alc update the orb and erb lesson plan · web viewbreak students up into groups of 3-4 students and...

HUMAN RESOURCES ADVANCED LEADERS COURSE 42A Update the Officer and Enlisted Records Brief LESSON PLAN Version 6.6 August 2019

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Update the Officer and Enlisted Records Brief


Version 6.6

August 2019

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U.S. ARMY SOLDIER SUPPORT INSTITUTENoncommissioned Officer Academy

Human Resources Advanced Leaders Course

Update the Officer and Enlisted Records Brief


Lesson Author: AG Branch, ITDDate prepared: January 2013Last update: August 2019

1. SCOPE: Update the Officer and Enlisted Records Brief is a 5-hour lesson. The purpose of this lesson is to examine the components of the Officer and Enlisted Records Brief, updates utilizing eMILPO, and to identify documents eligible to be filed in the AMHRR.

This lesson builds on previous studies of:

Coordinating Personnel Support/Provide HR Services.

Students will reach the following lesson outcomes through assigned readings, actively participating in class, and completing the practical exercise:

Review and update the ORB Review and update the ERB Identify documents eligible to be filed in the AMHRR


This lesson supports TLO2, Deliver Essential Personnel Services/Provide HR Services. In addition this lesson supports or reinforces the following ELOs:

Prepare Office Computations Review Enlisted Promotions and Reductions Review Awards and Decorations Process Personnel Information Management


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AC ELO 2.7/RC ELO 2.5:Action: Update the Officer and Enlisted Brief

Condition: Mid-grade HR Leaders in a classroom environment working individually and as a member of a small group, using doctrinal and administrative publications, practical exercises, case studies, personal experience, handouts, discussion and an awareness of the Operational Environment (OE) variables and actors.

Standard: Application includes:

1. Reviewing the Officer Record Brief (ORB).

2. Reviewing the Enlisted Record Brief (ERB).

3. Performing transactions in eMILPO to update the ORB/ERB.

4. Verifying documents for filling in the AMHRR.

Learning Domain: Cognitive

Level of Learning: Application


a. Study Requirements:

Study: None.

Read: eMILPO Functional Guidance, pg. 9-11, 18-23, 28-29, and 59

Review: AR 600-8-104, Tables 3-1 and 4-1

Scan: None

b. Bring to class: NA

c. Be prepared to answer or discuss the following:

1) Sections of the ORB2) Sections of the ERB3) ORB/ERB updates through eMILPO4) Documents filed in AMHRR



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a. AR 600-8-104 (August 2012)b. eMILPO Functional Guidance (May 2016)c. Student Handout #1d. Student Handout #2e. Appendix A: Assessment Planf. Appendix B: Slides


a. Lesson Timeline:

20 minutes Concrete Experience20 minutes Publish and Process50 minutes Generalize New Information10 minutes Break50 minutes Generalize New Information10 minutes Break50 minutes Generalize New Information10 minutes Break10 minutes Develop60 minutes Apply

Instructor Note: Throughout this lesson, solicit from students the challenges they experienced in the operational environment (OE) and what they did to resolve them. Encourage students to apply at least one of the critical variables: Political, Military, Economic, Social, Information, Infrastructure, Physical Environment and Time (PMESII-PT). Adjust the Lesson Timeline as necessary to facilitate class schedule, your teaching style, and student learning. You are not bound by any time constraints during any particular phase of the ELM model.

Security Level: This course / lesson will present information that has a Security Classification of: U - Unclassified.

FD1. This training product has been reviewed by the training developers in coordination with the Adjutant General School, Fort Jackson, SC foreign disclosure officer. This training product can be used to instruct international military students from all approved countries without restrictions.

The Army Learning Areas (ALA) are the baseline focal points Soldiers and Army Civilians must possess to prevail in the ambiguous environments that challenge the Army today. The four ALAs are: Army Profession and Leadership; Mission Command; Human Dimension; and Professional Competence. The Army Learning Area taxonomy provides a framework to assist in grouping the General Learning Outcomes. The four


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Army Learning Areas serve as the framework to catalogue the 14 General Learning Outcomes.

The General Learning Outcomes (GLOs) are essential outcomes resulting from training, education, and experience along a career continuum of learning. There are three primary purposes for the Army General Learning Outcomes. First, they provide trainers and educators a lens into how effective they are in conveying their support material. Second, it assists in improving instructional design and/or training support packages. Finally it places responsibility on training and education proponents to be nested with ALAs.

