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Calendar of events Energy efficiency in the electric power sector: Experiences in Central America and prospects Energy news Turning point for the upstream oil sector of Latln America and the Caribbean SUPER/OLADE·BIO® Model: How to tackle change in the electric power sector Year 21, number 2, July-August-September 1997 _...___,o;o\a(JQ LATIN AMERJCAN ENERGY ORGANIZATION Organización Latinoamericana de Energía

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  • Calendar of events

    Energy efficiency in the electric power sector: Experiences in

    Central America and prospects

    Energy news

    Turning point for the upstream oil sector

    of Latln America and the Caribbean


    How to tackle change in the electric power


    Year 21, number 2, July-August-September 1997


    Organización Latinoamericana de Energía

    cddCuadro de Texto

  • latín American Energy Organization OlADE Bldg., Occidental Av., San Carlos Sector• P.O. Box 17-11-06413. Quito, Ecuador > Phones: (593-2) $982801598122

    Fax: (593-2) 539684 •Telex: 2-2728 OlADE ED •E-mail: [email protected] ISBN 0254-845

    PHOTOGRAPHS Ministry of Encrgy and Mines of Guatemala, Petróleos de Venezuela S.A. (PDVSA). OlADE

    EDITOR Gustavo Martínez

    EDITORIAL BOARD Pedro Mor:iles Carballo, Cubo/Ricardo Quijano Hurtado, Colombia/Ricardo Samaniego Brcach, Mexiaraguayljosé Bozzo, UruguoyiPhilmore Bcst, Barbados

    EDITOR-IN·CHIEF Luiz A.M. da Fonseca

    &ecutivc Sccretary. OLADE

    Thc Encrgy Magazine Is • quortcdy publlcauon issued by the Permantnt S.creiarlat of dl~ l:¡dn American Energy Org•nlmlon (OLADE), under the supervision oí 1ts Editorial Bo:.rd. The sigocd irticles aré th1 sote responsibtllty of their authors aud do not tH!tessarily rcnect the official position of the Org3nitnLion orles member countrics. OLADE permits the reprodu{tion of the present anicles. in pare or in íull, as

    wcll as illustrations. as long as thc scurce Is quered.

    32 Notes Paraguay's new Hydroc:arbons liaW is aimed at atractlng prívate-sector investment Calendar of OLADE events

    26 Energy News

    28 Statistics

    20 Energy Efficiency Energy efficiency in the electric power sector: Experiences in Central America and prospects

    14 Spotlight Guatemala: An open window for investment

    2 Technology SUPER/OLADE-BID® Model: How to tackle change in the electric power sector

    8 Financing and lnvestment Turning point for the upstrearn oíl sector of Latín America and the Caribbean


    ijjmnmm _

    Organización Latinoamericana de Energía

  • Organización Latinoamericana de Energía

  • Tht> electric power sector rcquire-, invcstmenrs c1l ~ time when lhf' 1Jc1St? Ior fin;mc ing has croderl substantiallv, 1 lw dC'IJl-sPrvici11g burden for thc sccror's utilitics is quite hoavv, In afmo>t

  • 3

    OLt\í)l, with thc Iinanc ial collaboration oi the lntcr-A111cric,1n DPvf'lormf'nl H,1111< {1013), has built .1 computcr svstem, ilin1~·d ñl pnontizing. scooiua. lc,•1111ni11g frorn the lack or intercst in thc ccologv, The power sector, because of its invesmu-nrs. i> obliged lo takc into account thcsc concerns anrl analy1e in depth thc possiblc impacts of its proiects on the cnvi ronmcnt.

    nat ionl1 I ( (\p1l~11 markcts ~lf

  • HYDROTHERMAL DISl'ATCH MOOUU: lt sirnulates the least-cost

    • t.east-cost cxpansion plans íor large thermal svsiems.

    • lt calculares short-run marginal costs Ior each steo oí the loJd duration curve and the mMgi n;il benefit or thermal proiects.

    • lt produces loast-cost expansión plans (or smal] 1hermal systcms.

