al4an61tewb0109 sequence 12 partie 01

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  • 8/7/2019 AL4AN61TEWB0109 Sequence 12 Partie 01


    Ce cours est la proprit du Cned. Les images et textes intgrs ce cours sont la proprit de leurs auteurs et/ou ayants droitrespectis. Tous ces lments ont lobjet dune protection par les dispositions du code ranais de la proprit intellectuelle ainsi que

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    ou dune uvre intgre ceux-ci sont strictement interdits.Cned-2009

    Sommaire de la squence 12

    Communication Civilisation GrammaireLexique

    Phonologie Mthodologie

    Sance 1Fichier son debruitages dansun aroport

    Dcrire des actions

    menes par despersonnages un momentprcis.


    urbain :laroport

    Le lexique du voyage

    Le prsent be-ing

    Reprage des

    mots accentusdans des phrases


    Savoir associer

    bruitages/images etaction

    Sance 2Conversationenregistre

    Exprimer une certitude parrapport la ralisationdun projet

    Im sure that I knew it!Le present be-ing

    Schma intonatiascendant dans lesphrases marquantlenthousiasme

    tre capable decomprendre lesconsignes spcifques la communication orale

    Sance 3Extrait dunconte

    Exprimer la dception Les contes I like /I dont like/ Ihate/ I detest

    Le schma intonatidescendant,marquant ladception

    Sance 4Dessins despersonnagesdu conte

    Comprendre une

    description physique

    Les contes Rvision : superlati/

    lexique description

    Rvision :

    prononciation dued


    sonore des


    Rvision : inrence,

    ordre chronologique duntextetre capable decomprendre lesconsignes spcifques la C.E

    Sance 5Une grille demots

    Questionner pour tablirun bilanExprimer une demandepar mail (1)

    Lexpression dubesoin

    tre capable dorganiser

    un message structur (1)

    Sance 6 Comprendre lesinormations principalesdun document oral

    inconnuExprimer une demandepar mail (2)Fournir des argumentsconvaincants

    Lexpression delenvie

    Reprer les mots

    accentus porteurs

    de sens

    Reconnaissancesonore des


    tre capable dorganiserun message structur (2)tre capable de

    comprendre lesconsignes spcifques la production crite

    Sance 7 Participer uneconversationtlphonique dont onconnat le thme, maispas les propos.

    Le questionnementToo, that reprisedune inormation

    Utiliser des gap


    Respecter les sche-

    mas intonatis


    sonore des consi-


    tre capable de

    comprendre les

    consignes spciiques

    la production orale

    Sance 8Documentstravaillslors de lasquence

    Ractivation des outils

    langagiers de la squence

    Rebrassage des

    thmes culturelsabords

    Ractivation Prise de conscience

    des critres respecter pourrussir lvaluation

    tre capable de vrifer

    que lon a tous lesoutils ncessaires pouraborder lvaluation

    Tche fnale valuation de 4 activits langagires dontP.O : Un enant prsente son choix de lieu de vacances en dcrivant les activitspossibles en onction des gots de chacun, le lieu dhbergement, et les avantagesdu lieu choisi par rapport aux autres prsents

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    Cned,Anglais 6e1

    Squence 12 sance 1

    Sance 1Jassocie des sons un lieu et des actions

    Jassocie des images des actions

    jassocie des sons un lieu et des actions

    Mr. Taylor a bien cout la prsentation de ses deux enfants. Cependant, il na pas encore donnson avis sur la destination de leurs futures vacances dt. Trs farceur, il dcide de les laissersinterroger et de leur donner sa rponse sous forme dindices.

    Step 1CLUE N1: An audio file

    Listen to the first clue, Mr. Taylors audio file. Imagine where the scene takes place. Tickthe correct answer. (Ecoute le fichier son, premier indice donn par M. Taylor. Essaie dimaginer o

    se droule laction. Coche la bonne rponse.)

    in the street1-

    in a supermarket2-

    in a station3-

    in an airport lounge4-

    at home5-

    Listen again and number the sounds in the order in which they appear. (Ecoute nouveau etnumrote les sons dans leur ordre dapparition.)

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    Cned,Anglais 6e2

    Squence 12 sance 1

    Listen again, look at the picture and match the sounds to the activities they represent.(Ecoute nouveau la bande sonore en regardant limage, et associe les sons aux activits quilsreprsentent.)

