aleister crowley - liber d - sepher sephiroth


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Sepher Sephiroth (revised)

By Allan Bennett and Aleister CrowleyRevised by Ian Rons

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

This numerical dictionary has been revised and updated, including much new material. It has also been stripped of muchextraneous material such as planetary spirits, etc., to make it a more “purist” production, since much of the material of thattype is rather unreliable.

All the numerations have been checked, and the Latin originally given from Kabbalah Denudata has been translated andchecked against the Hebrew (using Brown-Driver-Briggs and Megiddo). The references to Zoharic texts, etc., have beenchecked, and are now given with verse numbers (rather than page numbers) wherever possible. Furthermore, new Zoharicand other references have been inserted. Biblical references have been checked, and given KJV (rather than Vulgate) versenumbers, and many new Biblical references have been found. Hebrew words and phrases without a translation have beentranslated, and many of the other Hebrew translations have been checked also. Words and phrases with a possible “finalletters” value have all been enumerated.

Love is the law, love under will.


Page 3: Aleister Crowley - Liber D - Sepher Sephiroth

The Hebrew Alphabet

Name Figure Value Transliteration(M) Aleph ) 1 A(D) Beth b 2 B(D) Gimel g 3 G(D) Daleth d 4 D(S) Heh h 5 H(S) Vau w 6 V(S) Zayin z 7 Z(S) Cheth x 8 Ch(S) Teth + 9 T(S) Yod y 10 I(D) Kaph k K 20 500 K(S) Lamed l 30 L(M) Mem m M 40 600 M(S) Nun n N 50 700 N(S) Samekh s 60 S(S) Ayin ( 70 O(D) Peh p P 80 800 P(S) Tzaddi c C 90 900 Tz(S) Qoph q 100 Q(D) Resh r 200 R(M) Shin # 300 Sh(D) Tau t 400 Th

When written large, the value of a Hebrew letter is increased by a factor of one thousand. A large Aleph is counted 1000,a large Beth 2000, etc.

Note that there are no vowels in Hebrew, only semi-vowels (A, H, V, I). Diacritical marks are sometimes used toindicate vowels, but generally the correct pronunciation of a word therefore relies on memory. In any case, this has noimportance in Gematria, except that it must be noted that any given word may have many different meanings, according asit is pronounced.

M, D and S before the names of the letters shows their division into Mothers, Double and Single letters; referredrespectively to active Elements (Air, Water, Fire), Planets and Zodiacal Signs. But Shin and Tau also serve to signify theElements of Spirit and of Earth (see Liber 777).


K.D. Kabbalah DenudataCh. ChaldeeAr. AramaicS.B. Sepher BahirS.D. Siphra DtzeniouthaS.S. Sepher SephirothI.R.Q. Idra Rabba QadishaI.Z.Q. Idra Zuta QadishaM.H. Modern Hebrew.* All final values counted: In Hebrew, indicates a letter spelt in full (e.g. ): = Pl))

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1 The Mystic Number of Kether2 (Notariqon of Arik Anpin, 422) ))3 The Mystic Number of Chokmah

Father b)To come, go )b

4 Father )b)Hollow; a vein bbProud )g

5 Mist, vapour d)Back; food gbElevation, top; pit, water-hole bg

6 The Mystic Number of BinahTo gather, collect )bgFlat roof; cover of an altar ggA bear bdA window; lo! )hFather, a title of Chokmah )bb)Separation; white linen; idle talk; liar db

7 Lost, ruined db)A name of God attributed to Venus (initials of Adonai ha-Aretz) )h)Desire; either, or w)Good fortune dgWas weary b)dRiches, power )bdFish gd

8 To will, intend hb)Love; desired, beloved bh)Then z)The entrance, threshold h)bTo be anxious, grieve g)dBreast; love; beloved; pleasures of love dd(Notariqon of Zauir Anpin, 478) )zIn itself; in the ... is, that in it wb

9 Ventriloquist, necromancer; the special “fire” of black magic,whence Obi, Obeah (cf. 11 & 207)


He kindled )z)Brother x)A garment dgbBecame powerful, grew high h)gMiddle, midst; back (n.) wgSplendour (cf. 15); shout of joy dhBooty; prey zbCome )wb

10 The Mystic Number of ChesedHeh: a window; alas hhThe God HAD d)hMutterer, enchanter; whisper (n.) +)Elevated, exalted, high hbgFlew, soared h)dTwo wdA wolf b)zA hidden place; bosom bxFleece zgTo sweep away )+Skin of grapes gz

11 Ahah hh)Firebrand, volcanic fire: the Special “fire” or “light” of the SacredMagic of Light, Life, and Love; hence “Odic Force”, &c. (cf. 9 &207)


Where?; island y)When )wbbTo tear, cut, attack ddgGold, golden (Ch.) bhdProud, haughty, arrogant dzTo conceal )bxA circularity of form or motion; a feast gx

12 Vau: a hook, nail wwHE, the most holy name of God in Kether (Heh is referred to Mater;Vau to Pater; Aleph to Corona)


He longed for, missed hw)He departed, went forth dz)A little book, pamphlet, letter; tools +gTo multiply hgdThis, that; who, which; here, there hzTo penetrate, be sharp; one (Ch.); sleep dxPlease, pray yb

13 A small bundle, bunch; legend, tale hdg)Beloved; love hbh)Unity dx)Hated by)Emptiness whbRaised up hhgAnxiety hg)dA fisher gwdThunder; to meditate; he remembers hghHere; this; glory, splendour wzA locust bgxHe shall come (cf. 345 & 358) )by

14 A thorn, spine (as of Christ’s crown of thorns, Matt. 27:29) d+)Sacrifice; altar (Ar.) xbdLove, beloved; David dwdGive, give! (see 17, bhy) bh bhTo grind, direct, stretch out hdhGold bhzHand (cf. 20) dySufficiency, plenty ydValley )yg

15 The Mystic Number of GeburahHod: splendour dwhThe Monogram of the Eternal: the divine name of Chokmah hySpring byb)Steam, vapour dy)Pride; a carrying out; exaltation hw)gOverflowing, abounding bwzHe who impels; to force xzTo hide hbxLamentation yh

16 Hyssop bwz)He seized, cleaved to zx)Elevated, exalted, high hwbgInjury, war, lust; fell hwhShe )yhAlas! – Woe ywLike, equal to gwzHook, brooch, ring xx

17 Capricorn: a kid, young goat ydgNuts zwg)Ah! – Alas! yw)Nerve, sinew (Gn. 32:25, 32) dygNarrative, subtle discourse hdghThat [one] (ref. to )wh) )whhTo dream, rave hzhA fly bwbzSacrificed xbzTo seethe, boil dwzTo brighten, make joyful hdxA circle, orbit gwxGood bw+To give, place bhy

18 My favourite, my beloved ybh)Hatred hby)The Antique Serpent )+xLiving yx(Notariqon of Yehi Aur, 232) )w)y

19 An enemy byw)Was black hydEve: to manifest, show forth hwxNation; gentile ywg

20 Yod: a hand dwyA name of God yyFraternity hwx)Black liquid wydIt was hyhThe breast; a vision; a prophet; to gaze hzxSin h)+hGolden bwhz

21 The Mystic Number of TipharethExistence, being: the divine name of Kether hyh)But, howbeit; certainly K)Deep meditation gyghAh! – Alas! ywhPurity, innocence wxzPart of hwhy (see Sepher Yetzirah) why

22 With his hand wdybBy Yodh dwybHearer in secret hy))hThe state of puberty gwwzA magical vision (Ch.) )wzxWheat h+xGood hbw+(Notariqon of “Yehovah Elohim Yehovah Achad”, 151) )y)yUnity dxy

23 Parted, removed, separated xxzJoy hwdxA thread +wxLife; Chiah: the Soul in Chokmah hyxLesser (Ar.) )+wz

24 The number of Enochian Seniors, and of Elders in RevelationHe whom I love ybwh)He who loves me ybhw)A Mercurial God (whose essence is z), 8) hgwbz)Substance; a body hywgA pauper; oppressed KdAbundance zyzBucket, pail, vessel dk

25 To break )kdBeast )wyxLet there be yhyWill be separated xzyThus, so; here, there hk

26 The number of the Sephiroth of the Middle Pillar: 1 + 6 + 9 + 10.The Pillar of Mercy: the paths Vau and Kaph (cf. 48 & 463) k wSeeing, looking at hzwxSight, vision hwzxTETRAGRAMMATON: “Yehovah”: the Unutterable Name: theLost Word.


Kebad, husband of the impure Lilith; to honour; heavy; liver dbk27 Wept, mourned hkb

Pure, clear, transparent, innocent KzA parable, enigma, riddle hdyx

28 The Mystic Number of NetzachThe God HADIT (cf. 419) +ydhMire, clay +y+

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Union, unity dwxyPower, strength xkPalate KxOne beloved dydy

29 Is broken, crushed; he croucheth (Ps. 10:10) hkdTo break down, overturn Kdh

30 A party to an action at law; defendant, plaintiff (note Lamed = 30 =Libra = VIII, “Justice”)


It will be hyhy31 How? Ky)

To; divine name of Chesed l)To go KwhA beating, striking, collision h)khAnd there was (Gn 1:3; see S.D. 1:31) yhywNot, no )l

32 (Coalescence of hyh) and hwhy: Macroprosopus andMicroprosopus. This is symbolised by the Hexagram. Suppose the 3Hehs conceal the 3 Mothers: Aleph, Mem and Shin; and we get 358q.v.)


Lord; not lbThe bond of matrimony gwwyzWas pure hkzZig-zag, fork-lightning zyzxUnity dyxyGlory dwbkMind, heart, centre bl

33 Sorrow; wept, mourned lb)Spring, fountain; ruins; wave; dung; oil vessel lg

34 God the Father: divine name attributed to Jupiter b) l)To ransom, avenge, pollute l)gTo reveal )lgWretched; a pauper ldA common person; uneducated, ignorant +wydh

35 Agla, a name of God (notariqon of Ateh Gibor Le-Olahm Adonai,858)


Boundary, limit lbgHe will go Khy

36 The Mystic Number of HodA tent, tabernacle lh)How? (La. 1:1, 2:1 & 4:1-2) hky)To curse; Goddess; a name of God attributed to Mercury hl)To remove, cast away )lhConfession ywdywPerhaps, possibly; would that!; not, no wlTo separate, divide ldb

37 God (Ch.) )hl)Behold! wl)Perished, grew old hlbTo grow great ldgStandard, banner lgdTenuity, breath, vanity; in vain; Abel (I.Z.Q.: “The SupernalBreathers”)


Profession lzYechidah: the Soul in Kether hdyxyFlame bhlTo stray, turn aside zl

38 He departed lz)Innocent y)kzThe palate KyxTo make a hole, hollow; to violate; bulwark, wall, rampart; profane lxMoist, fresh, green xl

39 To abide, dwell lbzDew l+The Eternal is One dx) hwhyHe cursed; laudanum +l

40 Liberator: a title of Yesod l)wgTo cut off lzgA rope; ruin; to bind lbxMilk blxThe Hand of the Eternal hwhy dyTo me, to mine yl

41 Fecundity blx)Ram; force (hence “a hero”); hart, a title of Malkuth ly)My God yl)Mother M)To fail, cease l+bDivine Majesty l)w)gTerminus lwbgTo burn lxgTerror lwhTo go round in a circle lgxA name of God (see I.R.Q. 778 & no. 86) hwhy hy

42 The number of letters of a great name of God terrible and strong,and of the Assessors of the DeadEloah, a name of God hwl)The Supernal Mother, unfertilized (cf. 52) )m)Terror, calamity hhlbLoss, destruction ylbTo cease ldxMy glory ydwbkThe Earth (our world) dlxThe greater ldgh

43 Great lwdgTo rejoice lygTo make faint hlxLion (cf. 340) )yblHazel, almond zwlTogether, also Mg

Magus gmOne beloved by God hydydy

44 Aries: a ram, lamb hl+Aquarius: a bucket yldDrops ylg)A pool, pond; sorrow Mg)Captive, captivity hlwgBlood MdSand; horror (see the Scorpion Pentacle in the Key of Solomon; seealso Liber 418 10th Ayre)


Flame +hlGarment dm

45 The Mystic Number of YesodAdam: Man; red Md)The Fool dm)Redemption, liberation hlw)gTo grow warm; they (masc.) MhHesitated (see 405) lxzShe who ruins hlbxhwhy in Yetzirah )h w)w )h dwyGreatly, strongly, very d)mWhat, which, why, how; anything, something; Yetzitah’s “SecretNature” (see S.D. 1:38-39)


46 A name of God yhl)A female slave; an ell, cubit hm)Tin, the metal of Jupiter lydbA dividing, sundering, separation hldbhA ruiner lbwx

47 Foolish, silly, stupid lyw)A weeping hyykbCloud; high place; waves; fortress hmbTo clutch, hold +lxThat it was good bw+ ykAUM (cf. 111) Mw)

48 The Pillar of Severity: the paths Cheth and Mem (cf. 26 & 463) m xPlanet; star: the Sphere of Mercury bkwkGreatness, magnificence, glory: a title of Chesed hlwdgA woman; strength; an army lyxTo grow warm; heat, fire; black MxJubilee lbwyFrom that time, of old (see Ps. 93:2, & Prov. 8:22) z)mFat; marrow xm

49 The Living God yx l)Resembled; meditated; silent hmdDrooping, being sick hlwxStrength )lyxHeat, fury (Ch.) )mxA bringing forth, birth, nativity hdylA measuring; a measure hdmTo dissolve, melt: “solve” gwmThe Rod of Aaron +m

50 The Number of Gates of Understanding (the number of permutationsof the lower seven sephiroth with each other, plus one for unity)Closed, shut up M+)Great fish (Jonah’s Whale) lwdg gdTo ferment; they (masc.) hmhPains, sorrows ylbxUnclean, impure )m+The sea MyAll; every lkTo thee KlWho? Which?; whoever, everyone; waters (see I.R.Q. 996,“mercury”)


Red earth, the soil hmd)51 Edom Mwd)

Ate; devoured lk)Where?; pain; Heliopolis (cf. 57) N)Tumultuously; to harass, perturb MwhFailure; please, I pray thee; raw; now; Thebes (Na 3:8; for “NA”,see Dr. Dee’s Mysteriorum Liber Primus)


52 Father and Mother )m)w )b)Supernal Mother, a title of Binah (cf. 42) )my)Elihu (Eli Hua, “He is my God”, who is the Holy Guardian Angel ofJob in the allegory)


Please, I beseech you )n)Beast, cattle, brute animal hmhbFrom all, among all lkbThe Son: Assiah’s “Secret Nature” (see S.D. 1:38-39) NbMeditation (cf. 827); imagination; sin hmzA desirable one; to desire dmxBrother-in-law Mbyhwhy in Assiah hh ww hh dwyA dog blk

53 A stone, rock Nb)Elihu (see 52) )whyl)Garden NgTo defend, hide; a wall; the sun; fury hmxThe spleen lwx+A lover hbh)m

54 A basin, bowl, vessel (Ex. 24:6) Ng)Rest ymdTo judge, rule NdPertaining to summer MwxMy flame; enchantments y+hlTribe; branch, rod, staff, stick, sceptre, spear; a bed h+mTo remove; a heap, wall dn

55 Σ1-10. The Sum of the Sephiroth; the Mystic Number of Malkuth.Thief; stole bng

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Robbery, pillage hlyzgSilence hmwdA footstool MwdhTo swell, heave (see 51) MyhTo walk KlhKnuckle; member, limb )ylwxBride: a title of Malkuth hlkNoon; midday bgnOrnament; splendour, eminence hnLo!; whether, if; they (fem.) Nh

56 Dread, terror hmy)He suffered hn)Day MwyBeautiful h)nFood hlk)The Goddess NU wn

57 Pisces: fishes MygdRim Ndb)Consuming lkw)Formidable, terrible Mwy)We wn)A breaking down, subversion, destruction lw+ybTo build; built hnbAltar xbzmLaying-by, making secret )wbxmStrength; wealth; trouble, sorrow; Heliopolis (cf. 51) Nw)Better b+wmSpecies, kind Nz

58 Loves, amours (see 499) Mybh)An ear Nz)My strength, power, might ylyxGrace, love, kindness, charm (notariqon of Chokmah Nesethrah: theSecret Wisdom, 788)


Resting, at rest (grammatical: silent, mute) xnBattering ram yxm

59 Brethren (referred to Lilith & Samael) Myx)A wall hmwxMenstruation (lit. “impurity”) hdn

60 Tried by fire; a watch-tower NxbExcellence, sublimity, glory, pride Nw)gConstitution, tradition; practice hklhBehold!; they (fem.) hnhA basket )n+Vision hzxmThe Southern district hbgnUtensil, instrument, tool ylkLament yn

61 Adon: master, lord Nwd)Nothing; not Ny)Towards, to thee Kyl)I, myself; a ship, fleet yn)The belly N+bWealth NwhDwelling, habitation (as body is of soul) hwn

62 Healing )s)The sons ynbTo commit; healing hnzBetween Nyb

63 Abaddon: destruction, ruin (hell, as development of lw)#, 337; cf.451)


Dregs, roll; faeces (globular); dung llgFed NwzThe nose M+wxFervour hmyxhwhy in Briah yh w)w yh dwyBriah’s “Secret Nature” (see S.D. 1:38-39) gsBeaver, builder hnwbProphet )ybn

64 Shine, glow: the Sphere of Venus (see S.B. 75) hgwnJustice: a title of Geburah NydA sigh, groan, deep breath hxn)The golden waters (I.R.Q. 996; cf. 97) bhz ymProphecy h)wbnSerenity hnwgStocks ds

65 Adonai: My Lord (referred to Malkuth; cf. 155 & 361) ynd)Weasels and other terrible animals Myxw)Palace, temple, mansion lkyhShone, gloried, praised llhSilence! shDefective NzxA door post hzwzmA beating, striking hkmA lament, wailing yhnSilence, quietness hymwd

66 The Mystic Number of the Qliphoth, and of the Great WorkFood, victuals hlyk)Thy God (Deut. 4:24, 28:58) Kyhl)A ship hyn)A trial, an experiment NwxbA wheel (the cognomen of Shekinah) lglgMiry Nwy