    THF.RMAI MODUI E: u obtains expansión in predominantly therrnal svsterns and generotes the íollowi ng:

    • tcast-risk str,1tc!lics. • Adapration of dccision-mcking to


  • s

    ThP SUPFR b a svstem compriscd of Iour computer compononts that i nteract, b)' either gcncrating or transfcrring inforrnation between e.1ch othcr. Those components are: grJphic interface (Visual 13asic); data bases trelatioual): algorithm ic programs (Fortran 7 7); ancl ploner,


    Studic~ and cases

    1-----1 Results ~·

  • 111 adclition. OL/1üt annuallv organ ízes .-:i n1PP( i ng o¡ t l!')f\1,, wl u~n" experienccs model and armcd at studving in dcpih sprciík 1opi< < 1t>>;,11di11g lh•• 111.i1he111,1tit

  • OLADE Bldg., Occidental Av., San Carlos sector- PO. Box 17-11-06413, Quito, Ecuador Phones: (593-2) 539676/598280i598122

    Fax: (593·2) 539684 •Telex: 2-2728 OLADE ED •E-mail [email protected]

    To subscribe to the SIEE® or for further information olease contact the Permanent Secretaria! of OLADE

    Department of Training and 1 nformatics

    A wide-ranging data base with selected, reliable, and updated information on the energy sector of Latin America and the Caribbean, its evolution and prospects

    (historical series 1970-1996 and forecasting up to 201 O)




    . ..... ·· •

    , ' '

    ' Euro.pean Commission . ...

    • ' Latin Al]le"rican Energv.· .:

    Or'ganization .:

    . . • ' . . . ·

    ' '

    • ,,. • ,· *** * * * * * * ***

    • ..

    .· . ,,• •' . . ·' . . .· . .

    .· , .· /

    , ,• .· .· .·

    . .

    Organización Latinoamericana de Energía

  • Llkewlse in this dec adf'. the corn panies ot the major oil produung count ies tried to tntegrate their large reserves into the lntcmatiooal downstream sector. In Latín América, vcuczuola's statc oil

    i{:l.i~WJll~ cornpanv. Petróleos de V

  • 9

    St,1te 1rform pr(I( csses a11d lilicr,11iz,1- 1 ion 01· thP SP\lor to P.n Ct11 ihbt'(\n t1'> d r~·gitHl 1 dl'lk' ,pc-cnld in tr:rn•> uí uil 1t·~~·1 ve>, j11;l bt>hi11cl the Mi cid lti E;1s1, wi lh ,111 d wr otgt· useíul life of ·11.7 ye;1rs. lts nc11ur.1I g 1 anti 2i.

    Thc ch



    •by ft'giOn in 1996) cou11·RY Re$f1','~> Í'l'OOUC!:0.'1 K·l' seseves i'Y(>'J¡d¡;~(l R.P Hl!t)B!ll ·op;n~ \"(:(:~ 1(l.'9;t!;} 1o:a:u3 Yca:1$

    RCG!Ct.JS O~L GA.S ;"u1na ¿~!;)).¡ ;a;.; t'-.J 6iY.2 3lóH.íl ·;¡¡

    10:íi:S3L % of !eta! n.ryea•s •C(1l)rri3 (;)el 10!~1 ll+'Pi'.;~!lll) Bt:elXi\:t}!'; ?·• 'º s~ ~· 3 '" Y.6 109.li ""'' '!17 ClllM:a 1;9 º' ., 1.SJ 14 1/.6 e,,,l 1 1;•S1;.: ld;l\I? 1..AC Tot..l 1»,,.....o $Stit 1 41.t H04.G 10186.2 51.6

    C.:m:t< Ot110C•~1r.C&

    1 TABLE 4



    Pri\'Ol0·5CCtor ccipi1ai1 tio.vs tfl a:>se1 .... 1e teuns ~1905) )03/i !1'1 n!I OCO!'OMiC $CCt(lf$

    n ionn' o1 i'.\bSl)1u1e in\'OSllnont voluo ,~;i.; ~

    (:Ql.1'111'( ~GOP USS 111: on " .... ~.- CniM 1 ·M091 ~ . .,~~ ,,1:\-"ly~·."! " 11 ,,,, ~ h\:Ju111;t)1(1 ~ 1! 3'i!~ ·u·~ ,,lo•IOO ·I 1M71 ~e o

    '"'ih¡;¡¡¡:r- s 6 . .::.io H'~''Y 17 7.4-04

    )•: 'M'l '" "' 1·~> 1(l(I\ !º'l' •fl'itl c~~u 1 6.943 YEARS

    A.1011:l"la 2 G.107 C'lo 1 A,7SS ln~ra 1 AA~G ~U'té lnwu11n1k:nJI (\'0~01wy F.md IMt'Ull."lllU'IAI f- •"'loC~ll .S!tr.1 '.•'1> ·olAI 117 U

  • 11

    In ,1dclilion, thc oplions aclopt· cd bv the c;ountrics regarcling thc extcnt oí tlic Statc's control in oil

  • ®

    OLADE Bldg. Occidental Av.

