project………………………………………………………………….20

Chapter.2-Insurance ………………………………………….……………………….…21-26

2.1. Meaning …………………………………………………………………………………………22

2.2. Insurance and Assurance……………………………………………………………..….22

2.3. General principles of insurance……………………………………………………….23

2.4. Types of insurance……………………………………………………………………..……25

2.5. Re-insurance…………………………………………………………………………………...26

Chapter.3-Company profile……………………………………………………………27-33

3.1. Company background……………………………………………………………………..28

3.2. Milestones of the company………….………………………………………………….29

3.3. Board of directors……………………………….…………………………………………..32

3.4. Management ………………………………………………………………………………...32

3.5. Subsidiary companies and overseas joint venture…………………….……..33

Chapter.4-Insurance industry analysis……………………………………………34-49

4.1. Overview ……………………………………………………………………………………..…35 4.2. Life insurance in India………………………………………………………………………37

4.3. Investment pattern of life insurers-ULIPs dominant………………………...37

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4.4. Non-life insurance in India……………………………………………………………….38

4.5. Road ahead……………………………………………………………………………………..39

4.6. Low penetration and untapped semi-urban and rural areas……………39

4.7. Network expansion and product innovation…………………………………….40

4.8. Raising household savings……………………………………………………………….40

4.9. De-tarrifing in general insurance…………………………………………….……...41

4.10. Pest analysis……………………………………………………………………………….…42

4.11. Michael Porter’s five forces analysis………………………………………………43

4.12. List of life insurance companies in India……………………………………..46

4.13. List of general insurance companies in India………………………………47

4.14. Market share of insurance companies in Indian insurance market48

4.15. Pie-chart for analysis………………………………………………………………….…49

Chapter.5-Life insurance……………………………………………………………….50-58

5.1. Meaning ………………………………………………………………………………………...51

5.2. Evolution ………………………………………………………………………………………..51

5.3. Life insurance products…………………………………………………………..……….52

5.4. Traditional insurance plans…………………..…………………………………………53

5.5. Unit linked insurance policy (ULIP)…………………………………………………..55

5.6. Premium …………………………………………………………………………………………56

5.7. Calculation of age…………………………………………………………………………...57

5.8. Calculation of premium……………………………………………………………………58

Chapter.6-Survey Analysis……………………………………………………..……..59-87

6.1. Analysis of primary research………………………………………………………..….60

6.2. Why particular sample is chosen? ………………………………………………..…60

6.3. Questionnaire Analysis ……………………………………………………………………61

6.4. Findings and analysis……………………………………….………………………..…...63

6.5. Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………………….…85

6.6. Recommendations……………………………………………………………………….….87

References …………………………………………………………………………….…………..88


A Questionnaire……………………………………………………………………………89

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Chapter- 1


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Growth in the Indian economy has steadily increased since 1979. Indian

economy is on boom at this time and it shows the overall growth of

Republic of India. Today Indian people are becoming more and more

aware of investing money in market and this is the biggest reason behind

this boom. People are investing through various investment schemes like:

Direct investment in stock market,

Mutual fund schemes,

Insurance (life insurance and ULIP schemes),

Bank deposits,

Real estate,

Debt instruments and

Government schemes.

Insurance market is becoming more and more competitive. New

companies are coming to this field and seeking opportunities for business.

People working for these products are earning well and they are

financially strong, have potential to invest huge money. This study is

basically based on life insurance products and different class of customers.

So this study helps to understand the behavior of customers on the

premium payable on life insurance products.

There are three main factors that determine the demand for any product

in the market. They are:

Price of the product

Income of the consumer

Price of the related goods

So for our research we have taken price i.e. the premium charged on life

insurance to determine its demand.

Price sensitivity of life insurance products means price determines the

demand for life insurance products in the market. It means how change in

price i.e. the premium charged on life insurance products have an impact

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on the investment pattern of individuals in life insurance products.

Actually price elasticity of demand is a measure of the sensitivity of

quantity demanded to changes in price. It is measured as elasticity that is

it measures the relationship as the ratio of percentage changes between

quantity demanded of a good and changes in its price.

In simpler words, demand for a product can be said to be very inelastic if

consumers will pay almost any price for the product, and very elastic if

consumers will only pay a certain price, or a narrow range of prices, for

the product. Inelastic demand means a producer can raise prices without

much hurting demand for its product, and elastic demand means that

consumers are sensitive to the price at which a product is sold and will

not buy it if the price rises by what they consider too much.

For example: Drinking water is a good example of a good that has

inelastic characteristics in that people will pay anything for it (high or low

prices with relatively equivalent quantity demanded), so it is not elastic.

On the other hand, demand for sugar is very elastic because as the price of

sugar increases, there are many substitutions which consumers may

switch to. But if we take the example of highly price goods like diamond

and low priced goods like salt have low price elasticity of demand,

because their consumers are not responsive to price changes. So for

diamond and salt price is very less sensitive.

So the Investment in life insurance products needs major part of the

income of individuals. Most of the individuals take life insurance products

as a saving of tax instruments and life security of their families.

Hence we need to understand the price sensitivity of life insurance

products with reference to the income of the individuals.

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This project basically aims to know that the impact of premium charged by

Insurance companies on their life products have any impact on life

insurance investment pattern in Ernakulam. The purpose of the study is to

find out if the demand for the life insurance product is affected by the

change in price i.e. premium charged on life insurance products or not.

The main objective is to know the perception and knowledge of customers

on the premium charged by the insurance companies on their life

insurance products. The objective of the study is also to find out the

reasons why customers prefer one company over the other and one

product over the other and determine whether price is an important

variable in the choice of these decisions.

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1.2. SCOPE OF THE RESEARCH i. Helps to know that the customers who are investing on life

insurance products. ii. Helps to know about the investment pattern of different class

of investors. iii. Helps to know about the different types of life insurance

products. iv. Helps to find out the better market opportunities for

insurance companies for their life insurance products in terms of size of the market, quality of services and number of clients.

v. Helps to know the awareness and knowledge of life insurance products and the company at infopark area in Ernakulam.

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This methodology is based on Primary research which was carried out at

Ernakulam in infopark area. The research involves:

1. Investor’s perception on the premium paid and the company brand. 2. Finding out the awareness level of Investors. 3. Past investment patterns 4. Suggestion


2. Primary Data: the information and the perception of the individuals will be collected by meeting personally with the help of structured questionnaire.

3. Secondary Data: data regarding the insurance companies and their life insurance products will be collected with the help of company websites, newspapers and their advertising tools.

4. Data analysis with the help of MS-Excel and SPSS: the collected data of individuals will be analyzed with the help of MS-Excel and SPSS software.


The population that we have taken for our study was the people in

Ernakulam. The sample from the above population for our study had

consisted of around 100 individuals. The sample includes both type of

individual who have taken life insurance products and who haven’t taken

life insurance products in infopark area in Ernakulam.

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Sampling has been done by using judgment sampling technique.


Data collection for this research has been done with the help of structured

questionnaire. The questionnaire contains the questions based on the

personal information of the individuals who are working in infopark area.

Data has been collected by meeting personally with the individuals in

infopark area.


After collecting the data by structured questionnaire, the collected data is

analyzed by using SPSS and Microsoft Excel software.

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i. The main important limitation of our project is the time

constraint. The time period for the project is limited.

ii. The total population in Ernakulam is large and the sample

that we have taken is too small. So the results may not be

100% reliable because of small sample.

iii. We have chosen Judgemental sampling technique for the

selection of sample instead of pure random sampling


iv. Conclusions derived in this study are only tentative or

exploratory and it needs to be supported by further research.

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Chapter- 2


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2.1. MEANING OF INSURANCE: Insurance is a contract under which one party agrees in return for a

consideration to pay an agreed amount of money to another party to

make good a loss, damage, or injury to something of value in which the

insured has a pecuniary interest as a result of some uncertain event.

In a very simple words insurance is a contract between two parties i.e.

insurer (the company) and the insured (the customer), where insurer

promise to compensate the loss, damage, or injury of something value

of insured in consideration of price (the premium paid by insured) after

the happening of uncertain events.

2.2. INSURANCE AND ASSURANCE: The two terms insurance and assurance are often used in the insurance

business to mean one and the same thing. But the terms are not

synonymous. Assurance refers to a contract under which the sum assured is bound to

be paid sooner or later. A contract of insurance is a contract for compensation for damage or

loss as in the case of fire or marine insurance. In these types of

insurance the insured must suffer a pecuniary loss before he can claim

compensation from the insurer. If there is no such loss, the claim

doesn’t arise. Contrary to the above a contract of assurance is an out and out

contract, e.g., a contract of life insurance. In such a contract the

payment of the sum of money assured is bound to be made either on

the maturity of the policy or the death of the assured. Thus, the term insurance is used when the risk is uncertain and it may

or may not happen or is used where compensation is guaranteed to be

paid only on the happening of an event, which may or may not happen.

The word assurance is meant for the contract which assures the

payment of a certain sum on the happening of an event, which is


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i. Utmost good faith: a contract of insurance is contract uberrimate

fidei, that is to say a contract founded on utmost good faith. It is a

condition of every insurance contract that both the parties, the

insured and the insurer, should display utmost good faith towards

each other in regard to the contract. This duty continues till the time

the negotiations for the contract are completed and is equally

applicable to both the parties. In case of insurance contract

proposer has to tell the insurer all the material facts that he/she

knows or ought to know about the subject matter of the proposed

insurance. Similarly the insurer is bound to exercise the same good

faith in disclosing the scope of the insurance, which he/she

prepared to grant.

ii. Insurable interest: another principle of insurance contract is that

the insured must have an insurable interest in the subject matter of

insurance. Insurable interest means some pecuniary interest in the

subject matter of insurance contract. Without such interest the

contract will be regarded as gambling and, therefore, void.

iii. Indemnity: important principle in case of insurance of property like

fire and marine insurance is that of indemnity. A contract of fire or

marine insurance is a contract of indemnity under which the insurer

or underwriter promises to indemnify the insured in case of any

financial loss suffered by him/her on the happening of uncertain

event. It means the insurer undertakes to compensate the insured

for the loss caused to him/her by the damage or destruction of the

property insured. The compensation payable and the loss suffered

are to be measured in terms of money.