67 Binah: understanding hnybZayin: a sword NyzA ship, fleet ynw)Debased llz

To embalm +nx68 Wise (“he will understand that?”) Nbyw

To be wise MkxEmptiness llxTo pity sxLulav: a palm branch blwlLife Myyx

69 A manger, stable; an enclosure swb)Myrtle sdhNations; gentiles MyywgTransgression, error, sin +s

70 Hush, be silent hshWine NyyNight lylThe Secret (Ps. 25:14; see 353) dwsAdam and Eve hwxw Md)Honest; so, thus, just so, such, so much Nk

71 Thy terror Kmy)Nothing; an apparition, image; idol lyl)Silence; silent Ml)Lead, the metal of Saturn; a plummet-line, level, water-level Kn)Vision NwzxA dove, pigeon hnwyA dove hwnyPlentitude, fulness; to fill )lm

72 The number of triliteral names in the Shem ha-Mephorasch (72 × 3= 216); which, by the addition of -YH or -AL, give 72 angelsChesed: mercy, kindness dsxAdonai, as transliterated in the Lemegeton, etc. (cf. 65) y)nwd)In, so, thus, then NkbIn the secret dwsbAnd they are excellent, finished wlkywhwhy in Atziluth yh wyw yh dwyAtziluth’s “Secret Nature” (see S.D. 1:38-39): thickness, cloud; Aub b(Revolving; transmigration lwglg

73 Chokmah: wisdom hmkxGimel: a camel lmgTo trust in, shelter in hsxA day of feast bw+ MwyA title of Chokmah hmxk

74 Lamed: an ox-goad dmlA leader, chief, judge NyydWorn-out; beggars MykdA circuit; roundabout bybsAll the way, duration; eternity; booty; witness, proof; ruler d(Knowledge (cf. 474) (d

75 NUIT, THE STAR GODDESS (cf. 466) +ywnHues, colours, complexions ynwwgBrightness; Lucifer, the Herald Star llyhA lamenting, wailing hllyThe Pleiades hmykNight; by night hlylPriest NhkUnto them Mhl

76 Secret, put away; a hiding-place NwybxRest, peace xxynSlave, servant db(Goddess hlyl)

77 Prayed h(bOverflowing (Ps. 124:5) NwdyzTowers, citadels ldgmThe Influence through the Paths (cf. 78); destiny, fate, luck;constellation, planet (cf. 483 & 536); soul-root


Goat; strength; violence; glory z(78 Σ1-12. The Mystic Number of Kether as Hua; the number of Tarot

cards; the sum of the Key-Numbers of the Supernal BeardAiwass: the Angel of Ra-Hoor-Khuit (“incorrect” – cf. 93) s)wy)The breaker; dream (n. & v.) MlxTo pity lmxTo initiate KnxBread (Ps. 78:20) (= Mlx, by metathesis) MxlThe Influence through the Paths (cf. 77) )lzmSalt xlmThe name of a Giant )z(Palace of Love (referred to Chesed) hbh) lkyhBefore (in front of), over against xkn

79 Jachin, the Pillar of Mercy (Chokmah-Chesed-Netzach; situate inNetzach)


Boaz, the Pillar of Severity (Binah-Geburah-Hod; situate in Hod) z(bDie (wgConjunction, meeting, union hd(Writing instrument +(

80 Yesod: the foundation dwsyWater (alternative spelling of Mem, 90) MmUnion; an assembling d(wTo make perfect; general, universal, collective llkThrone (Ex. 17:16, i.e. there “because a hand is on the throne ofYah”)


Ruins y(Crowd KsShovel (y

81 Gods Myl)I (Ex. 23:20) ykn)Also, yea; anger; nose P)Throne )skHere, hither )p

82 A prayer (Ch.) y(b

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Kindly, righteous, holy dysxWhite NblThe beloved thing xwxyn

83 (Notariqon of the four worlds: Atziluth, Briah, Yetzirah, Assiah) (yb)The drops of dew (Job. 38:28) l+ ylg)(cf. Gimel, 73) lmygA flowing, wave MylgPerson, self; back, top; wing (Ch.) PgConsecration; dedicated hknxTo flee, put one’s things in safety (Jer. 6:1) (wzMournings, laments Mylb)Unripe fig gp

84 (The Hebrew guttural letters – see I.Z.Q. 694 et seq., & cf. 133) (xh)A wing (army), squadron; a chosen troop Pg)Was silent MmdA dream MwlxEnoch KwnxKnew (dyAmethyst hmlx)

85 Peh: the mouth hpA flower, cup (ybgPut in motion, routed MmhCircumcision hlym

86 A name of God, asserting the identity of Kether and Malkuth ynd) hyh)Elohim (a name of God, meaning “Gods” – masc. pl. of fem. sing.):the Angelic Choir of Netzach


Hallelu-Yah: Praise the Lord hywllhA rustling of wings hlwmh(See I.R.Q. 778 & no. 41) Md) hwhy hyCup; vagina swkBlemish, spot, stain MwmPlenitude ywlmTo divide lydbm

87 Frankincense; whiteness: the Sphere of Luna hnblOak; oak-wood Nwl)A cup Kws)Blasphemed PdgStandards, military ensigns MylgdDetermined MmzWhite storks hdysxPure gold (lit. “refined”) zp

88 Redness; sparkling llkxTo be hot MmxDarkness KsxRoaring, seething; burning lxnPure, innocent PxSnare, danger xp

89 Shut up; body PwgSilence, whisper hmmdChildren P+

90 Mem: water MymVery silent MmwdKing: a title ofTiphareth KlmBasket lsGeneral, universal, collective yllkManna; portion Nm

91 Σ1-13. The Mystic Number of Kether as Achad; the sum of theletters of the Supernal Beard if K = 11, etc. (see 145)A tree Nly)Firm, faithful; Amen: So be it!: a title of Kether Nm)The Ephod dwp)ynd) hwhy interlaced yhnwdh)yArchangel of Geburah l)mkFood, fare lk)mAngel K)lmQueen (Ar.) )klmManna )nmA hut, tent hkwsPekht: “extension” hh)p

92 Terror: a title of Geburah dxpThe Lord thy God [is a consuming fire] (Deut. 4:24 – see 182; Deut.28:58)

Kyhl) hwhy

Mud CbLitter bc

93 Aiwass: the Minister of Hoor-paar-kraat (“correct” – cf. 78) zwy(The sons of [the merciful] God l) ynbIncense hnwblA disc, round shield; a defender NgmPossession hlxnArduous, busy; host, army )bc

94 Corpse hpwgThe valley of vision NwyzxygTo extinguish K(dA fault (Ps. 50:20, i.e. there “allege a fault”) ypdA shore PwxA window NwlxA drop hp+Children MydlyCongratulations, good luck bw+ lzmPrickly dnmSide dc

95 The Sphere of Mars Myd)mThe great stone hldg Nb)The waters MymhMultitude, abundance NmhJourney KlhmQueen hklm

Selah, “Lift up!” (Ps. 32:5, 7, etc.) hls96 A name of God ynd) l)

(Chaldee form of Myhl)) Nyhl)By day MmwyOccupation, [mundane] work (cf. 415 & 420) hk)lmThe secret [counsel] of the Lord (Ps. 25:14; see 353) hwhy dwsStatute wc

97 Changeless, constant; the God Amon (Na. 3:8) Nwm)The Son of Man Md) NbArchangel of Netzach l)yn)hThe appointed time NmzTo seize suddenly P+xA hand-breadth, palm (I Kings 7:26 &. Ex. 25:25) xp+A brick, tile hnyblA building; an architect hnbmThe good waters of EL: Quicksilver (I.R.Q. 995; cf. 64 & 100) b+h l) ymYellow bhc

98 A name of God Myhl) )whTemporary dwelling, camp (Ex. 33:11) )nmzImage; hid, concealed (pertains to Sol and the Lingam-Yoni) NmxTo consume, eat lsxBright, clear; white xcArrow; lightning; punishment; wound; Out! Avaunt! Go away! Cx

99 The pangs of childbirth hdyl ylbxThe Vault of Heaven; an inner chamber; wedlock, nuptial hpwxCognition, knowledge h(ydy

100 Kaph: the palm [of the hand] (fig. notariqon of Kteis-Phallus) PkA day; the seas; the times MymyVases, vessels MylkAn effort, exertion NwdmMitigation of the one by the other (I.R.Q. 995; cf. 97) l)b+yxmYoke; upper part; on, upon, above, over; to, towards; after; because l(Throat (lA suffering, discouraged one; tax smSpecies, kind NymFlask, bottle KpSpice; drug; poison MsDryness; ship yc

101 Swallowed, destroyed (l)A storehouse Ms)Michael: Archangel of Fire (lit. “Like God”) l)kymKingdom; a virgin princess (esp. THE Virgin Princess, i.e. theChurch)


Gut; gut-string )mynVomit )qAnd it was so Nk yhyw

102 A white goose Nbl zww)Trust; truth; faith hnwm)Desirable, worthy of desire dmxnGrace; pride; fame, glory; a wild goat ybcLord, owner; to possess; lands, government l(bUnit of measure bqVilon, veil: the veil between Yesod and Malkuth Nwlyw

103 Dust qb)To guard, protect NngLoathed l(gFood, meat (Ch.) NwzmOblation hxnmProphets My)bnA calf lg(

104 Tzaddi: a fish-hook; trade ydcFather of the mob, or of the multitude Nwmh b)Quarrel, dispute NydmPersonal [belongings], small private property hlwgsGiving up, presenting, remitting xlwsOut! Avaunt! Go away! CwxCrushed, fine, thin qdKing David dwd Klm

105 To subvert, ruin, change KphSkullcap, yarmulka hpk

106 Nun: a fish NwnAttained qbdStibium (a type of kohl) KwpLine, string, linen thread; norm wqYour God Mkyhl)

107 An egg hcybChain; flaming arrow qzThe Shield (or Star) of David (the Hexagram) dwd Ngm

108 2x2 × 3x3x3: hence used as the number of beads on a rosary bysome sectsThe ears Mynz)The fruit of a deep valley lxnh yb)bA wall CyxTo force, do wrong to smxTo love very much NnxTo shut up, obstruct MsxThe middle ycxTo measure out, share; a decree, statute; tall (masc.); task; boundary(cf. 113)


Builders MynwbLeader gyhnm

109 Lightning zqbQuiet hxwnmMusic NwgnCircle; sphere lwg(Small +q

110 Father of Faith hnwm)h b)

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The roof of a [bridal] canopy (“The artificial roof of heaven, underwhich the promises of marriage are delivered”)

hpwxh gg

Resemblance, likeness, image NwymdTo embrace qbxAt the end of the days; the right hand NymyA sign, flag, standard snKinsmen, nation, populace; with, by, near M(Fool lsk

111 Aleph: an ox; a thousand Pl)Pele: the [Hidden] Wonder: a title of Kether )lpRed (Gn. 25:25) ynwmd)He is One God: a name of God Myhl) )wh dx)Ruin, destruction, sudden death Ns)AUM (thus in S.S.; cf. 47) M()Thick darkness lp)Passwords of ...... ynd) hwhy dwyMad llwhmA holocaust, whole burnt offering; an ascent hlw(Precious stone Nx Nb)Vomit )yq

112 A structure; mode of building NynbWas angry snbSharpness qdxThe Lord God: the divine name of Binah Myhl) hwhy(Notariqon of Ha-Qadosh Barukh Hua, 655) hbqh

113 Likewise; the same (fem.) (cf. 108) hqxA giving away, remitting hxylsA stream, brook glp

114 Tear (weeping) (mdGracious, obliging, indulgent NwnxScience (dmBrains NyxwmWe wnxn

115 Here am I ynnhThe heat of the day Mwyh MwxTo make strong; vehement, eager qzxWe wnxn)

116 Doves MynwyThe munificent ones MybydnPrimordial h)ly(Artificial (counted only with Mem final in S.S.) Mylglg

117 Fog, darkness lpw)Chief, duke; guide Pwl)

118 To pass, renew, change PlxTo ferment (mxThe High Priest lwdg NhkThe Goddess NU (spelt in full) :w:n

119 Lydian-stone Nxwb Nb)Beelzebub: the Fly-God bwbzl(bWeeping (subst.) h(mdAbominable lwgp

120 Samekh: a prop, support KmsMaster l(kFoundation, basis ydswmSeason; the time of the decree d(wmStrengthening NykmProphetic sayings, or decrees: “His days shall be” (hence “Abra-Melin”)


A veil, covering, screen KsmA name of God N(Imaginary, fanciful ynwymdVermin MynkMocker ClMoth ssShadow; shelter lc

121 Vain idols Mylyl)An end, extremity Mp)Emanated from lc)Of whirling motions MylglghNocturnal vision )ylyl yd hwzxIt is filled )lmnCoin (b+m?Termination of Abr-amelim? Mlym)

122 Compelled by force hswn)Revolutions [of souls] MylwglgEvil possessing spirit qwbyd

123 A name of God implying Kether, Chokmah and Binah (3, 4 & 5letters)

Myhl) hwhy hh)

War hmxlmA blow; plague (gnPleasure, delight gn(An attack upon others, a violation, injury MgpHigh Priest lwdgh Nhk

124 An oak; hardness NswxPleasure, delight: Eden Nd(

125 (?) Thine hand (Ps. 139:5; see S.D. 5:16) hkpk126 A window hnml)

Darkness hlyp)A name of God )lg) ynd) hwhyHospitality NwlmHorse swsOn: a name of God (cf. 120); penalty of iniquity: “being takenaway”


Humble, afflicted wn(127 Material, natural (Ar.) (b+wm128 To withdraw, rescue, deliver; to equip for war Clx

Goodly strength; proof Nysx

God the Eternal One wnyhl) hwhy129 Pleasure (Gn. 18:12) hnd(

Delight, pleasure gnw(The standing prayer (from vb. to stand) hdym(Palace of Serenity (referred to Hod) hnwg lkyh

130 Ayin: an eye Ny(Deliverance hlchThe Angel of Redemption l)gh K)lmDecrees, prophetic sayings NylmThe Pillars (cf. 164) ydwm(Destitute yn(A staircase, ladder MlsChaff CmLest NpSwift lq

131 He was angry Pn)Nose Myp)Turn, roll Np)A title of Kether hswkmHumility hwn(Pluto (referred to Daath) w+wlp

132 To make waste qlbTo receive lbq

133 (The Hebrew palatal letters; see I.Z.Q. 694 et seq., & cf. 84) qkygVine NpgThe salt sea xlmh MyPlague Pgn

134 Burning qld135 A destitute female hyn(

The congregation (see 161) lhqRoast, parch; burn; to be lightly esteemed, dishonoured hlq

136 The Avenging Angel l)wgh K)lmFines, penalties NwmmA voice lwq

137 A wheel; one of the Auphanim Npw)The belly, gullet )kmw+s)A pillar, monument (Gn. 28:22) hbcmA receiving, tradition; the Qabalah hlbq

138 The Son of God Myhl) NbTo smoothe, divide qlxTo leaven, ferment CmxTo pollute PnxHe shall smite CxmForehead xcm

140 Melakim, Kings: the Angelic Choir of Tiphareth MyklmRottenness qmAbove l(mFlower; hawk CnExtremity spFace ynpThreshold, entrance PsThorn Nc

141 Robust; oaken Cym)Gathered, collected Ps)Precept, commandment hwcmFaithful, loyal, steady Nm)nFirst )mqAngels, messengers Myk)lm

142 Wickedness, destruction l(ylbA stranger; Balaam M(lbDelights (Fire & Water) Mydmxm

143 The unshoeing hcylxRunning waters (Ct. 4:15) Mylzwn

144 A sandal ldnsBefore; the East; ancient things Mdq

145 The thirteen Paths of the Beard of Macroprosopus (see 91 & 1350) l k y + x z w h d g b )m

The Staff of God (Ex. 17:9) Myhl)h h+mInscrutable hl(mA feast hdw(sTreasure; hidden or secret thing Nwm+m

146 The First Gate )mq )bbLimit, end; boundless PwsEternity; world; an adult Mlw(

147 The four Names in the Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram )lg) hyh) ynd) hwhy148 Netzach: victory xcn

Libra: the scales Mynz)mBeni Elohim, Sons of the Gods: the Angelic Choir of Hod Myhl) ynbA name of God Myhl) hwhy hy hyh)Glutton and drunkard (Deut. 21:20) )bwsw llwzTo withdraw, retire qmxFlour, meal xmq

149 The living Gods (cf. 154) Myyx Myl)A beating of the breast; a noisy striking dpshTo make wrinkled +mq

150 Soothsayer (lit. “one who knows”) ynw(dyA walking shoe l(nThine eye (“is” written – see 160 & I.R.Q. 652) Kny(Nest NqTo darken, dim Mm(Wing, skirt; winged Pnk

151 hyh) spelt in full hh dwy hh Pl)hwhy of the Gods is One hwhy dx) hwhy Myhl) hwhyThe Fountain [of Living Waters] (Jer. 17:13) hwqmA standing upright, stature hmwqJealous )nq

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152 The Bringing-forth One )ycwmhResidence, station bycn

154 Elohim of Lives (cf. 149) Myyx Myhl)155 Adonai the King: a divine name of Malkuth (cf. 65 & 361) Klm ynd)

The faithful friend Nm)n dwdThe beard (“correct”) (S.D. 2:1 et seq.) )nqdLetters of the Cherubic signs c n + wA seed hnq

156 The number of letters in each Tablet of Enoch: 12 × 13BABALON: THE VICTORIOUS QUEEN (lit. “Gate of the Gods”;see Liber 418)


The Tabernacle of the congregation (Lev. 1:1) d(wm lh)A viper h(p)Locked [door]; shod, wearing shoes lw(nFowl Pw(Zion NwycLimpid blood lwlcCrying aloud (the city of Hadar (see 209), referred to Binah inI.R.Q. 994; cf. S.D. 4:19)


157 The setting of the Sun hmx ymwdmdWas angry, enraged; anger P(zThe beard (S.D. Cap. 2); lingam (qnz?) NqzHidden; wonderful )lpwmFemale; yoni hbqnDemon; injurer qyzm

158 Arrows MycyxTo suffocate qnxBalances (Ch.) Nynz)mEternal, perpetual, enduring yxcn

159 Surpassing Whiteness (see 934) )nycwbPoint hdqn

160 Thine eyes (pl.; “not” written; see 150 & I.R.Q. 652) Kyny(Silver PskFell down lpnA rock, stone (lsA tree C(Thy face (Ez. 3:8) KynpImage MlcCain NyqTo be lovely, pleasant M(nExisting, stable Myyq

