a.karamitsos public auction 517


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Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Archive Photographs, Tobacciana, Embroideries featuring special section “WWI Memorabilia” 4 April 2015 14:00 @ Hilton Hotel Athens www.karamitsos.com


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“Hilton Athens” Hotel46, Vasilissis Sofias Ave. - Athens • tel.: +30 210 7281000 • fax: +30 210 7281111

“Athens Auctions” StorePindarou 7 & Alexandrou Soutsou 2 - Athens • tel.: +30 210 3250173 • fax: +30 210 3250176

A.KARAMITSOS34, Tsimiski Str. - 54623 Thessaloniki - GREECE

tel.: +30 2310 264 366 - fax: +30 2310 274 031

www.karamitsos.come-mail: [email protected]

WORKING HOURS: 07:00 - 15:00

Saturday, 4 April 2015

Start Time: 14:00

Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Archive Photographs,Tobacciana, Embroideries

featuring special section “WWI Memorabilia”

Viewing Arrangements:“Athens Auctions” Store

Monday, 9 March 2015 - Friday, 3 April 2015

working hours:Monday - Friday: 9:30 - 17:30

Saturday: 9:30 - 15:00

“Hilton Athens” HotelSaturday, 4 April 2015: 9:30 - 11:00


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Όλοι οι λαχνοί περιγράφονται προσεκτικά και πωλούνται ως γνήσιοι και αυθεντικοί εκτός αν περιγράφονται άλλως. Ο αγοραστής μπορεί να απορρίψει το λαχνό και να τον επιστρέψει εντός 7 ημερών (ημερομηνία σφραγίδας ταχυδρομείου) απο την λήξη της δημοπρασίας, αν αποδείξει ότι δεν είναι γνήσιος ή ότι περιγράφηκε λανθασμένα. Οι λαχνοί πρέπει να επιστρέφονται όπως παραλήφθηκαν αρχικά, χωρίς καμμία διαφοροποίηση. Λαχνοί που εξετάσθηκαν προηγουμένως από τους υποψηφίους αγοραστές δεν επιστρέφονται. Επίσης δεν επιστρέφονται λαχνοί που αγοράσθηκαν στην Αίθουσα μετά την έξοδο των αγοραστών από αυτή. Οι αγοραστές δεν έχουν το δικαίωμα επιστροφής μικτών λαχνών, συλλογών, λαχνών που έχουν ελαττώματα σε μικροαξίες, καθώς και φωτογραφημένων στον κατάλογο λαχνών, για ελαττώματα ορατά στη φωτογραφία (κεντράρισμα, περιθώρια, οδόνττωση). Όταν η αξία του λαχνού είναι στη σφραγίδα και όχι στο γραμματόσημο, ο λαχνός δεν μπορεί να επιστραφεί για ελάττωμα του γραμματοσήμου.

Κάθε λαχνός περιέρχεται στον πλειοδότη, που προσφέρει την υψηλότερη τιμή. Σε περίπτωση ίσων ταχυδρομικών προσφορών, πλειοδότης θεωρείται αυτός που η προσφορά του έφθασε πρώτη στα Γραφεία μας. Τηλεφωνικές εντολές αγοράς γίνονται δεκτές από γνωστούς πελάτες, πρέπει όμως να επικυρωθούν γραπτώς.

Πριν από την έναρξη της πωλήσεως ή την ημέρα της δημοπρασίας (για γραπτές προσφορές), η Εταιρία έχει το δικαίωμα να αποσύρει λαχνούς, να διαχω-ρίσει λαχνούς σε δύο ή περισσότερα μέρη ή να συνενώσει δύο ή περισσότερους λαχνούς.

Μεγάλοι λαχνοί μπορεί να μην μεταφερθούν για viewing στην Αθήνα ή να μεταφερθούν κατ’επιλογή. Viewing λαχνών, που δεν μεταφέρονται στην Αθήνα, μπορεί να γίνει στα γραφεία στη Θεσσαλονίκη.

Προσφορές γίνονται δεκτές έως 2 ώρες πριν από την έναρξη της δημοπρασίας.Η πληρωμή πρέπει να γίνεται αμέσως μετά το τέλος της δημοπρασίας στην Αίθουσα ή εντός 10 ημερών από την παραλαβή των λαχνών ή του τιμολο-

γίου (για πελάτες Εξωτερικού). Σε αγοραστές εντός Ελλάδος οι λαχνοί αποστέλλονται επί αντικαταβολή και σε γνωστούς πελάτες χωρίς προπληρωμή, για πληρωμή αμέσως μετά την παραλαβή των λαχνών. Αν η πληρωμή καθυστερήσει πέραν των 10 ημερών, η Εταιρία διατηρεί το δικαίωμα να επιβαρύνει το λογαριασμό με το νόμιμο επιτόκιο. Η κυριότητα των λαχνών παραμένει στον πωλητή, μέχρις ότου αποπληρωθεί ο λογαριασμός. Συμμετοχή αγοραστού στη δημοπρασία μπορεί να αποκλεισθεί, αν κατά την κρίση του πωλητού, ο αγοραστής δεν εκπληρώνει τους όρους της καλής πίστεως.

Η ταχυδρόμηση των λαχνών ή του τιμολογίου γίνεται στην διεύθυνση, που φαίνεται στο έντυπο προσφορών. Τα έξοδα αποστολής βαρύνουν τον αγοραστή. Η απόδειξη παραλαβής “Συστημένου” του Ταχυδρομείου αποτελεί για την Εταιρία και απόδειξη παραλαβής του υλικού από τον αγοραστή.

Στην τιμή κατακυρώσεως προστίθεται ποσοστό 18% για προμήθειά μας και επί πλέον ο αναλογών ΦΠΑ επί της προμήθειάς μας. Όλες οι τιμές στόν κατάλογο είναι σε ΕΥΡΩ.

Απούλητοι λαχνοί με τιμή εκκίνησης “OFFER” δεν διατίθενται προς πώληση μετά τη λήξη της δημοπρασίας.Η τιμή πώλησης των λαχνών με την ένδειξη “OFFER” ορίζεται από το ποσό της προσφοράς, με κατοχύρωση του λαχνού στην υψηλότερη.Ο πλειοδότης (είτε βρίσκεται στην Αίθουσα, είτε έχει καταθέσει την προσφορά του μέσω τηλεφώνου/email) είναι υπεύθυνος για την εξόφληση του τιμο-

λογίου, εκτός αν έχει συνεννοηθεί γραπτώς ειδάλλως με την Εταιρία.Οποιοσδήποτε λαμβάνει μέρος στη δημοπρασία είναι γνώστης των προαναφερομένων όρων και τους αποδέχεται πλήρως. Οποιαδήποτε διαφωνία μεταξύ

των συμβαλλομένων μερών τίθεται στην κρίση και δικαιοδοσία του αρμοδίου Δικαστηρίου Θεσσαλονίκης.


All descriptions are reliable and accurate and the lots are sold as genuine and authentic, unless the contrary is indicated. The purchaser may reject the lot and return it within 7 days (post office date stamp) after the end of the auction, if he proves it is not genuine or incorrectly described. The lots must be returned intact and as originally despatched. Lots which have been examined by the buyers before the auction cannot be returned. Also, lots purchased in the room cannot be returned after leaving the place. Buyers have no right to reject mixed lots, collections containing undescribed items, or described as having defects. Any illustration is part of the description and items cannot be returned for defects visible in it. When the value of a lot lies in the cancellation and not in the stamp, any defects of the latter shall not be a reason for rejecting the lot.

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A 18% buyer’s commission will be added to the “hammer price” for each lot, plus the respective Value Additive Tax (VAT) on our commission. All prices expressed in the catalogue and all bids are in euro, unless otherwise is stated.

Unsold lots with starting price “OFFER” are not available for sale after the end of the auction.The sale price of lots marked as “OFFER” is defined by the highest offer, highest bid wins the item at said price.The bidder (either via mail or in the room) is responsible for the invoice’s payment, unless otherwise aggreed, in writing, with the company.Anyone who will take part in this Auction is familiar to the conditions of sale and accepts them. Any dispute shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the

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Page 7: A.Karamitsos Public Auction 517


Maps & Engravings 1

Books 22

Newspapers - Magazines 37

Archive Photographs 41

Engravings 58

Documents 67

Tobacciana 73

Thessaloniki - Salonica Collectables 77

Embroidery 88

Picture Postcards - Multi-Fold 89

Catalogue Authoring and Editing: Spyros Tsipidis

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PPC Picturepostcard/ΕικονογραφημένηκάρταRP Realphotograph,photocard/Φωτοκάρτα,πραγματικήφωτογραφίαM Map/ΧάρτηςR,RR Rare,veryrare,etc./Σπάνιο,πολύσπάνιοκλπ.G Goodqualityorcondition/Καλήποιότηταήκατάσταση VG Verygoodqualityorcondition/ΠολύκαλήποιότηταήκατάστασηF Finequalityorcondition/ΩραίαποιότηταήκατάστασηVF Veryfinequalityorcondition/ΠολύωραίαποιότηταήκατάστασηB Librarybook/Βιβλίοdoc. Document/ΈγγραφοNEWS Newspaper/ΕφημερίδαENGR Engraving/ΓραβούραMAG Magazine/ΠεριοδικόEPH Ephemera/ΕφήμεραBOND Bonds&Certificates/Μετοχές CER Ceramic/ΚεραμικόADV Advertisement/Διαφήμιση


Page 9: A.Karamitsos Public Auction 517

Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Archive Photographs, Tobacciana, Embroideries & WWI Memorabilia 1

Maps & Engravings

Lot. 8001 M “Nio” (Ios) early woodcut maps (size 14x8cm.) with Italian

text beneath and on verso of a sheet from the Second Book of Benedetto Bordone “Libro de tutte lIsole del

Mundo” (better known as his Isolario) published in Venice. There were six editions between 1528-1562. Excellent

condition. Ref. Zacharakis 501/304. Starting Price: 60 €

Lot. 8002 M BORDONE B. “Nisaro - Chirana” & “Caloiero” 1528-1560, two woodcut maps on one sheet from “Libro de tutte lIsole del Mundo”. Maps dim. 14x8.5cm. Handwriten period notes

on margins, strong-dark impression. Very Fine condition. Zach.522,523.

Starting Price: 100 €

Lot. 8003 M PORCACCHI T. “Il Sito de Curzolari” woodcut

map of Echinades islands and “Gulf of Lepanto” from “LIsole piu Famose del Mondo”

1572-1713. On sheet whith descriptive text in italian. Large cut on left margin professionally

repaired. Map dim. 14x10cm, Sheet dim. 19x28cm. Zach.2744.

Starting Price: 70 €

Lot. 8005 M RHODUS handcoloured copper engraving of the town of Rhodes (15,5 x 23,5 cm), complete page with wide margins, from the book “Civitates Orbis Terranum” by Georg Braun & Frans Hogenberg published 1572

in Cologne. Sheet size: 20 x 27,5 cm. Latin text on back. Very Rare. Starting Price: 100 €

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2 A. Karamitsos # 517

Lot. 8004 M BRAUN Georg & HOGENBERG Frans, Cologne 1572, 1598. “CALARIS, MALTA, RHODUS, FAMAGUSTA”. Four (4) fine engraved views / detailed plans of the important Mediterranean islands capitals of Sardinia, Malta, Rhodes & Cyprus.

Impressive details depicting the formation of the medieval towns. Beautifully hand-coloured. With faults professionally restored. Dim.48x33cm. Starting Price: 260 €

Lot. 8006 M “Candia / La Cita de Corfu” by Braun & Hogenberg 1575-1612, hand-coloured woodcut, from “Civitates Orbis Terrarum”

Volume II. Depicting two (2) birds-eye high detailed plan-views of the towns of Kerkyra & Herakleion (Crete) with numerous fishing & rowing boats. Latin text on verso. Chipped edges & small tears along margins (few slightly reaching the engraved

area). Lower margin shaved. Rare item. Starting Price: 280 €

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Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Archive Photographs, Tobacciana, Embroideries & WWI Memorabilia 3

Lot. 8008 M ORTELIUS, Abraham: “Corcyra vel Corfu”, Antwerp, 1595, Italian text. 8 x 11 cm. A delightful copper engraved hand-coloured miniature map

of the island of Corfu, decorated with a sailing vessel and a sea monster. From the “Epitome theatri Orteliani” by Philip Galle. Zach. 2515.

Starting Price: 100 €

Lot. 8007 M“Descrittione DellIsola di Milo” copper engraved map (14x11

cm.) by PORCACCHI, T. on a complete page 121 from the book “Lisole piu famose del mondo, descritte da Thomaso Porcacchi da Castiglione Arretino e intagliate da Girolamo Porro Padovano...” published in Padova, 1576. Text in Italian on verso. Sheet size:

19.5 x 28.5 cm. Excellent condition. Ref. Zacharakis 2737/1787. Starting Price: 120 €

Lot. 8009 M PTOLEMAEUS, C. “Tabula Europae IX” copper engraved map (17.2 x 12.6 cm.) from the book “GEOGRAPHIAE

UNIVERSAE...OPUS...” by G.A. Magini, Venice 1596 (the first Latin edition). Sheet size: 16 x 21 cm. Excellent

condition. Ref. Zacharakis 2845. Starting Price: 90 €

Lot. 8011 M “Descrittione DellArcipelago” copper engraved map (14.5x10.5cm.) by PORCACCHI, T. on a complete

page from the book “LIsole piu famose del mondo” published 1620 in Padova, Italy. Sheet size: 20.5x30cm.

Excellent condition. Ref. Zacharakis 2727/1779. Starting Price: 120 €

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4 A. Karamitsos # 517

Lot. 8010 M “Tavola Terza dAsia Antica, in cui si contiene Colchide, Iberia, Albania & Armenia maggiore”, Ruscelli G., G. Rosaccio, after

G.Gastaldi, “Tabula Asiae III.” Copper engraved map from the 4th edition of Ruscellis “ Geografia di Claudio Tolomeo Alessandrino Tradotta di Greco... da Girolamo Ruscelli” edited and extended by Giuseppe Rosaccio, published in Venice by the

Heirs of M. Sessa in 1598 & 1599. Size: 25.0 x 18.5 cm. Water stain but Rare. Starting Price: 75 €

Lot. 8012 M GRAECIA / Ludovico Valesio Inuictissimo principi... / GRAECIA ANTIQUAE Tabulam Hanc Geographicam offert,

dedicat, consecrat NIC. SANSON Abbavillaeus MXCXXXVI (1636) original copper engraved map with handcoloured outline from Cartes generales de toutes les parties du monde” ed. M. Tavernier, ca. 1660. Size: [56 x 42 cm]. Excellent condition.

Zacharakis No.2075. Starting Price: 250 €

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Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Archive Photographs, Tobacciana, Embroideries & WWI Memorabilia 5

Lot. 8013 M MERCATOR, G. “MACEDONIA EPIRUS et ACHAIA / Per Gerardum Mercatorem cum Privilegio”, beautifully

handcoloured engraved detailed map of central & northern Greece, with decorative title cartouche, from “GERARDI MERCATORIS / ATLANTIS NOVI / Pars Tertia, / ITALIAM, GRAECIAM / ... EDITIO ULTIMA...Amsterodami 1638”.

Size: 44 x 36 cm. + borders. VF condition. Ref. Zacharakis: 2216/1455. Starting Price: 250 €

Lot. 8014 M MERIAN Matthaus, “CANDIA cum insulis alijs proxime ei adiacentibus / CORFU / CEFALONIA / ZANTE” from

“Topographiae 1642-1688. A very interesting map composition presenting Crete in a large map frame surronded by 3 inset maps of the Ionian Islands Corfu, Zakynthos & Cephalonia. Beutifully hand-coloured. Map dim.38x30cm. Cut right & left

margins, otherwise Very Fine. Zach.2297. Starting Price: 200 €

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6 A. Karamitsos # 517

Lot. 8015 M REGNI HUNGARIAE, GRAECIAE, ET MOREAE ac Regionum quae ei quandam fuere Christiani ut.... delineatio per

Ioannum Danckerum/Amstelodami cum privilegio ordinum Holl: et Westfrisiae J. Danckerts 1680-1690 from “Atlas”. Copper engraved map, dim: 59x50.5cm, with Greece in centre, depicting all the Balkans, Hungary, Romania and parts of Austria, Italy

and Germany. Title cartouche with Christian saint and Hapsburg eagle. Very Fine condition. Zach. 1278 Starting Price: 250 €

Lot. 8019 M “CARTE DE LA GRECE...Sur ceux de Mrs Wheler et Tournefort...Par G.DE LISLE...A AMSTERDAM Chez JEAN

COVENS et CORNEILLE MORTIER Geographes” G. Delisle 1683-1761, 1751, 1740. Large detailed coloured copper engr. map of Greece, Turkey & parts of Italy, Cyprus & southern Balkans, with large decorative title cartouche. Map. dim. 58x47cm.

Very Fine condition. Zach. 1338. Starting Price: 280 €

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Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Archive Photographs, Tobacciana, Embroideries & WWI Memorabilia 7

Lot. 8016 M “Is de LERO CALAMO et de

LANGO”. Full colour copper plate by MALLET, Allain Manesson, publ. in

Paris 1683 in “Description de lUnivers”. Attractive prospect of the islands of Leros, Kalymnos & Kos. Map dim.

14x11cm. Very Fine. Zach.2129. Starting Price: 45 €

Lot. 8017 M “Isle de CANDIE”. Full colour copper plate by MALLET, Allain Manesson, publ. in Paris 1683 in “Description de lUnivers”. Attractive prospect of Crete & northern adjacent islands. Very Fine.

Map dim. 11x14cm. Zach.2152. Starting Price: 50 €

Lot. 8018 M “De la Turquie Meridionale en Europe”. Full colour copper plate by MALLET, Allain Manesson, publ. in Paris 1683

in “Description de lUnivers”. Showing Greece (incl. Crete) and the Balkans. Map

dim. 14x11cm. Very Fine. Zach.2158. Starting Price: 40 €

Lot. 8020 M CORONELLI V. M. “Isola di STANCHIO o LANGO”, 1688-1707. Highly decorative map of COS island on full sheet with

engraving showing the town & castle of COS on reverse entitled “STANCHIO o STANGIO”. Map dim.17x13cm, Engr. dim.17x13cm, sheet dim.37x49cm. Very Fine condition. Zach.1133.

Starting Price: 80 €

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8 A. Karamitsos # 517

Lot. 8022 M GRAECIAE ANTIQUAE Descriptio Autore N. Sanson. Amstelodami Apud P. Mortier Sanson N. 1691, 1705. Map

dim.:56x45cm. Beautifully handcoloured copper engr. map of Greece & Aegean Archipelago. With decorative title cartouche. Small restoration along centerfold, otherwise in Very Fine condition. Zacharakis 3152.

Starting Price: 190 €

Lot. 8021 M DAPPER O. “Eylant STANKO of LANGO”, 1688 from the “Naukeurige Beschryving der Eilande in de Arcipel..”

(German ed.). Island of Cos with town fortifications, relief and land use depicted pictorially. Numerous sailing

ships. On complete sheet. Map Dim.16x12cm. Sheet dim.20x31cm. EXCELLENT condition. Zach.1301.

Starting Price: 80 €

Lot. 8024 M BOCHARD S. “CO etiam dicta CARIS” / “CHIOS INS”,

from “Geographiae Sacrae” 1692. Title & place names in latin & HEBREW ALPHABET. Map presenting the islands of Cos & Chios. Map dim.20x29cm. Engraved area in EXCELLENT

condition. Foxing and 1 tear on white margins. Zach. 431. Starting Price: 100 €

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Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Archive Photographs, Tobacciana, Embroideries & WWI Memorabilia 9

Lot. 8023 M SANSON, N. “TROIANUM REGNUM novem dinasteia

complectens, Priami dum regna manebant. Adjecta sunt ea quae etiam innotuere posterioribus

temporibus nomina / ex conatibus geographicis

Gulielmi Nicolai Sanson filii, regis christianissimi geographi, 1696” copper engraved map from “Atlas Geographique, Contenant Les Cartes pour

servir a lintelligence de lhistoire prophane” published by Apud

Autorem. Size: 42,4x50,3 cm. RARE. Zacharakis

No.3190/2097. Starting Price: 250 €

Lot. 8025 M Alcibiadis Expeditionum Tabula Geographica ex Plutarcho Auctore P. du Val Abbavillaeo Christianissimi Galliarum Regis

Geographo Patavij ex Typographia Seminarij. Anno 1694. F. Bertin Sculpsit large copper engraved map from “SEMINARIO VESCOVILE, Padua. Tabulae geographicae, quibus universa geographia vetus continetur, e multis Authoribus Collectae. Padua: ex Typograpia Seminarii, 1699”. Printed area size approx.: 56,2 x 34,8 cm. Paper size approx.: 69,8 x 50,2 cm. Condition: Very strong and dark impression on strong paper. Original colors to the outlines. Wide margins. Two wormholes in the margin, on top, along center fold and four quite smaller at left & right edges. Plate folded as issued. A striking and rare beautiful historical chart of Greece and its islands illustrating the expeditions of Alcibiades, an Athenian general who was successful during the

Peloponnesian War. The map also covers the boot of Italy, part of Sicily, the western shore of Turkey and part of Crete. The map is decorated with an engraved decorative title cartouche. Zacharakis 3567/2319.

Starting Price: 150 €

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10 A. Karamitsos # 517

Lot. 8026 M CORONELLI, V.M. “Parte dell Isola de NIXIA” copper

engraved map (17 x 12.5 cm.) on the upper part of a complete page No.231 [complete description of Nixia (= Naxos) in

Italian on verso, p.232] from “Atlante Veneto - Isolario del P. Coronelli” published 1696-7. Full sheet size: 37.5 x 50.5 cm.

Ref. Zacharakis: 1128/689. Starting Price: 60 €

Lot. 8027 M “Isola di CALAMO nel Arcipel” & “Isola e Forte di

Calamo” on one page plus “Fortezza di LERO” on the back side, three copper engravings (13 X 17 cm. each) on a large sheet extracted from the book “Isolario dellAtlante Veneto ... parte I ... Tomo II dellAtlante Veneto ... Venetia 1696”

by Vincenzo Maria CORONELLI. Sheet size: 36 x 49 cm. Excellent condition. Ref. Zacharakis 1134/695.

Starting Price: 130 €

Lot. 8028 M “Isola di RODI” copper engraved map (12,4 X

16,7 cm.) on a large sheet extracted from the book “Isolario dellAtlante Veneto ... parte I ... Tomo II dellAtlante Veneto ... Venetia 1696” by Vincenzo

Maria CORONELLI. Sheet size: 36 x 49 cm. Excellent condition. Ref. Zacharakis 1137/697.

Starting Price: 100 €

Lot. 8029 M WELLS E. “A New Map of the Western Parts of Asia Minor Largely taken: Shewing their Antient Divisions, Countries or People, Cheife

Cities, Towns, Rivers, Mountains, &c.” 1701-1738 from “A new set of Maps...”. Uncoloured. Double page map of Turkey. Blank on verso. Small split at centre of lower margin. Tears on upper margin. Lightly

browned overall, else in good condition. Map dim. 49.5x36.5cm. Zach.3679.

Starting Price: 100 €

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Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Archive Photographs, Tobacciana, Embroideries & WWI Memorabilia 11

Lot. 8030 M A NEW MAP OF ANTIENT THRACE: As also of the Northern Parts of OLD GREECE, viz. Macedonia, and Thessalia.

