al r j i- iti xr i tiotei ps€¦ · i r 7 eijr i- alr j liiip < ij i > xr i a l 1 t11 i ii...

i 7 r EiJr I- LIIIP r J Al < iJ I I > Xr a l 1 t11 I I I ILLUSTRATED 1 1MIL CYEOYNOEJOJV1copvaNz a SYNOPSIS pS nl opens In tnn with tho Unlte < States and Japan on the verce of war Guy Hillier sec f a retary of the Drltlshfmbusy and Miss aj iNorma Inventor Roberta are Introdutfa s love At the moat Inopportune moment Japan declares TheI cause of the Eovernrannlr Indifference i Guy Hllller atartB for EnxJand with se ¬ cret ncnage and Is compelled to leave a a ¬ ofncera y S trtOua exVtdltlon for an Ilolated pont on U IfIe FiortC coast Hawaii Is captured bVa Lthe Jans All ports arc closed Jap S orAmerica secret preparations for war ftc foljows S autS carrying presidential cabinet un d I of imsat mystery and flees I 1mUrmurln TM cods save Nippon f to PaclUc coast Sleeo Is shot V Juat as Journey to get awful news seems successful Japan an ¬ Intention to attack seaports idown of mIsSIng Japanese fleet I clpl world becomes convinced that Stiles has ome powerful war England decides to send a fleet a to American waters IS a Canadian pro ¬ c tection acalnst what the British suppose a SIi a terrible submarine flotilla la I also sent to Canada to attempt to force M his way through American lines with a I < message to the president In order that ifprotection for the fleet may be assured it < to Britain for aid British ijeet dcpnrts amid mtsclvlnsn of Eneilsli eT Fleet mysteriously dl appesrtl a sailor cvia ¬ failureIc aS 1 dent War between Great Itrilnln ando Ibenuan ii threatened ThQ kaiser I I i I h CHAPTER X Continued F The secret servIcemen bad already Ir r rti become convinced that tho team be- longed r within tho city and so as a a j a forlorn hopo rather than in the be C 4 Her that any clew would bo gained the gypsy giving hint JUcen to adopt iateer means 1 getmod the most likely to discover and I a IdcaUly the horse With Romany cun nU1gbE Immediately secured a set l t tncme or the most fashionable t- I lark ay drives where he remained rf hour after hour apparently occu pipea c an4 presenting no marked difference I > 11 aPenCO front that of a hundred j J 1tber Iuxers theS ti k adera watch that he Snmped to iis- a T tc feet and excitedly ran after a passing w f ti MintU he could attract the at S tH Uoi of a mounted offlccr who had V eeu posted oa the driveway for th PW7 se of assisting him In case his est S i kOilld develop anything worth a l following The man to the car ka Vtflage ahead and In rokeuGennan as- a f rted his conviction thatjt was the RtiLzi 4ntbea- I d ttoa eqce gn hita lkty1astztectIons to zoport to head r Q laact 1ieddown the boulevard I i ad1kixeItettient was caused bY tIre < Z7Ys017l8fld a group of the znos- tocIals l pf8 J t awaited tie return i rnohourlfl f 4ippear 4 aad aup ense yth time < iWat kigh pitch They began to look ytt tI the ere trader with considerable > toioa caring a canard and were 1j 0 I loit othe point of ending others jienI i r spurs q4 vaeroB tie tiled flobr of the entryway f1 M > lMrtieeplsilyabout him before f TTtiit fasythlrig and then addressIriB p 1 tt < caWa said Thla man is y > j Ithartistakenor else the affair w nliTlik wJe more lerous than we A 1t tilt 1ItlleUe84 W ii9jiW hli superior question Jt t L What abut the car lager a A I Tke offeetiwned over and spoke In S deUltot The carriage was F ttot the American arnbnssadorrf- C Tbe capUlnElarted bacJcaa if par ewled H Imparted e news In na iINi4eraae to h 1a comrades ik the r6ora JF a4 ttia oxckeonL greW They dareQ II BO fRrjker ln this nesLc without eiA ottauag tho5io of authority 1 tad gthero4into a d ntechamber C il taktag toe RoiBBay with them where 4 v fitor waited UH they were joined by ik ti JwpreiB e bead pt the secret service a A4eMsrtaent rThl latter la person j 1 eticned both the gypsy and the om Alli a i jrajM wamIhat ih6 had been aCCUlii S w r i pe4 Le eHwve anlrnals closely all couldC e R a flt of I wrath ieswo that he VO11d C 0 eOI1thl having been the b itiaI wbkhassed blat on the night eT the kaisers disappearance H a c 11 int further aad agBerted that J < 4 0 tt tia l l Ipr the iloi was the y a eet1 fl that OC aeklIt I S J j Tkcj owited o1cer was equally cer l ttJe tUrnout WM that belong 0 fji iBlto the eMbs8yitb auso he had amt ialrll I111ae kad made o arrest 4 l Xa 1d that lwjB d IbeeW prepared f I 0 4 teIIOWIUS Overtook we team t f i W l4eatiylng theocctipan tcldt1d imporS a js i t lr wlths foHowliajB the catriaso a 0 Y i e tke4tghOutiLIjoUraeyaRdtjIljtw3 ttr i junwatH He then dismounted and by jf jwetext etgaged one otke attbie S c > = lBcoBveraaUonI81Bagtheleb a J thIt1be AmbaseadoF kid BO horse ttt thaa these two Hfhadr = t I 1 ee o4ltadv1aabl tQ niake any ilO if A 4 t inquiries for fr fiaro HlngB S ple4eLa t t The I of the secret s p 1 J Jen aw thafe he was facias c a ir 1 tes PMllHty HeJsel1t aesage s JMIigt o ether Isl P lS ft n A ain 4Ie gqII t 1f 4 ttIWI aahot r the nclrt8 e- J SYS them They JO th vt T lf liwlfea It auslBg larly qaiba ng j y > i c CotakeanYacUonFh I en pres t I t 0 t wWeb was already n < in farL pfeaat war and of v fthe 9 < i1 iee world stood In terror and ap i 4fttC J wag soeiiitg to i avow fJo p fr t tv JI kt1I p ta t J 1 > J y s fjj 4 I9t 0 i S i 4 ri a 1 f I p r a b I 4 S a f tS I i c 4ft 4 s 4 1 I t y 1 f 4 Even to suggest to the ambassador of thti United States that he was sus ¬ ected of having abducted the kaiser an act of leso majesty In Itself was something which might arouse that man to appeal to his home government and topple Germany itself Into an im ¬ broglio which could end only In de ¬ feat The attitude of America up la tho moment when communication ceased had been friendly Therefore there seemed no logical reason for her taking any such unheard of action- s that of Interference with the per ¬ son of his majesty Tho consensus of opinion was that the situation wns too delicate to ndmlt of any ordinary methods and that there was only one thing to do keep the embassy under constant surveillance until by secret service methods they might learn what if any connection the ambassa ¬ dor or those about him bad with the disappearance The gypsy received the promised re ¬ ward and from that hour on the American embassy was unceasingly fland CHAPTER XI A King It LostI Wearied by hours ot suspense days f anxiety and nights of alarm the king of England sought relaxation A period of disaster had reached its cul I a where nothing much worse buJoUlerocG8patlon flotn azid was now distraught in its effort ito flail the missing ruler from whpm ip word had been received and of whom no Information had been ob ¬ tained The American dread bad been grfcrtor had lost lie poignancy and was be- coming only a bitter recollection to be calmly and speculated upon After weeks of storm and stress there had come a lull in which England waited tar winds more kind roberythatit and enveloped In an air of gloom con ¬ ditions resembling those of that period ot terror which overspread it In the great plague but which led men by work and pretense of gayety to seek forgetfulness Onco more the mustc halls iopcued the theaters made their announcements au poqred ontta boardings andjc 1 i jits in a ort of halther t way to resume their 4 InllitiepQ 4 t abnormality the at xnosphere and