alex collier on the next dimension

Alex Collier On The Next Dimension Alex Collier On The Next Dimension – 1998 . Patte : Hi, this is Patte Purcell welcome to the Next Dimension Out of this world talk radio on talk America, tonight my guest is Alex Collier, the author of ‘Defending Sacred Ground’ – The Andromedan compendium, Alex had a very unique experience in that he has been in direct contact with the Andromedan extra terrestrials for over 20 years. Good evening Alex are you there? Alex : Yes Patte I am, hi. Patte : Hi how are you Alex : I’m great. Patte : Were going to be discussing some very interesting aspects of your contact with the andromedans tonight including extra terrestrial existence, time travel, underground bases, and the world as a hologram, and I know that you will be enlightening our listeners as to a lot of these areas, we do have a quick break that we have to go to and when we come back we will start with Alex, and for all of those who would like to contact him your new web site is www, is that right? Alex : That is correct

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Alex Collier On The Next Dimension – 1998


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Alex Collier On The Next Dimension

Alex Collier On The Next Dimension – 1998


Patte : Hi, this is Patte Purcell welcome to the Next Dimension Out of this world talk

radio on talk America, tonight my guest is Alex Collier, the author of ‘Defending

Sacred Ground’ – The Andromedan compendium, Alex had a very unique

experience in that he has been in direct contact with the Andromedan extra

terrestrials for over 20 years. Good evening Alex are you there?

Alex : Yes Patte I am, hi.

Patte : Hi how are you

Alex : I’m great.

Patte : Were going to be discussing some very interesting aspects of your contact

with the andromedans tonight including extra terrestrial existence, time travel,

underground bases, and the world as a hologram, and I know that you will be

enlightening our listeners as to a lot of these areas, we do have a quick break that

we have to go to and when we come back we will start with Alex, and for all of

those who would like to contact him your new web site is www, is that right?

Alex : That is correct

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Alex Collier On The Next Dimension

Patte : Okay, is there a number that they can call to receive more information if

they like or get a copy of your book?

Alex : Yes there is, its 303-215-1923.

Patte : Okay we will be back in a moment if you have questions for Alex were at a

1-888-22TALK and we will be discussing Alex’s direct contact with the Andromedan

extra terrestrials when we get back.


Patte : Hi this is Patte Purcell welcome back to the next dimension out of this world

talk radio on talk America my guest is Alex Collier author of Defending Sacred

Ground, the Andromedan Compendium. Alex, Why don’t you just go ahead and tell

us about how you were first contacted by the Andromedans.

Alex : I was 8 years old it was in the northern peninsula of Michigan, and it was a

family picnic, and it was in the middle of the afternoon, and I experienced what

would be considered classic missing time, and basically I was beamed on board a

space craft and when I woke up I was lying on a table and I was being given an

exam by two beings, two men, one was very tall, with light blue skin, with no hair,

and the other was a very small man, pale white and they introduced themselves,

and what was amazing was that I had absolute instant recognition to them.

Patte : Really

Alex : Yeah, it was like I absolutely know them. You know how when you meet

somebody you just know you know them?, it was like that they spoke to me

telepathically, very much like we’re talking now, except there were no words, they

didn’t move their lips, but I heard them just as clear as your hearing me, and some

of your listeners, it just, the whole thing evolved, from there, that first time they

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showed me who I was, my relationship to them and basically the experience began

that moment.

Patte : Now you were eight years old at that time when you said that you were

beamed on board, were you taken up in some tractor beam, or do you recall that

portion of it.

Alex : Well, it, you know, its not exactly a tractor beam, no I did not recall the first

time how I got on board, but, you know, obviously since then I’ve learnt how it

works. Essentially what it is, you know the laser pointer that you use on a board

during a lecture?

Its a blue light and its literally that thin, and what happens is the minute it scans

and touches your body, it breaks down all of your atoms, and your atoms travel up

this beam light as if it was optical fibre, on board the craft

Patte : Wow!

Alex : Once your there you assimilate back into your original form and there you

are [laughing]

Patte : and there you are

Alex : and there you are.

Patte : Go ahead, when you said that they showed who you were, how did they

show that to you

Alex : Well while we are sitting on the table Patte, they, put this little cap on my

head and it looked, like a yarmulke. It was some kind of a metal, alloy, except it

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had a hole in the centre, and immediately, Moraney had this little clicker in his

hands, and on the walls were there were no monitors, TV’s, there was just nothing

but bare wall suddenly, monitors, and the things began to appear, on the wall like

out of thin air, and, the monitors had images, they were literally showing movies,

some were monitoring my physicality, for which I think was more for them then it

was for me.

The screen, that was very much like a television screen but it was liquid, it its made

of a liquid, its like our television but its liquid, and because its liquid, it gives a

complete, 3d dimension, its almost as if you could jump into, the screen and be,

there, that’s how real it is.

I saw all these scenes, and as I’m watching these scenes in front of me, I’m getting

totally emotionally involved, and by the time it was over I absolutely had total

recognition, that what I had just seen, was me, that I had seen specific events, that

were past life experiences for me, now this whole process, seemed like it was 15

minutes, but later, I was told that it was the equivalent of 4 hours I had been

watching all of this.

Patte : You mentioned the name Moraney, was that the taller one or the shorter


Alex : Moraney is the taller one, Vasais is the shorter one.

Patte : Vasais, okay. now you said that you had this instant recognition of them and

that you knew who they were, did they show you their inner relation with them

Alex : No it did not

Patte : Okay how did you recognize the fact that you, you knew them or had this

contact with them, was this just telepathic knowing or?

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Alex : No no no, on a soul level the recognition is there, that’s how most of us have

deja vous.

Patte : Okay

Alex : Because the soul recognizes someone’s energy. You know, when you meet

somebody that you meet for the first time, or you think you’ve met them for the

first time, and you have this instant recognition, this instant liking, it is your soul

acknowledging the fact that it knows the vibration of the person you’ve just met.

Okay and our conscious and our subconscious, our conscious mind doesn’t know

that because its here in real time, we’re in the moment, where your subconscious

doesn’t know time. It doesn’t know time at all, it records things, and blends things

all at once, whether its a present life or a past life.

Through my conversations with them, afterwards and the continuous teachings, I

came to learn, when they were here 62,000 years ago, and this was at a point on

our planet when, there had been a huge, family feud, more or less, to say, between

the family of Enki, and the family of Enlil, the Nibiru tribe, that was here that

Zecharia Sitchin refers to and talks about. The Enlil tribe had left for a while, and

the Enki tribe or the Enki family, more or less was in control of the planet, for a

short time and they opened it up to all the other different races.

In other words they tried making it a showcase, because its so diverse, or our

planet used to be so diverse, with so many different altitudes, and geological

formations and life forms, I mean its just as splendid place, and, the Andromedans

were invited here and they had a colony, a small colony, here for approximately 62

years, between 62-65 years, and they were at that time.

Patte : Okay, Alex, we do have to a quick break, but we’ll be back in a couple of

minute, and we’re speaking with Alex Collier, if you have a question we’re at, 1-


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[Commercial Break]

Patte : Hi, this is Patte Purcell, welcome back to ‘The Next Dimension’ out of this

world talk radio, my guest is Alex Collier. Alex, we were discussing your first visit

with the Andromedans, how often are you in contact with them?

Alex : Well Patte, there’s no pattern, you know it could be several times a week,

and then it could be, once a month, it could go once six months, once eight

months, there was a period of 10 years I didn’t hear from them at all. So there’s no


Patte : Do they always take you onboard?.

Alex : No no, not always, sometimes its strictly telepathic, I prefer to go onboard,

because its always nice to get away from gravity here, and just to be in their space,

you know earth can really grind you down. [both laugh]

Patte : We all know that. What’s the ship like, tell us what the ship is like.