Dedicated to His Highness William Duke of Glocester/Sutton Nicholls sculp colour copper engr. map by Wells E., in “A new sett of maps of ancient and Present Geography, 1700-1738”. Decorative and Instructional map of ancient North Greece and

Balkans, Dim.51x38cm. Zacharakis 3676. Very Fine. Starting Price: 200 €

Lot. 8034 M GRAECIAE PARS SEPTENTRIONALIS by G. Delisle, handcoloured copper engraved map from “Atlas Major, R. Ottens,

Amsterdam, 1729”. Image size: 64x46 cm. Without margins, centrefold as published, repaired top-left corner, small warmhore. Starting Price: 90 €

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12 A. Karamitsos # 517

Lot. 8031 M Halma, Franciscus (Francois ): “Descriptio Paradisi et Terrae Canaan, regionumque a

Patriarchis primum habitatarum” copper engraved map of Canaan, Armenia,

Syria, Mesopotamia and Arabia, published 1707. 33.1cm x 20.9cm plus margins. Water stains.

Starting Price: 50 €

Lot. 8032 M Fenelon, Francois de Salignac de LaMothe:

“Carte des voyages de Telemaque, selon Mons. Fenelon / par le Sr. Roussel” map copper engraved by Berey, first appeared in “Les Aventures de Telemaque, Paris, F. Delaulne, 1717, published by the marquis de Fenelon”. 27cm x 15cm plus borders, with some stain spots and a couple of wormholes (one at the top left corner), still a rare map (NOT in Zacharakis).

Starting Price: 40 €

Lot. 8035 M MARE MEDITERRANEUM, juxta Regna.../ Cum Gratia... Juris Franconici Seutter M., large handcoloured copper engr.

map, c.1730. Dim.: 57x50cm presenting in high details the regions bordering Mediterranean Sea. Beautifull title cartouche with Neptune, wind-god & sailors. Restoration along centerfold, small waterstain on lower right side, small chip on upper left corner.

Starting Price: 140 €

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Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Archive Photographs, Tobacciana, Embroideries & WWI Memorabilia 13

Lot. 8033 M “Orbis Romani Pars Orientalis...MDCCLXIV / London printed...ROBERT-SAYER...” DAnville J. B., 1727-1780, 1768, 1769, large coloured copper engr. map, extending from Greece & the Balkans in the West to Iran, centered on Cyprus & Asia Minor.

Map. dim.69x55cm. Very Fine condition. Zach.126. Starting Price: 220 €

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14 A. Karamitsos # 517

Lot. 8036 M BYZONDERE KAART VAN DE LANDEN DAAR APOSTOLE... Covens J. & Mortier P., in “Atlas antiquus, sacer,

ecclesiasticus et profanus” 1735, by Le Clerc. Beautifully coloured copper engr. map, presenting the travel of St. Paul from Rome to Jerusalem. The wide map frame includes Italy, Easter Mediterranean, Greece, Turkey, Middle East & Southern Balkans.

Depiction of mountains & vegetation. Map. dim.47x40cm. Minor tear on lower margin. Very Fine. Starting Price: 210 €

Lot. 8037 M ROBERT DE VAUGONDY, “ASIA MINOR in suas partes seu provincias...1756” 1749-1793, hand coloured copper engr. map

from “Atlas Universel”. Asia Minor, Turkey, Cyprus & South coasts of Black Sea. Map dim. 58x46cm. Self adhesive tape on margin edges on verso, slight foxing otherwise Very Fine. Zach.2919.

Starting Price: 170 €

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Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Archive Photographs, Tobacciana, Embroideries & WWI Memorabilia 15

Lot. 8038 M TIRION Isaak. “Niuwe Kaart van het TURKSCHE RYK...”,

c.1750. Attractive copper engraved map of the Ottoman Empire in Europe & Asia. Dim.36x30cm. Light foxing & tiny tears

along white margins. Starting Price: 70 €

Lot. 8039 M Comte Marie Gabriel Florent Auguste de Choiseul-Gouffier: “Vue De La Ville Et De LIle De Syra. A.P.D.R. Pl.30” copper

engraved print depicting the town on the island of Syros, Greece, from “Voyage Pittoresque De La Grece...”, Paris, 1782.

Size: Sheet 51.7 x 32.9 cm., Plate 34.5 x 21.5 cm. VF & Rare. Starting Price: 80 €

Lot. 8043 M Dacia et Moesia, Thracia, Macedonia. Auctore C.F. Delamarche G.o,

Anno 1790. hand coloured copper engraved map by C.F. Delamarche, Romanian edition. Map size: 28x23cm. Folio size: 46x33 cm. Excellent

condition. Not in Zacharakis. Starting Price: 40 €

Lot. 8042 M “Carte Du Peloponese / Grave par P.F.Tardieu” hand

coloured copper engraved map by P. F. TARDIEU, 1785, 1797. Highly detailed map of Peloponnese. Map size:

44x33cm. Folio size: 54x43 cm. Excellent condition. Zach. 3461. This map comes from the first edition of the Atlas

Universel de Geographie Physique et Politique, Ancienne et Moderne..., by Edme Mentelle and Pierre Gregoire Chanlaire

published in Paris during the French Revolution in 1797. Starting Price: 60 €

Lot. 8041 M MORNAS C. BUY “Suite de LHistoire DAthenes Depuis

lan 3515 jusqu a lan 3525” from “Atlas Historique et Geographique”, 1783. Hand coloured copper plate map of

Greece, Balkans & Turkey, dim.55x39cm. Decorative garland. Very Fine condition. Zach. 2377.

Starting Price: 65 €

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16 A. Karamitsos # 517

Lot. 8040 M “La Grecia ; divisa nelle sue provincie ; di nuova projezione

; Venezia 1781 ; Presso Antonio Zatta ; con privilegio dell eccmo senato ; G. Zuliani inc. ; G. Pitteri scr”

copper engraved map, in contemporary original color in outline. Published in Zattas Atlante Novissimo, 1775-85. Decorative map of Greece with its neighboring countries

by the famous Italian cartographer A. Zatta. Map size: 32.5x41.5 cm. Excellent condition. Zach. 3730/2400.

Starting Price: 120 €

Lot. 8046 M “ASIA MINOR et SYRIA. London: Published by C.SMITH

Mapseller No.172 Strand June 20.1809. (Plate 15)” from “Smiths New General Atlas Containing Distinct Maps Of all the Principal Empires, Kingdoms, & States Throughout the World...”. Copper engraved map with outline colour printed on quality paper which retains its inherent structural flexibility and soundness. Size: 56 x

35 cm. map area only. Original fold line as issued. Good condition. Starting Price: 45 €

Lot. 8045 M Carte De La Grece. Dressee sur un grand... Sept. 1707/Ph.Buache...Avec Privilege du 30 Av.1745 detailed copper engr. map

by Delisle G., including Greece, Turkey, Cyprus, part of Italy & Balkans. Map dim. 65x45cm. Printed on heavy paper, tears on upper & lower margins, slight age toning.

Starting Price: 140 €

For additional and more detailed images, visit the online auction catalogue at:

www.karamitsos.com ”“

Page 25: A.Karamitsos Public Auction 517

Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Archive Photographs, Tobacciana, Embroideries & WWI Memorabilia 17

Lot. 8047 M THOMSON J. “TURKEY in ASIA” 1817, engr. by Dessauville W. Hand coloured copper engr. map of

the Ottoman Empire in Asia, the map frame extending from Asia Minor to Iran & from Black Sea to Egypt.

Including Cyprus & Middle East. Map dim.: 51x39cm. In Excellent condition. Starting Price: 80 €

Lot. 8049 M Tableau de la Retraite des Dix Mille by F.Delamarche, published in “Atlas de la Geographie Ancienne et moderne...”, 1828 (map dated 1827). Copper engraved antique map with centrefold as published.

Very good condition. Size 42 x 30 cm. plus good margins. Starting Price: 50 €


Regionum, quae ei quondam fuere christiani...Maximaequ Partis DANUBII FLUMINIS, novissima delineatio per Justinum Danckerum / Amstelodami cum Privilegio ordinum Holl: et Westfrisiae / D. Danckerts sculp.” copper engraved

map from “Atlas...” published c. 1790. Size: 59 x 50 cm. + borders. Edge trimming and center fold carefully repaired, o/w VF & Rare. Ref. Zacharakis: 1279/867.

Starting Price: 130 €

Lot. 8048 M “Carte Generale de la TURQUIE

DASIE...1824” Vivien L., from “Atlas universel...”, Desenne & Menard, Paris. Map of Turkey & Middle East, showing

regional div. towns & topographical aspects, with relief shown pictorially.

Map. dim. 29x46.5cm. Very Fine. Starting Price: 50 €

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18 A. Karamitsos # 517

Lot. 8050 M Athens.(with) Acropolis of Athens. Published under the

superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Drawn by W.B. Clarke, Archt. Engraved by J.

Henshall. Published by Baldwin & Cradock, 47 Paternoster Row, Novr. 1, 1832. Nice steel engraved plan centered on the Acropolis.

Size: 39.7 x 34.1 cm. Age toned with foxing at faulty corners. Starting Price: 20 €

Lot. 8051 M Asia Minor, Gulf of Kos / YEDI ATALA / by Commander Saumarez Brock, H.M.S.

Magpie, 1838 27.5 x 28.5 cm. steel engraved map on thick paper, engraved by J. & C. Walker, “published...at the Hydrographic Office of the

Admiralty Jan. 1st 1844”. VF. Starting Price: 40 €

Lot. 8052 M RAPKIN J. “ASIA MINOR” c.1856 (Tallis J. London) Original outline colour. Double page steel engraved map concentrating on

what is now modern Turkey. Three vignette illustrations including one of Rhodes.

Decorative scrolling and title cartouche around the edges of the image. Stamp of Barrow Public Library on verso. Map dim.

24.5 x 32.5cm. Very good condition. Starting Price: 50 €

Lot. 8053 M Greece Chiefly According To The English

Admiralty Surveys & Keipert. Drawn by Augustus Petermann. F.R.G.S. Engraved by G.H. Swanston.

(with) The Northern Ionian Islands. L. A. Fullarton & Co. Edinburgh, London & Dublin.

published 1872, from “The Royal Illustrated Atlas, Of Modern Geography...”. Double page map with original outline colour. Size: 40.9 x 53.7 cm. map area only. Binders tape on reverse side to keep the

map sturdy and intact. Starting Price: 60 €

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Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Archive Photographs, Tobacciana, Embroideries & WWI Memorabilia 19

Lot. 8054 M “Turkish Empire (with) 1. Continuation of Map Part

of Upper Egypt 2. Enlarged Plan of the Strait of Dardanelles 3. Enlarged Plan of the Bosporus. LI. A. Fullarton & Co. Edinburgh, London & Dublin”,

1872. Detailed map with original colour, produced to accompany Archibald Fullartons “Royal Illustrated Atlas”. Measures 410 x 520 mm (engraving) plus

large margins. Centrefold as issued. VF. Starting Price: 40 €

Lot. 8055 M Greece Chiefly According To The English

Admiralty Surveys & Keipert. Drawn by Augustus Petermann. F.R.G.S. Engraved by G.H. Swanston.

(with) The Northern Ionian Islands. L. A. Fullarton & Co. Edinburgh, London & Dublin.

published 1872, from “The Royal Illustrated Atlas, Of Modern Geography...”. Double page map

with original outline colour. Size: 40.9 x 53.7 cm. map area only. Some humidity brown colouring at

bottom and few stain spots. Starting Price: 40 €

Lot. 8059 M CYPRUS, c.1900. Turkish lithographic map with title & placenames in ottoman language. Dim.24.5x19cm.

Folded as issued. Starting Price: 60 €

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20 A. Karamitsos # 517


συνταχθείς μεν υπό Ε. ΚΙΠΕΡΤ εκδοθείς δε υπό του εν Αθήναις ΣΥΛΛΟΓΟΥ ΠΡΟΣ ΔΙΑΔΟΣΙΝ ΤΩΝ

ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΩΝ ΓΡΑΜΜΑΤΩΝ / Δαπάνη... Στέφανου Ζαφειρόπουλου... Κλίμαξ 1-4.000.000, ΕΝ ΛΕΙΨΙΑ

1891 / Έκδοσις ΤΕΤΑΡΤΗ παρά Ι. Δ. ΝΕΡΑΝΤΖΗ”. Impressive dim.160x120cm map of Europe in greek.

Faults, tears & chipped parts. Starting Price: 250 €

Lot. 8056 M KIEPRRT Heinrich, “ΔΥΤΙΚΟΝ ΗΜΙΣΦΑΙΡΙΟΝ / Πίναξ των δύο της γης ημισφαιρίων συνταχθείς μεν

υπό Ε. ΚΙΠΕΡΤ εκδοθείς δε υπό του εν Αθήναις ΣΥΛΛΟΓΟΥ ΠΡΟΣ ΔΙΑΔΟΣΙΝ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΩΝ ΓΡΑΜΜΑΤΩΝ / Δαπάνη... Στέφανου Ζαφειρόπουλου...

ΕΝ ΛΕΙΨΙΑ 1891 / Έκδοσις ΤΕΤΑΡΤΗ παρά Ι. Δ. ΝΕΡΑΝΤΖΗ”. Impressive dim.120x120cm map of the

western hemisphere in greek. Faults, tears & chipped parts. Starting Price: 250 €


/ Πίναξ των δύο της γης ημισφαιρίων συνταχθείς μεν υπό Ε. ΚΙΠΕΡΤ εκδοθείς δε υπό του εν Αθήναις


ΕΝ ΛΕΙΨΙΑ 1891 / Έκδοσις ΤΕΤΑΡΤΗ παρά Ι. Δ. ΝΕΡΑΝΤΖΗ”. Impressive dim.120x120cm map of the

western hemisphere in greek. Faults, tears & chipped parts. Starting Price: 250 €

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Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Archive Photographs, Tobacciana, Embroideries & WWI Memorabilia 21

Lot. 8062 M Rhodes - Twenty one (21) British Military Maps 1943 (revised). Highly detailed maps 1:25000 scale covering the total area of Rhodes island. Extensive record of

road-paths network, relief & hydrology refering also to wells & springs. The maps were reproduced on 1941

based on an Italian map dated 1935, and were Reprinted by 19th Field Survey Dec. 1943. RARE collection.

Starting Price: 300 €

Lot. 8060 M “Χάρτης της νήσου ΚΑΣΟΥ”, chromolithographed map of the island

Kassos (75x58cm.), a reproduction (probably from the 1970s) of the map included in the book “ΕΠΙΤΟΜΟΣ ΠΕΡΙΓΡΑΦΗ ΤΗΣ ΝΗΣΟΥ ΚΑΣΟΥ και η περί αυτής επιστολή του Γάλλου περιηγητού

Σαβαρη, σ. 72, Έκδοση Αλεξάνδρεια, τυπογρ. Ι. Κ. Λαγουδάκη, 1894”. Starting Price: 60 € Lot. 8061 M

“ΑΘΗΝΑΙ - Σχέδιον πόλεως Αθηνών” Γ. Η. ΜΠΙΡΗΣ, εκδ. Ελευθερουδάκης, 1930. Λεπτομερές

σχέδιο πόλης της δεκαετίας του 30, σε μεγάλη κλίμακα 1:10.000, διαστ. 68x100cm! Αποτελείται από 16

επιμέρους τμήματα με πάνινη ράχη. Αναδιπλούμενος με σκληρά εξώφυλα (φθορές), χάρτης σε εξαιρετική

κατάσταση. Starting Price: 120 €

Lot. 8063 M I. Rodos very detailed colour lithographed map printed in Athens (1949), 27x36cm. On verso, small map of the town and port of Rhodes

(Scale 1:20000). VF, folded in 4 parts - as issued. Starting Price: 5 €

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22 A. Karamitsos # 517


Lot. 8064 B “Militaris Ordinis Iohannitarum, Rhodiorum... Historia”, PANTALEON Heinrich, printed in 1581, Basel [Thomas Guarinus].

Folio (20x32cm), 387pp + 11pp Index + 5pp. Woodcut printers device on title, woodcut illustrations including views of Jerusalem, Tyre & Damascus, Maps of Cyprus, Greece, Holy Land, Balkans & Nile delta, Plans of Constantinople, Venice & other cities. The maps are from the woodblocks by Munster. Contemporary decorative stamped boards somewhat rubbed, raised bands gilt spine, marbledΒ edges & end papers, , joint slightly loose only on edges, spine head & tail slightly chipped,

waterstain mainly on bottom white border part of pages, 30 pages with small wormholes on lower right page corner margins. Zacharakis 2547, 2548. All woodcuts in Very Fine condition. Rare item.

Starting Price: 1100 €


ΑΠΑΝΤΑ. Ex Officina Commeliniana, cum Gratia & Privilegio 1600, 1601. Σε δύο τόμους δεμένους μαζί. Ο δεύτερος τόμος κυκλοφόρησε πρίν από τον πρώτο. Πρώτη έκδοση Hoffman. Editio Princeps. 2ο, σ.858+1χ.α.+1λ.+643+120+102 χ.α. index.

Περγαμηνή. Δερματόδετο εποχής, με μερικές φθορές. Λείπει η πρώτη σελίδα του πρώτου τόμου. Κείμενα στα ελληνικά και λατινικά. Vol.1 - B. Athanasii archiepiscopi Alexandrini Opera quae reperiuntur omnia, in duos tomos tributa. Graece nunc primum

(ex mss. Codd. Basil. Cantabrig. Palatt. & aliis) in lucem data, cum interpretatione Latina Petri Nannii Alcmariani, & aliorum vbi illa desiderabatur. Accesserunt fragmenta varia: notae variarum lectionum: index triplex.

Vol.2 - Operum sancti patris nostri Athanasii archiepiscopi Alexandrini. Tomus secundus. Continens ea, quae a diuersis interpretibus ex Graeco in Latinum sermonem conuersa sunt ... Subiecta ad finem veterum de Athanasio Elogia, Fragmenta

operum amissorum ... Additus Index novus, copiosus, triplex ex Officina Commeliana, 1600, cum gratia & Privilegio. Vol.3 - Ad opera s. patris nostri Athanasij archiepiscopi alexandrini appendix : in qua elogia Athanasio a veteribus tributa,

fragmenta et tituli operum amissorum, extantium etiam lectiones variae copiosissimae: insertis non raro obseruationibus & emendationibus: collecta omnia opera et studio P. F. C. Missing First page from first volume. 20 x 34 cm. Leatherbound.

Some wearing on outside and in some pages. Heidelberg, 1600-1601.’ Starting Price: 700 €

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Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Archive Photographs, Tobacciana, Embroideries & WWI Memorabilia 23

Lot. 8066 B Ισοκράτους λόγοι και επιστολαί =

Isocratis Orationes et epistolae : cum Latina interpretatione Hieronymi Wolfii. Editio postrema, recognita, & a mendis

purgata. Parisiis : Apud Ioannem Libert ..., 1621.716+52 (=768) pages.

12x18cm. Leatherbound, with titles and fillets in gold and embossed decorations at the back. Three corners trimmed and

some stained pages, spine problems on both edges but, still, in very good

condition. Text in greek & latin Starting Price: 170 €

Lot. 8067 B Johannis Angelii Werdenhagen (ed.).

Theophrasti Eresi. Chracteres Ethici, Sive Morum descriptiones. Graece & Latine. Cum Notis & Monitis Ioannis Angelii

Werdenhagen. Lvgdvni Batavorvm [Leiden], Iohannis Maire, MDCXXXII [1632]. 3 parts

in 1 volume. Greek text printed in Greek, followed by the Latin translation by the

Calvinist theologian I. Casaubon. The 3rd part is the commentary of Johann Angelius von Werdenhagen. [71pp; 98pp; 237pp, 2pp errata + 2pp]. 16mo, appr., in original vellum over paper boards, red-stained page edges.

Good condition; covers darkened and worn from use. 2cm. tearing to front endpaper, with previous owner s name, otherwise clean. Engraved vignette to title page.

Starting Price: 110 €


De Fontanilles, Paris, 1749, 12mo, pp.199. Period leather binding,

raised-gilted bands, rubbed covers, edgeworn, Ex-libris “Comte Rochat

de la Vallee”, faults on title page. Starting Price: 65 €

Lot. 8073 B Ιπποκράτους Αφορισμοί = Hippocratis Aphorismi ad fidem veterum monimentorum castigati, latine

versi, a J.B. Lefebvre de Villebrune. Constantinopoli, prostat Parisiis, apud Clousier / [apud] Segaud, 1779. Hardcover, with leather binding with decoration to spine. Some rubbing to corners, binding tight and

solid. Frontispiece engr. of Hippocrates, des. by J.B. Bradel. With greek text translated into latin, with double, relative pagination. xx+371 pages, 12o.

Starting Price: 100 €



ΠΕΝΤΑΤΕΥΧΟΥ ΒΙΒΛΟΥ, Επιστάσεις Ψυχωφελείς

τε κ Σωτηριώδεις Υπό του ΑΡΧΙΕΠΙΣΚΟΠΟΥ ΕΥΓΕΝΙΟΥ ΤΟΥ ΒΟΥΛΓΑΡΕΩΣ. ΤΟΜΟΣ ΠΡΩΤΟΣ... Εκδοθείσα Φιλοτίμω

Δαπάνη... ΖΩΣΙΜΑΔΩΝ. Επιστασία του Αρχιμανδρίτου

ΑΝΘΙΜΟΥ ΓΑΖΗ, 1801. Δέσιμο εποχής. 13x20εκ.σελ.493+10

“ΠΡΟΘΕΣΙΣ”+16 “Επιστολή χαριστήριος και προσφωνητήριος”. Ελαφρά χαλαρωμένη ράχη, μικρές

τσακίσεις στις γωνίες λίγων σελ. Γενικά καλή κατάσταση.

Starting Price: 50 €

Lot. 8072 B “LILIADE Traduction Nouvelle

Tome Premier” 1776, publ. Barbou, Moutard, Ruault, Paris. 260pp + 56pp of text in ancient

Greek translated in French. One full page engraving entitled

“Briseis enlevee de la tente dAchille”. Leather period boards, gilt title, boards & edges. Rubbed & bumped, faults between cover & hinge, waterstain throughout pages left margin not toutching

text. Dim. 14x23cm. Starting Price: 40 €

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24 A. Karamitsos # 517


Gregorae Byzantina historia, Tomus primus, Libri XI. ab Hier. Wolfio

jampridem latini facti, & in lucem editi; iidem nunc auctiores & castigatiores quam antea. Tomus secundus. Libri

XIII. nuc primum e codd. mss. eruti, & typis mandati, Ex his libros fere

XI latine.... Venetiis, ex Typographia Bartholomaei Javarina, 1729. Hard-bound, 750pp. total, text Greek &

Latin, with 3 whole-page engravings. Starting Price: 350 €

Lot. 8068 B CORONELLI Vincenzo Maria, “Isola di Rodi, Geografica-Storica, Antica, e

Moderna...”. First edition, Venice 1688. pp.430 + pp.32 printed appentix. 19 engravings including 3 full page & 4 double page folded engr., 8 double page folded maps & 4 double page folded landscape & city plans. 6 blanco strips on title page & first page, small wormholes on lower corner of title page, tear on one engr. not affecting engr.

area. Re-backed Leather boards, handwritten title book on backstrip. Otherwise, Very Fine paper & engr. quality. Dim. 12x19cm. RARE item.

