al-mahdi anecdotes and saying

Al-Mahdi Al-Mahdi Anecdotes and Saying Anecdotes and Saying By A.S. Hashim. MD By A.S. Hashim. MD Sayings of Imams taken from: Sayings of Imams taken from: Ziyarah of Imams taken from: Ziyarah of Imams taken from:

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Al-Mahdi Anecdotes and Saying. By A.S. Hashim. MD Sayings of Imams taken from: Ziyarah of Imams taken from: About this slide show:. This slide show deals with: Al-Mahdi and what is said about him - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Al-Mahdi Anecdotes and Saying

Al-MahdiAl-MahdiAnecdotes and SayingAnecdotes and Saying

By A.S. Hashim. MDBy A.S. Hashim. MDSayings of Imams taken from: Sayings of Imams taken from: of Imams taken from:Ziyarah of Imams taken from:

Page 2: Al-Mahdi Anecdotes and Saying

About this slide show:About this slide show:

1.1. This slide show deals with:This slide show deals with:a.a. Al-Mahdi and what is said about himAl-Mahdi and what is said about him

b.b. A number of his Du’aasA number of his Du’aas

c.c. Many of his sayingsMany of his sayings

d.d. Incidents and AnecdotesIncidents and Anecdotes

e.e. Ziyarah for him with its translationZiyarah for him with its translation

f.f. It also shows his shrineIt also shows his shrine

Page 3: Al-Mahdi Anecdotes and Saying

The Advent of Al-Mahdi by:The Advent of Al-Mahdi by:

1.1. The Prophet (pbuh)The Prophet (pbuh)

2.2. The ImamsThe Imams

3.3. Scholars and writersScholars and writers

4.4. PoetsPoets

5.5. Books writtenBooks written

6.6. Articles writtenArticles written

Page 4: Al-Mahdi Anecdotes and Saying

About Al-Mahdi’s AdventAbout Al-Mahdi’s Advent

Al-Mahdi: the symbol of hope in the hearts of people

The Prophet (pbuh) says about him

Each of the Imams says about him

Scholars and writers about him

Poets say about him

Books written about him

Numerous articles about him

Page 5: Al-Mahdi Anecdotes and Saying

Prophet Muhammad about Al-MahdiProphet Muhammad about Al-Mahdi

(Iqdud Durar, Chapter 2, Tradition 41)(Iqdud Durar, Chapter 2, Tradition 41)

Hudhaifa has narrated from the Messenger of Allah (a.s) that he Hudhaifa has narrated from the Messenger of Allah (a.s) that he said:said:

““If only a single day remains from the tenure of this world, Almighty Allah If only a single day remains from the tenure of this world, Almighty Allah ──in that same dayin that same day── will raise a person from my descendants whose will raise a person from my descendants whose name and manners shall be like mine and his patronymic shall be name and manners shall be like mine and his patronymic shall be Abdullah, and people would pay allegiance to him between Rukn and Abdullah, and people would pay allegiance to him between Rukn and Maqam Maqam And Allah the Almighty will revive the religion through him and give him And Allah the Almighty will revive the religion through him and give him victories victories And all the people on the earth shall be the reciters of ‘La ilaaha And all the people on the earth shall be the reciters of ‘La ilaaha Illallaah’ (There is no deity except Allah).”Illallaah’ (There is no deity except Allah).”

Salman asked: O Allah's Messenger, which of your sons?Salman asked: O Allah's Messenger, which of your sons?The Holy Prophet said, “This son of mine. So saying, he placed his hand The Holy Prophet said, “This son of mine. So saying, he placed his hand on Al-Husain. on Al-Husain.

Page 6: Al-Mahdi Anecdotes and Saying

About Advent of Al-Mahdi: Ali SaysAbout Advent of Al-Mahdi: Ali Says

Seeing Imam Ali in deep thought a Seeing Imam Ali in deep thought a companion asked him what was the matter, companion asked him what was the matter, Ali answered,Ali answered,

I thought about a child who will be from my flesh, the I thought about a child who will be from my flesh, the eleventh from my line of descendants.  eleventh from my line of descendants.  He is Al-Mahdi who will fill the earth with justice and He is Al-Mahdi who will fill the earth with justice and equity [righteousness] when the height of injustice equity [righteousness] when the height of injustice and tyranny [Evil] in the world has been reached.  and tyranny [Evil] in the world has been reached.  He will He will live in a state of occultation as a result of live in a state of occultation as a result of which a group of people will go astray and another which a group of people will go astray and another remain faithful.remain faithful.““ (Ith'baat Al-Wasiyyah, Al-Mas'oodi, page 260.  Also Al-(Ith'baat Al-Wasiyyah, Al-Mas'oodi, page 260.  Also Al-

Kulaini Vol. 1, Page 19, Tradition 338.)Kulaini Vol. 1, Page 19, Tradition 338.)

Page 7: Al-Mahdi Anecdotes and Saying

Al-Husain Quoting AliAl-Husain Quoting Ali In KamaluddinIn Kamaluddin

Al-Husain has quoted his father, Ali, that he told him:Al-Husain has quoted his father, Ali, that he told him:O Husain, your ninth descendent is the Qaa'im (actuator) of the O Husain, your ninth descendent is the Qaa'im (actuator) of the Truth and the one who would spread religion and establish Truth and the one who would spread religion and establish justice everywhere.” justice everywhere.”

Then Al-Husain asked for more details. In reply, Ali said:Then Al-Husain asked for more details. In reply, Ali said:Yes! By Allah, who sent His Prophet and chose him above all, it Yes! By Allah, who sent His Prophet and chose him above all, it is so,is so,But the Qaa'im shall have an occultation which shall be But the Qaa'im shall have an occultation which shall be confusing and perplexing except for those who are sincere and confusing and perplexing except for those who are sincere and those who have certainty of the Faith those who have certainty of the Faith And from whom Allah Almighty has taken the covenant of our And from whom Allah Almighty has taken the covenant of our guardianship (Wilaayah) guardianship (Wilaayah) And in whose hearts He has made the belief firm, And in whose hearts He has made the belief firm, And He supported them and blessed them, And He supported them and blessed them, They shall be steadfast on the Qaa'im and continue to have faith They shall be steadfast on the Qaa'im and continue to have faith in him.”in him.”

