alexandria gazette (alexandria, va. : 1834).(alexandria ...soal!coal!!.the schr. beauty is now...

| VOL. LIX. \lciau'«.<.»xei(tik Virginia Advertiser, PIDLI8URD DAILY BY * BDGAn IIOWDII, At Right Dollars per annum. payable half yearly. . ||X Alexan'a. Gazette X Virginia Advertiser. (for tuk country) 18 PUBLISHED, KEOILAKLV, 05 TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS AND SATURDAY'S, At Five Dollars per annum, payable in advance. P Tebms or Adyektisivo..Advertisements not exceeding ! o'le k juare, inserted three times for one dollar. AdvertUeuients c 1111 ii. i al'ter three times, lor i>0 cents a »iu«re roaticslwutmsixgiM,ortteeaUWHiMi. Sixt. en lines are counted as a square. A Ivortisetuents by the year, at prices t«> be agreed upon, having reference to the usual uur ant of space they may occupy. 3uB Persons a ivertlsinz by the year not to advertise articles ..... .. I.I I...I i>. r..»til»r l»uin.kl. nor tn Insert In 'fxto tholr a lv /rtDuinuiits auy other names than their own. M*RK!u..i in l oeiTcakv N -! ;> . exceeding five line*, will be -barged far as advertisements. I. ALEXANDRIA ( AZKITE " JOB PRINTING OrriCE. HAVING JUST ADDED LARGELY TOOl'R ASSORTMENT OF JOB TYPE, *-y.m bracing D7I]?.7 7£?.IZT7 we are prepared to eiurntu orders for tile following, with NEATNESS AND DESPATCH PAMPHLETS, BILL HEADS, CHECKS, SCHOOL UK PORTS, ,<m CIRCULARS, KAIL ROAD RECEIPTS, 4.JK NOTES. APOTHECARIES LABELS, KILLS LADING, BUSINESS CARDS, fW POSTERS, 11 AN DRILLS. WARRANTS. BONDS, VISITING CARDS, A*I> KVFUY DESCRIPTION OF PRINTING, Buentod opt n ureMonabto terms. a* at any ZTTZZZ ZZ-JIH ZT TK2 7Z7Z1C4.Z. nl Bajr ' t/fice, Ao. 7u 1'jince Street, between Fairfax an I lioj/al Streets. jmi ORANGE and ALEXANDRIA RAIL ROAD. Da.i. i:.r \\ LK-. \V A " v;t.»n *1111i the SofTit. f via Alkx andria, Gordonsville. and Richmond, lor Lyschrcko and tiie South West. Leave Alexandria at 7$ o'clock, A. M., arrive in Lr.NCHiti'Rf. next morning at 4, A. M., connecting w ith the trains on the Virginia and «ifrb Tennessee Railroad for Memphis. Mail Stages 4Hji from (Viarlotlesville to Lynchburg a distance c 6" miles. Fare from Alexandria to Lynchburg, $7,50. a dec MANASSAS GAP RAIL ROAD. EiftlIK£3EisE9i9IH I )ASSENGERS tor this Road will leave the J[ Alexandria Station, in the Orange Train fat>. A. M., daily (Sundays e>pected) ~ ' KDVV. GREEN, Trea-urer. ALEXANDRIA b WASHINGTON R. ROAD. d 1N AND ALTER MONDAY, f/i<-tllsf inaf., " / the Trains on this Road, until further notice, will run regularly, at the following hours l. They will have Alexandria, for Washington. J at 1}. 10, and 11 £ o clock, A. M anil at I J. 0J. y , Jfi ar)d J P M and connect with a I- 1 1'"e ot ().M NI BUSES at the Bridge, running to the Office of the Company on Sixth street, in the National Hotel building, a few doors from Pennsylvania Avenue, aud to the Baltimore depot in time lor the Cars For Alexandria, the Omnibuses will leave the Office of ihe Company at 7§, and 111. A. M. and at t|, 'tj. tnd f> o'clock, P. M , connecting with the cars at the Bridge. PASSAGE TO Pennsylvania AVENUE, ?5 CENTS. Light articles, or Bundles, will be forwarded between Alexandria and Washington, trom the office in either place. Hea\y freights will be transported over the road, if delivered at the Depot in Alexandria, or at the Long Bridge. JOB CORSON, dec 19.dvfw Superintendent. 1867. call a.-o wl.ntkk akkaxotmknts. 1867. ADA.IIS' K XPKKSH COMPANY TNV1TE the attention of the public to the jL facilities afforded by this Company, for the j, quick and safe conveyance of Specie, Bank r Notes, valuable packages, heavy and bulky m freight, Ac. I EXPRESSES for the East. to Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, Boston, Providence, Hartiord, &c.. leave otir olficc daily, at 2, P. M. EXPRESSES tor the Soirth, to Richmond, Fredericksburg. Petersburg, Lynchburg, and for points in North Carolina, Soutn Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, and Tennessee, leave uaily at Our EXPRESSES are always accompanied by careful and trustworthy messengers, and the public can rely upon all business entrusted to us being done with safety, punctuality, and ties- Ratkr.On heavy freight from Baltimore, 37} cents ^ ll)U lb-.: irom Philadelphia. $1; from New York, -"fii.flO. K No packages ol goods Taken bv weight, un- R ' ss weighing over 200 lbs. f*b R. W FALLS. Agent [ft mAjrms 1 HE STEAMER GEO PAGE 1 Jfi8SS&5&wlH run regularly, at the following ' hours, until further notice . Leave Alexandria, at !}, 9. 10^. 12}: 3. i' and 4j' o'clock f Leave Washington, at s. '.'i. 11}, 14. and 5$o'clock inn .Ti ] E I, PRICE, Cap? 1.1 *11!Kit V Alius. i* i W \ / U W j FEET assorted White Pine Vm M'U 230,000 feet Spruce Joist and Scantling 100,000 feet assorled (ieorgia Pine Timber 1 U«',0u0 ' South Carolina Flooring, Al- exaiaina utrwcji , I400.U00 Eastern Laths, |uM laid in. ami for j sale by WATERS, ZIMMERMAN At CO. I UMBER, COAL, AND WOOD YARD!! J j Corner of In ton and i^uten streets. North. Where 1 am prepared to lurnis'i every descrip tion oi LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATHS, LIME, Ate. Also. Oak and Pine Wood, Red and White Ash. and Cumberland COAL, which I am sell- mg low lor cash, or on reasonable terms to good customers [aug 3.tfJ U W. BARKER * a s\i v/v NO 1 and NO CYPRUS i oou.uin; SHINGLES, just received B per Schrs Summerfield and Holly, and lor sale Jw at prices to suit the times, by nov 3 WATEKS. 7.1MMKKMAN h CO. mki SECRET INFIRMITIES OF YOUTH AND MATURITT./MljwMiiiM Gratu, thr 25th thousand.A few words on the rational treatment, without Medicine, of Spermatorrhea or Local Weakness, Genital and Nervous Debili- * ty. Premature Decay ot the System. Impotency, and Impediments to Marriage generally, by ;;j B. DE LANKY. M D. The important fact that the many alarming complaints, originating in the imprudence and solitude ot youth, may he easily removed without Medicine, is in this small tract, clearly demonstrated; and the entirely new and highly successful treatment, as adopted by the Author, X fully explained, by means ol which everyone is enabled to cure bimsell perfectly and at thel^ast possible cost, thereby avoiding all the advertised nostrums of the day. Sent to any address, gratis and post free in a sealed envelope, by remitting two postage stamps to Dr DE LANKY, 17 Lispenard Street, N. Y IJew York, oct 19.dly SOAL! COAL!!.The Schr. Beauty is now discharging 2oO tons of very superior THRAC1TE COAL, and 1 shall be pleased to fill orders trom the vessel, also, 150 tons Cumberland Lump, Run of Mine and fine COAL, lor sal* by SAMUEL A. MASTERS, dec 2 No. *1, North Union-street. < VJ1 aill, OCCUO, uuauu, v*v Rkekkences: Messrs. McVeigh & Chamberlain.} K. H. Miller At Co., >Alex'a.,Va j Knox At Brother, j ^ John A. English, esq.. Fredericksburg, Ya. p I Thomas Wallace, esq., 1'etersburg, Va. J r, I Baltimore, mh 11'.dly | p THOMAS S. JA.MIKSO.V, Ol MACHINIST and IRO\ FOUNDER, s; y Cohskb or Royal and Wilkf. streets, ai IS PREPARED to execute orders lor STA- TIONARY STEAM ENGINES, BOILERS Mill Gearing, Shutting. Pulleys and Hangers, jj. Pumps, Fans. Slide and Hand Lathes, Drill Presses, Wrought or Cast Railing. Columns and Girders. Gas or Water Pipe, and MACHINERY 1 [of every description. Superior CASTINGS! made to order at short notice, and on reasonable c< terms. On hand,several S1EAM ENGINE1-',; eight horse power, and eight or ten LATHES, to which the attention ol those in want is re- 10 quested. tnh g»>.ly . oi G1 ASF I TT 1 N G EST A BLISHM KNT . v< | WH.I.I.IM COG.L\ Pi actual Gat-Filler, Fayette JUley, Jtlexundria. proposes to open a |M branch of his establishment at Charlottesville. where, as iiere.he will attend to GAS-FITTING in all its branches Stores, Dwellings, Churches. / Machine Shops and Public Buildings titled up V on the most approved plans, and at reasonable ai prices. He is also prepared to furnish Steam Pipe, Steam Guages. and Steam Cocks. Contracts will be made for work, and fixtures of any c< kind supplied at the lowest rates. 17* All Work warranted. ap 1' I EN KINS \ L A M B I) I N. MHMF.1C-1 '1 t) TUBERS OF SHSIJ DOORS. SHI T- i TEh.S. ULiyjJS, and FRJ1MES, keep con-; stantly oil hand a large assortment of the above ] ! arti/docr and Mill ? 11D m ( (1II A 11 V rOll-1 liaiiicu ai u\ ivo. uuu ^ -j j u fl j sidered.) as cheap as they can be bought in the United States. j sa j Of All orders promptly attended to Circu- or lars of sizes and prices tuii.ished. on applica j tion. Address JENKINS A LAMBD1N. " cor. of Queen and Fairfax-sts., Alex.. Ya. ap 21.eoly ; tsJ AL. GREGORY Ao 1lb, At/itj street. tor- ( # «<r of Pitt. Alexandria, mam kaCTI"keh ^ and ix TIN anuSHKK'1 IRON-WARE, x STOVES,Ac. I would respectlully invite tiie I public to call and examine my stock ol STO YES. jn GRATES. Ac. ,,, ROOFING, GUTTERING, aho SPOUT' IXG, promptly executed. and warranted tight. Terms, cash, un!es> otherwise agreed on at time ot sale, and no new account will be opened until old ones are closed. dec i. A {TACKY, PAPER-1LIAG ER. LP110L ne . STEPER. GILDER, and HOUSE DE he COHJITOR /A GEAERAL. whilst returning his gratt lul acknowledgeinent* to his numerous I friends lor then very lib« lai > ncotiiugemeiiT dnring the two years he has been amongst tbem. J assure* them that it will h* In- continued effort '/ toser\e them with promptness, ami at moderate ^ ! charges, at his old stand. No. 14'.', north side | King street, Alexandria: mh VU C. j. W18K. L K. OKKKXE. J to I.MNE GROUND PLASTER, 2240 i-oixns to thk Tint, constantly ground and tor P< saie by WISE ft GREENE, at the Franklin Steam Niilis, Alexandria. Ya Calcined Plas-1 * ter always on hand. I HLz-Countinj; Room, Union street, .An v.'no story over L>. S. Gwin's Commission Store, my -r>.dly C. BRADLKV, Cabinet, Chair, and Sola Manufacturer, cornel of King and Alfred j> streets. Alexandria. Va.. has constantly on hand. and offers to the public, an excellent assortment yy of Cabinet Wahr, Sofas.and Chains.of every variety, and on the low est tei n;s. w iiich. lor dura bility and finish,cannot be surpassed. Fi mh ; R' de e w. k1schf.i.oe. sidney bruin. ;n 1NCHKLOE Ac RRUIN. GROCERS] ^ and C0MM1SS10\ MERCtUMS, Ao. j j 4'.' Cmon tlreet. Alexandria. Virginia. Farmers may rely upon having their personal attention to all produce entrusted to them. jy r,>: t. a. hkkw18, f . C\k1> S anthony lawson | 4lsr n i ) Laean C. //. _I rp A. BRKWIS ,v CO.. wholesale and he- i ^ 1 . tail GROCERS, PRODUCE a*d GENERAL COMMISSI*)N MERCHANTS, Came ron st.. opposite the Market House. au£ I Jt PH. HOOFF. A lex an on i a Va.. FLOUR, j "j! . GRAIN Sf GROCERY MERCHANTj 6 has removed to No bs Soith he Prince. ami on Union street. Particular attention will be given to all consignments of Produce Plaster. 1 Salt, and Groceries luri ished at current rates. J. jy 26 i - . an John s. kxox. jr. robkrt r. knox KNOX & BROTHER. (Successors to 0. Hume Sc Co..) Growers, Com mission and Forwarding V MERCHANTS. No. 27 King-street. Alexandria, Va. mh" George w. Harrison romer of Fayette ot Alley and Unionstreets. dealer in GROCE- IV R1ES. LIQUORS, and PROVISIONS generally. 