sent upon the huge cltyo fog which settled d wili1i the night adding Its black sefiito that of hour And through it in quest of relaxation rode Eng ¬ palllcctol1a but tj rlare ot the theaters lured and bg < jj Insistently to their wealth of beildpi His coming was unheralded and at t hOfLW1Satttictedto the presence only when lie manaer following tlme stabJsJedcustomwhlch for bade the turning of ones back upon a king him with steady bows placebeido entered The hippodrome was to bo honored Within tho box the royal pall ¬ Jookoud upon the bizarre performance per4l8 iaast Iri ere proximity to companion shlp r suld interest and brlf ab ja t i 0 f i A3Hiat tH 1 y i 4 o I t F < co Jlr c 7 > sorption ho tiOTeI ttie ptugtaiu paying but small attention to what it contained A herd of performing ele ¬ phants galloped clumsily routd In the rIng below obeying the shrill nervous shouts of a woman clad in red tights and then sedately marched out through an aperture y the niCe of the stage when the ac was ended A man clad in an Illfitting dress suit ev- Idently ¬ the heritage from some prede- cessor came to the front of the stage and began an ornate rambling and ungrammatical speech announcing come wonderful exhibition which was about to take place The monarch suddenly aware of the voice caught only the last words declaring it to be the great event of the evening and leaned back in his cushioned chair his mind again reverting to the vicissi- tudes ¬ of government Ills reverie was disturbed by a con ¬ versation taking place at the door ot his box Tho gentleman was very Insistent that It should bo dcllverea at once otherwise I should not have brought it ho heard the mannger ot tho theater say apologetically Is there no placo In tho world where I can remain undisturbed the king muttered wearily and then called aloud Send that note in whatever It may be With a salute his equerry handed him the message which he idly held In his band for a few moments before opening it looking half abstractedly out of his box to where a man was being hoisted aloft and through an opening In tho arched roof above More OK less indifferently he tore open the envelope and a card at which he stared with a puzzled frown as If doubting his senses Surely this could be no jest Upon it was scrawled Admiral Robert forms of the United States navy desires a brief audience with his majesty upon mat tore which can be discussed in per ¬ son only If permissible may be en r with Salute His Equerry Handed Him the Message minatlon discussed began the preceded jf withdrew maestyboxt Through the kjngs mind passed a succession of questions What could this mean Would anyone dare per ¬ petrate a joke of this character and if temerityWas BOvine should be here this night In a London theater when his country was at war and had practically thrown the gauntlet Into the lists of the civilized world It was Impossible Out he would send for this Individual who uponthe self what sort of fool ho was Show him InI he said to the equer- ry and then expectantly watched the door wondering whether he was to face an adventurer or an imbecile Be ¬ tween the king and tho officer whoso name appeared on the card was an Intimacy of more ttian 30 years Sick Patient Didnt Feel Pain of Op ¬ eratlon but Thought So A German surgeon In the Franco had occasion to lance an abscess for a poor fellow and as the sore was obstinate it became neces ¬ snryto usa the knife twice Tho oper ¬ ation was not a very painful one but the patient declared that It had nearly killed blip and when a third resort to the lancet vas proposed be protested that he could novel go through the operation alive The suigeon promised to make It easy for him and calling up a tow of the loungrs ordered cno of them to hold his hands close over the patients eyes and two others to grasp hIs hands flinly- Thjo the is said to prevent pain in such an operation Now He perfectly quiet and when I say Now prepare yourfetlf f I i i J Z l iI standing Tbo name none had sum dent weight to preclude the curt re fusal of such an extraordinary request If this was the friend of his youngei days nothing but an errand ot the utmost Importance could have induced him to seek an audience under such circumstances and on the contrary If his visitor proved to be a nonentity or crank tho guard would give protec tion and summary punishment The door ot the cabinet slid back and a grim scarred wcathcrbeatun man stood surrounded by the royal body guard In utter astonishment that it should be tho admiral standing before him tho sovereign rose from his seat and took a step forward They stood for a moment thG king and the admiral and then slowly grasped each others hand casting the restrain of situation and tho difference of position completely aside flevlns the monarch said for Gods sake what brings you here In a time like this Is there no limit to your daring and nothing at which your country will hesitate Do you come as a friend or as an American Doth answered the officer stand Ing squarely on his feet and looking steadily into the gray eyes which per- sistently scrutinized him slt seeking to read the cause of his visit There came another Instants pause and tho king with a gesture him to be seated The a creetly withdrew and closed the door of tho cabinet Banns continued I must apologize for Intruding upon you but I have Journeyed a long way to deliver ames sage which permits of no delay In an official capacity then t I queried the monarch dryly Yes odiclal and friendly I was chosen for this mission not only be- cause of our known friendship but for the reason that I could explain cer bin events to you better than any man living Tho king nearly forgot the distrust which ho had felt first and almost yielded to the impulse to drop all cere- mony and ask his guest for an expla- nation then and there He half roso and grasped tho arms of his chair His lips opened to interrogate and then his lifes training and restraint re ¬ sumtng their hold his tonguo gave a dry elicit and ho again assumed a pos- ture ¬ of repose It was difficult to as ¬ sume an air of complacence who every instinct of king and man caHed out to him to ask Impetuously the one before him for tho unraveling of the skein of events and the story of the I fate of tho British fleet Ho veiled his curiosity his emotion and his excite- ment behind a mask of polite reserve But what was coming next His vis- Itor who had hesitated now wenc on This is no time nor place for me to say what I have tobut as an emlty sary of my government I am asked to induce you your prime minister and the first lord of the admiralty to grant me a private audience The king impatient curious and anxious was yet relieved by what hr hoard There was nothing very un 1Su llna request for enco under mi he hail U TQ thvtfrp it would Cuu i elup rf v io most < i t i no ro4thC n t m 1tlclto h a sOme ease c 01ty seined vf r The audten must be granted to- night Tonight to light The sovereign forgot his aplomb loaned his body to ¬ ward his companion and thrust bit chin forward There bad been some ¬ thing in the use ot the word must and tho astonishing declaratiitt that the Interview should be conceited at once that aroused a little spark rf re- sentment And yet ho was fillet with a curiosity akin to anger The admiral was