    San Carlos Sector P.O. Box 17-11-6413

    Quito, Ecuador Phones: (593-2) 539-675/598-280/598-122

    Fax: 593-2-539684 E-mail: [email protected]

    To become a user of the )Upq~·or to obtain further information

    please contact the Permanent Secretariat of OLADE: Department of Planning and Energy Projects

    User-friendly with graphic interface in Windows environment

    Modules: • Demand • Hydrology • Planning under uncertainty • Hydrothermal dispatch • Thermal • Financia! • Environmental

    Power system generation and interconnection planning model for use by public, private utilities and investors

    C>LADE - BID

    Organización Latinoamericana de Energía

  • 13

    • In Argentino, the privoti1¡itio11 schcrnc oí YPI· (1993) has dctcrmincd th:it the State n>tltrols Jbout :.!0% oí the shorcs (golclcn shMc). t he r

    " Carlos lnrarnillo. (JL;\l')f C.ons11l1.1 nt in 1 tyd rocarbons

    • Luiz A. M. da Fonscca, Ex

  • 14

    Oil industry in Guatemala

    1 n the cnl'rgy ~t't. tor. Guatp opened a window to attract invcstmcnt by changing its lega cconomic structure, ¡w1 ini11ing f or('i¡¡ll ,ul(I nMion~I entn 'f """"L inve~\ and trust in a counuy that ' n~¡¡,

  • 15

    With thc General Ele thcvclopmc>nt

    Corporation • UnclcrwOt('r lnvcstmcnt

    • Compañla ( ;1'ncral de (.,,1111 >ll>I i ble><

    • R,wki11 R

    On the basís of thc curreru coruracis, for l'l')8 an investmont of US$'126 niillion is expoctcd in tlw diffcrcnt oil fiel

    An exiensive oil transpon inímsuucture has been built in Guatemalri. Rece111ly, a ·125- kilomctcr oil pipeline was cornplered ar an approxirnate investment oí US$30 million; a pumping station, costi11g ahout US$2 million, was also installed.

    There are currcntly 23 oi 1 production contra ns. wh i

  • Al present, other companies such as Coastal-Tamoa. which generales energv using coal, are participating more t•x.tensively. There are also

    of lhc country, gcnerotes .34%, whereas 1he plants oí Jur(111 M111)tlrci hy mount,lins .uuJ vuk

  • 17

    • .Arntltitlán GeothennaJ l~eservoi r. • Zunil 11 GeothennJI Reservoir, in

    Quetzalienongo. • recuamburro (icolhcrmal

    R q11,11iiic•d ,111(1 '"bniill111ala City; and S1ewart & Slevcnson, ir> the southcrn pM of thc country, owned l)y the powcr ulility of Gu

    Restructuring and modernization help to avoid rationing

    Thc average load lasts ror about ninc hours. from 11:00 to 17:00, with ,1 magnüude oí 1 • 1 oi a ver

  • El Guay:iho Hydropowcr l'roject located at n O kilomelers to the nor1he.1st of Gu,1ten1dla City, it use~ 1he \VJ.ters oí lla~ (v1otagua River on the c:.::i rihhean Seil ver~ant. lt has (l c.h.HH 6.1 nl high and

    Basin Oll the r,1dii

  • o so 100 Km.

    Preliminary Areas 1997

    ATl/.J.I roRllJGl\S COBM~ 'C' & "O" PROOVCllON

    CC8it.ll 'C' 6 'O. CANCHACJit. 129)9a 40

    COB.Ml 'C' 4 'O' SAJIRO'l\6N 783'4 1$ SOlEO•O

    COIW~~"C' 4 SAAti1.'H$1CO 2!696'70

    C(lO¡t,11 'C' &. 't)'· t..W:KAOUU.A 1!733-8.JO



    COBAN s··c·s 'O'

    C00AN"8"'C"A 'O'

    C:()RAr4 '8"'C· !.. 'O'

    COB.,l'B"C' ¿ 'O'

    COBAWB"C' 4 'O'

    pt;TEN liORTE

    Pllf..N t~()Rf!'