Starting Price: 500 €

Lot. 8070 B Bruyn Cornelis De, “Voyages de Corneille Le Bruyn au Levant, Cest-a-dire, dans les Principaux endroits de LASIE MINEURE,

Dans les Isles de CHIO, RHODES, CHYPRE, &c. De meme... DEGYPTE, SYRIE & TERRE SAINTE...” P. Gosse & J. Neaulme, La Haye, 1732. Complete, 5 vol. with 91 exceptional copper engr. plates (17 folded with 6 folded maps). Half leather

boards slightly rubbed, raised bands, gilt title. Two small tears on Frontis repaired. Small chips on hinge upper part of vols I & II. Book size 19x24cm. Superb panoramas of cities, landscapes, costumes, natural history, monuments etc. Rare book in

Excellent condition. Starting Price: 2200 €

For additional and more detailed images, visit the online auction catalogue at:

www.karamitsos.com ”“

Page 33: A.Karamitsos Public Auction 517

Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Archive Photographs, Tobacciana, Embroideries & WWI Memorabilia 25

Lot. 8075 B Travels in Greece, Palestine, Egypt and Barbary,

During the years 1806 and 1807 by F.A. De Chateaubriand, translated by F. Shoberl, New

York, Van Winkle & Wiley 1814. 471pp. + 46pp. 13x21cm. Folded map 44x38cm depicting

Cyprus, Asia Minor & Middle East coastal regions. 3 copper & 4 wood engravings. 3 pages

with small & 1 page with large tear. Slightly chipped page corners. Contemporary half leather-

marble boards, raised bands & gilt title. VF Starting Price: 80 €

Lot. 8076 B Barthelemy J. J. & Barbie du Bocage, “Maps, Plans, Views, and Coins Illustrative of the Travels of Anacharsis the Younger in Greece...”, fifth edition, London 1817. Quatro, pp.103 (+3). Illustrated with 39

ENGRAVED PLATES AND MAPS (some hand-coloured). Includes a critical analysis by the cartographer Barbie du Bocage. Front board

detached, few pages glued with self adhessive tape. Text & plates FINE. Starting Price: 70 €

Lot. 8077 B Joachim Heinrich Jack. “Taschen-Bibliothek der wichtigsten und

interessantesten Reisen durch Griechenland. Mit Landkarten, Planen, Portraits und anderen Abbildungen...” Gratz, 1831. 3 parts in 3 bands, bound in 1 volume. 112+124+128 pages, plus a folded engraved map

of Greece and 2 engr: “Temple of Jupiter in Athens” and folded “Ansichten zu Thessalonich”. Hard leather-bound, very fine condition.

Starting Price: 50 €


“Ταμείον Ανθολογίας Περιέχον άπασαν την Εκκλησιαστικήν,

ενιαύσιον ακολουθίαν Εσπερινού, Όρθρου, Λειτουργίας, Μεγάλης Τεσσαροκοστής... νυν δεύτερον

εκδοθείσαν εις τύπον, μετά προσθήκης πολλών ετέρων...Τόμος Πρώτος, ΕΝ


Γαλατάν 1834”. 4ο, 393 σελ. Λεκέδες από νερό και φθορές από έντομο.

Starting Price: 50 €




1835, 19.5x12cm, σελ.386, δερματόδετο. Περιλαμβάνει “Εγκώμιον εις τον ηγεμόνα”,”Βίβλος

Ζωής”,”Θολυριος εις την Εκστρατείαν του Α.Υψηλάντου”,”Λόγος... προς τον περιβόητον

Βεζύρην Αλή-Πασάν” κ.α. Μουτζούρες στην πρώτη σελ. και κάποιες σημειώσεις με μολύβι στο κείμενο.

Starting Price: 70 €

Page 34: A.Karamitsos Public Auction 517

26 A. Karamitsos # 517

Lot. 8080 B La Terre-Sainte et les Lieux Illustres par les Apotres Vues Pittoresques,

A. Egron, First edition: Paris Audot 1837. 248pp 17x25cm. With 48 steel engraved plates (including frontpiece). Original binding,

decorative leather backstrip, gilt title, marble boards quite rubbed.

Paper somewhat soiled and stained. Highly illustrated book.

Starting Price: 80 €

Lot. 8082 B ΘΕΟΚΡΙΤΟΣ.



1839, 11x19cm, σσ.307, βιβλιοδ. εποχής, ράχη με

φθορές αλλά χωρίς σπασίματα. Γενικά σε καλή κατάσταση.

Starting Price: 50 €

Lot. 8083 B “Correspondance DOrient (1830-

1831)” Michaud M. & Poujoulat M., 1841, Brussels. Complete set of 8

volumes (2032 pages) in 3 volumes. Large folding engraved map, and small map of the Ionian Republic (Vol.I, pp.52). Gilt title on spine, marble boards, slight rubed spine and rounded board corners, gilt. Interior in Very Fine condition.

Starting Price: 230 €

Lot. 8081 B The Works of Lord Byron. Complete in one Volume,

Murray, London, 1837. Frontpiece & engr. title. pp.827. 8vo. Full leather with decorative raised bands & decorative gilt edges. Rubbing, bumped corners &

some wear on boards. Starting Price: 60 €

Lot. 8084 B LABBE L., “Voyage en ORIENT”, Limoges, Chez Barbou Freres, 1843. 12mo, pp287. Illustrated title page with view of Athens & 3 full-page engravings of Rhodes, Bosphorus & Constantinople. Leather

binding, decorative gilt on spine. Fine. Starting Price: 65 €

Lot. 8087 B “Les Auteurs grecs expliques dapres une methode nouvelle

par deux traductions francaises... 1. SOPHOCLE / ELECTRE, Paris, Librairie

de L. Hachette, 1845, 2. SOPHOCLE / OEDIPE ROI,...,1854”. Two works

bound in one leatherbound volume. 222+186 pages. 11x17cm. With title &

fillets in gold & embossed decorations on the spine. Front pages lightl water-stained. Text in greek &

french. Very good condition overall.

Starting Price: 40 €

Page 35: A.Karamitsos Public Auction 517

Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Archive Photographs, Tobacciana, Embroideries & WWI Memorabilia 27

Lot. 8085 B “Turquie. LUnivers. Histoire et description de tous les peuples.

Europe” Jouannin Jh., Jules Van Gaver, Paris, 1843, in 8-vo. pp.464 with 2 double page maps & 79 engravings (1 double page). Leather backstrip, raised bands, gilt title. Some foxing mostly on

first 40 pp. Starting Price: 100 €

Lot. 8086 B “Les Auteurs grecs expliques dapres une methode nouvelle par deux traductions

francaises... 1. EURIPIDE / ELECTRE, Paris, Librairie de L. Hachette, 1845, 2. EURIPIDE / IPHIGENIE EN AULIDE,...,1849, 3. EURIPIDE /

HIPPOLYTE,...,1848”. 3 works bound in one leatherbound volume. 210+258+258 pages. 11x17cm. Title & fillets in gold &

embossed decorations on the spine. Text in greek & french. Very good condition overall.

Starting Price: 40 €

Lot. 8088 B Ερμηνεία του ελληνικού εμπορικού

δικαίου / υπό Γ. Α. Ράλλη / τακτικού Καθηγητού του εμπορικού δικαίου εν τω Πανεπιστημίω Όθωνος / Τόμος Πρώτος / Εν Αθήναις, Εκ της Τυπογραφίας Γ. Χαρτοφύλακος, 1848. 16+438+2+12+11 (=479)

pages. 13x20cm. Hardbound, corners & edges of spine rubbed, some water stains on the first few

(introduction) and last (index) pages. Starting Price: 25 €


της ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗΣ ΓΛΩΣΣΗΣ, Συνταχθείσα μεν Υπό Γ.


Αθήναις, εκ της τυπογραφίας Ανδρέου Κορομηλά, 1857”. Hardbound, 304 pages, 14 x 21.5 cm., text in greek.

Poor condition. Starting Price: 15 €

Lot. 8090 B ANDRE PAPADOPOULO VRETOS: “Biographie de lArcheveque EUGENE BULGARI redigee sur des documents

authentiques, suivie dun ouvrage en latin du meme auteur, par Andre Papadopoulo Vretos. Athenes, de lImprimerie de P.A. Sakellarios, Libraire - Imprimeur. 1860”. Hardbound, 48 pages, 14.5 x 22 cm., text in french. Light stains, small part missing

from first page. Starting Price: 45 €



ΕΠΟΣ, Α. Αντωνιάδης, Αθήνα 1868 Εκ του τυπογραφίου Κ. Αντωνιάδου. Δερμάτινη ράχη, λείπει κάτω τμήμα ράχης. Διαστ. 14χ29εκ. σελ.372 + 4

+ 2 (ΣΗΜΕΙΩΣΙΣ Α & Β). Starting Price: 65 €

Page 36: A.Karamitsos Public Auction 517

28 A. Karamitsos # 517

Lot. 8091 B ENAULT Louis “La MEDITERRANEE ses Iles et ses Bords”, Morizot, 1863 (FIRST edition). Title vignete and twenty two

(22) steel engraving plates (4 of them hand-coloured). Half calf, raised gilt bands & title on spine, all edges gilt. Foxing on page edges, slightly rubbed & bumped. RARE.

Starting Price: 250 €

Lot. 8093 B ΡΑΦΤΑΝΗ Χ. Σέργιου: “ΤΟΚΟΛΟΓΙΟΝ ήτοι

Τοκοφόροι Πίνακες απασών των ημερών του Εμπορικού Έτους...υπό

ΣΕΡΓΙΟΥ Χ. ΡΑΦΤΑΝΗ, Ηπειρώτου...Έκδοσις

δευτέρα, επιδιορθωθείσα και πλουτισθείσα. Εν Ζακύνθω,

εκ του τυπογραφείου Ο ΠΑΡΝΑΣΣΟΣ, Σεργίου

Χ. Ραφτάνη, 1869”. Hardbound, 408+24+6

pages, 15 x 23 cm., text in greek. Very good condition.

Starting Price: 30 €

Lot. 8094 B Α.Ι.Ρ...: “Σκέψεις περί

ΚΑΤΑΔΙΩΞΕΩΣ ΤΗΣ ΛΗΣΤΕΙΑΣ, υπό Α.Ι.Ρ..., Εν Αθήναις, εκ του Τυπογραφείου

Ερμού, 1870.”. Paperback booklet, 30 pages, 14.5 x 20 cm., text in greek, loose leaves & front

cover, binding faults but rare. Starting Price: 25 €

Lot. 8095 B ΓΟΥΔΑ Ν. Αναστασίου:

“ΒΙΟΙ ΠΑΡΑΛΛΗΛΟΙ των επί της Αναγεννήσεως της

Ελλάδος διαπρεψάντων ανδρών, υπό Αναστασίου Ν. Γούδα.

Αθήναι, εκ του τυπογραφείου Χ.Ν. Φιλαδελφέως, 1871”.

Hardbound, 390 pages, 13 x 20 cm., text in greek, front page repaired. Included the lives & images of: George Sinas, Vernardakis, George

Hadji-Costas, Dionysios Romas, Michael Tositsas &

brothers, Kyriakos Koumbaris, Coundouriotes, Botasaioi, Anargyraioi & Toumbazai.

Starting Price: 60 €

Lot. 8096 B ΣΠΑΘΑΚΗ Κ.

Αριστείδου: “Εγχειρίδιον ΠΑΙΔΑΓΩΓΙΚΗΣ προς

χρήσιν των επιτετραμμένων την των παίδων αγωγήν, υπό

Αριστείδου Κ. Σπαθάκη, Διδάκτορος της Φιλοσοφίας και καθηγητού της τε Ριζαρείου και Αρσακείου Σχολής. Αθήνηση,

τύποις Χ.Ν. Φιλαδελφέως, 1875”. Hardbound, 136 pages,

13 x 20.5 cm., text in greek. Very good condition. Starting Price: 30 €

Page 37: A.Karamitsos Public Auction 517

Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Archive Photographs, Tobacciana, Embroideries & WWI Memorabilia 29

Lot. 8097 B ΧΡΙΣΤΟΔΟΥΛΟΥ Λουκά:


ΛΟΥΚΑ ΧΡΙΣΤΟΔΟΥΛΟΥ...εκδοθέν δε το δεύτερον δαπάνη και επιμελεία ΠΕΡΙΚΛΕΟΥΣ ΙΑΣΕΜΙΔΟΥ..., εν Αθήναισ, εκ του τυπογραφείου

των Αδελφών Βαρβαρρήγου, 1875”. Hardbound, 250 pages, 13 x 20 cm.,

text in greek. Starting Price: 15 €

Lot. 8098 B ΣΤΑΘΑΚΗ Γ. Ευσταθίου: “Μεγάλη ΓΡΑΜΜΑΤΙΚΗ της ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗΣ ΓΛΩΣΣΗΣ υπό του Διδακτ. Ραφαήλ Κύννερου. Έκδοσις δευτέρα, εντελώς διασκευασθείσα. Εκδίδοται νυν εκ του

Γερμανικού μεταγλωττισθείσα υπό ΕΥΣΤΑΘΙΟΥ Γ. ΣΤΑΘΑΚΗ. Μέρος

Δεύτερον, Τμήμα Πρώτον. Εν Αθήναις, εκ του τυπογραφείου Π.Δ.Σακελλαρίου, 1879”. Hardbound, 692+12 pages, 14.5 x 21.5 cm.,

text in greek. Very good, solid condition, leather binding with wears.

Starting Price: 15 €

Lot. 8099 B “LATHOS: Notes dune excursion a la presquile et la montagne des moines / par labbe Alexandre-Stanislas Neyrat ___ ; ouvrage

enrichi de dix heliogravures et de deux fac-simile. Paris; E. Plon et Cie, Imprimeurs-Editeurs, 1880”. Softbound, 12o. 11.5x19cm., 248 pages, 10 plates with illustrations (heliogravures), 2 facsimiles (one folded). Stain spots throughout

and binding problems. Starting Price: 75 €

Lot. 8100 B BRASSEY Mrs (Annie Allnutt),

“Sunshine and Storm in the East, or Cruises to Cyprus and Constantinople”, Longmans, Green and Co, London, 1880. First Edition. 23 cm. xx, 448 p. engr. frontispiece, title vignette.

Over 100 wood engr. in text, 9 full-page & 2 folding maps.

Pictorial cloth gilt (des. by Gustave Dore). Light wear on covers &

spine, occasional spotting. Starting Price: 50 €

Lot. 8101 B MOORE Thomas,

“Byrons Life, Letters, and Journals. In One Volume / The Life Letters and

Journals of Lord Byron”, John Murray, London

1901. pp.735. Frontpiece & numerous plates. Spine

edge-wear, otherwise Fine copy.

Starting Price: 35 €


(Βουλευτού - Δημοσιολόγου, Ιδρυτού της Παντείου Σχολής Πολιτικών Επιστημών):

“Ελληνικά πολιτεύματα γενόμενα από του 1821 μέχρι του 1864 / υπό Γεωργίου Σ. Φραγκούδη

- εν Αθήναις: εκ του τυπογραφείου Ανέστη Κωνσταντινίδου, 1887”. Paperback, 12.5 x 18.5 cm., 176 pages, text in greek, ex-libris


Starting Price: 50 €

Page 38: A.Karamitsos Public Auction 517

30 A. Karamitsos # 517

Lot. 8102 B H. SCHLIEMANN. Tiryns: The Prehistoric Palace of the Kings of Tiryns. London: John Murray, 1886. 8vo (250 x 185mm). Folding lithographic frontispiece, 2 folding maps, 27 numbered plates at end, including 24 chromolithographs, many double-page or folding, wood-engraved illustrations. (Some spotting.) Original blue cloth gilt, top edge gilt. Bumped corners, wear on

spine edges. FIRST EDITION. Starting Price: 140 €

Lot. 8106 B MURRAY A.S. & HUTTON C. A. “Greek Bronzes / Greek Terracotta Statuettes”, London 1899. 4to, hard cover. Part I.

Greek Bronzes, 104 pp. with 40 illustrations with 2 plates and color frontis; Part II. Greek Terracotta Statuettes, xvi+75+(32), with 8 color plates and 36c monochrome illustrations. Gilded

title with decorations. Fine copy. Starting Price: 50 €




ΝΟΜΩΝ Διαταγμάτων και Εγκυκλίων, Εν

Αθήναις, εκ του Εθνικού Τυπογραφείου και

Λιθογραφείου, 1892”. Hardbound (spine broken on top), 426 pages, 14.5 x

22.5 cm., text in greek. Starting Price: 55 €

Lot. 8105 B ΤΣΑΚΩΝΑ Σπ. Εμμ.: “Θαλασσία

ΔΙΩΡΥΞ ΚΟΡΙΝΘΟΥ / Ιστορική άποψις από των

αρχαιοτάτων χρόνων μέχρι των καθημάς / Διεθνής Γαλλική

Εταιρία Κατασκευής / Ελληνική Εταιρία Αποπερατώσεως και εκμεταλλεύσεως / Χρήσιμοι

οδηγίαι δια τους ναυτιλομένους, μετά σχεδιαγραμμάτων και του

νέου κανονισμού της ναυσιπλοίας. Εν Αθήναις, Τυπογραφείον Παρασκευά Λεωνη, 1896”.

Hardbound, 80 pages, 15 x 22 cm., text in greek, incl. large colour

plan of the Isthmus of Corinth. Starting Price: 60 €

Page 39: A.Karamitsos Public Auction 517

Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Archive Photographs, Tobacciana, Embroideries & WWI Memorabilia 31


ΑΛΒΑΝΩΦ Βασιλείου: “ΟΡΓΑΝΙΣΜΟΣ της εν Αθήναις Εταιρείας


Αθήναις, εκ του τυπογραφείου των καταστημάτων Ανέστη

Κωνσταντινίδου, 1900”. Softbound booklet, 56 pages,

14 x 20cm., text in greek. Starting Price: 15 €

Lot. 8108 B ΜΟΥΡΙΚΗ Γεωργίου: “Ερμηνεία των Νόμων


ΛΗΣΤΕΙΑΣ, υπό Γεωργίου Μουρίκη, Δικηγόρου εν Πάτραις. Εν Πάτραις, Τύποις Ηρακλέους Π.

Ευμορφόπουλου, 1902”. Paperback booklet, 16 pages, 14.5 x 21.5 cm., text in greek, minor faults on cover. Scarce.

Starting Price: 15 €

Lot. 8110 B “ΜΟΥΣΙΚΗ ΣΥΛΛΟΓΗ Αποτελούμενη εκ Τριών

Τόμων. ΤΟΜΟΣ Α Περιέχων Άπαντα τα Μαθήματα του Εσπερινού...ΤΟΜΟΣ Β Περιέχων άπαντα τα μαθήματα του Όρθρου Εκδίδοται νυν το πρώτον υπό ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΥ ΠΡΩΓΑΚΗ Μουσικοδιδασκάλου της εν ΧΑΛΚΗΣ Ι. ΘΕΟΛ. ΣΧΟΛΗΣ, ΕΝ ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝΟΥΠΟΛΕΙ

ΕΚ ΤΟΥ ΠΑΤΡΙΑΡΧΙΚΟΥ ΤΥΠΟΓΡΑΦΕΙΟΥ 1909” δύο τόμοι σε ένα, σελ. 394, σκληρόδετο, μέτρια κατάσταση.

Starting Price: 40 €

Lot. 8109 B REISS Rodolphe Archibald, “La Photographie Judiciaire”, Publ. Paris: Charles Mendel, n.d. [1903]. 232 pages. With six original

silver photographs (11x15cm), plus numerous halftone photographic illustrations. Book size 18x25cm. FIRST & ONLY EDITION - few copies exist in national libraries. The current book influenced significantly forensic science. It is devoted to the science and technique of forensic photography. The images show photographic methods for identifying forgeries, fingerprints

and footprints, crime scene photography, criminal photo identification, examination of written documents ( making the invisible visible), photography of cadavers, and various apparatus for measurements. Rodolphe Archibald Reiss (1876-1929) taught

forensic photography at the University of Lausanne, where the first university program in forensic science was established in 1909. Half leather - marbled boards, gilt title, rubbed board edges. Interior in Excellent condition.

Starting Price: 400 €

Page 40: A.Karamitsos Public Auction 517

32 A. Karamitsos # 517


GRAND-MAITRE DE RHODES. PAR B.***”, Bouhours D., Limoges, no date. 315pp., 20x12.5cm, gilt raised illustrations on both boards and backstrip,

all edge gilt. Two (2) full page engravings, two missing. Light foxing, otherwise in Very Fine condition.

Starting Price: 20 €

Lot. 8113 B GUERLIN Henri “Vers Jerusalem: Illustre de 150 photographies de lauteur”, Maison Alfred Mame et Fils, 1909. pp.252, 150 full

page & in text photographs. Hinge partly cracked. Gilt title & oval photograph on front board.

Starting Price: 60 €


ΑΙΓΥΠΤΟΥ, ΤΡΙΠΟΛΙΤΙΔΟΣ, ΒΑΡΒΑΡΙΑΣ, ΤΥΝΙΔΟΣ και ΜΕΛΙΤΗΣ, μετά Εκατόν ολοσελίδων Λιμενογραφικών χαρτών..., υπό Νικολάου Γ. Κοτσοβίλλη, Ερμούπολις Σύρου, 1911.(BOOK


full-page portolans..., Syros 1911). Paperback (but with hard cover), 240 pages, 96 maps. Hardcover with light wear, interior Fine.

Starting Price: 80 €

Lot. 8112 B Voyage aux Sept Merveilles du Monde Auge De Lassus,

Hachette, Paris, 3rd edit. 1909. pp.280, 16x25cm, with 57 plates. Raised boards, gilt decor. boards

and spine, foxing, edgeworn. Starting Price: 30 €

Lot. 8115 B Weiss, Th. & Reissinger, K.: “Zweite Gymnasialfahrt nach Griechenland 1912 /

Bilderalbum zur Erinnerung an die Hellasfahrt 1912. Nach Aufnahmen von Reisegenossen mit Text von Th. Weiss zusammengestellt von K. Reissinger. Munchen 1913”. (2nd high school trip to Greece in 1912). Paperback, with embossed title on front cover, 16 pages with text & 155 illustrations on 58 plates, of which 6 are colored. Size: 29.5 x 22.5 cm. Photographs: cruise on the `Prince Heinrich` (7), Olympia (21), Delphi (22), Ithaca (8),

Tiryns (8), Mycenae (9), Corinth (6), Athens (42, including 6 color plates), Crete (19), coast of Sicily (4), Pompeii (9). - With list of participant, of which the photographs are quite

prevalent. Rare. Starting Price: 120 €

Page 41: A.Karamitsos Public Auction 517

Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Archive Photographs, Tobacciana, Embroideries & WWI Memorabilia 33

Lot. 8118 B ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΙΩ Κ. ΒΕΝΙΖΕΛΩ, Ο αλύτρωτος και έξω Ελληνισμός / Ψήφισμα της 22 Νοεμβρίου 1920, του

λαού Κωνσταντινουπόλεως εκ μέρους του αλυτρώτου και έξω Ελληνισμού, επιδοθέν εν Νικαία τω ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΙΩ

ΒΕΝΙΖΕΛΩ υπό απεσταλμένων μελών της Επιτροπής της Εθνικής Αμύνης / Κωνσταντινουπόλει 1921 / Εξεδόθησαν

εν όλω αντίτυπα 5,000 - ηριθμημένα και σφραγισμένα υπό της Επιτροπής της Εθνικής Αμύνης. Softbound book, 56 pages (of which 52 with signatures), 20 x 28 cm., text in Greek. Printed in Constantinople by A.K.Gerardos, Series A. No.

14. Illustrated front cover but with faults. Scarce. Starting Price: 20 €

Lot. 8119 B Α. ΧΩΡΑΦΑ & Σ.


την ΣΤ του Δημοτικού, Έκδοση Ι, Αθήνα 1925, Εκδότης Ιωάννης Δ. Κολλάρος” -

Paperback, 160 pages (last two pages of index & back cover missing), 19 x 13 cm., text in

Greek. Bad condition. Starting Price: 5 €

Lot. 8116 B ΣΒΟΡΩΝΟΥ Ε. Σ.