161 The Heavenly Man (lit. the “primordial” or “exalted” man) h)ly( Md)The Congregation of the Eternal hwhy lhq

162 The sum of the letters of the Lesser Beard, if N = 14, etc. (see 1350)Son of the right Hand NymynbColour (bc

163 He, the Lord God ynd) Myhl) )whWoman, wife hbqwn

164 The Pillars (see 79) Mydm(Ye shall cleave MyqbdxOuter; civil (as opposed to sacred) Nwcyx

165 Strength (Ez.3:8) MyqzxTo make them know (Ps. 25:4) M(ydwhlNEMO (name of Magister Templi) hymm(An assembly hc(Curse hllq

166 Under penalty of law (esp. a fine) Nwmm byyxThe Most High Nwyl(

167 The Unnameable One (a demon) Nwmys)Fetters (Job 36:8) Myqyz

168 The Supernal Parents h)ly( )m)w )b)To cover; protect Ppx

169 The accentuator Mym(+170 Wand; [David’s] Staff lqm

Cup lpsCloud Nn(Seasons Myd(wmFools; the constellation Orion Mylysk

171 The original seed (lit. “from the chief”; scil. “root”) lyc)mEmanating from lc)nThe Face of God: the name of an angel l)ynp

172 Cut, divided (qbHe affected (“not” read) bc(yClusters; grapes Mybn(The heel; the end bq(Qabalist lbqmThe Golden image [of Nebuchadnezzar] (Dan. 3) )bhd Mlc

173 Lighten mine eyes yny( lgI am hwhy thy God Kyhl) hwhy ykn)

174 Torches MydyplThe splendour encircling him bybs wl hgwn

175 Suction hqynyDuplicity hlpkmA slipping, falling hlypn

176 An advisor, counselling C(wyTo eternity Mlw(lIllegitimate lwspTrial, temptation Nwysn

177 Lord of Lords Mynwd)h Nwd)The Garden of Eden Nd( NgTo cry out for help q(zPlenitude of plenitudes ywlmh ywlm

178 The lower part, the loins MyclxGood pleasure, choice, decision, will CpxQuicksilver yx PskConstant, fixed (wbq

179 A binding hdq(180 A spring, fountain (Ct. 4:15; see 143) Nyy(m181 Vicious; faulty hlwsp182 A jealous (or, zealous) God (Deut. 4:24) )nq l)

Outcry, clamour hq(zLayer of snares; supplanter; Jacob bq(yAngel of the Gods Myhl)h K)lmPassive (as opposed to lbqxm = active) lybqm

184 Ancient time; eastward ldqnTo number; to visit; to inspect dqp

186 Qoph: the back of the head; an ape PwqA stone of stumbling, a rock to fall over (Is. 8:14) Pgn Nb)An increase PswmA [civil] officer MynwmmA place MwqmExperimental, tentative ynwysn

187 Auphanim, Wheels: the Angelic Choir of Chokmah Mynpw)Lifted up Pqz

188 The Master of the Nose M+wxh l(kMidnight (cf. 579) hlylh ycx

189 A spring shut up (Ct. 4:12. Note hlg = “to uncover”) lw(n lgThe Ancient among the Ancient Nybsd )bs

190 Through which place the Angel guided +yw )byw (sywInternal ymynpCrown of flowers, diadem, fillet CycThe side or flank; rib (lcThe end, appointed time (Dan. 12:14; see 305) CqPearl: a title of Malkuth Nynp

191 Face, countenance Nypn)Cessations, futilities, nothings Mysp)A box, chest; a repository hpwq

192 Poisonous wind: the “Samún”, or “Simoon” hp(lzYe shall cleave in hwhy (cf. 220) hwhyb Myqbdx

194 Righteousness, equity, justice; the Sphere of Jupiter qdc195 A flock hnqm

Visitation hdwqpNeptune (referred to Kether) Nw+pn

196 The Sea of Wisdom (S.D. 1:28, etc.) Pws MyThe crown, summit, point; thorn (cf. 140) CwqAges; worlds Mymlw(Narrowness; oppression qwc

197 Most High God Nwyl( l)198 Victories Myxcn199 A giving freely; charity hqdc200 Wings Mypnk

A branch Pn(Bone; substance, essence; body Mc(Archetypal NwmdqSummer CyqA sling; a casting-net (lqDivination; witchcraft Msq

201 Light (Ch.) r)202 To make empty qqb

Corn, grain; a field; son; pure, empty; chosen; purity, innocence rbA lifting up hpyqzApertures MybqnMany; much; great, mighty; multitude, abundance br

203 Lead; initials of the Trinity, xwr Nb b); passed away, perished;feather, wing; (moreover the genital member; cf. 248 & 447)


To lie in wait br)A well, spring: a title of Malkuth r)bCreated )rbExotic, foreign; dwelling rgGreater (Ar.) )br

204 Commencement of the name Abra-Melin )rb)Pearl; race; age rdThe righteous qydc

205 Splendrous rd)Mighty; hero rbgMountain rh

206 Assembly; area )rd)Hail drbSpake; word, thing; cloud; murrain rbdThey of the world Mlw( ymyTo see, observe, perceive; to consider h)r

207 A scorpion (cf. 372) b)rg)Lord of the Universe Mlw( Nwd)Light (Aur is the balanced Light of open day; cf. 9 & 11) rw)Limitless Pws Ny)Ate hrbWalled, fenced rdgThat which cuts rbhThe Elders (Deut. 21:19) MynqzMelt, fuse qqzThe Crown of the Ark; strange, foreign; border rzTo grow great, multiply hbrDemons; injurers Myqyzm

208 Feather hrb)A cistern rwbBowed rhgTo make strife; contend hrgLocusts hbr)To kill grhAbominable )rzMultitude bwrHole rx

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Cedar zr)209 Chief Seer or Prophet (hence Abra-Melin) h)rb)

Reward, profit, prize hrg)To delay, tarry; behind (prep.) rx)Way xr)Dispersed rzbSojourned, dwelt; whelp rwgOppressed brzOrnament, splendour, honour; the supernal benignity; Hadar (theHebrew version of the Syriac Hadad, “the Sun”, from the EgyptianHadit; see 156 & I.R.Q. 994)


210 Adam Primus: the First Man (see 607) rhd)Choice rxbPass on, fly xrbTo decide, determine rzgTo dwell; circle, cycle; generation rwdTo conceive hrhA joining of words; incantations; to conjoin; a brother rbxA sword brxN.O.X. (Liber VII, 1:40; Liber 333 Caps. 1 & 29) c ( nPoints, pricks, dots MydwqnAmulet, magic square (mqGiants MylpnRushing water yrBloom, blossom; hawk (cn

211 (Worthy) rxb)A lion yr)Strong rwbgA flash; lightning hr)hA girdle rgxA flood r)yThe fear (i.e. wonderment) [of hwhy] (cf. 611) )ry

212 Great Voice rwbdSplendour; to enlighten rhzTo spread out; harlot; golden hrzTo enclose; a secret chamber rdx

213 Strong, powerful, mighty; the Almighty ryb)Limestone; chalk rygSlaughter hgrhLoaded rzwTo be strange; a stranger rwzThe Supernal Mercy of God l)d h)l( dsxA great cloud lwdg Nn(

214 A girdle rwz)Whiteness rwxCame down dryAir; spirit; wind; mind xwr

215 Eminent; a prince (Ps 8:1) ryd)A path, narrow way xrw)Posterior; the reversed part rwx)A rising; to rise “as the Sun”; to give light xrzTo encompass rzx

216 Geburah: strength; courage hrwbgLeo: a lion hyr)The middle gate )(ycm )bbOracle (not from rbd, 206 q.v.); sanctuary rybdTARO (cf. 224, 280 & 671) wr)+Blood of grapes Mybn( MdDread, fear h)ryProfound (Ps. 92:5) qmw(Anger, wrath zgwrLatitude bxwr

217 The air ryw)Temple, palace, castle, fortress, citadel hrybFood hyrbA bee hrwbdThe navel rwb+Strife, controversy [of the Lord] hbyrBright, shining ryhbLeanness; secret yzr

218 Ayre, aethyr )ryw)Briah: the Creative World h)yrbThe benignity of Time Mlw( dsxThe moon (cf. 276); a month (cf. 312) xryMultitude ywbrArcana )yzrOdour, a smell xyr

219 Cleansing; cleansings hrh+220 The number of verses in The Book of the Law. The Sephiroth × the

PathsThe elect ryxbMistress; queen; demi-goddess hrybgYe shall cleave unto hwhy (“not” read; cf. 192) hwhyl MyqbdxClean; elegant rwh+A giant qn(Giants (fully written only in Num. 13:33) MylypnSoftness KrCups Mylps

221 Long Kr)222 Unto the place (Ex. 23:20) Mwqmh l)

Whiteness hrwwhGoodly mountain (Deut. 3:25) bw+ rhI will chase hyw)rTo kneel; bless; knee, lap KrbYoung male camel rkbTo make heavy; to make many, multiply; long; extent; long ago,already


To ride, drive; horseman, driver; vehicle bkrTo be mixed, mingled Kbr

224 Male (Ch.) rkdWalk, journey; THE Path Krd[The beginnings of] emanations (cf. 264) yqqwxRepresentations, inscriptions (cf. 264) yqwqxUnion rwxyNumber; census; appointed place; commandment dqpmThe Tarot (cf. 216, 280 & 671) +wr+

226 Profound; hidden; the North NwpcEternal Foundation of the World: a title of Yesod Mlw( dwsy

227 Long, tall Kwr)A piscine, pond; blessing (Prov. 10:22) hkrbRemember; male (sacred Phallus – see S.D. Cap. 2) rkzDamages, injuries NyqyznThe hooks of the pillars (Ex. 27:10, 11) Mydwm(h ywwl

228 First-born (cf. 567) rwkbBlessed! KwrbThe Tree of Life (cf. 233) Myyx C(

230 Astonishment hrkhSurrounding, encircling PyqmBands, stripes; bindings Mydwq(To sparkle, gleam Ccn

231 The Number of Gates of Wisdom (the number of permutations ofpairs of Hebrew letters disregarding order; i.e. Σ1-21)Prolonged; grew long Kyr)Male )rwkd

232 The sum of the Four Ways of spelling hwhy in the Four Worlds ryw) hyLet there be Light! rw) yhy

233 Remembering rwkzThe Tree of Life (cf. 228) Myyxh C(

235 Archangel of Chesed l)yqdc236 A handful Cmwq

The Northern One; Lilith ynwpc237 Essence of Glory dwbkh Mc(238 Lord of Wonders hw)lpnh Nwd)239 Azrael: the Angel of Death l)rz)

Iron lzrbThe lot lrwg

240 Myrrh; drop; bitter, sad; fierce rmThe afflictions of the sons of Adam (i.e. Succubae) Md) ynb y(gnFirst buds, sproutings MyncnCash; counted out, paid down MydwqpHigh, lofty MrRubies, gems Mynynp

241 To say; word; command rm)242 Recollection hrykz243 Created [they them] (Gn. 1:27) M)rb

Learned, complete; to finish, bring to pass (Ch.) rmgA bone; to destroy Mrg

244 To be insensible; in deep sleep; in trance (cf. 649) Mdr245 Adam Qadmon: the Archetypal Man (lit. “Eastern Man”, scil.

ancient)Nwmdq Md)

Gall, bile hrmSpirit of God l) xwr

246 Myrrh rwmVision, aspect h)rmHeight, altitude MwrGabriel: Archangel of Water (lit. “Mighty one of God”) l)yrbg

247 To overwhelm (Ps. 77:17); a flood MrzLight, luminary rw)mThe symbolic sense (i.e. of scripture, etc.; see 400 & 510) zmr

248 The three that bear witness, above and beneath, respectively (Md)the Spirit, the Water, and the Blood: Aleph being Air (Spiritus),Daleth standing for Md Blood, and Mem being both Water and theinitial of Mym, Water. cf. 203 & 447)

)rb Md)

Uriel or Auriel: Archangel of Earth (lit. resp. “Flame of EL” and“My light is EL”)


In vision h)rmbWine; bitumen; an ass (from “to disturb”) rmxMercy; womb; vulture MxrA lance xmrArchangel of Chokmah l)yzr

249 Fear, terror rwgm250 The living God of the Worlds, or of the Ages Mymlw(h yxl)

Midday (the South) MwrdHabit; action (Ch.) rwdmLamp; prosperity; instruction rnShout, rejoicing Nr

251 Fir, cedar (cf. 208) Nr)The angel Uriel: “Vrih1”, i.e. Magical Force (see Lytton’s “ComingRace”, and Abra-Melin’s forehead Lamin)


252 Serpent’s den hrw)m253 Proselytes Myrg

Matred (I.R.Q. 996) dr+m254 An ass rwmx

A mark, aim hr+mA solemn promise, vow rdnSpikenard (Ct. 4:14) drnA spear xmwrMerciful, compassionate Mwxr

255 Burdensome; with difficulty )rmwxThe East xrzmA river, stream (Gn. 2:10) rhnSong of joy hnr

256 Tidings (Ps. 68:11); saying, speech hrym)The Sons of the Righteous qdc ynb

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Dampnesses (pl.; see 705 &. K.D. p.20) NymlwpmThe Spirit of the Mother )m) xwrA spice merchant lkwrFire; fiery rwnWords Myrbd

257 The Ark [of the Covenant] Nwr)Magician M+rxTo His fearers (Ps. 25:14; see 353) wy)rylThe White Wand hnbl lqmHer dreadful self )rwnLights: the Urim (see 490) Myrw)

258 The red light Mwd) rw)Mercy ymxrIlluminating, radiant rwhzm

259 Throat Nwrg260 The Concealed )rym+

Will be exalted MyryA vineyard MrkI.N.R. (see 270) r n yThe inept and the profane (lit. “to idols”, as likenesses of men oranimals)


How great (Ps. 8:1) ryd) hmDeclined; ill-humoured rsTo gather, draw together Mcmc

261 He bound; an obligation, a prohibition rs)Abhorrence, abomination (Is. 66:24) Nw)rdFestival prayer book rwzxm

262 Lofty Nwrh)Severities N)rwbgTerrible )rwnhChambers, rooms MyrdxEye to eye (I.R.Q. 645) Ny(b Ny(

263 Gematria )yr+mgPained srg

264 “Emanations” (lit. “carvings”; cf. 224) MyqwqxFootprints (foot’s breadth) (Deut. 2:5) KrdmA straight row rdsChannels, pipes My+hr

265 Architect lkyrd)Broke down srhA cry of the heart; anguish, anxiety hq(c

266 Contraction Mwcmc267 Illicit, forbidden rws)

The Merkabah: a chariot; a seat, throne hbkrm268 Stones of the sling (lqh ynb)270 I.N.R.I. (Initials of Iesus Nazaraeus Rex Iudaeorum; Igni Natura

Renovata Integra; Intra Nobis Regnum deI; Isis Naturae ReginaIneffabilis; and many other sentences. See Crowley, Coll. WorksVol. I. Appendix)

y r n y

Enemy r(Evil; friend (r

271 Earth (Ch.) (whence “low, mean”) (r)In these words, as follows (see 256, hrym)) rm)l

272 Earth )(r)To consume; to injure; brutish r(bA great blow hbr hkmThe evening; to grow dark; to exchange, pawn; poplar, willow;desert; Arabia; sweet, pleasant; raven


273 The stone that the builders rejected (Ps. 118:22) Mynwbh ws)m Nb)The Hidden Light zwng rw)Four (br)Rebuked r(gTook away (rg

274 Paths Mykrd275 Pleasant abode h)n hryd

The river of justice Nyd r)y? Scripture (perh. lit. “scratched”) w+rsEvil h(r

276 A cithara rwnkThe moon (cf. 218) )rhys

277 To sow, propagate; seed, semen (rzFavour, benevolence )w(r

278 The World of Mevetbau: the Natural World (referred to Netzach-Hod-Yesod)

(b+wmh Mlw(

Kerubim: the Angelic Choir of Yesod (the four creatures; “the wingsof the wind”)


Four h(br)Wild beasts bwr(Passing over rbw(

279 Leprosy wrygs280 7 × 40: the Squares of the walls of the Vault (see 5° = 6□ ritual).

The Letters of Judgment: the 5 letters with a final form (S. D. 5:28) c p n m kTARO (cf. 216, 224 & 671) (r)+A record (Ch.) NwrkdArchangel of Malkuth NwpldnsCitizenship ry(Bull; victim; offering rpTerror Pr

281 A crown; ashes rp)Attire; adorned r)p

282 Aralim, Mighty Ones: the Angelic Choir of Binah Myl)r)Spirit of Lives Myyx xwrBeasts, cattle ry(bHebrew (the people, not the language; see 682) yrb(

283 Pure gold (lit. “enclosed gold”; cf. 87) rwgs bhzOf a memorial (see 964) NwrkzThat goes on foot Mylgr

284 Crown, diadem: a title of Malkuth hr+(

The small area of an enclosed garden hgwr(286 High, lofty Mwrm287 A piece of the host (unleavened bread) Nmwqyp)

Little ry(z288 Vindication rw(yb

Breeding, bearing; offspring rwby(Winter Prx

289 That which sets free (see 537, where it is figuratively “an opening”) r+pA particular, a detail +rp

290 Thine enemy Kr(Fruit yrpPiece CrPersecutor, enemy; distress, danger; stone rcMary, mother of Jesus Myrm

291 Torrents of water (lit. “channels of water”) Mym yqyp)To treasure, store rc)Earth (in particular, the Earth of Malkuth) Cr)A leopard (hence also “spotted”) )rmnAn adhering, adhesion; first, most eminent )krys

292 A young bird (Deut. 22:6) hwrp)Gold rcbA medicine, drug h)wpr

294 The Greater Light (Sol) ldgh rw)mhPurple Nmgr)Pertaining to Autumn Prwx

295 Curtain, canopy; vault (Ps 104:2) h(yryEyelids Ny(h ypnkExempt, free; exemption; stalk (e.g. of a flower) rw+pCandlestick hrnmNoon rhc

296 Of the Earth (see 992) Cr)hIts curve, its bend (rwkTo advance firmly; smoking, burning; rock (flint) rwc

297 Treasure, treasury rcw)Almighty God: the divine name of Geburah rwbg Myhl)A citadel; a secured house, a fortified castle Nwmr)The Throne: a Name of Binah )ysrwkThe angel Nuriel l)yrwnThe neck r)wc

298 Amen, our Light rw) Nm)Son of the Gods Nyhl) rbWhite rxcPathetic appeals; commiserations; compassion: a title of Tiphareth Mymxr

300 “Khabs am Pekht”: Light in Extension hh)pb rw)(A spelling of Myhl) in full – see Beth Elohim Dissert. II. Cap. I) Mm dwy yh dml Pl)To form rcyProfundities Myqm(mUncircumcised lr(Separation dwrypThe Spirit of God (Gn. l:2) Myhl) xwrCold; quiet rqThin; only; saliva qr

301 My Lord, the faithful King: a name of God Nm)n Klmh ynd)Fire #)A candlestick hrwnmTo call )rqDestruction )#

302 To cut open, inquire into; dawn rqbHath protected rbqTo putrefy bqr

303 Did evil; putrefaction #)bAnd God saw Myhl) )ryw

304 A species of gold CwrxGreen #dWhite rdqTeat; demon; idol; violence; ruin d#

305 Dazzling white light xc rw)Grass; tender herb (Gn. 1:11) )#dYetzirah: the formative world hrcyA curving, bending h(yrkThe end of days, appointed time (Dan. 12:14) Nymyh CqA lamb; sheep; goat h#Foreskin hlr(

306 Father of Mercy Mymxrh b)Merciful Father Nmxrh b)A woman, wife; virago h#)Honey #bdA matron )nwr+mColdness; pertaining to Winter rwqA pomegranate NwmyrTo lay waste; calamity, devastation, ruin h)#

308 Daybreak rqwbAn asperger )qrzInvestigation rqxA harsh, grating sound qrxApproaching, near bwrqIce xrqThought, meditation; depressed x#

309 A leper rgswmA roar, bellow hg)#Field, soil, land hd#Transgression +#

310 To trample on, conquer #wdTo govern, bind #bxFormed rcyy

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The Initials of Idra Rabba Qadisha (each letter is half of each letterof rtk, Kether)+B1523


Is, are; essence, being #yA young lion rypkHabitations NyrwdmGift, tribute y#

311 Man: a title of Tiphareth #y)Archangel of Binah l)yqpcRaphael: Archangel of Air (lit. “Healing of God”) l)prRod (Ps. 23:4) +b#

312 To renew (hence a new moon, a month) #dxWest (hence our “Moor”: “person living in the West”, as from theArabic “Maghrabi” –> Gk. “Mauros”, etc.)