Page 8: Al-Mahdi Anecdotes and Saying

About Advent of Al-Mahdi: The Imams Say:About Advent of Al-Mahdi: The Imams Say:

Al-Hasan says:Al-Hasan says: Allah will prolong the life of the ninth descendant of Allah will prolong the life of the ninth descendant of my brother [Al-Husain] who will be in occultation; and Allah will my brother [Al-Husain] who will be in occultation; and Allah will manifest him at the proper time with full glory. manifest him at the proper time with full glory.

Al-Husain says:Al-Husain says: The ninth in my lineage will establish Truth and The ninth in my lineage will establish Truth and Righteousness.  Allah will infuse spirit into the earth through him Righteousness.  Allah will infuse spirit into the earth through him and the religion of Allah will prevail over all others.  His occultation and the religion of Allah will prevail over all others.  His occultation will be very long, and [because of that] plenty of people will go will be very long, and [because of that] plenty of people will go astray but the truthful ones will remain firm in their belief.....” astray but the truthful ones will remain firm in their belief.....”

Zainul Abideen says:Zainul Abideen says: Al-Qaa'im from us is he whose birth will Al-Qaa'im from us is he whose birth will remain undisclosed to the people, thus some will even deny the remain undisclosed to the people, thus some will even deny the fact that he was born fact that he was born

Al-Baaqir says:Al-Baaqir says: After Al-Husain there will be 9 Imams, the ninth of After Al-Husain there will be 9 Imams, the ninth of them will be [Al-Qaa'im] the one who undertakes the obligation them will be [Al-Qaa'im] the one who undertakes the obligation [Activates Islam] for the rest of time. [Activates Islam] for the rest of time.

Page 9: Al-Mahdi Anecdotes and Saying

About Advent of Al-Mahdi: The Imams Say:About Advent of Al-Mahdi: The Imams Say:

Al-Saadiq says:Al-Saadiq says: When Al-Mahdi rises he will summon the people to Islam When Al-Mahdi rises he will summon the people to Islam anew and guide them to a matter which had become lost to them and from anew and guide them to a matter which had become lost to them and from which people had gone astray.  He is the only one called Al-Mahdi which people had gone astray.  He is the only one called Al-Mahdi because he guides to the matter from which men had deviated.  He is because he guides to the matter from which men had deviated.  He is called Al-Qaa'im because of his rising. called Al-Qaa'im because of his rising.

Al-Kadhim says:Al-Kadhim says: “..... the specific Al-Qaa'im is the one who will clear the “..... the specific Al-Qaa'im is the one who will clear the earth from evil and establish righteousness.  He will be the fifth in earth from evil and establish righteousness.  He will be the fifth in generation after me.  His occultation will be so long that plenty of people generation after me.  His occultation will be so long that plenty of people will turn away but only few remain firm in belief.” will turn away but only few remain firm in belief.”

Al-Ridha quoted the Prophet:Al-Ridha quoted the Prophet: The ninth of your descendants, O Husain, is The ninth of your descendants, O Husain, is Al-Qaa'im [Restorer of the Truth], the establisher of righteousness and Al-Qaa'im [Restorer of the Truth], the establisher of righteousness and justice...... and he will have a long occultation..... justice...... and he will have a long occultation.....

Al-Jawaad says:Al-Jawaad says: Al-Qaa'im is from [us] and that he would be Al-Mahdi; he Al-Qaa'im is from [us] and that he would be Al-Mahdi; he must be awaited by his followers during his Occultation and obeyed at his must be awaited by his followers during his Occultation and obeyed at his rising and that he would be my descendant three generation hence. rising and that he would be my descendant three generation hence.

Page 10: Al-Mahdi Anecdotes and Saying

Who is Al-Mahdi? Lineage

Muhammad (pbuh)


Al-Husain Al-Hasan

Zainul Abideen










Page 11: Al-Mahdi Anecdotes and Saying

Where was al-Mahdi born?Where was al-Mahdi born?

Born in Samurra

Page 12: Al-Mahdi Anecdotes and Saying

Means of Discussions and CouncilMeans of Discussions and Council

By way of Safeers through writing, orBy way of Safeers through writing, orIndirectly by way of Safeers to the Wakeels Indirectly by way of Safeers to the Wakeels Answers had to be passed in confidentialityAnswers had to be passed in confidentiality

Many of his Du’aas have been registered, a Many of his Du’aas have been registered, a selection of which appears:selection of which appears:

in Du’aa Obediencein Du’aa ObedienceIn Du’aa IftitahIn Du’aa IftitahIn Du’aa Al-FarajIn Du’aa Al-FarajAnd in many othersAnd in many others

Page 13: Al-Mahdi Anecdotes and Saying

Phases of Al-Mahdi’s ImamahPhases of Al-Mahdi’s Imamah


Lesser Occultation69 Yrs

Major OccultationPerpetual, till advent

Page 14: Al-Mahdi Anecdotes and Saying

Excerpts from Du’aa IftitahExcerpts from Du’aa Iftitah

•O Allah, I glorify Thee by praising Thee; since through Thy bounties You confer the truth and salvation; •And I know for sure that You are most merciful while disposing leniency and forgiveness, •Yet, exacting when giving reprimand and punishment, •And You are the Supreme in the domain of Power and Might….