έτους 1913, τόμος 7ος . Μετ εικόνων” Εν ΣΑΜΩ 1913 (εκ του τυπογραφίου του Μικρασιατικού Ελένης Σ.

Σβορώνου). 12ο, 400 σελ. + 4σελ διαφημίσεις. Βιβλιοδεσία

εκδοσης. Καλή κατάσταση. Starting Price: 60 €

Lot. 8117 B [Jeussen A. & Savignac R.], “LIle De CASTELORIZO”, Le CAIRE, Imprimerie Nationale, 1917. 19x27cm, pp.54.

With 9 full-page illustrations from sketches & photographs. A description of the island, its history, people & economy before WWI. Original cloth binding with light wear, overall

Very Fine. Scarce. Starting Price: 70 €

Lot. 8120 B Ημερολόγιον της Μεγάλης

Ελλάδος (Εικονογραφημένον), Γεωργίου Δροσίνη, Εκδότης

Ι.Ν. Σιδέρης, 1926. Hardbound, industrial

bookbinding, 14x18cm., 518 pages. Front-cover lower corner

and spine at bottom, broken. Starting Price: 20 €

Lot. 8121 B DELL Anthony, “Isles of Greece”, Geoffrey Bles, London 1926. pp.226 with 24 full page illustrations from photographs by the author, depicting views of Aegean. Hardcover, few

light brown spots. FINE. Starting Price: 100 €

Page 42: A.Karamitsos Public Auction 517

34 A. Karamitsos # 517


ΒΑΛΚΑΝΙΚΗ / Πολιτική, κοινωνική και οικονομική έρευνα.

Αθήναι, Εκδοτικός Οίκος Γ.Ι.Βασιλείου, 1927”. Paperback, 216 pages, 13 x 19 cm., text in

greek, good condition. Starting Price: 5 €

Lot. 8123 B Η Αρχαία Οχύρωσις της

Πόλεως Σκύρου, υπό ΜΙΧΑΗΛ ΔΕΦΝΕΡ,

Απόσπασμα εκ της Αρχαιολογικής Εφημερίδος 1925-1926, 1929. Paperback,

32 pages, 23.5x31cm., 38 images. Scarce.

Starting Price: 20 €

Lot. 8124 B RHODOS die marchen und schwanke der insel Hallgarten

Paul, publ. Frankfurter Soc. Druckerei, 1929, pp.226. Illustrated by 12 sketches and aquarelles. Very Fine.

Starting Price: 30 €

Lot. 8125 B FOTOGRAFLA TURKIYE - La Turquie en Image/Turkey in Pictures/Die Turkei im Bild, Photographs by Othmar Pferschy,

Matbuat Umum Mudurlugu-Ankara. A magnificent book looking at Turkey in six thematic sections. 19 pp. of text and 143 full-

page photogravures. Orange cloth with stamped silver lettering on cover. Trilingual: French, English, German. Dim. 34x25cm.

Inscription 1948 on front page. Very Fine. Starting Price: 50 €

Lot. 8127 B GRIECHISCHE MODE. Herausgegeben vom unterstaatssekretariat fur presse und tourismus. Kunstlerische Gestaltung Von Kunstmaler N.

ENGONOPOULOS, Υπουργείον Τύπου και Τουρισμού 1938. Γυναικεία μόδα με φόντο Ελληνικά μνημεία.

Καλλιτεχνική επιμέλεια Νίκου ΕΓΓΟΝΟΠΟΥΛΟΥ. Starting Price: 40 €

Lot. 8126 B The Cairo Electric Railways and Heliopolis Oases Company, ed. P.G. Evrard, Paris, HELIOPOLIS 1933. Photographic

Album with 28 full-page printed b&w illustrations. 27x21cm. Boards with faults & detached. Photographs in Very Fine.

Starting Price: 20 €

Lot. 8128 B ΝΕΑ ΕΣΤΙΑ / Αφιερωμένη στη Χαρακτική, bi-monthly magazine, issue No. 312 of Christmas 1939, published in Athens, pp. 112. Good.

Starting Price: 30 €

Page 43: A.Karamitsos Public Auction 517

Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Archive Photographs, Tobacciana, Embroideries & WWI Memorabilia 35

Lot. 8129 B ΓΡΗΓΟΡΙΟΥ Θ. Εμμ.:

“Ο Πυρπολητής Κανάρης (Βιογραφία), Αθήναι 1940”.

Paperback, 15 x 22 cm., 160 pages, text in greek,

with 6 lithographed images. Water stain on front cover,

the rest intact. Starting Price: 20 €


ΣΑΚΕΛΑΡΙΟΥ. Αγγλικαι μεταφράσεις Θ. Στεφανίδη, Athens 1940. in greek &

english. 50 traditional Greek songs, lyrics, musical scores and sketches illustrating

the steps of dances. Printed in 3100 copies. Dim. 25x33cm. Faults on front

cover, cracked spine. Starting Price: 70 €

Lot. 8131 B Ν. ΠΛΑΣΤΗΡΑ Λόγοι & Προκηρύξεις - Δεκέμβριος 1944 - Δεκέμβριος 1945

/ Έκδοσις Ε.Ο.Δ.Α.. Paperback booklet, 36

pages, 14 x 20.5 cm., text in greek. Water stains. Starting Price: 5 €

Lot. 8132 B ΠΑΠΠΑΘΕΟΔΩΡΟΥ Βασ. Παν.: “H ΜΑΧΗ ΤΩΝ ΑΘΗΝΩΝ / Η συμβολή της Γενικής

Ασφαλείας Αθηνών εις τον Εθνικόν Αγώνα, Αθήναι

1951” - Paperback booklet, 88 pages, 15 x 21.5 cm., text in greek.

Ex-libris “Hellenic National Socialist

foundation”. Light water stain & covers missing.

Starting Price: 5 €

Lot. 8133 B ΠΥΖΟΛ Ι. - ΣΩΚΟΥ Α. - ΟΔΙΚΟΝ

ΔΙΚΤΥΟΝ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ (οδεύσεις - χιλιόμετρα - ύψη),τόμος

Ι: Οδοιπορικά Στερεάς Ελλάδος και Ευβοίας, Θεσσαλίας - Ηπείρου, Μακεδονίας και Δυτικής Θράκης,

ΕΛΠΑ, Αθήναι, 1951. Hardbound, industrial bookbinding, 10x15cm.,

290+114 pages, many advertisements. Starting Price: 50 €

Lot. 8135 B ΑΘΩΣ-Όρος της Μεταμορφώσεως - Υπό Χρυσοστόμου Νταμ... εκδ.

ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑ, Μόναχο, 1959. Σελ.212 με πολλές εξαιρετικής ποιότητας και

θεματολογίας ολοσέλιδες φωτογραφίες (έγχρωμες & ασπρόμαυρες). Αφιέρωση

στην πρώτη σελίδα “Αρχιμ. Δ. Παπανδρέου”. Διαστ. 23x30εκ.

Υφασματόδετο, σε καλή κατάσταση, χωρίς τον δίσκο των 33ων στροφών.

Starting Price: 50 €

Lot. 8136 MAG Αστυνομική βιβλιοθήκη του

ΠΡΩΤΟΥ, Αθήνα c.1955. 30 τεύχη σε καλή κατάσταση. Starting Price: 30 €

Page 44: A.Karamitsos Public Auction 517

36 A. Karamitsos # 517

Lot. 8137 B ΣΤΡΙΓΚΛΗΣ Δ. Κωνσταντίνος

(τυφλός): “ΠΑΥΛΟΣ και ΦΡΕΙΔΕΡΙΚΗ, Βασιλείς των Ελλήνων” - Paperback, 112 pages, 15 x 22.5 cm., text in


ΣΥΝΔΕΣΜΟΣ * ΕΝ ΑΘΗΝΑΙΣ”. Good condition.

Starting Price: 10 €



1938-1963, Αθήνα 1963” - Paperback, 56 pages with 4 photos, 18 x 25 cm., text in


ΣΥΝΔΕΣΜΟΣ * ΕΝ ΑΘΗΝΑΙΣ”. Good condition.

Starting Price: 15 €

Lot. 8139 B ΔΙΑΜΑΝΤΗ Αθ. Κωνστ.: “ΘΡΑΚΕΣ ΑΓΩΝΙΣΤΑΙ Κατά την Επανάστασιν του 1821 / Γ / Ανάτυπον εκ του

30ού τόμου του Αρχείου του Θρακικού Λαογραφικού και Γλωσσικού Θησαυρού, Αθήνα 1964” - Paperback,

52 pages, 16 x 24 cm., text in Greek. Very good condition.

Starting Price: 5 €



ΗΜΕΡΟΛΟΓΙΟΝ, Χανιά 1979”. Softbound, 88 pages, 21.5 x 28.5 cm., text in Greek. Covers a little

dirty, o/w very fine condition. Starting Price: 15 €

Lot. 8142 B Αγνώστου: “Η μάχη του Έθνους /

Ο αγών του Ελληνικού Έθνους κατά του Κομμουνισμού μέχρι της 29ης

Αυγούστου 1949” - a reprint of the original first published in 1952, printed in 1985 by “ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΗ

ΣΚΕΨΙΣ”. Paperback, 42 pages, 14 x 21 cm., text in greek.

Starting Price: 5 €



Lazarides Stavros, Nicosia 1999, printed in 1000 copies. Luxury edition with 214

illustrations, texts in Greek & English. Dim. 21x29cm. In excellent condition - Unused.

Starting Price: 40 €



VALAORITIS, Athenes 1956”. 64 pages catalogue in French & Greek, prepared & printed by the French Institute on the occasion

of the inauguration of the exposition of the 31st may, 1956, under the presidency

of the French Ambassador in Greece, Pierre Charpentier. 22 x 31 cm. Fair condition.

Starting Price: 15 €

Page 45: A.Karamitsos Public Auction 517

Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Archive Photographs, Tobacciana, Embroideries & WWI Memorabilia 37

Lot. 8141 B ΣΙΚΕΛΙΩΤΗΣ ΓΙΩΡΓΟΣ - 32 Κεφάλια 1935-1980, ARTIGRAF 1982. Λεύκωμα που περιέχει 32 φύλλα με ολοσέλιδα (24x33cm) έγχρωμα αντίτυπα (τα περισσότερα σε φυσικό μέγεθος) έργων του Γιώργου Σικελιώτη. Χαρτί μπριστολ-τουαλ.

Σπάνιο ΑΡΙΘΜΗΜΕΝΟ αντίτυπο Νο.177/2000, υπογεγραμμένο από τον Ζωγράφο. Starting Price: 140 €

Newspapers - Magazines

Lot. 8144 PRESS “ΣΑΜΟΣ” (SAMOS) weekly

newspaper printed in Samos, at the States printing house, issue Nr. 557

of 14th August, 1874. 4 pages. Starting Price: 20 €

Lot. 8145 PRESS “ΣΑΜΟΣ” (SAMOS) weekly

newspaper printed in Samos, at the States printing house, issue Nr. 1375

of 2nd May, 1890. 4 pages. Starting Price: 15 €

Lot. 8146 PRESS “Η Εφημερίς των κυριών” (The ladies

newspaper) weekly newspaper published in Athens, issue Nr. 177 of 2nd

September, 1890, with (among others) a report from Napoli, Italy, and one from

Thessaloniki and the great fire of August 1890. Horizontally folded and half-torn

along the folding. 8 pages. Starting Price: OFFER

Page 46: A.Karamitsos Public Auction 517

38 A. Karamitsos # 517

Lot. 8147 PRESS “ΣΑΜΟΣ” (SAMOS) weekly

newspaper printed in Samos, at the States printing house, issue Nr. 1526

of 24th March, 1893. 4 pages. Starting Price: 15 €

Lot. 8148 PRESS EYNOMIA weekly newspaper printed in Samos, issue Nr. 97 of 30th January, 1897. 4 pages with a wealth of local &

international news, articles, announcements, advertisements from Smyrna, etc.

Starting Price: 15 €

Lot. 8149 PRESS EYNOMIA weekly newspaper printed

in Samos, issue Nr. 132 of 30th October, 1897. 4 pages with a wealth of local & international news, articles, announcements, advertisements from

Smyrna, etc. Starting Price: 15 €

Lot. 8150 PRESS ΑΓΩΝ - Δημοσιογραφικόν όργανον

Ηπειρωτών και Μακεδόνων κατά Παρασκευήν εκδιδόμενον (“The Fight”) weekly newspaper published in Athens, issue of 14th April, 1900, with articles and reports on the relations of Greece

with Bulgaria & Turkey, including Crete, Trabzon and its School and

more. Very interesting. 4 pages. Starting Price: 15 €

Lot. 8151 PRESS ΝΕΑ ΖΩΗ - Κοινόν Όργανον Σάμου - Χίου και των περιοίκων (NEW LIFE)

newspaper printed three times per week in Samos, issue Nr. 139 of 27th January, 1902. 4 pages with a wealth

of local & international news, articles, announcements, advertisements, etc.

Starting Price: 15 €

Lot. 8152 PRESS ΝΕΑ ΖΩΗ - Κοινόν Όργανον Σάμου - Χίου και των περιοίκων (NEW LIFE)

newspaper printed three times per week in Samos, issue Nr. 397 of 21st

September, 1902. 4 pages with a wealth of local & international news, articles, announcements, advertisements, etc.

Starting Price: 15 €

Page 47: A.Karamitsos Public Auction 517

Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Archive Photographs, Tobacciana, Embroideries & WWI Memorabilia 39

Lot. 8153 NEWS Εφημερίδα “ΠΡΟΟΔΟΣ Πρωινή Εθνική

Εφημερίς Εν Κωνσταντινουπόλει”. Κωνσταντινούπολη, Έτος Z, Αριθ. 2094.

17.10.1910. Αρθρα σχετικά με δάνειο από Γαλλία και Ελευθέριο Βενιζέλο. Κακή

κατάσταση. Starting Price: 10 €

Lot. 8154 NEWS Εφημερίδα “ΠΡΟΟΔΟΣ Πρωινή Εθνική

Εφημερίς Εν Κωνσταντινουπολει”. Κωνσταντινούπολη, Έτος Η, Αριθ.

2689. 5.2.1912. Αρθρα σχετικά με τη Μακεδονία & “Η Συνεννόησις Ελλάδος-

Βουλγαρίας και η Τουρκία. Μέτρια κατάσταση.

Starting Price: 20 €

Lot. 8155 PRESS ΑΘΗΝΑΙ (ATHENS) Daily newspaper

published in Athens, issue Nr. 3624 of 18th October, 1912, with detailed

reports from the (Balkan) War Front and abroad, the capture of Veria, a detailed map of the area of Thessaloniki on the front page and more. Very interesting.

Starting Price: 15 €

Lot. 8156 PRESS Ο ΡΩΜΗΟΣ - Εφημερίς που την γράφει

ο Σουρής (The Greek - newspaper written by Souris) satirical newspaper written by the poet Georgios Souris,

issue Nr. 1232 of 10th November, 1912, with poems dedicated to the liberation

by the Greek Army of the town of Thessaloniki and Mount Athos from the Turks. Very interesting. 4 pages.

Starting Price: 10 €

Lot. 8157 NEWS Εφημερίδα “ΠΡΟΟΔΟΣ Πρωινή Εθνική

Εφημερίς Εν Κωνσταντινουπολει”. Κωνσταντινούπολη, Έτος Θ, Αριθ. 3147.

15.2.1913. Αρθρα σχετικά με τον Β Βαλκανικό πόλεμο. Καλή κατάσταση.

Starting Price: 30 €

Lot. 8158 PRESS ΑΙΓΑΙΟΝ - Όργανον των συμφερόντων

του Σαμιακού Λαού bi-weekly newspaper printed in Limin Vatheos,

Samos, issue Nr. 1408 of 2nd February, 1926, with a pro-dictatorship front page main article, advertisements

(incl. one for selling stamps of the Samian State), etc. VF. Starting Price: 10 €

Page 48: A.Karamitsos Public Auction 517

40 A. Karamitsos # 517

Lot. 8159 PRESS ΑΙΓΑΙΟΝ - Όργανον των συμφερόντων

του Σαμιακού Λαού bi-weekly newspaper printed in Samos, issue Nr. 1458 of 27th July, 1926, with a

front page main article related to the Commercial School of Karlovasi, financial news, advertisements etc.

Starting Price: 15 €

Lot. 8160 NEWS Weekly WWII newspaper “ΝΕΟΙ

ΚΑΙΡΟΙ” published in Thessaloniki, directed by Gr.Grammatikopoulos, issue No.18 of Monday 14/12/42. Main article

“Το Σοβιετ και ο κοσμος του Ισλαμ” (The Soviet and the world of Islam”

and “Η αποδοσις της παραγωγης εις την Ν.Α.Ευρωπην” (The production efficiency

in the S.E.Europe), an agricultiral article. Down center a notification of the decision of the Feldkommandatur

sentecing people to death for war crimes. Starting Price: 15 €

Lot. 8161 NEWS Weekly WWII newspaper “ΝΕΟΙ

ΚΑΙΡΟΙ” published in Thessaloniki, directed by Gr.Grammatikopoulos,

issue No.15 of Monday 23/11/42. Main article “Την τελευταιαν στιγμην και δια τελευταιαν φορα” (In the last moment and for the final time), an agricultural article and “Αμερικη, ο δυναστης των

μικρων λαων” (America, the bully of the small nations).

Starting Price: 15 €

Lot. 8162 NEWS Weekly WWII newspaper “ΝΕΟΙ ΚΑΙΡΟΙ”

published in Thessaloniki, directed by Gr.Grammatikopoulos, issue No.4 of Monday 7/9/42. Main article “Εις την χερσονησον του

Ταμαν εθραυσθη η τελευταια αντιστασις των Μπολσεβικων” (On the Taman peninsula the last resistance of the Bolshevics was bent).

Starting Price: 15 €

Lot. 8163 MAG SIGNAL magazine περιοδικό “ΣΥΝΘΗΜΑ”, greek edition. 15 magazines of the 1941-1942 period, of the German WWII propagandistic magazine.

In Greek. Magazine numbers 1941: 13,15,17,18,19,20,22 & 1942: 1,4,7,11,14,15,23,24. Covers in fair conditin, interior mostly Fine. Signal

was a modern, glossy, illustrated photo journal and army propaganda tool, meant specifically for audiences in neutral, allied, and occupied countries.

Starting Price: 80 €

Page 49: A.Karamitsos Public Auction 517

Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Archive Photographs, Tobacciana, Embroideries & WWI Memorabilia 41

Archive Photographs

Lot. 8165 RP (Unknown photographer)

“(Constantinople) - Old Turk smoking a pipe while cooking”, c.1890. Albumen

photo, thin photographic paper on thick carton paper. Size: 18x25cm. VF.

Starting Price: 60 €

Lot. 8166 RP (Unknown photographer)

“(Constantinople) - Vendor surrounded by dogs”, c.1890. Albumen photo, thin

photographic paper on thick carton paper. Size: 18.5x24cm. VF.

Starting Price: 60 €

Lot. 8167 RP ABDULLAH FRERES. 359. Roumeli -

hissar, c.1890. Albumen photo, very beautiful, thin photographic paper. Size: 25x19cm. VF.

Starting Price: 30 €

Lot. 8168 RP (Unknown photographer) “Sarcophage dit dAlexandre”, c.1890. Albumen photo, thin photographic paper. Size: 27x21cm. VF.

Starting Price: 20 €

Lot. 8169 RP ABDULLAH FRERES. 176. La Sublime Port,

c.1890. Albumen photo, animated, very beautiful, thin photographic paper. Size: 25.5x19cm. VF.

Starting Price: 30 €

Lot. 8164 RP STODDARD John, “Portfolio de Photographies des Villes, Paysages...”, publ. THE WERNER Coy, Chicago, c.1890.

Dim.34x27cm, pp.258 with 256 illustrations from photographs with views from all over the world. Hardcover, rubbed, interior Very Fine.

Starting Price: 60 €

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42 A. Karamitsos # 517

Lot. 8170 RP RHOMAIDES (probably), c.1890. Two (2) large albumen photos mounted on thick carton paper, depicting 1) the Arch of

Adrian and the Temple of Jupiter and 2) the Thession Temple and the Observatory in the background. Photos numbered with 31 & 42. Photo size: 29x22cm. VF.

Starting Price: 70 €

Lot. 8171 RP Fotografia B. Borri: “Pontikonissi.

Corfu”, c.1890. Albumen photo mounted on thick carton paper. Size: 27x21cm.

Carton creased at lower left corner, not affecting photo.

Starting Price: 30 €

Lot. 8172 RP Unknown photographer: “Epidauros

theater”, c.1890. Albumen photo mounted on thick carton paper.

Size: 20.5x14.5cm. VF. Starting Price: 20 €

Lot. 8174 RP N.S. Athanassiades, SMYRNE, Rue Franque sepia cabinet photo, studio

portrait of a woman, framed, 67x155mm , 124x244mm with the frame.

Starting Price: 30 €

Lot. 8173 RP Sebah & Joaillier. 501. Interieur de la Mosquee de Ste Sophie. Vue generale,

c.1900. Albumen photo, thin photographic paper on thick carton

paper. Size: 26.5x21cm. VF. Starting Price: 30 €

Lot. 8175 RP Γ. ΠΑΝΤΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ, ΧΑΛΚΙΣ sepia photo, studio portrait of a family with

traditional costumes, framed, 149x113mm , 247x196mm with the frame.

Starting Price: 20 €

Lot. 8177 RP ATHENES - Les soldats francais sur

les Ruines Antiques., c.1916. B/w photo mounted on carton paper. Size:

17x11.5cm. Origin: Probably some photographic album with printed

inscriptions. Starting Price: 15 €

Page 51: A.Karamitsos Public Auction 517

Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Archive Photographs, Tobacciana, Embroideries & WWI Memorabilia 43

Lot. 8176 RP King Constantine I

(XII) of the Hellenes, portrait, printed photo

with hand-written signed dedication text “Διά τους γενναίους

συμπολεμιστάς μου, δύο ενδόξων πολέμων 1912 & 1913. Κωνσταντίνος ΙΒ (υπογραφή)” and

a vignette “S.M. Konstantin I Konig

von Griechenland” on it. Size: 13 x 31 cm., framed. Minor faults

(signs of dirt). Starting Price: 30 €

Lot. 8178 RP Le Roi (Alexandre) de Grece visite les ambulances

anglaises, 1916 b/w WWI photo of the French Army Photographic section, 18x13cm. VF.

Starting Price: 15 €

Lot. 8179 RP Ο Βασιλεύς Κωνσταντίνος μετά των Διαδόχων του Πρωθυπουργού Δ. Γούναρη και της Στρατιωτικής

ηγεσίας εν Μικρά Ασία b/w photo from the Hellenic Expedition in Asia Minor. Size:

21.5x15cm. Some scratches & other minor faults. Starting Price: 20 €

Lot. 8180 RP Official album of Aspiotis Bros in Corfu (with their logo

printed).16 colour lithogr. essays of postcards printed and available to the public. The essays have blank back side and are slightly larger t6an the postcards printed

(their size is 14.5-15.5 x 9.6-10.5 cm). First item (in first page) partly torn, the rest very fine.

Starting Price: 30 €

Lot. 8181 VF ALBUM DU MONT ATHOS - ΛΕΥΚΩΜΑ ΤΟΥ ΑΓΙΟΥ ΟΡΟΥΣ ΑΘΩ by monk Stefanos Kelliotes with 52 artistic

b&w photos of monasteries, monk portraits, relics and ceremonies along with historic-descriptive notes, printed in 1928 (Magdeburg). Luxury edition, dim: 30x24.5cm, with

fullpage photos and texts in excellent condition. Starting Price: 100 €

Lot. 8182 RP Mid-wars interim period, large sepia

commemorative photo of the pupils of the 5th class of an elementary school in Serres, together with their teachers. 22.5 x 16.5 cm, in frame. VF.