7 UW All orders from the country promptly at- Sj tended to, and produce taken in exchange. nu teb m iiJ 1LLIAM H. MU1R. Masitactcrer akd f dkalkr in all kinds ok CABINET FURNITURE. CHAIRS. MATTRESSES, LOOK- ^ 1NG GLASSES, Arc., corner of Einc and St jrj Asaph tt reels Alexandria, Va. je § jno b riixiki y. henry hampton r h kt'nton B. R1DGELY, HAMPTON & CO.. wholesale dealers in TEAS, LIQUORS and TORACCO. 3S TTkion Street «er» 11 Thomas perry, commission bier- C CHANT, No. 3, Irwin's Wharf. Alexandria. Va nty Fr BI'HINESS CARDS. Gi EORGE SIGGERS, BOOK BINDER. No T ( 73 Prime street. opposite the Gazette Ojfice, JHexundi in, la.MUtslC, MAGAZINES, and k OLD BOOKS bound in any style. a N. B. 1 also Hull and make to obdkr any de- 3 scription ol BLANK BOOKS, which 1 will 1 warrant to be made ot the best paper and mate- r rials, and bound in the strongest manner. Bank o Officers, Bankers. Merchants, Clerks of Courts. Hotel Keepers, Insurance Companies, and al r who want BLANK BOOKS are respectfully in- s vited to give me a call. jan j ri JOH N 11 PA R ROTT, J B <> OKBELLEIt A XD S TA TloXKR, A LSO, sele Agent in this place, and this (j /A region of Virginia, for the sa'e ot Won- ^ (ester's Celebrated PIANOS, and Cahhakt & Nkeduam s M ELODEONS; keeps constantly on hand a well-selected Stock ol STATIONERY, Al»o. the largest Stock ot MUSIC and MUSI- 1 CAL INSTRUM ENTS ever offered in this mar- I ket. [jy] JOHN H. PARROTT. FIT/, PAT RICK, 4 BURN'S, ( KAlltYIKW COTTON WORKS, N'L a It TUB CANAL BASIN. ALEXANDRIA, VA. Manufacturers of Matresces Patent Spring. A Hair, Cotton, Husk, and Moss, Cotton Warp, I Cotton Twine, and Cotton Bats. 1 (1T Any description anil size made 10 omer n at short notice. w U_/~ An assortment of the above articles al- i ways on hand. ap JM. SIMMS, (Lati. ok Alkxakdria. Va ) a . PRODUCE and GENERAL COM MIS- s SION MERCHANT, BALTIMORE, .Ml) . " Solicits consignments of Produce and Mer- chandise generally. Also,orders lor Groceries, x... e. tli sts., Washington, D. C. feb 12.dtf c THIIKKT POWELL W. LEVIN POWELL. ! (Utr o*' '.ouiloun.) )OWF.LL A CO.. OENER.iL COM MIS 1 SIOX JUKRClUyrs.oitALr.Mii. WINKS J EAS, LlQl'OKS. SEGARS, &c., corner King id Union streets, Mlfjandria. I a. tl Vv Strict personal attention given to the X !e ol all kinds of Country Produce. All ders filled with despatch. my l: in, Jll. II. sipm.t WM.LA' K. JN". MiMS'lN. fc VIUllSON. WALLACE \ CO . i k.ilbrs in _'JORJCl LTVlUL I M P /. E M E A TS. KEDS <iwl M.l.M HE. .\u. 1 I hi ion street, lilihson ,V Hmrnrifs old stand.) Alexandria. ii \. ID" Orders solicited. jan '">.tl 1ITY HOTEL, Alexandria, Va.This ^ j house so well am' favorably known is now charge ol the undersigned, w ho will be hap- j ! to see anil w-»it on iheir Iriends. SAMCF.L HEFLEBOWER. Proprietor. g oct 24.3m J. J. ROBERTS, Supt. a: JEW PAINT SHOP.. W. J H ItWON \ has removed his PAINT SHOP over Hill " Webster's Carpenter's Shop, on Prime strut, it tothe Earmris Bank, where all ORDERS wiii K faithful! v attended to dec 1 w [OHN Ml'RPHV, ATTORNEY JT Mtt. I will practice in the Courts ol Westmnrei Richmond, and Northumberland Counties. - * >Itii e. Rice's More. Westmoreland County, i dec .'i.11 X \K (O i | j; >.\j i i h. iia\ it g locateu in " Alexandria, offers his professional services (' its citi/ens and the vicinity Office on Prince stieei one door e.i^t of the ' \ >st (Ufice sep r.'.»>m \t Ir B. RICHARDS. In. No. 1 :o, King ai \ T # sritKKT. Alkxanpima. Va. mai.ulac-1 1 rer ol Hooped Skirts Bonnets. Klastic. Mocco, and other Belts. Hpad Dresses, Ac. n iy I S( I ELDRIPGE. GENkitJL COMM1S- ,v>. \ \ # N/O.V MKRCH.iyr and SHU' FRO- !' F.R. also. Agent for the Boston. Alexandria. (I Georgetown regular line ot Packe's. Cnion hart. Alexandria. V'a. nov rULlUS DIENKLT.DENTIST, Alex»x* J I I'Kia. Va Office, I" Royal street, below '' ince.Otfprs his professional services to those * sinr.g them. Particular attention paid to the sertion ot Artificial Teeth. j * [ P. CLARKE, dealer in Paper Hangings # Shades, and Fixtures. Curtain Hangings, d Venitian Blinds, King street, Alexandria, Va iy m.tiff ^ iS O. H ROHIK8UN THOMAS B. PAT*F. ) OBIIS'SOA iV PA V N E,Grocei s.Commissioi and Forwarding Merchants, Prince Street j, narf. Alexandria. Va. oct s.?f (() FA MC Y ARTICLES, *.c M)R THE HAIR.A supply ol Thomp- 1 son's Hair Restorative, which has given J ch general satiM'acfi n to those who have ra veil it a trial just received, and for sale by to H B. WHITTINGTON, cf jan 7 No. King-street. -*OR THE TOILET.Lily White. Meen J Fun; Pearl Balls; Odantine; Farina Co- ol ;ne. Pomades; Brown Windsor. Transparent, ci d other Soaps,with other articles, just received [dec 17] WHITTINGTON'S. h2 King et COLORED STRAW BONNETS.A lot ot . j very cheap Colored Straw Bonnets. Flowers, d Ruches, at (dec 15) RICHARDS'. j * VLEXANDK1A LIBRARY COMPANY . Library kept in the south room, first-story, the Lyceum Hall, S. W corner of Pri.tCe and athington stieets. Open every evening from 01 to y o'clock, and on Tuesday, Thursday, and n< iturday afternoon?. from 34 to 5 o'clock. Anal subscription. $>3; six months, $ 1 ."0; three onths, f\. Volumes in Library, about 4HW. ^ President.Francis Millkr. .DIRECTORS" orge K Witmer, J. Edward Chase, njamin Barton, Sylvester Scott, I jfl isba J. Miller. And:ew Jamieson, Ferguson Beach. Richard L. Came, Jt.. Henry Jenkins, John A. Milburn, William A. Duncan. A Treasurer..Andrew Jamieson. my Librarian.. Nerval E. Foard. VaUSAGE and PIE MF.AT CUTTERS, of } the most approved kind, Sausage Stnffers >r sale by [dec 3] JOHN OGDEN. 5t FRIDAY bl'sixeis cards. I Ml H MARSHALL HOUSE AGAIN OI'EK! J I". GR1GSBY, Pioprietor..Having taen the MARSHALL HOL'sK, and secured ihe ssistaiice of Mrs. R. Pritcmartt and her son dr. A. Thomas Pritchabtt. 1 most respectluly announce to my friends and the public geneII y, that I am now prepared tor the reception d visitors. My Bed-Rooms are large and well furnished; ny f r.kvart.s polite and attentive; my Iahlk upphcd with every delicacy of the season, and ny Bar with the choicest LIQUORS. In tine. < 10 pains shall be spared to render my guests omtortabie. Pi?" Porters and Omm rises .egular in atten- ance at the arrival and departure of cars and < oats. Veiy respectfully, 1 jan f>.eolm J. R. GRTGSBY. Job g. McVeigh, attorney at la iv. 1 and GENERAL L.1ND AGENT, St. . 'unl. Minnesota Ttrritory References..Sturgej. Bennet At Co; R H. j .onry, Cashier Bank o! Republic, New York; j 'hubb Brothers, Washington, D. C\; Brent A iin/'-r; Wm. N. McVeigh, President of Bank f Old Dominion, Alexandria, Va.; VVurts,; tustie At McV< igh, Philadelphia. Pa.: Hopkins, ' lull A* Co ; Appleton ft Co., Baltimore. Md R. j 1 Miller t* Co., St. Louis. Mo ; Hon. J. W. Irockenbrongh, Lexington. Va. jy IT.e>1y y. ii. iiakley. harvey o. mills. r 1171LL1AM H. BARLEY \ Co., surce.v: ^ f f sors to J. T Creighton At Co., importers j rid dealers in HARDWARE, Cutlery, Bar Iron, | teel. Hollow-ware, Guns, Agricultural Implelents, A(C , Acc. Agents tor the Old Dominion Nail Works. No. '.MJ, corner of King and Royal streets. Al- xandria. Va. ] f ft?1 Country Merchants are requested to call nd examine our Stock. sep I r 1 C. BERRY, wholesale and retail deal- { j » kr ix Foreicx and Domestic Notions, f as'cy Goods. Ac , No 7^, Kini; itrett, is now reiving a large and well selected stock ot 7 ALL GOODS, to which be calls the attention f dealers and others visiting our city, as he is [ itisfied that he can furnish them goods upon 5 good terms as any house further North. Sep 11 t i> w p. corse. f ANKIMb KXCH ANOE. and COLLECTION OKI ICEor i, C O K IS K ii K CI T II K II S, No. Jixilutnge Block. [ ¥ " K will make Collectionson all accessible T | points in the I'nited States,and holdpro eds subject to Check or remit promptly to any ] signated point. J We will deal in Exchange. Time IUIl*, Piomis- y ry Nuti*. Unrurrrnl Monty. Coin. if. n IStocks and other Secckities bought and sold rr 1 Commission, and Loans negotiated upon tamable terms. Interest allowed to Depositors, b A varied experience ot many years in this A enables us to oiler our services with mlidence to the public. feb S "1HARLKS HASKINS, Architect. Washing- J, j ton D. will continue to furnish hkskink id i'LANs. for every class ol building, together it h detail working, drawings, and specific flans of materials and work; also, the drawing of infracts lor the same.and general superintend nce. Office. I'enn. av.. between 10th and ( rrttt 4 MORNING. JANUAR BOOKS, STATIONERY, Ac. MORE NEW BOOKS..Evangelical Biography.Memoirs ot" Rear Admiral Sir Edward J'arry, F. R S. late Lieutenant Governor ot Greenwich Hospital, by his son, Rev. Edward Parry, price 75 cts., published by the Evangelical Knowledge Society. ('apt. Cickars..Memorials of Capt. Hedley V'ickars. ol the 07th Regiment, by the author of The Victory Won," Ac., 5u cts. 7he J'roi'f'uni F/hsapal Jilmanac for the year af Our Lord. lbGb, with an Alphabetical List it the Clergy, Ac., published by the Evangelical Knowledge Society, 12 cts. The Family Expense Bonk, designed for the ue of Families and Individuals, in keeping a correct account ot monthly and yearly expenditures, 25 cts. The AYtp Pirlure Book fur Children, published jy the same Society. 4'J cts. Charlie Hubert, or Consecrated Gifts, . cts. 'We olier and present unto Thee, Oil! Lord! Mirselves. our souls and bodies, to be a reasonable, holy and living sacrifice unto Thee." A. ). F. Randolph, publisher. The Fapir Dull Family. consisting of Presses or the whole Family, neatly done up in seven jackagfs, 75 cts. per sett. Natimal Costume, a new and instructive \musem» nt for the Young, with a description if the countries where the dresses are worn. The Man of Business, considered in his various eMions. by James W. Alexander, John Todd, Villiam B Sprague, Stephen H Tyng, Isaac 'erriv and Jonathan F. Stearns, D. D. $1. Just tublished, and for sale by dec 21 ' ROBERT BELL. NEW BOOKS..Charlie Hubeit, or Consecrated Gifts, by Miss Jones, 1 vol. 32mo. loth. 3?>c. Lectures on the British Poets, by Henry feed. 2 vols 12mo cloth. $2. I The Saint and his Saviour, or the progres- of he Soul in the Knowledge of Jesus, by Rev. C. L Spiirgeon. 1 vol. 12mo cloth, $1. Guy Livingstone, or Thorough, 12mo. cloth, 5 cts. * Souvenirs of Travel, by Mad. Octavia Walton *e Vert, 2 vols 12mo. cloth, $2. j j The Court of Napoleon, or Society under the . 'irst Empire, with portiaitso! its Wits, Beauie*, and Heroines, liom authentic originals, by 'rank B. Goodrich, illustrated by Jules Chainiagne. one royal octavo vol , Turkey antique, nelv colored plate--, price ?I2. For sale by JAMES ENTWISLE ft SON, dec 22 No. 95, King-street n OLIO AY AND NEW YEARS PRE-!, SEN I S.But 1 can t undertake to give on the names of all, as it would occupy too tuch space in Mr Snowden's jiaper. I will lerely t;>v#* you ail idea. Well! in the first place. I have LOTS OF OOKS. suitable for young and old. Also.) lMCSING Camks. j Then, I have a great variety of FANCY TATIONKRY, such as Port Folios, Albums, esks. Work Boxes. Morocco and Buckskin j Hises and Bags, Card Cases, Ivory Tablets, | abas Backgammon Boards, Chessmen, Domioes. Combs and Brushes. j . Then. a»:ain. 1 have PILF.S OF MliSIC, and tost o! the ML'MCAL INSTRUMENTS m imimon use. from the Piano down. Please call and see lor yourself, and I think I an suit you in style and price. ( dec l'J JOHN II. PARROTT. 