Alex : Its really no frills. The scout craft that usually comes is approximately 30 ft in

diameter, its weird, their bigger on the inside then they are on the outside. They’ve

explained it to me once, but I absolutely don’t understand it how it is that way. It

has 3 floors, 3 levels, the middle level would be considered the cockpit, the control

room, the navigational computers, there not like our computers, by any stretch. A

lot of things are liquid, a lot of the gauges and things like that can just disappear.

The cock floor would be more or less, a lounge area, a resting area, and the first

floor which would be the bottom floor, is an area where they load cargo, they take

samples, they have a laboratory, where they take samples and they put them in

storage, in a way, some kind of a cryogenic freeze, its also where they develop

there holographic pictures that they take of, different planets, stars, and things

they are exploring, and researching, and all the ships are like that, there virtually

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all identical, with the exception of the mother ships, the motherboards are just

these huge versions, of the smaller craft, except they are literally, floating cities.

Patte : Are they floating around our earth, or are they far away from us?

Alex : No there’s a lot of activity in our solar system right now, and there always

has been, its just that as our technology gets better we’re seeing more and more.

Patte : So they’ve always been here basically?

Alex : Yeah we’ve always been watched

Patte : Are they hiding behind the clouds like I’ve heard?

Alex : I wouldn’t say hiding behind the clouds, you know, some people would call it

cloak, some people would call it stealth, all they have to do is raise the vibration of

their craft 7 octaves, and they literally disappear from us even they’re right there.

Patte : So who exactly are the Andromedans? where are they from?, and what’s

there purpose here?

Alex : Well, they’re an extension of an ancient Lyran colony. Most of the human

race in our galaxy, and I need to differentiate this, and explain this because so

many people, when they are talking about space, they say – “well our universe,

we’re the only planet in the universe, and there’s no other life in the universe.”

You know, the universe has 100 trillion galaxies, we live in a galaxy, that’s where

we have a central sun, and we have all the other stars and planets and planetary

systems, and star constellations, that rotate around it… That is a galaxy, that is not

a universe, and you know, so many people get that wrong, that when I’m talking

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about the galaxy, they’ll say well does he mean the universe? and I don’t. The

universe is so big that no one has found the end of it yet… [laughing] Okay, no

ones found the end of it.

They, our colony or were a colony that came out of Lyra. Now, apparently the

human race was first seeded or colonized, in the ancient Vega system that we know

of as Lyra. Now the human race did not originate there. To date, at least from the

Andromedans, they do not know exactly where the human race came from, you

know, what we know ourselves to be.

Patte : Okay, Alex, we have to go to news real quick, but we’ll be back in a few

minutes, and we’ll be discussing, more about the Andromedans and Alex Collier

author of ‘Defending Sacred Ground’ we’ll be back in a moment.

[commercial break]

Patte : Hi, this is Patte Purcell, welcome back to the ‘Next Dimension’ out of this

world talk radio, my guest is Alex Collier. Alex we’ve gotten through some of the

basics, lets talk about what their message is, and why have they contacted you?

Alex : Well Patte, I’m not the only one

Patte : Okay

Alex : There are three others. My understanding is that there’s going to be a long

more and, since I’ve been on a couple of radio shows I’ve been getting some

information back that there are other people. One of these contactees down in

South America has actually contacted us, and we’re starting to communicate and

we’re going to start sharing some more stories.

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When they were here 62,000 years ago they were forced to leave, not only them

but many other colonial races that were here, that had been invited here, and I was

killed before I could leave, so, they basically came back to say hi, to touch base,

and, to help, their message in a nutshell, has been you have been manipulated, for

a very very long time, you have incredible potential, more of you would not even be

able to understand your potential.

Now there referring to us here on earth, we want you to know that on a genetic

level you are considered royalty,

Patte : Wow

Alex : Whatever you put your minds to, you can accomplish. But it will involve

taking full responsibility and having mutual respect for each other. In a nutshell

that’s their message. I once asked them what our future was going to be, their

response was really quite profound. You know, that is just not an easy thing to

answer. There message has been primarily to try to educate.

Patte : Okay

Alex : They’re not ones to sugar coat it, you know Patte, I’ve heard so much, so

many people talking about love and light, that everything’s okay, and that its going

to be okay, and that’s never been their message.

There message is there are a lot of problems here and a lot of the problems you

have not caused, but you are propagating, generation after generation because you

are not aware of the history behind world events, and your race. In their opinion,

we as a race are, definitely suffering from an identity crisis.

You know, we do not know who we are, where we’re going, how we got here, why

we’re here, and its obvious we have not learnt from the past because, we’re

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continuing to create a lot of what’s been in our past. As far as wars and so on and

so forth..

Patte : You said that we’ve been manipulated, is this part of this manipulation is to

keep us in this kind of chaotic state?

Alex : Yes because there was a time, where we united as a race, I mean there have

been several times, but the very last time, was during the time that Nibiru was

here, and Mr Sitchin talks about this in his books, The Earth Chronicles, and they’re

not an easy read, but I would suggest everybody read them, try to get through it.

Patte : and this was Nibiru?

Alex : Nibiru, yes, we united because we were slaves, to a group of extraterrestrial

races that were here and we were treated like slaves, as long as we did what we

were told, we were fed, we were given water, things remained relatively calm, but

the minute we didn’t behave, the truth is they slaughtered us like we were cattle.

They thought nothing of it, and we rebelled, several times, and you know, in history

the bible refers to ‘let us confound them and change their languages ‘

Patte : Okay, Alex, I’m sorry we’ll have to take a quick break we’ll be right back

Alex : Okay Patte.

[Commercial break]

Patte : This is Patte Purcell, welcome to the next dimension out of this world talk

radio, my guest is Alex Collier. Alex you said that we’re being manipulated, who is

doing the manipulation?

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Alex : Well Patte there are several groups of extraterrestrial races, that have been

here, and you know come back and forth, let me just say that there is a hierarchy

and it primarily stems out of Orion, Sirius B. Then there have been those lone

groups, such as the Dow, which the people here on earth here call the Grays, and

there have also been reptilian races, there have been some from Betelgeuse, that

have also visited, and have been manipulating us, even Nibiru manipulated us.

Again let me go back to set this up, let me try to explain who I have been taught by

the Andromedans we are, okay?

Patte : Okay

Alex : Now, we talked about the genetics and I’m going to get to that, in a second,

but I first want to tell everybody, folks, whether you want to believe this or not,

whether you think I’m crazy, or not, it doesn’t matter, but the reality is, that

everyone of you has a soul, okay, a consciousness that lives forever, that records,

and its purpose is to experience life, which ever life you choose to evolve, to

discover who you are to become all that you can be.

None of you, including myself, none of us as souls on this planet were born and

hatched here, we all come from some other place, some other realm, some other

dimension, that’s just the reality of it, and whether your a Christian, your a

Buddhist, your a Jew, your a Moslem is doesn’t change anything.

The reality is all of you as a soul come from some place else. Now, for some

reason, a very large group of us, as souls, choose to incarnate into this physically

which we know ourselves as earth beings, or Terrans as we’re known outside, at

least off planets, now because of so many extraterrestrial in the last, 22 million

years, visiting our planet, coming here, staying here, you know this was an outpost,

its where we’re the furthest end of our galaxy.

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It was an outpost, we are along a trading route, that moves just outside our solar

system, that many very very advanced races use, and have used in the past, that

moves just outside out of our solar system, to leave our galaxy to go to other

galaxies, and yes there are races that can do this, they would stop here for

whatever reason, this is why we have, so much life, so much diversity, its because

much of the life that is on our planet, was brought here by other races.

This is why in the fossil records they have discovered, so many extinct animals and

other plant life that are fully formed, okay. This notion that everything evolved from

a single cell is rubbish. I want you to know that, it is rubbish, it will never be

proven, they teach it as proof but it isn’t, okay its just not true, but its all part of

the programming to keep us thinking small.