314 Perfect praise (i.e. religious) rwmg llhMetatron: the Archangel of Kether (cf. 224) Nwr++mOut of the way, remote qwxrShaddai, the Almighty: a name of God yd#Acacia wood h+#

315 Ice, hail; crystal, pearl #ybgGullet +#wFormation hrycyA vision of splendour hgwnh h)rmCave hr(m

316 Bound, imprisoned #wbxGreen qwryA bundle, handful rmw(Punishing iniquity, visiting sin Nw( dqwp(?) Perfumed )r+wqTo worship, bow down xx#

317 Is sown, is scattered (Ps. 97:11) M(rzDry, parched; withered h#byIron (Ch.) lzrpHoariness hby#Coronzom (as spelt in Dee’s MS.; cf. 333) Mznrk

318 A wash-basin and stand wnkw rwykA copse, bush xy#Square; the “square” Hebrew alphabet (bwrm

319 Cancer: a crab N+rs320 Boy: name of Enoch, and of Metatron r(n

The friends My(rThorn; enclosure K#

322 Lamb; to subdue #bkMiddle line y(cm)h wqHebrews (as 282) Myrb(

323 Long-absent brother qwxr x)Uranus (referred to Chokmah) swnrw)

324 (Metatron (q.v.) spelt with Yod after Mem; it denotes Shekinah) Nwr++ym325 Need, indigence hkyrc326 Jesus (note the letters of hwhy completed by Shin = 300 q.v.: the

Spirit of God; a variant is: h#why)hw#hy

Vision hyy)#328 To steam; darkness K#x330 Boundary, terminus; crosspath; isthmus; distress rcm

Revolution; hurricane, tempest r(sTransgression, error, crime l#

331 Tamarisk; “a great tree” (Gn. 21:33, trans. “a grove”) l#)332 The fiery light dwqyh rw)

A void place ywnp Mwqm333 Qabalah of the Nine Chambers rkb qy)

Choronzon (as spelt by Mathers; cf. 317 & see Liber 418 10th Ayre) NwznwrwxSnow; to snow gl#To lie down #lgTo be sexually excited; to lie with; royal paramour lg#

334 A still, small Voice (I Kings 19:12) hqd hmmd lwq335 Day of evil h(r ymy

The KING above the King of Kings Myklmh yklm KlmOrdering, disposition hkr(m

336 An attack; a request, petition hl)#337 Sheol: the underworld (lit. “place of enquiry”, ref. to necromancy) lw)#338 To cast down #lx

He hath pardoned, or subjected #wbkyA garment; clothing #wblTo send forth xl#

340 “Ferocious” lion #ylFire-shovel (connotes “hook”) )ypwrgmBook rpsThere, then; sign; name M#

341 The sum of the 3 Mother Letters: Aleph, Mem and Shin # m )Yesterday #m)Guilty, damned M#)Red heifer hmwd) hrpExpanded, spread out; an enclosure; a diaphragm )srpThe Name (Ar.) )m#

342 Cooking l#ybPerfume M#bA blaze, flame hbhl#Path lyb#

343 And God said (Gn. 1:3) Myhl) rm)ywA sweet smell Nwrpz

344 A plantation, garden (Ct. 4:13) sdrp345 Other gods (lit. “gods of the heathen”; Ex. 20:3) Myrx) Myhl)

God Almighty yd# l)In that also (referred to Daath) Mg#bTHE Name M#hLioness h#ylDominator +lw#

Moses (cf. 351) h#mShiloh (perhaps “he whose it is” or “pacific”; also a place name) hly#He was appeased (Esther 7:10) hkk#

346 A spring; spring water rwqmA water-pipe; channel rwncThe Will (I.R.Q. 90); delight, favour, grace (I.Z.Q. 102) Nwcr

347 Palanquin (Ct. 3:9); bridal bed; nuptial chariot (“wedlock, or theartificial sky under which they are joined in wedlock”)


348 Five; to set in array #mx350 A sapphire (Ex. 28:18) ryps

Ophir; a young mule; dust of the Earth rp(The horn; head; to send out rays, shine NrqVacuum Mqyr[Conscious] intelligence lk#Tooth N#And God saw that it was good bw+ yk Myhl) )ryw

351 Man #n)Ishim, Flames: the Angelic Choir of Malkuth; burnt or incenseoffering


Lifted )#nMoses the Initiator (cf. 346) h#wmHiram-Abif (a cunning artificer at the Temple of Solomon in thelegend)

Pyb) Mryx

352 The Exalted Light hl(m rw)Long of Nose (i.e. Merciful): a title of the supreme God (cf. 362) Myp) Kr)Lightnings, flashings MyqrbAn approach Nbrq

353 Five h#mxThe Secret of hwhy is to His fearers (Ps. 25:14) wy)ryl hwhy dwsDelight, joy hxm#

354 Grew fat; anointed N#dA temporary remitting h+m#Demons Myd#

355 Thought; idea hb#xmYear; sleep hn#Pharaoh (derived from the Egyptian for “great house”) h(rpSphere; number; emanation hryps

356 Expiations, atonements MyrwpkA young mule rpw(Spirits of the living Nyyxd Nyxwr

357 Iniquity )#wn358 Shame hn#g

Shiloh shall come (Gn. 49:10) hly# )by“Messiach”: the Messiah xy#mThe Serpent that initiated Eve #xn(Taking the three Hehs in hwhyh) as concealing the Mothers # m), we get Iota : Alpha : Omega)


The breastplate of the High Priest N#xRenewed, restored #dwxm

359 The Sacred Wind My+#Satan: the Adversary N+#

360 Shin: a tooth Ny#The Messiah hy#mhThe sinew [of the thigh]; the weakening (Gn. 32:32 & cf. hn#h,below. K.D. p.235)


The change; the teaching; the sleep (see K.D. p.235) hn#hThunders Mym(rCrimson yn#Ophir: earth ryp(

361 The arrangement of the Sephiroth: 3-6-1Lord of Earth (referred to Malkuth; cf. 65 & 155) Cr)h ynd)Folk, people (Ar.); “impurities” (? – from #n), “to be weak, sick”) y#n)Foundations (Ch.) Ny#)The Mountain Zion Nwyc rh

362 Long of Face: a title of Kether (cf. 352) Myp) Kyr)363 The Almighty and Ever-living God: the divine name of Yesod yx l) yd#364 The Hidden Light: a title of Kether )lpwm rw)

Satan N+#hDemons Nyd#Opposition; resistance hn+#

365 An uncovering, exposing h(yrp367 Black (scil. of eye-pupil); middle; homunculus Nw#y)368 The Spirit of the Gods of the Living Myyx Myhl) xwr

Boils Nyx#369 The World of Briah (Creation; referred to Binah) h)yrbh Mlw(370 A foundation, basis rq(

Creation #(Willows of the brook (Lev. 23:40) lxn ybr(White lead, tin )r+sqTo rend, cut, blame, curse (rqGreen (see S.D. p. 104) Nn(rPerfect, whole Ml#Ligure; jacinth; opal M#lTo rule K#ym

371 Sinister, left-hand l)m#372 Scorpio: a scorpion brq(

Spherical water (apparently a Latin transliteration) )kryps)Lambs, sheep My#bkAn oven, furnace N#bkHerbage, grass b#(Seven (b#hwhy is His Name wm# hwhy

373 God of the Hebrews Myrb(h yhl)Quaking #(g

375 Generally and specially +rpw llkTo yield; to do; to make; yielding h#(Hour h(#

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Solomon (lit. “peaceful one”) hml#376 Dominator l#wm

A bird rwpcPeace (refers to Kether) Mwl#

377 The sinew of the thigh, the sciatic nerve (Gn. 32:32) h#nh dygSeven h(b#

378 In peace Mwl#b“pruna ignita”: “shining metal” (electrum - either gold/silver alloy oramber); burning coal


A week; an oath (wb#380 hwhy × ynd) as () × y) + (d × h) + (n × w) + (y × h) = n # k y n # k y

Difficulty, narrowness; Egypt MyrcmPain, trouble, misery Nwbc( bc(Thick darkness, fog lpr((See 370) )ry+sqUrsa Major #y(Proverbs yl#mNumber rpsmFolly #p

381 Astrologer, enchanter, magician P#)Clamour, prayer h(w#

383 An oath h(wb#385 Assiah: the material world; action hy#(

Shekinah, Divine Presence: the Goddess of Malkuth hnyk#Lip hp#

386 Tongues Nw#lTziruph, Combinations: tables of Temurah Pwryc

387 The Milky Way (lit. “the Way of Milk”; but cf. 525) blxh lyb#388 The hardest rock (Ps 114:8) #ymlx

To search out diligently #pxTable; bread (cf. 394) Nxl#

389 Realized, materialized, corporeal M#gwmJudge; judgment +p#

390 Male and female (Gn. 1:27) hbqnw rkzRetroactively (rpmNourishing, supplying, maintaining snrpHeavens, firmament, sky (always pl.; referred to Ruach) Mym#Oil Nm#

391 Salvation, help h(w#yThe Inscrutable Height: a title of Kether hl(m Mwr

392 Spices Mym#bDwelling, habitation Nb#mPaths Mylyb#

394 Table (cf. 388) Nxlw#395 The Heavens Mym#h

The oil Nm#hJudge +pw#Eight hnm#Neschamah: the Soul in the Supernals (or in Binah, when theSupernals are considered as three; cf. then 25 & 37)


396 Intellectual (Ar.); idea, concept (M.H.) lk#wm397 The Inner Light: a title of Kether ymynp rw)398 Book y#px

Pride (esp. of gait) Cx#400 To use magic or witchcraft; a witch P#k

Sage, intellectual: a title of Yesod lyk#mThe literal sense (of scripture, etc.; see 247 & 510) h+w#pHorns MynrqSack q#Women, wives My#nStraw, chaff #qIntelligences Mylk#Years; two Myn#

401 Cursing; to curse rr)Thou (fem.); “the”, “substance, essence” (indicates direct object);with


Room )t402 Sought into, or after #qb

Tested, purified rrbDaughter tbA spider #ybk(Paths Nylyb#

403 Sapphire Stone ryps Nb)Wine-press tg

404 Law, royal command, edict tdAlmond; to watch, be awake; to hasten dq#Holiness #dq

405 Fearful things, serpents of the dust (Job) rp( ylxzPhallus; urethra (see Deut. 23:2, & cf. 227, rkz) hkp#

406 Tau (originally, a simple cross) wtTHOU (masc.): a name of God ht)Vulgar, common; plebeian Cr)h M(Leg qw#Alterations Mywn#

407 Mark, token, sign tw)The Precious Oil bw+ Nm#Cursed rwr)[Noah’s] Ark hbt

408 The Sapphire stone rypsh Nb)This, here (f) t)zAttachment, love, desire (Deut. 10:15) q#xBroken; terrified tx

409 Patriarchs )thb)Fathers twb)One (f) tx)Holy Ones #dqhPrayer of Holiness h#dq

410 Liberty; a swallow rwrdVisions, imaginations (Dan. 4:2) rhrhCrucible (as place of refinement) PrcmThe Tabernacle Nk#mSacred; saint #wdqHoly #dwqHe heareth (m#

411 The Foundations of the Earth Cr) ydswmDwelling, habitation )nk#mA Temporal Order Mynmz rdsDesolation, emptiness (expresses first root of all good) whtPalace of Delight (referred to Tiphareth) Nwcr lkyh

412 Beth: an house tybNew (Ch.) tdxWhite whorl Nbl rmcThe highest height Nwyl( MwrA longing for hw)t

414 Azoth, THE fluid (Initial and final in 3 tongues: A+ Z (Lat.) +Omega (Grk.) + Tau (Heb.))


The Limitless Light rw) Pws Ny)Meditation (Ps. 49:4) twghGoing forth (lit. masc. “wanderers”; cf. 770) My++w#m

415 The Voice of the Chief Seer rbd h)rb)Sister twx)The Holy One; sodomite #wdqhWork h#(mHoly (Ar.) )#ydq

416 The Lesser Light (Luna) N+qh rw)mhThought, meditation rwhrhA pledge Nwk#m

417 Olive tyzAn ark, box, chest hbytShakanom: a title of Tiphareth Mwn)k#The red gleam (Liber AL 2:50) rwrhw

418 Cheth: a fence; BEAST tyxBoleskine: the House of the Beast Nyk#lwbAbrahadabra: the Word of the Aeon given in Liber AL

) r b ) d ) h ) r b ) 418 = tyx = )h tyb, the House of Heh, because of I.Z.Q. 694;for h formeth k, but x formeth dwy: each = 20. Thus isAbrahadabra a Key of the Pentagram. Also, by Aiq Bkr, it = 22; and 418 = 19 × 22. 19 = Manifestation;it therefore manifests the 22 Keys of R.O.T.A. The first meaning is rbd h)rb), The Voice of the Chief Seer. It resolves into Pentagram and Hexagram as follows:1st method.






forms 12 and 406, )wh

and ht) (406 = wt), where ht) = Microprosopus, and )wh =Macroprosopus. The Arcanum is therefore that of the Great Work.2nd method.






Here BHR = 207

= rw) pws Ny), etc., and rbd = Voice (“The Vision and theVoice”); thus showing, by Yetziratic attribution, the Three Wands:Caduceus : Phoenix : Lotus. Note always rb) are the threeSupernals.3rd method.






give 205 + 213;

both mean “Mighty”, whence Abrahadabra is “The Word of DoublePower”. b)) show Nb )my) b), viz., Amoun : Thoth : Mout. ByYetziratic Method, H D R are Isis : Horus : Osiris. (Also, for H DR:, vide I.R.Q. 992.) Dividing as 3 and 8, we get 7 of Horus dominating the StoopingDragon, w)y rr); also:







8 = dd, Love; and 207 = rw), Light; 8 × 207 = 18, which isequivalent to yx, Living; further, 297 = 23 × 9 = hyx, Life: hence,Licht : Liebe : Leben. Again, 418 = t) + w)y = 21 + 397, q.v. rbd and 678 = 6 + 7 + 8= 21. 2 × b + 2 × r + d = 32. The Five different letters representAmoun : Thoth : Isis : Horus : Osiris. They (A + B + R + H + D)add to 212 (q.v.). Finally, ) is the Crown, b the Wand, d the Cup, h the Sword, rthe R.C. See The Equinox Vol. I, Nos. V and VII for further details.