• �ناء الث �ح� ت ف�ت ا �ي �ن ا ه�م� �ـ لل اد$د" م�س �ت ن و ا ، �ح م�د�ك ب

، �ك �م�ن ب �لص�واب� ل• �ت ن ا �ك ن ا �ت� �ق ن ي و ا

في اح�مين �الر ح م� ر� اح�م ة�، و الر� �ع ف�و� ال م و�ض�ع�

في • �م�عاق�بين ال Aد ش و ا�ق�م ة�، و الن �كال� الن م و�ض�ع�

• $ر�ين ب ج �م�ت ال ع�ظ م� و ا�رياء� �ب �ك ال م و�ض�ع� في

�ع ظ م ة�، و ال

Page 15: Al-Mahdi Anecdotes and Saying

Excerpts from Du’aa IftitahExcerpts from Du’aa Iftitah

•Praise be to Allah, with full gratitude for his bounties.•Praise be to Allah, Who has no opponent to His rule, nor a challenger to His commands.•Praise be to Allah, Who has no counsel to meddle with His works of creation, nor an equal in His splendor.•Praise be to Allah, Whose commandments operate in Creation; •His glory is evident through His love and kindness.•His overflowing generosity is available through His unlimited favors, …..

م حام�د�ه� • �ج ميع� ب لله� �ح م�د� ل ا$ها �ل ك �ع م�ه� ن ج ميع� ع لى $ه ا، �ل ك

ه� • ل م�ضاد� ال ال�ذي لله� �ح م�د� ل افي ه� ل م�ناز�ع و ال �ك�ه�، م�ل في

م�ر�ه�، ا ه� • ل ريك ش ال ال�ذي لله� �ح م�د� ل ا

في ه� ل بيه ش و ال �ق�ه�، ل خ في�ه�، ع ظ م ت

في • ال�فاشي لله� �ح م�د� ل او ح م�د�ه�، ه� م�ر� ا �خ ل�ق� ال

م ج�د�ه�، • � م ر �ك �ال ب الظ�اه�ر� د ه�، ي �ج�ود� �ال ب �باس�ط� ال

و ال • �ه�، �ن خ زائ �ق�ص� ن ت ال ال�ذي ^ ج�ودا � إال �ع طاء� ال ة� �ر ث ك زيد�ه� ت

ما، ر …..و ك

Page 16: Al-Mahdi Anecdotes and Saying

Excerpts from Du’aa IftitahExcerpts from Du’aa Iftitah

•O Lord! You call upon me, but I turn my back on it. •You offer to be familiar with me, but I pay no heed.•You love me, but I do not correspond to Thee: As if You have overextended my favors over Thee.•Yet You do not abstain from bestowing favors and blessings on me from Thy mercy and grace•So, O Lord! Have mercy on Thy ignorant servant and•Award him with the favor of Thy goodness•Verily You are most generous and most kind.

د�ع�وني • ت �ك �ن ا ، ب$ ر يا ، �ك ع ن �و ل�ي ف ا

غ�ض� • ب ت ف ا ي� �ل ا �ب� ح ب ت و ت ، �ك ي �ل ا

ل� • ق�ب ا ف ال ى� �ل ا و د�د� ت و ت �ط وAل الت �ي ل ن� ا ك ، �ك م�ن

، �ك ي ع ل• م�ن ذل�ك ع�ك م�ن ي م� ف ل

��ح�سان� و اال لي، ح�م ة� الر��ل ى�، ا

• �ج�ود�ك ب ع ل ي� �ف ضAل� و الت ، م�ك ر و ك

• �جاه�ل ال �د ك ع ب ح م� ف ار��ف ض�ل� ب �ه� ي ع ل و ج�د�

�ك �ح�سان ا• ، ريم" ك ج واد" �ك �ن ا

Page 17: Al-Mahdi Anecdotes and Saying

Excerpts from Du’aa IftitahExcerpts from Du’aa Iftitah

•O Allah! Through him (al-Mahdi) give currency to Thy religion, and the Tradition of Thy Prophet, till nothing which is Just and True is kept concealed from any of Your creation.•O Allah! We ardently desire for a just Government, and fair era•In which You reactivate Islam and keep aright its followers, •And humiliate the imposters and their double-dealers, •And include us among those who invite people unto Thy obedience, …..

• �ة ن و س� ، ك دين �ه� ب ظ�ه�ر� ا ه�م� �ـ لل ا ، $ك �ي ب ن

ى�ء • �ش ب خ�ف�ي ت س� ي ال �ى ح ت   م�ن ح د ا م خاف ة �ح ق$، ال م�ن

�ق� �خ ل الفي • �ك ي �ل ا غ ب� ر� ن �ا �ن ا ه�م� �ـ لل ا

الم ��س� اال �ه ا ب Aع�ز� ت ريم ة ك ة د و�ل ه�، ه�ل و ا

ه�، • ه�ل و ا $فاق الن �ه ا ب Aذ�ل� و ت•   �لى ا الدAعاة� م�ن فيها �نا ج�ع ل و ت

، بيل�ك س �لى ا �قاد ة� و ال ، �ك طاع ت�يا • الدAن رام ة ك �ها ب ق�نا ز� ر� و ت

ة�، �خ�ر و اال�ح ق$  • ال م�ن نا ف�ت ع ر� ما ه�م� �ـ لل ا

�ه� ع ن نا ق ص�ر� و ما �ناه�، ف ح م$ل$غ�ناه�، ل ف ب

Page 18: Al-Mahdi Anecdotes and Saying

Excerpts from Du’aa of ObedienceExcerpts from Du’aa of Obedience

O Allah! Grant us good fortune as to O Allah! Grant us good fortune as to be obedient to Thee, and distance us be obedient to Thee, and distance us from Thy disobedience.from Thy disobedience.

Let us be sincere in our intentions; andLet us be sincere in our intentions; and

Provide us with the knowledge of what Provide us with the knowledge of what is sacred.

O Allah! Honor us with guidance and O Allah! Honor us with guidance and honesty, and honesty, and

Direct our tongues to what is right and Direct our tongues to what is right and wise; andwise; and

Fill our hearts with learning and Fill our hearts with learning and knowledge, and knowledge, and

Cleanse our stomachs from what is Cleanse our stomachs from what is forbidden and of doubt.forbidden and of doubt.