Now, because of all the interaction earth has had with so many different races,

there have been, races, extraterrestrials that have been left behind, there have

other also, any many of them are human races, there are also many human races,

extraterrestrial races that are human that have come here and co-mingled, with our

race, both in the past and I’m told, even in the present.

This does go on, this occurs for example with the Grays, there are people folks,

especially women who know they have been implanted, have bared children, the

seed has been put inside of them, and they get to three of four months and

suddenly the pregnancy is terminated, and the baby is gone, there are other stories

of women being taken on board where they’ve met their children, with

extraterrestrials, so you see, so much has gone on with extra terrestrials.

According to the Andromedans, we as as race, I’m now taking about all of us on

planet earth, are the sum total of 22 different extraterrestrial races.

Patte : [makes noise of astonishment]

Alex : Okay?.

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Patte : that’s incredible-

Alex : and they say that we are royalty. Because of this, that we’re the only ones,

in our galaxy like this, the ONLY ones.

Patte : Wow, this is kind of like a living library huh?

Alex : Exactly! and I think somebody’s actually said that before, I think it was –

either, Barbara Marciniak.

Patte : Yes

Alex : But nobody wants to hear it. [both chuckle] Nobody wants to hear it, they

want to just stay in their 9 to 5, watch football drink beer and I’m like – GOD we’re

never going to evolve like this.

Patte : This is a very important time though isn’t it?

Alex : Yes ma’am, it is, the bubble is bursting and its going to be a very wild ride

Patte, things are radically changing, some things for the better and some definitely

for the worst, you know this is a very dangerous time, for all of us on the planet,

because our governments are completely irresponsible and the people that are

running it, you know, political leaders, they’re not really in charge.

They’re really not, but you know there’s an agenda, to lower the population of the

planet and there setting everything up to do that.

Patte : Okay, Alex we do have to take another quick break, and we’ll be back to

discuss a little more about this, lowering of the population, and what’s going with

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the government. We’ll be back in a moment with Alex Collier – Defending Sacred


[commercial break]

Patte : Welcome back to the Next dimension, out of this world talk radio on talk

America, my guest is Alex Collier author of Defending Sacred Ground. Alex if we are

in fact, the kind of experiment of the universe, that all of these, different

extraterrestrials, have kind of seeded our planet why are they now trying to lower

our population?

Alex : Well Patte, its not exactly like that, its not all of them that are trying to do it,

and we didn’t start out to be an experiment, you know we were, way in the

brunnies and at the end of the galaxy, and I guess you could say that many races

were very irresponsible about some of their actions when they were here.

They would just get in their ships and they would leave, and just either go home or

continue on with their mission or their scientific expedition, whatever it was they

were doing, and didn’t give us a second thought, but what happened was,

something happened to our DNA and suddenly within 2000 years, we go from,

these barbarians to being able to create space flight, we’ve evolved very very

quickly, and this has actually scared some races, it is primarily and I will use this

term often, regressive races that simply do not want to see us evolve, and to take

our rightful place in the galactic family.

Because part of our DNA, has to do with the primate race, going way way way way

back and there are some extraterrestrial races, and their not necessarily human,

who see us as beasts. They resent the fact that we have the abilities that we have,

that we can evolve so quickly and their doing everything they can to hold us back,

and they have been for a very very long time

Patte : Are these like the Orions and the …

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Alex : Yes ma’am, there are groups from Orion, from Ursa major, Ursa minor,

Betelgeuse, Sirius B, that you know, absolutely do not want to see us evolve, they

absolutely do not. They would prefer that we just stay right here, and we just stay

out of the way. You know this is a very complicated subject and if you want to go

down that road, we can do that, or if you want to explore other things and maybe

go back to that, we can do it.

But you know Patte, for 10 years I have been speaking publicly and I just keep

saying this over and over again, ladies and gentleman we are so awesome. We

truly are, we just have to believe in ourselves and we have to start putting all of

our petty differences aside, and start working as a race.

Now that doesn’t mean giving up freedom, it doesn’t mean giving up your individual

liberties and it doesn’t mean having to screw someone over for money or power, it

means literally learning to work together, so we can all evolve together.

Patte : Now you were saying – I would like to go on that thing because this is a

very positive show- you were saying that you know, we talk about love and light,

not really so much that, so how do we draw ourselves together as a group in

something positive? Ooops… I guess we have to go to the news break.

Alex : that sounds great!

Patte : I know they do, that’s the only frustrating thought but -

Alex : Hold that thought

Patte : Hold that thought when we go to the news and when we come back we will

discuss about what we can do to draw up ourselves together and to come up to the

potential that we have and that we really are- we’ll back in a moment, with Alex

Collier author of Defending Sacred Ground

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Alex : okay

[commercial break]

Patte : Hi this is Patte Purcell welcome back to the next dimension on talk America

and live on the internet, listeners you can listen at all one word. My guest this hour and

the next hour for the rest of the night is Alex Collier the author of ‘Defending

Sacred Ground – The Andromedan Compendium.’ We do have a caller right now, Ed

in Texas who is listening on the internet who has a question us, go ahead Ed.

Ed : Oh hi Patte, how are you this morning?

Patte : Fine, how are you?

Ed : good. Hi Alex how are you tonight, this morning?

Alex : I’m going well, how come your not sleeping [laughs]

Ed : I stayed up for you Alex

Alex : I’m honored

Ed : I had to do it, first of all, I’ve read your book, Defending Sacred Ground,

excellent, excellent piece of work I do have some questions, and I don’t want to

jump ahead of what your talking about but I would like you to comment on the

Andromedans being very – what’s the word I want to use – amazed at the things

we have, that we project from ourselves and our holographic 3d reality you know

like our little knickknacks and everything else like that

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Alex : Aha, mean why we put so much energy into those things?

Ed : Yes

Alex : You know – okay that’s a great question, is there time to answer the


Patte : You know, actually we do have to take our top of the hour break, I mean

I’m sorry but we will get back, we wanted to get that question out before we went

to break, but we’ll be back in a moment with Alex and Ed from Texas and I’ll be

answering that question as soon as we come back from break

[Commercial break]

Patte : Hi this is Patte Purcell welcome back to the next dimension out of this world

talk radio on talk America and live on the internet. My guest is Alex Collier and we

just had a question from Ed from Texas about what the Andromedans think about

all of our preoccupation as I would guess would be materialism and stuff is that


Ed : more or less, it has to do with how we use a lot of our energy

Alex : okay, they do not understand why we do not really want to know about our

past, they don’t understand why we do not practice or want to explore voluntary

introspection. [feedback then loss of signal for 3 minutes] How are we going to as a

race stand and create something that benefits everybody?, that fulfils the needs of

the many or are we going to continue to play this game where the needs of the few

are fulfilled and everybody else suffers.

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Ed : right

Alex : you know, what were creating isn’t working and they do not understand why

we don’t see it, or why we don’t change it or why we don’t honestly look at

ourselves, and our past, and that what we’re creating for our future and fix it, they

don’t understand why we don’t take responsibility for it, that we want somebody

else to fix it for us and I once asked Vasais about our future, because I’m worried, I

am really worried and this is the answer he gave me ‘responsible freedom of self

determination becoming truly self confident and free to unconditionally be

responsible for oneself’ and here’s the key phrase ‘without being coerced to accept

some higher authority.’

And that’s an individual decision by each one of us to be that way, to be fully

responsible, you know, and so many people just don’t want to take responsibility

Ed : I’ve been trying to walk my talk and I’m beating my head against the wall

talking to people about things, you know where I’m coming from with that

Alex : yeah well you know the educational system has successfully made sure that

there are very few critical thinkers

Ed : they disempowered generations?

Alex : yeah, and um you know, we’re in trouble, we’re in trouble.