quick to read bis royal hosts annoyance and hastened to conciliate Your majesty as yef friend I ask you not to misconstrue anything tmtirsay I am asking as I favor that I be allowed my own tima and wayyes that I even may be per- mUted tosuggest the conditions of I ISIs meeting Believe me It U tar it best The king was motionless and speech less fpr what seemed a long time From his viewpoint of head of ana tion and bound to maintain its dig nlty and a man with a mans anxie ties and anxious to learn from I friends lips the story of the last months secrets and disasters he wa considering what was best to do In an oddly repressed tone he an Bwered with another tentative queIn Uon > As a friend I received my box and now on thlssame basis I ask you If this communication ot yours is so important and urgent that it cannot take its due course accord- Ing to official custom Beyond official ways your majesty imperative and urgent was the re sponse otherwise I should not have chosen this unusual method of ap ¬ preaching you nor asked for such an unusual audience in such hasto arid ii such an unseemly hour TO BE CONTIKUED uu uunnnc HE JUST IMAGINED IT PfsslanVl1r arrangementspxpialned invItel Iprlvateaudrf uchcircumstances quletlwith completed the operation without thi least trouble the patient lying at quiet as though in sleep When all was dory the surgeon Ial3 aside the knife and said Now Such a roar came from the lips pf tho sic N tuna as seldom is heard from any hu ¬ man being He struggled to free hIm- self yelling Oh doctor youre kin ing mo Shouts of laughter soon drowned hh operJotlon Jokebut 4dId 1 Now TitBits i v Good Medlclne > lie that has enthusiasm nude 4A other tonic 5 ki iAjk J fI 711 4 C Iti 1 tl I 1 1 TOUCHED HEART Of MATADOR I Provisional Bull Fighter Seen In Un I exuectedly Gentle Light There is no description of a bull fight In Irs Maud Howe Elliotts book Sun arid Shadow In Epain but there is a record of a meeting with a mata ¬ dor in the studio ot the court painter Don Jose Villegas and the ensuing conversation a part of which revealed the bull fighter in an unexpectedly gentle light It also makes plain the fundamental reason why Americans object to bull fights How many bulls have ou killed some one asked of thtfmatador In 25 years I have killed 3500 b reulls Were you ever afraid I have been afraid many many times On those occasions I put my trust In my legs and ran as last aa I couldThe bull however is the noblest of animals and the bravest Ho never makes a cowardly attack from behind ho is so frank Ho Is terrible though a man needs nerve to face him when he comes into the ring pawing the earth and bellowing Will you tell us about tho bull that was the hardest of all to kill 1 The matadors face changed He was a white bull he said slow ¬ y and he didnt want to fight Ho followed me about like a little dog I led him with the cloak wherever I wanted to go Yes lat was the hard- est ¬ bull of all to klt1Youths Com ¬ panion The Tax of the Insect During the year just passed the In- sects of tho country cost thu farmers more money than the nation expended on its army and navy in paying all the claims on its mountainous pension roll and In all expenditures on the Panama canal C L Bartlett assist ant entomologist In charge ot ex- perimental ¬ field work has worked out the above statement and as the value approxImated ¬ mates ravages of the myriad insect al tc about 800 million dollars The sum docs not Include the loss to cereals and forage crops in storage nor to natural forests and forest products the losses from those two sources at 100 million dollars euch bringing Liii Ip annual rural Insect tax tonn even billion dollarsTho World Today CompensationWess sat ons or should be to women for the many disadvantages of their sex There is nothing that enables us to defy thO natural consequences of Time so successfully provided we give enough attention to the poten ¬ tialities of and to the Individuality in dress It is n duty that women owo to society Jo make the best of them ¬ selves ifut a great deal of the suc ¬ cess of i gown depends on the degree to W i t Is in harmony with Its sun T gaTo be overdressed is v xe than being shabbily dressed wever beautiful a frock may be it strikes a discordant hpiei with its surroundings much of Jts beauty will Ibe lostr The LftHgi Friend < Clara Morris onflusbefcr tls folly to call the 1hnsbanil J jdnrn In the Housekeeper for October It Is ntruth home life while the wife and mother Is its whole existence literally tho sun of domestic happiness rises and sets in the aCoof the wife and mothera fRemedies To heal an open cut apply alum wa ter twice a day Powdered rosin is also good Pound it well in a dealt mortar or wooden bowl When 2i a soft cloth over the cut and occasion ally wet it with cold water This will prevent inflammation and soreness HighPriced Havana Cigarsp Havana cigars quoted at S each were recently shown at a Lon- don ¬ tobacco expositionc The Whip of Repentance The severest punishment a man can receive who has injured another Is to have committed the Injury and no man Is more severely punished than he who Is subject to thswblp of hid own repentance Seneca Seat of the Divinity Is there any other seat of Divinity than the earth sea air the heavens and virtuous minds Why do we seek Sod elsewhere Ho IB whatever you see he Is wherever you move Lucan C MARKET REPORTS XCATTLE CALVLS Extra 760 9 00 HOGS Choice 7 10 7 15 SHEEPExtra a 5 10 E 25- LAMBSSpring 800 00WHEAT 68UOATS 84HAV BUTTER Dairy 1i 15 18APPLES 00TOBACCO CHICAGO HCORN OATSNo2 mixed 55 PORKPrime mess17 00 17 H5 LARD Prime 10 15 NEW TOUt FLOUR Win patent 5 25 5 65 WHEAT No 2 red 0 1 O- SCORNNo2 mixed W C79 izPORKPrime LARDS ennt 9 85 9 95 BAtTIJIOUE WHEAT No 2 red 119 G9tOATS JJOOISVILLE 22JACORN OTSNo 2 mixed 56 HAY Ch timothy 12 50 113 00 HuGS Extra 6 65 LARDSteam 9 25 INDIANAPOLIS CATTLEPrime 6 25 675 HOGS Extra 6 65 01 6 50 SHEEPExtra 5 eo 5 50 0 f l f u P f JtilH J S I C 5 4 v aIi lA tV 4 I 1i A < I 1 ROUND ABOUT THE STATE ThatIsGothonInDIfferentIb Sections of Kentucky t CAPITAL NOTES tiThe bynarnes Chesapeake Ohio Railroad Co ando manded the case to the lower with Instructions to give a peremptory Instruction for the defendant company Another Kentucky Road The Cumberland Northern Rail ¬ way Co with 100000 capital stock flied articles of Incorporation The rood will run from Artemus Knox county through the counties of Clay Owslcy End Leo to Doattyvllle a dir ¬ tance of 75 miles C i O Valuation Tho state board of valuation and as ¬ sessment tentatively fixed the valua ¬ tion of the Chesapeake Ohio Rail- road ¬ Co for the purpose of taxation It placed the total capitalization at 9169630 from which the value of tho tangible property is to be deducted Fair Officiate The Capital Fair association elected Dr John P Stewart president W S Farmer 1st vice president George B Harper 2d vice president directors P C 6hurch G C Shawk AG Jeffers Bedford Macklin and Swigert Taylor Judgment for 58 Cents A judgment of 58 cents the cost of the telegram was secured In the fedS eral court hero by C B Daniel in 5000 suit the West 1nn i Ln ing the death of his brother Due to Tuberculosis Dr Joseph Barr physician at the tenitentiary the deaths that have occurred ab tba prison during the last two years