Starting Price: 40 €

Lot. 8183 RP “Κατά το επίσημον γεύμα προς τιμήν του

Βασιλέως Γεωργίου Β εις την Θεσσαλονίκην, 16 Ιουνίου 1938” b/w photo of the photographer

KOYNIO, in Thessaloniki. Size: 17.5x12.5cm. VF. Starting Price: 15 €

Page 52: A.Karamitsos Public Auction 517

44 A. Karamitsos # 517

Lot. 8184 RP Verria - Vue generale b/w WWI photo of the French Army

Photographic section, 18x13cm. Light diagonal crease. Starting Price: 10 €

Lot. 8185 RP A selection of 5 photos, including 3 with the Prime

Minister Ioannis Metaxas (in the car, at ceremonies, etc.), by photographers incl. Dem. Yankoglou, Sp. Alexiou & Sp.

Chalkides. Approx. size: 18x12cm. Starting Price: 30 €

Lot. 8186 RP A selection of 9 photos with Prime Minister Ioannis Metaxas

(in the car, attending celebrations, etc.), on photographic paper Leonar. Approx. size: 18x12cm. Some have small faults

(creased corners, etc.). Starting Price: 70 €

Lot. 8187 RP Photographic Album, 1938 with 51 b&w photographs from:

Bucharest (2), Santorini (1), Palermo (2), Constantinople / Istanbul (11), Rhodes (10), Madeira (5), Dakar (4),

Casablanka (12), Rabat (4). Album dim.28x20cm, photos dim.16x11cm. All photos with numbers & titles in negative.

Album in Very Fine & photos in Excellent condition. Starting Price: 90 €

Lot. 8188 VF Photo-album of 85 real b&w and colour photos and

postcards (Some of them published by N. Stournaras) of various sizes depicting, Greece in the 60s, presenting almost

15 different touristic places of that period. Starting Price: 80 €

Page 53: A.Karamitsos Public Auction 517

Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Archive Photographs, Tobacciana, Embroideries & WWI Memorabilia 45

Lot. 8189 RP BECK Henri. c.1865. RARE photo of Athens & Acropolis hill, with handwritten title

on mount “Part of the modern city with the Acropolis from the N.E.” & signature “HBECK.ATHENES” in negative. Dim.33x22cm, attached on carton. Tear 1cm on

lower right part of photo. RARE. Starting Price: 250 €

Lot. 8190 RP MORAITIS P. Monument of Lysicrates. Early c.1870 albumen photo 13.5x20cm.

Fine Starting Price: 25 €

Lot. 8191 RP BONFILS Felix. c.1870. “Panorama of Athens”. Three (3) albumen photos (21x28cm each) of Athens consisting an impressive Panorama of the town dim.21x84cm!. Titles: “544 Athenes No1”,”545 Athenes No2”,”546 Athenes No3”. Signature & titles in

negative. Very Fine condition. Starting Price: 200 €

Lot. 8192 RP MORAITIS P. Four (4) early c.1870 albumen photos ~25x19cm of Athenian antiquities: Pnyx, Temple of Athena Nike, Erechtheion & Caryatids and Areopagus. Few corner & horizontal crease, otherwise in

Fine condition. Starting Price: 140 €

Page 54: A.Karamitsos Public Auction 517

46 A. Karamitsos # 517

Lot. 8193 RP ATHENS c.1870. Two (2) sheetes from large photographic album with seven (7) photos of various dim.: Acropolis hill &

Parthenon (39x28cm), Erechtheion, Temple of Theseum (27x22cm), the Frankish tower on Acropolis hill, Temple of Athena Nike, Tower of Winds (7x7.5cm). Large dim. photos are numbered. Handwriten captions. In Excellent condition.

Starting Price: 140 €

Lot. 8194 RP Constantinople c.1870. Four (4) large (34x25cm each) albumen photos of Constantinople. Although not exactly matching to each

other, if attached they create a large panorama of the town (135x25cm!!) in the end of 20th century. In Very Fine condition. Starting Price: 200 €

Lot. 8196 RP DEMETRIOU K. c.1875. Three (3) albumen photographs (26x20cm) of Acropolis, Erechtheion & Temple of Athena Nike.

Attached on thick cartons. One with photographer sign & title in negative. Very Fine. Starting Price: 70 €

Lot. 8195 RP SEBAH & JOAILLIER. c.1875. “Iles des Princes.

Halki, vue prise de Prinkipo”. Albumen photo

(26x21cm) of HALKI Prince Islands (ΧΑΛΚΗ - ΠΡΙΓΚHΠΟΝΗΣΑ)

- Adalar. Title & photographer signature in negative. Creased corners

otherwise Fine. Starting Price: 35 €

Lot. 8199 RP Albumen photo c.1880, of the

weastern propylon of the Roman

Agora, surrounded by houses. Dim.

20x26cm. Number 30 in negative. Very

Fine Condition. Starting Price: 30 €

Page 55: A.Karamitsos Public Auction 517

Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Archive Photographs, Tobacciana, Embroideries & WWI Memorabilia 47

Lot. 8197 RP Eight (8) large albumen (33x25cm) photos c.1875, with impressive views of Acropolis and its monuments. One signed “P.

MORAITIS” and few numbered. Overall Fine condition. Starting Price: 260 €

Lot. 8200 RP ATHANASIOU K. Erechtheion - Acropolis c.1880, albumen

photo (25x20cm). Excellent condition. Starting Price: 30 €

Lot. 8203 RP SEBAH & JOAILLIER, Constantinople - Istanbul, c.1880.

“199. Ambassade dAllemagne a TAKSIM. (PERA)”, real albumen photo (27x21cm) of the German embassy.

Photographers signature & title in negative. EXCELLENT. Starting Price: 35 €

Lot. 8201 RP SEBAH & JOAILLIER, Constantinople - Istanbul,

c.1880. “793. Palais Beylerbey. Bosphore”. Albumen photo (27x21cm) of BEYLERBEYI PALACE. Photographers

signature & title in negative. FINE Starting Price: 30 €

Lot. 8204 RP The Old Royal Palace (Greek Parliament) & Syntagma

Square. c.1880. Real photo (photo-mechanic), numbered “7”, dim.30x22cm. Very Fine.

Starting Price: 40 €

Page 56: A.Karamitsos Public Auction 517

48 A. Karamitsos # 517

Lot. 8198 RP Acropolis - Athens. c.1880. Eight (8) photographs (29x22cm) on 8 carton sheets (from photo album). Six (6) views of

Parthenon & two (2) views of Acropolis - one panoramic. Numbers & titles (in french) in negative. Pen captions (english) on mount. One photo with part of carton missing all rest Very Fine.

Starting Price: 170 €

Lot. 8202 RP ATHANASIOU K. c.1880. Six (6) albumen photos (26x21cm) depicting Acropolis monuments. Numbers in negative. Four

photos attached on two thick cartons. Very Fine. Starting Price: 120 €

Page 57: A.Karamitsos Public Auction 517

Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Archive Photographs, Tobacciana, Embroideries & WWI Memorabilia 49

Lot. 8205 RP c.1870. Three (3) albumen

photos: “The Acropolis - Athens” 19.5x15cm & 2 “Innsbruck” 17x9cm & 16x8cm, attached on carton with handwriten

description in pen. Very Fine. Starting Price: 30 €

Lot. 8206 RP Acropolis and area, late 19th cent. Five (5) real numbered photos of Acropolis,

Parthenon, Propylea, Erechtheion and area, essee” & “23. Temple de la Victoire Aptere”. Dim.28x21.5cm. In almost excellent condition.

Starting Price: 100 €

Lot. 8207 RP Constantinople -Turkey c.1890. Four (4) b&w photos in one frame. One photo with title “Le Port de Cara Keuy Pris de

Yennch” & “Gulmez Freres” in negative. The other three photos depict noble women in cariage, a turkish woman in traditional costume and a depiction of a dervish dance. All numbered in negative. Frame dim.69x58cm, photos dim.27x21cm, 12x17.5cm,

18x23cm & 24x18cm. Fine condition. Starting Price: 160 €

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50 A. Karamitsos # 517

Lot. 8210 RP Twelve (12) late 19th or early 20th cent. real photos attached on thin carton, of Athenian antiquities with handwriten descr.

Titles in negative. In Very Fine condition. Starting Price: 200 €

Lot. 8211 RP RHOMAIDES (Ρωμαϊδης).

PIRAEUS (ΠΕΙΡΑΙΑΣ) c.1890. Large panorama of Piraeus consisted of two (2) attached (linen fabric)

photos, dim.59x21cm. Very clear/strong print.

The photos are numbered in negative “2a” & “2b”.

Few small spots otherwise VERY FINE & RARE. Starting Price: 150 €

Lot. 8215 RP BERGGREN C. - Constantinople, c.1890. Beautiful view of everyday life at PERA, and along the city walls. One photo of

“C. BERGGREN”. Dim.~15x10cm each. With faults. RARE.

Starting Price: 25 €

Lot. 8208 RP View of Acropole

Athens, looking from south east, late 19th cent. b&w albumen

photo, 26x21cm, attached on thick carton. Chipped photo corners.

Starting Price: 25 €

Lot. 8209 RP G. Beiggren.

Mosquee Suleymanie. N.154 Late 19th

cent. b&w albumen photo 27x21cm.

Small grated spots on upper part. Small

tear on left side. Starting Price: 30 €

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Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Archive Photographs, Tobacciana, Embroideries & WWI Memorabilia 51

Lot. 8212 RP Constantinople - Istanbul,

c.1890. “6191. P.Z. - CONSTANTINOPLE. LA

COLONNE BRULEE”. Real photograph (17x22cm) coloured with PHOTOCHROM method

prob. by P.Z. (Photoglob Zurich). on mount. Fine. RARE.

Starting Price: 40 €

Lot. 8213 RP Constantinople - Istanbul, c.1890. Street

Everyday life. Real photograph (23x16cm) coloured with PHOTOCHROM method

prob. by P.Z. (Photoglob Zurich). Very Fine. RARE.

Starting Price: 40 €

Lot. 8214 RP Constantinople - Istanbul, c.1890. Everyday life. Real photograph (23x16cm) coloured

with PHOTOCHROM method prob. by P.Z. (Photoglob Zurich). Light thin of paper on photo reverse slightly affecting photo face.

RARE. Starting Price: 40 €

Lot. 8216 RP RHOMAIDES Aristotle c.1896. Twenty three (23) photographs (photo-mechanic) depicting monuments from Acropolis,

Egina, Mycenae and public buildings from Athens. Most with numbers in negative and printed caption on reverse. In original folder with printed title “PINACOTHEQUE HELLENIQUE AR. RHOMAIDES - PLACE DE LA CONSTITUTION

ATHENES. Fine. Starting Price: 200 €

For additional and more detailed images, visit the online auction catalogue at: www.karamitsos.com ”

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52 A. Karamitsos # 517

Lot. 8217 RP Athens 1896, 1st OLYMPIC GAMES. Impressive (dim.61x24cm!!) real photo depicting Panathenaic Stadium during the 1st OLYMPIC GAMES in 1896. The stadium seem to be almost full of people while crowds are gathering to the main & side

entrances. The panorama is consisted by three photos attached to each other recently mounted on thick carton. Tear on the left & upper middle side. Excellent overal impression. Unknown photographer. VERY RARE.

Starting Price: 600 €

Lot. 8218 RP Fourty four (44)

stereoscopic photographs. 32 “The PERFECT

Stereograph” 1903 & 12 “B.W.KILBURN, Littleton, N H.” late 20th albumen photos most depicting with girls in satyrical & erotic views. Most

B.W.KILBURN photos faded, most of the rest in

Very Fine condition. Starting Price: 160 €

Lot. 8219 RP Athens 1902. TATOI & Schliemanns house. Two albumen photos (25x18cm)

on single carton with caption in negative. Fine. Starting Price: 40 €

Lot. 8220 RP Smyrne beautiful view of port everyday life c.1900, real b&w albumen photo, 25x21cm.

Tiny tear on upper part, otherwise in Very Fine condition. Starting Price: 40 €

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Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Archive Photographs, Tobacciana, Embroideries & WWI Memorabilia 53

Lot. 8221 PPC Candia-Crete.Scenes in a coffee-house (about in 1900)

brown,animated (stereoscopic positive on glass).Very rare. Starting Price: 80 €

Lot. 8222 PPC Candia-Crete.Scenes of the market (about in 1900)

brown,animated (stereoscopic positive on glass).Very rare. Starting Price: 80 €

Lot. 8223 PPC Candia-Crete.Scenes of the market (about in 1900)

brown,animated (stereoscopic positive on glass).Very rare. Starting Price: 75 €

Lot. 8224 PPC Candia-Crete.Passengers at tables on deck (about in 1900)

brown (stereoscopic positive on glass).Very rare. Starting Price: 80 €

Lot. 8225 PPC Candia-Crete.The harbour (about in 1900) brown (stereoscopic

positive on glass).Very rare. Starting Price: 80 €

Lot. 8226 PPC Candia-Crete.Scenes in the Port (about in 1900) brown,

animated (stereoscopic positive on glass).Very rare. Starting Price: 80 €

Lot. 8230 RP Νοσοκομείον Ευαγγελισμού 1902 & “Μετσόβειον Πολυτεχνείον 1902”.Two (albumen) real photos. Dim. 25x19cm each, attached

on one thick carton. Fine condition. Starting Price: 90 €

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54 A. Karamitsos # 517

Lot. 8227 RP DIMITRIOU K. “Nauplie / Κ. Δημητρίου Αθήναι” & “Voie sacree” c.1900. Two (albumen) real photos Dim. 25x18.5cm each, attached on one thick carton.

Titles & signature in negative. Fine condition. Starting Price: 60 €

Lot. 8228 RP Impressive framed photograph of a woman in traditional

costume c.1900, with handwritten signature “LEON Smyrne - La Canee”. Photo dim.38x28cm, frame dim. 50x59cm.

Starting Price: 180 €

Lot. 8229 RP Greek Military Officers, b&w framed photo with relief

cachet “P.MORAITES Photographe de S.M.Ie ReI ATHENES” and handwriten photographer signature on passe-partout (faded). Photo dim.49x36cm, frame dim. 65x54cm. Waterstains on carton passe-partout.

Starting Price: 260 €

Lot. 8231 RP Αστυκλινική 1903-1904, b&w framed photo depicting members of the clinic. Relief cachet “Κ.Δημητριάδης ΑΘΗΝΑΙ”. Photo

dim.38x25cm, frame dim. 53x40cm. Rare. Starting Price: 80 €

Lot. 8232 RP “Λευκωσία - Κύπρος - 1917, Β Διδασκαλείον”, b&w real photo, 24.5 x 17.5cm, attached on

thick carton. Very Fine. Starting Price: 40 €

Lot. 8234 RP 1920s b/w photo on thicker photographic paper, No. 207

of the “Fasani & Grivas” photographers of Egypt,

showing a group of visitors & local people in front of

the Sphinx & the Pyramids. Size: 24 x 18 cm. Small

crease at lower right corner. Starting Price: 20 €

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Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Archive Photographs, Tobacciana, Embroideries & WWI Memorabilia 55

Lot. 8236 RP Grand Prix - Athenes 3 June 1928. Scarce b&w framed photo depicting horseracing event in Athens (?). Handwritten caption in

photo with the horse names listed. Faded signature. Overall dim.84x23cm. Scarce. Starting Price: 110 €

Lot. 8240 RP Acropolis c.1930. Twenty three (23) b&w photos, interesting views of Acropolis (19) and museum antiquities (4). Most with

cachet “Association Guillaume Bude...Cliche Bude No..” on reverse. Three signed on face. Dim.13x17cm. Very Fine. Starting Price: 75 €

Lot. 8233 RP Impressive framed hand-coloured silver-

print photograph of a woman of Smyrna in urban - western european costume c.1920, with handwritten signature “S. Calligeratos

SMYRNE”. Photo dim.44x57cm, frame dim. 56x68cm. Starting Price: 150 €

Lot. 8235 RP Thessaloniki 1925. Anatolia College students visiting the Thessaloniki

International Trade Fair 1925 . Σπουδαστές του Κολεγίου Ανατόλια επισκέπτονται τις εγκαταστάσεις της Διεθνούς Έκθεσης Θεσσαλονίκης 1925.

Silver-print photo dim.17x23cm. Caption in greek. Framed & ready to hang. Starting Price: 100 €

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56 A. Karamitsos # 517

Lot. 8237 RP Ασπρόμαυρη φωτογραφία Μητροπολίτη Καστοριάς

Νικηφόρου 17x23.5cm, με ιδιόχειρη αφιέρωσή του 22-4-36. σε χάρτινο φάκελο με σφραγίδα

φωτογράφου “Δ. Μπούρας”. Starting Price: 50 €

Lot. 8238 RP “Ξενοδοχείον ΘΕΟΞΕΝΙΑ εν ΠΟΡΤΑΡΙΑ

ΒΟΛΟΥ - ΠΗΛΙΟΝ, ύψος 700μ. Υπό την ιδίαν Διεύθυνις του ξενοδοχείου Σίτυ-Πάλας” b&w real

photo 29x22cm. Faults on upper right corner, chipped upper side & creased lower left corner.

Starting Price: 15 €

Lot. 8239 RP “Η Τελετή του Αγίου Μύρου εν τοις π/χείου

Πατριάρχου Βασιλείου του Γ” “Απριλίου 12 1928” b&w real photo 15.5x10.5cm

attached on thick carton. Starting Price: 40 €

Lot. 8241 RP PANORAMA OF RHODES / ΠΑΝΟΡΑΜΑ ΡΟΔΟΥ Φωτο-Κοζας Large 65x14cm panoramic real b&w photo. With faults.

Starting Price: 45 €

Lot. 8242 RP Γ. ΜΠΟΥΚΑΣ real b&w photo of athenian

street, c.1930, with relief cachet “Γ. ΜΠΟΥΚΑΣ/ΦΙΛΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ 28 ΑΘΗΝΑΙ” and cachet “GEO.

BOUCAS ΟΔΟΣ ΦΙΛΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ ΑΘΗΝΑΙ” on reverse. Slightly creased on corners and edges.

Starting Price: 30 €

Lot. 8244 ENGR Λιθόγραφο με τίτλο “ΕΘΝΙΚΗ ΕΟΡΤΗ 25 ΜΑΡΤΙΟΥ

1821” και λεζάντα “Ο Παλαιών Πατρών Γερμανός μετά των αρχόντων Φωτήλα, Ζαϊμη, Χαραλάμπη, Λόντου, Πετμεζά,

Θεοχαροπούλου, εν τη Μονή της Αγίας Λαύρας των Καλαβρύτων...”. Σε ξύλινο κάδρο διατ.50χ59εκ. Με φθορές.

Starting Price: 120 €

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Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Archive Photographs, Tobacciana, Embroideries & WWI Memorabilia 57

Lot. 8243 RP Φωτογραφείον ΝΕΛΛΗΣ 1935, πορτραίτο

του Δημητριου ΚΑΜΠΟΥΡΟΓΛΟΥ, ιστοριοδίφη, λογοτέχνη, ποιητή και

ακαδημαϊκού. Με αφιέρωση και υπογραφή του στο πίσω μέρος. Σφραγίδα φωτογράφου.

Πολύ καλή κατάσταση. Starting Price: 50 €

Lot. 8247 RP “Views of Mycenae, Tiryns,

Nauplion & Argos” collection of 10 photos (from 7x10cm.

to 9x14cm.) and 12 b/w postcards, all mounted

on 4 double carton pages detached from a photo album

of the 1950s. Handwritten inscriptions in German.

Starting Price: 15 €

Lot. 8245 RP 1944- 1945. USS Caroline County LST 525. Photographic album entitled

“SICILY” containing 119 b&w photos from a member of the crew of the US aircraft carrier. Views of the ship & crew every day life. Also views of Palermo, Toulon, Piza, Marseille, Casblanca. Caroline County LST 525 docked in Palermo

in July 1944 for repairs. It then operated between Italy, France & Greece until May 1945. Photo dim.~10x7cm each. Repairs on front board. Photos VF.

Starting Price: 120 €

Lot. 8248 RP TH. SERVANIS Cadi-Keuy

Constantinople Large Cabinet (imperial) 11x16cm. Photo

attached on passe-partout. VF. Starting Price: 15 €


portraits of a young girl, in one handpainting a b&w photo. Large dim. 16x22cm each. Mounted on carton.

Starting Price: 35 €

Lot. 8246 RP “Views of Athens”

collection of 46 photos (from 7x10cm. to 9x14cm.) and 13 b/w postcards, all mounted on 10 double carton pages detached from a photo album of the 1950s. Handwritten inscriptions in German.

Starting Price: 30 €

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58 A. Karamitsos # 517


Lot. 8250 ENGR “Die insel Rhodus” Decorative hand colored in wash woodcut map on the full textsheet, with a birds eye view of the city of Rhodes with its port, published in a German text edition

of the Cosmographia by Sebastian Muenster. Published: Basel, Henricus Petri, 1567. Size:

[16 x 12,3 cm]. Condition: Excellent, in frame. Ref. Zacharakis p.120. Starting Price: 60 €

Lot. 8251 ENGR Dame de Caramanie, Callinoe de Rhodis, Femme de la basse Armenie copper engraving from the book “Habitus variarum orbis gentium. Habitz

de nations estranges (par J. J. Boissard). Trachten mancherley Volcker des Erdskreytz” by Abraham

Bruyn, published 1581. Size: 28x22.5 cm. Very rare. Starting Price: 60 €

Lot. 8252 ENGR Concubina Rhodiana woodcut engraving

from the book “Habiti antichi e moderni di tutto

il mondo” by Cesare Vecelio, published 1598 in Venice by Sessa. Size of engraving: 9,5 x 15,5 cm. Sheet size: 11,5 x 18,5 cm.

Starting Price: 20 €

Lot. 8253 ENGR MERIAN, Matthaeus: “RAGUSA / NEGROPONTE”. Decorative

view of the cities of Ragusa (Dubrovnik) and Negroponte (Chalkis), from Merians “Neuwe Archontologica Cosmica und Theatrum Europaeum” published in Frankfurt, 1638 and later.

Copper engraving. Later colour. Blank verso. Very good condition. Good wide margins. Size: 20.5 x 30.5 cm.

