alan weedon - hempstead research.pdf · ; ... "alan weedon" ; ... roynt college of...

Page 1 of 3 Alan Weedon Sent: Subject: "Jacqueline Cooper" <[email protected]> "Trevor Alien" <[email protected]>; "Terry Searle" <[email protected]>; "Rosemarie Gant" <[email protected]>; "Patricia Hunter" <[email protected]>; "Pat Croxton Smith" <[email protected]>; "Michael Southgate" <[email protected]>; "Lizzie Sanders" <sanders- [email protected]>; "Kate McManus" <[email protected]>; "John Garrett" <[email protected]>; "Jenny Gardner" <[email protected]>; "Gillian Williamson" <[email protected]>; "Fiona Bengtsten" <[email protected]>; <[email protected]>; "Ouncan Willoughby" <[email protected]>; "Or Oavid Melford" <[email protected]>; "Derek Towler" <[email protected]>; "Barbara Streeter" <[email protected]>; "Alan Weedon" <[email protected]>; "Charles Barker" <twitchers. [email protected]> 11 March 2004 10:48 Library resources: good news & bad news From: To: I went to a meeting in the SW library yesterday to demonstrate the new resources available online so thought I would pass on to you in case you have not come across them. They are all resources which you would normally have to pay a subscription for but ECC Libraries have paid this and so any library card holder can access them. All you need is your library card with its number and a password which is normally the last three letters of your postcode. If you go online, the site will guide you through the process: www.essexcc. Some of the resources can only be found at the library, such as Book Search (details of all books in print in the UK) and Britannica Online, but the following are available to people using the internet from home so long as they have a library card: Times Digital Archive - the full text from 1785 to 1985 Newspapers Online - the last 5 years onwards from 14 UK national newspapers Magazines Online - searches 1,950 general periodicals Grove Encyclopedia of Music - includes sound clips Grove Encyclopedia of Art - includes images The usefulness of this to local historians is enormous. For instance on Newspapers Online, you could just search on the name of your village and if it was mentioned anywhere in the national press in the last five years, eg a letter to the editor from a resident, you would get the text come up and can then print it off or save it to a Word file on your computer. Times Digital Archive is absolutely amazing. If your village has been mentioned in The Times anywhere, you will find it. I tried it out on the Moat Farm Murder of Clavering and got the full text of all the trial reports which appeared in 1903 and have now got printouts for our village archives. I have also tried it out at home for a photograph of a wartime church parade in Clavering which I knew the Times had printed in 1944 and got a copy of that too. Our session with Martyn also revealed that from mid-April SW Library will be a Learning Direct Centre where you can sign up for a wide range of online course - the contact for this at the library is Sara Willard. For the moment 06/04/04

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Alan Weedon


"Jacqueline Cooper" <[email protected]>"Trevor Alien" <[email protected]>; "Terry Searle" <[email protected]>;"Rosemarie Gant" <[email protected]>; "Patricia Hunter"<[email protected]>; "Pat Croxton Smith" <[email protected]>;"Michael Southgate" <[email protected]>; "Lizzie Sanders" <[email protected]>; "Kate McManus" <[email protected]>; "John Garrett"<[email protected]>; "Jenny Gardner" <[email protected]>; "Gillian Williamson"<[email protected]>; "Fiona Bengtsten" <[email protected]>;<[email protected]>; "Ouncan Willoughby"<[email protected]>; "Or Oavid Melford" <[email protected]>;"Derek Towler" <[email protected]>; "Barbara Streeter" <[email protected]>;"Alan Weedon" <[email protected]>; "Charles Barker"<twitchers. [email protected]>11 March 2004 10:48Library resources: good news & bad news


I went to a meeting in the SW library yesterday to demonstrate the newresources available online so thought I would pass on to you in case youhave not come across them. They are all resources which you would normallyhave to pay a subscription for but ECC Libraries have paid this and so anylibrary card holder can access them. All you need is your library card withits number and a password which is normally the last three letters of yourpostcode. If you go online, the site will guide you through the process:


Some of the resources can only be found at the library, such as Book Search(details of all books in print in the UK) and Britannica Online, but thefollowing are available to people using the internet from home so long asthey have a library card:

Times Digital Archive - the full text from 1785 to 1985Newspapers Online - the last 5 years onwards from 14 UK national newspapersMagazines Online - searches 1,950 general periodicalsGrove Encyclopedia of Music - includes sound clipsGrove Encyclopedia of Art - includes images

The usefulness of this to local historians is enormous. For instance onNewspapers Online, you could just search on the name of your village and ifit was mentioned anywhere in the national press in the last five years, eg aletter to the editor from a resident, you would get the text come up and canthen print it off or save it to a Word file on your computer.

Times Digital Archive is absolutely amazing. If your village has beenmentioned in The Times anywhere, you will find it. I tried it out on theMoat Farm Murder of Clavering and got the full text of all the trial reportswhich appeared in 1903 and have now got printouts for our village archives.I have also tried it out at home for a photograph of a wartime church paradein Claveringwhich I knew the Times had printed in 1944 and got a copy of that too.

Our session with Martyn also revealed that from mid-April SW Library will bea Learning Direct Centre where you can sign up for a wide range of onlinecourse - the contact for this at the library is Sara Willard. For the moment


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Article 44 Page 1 ot L

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THE,~TIMESDigital Archive 1785-1985

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r The Times, Thursday, Jun 25, 1931; pg. 5; Issue 45858;Mark col F

The Fighting Temeraire Suggested PreservationOf Relics At HempsteadCategory: News4 ~~~~~~~



~I~ O'lt'ell Sc!lnliln. ~hllirman -0.£the mpllilc-IIoble Fund, Wt.Itc.'5 to drn:w at1lentio!') to t.IItact. that the last ~1il'$ of tile. "'igt tj l~Temel'"~ire, two Sl'eat.figures of A as f?'Or! hen",qu.ll.I't.e1'". ga·IlGry. art! 101' !;.1lto. ee I

Th1)v:!ca of &'\mford. 3!muwitb HelTlp'~ dE. 'cl<, tbe Re-v. '. P. COllYCrs :earl.:/!t~ h~point out. tha~ ~ }idlUiral of the Temcraite1\ I~ta19a , ~IE' Rlon.b R l'ye~'. i!! buried ialI'-'rrll' <tend Ohll ;ch, and 1ihat r 0" res in ~p ace could he found fm', these f!~I.Il"e$which ~elov~ ~./mn t,he .ault, In whkh he 1iC$ am]which JS Opan t.G the puhlic. .A IXInd' jon of

le I, 3\1c by ,th:eowntt' of the fi!!l\lre5 is th, t.~ third of tbClI" pW' PMCe Il\I.tot/M liehlIDd.ed 0••••. tu t!I-,.} fund ,"':h!cll is bc:iuE;r-;I~dto ~'- the Imphu·abl.,. the l!lst l!UI"'1\-,tn' .,t1'r.~a:4I;;\"a8oal, aJ5 a 1.oH<I ~' tt'ait.j g al.lip tOt.bovs '. :i\lr. Conycns :sar.k~1" b~ I;U~8IJ:!>l d thatthere luust, be JlllUly En@'lhQl<"lJ{"bo 'oul4 ~loth .I,? -"'CC tbose J"elles ro;La".tQa! Id Wouldbe to keep them il, lIcm~te:\(f for e'i;l'r_Ttw DtleS asked fur th., tl "lrcs is ~3,OOQ. Gi(I&,should be sent to SIt' Owen Setlmllu 10BOkn'erlc-:s~ Londo!'), E.C.t, J,

Full Text: Copyright 1931, The Times

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Article 43 Page 1 ot j

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THE~J ~TIMESDigital Archive 1785-1985