الط�اع ة� و�فيق ت ق�نا ز� ار� ه�م� �ـ لل الط�اع ة� ا و�فيق ت ق�نا ز� ار� ه�م� �ـ لل ، ، ا

ة� �م ع�ص�ي ال �ع�د ة� و ب �م ع�ص�ي ال �ع�د ، ، و ب

فان و ع�ر� �ة�، $ي الن فان و ص�د�ق و ع�ر� �ة�، $ي الن و ص�د�قم ة� �ح�ر� م ة�ال �ح�ر� ، ، ال

�قام ة� ت ��س� و اال �ه�دى �ال ب �ر�م�نا ك �قام ة� و ا ت ��س� و اال �ه�دى �ال ب �ر�م�نا ك ، ، و ا

�الص�واب� ب نا ت ن �س� ل ا د$د� �الص�واب� و س ب نا ت ن �س� ل ا د$د� و س�م ة� �ح�ك �م ة�و ال �ح�ك ، ، و ال

� �م �ع�ل �ال ب نا �وب ق�ل � � و ام�ـال �م �ع�ل �ال ب نا �وب ق�ل � و ام�ـال�م ع�ر�ف ة� �م ع�ر�ف ة�و ال ، ، و ال

� �ح رام ال م�ن نا �ط�ون ب � و ط ه$ر� �ح رام ال م�ن نا �ط�ون ب و ط ه$ر��ه ة� ب Aالش �ه ة�و ب Aالش ، ، و

Page 19: Al-Mahdi Anecdotes and Saying

Du’aa for Al-Mahdi Du’aa for Al-Mahdi

•O Allah, be, for Thy Proof, (the Hujjah, son of Al Hasan, Your blessings be on him and his forefathers), in this hour and in every hour:

The Guardian, and the Protector, the Leader, and the Helper, the Proof, and the Guide:.

Until You Let him be on Your earth by Thy Command, and cause him to live in it for a long time.

By Thy mercy, O Most Merciful of the Mercifuls

ابن • الحجة لوليك كن اللهموعلى عليه صلواتك الحسن

آبائهكل • وفي الساعة هذه في

ساعة وحافظا  • ولياوناصرا  • وقائداوعينا • ودليال

طوعا • ارضك تسكنه حتىطويال فيها وتمتعه

الراحمين • أرحم يا برحمتك

Page 20: Al-Mahdi Anecdotes and Saying

الفرجالفرج  د�عاءد�عاء

�غ�طاء� ال ف ش �ك و ان �خ فاء�، ال ر�ح و ب الء�، �ب ال ع ظ�م �غ�طاء� إلهي ال ف ش �ك و ان �خ فاء�، ال ر�ح و ب الء�، �ب ال ع ظ�م وانقطع وانقطع ، ، إلهيماء� الرجاءالرجاء الس� �ع ت� و م�ن �ر�ض� اال ماء� و ضاق ت� الس� �ع ت� و م�ن �ر�ض� اال و ضاق ت�المستعان المستعان وأنت كى وأنت ت �م�ش� ال �ك ي �ل كى و ا ت �م�ش� ال �ك ي �ل د�ة�    و ا الش$ ف�ى �م�ع و�ل� ال �ك ي د�ة� و ع ل الش$ ف�ى �م�ع و�ل� ال �ك ي و ع ل

خاء� خاء�و الر� و الر� vم�د م�ح و آل vم�د م�ح ع لى ص ل$ ه�م� �ـ لل م�ح م�دv ا و آل vم�د م�ح ع لى ص ل$ ه�م� �ـ لل ا

األمر األمر أولي ه�م� أولي طاع ت �نا ي ع ل ض�ت ف ر �ذين ه�م� ال طاع ت �نا ي ع ل ض�ت ف ر �ذين ه�م�     ال ت �ز�ل م ن �ك �ذل ب نا ف�ت ه�م� وع ر� ت �ز�ل م ن �ذل�ك ب نا ف�ت وع ر�^ ففرجففرج عاج�ال ^ جا ف ر �ح ق$ه�م� ب �ا ^ ع ن ال عاج� ^ جا ف ر �ح ق$ه�م� ب �ا ب�     قريباقريبا ع ن ق�ر ا ه�و و� ا ص ر� �ب ال م�ح� ل ب� ك ق�ر ا ه�و و� ا ص ر� �ب ال م�ح� ل     ك

Aي� ع ل يا م�ح م�د� �يA يا ع ل يا م�ح م�د� م�ح م�د� ،  ،  يا يا Aل�ي ع م�ح م�د� يا يا Aل�ي ع ياكاف�يان �ما �ك ن ف ا �فياني كاف�يان اك �ما �ك ن ف ا �فياني ناص�ران    اك �ما �ك �ن ف ا �ص�راني ناص�ران وان �ما �ك �ن ف ا �ص�راني وان

مان� الز� صاح�ب يا م و�النا مان� يا الز� صاح�ب يا م و�النا �غ و�ث يا ال �غ و�ث ال �غ و�ث �غ و�ث ال ال �غ و�ث ال �غ و�ث ، ، ال�ني د�ر�ك ا �ني د�ر�ك ا �ني د�ر�ك �ني ا د�ر�ك ا �ني د�ر�ك ا �ني د�ر�ك الساعة . . ا الساعة الساعة الساعة الساعة العجل الساعة العجل العجل العجل

العجلالعجلالراحمين أرحم الراحمين يا أرحم الطاهرين     يا وآله محمد الطاهرين بحق وآله محمد بحق