Starting Price: 80 €

Lot. 8254 ENGR “Delly de nation Parthique

qui signifie fol hardy ou enfant perdu” copper

engraving from the book “HISTOIRE DES TURCS, Tome Second par Blaise de Vigenere. Paris, 1663. Les figures et descriptions des

principaux officiers et autres personnes de lEmpire Turc, par NICOLAS NICOLAI.”. Full complete page No.17

(24x37cm), with French text on verso. VF & Rare. Starting Price: 50 €

Lot. 8255 ENGR “(Femme Turque,

Vestue A La Moresque)” copper engraving from the book “HISTOIRE DES TURCS, Tome Second par Blaise de

Vigenere. Paris, 1663. Les figures et descriptions

des principaux officiers et autres personnes

de lEmpire Turc, par NICOLAS NICOLAI.”. Full complete page No.46 (24x38cm), with French

text on verso. VF & Rare. Starting Price: 35 €

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Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Archive Photographs, Tobacciana, Embroideries & WWI Memorabilia 59

Lot. 8256 ENGR “Femme vestue a la Surienne” copper engraving from the book “HISTOIRE DES TURCS, Tome Second par Blaise de Vigenere. Paris, 1663. Les figures et descriptions des principaux officiers et autres personnes de lEmpire Turc,

par NICOLAS NICOLAI.”. Full complete page No.59 (22.5x35cm),

with French text on verso. Rare. Starting Price: 25 €

Lot. 8257 ENGR “Femme moresque de Tripoly en

Barbarie” copper engraving from the book “HISTOIRE DES TURCS, Tome

Second par Blaise de Vigenere. Paris, 1663. Les figures et descriptions des principaux officiers et autres personnes de lEmpire Turc, par NICOLAS NICOLAI.”. Full complete page No.61 (22.5x35cm), with

French text on verso. Rare. Starting Price: 30 €

Lot. 8258 ENGR “Femme more, dAlger en Barbarie

allant par la Ville” copper engraving from the book “HISTOIRE DES

TURCS, Tome Second par Blaise de Vigenere. Paris, 1663. Les figures et descriptions des principaux officiers et autres personnes de lEmpire Turc,

par NICOLAS NICOLAI.”. Full complete page No.62 (22.5x35cm),

with French text on verso. VF & Rare. Starting Price: 35 €

Lot. 8259 ENGR EPHESEN in Anatolie oft kleyn Asie / Gasp. Bouttats fecit, I. Peeters ex. 1685 copper engr. of Ephesus in Asia Minor from

“Description des principales villes...”. Engr. dim. 23.5x12.5cm. Foxing along white margins & few small brown spots. Starting Price: 35 €

Lot. 8260 ENGR “Prospect der Statt und des Schlosses von Corintho von den Turcken verlassen Ao 1687 = Αποψη της πόλης και του παλατιού της Κορίνθου που εγκατέλειψαν οι Τούρκοι, έτος 1687” copper engraving by G. Bodenehr, 1730. Size: 18 x 49 cm. Comes from

Bodenehrs “Europas Pracht und Macht” supplementary volume. With a 3-line legend under the view. Very fine condition. Starting Price: 170 €

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60 A. Karamitsos # 517

Lot. 8261 ENGR MERIAN, von Matthaus: “CANDIA” 1688, Frankfurt. Copper engraving, double page view of the port & harbour of

Heraklion (Crete). Engr. size: 35.5 x 12.3cm. From M. Merians “Theatrum Europeanum”. Center fold, as published. Very fine condition.

Starting Price: 90 €

Lot. 8262 ENGR “Rouine di Fabbriche nel Scoglio Capra, o Anticlare del Mare di Mandria” copper engraving 18x13cm. from “Isola di Rodi

geografica storica antica e moderna collaltre adiacenti...Vincenzo Coronelli, Cosmografo della Serenissima Republica di Venetia...”,

1688. Excellent condition. Starting Price: 40 €

Lot. 8263 ENGR MACHAON AESCULAPII F. Graecorum ad Troiam Medicus,

copper engr. of the famous surgeon & medic MACHAON (Μαχάων),

son of Asclepius, from “Thesaurus Graecarum antiquitatum”, J.

Gronovius, Van Der Aa, 1698. Double page with full page engr. & full page

descr. text. Engr. dim. 17x29cm. Starting Price: 45 €

Lot. 8264 ENGR Large 17th century engr. 34x28cm

with “C. Decker fec” iscr. presenting antiquities. Waterstain on margins, otherwise in Very Fine condition.

Very Interesting item. Starting Price: 40 €

Lot. 8265 ENGR “RHODUS - Plate 66” Large view of Rhodes with ships on the foreground. Copperplate engraving on a verge type hand laid paper. Original folds & some repairs. The overall size is ca. 70 x 31.5 cm. The image size is ca. 63 x 22 cm. This scarce plate

originates from “Voyage au Levant cest a dire dans les principaux endroits de lAsie Mineure dans les Isles de Chio, de Rhodes, de Chypre...” by Corneille le Brun (Cornelis de Bruyn), published 1700. VF

Starting Price: 120 €

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Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Archive Photographs, Tobacciana, Embroideries & WWI Memorabilia 61

Lot. 8266 ENGR Cornelius de Bruyn: “SCIO” (Pl.61) copper engraving from “Voyage au Levant...dans les Isles de Chio, de Rhodes, de Chypre...

dEgypte, de Syrie, et de la Terre Sainte...”, published by Henri de Kroonevelt, Delft, 1700. First edition in French. Size: The overall size is ca. 136 x 35.5 cm. The image size is ca. 126 x 28.5 cm. Two sheets joined together. Signs of original folds. A few

restored tears. Very good considering its age. Very Rare. Starting Price: 250 €

Lot. 8268 ENGR “STANCHIO” (ΚΩΣ) wonderful copper engraved view of Cos, first appeared in “Reizen van Cornelis de Bruyn, Door de

vermaardste Deelen van Klein Asia. De Eylanden Scio, Rhodus, Cyprus, Metelino, Stanchio, &c....” publ. 1698 in Delft by Herik van Krooneveld. This engraving comes from the French translation (Paris 1714). Copperplate engraving on a verge type hand

laid paper. Original folds. Size: 38x16 cm. Condition Very Good considering its age. General age related toning and soiling. Starting Price: 100 €

Lot. 8267 ENGR Jean-Baptiste Vanmour: “Fille de Naxis, Isle de lArchipel”

colour copper engr. by G.Scotin, from “Recueil de cent estampes

representant differentes nations du Levant...par les soins de M. Le Hay, Paris, 1714”. Size: page 48 x 30 cm., platemark 36 x 25 cm. VF & Rare.

Starting Price: 70 €

Lot. 8269 ENGR “Tiniotes / Tom.II.Pag.50” copper engraving c.

16x10cm. from the book “Illustrations de Relation dun voyage du Levant” by Joseph Pitton de

Tournefort, first published 1717, in Paris. Framed and in excellent condition.

Starting Price: 30 €

Lot. 8270 ENGR “Pretres Armeniens en habits

Sacerdotaux / Tom.II.pag.165” & “Diacre et Soudiacre Armeniens”

two copper engr., c. 15x10cm. each, on one page from the book

“Illustrations de Relation dun voyage du Levant” by J. P. Tournefort, first

publ. 1717, Paris. VF. Starting Price: 45 €

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62 A. Karamitsos # 517

Lot. 8277 ENGR Bruyn, Abraham de, copperplate engraving “Rhodius ordo atratus /

Germanicus ordo albatus / Melitensis ordo atricolor cum alba cruce / Hungaricorum equitum ordo tunica coloris sanguinei chlamyde vubea in quaerus est viridis” c.1750, 22.4 cm x 32.8 cm. One of a set of 18 prints depicting costume for members of various Christian religious groups &

ecclesiastical orders from “Costumes de differents ordres monastiques”.VF. Starting Price: 40 €


/ 101 large full page copper engraving c.

1718. Size: 18x29 cm. Excellent condition. Starting Price: 30 €

Lot. 8273 ENGR “COLOSSE”copper plate engr. by MALLET, A. M., publ. in Paris 1686 or 1719

in “Description de lUnivers” (German edition). Attractive

& impressive. Size of the plate: 10x14 cm. VF. Starting Price: 20 €

Lot. 8274 ENGR Copper engr. depicting man & a

Dragon, prob. from “Ouresiphoites Helveticus...”, Scheuchzer Johann Jacob, 1723. Dim.16x17cm. Very

Fine. Starting Price: 50 €

Lot. 8278 ENGR Dresses of the Women

in the Isle of Nio, one of the Grecian Archipelago,

10x15cm. copper engraving from the Universal Magazine, January 1780 (incl. the page of the magazine with the

description). VF. Starting Price: 10 €

Lot. 8272 ENGR Greek Women of Constantinople /

Vol.I.Pag.355 coloured copper engraving c. 16x10cm. from the book “A Voyage into the Levant...” by Joseph Pitton de Tournefort.

First edition in English. London: D. Browne, A. Bell, J. Darby et al., 1718. VF.

Starting Price: 30 €

Lot. 8275 M RHODUS (view of port) original

engraving from “Peregrinus in Jerusalem (Fremdling zu Jerusalem)” by Myller, A. M., Vienna & Nurnberg (1729, 1735). Engraver: J. Hiller, A.J. Mansfelt, J.J.

Ditzler, J.F. Fischer and others. Size: 14 x 17 cm. Rare & Very good condition.

Starting Price: 35 €

Lot. 8282 ENGR “Nobile Greco di Rodi / Isola

del Arcipelago - Noble Grec du Rodi / Isle de l Archipel - Apud

Theodorum Viero Ven.” profusely handcoloured copper engraving by Teodoro Viero (Venice, 1783). Size 17 x 23 cm. with good margins all

round. Excellent condition. Starting Price: 30 €

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Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Archive Photographs, Tobacciana, Embroideries & WWI Memorabilia 63

Lot. 8276 ENGR “NEGROPONTE / Dardanelli / Pag:229, Num:2”, two engravings by Hiller from A. M. Myllers book “Peregrinus in Jerusalem”

1730, 1735. Engr. Dim. 13.5x17cm. Attached on period blanc sheet.

Starting Price: 60 €

Lot. 8279 ENGR A Grecian Woman of the Island of

Siphanto, and her Children, 10x15cm. copper engraving from the Universal Magazine, 1780 (incl. the page of the magazine with the description). VF.

Starting Price: 10 €

Lot. 8280 ENGR Dresses of the Grecian Inhabitants of

the Island of Naxia, 10x13.5cm. copper engraving from the Universal Magazine,

March 1780 (incl. the page of the magazine with the description). VF.

Starting Price: 10 €

Lot. 8281 ENGR “Vue d une porte a Ephese (= Άποψη μιας πύλης στην Έφεσο), dessine

par le Comte De Choiseul-Gouffier, grave par Decquevauvillier” copper engraving, 37x25 cm., on thick paper 49x31 cm., from

“Voyage pittoresque de la Grece. Tome premier” published by J. P. Aillaud, Paris, 1782. Light water stain at edge, a couple of stain spots,

o/w very fine condition. Starting Price: 60 €

Lot. 8284 ENGR “Exercices des Derwischs Rufayis. V. Scene / Pl.132” c.1790 b&w copper engr. 35x24cm after C. N. Cochin

fils, from “Tableau General de Lempire Othoman, Divise...” by I. M. DOhsson. Few light brown spots.

Starting Price: 40 €

Lot. 8283 ENGR “Chinese Dresses” original copper engr. by Wooding, published in Bankess New

System of Geography, London, ca. 1788. Size: 17 x 14 cm. including inscription (each), plus margins. Some

stain spots on top. Starting Price: 30 €

Lot. 8285 ENGR Habitants de la Carie coloured Hand-tinted copper engraving from the book “Costumes de Differents Pays” by Jacques

Grasset de Saint-Sauveur (France), Labrousse (France,

Bordeaux), c. 1797. Sheet: 26.67 x 18.73 cm.; Composition:

19.69 x 13.65 cm. VF & Rare. Starting Price: 30 €

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64 A. Karamitsos # 517

Lot. 8286 ENGR Habitans de la Carie four

copper engr. on one plate, des. J. B. Hilair, engr. dim. 21x31cm, from “Voyage pittoresque...” by Choiseul-Gouffier. Small hole

on lower left white margin. Starting Price: 40 €

Lot. 8287 ENGR An officer of the Janissaries

and a Greek sailor at Constantinople coloured copper engraving from

“Peter Edmund Laurent. Recollections of a classical tour through various parts

of Greece, Turkey, and Italy, made in the years 1818 &

1819.” Published in London: printed for G. and W.B.

Whittaker, 1821. Size: 12.5 x 15 cm. Framed & excellent.

Starting Price: 25 €

Lot. 8288 ENGR Fancy Ball Dress. No. 24. Asiatic

Turkey. Diarbekir 1832 hand colour lithogr. by L. Mansion from “A

Group of Fancy Ball Dress Plates” by Mansion. Engr. dim. 23x28cm. Seld adhesive tape on lower white margin

& few small brown spots. Starting Price: 30 €

Lot. 8289 ENGR Gate of the Seraglio Constantinople/From the

Picture in the Royal Collection c. 1850 steel engraving by J.T.Willmore after a picture by F. Danby, on heavy paper, “London publ. for the Proprietors”. Engr. Dim.: 18x25cm. Very Fine

condition. Starting Price: 15 €

Lot. 8290 ENGR “EIN GRIECHE” color engraving

by L. Markaert, 25x16 cm., from Heinrich Berghauss “Die Volker des Erdballs: nach ihrer

Abstammung und Verwandtschaft, und ihren Eigenthumlichkeiten in Regierungsform, Religion, Sitte

und Tracht.”, 2. Vol., 2nd Edition, Brussels, Ghent, Leipzig (Carl Musquardt) 1854 (first edition 1845/47). Very fine condition.

Starting Price: 25 €

Lot. 8291 ENGR New canal and town of SANTA MAURA, one of the Ionian islands. From a sketch by W.L. Leitch engraved print issued

in London for the Victorian magazine “The Illustrated London News” ca. 1859. Very interesting, detailed &

decorative item, inframe. Dimensions: 12x23cm. Very good condition.

Starting Price: 10 €

Lot. 8292 ENGR Three Greek Sisters at Therapia, sketched

by D. Wilkie, sculpt. W. J. Edwards, beautifully coloured copper engr. c.1875.

Engr. dim. 22x19cm. Very Fine condition. Starting Price: 25 €

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Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Archive Photographs, Tobacciana, Embroideries & WWI Memorabilia 65

Lot. 8293 ENGR THE ISLAND OF TENEDOS large 35x15cm engr. from “The Illustrated London News” 22.8.1863. Attached in paper frame.

Excelent condition. Starting Price: 50 €

Lot. 8294 ENGR FESENKO E. I., “Mount ATHOS, a view from the North-East”,

Odessa, 1884. A early & rare Fesenko chromolithography, with index of Monasteries and Sketes of Mount Athos. Title, index & caption in Russian. Dim.~49x34cm. Creased, large tear ~10cm on left part, small tear ~1cm on lower right corner. Framed, ready to hang. Rare.

Starting Price: 180 €



c.1900 chromolithography with bilingual (greek & russian) title and index of the monasteries and sketes. Dim.45x31cm. Creased. Framed.

Starting Price: 180 €

Lot. 8298 ENGR Rare lithograph of Olga Queen of Greece

with caption in four languages “598. ΟΛΓΑ ΒΑΣΙΛΙΣΣΑ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ / Reine de la Grece / Konigin von Griechenland / queen of Greece” Printed in Germany M & L. One large

6cm tear & few more small marginal. 1.5cmx2mm chipped part of caption. In wooden frame (ready

to hang). Overall impression Fine. Rare. Starting Price: 200 €

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66 A. Karamitsos # 517

Lot. 8297 ENGR FESENKO E. I., “Agiou Panteleimonos monastery

Mount Athos / Μονή Αγίου Παντελεήμονα - Άγιο Όρος”, Odessa, 1908. Scarce Fesenko

chromolithography with title & edition info in Russian. Dim.~46x35cm. Waterstains. Framed,

ready to hang. Starting Price: 150 €


ΑΝΑΣΤΑΣΕΩΣ / THE FESTIVAL OF THE EXPECTED PAN-HELLENIC RISING, James P. VAFAKOS (CHICAGO) 1910 / Έκδοσις Π. ΒΑΦΑΚΟΥ (ΣΙΚΑΓΟ). Rare colour lithograph depicting Crown Prince Constantine and Princess

Sophia surounded by the the royal families of Europe. Abdul Hamid of Turkey is placed seperately

on a frame on the upper left corner. Views of Constantinople, Hagia Sofia & Parthenon comprise

the upper part of the composition. The lower part of the lithograph depicts a two headed Eagle, having under its wings Queen Olga surrounded by two large women figures named Greece & Crete and six smaller women figures under the names

of Epirus, Macedonia, Thrace, Rhodes, Samos, & Cyprus. Cut on upper margin, various tears, creases & traces of waterstains, missing part of the lower

lithograph part, mold on left part. Starting Price: 320 €


MOUNT ATHOS, NORTH-EAST VIEW. Scarce c.1900 chromolithography with bilingual (greek

& russian) title and index of the monasteries and sketes. Dim.45x31cm. Creased. Framed.

Starting Price: 180 €

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Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Archive Photographs, Tobacciana, Embroideries & WWI Memorabilia 67


Lot. 8302 DOC Crete 1881. Document with Turkish fiscals & cachets “ΧΡΙΣΤΙΑΝΙΚΗΝ



Lot. 8300 DOC ΣΑΛΩΝΑ (Salona) 1825. Part of

document with small text: “Ελήφθη ένα ακόμη αρνί δια τον Διοβουνιώτη

με την ίδιαν τιμήν”. Scarce oval cachet. Starting Price: 5 €

Lot. 8301 DOC Επαρχία ΚΟΡΙΝΘΟΥ (Corinth) 1825.

Part of document with scarce oval cachet “ΕΠΑΡΧΕΙΟΝ ΚΟΡΙΝΘΟΥ”.

Starting Price: 5 €

Lot. 8303 DOC Smyrne - Lesvos 1891. Letter written in

Smyrne & SIGNED by the Greek industrialist D. Isigonis (Δ. ΙΣΗΓΟΝΗΣ) sent to the

industrialist P. Kurtzis (Π. Μ. ΚΟΥΡΤΖΗΣ) from Mytilene - Lesbos (Μυτιλήνη-Λεσβος).

The letter includes details about water-powered engines. Watermarked paper.

Starting Price: 35 €

Lot. 8304 DOC Document, written at Carlovasi on 27th Oct.


Starting Price: 10 €

Lot. 8305 EPH Smyrne - Greek merchants 1900-1920. Collection of 14 official

trader covers, with printed company names & addresses. Various Turkish, English, French, Italian stamps & cachets.

Starting Price: 15 €

Lot. 8306 DOC Smyrne 1901. “Κατάστημα

Μεταξωτών Μ. ΠΑΠΠΑΔΟΠΟΥΛΟΥ / Σμύρνη Σεϊταν Τσαρσι,

αριθ.31”. Margins cut. Starting Price: 15 €

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68 A. Karamitsos # 517

Lot. 8307 EPH “Loterie De LOrphelinat Grec de

Smyrne / 6 Λαχείον Ορφανοτροφείου Σμύρνης / 6me Tirage le 6 Juillet 1902”. With red original cachet.

Chipped part on left side. Starting Price: 15 €

Lot. 8308 EPH Loterie pour la Construction de la Nouvelle

Eglise De Ste CATHERINE / Λαχείον Υπέρ Ανέγερσ. του ΝΑΟΥ ΤΗΣ ΑΓ.

ΑΙΚΑΤΕΡΙΝΗΣ εν ΣΜΥΡΝΗΣ / 4me Tirage le 14 Juiν 1903. With purple cachet. Pinholes, one tiny tear & small hole 0.2cm.

Starting Price: 30 €


provided by the Greek Consulat of Smyrne, conducted on 4.3.1905.

Starting Price: 30 €

Lot. 8310 DOC Printed letterhead of Thomas Georgiadis, agent of the Steam

Navigation Company “Archipelago Hadji Dhaout Farkouch” in Rhodes,

written on September 7, 1909. Starting Price: 10 €

Lot. 8311 DOC Smyrne 1920. “Rankin & Demas / Engineers & Ironfounders”. Typed

letter sent to Mytilene. Signed. Starting Price: 10 €

Lot. 8312 EPH Smyrne - Ottoman (AIDIN)

RAILWAY Company. First Class Free Pass ticket from Aidin to Smyrne in

September 1921. The ticket is issued for a relative (sister) of a Greek employee

of the Company. Round cachet “OTTOMAN (AIDIN) RAILWAY

- GENERAL MANAGERS OFFICE”. Starting Price: 30 €

Lot. 8313 DOC Smyrne 1921. “COLLEGE ANGLO-FRANCAIS DE CARCONS / Pensionnat, Demi-Pensionnat,

Externat Smyrne (Turquie DAsie)”. Starting Price: 15 €

Lot. 8314 DOC SMYRNE - French Consulat, 29.6.1921.

“Registre DImmatriculation” with 3 cachets “CONSULAT GENERAL DE FRANCE”

and Consul signature. Dim.16x31cm. Starting Price: 15 €

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Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Archive Photographs, Tobacciana, Embroideries & WWI Memorabilia 69


Athens)” small accumulation of ephemera, incl. “Regulations 1919” (8pp. booklet), two copies of an enrollment to school for the year 1921-22,

two monthly analysis of special expenses of a student and an album with various photos (ca. 90 pieces), sized 5-9cm x 7-14cm, including one with

the coffin of King Alexander in Dhekelia. Interesting lot. Starting Price: 60 €

Lot. 8316 DOC Μικρασιατική Εκστρατία - Greco Turkish War 1922. Scarce collection of 8 Greek military cachets (on 4 document fragments):



Starting Price: 70 €

Lot. 8319 DOC Ministry of Transport / Department of Postal Savings / Confirmatory statement for a deposit over 3000 drachmas issued in Mytilene on 16th Nov. 1930, enclosed in official envelope & posted in town of

Mytilene, with arr. canc. on back. Starting Price: 10 €

Lot. 8318 DOC Certificate of the Standard Greek School of Thanos J. Liberopoulos in the district

of Pangrati, issued on September 29, 1931. Starting Price: 5 €

Lot. 8317 DOC Piraikos League 1894 / dance soiree

for night schools / at the South Faliron Station Hotel / personal invitation issued on 21st February 1925, with violet handstamp of the League.

Starting Price: 5 €

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70 A. Karamitsos # 517

Lot. 8321 DOC ΡΟΔΟΣ “ΑΠΟΡΡΗΤΟΝ - Σημείωμα επί των ζητημάτων αρμοδιότητας Γραφείου Εξωτερικών Υποθέσεων” 2.8.1948. 46

σελ. ανάλυση ζητημάτων που αφορούν Ιταλούς, Μουσουλμάνους, Εβραίους, Αρμένιους της Δωδεκανήσου καθώς και ζητήματα Σπογγαλιείας. Αριθμός στρατιωτών και μεταφορά τους στην Ιταλία,διαχείριση περιουσιών, ιθαγένειας, θρησκευτικών ζητημάτων &

εκκλ. περιουσίας, σχέσεις με Τουρκία, διαχείριση πειουσιών δωδεκανησίων στην Μικρά Ασία. Καστελόριζο. ΣΠΑΝΙΟ Starting Price: 50 €

Lot. 8320 DOC ΛΗΜΝΟΣ 1938. Πιστοποιητικό

θανάτου και ορισμού κληρονόμων με συμπερίληψη και φωτογραφίας των κληρονόμων.



Starting Price: 25 €

Lot. 8322 B Federation of Greek travel tours / Exhibition of

photographs from Greece / under protection by the honorary Consul General of Greece / Organizer:

Greek union of Istanbul / Istanbul 9-20 December 1951 / Exhibition Hall of the Consulate General of France: 12x16cm, 36pp. booklet in Greek & Turkish

text, catalogue of 313 exhibits, printed in Turkey. Starting Price: 25 €

Lot. 8323 DOC Εταιρία Ελλήνων Λογοτεχνών,

1954. Έγγραφο με σφραγίδα της εταιρίας και υπογραφές του Νίκου Βέη & Στρατή Δούκα, με το οποίο κάνουν δεκτή ως μέλος της εταιρίας

την συγγραφέα Σ. Πετράκη. Starting Price: 10 €

Lot. 8327 DOC Επιστολικό δελτάριο από τον γλύπτη και χαράκτη ΝΙΚΟΛΑ (Νικόλαος Παυλόπουλος) προς την συγγραφέα

Στέλλα Πετράκη. Στην κάρτα απεικονίζεται έργο του γλύπτη.