hart b been the penitentiary has become a verita ¬ ble death trap Hagers Bondsmen Sued Suits seeking the recovery of mounts aggregating 3718443 ironS former State Auditor linger bondsmen and Mrs Hester G Coulter widow of former Auditor Coulter and his bondsmen were filed in circuit courtb Asst Atty Gent Lockett To How SundaySchool Convention As a result of the ybit of E A FOX secretary ot the State Suridayschpdl Association pf Kentucky to this city It a ben4ecTded to hold a Sunday r N nvntloIihere at Glenwjjpd Pa mp tJinbtet iiltt ltI1 rJl une r chmpnd Ky AfameetfeB or r- ents 0 for Eastern Kentucky state nor mat school here teachers of tills instl utlcn were ordered paid making the t money they had received tot more five months Danville KyAta meeting of the directors of the Central Kentucky Fair association of this city August 4 E U nd 7 were decided upon as the dates or the Danville fair Harrisburgs fall w ill be held the following week Owensboro KyA J Doss of Cen ¬ ral City was elected president of tbo United Mine Workers of District No 3 comprising the mines of Western and J T Main of Render Ohio county vice president Lexington Ky Samuel H Clay for the past year has been eD- ployednaa reporter on Lexington and Louisville newspapers was selected to e secretary of the Lexington Comm r ml club to succeed John G Craemer Louisville KyFire destroyed the Coliseum the largest amusement hatt in the south at Fourth avenue street this city tho loss being 75000 fireman John Keefe was caught un ¬ en falling walls and seriously Injured Lexington lCyThe Lexington Brick Co closed a deal for the pur ¬ chase pt the plants of the Fayette Brick and Supply Co located here and the Monticello Brick Co of Jfon tlcello The combined plants wlii hav a yearly output ot about 10000000 I brick Ledngton KyTho annual conven ¬ t ion of the Kentucky Dairy Cattle club the Kentucky Jersey Cattle club par ticipating was beldln Agricultural han at State university It was de ¬ cided to tax each member 1 to cover the expense of holding a milk and but- ter contest next year Louisville KyE I Alderman grand imperial pptentate of the Im penal Council Nobles of the aiysilc Shrine and E A Osborne Chief Ral ban both of Cedar Rapids la were here and arranged for the meeting of the council In Louisville in June Louisville KyThe board of direc- tors of tho Kentucky Good Roads as ¬ sedation met hero and adopted hy laws The purpose of the organisa tion is the creation of public sentiment for tho building and maintenance of good highways throughout the state Glasgow KyTho highest price over realized for mules in this part of the state was paid Rod Warfleld at So non when he sold Lexington dealers 20 mules for 225 each or 1500 for the bunch The mules will be sold in pairs to the blue grass farmers Owensboro Ky Fojlowing heavy rains trains on the Louisville lender- sn St Louis railroad were discon ¬ tinned the second time in three weeks Only otto train out of LoulsYJIewnJI able to get through to Owensboro ar riving hero five hours late j iJ I j Glasgow KyThoJ P Meredith Cedar Co recently located at Bowling tt Green wilt begin at an early dato cut f- ng and marketing all mercantile ce ar along Barren river 1 < Louisville KyTbo Gaiety theater passed the board of alder men by a vote of 8 to 3 This gives I Rudolph Hynicka of Cincinnati the right to proceed with the construction 1 of the burlesque theater in the Taylor- block f boreI4 I Louisville Ky Judge Walter Ef Jo ana la the federal court ordered s j mandamus Issued against the fiscal ii r l court of Taylor county Kentucky Wt J 4 compel tho levying of a tax to payoff certain bonds of the old Cumberland r Ohio Railroad Co > J Hopklnsvllle yFolloylng the ac lJff Xmaleo asked by the school board under the provisions of the new school law aJr suit will be brought at once to force < ZL the laying of the levy > t s Danville JyDr J McCIosky flay i ney pf this city died nt the Deacon fI hospital Boston Mass where ho un y ilI was one distinguished and widely known mlo > Isters and educational workers Louisville KyThe Marion Con 11 tract and Construction Co by 00 j I Holt trustee filed suit against the rf Louisville Railway Co asking to have t tt the plaintiffs declared beneficiaries 61 V f 954 shares of preferred stock of tht uisvillc Eastern railway i 1 < Jl4o Lexington KyTho commission all JWiito he guidance of druggists completed f Its work One regulation rejiufres < Ytb i otsuch Ingredient r 1 Jackson Ky Oscar 4 Sears t f prominent real estate broker was brought here on a warrant charging 41 9 him with the seduction of Maude Backst Sears denies all connection with the girls downfall aid denounces thaf o i whole proceeding as aa attempt to ex ri tort money from him if > ot 4 V 1 Hopklnsyllle Kyv Ten IndlcUnents At were returned by the grand jury charging ttitf parties named thereia b P with yiolatlonpf what JskH6w as Use Crocelius law which prpvldC8 aneayyi p enaltrfor farmers orgaaliatietis rorluycrs tg knowinglyiiy pooleirt 14Cfl f J 11 i r t h sta Jlp ucl y YOWlgYeaS ct c i tion oiiv nedintbrC- hr1stIarch rb Major ot IMusvIllcpresdedtThre dred delegates Attended tTe < s c BroadiUrst lCyCrcatexciti5i was occasioned In the Methodlsl church hero when Mrs Elizabet SOW der lnn invalid who had not walked a step for 30 years Jumped troth r carriage during the sermon aM shout ed with Joy at her instant recovery v i 4 Winchester KyThO Wpodraea ol 3 tho Worldadjourned theli convention > vt here after electing Raney T Wellsi oil t Murray Ky head consul lo succeed x J1I BrewepL1svIl1e The WQcd men Clrcle1 tale branch ot thz 00 order trss Reedy of Padu cah worthTguardian 1Ijf r f S Winchester KyA check f rt4 ffrom rQn1cJ l payment for thesita ofthe new government building to be t erected here This means that the tic i tJohas been accepted and the b Dd1 ff will be recorded at once t fCatdweJ1whc rlage to CA Caldwell a merchant jpl Eniluencc4 Ky caused much newepa rjT her notoriety Is arranging for thq SI 1 Ing of n1 answer tO herhu ban scom plaint In his divorce suIL which will < kj develop some racy testjmony 1 Lexington KycVThe resignation pi f I Prof II K Taylor as piesldent of the tCt Kentucky Wesleyan college Win c e I ter has been accepted by the uCf1i tional board of that institution i i ccmmlttee hasbeeh appointed fo se r i lect his successor and report at the an aual meeting In June t q iJI L i 1 2 Louisville KyTCoL THHag r t chief of police who is a member of tbq 1 executive board of tho American Bowl j 1 1 lug CQngreS8 will tender his Cslga3o t + tlon from the bowling committee as I he finds his time too much taken yp I Y with outside matters 1 > I la T Louisville Ky Fonowlpg8naJta 1t L ment suit to custody certain J warehouse receipts for 275 barrelsofe t whisky alleged to have been loaned tiy him to Edward M Plcxner John B f Thompson filed five suits against Flex 17i for sums 259975 tEllzabethtown cashier of the NoUn State bank was I lt indicted on a charge of forgery and obtaining money from the > Y r 4 false pretenses When lat heard iof tt Peek was in Trinidad Mo HevIsAr native of Warsaw Ky I > > At1glin in honor of Preston KirnbailA rreUring district Senator Baileyof Tetas BfldrJ- udge t James H lulllgan have beIn Y asked to respond to toasts i I T r Ii ft Ai r f- r > S n