It should be noted that the principle of indemnity is not applicable

to personal insurance, such as life insurance because a contract of

life insurance is not based on the principle of compensation.

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iv. Contribution: it applies to any insurance, which is a contract of

indemnity. The insured is not prevented from taking out two policies

on the same property. But in case there is a loss, when there is more

than one policy on the same property, the insured will have no right

to recover more than the full amount of his actual loss. In such a

case the principle of contribution will be applied according to which

all the insurers will contribute to the loss of insured in the

proportion of the amount of policy taken by the concerned person.

v. Subrogation: it applies to all insurance contracts. After the insured

is compensated for the loss or damage to the property insured by

him/her, the right of ownership of such property passes on to the

insurer. Because if the damaged property has any value left or lost

property is recovered that cannot be allowed to remain with the

insured because in that case insured will realize more than the

actual loss which is against the principle of indemnity.

vi. Causa proxima: the principle of causa proxima means that in case

of loss arising out of any mishap the most proximate cause, i.e. the

nearest cause of the mishap should be taken into consideration.

vii. Mitigation: the principle of mitigation emphasizes the duty of the

insured to take all possible steps to minimize the loss or damage to

the property covered by insurance policy, in case of mishap

happens. This principle aims at making sure that the insured

behaves as a prudent person and does not become careless after

taking a policy to cover any risk.

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2.4. TYPES OF INSURANCE In India, insurance business is classified primarily as life and non-life or

general. 1. Life insurance: includes all the risks related to the lives of the

human beings.

2. Non-life or general insurance: it covers the rest other than life. It


a) Fire insurance: it deals with all fire related risks. Under a

fire insurance contract, the insurer, in return for the

premium paid by the insured, undertakes to pay or make

good loss suffered by the insured as a result of damage

caused by fire to the property covered by the policy.

b) Marine insurance: it deals with all transport related risks

and ships. It is a contract under which the insurer or

underwriter undertakes to indemnify the insured against

losses, incidental to marine adventure. It may be defined

as a form of insurance covering loss or damage to vessels

or to cargo during transportation on the high seas. The

risks insured against are those commonly known as perils

of the sea, such as a storm, collision of one ship with

another, against rocks, etc. and fire as well as action of

the master or crew of the ship.

c) Fidelity insurance: it is used to protect an employer from

the dishonesty of an employee. Banks, loan companies

and other businesses commonly use such insurance

policies for cashiers and other employees who handle

company funds. The employer is insured against loss up to

the amount of policy.

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d) Miscellaneous: it deals with all others like liability, motor,

crop, engineering, construction, aviation, personal

accident, etc.

2.5. Reinsurance: it refers to the arrangement under which an

insurer enters into contract with another insurer for the

assumption of a part or whole of the risk insured by the first

insurer. In this case, the reinsurer undertakes to insure the

first insurer against loss from some or all of the risks he/she

has insured.

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Company Profile

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Geojit was founded by Mr. C.J. George and Mr. Ranajit Kanjilal as a

partnership firm in the year 1987. After the retirement of Mr. Ranajit

Kanjilal from the firm in 1993, Geojit became a proprietary concern of Mr.

C .J. George. In 1994, it became a Public Limited Company by the name

Geojit Securities Ltd. The Kerala State Industrial Development Corporation

Ltd. (KSIDC), in 1995, became a co-promoter of Geojit by acquiring 24%

stake in the company, the only instance in India of a government entity

participating in the equity of a stock broking company. Geojit listed at The

Stock Exchange, Mumbai (BSE) in the year 2000. In 2003, the Company

was renamed as Geojit Financial Services Ltd. (GFSL). The board of the

company consists of professional directors; including a Kerala government

nominee with 2/3rd of the board members being Independent Directors.

With effect from July 2005, the company is also listed at The National

Stock Exchange (NSE). Geojit is a charter member of the Financial Planning

Standards Board of India and is one of the largest DP brokers in the


On March 13, 2007 the formation of Geojit BNP Paribas Financial Services

Ltd., was announced in Mumbai and Paris. Through a preferential

allotment, BNP Paribas had taken 27% stake in Geojit, which will

eventually increase to 34.35%. With this final step, the French banking

major has become the largest shareholder in Geojit Financial Services

Limited. BNP Paribas has one of the largest international banking

networks with significant presence in Asia and the United States. With this

take over Geojit has become Geojit BNP Paribas Financial Services LTD in

April 2009. Currently Geojit BNP Paribas has more than 500 branches, 4.7

lakhs clients and offers services in equities, futures and options, mutual

funds, life and general insurance, portfolio management services, loan

against shares.

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3.2. MILESTONES OF COMPANY:- The company crossed the following milestones to reach its present position as a leading retail broking house in India. 1986

Geojit becomes a member of the Cochin Stock Exchange. 1994

The Kerala State Industrial Development Corporation (KSIDC), an arm of the Government of Kerala, becomes a co-promoter of the company by acquiring 24% equity stake in Geojit Financial Services Ltd. This is the only venture in India where a state owned development institution is participating in the equity of a stock broking company.

Geojit becomes a corporate broking house. 1995

Geojit becomes a member of the National Stock Exchange (NSE) and installs its first trading terminal in Cochin, Kerala.


The company launches Portfolio Management Services after obtaining required registration (Portfolio Management) from Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI).


Geojit becomes a Depository Participant under National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL) and begins providing Depository Services through its branches.


Geojit becomes a member of The Bombay Stock Exchange, Mumbai (BSE) and activates Bombay Online Terminals (BOLT) in different branches.

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Geojit becomes the first broking firm in the country to offer online trading facility. The then SEBI Chairman, Mr. D.R.Mehta inaugurates the facility on 1st February, 2000.

Commences Derivative Trading after obtaining registration as a Clearing and Trading Member in NSE.

Establishes the first Bank Gateway in the country for Internet Trading.


Becomes India's first DP to launch depository transactions through Internet.

Establishes Joint Ventures in the UAE for serving NRI clients. The company issues bonus shares in the ratio of 1:1.


Geojit ties up with MetLife for the marketing and distribution of insurance products across the country.

The company becomes the first online brokerage house to launch integrated internet trading system for both cash and derivatives segments.


Geojit Commodities Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of Geojit, becomes member of National Multi-Commodity Exchange of India Ltd., National Commodity & Derivatives Exchange Ltd., Multi Commodity Exchange and launches Commodity Futures Trading in rubber, pepper, gold, wheat and rice.

Geojit Commodities Limited launches Online Futures Trading in multiple commodities namely, agri-commodities, precious metals like gold and silver, other metals like steel, aluminium, etc. and energy futures namely, crude oil and furnace oil.

Geojit raises more than Rs.100 million through issue of preferential shares.

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Customer base of Geojit crosses 250,000.

Geojit's reach spreads through a network of more than 300 branches.

Geojit Credits, a subsidiary of Geojit Financial Services Ltd. registers with Reserve Bank of India as a Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFC).

The company implements Employees Stock Option Scheme.

The company opens a first of its kind - all women's branch in Cochin.


Geojit relaunches Internet trading on Reuters TIB Mercury Platform. 2007

On March 13, 2007 the formation of Geojit BNP Paribas Financial Services Ltd., was announced in Mumbai and Paris. Through a preferential allotment, BNP Paribas had taken 27% stake in Geojit, which will eventually increase to 34.35%. With this final step, the French banking major has become the largest shareholder in Geojit Financial Services Limited.


BNP Paribas Securities India (P) Ltd. – a Joint Venture between BNP Paribas and Geojit Financial Services for Institutional Broking.

First brokerage to offer full Direct Market Access (DMA) execution in India for institutional clients.


Launch of online Currency Derivatives trading.

Renaming of Geojit into Geojit BNP Paribas in April 2009.

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Name Designation

Mr. A. P. Kurian Non - Executive & Independent Chairman

Mr. C. J. George Managing Director & Chief Promoter

Mr. Manoj Joshi Non - Executive & Independent Director

Mr. Mahesh Vyas Non - Executive & Independent Director

Mr. Rakesh Jhunjhunwala Non - Executive Director)

Mr. Ramanathan Bupathy Non - Executive & Independent Director

Mr. Punnoose George Non - Executive Director

Mr. Olivier Le Grand Non - Executive Director

Mr. Pierre Rousseau Non - Executive Director


Name Designation

Mr. C. J. George Managing Director

Mr. Satish Menon Director (Operations)

Mr. A. Balakrishnan Chief Technology Officer

Mr. K. Venkitesh National Head - Distribution

Mr. Stefan Groening Director (Planning and Control)

Mr. Jean-Christophe G Director (Marketing)

Mr. Binoy .V.Samuel Chief Financial Officer

Mrs. Jaya Jacob Alexander Chief of Human Resources

Page 33: Ajay Kushwaha Final Report on price sensitivity of life insurance products



Geojit Financial Distribution (P) Limited

Geojit Financial Management Services (P) Limited

Geojit Credits (P) Limited

Barjeel Geojit Securities L.L.C.

