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بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم





بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم


The Secretariat is the administrative arm of Al-Usrah Inc. providing support to the organisation in

carrying out her day-to-day activities. The

department consists of office of the Secretary,

Deputy Secretary and Administrative officer. These

three roles work closely, liaising effectively with Imam in translating the plan and programme of the

organisation into action. The Secretariat projects

the organisation to the outside world and

coordinates all communications and interactions

with third parties and within. The Secretariat is also responsible for the following activities:

بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم

Facilitation of the Central Working Committees (CWC) and other ad-hoc meetings

The CWC is organised twice annually to review the organisation programmes and activities and

develop strategy for the future. The session is

chaired by Imam and usually involves key

committee members, other members of the

organisations including brothers and sisters and other key stakeholders. The deliberation is held at

Al-Usrah Complex and run from 0700hrs to after

Zuhr/Asr depending on the items on the agenda.

Members are usually encouraged to attend this

meeting to provide their insight to the running of the organisation.

بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم

ad-hoc meetings

The Secretariat also facilitates other weekly

ad-hoc meetings on specific interest area such as welfare,

special project, event, etc.

بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم

Annual General Meeting

The yearly General Meeting is organised as a feedback channel to the entire members of the organisation and provide

opportunity to share the successes and challenges facing the organisation. The session also provides avenue for members to air their view and make suggestions on the running of the organisation. The

Secretariat coordinates this meeting and document proceedings for future use.

بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم

Organisation of the Bi-Annual Family Day programme

To strengthen the interactions amongst families

and zones, a bi-annual family get-together is

organised by the Secretariat sponsored by the

organisation. The event activities cover Quranic

competition amongst children, sport and lectures

on family/health issues. The get-together which is

packed with fun usually engenders competition

among the various zones. Trophy is awarded to the

overall best zone at the end of the event.

بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم

Branding/Corporate Image

The Secretariat is responsible for

protection of corporate image of

Al-Usrah. It has ensured that the

logo, letterhead and all symbols of

the organization are protected this

is the reason why all Al-Usrah

Incorporated correspondences

pass through it.

بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم

Registry and Archiving

The secretariat is the central registry of Al-

Usrah where all records are kept. It is in the

Secretariat one can find documentary evidence

of Al-Usrah establishment, past lectures and


بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم

Planning and directing Single Forum activities

The Secretariat organises interactive sessions

among spinsters in the organisation to assist

them in securing life partner in line with the

dictate of Islam. The session provides

conducive atmosphere for both sexes to

exchange ideas, indicate interest and progress

discussion in halal manner towards the ultimate

objective of partnering as husband and wife. To

date, 10 successful marriages have resulted

from the engagement.

بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم

Planning and directing Single Forum activities

Last event was held on 25th November, 2017

two couples were invited to provide guide for

discussions Alhamduliahi good number of new

relationship were commenced and are currently

being monitored

بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم

Organisation of the Teenagers Club

To channel the energy and thought of teenagers

in the organisation to productive venture, the

Secretariat engaged this group in activities

under the umbrella of a special purpose club

annually as part of the character moulding

objective of the association. Lectures and

discussions are focussed on issues that affect

teenagers and how best this group could

manoeuvre their ways through the distractions

of modern time.

بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيمHuman capacity

development/Training programme The Secretariat facilitates

training programme on various areas that are

beneficial to individual and the organisation at large. Development sessions are

also organised to enhance the capacity of members in

facing the challenges of the world. Entrepreneurship and leadership training were

organized in 1437 H for the benefit of our leaders and

women who are currently in business

بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيمHuman capacity

development/Training programme Secretariat intend to organize more trainings that will offer our members especially the youths and

undergraduates relevant skills. Why can’t we offer ourselves capacity in Data Science, Project

Management, Archicad and many more? Secretariat

is in talks with World Association of Industrial and Technological Organizations (WAITRO) a United Nation

body for membership, partnership and sponsorship of

our workshops and conferences. We are ready to

maximize opportunity that the newly built NCC

Computer Center offer us, this centre will be used to train ourselves and other willing muslims across the

region of Niger Delta.

بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيمHuman capacity

development/Training programme

Al-Usrah is in receipt of proposal from LCM

Consulting representing

Bayero University Kano

Institute of Islamic

Finance on establishment of Islamic Finance

Training Centre here at

Al-Usrah. We look

towards to such

collaboration with other corporate bodies.

بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم

Web site maintenance

The Secretariat in conjunction with Directorate of

Media is responsible for maintaining and updating

the organisation web site. Lectures delivered

during weekly sessions are uploaded on website

for wider circulation. In coming days Secretariat

intend to build up traffic on the website and to

achieve this key information about Al-Usrah

programs and activities will be uploaded regularly

on it.

بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم

Database Management

The Secretariat regularly updates the database of

members and serves as repository of such info. To

further enrich our database members audit will be

done to fully maximize core competence of

members. This is arguably our strength it has

helped in general administration and information


بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم

Publicity/Media engagement

Information on the organisation programmes

are regularly circulated by

the Secretariat via SMS, on

Whatsup App or other

media to members. Contributions are also

made on national issues

and events via media

houses. Recently we issued

press statement on Amasa Firdaus Hijab saga

بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم

Publicity/Media engagement

The Secretariat and

Directorate of Media will

henceforth maintain strong

media presence Al-Usrah

has decided to tell its story

its own way. Al-Usrah will

henceforth be focal and will

be a voice. This will be done

by leveraging on modern


بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم


Secretariat will also synergize with inter-governmental

organization action group

commissioned by our vision

2040 which seek to interact

and bring together all Islamic organizations in Rivers State in

order to have a common front

which will present us to the

state government and other

stakeholders as a formidable force

بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم


Mentoring is an integral part of Al-Usrah. Many

members here present are

beneficiaries of this

scheme any organization

that will live see to the future must train and

mentor its future Leaders.

