akzonobel networked innovation

The AkzoNobel Networked Innovation Story: Share and Cooperate ENG's TECHSCOUT 2013

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The human driven network model AkzoNobel used to create a Networked Innovation Model.


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The AkzoNobel Networked Innovation Story: Share and Cooperate ENG's TECHSCOUT 2013

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1. AkzoNobel at a glance

2. The starting point for the networked innovation initiative

3. The building blocks of the AkzoNobel networked innovation approach

4. Preliminary conclusions


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AkzoNobel at a glance

• Headquarters Amsterdam

• 2011 revenues € 15.7 billion

• 57,000 employees




Performance CoatingsDecorative PaintsSpecialty Chemicals

Revenue by Business Area

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AkzoNobel Networked Innovation The starting point

• Major acquisitions and divestments since 2005 (ICI, Organon, Uniquema ..)

• Synergies

• One AkzoNobel / Culture

• Organic growth supported by innovation

• Focus

• Speed

• Experience in open/networked innovation

• Innovation brokers

• Universities, suppliers, customers

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The AN choice for Knowledge Management What best under the conditions?

The data focused approach The people focused approach

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The AN Networked Innovation Organizational Building Blocks

Expert Capability Groups Communities of Practice

AkzoNobel Networked Innovation (ANNI) Champions

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Expert Capability Groups Drive critical science areas

• 4 Groups, integrated in Corporate RD&I organization

• Experts in science and technology areas crucial to AkzoNobel

• Balance between critical mass and geographic distributions (4 sites in Europe and Asia)

• Allocated to BU RD&I projects (no corporate funding)

Science and technology input into major BU programs

Participation in BU projects, extensive internal and external networks,

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Communities of Practice Leveraging AkzoNobel’s capabilities

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Communities of Practice Domains

Top-down defined domains Strategically important to the wider AkzoNobel

• Colour & Effects

• Corrosion Protection

• Efficient Crosslinking

• Process Efficiency

• Renewable Raw Materials

• Waterborne Technologies

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Communities of Practice Organization & Scope

• Full time CoP leader, reporting to Corporate RD&I

• Core members (10-20), time investment 10-20%

• Associated members (500-1000)

Leverage existing knowledge available to AkzoNobel:

WebEx / Intranet site / Newsletters / Online discussion forum /

Challenge webinars / Working groups

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Communities of Practice Metrics

Membership ca. 5000 to date • Not just from RD&I, also Marketing, Process Engineering,

Purchasing .. • Good BU and geographical spread > 40 active special interest working groups > 125 webex presentations to date (av. 40 participants) Newsletters to > 6000 addressees CoP sites 1000 unique visitors/month, 700 site visits/day > 800 discussion threads to date Many 1:1 and 1:>1 technical exchange and problem solving interactions

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ANNI Process and Champions

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AkzoNobel as part of a global network The Global Innovation Community

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A 4 step process for finding (internally & externally) and incorporating solutions

Developed in cooperation with

AkzoNobel Networked Innovation (ANNI) The process

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AkzoNobel Networked Innovation (ANNI) The process

Needs brief & Request for

Proposal (RfP)

Agreement on acquiring solution

Identifying (potential) solution provider

Making the solution work

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AkzoNobel Networked Innovation (ANNI) WANT: Identify the need and describe it

An RfP brief is

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AkzoNobel Networked Innovation (ANNI) WANT: Ask the right question

«.. there are few things as useless

- if not dangerous -

as the right answer

to the wrong question»

Peter Drucker The Practice of Management, 1954

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If I had an hour to solve a problem and my life depended on the solution, I would spend the first 55 minutes determining the proper question to ask . Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955) Physicist & Nobel Laureate

AkzoNobel Networked Innovation (ANNI) WANT: Ask the right question

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AkzoNobel Networked Innovation (ANNI) FIND: Identify potential solution provider (internally)


>50’000 employees >100 (?) business lines >1000 sites Is there a solution somewhere? Where?

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AkzoNobel Networked Innovation (ANNI) FIND: The Champion approach

Create a team of networked innovation champions (NIC) from all BU’s as the core team and as the driver of the networked innovation activities within all parts of the organization

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ANNI Working Group Networked Innovation Champions (NIC)

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ANNI Champions role Within BU

• Lead and coach networked innovation approach

• Single point of contact for ANNI activities in BU

• ANNI needs selection and prioritisation

• Coaching need development and brief writing

• “Spider” in the network within BU

• Managing and distributing internal RfP

• Coordinating external brief activities

• Encourage timelines

• Coaching and facilitating evaluation of responses

• Manage ANNI project portfolio

• Collecting and sharing metrics

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ANNI Champions role Beyond BU

• Identify and communicate best practices

• Combine metrics into full picture

• Participate in and contribute to NIC Workgroup activities

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AkzoNobel Networked Innovation Implementation

• AN Top down initiative end 2009 • Key factors: • Training: a) NIC b) local “champions” c) all users

• Cross functional, cross BU, “train the trainer”

• Alignment: embedding in organization • NIC in each BU, collectively ANNI team, sharing methods

and experiences

• Always RFP within AkzoNobel as first step, thereafter (optionally) to outside world

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Cooperation within NIC The team to lead and drive

• Two F2F meetings / year

• Invited presentations

• Monthly telcons

• Exchange of RfP for reviews (problem definition)

• Team share point site

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ANNI SharePoint Site Where the NIC meet

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Metrics What is not measured .

Progress control • All along the process

• Number of trainings

• Number of RfP

• Number of feedbacks

• Quality of feedbacks

• Outcome of the RfP

• Regularly discussed in NIC team

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Process control Numbers of RfP

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Process Control Feedback to RfPc

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Internal RfP Number Feedback SolutionWay to

solution HintsNo

knowhow UnclearActual Status

Portable 5 1Chelated .. 11 1Encapsulation . 18 1Prevention 2 1.00Paint .. 4 1Adhesion .. 28 1.00Adhesion .. 25 1.00Precision . 3 1Reduction 2 1Reduction 13 1Control . 15 1.00Adhesion . 13 1.00Improvement .. 3 1.00Gloss 3 1.00Label-free . 4 1.00Hammertone ... 1 1.00Achieving .. 22 1.00Formation . 18 1.00Perfect 3 1Approaches .. 20Improving ..Thick .. 1 1Waterborne .. 4 1Fire . 13 1Selective 4 1Radical .. 7 1Coating .. 12 1.00

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Color code New and innovative

Helpful and informative

Old and tested

Not so good

Final solution!

About each RfP an outcome summary is prepared and entered into the ANNI database: • Overall evaluation of output • Each idea/feedback is commented

Process Control Outcome reporting

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¾ To date ca. 130 RFPs, average 10

responses per RFP

Broadly engaged AkzoNobel community (speed, spread, responses, quality of ideas and solutions)

Success control Internal RfP

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Implementation Integration into daily activities

• Integration into innovation process

• Part of target setting in some (s)BU

• e.g. 50% of new products with external (to sBU) input

• Part of P&D dialog

• Recognition / awards

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Implementation Recognition

And the Cross Link Award 2009 goes to Functional Chemicals sBU Elotex and Decorative Paint for their cooperation on sustainable latexes!

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OI beyond ANNI AkzoNobel used further approaches

ANNI (int/ext)


Academic Programs

< 2 years 2-8years > 8years

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A look back and forward: It is about changing the culture

• Top down initiative

• Resources / responsibilities

• Focus on behavior

• Integration in processes and organization (flexibility)

• Metrics (targets)

• Success stories

Broad engagement (still needs reinforcement)

Culture Behavior





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RD&I | Operational Excellence 36

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