OVERSEAS JOINT VENTURES:- Barjeel Geojit Securities

Aloula Geojit Brokerage Company

Registered Office: 5th Floor, Finance Towers, Kaloor, Kochi 682017,

Kerala, India. Phone: + 91 484 2405501/2, Fax: + 91 484 2405618. SEBI

registration Nos.: NSE:INB/INF/INE 230806739 | BSE: INB/INF 010806736

| NSDL: IN-DP-NSDL-24-97 | Portfolio Manager: INP000000316

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Chapter- 4

Insurance Industry Analysis

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The insurance business in India has grown at an excellent rate post-

liberalization. The market size went up to US$ 47.89 billion in 2008 from

US$ 21.71 billion in 2000, increasing at the rate of 120%. During FY00 to

FY07, total premium in the life insurance segment grew at a CAGR

(cumulative aggregate growth rate) of 28% and its share in the total

insurance premium increased to 86%. On the other hand, total premium in

the non-life insurance segment grew at a CAGR of 16% and its share in the

total insurance premium declined to 14%. At present, 33 private players

entered the sector. Interestingly, eight players-four each in life and non-

life insurance - entered the arena during March 2007 to August 2008. On

the basis of several macroeconomic factors like increase in literacy rate

and per capita income, decrease in death rate and unemployment, better

tax rebates, growing GDP etc., we estimate that the Indian insurance

sector will grow by $28.65 billion and reach $76.54 billion by 2011 with a

CAGR of 12.44% and a growth of 59.82%.

Further, the country’s insurance sector is likely to grow 17% in the current

financial year if the economy continues to expand at the pace as it did in

the September quarter of 2008. India’s economy grew at 7.6% in July-

September period.

Currently, the insurance sector comprises 1 re-insurance, 21 life Insurance,

and 19 general insurance companies. General Insurance Corporation (GIC)

is the sole insurer in the re-insurance market in India. Besides, there are

three specialized general insurers, namely, Agriculture Insurance Company

of India Ltd. (AIC) that provides crop insurance, Export credit guarantee

corporation (ECGC) that offers export credit insurance, and Star Health

and Allied Insurance Co. Ltd. that exclusively underwrites health, personal

accident and travel insurance.

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Insurance business has been traditionally classified into:

life insurance and

Non-life insurance (general insurance).

Non-life insurance broadly covers:



fidelity and

Miscellaneous insurance (health, motor, burglary,

engineering and cattle insurance).

Life insurance has been viewed as a tax saving option for a long time in

India; but this perception is slowly changing and insurance is being taken

irrespective of tax benefits. The insurance market now offers insurance

products that suit people’s specific requirement and various demographic


Among the various products offered by life insurers, the most common


Endowment assurance,

Money back policy,

Whole life policy,

Term assurance and

Unit linked insurance plans (ULIPs).

Out of these, endowment assurance and ULIPs are the most widely used.

ULIP is one of the biggest innovations of the market and ones popularized

by private players give various options to investors. In a ULIP, a part of the

premium paid goes towards life cover and the remaining is invested in

units like mutual funds. Lately, these products have been gaining

popularity owing to sustained bullish trend in the Indian capital market.

IRDA ha issued guideline for ULIP products that specify the minimum level

of sum assured, minimum period of premium payment and several other

requirements, including NAV computation methodology.

Furthermore, life insurance companies have identified the need for

structured retirements plans, for instance, long-term fund management

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and pension are some opportunities that life insurers are waiting to

capitalize on.


India is the fifth-largest life insurance market in Asia and eleventh in the

world. In FY07, India’s total life insurance premium volume was $34.59

billion which is 1.6% of the total world life premium and 5.9% of the total

Asian life premium. The Indian life insurance market generated total

revenues of $41.36 billion in 2008 representing a CAGR of 11.84% for the

period 2000-08. The performance of the market is forecast to accelerate,

with an anticipated CAGR of 9.78% for the three year period 2008-11

expected to drive the market to a value of $65.96 billion by the end of


The Indian life insurance market has been traditionally dominated by LIC,

which controlled about 99% of the total life insurance premium in FY02. As

per the latest data, it controlled around 48.1% of market share in 2008.

However, liberalization has increased private players’ presence in the life

insurance market. Private players have adopted aggressive growth

strategies. They have introduced many innovative products that were

customized to customer requirement and developed alternative

distribution channels. As a result the premium of private players grew at a

CAGR of 153% during FY02-07, while that of LIC grew by 21%.


The share of life funds in the total investments made by life insurers has fallen from 85% in FY05 to 77% in FY07. However, it still remains the largest fund for life insurers and during FY05 to FY07. It grew at a CAGR of 13% to reach Rs 4,655.55 billion. Unit linked funds have also done remarkably well during the same period; its share in the total investments made by life insurers went up from 2% in FY05 (Rs 75.28 billion) to 11% in FY07 (Rs 670.5 billion), registered a CAGR of 198%.

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Pension and general annuity fund registered a CAGR of 76% and its share in the total investments doubled from 3% in FY05 (Rs 120.24 billion) to 6% in FY07 (Rs 370.63 billion) during the same period. Group funds’ (excluding group pension and annuity fund) reported a decline of CAGR 10%, reducing its market share from 10% in FY05 (Rs 426.8 billion) to 6% in FY07 (Rs 345.11 billion).

One of the main reasons for private players’ remarkable growth was popularity of unit linked products. LIC also rolled out many unit linked products to gain its lost market share; its share in the total unit link fund increased from 37% in FY05 to 54% in FY07.


India is positioned fifth in the non-life insurance market in Asia and twenty-fifth in the global market. India’s total non-life insurance premium volume was USD 6.07 billion in FY08, which is just 0.4% of the total world non-life premiums and 3.1% of total Asian non-life premiums. India still has a lot of ground to cover to grab a major pie in the global non-life insurance market.

The gross direct premium of non-life insurers in India was Rs 123.85 billion in FY02, of which public insurers (four players) had a 96% share and private insurers (eight players excluding specialized insurers), contributed the rest. During FY02-FY07, the gross premium of Indian non-life insurers increased at a CAGR of 16% to Rs 259.3 billion. During the same period, the gross premium of public insurers reported a CAGR of 8%, which was below the industry average; nevertheless, the public players continued to dominate the market with a 67% share. On the other hand, the private insurers’ gross premium grew at an impressive CAGR of 79% and its share in total Indian non-life gross premium grew from 4% in FY02 to 33% in FY07 due to aggressive growth strategies adopted by them. The private players’ strategies included higher spending on awareness and branding, better production innovation, providing better coverage and higher returns and development of more effective distribution channels. Expertise brought-in by foreign joint venture partners is also one of the reasons for rapid expansion of private non-life insurers in India.

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In FY08, the insurance penetration in India was as low as 4.7% as

compared to other developed and developing countries including the

US (8.9%), the UK (15.7%), Taiwan (15.7), South Korea (11.8%), and

Hong Kong (11.8%). Similarly, insurance density in India is estimated to

be at a low level of USD 46.6 as compared to the Asian average of USD

210.7. Within the insurance density, life insurance density is at USD

40.4 and non-life density is at USD 6.2.

Low insurance density and penetration in India hold huge opportunities

for players; in fact, the Indian insurance market has been growing

rapidly as compared to other Asian and world markets. During FY02-

FY07, the total insurance premium of India grew at a CAGR of 28.86%,

which was higher than any other Asian country during the same period

and better than Asia’s total premium growth of 5.92% (CAGR). During

the same period, India’s share in Asian total premium grew from 2.0%

in 2001 to 6.47% in 2007.



The insurance market in most developed countries has been well

covered and is likely to saturate soon; hence, many global players are

looking towards India. Insurance penetration and density in India is

also at low levels. The survey conducted by Right Horizons has

indicated that 41% of the respondents aged between 21 years and 30

years forms the bulk of India’s population didn’t have any insurance

cover. The survey indicates that maximum insurance penetration was

in the age group of 30-39 years (29%). Incidentally, the survey also

indicated that 48% of the respondents didn’t have medical/health

insurance (tax benefit in the form of sec. 80 (D) is available for this

product). Hence, insurance players, both Indian and global, have ample

opportunities to expand their reach and presence in the untapped

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semi-urban and rural areas. During March 2007-August 2008, eight

new players entered the market.


In recent years, insurers have introduced many innovative products that cater to and meet requirements of people across the country. More than innovation, it is the expansion of distribution channels and aggressive marketing strategies that have boosted insurance business growth because a new product can be easily emulated.

Traditional channels of distribution have become unreliable due to huge turnover of agents. Other concerns pertaining to lack of professionalism, inadequate training and low productivity are also prevalent. Therefore, insurance players have started looking beyond agents to sell their products. They are opting for direct distribution by opening branches and extension counters at various locations and are thus creating a direct contact with their customers.

Bancassurance, which means using established distribution network of banks to sell insurance products in tie-ups, has also been a very successful phenomenon in insurance distribution; however, as insurers need to make huge investments for network expansion and new customer acquisition, smaller players may not be able to hold on and may fade out in coming years. Nevertheless, this is a huge opportunity for bigger players, who have the support of global players, local corporate houses and banks.


As per the preliminary estimates by RBI, the gross financial savings of household sector grew by 15.6% to Rs 7,346.9 billion in FY08 as compared to the previous fiscal. The household sector’s investment in insurance funds has improved by 40 basis points from 2.3% in FY06 to 2.7% in FY08.

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Post-2007, IRDA decided to move towards complete de-tariffing in a phased manner to minimize excessive price cut and for smooth transition from regulated tariff to free pricing.

The first phase came into effect in January 2007, when pricing deregulation was applied to three products including fire, engineering, and auto own damage. A maximum discount of 50% was set on old regulated rates and around 20% on auto damage rates. During the second phase, which came into existence from January 2008, detariffication of non-life insurance was completed in India and insurers were given freedom to set up their own price for insurance products.

Indian private players have been gaining market share post-deregulation but growth has been slow. Going ahead, the non-life insurance is expected to stabilize and settle for risk-based pricing practice, which in term will push up growth.

De-tariffing may cultivate cut throat competition among insurers, mostly among private players, as they may cut prices of insurance products to get a bigger market share. This trend is seen in many countries that have undergone price deregulation. The Indian non-life insurance market is still at a very nascent stage in terms of de-tariffing regime and its effects can only be clearly visible in next few years.