Patte : How do you suggest we band together?, is this going to be done individually

and each person develops their own sovereignty and therefore it just kind of does

the 100th monkey theory?

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Alex : Patte, that’s only part of it, its going to have to be a grass roots level, in

other words you know, let me just put it to you this way and I will deal specifically

with the United States of America. We are extremely vulnerable now…

Our Governments totally corrupt, it doesn’t give a damn about us, its been run by

corporations, its been run by men and extraterrestrial that live underground that

don’t give a damn about us, we’re just considered a natural resource and we are

extremely vulnerable in the next six months to nuclear terrorism, biological

terrorism and the only way America is going to be saved is by the people, the

people are going to have to save the United States it isn’t going to be the

government, there block and paid for that’s just the way it is, and everybody knows

it, but very few people want to stand up, take responsibility and say, look we need

to get rid of everybody there and start over, that’s just the way it is.

Nobody wants to do it, and this is where we become a country of gossip. We talk

about it but nobody does anything. Nobodies willing to stand up and take the heat.

And fewer others are willing to stand behind them and really take the heat, to make

the changes, they just want to continue to go on thinking that its going to work

itself out and fix itself, and it isn’t going to happen.

Patte : When you said to get rid of everybody how do–?

Alex : We fire them Patte!.

Patte : Fire them.

Alex : Yes ma’am. You know this thing will Bill Clinton and I know we’re kind of

getting off this is an issue I want to talk about. This thing with Monica Lewinsky

Patte : Yes

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Alex : You know this is not really the issue, yeah, sure he lied, he commit perjury

and he probably obstructed justice but this is not the issue, I’ll tell you what the

real issue is, and its treason. The real issue is treason, okay, Lorell Space

Corporation, gave the Chinese top secret technology for guidance missile systems,

okay, and the reason he got a waiver to do it because he gave Bill Clinton a lot of

campaign contributions, and he was the largest donator to the democratic party, he

got a special waiver which gave the Chinese the guidance missile technology they

needed for their nuclear missiles, so now they’ll hit their targets where before they

couldn’t even get them off the ground. Okay and where are those nuclear missiles

targeted? They pointed at us…

Patte : Us

Alex : Their pointed at us Patte, their pointed us and we gave them the technology

for money.

Patte : This is what the whole thing is about.

Alex : That’s what the whole thing is really all about

Patte : Okay

Alex : That’s what its about

Patte : We do have to take a quick break here [laughing] but we will be back and

we have a caller holding from Vegas as well.

Alex : : Thanks Ed if your still there

Patte : Okay thank you Ed very much for calling in… Be back in a moment.

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[commercial break]

Patte : Hi, this is Patte Purcell welcome back to the Next Dimension, out of this

world talk radio, my guest is Alex Collier author of Defending Sacred Ground. Alex

we have another call, from Christina in Vegas who very much would like to ask you

a question. Christina are you there?

Christina : Yes I am here. Hi Alex

Alex : Hi Christina

Christina : How are you?

Alex : I’m good

Christina : All right, first of all I hope they sold them the Titan missile guidance

system, you know, the one that cracks up that we can’t even get up there, but lets

face it we’re not honorable as Americans when we sell technology

Alex : I agree

Christina : We probably sold them something cracked anyway. Getting onto

something a little different. Now the two people that you are telepathically in

contact with have they mentioned anything about the solar flares the gamma rays,

harbingers of things to come, was there anything in particular about what’s going

out in our galaxy that we need to be aware of?

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Alex : Well there’s a lot going on in the galaxy but lets just talk about our sun for a

moment. I know that there’s all kinds of people saying all kinds of things, Ed

dames, where the planets going to be fried and all this stuff

Christina : aha

Alex : It just isn’t going to happen. According to the Andromedans, something that

occurs on a fairly regular basis, throughout the galaxy, is that, stars, pole shift.

Okay, even planets pole shift, where they will rotate on their axis, apparently our

sun electromagnetic field has just finished a pole shift and the electromagnetic field

of the sun has not set itself, in other words its flipping back and forth which is

causing a lot of flare activity and the Andromedans have said that if it doesn’t

balance itself out in the next 85 to 93 days that they are going to intervene to do

this they are going to balance the magnetic field

Christina : Great that there’s somebody out there watching us.

Alex : Yes ma’am, they’ve intervened several times already and other races have

intervened as well, both good and bad, but that’s what they say it is.

This is an occurrence that happens and what happens is that once the sun does it,

generally the planets follow suit, and what it does is that the tone and frequency of

our solar system is dictated by the sun, its not the planets but by the Sun, the sun

sets the tone, and what happens is that when it flips, and rotates, to its new axis, it

puts off a new tone and frequency and the other planets re-align themselves to that

over a period of time… Its always been this way

Christina : ahum, that makes sense. One other quick question

Alex : Yes ma’am

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Christina : Now, supposedly there’s a portal over the middle east and I was

wondering if you have any information regarding that, because it seems that if

we’re all genetically royal what happened to that part of the country where they

just want to, as a world, where they just want to kill themselves all the time?

Alex : Oh, that’s a great question and Christina I can answer it this way. Okay, this

is the best answer I can give you. Prejudice – is an extra terrestrial perspective we

have been taught to hate each other, because as long as we hate each other we will

never unite and evolve as a race, we will constantly sabotage each other.

Christina : Hmm, well its seems like they are fighting brother to brother I think we

are a little more united in the United States, not much but a little bit more

Alex : [laughing] well not enough

Christina : [laughing]

Alex : Not enough, you know its that we’re not united, I think we’re lazy, I think

we’re really lazy.

Christina : A lot of people want to stand up and do something and it does have to

be a grassroots thing but lets face it, the people who think they’re in charge, they

just get rid of people who start these grassroots movements. I think on a conscious

level that a lot of people are trying to raise the situation, of pulling things together

in a positive way, just because we cant get out there and do it with signs or get

some notice about it because our liberties would be taken away doesn’t mean we

can’t consciously do it and I think that’s what’s going on

Alex : Christina, let me ask you this then, if that’s the case, why is it only 25% of

the population votes?

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Christina : Oh I think your going to see a big voter turn out this time

Alex : That would be great

Christina : Yeah, I think we will. But on a lighter side I have something to ask you


Alex : Yes ma’am

Christina : [laughing] Is Al Gore a walk-in cause he doesn’t look too animated


Alex : [laughing] I don’t know, I don’t know

Christina : Well thanks for your time

Patte : I’ve just got to say we have to the news real quick

Christina : Okay I’m going to let you go, thanks, and its great listening to you

Patte : Okay, thank you Christina. We do have to go to the news real quick and

then we’ll be back with Alex Collier Defending Sacred Ground. You want to go

ahead and give your number out real quick Alex?

Alex : If you want information regarding anything call 303-215-1923 please

business hours don’t call now, its you know, 1:30 in the morning here [laughing]

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Patte : Or check your web site at www

Alex : dot com, yes.

Patte : Okay great we’ll be back in a moment right after the news.

[commercial break]

Patte : Hi this is Patte Purcell welcome back to the Next Dimension, out of this

world talk radio on Talk American networks, my guest is Alex Collier author of

Defending Sacred Ground.

I’d also like to mention that our callers will be receiving a free subscription to the

auroran holistic journal and research directory which contains our news letter. Right

now we have art from Brenning Pennsylvania on the line, I guess you have a very

important question for Alex. Go ahead [Art is barely audible]

Art : Alex

Alex : Yes

Art : Am I on?

Patte : yeah [laughing]

Alex : Hey Art.

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Art : I have a question although maybe you want to answer one at the time. The

first has to do with the niburans, Sitchin’s 12th planet.

Alex : Yes sir, but its not exactly a planet, its more of a, well it is a planet but its

been hollowed out it’s now actually a space craft.

Art : This according to him has a period of 3600 years.