IArticle @ 133%::3

1'4\ __ (i.'J~ -- Article 43 of 88 ~/

r The Times, Saturday, Apr 26, 1930; pg. 6; Issue 45497;Mark col D

In Memory Of Harvey Restoration Of HempsteadChurch Tower JOHN ROSE BRADFORD,.Category: Letters to the Editor ... 06/04/04

Page 5: Alan Weedon - Hempstead research.pdf · ; ... "Alan Weedon" ; ... Roynt College of Physicians of London.l

Article 43 Page 2 of3


CHURCH TOWEltTO '£liE EDIT OIl OF 'I'HE TIMESSjl',-At the tlltlf.) or the celebration by

tho Royal College o.fPl1y$l()i~ns of tho tor-eontenary Clf the publication of Willio.mHarvey's immortal \"Qrk on tho circuln-

, tioD of t.110 blood, you kindly published inyour columns a letter from me, QS chair-

, man of tlle Hatvs,}r Church TowerMWtlOl'.u-.l Committee, st.ntingilillt thiscommittee p.:opOS6<l to make o.n appeal to:rebuild the tower of llt~!{] stead ChUl'Oh,.E~~, 1lull; (loU~p$lld in 882, ,:,S amemorial to Witlian\ Harvey. 'fhis appoa]WIIS issued in January last, and hasah'Cndy led to many donutdona andpl"om~es of support, . .

'Tho apt)eal is ono addressed prull~l'!lyto the me(liclll profession oftho BritishEmpir.;" bsenuse H~n'voy's se:r'\,joll~J great

I as they ware to ell the expcnmonf.u 1sciences-c-and, indlllf:~d1 to uU l\Umn.nity~wore of £lll1datl)'ental unportence to thedevelopment of medicine. Inde~4, it isno exaggcr~ltiQu to say that medicine, flSa. sc,ioncc, owes iis Ol·igin to Harvoy Imdto his methods of inquiry, "{)1' thisrenson the flpPClll has boon made :notQn!y to individwll prne titionCl'S ,ofmedicine, but also to medical corpora-tio~lS, instit~tiona, sooietit)5, Bud sohocls,and n gll'ntifying response has alreadybeen reeoivcd, .tIm<mg others, from theRoynt College of Physicians of London.lthe ROY!lLCOllego of Surg~ns of England,the SOCtoty of Apeeheearles, tho Royal ,Society of M(lciicine, the l\ledi III Societyof London, and from Morton College.Oxford. where Harvey WIlS '''I,u''den, and

I C.ains College. C(lll~bric1ge. Som.e £1,500has boon obtoined towards the £5,700 t--e .•

I qu.ircd.and there js reason to hope thatthis sum will hi} ma.terially added to inthe near futuro from other bodies,

It is the enrnest wish of my: committee'. that the response l!bould be one not only, nduqunte in amount, hut also thoroughly" representative of the profession of modi-

eine as a whole, since the m tnbets of HusI pl'Ofesgion are singuhrdy qualified to esti-

mate at, their real worth not. on~y tho Igrentnees and fm'-rOJl(:hltlg character of

I Harvey's immorta I discovery but also 'thegreat truth and value of IInrvcy1s exhor-tation to tho Fellows of tha Collego ofPhyeicians " to search and study out, theseorets of nature by wily ot experiment,"

Donations should bo made pa~·tiblo to; the Harvey Memorial F'und and may be:I sent to the HUIW.I"SryTreasurer, MJ, A, rV., l RU<Tgles-Bt·iso, Spain's HnU, Braintree, 01''{to '151', Arnold tott, 58, Hnd~y·strect,, W.I (jo'nt Honol'ul'v Secl"et.ury with the: Yion!' of Hempstead].. , I am, Sir, your obedient servant,

JOHN ROSE llRADFOR,n, GluliJ:'o: I man, Harvey Church Tower, I Memmio.lFund.


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