All in all, improved awareness, high competition, product innovation, network expansion, robust economy, improving household income and huge untapped insurance market in the country provide immense opportunities for existing players and make the market lucrative for new entrants.

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a. Increased service tax on premium: with the finance bill 2004

coming into effect from September 10, life insurance

premiums now come under the service tax net. The life

insurance policy holders will have to pay 10.2% of service tax

when they pay their next round of premium. Existing policy

holders are also liable to pay up the 10% service tax plus 2%

education cess.

b. 5% discount on corporate premium: at present there is a 5%

discount on corporate premium.

c. Hike in FDI limit: the policy of the government regarding

foreign direct investment has an important role in any

industry. Indian government has approved hike in FDI limit to

49% from existing 26%.

2. ECONOMIC FACTORS: Increase in gross domestic savings: there is an increase in gross domestic savings over the last five years. In the financial year 2007-08 the gross domestic savings rate was 36%.

3. SOCIAL FACTORS: a. Low insurance coverage: the Insurance coverage in India is

very low. As per industry estimates, out of 78% Indian households that are aware about life insurance, only 24% own a policy. Especially in rural India the insurance coverage is very low.

b. Rice in elderly population: the life expectancy, which was 29 years in 1947, is now closer to 65 years. The same is expected to increase to 71 years by 2026. Hence the number of older population is expected to increase by more than double from 76millions in 2006 to 173 millions in 2026. By the year 2016 it is projected that 51% of the elderly population would be women.

c. Changing Indian perception: the perception of Indian population has totally changed. By the improvement in the educational system, the literacy rate continuously goes on increasing. The awareness level of Indian consumers is also

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increasing day by day. Every individual wants to secure his family from unwanted future.

d. Increase in life style diseases: lifestyle-related diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and hyper tension are on the rise in India. These diseases have already become the number one killer in India. India leads the world in diabetes. A government study estimated the number of diabetics to be about 38 million in2004, and it is projected to rise to 57 million in 2025.

4. TECHNOLOGICAL FACTORS: a. Automation of process: the replacement of a manual

business process with an automated one, usually through the use of advanced technologies is known as business process automation. Today each and every insurance firm is using latest information technology to minimize cost and to provide best services to customers

b. Increase in CRM solutions: today every insurance firm is using customer relationship management solutions to deal with tough competition and to satisfy the customers. A good CRM solution provider in insurance industry has the tools that enable the organization to enhance customer experience.

c. Internet driven information era: today everything is connected with internet. Each and every individual can easily get information about various life insurance products and associated premium and the service providers.


a. Widening product range: today the range of insurance products in the market is very wide and hence buyers have extreme power.

b. Large corporate clients: at present the number of corporate clients in the insurance industry is very large, hence buyers have more choice.

c. Sale of Bancassurance: Bank and insurance firms unite to sell life and non- life insurance products is known as bancassurance. Because of the bancassurance the customers

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have the choice to purchase the insurance products from banks also hence they again have the power.

d. Multiple distribution channels: insurance companies are using different types of channels i.e. an individual agent, broker, stock trading firms and banks, etc for selling their insurance products to the customers.

2. SUPPLIERS POWER: a. Limited actuaries in the market: the number of actuaries (the

person who uses statistics to calculate insurance premiums) is limited. Hence they have enough power over insurance companies.

b. Reinsurance concentration: today most of the insurance companies are trying to reduce the risk of insurance by again reinsuring the concerned risk with other insurance companies. Hence the reinsurers are enjoying the extreme power.

c. Dependence on IT providers: latest technology is one of the important resources of any type of company to deal with competition and to provide customer services. Insurance companies are highly dependent information technology providers for their effective business.


a. Industry concentration on life and non-life business: all the Insurance industry firms are only concentrating on life and non-life business. Hence there is strong rival competition.

b. Low penetration of insurance: there is very low penetration of insurance in India. The survey conducted by Right Horizons has indicated that 41% of the respondents aged between 21 years and 30 years forms the bulk of India’s population didn’t have any insurance cover. The survey indicates that maximum insurance penetration was in the age group of 30-39 years (29%). Incidentally, the survey also indicated that 48% of the respondents didn’t have medical/health insurance (tax benefit in the form of sec. 80 (D) is available for this product). There has been a rising interest in medical insurance, with Budget-2007 increasing the limit to Rs 15,000 from the previous Rs 10,000 per year.

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Another interesting point is the low penetration of other tax-saving products, with traditional products (insurance, NSC and PPF) dominating the preference. Only 5% of the respondents said that had chosen to invest in equity linked saving schemes (ELSS) of mutual funds. The interesting fact is that 30% of the respondents continue to depend on the provident fund for which they contribute, along with employers. About 62% of the respondents said they had no investment in ELSS while 22% had made these investments. The low penetration of ELSS among respondents clearly indicates that the mindset has not changed, with traditional products continuing to dominate investor preference.

4. BARRIERS TO ENTRY: a. FDI celling: the government has the power to fix the

maximum amount of foreign direct investment in insurance industry. So with low celling the international firms cannot enter in the Indian insurance industry.

b. Capital requirement: capital is one of the most important resources for doing any business activity. In insurance industry the amount of capital requirement is very high. Hence the capital is the barrier to entry.

5. THREAT OF SUBSTITUTE PRODUCTS: a. Government Pension Scheme: Individuals are using

government pension scheme in place of life insurance products. So there is a threat of government pension scheme as a substitute of life insurance products in the insurance industry

b. Tax Saving Instruments: customers used to purchase life insurance products to reduce the amount of tax burden. But there are the other tax saving instruments in the market (employee provident fund, public provident fund, national saving certificates, bank fixed deposits, senior citizens’ savings scheme, etc) which are easily available. Hence there is a threat of these products for life insurers.

c. Dependence on Children in Rural India: there is a culture in rural India that most of the families are dependent upon their children. Hence because of this culture, insurance companies are not able to sale their products in the rural market.

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Life insurer in public sector Life Insurance Corporation of India Life insurer in private sector i. ICICI Prudential Life Insurance. ii. Bajaj Allianz. iii. MNYL life Insurance. iv. Sahara Life Insurance. v. Tata AIG Life Insurance. vi. HDFC Standard Life. vii. Birla Sunlife. viii. SBI Life Insurance. ix. Kotak Mahindra Old Mutual Life Insurance. x. Aviva Life Insurance. xi. Reliance Life Insurance Company Limited-Formerly

known as AMP Sanmar LIC. xii. Metlife India Life Insurance. xiii. ING Vysya Life Insurance. xiv. Max New York Life Insurance. xv. Shriram Life Insurance. xvi. Bharti AXA Life Insurance Company Limited. xvii. Future General life Insurance Company Limited. xviii. IDBI Fortis Life Insurance Company Limited. xix. Aegon Religare Life Insurance Company Limited. xx. DLF and Pramerica (will soon launch the operations).

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General insurer in public sector i. National Insurance Company India Limited. ii. New India Assurance Company Limited. iii. Oriental Insurance Company Limited. iv. United India Insurance Company Limited. General insurer in private sector i. Bajaj Allianz General Insurance Company Limited. ii. ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company Limited. iii. IFFCO-Tokio General Insurance Company Limited. iv. Reliance General Insurance Company Limited. v. Royal Sundaram Alliance Insurance Company Limited. vi. TATA AIG General Insurance Company Limited. vii. Cholamandalam General Insurance Company Limited. viii. Export Credit Guarantee Corporation. ix. HDFC Chubb General Insurance Company Limited.

Reinsurer General Insurance Corporation of India

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The market share of various life insurance companies in India at the end of financial year 2008 as follows:


ICICI Prudential 13.7%

Allianz Bajaj 10.3% SBI Life 6.2%

HDFC Standard 4.1%

Birla Sunlife 3.4% Reliance Life 3.4%

Max New York 2.4%

OM Kotak 1.9%

AVIVA 1.8% Tata AIG 1.5%

Met Life 1.4%

ING Vysya 1.2% Shriram Life 0.3%

Bharti Axa Life 0.2%

Others 0.1%

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ICICI Prudential

Allianz Bajaj

SBI Life

HDFC Standard

Birla Sunlife

Reliance Life

Max New York

OM Kotak


Tata AIG

Met Life

ING Vysya

Shriram Life

Bharti Axa Life


4.15. Pie-chart for analysis

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Chapter- 5

Life Insurance

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5.1. Meaning of life insurance:

Life insurance is a contract under which one person, in consideration of

a premium paid either in lump sum or by monthly, quarterly, half-

yearly or yearly payments, undertakes to pay to the person for whose

benefit the insurance is made, certain sum of money either on the

death of a person whose life is insured or on the expiry of a specified

period of time. The important points in insurance:

i. Insurer: the person who agrees to indemnify.

ii. Insured: the person whose life is insured.

iii. Premium: the consideration paid to the insurer.

iv. Sum assured: amount of coverage.

5.2. Evolution of life insurance business:

Life insurance in its modern form is a western concept. Although it has

been taking shape for the last more than 300 years, it came to India

with the arrival of Europeans. The first life insurance company was

established in India in 1818 as Oriental life insurance Company mainly

to provide for widows of European. The companies that followed

mainly catered to Europeans and charged extra premium on Indian

lives. The first Indian company ensuring Indian lives at standard rates

was Bombay mutual life insurance company, which was formed in

1870. This was the year also when the first insurance act was passed

by the British parliament. The years subsequent to the Swadeshi

movement saw the emergence of several insurance companies. At the

end of the year 1955 there were 245 insurance companies and

provident societies out of which 16 were non-Indian companies. All the

companies were nationalized in 1956 and brought under one umbrella-

The life insurance corporation of India (LIC) - which enjoyed a

monopoly of the life insurance business till near the end of 2000. By

setting of the insurance regulatory development authority (IRDA) in

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April, 2000 the government of India effectively ended LIC’s monopoly

and opened the doors for private insurance companies.