1 [ "VlCKKN'S NKW CHRISTMAS STORY \J AT FRKNCH S. The Perils of certain English Prisoners, and t leir Treasure in Women. Children, Silver, and t ewels. by Charles Dickens, *25 cts. a The Atlantic Monthly for January. 25 cts. i Emerson's Magazine, and Putnam's Monthly f ir January, 25 cis. Blackwood lor December,25 cts. Household Words lor January,25 cts. A lresh supply ol Dr. Livingstone s Travels l Africa, $'l 1 All the n w Books, Magazines, and Newspa- s ers on hand. jan 4 I VURK IT/n'UAL WORKS FOR IS.jK!- J The Ilorlirullunst and Journal of Rural it and Rural Tastes, conducted by J. Jay ^ reith. hi .1 published in Philadelphia. monthly ^ $2 per aiinutri. 1 Ik Farmer, published in Baltimore, lonthly, at $1 per annum. The ('ultivatr.r. monthly, edited by Luther Tue- ^ or. published in Albany. 50 cts per annum. Tii4 Country Ct at lemon, published in Albany, , o..l li- Aflitml Kv I iitiior Tnrlpr npr nnnntn " "V ..v -.. ,-v j inscriptions received by ' ' de-iM KOBT. BELL, Agent. e i | ORE .\ r.U B()<>K7iim liot»*. A c fj[ rative. b/Anna f'ora Ritchie, author of t Mimic Life," Ac., price 7.'» cts. a Slurid tmd J litHib Travel and History, for k hildn-n, by (Lace Orrenvvood,75 cts Skrhhrt if Art. Literature, and Character. by a Irs. Jamnson. au'hor ol -Characteristics ol r 'omen.' in blue a L'o'd. 7.1c. Ju«'published. fi iul tor sale by [dec ] KOBKRT LKLL. 6 S'^EW L1FK CF BURR..The Life and ' Times of Aaron Burr. Lieutenant-Colonel l the Army of thp Revolution, United States enator. Vice President of the United Sta».- n c by J Parton. author ot the "Life ol Horace n reply." &c.. with portraits ot Aaron Burr and hecdosia, price 75. Just published, and r >r sale by [jan f>] KOBKRT BF.LL 3 r " KKP Ti.MK TO THF. .MUSIC..Just re- 1 [V ceived fr»>m the importer and manutacirer. a choice lot ot new SlUMCAL 1NSTRUIK.NTs, «uch as Violins, Flutes, Accordeons, liitiiim. R.inioc 'i arribourine*. Drums. Files, s lag»o ets. A-c; aDo. Violin, Guitar, and Banjo trtngs. and other Musical merchandise. i dec 25 JOHN H PAKROTT. . A L.MAN ATS FOR 1.Farmers' and v A Family. Family Christian. Virginia and ti or'h Carolina. F.vangelical Know,edge Socie- I "s. and The Chuich Almanac, lor lb'8, ior fi lie by 'he dozen or single copy. A supply of P larits for 1 »r»>. at prices ranging from 25 cts ° 1*1. JAM KS EN TWISL K \ SON. \ dec 22 No. 95, King-street r \R. ANDREWS' HYMN BOOK..Hymns " and Devotional Poetry, collei "ed and dr- |( mged by Rer. C. W. Andrews, published by le Evangelical Knowledge Society, price 75 s.. tor rale by fdec 2-1 j ROBT. BF.LL. j 1 )AI'KK! PAPFR!!.Just received, direct /"J [ lrom the manulacturprs. another supply ^ Cap an'1 Letter PAPER, which will be sold n ieap by the Ream or otherwise. dec 25 JOHN H PARROTT. j ttcas, l. i (ivors and tobacco. I'CNCHKON fine Old ^otch Whiskey 1 pipe Holland Gin t quarter casks Hennesey Brandy 3 ' " Otard, Dupuey A Co.'s do t 5 " " J ules Roben Ac Co s do 75 bids, pure Rye Whiskey, a large portion which is old and ot very superior quality, jw in store, and tor sale by RIDGELY, HAMPTON Ac CO . J nov 26 No. 41 King-street. n BASKETS Heidsick Champagne afj in baskets Creme de Bo..zy " Q 12 cases Cabinet " p 15 " Sparkling Catawba.with a large a it of fine old Port. Madeira, and Sherry Wines. », r sale by RIDGELY, HAMPTON Ac CO., p nov 26 No. 41. Knig street. N. DHECKISKIPOB. W B JOHNSON. j A MERICAN HOTEL. Central Railroax j Depot. Staunton, Va. c A. N. Breckinridge Ac Co.. Propnetori. o 7. N. Woodward, late oi the Woodward House. o rintendrnt. ap 12.eoly ' Y 8, 1858. LOTTERY ADVERTISEMENT. SPLENDID SCHEMES, To be drawn at Wilmington, Delaware, IN JANL'ARV, 1858. To be drown under the Superintendence of Commit tioners appointed by the Governor. GREGORY <L MAURY, Managers. 50,000 DOLLARS! LOTTERY tor the benefit of the State ol Delaware. Class G. for 185b. to be drawn at Wilmington, Delaware, on SATURDAY, January 0th. Ib5b. 75 number Lottery.12 drawn ballots. BRILLIANT SCHEME! 1 prize ol #50.000 4 prizes of $5,000 1 do 20.IJ0U 4 do 3,into 1 do 15,000 5 do 2,'J0(J 1 do 11.330 200 lowest 3 No. 3 prizes of 7,o00 Frizes 625 tic.., Ac.. Ac. Tickets $ 1 ".Halves #7 50.Quarters $3.75. Eighths >$l S7l Certificates of packag's 25 whole tickets $20u 00 do do 25 halt do 100 00 do do 25 quarter do 50 00 do do 25 eigh. do 25 00 36,000 DOLLARS! I OTTER Y lor the benefit of the State of Delj aware. Class 6. for 1858, to be drawn at Wilmington, Delaware, on SATURDAY, January 16th, 185b. 12 drawn numbers out of 78. SPLENDID SCHEME. 1 splen'd. prize 36.0t»0 1 prize of $6,000 1 prize of 15,000 1 do of 3,905 1 do of 15,000 100 prizes of 750 I do of 10.000 133 do of 500 1 do of 10.000 Ac., bee, Ac. Tickets $10.Halves $5.Quarters $2.50. Certificates of packag's-'O whole tickets $150 00 Do do 26 half do 75 00 Do do 26 quarter do 37 50 65,000 DOLLARS! [OTTERY for the benefit of the State of j Delaware, Class H. for 1858, to be drawn it Wilmington, Delaware, on SATURDAY, January 23d, 1858. 78 number Lottery.13 drawn ballots! BRILLIANT SCHEME. 1 gr'd prize $65,000 I 1 prize of 8.392 1 prize of 30,000 2 prizes of 5,010 1 do of 20.000 5 do of 3,76S 1 do of 15,000 100 do of 1,500 1 do of 10,000 173 low. 3 No. do. 600 &c.. &c., Kc. Heir's $20; hlfs. IO;quarters $5; eighths $12.50. Certificates of packag's. 26 wle tickets. $>270 00 Do do 26 half do 135 00 I)o do 26 quar. do 67 50 Do do 26 eighths do 33 75 35,500 DOLLARS! JOTTF.RV tor the benefit of the State of jl Delaware, Class 17, lor ls58, To be drawn it Wilmington. Delaware, on SATURDAY, lanuary 30th, 1S58. 75 Number Lottery.12 drawn ballots. MAGNI KICK.NT SCH KM K. grd. prize ol .$35,500 100 prizes of $ 1,000 prize ot 15,000 10 do 500 do 10,060 20 do 300 do 5,Oi >0 85 do 200 Tickets $10; Halves $5; Quarters $2.50. Certificates ol packag's. 25 wholes cost ..$140 00 Do do 25 half do 70 00 Do do 25 quarter do 35 00 r^ORDF.RS for Tickets andShares and Cerificates of Packages in the above Splendid Lot* eries, will receive the most prompt attention, ind an account of ea^h drawing will be sent mmediately after it is ovf to all who order rom me. Address, P.J BUCKKY. Agent, dec 1 w.I rn Wilmington, Delaware UDWAKD ASSOCIATION, PHILADKLI'll I A..A benevolent Institution, estabished by special endowment for the relief of the .irk and distressed, afflicted wit1 \ irnlent and .i: t n , .jmini'M i;i9r<i!»ra. ' " rtll |iriBi7»ic niuaicu r* 11 is Sexual Disease*, such ,i> SPERMATORRHOEA, SEMINAL WEAKNESS, IMPOTENCE, Ac. The Howard Association, in view of the awii 1 destruction ni human hie. cdusHii by Sexual liseases. and the deceptions practised upon the infortuuate victims of such diseases by quacks, et era! years ago directed their Consulting Sur;eon as a charitable act. worthy of their name, to ipen a Dispensary tor the treatment of this ilassof diseases, in all their forms, and to give dedical advice uratis. to all who apply by leter with a description of their condition, (age icrupation, habits of life. Ac.,) and in cases ol xtreme poverty, to furnish Medicines tree ol barge. It is needless to add that the Associaion commands the highest Medical skill of the ge, and will furnish the most approved modtn treatment. The Directors, on a review of the past, feel ssured that their laborsin this sphere of benevdent effort, have been of great benefit to the atlicted. especially to the young,and they have re- olved to devote themsehes, with renewed zeal. LOTTERY APYERTHBHEIT. SWAN & CO S LOTTERIES! AUHMEICENT SCHEME $r>0,000 FOR TEN DOLLARS t The loiiowing Scheme will be drawn by S. SWAN k CO., Managers of the Kort Gaines Lottery, in each of their Lotteries lor January, 1«5S, at Augusta. Georgia. to which city they have removed their principal Office. ( lass 70, to he drawn in the city of Augusta, Ga in public, on Saturday, January '2th, 1855. (. lass 71. to be drawn in the city of Augusta. Ga .in public, on S iturdoy Janiuiry I6f/k 1858. Class 72, to be drawn in the city of Augusta, Ga.,iu public, on Saturday, Janua<y'23d. 1858. Class 73, to be drawn in the city ot Augusta, Ga in public, on Saturday, January, 30th, 1808, <»s tub Plan ok Sinoli Numbers. 0.40U Prizct!.yearly one Prize to every 9 Tu kttt' MAGNIFICENT SCHEME! to be drawn each saturday in january. 1 Prize of $'.0,000 1 Prize of $2,000 1 " 25,000 1 44 1,500 1 44 10,000 60 Pri/.°8 of 1,000 1 44 tVOOO KX) 44 200 1 " 5,<)00 100 44 125 1 " 3,500 i00 44 100 Approximation Prizes. 4 Prizes oi $.3110 ap'g to $'»<),WOO are $1,200 4 Prizes of 250 ap'g to 25,uo0 are 1,000 4 Prizes of 200 ap'g to 10,000 are 800 4 Prizes of 150 ap'g to 6,000 are 600 4 Prizes of 125 ap'g to 5,000 are 5o0 4 Prizes ot 100 ap'g to 3,000 are 4'HJ 4 Prizes of 75 ap'g to 2,000 are 300 4 Prizes of 50 ap'g to l,5u0are 2U0 5,000 Prizes of 20 are 100,000 5,400 Prizes amounting to $3:20,000 Whole Tickets $!0; Halves $5; Quarters $2.50 Plan or the Lottery. The Numbers Irom 1 to 5u,000, corresponding with those Numbers on the Tickets printed on separate slips ot paper, are encircled with small tin tubes, and placed in one wheel. The first 4H2 Prizes, similarly printed and encircled, are placed in another wheel. The wheels are then revolved, and a number is drawn irom the wheel of Numbers, snd at the same time a Prize is drawn from the other wheel. The Number and Prize drawn out ars opened and exhibited to the audience, and regis1 tered by the Commissioners, the Prize being placed against the number drawn. This operation is repeated until all the Prizes are draw n out. Approximation Phizes..The two preceding and the two succeeding Numbers to those drawing the first 7 P-izes. will be entitled to the 128 Approximation Prizes. For example: if Ticket No. 11250 draws the $t50,000 Prize, those Tickets numbered li248, 11249, 11251, 11252, will each be entitled to $400. It Ticket No. 550 draws the $25,000 Prize, those Tickets numbered 548, 540, 551, 552. will each be entitled to $300, and so on ac: cording to the above scheme. The 5,000 Prizes ol $20 will be determined by the last figure of the Number that draws the #'">0,000 prize. For example, it the Number drawing the $00,000 Prize ends with No. l. then all the Tickets where the number ends in I will be entitled to $20. l! the Number ends with No. 2. then all the Tickets where the Number ends in 2 will be entitled to $20, and so on to 0. Certificates of Packages w ill be sold at the following rates, which is the risk Certificate*ot Packages, 10 wle. tickets, $80 00 I)o do do 10 halt do 4000 Do do do 10 quarter do 20 00 Do do do 10 eighth do 10 00 15 ordering tickets or certificates F.nclose the money to our address for the Tickets ordered, on receipt of which they will be forwarded by lirst mail. Purchasers can have Tickets ending in any figure they may designate. The list ol drawn Numbers and Prizes will be .......i,.....,i...,ir,u.;n. ,.U»» IllilllCliltlli J !..< U.«ni«S. Itf" Purchasers will please write their signatures plain, arnl give their Post Office, County, an<l State. £7" Remember that every prize is drawn, and payable in lull without deduction. |-r All prizes ol $1,000 and under, paid im- mediately alter the drawing.o»W«.