    I can hear Sounds number

    an old man reading a newspaper

    a young child crying

    people chatting

    a boy listening to music

    a woman pulling a big suitcase on wheels

    a business man typing on his computer

    an air hostess making an announcement

    a man sleeping and snoring

    Listen, read and repeat.

    The old man is reading a newspaper.1-

    The young child is crying.2-

    People are chatting.3-

    The boy is listening to music.4-

    The woman is pulling a big suitcase on wheels.5-

    The business man is typing on his computer.6-

    The air hostess is making an announcement.7-

    The man is sleeping and snoring.8-

    Listen again and circle the stressed words in each sentence. (Ecoute nouveau et entoure les

    mots accentus dans chaque phrase.)

    Check and correct

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    Cned,Anglais 6e3

    Squence 12 sance 1

    jassocie des images des actionsStep2

    The plane has been delayed. Watch the lounge and write the appropriate activity in frontof the corresponding number. (Lavion a du retard. Observe la salle dattente et cris lactivit quicorrespond chaque dessin.)







    people watching planes on the tarmac

    the old man eating a sandwich

    the young boy phoning on his mobile

    the woman drinking water out of a bottle

    the young child sleeping in his mothersarms

    the business-man arguing with the air-hostess

    the man looking at his watch

    Picture n I Can see








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    Cned,Anglais 6e4

    Squence 12 sance 1

    Exercise 1

    Describe the 7 activities making complete sentences, like in Step 1). Number 1 is theexample. (Dcris les 7 activits en faisant des phrases compltes comme dans Step 1). Number 1 te

    servira dexemple.)

    Number 1: The woman is drinking water out of a bottle.1-







    Check and correct

    e retiensGrammaire

    Observe les lments souligns dans les phrases suivantes :

    People are chatting.

    The old man is eating a sandwich.

    The woman is drinking water out of a bottle.

    Tu dcouvres une nouvelle forme du prsent que tu travailleras davantage lanneprochaine. Il sagit du prsent be-ing. Tu las utilis aujourdhui pourattribuer chaque personne une action qui lui tait propre au moment o ils ont t enregistrsou reprsents en dessin.

    Prsent be-ing parce que, si tu observes bien les lments souligns, il est composde lauxiliaire be conjugu au prsent + la base verbale laquelle on a ajout laterminaison-ing.

    Ex : She is drink-ing

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    Cned,Anglais 6e5

    Squence 12 sance 2

    Sance 2Je fais le bilan des consignes utilises

    pour la comprhension orale

    Japprends exprimer une certitudepar rapport la ralisation dun projet

    Japprends exprimer mon enthousiasme

    je fais le bilan des consignes utilises

    pour la comprhension orale.Jusqu prsent, les consignes tont t donnes en anglais et traduites en franais en caractres pluspetits pour que tu thabitues les lire plus en anglais quen franais.

    Par la suite, les consignes ne seront que trs rarement traduites en franais. Nous allons essayer,durant cette squence 12, de faire un bilan des consignes les plus utilises. Tu pourras ainsi reprercelles que tu connais bien, et apprendre les autres afin de te permettre de dmarrer lanneprochaine avec efficacit.

    Step 3Dans cette sance, les consignes nont pas t traduites. Essaie chaque fois de comprendre laconsigne en anglais, puis va dans Exercise 3 de cette sance chercher la traduction correspondante.Indique son numro dans la case Instruction n qui est situe la fin de chaque consigne enanglais.

    japprends exprimer une certitudepar rapport la ralisation dun projet

    Step 41- Listen to Adrian and Susan on your CD. Tick the correct answers. You may tick several

    correct answers. Instruction n

    Adrian sounds

    a- happy b- excited

    c- angry d- sad

    Susan sounds

    a- sad b- happy

    c- disappointed d- angry

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    Cned,Anglais 6e6

    Squence 12 sance 2

    2- Listen again to your CD. Pick up all the words or expressions that you can understandand write them down. Instruction n


    Tu taperois que lon comprend souvent plus facilement les mots accentus. Ce sont eux qui sontporteurs de sens. Ils te permettent de reprer les informations essentielles de la conversation.Tu asdj abord ce point lors de la Squence 8 Sance 5.

    3- Listen again to your CD and read the script. Underline all the expressions which showthat Adrian is sure they are going to Australia for the summer holidays. Instruction n

    Check and correct Instruction n

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    Cned,Anglais 6e7

    Squence 12 sance 2

    japprends exprimer mon enthousiasme

    Step 51- Listen to Adrian on your CD and read the following sentences. Adrian is both excitedand happy. Listen to the intonation: is it a rising ( ) intonation or a falling ( )intonation? Draw an arrow under each sentence. Instruction n

    a - were going to Australia for the summer holidays!