The Angelic Word of the Aeon given in Liber 418 hn)#)k)mRa-Hoor rwwh )rHeru-Ra-Ha )h )r wrhSin (the wicked Lilith); atonement t)+xCurse IAO w)y rr)Saving grace dsx rcwn

419 Teth: a serpent ty+HADIT, THE SERPENT FLAME (cf. 28 and Liber AL 2:49) tydhUnity twdx)

420 It was htyhA large earthenware jar; a barrel, tub, cask tybxVapour, smoke N#(Peace-offerings Myml#Glowing stones; burning coals MypcrOppression Kt

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THE Work h#(mh421 To meditate ddwbth422 The Vast Countenance: a title of Kether Nypn) Kyr)

The golden line [that encircleth the world] qwry wq424 Living creatures twyx425 A lion’s whelp (Gn. 40:9) hyr) rwg

“Gazzith”: the Stone of the Chamber (see 1175) tyzghBe made, done; become; an accomplished fact h#(nHearing h(ym#

426 Saviour; deliverer (y#wmMedium Kwt

428 Chashmalim, Brilliant Ones: the Angelic Choir of Chesed Mylm#xThey swore [an oath] w(b#n

429 Judgment, equity +p#mMadness Nw(g#

430 Nephesch: the animal soul of Man #pnCovered with mist; darkness, twilight P#nSections, members [of the body]; fragments MyqrpThe Righteousness is the Foundation of the World: the full title ofYesod

Mlw( dwsy qydc

Concealed Np#Tohu v-Bohu: “formless and void” (Gn. 1:2; “tohu” has the sense of“chaos”)

whbw wht

Dew; mound lt431 Notariqon (the Qabalistic method of acronyms) Nwqyr+wn432 Eventide shadows br( yllc

Son of Ayish: Ursa Minor #y( Nb433 Merit, privilege, right twkz434 Daleth: a door tld

The Lord of War (Ex. 15:3) hmxlm #y)435 Deceived lth

His manner (lit. “his justice”) w+p#m436 Tutor, curator; prefect; administrator spwr+p)

Hosannah: “Save, we pray!” hn(#wh“Satanas”: the goat Satan z( N+#

437 Balm; the balsam tree Nwmsrp)438 The whole [perfect] stone (Deut. 27:6) hmyl# Nb)439 Exile, banishment twlg

Judges My+p#440 Praise; psalm hlht

The Great Dragon (the constellation Draco); serpent (lit. “curls”; seeI.R.Q. 834; cf. 450 & 510)


Whole; irreproachable; perfect; wholeness; sincerity; perfection MtDead tm

441 A hind tly)Truth tm)A live coal tlxgYou (masc. pl.) Mt)

442 The ends of the earth Cr) ysp)443 Virgo: a virgin (title of Malkuth); a city hlwtb

The House of God (cf. 498; also a place name) l) tyb444 The Sanctuary #dqm

Frogs (drpc445 The twelve Single Letters q c ( s n l y + x z w h

Sorcerer hp#km446 Destruction; death twm

The ankles Mylwsrq447 Initials of the Three Above and the Three Beneath (cf. 203 & 248) )br rmd448 Lofty twmb449 Most dazzling light xcxwcm rw)

Cloak tyl+450 Tablets (e.g. of Moses) twxwl

The Fruit of the Tree C( yrpTransgression (#pGoodwill (grace, acceptance, favour, will) without end lwbg Ny)b NwcrDwelling in eternity d( Nkw#Craftiness, cunning Myl(#The Dragon; jackal NtWitchcrafts, sorceries Myp#k

451 The Essence of Man Md)h t)Death )tymThe Deep, the Abyss (Gn. 49:25) Mwht

452 Ardent desire, longing, wish tdmxThe crop; the maw Nbqrq

453 The Animal Soul in its fulness (i.e. including the Creative Entity orEgo, Chiah); living creature

hyx #pn

Behemoth; beasts twmhb454 A seal Mtwx

The “Holy Ones” (consecrated catamites kept by the Priesthood) My#dqContinually dymtZaharariel: a title of Tiphareth l)yr)rhz

456 The greatest fear (cf. hmy), 56) htmy)The mountain of myrrh (Ct. 4:6; see 573) rwmh rhA wall ltwkLegs, shanks Myqw#The fig-tree and fruit hn)tYou (fem. pl.) hnt)Face, person Pwcrp

457 Olives MytzFurnace Nwt)

458 A covenant; an engagement; a betrothed Ntx460 Holiness unto hwhy (Ex. 39:30) hwhyl #dq

The Lord is a Man of War hmxlm #y) hwhy461 Bases, pedestals, sockets twnd)

Firm, strong, rigid, hard; rough; protruding Nty)462 The Supernal Earth [is Binah] hnwyl( Cr)

A path btyn

The Abyss of Height Mwr qmw(463 The Pillar of Mildness: the paths Gimel, Samekh and Tau (cf. 26 &

48)t s g

Crystal; glass tykwkzA rod of almond dq#h h+mThe Special Intelligence (I.Z.Q. 264, et seq.) hnwbtCaps, crowns, diadems NygtPrayer hnxt

464 Constant, perpetual ydymt465 A kiss; a little (or, sweet) mouth hqy#n466 The Goddess NUIT (cf. 75) tywn

The World of Yetzirah (Formation; referred to the Ruach) hrycyh Mlw(Skull tlglgKidneys twylkAutumn wts

467 Path hbytn469 Fillets (i.e. bindings) [of the pillars] Mhyqw#x470 Eternity (lit. “a cycle of cycles”) Myrwd rwd

Pure wool yqn rm(Time; period of time, season t(Floor, ground, bottom (qrq

471 The Hekaloth: Palaces twlkyh472 Was terrified t(b

And God made Myhl) #(yw473 The Three Persons (yn) : )wh : ht) coalesced) yn)wht)

Golgoltha: a skull (Ar.; fig. the Supernals; see 475 & S.D. 2:33) )tlglwgMillers, grinders (traditionally a female occupation) twnx+

474 Death: knowledge t(dWisdom (pl.; Prov. 1:20 &. I.R.Q. 244) twmkxThe Testimony [within the Ark] td(A ram, he-goat; a prepared sacrifice dt(

475 In Golgotha (Ar.; S.D. 2:33) )tlglwgbPriestess tnhk

476 House of Justice, a court-house Nyd tyb478 The Lesser Countenance: a title of the Ruach, esp. Tiphareth Nypn) ry(z479 Grindings (? – female millers) twnxw+480 Stones of emptiness (Is. 34:11) whwt ynb)

Lilith, Queen of the Night tylylPart; open wide q#pOpening; vagina; bit, morsel tpHand-drum; bezel PtKnowledge (pl.) (K.D. p.252) tw(dTestimony (K.D. p.252) twd(

481 Hills tw(bgBound to death; death penalty )tym byyxA ring t(b+(?) The Mighty One Sings: a title of Tiphareth Nwryryd)

482 A looking-glass, mirror )yrlqps)483 Constellations; the Sphere of the Zodiac, referred to Chokmah (but

see 536)twlzm

Bearing iniquity Nw( )#wn485 Daughter of the spring-waters (Is. 10:30, “Daughter of Gallim”) Mylg tb

Mockeries (Job 17:2; cf. 435) Mylth486 A name of God Cr) dmy hpkxb hwhy

Foundations twdwsyBroken bread hswrp hcm

488 Entrance, gateway, opening xtpYe shall worship wdwb(t

489 Repayment, restoration; a weighing out of repayment lwmg Ml#mEvil spirit h(r xwr

490 The giving (see 1106) NtmFine flour, meal tlsThe Thummim: Perfections (see 257) Mymt

491 A nurse, wet-nurse (cf. 497) tnm)493 The Name (given in Deut. 28:58 without t) = 92, q.v.) Kyhl) hwhy t)494 Helmet of victory (Is. 59:17) h(w#yh (bwk

An apple xwpt495 The likeness of Man Md) twmd

Gift hntm496 Malkuth: the kingdom twklm

Leviathan NtywlA small bundle rwrc

497 Gemini: the twins Mymw)tNurse, wet nurse (cf. 491) tnmw)

498 The House of God (cf. 443) Myhl) tybPalace of Merit (referred to Geburah) twkz lkyh

499 A loving hind (Prov. 5:19) Mybh) tly)Busy, arduous; an army; “hosts” tw)bc

500 The humerus PtkTreasured gold, cimelia (perh. inf. from Mtk, “gold” and ArabicKThM, “to cover, conceal”)


Master, prince, head, chief; navel r#To give NtnBe fruitful and multiply wbrw wrpDragon; jackals, wild beasts (pl. of 450) MyntShoweth knowledge (Ps. 19:2) t(d hwhy

501 Blessedness; that, which; whose; wherein r#)Strong, hardy Mynt)The head #)rShekinah Superior h)ly( hnyk#Likeness, similitude hnwmtBut, howbeit; certainly *K)

502 To tell glad tidings; flesh, body r#bTo cut qtb

503 g



The Cup of the Stolistes

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Expelled, cast forth #rgTo rage #gr

504 Sought for #rdHalf, middle; midnight (M.H.) twcxA pauper; oppressed *Kd

506 Taurus: an ox; the left-hand ox rw#Fronds, [hand-shaped] branches (see 1196); bound, tied up twpkPersons, faces MypwcrpThe Pillar of Mercy: the paths Vau and Kaph (cf. 48 & 463) *k w

507 That which causes ferment; yeast rw)#Masters of the Heavens: astrologers Mym#h yl(bPure, clear, transparent, innocent *Kz

508 Daybreak; black rx#Palate *Kx

509 Bridge rw#gTo break down, overturn *Kdh

510 Resh: the head #yrThe allegorical sense (of scripture, etc.; see 247 & 400) #wrdStraight, level; honest, upright; direct; just conduct (i.e. maat,niyama, etc.)


Song ry#Dragon (cf. 440 & 450) Nynt

511 THE Head )#yrRow, rank (military); line; series hrw#(?) The Time of God l)yt(How? *Ky)To go *Kwh

512 Adhesion, cohesion; loyalty, devotion twqbd513 Feeling, sensation h#grh514 Black rwx#

Statutes, enactments twqx515 Seizing without difficulty Myrcm ylb hlxn

Minister of Justice r+w#Prayer, cantrip (esp. on parchment, worn as an amulet) hlptHe will go *Khy

516 A wood hry#)Partzufin: persons, faces Nypwcrp

517 The good gift (i.e. Malkuth) hbw+ hntmSecrets, penetralia tw)lpA breakage, rupture hryb#

518 The palate *Kyx520 Tears tw(md

Kosher: proper, legitimate, valid r#k521 The descending fire drwy #)

The naked splendour Nblh Pw#xm523 High Priestess lwdgh tnhk

The [only] Lord God (counted only with Nun final in S.S.) Nyhl) hwhy t)525 The LORD of Hosts: the divine name of Netzach tw)bc hwhy

The Milky Way (Ar.; lit. “the River of Fire”; cf. 387) rwn yd rhn526 A lintel Pwq#m527 Coins tw(b+m529 “affatura ollaris cum iusculo dulci”: “[will be] speaking of a pot

with a sweet broth”hrydq yqyc

530 The Rose tlcbxVoices tlqTo thee *Kl

533 King of Terrors twhlb Klm534 A certain Name of God q#dlq535 To walk *Klh536 The World of Assiah (Matter; referred to Malkuth) hy#(h Mlw(

Orbits [of the stars/planets] (another aspect of the name of theSphere of the Zodiac – see 483)


A white cloak hnbl tyl+537 Emanating; nobility; Atziluth: the Archetypal world twlyc)

The marrow, or innermost part of the spine hrd#h +wxThe opening of the uterus Mxr r+p

538 Daughter of the Voice: Echo (a method of divination by use of theArk of the Covenant)

lwq tb

540 Loins; the upper part MyntmCreeping thing #mr

541 Israel l)r#yTowards, to thee *Kyl)

542 The World of Mevshekal (the Intellectual World; referred to theSupernals)

lk#wm Mlw(

543 Existence of Existences: the Name of the Highest God hyh) r#) hyh)544 Apples (Ct. 2:5) Myxwpt545 A boar of the wood r(ym ryzx546 Sweet qwtm

Preserves; a watchman rmw#Guards rwm#The Head that is Not: a title of Kether )ld )#yrThy God (Deut. 4:24, 28:58) *Kyhl)

548 Lord God of Knowledge: the divine name of Tiphareth t(dw hwl) hwhy549 Moral; felt, sensed #grwm

Storm-wind hr(s xwr550 Eagle, vulture, bird of prey; to fall off, fall away r#n

A rod of iron (Ps. 2) lzrb +b#Masters, princes, heads, chiefs Myr#Dragons (Restricted) (Ps. 74:13) Mnynt

551 Thy terror *Kmy)Lead, the metal of Saturn; a plummet-line, level, water-level *Kn)

552 The daily want, daily desire Mymy tdmx553 The Great Dragon lwdg Nynt554 Bearing seed (rz (rz555 Obscurity htp(

The God HAD (spelt in full) :d:):h556 Mark, vestige, footstep wmy#r

Restoration Nwqt557 First, former, primary Nw#)r558 To initiate *Knx560 Waters of quiet twxwnm ym

A point, prick, dot tdwqnDragons MynyntSorceress r#kmSought My#wrdCrowd *Ks

561 Cain Nyqt)Concealed Mystery )twyncd

562 Primordial hnw#)r563 A washing of the hands Mydy tly+n564 The Breaker of Foundations: the Sphere of the Elements (i.e.

Malkuth; see 632)twdwsy Mlx

The cap-stone (or perhaps impl. a cornerstone, as Ps. 118:22) h#)rh Nb)And the Adam was formed into a living Nephesch (I.R.Q. 941) hyx #pnl Md)h yhywEnoch *Kwnx

565 Small things, insignificant things twn+qOfficers (esp. judicial or military) Myr+w#

566 A valley; a plain (from “Sharon”; see 1091) Nwr#yPoints, pricks, dots twdwqnA secret (spelt in full) :d:w:sCorrecting, configuring, restoring, repairing, reforming, renewing Nwqyt

567 First-born (cf. 228) ynw#)rA cup *Kws)

568 Darkness *Ksx569 Fingers tw(bc)570 A couch, bed #r(

Ten r#(Heads Ny#yrConcussion; earthquake #(rGate, the Door: a title of Malkuth r(#Wickedness (#rMercury (the metal) typskKing: a title ofTiphareth *Klm

571 The mountains of Zion Nwyc yrrhBalance )lqtmAngel *K)lm

572 He was touched (I.R.Q. 1117) bc(tyActive lbqtmThe Lord thy God [is a consuming fire] (Deut. 4:24 – see 182; Deut.28:58)

*Kyhl) hwhy

573 The hill of frankincense (Ct. 4:6; see 456) hnwblh t(bg574 Chaldee (hath a general meaning of movement – see S.D.) Nw#xry

To extinguish *K(d575 Beersheba: the well of the seven (Gn. 21:31, 2 Sam 24:7 – see K.D.

p.183)(b# r)b

And the Myhl) said: “Let there be Light!” rw) yhy Myhl) rm)ywTen hr#(Journey *Klhm

576 Wands twlqm577 The Concealed of the Concealed: a name of God most High (cf.

583)Nyrm+d hrym+

579 Midnight (cf. 188) hlyl twcxSons of Adam Mygwn(t

580 Rich ry#(Ancient qyt(The scapegoat; he-goat; demon; shaggy, hairy (Lev. 16:22) ry(#The Valley of the Shadow of Death twmlc )ygFlask, bottle *Kp

581 The Ancient One: a title of Kether )qyt(Barley hrw(#

583 The Concealed of the Concealed: a title of Kether (cf. 577) Nyrym+d )rym+584 King David *dwd Klm585 The Gods of Battle (lit. “Gods of Hosts”): the divine name of Hod tw)bc Myhl)

A fanfare, trumpet-blast h(yqtTo subvert, ruin, change *Kph

586 War-trumpet; ceremonial ram’s horn rpw#Hermit #wrpStibium (a type of kohl) *Kwp

589 Greenness, verdure Pn( Nw#l b)First Splendour: a title of Kether Nw#)r dwbk

590 Rib (Gn. 2:22) t(lcTo bring forth abundantly; creeping thing, moving creature Cr#

594 The Stone of Israel (Gn. 49:24) l)r#y Nb)598 Our iniquities wnytwnw(600 Wonders, or hidden wisdom hmkx tw)ylp

A tail, train, fringe [of a garment] tycycA knot, ligature r#qRed qr#Six; white marble ##Samekh: a prop, support *KmsA veil, covering, screen *Ksm

601 Mother *M)602 The Simple Light: a title of Kether +w#p rw)

Brightness; splendours twxcxcExtremities twwcq

603 To haggle rgtTogether, also *Mg

604 A letter, epistle; a heap, pile trg)A pool, pond; sorrow *Mg)Blood *Md

605 (?) Nobleness, eminence trd)Six h##Lady, madame, mistress, queen trbgAdam: Man; red *Md)

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To grow warm; they (masc.) *Mh606 Let them bring forth wcr#y

Essentiality, quintessence twmc(Nexus, ligature rw#qA turtle-dove rwt

607 Adam Primus: the First Man (see 210) Nw#)rh Md)The mountains of spices (Ct. 8:14) Mym#b yrhA span, palm (lit. “the little finger”) trzAUM (cf. 111) *Mw)

608 The last gate )rtb )bbTo dig (subterranean activity); to row rtxThe Pillar of Severity: the paths Cheth and Mem (cf. 26 & 463) *m xTo grow warm; heat, fire; black *Mx

610 Gold coin, gold money trwg)The citron tree and fruit (lust and desire) gwrt)Closed, shut up *M+)The sea *MyThe Angel of Redemption *l)gh K)lm

611 Torah: instructions, “law” hrwtThe fear [of the LORD] (Ps. 111:10; cf. 211) t)ryEdom *Mwd)Tumultuously; to harass, perturb *Mwh

612 Covenant tyrbBrother-in-law *Mby

613 The Etrog: the number of the Divine Precepts in the Torah gyrtThe Quintessence of Light rw)h t)

614 Pertaining to summer *Mwx615 A footstool *Mwdh

To swell, heave (see 51) *Myh616 The Ancient of Days: a title of Kether Nymwy Kyt(

Swords twbrxDay *MwyThe Avenging Angel *l)wgh K)lm

617 Mighty acts (pl. of “Strength”; Ps. 106:2) twrwbgThe Pillars of Fire and Cloud Nn(hw #)h ydwm(Pisces: fishes *MygdFormidable, terrible *Mwy)

618 Contentions twbyrLoves, amours (see 499) *Mybh)

619 Latest, last, after-part, end, extreme; remainder, remnant; future tyrx)Brethren (referred to Lilith & Samael) *Myx)

620 Kether: the crown rtkChokmah, Binah, Daath; the first descending triad t(dw hnyb hmkxTo hide, treasure up (Ps. 31:20) tnpcThe doors Myr(#Spirits, ghosts twxwr

621 The point of a sword brx txb)By-paths (see 1351) twxrw)

622 Blessings tkrbThe Depths of the Sea (Samael and his wife) My twlwcmBreadths twbwxr

623 Holy spirit #dqh xwrThe nose *M+wx

624 The number of letters in the Great Table of Enoch (not counting theBlack Cross of Union): 12 × 13 × 4His Covenant (Ps. 25:14) wtyrbwLiberty twryx

625 Weasels and other terrible animals *Myxw)626 The Qliphoth: shells, demons twpylq628 Light (spelt in full, Vau = )w; cf. 633 and 643) :r:w:)

Blessings twkrbTo be wise *MkxLife *Myyx

629 The great trumpet lwdg rpw#Nations; gentiles *Myywg

630 The Holy Spirit )#ydq )xwrSeraphim, Flaming Ones: the Angelic Choir of Geburah Mypr#Hairy ones; he-goats; demons Myry(#Drill, coarse linen; a triad #l#Adam and Eve *hwxw Md)Thine eye (“is” written – see 160 & I.R.Q. 652) *Kny(