GLO 12: Soldiers and Army Civilians demonstrate proficiency in Army and joint doctrine.

GLO 14: Soldiers and Army Civilians are technically and tactically competent.

b. Concrete Experience (20 min): This phase is student-centered and observed by the instructor (not an active participant).

Slide: Field AAR – FY18 SFC Promotion and Selection BoardFocus:

Inform students that the quote on the slide was taking from the FY18 SFC promotion and selection board Field AAR.

Break students up into groups of 3-4 students and have them develop of list of what other effects that incorrect ERB’s can have on a Soldier and what they can do as an HR Soldier to ensure they are up-to-date and then share with the class.

c. Publish and Process (20 min): This phase is student-centered and instructor facilitated.

The “publish” portion is a short discussion on how group members felt during their experience of generating data. This phase focuses on the group dynamics during the exercise and is NOT intended to be a discussion of the content generated. This can be kept short; once the group moves to “process,” they will likely continue to add to “publishing” type information. Do not let the group jump straight to content. When well facilitated, publishing is a good method to relate a discussion of interpersonal communication and group dynamics to the broader topic of leader competencies described in FM 6-22, Army Leadership.


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Instructor Questions:

Q1. What happened? How did you feel about that?Q2. Who had a similar or different experience, and why? Were there any surprises?Q3. What did you learn from the group experience?

Questions the instructor may ask to assist in publishing: (Intent is to push critical thinking. Push students to defend their answers – allow students to hash out ideas).

Why did you site “item X” as an example? What does it mean to you? (This gets at affective learning and how students find the material relevant from their experiences).

Did you find that once you got one idea down, it triggered related ideas? (If yes, have them show examples. This shows the interrelatedness of the materials in a larger process).

Would you say you saw any themes as you developed examples? (e.g. events vs. processes)

After having talked about this, can you think of additional examples?

d. Generalize New Information (3 hours):

Slide: Action Focus: This lesson is focused on meeting AG technical education outcomes.

After completing this lesson, students should be confident in their ability to apply critical thinking in updating the ORB and ERB.

Discussions in this block relate directly to concepts students will need to apply in future assignments.


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Slide: ConditionFocus: This lesson is focused on meeting AG technical education outcomes.

After completing this lesson, students should be confident in their ability to apply critical thinking in updating the ORB and ERB.

Discussions in this block relate directly to concepts students will need to apply in future assignments.

Slide: StandardFocus: This lesson is focused on meeting AG technical education outcomes.

After completing this lesson, students should be confident in their ability to apply critical thinking in updating the ORB and ERB.

Discussions in this block relate directly to concepts students will need to apply in future assignments.

Instructor Note: The purpose of this lesson is not to impart knowledge and move on – it is intended to get students thinking about the importance of correctly updating the ORB and ERB. There are very few slides in the lesson; however, there are multiple opportunities for discussion. While topic slides do introduce knowledge and provide a focus, they are primarily designed to start discussions and constantly engage


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students, even in the GNI portion. The information covered in this lesson is basic, and even students with limited HR background can prepare for the lesson by completing the reading assignments and sharing their personal experiences. All students have had some experience with ORB/ERB updates during their careers and should contribute to discussions. Encourage students to draw on their experiences in past organizations and previous deployment(s), integrating Contemporary Operating Environment variables, as appropriate.

Slide: Officer Records Brief OverviewFocus:

Refer students to Student Handout #1. Give students an overview of the ORB.

The ORB consists of ten sections plus the heading. The following descriptions explain ORB entries.

1) Section I—Assignment information2) Section II—Security Data3) Section III—Service Data4) Section IV—Personal/family data5) Section V—Foreign Language6) Section VI—Military Education7) Section VII—Civilian Education

The ORB is a one page Army form designed to provide a summary of your qualifications and career history.

1) The ORB is produced from data stored on the Officer Master File (OMF) at the US Army Military Personnel Center (MILPERCEN). This is a dynamic file which is updated frequently with new information. Consequently, each ORB is a snapshot of the OMF as it was at the time the ORB was produced.

2) The ORB is used by personnel managers at HQDA and in the field. HQDA selection board members use the ORB to grain an initial impression of an officer’s qualifications and career history and as a “road map” to the Officer


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Evaluation Reports (OER) and other documents in the Performance Section of the microfiche Official Military Personnel File (OMPF). Other individuals also use the ORB to form an image of the officer’s experience and qualifications. Both at HQDA and in field commands, the ORB is one of the primary management tools used in determining where to assign officers.