5.3. Life insurance products:

Life insurance products are usually known as ‘plans’ of insurance.

These plans have two basic elements:

i. Death cover: in this case the benefit being paid on the death of the

insured person within a specified period of time.

ii. Survival benefit: in this case the benefit being paid on the survival

of a specified period of time.

Term assurance: it is the plan of insurance that provide only

death cover.

Pure endowment: it is the plan of insurance that provide

only survival benefit. If the insured dies within the specified

period no payment is made under this type of plan.

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All traditional life insurance plans are the combination of term

assurance and pure endowment plans.

Features of traditional life insurance plans:

i. Type of person (insured): individual adults, children (minors) and

two or more persons jointly under one policy.

ii. Sum assured: some plan stipulate a minimum sum assured. There

can be maximum limits also for SA as well as certain benefits, like

accident benefits.

iii. Sum assured could be payable on death or on survival.

iv. Sum assured could be payable in one lump sum or in installments.

v. The term (duration) of the policy determines the period during

which the specified event should occur for the SA to be payable.

Some plans provide for benefits even beyond term.

vi. Premium: variations are in the frequency of payment (monthly,

quarterly, half-yearly or yearly), as well as the period during which it

is payable. Some plans provide for premiums to be paid for a period

less than the term.

vii. Sum Assured can increase because of participation in surplus and

bonus additions or because of guaranteed increase in SA.

viii. There are additional benefits, also called supplementary benefits

and may be provided by way of riders, in addition to the basic


Types of traditional life insurance plans are:

i. Whole life policy: under this form of policy the insured sum

becomes payable to the beneficiary only on the death of the

assured. It means that the whole life policy is to run for the whole

life of the assured. The premiums on such policies may be

payable for fixed period (20 or 30 years) after which the payment

of premium ceases but the policy runs on till the death of the


ii. Endowment assurance plan: a term assurance plan along with a

pure endowment plan, when offered as a single product is called

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endowment assurance plan, under which the sum assured is paid

on survival of the specified period or on earlier death. It means

the insurer undertakes to pay the assured a specified sum on the

attainment of a particular age or on his death, whichever is

earlier. Thus the endowment policy matures after a limited

number of years.

iii. Double endowment assurance plan: a term assurance plan with

a pure endowment plan of double the value is known as double

endowment assurance plan, under which the amount payable on

survival is double the amount on death.

iv. Money back or anticipated endowment: it is a policy under

which say 20% of sum assured is paid on survival every 5 years

and 40% on survival for 20 years and full sum assured on death

at any time within the 20 years. It is effectively a combination of

a term assurance plan for 20 years for full sum assured and

different pure endowment plans (20% SA for 5 years, 20% of SA

for 10 years, 20% of SA for 15 years and 40% of SA for 20 years).

v. Limited payment policies: in this type of policies the premium

can be made payable for a short period. If the limited period is

only 1 year, a single premium would be payable at the beginning

of the policy.

vi. Annuities: in annuity contracts, a person agrees to pay to the

insurer a specified capital sum in return for a promise from the

insurer to make a series of payments to him so long as he lives,

while in insurance , the insured pays a series of payments in

return for a promise of a lump sum on his death. Types of annuity


a. Immediate annuity: the annuity may commence immediately

after the contract is concluded. The purchaser of an

immediate annuity pays the purchase price in a lump sum.

b. Deferred annuity: the annuity payment will start after the

lapse of a specified period, called deferment period. The

purchase price can be paid as a single premium at the

commencement or may be paid in installments during the

deferment period.

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A ULIP is a life insurance policy which provides a combination of life

insurance protection and investment (in capital market). In case of a

ULIP, the proposer offers to pay a certain sum towards premium.

Insurers insist that this amount should be in multiples of say Rs.500 or

Rs.1000 with a minimum of say, Rs.5000 or Rs.10000. The term of the

policy is also specified. It should not be less than 5 years or age 70 for

Whole life plans. The premium may be paid as a single premium at the

start or periodically over the term or less, as in the case of limited

payment policies in yearly, half-yearly, quarterly or monthly

installments. The SA or death cover, payable in the event of death

during the term, is related to this premium, usually as a multiple like 5

times the annual premium or 1.5 times the single premium. The

minimum SA, according to IRDA guidelines, has to be 1.25 times single

premium or 5 times, annual premium.

Out of the premium, annual or otherwise as the case may be, a certain

amount is adjusted towards the cost of the insurance (death) cover.

Some portion may be adjusted towards charges. The balance, called

the allocated premium is invested in a fund that proposer chooses,

from among a set of options (equity fund, debt fund, money market

fund and balanced funds). The allocated premium is used to buy a

certain number of units in the chosen fund at the price at which the

units are being offered on that day. This price is called net asset value

(NAV), which varies every day.

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The consideration paid to insurer by insured is known as premium. In a

contract of insurance, the insurer promises to pay to the policy holder a

specified sum of money, in the event of a specified happening. The

policy holder has to pay a specified amount to the insurer, in

consideration of the promise. Premium is the name given to this

consideration that the policy holder has to pay in order to secure the

benefits offered by the insurance contract.

Risk premium: the cost to meet the risk of death for one year at a

particular age is called risk premium. The risk premium is

calculated on the basis of an expectation as to how many persons

are likely to die within a year in an age group. This expectation,

regarding the number of persons likely to die within a year, at

each age is calculated by actuaries on the basis of past

experiences and made available as mortality tables. The risk

premium would be adequate to pay the claims that would arise, if

all the policies provided benefits only in the event of death within

one year.

Net premium or pure premium: the premiums collected by

insurers every year are not utilized for payment of claims. This is

so far many reasons. One is that the real experience may be

different from the probabilities indicated by the mortality tables.

Secondly, the portion of the premium is meant to meet survival

benefits and must be kept aside. The balance premium kept aside,

after outgoes of various kinds, will be invested and will earn some

interest. To the extent of these interest earnings, the premium

charged can be reduced. The premium worked out after taking

into account the interest likely to be earned, is called the net

premium or pure premium.

Loadings: the net or pure premium has to be increased for

various reasons. Such increases are called loadings. One of the

loadings is because of expenses. The expenses of the insurer, to

procure and to administer the business, have to be met out of the

premiums paid by the policy holders.

Page 57: Ajay Kushwaha Final Report on price sensitivity of life insurance products


Level premium: the premium charged by the insurer is constant

throughout the term of the policy to protect the interest of the

policy holder is known as level premium.

Office premium: the premium figures arrived at after loading the

net premium or pure premium is called office premium.

Extra premiums: it may be charged on any particular policy. This

may happen because of the grant of some benefit in addition to

the basic benefits under the plan, like accident benefit or

premium waiver benefit. Extra premium may become chargeable

because of decisions relating to the extent of risk in any particular


5.7. Calculation of age:

The premium to be charged will vary according to the age of the life

assured. Premium rates for each plan of assurance are calculated for

each age.Note: if after the policy is issued, the age is found to be

different from the age stated in proposal, the premium mentioned in

the policy will be changed from inception.

The age would be only in complete years not months and date.

Three methods for age calculation are:

i. Age next birthday (birthday coming after the date of

commencement of policy)

ii. Age last birthday (birthday prior to the date of


iii. Age nearest birthday (birthday within 6 months of the date of

commencement whether before or after)

Example: If a person is born on 20th February 1970 and the policy has

commenced on 10th March 1996. Then

Age next birthday: 27 years

Age last birthday: 26 years

Age nearest birthday: 26 years

Page 58: Ajay Kushwaha Final Report on price sensitivity of life insurance products


5.8. Premium calculation:

Steps in premium calculation:

Step .1: Find out tabular premium (premium quoted in published

premium rates), for given age for the relevant plan and term. This

premium is usually stated as Rs. per thousand sum assured.

Step .2: Deduct adjustment for large sum assured if applicable.

Step .3: Make adjustment for mode of payment of premium.

Step .4: Add extras.

Step .5: Multiply by sum assured

Final amount of premium…………………..

Page 59: Ajay Kushwaha Final Report on price sensitivity of life insurance products


Chapter- 6

Survey Analysis

Page 60: Ajay Kushwaha Final Report on price sensitivity of life insurance products



This project basically aims to know that the impact of premium charged by

insurance companies on their life products have any impact on life

insurance investment pattern at infopark area in Ernakulam city. The

purpose of the study was to find out if the demand for the life insurance

product is affected by the change in price i.e. premium charged on life

insurance products or not. The main objective was to know the perception

and knowledge of customers on the premium charged by the insurance

companies on their life insurance products. The objective of the study was

also to find out the reasons why customers prefer one company over the

other and one product over the other and determine whether price is an

important variable in the choice of these decisions.

So my work is to know that the demand for life insurance products is price

sensitive or not. Generally all the life insurance companies quote the price

i.e. premium according to the age of the proposer and sum assured. And

the premium also increases because of the riders i.e. additional benefits

taken by proposer. Hence our work is to know whether the premium is the

important factor while choosing any life insurance products.

Actually price elasticity of demand is a measure of the sensitivity of

quantity demanded to changes in price. The responsiveness of quantity

demanded of the commodity to change in its price level is known as Price

elasticity of demand. It is calculated by dividing percentage change in

quantity demanded of the commodity to the percentage change in price



The respondent base for this exercise is chosen from infopark area,

kakkanad. The assumption here is that the respondent base is more or

less uniform in terms of geography, income levels, age and other

parameters. We have planned to intent covering around 100


Page 61: Ajay Kushwaha Final Report on price sensitivity of life insurance products



The questionnaire is prepared to collect the response of people working

in the Infopark, Kochi. It also includes the investors of Geojit BNP

Paribas Financial Services Ltd. The questionnaire is having both open

ended as well as close ended questions. The open ended questions are

mainly aimed to collect response of respondent in his own words. It is

provided to probe for unstructured responses We have prepared a

questionnaire consisting of 20 questions for conducting our research.