Page 21: Al-Mahdi Anecdotes and Saying

Du’aa of Troubled Times Du’aa of Troubled Times

O Allah, great is the calamity and its awful aftermath, as now uncovered, O Allah, great is the calamity and its awful aftermath, as now uncovered, so all hope is severed, so all hope is severed, The plentiful earth has shrunk, the heavenly blessings have been withheld. The plentiful earth has shrunk, the heavenly blessings have been withheld. Thee alone can help, we submit our grief to Thee, Thee alone can help, we submit our grief to Thee, With full faith in Thee in times of Distress and times of Plenty. With full faith in Thee in times of Distress and times of Plenty. O Allah, Bless Muhammad and the Progeny of Muhammad, O Allah, Bless Muhammad and the Progeny of Muhammad, The ones we must obey as per Thy Command, through which we become The ones we must obey as per Thy Command, through which we become aware of their station and rank.  So let there be joy for us than sorrow, for aware of their station and rank.  So let there be joy for us than sorrow, for their sake, right away, in the twinkle of an eye, or even faster. their sake, right away, in the twinkle of an eye, or even faster. O Muhammad, O Ali,      O Ali, O Muhammad, O Muhammad, O Ali,      O Ali, O Muhammad, Be my provider, because you do provide well.   And help me, because you Be my provider, because you do provide well.   And help me, because you help and and protect.O our master, O the living Imam, Help!  Help!  Help!O our master, O the living Imam, Help!  Help!  Help!Reach me! Reach me! Reach me! Right away, Right away, Right away, in Reach me! Reach me! Reach me! Right away, Right away, Right away, in this hour. Be quick, be quick, be quick, this hour. Be quick, be quick, be quick, O God Most Merciful, for the sake of Muhammad and his pure Progeny.O God Most Merciful, for the sake of Muhammad and his pure Progeny.

Page 22: Al-Mahdi Anecdotes and Saying

Select sayings of Al-MahdiSelect sayings of Al-Mahdi

Verily, Allah is with us and we have no need to other Verily, Allah is with us and we have no need to other than Him; right is with us so we won’t be distressed by than Him; right is with us so we won’t be distressed by those who desist from helping us; we are the willing those who desist from helping us; we are the willing tools of our Lord and people are our willing tools. tools of our Lord and people are our willing tools. (Al-(Al-Ghayba, by shaykh al-Toosy P. 172)Ghayba, by shaykh al-Toosy P. 172)

I declare-unto Allah and His Messenger-that I am not I declare-unto Allah and His Messenger-that I am not accountable for whoso claims that we know what is accountable for whoso claims that we know what is hidden (the divine secret), that we share with Allah His hidden (the divine secret), that we share with Allah His rule, or places us in a rank other than that which Allah rule, or places us in a rank other than that which Allah approved for us. approved for us. (Al-Ihtijaj, by al-Tabrasy Ch.2, P.487)(Al-Ihtijaj, by al-Tabrasy Ch.2, P.487)

Nothing spites Satan like performing the prayer, so Nothing spites Satan like performing the prayer, so perform it and spite him! perform it and spite him! (Bihar al-Anwar Ch.53, P.182)(Bihar al-Anwar Ch.53, P.182)

Page 23: Al-Mahdi Anecdotes and Saying

Select sayings of Al-MahdiSelect sayings of Al-Mahdi

What Allah has foreordained cannot be struggled with, What Allah has foreordained cannot be struggled with, Allah’s Will cannot be refused nor can His Granting Allah’s Will cannot be refused nor can His Granting Success be Success be defeateddefeated.. (Bihar al-Anwar Ch.53, P.191)(Bihar al-Anwar Ch.53, P.191)

And as for the reason behind the occurrence of my And as for the reason behind the occurrence of my occultation, Allah Almighty said, “Believers, do not ask occultation, Allah Almighty said, “Believers, do not ask questions about things which, if made known to you questions about things which, if made known to you would only pain you”.would only pain you”. (Bihar al-Anwar Ch.78, P.380)(Bihar al-Anwar Ch.78, P.380)

O Allah, bestow upon us the success of obedience, the O Allah, bestow upon us the success of obedience, the avoidance of disobedience, sincerity and knowledge of avoidance of disobedience, sincerity and knowledge of the forbidden; and confer upon us guidance and the forbidden; and confer upon us guidance and righteousness.righteousness. (Al-Misbah, by al-Kaf`amy P.281)(Al-Misbah, by al-Kaf`amy P.281)

Page 24: Al-Mahdi Anecdotes and Saying

Select sayings of Al-MahdiSelect sayings of Al-Mahdi

And as for the way of benefiting from me during my And as for the way of benefiting from me during my occultation, it is the same as benefiting from the occultation, it is the same as benefiting from the sun when it is beclouded; and I am a safeguard to sun when it is beclouded; and I am a safeguard to the inhabitants of earth as the stars are safeguards the inhabitants of earth as the stars are safeguards to the inhabitants of heaven. to the inhabitants of heaven. (Bihar al-Anwar Ch.53, P.181)(Bihar al-Anwar Ch.53, P.181)

Increase praying for expediting my advent, Increase praying for expediting my advent, because indeed it is your release from suffering. because indeed it is your release from suffering. (Kamaliddin by al-Sadooq Ch.2, P.485)(Kamaliddin by al-Sadooq Ch.2, P.485)

The outcome of Allah’s gracious handiwork shall The outcome of Allah’s gracious handiwork shall be benign for them as long as they avoid be benign for them as long as they avoid committing the prohibited sins. committing the prohibited sins. (Bihar al-Anwar Ch.53, P.177)(Bihar al-Anwar Ch.53, P.177)

Page 25: Al-Mahdi Anecdotes and Saying

Select sayings of Al-MahdiSelect sayings of Al-Mahdi

And as for the recent occurrences, turn to the relators of our And as for the recent occurrences, turn to the relators of our Hadiths for they are my proof upon you, and I am Allah’s proof Hadiths for they are my proof upon you, and I am Allah’s proof upon them. upon them. (Bihar al-Anwar Ch.53, P.181)(Bihar al-Anwar Ch.53, P.181)