    I knew it!b -

    Oh, Susan Im sure were going to Australia!c -

    2- Repeat these sentences respecting the correct intonation. Record yourself if possible.

    Instruction n

    Lexique et phonologie

    Pour exprimer une certitude par rapport un projet, tu peux :

    - utiliser lexpression: I knew it! = Je le savais ! , Jen tais sr(e) !

    - utiliser le prsentbe-ing que tu peux faire suivre dun marqueur temporel

    ex: Were going to Australia for the summer holidays !

    - utiliser lexpression :Im sure that...= je suis sr(e) que

    Pour exprimer ton enthousiasme loral, utilise un schma intonatif ascendant.

    - Ex : I won !

    Exercise 3

    1- Ecoute Adrian sur ton CD et lis les phrases suivantes. Adrian est la fois excit etheureux. Ecoute lintonation : est-elle ascendante ou descendante. Trace une f lche souschaque phrase.

    Ecoute nouveau ton CD. Repre tous les mots ou expressions que tu comprends et2-cris-les.

    Rpte ces phrases en respectant lintonation. Enregistre-toi si cest possible.3-

    Ecoute Adrian et Susan sur ton CD. Coche les rponses justes. Il peut y en avoir4-plusieurs.

    Vrifie et corrige-toi si ncessaire5-

    Ecoute nouveau ton CD et lis le script sur ton corrig. Souligne toutes les expressions6-qui montrent quAdrian est sr quils vont se rendre en Australie pour les grandes vacances

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    Cned,Anglais 6e8

    Squence 12 sance 2

    Exercise 4

    1- Listen and repeat the following instructions :

    a - Tick the correct answer b - Listen

    c - Record yourself d - Match

    e - Number the pictures f - Complete the sentence

    g - Repeat h - Circle

    2- Match the instruction with the exercise or the symbol

    Exercises Instructions

    -I knew it!-I knew it!

    1 2


    pleased angrysad

    Adrian is ....because he is surethey are going to Australia for thesummer holidays.







    Check and correct

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    Cned,Anglais 6e9

    Squence 12 sance 2

    Exercise 5

    1- Listen to your CD and complete

    Adrian is .. and .. because he is .. they are going to go to .

    for the summer holidays.

    Susan is ...................................................and .. ...............................................

    because she thinks they are not going to .. .........................................................

    for the ....................................................holidays.

    Check and correct

    Circle the stressed words.2-

    Listen to your CD and repeat3-

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    Cned,Anglais 6e10

    Squence 12 sance 3

    Sance 3Japprends exprimer une dception

    Je dcouvre lunivers des contes

    CLUE N2 : 3 envelopes

    japprends exprimer une dception

    Step 61- Adrian and Susan have just opened Envelope n 1. Listen to them on your CD. Writedown all the words you can understand.

    Tick what is in the envelope.2-

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    Cned,Anglais 6e11

    Squence 12 sance 3

    Underline the correct choice:3-

    Adrian is happy/ disappointeda - .............................................................................

    .....................b - because they are going to Australia/they are not going to Australia.

    Susan is happy/disappointedc - ............................................................................

    ...........d - because she is sure they are going to France/they are not going to France.

    4- Listen to their conversation again and read the script. Underline all the expressions ofdisappointment. Check and correct. (Ecoute nouveau leur conversation et lis le script. Soulignetoutes les expressions de dception).

    Check and correct

    5- Listen to Adrian on your CD and read the following sentences. Adrian is verydisappointed. Listen to the intonation: is it a rising ( ) intonation or a falling ( )intonation? Draw an arrow under each sentence.

    OH, no!.....a -

    It cant be!b -

    Thats impossible!c -

    Thats not fair!d -

    Im so disappointed!e -

    6- Repeat these sentences respecting the correct intonation. Record yourself if possible.

    Check and correct

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    Cned,Anglais 6e12

    Squence 12 sance 3

    Lexique et phonologie

    Pour exprimer une dception par rapport un projet, tu peux utiliser les expressionssuivantes :

    -Oh, no

    - It cant be! - Thats impossible!

    -Thats not fair (=Ce nest pas juste)

    -Im so disappointed.

    Pour exprimer ta dception loral, utilise un schma intonatif descendant :

    -Ex : It cant be !

    je dcouvre lunivers des contes

    Step 7Susan and Adrian open the second envelope and find a text. They start reading it.

