al- amal academy curriculum 2020 tajweed

Tajweed curriculum 2020 Al- Amal Academy

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Tajweed curriculum 2020

Al- Amal Academy

Page 2: Al- Amal Academy curriculum 2020 Tajweed

Level one

The accent in recitation of the glorious Quran النبر

Shopping on a letter that has Shadah

The ya’ and wow and the circumstance of an-Nabr, The Shaddah after a Medd letter, The hamza on the on the end of a word after Medd, special verbs in the dual form,

The Characteristics of letters: ( صفات الحروف)

General introduction and categories of characteristics introduction to characteristics with opposites and those without.

Characteristics with opposites: ( صفات ذوات الأضداد)

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Level one

The whisper and the apparent ,الھمس و الجھرThe strength, the in-between and the softnees , , ,The fruits of the characteristics of ash-shiddah. At-tawassitالشدة و التوسط و الرخاوةAr-Rikhaawah, The elevated and the lowered الاستعلاء والاستقلال , the adhesion and the open الاطباق و الانفتاح

Characteristics without opposites: ( صفات لا ضدد لھا )

The whistle الصفیر, The softness اللین, The drifting الانحراف, The repetition التكرار, The spreading around التفشي, The lengthening الاستطالة, The nasalization الغنة, The characteristics in the Jazariyyah poem الشواھد من الجزریة

Divisions of characteristics according to strength and weakness.

The Velariztion and Attenuation: (التفخیم و الترقیق)Tafkheem and Tarqeeq

General definition and categories, Letters that always have velarization (Tafkheem) levels of Tafkheem and two schools of thought مراتب التفخیم , Letters that sometimes have Tafkheem and other times Tarqeeq, The Laam of the Name of the Majesty اللام من لفظ الجلالة , The Ra’ and cases ofTafkheem and Traqeeq.

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Level one The two Alike, the two Similar, the two Close, and the two Far:

General definition of each category, The meetig of المتماثلان و المتجانسات و المتقاربان و المتباعدان two letters: the small and big Idhgaam defined, The two like each other المتماثلان, The two of similar nature المتجانسات, The two approximates to each other المتقاربان, The two far each other .المتباعدان

A Brief Introduction to Grammar Terms:مختصر یسیر في قواعد اللغة العربیة

Verbs: Past tense, Present tense, Command form, Essential make up of verb.

Nouns: Signs of nouns, Participles and preposition

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Level one

The Connecting Hamzah ( Hamzah Al- Wasl): ھمزه الوصل

Hamazh Al- Wasl in verb الوصل في الأفعال ھمزه

Hamazh Al- Wasl in nouns ھمزه الوصل في الأسماء

Hamazh Al- Wasl in participles ھمزه الوصل في الحروف

Chart summarizing vowels used when beginning with hamzah al- wasl

Hamzah Al- wasl preceding Hamzah Al- qata’, Hamzah Al- qata’ of question preceding Hamzah Al-Wasl: In verbs, In nouns.

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Level Two

Ranks of the Gunnah مراتب الغنة , Prostration of reading ( سجود السھو)

Seeking refuge, seeing the basmallah, ( الاستعاذة و البسملة) The basmaallah between the two Surahs, (البسملة بین السورتین)

Levels of recitation ( مراتب القراءة), Principles of Tajweed, Errors of pronunciation

The articulation of the letters: ( مخارج الحروف)

Generals areas of Articulation ( مراتب القراءة)

The empty space in the mouth and throat (الجوف) , The throat(الحلق) ,

The tongue( اللسان) , The deepest part of the tongue ( أقصى اللسان) , The middle of the tongue ( وسط اللسان)

Orientation to Arabic names of the teeth, The side of the tongue ( حافة اللسان)

The tip of the tongue, the two lips ( الشفتان) , the nasal passage , ( اللحن ) (الاستعاذة و البسملة )

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Level Two

The Noon Sakinah and Tanween rules:أحكام النون الساكنة و التنوین

Al-Ithhar: الإظھار , Al- Idghaam: الإدغام بغنھ , Al- Idghaam without Ghonnah: الإدغام بدون غنھ, Al- Iqlqb: الإقلاب, Al- Ikhfaa’: الإخفاء

The Meem Sakinah rules:أحكام النون الساكنة و التنوین

Al-Ithhar Ash-shafawee: الإظھار الشفوي , Al- Idghaam Ash-shafawee: الإدغام المتماثل, Al- Ikhfaa’ Sh-shafawee: الإخفاء الشفوي

The Gonnah: الغنة , The Ranks of the Gonnah مراتب الغنة

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Level Two

The lam Sakinah rules: أحكام الام الساكنة, The Alif lam of the definite articles لام التعریف, the lam of noun, verb, participle لام الاسم و الفعل و الحرف

The Mudood المدود, the natural lengthening المد الطبیعي, The lesser connecting Meddمد الصلة The Medd causedالمد الفرعي, The secondary Medd , مد العوض The substitute Medd , الصغرىby Hamzah ,المد بسبب الھمز The exchanged Medd المد البدل The joined required Meddالمد , The greater connecting Medd المد الجائز المنفصل The separated allowed Medd, الواجب المتصل المد, The presented Sukoon Medd المد بسبب السكون Medd caused by Sukoon مد الصلة الكبرى The compulsory المد اللازم, The compulsory Medd المد اللین,The leen Meddالعارض السكونMedd in a word ,المد اللازم الكلمي The compulsory Medd in a letter ,المد اللازم الحرفي The strong of the Two Reasons أقوى السببین,