631 Concealed Mystery )tw(yncdSilence; silent *Ml)

632 The World of Foundations: the Sphere of the Elements (i.e.Malkuth; see 564)

twdwsy Mlw(

633 Light (spelt in full, Vau = ww; cf. 628 and 643) :r:w:)Male and female created [they them] (Gn. 1:27) M)rb hbqnw rkzA day of feast *bw+ Mwy

634 Worn-out; beggars *Mykd635 Son of the Dawn: the Morning Star, Lucifer rx# Nb llyh

Three h#l#Unto them *MhlAdonai the King: a divine name of Malkuth (cf. 65 & 361) *Klm ynd)

638 The breaker; dream (n. & v.) *MlxBread (Ps. 78:20) (= Mlx, by metathesis) *Mxl

639 Tree of Knowledge t(dh C(640 The Sun: the Sphere of Sol #m#

The Cup of Consolations Mymwxnt swkPalm of the hand; palm tree rmtWater (alternative spelling of Mem, 90) *MmThine eyes (pl.; “not” written; see 150 & I.R.Q. 652) *Kyny(Thy face (Ez. 3:8) *Kynp

641 A body clothed in purple trm)Lights (defective; S.D. 3:26) tr)mGods *Myl)

642 The Splendour of Unity: a title of Chokmnah rhwz twdx)h

643 Light (spelt in full, Vau = wyw; cf. 628 and 633) :r:w:)The Severities of hwhy hwhy twrwbgThe Cup of Benedictions hkrb l# swkA flowing, wave *MylgMournings, laments *Mylb)

644 Was silent *MmdA dream *Mwlx

645 Put in motion, routed *Mmh646 Lawful rtwm

Rejoicing #w#mElohim (a name of God, meaning “Gods” – masc. pl. of fem. sing.):the Angelic Choir of Netzach


(See I.R.Q. 778 & no. 41) *Md) hwhy hyBlemish, spot, stain *Mwm

647 Lights twr)mGreat Dragons Myldgh MnynthStandards, military ensigns *MylgdDetermined *Mmz

648 To be hot *Mmx649 Trance, deep sleep (cf. 244) hmdrt

Translation Mwgrt650 Natron (Prov. 25:20) rtn

Mem: water *MymVery silent *Mmwd

651 Temurah: permutation hrwmt653 Haggler Nrgt

I am hwhy thy God *Kyhl) hwhy ykn)654 Sunset #m#h )wb

Children *Mydly655 The Holy One, Blessed be He )wh Kwrb #wdqh

The Palace of the Body of Heaven (referred to Netzach) Mym# Mc( lkyhThe Sphere of Mars *Myd)mThe waters *Mymh

656 A lily; a rose (see 706, and cf. 661) N#w#Delight, joy Nw##A furnace rwntBy day *Mmwy

658 A name of God *Myhl) )wh660 Flashings, scintillations tycycyn

Zones; members Nyr#qA day; the seas; the times *MymyVases, vessels *MylkSpice; drug; poison *Ms

661 A lily; a rose (cf. 656) hn#w#A storehouse *Ms)

662 The garland of God l)yrtk)663 Stones of marble (see Zohar, pt. I. fol. 34. col. 134) ## ynb)

Songs twrymzProphets *My)bn

665 The Womb Mxrh tyb666 The Number of THE BEAST. Σ1-36. 36 is the sum of the letters

Aleph to Cheth (tyx = 418), hence 666 is an expansion of 418.The number of talents of gold received by Solomon in one year (IKings 10:14)Aleister Crowley (Rabbi Battiscombe Gunn’s transliteration) ylwrq ry+syl)Ommo Satan: the “Evil Triad” of Satan-Typhon, Apophras, andBesz (? – lit. “the dimness of Satan”, scil. “veil”)

Nts wmm(

The Name Jesus hw#hy M#His secret place (Ps. 18:11), his covering wrtsYour God *Mkyhl)

667 The oil for lighting rw)ml Nm#668 A female merchant trxs

The ears *Mynz)To shut up, obstruct *MsxBuilders *Mynwb

670 Deprecating, entreating rt(Kinsmen, nation, populace; with, by, near *M(

671 Bearing fruit yrp h#w(The Gate: a title of Malkuth )(rtTARO (cf. 216, 224 & 280) (r)tAdonai: My Lord (spelt in full) :y:n:d:)He is One God: a name of God *Myhl) )wh dx)AUM (thus in S.S.; cf. 47) *M()

672 The Lord God: the divine name of Binah *Myhl) hwhy674 (?) A merchant trxws676 Resplendent Ccwntm

Doves *MynwyThe munificent ones *MybydnArtificial (counted only with Mem final in S.S.) *Mylglg

679 The chrysolite stone (Ct. 5:14) tplw(m Nb)680 Prophetic sayings, or decrees: “His days shall be” (hence “Abra-


Vermin *Mynk681 Joyful noise; battle-cry; the sound [of a trumpet] (cf. 585) h(wrt

Vain idols *Mylyl)An end, extremity *Mp)Of whirling motions *Mylglgh?Termination of Abr-amelim? *Mlym)

682 Ma’aseh Merkavah: the Work of the Chariot (see 1328) hbkrm h#(mOf the evening; of the West tybr(Green herb b#( qryHebrew (the language; see 282) tyrb(Revolutions [of souls] *Mylwglg

683 The World of Atziluth: the Archetypal World, or the World ofNobility (referred to Kether-Chokmah)

twlyc) Mlw(

A name of God implying Kether, Chokmah and Binah (3, 4 & 5letters)

*Myhl) hwhy hh)

An attack upon others, a violation, injury *Mgp

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688 Let us make man in our image (Gn. 1:26) wnmlcb Md) h#(n690 The candlestick trnm

Palm trees MyrmtA staircase, ladder *Mls

691 Nose *Myp)693 Sulphur tyrpg

The salt sea *xlmh My695 The World of Morgash: the Moral World (referred to Chesed-

Geburah-Tiphareth)#grwm Mlw(

697 Citadels; secured houses, fortified castles twnmr)700 The Mercy Seat (Ex. 25:17) trpk

Paroketh: the Veil of the Holy tkrpPillar; prince; buttocks; noise t#Melakim, Kings: the Angelic Choir of Tiphareth *MyklmSoftness *Kr

701 Woman, wife (Deut. 22:30) t#)And lo! three men (Gn. 18:2. Equal to: l)prw l)yrbg l)kymwl), “These be Michael, Gabriel and Raphael”)

h#l# hnhw

A falling of the face (i.e. in displeasure) Myp) tlypnWhere?; pain; Heliopolis (cf. 57) *N)Angels, messengers *Myk)lmLong *Kr)

702 Sabbath: day of rest tb#Carbuncle tqrbThe Son: Assiah’s “Secret Nature” (see S.D. 1:38-39) *NbA stranger; Balaam *M(lbDelights (Fire & Water) *MydmxmTo kneel; bless; knee, lap *KrbTo be mixed, mingled *Kbr

703 A border, rim; a band, fillet trgsmSecret foundations twdwsy yzrA stone, rock *Nb)Garden *NgRunning waters (Ct. 4:15) *Mylzwn

704 A basin, bowl, vessel (Ex. 24:6) *Ng)To judge, rule *NdBefore; the East; ancient things *MdqWalk, journey; THE Path *Krd

705 The stones of dampness (Job 28:3) twmlwpm Mynb)Lo!; whether, if; they (fem.) *NhThe Staff of God (Ex. 17:9) *Myhl)h h+m

706 An atonement, propitiation (lit. “a covering”); the cover of the Ark trwpkLilies (Ct. 5:13); roses (colloquial; see von Rosenroth, I.R.Q. 878) Myn#w#Eternity; world; an adult *Mlw(

707 Rim *Ndb)Strength; wealth; trouble, sorrow; Heliopolis (cf. 51) *Nw)Species, kind *NzLong, tall *Kwr)

708 The Angel of the Covenant tyrbh K)lmPerdition tx#An ear *Nz)Grace, love, kindness, charm (notariqon of Chokmah Nesethrah: theSecret Wisdom, 788)


Libra: the scales *Mynz)mBeni Elohim, Sons of the Gods: the Angelic Choir of Hod *Myhl) ynbA name of God *Myhl) hwhy hy hyh)Blessed! *Kwrb

709 The seven Double Letters t r p k d g b710 A cave tr(m

Six (Ch.) ty#Hidden, secret rtsnTried by fire; a watch-tower *NxbExcellence, sublimity, glory, pride *Nw)gTo darken, dim *Mm(

711 Adon: master, lord *Nwd)Nothing; not *Ny)The belly *N+bWealth *Nwhhwhy of the Gods is One hwhy *dx) hwhy Myhl) hwhyProlonged; grew long *Kyr)

712 Between *Nyb713 The Sphere of Saturn y)tb#

A turning, return; a response hbw#tAbaddon: destruction, ruin (hell, as development of lw)#, 337; cf.451)


Fed *Nwz714 Fiery furnace )rwn Nwt)

Justice: a title of Geburah *Nyd715 Secret hrtsn

Perfumed, fumigated trw+qDefective *Nzx

716 A matron )tynwr+mA trial, an experiment *NwxbMiry *Nwy

717 Zayin: a sword *Nyz718 Wise (“he will understand that?”) *Nbyw

Arrows *Mycyx720 Call to mind, account ytb#x

Thy navel (Ct. 7:2) Krr#Wine *NyyHonest; so, thus, just so, such, so much *NkImage *MlcTo be lovely, pleasant *M(nExisting, stable *Myyq

721 The Primordial Point hnw#)r hdqnVision *Nwzx

The Heavenly Man (lit. the “primordial” or “exalted” man) *h)ly( Md)722 The voice of the trumpet rpw# lwq

In, so, thus, then *Nkb723 He, the Lord God *ynd) Myhl) )wh724 The end of the days Mymyh tyrx)

A leader, chief, judge *NyydThe Pillars (see 79) *Mydm(Ye shall cleave *Myqbdx

725 Priest *NhkStrength (Ez.3:8) *MyqzxTo make them know (Ps. 25:4) *M(ydwhl

726 VITRIOL (a notariqon of “Visita interiora terrae rectificandoinvenies occultum lapidem”: “Visit the Interior of the Earth; byrectification thou shalt find the hidden stone”)


Secret, put away; a hiding-place *Nwybx727 Overflowing (Ps. 124:5) *Nwdyz

Fetters (Job 36:8) *Myqyz729 The Curse of Satan N+# (rq

Jachin, the Pillar of Mercy (Chokmah-Chesed-Netzach; situate inNetzach)


The accentuator *Mym(+730 Seasons *Myd(wm

Fools; the constellation Orion *Mylysk732 White *Nbl

Clusters; grapes *Mybn(The Golden image [of Nebuchadnezzar] (Dan. 3) *)bhd Mlc

733 The White Head: a title of Kether hrwwh )#yr734 To bring forth dlt#

Torches *Mydypl736 Contortions, convolutions (cf. 1351) twlqlq(

To eternity *Mlw(l737 Blaze, flame (live coal) tbhl#

(?) Vain pride, or the basis of vanity lbh t#Oak; oak-wood *Nwl)

738 The lower part, the loins *Myclx740 Manna; portion *Nm741 The four letters of the elements; hence a concealed hwhy #tm)

A tree *Nly)Firm, faithful; Amen: So be it!: a title of Kether *Nm)

742 The Ark of the Covenant (lit. “of tremblings”, scil. “vibrations”) twd(h Nwr)743 A disc, round shield; a defender *Ngm744 The valley of vision *Nwyzxyg

A window *NwlxFootprints (foot’s breadth) (Deut. 2:5) *Krdm

745 The great stone *hldg Nb)Multitude, abundance *Nmh

746 The Names twm#(Chaldee form of Myhl)) *Nyhl)A [civil] officer *MynwmmA place *Mwqm

747 The voice of the turtle-dove (Ct. 2:12) rwth lwqChangeless, constant; the God Amon (Na. 3:8) *Nwm)The appointed time *NmzAuphanim, Wheels: the Angelic Choir of Chokmah *Mynpw)

748 The oil of Anointment hx#mh Nm#Image; hid, concealed (pertains to Sol and the Lingam-Yoni) *NmxThe Master of the Nose *M+wxh l(k

750 Conclave tk#lLead trp(An effort, exertion *NwdmSpecies, kind *Nym

751 The whole [perfect] man Mt #y)And it was so *Nk yhywCessations, futilities, nothings *Mysp)

752 Satan N)t)#A white goose *Nbl zww)Vilon, veil: the veil between Yesod and Malkuth *NwlywYe shall cleave in hwhy (cf. 220) *hwhyb Myqbdx

753 To guard, protect *NngFood, meat (Ch.) *Nwzm

754 Father of the mob, or of the multitude *Nwmh b)Quarrel, dispute *Nydm

756 Spheres; numbers; emanations twrypsYears twn#Nun: a fish *NwnAges; worlds *Mymlw(

757 Clusters: Netzach and Hod twlk#)The Shield (or Star) of David (the Hexagram) *dwd Ngm

758 Perdition; the destroyer (Ex. 12:23) tyx#mCopper ore; bronze t#xnTo love very much *NnxVictories *Myxcn

759 Powder(s) of the merchant lkwr tqb)Music *Nwgn

760 Both Active and Passive (said in the Qabalah re: the Sephiroth) lbqtmw lybqmConfinement, detention trc(Resemblance, likeness, image *NwymdAt the end of the days; the right hand *NymyWings *MypnkBone; substance, essence; body *Mc(Divination; witchcraft *Msq

761 Ruin, destruction, sudden death *Ns)762 A structure; mode of building *Nynb

Apertures *Mybqn764 Gracious, obliging, indulgent *Nwnx

Brains *Nyxwm

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765 And God blessed them Myhl) Mt) Krbyw766 They of the world *Mlw( ymy767 The Elders (Deut. 21:19) *Mynqz

Demons; injurers *Myqyzm768 Coppery, brassy yt#xn

The High Priest *lwdg Nhk770 Going forth (said of the Eyes of hwhy; lit. fem. “wanderers”) tw++w#m

Unfruitful, barren trq(Strengthening *NykmA name of God *N(Points, pricks, dots *MydwqnGiants *MylpnThine enemy *Kr(

771 The Bearded Countenance: a title of Tiphareth Nypn) ry(#772 Seven years Myn# (b#773 The stone (or stone channel) of drinking hyt#h Nb)

High Priest *lwdgh Nhk774 (?) The daughter of seven (b# tb

An oak; hardness *NswxPleasure, delight: Eden *Nd(

775 Most piercing, most vehement )twnydrqdNine h(#t

776 Hospitality *NwlmOn: a name of God (cf. 120); penalty of iniquity: “being takenaway”


777 “The Flaming Sword” (if the path from Binah to Chesed be taken as3, for Gimel connects Arikh Anpin with Zauir Anpin)

t r p n l + g d )

One is the Spirit of the Elohim of Lives Myyx Myhl) xwr tx)The World of Shells, the Qliphoth twpylqh Mlw(

778 Goodly strength; proof *NysxThe benignity of Time *Mlw( dsx

780 I dwell, have dwelt (“not” read: see I.R.Q. 1122 & Prov. 8:12) ytnk#Shore, bank tp#Ayin: an eye *Ny(Decrees, prophetic sayings *NylmLest *NpYe shall cleave unto hwhy (“not” read; cf. 192) *hwhyl MyqbdxGiants (fully written only in Num. 13:33) *MylypnCups *Mylps

781 Turn, roll *Np)782 Unto the place (Ex. 23:20) *Mwqmh l)783 Vine *Npg786 Smooth tw#p

Fire from Heaven (II Kings 1:10) Mym#h Nm #)Fines, penalties *NwmmEternal Foundation of the World: a title of Yesod *Mlw( dwsy

787 A wheel; one of the Auphanim *Npw)The hooks of the pillars (Ex. 27:10, 11) *Mydwm(h ywwl

788 The Secret Wisdom (i.e. The Qabalah; see 58) hrtsn hmkx790 My presence (I.R.Q. 1122) ytnky#

Thorn *NcBands, stripes; bindings *Mydwq(

791 Faithful, loyal, steady *Nm)n792 Deliverance, victory tw(w#y795 Treasure; hidden or secret thing *Nwm+m796 The Cup of Affliction hl(rth swk797 Essence of Glory *dwbkh Mc(800 Sagittarius: a bow; a rainbow (the three Paths t#q leading from

Malkuth, hence much symbolism of the Rainbow of Promise)t#q

Nest *NqThe afflictions of the sons of Adam (i.e. Succubae) *Md) ynb y(gnFirst buds, sproutings *MyncnCash; counted out, paid down *MydwqpHigh, lofty *MrRubies, gems *MynynpThorn; enclosure *K#

801 Signs, tokens tt)Also, yea; anger; nose *P)

802 401 × 2: the reflection of 401, which is t), Alpha & OmegaThe Assembly (or School, or Academy) Supernal (refers to A∴A∴, the three grades that are above the Abyss)

hl( Ml# hby#y

The Vengeance of the Covenant (Lev. 26:25) tyrb MqnAn ark (as of Noah or of Moses) tbt

803 Person, self; back, top; wing (Ch.) *PgCreated [they them] (Gn. 1:27) *M)rbA bone; to destroy *Mrg

804 A wing (army), squadron; a chosen troop *Pg)To be insensible; in deep sleep; in trance (cf. 649) *Mdr

805 The faithful friend *Nm)n dwd806 Silent qtw#

BABALON: THE VICTORIOUS QUEEN (lit. “Gate of the Gods”;see Liber 418)


Zion *NwycHeight, altitude *Mwr

807 Blasphemed *PdgThe beard (S.D. Cap. 2); lingam (qnz?) *NqzTo overwhelm (Ps. 77:17); a flood *Mrz

808 The Brazen Serpent (II Kings 18:4; cf. 1121) Nt#xnUnder txtPure, innocent *PxBalances (Ch.) *Nynz)mThe three that bear witness, above and beneath, respectively (Md)the Spirit, the Water, and the Blood: Aleph being Air (Spiritus),Daleth standing for Md Blood, and Mem being both Water and theinitial of Mym, Water. cf. 203 & 447)

*)rb Md)

Mercy; womb; vulture *MxrTo steam; darkness *K#x

809 Shut up; body *PwgChildren *P+

810 Cain *NyqThe living God of the Worlds, or of the Ages *Mymlw(h yxl)Midday (the South) *Mwrd

812 Son of the right Hand *Nymynb813 Signs, marks, tokens twtw)

ARARITA: a name of God which is a notariqon of the sentencedx) wzhrwmt wdwxy #)r wtwdx) #)r dx), “One is HisBeginning: One is His Individuality: His Permutation One” (referredto the points of the Hexagram, with the Alephs forming the uprighttriangle, Yod in the centre and Tau lowermost).