* pr»*«-» *tthc u-itul time ol thirty days. All communieations strictly confidential. Address orders for tickets or certificates to S. SWAN At CO., Augusta. Ga. Ff? Persons residing near Montgomery, Ala , or Atlanta, Ga., can have their orders filled, and save time, by addressing S. SWAN At CO., at either of those cities. fir1 A itxt of the numbers that are drawn from the wheel, with the amount of the pr ze that each one is entitled to. will be published alter every drawing, in the following papers . Augusta, (tieorgia.) Constitutionalist, New Orleans Peita, .Mobile Register, Charleston Standard. Nashville Gazette, Atlanta Intelligen cer, New \ ork Weekly I'ay Book, Savannah Morning News, Richmond Pispatch. New York Dispatch, and Paulding (Miss ) Clarion. dec 2-1.dtd BOOTS AND K1IOKS. rilHK CASH SYSTEM ADOPTED..'The j I subscriber, alter having tested the cred't system to his heart's content, has come to the conclusion that the Cash System is the best, both for the buyer and seller, and. iroin the presents date, shall do business upon the above princi- pie. anil would respectfully call the attention of his triends of the town and country to his very extensive stock of BOOTS a.vd SHOES, suita- ble to the present and approaching season; which, as usual, be offers for -ale at fair living prices. His stock consists in part of the following very seasonable articles, viz: Ladies Morocco and Seal Walking Shoes u " Slippers, Ladies Gaiters " Boots (morocco and seal) Misses and Children s Boots and Shoes Gentlemen's Calf, Kipp, and Buff Boots a I, it " Shoes Boys " and Kipp Boots " " " Shoes Youths " and " Boots " " Shoes Men s thick Boots and Brogans, No. 1, for farming and similar purposes, and in short, every ar- tide usually found in a well-stocked Boot and Shoe Establishment. HENRY L SIMPSON, jy Royal tired ntar King. A LEXANDRIA, VA., Jakoaky 1st, ib&7.. }\ R1CHJRD Y. CROSS has this day asso- ciated with hirr. in business, JOHN H" LL'GENREEL and HENRY C. FIELD, for the pur- pose of carrying on a GENERAL SHOE BLTSl NESS at No. 74. Ki.vosihett. Alexandria, Va., under tbe firm name and style of CROSS. Ll'G EN BEEL & CO.. where the public gene rally are invited to call arid examine their large an<i well-selected Stock ol BOOTS, SHOES, Ac., which will be sold lor cash, or to strictly punc tual customers, as low as they can be had (quality considered) in this or any other city. fST Particular attention paid to CUSTOM WORK, both as to material and workmanship, ami warranted to please A call is respectfully solicited at the SHOE STORE of jan 7 /CROSS, LUG EN BE EL A CO. rphe cash syst'm ai>oeted..The iub«criber naving tried the credit pystem, and found that it will not pay, has concluded to adopt the cash principle. In future and from this date, he will continue to do business upon the above principle. In bidding adieu to the old system, he would return nis thanks to his customers for past favors, and hopes by strict attention and such inducement* am he may offer, to continue it under the new. jan JOHN L. SMITH. ORANGE MB ALEXAN»jO' '* f\J DRIA RAILROAD BONDS, for sale at lowest market rates, dec 30. tf CORSE BROTHERS. ' o tbis very i;n port ant but much despised cause. Just published by the Association, a Report n Spermatorrhea, or Seminal Weakness, bybe Consulting Surgeon, which will be sent by Tail, (in a sealed letter envelope.) free of' charge, n receipt 01 two stamps lor postage. Address, tor Report or treatment, Dr. GEO. I. CALHOl'N, Consuming Surgeon, Howard isgociation. No. 2 south Ninth stieet, Philadelihia, Pa. By order o! the Directors. EZRA D. HF.ART'A'ELL, President. Georok Faiuchilp, Secretary. Philadelphia, eep d.«llteo3m^wly N'OTICK.. The senior partner having withdrawn irom the tirmot JAMES GREEN t SONS, our future business will be conducted nder the name and style ot GREEN & BRO., rho have now on hand tor sale, and will coninue to manufacture at the old stand, corner of 'rinceand Fairfax sts.. a general assortment of ne most modern and antique Fcrxitche. Feather Ms. Hair, and Shuck M^resses, &c ,and every ther article embraced in our line of business. Ve hope by the aid of the most modern mahinery. and the many conveniences which our i«nulactory is provided with.te be able to make the interest of those wanting aching in our ine, to give us a call. JOHN W GREEN, ap.10.If S. A. GREEN. Kerosene oils, distilled krom coal, (not exdlohive).Seiwed by Isitrr.* Pa- :nt..The different grades of these celebrated I Ills, suitable lor Machinery of ail kinds. Bin-1 acle and Family use. can be had of the under-1 igntd, aUo of the Wholesale Oil Dealers and ruggists in the city of New York, and of the utbonzed Local Agent of the Company in lis place. AUSTENS. General Agents, Kerosene Oil Company, No. >0 Beaver st , N. Y. [v~ Local Agencies granted on application as Orders should specify the description ot imp or machinery 'or which the Oil wanted, my 2^.eoly [I It KORT: OAK avd PINE WOOD FOR [I SALE .SAMUEL BEACH & SON are ow engaged in running their own WOOD to j rarket, consisting of the above named kinds, rhich they offer lor sale, (at their Wood Yard, n St. Asaph street, opposite the Jail, or at the j 'ish Wharf, where landed,) to their customers nd others, cheap for cash: and as they intend a sell for small profits, ask a share of public atronage. SAMUEL BEACH, sep 1".U JOHN S BEACH. Drafts on st louis..Partiei to remit to Missouri, Illinois, Iowa. Wisonsin, or Kansas, can be supplied with drafts n St. Louis, w hich can be cashed in most parts f the interior of the States named above 10 me 3 R, H MILLER- NO. 7. MISCKLLASEOl'H KEAUIKG. THE WELL-DIUUER; AN OWEK-TKUE BALLAD. HT JO UN G. HA\K. Come listen all while 1 relate What recently befel Upon a farmer dowh in Maine. While digging of a well. Full many a yard he dug and delved, And still he dug in vain; ' Alack!" quoth he,"e'en water seems Prohibited in Maine! And still he dug and delved away, And still the well was dry; The only water to be found Was in the farmer s eye; For by the breaking ot" the bank 1'hat tumbled from its station, All suddenly his hope was dashed Of tuture liquidation! And now his sands were running fast, And he had died, no doubt, But that just when the well caved in, He happened to be out! "Aha!.I have a lucky thought" Exclaimed this wicked man. "To dig anew this wretched well 1 see a pretty plan:. "I'll hide me straight, and when my wife And eke my neighbors know, What's happened to my digging here, They'll think that I'm below! "And so to save my precious life, They'll dig the well no doubt, E'en deeper than it was dug at first, Before they find me out!" And so he hid him in the barn Through all the hungry day. To bide the digging ot his well In this deceitful way. But list what grief and shame befel This false, ungrateful man, And while he slyly watched to see The working of his plan;. The neighbors all with one accord Unto each other said . "With such a weight of earth above, The man is surely dead." And then the wife, w ith pious care, All needless cost to save, Said."since the Lord hath w illed it so, E'en let it be his grave!" Of paper coin, how vast the power! It makes or breaks us in an hour, And thus, perhaps, a beggar's shirt, When finely ground, ana cleared of dirt, Then recompressed, with hand and hopper. And printed on by sheet of copper, May raise ten twoJIt* to renown, And knock as many nobles down. [CoBBKTT. "I)o you know tho prisoner, Mr. Jones?," "Yes to the bone." "What is his character ?" "Didn't know he had any." "Does he live near you ?" "So near that he has only spent i' « r _ ..u» n uvu esuiuiu^g tur uru wuuu iu ci^ui juaio. Why was Pharoab'a daughter like a cbairtaaker? Ads..Because she got u little prophet from the rushes on the bunks. So is a broker like Pharaoh's daughter, then ! A lady of our acquaintance bolieves every calamity that happens to herself a trial, and every one that happens to her frionds a judgment. candidates. JamK8 Sansstkb will be supported tor the office ot Sheriff for this County, at the coming election, by [dec T>] MANY VOTKRS. ty To tdk votkhrt ok alexandria c'ltv AMiJ County..I ofler myself as a candidate for the office of Sheriff, at the ensuing May election, and most respectfully solicit your support. dec 11. eote H.L.MONROE. lyCAPT. Joseph C. Moork will be supported for the office of Superintendent of Police. dec _ MANY VOTERS. V# Jons Cracks will be supported for the office of Superintendent of Police, by jan 7.tE MANY VOTERS. 07" Richard W. Robinson willi>e supported at the next election, as an independent candidate, for the office of Superintendent of Police, by [dec V3-eotE] MANY VOTERS. \£j~To the Citizenu of Alexandria..I hereby announce myselt a candidate tor the office ot Superintendent ot Police. Should it please the public to elect me, 1 promise to give my individual attention to my duty, and as far possi ble, satisfy the iust demands of an already op- pressed tax paying community dec 3u.tK SAMUEL BEACH nr Johxph Broadas will be supported at the coming election, lor the office of City Surveyor, by [jan l.tK] MANY VOTERS TlXHIBIT OF POTOMAC INSURANCE Xj COMPANY, to December 31st. 1857 . Capital Stock $63,000 00 Abbctb: Stockholder's Bonds. . . . $00,800 00 Orange and Alexandria Rai I road Bonds, cost... 6.896 08 Cer.tral Ohio Railroad Bonds, cost 1,004 72 Alleghany Mining Company's Bonds, cost 818 33 Alexandria Water Company Stock, cost 500 00 Cash on hand 431 03 Unpaid Coupons 100 00 60,550 IG Deficit $>,',949 84 Considering the iinnrererlenf ed number ot tires in Alexandria and other places, during the last tour years, that the Company has been in operation, (only five years;) that it has incurred its full share of losses during that time, and that it has adjusted and paid ail claims against it, (amounting to :jiz3,6is9 51,) with the single exception ol the claim of Jno. T. Dowell, the Board of Directors think the Company entitled to the confidence of the public, and a lair share of its patronage. By order of the Board ROBERT JAM1ESON, Jr., jan 6.3t Secretary. rilO PLANTERS AND FARMERS.Th* X I'OUl MANUFACTURING COMI'JSY, incorporated in 1S40, with a capital ol $100,OlK), offer their NEW ahd IMPROVED POLDRETTE for sale, as the cheapest and best fertilizer for Corn, Tobacco, and Kitchen Gardens, that can be maus. ft has been used with great success in the Northern States for 17 years It is inodorous, very powerful, and vet can be used without danger in contact with the seed. The night soil of the city of New York, from which this fertilizer is manufactured, is well known as the most powerful manure in the world. Price per barrel on board of vessel in New York, $1 50, for seven barrels and over. under that quantity $'z per barrel. Terms raab. A pamphlet will be sent gratis and post paid to any applicants. C7" A trial, however small, is respectfully solicited. Address LODI MANUFACTURING CO., dec 11.w'.'m 60 Courtlandt street, N Y. Merino bucks..Tweive fuii blood merino BUCKS, of very superior quality, tor sale, or to be exchanged for good Southdpwn Bucks. For terms, apply to the Overseer on t'ne farm of Mount Zephyr, Fairfax County, Va., or to AARON LEGGETT. Fairfax County, Va., dec 25.eokw