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Page 1: Al r J I- Iti Xr I tiOTeI pS€¦ · i r 7 EiJr I- Alr J LIIIP < iJ I > Xr I a l 1 t11 I II ILLUSTRATED 1 1MILCYEOYNOEJOJV1copvaNz pS a SYNOPSIS nl opens In tnn with tho Unlte

i7r EiJr I-

LIIIPr JAl< iJI I> Xra


1 t11



a SYNOPSISpSnl opensIn tnn with tho Unlte < States and Japanon the verce of war Guy Hillier sec

f a retary of the Drltlshfmbusy and Missaj iNorma Inventor

Roberta are Introdutfa s love At themoat Inopportune moment Japan declaresTheIcause of the Eovernrannlr Indifference

i Guy Hllller atartB for EnxJand with se¬cret ncnage and Is compelled to leave

a a ¬ofnceray S trtOua exVtdltlon for an Ilolated pont onU IfIe FiortC coast Hawaii Is captured bVaLthe Jans All ports arc closed JapS orAmericasecret preparations for war ftc foljows

S autS carrying presidential cabinet und I of imsat mystery and fleesI 1mUrmurln TM cods save Nipponf to PaclUc coast Sleeo Is shot

V Juat as Journey to get awful newsseems successful Japan an¬

Intention to attack seaportsidown of mIsSIng Japanese fleetI clpl world becomes convinced thatStiles has ome powerful war

England decides to send a fleeta to American waters IS a Canadian pro ¬

c tection acalnst what the British supposea SIi a terrible submarine flotilla la

I also sent to Canada to attempt to forceM his way through American lines with aI < message to the president In order thatifprotection for the fleet may be assuredit < to Britain for aid Britishijeet dcpnrts amid mtsclvlnsn of EneilslieT Fleet mysteriously dl appesrtl a sailorcvia ¬failureIcaS 1 dent War between Great Itrilnln andoIbenuan ii threatened ThQ kaiser



iI h CHAPTER X ContinuedF The secret servIcemen bad alreadyIr r rti become convinced that tho team be-

longedr within tho city and so as aa j a forlorn hopo rather than in the be

C 4 Her that any clew would bo gainedthe gypsy giving hintJUcen to adopt iateer means

1 getmod the most likely to discover andI a IdcaUly the horse With Romany cun

nU1gbE Immediately secured a setl t tncme or the most fashionable


I lark ay drives where he remained

rf hour after hour apparently occupipeac an4 presenting no marked differenceI > 11 aPenCO front that of a hundred

j J1tber IuxerstheSti k adera watch that he Snmped to iis-a T tc feet and excitedly ran after a passing

w f tiMintU he could attract the atStHUoi of a mounted offlccr who had

V eeu posted oa the driveway for thPW7 se of assisting him In case his

estS i kOilld develop anything wortha l following The man to the car

ka Vtflage ahead and In rokeuGennan as-a f rted his conviction thatjt was theRtiLzi 4ntbea-

I d ttoa eqce gn hitalkty1astztectIons to zoport to head

r Q laact 1ieddown the boulevard

I i ad1kixeItettient was caused bY tIre< Z7Ys017l8fld a group of the znos-

tocIalsl pf8 J t awaited tie return

i rnohourlflf 4ippear 4 aad aup ense yth time< iWat kigh pitch They began to lookytt tI the ere trader with considerable

> toioa caring a canard and were1j 0 I loit othe point of ending othersjienIi r spursq4 vaeroB tie tiled flobr of the entryway

f1 M >lMrtieeplsilyabout him beforef TTtiit fasythlrig and then addressIriB

p 1 tt< caWa said Thla man isy > j Ithartistakenor else the affairw nliTlik wJe more lerous than we

A 1t tilt 1ItlleUe84W ii9jiW hli superior questionJt t L What abut the car lager

a A I Tke offeetiwned over and spoke InS deUltot The carriage was

F ttot the American arnbnssadorrf-C Tbe capUlnElarted bacJcaa if par

ewled H Imparted e news In naiINi4eraae to h1a comrades ik the r6ora

JF a4 ttia oxckeonL greW They dareQII BO fRrjker ln this nesLc without

eiA ottauag tho5io of authority1 tad gthero4into a d ntechamber

C il taktag toe RoiBBay with them where4 v fitor waited UH they were joined by

ik ti JwpreiB e bead pt the secret servicea A4eMsrtaent rThl latter la personj 1 eticned both the gypsy and the omAllia i jrajM wamIhat ih6 had been aCCUlii

S w r ipe4 Le eHwve anlrnals closely allcouldCeR a flt ofI wrath ieswo that he VO11d

C0 eOI1thl having been the

b itiaI wbkhassed blat on the nighteT the kaisers disappearance H

a c 11 int further aad agBerted thatJ<

40 tt tia l l Ipr the iloi was the

y a eet1 fl that OCaeklIt

I S J jTkcj owited o1cer was equally cerl ttJe tUrnout WM that belong

0 fji iBlto the eMbs8yitb auso he hadamtialrll I111ae kad made o arrest4 lXa 1d that lwjB d IbeeW prepared



4 teIIOWIUS Overtook we teamt f i W l4eatiylng theocctipan tcldt1dimporSa jsi t lr wlths foHowliajB the catriaso


Y ie tke4tghOutiLIjoUraeyaRdtjIljtw3ttr i junwatH He then dismounted and byjf jwetext etgaged one otke attbieS

c > = lBcoBveraaUonI81Bagtheleba J thIt1be AmbaseadoF kid BO horse

ttt thaa these two Hfhadr= t I 1 ee o4ltadv1aabl tQ niake any ilOif A 4 t inquiries for fr fiaro HlngB Sple4eLa

t t The I of the secret sp

1 J Jen aw thafe he was facias ca ir 1 tes PMllHty HeJsel1taesage s JMIigt o ether Isl

P lS ft n A ain 4Ie gqII t1f 4 ttIWI aahot r the nclrt8 e-

J SYS them They JO th

vt T lf liwlfea It auslBg larly qaiba ngj y> i c CotakeanYacUonFh

I en pres t It 0 t wWeb was already n < infarL pfeaat war and of v fthe

9 < i1 iee world stood In terror and api 4fttCJ wag soeiiitg to i avow

fJo p frt tv JI kt1Ip


t J1 > Jy s fjj 4I9t


i S

i 4

ri a 1 f Ip r a b I 4


a f tS Ii c 4ft 4s 41 I t y

1f 4

Even to suggest to the ambassador ofthti United States that he was sus ¬

ected of having abducted the kaiseran act of leso majesty In Itself wassomething which might arouse thatman to appeal to his home governmentand topple Germany itself Into an im ¬

broglio which could end only In de ¬

feat The attitude of America up latho moment when communicationceased had been friendly Thereforethere seemed no logical reason forher taking any such unheard of action-

s that of Interference with the per¬

son of his majesty Tho consensus ofopinion was that the situation wns toodelicate to ndmlt of any ordinarymethods and that there was only onething to do keep the embassy underconstant surveillance until by secretservice methods they might learnwhat if any connection the ambassa ¬

dor or those about him bad with thedisappearance

The gypsy received the promised re¬

ward and from that hour on theAmerican embassy was unceasinglyflandCHAPTER XI

A King It LostIWearied by hours ot suspense daysf anxiety and nights of alarm the

king of England sought relaxation Aperiod of disaster had reached its cul


where nothing much worse

buJoUlerocG8patlonflotn azid was now distraught in itseffort ito flail the missing ruler fromwhpm ip word had been received andof whom no Information had been ob¬

tained The American dread bad beengrfcrtorhad lost lie poignancy and was be-coming only a bitter recollection to becalmly and speculated uponAfter weeks of storm and stress therehad come a lull in which Englandwaited tar winds more kind

roberythatitand enveloped In an air of gloom con ¬

ditions resembling those of that periodot terror which overspread it In thegreat plague but which led men bywork and pretense of gayety to seekforgetfulness Onco more the mustchalls iopcued the theaters made theirannouncements a u poqred onttaboardings andjc 1 i jits in aort of halther t way to resume

their 4

InllitiepQ4 t abnormality the atxnosphere and sent upon thehuge cltyo fog which settledd wili1i the night adding Its blacksefiito that of hour And throughit in quest of relaxation rode Eng ¬

palllcctol1abut tj rlare ot the theaters lured andbg < jj Insistently to their wealth ofbeildpi