And the Myhl) said: Let There Be Light!, and there was Light (Gn.1:3)

rw) yhy Myhl) rm)ywrw) yhyw

Proselytes *Myrg814 A shore *Pwx

Outer; civil (as opposed to sacred) *NwcyxMerciful, compassionate *Mwxr

815 Silence hqyt#816 Under penalty of law (esp. a fine) *Nwmm byyx

The Most High *Nwyl(Words *Myrbd

817 To seize suddenly *P+xThe Unnameable One (a demon) *Nwmys)Magician *M+rxLights: the Urim (see 490) *Myrw)

818 The red light *Mwd) rw)820 Kaph: the palm [of the hand] (fig. notariqon of Kteis-Phallus) *Pk

Cloud *Nn(Will be exalted *MyryA vineyard *MrkThe inept and the profane (lit. “to idols”, as likenesses of men oranimals)


To gather, draw together *Mcmc822 Chambers, rooms *Myrdx823 An image of stone, a shaped stone (Lev. 26:1) tyk#m Nb)

Letters [of the Alphabet] twytw)824 “Emanations” (lit. “carvings”; cf. 224) *Myqwqx

Channels, pipes *My+hr826 Trial, temptation *Nwysn

Contraction *Mwcmc827 Meditation twddwbth830 A spring, fountain (Ct. 4:15; see 143) *Nyy(m831 Aleph: an ox; a thousand *Pl)832 White crystal ryps tnbl

The Lord is a man of War: hwhy is His Name hwhy hmxlm #y) hwhywm#

833 Holy Living Creatures: the Angelic Choir of Kether #dqh twyxPassing over error (#pr l( hbw(

834 Paths *Mykrd835 The arms of the world (i.e. the universe), the everlasting arms Mlw( tw(wrz837 The profuse giver: a title of Kether lz tt

Chief, duke; guide *Pwl)838 To pass, renew, change *Plx

The World of Mevetbau: the Natural World (referred to Netzach-Hod-Yesod)

*(b+wmh Mlw(

Kerubim: the Angelic Choir of Yesod (the four creatures; “the wingsof the wind”)


839 The Ancient among the Ancient *Nybsd )bs840 Pearl: a title of Malkuth *Nynp841 Praises, psalms twlht

Face, countenance *Nypn)842 Aralim, Mighty Ones: the Angelic Choir of Binah *Myl)r)

Spirit of Lives *Myyx xwr843 That goes on foot *Mylgr844 Intellectual virtues Mylk#h twxkh845 Flowing oil (p#h Nm#

Neptune (referred to Kether) *Nw+pn846 High, lofty *Mwrm847 Most High God *Nwyl( l)849 The end of the Sabbath (i.e. Saturday evening) tb# y)cwm850 Violet (blue/purple); perfection tlkt

My perfect one (“not” read. Ct. 5:2. See 857 & I.Z.Q. 713) ytmtArchetypal *NwmdqMary, mother of Jesus *MyrmTo rule *K#ym

851 Souls (I.R.Q. 1052 et seq.) Nwhtm#nHe was angry *Pn)Torrents of water (lit. “channels of water”) *Mym yqyp)

852 “Concealed gold”: plaited with gold: Netzach and Hod receivinginfluence from Geburah (Ex. 28:11, “ouches of gold”, for the twogems on the Ephod)

bhz twcb#m

853 An orchard Myxwpt hd#Plague *Pgn

854 The Angel of Destruction tyx#mh K)lm856 The central leaf of the palm branch (lulav); twin sister tmwyt857 My twin-sister (“is” read. See I.Z.Q. 713 & no. 850) ytmw)t

Almighty God: the divine name of Geburah *rwbg Myhl)858 To Thee be Power unto the Ages, my Lord (see )lg), 35) ynd) Mlw(l rwbg ht)

In the image of the Myhl) created they them (Gn. 1:27) wt) )rb Myhl) MlcbTo pollute *PnxPathetic appeals; commiserations; compassion: a title of Tiphareth *Mymxr

859 A binding or amulet or ornament on the arm (as 515) dy l# hlpt860 Threshold, entrance *Ps

Profundities *Myqm(mThe Spirit of God (Gn. l:2) *Myhl) xwr

861 Gathered, collected *Ps)863 A great cloud *lwdg Nn(

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And God saw *Myhl) )ryw864 The Woman of Whoredom Mynwnz t#)

Sun and Moon xryw #m#Holy of Holies My#dq #wdq

866 The end (or extreme) of the North wind Nwpc ytkryLimit, end; boundless *PwsFather of Mercy *Mymxrh b)

867 House of Influence (p#h tyb868 Ways, paths twbytn870 Wing, skirt; winged *Pnk871 hyh) spelt in full *hh dwy hh Pl)872 Seven days Mymy t(b#876 Prince of Peace Mwl# r#

Fowl *Pw(Profound; hidden; the North *Nwpc

877 Was angry, enraged; anger *P(zDamages, injuries *NyqyznIs sown, is scattered (Ps. 97:11) *M(rzCoronzom (as spelt in Dee’s MS.; cf. 333) *Mznrk

878 Abomination tb(wt880 Silver *Psk

The friends *My(r881 Skull, head, scalp, cranium )tpqrq882 The widths of the river rhnh twbwxr

Hebrews (as 282) *Myrb(883 The Eastern Light Ccwntm rw)884 Domination twb(wt888 To cover; protect *Ppx

Lord of Wonders *hw)lpnh Nwd)890 A duplex cave hlpkmh tr(m892 Defective thought, failure of resolution Nwy(rh tsyp)

A void place *ywnp Mwqm898 Quicksilver *yx Psk900 Shout, rejoicing *Nr

There, then; sign; name *M#Oppression *Kt

901 Fir, cedar (cf. 208) *Nr)The sum of the 3 Mother Letters: Aleph, Mem and Shin *# M )Guilty, damned *M#)

902 Palace of the Pavement of Sapphire Stone (referred to Yesod andMalkuth)

rypsh tnbl lkyh

Mud *CbPerfume *M#b

903 And God said (Gn. 1:3) *Myhl) rm)yw905 In that also (referred to Daath) *Mg#b

THE Name *M#h906 License, permission; freedom tw#r

A worm t(lwtQoph: the back of the head; an ape *PwqAn increase *PswmDampnesses (pl.; see 705 &. K.D. p.20) *NymlwpmMedium *Kwt

907 Lifted up *PqzThe Ark [of the Covenant] *Nwr)

908 Arrow; lightning; punishment; wound; Out! Avaunt! Go away! *Cx909 Throat *Nwrg910 Beginning (defective; see I.Z.Q. 547 et seq.) ty#r

I.N.R. (see 270) *r N yVacuum *MqyrAnd God saw that it was good *bw+ yk Myhl) )ryw

911 Beginning ty#)rRemnant tyr)#Abhorrence, abomination (Is. 66:24) *Nw)rdIshim, Flames: the Angelic Choir of Malkuth; burnt or incenseoffering


912 Oxen twrw#Song-maiden; muse ry# tbLofty *Nwrh)Severities *N)rwbgLightnings, flashings *Myqrb

913 Berashith: “Principally”, “In the Begirming” (with “small” Beth.See Liber 2911)


914 Out! Avaunt! Go away! *CwxDemons *Myd#

916 Expiations, atonements *Myrwpk918 A wall *Cyx

(Taking the three Hehs in hwhyh) as concealing the Mothers # m), we get Iota : Alpha : Omega)


919 The Sacred Wind *My+#920 A branch *Pn(

I.N.R.I. (Initials of Iesus Nazaraeus Rex Iudaeorum; Igni NaturaRenovata Integra; Intra Nobis Regnum deI; Isis Naturae ReginaIneffabilis; and many other sentences. See Crowley, Coll. WorksVol. I. Appendix)

*y r N y

Thunders *Mym(r921 Insight, perception twlktsh924 So the Myhl) created man in his own image Md)h t) Myhl) )rbyw

wmlcb925 The river of justice *Nyd r)y929 The treasures of the North Nwpc twrcw)

Palace of the Holy of Holies (referred to the Supernals) My#dq #wdq lkyhThe World of Briah (Creation; referred to Binah) *h)yrbh Mlw(

930 Mocker *ClA record (Ch.) *NwrkdArchangel of Malkuth *NwpldnsPerfect, whole *Ml#Ligure; jacinth; opal *M#l

932 The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil (rw bw+ t(dh C(Lambs, sheep *My#bk

933 The covenant of nakedness, or of the Sabbath, or of the Rainbow rw(mh tyrbOf a memorial (see 964) *NwrkzGod of the Hebrews *Myrb(h yhl)

934 A most piercing light )twnydrqd )nycwb935 The Cause of Causes twbsh tbs

Delights (see Eccl. 2:8 & I.R.Q. 79) twgwn(t936 Peace (refers to Kether) *Mwl#937 A piece of the host (unleavened bread) *Nmwqyp)938 To withdraw, rescue, deliver; to equip for war *Clx

In peace *Mwl#b940 Chaff *Cm

Difficulty, narrowness; Egypt *Myrcm944 Purple *Nmgr)945 Eyelids *Ny(h ypnk947 A citadel; a secured house, a fortified castle *Nwmr)948 To leaven, ferment *Cmx

He shall smite *CxmAmen, our Light *rw) Nm)Son of the Gods *Nyhl) rb

949 Realized, materialized, corporeal *M#gwm950 Every way turning (see 1204) tkphtmh

Flower; hawk *CnSurrounding, encircling *PyqmHeavens, firmament, sky (always pl.; referred to Ruach) *Mym#

951 The Torah, or Book of the Law (lit. “Book of Instructions”) hrwt rpsHear, o Israel! l)r#y (m#The small point: a title of Kether tw#p hdwqnRobust; oaken *Cym)The Inscrutable Height: a title of Kether *hl(m Mwr

952 Spices *Mym#bPaths *Mylyb#

953 Vigils, watches [of the night] twrwm#)955 The Heavens *Mym#h956 Merciful Father *Nmxrh b)

A pomegranate *Nwmyr957 Sumptuous ointment, oil of magnificence twbr )x#m960 Silver trumpets Psk twrcwcx

Habitations *NyrwdmHorns *MynrqWomen, wives *My#nIntelligences *Mylk#Years; two *Myn#

963 Achad: unity (spelt in full) :d:x:)Garland, crown; a little wreath hr+( tr+(

964 A memorial of jubilation (lit. “of shouting”; note root rkz, 227 q.v.,showing phallic nature of this “memorial”)

h(wrt Nwrkz

Metatron: the Archangel of Kether (cf. 224) *Nwr++m966 Punishing iniquity, visiting sin *Nw( dqwp

Alterations *Mywn#968 Song-maidens; muses ry# twnb969 Cancer: a crab *N+rs970 A tree *C(971 Shem ha-Mephorasch: the Divided Name: the 72-fold name of God #rwpmh M#

A Temporal Order *Mynmz rds973 The Name (given in Deut. 28:58 without t) = 92, q.v.) *Kyhl) hwhy t)974 (Metatron (q.v.) spelt with Yod after Mem; it denotes Shekinah) *Nwr++ym

Going forth (lit. masc. “wanderers”; cf. 770) *My++w#m976 Every herb bearing seed (rz (rz b#( lk977 Shakanom: a title of Tiphareth *Mwn)k#980 Peace-offerings *Myml#

Glowing stones; burning coals *Mypcr983 (?) The town of four (br) tyrq

Choronzon (as spelt by Mathers; cf. 317 & see Liber 418 10th Ayre) *Nwznwrwx984 The Beginning of Wisdom [is the Wonderment at hwhy] (Ps.

111:10)hmkx ty#)r

986 Vehemence; a strong objection )tpqthAn advisor, counselling *C(wy

988 A peace treaty Mwl# tyrbGood pleasure, choice, decision, will *CpxChashmalim, Brilliant Ones: the Angelic Choir of Chesed *Mylm#x

989 Feeding among the lilies (Ct. 2:16, etc.) Myn#w#b h(wr990 Sections, members [of the body]; fragments *Myqrp

The Righteousness is the Foundation of the World: the full title ofYesod

*Mlw( dwsy qydc

992 The joy of the whole Earth Cr)h lk #w#m993 A sweet smell *Nwrpz996 The Most Holy Ancient One: a title of Kether )#ydq )qyt(

The Will (I.R.Q. 90); delight, favour, grace (I.Z.Q. 102) *Nwcr997 Palanquin (Ct. 3:9); bridal bed; nuptial chariot (“wedlock, or the

artificial sky under which they are joined in wedlock”)*Nwyrp)

998 (?) A verbal treaty Nw#l tyrb999 Judges *My+p#

1000 Thashraq: a Qabalistic Method of Exegesis: “spelling Qabalisticallybackward” (the last four letters of the Alphabet in reverse)


Crown of flowers, diadem, fillet *CycThe end, appointed time (Dan. 12:14; see 305) *CqTerror *PrThe horn; head; to send out rays, shine *NrqTooth *N#Whole; irreproachable; perfect; wholeness; sincerity; perfection *Mt

1001 You (masc. pl.) *Mt)1002 The bank of a stream rw)yh tp#

An approach *Nbrq1004 The Fruit of a tree yielding seed (rz (rz C( yrp

Grew fat; anointed *N#d

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1006 Instructions, “laws” (cf. 611) twrtThe crown, summit, point; thorn (cf. 140) *CwqThe ankles *Mylwsrq

1008 Winter *PrxThe breastplate of the High Priest *N#x

1009 Satan: the Adversary *N+#1010 Summer *Cyq

Shin: a tooth *Ny#Craftiness, cunning *Myl(#Witchcrafts, sorceries *Myp#k

1011 Foundations (Ch.) *Ny#)The Mountain Zion *Nwyc rhThe Essence of Man *Md)h t)The Deep, the Abyss (Gn. 49:25) *Mwht

1013 King of Terrors *twhlb Klm1014 Pertaining to Autumn *Prwx

Satan *N+#hDemons *Nyd#A seal *MtwxThe “Holy Ones” (consecrated catamites kept by the Priesthood) *My#dq

1016 Kether (spelt in full) :r:t:kThe lobe [of the liver] (see 1047) trtwyLegs, shanks *Myqw#

1017 Glass vessels (bottles, pitchers, phials) tw#y#)Black (scil. of eye-pupil); middle; homunculus *Nw#y)Olives *Mytz

1018 Boils *Nyx#1020 Green (see S.D. p. 104) *Nn(r1022 An oven, furnace *N#bk

The Abyss of Height *Mwr qmw(1025 The secrets of wisdom hmkx twmwl(t

My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? (cf. 1029) yntqb# )ml yhl) yhl)1026 The World of Yetzirah (Formation; referred to the Ruach) *hrycyh Mlw(1029 My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? (cf. 1025) yntqb# hml yhl) yhl)

Fillets (i.e. bindings) [of the pillars] *Mhyqw#x1030 Pain, trouble, misery *Nwbc( bc(

Eternity (lit. “a cycle of cycles”) *Myrwd rwd1031 And God said: Let us make Man in Our Image (Gn. 1:26) wnmlcb Md) h#(n

Myhl) rm)yw1032 First Swirlings: the Sphere of the Primum Mobile (referred to

Kether)Mylglgh ty#)r

And God made *Myhl) #(yw1034 Male and female created they them (Gn. 1:27) Mt) )rb hbqnw rkz1036 Tongues *Nw#l1038 Table; bread (cf. 394) *Nxl#1040 To sparkle, gleam *Ccn

Oil *Nm#1042 Dwelling, habitation *Nb#m1044 Table (cf. 388) *Nxlw#1045 The oil *Nm#h

Daughter of the spring-waters (Is. 10:30, “Daughter of Gallim”) *Mylg tbMockeries (Job 17:2; cf. 435) *Mylth

1046 A handful *Cmwq1047 The lobe of the liver dbkh trtwy1049 Repayment, restoration; a weighing out of repayment *lwmg Ml#m1050 The Thummim: Perfections (see 257) *Mymt1052 Paths *Nylyb#1053 Sapphire Stone *ryps Nb)1055 The likeness of Man *Md) twmd1056 The lily tn#w#1057 The Precious Oil *bw+ Nm#

Gemini: the twins *Mymw)t1058 The Sapphire stone *rypsh Nb)

The House of God (cf. 443) *Myhl) tyb1059 A loving hind (Prov. 5:19) *Mybh) tly)1060 The Tabernacle *Nk#m

Treasured gold, cimelia (perh. inf. from Mh+k, “gold” and Arabic^^KThM, “to cover, conceal”)


Dragon; jackals, wild beasts (pl. of 450) *Mynt1061 And breathed into his nostrils the Neschamah of [their] lives (I.R.Q.