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Page 1: Alexandria gazette (Alexandria, Va. : 1834).(Alexandria ...SOAL!COAL!!.The Schr. Beauty is now discharging 2oO tons of very superior THRAC1TE COAL,and 1 shall be pleased to fill orders

| VOL. LIX.\lciau'«.<.»xei(tik Virginia Advertiser,


At Right Dollars per annum. payable half yearly.. ||X Alexan'a. Gazette X Virginia Advertiser.

(for tuk country)18 PUBLISHED, KEOILAKLV, 05

TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS AND SATURDAY'S,At Five Dollars per annum, payable in advance.

P Tebms or Adyektisivo..Advertisements not exceeding! o'le k juare, inserted three times for one dollar. AdvertUeuientsc 1111 ii. i al'ter three times, lor i>0 cents a

»iu«re roaticslwutmsixgiM,ortteeaUWHiMi.Sixt. en lines are counted as a square.

A Ivortisetuents by the year, at prices t«> be agreed upon,having reference to the usual uur ant of space they mayoccupy.

3uB Persons a ivertlsinz by the year not to advertise articles..... .. I.I I...I i>. r..»til»r l»uin.kl. nor tn Insert In

'fxto tholr a lv /rtDuinuiits auy other names than their own.M*RK!u..i in l oeiTcakv N -! ;> . exceeding five line*,

will be -barged far as advertisements.




*-y.m bracing D7I]?.7 7£?.IZT7 we are preparedto eiurntu orders for tile following, with





Buentod opt n ureMonabto terms. a* at anyZTTZZZ ZZ-JIH ZT TK2 7Z7Z1C4.Z.

nl Bajr ' t/fice, Ao. 7u 1'jince Street, betweenFairfax an I lioj/al Streets. jmi


Da.i. i:.r \\ LK-. \V A " v;t.»n *1111i the SofTit.f via Alkx andria, Gordonsville. and Richmond,

lor Lyschrcko and tiie South West.Leave Alexandria at 7$ o'clock, A. M., arrivein Lr.NCHiti'Rf. next morning at 4, A. M.,

connecting w ith the trains on the Virginia and«ifrb Tennessee Railroad for Memphis. Mail Stages4Hji from (Viarlotlesville to Lynchburg a distance c

6" miles.Fare from Alexandria to Lynchburg, $7,50.


EiftlIK£3EisE9i9IHI )ASSENGERS tor this Road will leave theJ[ Alexandria Station, in the Orange Train

fat>. A. M., daily (Sundays e>pected)l» ~ ' KDVV. GREEN, Trea-urer.


d 1N AND ALTER MONDAY, f/i<-tllsf inaf.," / the Trains on this Road, until further notice,will run regularly, at the following hours

l. They will have Alexandria, for Washington.J at 1}. 10, and 11 £ o clock, A. M anil at I J. 0J.

y , Jfi ar)d '» J P M and connect with a

I- 1 1'"e ot ().M NI BUSES at the Bridge,running to the Office of the Company on Sixthstreet, in the National Hotel building, a fewdoors from Pennsylvania Avenue, aud to theBaltimore depot in time lor the Cars

For Alexandria, the Omnibuses will leave theOffice of ihe Company at 7§, and 111. A. M.and at t|, 'tj. tnd f> o'clock, P. M , connectingwith the cars at the Bridge.

PASSAGE TO Pennsylvania AVENUE, ?5 CENTS.Light articles, or Bundles, will be forwarded

between Alexandria and Washington, trom theoffice in either place.Hea\y freights will be transported over the

road, if delivered at the Depot in Alexandria, or

at the Long Bridge. JOB CORSON,dec 19.dvfw Superintendent.

1867. call a.-o wl.ntkk akkaxotmknts. 1867.

ADA.IIS' K XPKKSH COMPANYTNV1TE the attention of the public to thejL facilities afforded by this Company, for the

j, quick and safe conveyance of Specie, Bank

r Notes, valuable packages, heavy and bulkym freight, Ac.I EXPRESSES for the East. to Baltimore,

Philadelphia, New York, Boston, Providence,Hartiord, &c.. leave otir olficc daily, at 2, P. M.EXPRESSES tor the Soirth, to Richmond,

Fredericksburg. Petersburg, Lynchburg, and forpoints in North Carolina, Soutn Carolina, Georgia,Alabama, and Tennessee, leave uaily at

Our EXPRESSES are always accompaniedby careful and trustworthy messengers, and thepublic can rely upon all business entrusted to us

being done with safety, punctuality, and ties-

Ratkr.On heavy freight from Baltimore,37} cents ^ ll)U lb-.: irom Philadelphia. $1;from New York, -"fii.flO.

K No packages ol goods Taken bv weight, un-

R ' ss weighing over 200 lbs.f*b R. W FALLS. Agent

[ft mAjrms 1 HE STEAMER GEO PAGE1 Jfi8SS&5&wlH run regularly, at the following' hours, until further notice .

Leave Alexandria, at !}, 9. 10^. 12}: 3.i' and 4j' o'clockf Leave Washington, at s. '.'i. 11}, 14. and

5$o'clock inn .Ti ] E I, PRICE, Cap?1.1 *11!Kit V Alius.

i* i W \ / U W j FEET assorted White PineVmM'U 230,000 feet Spruce Joist

and Scantling100,000 feet assorled (ieorgia Pine Timber1 U«',0u0 ' South Carolina Flooring, Al-

exaiaina utrwcji ,I400.U00 Eastern Laths, |uM laid in. ami for jsale by WATERS, ZIMMERMAN At CO.

I UMBER, COAL, AND WOOD YARD!!J j Corner of Inton and i^uten streets. North.Where 1 am prepared to lurnis'i every description oi LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATHS, LIME,Ate. Also. Oak and Pine Wood, Red and WhiteAsh. and Cumberland COAL, which I am sell-

mg low lor cash, or on reasonable terms to goodcustomers [aug 3.tfJ U W. BARKER

* a s\i v/v NO 1 and NO i» CYPRUS

i oou.uin; SHINGLES, just receivedB per Schrs Summerfield and Holly, and lor sale

Jw at prices to suit the times, bynov 3 WATEKS. 7.1MMKKMAN h CO.


thr 25th thousand.A few words on the rationaltreatment, without Medicine, of Spermatorrheaor Local Weakness, Genital and Nervous Debili-

* ty. Premature Decay ot the System. Impotency,and Impediments to Marriage generally, by

;;j B. DE LANKY. M D.The important fact that the many alarming

complaints, originating in the imprudence andsolitude ot youth, may he easily removed withoutMedicine, is in this small tract, clearly demonstrated;and the entirely new and highlysuccessful treatment, as adopted by the Author,

X fully explained, by means ol which everyone isenabled to cure bimsell perfectly and at thel^astpossible cost, thereby avoiding all the advertisednostrums of the day.

Sent to any address, gratis and post free in a

sealed envelope, by remitting two postage stampsto Dr DE LANKY, 17 Lispenard Street, N. Y

IJew York, oct 19.dlySOAL! COAL!!.The Schr. Beauty is now

discharging 2oO tons of very superiorTHRAC1TE COAL, and 1 shall be pleased

to fill orders trom the vessel, also, 150 tons

Cumberland Lump, Run of Mine and fine COAL,lor sal* by SAMUEL A. MASTERS,

dec 2 No. *1, North Union-street.


VJ1 aill, OCCUO, uuauu, v*v

Rkekkences:Messrs. McVeigh & Chamberlain.}

K. H. Miller At Co., >Alex'a.,Va j

Knox At Brother, j^John A. English, esq.. Fredericksburg, Ya. p

I Thomas Wallace, esq., 1'etersburg, Va. J r,I Baltimore, mh 11'.dly | p



y Cohskb or Royal and Wilkf. streets, ai


Mill Gearing, Shutting. Pulleys and Hangers, jj.Pumps, Fans. Slide and Hand Lathes, DrillPresses, Wrought or Cast Railing. Columns andGirders. Gas or Water Pipe, and MACHINERY 1

[of every description. Superior CASTINGS!made to order at short notice, and on reasonable c<

terms. On hand,several S1EAM ENGINE1-',;eight horse power, and eight or ten LATHES,to which the attention ol those in want is re- 10

quested. tnh g»>.ly. oi

G1 ASF I T T 1 N G ESTA BLISHM KNT. v<| WH.I.I.IM COG.L\ Pi actual Gat-Filler,

Fayette JUley, Jtlexundria. proposes to open a |Mbranch of his establishment at Charlottesville.where, as iiere.he will attend to GAS-FITTINGin all its branches Stores, Dwellings, Churches. /Machine Shops and Public Buildings titled up Von the most approved plans, and at reasonable ai

prices. He is also prepared to furnish SteamPipe, Steam Guages. and Steam Cocks. Contractswill be made for work, and fixtures of any c<

kind supplied at the lowest rates.17* All Work warranted. ap 1'

I EN KINS \ L A M B I) I N. MHMF.1C-1 '1


TEh.S. ULiyjJS, and FRJ1MES, keep con-;stantly oil hand a large assortment of the above ]

!arti/docr and Mill ? 11Dm ( (1II A 11 V rOll-1liaiiicu ai u\ ivo. uuu ^ -j j u fl

j sidered.) as cheap as they can be bought in theUnited States. j sa

j Of All orders promptly attended to Circu- or

lars of sizes and prices tuii.ished. on applicaj tion. Address JENKINS A LAMBD1N.


cor. of Queen and Fairfax-sts., Alex.. Ya.ap 21.eoly ; tsJAL. GREGORY Ao 1lb, At/itj street. tor- (# «<r of Pitt. Alexandria, mam kaCTI"keh ^

and ix TIN anuSHKK'1 IRON-WARE, x

STOVES,Ac. I would respectlully invite tiie Ipublic to call and examine my stock ol STO YES. jnGRATES. Ac. ,,,ROOFING, GUTTERING, aho SPOUT'

IXG, promptly executed. and warranted tight.Terms, cash, un!es> otherwise agreed on at

time ot sale, and no new account will be openeduntil old ones are closed. dec i.A


. STEPER. GILDER, and HOUSE DE heCOHJITOR /A GEAERAL. whilst returninghis gratt lul acknowledgeinent* to his numerous Ifriends lor then very lib« lai > ncotiiugemeiiT dnringthe two years he has been amongst tbem. Jassure* them that it will h* In- continued effort '/toser\e them with promptness, ami at moderate ^ !

charges, at his old stand. No. 14'.', north side |King street, Alexandria: mh VU

C. j. W18K. L K. OKKKXE. J to

I.MNE GROUND PLASTER, 2240 i-oixnsto thk Tint, constantly ground and tor P<

saie by WISE ft GREENE, at the FranklinSteam Niilis, Alexandria. Ya Calcined Plas-1 *

ter always on hand. IHLz-Countinj; Room, Union street, .An v.'no

story over L>. S. Gwin's Commission Store,

my -r>.dlyC. BRADLKV, Cabinet, Chair, and SolaManufacturer, cornel of King and Alfred j>

streets. Alexandria. Va.. has constantly on hand.and offers to the public, an excellent assortment yyof Cabinet Wahr, Sofas.and Chains.of everyvariety, and on the low est tei n;s. w iiich. lor durability and finish,cannot be surpassed. Fi

mh ; R'de

e w. k1schf.i.oe. sidney bruin. ;n1NCHKLOE Ac RRUIN. GROCERS]

^ and C0MM1SS10\ MERCtUMS, Ao. j j4'.' Cmon tlreet. Alexandria. Virginia. F®

Farmers may rely upon having theirpersonal attention to all produce entrusted to

them. jy r,>:

t. a. hkkw18, f . C\k1> S anthony lawson |4lsr n i ) Laean C. //. _I

rp A. BRKWIS ,v CO.. wholesale and he- i ^

1 . tail GROCERS, PRODUCE a*dGENERALCOMMISSI*)N MERCHANTS, Cameron st.. opposite the Market£ I Jt

PH. HOOFF. A lex an on ia Va.. FLOUR, j "j!. GRAIN Sf GROCERY MERCHANTj 6

has removed to No bs Soith he Prince. ami on

Union street. Particular attention will begiven to all consignments of Produce Plaster. 1Salt, and Groceries luri ished at current rates. J.jy 26 i

- . anJohn s. kxox. jr. robkrt r. knox

KNOX & BROTHER.(Successors to 0. Hume Sc Co..)