Alex : That’s inaccurate, it basically travels anywhere it wants, you know, my

understanding is that they have sometimes instead of being 3600 years apart,

they’ve come 4200 years, sometimes 5700 years, 15,000 years

Art : When’s is it due back?

Alex : The planet or the craft itself I’ve not been told that, but I can tell you this

quite honestly. Many of the Niburians, or Niburu are here in our solar system now.

There coming back there is an advanced force, the protocol force, that is already in

the solar system.

Art : …web site about that… paraphrase parts … about what the possible

consequences [unclear]

Patte : Neither can I, we’re having a problem hearing art through the lines here I

guess you can hear him Alex but we’re not able to hear him at all

Alex : okay, do you want me to repeat the question?

Patte : yeah maybe repeat the question

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Alex : Okay. His question was making a reference to an announcement on our web

site, about the fact that they’re here and what those consequences would be for us

and the answer is Art, my concern is that we’re in trouble because of their past,

treatment of us in history. Some have treated as as equals, but the family of Enlil

the natural born son of Anu, and again I refer to Sitchin work

Art : Yes I know that

Alex : They hate us, I mean we’re just nothing but a natural resource and the last

flood, the biblical flood of Noah, was a tilting of the planet on its axis which they did

mechanically to try to wipe us out, to exterminate the race and that’s why the

Andromedans and other races are here to make sure that doesn’t happen again,

because we have a legitimate right to survive, evolve. I don’t know art what’s going

to happen next, I wish I knew. All I can do is keep you posted when I get new


Art : On the web site you said that Moraney mentioned that if he was asked to

leave he would do so.

Alex : If the council told him to leave they would have to

Art : Yes, they have the power to do that?

Alex : Yes sir they do

Art : and his duty bound to obey?

Alex : that’s the impression I was given.

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Art : If that was to occur then the fly over would not happen is that right?

Alex : I don’t know that sir, I don’t know that. [unclear] would stay here because

what happens here affects their future, so they have an investment in seeing that

this thing balances itself out.

Art : Well isn’t it true that they are also from our future?

Alex : Yes sir.

Art : You might want to explain that for people who don’t really understand that

Alex : Okay.

Art : That’s a big order

Patte : Before we answer we do have to take a quick break. We are getting to hear

Art now so its working but we’ll be back in a moment with Alex Collier and art from

Weding Pennsylvania. We’ll be right back.

[commercial break]

Patte : Hi this is Patte Purcell welcome back to the next dimension out of this world

talk radio my guest is Alex Collier and we were talking to art from Weding

Pennsylvania. Art did do you have another question?

Art : Yes we left it kind of hanging in the air. Alex as I recall you mentioned that

the one reason that the Andromedans are here is that they in their future, at some

point they discovered tyranny and they traced in back to our galaxy is that correct?

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Alex : Yeah, to our solar system

Art : I’m sorry, to our solar system?

Alex : Yes sir. Okay to give a little galactic history, a very very long time ago there

was a war in our galaxy and it was primarily between the human races and the

reptilian races and the two sides slaughtered each other to the point where there

was really no winner, they both just exhausted themselves to where there and just

basically went in their opposite directions.

The conflict was never really resolved. Now what happened was that a group from

Sirius B under the guidance of the Orion – a consortium out of Orion, the Orion

constellations, gave scientists on our planet, technology, time travel technology.

This time travel technology became known as the Montauk project. And what

happened was, we without knowing what we were doing created a tear in time. We

didn’t know what we were doing, you know we really had no business with the

technology and according to Moraney its supposed to be another 150 years before

we actually invented time travel ourselves, but anyway these races gave us this


We opened up these holes in time, not one, not two, but three… holes in time which

also created three parallel realities of earth.

Now apparently extra terrestrial races from Orion and other groups that are

regressive have been using these time – these tears in time, to go back in time and

alter events in the past that create 400 linear time in our future, tyranny in our

galaxy and this is one of the reasons why the Andromedans and other races are


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This is why they intervened and stopped literally all portal time travel through these

tears, they’ve literally been sealing them up and blocking them and have literally

quarantined the solar system from time travel because they realized that these

specific races were going back and altering certain events so that the outcome

would be different from the way it was… Does that make sense?

Art : Yeah when they altered these events, and that would be in an parallel reality?

Alex : Well -

Art : Because doesn’t that lead to a paradox? If the events, if you go back to the

past and alter the event and when you get to the present you have a paradox. You

know the old story that if you went back and kill your father would you then be


Alex : I don’t know that that’s necessarily true Art, I don’t know if it was, if they

actually go back and change an alternative reality, my understanding is that they’ve

been altering the original reality, you know when you time travel it doesn’t

necessarily mean that they go to a parallel reality. I don’t honestly know enough

about that and that’s a great question. I don’t know if I have an answer for you. no.

Art : So they’re really travelers in both space and time

Alex : Well yeah, yeah.

Patte : Does one of the things that they’re altering like the perception of what

happened when Christ was on the earth to manipulate the people into thinking it

was a different scenario then it really was?

Art : Do you want to get into that Alex?

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Alex : [laughing] One of my least favorite subjects to talk about. Patte I can

address that but you know, you may not like my answer.

Patte : Though I probably already know your answer and I’m not afraid for you to

say it

Alex : It didn’t happen the way we’ve been taught, it didn’t happen that way at all,

you know, and you know a lot of people are waiting for a savior that may not be

coming, we may need to be our own savior.

Patte : That’s – for me I think that’s a very important thing for our listeners to

hear, is that there is no savior and if we continue to look for a savior we’re placing

expectations on what may turn out to be extra terrestrials or whatever to be our


Alex : Right, we’re disempowering ourselves

Patte : Right

Alex : We’re totally disempowering ourselves by waiting to be saved.

Patte : That’s right, and everybody looks to the government and everybody looks to

the coming of the Christ, the next savior down the line who’s going to fix everything

and I think your message is very important, that we’re here to save ourselves

Art : Not only that but I might interrupt, but that there’s also rumors that Putika

[?unclear] may be some ET groups that may try to play out.

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Alex : play it out Art? is that what your going to say?

Art : I’m sorry?

Alex : To play it out

Art : Yeah to make it appear that they’re coming here as saviors and all this love

and light sort of thing, so it seems that they’re not saviors at all

Alex : That’s right, that’s exactly right

Art : I don’t know which groups they are

Alex : It would be the Dows, the Grays

Art : By the way, are these groups, these creatures from Sirius B, are they reptilian

or are they more humanoid?

Alex : Well there humanoid but they have partial scales

Art : Okay

Alex : They were a colony originally, my understanding is that it was a work colony

that – in other words there was a lot of mining in Orion – some of the constellations

in Orion were mining minerals that they needed in the Sirius constellation and the

actual race of Sirius B were the workers that were brought there, basically slaves,

prisoners to work those mines

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Art : I see

Alex : And they’ve you know, evolved, over so many millions of years to become

the race that they are now. But again they’re very stuck on monarchy, where the

king is god

Art : yeah. Earlier on you had mentioned about how suddenly man evolved very

very quickly and I’ve think the twist in that [unclear] the idea with the messing of

the DNA you know in the anthropology studies, we’re savages all this suddenly

promagnum (sapiens?) man appears

Alex : Right

Art : And doesn’t that fit in with Sitchin’s idea that they took the hominid apes and

altered the DNA and gave them a little bit more intelligence?