Leaders of today must

groom tomorrow leaders

otherwise their tasks will be deemed not complete

بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم


Our vision 2040 report commissioned an

action group headed by Alh. Majeed

Okunade to develop a policy framework

that will formalize and institutionalize

mentoring within Al-Usrah this draft policy

when submitted will be reviewed and

adopted by the executive council. The

Secretariat will ensure reviewed brief is


بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم

DAWAH Dawah is the essence of our coming

together as an organization. Al-Usrah Dawah Directorate comprises of the usual

Sunday weekly lecture, Online/Social Medium Outreach, Traditional/media arm, rural and village Dawah, Prison and

Hospital outreach including Family and Health Dawah. To achieve these the

directorate will partner and synergize with Media Directorate, Health Committee and Welfare Directorate. A lot of fresh

blood have been infused into this directorate in order to bring in fresh ideas

بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم

DAWAH Recently, Al-Usrah hosted Ustaz

Sirnucy Lafiaji to deliver lecture on The Objectives of Sharia and its

roles in societal reformation. More of this should be expected from directorate of Dawah. The Sunday

flagship program will be expanded to accommodate matters that are

relevant to the members’ issues ranging from Health, parenting, business to marital matters etc. will

henceforth feature prominently on our Dawah quarterly schedule

بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم

INFRASTRUCURE This Directorate is among 4 new

directorate recently created by

The Executive Council of Al-

Usrah. It responsible for all our

Infrastructure, it repairs and

maintain and replace aged ones. In 1437-8 H our

infrastructure especially lecture

presentation infrastructure

witnessed major transformation

and this has changed the way and manners we conduct our

programs weekly

بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم

INFRASTRUCURE It has impacted positively on

quality of our lectures. Lectures can now be delivered at any

corner of this masjid both audio and video can be seamlessly carried effortlessly. Things can only get better. Insha’Allah this achievement will be sustained,

as enduring maintenance and service policy is already in place

بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم

Al-Usrah Madrasah

Al-Usrah Madrasah is an avenue through which

qualitative Arabic and Islamic Education are offered

to individuals and families as a result of this school

many of those who could neither read Qur’an nor write Arabic can now do so. The memorisation class

has served as avenue for students to memorize

some selected chapters of the glorious Qur’an with 5

staff the madrasah is hopeful of growing. Goals of

running this madrasah is to produce Islamic scholars

of the next generation and to improve the morals of

Muslim Ummah. Prompt fee payment by Parents and

students has been identified as major challenge.

بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم

Al-Usrah Orphanage

Al-Usrah stood up to be counted during Amasa Firdaus unjust

treatment at Nigerian Law School we issued a press statement which

many applauded to be apt as it was instrumental in putting the issue

in public discuss. Al-Usrah will henceforth be focal and will be a voice

for the voiceless Muslims we shall in our little way make our

presence felt in the public space. Alh. Adewuyi AbdulAzeez Abiodun

is the champion of this task.

The directorate will ensure a wider/faster outreach leveraging

modern technology it also will synergize with inter-governmental

organization action group commissioned by the same vision 2040

which seek to interact and bring together all Islamic organizations in

Rivers State in order to have a common front which will present us to

the state government and other stakeholders as a formidable force.

بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم


The future is assured Insha’Allah, we are confident and assured that as long as the spirit of brotherliness, synergy and teamwork prevail among operating units of Al-Usrah we will be able to deliver on set goals and targets.

Al-Usrah seek to build friendship and togetherness among various Muslim organizations in the state and Nigeria at large we are of the belief that we can achieve much more if we work in lockstep. It is only through teamwork that we can make our presence felt politically and economically.

بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم

DAWAH Also partnership

arrangement will be work out with

Association of Muslim Professionals AMP and other relevant organizations especially on revertee program

and rural dawah.

بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم

All these has changed lecture can be

delivered at any corner of this masjid Alhamdulillah both audio and video can be

seamlessly carried effortlessly. May Allah reward the director of our infrastructure directorate Alh. Akande including our Imam

Prof Kilani and other members of the executive council for this height. Things can

only get better. Insha’Allah this achievement will be sustained, as enduring maintenance and service policy is already in place.



بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم

All these has changed lecture can be

delivered at any corner of this masjid Alhamdulillah both audio and video can be

seamlessly carried effortlessly. May Allah reward the director of our infrastructure directorate Alh. Akande including our Imam

Prof Kilani and other members of the executive council for this height. Things can

only get better. Insha’Allah this achievement will be sustained, as enduring maintenance and service policy is already in place.



بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم



بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم

We ask Allah SWT to accept all these acts as

acts of ibadah and make us inmates of Al-Jannah Firdaus. May Allah preserve Al-Usrah

our Chairman/Imam, the elders, the Imams, Directors, Committee chairmen, our wives and mothers.

Asalam alaykum waramatulah wabarakatuhu



Presented By

Moshood Wasiu Abiola

Secretary General