Growers, Commission and Forwarding VMERCHANTS.

No. 27 King-street. Alexandria,"

George w. Harrison romer of Fayette ot

Alley and Unionstreets. dealer in GROCE- IVR1ES. LIQUORS, and PROVISIONS generally. 7UW All orders from the country promptly at- Sj

tended to, and produce taken in exchange. nu

teb m

iiJ 1LLIAM H. MU1R. Masitactcrer akd

f dkalkr in all kinds ok CABINET FURNITURE.CHAIRS. MATTRESSES, LOOK- ^1NG GLASSES, Arc., corner of Einc and St jrjAsaph ttreels Alexandria, Va. je §jno b riixiki y. henry hampton r h kt'nton B.

R1DGELY, HAMPTON & CO.. wholesaledealers in TEAS, LIQUORS and TORACCO.3S TTkion Street «er» 11

Thomas perry, commission bier- CCHANT, No. 3, Irwin's Wharf. Alexandria.Va nty Fr


Gi EORGE SIGGERS,BOOK BINDER. No T( 73 Prime street. opposite the Gazette Ojfice,

JHexundi in, la.MUtslC, MAGAZINES, and kOLD BOOKS bound in any style. a

N. B. 1 also Hull and make to obdkr any de- 3scription ol BLANK BOOKS, which 1 will 1warrant to be made ot the best paper and mate- r

rials, and bound in the strongest manner. Bank o

Officers, Bankers. Merchants, Clerks of Courts.Hotel Keepers, Insurance Companies, and al r

who want BLANK BOOKS are respectfully in- s

vited to give me a call. jan j ri

JOH N 11 PA R ROTT, JB <>OKBELLEIt A XD STA TloXKR,A LSO, sele Agent in this place, and this (j/A region of Virginia, for the sa'e ot Won- ^(ester's Celebrated PIANOS, and Cahhakt &Nkeduam s M ELODEONS; keeps constantly on

hand a well-selected Stock ol STATIONERY,Al»o. the largest Stock ot MUSIC and MUSI- 1CAL INSTRUM ENTS ever offered in this mar- Iket. [jy] JOHN H. PARROTT.



Manufacturers of Matresces Patent Spring. AHair, Cotton, Husk, and Moss, Cotton Warp, ICotton Twine, and Cotton Bats. 1(1T Any description anil size made 10 omer n

at short notice. w

U_/~ An assortment of the above articles al- i

ways on hand. ap

JM. SIMMS, (Lati. ok Alkxakdria. Va ) a



Solicits consignments of Produce and Mer-chandise generally. Also,orders lor Groceries,

x... e.

tli sts., Washington, D. C. feb 12.dtfc

THIIKKT POWELL W. LEVIN POWELL. !(Utr o*' '.ouiloun.)


SIOX JUKRClUyrs.oitALr.Mii. WINKS JEAS, LlQl'OKS. SEGARS, &c., corner Kingid Union streets, Mlfjandria. I a. tlVv Strict personal attention given to the X!e ol all kinds of Country Produce. Allders filled with despatch. my 10.ttl: in, Jll. II. sipm.t WM.LA' K. JN". MiMS'lN. fc

VIUllSON. WALLACE \ CO . i k.ilbrs in

_'JORJCl LTVlUL I M P /. E M E A TS.KEDS <iwl M.l.M HE. .\u. 1 I hiion street,lilihson ,V Hmrnrifs old stand.) Alexandria. ii\. ID" Orders solicited. jan '">.tl

1ITY HOTEL, Alexandria, Va.This ^

j house so well am' favorably known is now

charge ol the undersigned, w ho will be hap- j! to see anil w-»it on iheir Iriends.SAMCF.L HEFLEBOWER. Proprietor. g

oct 24.3m J. J. ROBERTS, Supt. a:

JEW PAINT SHOP.. W. J H ItWON\ has removed his PAINT SHOP over Hill "

Webster's Carpenter's Shop, on Prime strut,it tothe Earmris Bank, where all ORDERS wiii K

faithful! v attended to dec 1w

[OHN Ml'RPHV, ATTORNEY JT Mtt.I will practice in the Courts ol WestmnreiRichmond, and Northumberland Counties.- * >Itii e. Rice's More. Westmoreland County,

i dec .'i.11 X

\K (O i | j; >.\j i i h. iia\ it g locateu in" Alexandria, offers his professional services ('its citi/ens and the vicinityOffice on Prince stieei one door e.i^t of the ' \>st (Ufice sep r.'.»>m \t

Ir B. RICHARDS. In. No. 1 :o, King ai

\ T # sritKKT. Alkxanpima. Va. mai.ulac-1 1

rer ol Hooped Skirts Bonnets. Klastic. Mocco,and other Belts. Hpad Dresses, Ac. n

iy D» I S(

I ELDRIPGE. GENkitJL COMM1S- ,v>.\ \ # N/O.V MKRCH.iyr and SHU' FRO- !'F.R. also. Agent for the Boston. Alexandria.(I Georgetown regular line ot Packe's. Cnionhart. Alexandria. V'a. nov

rULlUS DIENKLT.DENTIST, Alex»x* JI I'Kia. Va Office, I" Royal street, below ''

ince.Otfprs his professional services to those *

sinr.g them. Particular attention paid to thesertion ot Artificial Teeth. j *

[ P. CLARKE, dealer in Paper Hangings# Shades, and Fixtures. Curtain Hangings,

d Venitian Blinds, King street, Alexandria, Vaiy m.tiff ^ iSO. H ROHIK8UN THOMAS B. PAT*F.

) OBIIS'SOA iV PA VNE,Grocei s.Commissioiand Forwarding Merchants, Prince Street j,

narf. Alexandria. Va. oct s.?f (()


M)R THE HAIR.A supply ol Thomp- 1son's Hair Restorative, which has given J

ch general satiM'acfi n to those who have ra

veil it a trial just received, and for sale by toH B. WHITTINGTON, cf

jan 7No. King-street.-*OR THE TOILET.Lily White. Meen J

Fun; Pearl Balls; Odantine; Farina Co- ol

;ne. Pomades; Brown Windsor. Transparent, cid other Soaps,with other articles, just received[dec 17] WHITTINGTON'S. h2 King et


j very cheap Colored Straw Bonnets. Flowers,d Ruches, at (dec 15) RICHARDS'. j *

VLEXANDK1A LIBRARY COMPANY .Library kept in the south room, first-story,

the Lyceum Hall, S. W corner of Pri.tCe andathington stieets. Open every evening from 01

to y o'clock, and on Tuesday, Thursday, and n<

iturday afternoon?. from 34 to 5 o'clock. Analsubscription. $>3; six months, $ 1 ."0; threeonths, f\. Volumes in Library, about 4HW. ^

President.Francis Millkr..DIRECTORS"

orge K Witmer, J. Edward Chase,njamin Barton, Sylvester Scott, I jflisba J. Miller. And:ew Jamieson,Ferguson Beach. Richard L. Came, Jt..Henry Jenkins, John A. Milburn,

William A. Duncan. ATreasurer..Andrew Jamieson.

my Librarian.. Nerval E. Foard.VaUSAGE and PIE MF.AT CUTTERS, of} the most approved kind, Sausage Stnffers>r sale by [dec 3] JOHN OGDEN. 5t

FRIDAYbl'sixeis cards.

I Ml H MARSHALL HOUSE AGAIN OI'EK!J I". GR1GSBY, Pioprietor..Having taenthe MARSHALL HOL'sK, and secured ihe

ssistaiice of Mrs. R. Pritcmartt and her son

dr. A. Thomas Pritchabtt. 1 most respectlulyannounce to my friends and the public geneIIy, that I am now prepared tor the receptiond visitors.My Bed-Rooms are large and well furnished;

ny f r.kvart.s polite and attentive; my Iahlkupphcd with every delicacy of the season, andny Bar with the choicest LIQUORS. In tine. <

10 pains shall be spared to render my guestsomtortabie.Pi?" Porters and Omm rises .egular in atten-

ance at the arrival and departure of cars and <

oats. Veiy respectfully, 1

jan f>.eolm J. R. GRTGSBY.

Job g. McVeigh, attorneyatla iv. 1


'unl. Minnesota TtrritoryReferences..Sturgej. Bennet At Co; R H. j

.onry, Cashier Bank o! Republic, New York; j'hubb Brothers, Washington, D. C\; Brent A

iin/'-r; Wm. N. McVeigh, President of Bankf Old Dominion, Alexandria, Va.; VVurts,;tustie At McV< igh, Philadelphia. Pa.: Hopkins, '

lull A* Co ; Appleton ft Co., Baltimore. Md R. j1 Miller t* Co., St. Louis. Mo ; Hon. J. W.Irockenbrongh, Lexington. Va. jy IT.e>1yy. ii. iiakley. harvey o. mills. r1171LL1AM H. BARLEY \ Co., surce.v: ^f f sors to J. T Creighton At Co., importers jrid dealers in HARDWARE, Cutlery, Bar Iron, |teel. Hollow-ware, Guns, Agricultural Implelents,A(C , Acc.Agents tor the Old Dominion Nail Works.No. '.MJ, corner of King and Royal streets. Al- xandria.Va. ] f

ft?1 Country Merchants are requested to callnd examine our Stock. sep Ir 1 C. BERRY, wholesale and retail deal- {j » kr ix Foreicx and Domestic Notions, f

as'cy Goods. Ac , No 7^, Kini; itrett, is now

reiving a large and well selected stock ot 7ALL GOODS, to which be calls the attentionf dealers and others visiting our city, as he is [itisfied that he can furnish them goods upon5 good terms as any house further North.Sep 11 ti> w p. corse. fANKIMb KXCH ANOE. and COLLECTION OKI ICEor i,

C O K IS K ii K CI T II K II S,No. Jixilutnge Block.

[ ¥ " K will make Collectionson all accessibleT | points in the I'nited States,and holdpro

edssubject to Check or remit promptly to any ]signated point. JWe will deal in Exchange. Time IUIl*, Piomis- yry Nuti*. Unrurrrnl Monty. Coin. if. n

IStocks and other Secckities bought and sold rr

1 Commission, and Loans negotiated upon tamableterms. Interest allowed to Depositors, bA varied experience ot many years in this enables us to oiler our services withmlidence to the public. feb S

"1HARLKS HASKINS, Architect. Washing- J,j ton D. will continue to furnish hkskink

id i'LANs. for every class ol building, togetherit h detail working, drawings, and specificflansof materials and work; also, the drawing ofinfracts lor the same.and general superintendnce. Office. I'enn. av.. between 10th and (



MORE NEW BOOKS..Evangelical Biography.Memoirsot" Rear Admiral SirEdward J'arry, F. R S. late Lieutenant Governorot Greenwich Hospital, by his son, Rev.Edward Parry, price 75 cts., published by theEvangelical Knowledge Society.

('apt. Cickars..Memorials of Capt. HedleyV'ickars. ol the 07th Regiment, by the author ofThe Victory Won," Ac., 5u cts.7he J'roi'f'uni F/hsapal Jilmanac for the year

af Our Lord. lbGb, with an Alphabetical Listit the Clergy, Ac., published by the EvangelicalKnowledge Society, 12 cts.

The Family Expense Bonk, designed for theue of Families and Individuals, in keeping a

correct account ot monthly and yearly expenditures,25 cts.The AYtp Pirlure Book fur Children, published

jy the same Society. 4'J cts.Charlie Hubert, or Consecrated Gifts, . cts.

'We olier and present unto Thee, Oil! Lord!Mirselves. our souls and bodies, to be a reasonable,holy and living sacrifice unto Thee." A.). F. Randolph, publisher.The Fapir Dull Family. consisting of Presses

or the whole Family, neatly done up in seven

jackagfs, 75 cts. per sett.Natimal Costume, a new and instructive

\musem» nt for the Young, with a descriptionif the countries where the dresses are worn.The Man of Business, considered in his various

eMions. by James W. Alexander, John Todd,Villiam B Sprague, Stephen H Tyng, Isaac'erriv and Jonathan F. Stearns, D. D. $1. Justtublished, and for sale bydec 21



NEW BOOKS..Charlie Hubeit, or ConsecratedGifts, by Miss Jones, 1 vol. 32mo.loth. 3?>c.Lectures on the British Poets, by Henry

feed. 2 vols 12mo cloth. $2. IThe Saint and his Saviour, or the progres- of

he Soul in the Knowledge of Jesus, by Rev. C.L Spiirgeon. 1 vol. 12mo cloth, $1.Guy Livingstone, or Thorough, 12mo. cloth,

5 cts. *

Souvenirs of Travel, by Mad. Octavia Walton*e Vert, 2 vols 12mo. cloth, $2. j j

The Court of Napoleon, or Society under the .