    Pf1FN t~()Rff

    PlilEN tiORTE f'flEN llOATE l't!CN llORTC P(li)'; W

  • eíficiency asan enviren nentallv sound dcvelopmcm wategy and determinecl tlk1l thf' efforts aimed at improving efficiency of energv use will be the region's major coruribu tíon 10 environmental conservetion. In ;J study conducted by the Perma· nent Secretaríar and issued in ·1993, economic and energy efficiency, along with prívatesector participa· tion, was viewed as a key aspect íor the recovcrv o( the region's electric power sector. Al present, the studies carried out within the framework of the óLADEECLAé·GTZ Projcct. Encrgy and Sustaiuable Dcvelopment in Latin America and the Caríbbean. are propostng a systemic approach that goes beyond energy sector poi i cyr where ener 1 e· · · ·

    I nergy (;:ífidency has been a con stan! concern of OLADE since its establishment, 011c thJt has per sisted with more rccent studies. The l.ima Agreemenr. Olt\DE's chárter subscribed on Nóvember 2, 1973, includes among its objectívcs the pri oritv mission oí en:,uring the rauonal use of ern.irgy resources of its rnember countries. /\Ílerwards, throughout OLJ\DE's exístence. various studies havo demonstrated the advisabilitv of disseminating energy effidency and the need to promete cnergy eificicncy programs in Lati n América and thc Caribbean. The central to pie of the

    ~"~x,._x;;ll Meetin& oí Ministers of OLADF 991 ctassifíed encrgy iJ/ ~


    •o cd

    Organización Latinoamericana de Energía

  • 21

    In its first phase, thf' Ot AfJFFC Projen Ül"rn.indSide M,uiageml'nl in 1he Ccntr,tl Am~·ri11lr;1l América bas bcen rerngnizecl by the Curopeo11 Commís sion. whic h has extended f,111dir1A in ordcr to work in thc~ tlm•e countnes of tlw isthmus thal liad not been i nclurl- ed i 11 1 he fi ,.,1 phMe. 1 lw proicct's w1111iblc rcsults. howovar, ar• dt,u1ts provided tech- 11 ic;¡1 I assistancc lo support loc:.11 coun- terports. thus cnsuring thal thc cxperi ence was broadly sharcd bctwccn thc power utilities and OLADE and that the project's short-tenn obiectívc was achieved: develop national and re gional engineering copabilíücs in this arca. Only hands-on experience in

    More rocentlv, OLADE has heen in volver! in 1 he implcrnentat ion oi con crere progr.uns, rclnging (rom studies In demonstraüon, with the 0Lt\0[ Europoan Con in ii '''º" (f C) l'lf I< Project 011 DemandSido Mn1Mgf>mi· nenl e11crg)· orgaruzanon wuh an ovorviow of the Pnergy sector .ind no 'P('( ¡¡¡(._ ~l(!kl'~ in (UlY üÍ thP subser- tor, b ,11i1,. to 1•,1.ibfi,h pl.11h oí .ic- non with ,1 ( 01np1t.:IH.'ll!'tiVl\ dppro,1ch, fnll1sing on thc r.uional '"'' rn .111 11•,0111( setcct pro¡;i,1111' th,tl provide b ~11d t'.trrt· ings íor ihosc 1 h.11 Mt' 111,i ki 1111 uiv,.,1. monts.

    an inlE~grnf part or macroeconornic policy, wirh higher obiecnves iuvolv ing incrcascd procluctivity, improved ;1ccessibili1y. and environmcntal impací mitigarion.

    Organización Latinoamericana de Energía

  • Aílcr dctcrmi1)i ng thc most su it;iblc lorm oí rnmbining tht• ,efcclt', thc re;ull; of thc analysis will priorilize 1lw pro- gra1m 1h,11 will bf:COl'l'll' pnr1 of lhtdc\'ll1i:1 11101~· 111

  • 23

    Thc cxperiencc 1h,11 h,i> hPen tlcqoired is bcing di,sc111indlt•dru Sllla, l londuras, and Pi1n.1n1.,l City, l'~1n~1n1a. Thc objcctiv ,mswPrt•d. J h1s ,1(' 1 ivi1y i Dvolvt•s di fficu lties. beco u> ly. lhe 1rlcssage 1ha1 vvas bci11g trilns- inillP.d ,1rou~ed the interC'sl of thc Cll'· lomers.