Alex : Ah yes sir, but there were also human races here too which we’re not being

told about

Art : Yeah

Alex : You know I mean they’re finding records of man as we know ourselves you

know in the fossilized record but they keep it quiet because they don’t want to take

the time to rewrite history and say geees we were wrong

Art : Yeah

Alex : You know they would rather just propagating the lie you know to protect

their precious little hierarchy

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Art : And isn’t it true that—

Patte : I’m sorry Art and Alex we have to go to break and we’ve got the shift report

up so we’ll back after the

news okay

Alex/Art : Okay

Patte : Right

Alex : Bye bye

Patte : Bye bye

[ shift report with another guest ]

Patte : Hi this is Patte Purcell welcome back to the third hour of the next dimension

my guest is Alex Collier, the author of Defending Sacred Ground and we were

talking with Art from Weding Pennsylvania who has one more question and then we

will be discussing some things like holograms and some of the other races. Art, you

had one more question

Art : Yes the gentleman you were just talking with in Hawaii [referring to shift


Patte : Yes

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Art : Mentioned about the magnetic changes, the magnetic changes in the earths

magnetic field – made reference to it – have you been following this business with

the homing pigeons?

Patte : Homing pigeons, no I haven’t, I’m not familiar with it

Art : Apparently the homing pigeons used the magnetic lines of course as their

homing device and recently in the paper there was an article about – I think it was

near Pittsburg where some 2000 pigeons were released and only about 20 of them

got home so

Patte : Can you comment on that Alex?

Art : Yeah the electro magnetic field of our earth is fluctuating and this usually

occurs before a physical pole shift of the planet – the electromagnetic field will

rotate and realign itself and then the planet will follow and again this is all in

response to the sun

Patte : So your expecting – are the Andromedans telling you we are going to have

a pole shift or is it?

Alex : The highest probability is any time between now and the year 2003. Were

going to have a physical pole shift.

Patte : Is it going to be very world drastic?

Alex : Yes ma’am it is, yes ma’am, it can be, it can be

Patte : Because some of the guests that I’ve had, we’ve discussed the shift just a

lot, as you can probably tell [laughing] some of the guests I’ve been having saying

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that through consciousness and through different methods of people working on

this – through meditation and through [unclear] talking about the fifth mode of

prayer that we are softening some of these effects and hopefully they won’t be

quite as drastic as has been predicted but you never know. Its up to us right


Alex : Yes ma’am it is

Patte : Okay did that answer your question for you Art?

Art : Yes it did

Patte : Okay well we appreciate your call

Art : Yes thank you very much Patte

Patte : All right, bye bye

Art : Good night, good night Alex

Alex : Good night art

Patte : One of the things that I want to discuss with you was with the fact that we

are actually in a hologram – I was reading that in your book

Alex : According to Andromedans the entire universe which involves all of the

dimensions, planes – or whatever you want to call it, including ourselves are

holographs. That it is made up of light, color and sound, and all matter is made up

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of that depending upon the frequency of the light and color and the sound will

dictate the density of which it is, and they’ve even said that were all holograms.

Patte : Our physical bodies are holograms?

Alex : Aha, yeah.

Patte : So basically the third dimensional hologram – when we are seeing

something outside of ourselves that’s basically a mirror in 3d dimensional form. Is

that what we’re saying?

Alex : Yes ma’am. For example, lets look at the process of birth, okay? Here you

have a soul a soul attaches to a physical – a soul wants to incarnate into third

density, we’ll say earth, okay how does the soul get in here? it has to create the

space okay, and how does it create the space. It has to create a physical form that

is acceptable by, with a frequency, color sounded frequency that will be able to

integrate into this holograph which we have which we call third density—

Patte : Alex, your going to kill me [laughing] but we have to take a break

Alex : Another break

Patte : Okay this is our short one. When we come back we’re going to have a nice

span of time, so save your thought we’ll be right back okay

Alex : Okay.


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Patte : Hi this is Patte Purcell welcome to the next dimension we’re back with Alex

Collier. Okay Alex lets start over with this [laughing]

Alex : Okay so if every single one of us had cognitive memory of you know, our

progression of lifetimes we would come to understand that we truly do choose our

parents for the purpose of the experience that we need to, that we choose to have.

Now how do we as a soul, a spirit come into third density to experience physical

reality, we have to create the space so what we do is we attach to a body, to an

embryo and as it grows and it matures in the mothers body it is here, but it isn’t

here yet. It isn’t actually the birthing processing where now that physical now has

its own space on- in third density. You understand?

Patte : Yes I understand

Alex : Okay, so when a person has a near death experience they leave their body,

they’re considered dead, for a time, whether its 10 seconds, 30 seconds a few

second, they go to some place, and they have an experience. Now its a real

experience okay, but there no longer in physical body, they are now some place

else, that is just as real to them, even though it is not as dense as physical.

Now when they come back to their body and they relate what experience they had

some people are like, you know, how can that be? where did you go, you know,

how can that exist?. It exists because the universe, what we know as our universe

is a series of layers of frequencies and vibration and within that hologram contains

a level of frequencies of harmonics that we exist on, and that can only be if it was a


Patte : Okay

Alex : For example, the Andromedans have a camera, which they use extensively

and its a holographic camera. Now Patte they can take a picture of you, right now

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this moment, and depending on the setting of this camera, it can be set for, 10

years in our linear time, 20 years in our linear time, or it can even go back to

moment of conception, of your mum and your dad. Now this one picture contains, if

they took a picture of you now it would contain your entire life from now back to


And then what they do is they take it apart and they look at specific times in your

life and its like a video but its actually a picture, its like a snapshot, but there able

to take it apart and look at various times in your life of who you were, what your

experiencing, everything about you okay, and its a holographic camera, literally.

They’ve taken lots of these kinds of pictures of our planet and the reason they say

they can do this is because it is a holograph, it is a true account of who you are.

Now we are so stuck in linear time that it is very difficult of people to conceive the

concept that everything is a holograph.

I mean you say holograph to most they’ll say ‘you know, holo what?’ they won’t

even know what your talking about, the soul, your soul, my soul, everybody’s soul

is literally multidimensional, it is a holograph, because what your experiencing now

here in the present your not consciously aware of other experiences your soul is

having on other levels because we have separated ourselves from the concept of a

holograph into linear thinking, that this is it, this is where I am now, and that’s all

there is to it, there’s nothing else that exists, and we’ve limited our self

tremendously, and we wonder why we’re only using you know 12 to 15 percent of

our brain you know.

Patte : Yes, so when your talking in the book about we’re moving into the 4th

dimension and the 5th dimension

Alex : Yes ma’am

Patte : Okay, which is something that were doing right now, how – would you

explain to the listeners, which I thought was very interesting in your book about

how you will know, when you have say reached the 4th dimension or the 5th


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Alex : Well according to the Andromedans, many of us are already in the 4th

dimension and its consciousness

Patte : How does it look different then the 3rd dimensional consciousness?

Alex : Color, its color its frequency its sound, but to us on a physical level, the first

thing that will strike us will be the different in colors, it will also be a difference in

the depth of emotional experience

Patte : Depth of emotional experience

Alex : Experience… If the body, the entire body will experience all emotion. As

opposed to – you know just feeling it in a certain part of our body, weather its the

heart, the solar plexus, the mind, the throat, in other words, the whole body will

humm, it will vibrate, we will also, you will also be able to see spirit, what we call

spirit, which is really just another dimension, many people can – are already

beginning to experience this, they’re seeing things in their peripheral vision, they’ll

see things walk by them, go past them, they’ll see things in the room, and they’ll

look and it isn’t there of course, but to the peripheral vision they know they saw

something, or they felt something, in other words those kind of things will become

more and more physical.

Telepathy, you will begin to experience more telepathy. You will actually begin to

hear other peoples thoughts about you, directed to towards you, you will think of

somebody and they will immediately call you, and it will become more and more

[music in background] prevalent – is this another break?

Patte : Yeah [both laugh]

Patte : We’ll be be right back in a moment- this is, this is great stuff, we’ll be back

with Alex Collier in a moment

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[commercial break]

Patte : Hi this is Patte Purcell welcome back to the next dimension my guest is Alex

Collier, who is talking about some of the changes we’re experiencing, from going

from the 3rd to the 4th, 4th to the 5th dimension, and you were just telling me

things like telepathy and beginning to see spirits

Alex : Yes, to see what we would call spirit, also Patte my understanding is that as

we move through it you’ll be able to look at people and you will automatically see

physical dysfunctional in them, you will see it, and you will know exactly what it is,

because as we move through 4th into 5th we will actually see pictures, in, peoples

physical form, of what’s causing the blockage.