Allah did not create the creation in vain, nor did He leave them Allah did not create the creation in vain, nor did He leave them alone to no purpose. alone to no purpose. (Al-Ghayba, by shaykh al-Toosy P. 174)(Al-Ghayba, by shaykh al-Toosy P. 174)

O Allah, fulfill your promise to me, complete my rule for me, O Allah, fulfill your promise to me, complete my rule for me, increase my force and fill earth by me with justice and fairness. increase my force and fill earth by me with justice and fairness. (Bihar al-Anwar Ch.51, P.31)(Bihar al-Anwar Ch.51, P.31)

I bear witness that there is no god but He-and the angels, and men I bear witness that there is no god but He-and the angels, and men possessed of knowledge- upholding justice; there is no god but He possessed of knowledge- upholding justice; there is no god but He the All-Mighty, the All-Wise; the true religion with Allah is Islam. the All-Mighty, the All-Wise; the true religion with Allah is Islam. (Bihar al-Anwar Ch.51, P.16)(Bihar al-Anwar Ch.51, P.16)

Page 26: Al-Mahdi Anecdotes and Saying

Select sayings of Al-MahdiSelect sayings of Al-Mahdi

I am al-Mahdi (the guided one), I am the Imam of the I am al-Mahdi (the guided one), I am the Imam of the time and I am the one who will fill the earth with justice time and I am the one who will fill the earth with justice just as it was filled with tyranny and injustice. just as it was filled with tyranny and injustice. (Bihar al-(Bihar al-

Anwar Ch.52, P.2)Anwar Ch.52, P.2)

No advent but after Allah’s permission, and that will be No advent but after Allah’s permission, and that will be after the passing of a long term, the hardening of the after the passing of a long term, the hardening of the hearts and the filling of earth with tyranny. hearts and the filling of earth with tyranny. (alehtejaj Ch.2, (alehtejaj Ch.2, P.478)P.478)

The prostration of gratitude is from among the most The prostration of gratitude is from among the most indispensable and most necessary of the sunnah indispensable and most necessary of the sunnah practices (Prophetic Tradition). practices (Prophetic Tradition). (Bihar al-Anwar Ch.53, P.161)(Bihar al-Anwar Ch.53, P.161)

Page 27: Al-Mahdi Anecdotes and Saying

Select sayings of Al-MahdiSelect sayings of Al-Mahdi

And as for the occurrence of the manifestation, And as for the occurrence of the manifestation, it is up to Allah, and any person who appoints a it is up to Allah, and any person who appoints a moment is a liar. moment is a liar. (Bihar al-Anwar Ch.53, P.181)(Bihar al-Anwar Ch.53, P.181)

So fear God and submit to us, refer the matter So fear God and submit to us, refer the matter to us, because we are the ones who execute to us, because we are the ones who execute Allah’s commands as we were the ones who Allah’s commands as we were the ones who received them; do not try to uncover what was received them; do not try to uncover what was concealed from you and make your intention to concealed from you and make your intention to love us according to the clear way. love us according to the clear way. (Bihar al-Anwar (Bihar al-Anwar Ch.53, P.179)Ch.53, P.179)

Page 28: Al-Mahdi Anecdotes and Saying

Sample Tawkii’ of Al-MahdiSample Tawkii’ of Al-Mahdi

و�اة� ر� إلى فيها فارجعوا الواقعه الحوادث وأما حديثنا

عليهم الله ح�ج�ة وأنا عليكم ح�ج�تي فإنهمAs for the events which will occur, turn to the narrators of our tradition, because the narrators are my proof to you, while I am the proof of Allah to them. (Al-Wasa’il, Al Aamili, Vol. 18, Page 101.  Also Bihaar Al-Anwaar, Vol. 53, Page 181.)

Page 29: Al-Mahdi Anecdotes and Saying

Select sayings of Al-MahdiSelect sayings of Al-Mahdi

^ دا و ل و ال ة ب صاح� �خ�ذ� ت ي م� ل ال�ذي لله� �ح م�د� ل ^ ا دا و ل و ال ة ب صاح� �خ�ذ� ت ي م� ل ال�ذي لله� �ح م�د� ل ، ، اه� $ر� ب و ك الذAل$ م�ن zل�ى و ه� ل �ن� ك ي م� و ل ، �م�ل�ك� ال في ريك" ش ه� ل �ن� ك ي م� ه� و ل $ر� ب و ك الذAل$ م�ن zل�ى و ه� ل �ن� ك ي م� و ل ، �م�ل�ك� ال في ريك" ش ه� ل �ن� ك ي م� و ل

^ �بيرا ك ^ت �بيرا ك ، ، ت$ها �ل ك �ع م�ه� ن ج ميع� ع لى $ه ا، �ل ك م حام�د�ه� �ج ميع� ب لله� �ح م�د� ل $ها ا �ل ك �ع م�ه� ن ج ميع� ع لى $ه ا، �ل ك م حام�د�ه� �ج ميع� ب لله� �ح م�د� ل ا

م�ر�ه� ا في ه� ل م�ناز�ع و ال �ك�ه�، م�ل في ه� ل م�ضاد� ال ال�ذي لله� �ح م�د� ل م�ر�ه� ا ا في ه� ل م�ناز�ع و ال �ك�ه�، م�ل في ه� ل م�ضاد� ال ال�ذي لله� �ح م�د� ل ، ، ا�ه� ع ظ م ت في ه� ل بيه ش و ال �ق�ه�، ل خ في ه� ل ريك ش ال ال�ذي لله� �ح م�د� ل �ه� ا ع ظ م ت في ه� ل بيه ش و ال �ق�ه�، ل خ في ه� ل ريك ش ال ال�ذي لله� �ح م�د� ل ، ، ا