His coming was unheralded and att hOfLW1Satttictedto the presenceonly when lie manaer followingtlme stabJsJedcustomwhlch forbade the turning of ones back upon aking him with steady bowsplacebeidoentered The hippodrome was to bohonored Within tho box the royalpall ¬

Jookoud upon the bizarre performanceper4l8iaast Iri ere proximity to companionshlp r

suld interest and brlf abjat i0 fi A3HiattH

1y i

4 o

I t F<


Jlr c 7>

sorption ho tiOTeI ttie ptugtaiupaying but small attention to what itcontained A herd of performing ele ¬

phants galloped clumsily routd In therIng below obeying the shrill nervousshouts of a woman clad in red tightsand then sedately marched outthrough an aperture y the niCe of thestage when the ac was ended Aman clad in an Illfitting dress suit ev-


the heritage from some prede-cessor came to the front of the stageand began an ornate rambling andungrammatical speech announcingcome wonderful exhibition which wasabout to take place The monarchsuddenly aware of the voice caughtonly the last words declaring it to bethe great event of the evening andleaned back in his cushioned chair hismind again reverting to the vicissi-tudes


of governmentIlls reverie was disturbed by a con ¬

versation taking place at the door othis box Tho gentleman was veryInsistent that It should bo dcllvereaat once otherwise I should not havebrought it ho heard the mannger ottho theater say apologetically

Is there no placo In tho worldwhere I can remain undisturbed theking muttered wearily and then calledaloud Send that note in whateverIt may be

With a salute his equerry handedhim the message which he idly heldIn his band for a few moments beforeopening it looking half abstractedlyout of his box to where a man wasbeing hoisted aloft and through anopening In tho arched roof aboveMore OK less indifferently he tore openthe envelope and a card atwhich he stared with a puzzled frownas If doubting his senses Surely thiscould be no jest Upon it wasscrawled

Admiral Robert forms of theUnited States navy desires a briefaudience with his majesty upon mattore which can be discussed in per ¬

son only If permissible may be en

rwith Salute His Equerry Handed Him the Message








maestyboxtThrough the kjngs mind passed a

succession of questions What couldthis mean Would anyone dare per ¬

petrate a joke of this character and if

temerityWasBOvine should be here this night In aLondon theater when his country wasat war and had practically thrown thegauntlet Into the lists of the civilizedworld It was Impossible Out hewould send for this Individual whoupontheself what sort of fool ho was

Show him InI he said to the equer-ry and then expectantly watched thedoor wondering whether he was toface an adventurer or an imbecile Be¬

tween the king and tho officer whosoname appeared on the card was anIntimacy of more ttian 30 years

Sick Patient Didnt Feel Pain of Op ¬

eratlon but Thought SoA German surgeon In the Franco

had occasion to lance anabscess for a poor fellow and as thesore was obstinate it became neces ¬

snryto usa the knife twice Tho oper ¬

ation was not a very painful one butthe patient declared that It had nearlykilled blip and when a third resort tothe lancet vas proposed be protestedthat he could novel go through theoperation alive

The suigeon promised to make Iteasy for him and calling up a tow ofthe loungrs ordered cno of them tohold his hands close over the patientseyes and two others to grasp hIshands flinly-

Thjo theis said to prevent pain in

such an operation Now He perfectlyquiet and when I say Now prepareyourfetlf

f I





standing Tbo name none had sumdent weight to preclude the curt refusal of such an extraordinary requestIf this was the friend of his youngeidays nothing but an errand ot theutmost Importance could have inducedhim to seek an audience under suchcircumstances and on the contraryIf his visitor proved to be a nonentityor crank tho guard would give protection and summary punishment

The door ot the cabinet slid backand a grim scarred wcathcrbeatunman stood surrounded by the royalbody guard In utter astonishmentthat it should be tho admiral standingbefore him tho sovereign rose fromhis seat and took a step forward

They stood for a moment thG kingand the admiral and then slowlygrasped each others hand casting therestrain of situation and tho differenceof position completely aside

flevlns the monarch said forGods sake what brings you here In atime like this Is there no limit toyour daring and nothing at whichyour country will hesitate Do youcome as a friend or as an American

Doth answered the officer standIng squarely on his feet and lookingsteadily into the gray eyes which per-sistently scrutinized him slt seekingto read the cause of his visit

There came another Instants pauseand tho king with a gesturehim to be seated The a

creetly withdrew and closed the doorof tho cabinet

Banns continued I must apologizefor Intruding upon you but I haveJourneyed a long way to deliver amessage which permits of no delay

In an official capacity then t I

queried the monarch drylyYes odiclal and friendly I was

chosen for this mission not only be-cause of our known friendship butfor the reason that I could explain cerbin events to you better than anyman living

Tho king nearly forgot the distrustwhich ho had felt first and almostyielded to the impulse to drop all cere-mony and ask his guest for an expla-nation then and there He half rosoand grasped tho arms of his chair Hislips opened to interrogate and thenhis lifes training and restraint re¬

sumtng their hold his tonguo gave adry elicit and ho again assumed a pos-ture


of repose It was difficult to as¬

sume an air of complacence whoevery instinct of king and man caHedout to him to ask Impetuously the onebefore him for tho unraveling of theskein of events and the story of the I

fate of tho British fleet Ho veiled hiscuriosity his emotion and his excite-ment behind a mask of polite reserve

But what was coming next His vis-Itor who had hesitated now wenc onThis is no time nor place for me to

say what I have tobut as an emltysary of my government I am asked toinduce you your prime minister andthe first lord of the admiralty to grantme a private audience

The king impatient curious andanxious was yet relieved by what hrhoard There was nothing very un1Su llna request forenco under mihe hail U TQ thvtfrp it would Cuu i

elup rf v io most<i t i no ro4thCntm 1tlclto h a sOme ease c01tyseined vf r

The audten must be granted to-night

Tonight to light The sovereignforgot his aplomb loaned his body to¬

ward his companion and thrust bitchin forward There bad been some¬

thing in the use ot the word mustand tho astonishing declaratiitt thatthe Interview should be conceited atonce that aroused a little spark rf re-sentment And yet ho was fillet witha curiosity akin to anger