Whether its an experience, whether its an emotion, we will be able to really help

each other as well as ourselves, and we’ll be able to walk through physicality

because as we evolve the atoms that make up our physical form which is held

together by intent, will rotate at a higher frequency.

Which means we become less and less dense. That’s why some of the ancient—

some of the people in India can actually do a meditation and literally levitate


Patte : Right

Alex : Because they raise the frequency of their atoms to make themselves light,

and that’s why he begins to levitate [Patte talks over]

Patte : But where would he go? would there be people in the 3rd dimension at the

same time that somebody are like, for instance if I’m 3rd dimension will I have

people that I can see and work with that are in 4th dimension, the 5th dimension or

we will all be interacting on the same plane, or will people kind of all be in the 4th

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dimension at the same time, and then all move into the 5th dimension at the same


Alex : The scenario I was given by Moraney and Vasais is this that it would probably

be the children first. That the children will be able to literally walk into 4th and 5th

density and will come back to each their parents how to do it and to prepare them

for what’s on the other side. Its going to be the children that are going teach us

because they’re so wide open.

For example, I’m a dad, and, we have a toddler, and as you know toddlers go

through terrible twos, and threes sometimes, and other challenges. I’ve asked them

about it and what he told me was is that the children become frustrated because

they can remember their past life times and in their mind they see themselves

doing something, but physically they can’t do it. They do not understand how they

can see themselves in their minds doing it and they can’t do it physically, and they

get frustrated.

Cause their minds are far advanced then their bodies – the physical form, they

don’t understand why their physicality limits them because in their mind they’re

wide open, they’re completely wide open and unless we continue to encourage that

openness in them, they loose it, and then they begin to dismiss that part of their

past, their past life, that recognition, they dismiss it, and then they become you

know, they start becoming like their parents.

Patte : So we’re interacting, cause its very interesting of course, with doing what

I’m doing I meet some incredibly interesting people. Some of these people have of

course abilities like touch healing and psychic abilities and – are some of these

people like say on the 4th dimension, some on the 5th dimension – is that – are

they kind of these certain people that have certain abilities or are we all right now

in the 4th dimension

Alex : We all have it

Patte : We all have it?

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Alex : We [unclear] have to be ready to do it [??] but it’s a choice. It’s a decision

that people have to make you know, and it sounds easy but it isn’t

Patte : Oh I know

Alex : Its all based on programming and conditioning you know.

Patte : So are we all – well I guess my question is this – are we all in the 4th

dimension right now or are we all, are some of us in the 3rd, and some of us in the

4th and some of us in the 5th but we’re all interacting at the same time.

Alex : Some of us are in the 3rd, some of us are in the 4th, I believe there are four

or five people people on the planet now that can literally go from 3rd to 5th one of

them being Sai Baba.

Patte : And the fifth dimension- I know we have to go, take a news break, but lets

talk about when we come back how does the fifth dimension differ from say the

4th. You said something about the golden arches being aqua-marine or something

[Alex and Patte laugh]

Alex : Yeah we’ll get to that. How long is the break?

Patte : Its just be a few minutes we’re going to take a news break so if you want to

get up and stretch a little bit that’s fine and well be back in a moment. 1-888-

822TALK with Alex Collier

[commercial / news break]

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Patte : Hi this is Patte Purcell welcome back to the next dimension on talk America

and our guest is Alex Collier we’re talking about now the difference between the

3rd, 4th and going into the 5th dimension. So what’s the difference between the

4th and 5th dimension?

Alex : The biggest shift is the physicality. 5th density is a color – what we know as

3rd density, is a color and sound frequency made up of 72 different frequencies

within 3rd density there are 72 levels of sound and color okay?

Patte : Okay

Alex : Now that’s what makes up our physicality. 4th dimension, when you move

into the 4th dimension which they say is primarily consciousness which affects the

mind and everything associated with intent – and that’s a word they use a lot, its

intent, you move from 72 to 98 sound and color frequencies. Now when you move

from there, when you move from fourth to 5th density we’re talking about a color

spectrum of 223 color sound frequencies so its more than double and it affects

primarily the physicality the most

Patte : In what way?

Alex : Well there are colors that we’ve never seen before, there are colors, there

are things that (sigh) lets see, 5th density is more fluid, it is almost liquid, it is

almost, its almost a wave, it is so hard to describe

Patte : Is it like in ‘Contact’ (the film)?, what they were showing in ‘Contact’? when

she went up their and on that other – I don’t know plant or whatever that she

ended up going and it was so liquid and so vibrant?.. just—

Alex : Yeah, that would be a great analogy, that would be an excellent analogy.


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Patte : I thought that was tremendous

Alex : Yes, its like that, the ability to create is incredible, it is so profound and its

almost instantaneous that’s why its important to evolve, to really know who you are

you know when you more through the different levels to get to that place, its

imperative that you know who you are because you will create what you think, and

there’s an awesome responsibility associated with that, you know we can do the

same things here but there’s always that factor of time, everything takes time here.

Where at that level things are much quicker – you don’t have the same element of

time, in fact you don’t even think about time and because your physical body is not

so dense you will have longer life spans in a single physical form and gravity is

different. Patte it is so hard to describe because there are no words here to

describe the experiences, its as as if were going to have to literally create an entire

new vocabulary, or expression of thought and emotion to relay what it is that we’re

going to be experiencing.

Patte : I have a question for you, I’ve noticed this , and I don’t know, I haven’t

been able to explain it. Several years ago I guess I was very caught up in the

conspiracy theory [laughing] okay, and the I guess the not so good feelings about

the government and all of these things that were going on, and now I find myself

unable to not, and I can’t be real angry and all, all I can do is like love these people

and feel this thing in my heart that um, I can’t be angry with them anymore. And I

just wondered if that’s part of the shift to the 4th dimension. Does that have

anything to do with it going more into a love vibration?

Alex : I think so

Patte : I guess we do have a take a break [both laugh]

Alex : Your kidding

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Patte : No, never ending breaks, but we will be back and we have a caller holding

and we we’ll have a question when we come back with Alex, we’re with Alex Collier

we’ll be back in a moment


Patte : Hi this is Patte Purcell welcome back to the next dimension, before we take

our caller, Alex have you in being on the ship have you been in the 4th and the 5th


Alex : Yes I have, I have to wear a belt though

Patte : You have to wear a belt?

Alex : When I go with them, because they’re from literally the 5th that’s where they

are, that’s where their consciousness is, and unless this belt that will hold my

atoms together what it does is – I put on this belt the moment I get on the ship

and it literally puts, it creates a force field around my body, that allows me to be

with them but still maintain a 3rd density body, because otherwise my atoms would

just scatter

Patte : Wow

Alex : Yeah, its pretty interesting

Patte : I bet it is interesting [laughing]

Alex : And they’ve been lots of times Patte I don’t want to come back

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Patte : This isn’t the greatest place right now is it? [laughing]

Alex : No, its pretty depressing, at times.

Patte : It is, it’s hard to but you know, don’t you feel that we are here like on a

mission to help bring this consciousness up, isn’t that what were really here for?

Alex : Yes ma’am it is, its just the resistance to change though, definitely frustrates

me per say you know everybody talks about it but when it really comes down to

making the change very few will walk the talk.

Patte : You know what I came to to believe after what I felt was a resistance thing

for so several years its not about changing anybody else its about changing yourself

because when you change yourself then you change your reality.