و ح م�د�ه� ه� م�ر� ا �خ ل�ق� ال في ال�فاشي لله� �ح م�د� ل و ح م�د�ه� ا ه� م�ر� ا �خ ل�ق� ال في ال�فاشي لله� �ح م�د� ل ، ، ا د ه� ي �ج�ود� �ال ب �باس�ط� ال م ج�د�ه�، � م ر �ك �ال ب د ه� الظ�اه�ر� ي �ج�ود� �ال ب �باس�ط� ال م ج�د�ه�، � م ر �ك �ال ب ، ، الظ�اه�ر�

 ^ ما ر و ك ^ ج�ودا � إال �ع طاء� ال ة� �ر ث ك زيد�ه� ت و ال �ه�، �ن خ زائ �ق�ص� ن ت ال ^  ال�ذي ما ر و ك ^ ج�ودا � إال �ع طاء� ال ة� �ر ث ك زيد�ه� ت و ال �ه�، �ن خ زائ �ق�ص� ن ت ال ، ، ال�ذي

�و ه�اب� ال �ع زيز� ال ه�و �ه� �ن �و ه�اب� ا ال �ع زيز� ال ه�و �ه� �ن …… …… Translation in next PageTranslation in next Pageا

Page 30: Al-Mahdi Anecdotes and Saying

Select sayings of Al-MahdiSelect sayings of Al-Mahdi

Praise be to Allah, Who has not taken unto Himself a wife, nor a son:Praise be to Allah, Who has not taken unto Himself a wife, nor a son:Who has no partner in dominion, nor any protecting friend through Who has no partner in dominion, nor any protecting friend through dependence. dependence. So Magnify Him in His splendor.So Magnify Him in His splendor.

Praise be to Allah, with full gratitude for his bounties.Praise be to Allah, with full gratitude for his bounties.Praise be to Allah, Who has no opposition to His rule, nor a challenge Praise be to Allah, Who has no opposition to His rule, nor a challenge to His His commands.Praise be to Allah, Who has no counsel to meddle with His works of Praise be to Allah, Who has no counsel to meddle with His works of creation, nor is there anything similar to Him in His splendor.creation, nor is there anything similar to Him in His splendor.Praise be to Allah, Whose commandments operate in Creation; Praise be to Allah, Whose commandments operate in Creation;

His glory is evident through His love and kindness.His glory is evident through His love and kindness.His overflowing generosity is available through His unlimited favors, His overflowing generosity is available through His unlimited favors, and whose favors do not exhaust His resources, and whose favors do not exhaust His resources, and the more He gives, the further He wants to give, for He is so loving, and the more He gives, the further He wants to give, for He is so loving, so caring….. so caring…..

Page 31: Al-Mahdi Anecdotes and Saying

Visitation Greetings for Al-MahdiVisitation Greetings for Al-Mahdi

Peace unto you; O the vicegerent Peace unto you; O the vicegerent of Allah and the vicegerent of your of Allah and the vicegerent of your well-guided fathers.well-guided fathers.Peace unto you; O the Successor Peace unto you; O the Successor of the past Successors (of the of the past Successors (of the Prophets).Prophets).Peace unto you; O the keeper of Peace unto you; O the keeper of the secrets of the Lord of the the secrets of the Lord of the worlds.worlds.Peace unto you; O Allah’s Peace unto you; O Allah’s remainder from among the elite, remainder from among the elite, select ones.Peace unto you; O son of the Peace unto you; O son of the luminous lights.luminous lights.Peace unto you; O son of the Peace unto you; O son of the splendid signs.splendid signs.Peace unto you; O son of the Peace unto you; O son of the immaculate progeny. immaculate progeny.

الله� • خ ليفة يا �ك ي ع ل لس�الم� ا ، �ين �م ه�د�ي ال �ه� آبائ يفة ل و خ

�و�ص�ياء� • اال و ص�ي� يا �ك ي ع ل لس�الم� ا، ال�ماضين

رار� • س� أ حاف�ظ يا �ك ي ع ل لس�الم� ا

، مين �عال ال ب$ ر• م�ن الله� �ة ق�ي ب يا �ك ي ع ل لس�الم� ا

، ج بين �ت �م�ن ال الص�ف�و ة��وار� • �ن اال �ن ب ا ي �ك ي ع ل لس�الم� ا

ة�، اه�ر �الز• � �ع�الم اال �ن ب ا ي �ك ي ع ل لس�الم� ا

ة�، �باه�ر الة� • �ر �ع�ت ال �ن ب ا ي �ك ي ع ل لس�الم� ا

ة�، الط�اه�ر

Page 32: Al-Mahdi Anecdotes and Saying

Shrine of Al-MahdiShrine of Al-Mahdi

the Shrine

Page 33: Al-Mahdi Anecdotes and Saying

Excerpts from Du’aa IftitahExcerpts from Du’aa Iftitah

O Allah! through him (al-Mahdi), set our disorder into order; •Gather and unite our flock; •Stitch together our asunder separation; •Turn our want into sufficiency; •Lift us up from our degradation; •Free us from our misery; •Pull us out from our debts; •Help us out from the ditch of sorrows; •Fill the gap created by confusion  among us; •Let our difficulties be easy to deal with..