ORBs are accessed through TOPMIS-II accounts and updated through CITRIX.

Slide: Enlisted Records Brief OverviewFocus:

Refer students to Student Handout #2 Give students and overview of the


The Enlisted Record Brief (ERB) is an abbreviated summary of the enlisted personnel data on the database.

It is intended that this report be produced from the AHRS (Army Human Resources System) Web Portal, eMILPO Reports Menu at the S1, BDE S1/MPD level as required.

The ERB is comprised of the following sections:


NOTE: BDE S1/MPD. Review the ERB upon the arrival of Soldier to the gaining command and as needed. BDE S1/MPD. Review the incomplete personnel record data and update accordingly or furnish upon request. Produce copies of ERB that requires


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S1 and Soldier verification. S1. Review the incomplete personnel record data with Soldier within 30 days of arrival in unit. Update and forward ERB to the servicing BDE S1/MPD, with source documents, for actions that cannot be inputted at S1 level. BDE S1/MPD. Review source documentation for validity and input data to update eMILPO. BDE S1/MPD. Record/forward source documentation and report IAW AR 600-8-104.

Slide: Section I – Assignment InformationFocus:

Review Section I of the ERB. Refer students to Student Handout #2

Instructor Note: Refer students to pages 1 and 2 of the Student Handout #2.

Assignment Information

1) OS/Deployment Combat Duty 2) Start-End Date – Year, month, and day departed and returned from overseas 3) CT – Country 4) MO – Number of months on that assignment5) TS – Tour Status  6) TT – Tour Type 7) # of TOURS (AR 614-30)8) #S – Number of short tours9) #L – Number of long tours10)# – Number of tours11)M – Number of months12)C – Combat Tour

NOTE: A combat deployment is defined as an operation in a designated combat zone that warrants the wear of the combat patch (see AR 670-1, chapter 28-17)

1) Operational Tour- Operational Deployments (non-combat) are certain overseas deployments -- other than those designated as combat deployments


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-- such as peacekeeping/enforcement overseas (for example, Balkans, Guantanamo Bay, etc).

2) R – Dependent Restricted Tour-Dependent restricted tour areas are stipulated as such in AR 614-30 and one qualifies for the credit whether or not one has dependents.

3) Dwell Time – Dwell Time is defined as the time a Soldier spends at home station between combat deployments, operational deployments (non-combat), or dependent restricted tours.

4) Start – Year, month, and day 5) DEROS - Date Eligible to Return from Overseas6) DROS - Date Returned from Overseas 7) Date dependents arrived oversea8) PMOS - Primary MOS awarded 9) SMOS - Secondary MOS awarded (If applicable)10)BONUS MOS - The MOS the Soldier received an enlistment/re-enlistment

bonus. Therefore, on the Unit Manning Report, slot the Soldier against this PMOS.

11)BONUS ENL ELIG DATE - Bonus enlistment eligibility date.12)PROMOTION POINTS/YRMO - The number of promotion points a Soldier

who is competing for promotion to SGT or SSG and the effective year and month.

13)PREV PROMOTION POINTS/YRMO – The previous number of promotion points a Soldier who is competing for promotion to SGT or SSG and the effective year and month

14)PROM SEQ # - promotion sequence number, the number given to a senior NCO when selected for promotion to SFC and higher.

15)PROMOTION MOS - promotion MOS (the promotable MOS for a Soldier identified for promotion).

16)SQI - Special Qualification Identifier, this is MOS immaterial, meaning that any MOS can obtain any SQI.

17)PDSI/YRMO – Professional Development Skill Identifier – year and month 18)ASI - Additional Skill Identifier, a code used to identify any additional skills

pertinent to the Soldier’s MOS obtained through military schooling. 19)PROM SELECT DT - promotion selection date (date of promotion) 20)ASVAB - test information and scores from most recent Armed Services

Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB)21)TEST DT - Date (year and month) that the ASVAB was completed22)Delay Sep Reason - Reason for delay in separation code23)AEA/DT - Assignment Eligibility Availability code and the expiration date (AR


information on Suspension of Favorable Personnel Actions (FLAG) currently invoked against a Soldier


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Slide: Section II – Security DataFocus:

Review Section II of the ERB.