Alex : That’s exactly right

Patte : And so we really, you know its like, you know we can put all our focus on,

on how bad things are here but if we go into ourselves and we have a peaceful

centre in ourselves and we had Gregg Braden on last week who talked about the

fifth mode [?] of prayer and they have digital proof that feeling when you pray,

praying rain, feeling the rain on your face, smelling the rain as it hits the earth,

feeling the earth under your feet and praying rain and thanking God for that is the

way that we change this.

We create, we are creating the outcome on this, and if we focus our energies on

what’s bad in the world that’s all we’re going to see and we focus our energy on the

peace within this is what were going to create, and so what I was getting to with

the hologram, Art by saying we’re in a hologram which I believe we are, then isn’t

everybody basically a mirror of ourselves? so aren’t we mirroring back to ourselves

what we believe?

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Alex : Yes, we are constantly creating ourselves over and over and over again.

Patte : Right, right its important to keep our head in the right place

Alex : Well it is and its also important to be consciously aware of all of our thoughts

you know, so many people aren’t even aware of what their thinking most of the

time, that’s how unaware of themselves they are. And everything you think about

will manifest or put you in a place of where your thinking you know, and we’re not

just being, we’re not – somehow somewhere the teaching about self broke down

and you know we’re not preparing our children to be fully integrated human beings,

you know we’re not learning ourselves or teaching how to be at one with all. And

um, humm, I don’t

Patte : We are one with all though aren’t we? Isn’t—

Alex : Yes we are but we, but we, constantly are putting ourselves in self imposed

loneliness and I don’t know how to break people of that habit.

Patte : How about breaking ourselves of the habit? that’s probably, and easier said

than done you know but, recognizing that we are all connected and that we are all

one and that there is no separateness

Alex : There isn’t

Patte : And that whatever we’re seeing out there is a reflection of our thoughts and

trying to maintain our awareness of that consciousness we do have. Go ahead did

you have something to say

Alex : I just said it was very well said

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Patte : Oh thank you. We have Ed in Texas that has another question for us, Ed are

you there [laughing]

Ed : Yeah I’m here

Alex : Are you still awake I cant believe it

Ed : Of course I’m awake [Alex laughs] Patte there’s just not enough time in the

next dimension

Patte : I know!

Ed : Alex with all the chemicals in our water such as fluoride, kind of beating down

our consciousnesses and toxins etc., I wanted you to make a comment about the

copper in our systems and how increasing the copper can restore some of our brain

capacity and our nervous system capacity

Alex : That’s a great question, you mentioned that earlier, and you know, we got

into other things and now your busy. Apparently our original physical form was

copper based, in other words we were all blue bloods and by adding copper back

into our diets, and I’m talking about colloidal copper we know that’s absorbable into

the blood stream what it does it creates an automatic seal to an electromagnetic

energy which means that our brain frequencies and our brain capacity is less

influenced by outside magnetic waves, which means that is very difficult brainwash,

to manipulate somebody’s thinking by technology it also means that you you will

increase the frequency, the vibrational frequency of the body, by adding this

mineral because it itself vibrates and its directly connected to the planet, what was

the other part of that ?

Ed : Well I was mentioning about fluorides

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Alex : Oh fluoride

Ed : About the hypocampus

Alex : Yeah, you know Val Valerian at the Leading Edge website has done extensive

research and a lot of others, it basically shuts down many parts of the brain and

almost totally shuts down psychic ability. Its amazing that some people you know

drink a lot of water, fluoride water, city water and are still psychic. But you know,

its a terrible terrible thing, what its doing to the body. Copper, by adding copper

back into the diet as a mineral basically helps the body in all levels.

The greatest thing is that it opens and makes your nervous system vibrates at a

higher level which means that the higher your nervous system vibrates the more

soul, your soul can attach to the physical body. For an example there are some

people you will see that are just not in their bodies their not there okay, those are

people, you know, they say well you need grounding, and you need this and you

need that and we all know people who are like that.

What they need is copper, colloidal copper in their diet, in will automatically help

their soul ground to their nervous system it just means they’re not fully attached

and the soul attaches to the physical body in the nervous system, that’s what soul


Ed : Is that strictly colloidal or does that include cheatable copper also?

Alex : Either.

Ed : I wanted to put in another plug in for your book cause I’ve followed this

extraterrestrial thing for years, and your book really hit inner source within me, and

I felt, I can’t wait for the next one to come out.

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Alex : Well hopefully it will just be in few months, it’s called Ancient Whispers and

its the history of our solar system, and other races that have come here.

Ed : Thank you both so much

Alex : Your welcome Ed

Patte : Okay thank you we have to take a quick break again. 303-215-1923 if you’d

like to contact Alex and www We’ll be back in a

moment with Alex Collier – Defending Sacred Ground.


Patte : Hi this is Patte Purcell welcome back to the next dimension, my guest this

evening has been Alex Collier author of Defending Sacred Ground. I do want to

mention that next week my guest will be Bart Smyth[sp?] on energetic healing and

tai chi and also the author of ‘bliss is everywhere’ which is Mark Jones and you

were talking about using or adding copper, colloidal water, to the system to help

protect against electromagnetic frequencies which I find is real interesting because

I met a doctor a couple of weeks ago that is out of Sedona, we’re going to have her

on the show and she will tell us how to make it for pennies [laughing]

Alex : Yes its not that difficult

Patte : No, its sounds like its pretty easy and she also advises using micro water,

more alkaline water to raise your frequency which is very interesting…

Alex : There’s a lot of things that people can do and they’re very simple, and next

to nothing to do. For example colloidal silver is one of the best protections against

virus and diseases ever, you know, and [laughing] you know, the FDA wants to

take it off the shelves they want it outlawed because it’s cheap it’s simple and all

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you got to do is get a jug of water throw a silver, a real silver coin in there and

drink it and you know diseases, viruses cannot exist with the body with that stuff

there. Its amazing that the knowledge that’s out there, you know the herbs, and

other things that people can take, its real simple stuff. We’ve complicated our lives

way too much

Patte : They want to make it look difficult but actually its very simple

Alex : It really is, you know they don’t want us to be educated so we can be self

reliant, self responsible, because if we’re all like that nobody has control over us.

And that’s what its about, its about control

Patte : Yes, its about being sovereign

Alex : Yeah it is

Patte : Taking responsibility for ourselves, not working to big brother to provide us

with food, shelter and clothing

Alex : Yeah

Patte : Taking care of our children and everything that goes along with the more

responsibility we abdicate to somebody, the more power they take over us.

Alex : That’s exactly right, there’s always a price.

Patte : [laughing] So anyway we have a just a few more minutes here and I would

like just to give you an opportunity to give our listeners what message you would

like to give to them from the Andromedans or anything that you think would be of a

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special important and also make sure to give your phone number and web site

again okay.

Alex : Okay, I would just like to just say something you know, on behalf of myself.

I’ve been trying to share this information for 10 years, and I’ve had a lot of

challenges, I’ve had a lot of security issues, I’ve had several threats, and you know

ladies and gentleman, I just want you to know that I really love our race. I know

what we can become, but I can’t do it alone, and we need to make some changes,

we need to make an investment in ourselves, and each one of us has to do it in our

way, there’s no one way to do it, there’s no one person that has all the answers, its

different for everybody and anybody that says ‘hey this is the way’. You know

there’s just not one way.

Patte : So search within right?

Alex : Well that’s where it starts, I mean you know, I’m creating my reality, your

creating your reality, I’m not

creating the guys reality down the street, he is

Patte : Right

Alex : And I’m not responsible for him, I’m responsible for myself, and vice versa,

and you know ladies and gentleman, please do not turn on each other, we really

need each other

Patte : I guess, unfortunately we have to end on that note cause we’re up to a

news break again, thank you so much, I really appreciate it, it was a wonderful

show, 303-215-1923 get his book, you’re going to love it, and again, I thank you

and to all of my listeners and to you I say namaste the god in my salutes the god in


[end of show]

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