Starting Price: 10 €

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Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Archive Photographs, Tobacciana, Embroideries & WWI Memorabilia 71

Lot. 8324 DOC Επιστολή (1955) του λογοτέχνη και ζωγράφου Στρατή ΔΟΥΚΑ προς τη συγγραφέα Στέλλα

Πετράκη. Ο Σ. Δούκας θεωρείται ως ένας από τους σημαντικότερους εκπροσώπους της

Αιολικής Σχολής. Starting Price: 15 €

Lot. 8325 DOC Επιστολή (1956) του λογοτέχνη και θεατρικού συγγραφέα Βασίλη

ΡΩΤΑ προς τη συγγραφέα Στέλλα Πετράκη.

Starting Price: 10 €

Lot. 8326 DOC Επιστολή του Κώστα ΜΟΥΣΟΥΡΗ,

σε επιστολόχαρτο “ΘΕΑΤΡΟΝ ΚΩΣΤΑ ΜΟΥΣΟΥΡΗ” προς τη συγγραφέα Σ. Πετράκη. 28.2.1957.

Starting Price: 10 €

Lot. 8328 DOC 1961-1968 Δύο επιστολές, προσωπικές κάρτες και πρόσκληση σε ομιλία του Χρήστου ΣΟΛΟΜΩΝΙΔΗ, λογοτέχνη, ιστορικού της Σμύρνης και Γεν. Γραμματέα Υπουργείου Παιδείας. Οι επιστολές έχουν γραφτεί προς την συγγραφές Στέλλα Πετράκη με αφορμή

την έκδοση βιβλίων της για τη Σμύρνη. Starting Price: 10 €

Lot. 8329 DOC Δύο επιστολές από τον Κώστα ΒΑΡΝΑΛΗ (1967) και την Δώρα Μοάτσου - Βάρναλη (1963) προς την συγγραφέα Στέλλα

Πετράκη. Η επιστολή του Κ. Βάρναλη γραμμένη τον Ιανουάριο του 1967 αναφέρεται στο βιβλίο “Παροιμίες και παραμύθια της Σμύρνης” της Σ. Πετράκη.

Starting Price: 70 €

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72 A. Karamitsos # 517

Lot. 8330 DOC Επιστολή από την Αμάλη Λάππα προς την συγγραφέα Στέλλα Πετράκη. Περιγράφει τις προσωπικές της αναμνήσεις από την Μικρασιατική καταστροφή και την πατρίδα της το

Σεβδικιοϊ της Μικράς Ασίας. 11.9.1963. Starting Price: 10 €

Lot. 8331 DOC Επιστολή της δημοσιογράφου

και πεζογράφου Λιλίκας ΝΑΚΟΥ προς την συγγραφέα

Στέλλα Πετράκη. Απρίλιος 1963. Starting Price: 20 €

Lot. 8332 DOC Επιστολή από τον Φώτο ΓΙΟΦΥΛΛΗ, λογοτεχνικό ψευδόνυμο του ποιητή, πεζογράφου, σεναριογράφου και μεταφραστή Σπύρου ΜΟΥΣΟΥΡΗ, προς την

συγγραφέα Στέλλα Πετράκη. 26.3.1970. Starting Price: 10 €

Lot. 8333 BOND Pera Palace Hotel De Constantinople 1922. Bond for 100 francs, with 35 coupons. Small tears on right edge

otherwise Very Fine. Starting Price: 15 €

Lot. 8334 BOND Electricite et Tramways de Smyrne 1928. Bond for 500 francs, with

24 coupons and extra “Certificat De Declaration”. Fine. Starting Price: 20 €

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Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Archive Photographs, Tobacciana, Embroideries & WWI Memorabilia 73

For additional and more detailed images, visit the online auction catalogue at: www.karamitsos.com ”


Lot. 8335 BOND The RUSSIAN TOBACCO Company,

Societe de Tabacs Russe Limited, Share Warrant to bearer for 100

Shares of 1 sterling each, No. F6695, issued 14.10.1915 at London, with

attached dividend coupons numbered from 4 to 20. VF.

Starting Price: 30 €

Lot. 8336 BOND Manufacture Generale de Tabacs J. TIROU - DIRICQ, PART DE

FONDATEUR No. 001216 stock certificate, issued 26.2.1923 at Charleroi, complete with attached all 30 dividend coupons numbered from 1 to 30. VF.

Starting Price: 10 €

Lot. 8337 BOND Manufactures Algeriennes de TABACS,

CIGARES & CIGARETTES J. BASTOS, Action de CENT NOUVEAUX FRANCS Au Porteur, Numero 059,202, issued 1962 at Alger, with attached dividend coupons

numbered from 8 to 30. VF. Starting Price: 15 €

Lot. 8338 BOND Manufacture Generale de Tabacs J. TIROU -

DIRICQ, Action de Capital nominative de 500 francs stock certificate No. 003419, issued 26.2.1923 at Charleroi, complete with attached all 30 dividend

coupons numbered from 1 to 30. VF. Starting Price: 10 €

Lot. 8339 BOND Compania General de Tabacos

de Filipinas, Titulo No. 1861009399 de 1 acciones de

500 pesetas nominales cada una stock certificate issued 5 June

1987 in Barcelona. VF. Starting Price: 10 €



CINQUANTE FRANCS au Porteur / No. 049,246” share type “A”, issued in Paris, 1.6.1924, with attached coupons

numbered from 3 to 32. VF. Starting Price: 10 €

Page 82: A.Karamitsos Public Auction 517

74 A. Karamitsos # 517


Cigarettes Orientales XANTHI- CAVALLA -


Original empty tin box for 100 cigarettes. Size:14.5x9x5cm. Few Scratches, edge-wear.

Starting Price: 35 €

Lot. 8342 VF M. MELACHRINO &

CO. Egyptian Cigarettes, Factory No.30, District of North Carolina. An original empty cigarette

carton packet for 20 cigarettes. Size: 9x7x2cm.

Very fine condition. Starting Price: 20 €


Cigarettes Orientales XANTHI- CAVALLA -


Original empty tin box for 100 cigarettes. Size:14x12x4cm.

Few Scratches. Starting Price: 20 €

Lot. 8344 G TEMI RODI / Tobacchi Egei Manifattura Italiana Rodi. An

original empty tin boxpacket for 50 cigarettes. Size: 15x10x2cm. Few scratches, slightly bumped.

Starting Price: 60 €

Lot. 8345 F DAVROS CARTE SPECIALE Cigarettes Orientales XANTHI-


Original empty tin box for 100 cigarettes. Size:15x11.5x4cm.

Few scratches. Starting Price: 25 €

Lot. 8346 “TATTS VIRGINIA Smyrna Antique”. Original empty tin

box for 20 cigarettes. Size: 9x7x2cm. Several

brown spots, signs of rust. Starting Price: 20 €

Lot. 8347 VF DUBEC No.2 J.v.K.


Cigarettes Egyptiennes. An original empty

cigarette carton packet for 10 cigarettes.

Size: 7.5x9.5x1.5cm. Very fine condition. Starting Price: 10 €

Lot. 8348 F Nestor Gianaclis Frankfurt a/M 10 Cigaretten Queen. Original

empty tin box. Dim.7x4.5x2cm. Fine.

Starting Price: 18 €

Lot. 8349 VF Dimitrino & Co, Egyptian

Cigarettes - Greek company. Pack of Cigarettes.

Dim.:10x8x2cm. Condition Very Fine.

Starting Price: 10 €

Lot. 8350 VF PTEO - Zigaretten, Georg A. Jasmatzi

Aktiengesellschaft, Dresden. An original empty cigarette carton Packet for 50 cigarettes. Size: 14.5x7.5x2.5cm. Very

fine condition. Starting Price: 25 €

Lot. 8351 VF No.6 DUBEC - m/M. Cigarette n GEORG

A. JASMATZI - Dresden. An original

empty cigarette carton packet for 20 cigarettes.

Size: 8.5x9x2cm. Very fine condition. Starting Price: 12 €

Lot. 8352 VF Dimitrino & Co, Egyptian

Cigarettes - Greek company. Pack of Cigarettes.

Dim.:10x8x2cm. Condition Very Fine.

Starting Price: 10 €

Page 83: A.Karamitsos Public Auction 517

Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Archive Photographs, Tobacciana, Embroideries & WWI Memorabilia 75

Lot. 8353 VG S.A.p.A., Fabriques de Tabac Reunies, Plovdiv.. An original Bulgarian empty cigarette carton

packet for 100 cigarettes. Size: 17x8x4cm. The cover has some faults, o/w very good condition.

Starting Price: 20 €

Lot. 8354 VF Korfu Rot. Original


packet for 12 cigarettes. German ww2 period, with

banderole stamped with the eagle and

swastika. Bearing map of Greece on face. Size: 5.5x7x1.5cm.

Excellent. Starting Price: 50 €

Lot. 8355 VF ANARGYROS /

MOGUL Egyptian Cigarettes. Original

empty carton packet. Size: 5.5x7.5x2cm.

Very Fine. Starting Price: 25 €

Lot. 8356 VF RILA - BULGARIA - 20

Cigarettes. An original cigarette carton packet for 20 cigarettes, with the interior protective paper and one

cigarette. Size: 8x7x1.5cm. Very fine condition. Starting Price: 5 €

Lot. 8357 F A. CONSTANTIN No 85

GOLD / Aus Constantinopel etabliert seir 1888


tin box. Size: 8x8x2cm. Fine. Starting Price: 30 €

Lot. 8358 VF ANARGYROS /

HELMAR Turkish Cigarettes. Original

empty carton packet. Size: 5.5x7.5x2cm.

Very Fine. Starting Price: 25 €

Lot. 8359 VF KYRIAZI Freres NEPTUNE Cairo

(Egypt). Original empty carton packet for 20 cigarettes. Size:9.5x7x2cm.

Very Fine. Starting Price: 25 €

Lot. 8360 VF KYRIAZI Freres HAGIA,

Cairo Egypt. Original empty carton packet for 20 cigarettes.

Size: 8x8x2cm. Very Fine. Starting Price: 20 €

Lot. 8361 VF “XANTHIA

MIREILLE Xanthis Freres Alexandrie-

Caire-Geneve”. Original empty carton packet

of 20 cigarettes. Dim.7.5x8x2cm. Fine. Starting Price: 18 €

Lot. 8362 VF “COLOMBOSS BEY” Turkish

Mild 10s, from Malta. An original empty cigarette carton

packet & plain slide, for 10 cigarettes. Size: 7x4.5x1.5cm.

Very fine condition. Starting Price: 10 €

Lot. 8363 VG ABDULLA Virginia Leaf.

Original empty tin box for 20 cigarettes. Size:

9x7.5x1.5cm. Scratches. Starting Price: 15 €

Lot. 8364 VG BEER STAMBOUL Cigarettes

Orientales. Original empty tin box for 25 cigarettes. Size:11.5x7x2cm.

Scratches. Starting Price: 35 €

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76 A. Karamitsos # 517

Lot. 8365 VF “D. DIMITRIOU & Co Samos

Vathy / The OMEGA High Class”. Original empty carton

packet for 24 cigarettes. Size: 9x7x2cm. Fine. Starting Price: 40 €

Lot. 8366 VF DIMITRINO & Co Cairo, Egypt Best Cigarettes. Original empty carton packet. Size:10x7x2cm.

Very Fine. Starting Price: 15 €

Lot. 8367 G M.C. CARATHANASSIS & Co Vathy, Samos, Greece, BEST. Original empty carton packet for 100 cigarettes.

Size: 16x7.5x5cm. Cracks & tears. Starting Price: 25 €


Cairo - Alexandria - Salonica. Original empty tin box for 100 cigarettes.

Size:15x7x5cm. Starting Price: 40 €


No.4 Frankfurt A.M . Original empty tin box for 100 cigarettes. Size: 14x11x4cm. Fine.

Starting Price: 40 €

Lot. 8370 VF MURAD The Turkish Cigarette / S.

ANARGYROS. An original empty tin box for 50 cigarettes. Size: 14.5x11x2cm. Very Fine condition.

Starting Price: 45 €


Cigarettes Orientales XANTHI- CAVALLA - SANSOUN -

SMYRNE / D. MISSIRIAN. Original empty tin box for

50 cigarettes. Size:14x12x2cm. Few scratches.

Starting Price: 20 €

Lot. 8372 VF ATIKAH -

CIGARETTEN, Echt Turkische Tabake,

DELTA, Dresden. An original empty cigarette carton packet & plain slide, for 24 cigarettes. Size: 8x7x3cm. Very

fine condition. Starting Price: 15 €


Cigarettes Orientales XANTHI- CAVALLA -

SANSOUN - SMYRNE / D. MISSIRIAN Bruxelles. Original empty tin box for

50 cigarettes. Size:14x12x2cm. Few scratches.

Starting Price: 10 €

Lot. 8374 F DAVROS CARTE SPECIALE Cigarettes Orientales XANTHI-


Original empty tin box for 25 cigarettes. Size:12x7x2cm.

Few scratches. Starting Price: 10 €

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Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Archive Photographs, Tobacciana, Embroideries & WWI Memorabilia 77

Thessaloniki - Salonica Collectables

Lot. 8375 VF WWI Military Trench Art: The soldiers used empty shell cases to manufacture a variety of objects, including lighters,

vases, photoframes, ashtrays, etc. This is a very nice example of that era, a brass

ashtray with a fluted rim and the regiments insignia at its center, a dragon and “THE BUFFS” ribbon of the Royal East Kent

Regiment (of which the 2nd Battalion was in Macedonia 1915-18), encircled with the engravings “FRANCE - BELGIUM 1916” and “1917 - SALONICA”. The ashtray has a couple of spots with very light wear and tarnish. Its diameter is approx. 12cm. and

its weight is 128gr. Starting Price: 50 €

Lot. 8376 VF WWI Military Trench Art: The soldiers used empty shell cases to manufacture a variety of objects, including lighters, vases, photoframes, ashtrays, etc. This is a very nice example of that era, a

brass ashtray with a fluted rim and the regiments insignia at its center (Royal Army Service Corps) with its motto

“Honi soit qui mal y pense”, encircled with the engravings “FRANCE - BELGIUM 1916” and “1917 -

SALONICA”. The ashtray has areas with very light wear and tarnish. Its diameter is approx. 12cm. and its weight is 124gr.

Starting Price: 50 €

Lot. 8377 VF WWI Military Trench Art: The soldiers used empty shell cases to manufacture a variety of objects, including lighters, vases, photoframes, ashtrays, etc. This is a nice example of brass & copper

in the shape of a book, probably used to hold a lighter. It is engraved “SALONICA 1916-9” on the front side and decorated initials “R J G”

on the back side. It measures approx. 57x63x20mm. and weighs 76gr.

Starting Price: 35 €

Lot. 8378 VF Original World War I Souvenir or Trench Art, a hand curved wooden hinge-lidded cigarette or tobacco box in squared shape, covered with

detailed and deep carvings, with the design of a banner & crest of the “LOYAL NORTH LANCASHIRE” on the cover and the inscriptions

“MADE BY TURKISH P. OF. W. / M.O. NOURI SOUVENIR / SALONICA / MAY - 10 - 1919”. The box measures approx. 10x10x2cm. and its weight is 72gr. It is in very fine condition.

Starting Price: 65 €

Lot. 8379 VF Original World War I British Souvenir or Trench Art Aluminium Match Safe matchbox holder, probably made from the wreckage of Zeppelin LZ85 which was brought down over Salonica in May 1916. It is a thin, U shaped piece of aluminium that is simply

etched on both sides with initials “W J L” on one and a sketch of a Zeppelin airship & date “27II16” on

the other. The matchbox slips into the opening. The match safe is non-magnetic, intact, with minor age

spotting. It measures 4x2x7 cm. and its weight is 18gr. Starting Price: 25 €

Lot. 8380 VF A pewter beaker with engraved inscriptions “Campagne

dOrient 1915-16-17 / SOUVENIR DE Salonique / Faillet Marcel, le 1-3 1917”. On the bottom of the goblet it is engraved “A Bord du Louqsor /

SALONIQUE / HOPITAL No 1 / M. Faillet”. Height: approx. 8cm. Weight: 32gr. Apparently, this is a souvenir piece of the French soldier M. Faillet who served at the Salonika front and was hospitalized in French Hospital

No.1. Very fine condition & rare. Starting Price: 120 €

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78 A. Karamitsos # 517

Lot. 8384 VF Original World War I Souvenir or Trench Art, an aluminium hinge-

lidded cigarette box with handmade art nouveau engraved decorations on the cover and front side and inscription

“1919”. The interior of the cover and sides of the case are also decorated with engravings. The box measures approx. 6x9x2.5cm. and its weight is 94gr. It is in all original pre-owned

condition and as to be expected there is age related wear and marks.

Starting Price: 70 €

Lot. 8385 VF WWI Military Trench Art: The soldiers used empty shell cases to manufacture a variety of objects, including lighters, vases, photoframes, ashtrays, etc. This

is a nice example of brass petrol lighter in the shape of a book, not working. It is engraved & nicely decorated on both sides, with the inscriptions “Salonique 1917-18” on one side and the initials

“L A” on the other. It measures 43x65x10mm. and weighs 86gr. In

excellent condition. Starting Price: 60 €

Lot. 8386 VF WWI Military Trench Art: The soldiers used empty shell cases to manufacture a variety of objects, including lighters, vases, photoframes, ashtrays, etc. This is a nice example of brass

& copper petrol lighter in the shape of a book, probably not working. It is engraved “SOUVENIR DE SALONIQUE” on the front side. It measures 36x60x12mm. and

weighs 64gr. Very fine condition for its age. Starting Price: 50 €

Lot. 8387 VF Original World War I British Souvenir or Trench Art, Brass Match Safe matchbox holder. The match safe features an applied Badge Emblem as well as handmade inscriptions which read “Corfu 1916 / Salonica 1916-17-18” on one side and “J R Wilson 080812, 605 MTASC” on

the other. The original matchbox is slipped & glued into the safe. Some matches are enclosed in the box. The badge emblem is of different colour brass and is soldered on the surface. In very good condition,

there are some marks/wear/pitting/discolouration commensurate with age/use. It measures 6x4x2 cm. and its weight is 48gr.

Starting Price: 35 €

Lot. 8381 VF Original World War I Souvenir or Trench Art, a hand curved wooden hinge-lidded tobacco

box in rectangle shape, covered with detailed and deep carvings, with the design of a rooster on the cover and the inscription

“1918. IR SALONICA” on the side. The box measures approx.

7x5.5x2cm. and its weight is 40gr. It is in very good

condition. Starting Price: 30 €

Lot. 8383 VF Original World War I Souvenir or

Trench Art, a hand curved wooden hinge-lidded cigarette or tobacco box in rectangle shape, covered with detailed and deep carvings, with the design of a banner & crest of the “LOYAL NORTH

LANCASHIRE” on the cover and the inscriptions “SALONICA” and “EGYPT-1919”. The box measures approx. 10.5x8x2cm. and its weight is 84gr. It is in very fine condition.

Starting Price: 50 €

Lot. 8382 VF Original World War I British Souvenir or Trench

Art, Brass Match Safe matchbox holder. The match safe features an applied Dragon Crest as well as a

Banner that reads “ROYAL BERKSHIRE”. Also, it is inscribed “A.J.B” on one side and “SALONICA. 1917.-18. VARDA” on the small-width side. The

matchbox slips into the opening. The badge emblems are of different colour brass and have

been soldered on the surface. There are some marks and wear commensurate with age/use. The match

safe measures 6x4x2 cm. and its weight is 62gr. Starting Price: 30 €

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Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Archive Photographs, Tobacciana, Embroideries & WWI Memorabilia 79

Lot. 8391 VF Original WWI copper souvenir from the Salonika Front, a letter opener beautifully fashioned as a

Scimitar, it has a decorated bullet handle and horn-shaped cross guard, with one or two small chips

missing from the cutting edge which, however, do not distract from the overall pleasing charm of this

splendid collectable which retains a great patina. Approx. 20cm. in length and 44gr. in weight.

Starting Price: 35 €

Lot. 8392 VF Original WWI bronze souvenir from the Salonika Front, a letter opener beautifully fashioned, it is decorated and marked on

one side with “BALKANS” & “Fred” and on the other side with “1916-17-18” & “Minnie”. Approx. 22cm. in length and 52gr. in weight, with some small scratches which do not distract from the overall pleasing charm of this splendid collectable which

retains a great patina and would make a great desktop item. Starting Price: 40 €

Lot. 8388 VF Original World War I British Souvenir or Trench Art, Brass Match Safe matchbox holder. The match safe

features handmade inscriptions which read “M.T.A.S.C. SALONIKA. KARASOULI. MACEDONIA. 1916” on one side, “ATTACHED. 132. BATTERY. R.C.A.” on the other

& “W. HILL” on the third. The original matchbox is slipped & glued into the safe. In the box there are no matches but

a few writting pen tips of Geo. W. Hughes / Tenax Series / Birmingham. In very good condition, there are some marks/wear/pitting/discolouration commensurate with age/use. It

measures approx. 6x4x2 cm. and its weight is 46gr. Starting Price: 35 €

Lot. 8389 VF WWI Military Trench Art: The soldiers used empty

shell cases to manufacture a variety of objects, including lighters, vases, photoframes, ashtrays, etc.

This is a nice example of brass & copper petrol lighter in the shape of a book, not working. It is engraved & nicely decorated on both sides, with the inscriptions

“Souvenir” and “1919” on the front side. It measures 4x6x1cm. and weighs 66gr. It shows age and use wear.

Starting Price: 35 €

Lot. 8390 VF Original World War I Prisoners Of War Art Souvenir,

Aluminium Match Safe matchbox holder, probably made by a Turkish prisoner kept in a camp near Salonica. It is a thin, U shaped piece of aluminium that is simply etched

on both sides, with a sketch of a mosque on one side and the isncription “SALONICA 1919 / TURKISH P. OF W. / SOUVENIR” on the other. The matchbox slips into the opening. The match safe is non-magnetic, intact, with some age spotting. It measures 6x4x2 cm. and its weight is 18gr.

Starting Price: 35 €

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80 A. Karamitsos # 517

Lot. 8398 VF Original WWI bronze souvenir from the Salonika Front, a letter opener beautifully fashioned as a Scimitar, it has a bullet handle, with art nouveau

decoration on both sides and marked on one side with “Ricordo Salonicco”. Approx. 22cm.

in length, weighing 46gr., it retains a great patina and would make a great desktop item.

Starting Price: 50 €

Lot. 8395 VG Original World War I British Souvenir or Trench Art Aluminium Match Safe

matchbox holder, probably made from the wreckage of Zeppelin LZ85 which was

brought down over Salonica in May 1916. It is a thin, U shaped piece of aluminium that is simply etched on both sides with initials “A F” on one and “SALONICA

1916 17-18” on the other. The matchbox slips into the opening. The match safe is non-magnetic, intact but with some darkening and some age spotting. It

measures 4x6x2 cm. and its weight is 16gr. Starting Price: 20 €

Lot. 8396 VF WWI Military Trench Art: The soldiers used empty shell cases to manufacture

a variety of objects, including lighters, vases, photoframes, ashtrays, etc. This is a very nice example of that era, a brass petrol lighter in the shape

of a pocket watch, not working. It is engraved and decorated on both sides. One side shows the portrait of Eleftherios Venizelos, Prime Minister of

Greece, and the inscription “1914-1920 / VENIZELOS”. The other side shows the White Tower as seen from the sea and has the inscription “TOUR

BLANCHE, SALONICA”. Its diameter is just over 4cm. and its height approx. 6cm. Its weight is 32gr. Very rare and in very fine condition.

Starting Price: 60 €

Lot. 8397 VF Original WWI copper souvenir from the Salonika Front, a letter opener beautifully fashioned as a

Scimitar, it has a bullet handle decorated with a star and crescent, marked on one side “Salonica”, small

part midding from the tip which, however, does not distract from the overall pleasing charm of this

splendid collectable which retains a great patina. Approx. 12cm. in length and 22gr. in weight.