    Once upon a time . . .in a great castle, a Princes daughter grew up happy

    and contented, in spite of a jealous stepmother.The princess was very pretty, with blue eyes and long black

    hair, her skin was delicate and fair.Everyone was quite sure she would become very beautiful.

    Though her stepmother was a wicked woman,she too was very beautiful,

    What sort of text do you think it is? Circle the correct answer.1-

    a- detective story b- a poem c a tale d- a science fiction story

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    Cned,Anglais 6e13

    Squence 12 sance 3

    Justify your choice quoting three elements of the text.2- (Justifie ton choix en citant 3 lmentsdu texte)




    Check and correct

    Exercise 6

    Here is a list of tales. Match the titles with their French translation. (1- Voici une liste decontes. Associe les titres leur traduction franaise.)

    Cinderella Le petit poucet

    Puss In Boots Blanche Neige

    Sleeping Beauty Cendrillon

    Snow White La belle au bois dormant

    Tom Thumb Le chat bott

    The extract read by Susan and Adrian doesnt correspond at all to two of these tales.2-Which ones? Why? (Lextrait lu par Susan et Adrian ne correspond pas du tout deux de ces contes.

    Lesquels ? Pourquoi ?)

    -Which ones?





    Write the title of the three tales which could correspond to this extract.3- (Ecris le titre des

    trois contes qui pourraient correspondre cet extrait.)




    Check and correct

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    Cned,Anglais 6e14

    Squence 12 sance 3

    Step 5Adrian and Susan go on reading

    There stood a strange cottage, with a tiny door,tiny windows and a tiny chimney pot.

    Everything about the cottage was tiny. She opened the door.l wonder who lives here? she said to herself,

    peeping round the kitchen. What tiny plates! And spoons!There must be seven of them; the tables laid for seven

    people. Upstairs was a bedroom with seven little beds.

    Do you recognize this tale? Give its title.1- (Tu reconnais ce conte ? Donnes-en le titre.)


    Well done! Can you justify your choice quoting 2 elements from the text? (Bravo ! Peux-tujustifier ton choix en citant 2 lments du texte ?)


    Do you know who these 7 people are? Write on this parchment everything you knowabout them. You can write in French. You will learn more about them in the next lesson.(Sais-tu qui sont ces 7 personnes? Ecris sur ce parchemin tout ce que tu sais leur sujet. Tu peuxrpondre en franais. Tu en sauras plus la prochaine leon.)

    Check and correct

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    Cned,Anglais 6e15

    Squence 12 sance 4

    Sance 4Je rvise des savoirs et des savoir faire

    Je fais le bilan des consignes utilisespour la comprhension crite

    Je rvise des savoirs et des savoir faire.

    je sais infrer, reprer linformation principale dun texte.

    Step 8Open the third envelope. Ready?

    There are 6 cards:

    1............. 2............. 3............. 4............. 5............. 6.............Youve recognized them: they are the seven dwarfs (giants). But are you sure there areseven of them? Just count: one, two, three, four, five, six One of them is missing

    You know their names in French, but do you know them in English?

    Try to identify their names, using the clues below. You know how to proceed with a new1-text. Remember what you did in Squence 3. Be careful, one of them is missing.(Essaie detrouver leur nom en anglais en utilisant les indices ci-dessous. Tu sais comment procder avec un textenouveau. Souviens-toi comment tu as fait en Squence 3. Attention, il manque une carte.)

    Dopey: the youngest, sweetest and silliest of the seven dwarfs. The only one to be bald

    and beardless. He has forgotten his cap.Grumpy: the most irritable of the group. He wears a brown tunic.

    Doc: the only one to wear glasses and hold a book, so he is presumably the mostintellectual. He wears a blue tunic.

    Happy: the fattest of all. He wears a green cap and always smiles.

    Bashful: very shy, his hands are clasped in front of him, his eyes upturned.

    Sneezy: he is sneezing, a handkerchief in his hand.

    Sleepy: he is always tired and sleeps everywhere. He wears a green cap, a blue tunic,brown trousers and yellow shoes. He has a long white beard. His eyes are always closed.

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    Cned,Anglais 6e16

    Squence 12 sance 4

    Justify2- your choice for dwarf number 2 by quoting 3 words from the description:




    Answer3- this question: Which dwarf is not represented on a card?