We have taken those questions which are directly or indirectly

supporting our research. We have taken questions like:

i. Marital status: generally speaking people tend to be more

conservative in their spending habit after marriage. In short

the likelihood people becoming more price sensitive with

financial products like life insurance is more pronounced after


ii. Occupation: By this question we come to know about the

regularity of the income of the proposer. It will also affect the

investment pattern of the individuals and considering the

premium as a factor for choosing the life insurance products.

iii. Annual income: It helps to know about the different class of

investors. A stratified sample is more feasible when

disposable annual incomes are known.

iv. Type of policy taken: It helps to know about the awareness

level of various types of life insurance plan and the premium


v. Choice of type of annuity (pension plan): It helps to know

about whether investors are paying single premium or

regular premium as per the term of the policy.

vi. Policy with rider: It helps to know that whether investor is

ready to take the policy at increased or higher premium.

vii. Ranking of the life insurance companies: It helps to know

the preference of investors

Page 62: Ajay Kushwaha Final Report on price sensitivity of life insurance products


viii. Investor’s opinion about the life insurance product: It helps

to know whether the investment is meant for protection or

investment or for other purpose.

ix. Preference of investors over life insurance product: It helps

to know the objective of investing in life insurance products.

x. In thinking about life insurance which company in your mind

comes first: it helps to know that after giving any clue which

is the company considered by investors i.e. by saying life

insurance which company comes first in mind of investors.

xi. Source of information: it helps to know about the various

sources from which investors are getting information about

life insurance products and the life insurance companies.

xii. Ranking of factors that limits the choice of life insurance

policy: It helps to know about the most important factor

while choosing any life insurance policy.

xiii. Why premium is the strongest preference: It helps to know

about why investors are considering premium while taking

life insurance products.

xiv. Why premium is not the strongest preferences: It gives us

idea about why investors are not taking premium as a

important factor and how change in premiums on life

insurance products does not affect the investment pattern of

investors in life insurance products.

Where we met with the respondents for getting


We met with the respondents at the time when they are going to take

their lunch outside the company, cafeteria, canteens and when the

investors come to Geojit BNP Paribhas Financial Services Ltd.

Page 63: Ajay Kushwaha Final Report on price sensitivity of life insurance products





Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative


Valid male 92 92.0 92.0 92.0

female 8 8.0 8.0 100.0

Total 100 100.0 100.0

The ratio of male in comparison to female is 92:8. This shows that 92% of

the respondents are male and only 8% are female. This research shows the

behavior of males because majority of respondents are male.



Page 64: Ajay Kushwaha Final Report on price sensitivity of life insurance products



N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

Age 100 21.00 54.00 27.2100 4.77429

Valid N (listwise) 100

In this analysis the minimum age of the respondent was 21 years and

maximum age was 54 years. The average age of all 100 respondents was

27.21 years. So this research shows that we have majority of the

responses of 100 individuals are from younger generation.












N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation


Page 65: Ajay Kushwaha Final Report on price sensitivity of life insurance products


Marital status:

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative


Valid married 33 33.0 33.0 33.0

unmarried 67 67.0 67.0 100.0

Total 100 100.0 100.0

The ratio of married in comparison to unmarried is 33:67. The marital

status shows the spending behavior of individuals. Married people need to

maintain their family and plan their future and their spending behavior is

affected by their future planning. But unmarried people used to spend

more on any type of product.



Marital_status Frequency

married unmarried

Page 66: Ajay Kushwaha Final Report on price sensitivity of life insurance products




Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative


Valid business 4 4.0 4.0 4.0

profession 49 49.0 49.0 53.0

government service 1 1.0 1.0 54.0

private service 43 43.0 43.0 97.0

student 3 3.0 3.0 100.0

Total 100 100.0 100.0

In our analysis we have divided the occupation of the respondents in five

categories. It includes business, profession, government service, private

service and student. In this analysis 49% of the respondents are from

profession, 43% from private service, 4% from business, 3% are student

and only 1% from government service. It is clear that most of the

responses are from profession and private service and we can understand

the thinking and behavior of them only.








government service

private service


Page 67: Ajay Kushwaha Final Report on price sensitivity of life insurance products


Policies taken by those 81 respondents who have already taken

life insurance products from the following companies are:

Research shows that 78% of the respondents (63 respondents who have

already taken life insurance products) have taken policies from the state

controlled Life insurance Corporation of India. The reason for the

maximum number of policies taken from LIC is the faith on the

government company. Everyone has confidence on the government that

they will definiely get the return and future benefits from the company.

And rest 22% of the respondents (18 respondents who have already taken

policy) have taken policies from Reliance life, New India insurance

company, ICICI Prudential, Bajaj allianz, ICICI lombard and Met life, etc.

Around 8% of the respondents have taken life insurance products from

ICICI Prudential


LIC Relianc





a Ins



















w yor

k no.of respondents 63 3 2 5 1 1 2 2 1 1


s Ti


no.of respondents

Page 68: Ajay Kushwaha Final Report on price sensitivity of life insurance products


Ranking of life insurance companies as per their order of

preference (from 1 to 6) 1 being the first choice by the 19

respondents who have not taken life insurance products:

1st rank 2nd rank

3rd rank

4th rank

5th rank

6th rank

LIC 16 2 1 0 0 0

Met life 1 1 7 6 4 0

SBI life 1 8 3 2 5 0 ICICI Prudential 1 7 5 4 1 1

Tata AIG 0 1 3 6 9 0

Others 0 0 0 1 0 18

Those who have not taken life insurance products (19 respondents),

around 84% of them have ranked Life Insurance Corporation of India as

their first choice of preference for purchasing life insurance products. The

reason for the above is the faith and confidence on government entity.

After the post liberalization period many private insurers came but still

people have preference for LIC. The reason for the above is the faith on the













1st rank 2nd rank 3rd rank 4th rank 5th rank 6th rank


Met life

SBI life

ICICI Prudential

Tata AIG


no. of respondents


Page 69: Ajay Kushwaha Final Report on price sensitivity of life insurance products


42% of the respondents have ranked SBI life as their second most

strongest choice after LIC, again the government entity for the preference

for purchasing life insurance products.

36% of the respondents have ranked ICICI Prudential as their second most

strongest choice for the preference of purchasing life insurance products.

The reason is the changing perception and the awareness of the people.

Page 70: Ajay Kushwaha Final Report on price sensitivity of life insurance products


Source of getting information:

friends relatives newspaper magazine internet agent

no. of respondents 61 26 29 21 29 38

204 multiple responses given by 100 respondents

People are getting information about life insurance products and the

company from various sources like friends, relatives, newspaper,

magazine, internet and agent, etc. As we know that customer’s

consumption and buying behavior changes because of their society in

which they live. Friends and relatives are very important part of our

society. Hence customers have great faith and confidence on their friends

and relatives. They don’t have that much faith and confidence on the

advertisement shown by the company.

Research shows that out of 100 respondents, 61 respondents are getting

information from friends and twenty six are from relatives about life

insurance products and the companies. This shows that their investment

behavior changes because of their friend circle and the relatives. It is also

clear that agents (38 responses) are also playing effective role in providing

information to customers. The reason for this is customers can get

information about life insurance products and the company directly from

the agents. They can get their doubt clear from the agents. They can ask

any question from the agents regarding the products benefits and all.

Page 71: Ajay Kushwaha Final Report on price sensitivity of life insurance products


Preference of Life Insurance Company by giving any clue i.e. life


LIC Tata AIG Met life

ICICI Prudential SBI life

Reliance life

HDFC standard life

83 2 1 6 6 1 1

83% of the respondents have replied that in thinking about life insurance

Company, Life insurance Corporation of India comes first. 6% of the

respondents said both ICICI Prudential and SBI life, 2% said Tata AIG and

1% of the respondents said Reliance life and HDFC Standard life.

This shows that people still have faith on government company not

private company.


2% 1%6% 6%




Tata AIG

Met life

ICICI Prudential

SBI life

Reliance life

HDFC standard life

Page 72: Ajay Kushwaha Final Report on price sensitivity of life insurance products


At first we have divided the total respondents into two

parts i.e. the respondents who have taken life insurance

products and the respondents who haven’t taken life

insurance products:


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative


Valid yes 81 81.0 81.0 81.0

no 19 19.0 19.0 100.0

Total 100 100.0 100.0

We have divided total responses of the people into two parts:

1. Respondents who have taken life insurance products. 2. Respondents who haven’t taken life insurance products.

The reason for the above division is to know about the perception of both

types of respondents. This division suggests the perception and the

knowledge of both type of respondents i.e. respondents who have taken

life insurance policy and who haven’t taken. In our analysis 81% of the

respondents are having life insurance products and 19% of the

respondents are not having any life insurance products.

So it shows that majority of the respondents are having life insurance




no. of respondents who have taken life insurance policy

no. of respondents who haven't taken life insurance policy

Page 73: Ajay Kushwaha Final Report on price sensitivity of life insurance products



INSURANCE POLICY (19 RESPONDENTS): For our analysis again we have divided all respondents on the

basis of their income level i.e. below 2lakhs and more than

2lakhs because only income of the individual is the most

important factor for any type of consumption and investment

behavior. Division on the basis of less than 2lakhs and more than

2lakhs is because all the people (less than 2lakhs income) needs

to pay very small amount of tax but the tax liability of the people

(more than 2lakhs income) increases with the increase in

income. Hence all income earning people cannot take the tax

benefit on investing in life insurance products.

Below 2lakhs More than 2lakhs No. of respondents

9 10

53% of the respondents who have not taken life insurance products

have income level of more than Rs.2lakhs and 47% are there who

have income level of less than 2lakhs.

below 2lakhs47%

more than 2lakhs53%

Page 74: Ajay Kushwaha Final Report on price sensitivity of life insurance products



Eight are unmarried and only one is married

Four have chosen money back policy, three have ULIPs, two

have endowment policy and two have annuity.