Starting Price: 30 €

Lot. 8393 VF Original WWI bronze souvenir from the Salonika Front, a letter opener beautifully fashioned as a Scimitar, it has a bullet handle decorated with a star & crescent and is

marked on one side with “Souvenir” and on the other side “Salonique”. Approx. 175mm. in length, weighing 38gr.,

would make a great desktop item. Starting Price: 45 €

Lot. 8394 VF Original WWI bronze souvenir from the Salonika Front, a letter

opener beautifully fashioned as a Scimitar, it has a bullet handle and is decorated and marked on one side with “Marjorie” and on the other

side “Salonica * 1916-17-18”. Approx. 18cm. in length, weighing 46gr., retains a great patina and would make a great desktop item.

Starting Price: 45 €

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Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Archive Photographs, Tobacciana, Embroideries & WWI Memorabilia 81

Lot. 8401 VF Original WWI Trench Art

aluminium napkin ring, engraved “Armee dOrient / Salonique 1917

/ FM”. Edges joined on a base made from bullets with copper

engraved Bulgarian emblem & logo “Unity is strength” in Bulgarian. It measures just under 5cm. diameter x just over 4cm. high. Weight: 36gr.

Very good condition & scarce souvenir from the French Army in

the Macedonian Front. Starting Price: 35 €

Lot. 8402 VF Nice original Trench Art aluminium

napkin ring, engraved “LZ 85 / Souvenir of Salonica / 1916 / BS”

made from the wreckage of Zeppelin LZ85 which was brought down over

Salonica in May 1916. It measures 5.5cm. diameter x just under 4cm.

high. Weight: 20gr. Very fine condition & rare.

Starting Price: 40 €

Lot. 8403 VF Original WWI Trench Art napkin ring, engraved

“REMNANT OF ZEPPELIN LZ 85 / SALONICA / 5TH MAY 1916” made from the wreckage of Zeppelin LZ85 which was brought

down over Salonica in May 1916. It measures 5cm. diameter x just under 4cm. high. Weight: 42gr. The napkin ring is made from a piece of

cut down spar. Very good condition & rare. Starting Price: 35 €

Lot. 8404 VF An unusual WWI souvenir item: A tiny

porcelain cup (shot) with the Greek Coat of Arms & inscription “GREECE” plus - on the other side - the inscription “Greece / Allies land at Salonica / October 5, 1915”. With a sealed trademark on the base of the cup:

“Stoke on Trent * England * Savoy China”. Tip diameter: 3.5 cm. Height: 4.5 cm. Very fine.

Starting Price: 10 €

Lot. 8405 VF WWI Military Trench Art: The soldiers used empty shell cases to manufacture a variety of objects, including lighters,

vases, photoframes, ashtrays, etc. This is a very nice example of that era, a brass & copper photoframe in the shape of a mosque, with the star & crescent and a ribbon with the inscription “1917 - SALONIQUE - 1918”. In very fine condition for its age. Size: Approx.

83x102mm. Weight: 58gr. Starting Price: 40 €

Lot. 8399 VF WWI Military Trench Art: The soldiers used empty shell cases to manufacture a variety of objects, including lighters, vases, photoframes, ashtrays, etc. This is a nice example of brass,

copper & chrome petrol lighter in the shape of a book, probably not working. It is engraved “Salonique” on one side and nicely decorated on the other, with an engraving of a house

and a mosque. It measures 38x57x10mm. and weighs 68gr. In excellent condition.

Starting Price: 60 €

Lot. 8400 VF WWI Military Trench Art Brass Bullet Shell Lighter. It measures 7cm. tall and

2cm. diameter and it doesnt work. It shows use and wear. The surface has some discoloration. Faint scratches and marks can be seen while the metal detail

shows dulling/worn out. Still, very fine condition for its age. It weighs 22gr. Starting Price: 50 €

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82 A. Karamitsos # 517

Lot. 8409 VF WWI Military Trench Art: The soldiers used empty

shell cases to manufacture a variety of objects, including lighters, vases, photoframes, ashtrays, etc.

This is a very nice example of that era, a brass ashtray with a fluted rim and the regiments (artillery) insignia at its center and an engraving “SALONICA 1918”.

In excellent condition for its age. Size: Approx. 11cm. in diameter, 2cm. in height. Weight: 94gr.

Starting Price: 40 €

Lot. 8410 VF A badge/pin with inscription “SALONIKA” over engraved

sun and clouds. Made by Fattorini & sons, Bradforf,

England. Weight: 12gr. Excellent condition.

Starting Price: OFFER

Lot. 8411 VF WWI Military Trench Art: The soldiers used empty shell cases

to manufacture a variety of objects, including lighters, vases, photoframes, ashtrays, etc. This is a very nice example of that

era, a brass military identity tag, inscribed “CR. LANCASTER. C. 88261. RCA. CE MACEDONIA

/ JAN. 25, 1917”. Excellent condition. Weight: 10gr.

Starting Price: 30 €

Lot. 8412 VF WWI Military Trench Art: The soldiers used empty shell cases to manufacture a variety of objects, including lighters, vases, photoframes, ashtrays, etc. This is a nice example of that era, a sweetheart brooch/badge/button made by E. Armfield &

Co., Birmingham, together with a heart-shaped piece of bronze engraved with “Gladys” on one side and “1916 / SALONICA

/ 17” on the other. Weight: 10gr. Starting Price: 25 €

Lot. 8406 VF WWI Military Trench Art: The soldiers used empty shell cases to manufacture a variety of objects, including lighters,

vases, photoframes, ashtrays, etc. This is a very nice example of that era, a brass

art deco photoframe with minimal geometric decoration, inscribed initials “R F C” and “SALONIQUE”. Comes with an original photo of a soldier in

a military camp. Shows very light wear & tarnish. Size: Approx. 93x122mm.

Weight: 142gr. Starting Price: 60 €

Lot. 8408 VF WWI Military Art: An ashtray made from duralumin, probably from the

wreckage of Zeppelin LZ85, which was brought down over Salonica in May 1916. It has a fluted rim and a rough engraving depicting an airplane under

the clouds. In very good condition for its age, it shows very light wear and tarnish. Size: Approx. 9.5cm. in

diameter, 2cm. in height. Weight: 30gr. Starting Price: 40 €

Lot. 8407 VF WWI Military Art: An ashtray made from duralumin, probably from the wreckage of Zeppelin LZ85, which was brought

down over Salonica in May 1916. It has a fluted rim and a rough engraving depicting

an airship under the clouds. In very good condition for its age, it shows light wear and tarnish. Size: Approx. 10cm. in diameter, 2.5cm. in height. Weight: 34gr.

Starting Price: 45 €

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Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Archive Photographs, Tobacciana, Embroideries & WWI Memorabilia 83

Lot. 8414 VF WWI Military Trench Art: The soldiers used empty shell cases to manufacture a variety of objects, including lighters, vases, photoframes, ashtrays, etc. This is a nice example of that era, a mortar shell vase fashioned from brass shell

casing, decorated with a shield engraved “SOUVENIR DE SALONIQUE

1915-17”. The base of the brass shell has a series of stamped marks, incl.

“65 DF M” and “A RS L435 P 16”. The base measures 75mm. and the height of the box is approx. 15cm. Weight: 520gr.

Starting Price: 50 €

Lot. 8415 VF WWI Military Trench Art: The soldiers used empty shell cases to manufacture a variety of objects, including lighters, vases, photoframes, ashtrays, etc. This is a nice example of that era, a mortar shell vase fashioned from brass shell

casing, decorated with a shield engraved “SOUVENIR DE SALONIQUE

1915-17”. The base of the brass shell has a series of stamped marks, incl. “65

DE M” and “A RS L142 15 S”. The base measures 75mm. and the height of the box is approx. 15cm. Weight: 544gr.

Starting Price: 50 €

Lot. 8417 VF WWI Military Trench Art: The soldiers used empty

shell cases to manufacture a variety of objects, including lighters, vases, photoframes, ashtrays, etc. This is a very nice example of that era, a brass &

copper item, a bell made from pieces of a bullet and an artillery shell. All the outer surface of the shell has floral hand engraved decorations made with a series

of punch marks, while there is a long inscription: “SALONICA - 1919 - SOUVENIR FROM

TURKISH PRISONERS OF WAR”. The bell has an approximate diameter of 6cm. while its height is 8cm. approx. Weight: 66gr. An unusual and very

decorative item, it retains a lot of the original patina of time and reminds the “greatest of all wars”.

Starting Price: 60 €

Lot. 8418 VF WWI Military Trench Art: The soldiers used empty shell cases to

manufacture a variety of objects, including lighters, vases, photoframes, ashtrays, etc. This is a very nice example of that era, a two-handled trophy-like jar with scalloped top edge fashioned from brass shell casing, decorated with engravings with the insignia of the Royal

Horse Artillery, with the British and French flags & further engraved inscriptions “FRENCH 75” and “SALONICA 1916-1917-1918”. The base of the brass shell has a series of stamped marks, incl. “75 DEC / RS” and “MAM 492L - 16”. The base measures 87mm. in diameter

and the height of the box is approx. 14cm. Weight: 926gr. Starting Price: 100 €

Lot. 8413 VF WWI Military Art: An artistic copper photoframe with engraved map of the Eastern Mediterranean

Sea, from Greece, the Archipelago & Turkey to Palestine, with an empty oval space for the

photograph. Topped with a lion, it has a peripheral inscription “MAUDE KITCHENER ALLENBY TOWNSHEND / GT. BRITAIN 1914 - INDIA - CANADA - S. AFRICA - NEW ZEALAND

- AMERICA - AUSTRALIA 1918”.On the back of the frame it is inscribed: “SERVICE FRAME / EASTERN FRONT / PATENT No. 994/19, REGISTERED No. 666278”. Size: 15cm. high,

18cm. wide. Weight: 476gr. Starting Price: 80 €

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84 A. Karamitsos # 517

Lot. 8420 VF WWI Military Trench Art: The soldiers used empty

shell cases to manufacture a variety of objects, including lighters, vases, photoframes, ashtrays, etc. This is an example of that era, a brass shell including the deactivated or defused projectile,

decorated with engravings made with a series of punch marks, depicting the initials “A C S” and the

inscriptions “FRANCE 1916” & “SALONIKA 1917”. The bottom of the shell has various marks,

incl. “13 PR / II”, “OT-424”, “V.S.M.”, “C F 1916”, etc. The base measures 9cm. in diameter

and the height of the shell is approx. 13cm. Weight: 954gr. The shell has not been polished or

tinkered with and it shows a nice aged patina. Starting Price: 60 €

Lot. 8421 VF WWI Military Trench Art: The soldiers used empty shell cases to manufacture a variety of objects, including lighters, vases, photoframes,

ashtrays, etc. This is a very nice example of that era, a Remington made French brass & copper box with lid, made from a base of a

french 75mm artillery piece brass shell casing, probably used as tobacco jar or jewelry box. All the outer surface of the box & lid has

hand engraved decorations made with a series of punch marks and a shield with inscription “SALONICA 1918”. The base of the brass shell has a series of stamped marks, incl. “75 DE-C” and “SC 208 1 T”. The base measures 87mm. in diameter and the height of the box

is approx. 11.5cm. Weight: 792gr. Starting Price: 80 €

Lot. 8416 VF WWI Military medical tag “Allergic

~~ to ~~ PENICILLIN”, made from silver. Diameter 2.5cm., weight 6gr.

Starting Price: 18 €

Lot. 8419 VF WWI Military Trench Art: The soldiers used empty shell cases to manufacture

a variety of objects, including lighters, vases, photoframes, ashtrays, etc. This is a very nice example of that era, a vase from a brass artillery shell. It is in exceptional condition. The surface of the shell has art nouveau floral decorations, artistically hand engraved, along with a scene with a mosque

and the inscription “MONASTIR 1917”. At left of the image, the initials “A B” are engraved. The base of the brass shell has a series of stamped marks,

incl. “70 SCHNEIDER - & CIE” and “ISSY-16-L-1916”. The base measures 81mm. in diameter and the vase stands 13.3cm. tall. Weight: 640gr.

Starting Price: 80 €

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Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Archive Photographs, Tobacciana, Embroideries & WWI Memorabilia 85

Lot. 8424 VF WWI Military Trench Art: The soldiers used empty

shell cases to manufacture a variety of objects, including lighters, vases, photoframes, ashtrays, etc.

This is a very nice example of that era, a brass artillery shell case with body engraved with a series of punch marks, showing a flower, a shield with the British flag, airplanes and the inscription “SALONIKA FRONT

1917”. The base measures 103mm. in diameter and the height of the shell is approx. 29.5 cm. high. Weight: 1418gr. Excellent condition for its age and unique.

Starting Price: 140 €

Lot. 8425 VF WWI Military Trench Art: The soldiers used empty shell

cases to manufacture a variety of objects, including lighters, vases, photoframes, ashtrays, etc. This is a very nice example

of that era, a brass artillery shell case with dimpled hand hammered body with inscriptions “1917 / SALONICA / 1918 / B-C”. The bottom of the shell has the marks “75 DEC. / MAM - 417L - 17 C”. The base measures 86mm. in diameter and the height of the shell is approx. 35cm.

Weight: 1254gr. There is minor corrosion inside the shell and the exterior has a small vertical crack - however, this does not distract from the overall impressive appearance.

Starting Price: 140 €

Lot. 8422 VF WWI Military Trench Art: The soldiers used empty shell cases to

manufacture a variety of objects, including lighters, vases, photoframes, ashtrays, etc. This is a nice example of that era, a candle stick holder

(or pencil case) from a brass artillery shell. Its in exceptional condition. The surface of the shell has art nouveau decorations, artistically hand

engraved with a series of punch marks, depicting flowers, insects, snails, a shield, etc. The base of the brass shell has a series of stamped

numbers: “37-85” and “PDPs 52 2.16” together with two other stamped marks. The base measures 4.5cm. in diameter and the candle

holder stands 9.5cm. tall. Weight: 158gr. Starting Price: 35 €

Lot. 8423 VF WWI Military Trench Art: The soldiers used empty

shell cases to manufacture a variety of objects, including lighters, vases, photoframes, ashtrays,

etc. This is a nice example of that era, a brass shell candle stick holder with copper laureate shield

crowned with “ARRAS”. Shows very light wear & tarnish. Size: Diameter: Approx. 1” one inch (2.7cm), Height: Approx. 3” three inches (7cm.). Weight: 34gr.

Starting Price: 20 €

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86 A. Karamitsos # 517

Lot. 8428 VF WWI Military Trench Art: The soldiers used empty shell cases to manufacture a variety of objects, including lighters, vases, photoframes,

ashtrays, etc. This is a very nice example of that era, a vase from a brass artillery shell. It is in exceptional condition. The surface of the shell has art nouveau floral decorations,

artistically hand engraved, along with a scene with an orthodox church and the inscription

“FLORINA 1917”. At right of the image, the initials “A B” are engraved. The base of the

brass shell has a series of stamped marks, incl. “70 SCHNEIDER - & CIE” and “ISSY-16-L-1916”. The base measures 81mm. in diameter and the vase stands 13.3cm. tall. Weight: 646gr.

Starting Price: 80 €

Lot. 8429 VF WWI Military Trench Art: The soldiers used empty shell cases to

manufacture a variety of objects, including lighters, vases, photoframes, ashtrays, etc. This is a very nice example of that era, a brass artillery shell formed into ornamental coal scuttle. The surface of the shell has simple

floral hand engraved decorations, along with an inscription “SOUVENIR SALONICA 1915-19”. The base of the brass shell has a series of stamped marks, incl. “HC, 13PR, V.S.M., 2 B 2, 79, 1916”. The base of the item is made from another piece of artillery shell and it has a diameter of 8cm. The diameter of the shell used for the scuttle is 10cm. The height of the item is approx. 11.5cm. while its length is approx. 17cm. It weighs 904gr.

Today, it can perfectly be used as a bottle of wine holder. Starting Price: 90 €

Lot. 8426 VF WWI Military Trench Art: The soldiers used empty

shell cases to manufacture a variety of objects, including lighters, vases, photoframes, ashtrays, etc. This is a very nice example of that era, a bronze vase with scalloped top edge fashioned from brass shell casing, decorated with engravings made with a series of punch marks,

depicting a minaret topped with a ribbon inscribed “1917 - SALONICA - 1918”. The base of the brass shell has

a series of stamped marks, incl. “PATRONENFABRIK * KARLSRUHE” and “St 229”, “Sp 255” and “NOV. 1915”. The base measures 9cm. in diameter and the height of the vase is approx. 20cm. Weight: 736gr.

Starting Price: 100 €

Lot. 8427 VF WWI Military Trench Art: The soldiers used empty shell cases to manufacture a variety of objects, including lighters, vases,

photoframes, ashtrays, etc. This is a very nice example of that era, a vase from a brass artillery shell. It is in exceptional condition.

The surface of the shell has art nouveau floral decorations, artistically hand engraved with a series of punch marks, and a

“SOUVENIR DORIENT 1917-1918” inscription surrounding a shield with the initials “E A”, topped with a star and crescent. The base of the brass shell has a series of stamped marks, incl.

“65 DF M” and “A RS 1298”. The base measures 7.5cm. in diameter and the vase stands 16.5cm. tall. Weight: 580gr.

Starting Price: 75 €

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Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Archive Photographs, Tobacciana, Embroideries & WWI Memorabilia 87

Lot. 8430 VF A wonderful early 1910s British or German solid silver enamel souvenir spoon. It has an enamelled scene of the Arch of

Galerius in the bowl and an enammelled inscription “SALONICH” on the top of the shaft. 800 silver, approx. weight 14gr., approx. length 13 cm. Has old original patina and looks beautiful.

Starting Price: 50 €

Lot. 8431 VF A wonderful early 1910s British or German solid silver enamel souvenir spoon. It has an enamelled scene of the Arch of

Galerius in the bowl and an enammelled inscription “SALONIQUE” on the top of the shaft. 800 silver, approx. weight 14gr., approx. length 13 cm. Has old original patina and looks beautiful.

Starting Price: 50 €

Lot. 8432 VF A wonderful early 1910s solid silver enamel souvenir spoon. It has an enamelled scene of the Vlatadon Monastery and

“SALONIQUE” in the bowl and the Royal Coat of Arms of the United Kingdom with inscription “HONIS SOIT QUI MAL Y PENSE” and the motto “ DIEU ET MON DROIT”, being displayed on a scroll beneath the shield, on the top of the shaft. French .800 silver with Hallmark Minerva, 2 & bee & A T. It weighs approx. 10gr. and has an approx. length 11.5 cm. Tiny part

missing from the enamel, not distracting from the overall very beautiful look of this item with the old original patina. Starting Price: 50 €

For additional and more detailed images, visit the online auction catalogue at: www.karamitsos.com ”

Page 96: A.Karamitsos Public Auction 517

88 A. Karamitsos # 517

Lot. 8435 Ottoman antique (late 19th

century) hand-embroidered jacket with silver metallic threads. Light

wear on part of the collar. Starting Price: 250 €


Lot. 8433 Ottoman antique (late 19th century) hand-embroidered purple velvet jacket with silver metallic threads. Repairs on sleeves &

cuts on collar. Starting Price: 230 €

Lot. 8434 Ottoman antique (late 19th century) hand-embroidered jacket with silver metallic threads. Cuts on collar & sleeves.

Starting Price: 250 €

Page 97: A.Karamitsos Public Auction 517

Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Archive Photographs, Tobacciana, Embroideries & WWI Memorabilia 89

Lot. 8436 Ottoman antique (late 19th century) hand-embroidered jacket with silver metallic

threads. Cut on the right sleeve edge & part of the collar. Starting Price: 250 €

Lot. 8437 Ottoman antique (late 19th century) hand-embroidered blue velvet robe with gold

metallic threads. Part of the left lace collar is missing. Some velvet parts faded. Starting Price: 720 €

Lot. 8441 PPC “Souvenir de Salonique / Editeur J.Varsano, Rue Sabri Pacha” 6-FOLD panorama of early b/w PPCs, with captions of “Cote de Istira et dOlympos Palace”, “Vue toute la longeur du Quai et partie de la Ville” & “Tour Blanche et Campagnes”. Posted on 17.11.1905 from SALONIQUE -1- to Germany, arr. at Berlin on 20.5.1905. Mounted on thick carton and artistically framed,

100 x 25 cm. Ready to hang. Starting Price: 140 €

Picture Postcards - Multi-Fold

For additional and more detailed images, visit the online auction catalogue at:

www.karamitsos.com ”“

Page 98: A.Karamitsos Public Auction 517

90 A. Karamitsos # 517












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Page 99: A.Karamitsos Public Auction 517

Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Archive Photographs, Tobacciana, Embroideries & WWI Memorabilia 91

Lot. 8442 PPC “Souvenir de Salonique / Editeur J.Varsano, Rue Sabri Pacha” 6-FOLD panorama of early colour PPCs, with captions of “Cote de Istira et dOlympos Palace”, “Vue toute la longeur du Quai et partie de la Ville” & “Tour Blanche et Campagnes”. Mounted

on thick carton and artistically framed, 100 x 23 cm. Ready to hang. Starting Price: 120 €

Lot. 8443 PPC Souvenir de Salonique / Vue Generale du Jardin de la Tour Blanche triple panorama of b/w on yellow PPCs, edit. Albert

Barzilai, mounted on thick carton paper and framed, 60 x 27 cm. Ready to hang. Starting Price: 80 €

Lot. 8444 PPC “Τείχη και Πύργος των αρχαίων φρουρίων Θεσσαλονίκης / Mur denceinte et Tour des anciennes forteresses de Salonique”

quadraple panorama of b/w PPCs, mounted on thick carton paper and framed, 73 x 27 cm. Ready to hang. Starting Price: 80 €

Page 100: A.Karamitsos Public Auction 517

92 A. Karamitsos # 517

Lot. 8445 PPC “VUE PANORAMIQUE DE LA VILLE DE SALONIQUE (Turquie)” triple panorama of early b/w PPCs, with captions of “Les Quais”, “La Tour Blanche, Depots de Bois de chauffage.”, “Cimetiere Turc”, “La Route des Campagnes”, “Rue amenant au Boulevard Hamidie”, “Etablissements Militaires”, “Lecole Idadie”, “Etablissement Militaire. Champs destines aux exercises

Militaires” & “Cimetieres”. Ed. Benveniste & Assael. Posted 1904. Mounted & framed, 55 x 22 cm. Starting Price: 70 €

Lot. 8446 PPC Γενικό πανόραμα Θεσσαλονίκης / Vue Panoramique de Salonique triple panorama of colour PPCs (Ed. D.Sonides), mounted on

thick carton paper, in artistic frame 57 x 23 cm. Ready to hang. Starting Price: 60 €

Lot. 8447 PPC Γενικόν πανόραμα Θεσσαλονίκης (με απόψεις λιμένος και Λευκού Πύργου) / Vue Panoramique de Salonique (with views of the port and the White Tower) triple panorama of colour PPCs (Ed. D.Sonides), mounted on thick carton paper, in artistic frame

58 x 23 cm. Ready to hang. Starting Price: 60 €

Page 101: A.Karamitsos Public Auction 517

Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Archive Photographs, Tobacciana, Embroideries & WWI Memorabilia 93

Lot. 8448 PPC Souvenir de Salonique / Editeur J.S.Varsano complete series of 18 early

chromolithographed PPCs (Nos. 5313/5317,5320/5332), mounted on thick carton paper and framed all together in one artistic frame, 62 x 84 cm. Ready

to hang. Starting Price: 500 €






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