Security Data

1) PSI Status - Personal Security Investigation Status 2) Fld Det PS Stat - Field Determined Personal Security Status3) PSI Invest INIT - Personal Security Investigation Initiated4) PSI Invest Compl - Personal Security Investigation Completed

Slide: Section III – Service DataFocus:

Review Section III of the ERB.


1) BASD - Basic Active Service Date


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2) PEBD - Pay Entry Basic Date3) BESD - Basic Entry Service Date 4) ETS - Expiration Term of Service5) DIEMS - Date Initial Entry Military Service, the first time a person committed

to military service, this includes entry into the delayed entry program.6) REEN PROHIB - Reenlistment eligibility code7) TIME LOST - Lists periods, in turns of time when a Soldier did not receive

credit for svc.

A = Desertion, B = Absence without authority, C = Military Confinement, E = Abuse of drugs or alcohol, F = Disease or injury as a result of misconduct, G = Civil confinement, D = Confinement prior to conviction of crime

8) AGCM/DT - Army Good Conduct Medal date9) AGCM ELIG DT - Eligibility date for the next award of the Good Conduct

Medal (3 year increments)10)DOR - Lists each rank and date of rank (DOR) respectively

Slide: Section IV – Personal/Family DataFocus:

Review Section IV of the ERB Refer students to Student Handout #2

Instructor Note: Refer students to pages 2 and 3 of the Student Handout #2.


1) DATE OF BIRTH - date of birth 2) BIRTHPLACE - the state/country of birth3) CTRY OF CITZ - country of citizenship4) SEX/RACE - sex and race of the Soldier 5) NO OF DEPENDENTS ADULTS/CHILDREN – Indicates the number of

dependents adults and children6) RELIGION - religious preference of the Soldier


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A = Annulled, D = Divorced, I = Interlocutory Decree, L = Legally Separated, M = Married, S = Single, W = Widowed, Z = Unknown, P = Sole Parent

8) SP Birthplace/CITZ – spouse’s birthplace and citizenship9) PULHES - Physical, Upper Extremities, Lower Extremities, Hearing, Eyes,

Psychiatric10)HEIGHT/WEIGHT – Identifies height and weight of Soldier11)EFMP/DT - Exceptional Family Member Program and date of enrollment12)# COMD Sponsored - number of dependents that are command sponsored13)PHYS CAT - Physical category code (There are 7 codes listed on page 2 of

the handout)14)APFT DT/ P/F Score - Army Physical Fitness Test date and pass or fail

indicator15)LAST PHYISCAL EXAM - date of last physical exam16)MMRB Results/ Date – MOS Medical Review Board date17)HOME OF RECORD - city and state where the Soldier lived at the time of

entry into the military18)MAILING ADDRESS - the current mailing address of the Soldier19)MIL SPOUSE SSN/MPC - military spouse social security number and military

personnel class code20)SVC COMP/DOD - service component and department of military spouse21)Emergency Data Verified - date the emergency data (DD Form 93) was


Slide: Section V – Foreign LanguageFocus:

Review Section V of the ERB


1) Language - language code that was tested 2) Read - score on reading portion of language test3) Listen - score on listening portion of language test


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4) Speak - score on speaking portion of language test

Slide: Section VI – Military EducationFocus:

Review Section VI of the ERB.

Military Education

1) MEL/MES - Military education level and status (NCOES). If Soldier has only been selected it will state "selectee" after the school.

2) Course/Year - list of courses and year of attendance3) BMQ – Basic Marksmanship Qualification, YYYYMMDD / DA Form, Weapon /

Score4) CORRESPONDENCE COURSES – Indicates the total number of hours of

correspondence Course completed.


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Slide: Section VII – Civilian EducationFocus:

Review Section VII of the ERB

Civilian Education - Lists the highest level and year completed.

1) Level Completed 2) Institution attended 3) Technical Certification

Slide: Section VIII – Awards and DecorationsFocus:

Review Section VIII of the ERB

Awards and Decorations

List of awards, badges, and decorations with number of award.


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Slide: Section IX – Assignment HistoryFocus:

Review Section IX of the ERB

Assignment History - Each assignment is listed with the most recent assignment first.  

1) Date of Loss – indicates the date that a Soldier is expected to report to a gaining installation.