89% of the respondents want to take policy with rider. It

means they are ready to pay higher premiums.

Eight respondents have chosen life insurance products as

protection and only two have chosen as investment. It means

they are very conscious about their future security.

Reason for preference in investment in life insurance


life coverage

guaranteed return

return on investment

future benefits

tax benefits

flexibility in paying premium

no. of respondents (9) 6 5 4 2 8 0

25 multiple responses from 9 respondents:

People choose to prefer investment in life insurance products because of

several reasons like life coverage, guaranteed return, return on

investment, future benefits, tax benefits and flexibility in paying

premiums. Maximum responses for life coverage and tax benefits.

Premium and other factors that limits the choice of

investment in life insurance products:

There are various factors that people used to consider while

investing in not only life insurance products but also choosing the

particular company for investment. Following factors are as follows:

Price i.e. premium charged by life insurance companies on

their life insurance products

Total income of the individual

Total savings of the individual

Reputation of the life insurance company

Location of the company

Variety of life insurance products

Page 75: Ajay Kushwaha Final Report on price sensitivity of life insurance products


Familiarity with the agent

Rankings of the factors (from 1 to 7) 1 being the most important factor by

9 respondents:

In our analysis we have considered rank 1 and 2 as the very important

rank on rank 1 to rank 7 basis analysis.

1st rank

2nd rank

3rd rank

4th rank

5th rank

6th rank

7th rank

premium 5 0 3 1 0 0 0 total income 0 2 4 1 1 0 1

total savings 1 1 2 3 0 2 0

reputation of the company 3 4 0 2 0 0 0

location of the company 0 0 0 0 0 3 6

variety of life insurance products 0 0 0 2 5 2 0

Familiarity with the agent 0 2 0 0 3 2 2

55% of the respondents who have income level below 2lakhs ranked price

i.e. the premium charged by insurance companies on life insurance

products as the first most strongest factor while buying life insurance

products. But 33.33% of the respondents replied reputation and the brand

value of the company as the most important factor while investment in life

insurance products. And 44% responded reputation of the company as the

second most important factor after premium.









1st rank 2nd rank

3rd rank 4th rank 5th rank 6th rank 7th rank


total income

total savings

reputation of the company

location of the company

variety of life insurance products

familarity with the agent

no. of respondents


Page 76: Ajay Kushwaha Final Report on price sensitivity of life insurance products



Six are unmarried and four are married.

Out of ten responses there is a demand of one each i.e.

annuity (pension plan) and term insurance and two

endowment policy and six money back policy.

All of them want to take policy with the rider.

Out of 11 responses eight respondents have chosen

protection and three have chosen investment as their opinion

about life insurance products.

Reason for preference in life insurance products:

life coverage

guaranteed return

return on investment

future benefits

tax benefits

flexibility in paying premium

no. of respondents (10) 6 1 4 4 10 0

25 multiple responses from 10 respondents

100% of the respondents have chosen tax benefits as the important the

reason for preference in life insurance products. No one has given any

preference for flexibility in paying premiums. Life coverage also have good


Premium and other factors that limits the choice of

investment in life insurance products:

Rankings of the factors (from 1 to 7) 1 being the most important factor

by 10 respondents:

1st rank

2nd rank

3rd rank

4th rank

5th rank

6th rank

7th rank

premium 4 1 4 1 0 0 0

total income 2 5 1 2 0 0 0

total savings 3 2 1 4 0 0 0

reputation of the company 1 2 4 3 0 0 0

location of the company 0 0 0 0 1 4 5 variety of life insurance products 0 0 0 0 7 2 1

Familiarity with the agent 0 0 0 0 2 4 4

Page 77: Ajay Kushwaha Final Report on price sensitivity of life insurance products


40% of the respondents who have income level of more than Rs. 2lakhs

ranked price i.e. premium charged by insurance companies on life

insurance products as the first most strongest factor while buying life

insurance products. 30% are replied that their total savings are the first

most important factors that affect their buying behavior for life insurance


50% of the respondents ranked their total income as the second most

important factor while investing in life insurance products.










1st rank 2nd rank

3rd rank 4th rank 5th rank 6th rank 7th rank


total income

total savings

reputation of the company

location of the company

variety of life insurance products

Familiarity with the agent

no. of respondents


Page 78: Ajay Kushwaha Final Report on price sensitivity of life insurance products





Thirteen are unmarried and two are married.

Type of insurance policy taken:


money back policy

term insurance ULIPs

whole life policy

endowment policy

1 10 1 2 4 0

The investment in money back policy is very high i.e. 56% of the

respondents have taken this policy. The premium payable on money back

policy is high in comparison to other type of policies available in the

market. But people have invested in this policy. The reason for the above is

high expected rate of return on investment.

Premium payable on term insurance is low in comparison to other type of

policies. But people haven’t investment in this product. The reason is no

guaranteed return on investment.






money back policy

term insurance


whole life policy

endowment policy

Page 79: Ajay Kushwaha Final Report on price sensitivity of life insurance products


Out of 15 respondents 11 have taken rider with policy and 4

haven’t taken. It shows that more than 73% of the resondents

have taken policy at higher premium.

68.42% responded life insurance products as for protection

and 31.58% for investment. It shows that they are really

concerned about their unwanted future.

Reason for preference in life insurance products:

life coverage

guaranteed return

return on investment

future benefits

tax benefits

flexibility in paying premium

no. of respondents (15) 10 5 1 6 15 0

37 multiple responses by 15 respondents

100% of the respondents have chosen tax benefits as the important the

reason for preference in life insurance products. No one has given any

preference for flexibility in paying premiums. Life coverage also have good

preference (10 respondents have given preference).

Premium and other factors that limits the choice of

investment in life insurance products:

Rankings of the factors (from 1 to 7) 1 being the most important

factor by 15 respondents:

1st rank

2nd rank

3rd rank

4th rank

5th rank

6th rank

7th rank

premium 8 3 2 1 1 0 0

total income 1 7 3 3 1 0 0 total savings 3 2 4 3 1 1 1

reputation of the company 3 3 4 3 1 1 0

location of the company 0 0 1 0 3 3 8 variety of life insurance products 0 0 1 3 4 5 2

Familiarity with the agent 0 0 0 2 4 5 4

Page 80: Ajay Kushwaha Final Report on price sensitivity of life insurance products


Around 53% of the respondents who have income level of below 2lakhs

(who have taken life insurance products) have ranked premium as the first

most important factor while investing in life insurance products. They have

given reason for the above is the affordability i.e. if the premium on

particular policy is affordable for them they will definitely go for that


Around 47% of the respondents have ranked their total income as the first

most important factor while investing in life insurance products. If they

have income then only they can go for the particular policy is the reason

given by respondents.

27% of the respondents have ranked that their total savings and the

reputation of the insurance company as the third most important factor

which is to be considered while investment in life insurance products. The

reason for the above is if the company has not good market reputation

then there may be chance that they will not get the insurance benefits.











1st rank 2nd rank

3rd rank 4th rank 5th rank 6th rank 7th rank


total income

total savings

reputation of the company

location of the company

variety of life insurance products

Familiarity with the agent

no. of respondents


Page 81: Ajay Kushwaha Final Report on price sensitivity of life insurance products



Thirty nine respondents are unmarried and twenty seven are


Type of life insurance policy taken:


money back policy

term insurance ULIPs

whole life policy

endowment policy

12 38 9 20 7 3

The investment in money back policy is very high i.e. around 43% of the

respondents have taken this policy. The premium payable on money back

policy is high in comparison to other type of policies available in the

market. But people have preferred to invest in this policy. The reason for

the above is high expected rate of return on investment.

Premium payable on term insurance is low in comparison to other type of

policies. But only 10% of the respondents have invested in this product.

The reason is no guaranteed return on investment.

Investment in ULIPs is also considerable i.e. around 23%. This shows that

there is proper awareness of new type of policies available in the market.

With the investment in ULIPs investor can get both the option of

investment in capital market and protection of his/her life.







money back policy

term insurance


whole life policy

endowment policy

Page 82: Ajay Kushwaha Final Report on price sensitivity of life insurance products


33.33% have taken immediate annuity and 66.67% have

taken deffered annuity. It shows that 33.33% of the

respondents have paid very higher amount of premium on

immediate annuity plan.

93% of the respondents have taken rider with policy and 7%

haven’t taken. This shows that investors are ready to pay

higher premiums.

Around 54% responded life insurance products as for

protection ,45% for investment and only 1% said for others.

Reason for preference in life insurance products:

life coverage

guaranteed return

return on investment

future benefits

tax benefits

flexibility in paying premium

no. of respondents (66) 34 27 19 18 66 4

168 multiple responses by 66 respondents

100% of the respondents have chosen tax benefits as the important the

reason for preference in life insurance products. Only 4 respondents have

given preference for flexibility in paying premiums. Life coverage also have

good preference (34 respondents have given preference).

Premium and other factors that limits the choice of

investment in life insurance products:

Rankings of the factors (from 1 to 7) 1 being the most important

factor by 66 respondents:

1st rank

2nd rank

3rd rank

4th rank

5th rank

6th rank

7th rank

premium 21 15 14 10 4 0 2

total income 9 17 20 16 2 2 0

total savings 11 9 14 22 7 2 1

reputation of the company 21 15 13 12 3 2 0

location of the company 0 1 1 2 8 14 40

variety of life insurance products 2 3 3 2 28 15 13

Familiarity with the agent 2 6 1 2 14 31 10

Page 83: Ajay Kushwaha Final Report on price sensitivity of life insurance products


Around 32% of the respondents have ranked premium as the first most

important factor which is to be taken into consideration while investing in

life insurance products and 23% ranked premium as second most

important factor while investing in life insurance products.

Around 32% of the respondents have ranked reputation of the life

insurance company as the first most important factor which is to be taken

into consideration while investing in life insurance products and 23%

ranked reputation as second most important factor while investing in life

insurance products.