939)Myyx tm#n wyp)b xpyw

Palace of Delight (referred to Tiphareth) *Nwcr lkyhStrong, hardy *Mynt)

1062 White whorl *Nbl rmc1066 The Lesser Light (Luna) *N+qh rw)mh

A pledge *Nwk#mPersons, faces *Mypwcrp

1067 Masters of the Heavens: astrologers *Mym#h yl(b1068 Boleskine: the House of the Beast *Nyk#lwb1070 Vapour, smoke *N#(1075 The Song of Songs Myry#h ry#

Seizing without difficulty *Myrcm ylb hlxn1079 Madness *Nw(g#1080 Concealed *Np#1081 Tiphareth: beauty tr)pt

Notariqon (the Qabalistic method of acronyms) *Nwqyr+wn1082 Son of Ayish: Ursa Minor *#y( Nb1086 “Satanas”: the goat Satan *z( N+#1087 Balm; the balsam tree *Nwmsrp)1088 The whole [perfect] stone (Deut. 27:6) *hmyl# Nb)1090 The creeping thing that creepeth #mrh #mrh1091 The Rose of Sharon Nwr#h tlcbx1094 The Slaying of the First-born twrwkb tkm1096 The World of Assiah (Matter; referred to Malkuth) *hy#(h Mlw(1097 The opening of the uterus *Mxr r+p1098 Two great lights Myldgh tr)mh yn#

1100 Six days Mymy t##Piece *CrDwelling in eternity *d( Nkw#The Dragon; jackal *NtLoins; the upper part *Myntm

1101 Earth (in particular, the Earth of Malkuth) *Cr)Astrologer, enchanter, magician *P#)

1102 The crop; the maw *NbqrqThe World of Mevshekal (the Intellectual World; referred to theSupernals)

*lk#wm Mlw(

1104 And the Earth brought forth grass )#d Cr)h )cwtwApples (Ct. 2:5) *Myxwpt

1106 The giving of the Law hrwth NtmOf the Earth (see 992) *Cr)hTziruph, Combinations: tables of Temurah *Pwryc

1107 Furnace *Nwt)1108 A covenant; an engagement; a betrothed *Ntx1110 Masters, princes, heads, chiefs *Myr#

Dragons (Restricted) (Ps. 74:13) *Mnynt1111 Firm, strong, rigid, hard; rough; protruding *Nty)1112 The daily want, daily desire *Mymy tdmx1113 Caps, crowns, diadems *Nygt1114 A species of gold *Cwrx1118 Hear, o Israel: hwhy our God is one hwhy (Deut. 6:4) wnyhl) hwhy l)r#y (m#

dx) hwhy1120 To use magic or witchcraft; a witch *P#k

Dragons *MynyntSought *My#wrd

1121 The Brazen Serpent (Num 21:9; cf. 808) t#xnh #xn1123 A washing of the hands *Mydy tly+n1124 The Breaker of Foundations: the Sphere of the Elements (i.e.

Malkuth; see 632)*twdwsy Mlx

And the Adam was formed into a living Nephesch (I.R.Q. 941) *hyx #pnl Md)h yhyw1125 Officers (esp. judicial or military) *Myr+w#1126 House of Justice, a court-house *Nyd tyb1128 The Lesser Countenance: a title of the Ruach, esp. Tiphareth *Nypn) ry(z1130 Crucible (as place of refinement) *Prcm1131 (?) The Mighty One Sings: a title of Tiphareth *Nwryryd)1133 Bearing iniquity *Nw( )#wn1135 And the Myhl) said: “Let there be Light!” *rw) yhy Myhl) rm)yw

The Holy One, Blessed be He *)wh Kwrb #wdqh1139 Sons of Adam *Mygwn(t1140 The giving (see 1106) *Ntm1145 The Gods of Battle (lit. “Gods of Hosts”): the divine name of Hod *tw)bc Myhl)1146 Jars, globular vessels twrtnc

Leviathan *Ntywl1147 Plaited byssus rz#m ##1150 Covered with mist; darkness, twilight *P#n

To give *Ntn1157 The mirrors of the hosts tw)bwch tw)rm1160 Dragon (cf. 440 & 450) *Nynt1165 Nethermost Earth hnwtxth Cr)1166 Foundation of Beauty tr)pth dwsy

Partzufin: persons, faces *Nypwcrp1167 The mountains of spices (Ct. 8:14) *Mym#b yrh1171 Lord of Earth (referred to Malkuth; cf. 65 & 155) *Cr)h ynd)1173 The [only] Lord God (counted only with Nun final in S.S.) *Nyhl) hwhy t)1175 The Stone Hall [of the Sanhedrin] tyzgh tk#l1176 Face, person *Pwcrp1180 The doors *Myr(#1182 The Depths of the Sea (Samael and his wife) *My twlwcm1185 The thirteen Paths of the Beard of Macroprosopus (see 91 & 1350) l K y + x z w h d g b )

*M1188 The Angel of the Covenant *tyrbh K)lm1190 Seraphim, Flaming Ones: the Angelic Choir of Geburah *Mypr#

Hairy ones; he-goats; demons *Myry(#1192 The World of Foundations: the Sphere of the Elements (i.e.

Malkuth; see 564)*twdwsy Mlw(

1193 Male and female created [they them] (Gn. 1:27) *M)rb hbqnw rkz1196 [Hand-shaped] fronds of palm trees (Lev. 23:40) Myrmt twpk1200 Hand-drum; bezel *Pt

The Cup of Consolations *Mymwxnt swkThy navel (Ct. 7:2) *Krr#

1202 In the Beginning, God created ... (Gn. 1:1) Myhl) )rb ty#)rb1203 The Great Dragon *lwdg Nynt1204 A flaming sword every way turning (Gn. 3:24) tkphtmh brx +hl1206 The Holy Intelligence )#ydq )tm#n

A water-trough twtq#Restoration *Nwqt

1207 First, former, primary *Nw#)r1208 Pride (esp. of gait) *Cx#1209 Translation *Mwgrt1211 Cain *Nyqt)1214 The cap-stone (or perhaps impl. a cornerstone, as Ps. 118:22) *h#)rh Nb)1216 A valley; a plain (from “Sharon”; see 1091) *Nwr#y

Correcting, configuring, restoring, repairing, reforming, renewing *Nwqyt1219 The principal creator, the creator in the beginning ty#)rb rcwy1220 The beaten oil tytk Nm#

The humerus *PtkHeads *Ny#yr

1221 The Foundations of the Earth *Cr) ydswmThe mountains of Zion *Nwyc yrrh

1222 Angel of the Gods *Myhl)h K)lm1224 Chaldee (hath a general meaning of movement – see S.D.) *Nw#xry1225 The Ancient of the Ancient Ones: a title of Kether Nyqyt(d )qyt(

The Womb *Mxrh tyb1226 The Name Jesus *hw#hy M#

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1227 The Concealed of the Concealed: a name of God most High (cf.583)

*Nyrm+d hrym+

1231 Ten Commandments Myrbdh tr#(1233 The Concealed of the Concealed: a title of Kether (cf. 577) *Nyrym+d )rym+1235 The heat of the day *Mwyh Mwx1239 First Splendour: a title of Kether *Nw#)r dwbk1243 The World of Atziluth: the Archetypal World, or the World of

Nobility (referred to Kether-Chokmah)*twlyc) Mlw(

1244 The Stone of Israel (Gn. 49:24) *l)r#y Nb)1246 A lintel *Pwq#m1248 Let us make man in our image (Gn. 1:26) *wnmlcb Md) h#(n1250 Palm trees *Myrmt1252 The ends of the earth *Cr) ysp)1255 The World of Morgash: the Moral World (referred to Chesed-

Geburah-Tiphareth)*#grwm Mlw(

1260 Tarshishim, Precious Stones: the Angelic Choir of Netzach (see alsoMyhl), 86)


The Fruit of the Tree *C( yrp1261 A falling of the face (i.e. in displeasure) *Myp) tlypn1265 The stones of dampness (Job 28:3) *twmlwpm Mynb)1266 Lilies (Ct. 5:13); roses (colloquial; see von Rosenroth, I.R.Q. 878) *Myn#w#1267 The Pillars of Fire and Cloud *Nn(hw #)h ydwm(1269 The living Gods (cf. 154) *Myyx Myl)1272 The Supernal Earth [is Binah] *hnwyl( Cr)1274 Elohim of Lives (cf. 149) *Myyx Myhl)1279 The self-reciprocating fire txqltm #)1280 Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the Earth t) w)lmw wbrw wrp

Cr)h1284 The end of the days *Mymyh tyrx)1285 Son of the Dawn: the Morning Star, Lucifer *rx# Nb llyh1294 A line of scarlet thread (Job. 2:18-21) yn#h +wx twqt1296 A name of God *Cr) dmy hpkxb hwhy1303 Haggler *Nrgt1306 A lily; a rose (see 706, and cf. 661) *N#w#

Delight, joy *Nw##1307 The Son of Man *Md) Nb1310 Zones; members *Nyr#q1311 The whole [perfect] man *Mt #y)1316 Ommo Satan: the “Evil Triad” of Satan-Typhon, Apophras, and

Besz (? – lit. “the dimness of Satan”, scil. “veil”)*Nts wmm(

1317 The oil for lighting *rw)ml Nm#1321 The Lily of the Valleys Myqm(h tn#w#1328 Ma’aseh Berashith: the Work of Creation (see 682) ty#)rb h#(m1329 The chrysolite stone (Ct. 5:14) *tplw(m Nb)1332 Seven years *Myn# (b#1334 The Angel of Destruction *tyx#mh K)lm1336 Blood of grapes *Mybn( Md1337 The World of Shells, the Qliphoth *twpylqh Mlw(1348 The Son of God *Myhl) Nb1350 The nine Paths of the Beard of Microprosopus (see 145 & 162) t # r q c p ( s n1351 Crooked by-paths (Ju. 5:6) twlqlq( twxr)1362 The Assembly (or School, or Academy) Supernal (refers to A∴

A∴, the three grades that are above the Abyss)*hl( Ml# hby#y

The Vengeance of the Covenant (Lev. 26:25) *tyrb Mqn1364 Fiery furnace *)rwn Nwt)1373 His work which he had made h#( r#) wtk)lm

And the Myhl) said: Let There Be Light!, and there was Light (Gn.1:3)

rw) yhy Myhl) rm)yw*rw) yhyw

1375 The KING above the King of Kings *Myklmh yklm Klm1379 The Curse of Satan *N+# (rq1380 The lip of the liar rq# tp#1387 Lord of Lords *Mynwd)h Nwd)1392 Long of Nose (i.e. Merciful): a title of the supreme God (cf. 362) *Myp) Kr)

The Ark of the Covenant (lit. “of tremblings”, scil. “vibrations”) *twd(h Nwr)1395 The arms of the world (i.e. the universe), the everlasting arms *Mlw( tw(wrz1398 The oil of Anointment *hx#mh Nm#1400 Chaos (Aleph = 1000; see 401) t)

Three Heads (Ar.; I.Z.Q. 178) Ny#yr tltTo bring forth abundantly; creeping thing, moving creature *Cr#

1402 Long of Face: a title of Kether (cf. 352) *Myp) Kyr)Satan *N)t)#

1404 Intellectual virtues *Mylk#h twxkh1411 Precious stone *Nx Nb)1413 An orchard *Myxwpt hd#1417 Lord of the Universe *Mlw( Nwd)1418 To Thee be Power unto the Ages, my Lord (see )lg), 35) *ynd) Mlw(l rwbg ht)1419 Lydian-stone *Nxwb Nb)1421 The Bearded Countenance: a title of Tiphareth *Nypn) ry(#1423 The stone (or stone channel) of drinking *hyt#h Nb)1424 The Woman of Whoredom *Mynwnz t#)

Holy of Holies *My#dq #wdq1431 Means, treasure, dwelling place of the primordial; the preparation of

principlestwmdqh tnwkt

My Lord, the faithful King: a name of God *Nm)n Klmh ynd)1432 Seven days *Mymy t(b#1436 Prince of Peace *Mwl# r#1445 The remnant of his heritage wtlxn tyry)#l1449 Tree of Knowledge *t(dh C(1455 Adam Qadmon: the Archetypal Man (lit. “Eastern Man”, scil.

ancient)*Nwmdq Md)

1458 The Brazen Serpent (II Kings 18:4; cf. 1121) *Nt#xn1460 [A day of] complete rest Nwtb# tb#1465 Other gods (lit. “gods of the heathen”; Ex. 20:3) *Myrx) Myhl)1473 An image of stone, a shaped stone (Lev. 26:1) *tyk#m Nb)1476 The Sea of Wisdom (S.D. 1:28, etc.) *Pws My1477 The Garden of Eden *Nd( Ng1480 Seven Sabbaths (Lev. 25:8) twtb# (b#

1482 Roundels, or the roundels of the capitals [of columns], or roundcapitals

twrtwkh twlwg

1483 The stone that the builders rejected (Ps. 118:22) *Mynwbh ws)m Nb)1486 Resplendent *Ccwntm1488 The Spirit of the Gods of the Living *Myyx Myhl) xwr1489 Palace of the Holy of Holies (referred to the Supernals) *My#dq #wdq lkyh1495 Flowing oil *(p#h Nm#1501 Souls (I.R.Q. 1052 et seq.) *Nwhtm#n1510 hwhy × ynd) as () × y) + (d × h) + (n × w) + (y × h) = N # k y *N # K y1516 The end (or extreme) of the North wind *Nwpc ytkry1531 Shem ha-Mephorasch: the Divided Name: the 72-fold name of God *#rwpmh M#1542 The Oil of the Anointing #dq tx#m Nm#

Defective thought, failure of resolution *Nwy(rh tsyp)1548 A peace treaty *Mwl# tyrb1549 Feeding among the lilies (Ct. 2:16, etc.) *Myn#w#b h(wr1552 The Vast Countenance: a title of Kether *Nypn) Kyr)1556 A stone of stumbling, a rock to fall over (Is. 8:14) *Pgn Nb)1562 Eye to eye (I.R.Q. 645) *Ny(b Ny(1577 Limitless *Pws Ny)1579 The treasures of the North *Nwpc twrcw)1580 (A spelling of Myhl) in full – see Beth Elohim Dissert. II. Cap. I) *Mm dwy yh dml Pl)1592 First Swirlings: the Sphere of the Primum Mobile (referred to

Kether)*Mylglgh ty#)r

1594 Male and female created they them (Gn. 1:27) *Mt) )rb hbqnw rkz1598 The Tree of Life (cf. 233) *Myyx C(1603 The Tree of Life (cf. 228) *Myyxh C(1614 A memorial of jubilation (lit. “of shouting”; note root rkz, 227 q.v.,

showing phallic nature of this “memorial”)*h(wrt Nwrkz

1615 Letters of the Cherubic signs *C N + w1621 And breathed into his nostrils the Neschamah of [their] lives (I.R.Q.

939)*Myyx tm#n wyp)b xpyw

1622 The highest height *Nwyl( Mwr1631 Hiram-Abif (a cunning artificer at the Temple of Solomon in the

legend)*Pyb) Mryx

1635 The Song of Songs *Myry#h ry#1648 (?) A verbal treaty *Nw#l tyrb1656 Spirits of the living *Nyyxd Nyxwr1658 Two great lights *Myldgh tr)mh yn#1660 Six days *Mymy t##1664 The pure olive oil beaten out tytk Kztyz Nm#1670 N.O.X. (Liber VII, 1:40; Liber 333 Caps. 1 & 29) *C ( N1680 Silver trumpets *Psk twrcwcx1693 The Eastern Light *Ccwntm rw)1741 The Rose of Sharon *Nwr#h tlcbx1742 The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil *(rw bw+ t(dh C(1746 The Ancient of Days: a title of Kether *Nymwy Kyt(1748 The nine song-maidens (muses) ry# twnb h(#th1750 Goodwill (grace, acceptance, favour, will) without end *lwbg Ny)b Nwcr1755 Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of Hosts! hwhy #wdq #wdq #wdq

tw)bc1756 The giving of the Law *hrwth Ntm

[Hand-shaped] fronds of palm trees (Lev. 23:40) *Myrmt twpk1762 In the Beginning, God created ... (Gn. 1:1) *Myhl) )rb ty#)rb1765 The end of days, appointed time (Dan. 12:14) *Nymyh Cq1767 Great Dragons *Myldgh Mnynth1775 The Palace of the Body of Heaven (referred to Netzach) *Mym# Mc( lkyh1776 Vulgar, common; plebeian *Cr)h M(1784 The Limitless Light *rw) Pws Ny)1791 Ten Commandments *Myrbdh tr#(1802 The joy of the whole Earth *Cr)h lk #w#m1814 The Fruit of a tree yielding seed *(rz (rz C( yrp1817 Adam Primus: the First Man (see 210) *Nw#)rh Md)1820 Tarshishim, Precious Stones: the Angelic Choir of Netzach (see also

Myhl), 86)*My#y#rt

1870 The beaten oil *tytk Nm#1875 The Ancient of the Ancient Ones: a title of Kether *Nyqyt(d )qyt(1881 The Lily of the Valleys *Myqm(h tn#w#1891 The naked splendour *Nblh Pw#xm1897 One is the Spirit of the Elohim of Lives *Myyx Myhl) xwr tx)1905 The twelve Single Letters *q C ( s N l y + x z w h1909 The seven Double Letters *t r P K d g b1914 And the Earth brought forth grass *)#d Cr)h )cwtw1959 Greenness, verdure *Pn( Nw#l b)1975 Nethermost Earth *hnwtxth Cr)1978 In the image of the Myhl) created they them (Gn. 1:27) *wt) )rb Myhl) Mlcb1996 Fire from Heaven (II Kings 1:10) *Mym#h Nm #)2044 So the Myhl) created man in his own image t) Myhl) )rbyw

*wmlcb Md)h2050 Three Heads (Ar.; I.Z.Q. 178) *Ny#yr tlt2090 Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the Earth t) w)lmw wbrw wrp

*Cr)h2110 [A day of] complete rest *Nwtb# tb#2147 “The Flaming Sword” (if the path from Binah to Chesed be taken as

3, for Gimel connects Arikh Anpin with Zauir Anpin)*t r P N l + g d )

2151 One is His Beginning: One is His Individuality: His PermutationOne (see 813)

#)r wtwdx) #)r dx)dx) wzhrwmt wdwxy

And God said: Let us make Man in Our Image h#(n Myhl) rm)yw*wnmlcb Md)

2192 The Oil of the Anointing *#dq tx#m Nm#2365 And God blessed them *Myhl) Mt) Krbyw2794 The pure olive oil beaten out *tytk Kztyz Nm#2911 Berashith: “Principally”, “In the Beginning” (Gn. 1:1. Beth = 2000.

See Liber 2911)ty#)rb

3200 In the Beginning, God created... (Gn. 1:1. Beth = 2000) (N.B., 3200= 32 × 100: the 32 Paths in excelsis)

Myhl) )rb ty#)rb

3500 The Letters of Judgment: the 5 letters with a final form (S. D. 5:28) *C P N M K3530 The nine Paths of the Beard of Microprosopus (see 145 & 162) *t # r q C P ( s N3760 In the Beginning, God created... (Gn. 1:1. Beth = 2000) (N.B., 3200

= 32 × 100: the 32 Paths in excelsis)*Myhl) )rb ty#)rb

Page 22: Aleister Crowley - Liber D - Sepher Sephiroth