2) Date of Last PCS – indicates the date of the last permanent change of station (PCS)

3) Date of Last NCOER - Provides the date of the last NCO evaluation report. 4) FROM - the date the Soldier started the assignment5) MO - the number of months 6) UNIT NO - The Unit Identification Code (UIC) 7) Organization - the name of the unit 8) Station – where the organization is geographically located9) LOC – US for stateside location or country code for overseas 10)Comd - Major command code Duty Title - title of assigned duty position11)DMOS - Duty MOS12)ASI – Duty Additional Skill Identifier LANG – Duty Language Identifier


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Slide: Section X - RemarksFocus:

Review Section X of the ERB

Remarks1) HIV YRMO – Current HIV testing year and month2) RGMT AFL - Regimental Affiliation3) DATE OF LAST PHOTO

Slide: Seeing is Not RememberingFocus:

Show the students the slide and follow the directions below.

Seeing is Not Remembering Activity Instructions:

1) Have the students draw the front side and back side of the $20 (give them 2 minutes).


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2) Ask students whose face was on the front of the $20?3) Ask students what building is on the back of the $20?4) Ask students how many times is the serial number listed on the front of the $20? 5) Break the students up into groups of 3-4 and have them develop three learning

points that can be drawn from this activity that apply to eMILPO.

Instructor Note:

The main takeaways from the activity should be that just because we have seen something briefly doesn’t mean we know all the details about it, which can also apply to the systems we use and the records we update.

We must become familiar with those systems through practice and repetitive use of the systems in order to become proficient.

Slide: eMILPO ActivityFocus:

Walk students through the eMILPO Activity located within SharePoint.


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Slide: AMHRRFocus:

Refer students to AR 600-8-104 (Tables 3-1, and 4-1)

Instructor Note: Uploading correct document(s) for placement in the AMHRR and is dependent on the ability to read TABLE 3-1of AR 600-8-104. Have the class turn to TABLE 3-1in AR 600-8-104.

The Army Military Human Resources Record (AMHRR) is initiated upon the initial oath of enlistment, commission, or DA Service agreement of a person into any component of the Army. Only those documents listed in TABLE 3-1of AR 600-8-104 are authorized for filing in the AMHRR.  

1) Army forms are listed by proponent and number.

EXAMPLE: A certificate of training is listed as DA 87. Find the certificate of training in Table 3-1.

2) Other documents are listed alphabetically by document type.

EXAMPLE: A transcript of credit from a civilian academic institution is listed under the document type: TRNSCPTS. Find the transcript in Table 3-1.

 Depending on the document type, the document will be filed in either an AMHRR folder (Table 3-1) or Non-AMHRR folder (Table 4-1) as indicated in TABLE 3-1under the primary folder column.

Instructor Note: Refer students to Table 3-1

The AMHRR is reflective of an individual Soldier record and is stored in iPERMS. Within the AMHRR there are various folders that house information regarding an individual military career. Not every Soldier and subsequent AMHRR will have the same number


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and type of folder. The type and number of folders contained within the AMHRR differ based on career path and status.  

1) The “Performance” folder maintains performance related information to include evaluations, commendatory documents, and specific disciplinary information and training/education documents. The primary purpose of this folder is to provide necessary information to officials and selection boards tasked with assessing Soldiers for promotion, special programs, or tours of duty. This folder populates various board related applications (for example, Army Selection Board System, National Guard Army Board System).

2) The “Service” folder maintains general, administrative, and Service documents..

3) The “Restricted” folder maintains documents that may normally be considered improper for viewing by selection boards or career managers.

4) The “Medical” folder maintains permanent health information, such as a permanent physical profile or physical health assessment.

5) The “Other” folder maintains finance documents.

6) The “State/Territory” folder maintains documents referencing State awards and personnel actions.

Instructor Note: Refer students to Table 4-1

Additional folders, aside from the AMHRR, are contained in iPERMS to assist the Army and other Government agencies in preserving valid information belonging to a Soldier for a specific period of time. Additional folders contained in iPERMS that are not included in the AMHRR are the “DA Photograph” folder (PHOTO) and “Combat-Related Special Compensation” folder.  Correct documents. It is your responsibility as a Human Resources Sergeant to ensure that the correct documents are forwarded for placement in the OMPF/CMIF. To discern whether or not a document is authorized for filing in the AMHRR, you need to turn to AR 600-8-104, Table 3-1.   Maintaining the AMHRR. Records belonging to a Soldier currently serving, separating, or retiring on or after 1 October 2002 are maintained in the iPERMS. Information and documents stored in the AMHRR or other previously authorized files prior to 1 October 2002 are maintained at the National Personnel Record Center in St. Louis, Missouri and are in paper or microfiche format. Records belonging to individuals experiencing a break in Service that spanned the 1 October 2002 timeframe may have a paper, microfiche, and iPERMS record.