    Check and correct

    Exercise 7

    je sais reprer et mettre des adjectifs au superlatifUnderline1- all the adjectives in the superlative in the descriptions above (Step 8)

    (Souligne tous les adjectifs au superlative dans les descriptions ci-dessus. [Step 8])

    Fill in the gaps2- , turning the adjectives in brackets into the superlative. (Complte lesphrases suivantes, en mettant les adjectives entre parenthses au superlatif).

    (lazy ) Sleepy is thea - ............................................................... of the seven dwarfs.

    (grumpy)Grumpy is theb - ........................................................ of the seven dwarfs.

    (intelligent)Doc is thec - ........................................................... of the seven dwarfs.

    (timid)Bashful is thed - ............................................................ of the seven dwarfs.

    Check and correct

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    Cned,Anglais 6e17

    Squence 12 sance 4

    Exercise 8

    je sais comprendre une description physique

    (parties du corps, habits, couleurs)There is no card for Sleepy. Can you draw one from his description? (Il ny a pas de cartepour Sleepy. Peux-tu en dessiner une en respectant sa description ?)

    Sleepy: he is always tired and sleeps everywhere. He wears a green cap, a blue tunic,brown trousers and yellow shoes. He has a long white beard. His eyes are always closed.

    Check and correct

    Exercise 9

    Je sais reprer lordre chronologique dun texte inconnu en reprant les mots connus, transparents,en sachant infrer, en faisant des dductions.

    Snow White has eaten the poisonous apple. Read the following paragraphs. Takeyour pencil. Number them in chronological order in the boxes situated in the margin.(Blanche Neige a mang la pomme empoisonne. Lis les paragraphes suivants. Prends ton crayon etnumrote les de faon chronologique dans les cases situes dans la marge.)

    Then one evening, they discovered a young handsome man admiring Snow Whiteslovely face through the glass.

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    Cned,Anglais 6e18

    Squence 12 sance 4

    There they found Snow White, lying still and lifeless, the poisoned [ ] apple next toher. They did their best to bring her around, but it was useless.

    Meanwhile, the dwarfs came out of the mine to find the sky had grown dark andstormy. Loud thunder echoed [ ]through the valleys and streaks of lightning ripped

    [ ] the sky. Worried [ ] about Snow White they ran as fast as they could down themountain to their little cottage.

    They wept and wept for a long time. Then they laid her on a bed of rose petals, carried[ ]her into the forest and put her in a crystal coff in.

    Each day they laid flowers there.

    Now listen to the text on your CD. Check and correct if necessary. (Maintenant coute letexte sur ton CD. Vrifie et corrige si ncessaire.)

    Exercise 10

    Je sais prononcer les terminaisons en ed

    Go back to Exercise 9. Six words (verbs in the preterit or past participles used as adjectives)ending in ed have been underlined. Take your pencil; suggest their pronunciation in theempty box next to each of these words. Use the following phonetic signs : [d], [t],[id].(Retourne lexercice 9. Six mots (verbes au prtrit ou participes passs employs comme adjectifs)

    finissant par ed ont t souligns. Prends ton crayon de papier et suggre une prononciation dans lacase situe ct de chacun de ces mots. Utilise les signes phontiques [d], [t],[id])

    Now listen to the words on your CD. Check and correct if necessary. Then repeat thewords. Make sure you pronounce ed correctly. (Maintenant coute le texte sur ton CD. Vrifieet corrige si ncessaire. Puis rpte les mots en respectant la prononciation dued.)

    Check and correct

    Je fais le bilan des consignes utilises pour la comprhension crite. Tout au long de cette sance,

    tu auras remarqu que des mots des consignes ont t souligns. Ce sont parmi les mots les plusfrquemment utiliss dans les consignes dactivits de comprhension crite. Utilise ces motssouligns pour complter les consignes des exercices 12, 12, 13 et 14 qui ont dj t raliss.

    Step 91- Listen and repeat the instructions

    Answera - the following questions.

    Readb - the text below and fill in the gaps.

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    Cned,Anglais 6e19

    Squence 12 sance 4

    Go backc - to exercise n3.

    Underlined - the adjectives.

    Justify by quoting the text abovee - .

    Whichf - dwarf is represented on the picture?

    Here is a series of exercises which have already been done. Complete the correspondinginstructions.(Voici une srie dexercices qui ont t faits. Complte les consignes qui les accompagnent.)

    Exercise 11

    ......................the ...................... text and .........................................all the adjectives.

    Once upon a time ................. in a great castle, a Princes daughter grew up happy andcontented, in spite of a jealous stepmother. She was very pretty, with blue eyes and long

    black hair. Her skin was delicate and fair, and so she was called Snow White.