'irst Empire, with portiaitso! its Wits, Beauie*,and Heroines, liom authentic originals, by'rank B. Goodrich, illustrated by Jules royal octavo vol , Turkey antique,nelv colored plate--, price ?I2. For sale by

JAMES ENTWISLE ft SON,dec 22 No. 95, King-street

n OLIOAY AND NEW YEARS PRE-!,SEN I S.But 1 can t undertake to give

on the names of all, as it would occupy tootuch space in Mr Snowden's jiaper. I willlerely t;>v#* you ail idea.Well! in the first place. I have LOTS OFOOKS. suitable for young and old. Also.)lMCSING Camks. j

Then,I have a great variety of FANCYTATIONKRY, such as Port Folios, Albums,

esks.Work Boxes. Morocco and Buckskin jHises and Bags, Card Cases, Ivory Tablets, |abas Backgammon Boards, Chessmen, Domioes.Combs and Brushes. j .

Then. a»:ain. 1 have PILF.S OF MliSIC, andtost o! the ML'MCAL INSTRUMENTS m

imimon use. from the Piano down.Please call and see lor yourself, and I think I

an suit you in style and price. (dec l'J JOHN II. PARROTT. 1

[ "VlCKKN'S NKW CHRISTMAS STORY\J AT FRKNCH S.The Perils of certain English Prisoners, and t

leir Treasure in Women. Children, Silver, and tewels. by Charles Dickens, *25 cts. a

The Atlantic Monthly for January. 25 cts. iEmerson's Magazine, and Putnam's Monthly f

ir January, 25 cis.Blackwood lor December,25 cts.Household Words lor January,25 cts.A lresh supply ol Dr. Livingstone s Travels

l Africa, $'l 1All the n w Books, Magazines, and Newspa- s

ers on hand. jan 4 I

VURK IT/n'UAL WORKS FOR IS.jK!- JThe Ilorlirullunst and Journal of Rural

it and Rural Tastes, conducted by J. Jay ^reith. hi .1 published in Philadelphia. monthly ^$2 per aiinutri.1 Ik Farmer, published in Baltimore,

lonthly, at $1 per annum.The ('ultivatr.r. monthly, edited by Luther Tue- ^

or. published in Albany. 50 cts per annum.

Tii4 Country Ctatlemon, published in Albany, ,

o..l li- Aflitml Kv I iitiior Tnrlpr npr nnnntn""V ..v -.. ,-v j

inscriptions received by ' '

de-iM KOBT. BELL, Agent. e

i | ORE .\ r.U B()<>K7iim liot»*. A c

fj[ rative. b/Anna f'ora Ritchie, author of t

Mimic Life," Ac., price 7.'» cts. a

Slurid tmd J litHib Travel and History, for k

hildn-n, by (Lace Orrenvvood,75 ctsSkrhhrt if Art. Literature, and Character. by a

Irs. Jamnson. au'hor ol -Characteristics ol r

'omen.' in blue a L'o'd. 7.1c. Ju«'published. fiiul tor sale by [dec :» ] KOBKRT LKLL. 6

S'^EW L1FK CF BURR..The Life and '

Times of Aaron Burr. Lieutenant-Colonell the Army of thp Revolution, United Statesenator. Vice President of the United Sta».- nc by J Parton. author ot the "Life ol Horace n

reply." &c.. with portraits ot Aaron Burr andhecdosia, price 75. Just published, and r

>r sale by [jan f>] KOBKRT BF.LL 3

r " KKP Ti.MK TO THF. .MUSIC..Just re- 1[V ceived fr»>m the importer and manutacirer.a choice lot ot new SlUMCAL 1NSTRUIK.NTs,«uch as Violins, Flutes, Accordeons,liitiiim. R.inioc 'i arribourine*. Drums. Files, s

lag»o ets. A-c; aDo. Violin, Guitar, and Banjotrtngs. and other Musical merchandise. i

dec 25 JOHN H PAKROTT. .

A L.MAN ATS FOR 1.Farmers' and v

A Family. Family Christian. Virginia and tior'h Carolina. F.vangelical Know,edge Socie- I"s. and The Chuich Almanac, lor lb'8, ior filie by 'he dozen or single copy. A supply of Plarits for 1 »r»>. at prices ranging from 25 cts °

1*1. JAMKS ENTWISLK \ SON. \dec 22 No. 95, King-street r


and Devotional Poetry, collei "ed and dr- |(mged by Rer. C. W. Andrews, published byle Evangelical Knowledge Society, price 75s.. tor rale by fdec 2-1 j ROBT. BF.LL. j 1)AI'KK! PAPFR!!.Just received, direct /"J

[ lrom the manulacturprs. another supply ^Cap an'1 Letter PAPER, which will be sold n

ieap by the Ream or otherwise.dec 25 JOHN H PARROTT. jttcas, l. i(ivors and tobacco.

I'CNCHKON fine Old ^otch Whiskey1 pipe Holland Gint quarter casks Hennesey Brandy3 ' " Otard, Dupuey A Co.'s do t5 " " J ules Roben Ac Co s do

75 bids, pure Rye Whiskey, a large portionwhich is old and ot very superior quality,

jw in store, and tor sale byRIDGELY, HAMPTON Ac CO . J

nov 26 No. 41 King-street. n

BASKETS Heidsick Champagneafj in baskets Creme de Bo..zy "

Q12 cases Cabinet " p15 " Sparkling Catawba.with a large a

it of fine old Port. Madeira, and Sherry Wines. »,

r sale by RIDGELY, HAMPTON Ac CO., pnov 26 No. 41. Knig street.


Depot. Staunton, Va. c

A. N. Breckinridge Ac Co.. Propnetori. o

7. N. Woodward, late oi the Woodward House. o

rintendrnt. ap 12.eoly '


SPLENDID SCHEMES,To be drawn at Wilmington, Delaware,

IN JANL'ARV, 1858.To be drown under the Superintendence of Commit

tioners appointed by the Governor.

GREGORY <L MAURY, Managers.50,000 DOLLARS!

LOTTERY tor the benefit of the State olDelaware. Class G. for 185b. to be drawn

at Wilmington, Delaware, on SATURDAY,January 0th. Ib5b.

75 number Lottery.12 drawn ballots.BRILLIANT SCHEME!

1 prize ol #50.000 4 prizes of $5,0001 do 20.IJ0U 4 do 3,into1 do 15,000 5 do 2,'J0(J1 do 11.330 200 lowest 3 No.3 prizes of 7,o00 Frizes 625

tic.., Ac..Ac.Tickets $ 1 ".Halves #7 50.Quarters $3.75.

Eighths >$l S7lCertificates of packag's 25 whole tickets $20u 00

do do 25 halt do 100 00do do 25 quarter do 50 00do do 25 eigh. do 25 00

36,000 DOLLARS!

I OTTER Y lor the benefit of the State of Deljaware. Class 6. for 1858, to be drawn atWilmington, Delaware, on SATURDAY, January16th, 185b.

12 drawn numbers out of 78.SPLENDID SCHEME.

1 splen'd. prize 36.0t»0 1 prize of $6,0001 prize of 15,000 1 do of 3,9051 do of 15,000 100 prizes of 750I do of 10.000 133 do of 5001 do of 10.000 Ac., bee, Ac.

Tickets $10.Halves $5.Quarters $2.50.Certificates of packag's-'O whole tickets $150 00

Do do 26 half do 75 00Do do 26 quarter do 37 50

65,000 DOLLARS!

[OTTERY for the benefit of the State ofj Delaware, Class H. for 1858, to be drawn

it Wilmington, Delaware, on SATURDAY,January 23d, 1858.

78 number Lottery.13 drawn ballots!BRILLIANT SCHEME.

1 gr'd prize $65,000 I 1 prize of 8.3921 prize of 30,000 2 prizes of 5,0101 do of 20.000 5 do of 3,76S1 do of 15,000 100 do of 1,5001 do of 10,000 173 low. 3 No. do. 600

&c.. &c., Kc.Heir's $20; hlfs. IO;quarters $5; eighths $12.50.Certificates of packag's. 26 wle tickets. $>270 00

Do do 26 half do 135 00I)o do 26 quar. do 67 50Do do 26 eighths do 33 75

35,500 DOLLARS!

JOTTF.RV tor the benefit of the State ofjl Delaware, Class 17, lor ls58, To be drawn

it Wilmington. Delaware, on SATURDAY,lanuary 30th, 1S58.

75 Number Lottery.12 drawn ballots.MAGNI KICK.NT SCH KM K.

grd. prize ol .$35,500 100 prizes of $ 1,000prize ot 15,000 10 do 500

do 10,060 20 do 300do 5,Oi >0 85 do 200

Tickets $10; Halves $5; Quarters $2.50.Certificates ol packag's. 25 wholes cost ..$140 00

Do do 25 half do 70 00Do do 25 quarter do 35 00

r^ORDF.RS for Tickets andShares and Cerificatesof Packages in the above Splendid Lot*eries, will receive the most prompt attention,ind an account of ea^h drawing will be sent

mmediately after it is ovf to all who orderrom me. Address, P.J BUCKKY. Agent,dec 1 w.I rn Wilmington, Delaware

UDWAKD ASSOCIATION, PHILADKLI'llI A..A benevolent Institution, estabishedby special endowment for the relief of the.irk and distressed, afflicted wit1 \ irnlent and

.i: tn ,

.jmini'M i;i9r<i!»ra. ' " rtll |iriBi7»ic niuaicu r* 11 is

Sexual Disease*, such ,i> SPERMATORRHOEA,SEMINAL WEAKNESS, IMPOTENCE, Ac.The Howard Association, in view of the awii1 destruction ni human hie. cdusHii by Sexual

liseases. and the deceptions practised upon theinfortuuate victims of such diseases by quacks,et era! years ago directed their Consulting Sur;eonas a charitable act. worthy of their name, to

ipen a Dispensary tor the treatment of thisilassof diseases, in all their forms, and to givededical advice uratis. to all who apply by leterwith a description of their condition, (ageicrupation, habits of life. Ac.,) and in cases olxtreme poverty, to furnish Medicines tree olbarge. It is needless to add that the Associaioncommands the highest Medical skill of thege, and will furnish the most approved modtntreatment.The Directors, on a review of the past, feel

ssured that their laborsin this sphere of benevdenteffort, have been of great benefit to the atlicted.especially to the young,and they have re-olved to devote themsehes, with renewed zeal.



$r>0,000 FOR TEN DOLLARS tThe loiiowing Scheme will be drawn by S.

SWAN k CO., Managers of the Kort Lottery, in each of their Lotteries lorJanuary, 1«5S, at Augusta. Georgia. to whichcity they have removed their principal Office.

( lass 70, to he drawn in the city of Augusta,Ga in public, on Saturday, January '2th, 1855.

(. lass 71. to be drawn in the city of Augusta.Ga .in public, on S iturdoy Janiuiry I6f/k 1858.

Class 72, to be drawn in the city of Augusta,Ga.,iu public, on Saturday, Janua<y'23d. 1858.

Class 73, to be drawn in the city ot Augusta,Ga in public, on Saturday, January, 30th, 1808,<»s tub Plan ok Sinoli Numbers.

0.40U Prizct!.yearly one Prize to every 9 Tu kttt'MAGNIFICENT SCHEME!

to be drawn each saturday in january.1 Prize of $'.0,000 1 Prize of $2,0001 " 25,000 1 44 1,5001 44 10,000 60 Pri/.°8 of 1,0001 44 tVOOO KX) 44 2001 " 5,<)00 100 44 1251 " 3,500 i00 44 100

Approximation Prizes.4 Prizes oi $.3110 ap'g to $'»<),WOO are $1,2004 Prizes of 250 ap'g to 25,uo0 are 1,0004 Prizes of 200 ap'g to 10,000 are 8004 Prizes of 150 ap'g to 6,000 are 6004 Prizes of 125 ap'g to 5,000 are 5o04 Prizes ot 100 ap'g to 3,000 are 4'HJ4 Prizes of 75 ap'g to 2,000 are 3004 Prizes of 50 ap'g to l,5u0are 2U0

5,000 Prizes of 20 are 100,000

5,400 Prizes amounting to $3:20,000Whole Tickets $!0; Halves $5; Quarters $2.50

Plan or the Lottery.The Numbers Irom 1 to 5u,000, corresponding

with those Numbers on the Tickets printed on

separate slips ot paper, are encircled with smalltin tubes, and placed in one wheel.The first 4H2 Prizes, similarly printed and encircled,are placed in another wheel.The wheels are then revolved, and a number

is drawn irom the wheel of Numbers, snd at thesame time a Prize is drawn from the otherwheel. The Number and Prize drawn out ars

opened and exhibited to the audience, and regis1tered by the Commissioners, the Prize beingplaced against the number drawn. This operationis repeated until all the Prizes are draw n out.