ع ب� • و اش� نا، ع ث ش �ه� ب �م�م� ال ه�م� �ـ لل اص د�ع نا �ه� ب

نا، • �ت ق�ل �ه� ب $ر� ث و ك �ق نا، ف ت �ه� ب �ق� ت و ار� نا، • �ل عائ �ه� ب غ�ن� و ا نا، �ت ذ�ل �ه� ب ع�ز�ز� و ا�ه� • ب �ر� ب و اج� م�نا، م غ�ر ع ن� �ه� ب ق�ض� و ا

نا، ف ق�ر�ه� • ب ر� س$ و ي نا، �ت ل خ �ه� ب د� و س�

نا، ر ع�س��ه� • ب و ف�ك� و�ج�وه نا، �ه� ب $ض� ي و ب

نا، ر س� ا�ه� • ب �ج�ز� ن و ا نا، ت �ب ط ل �ه� ب �ج�ح� ن و ا

م واعيد نا، �ه� • ب ع�ط�نا و ا نا، د ع�و ت �ه� ب ج�ب� ت و اس�

نا، ؤ�ل س�ة� • �خ�ر و اال �يا الدAن م�ن �ه� ب $غ�نا ل و ب

�نا،   ت غ�ب ر ف و�ق �ه� ب ع�ط�نا و ا نا، آمال• ع و�س و ا ؤولين �م س� ال �ر ي خ يا

، �م�ع�طين ال

Page 34: Al-Mahdi Anecdotes and Saying

Ziyarah of Al-MahdiZiyarah of Al-Mahdi

يس آل� ع ل ى م" ال يس س آل� ع ل ى م" ال �ه� س ات آي �ي� �ان ب و ر �ه� الل د اع�ي ا ي �ك ي ع ل م� ال �ه� الس� ات آي �ي� �ان ب و ر �ه� الل د اع�ي ا ي �ك ي ع ل م� ال الس��ه� د�ين �ان و د ي �ه� الل اب ب ا ي �ك ي ع ل م� ال �ه� الس� د�ين �ان و د ي �ه� الل اب ب ا ي �ك ي ع ل م� ال الس�

ح ق$ه� اص�ر و ن �ه� الل �يف ة ل خ ا ي �ك ي ع ل م� ال ح ق$ه� الس� اص�ر و ن �ه� الل �يف ة ل خ ا ي �ك ي ع ل م� ال الس��ه� اد ت �ر إ �يل و د ل �ه� الل ح�ج�ة ا ي �ك ي ع ل م� ال �ه� الس� اد ت �ر إ �يل و د ل �ه� الل ح�ج�ة ا ي �ك ي ع ل م� ال الس� ه� ج�م ان ر� و ت �ه� الل اب� �ت ك �ي ال ت ا ي �ك ي ع ل م� ال ه� الس� ج�م ان ر� و ت �ه� الل اب� �ت ك �ي ال ت ا ي �ك ي ع ل م� ال الس�

ه ار�ك ن اف� ط�ر و أ �ل�ك ي ل اء� آن ف�ي �ك ي ع ل م� ال ه ار�ك الس� ن اف� ط�ر و أ �ل�ك ي ل اء� آن ف�ي �ك ي ع ل م� ال الس�ض�ه� ر�

أ ف�ي �ه� الل �ة ق�ي ب ا ي �ك ي ع ل م� ال ض�ه� الس� ر� أ ف�ي �ه� الل �ة ق�ي ب ا ي �ك ي ع ل م� ال الس�

�د ه� و و ك خ ذ ه� أ �ذ�ي ال �ه� الل اق م�يث ا ي �ك ي ع ل م� ال �د ه� الس� و و ك خ ذ ه� أ �ذ�ي ال �ه� الل اق م�يث ا ي �ك ي ع ل م� ال الس� ه� ض م�ن �ذ�ي ال �ه� الل و ع�د ا ي �ك ي ع ل م� ال ه� الس� ض م�ن �ذ�ي ال �ه� الل و ع�د ا ي �ك ي ع ل م� ال الس�

�وب� �م ص�ب ال �م� �ع�ل و ال �ص�وب� �م ن ال م� �ع ل ال Aه ا ي أ �ك ي ع ل م� ال �وب� الس� �م ص�ب ال �م� �ع�ل و ال �ص�وب� �م ن ال م� �ع ل ال Aه ا ي أ �ك ي ع ل م� ال الس�

ع ة� �و اس� ال ح�م ة� و الر� �غ و�ث� ع ة� و ال �و اس� ال ح�م ة� و الر� �غ و�ث� و ال

Page 35: Al-Mahdi Anecdotes and Saying

Ziyarah of Al-MahdiZiyarah of Al-Mahdi

Peace be unto the progeny of Yaseen Peace be unto the progeny of Yaseen

Peace unto you; the caller to Allah and the interpreter of His VersesPeace unto you; the caller to Allah and the interpreter of His Verses

Peace unto you; the gateway to Allah and the applier of His religionPeace unto you; the gateway to Allah and the applier of His religionPeace unto you; the viceroy of Allah and the backer of His rightPeace unto you; the viceroy of Allah and the backer of His right

Peace unto you; the Claim of Allah and the sign of His volitionPeace unto you; the Claim of Allah and the sign of His volition

Peace unto you; the reciter and the interpreter of the Book of AllahPeace unto you; the reciter and the interpreter of the Book of AllahPeace unto you at the hours of the night and its two ends Peace unto you at the hours of the night and its two ends Peace unto you—the herald of Allah on His landsPeace unto you—the herald of Allah on His lands

Peace unto you—the covenant of Allah that He has made and Peace unto you—the covenant of Allah that He has made and confirmedconfirmed

Peace unto you—the Promise of Allah that He has assured…Peace unto you—the Promise of Allah that He has assured…

Page 36: Al-Mahdi Anecdotes and Saying

In ConclusionIn Conclusion

Al-Mahdi the One who is awaited for and Al-Mahdi the One who is awaited for and the symbol of hope for humanitythe symbol of hope for humanity

Discussed in this slide show are:Discussed in this slide show are: The Lesser Occultation (69 years)

The Major Occultation: Perpetual

His Du’aas are the symbol of hope

His Sayings are the spiritual guiding light

He is awaited for with Du’aa for his sake

Page 37: Al-Mahdi Anecdotes and Saying

For Details Go to:For Details Go to: then then choose:

Series of Islamic Books: Series of Islamic Books: Life of Ahlul Bayt Vol. III Life of Ahlul Bayt Vol. III

Page 38: Al-Mahdi Anecdotes and Saying

Be in Allah’s CareBe in Allah’s Care

Thank you and May God Bless Thank you and May God Bless

Dr. A.S. HashimDr. A.S. Hashim