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Slide: Field AAR RevisitFocus:

Now that students have learned how to properly update ERB’s, facilitate a discussion on how the issues mentioned on slide can be avoided prior to a promotion board.

Slide: Action Focus: This lesson is focused on meeting AG technical education outcomes.

After completing this lesson, students should be confident in their ability to apply critical thinking in updating the ORB and ERB.

Discussions in this block relate directly to concepts students will need to apply in future assignments.


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Slide: ConditionFocus: This lesson is focused on meeting AG technical education outcomes.

After completing this lesson, students should be confident in their ability to apply critical thinking in updating the ORB and ERB.

Discussions in this block relate directly to concepts students will need to apply in future assignments.

Slide: StandardFocus: This lesson is focused on meeting AG technical education outcomes.

After completing this lesson, students should be confident in their ability to apply critical thinking in updating the ORB and ERB.

Discussions in this block relate directly to concepts students will need to apply in future assignments.

e. Develop (10 min): This phase is student-centered and instructor facilitated.

NOTE: Instructors now initiate a student discussion of how material in the lesson plan will be used in their future assignments. Although instructors can guide students in the discussion, the answers ultimately belong to the students. The intent is that students recognize that value of correctly updating the ORB and ERB in both garrison and deployed environments and the various components of that support.

Here are some ideas that instructors can inject into the discussion:


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Students in the concrete exercise should have identified many of the primary or related topics brought up in the lesson. Has this lesson helped them see linkages between all the topics?

Some tasks/processes are conducted sequentially while others are simply related and may occur before, after, or at the same time as others. Do students see how the relationships between different events can create opportunities or limitations in trying to accomplish missions in a time constrained environment?

f. Apply (60 minutes):

The Update the Officer and Enlisted Records Brief consist of a practical exercise that requires the student to perform updates to a Soldier’s ERB utilizing the eMILPO training database.

Appendix AAssessment Plan

TLO 2.0 – Provide HR Services Module Assessment Plan

Module AssessmentContribution to

Group WorkWritten



Post-Assessment TOTAL

30% NA 10% 60% 100%

ELO 2.1 Monitor Meal Card Management Program ELO 2.2 e-MILPO Overview ELO 2.3 Examine the Role of the S-1 ELO 2.4 Review Correspondence ELO 2.5 Interpret Military Pay and Allowances ELO 2.6 Process Leaves and Passes ELO 2.7 Update the Officer and Enlisted Record Brief ELO 2.8 Review Enlisted Promotions and Reductions Processing ELO 2.9 Review a Completed Evaluation Report ELO 2.10 Review Awards and Decorations ELO 2.11 Prepare Personnel Office Computations ELO 2.12 Review Casualty Reports

Contribution to Group Work. See ALC Contribution to Group Work Rubric for specific grading criteria.

Written Communication. During this module you are required to prepare a


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Memorandum for Record IAW AR 25-50, Preparing and Managing Correspondence, and the Army Writing Style based on a given scenario. See ALC Written Communication Rubric for specific grading criteria.

Oral Communication. See ALC Oral Communication Rubric for specific grading criteria.

Module Post-Assessment. A comprehensive post-assessment consisting of multiple-choice, matching, fill-in-the-blank and ordering questions will be administered via Blackboard Academic Suite upon completion of the module.

Appendix BList of Slides

Slide 1: Update the Officer and Enlisted Records BriefSlide 2: Field AAR – FY18 SFC Promotion and Selection BoardSlide 3: ActionSlide 4: ConditionSlide 5: StandardSlide 6: ORB OverviewSlide 7: ERB, Section ISlide 8: ERB, Section 1 (cont.)Slide 9: ERB, Section IISlide 10: ERB, Section IIISlide 11: ERB, Section IVSlide 12: ERB, Section VSlide 13: ERB, Section VISlide 14: ERB, Section VIISlide 15: ERB, Section VIIISlide 16: ERB, Section IXSlide 17: ERB, Section XSlide 18: Seeing is Not RememberingSlide 19: eMILPO ActivitySlide 20: AMHRRSlide 21: Field AAR RevisitSlide 22: Action


Page 26: ALC Update the ORB and ERB Lesson Plan · Web viewBreak students up into groups of 3-4 students and have them develop of list of what other effects that incorrect ERB’s can have

Slide 23: ConditionSlide 24: StandardSlide 25: Questions