    Thl' lst activiry pl;1nnctl bv tho pro ¡oct co11si,1s of 1hc initi.11 :ippl1c:ilioD of iowcosl rn0n$l11'l',. Sim l' tiw 1n'lplcrnentation invoJvl\.., ,\ lo11g-tenn compreherhive pla11 ~nrl proj0Íils of USS3'1 million for thc power ~eclor; ,md in San S~lvrict111 oxperts oí 01 t\LJI:, thilnks to 1unrlin14 frurn thc European Commlssion, brought the Pxperit•nct> of sorne> of tho counrrics of South 1\11 it>lic

  • Undoubteclfy, the most satisfactory experience for OLADE and the European Commission is seeing that the staff of the power utilities of the isthmus are con tinuing the programs that were part of the plan devel oped in the OLADEEC Project on the basis of the experience acbieved by the project and that the inter est displaycf when implementing the plan's programs has reached highranking executives of the utilities, as indicated by the decisive support that they are provid ing.

    sectors managed by smaller and, in some cases, spe cializecl groups.


    The energy efficiency project in the power sector that OLADE is carrying out in the Central American lsthrnus has dernonstrated that the resufts oí actions in this subsector shoulcf be measurecl in terms of the influence they exert on the entire energy sector, not rnerely the conservation of primary energy that they can generate for the subsector. The activities being prornoted by the power utilities generafly reach the country's leaders and executive decision makers, who inside their own homes receive awareness raising and iníorrnation on electricity saving. As a resuft, the way is paved to extend efficiency activities to other sub·

    Conclusions •

    1 . R;ibf, V~ron ic.1 ,md C

  • Weaves each rising sun of Guatemala's

    oil history

    Organización Latinoamericana de Energía

  • - Marlim Sul 38 well has set a the management of record producing 7,000 production and marketing Colombia: oil nones on the barreis per day at a depth of projects in Venezuela. Mobil market 1,709 meters, A large pan or is planning on investing The Colombia state oil Brazil's energy solution can sorne U$3 billion in company, Empresa be Iound al the bottom of the Venezuela over the next tive ColornlJiana de Petróleo sea; studies llave confirmed years in several upstream (ECOPETROL), will be that more tnan 70% ot its sea and downstrearn projects, issuing bonds on the reserves are tocateo al depths under tne so-caneo oil domestic rnarket in the ot more than 400 mete rs openínp policy of the state amo u nt al USS300 m illion in oil corporation Petróleos de September ano ociooer ~,1 Venezuela S.A. (PDVSA), 1997. In early 1998, il will which opens tne door to atso be placi ng securities 011 prívate oil investment. i nternational markets in the Mexico expands refinery amount of US$240 million. ~I T11e state oil company of 48% of the Bogotá power Mexico Petróleos de México

    utility is sold (PEMEX), extended to Barbados: oil and gas Prwate-sector comoanles of October 1 O, 1997 lhe exploration prnjects Chile ano Spain ourcnaseo deadline tor sullrnitting bids Barbados has emered into 48% ot thc power ulilily oí almec at enlarging tne an upstrcam joint venture Bogotá, Empresa de Energía CAOEREYTA Rclinery. The wilh a U.S. oil company, de Bogotá. The authoritios excansron oroicct of th1s

    Waggoner Exploration l nc., ot the utility company mdustna: center located 1n

    to boost onshore production des1gned a plan tor coverine northern Mex1co requires

    of oil ano gas. saroaccs's its US$1.5 billion cebt ov reserves ot oil ano gas are auctioni ng off its shares, an rnvestmenl or presentív esümateo at 2.4 The auctlon was far more US$1.157,000.000. million bl.Jls ano 7.0 bilhon successtul than expected: -.. cubic feet. respect1vely. Tlle the base p rice dcterm ined cornoany wi 11 invest far the 48% s11aret1olding approximately US$50.0 was set al US$890 mílüon mil lion in capital and bu! by the end of the Mobil's new plans in 1echnology over the 25-year auction, which took place in Venezuela period of me contract lt is rnid-September, !he Mobil has appointed Jocl expected that production of company liad received Maness Presiden! of its oíl will increase lrom 1,000 US$ Venezuelan subsidiary, bbls/day to 10,000 bbls/day

    e~' Mobil de Venezuela C.A., and gas from 2.3 million to with his responsibilities 15.0 million cubic feet daily. covering exploration In addition, Barbados has Brazil's new energy trontier production, ano marketing recently granted a

    is the bottom ot the sea activities. The company concession license to tne Brazi lían state oil said the appointment

    anomer U.S. cornpany, company Petróleo srasuetro Continental Oil Cornpany, lo SA (PETROBRAS) has just tormed part of its lonq-terrn explore far, develop and broken one of the most strategy to creare a salid produce oil and gas trom its importan! oil industry and integrated entire Exclusive Econornic records The company's organizational struciure far Zone.