Approximation Phizes..The two precedingand the two succeeding Numbers to those drawingthe first 7 P-izes. will be entitled to the 128Approximation Prizes.

For example: if Ticket No. 11250 draws the$t50,000 Prize, those Tickets numbered li248,11249, 11251, 11252, will each be entitled to$400. It Ticket No. 550 draws the $25,000Prize, those Tickets numbered 548, 540, 551,552. will each be entitled to $300, and so on ac:cording to the above scheme.The 5,000 Prizes ol $20 will be determined

by the last figure of the Number that draws the#'">0,000 prize. For example, it the Numberdrawing the $00,000 Prize ends with No. l. thenall the Tickets where the number ends in I willbe entitled to $20. l! the Number ends with No.2. then all the Tickets where the Number endsin 2 will be entitled to $20, and so on to 0.

Certificates of Packages w ill be sold at thefollowing rates, which is the riskCertificate*ot Packages, 10 wle. tickets, $80 00

I)o do do 10 halt do 4000Do do do 10 quarter do 20 00Do do do 10 eighth do 10 0015 ordering tickets or certificates

F.nclose the money to our address for theTickets ordered, on receipt of which they willbe forwarded by lirst mail.

Purchasers can have Tickets ending in anyfigure they may designate.The list ol drawn Numbers and Prizes will be

.......i,.....,i...,ir,u.;n.,.U»» IllilllCliltlli J !..< U.«ni«S.

Itf" Purchasers will please write their signaturesplain, arnl give their Post Office, County,an<l State.£7" Remember that every prize is drawn, and

payable in lull without deduction.|-r All prizes ol $1,000 and under, paid im-

mediately alter the drawing.o»W«.* pr»*«-» *tthcu-itul time ol thirty days.

All communieations strictly confidential.Address orders for tickets or certificates to

S. SWAN At CO., Augusta. Ga.Ff? Persons residing near Montgomery, Ala ,

or Atlanta, Ga., can have their orders filled, andsave time, by addressing S. SWAN At CO., ateither of those cities.

fir1 A itxt of the numbers that are drawnfrom the wheel, with the amount of the pr zethat each one is entitled to. will be publishedalter every drawing, in the following papers .Augusta, (tieorgia.) Constitutionalist, NewOrleans Peita, .Mobile Register, CharlestonStandard. Nashville Gazette, Atlanta Intelligencer, New \ ork Weekly I'ay Book, SavannahMorning News, Richmond Pispatch. New YorkDispatch, and Paulding (Miss ) Clarion.dec 2-1.dtd


rilHK CASH SYSTEM ADOPTED..'The jI subscriber, alter having tested the cred'tsystem to his heart's content, has come to theconclusion that the Cash System is the best, bothfor the buyer and seller, and. iroin the presentsdate, shall do business upon the above princi-pie. anil would respectfully call the attention ofhis triends of the town and country to his veryextensive stock of BOOTS a.vd SHOES, suita-ble to the present and approaching season;which, as usual, be offers for -ale at fair livingprices. His stock consists in part of the followingvery seasonable articles, viz:

Ladies Morocco and Seal Walking Shoesu" Slippers, Ladies Gaiters

" Boots (morocco and seal)Misses and Children s Boots and ShoesGentlemen's Calf, Kipp, and Buff Boots

a I, it " ShoesBoys " and Kipp Boots

"" " ShoesYouths " and " Boots

" " ShoesMen s thick Boots and Brogans, No. 1, for farmingand similar purposes, and in short, every ar-

tide usually found in a well-stocked Boot andShoe Establishment. HENRY L SIMPSON,jy Royal tired ntar King.A LEXANDRIA, VA., Jakoaky 1st, ib&7..}\ R1CHJRD Y. CROSS has this day asso-ciated with hirr. in business, JOHN H" LL'GENREELand HENRY C. FIELD, for the pur-pose of carrying on a GENERAL SHOE BLTSlNESS at No. 74. Ki.vosihett. Alexandria, Va.,under tbe firm name and style of CROSS.Ll'G EN BEEL & CO.. where the public generally are invited to call arid examine their largean<i well-selected Stock ol BOOTS, SHOES, Ac.,which will be sold lor cash, or to strictly punctual customers, as low as they can be had(quality considered) in this or any other city.fST Particular attention paid to CUSTOM

WORK, both as to material and workmanship,ami warranted to please A call is respectfullysolicited at the SHOE STORE of


rphe cash syst'm ai>oeted..The iub«cribernaving tried the credit pystem, and found

that it will not pay, has concluded to adopt thecash principle. In future and from this date,he will continue to do business upon the aboveprinciple. In bidding adieu to the old system,he would return nis thanks to his customers forpast favors, and hopes by strict attention andsuch inducement* am he may offer, to continueit under the new.


ORANGE MB ALEXAN»jO''* f\J DRIA RAILROAD BONDS,for sale at lowest market rates,


o tbis very i;n portant but much despised cause.Just published by the Association, a Report

n Spermatorrhea, or Seminal Weakness, bybeConsulting Surgeon, which will be sent byTail, (in a sealed letter envelope.) free of' charge,n receipt 01 two stamps lor postage.Address, tor Report or treatment, Dr. GEO.

I. CALHOl'N, Consuming Surgeon, Howardisgociation. No. 2 south Ninth stieet, Philadelihia,Pa. By order o! the Directors.

EZRA D. HF.ART'A'ELL, President.Georok Faiuchilp, Secretary.Philadelphia, eep d.«llteo3m^wly

N'OTICK..The senior partner having withdrawnirom the tirmot JAMES GREENt SONS, our future business will be conductednder the name and style ot GREEN & BRO.,rho have now on hand tor sale, and will coninueto manufacture at the old stand, corner of'rinceand Fairfax sts.. a general assortment ofne most modern and antique Fcrxitche. FeatherMs. Hair, and Shuck M^resses, &c ,and everyther article embraced in our line of business.Ve hope by the aid of the most modern mahinery.and the many conveniences which our

i«nulactory is provided with.te be able to makethe interest of those wanting aching in our

ine, to give us a call. JOHN W GREEN,ap.10.If S. A. GREEN.

Kerosene oils, distilled krom coal,(not exdlohive).Seiwed by Isitrr.* Pa-

:nt..The different grades of these celebrated IIlls, suitable lor Machinery of ail kinds. Bin-1acle and Family use. can be had of the under-1igntd, aUo of the Wholesale Oil Dealers andruggists in the city of New York, and of theutbonzed Local Agent of the Company inlis place. AUSTENS. General Agents,

Kerosene Oil Company,No. >0 Beaver st , N. Y.

[v~ Local Agencies granted on application as Orders should specify the description ot

imp or machinery 'or which the Oil i» wanted,my 2^.eoly[I It KORT: OAK avd PINE WOOD FOR[I SALE .SAMUEL BEACH & SON areow engaged in running their own WOOD to jrarket, consisting of the above named kinds,rhich they offer lor sale, (at their Wood Yard,n St. Asaph street, opposite the Jail, or at the j'ish Wharf, where landed,) to their customersnd others, cheap for cash: and as they intenda sell for small profits, ask a share of publicatronage. SAMUEL BEACH,sep 1".U JOHN S BEACH.

Drafts on st louis..Partieito remit to Missouri, Illinois, Iowa. Wisonsin,or Kansas, can be supplied with drafts

n St. Louis, w hich can be cashed in most partsf the interior of the States named above10 me 3 R, H MILLER-



Come listen all while 1 relateWhat recently befel

Upon a farmer dowh in Maine.While digging of a well.

Full many a yard he dug and delved,And still he dug in vain;

' Alack!" quoth he,"e'en water seemsProhibited in Maine!

And still he dug and delved away,And still the well was dry;

The only water to be foundWas in the farmer s eye;

For by the breaking ot" the bank1'hat tumbled from its station,

All suddenly his hope was dashedOf tuture liquidation!

And now his sands were running fast,And he had died, no doubt,

But that just when the well caved in,He happened to be out!

"Aha!.I have a lucky thought"Exclaimed this wicked man.

"To dig anew this wretched well1 see a pretty plan:.

"I'll hide me straight, and when my wifeAnd eke my neighbors know,

What's happened to my digging here,They'll think that I'm below!

"And so to save my precious life,They'll dig the well no doubt,

E'en deeper than it was dug at first,Before they find me out!"

And so he hid him in the barnThrough all the hungry day.

To bide the digging ot his wellIn this deceitful way.

But list what grief and shame befelThis false, ungrateful man,

And while he slyly watched to see

The working of his plan;.The neighbors all with one accord

Unto each other said ."With such a weight of earth above,The man is surely dead."

And then the wife, w ith pious care,All needless cost to save,

Said."since the Lord hath w illed it so,E'en let it be his grave!"

Of paper coin, how vast the power!It makes or breaks us in an hour,And thus, perhaps, a beggar's shirt,When finely ground, ana cleared of dirt,Then recompressed, with hand and hopper.And printed on by sheet of copper,May raise ten twoJIt* to renown,And knock as many nobles down.

[CoBBKTT."I)o you know tho prisoner, Mr. Jones?,"

"Yes to the bone." "What is his character ?""Didn't know he had any." "Does he livenear you ?" "So near that he has only spenti' « r _ ..u» nuvu esuiuiu^g tur uru wuuu iu ci^ui juaio.

Why was Pharoab'a daughter like a cbairtaaker?Ads..Because she got u littleprophet from the rushes on the bunks. So isa broker like Pharaoh's daughter, then !

A lady of our acquaintance bolieves everycalamity that happens to herself a trial, andevery one that happens to her frionds a


JamK8 Sansstkb will be supported torthe office ot Sheriff for this County, at the comingelection, by [dec T>] MANY VOTKRS.

ty To tdk votkhrt ok alexandria c'ltv AMiJ

County..I ofler myself as a candidate for theoffice of Sheriff, at the ensuing May election,and most respectfully solicit your support.

dec 11. eote H.L.MONROE.

lyCAPT. Joseph C. Moork will be supportedfor the office of Superintendent of Police.

dec 24.tf_

MANY VOTERS.V# Jons Cracks will be supported for the

office of Superintendent of Police, byjan 7.tE MANY VOTERS.07" Richard W. Robinson willi>e supported

at the next election, as an independent candidate,for the office of Superintendent of Police,by [dec V3-eotE] MANY VOTERS.

\£j~To the Citizenu of Alexandria..I herebyannounce myselt a candidate tor the office ot

Superintendent ot Police. Should it please thepublic to elect me, 1 promise to give my individualattention to my duty, and as far a« possible, satisfy the iust demands of an already op-pressed tax paying community

dec 3u.tK SAMUEL BEACHnr Johxph Broadas will be supported at the

coming election, lor the office of City Surveyor,by [jan l.tK] MANY VOTERS


Capital Stock $63,000 00Abbctb:

Stockholder's Bonds. . . . $00,800 00Orange and Alexandria

Rai I road Bonds, cost... 6.896 08Cer.tral Ohio Railroad

Bonds, cost 1,004 72Alleghany Mining Company'sBonds, cost 818 33Alexandria Water CompanyStock, cost 500 00Cash on hand 431 03Unpaid Coupons 100 00 60,550 IG

Deficit $>,',949 84Considering the iinnrererlenf ed number ot

tires in Alexandria and other places, during thelast tour years, that the Company has been in

operation, (only five years;) that it has incurredits full share of losses during that time, and thatit has adjusted and paid ail claims against it,(amounting to :jiz3,6is9 51,) with the single exceptionol the claim of Jno. T. Dowell, theBoard of Directors think the Company entitledto the confidence of the public, and a lair shareof its patronage. By order of the Board

ROBERT JAM1ESON, Jr.,jan 6.3t Secretary.

rilO PLANTERS AND FARMERS.Th*X I'OUl MANUFACTURING COMI'JSY,incorporated in 1S40, with a capital ol $100,OlK),offer their NEW ahd IMPROVED POLDRETTEfor sale, as the cheapest and best fertilizerfor Corn, Tobacco, and Kitchen Gardens,that can be maus. ft has been used with greatsuccess in the Northern States for 17 yearsIt is inodorous, very powerful, and vet can beused without danger in contact with the seed.The night soil of the city of New York, fromwhich this fertilizer is manufactured, is wellknown as the most powerful manure in theworld. Price per barrel on board of vessel inNew York, $1 50, for seven barrels and over.under that quantity $'z per barrel. Terms raab.A pamphlet will be sent gratis and post paid toany applicants.

C7" A trial, however small, is respectfullysolicited. Address

LODI MANUFACTURING CO.,dec 11.w'.'m 60 Courtlandt street, N Y.

Merino bucks..Tweive fuii blood merinoBUCKS, of very superior quality,tor sale, or to be exchanged for good SouthdpwnBucks. For terms, apply to the Overseer ont'ne farm of Mount Zephyr, Fairfax County,Va., or to AARON LEGGETT.

Fairfax County, Va., dec 25.eokw