The admiral was quick to read bisroyal hosts annoyance and hastenedto conciliate Your majesty as yeffriend I ask you not to misconstrueanythingtmtirsay I am asking as Ifavor that I be allowed my own timaand wayyes that I even may be per-mUted tosuggest the conditions of I


meeting Believe me It U tar itbest

The king was motionless and speechless fpr what seemed a long timeFrom his viewpoint of head of anation and bound to maintain its dignlty and a man with a mans anxieties and anxious to learn from Ifriends lips the story of the lastmonths secrets and disasters he waconsidering what was best to do

In an oddly repressed tone he anBwered with another tentative queInUon > As a friend I receivedmy box and now on thlssame basisI ask you If this communication otyours is so important and urgent thatit cannot take its due course accord-Ing to official custom

Beyond official ways your majestyimperative and urgent was the response otherwise I should not havechosen this unusual method of ap¬

preaching you nor asked for such anunusual audience in such hasto arid iisuch an unseemly hour


uu uunnnc






quletlwithcompleted the operation without thileast trouble the patient lying atquiet as though in sleep

When all was dory the surgeon Ial3aside the knife and said Now Sucha roar came from the lips pf tho sic N

tuna as seldom is heard from any hu¬

man being He struggled to free hIm-self yelling Oh doctor youre kining mo

Shouts of laughter soon drowned hhoperJotlonJokebut4dId 1

Now TitBitsi

v Good Medlclne >lie that has enthusiasm nude 4A

other tonic 5kiiAjkJ

fI711 4

C Iti 1 tlI




Provisional Bull Fighter Seen In UnI exuectedly Gentle Light

There is no description of a bullfight In Irs Maud Howe Elliotts book

Sun arid Shadow In Epain but thereis a record of a meeting with a mata¬

dor in the studio ot the court painterDon Jose Villegas and the ensuingconversation a part of which revealedthe bull fighter in an unexpectedlygentle light It also makes plain thefundamental reason why Americansobject to bull fights

How many bulls have ou killedsome one asked of thtfmatador

In 25 years I have killed 3500breullsWere you ever afraid

I have been afraid many manytimes On those occasions I put mytrust In my legs and ran as last aa I

couldThebull however is the noblest of

animals and the bravest Ho nevermakes a cowardly attack from behindho is so frank Ho Is terrible thougha man needs nerve to face him whenhe comes into the ring pawing theearth and bellowing

Will you tell us about tho bull thatwas the hardest of all to kill 1

The matadors face changedHe was a white bull he said slow¬

y and he didnt want to fight Hofollowed me about like a little dog Iled him with the cloak wherever Iwanted to go Yes lat was the hard-est


bull of all to klt1Youths Com ¬


The Tax of the InsectDuring the year just passed the In-

sects of tho country cost thu farmersmore money than the nation expendedon its army and navy in paying allthe claims on its mountainous pensionroll and In all expenditures on thePanama canal C L Bartlett assistant entomologist In charge ot ex-perimental


field work has worked outthe above statement and as the value

approxImated ¬

mates ravages of the myriad insect altcabout 800 million dollars The sumdocs not Include the loss to cerealsand forage crops in storage nor tonatural forests and forest productsthe losses from those two sources at100 million dollars euch bringing LiiiIpannual rural Insect tax tonn evenbillion dollarsTho World Today

CompensationWesssat ons or should be to women forthe many disadvantages of their sexThere is nothing that enables us todefy thO natural consequences ofTime so successfully provided wegive enough attention to the poten ¬

tialities of and to the Individuality indress It is n duty that women owoto society Jo make the best of them ¬

selves ifut a great deal of the suc ¬

cess of i gown depends on the degreeto W i t Is in harmony with Its sun

T gaTo be overdressed isv xe than being shabbily dressed

wever beautiful a frock may be itstrikes a discordant hpiei with its

surroundings much of Jts beauty willIbe lostr The LftHgi Friend

<Clara Morris onflusbefcrtls folly to call the 1hnsbanil Jjdnrn In

the Housekeeper for October It Isntruthhome life while the wife and motherIs its whole existence literally thosun of domestic happiness rises andsets in the aCoof the wife andmotherafRemediesTo heal an open cut apply alum water twice a day Powdered rosin isalso good Pound it well in a dealtmortar or wooden bowl When2ia soft cloth over the cut and occasionally wet it with cold water This willprevent inflammation and soreness

HighPriced Havana CigarspHavana cigars quoted at S

each were recently shown at a Lon-don


tobacco expositioncThe Whip of Repentance

The severest punishment a man canreceive who has injured another Isto have committed the Injury and noman Is more severely punished thanhe who Is subject to thswblp of hidown repentance Seneca

Seat of the DivinityIs there any other seat of Divinity

than the earth sea air the heavensand virtuous minds Why do we seekSod elsewhere Ho IB whatever yousee he Is wherever you moveLucan C


XCATTLECALVLS Extra 760 9 00HOGS Choice 7 10 7 15SHEEPExtra a 5 10 E 25-LAMBSSpring 800



CHICAGOHCORNOATSNo2 mixed 55PORKPrime mess17 00 17 H5LARD Prime 10 15

NEW TOUtFLOUR Win patent 5 25 5 65WHEAT No 2 red 0 1 O-SCORNNo2 mixed W C79

izPORKPrimeLARDS ennt 9 85 9 95BAtTIJIOUE


22JACORNOTSNo 2 mixed 56HAY Ch timothy 12 50 113 00HuGS Extra 6 65LARDSteam 9 25

INDIANAPOLISCATTLEPrime 6 25 675HOGS Extra 6 65 01 6 50SHEEPExtra 5 eo 5 50


f lfu Pf




I C5 4 vaIi lA


4 I1i A<



ThatIsGothonInDIfferentIbSections of Kentucky



tiThebynarnesChesapeake Ohio Railroad Co andomanded the case to the lowerwith Instructions to give a peremptoryInstruction for the defendant company

Another Kentucky RoadThe Cumberland Northern Rail¬

way Co with 100000 capital stockflied articles of Incorporation Therood will run from Artemus Knoxcounty through the counties of ClayOwslcy End Leo to Doattyvllle a dir ¬

tance of 75 miles

C i O ValuationTho state board of valuation and as ¬

sessment tentatively fixed the valua¬

tion of the Chesapeake Ohio Rail-road


Co for the purpose of taxationIt placed the total capitalization at9169630 from which the value of tho

tangible property is to be deducted

Fair OfficiateThe Capital Fair association elected

Dr John P Stewart president W SFarmer 1st vice president George BHarper 2d vice president directorsPC6hurchG C Shawk AG Jeffers BedfordMacklin and Swigert Taylor

Judgment for 58 CentsA judgment of 58 cents the cost of

the telegram was secured In the fedSeral court hero by C B Daniel in

5000 suit the West1nniLning the death of his brother

Due to TuberculosisDr Joseph Barr physician at thetenitentiarythe deaths that have occurred ab tba

prison during the last two years hartbbeenthe penitentiary has become a verita ¬

ble death trap

Hagers Bondsmen SuedSuits seeking the recovery of

mounts aggregating 3718443 ironSformer State Auditor lingerbondsmen and Mrs Hester G Coulterwidow of former Auditor Coulter andhis bondsmen were filed in circuitcourtb Asst Atty Gent Lockett