    Organización Latinoamericana de Energía

  • 27

    LI Portland Administration enhance the quality and (ANCAP) signed in Brazil, reliability of energy supply Arge nti ne-Brazil ian on August 25, tour and to prornote privale- cooperation partnership agreements to sector investment in lile firm Capex of Argentina extend the gas pipeline of electric power generation signed a contrae! with tne southern Brazil to Porto and distribution. These B razilia n firm El Paso Alegre, to install various oil draft bilis are on the agenda Energía Amazonas to build and lubrican! a power generation plant in manufacturing plants in

    for analysis and discussion

    Manaos for US$100 Uruguay, and to examine by the plenary sessíons of

    million. The energy tne possibility of using tne country's legislature, produced will be supplied ANCAP' s i ns tal led capacity and it is expected that they lhrough ELETRONORTE, a to refine oíl products aimed will be approved by the end power utility of Brazil. at supplying the State of of 1997. The bilis are:

    Rio Grande del Sur. • Electríc Power lndustry

    ~ Law.

    ~ • Oil Exploration and

    Chile: sale of shares Production Law. 29% of the snares of the Cooperation between Chile • Hydrocarbons Supply cnuean electric power and Colombia Law. utility cornpany ENERSIS Tt1e cnnean power utility • Organizational taw of will be bought by the company CHILGENER, the Nicaraguan Energy soanísn company ENOESA which is a powcr generator, lns1itute for about US$1.5 billion. will be building a 650-MIN ENERSIS, whict1 holds therrnaí plant in the region [ELJ assets of US$10.5 tiillion, or MagrJalena in Colombia. controls a large pan ot lhe The works ot power sector or Chile and TERMOBERRIOS will begin Peru will be building a 500- power utililies in Argentina, in 1998 witl1 a US$400 kilometer gas pipeline Brazil, Colombia, and Peru. million investrnent. A consortium comprisecl of

    m~ the U.S. company Bechtel. ~~ ... the Brazilian company Odebrecht, and the Partnership agreements Reforms are being planned Peruvian company Cosapi between Brazil and Uruguay for the energy sector of was awarded the contrae! The Presiden! of the Nicaragua to design the construction Brazilian state oil company The Nicaraguan Energy o1 tne gas pipeline that will Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. lnstitute (INE), as the (PETROBRAS), Joel regulatory and planning joi n the gas res e rvoirs of

    Me ndes Ren nó, and the entity of the energy sector, Camisea to Lima The Presiden! of lhe Board ot submitted to the executive construction of the 500- Directors ot Uruguay's branch various draft bilis in kilometer gas line will cost National Fuel, Alcohol, and o rder 10 i ncrease and about US$2 billion

    Organización Latinoamericana de Energía

  • 28




    REGIONS 1975 1985 1995 1996 GROWTH


    L/1TIN AMERICA & C1\RIBBEA> 624' 591)1 6633 6500 -0.4 ~b

    NORTH /1MERICA 17315 17535 17íCO 1859J 17220 -7.4 %

    WESTERN EUROPE 20745 l&IC6 1:\970 14370 16595 16425 -tO % vr~Mlll:iti\

    '""""'' EASTERN EUROPE \lncl CIS} 10095 144;)5 15275 12850 100.:'"S 10340 0.1 o,~


    MIDDLE EAST Wl! 3810 ~-025 [>270 5315 5520 39 % AFR\CA 1270 Z'6ó 200) 2855 286() 2880 0.7 %

    ASIA ANO AUSTRALIA í07C6 12615 13220 15385 16006 17595 6.6 %

    WORlO 68924 71936 74545 74293 76723 76489 -0.3 % Wl(R,,~ ...