    Exercise 12

    ..........................................1- the princes daughter.

    ....................................2- your drawing by. two expressions from the text.

    - blue eyes

    - long black hair

    Exercise 13

    .. to exercise 10 . and say what colour Snow Whites eyes are.

    They are blue.

    Exercise 14..of the text.

    Once upon a time . . . in a great castle, a Princes daughter grew up happy and contented,in spite of a jealous stepmother. She was very pretty, with blue eyes and long black hair.Her skin was delicate and fair, and so she was called Snow White.

    Check and correct exercises 11, 12, 13 and 14

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    Cned,Anglais 6e20

    Squence 12 sance 4

    Tu as peut-tre besoin dun moyen mnmotechnique pour te souvenir des noms des septnains en anglais. Dead easy!

    -TWO Ds : Dopey and Doc

    -TWO Ss : Sleepy and Sleezy

    -THREE EMOTIONS : Bashful, Happy and Grumpy.

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    Cned,Anglais 6e21

    Squence 12 sance 5

    Sance 5Japprends dresser un bilan (Je rvise le questionnement)

    Je rdige un mail pour exprimer un besoin

    japprends dresser un bilanAdrian et Susan ont dj quelques pistes grce aux indices dcouverts dans les enveloppes. Maissont-ils sur la bonne piste ? Tu vas les aider rcapituler les indices dont ils disposent.

    Step 10Remember the previous lessons and answer the following questions. Dont make1-

    complete sentences.

    How many clues have they got?a -


    Which ones?b -


    How many envelopes have they got?c -


    Make a list of what was in the envelopes.d -


    Do Adrian and Susan know what their holiday destination is?e -


    2- Now listen to Adrian and Susan on your CD. Complete or correct your answers ifnecessary. Then answer the following question.

    What does Susan decide to do?.....................................................................................

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    Cned,Anglais 6e22

    Squence 12 sance 5

    3-Write a paragraph recapitulating everything you know starting with and finishingwith...

    Adrian and Susan have got

    So, Susan decides to

    Check and correct


    Pour dresser un bilan

    tu peux te poser les questions :

    -How many

    -Which ones ?

    tu peux faire des listes

    tu peux tirer une conclusion introduite par :


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  • 8/7/2019 AL4AN61TEWB0109 Sequence 12 Partie 01


    Cned,Anglais 6e23

    Squence 12 sance 5

    je rdige un mail pour exprimer un besoin

    Step 11Susan has decided to send an email to her father to ask for a third clue. She makes a1-

    list of what she wants to say but she needs to get her ideas organized. Can you help her?Number them in the best order. (Susan a dcid denvoyer un e-mail son pre pour lui demanderun troisime indice. Elle fait une liste de ce quelle veut dire, mais elle a besoin dorganiser ses ides.Peux-tu laider en les numrotant dans lordre dans lequel elles doivent apparatre.)

    Ask for a third clue

    Say Thank you for the two clues

    Say we dont know the destination

    Say Hi

    Say good-bye and send kisses

    Check and correct

    Tu souhaites tre trs poli. Tu as en effet une faveur demander. Parmi lesexpressions suivantes, toutes utilises pour demander quelque chose, lesquelles

    peux-tu choisir qui soient le mieux adaptes la situation ? Souligne-les.

    Wed like Give us Can we have We want

    Please, give us We need , please

    Souligne le symbole que tu peux utiliser pour envoyer des bisous par courrier?

    XXX ou +++ ?

    Cned Acadmie en ligne

  • 8/7/2019 AL4AN61TEWB0109 Sequence 12 Partie 01


    Cned,Anglais 6e24

    Squence 12 sance 5

    You are Susan. Write the e-mail respecting the order. Dont forget to sign.2-

    Check and correct

    CLUE n 3

    The next day Mr Taylor sends an e-mail with nomessage with the following attached documentWhat is it ? ....................................................

    Exercise 15

    Now make a list of the clues Adrian and Susan have.1-

    Cned Acadmie en ligne

  • 8/7/2019 AL4AN61TEWB0109 Sequence 12 Partie 01


    Squence 12 sance 5

    Mr Taylor is very cunning. The word representing clue number 3 can be used for2-something else. What else? (M. Taylor est trs ruse. Le mot reprsentant lindice 3 peut reprsenterautre chose. Quoi ?)

    Can you make a drawing?3-

    Have you guessed what their summer holiday destination is ?4-(As-tu devin quelle tait leur destination pour les grandes vacances ?)

    Check and correct