To How SundaySchool ConventionAs a result of the ybit of E A FOX

secretary ot the State SuridayschpdlAssociation pf Kentucky to this cityIt a ben4ecTded to hold a Sundayr N nvntloIihere at GlenwjjpdPa mp tJinbtet iiltt ltI1

rJl une

r chmpnd Ky AfameetfeB or r-

ents0 for Eastern Kentucky state normat school here teachers of tills instlutlcn were ordered paid making the

t money they had received tot morefive months

Danville KyAta meeting of thedirectors of the Central Kentucky Fairassociation of this city August 4 E U

nd 7 were decided upon as the datesor the Danville fair Harrisburgs fall

w ill be held the following week

Owensboro KyA J Doss of Cen ¬

ral City was elected president of tboUnited Mine Workers of District No

3 comprising the mines of Westernand J T Main of Render

Ohio county vice president

Lexington Ky Samuel H Clayfor the past year has been eD-

ployednaa reporter on Lexington andLouisville newspapers was selected to

e secretary of the Lexington Comm rml club to succeed John G Craemer

Louisville KyFire destroyed theColiseum the largest amusement hattin the south at Fourth avenuestreet this city tho loss being 75000

fireman John Keefe was caught un ¬

en falling walls and seriously Injured

Lexington lCyThe LexingtonBrick Co closed a deal for the pur ¬

chase pt the plants of the FayetteBrick and Supply Co located hereand the Monticello Brick Co of Jfontlcello The combined plants wlii hava yearly output ot about 10000000 I


Ledngton KyTho annual conven ¬

tion of the Kentucky Dairy Cattle clubthe Kentucky Jersey Cattle club participating was beldln Agriculturalhan at State university It was de¬

cided to tax each member 1 to coverthe expense of holding a milk and but-ter contest next year

Louisville KyE I Aldermangrand imperial pptentate of the Impenal Council Nobles of the aiysilcShrine and E A Osborne Chief Ralban both of Cedar Rapids la werehere and arranged for the meeting ofthe council In Louisville in June

Louisville KyThe board of direc-tors of tho Kentucky Good Roads as¬

sedation met hero and adopted hylaws The purpose of the organisation is the creation of public sentimentfor tho building and maintenance ofgood highways throughout the state

Glasgow KyTho highest priceover realized for mules in this part ofthe state was paid Rod Warfleld at Sonon when he sold Lexington dealers20 mules for 225 each or 1500 for thebunch The mules will be sold inpairs to the blue grass farmers

Owensboro Ky Fojlowing heavyrains trains on the Louisville lender-s n St Louis railroad were discon ¬

tinned the second time in three weeksOnly otto train out of LoulsYJIewnJIable to get through to Owensboro arriving hero five hours late j

iJI j

Glasgow KyThoJ P MeredithCedar Co recently located at Bowling ttGreen wilt begin at an early dato cut f-

ng and marketing all mercantile cear along Barren river 1<

Louisville KyTbo Gaiety theaterpassed the board of alder

men by a vote of 8 to 3 This gives IRudolph Hynicka of Cincinnati theright to proceed with the construction 1

of the burlesque theater in the Taylor-block


Louisville Ky Judge Walter EfJo

ana la the federal court ordered s j

mandamus Issued against the fiscal iirl

court of Taylor county Kentucky WtJ

4compel tho levying of a tax to payoffcertain bonds of the old Cumberland r

Ohio Railroad Co >

JHopklnsvllle yFolloylng the ac lJffXmaleoasked by the school board under the

provisions of the new school law aJrsuit will be brought at once to force < ZLthe laying of the levy > t s

Danville JyDr J McCIosky flay iney pf this city died nt the Deacon fIhospital Boston Mass where ho un yilIwas onedistinguished and widely known mlo >

Isters and educational workers

Louisville KyThe Marion Con 11tract and Construction Co by 00 j IHolt trustee filed suit against the rfLouisville Railway Co asking to have t ttthe plaintiffs declared beneficiaries 61 V f

954 shares of preferred stock of thtuisvillc Eastern railway i

1< Jl4oLexington KyTho commission allJWiitohe guidance of druggists completed fIts work One regulation rejiufres <Ytb i

otsuch Ingredient r1

Jackson Ky Oscar 4 Sears t fprominent real estate broker wasbrought here on a warrant charging 41 9

him with the seduction of Maude BackstSears denies all connection with thegirls downfall aid denounces thaf o iwhole proceeding as aa attempt to ex ri

tort money from him if >ot 4 V

1Hopklnsyllle Kyv Ten IndlcUnents Atwere returned by the grand jurycharging ttitf parties named thereia b Pwith yiolatlonpf what JskH6w as UseCrocelius law which prpvldC8 aneayyip enaltrfor farmers orgaaliatietisrorluycrs tg knowinglyiiy pooleirt14Cfl f J

11 ir t

h staJlp ucly YOWlgYeaS ctci tion oiiv nedintbrC-hr1stIarch rb Majorot IMusvIllcpresdedtThredred delegates Attended tTe



cBroadiUrst lCyCrcatexciti5i

was occasioned In the Methodlslchurch hero when Mrs Elizabet SOW

der lnn invalid who had not walkeda step for 30 years Jumped troth rcarriage during the sermon aM shouted with Joy at her instant recovery v

i 4

Winchester KyThO Wpodraea ol 3tho Worldadjourned theli convention >vthere after electing Raney T Wellsi oil tMurray Ky head consul lo succeed x

J1I BrewepL1svIl1e The WQcdmen Clrcle1 tale branch ot thz 00

order trss Reedy of Paducah worthTguardian 1Ijf



Winchester KyA check f rt4ffromrQn1cJ l payment for thesitaofthe new government building to be terected here This means that the tic itJohas been accepted and the b Dd1 ffwill be recorded at once t

fCatdweJ1whcrlage to C A Caldwell a merchantjplEniluencc4 Ky caused much newepa rjTher notoriety Is arranging for thq SI 1Ing of n1 answer tO herhu ban scomplaint In his divorce suIL which will < kjdevelop some racy testjmony


Lexington KycVThe resignation pi fI

Prof II K Taylor as piesldent of the tCt

Kentucky Wesleyan college Win c e I

ter has been accepted by the uCf1itional board of that institution i iccmmlttee hasbeeh appointed fo se r


lect his successor and report at the anaual meeting In June t


iJI Li 1 2Louisville KyTCoL THHagr t

chief of police who is a member of tbq 1executive board of tho American Bowl j 1 1lug CQngreS8 will tender his Cslga3o t+tlon from the bowling committee as I

he finds his time too much taken yp I Ywith outside matters 1 >I laT

Louisville Ky Fonowlpg8naJta 1t Lment suit to custody certain Jwarehouse receipts for 275 barrelsofetwhisky alleged to have been loaned tiyhim to Edward M Plcxner John B fThompson filed five suits against Flex 17i

for sums 259975

tEllzabethtowncashier of the NoUn State bank was I ltindicted on a charge of forgery andobtaining money from the > Y r 4false pretenses When lat heard iof ttPeek was in Trinidad Mo HevIsArnative of Warsaw Ky I > >

At1glinin honor of Preston KirnbailArreUringdistrict Senator Baileyof Tetas BfldrJ-udge

tJames H lulllgan have beIn

Yasked to respond to toasts

i I T

r Ii ft Ai



> S