26% of the respondents ranked their total income as the second most

important factor while investing in life insurance products. This shows that

people consider not only the premium charged by life insurance

companies but also their total income and the reputation of the company

in the market while investing in this company.

Around 67% of the respondents have ranked location of the life insurance

company as the least important factor while investing in life insurance

products. This shows that with the invention of internet the location of the

company doesn’t have that much impact.











1st rank 2nd rank

3rd rank 4th rank 5th rank 6th rank 7th rank


total income

total savings

reputation of the company

location of the company

variety of life insurance products

Familiarity with the agent

no. of respondents


Page 84: Ajay Kushwaha Final Report on price sensitivity of life insurance products



An individual whose date of birth is 22/02/1988 and he/she is planning to

buy some life insurance policies from Life Insurance Corporation of India

for 20 years for the sum assured Rs.100000.

The premium payable in (Rs.) for different life insurance products as


1. Money back policy (LIC plan no.89):

Yearly Half- yearly

Quarterly Monthly

Premium 6229 3164 1606 563

2. Endowment assurance policy-limited payment (plan no.48):

Payment term 10 years

Yearly Half-yearly Quarterly Monthly

Premium 7495 3806 1933 677

3. Whole life policy (plan no.2, payment till age 59):

Yearly Half-Yearly Quarterly Monthly

Premium 1903 967 491 172

4. Term insurance (two year temporary assurance policy,age 18 to 60):

Sum assured- Rs. 500000

So monthly premium will be Rs. 2600

5. Annuity plan (New Jeevan Suraksha, age needed 40 to 75):


Notional Cash Option Rs. 100000

Deferment period- 10 years

yearly Half-yearly Quarterly Monthly Premium 9108 4619 2329 781

The premium payable for money back policy is high in comparison

to other policies but the demand for this product is also high. The

reason for the above is the return on the investment from the


Page 85: Ajay Kushwaha Final Report on price sensitivity of life insurance products


6.5. CONCLUSION Yes premium charged by life insurance companies on their life

insurance products have impact on investment pattern of

individuals. The reason is the percentage of income spent on life

insurance products is high. So if high percentage of income is spent

on life insurance products, then the particular individual will not be

able to do other things. But premium is not only the important

variable. It is concluded that if investors will sure that they will get

the return then they will definitely take any type of policy which

their income level permits.

Research shows that there is correlation between income of the

people and their investment behavior.

Respondents who have income level of below Rs. 2lakhs (both who

have taken life insurance products and who haven’t taken life

insurance products) considered price i.e. premium payable on life

insurance products as the most important factor while investing in

life insurance products. More than 50% of the respondents have

replied premium as an important factor. The reason given by them

is the affordability. It means if the premium is affordable then only

they shall able to buy the policy.

They have also considered their income level for investing in life

insurance products.

Respondents who have income level of more than Rs. 2lakhs (those

who have already taken life insurance policy) considered both

premium and reputation of the insurance company as the first most

important factor while investing in life insurance policies. Our

research clearly shows that around 32% of the respondents have

ranked both premium and reputation as first most important factor

and again 23% have ranked it as second most important factor. For

them premium is not that much important if the reputation of the

company is good because they can get the return on their

investment. It means they are ready to pay higher premium for

reputed companies in the market.

Page 86: Ajay Kushwaha Final Report on price sensitivity of life insurance products


There are various factors which are considered by respondents

while investing in life insurance products. They are:

Premium charged by life insurance companies on their life

insurance products.

Reputation of the company in the market

Their total income

Their total savings

Variety of life insurance products

Location of the company

Familiarity with the agent

People prefer one company over another because of various

reasons. Premium charged by life insurance companies and their

past services and the reputation in the market are the important


Respondents are aware about various types of life insurance

products. And the demand for money back policy is higher than any

type policy by the respondents.

The reason for higher investment in money back policy is because of

the higher expected return on investment on the periodic intervals.

Most of the people have taken and wants to take policy with rider.

They are ready to higher premium on additional benefits.

It is clear that people still have great confidence on government


It is clear that people used to invest by the recommendation and

suggestions of their friends and relatives. This corroborates in

marketing notion that word of mouth is the best vehicle of


The preference for ULIPs is also considerable lower than money

back. It shows that people have awareness about the innovations of

new products in the market.

Preference for term insurance is very less instead of their low

premium. Because it is uncertain that whether investor will get

benefit or not.

Page 87: Ajay Kushwaha Final Report on price sensitivity of life insurance products



Geojit can give some gifts in kind to their clients who have already

taken policy from them if they recommend their friends and

relatives to buy the policies from Geojit BNP Paribas financial

services limited.

Agent can give information about life insurance products and the

company better than anyone else. So Geojit may have to focus on

their agent base.

Our research shows that ICICI Prudential and SBI life other than LIC

also have good potential for growth. So they have to focus more on

ICICI Prudential and SBI life and not on LIC to sell life insurance

products (because customers already have preference for LIC).

Page 88: Ajay Kushwaha Final Report on price sensitivity of life insurance products




i. Pearson Education, Inc. 2003. Principles of risk management and

insurance: Published by Pearson Education (Singapore)Pte.Ltd.,

Indian branch, 482 F.I.E. patparganj Delhi

ii. IC-33 Life Insurance, first edition-2007: Published by Shri

S.J.Gidwani, Secretary-General, Insurance Institute of India,

Universal Insurance building, Sir P.M. Road, Mumbai-400 001

iii. Business law, twenty-eighth edition, 2004 by N.D.Kapoor: Published

by Sultan Chand & Sons.


i. http://www.licindia.com/download_forms.htm (accessed on

February 27,2009)

ii. http://www.thehindubusinessline.com/businessline/iw/2001/07

/15/stories/0715g051.htm (accessed on March 2, 2009)

iii. http://www.metlife.com/individual/insurance/life-

insurance/index.html#overview (accessed on March 3, 2009)

iv. http://www.bharatbook.com/Market-Research-Reports/India-

The-Next-Insurance-Giant.html (accessed on March 3, 2009)

v. http://www.directories-today.com/insurance.html (accessed on

April 8, 2009)

vi. http://india.dalalstreet.biz/earningsnews/2008/05/market-

share-of-life-insurance.html (accessed on April 10, 2009)

vii. http://www.economywatch.com/indianeconomy/indian-

insurance-companies.html (accessed on April 13, 2009)

viii. www.geojit.com (accessed on May 3, 2009)

ix. www.google.com

Page 89: Ajay Kushwaha Final Report on price sensitivity of life insurance products




The following questionnaire is for the purpose of my research project as a part of my MBA

(IBS kochi) curriculum on ‘Price sensitivity of life insurance products’. It is assured from us

that any information given by the respondent will not be disclosed by any means. With this

assurance I expect accurate data from respondents to help me for my project.

1. Name:

2. Gender: a. Male b. Female

3. Age:

4. Marital status:

a. Married b. Unmarried

5. Contact no. :

6. Address:

7. Occupation (please tick )

a. Business b. Profession

c. Government service d. Private service e. Student

8. Annual Income in Rs. (please tick):

a. Below2lakhs b. 2lakhs to 4lakhs

c. 4lakhs to 6lakhs d. 6lakhs to 10lakhs e. more than 10lakhs

9. Do you have any present investments? a. Yes b. No

10. If yes, in which financial instrument have you invested?

a. Equity shares b. Bank deposit c. Insurance

d. Real estate e. Government securities f. Debt instruments

11. What makes you to invest in these instruments? a. High return b. Flexibility

c. Low risk d. Others

12. Have you taken life insurance policy? a. Yes b. No

If your answer is yes, then

I. What type of policy you have taken?

a. Annuity (pension plan) b. Money back policy c. Term insurance

d. Unit linked insurance products e. Whole life policy

f. Endowment policy

II. If annuity (pension plan), then which type of plan have you taken?

a. Immediate annuity b. Deferred annuity

III. Name of the policy……………………………………………………………………………………...

IV. Have you taken a policy with rider? a. Yes b. No

V. Term of the policy…………………………………………………………………………………………………………

VI. Name of the company…………………………………………………………………………………………………..

VII. Sum assured………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

VIII. Amount of premium……………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Page 90: Ajay Kushwaha Final Report on price sensitivity of life insurance products


If your answer is no, then

I. What type of policy you wish to take in future?

a. Annuity (pension plan) b. Money back policy c. Term insurance

d. Unit linked insurance products e. Whole life policy

f. Endowment policy

II. Rank the following companies as per your order of preference(from 1 to 6, 1 being the

first choice):

a.LIC b. Met life c.SBI life

d. ICICI prudential e. Tata AIG f. Others (specify)

III. Will you take a policy with rider? a. Yes b. No

IV. Term of policy…………………………………………………………………………………………….

V. Sum assured……………………………………………………………………………………………….

13. Reason for your choice of type of policy………………………………………………………………………..


14. As an investor what is your opinion about life insurance products? It is for

a. Protection b. Investment c. Others

15. Why do you prefer investment in life insurance products?

a. Life coverage b. Guaranteed return c. Return on investment

d. Future benefits e. Tax benefits f. Flexibility in paying premium

16. In thinking about life insurance which company in your mind comes first?

a. LIC b. Tata AIG c. Met life

d. ICICI prudential e. SBI life f. Others (specify)

17. Source of your information:

a. Friends b. Relatives c. Newspaper

d. Magazine e. Internet f. Agent

18. What factors limit your choice of a life insurance policy? (Rank them from 1 to 7, 1

being the strongest choice):

a. Premium b. Total income c. Total savings

d. Reputation of the company e. Location of the company

f. Variety of life insurance products g. Familiarity with the agent

19. If your strongest preference is Premium, please specify the reasons…....………………………



20. If your choice is one other than Premium, please speci fy the reasons……………………………


Date: Signature of the respondent