How letterare formed كیفیة حدوث الحرف Qalqalah mechanism آلیة القلقلة, The lease Qalqalah, القلقلة الصغرى, The greater Qalqalahالكبرى القلقلة

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Level Three

The Stop:الوقف

Introduction, Divisions of the stop أقسام الوقف , The Optional الوقف الاختیاري, The complete stop الوقف the repulsive stop ,الوقف الحسن The good stop ,الوقف الكافي the sufficient stop , الوقف التام Stops signs in the Medinah Complex ,ملاحظة عن الوقف اللازم Note about required stop ,القبیحcopy of the Quran علامات الوقف في مصحف مجمع الملك فھد

The Start الإبتداء :

The allowed start الإبتداء الجائز:

The complete start الإبتداء التام :

The start that Not Allowed الإبتداء غیر الجائز :

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Level Three

The Cut offالقطع , The Breathless Pause السكت, Stopping on the Ends of Words :الوقف على أواخر الكلم

Stopping on the Ends of Words with a strong ending الوقف على الكلمة الصحیحة الآخر, Stopping with الوقف ,الوقف بالسكون المحض Stopping with a pure Sukoon ,الإشمام الوقف بالإشمام,Stopping with ,بالروم ,الرومStopping on the femaleھاء التأنیث, التأنیث , Stopping on the pronoun or Possessive ھاء الضمیر ,ھاء,

The Cut offالقطع , The Breathless Pause السكت, Stopping on the Ends of Words:الوقف على أواخر الكلم

Stopping on the Ends of Words with a strong ending الوقف على الكلمة الصحیحة الآخر, Stopping with الوقف ,الوقف بالسكون المحض Stopping with a pure Sukoon ,الإشمام الوقف بالإشمام,Stopping with ,بالروم ,الرومStopping on the femaleھاء التأنیث, التأنیث , Stopping on the pronoun or Possessive ھاء الضمیر ,ھاء,

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Level Three

Summarizing stopping on a word with a strong ending:

Stopping with deletion: الوقف بالحذف Stopping with substitution: الوقف بالإبدال, Application of lessons on stopping, The Steeling الإختلاس , Stopping on the ends of words with a weak ending, الوقف على الكلمة المعتلة الآخر Words ending in an Alif, Words ending in a واو , Words ending in a یاء

The Joined and Separated المقطوع و الموصول: لا

and أن \ ماand أن /إن andما / عن andما / من andما / أم and حیث \من and أن \ماand لم / إن and لن and إن / أنand أین/ لم and في / ما and بئس / ما and كل/ ما and ما / ما and ما / أن

and لات / وزنوھم and مجرورھا / حینand ھم /لام الجر and عن / یوم and كي / منand لا كالوھم/ ال التعریف, (ھا) التنبیھ, (یا) النداء

إذ/ and رب / حینand مھ / ماand نعم / ماand إل / ما and أین /یاسینand أن /أم and لوویكأن and إذ /ویكأنھ and یوم

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Level Three

The femal haa’ which agreed to be singular and is written with تاء مفتوحة

The femal haa’ differs between recitations in its singularity and plurality

Special words for Hafs “an” Aasim by the way of Ash-Shaatibiyyah.

Words that allowed Tafkheem and Tarqeeq of الراء , The breathless pause words السكتات , Words read with a صاد or سین, The word مجرـھا, The word ضعف

The Writing of the Noble Quran رسم المصحف الشریف :

Illiteracy at the beginning of the revelation, Was Illiteracy of the prophet (PBUH), throughout his life

or not?, Writing down the revelation at the time of revelation, Gathering of the written Qur’an at the time of Abu Bakr, The gathering of the written Qur’an at the time of Uthmaan, The deletion rule, T he addition rule, The Hamzah rule, The exchange rule The joining and separating rule Is the writing of the copy of the Quran undisputable

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Tahfeez Schedule 2020

Al- Amal Academy

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Learning goals

Accurate memorization of the Book of Allah

Learning the general meaning of the verses

Learning the reasons for revealing the verses.

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The students can choose one of the following programs of this course

1- Memorizing Juz Amma (No. 30).

2- Memorizing the short Surahs.

3- Memorizing some selected Surahs.

4- Memorizing the whole Quran (Ijaza).

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Learning and reading Quran is an extremely important step in any Muslim child's life. It represents the beginning of their life’s relationship with Islam and the Book of Allah. Therefore it is only natural that you as a parent may feel preoccupied on how to better support your kid through this experience.

Age 6 – 12Requirements: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced

Subject Structure Goals


Juz 30+ the foundation course

1/2 page/ WK


Memorize the entire holy Quran or part of it


Full JuzOne page / WK


Full Juz

One &1/2 pages / WK


Solid knowledge of the Tajweed rules

Full Juz2 pages / WK