    EA,lrn. ~H'lt ~-,.., ~tt 1))$:;0();

    Sourca: lalin Amcrica and ih• Calibbean; OLADE·EC, Energ1·Eoonomic lnforma:ioo Syslem (SIEE) BP Slatist;cal Re·

  • 29


    ' ~ l(CO,t: w1 ,,,_""

    TOT'At. 1ui:i 11oirll'lll


    ...,11,,1.y•-1. H..,.11111.>11 ....

    1996 w·;~c.f!Ollo; ¡'11iQjj


    1990 1S9l 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996





    •LAC •NorthAmer. CJVJesl Europe •East Eumpe CJMiddle East OAl1ica CJ;\sio. & Auslr.




    350 (10(9)Tons



    / 7 , Enorgy Stallsti~ Source~~ 1996, 011 & Gas JQ~I, yec:,fl989-1996 SP $11111$llcol Re•1lewolWorl\l Energy 199/ ,,.. f ~~) ....

    r:;f?.. \,;} t COAL

    REGIONS 1975 1985 1990 1994 1995 1996 GROWTH RATE

    LATIN AMERICA & CARIB8tAN tJ19 5344 6970 7407 7606 7801 2.6 % NORTH Al.IERICA 81!J6 8'.300 7470 8800 6500 6610 l.7 % WESTERN EUROPE 5691 $111 4004 5400 5000 6420 ·1.5 % EASTERN EUROPE (lncl CIS) 23998 429'.>8 45800 56700 56000 577eanfO DE-EC, Enérgy.e mic lnlOrmaUon SY$1em (SIE



    Lfili1) American ::rir~!,' ()rgnni1.;1linn • OLADE


    Organización Latinoamericana de Energía

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    . ' . /f WORLD INSTALLED CArlrv ·' ,,... 1996(MWJ· t t. ;'11' • ' • _·¡ ~ Et~CTRIC POWER STATION BY TY~E,Pf PLANT ,1t REGIONS HY.PRO THERMO GEOTHE r.t .NucieAR TOTAL "; J; Ll\TIN AMr.RICA & CA~ r 111320 71)?14 9tl4 2984 18550? j NORTH AMERIC~ 1 ~;.:,1511)00 5:\24L'O 1600 11~ }!!01600 ~,.,-,. : WESTERN EUROPE • t~x:o 3210CO 221:0 124500 ,.,, 6'.6"100 ~1: EAST EUROPE (lncl CIS) 18400 3040CO O 44ro:> I 4270C~ ' "1'f> MIOOlE EAST 3100 \ 71500 O 740CÓ

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    1996 WORLD

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  • 32

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    • • • • • • • •

    • In addition, a tax-tree amount, equivalent to 15% of the grass value of marketed ai 1 and gas production, will be deducted trom the incame tax, for depletion purposes, up to a ceiling of 50% ot net earni ngs.

    • Durlng productíon, the íncome tax rate is 30% en t11e year's net earnings. l\/loreover, the remittance of earni ngs or d ividends ab road wil 1 not be subiect to taxation

    and/or federal laxes .

    • Prospecling ano exptoration are exempt lrom ali municipal, district,

    be su mmarized as follows:

    The new Law is p rapasing a soectai tax regime far the oil companles, which can

    up to five addítíonal years. years, and the possíble extension is granted far the concessíon is 25

    explaration area. • Duration: The prospecting phase is

    far ane year, witl1 the possibility ot extending it far ane additional year. Far the exploratory phase, the time

    can cover up to 50% of the

    case of prospecting, tne máximum limit is 2.4 million hectares, which is then reduced to a maximum oí 800,000 hectares in the exploration phase. When the concession holder decides to start up the production phase, the maximum area selected

    e Pcrmit or concession areae: !n me

    • Permíts for oil and gas prospecting and concesslons for exploration and production are granted by the State lo pl1ysical or legal oersons. whether national or fareign, prívate or public.

    Amono the most relevant aspects of tt1e new Law, the fallawing snou Id be cmphasízed.

    The gavernment's onüosopnv behind this taw is aimed at attracting prívate-sector investment by reducing capital risk anrí ensuring a higher and raster return .

    The new Hyclrocarbons Law of Paraguay provides that the State has exclusive domain over those assets identitied as hydracarbans resources, wh ich are deemed to be inalienable, untransferable, and imprescriptible, as defined by the curren! Natianal Canstitutian .

    New Hydrocarbons Law of Paraguay is aimed al attractlnq private-sector investrnent

    es •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • t t

    • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

    Organización Latinoamericana de Energía