algebra makes sense

7/27/2019 Algebra Makes Sense 1/62 Makes Fully photocopiable ^ Suitable for Key Stages 3 and 4 ^ Progression through Levels 4 - 7 ^ Encourages mathematical thinking y SMILE MATHEMATICS

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Fully photocopiable

^ Suitable for Key Stages 3 and 4

^ Progression through Levels 4 - 7

^ Encourages mathematical thinking



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© RBKC SMILE Mathemat ics 2005

Firs t published in 2005 bySMILE Mathemat icsIsaac Newton Centre108a Lancas te r Road

L o n d o nW11 1QS

Tel: 020 7598 4841

Em ai l : i n fo@smi lemathemat ics . co .uk We b : www.smi lemathemat ics . co .uk

ISBN 1-84554-256-8

All r ights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, s tored in aretr ieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic,me chan ical , photocop ying, recording, or o therwise , wi thout pr ior permiss ion inwri t ing f rom SMILE Mathemat ics . The purchas ing es tabl ishment is au thor isedto photocopy the teachers ' notes and the resource sheets for use solely withinthe purchas ing es tabl ishment .

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Activities in approximate order of difficulty.

Introduct ion 4Referencing ac t iv i t ies to MicroS MILE Algeb ra sof tware 5

ActivitiesLevel 4Map ping J igsaw s 6Funct ion Co des 8

Map ping Mac hines 10Straw s and Triangles 12Think of a Nu mb er 14

Level 5Match ing Ma ppings 16Num ber Problems 18Com ple te the Ma ppings 20So lve It 22

Algebra Match 24

Level 6Algeb ra Gam e 26Ma pping Diagram s 28Random Code 30Algebra Problems 32Algeb ra Sor t 34

Level 7

Equiva len t Express ions 36W hos e Rule is Correc t? 38Alge bra Trai l 40Letters for Leng ths 42Fibonacc i - type Seq uence s 44

Answers 46

A p p e n d i xMap ping J igsaw Reso urce Sheet 56Record ing Sheet fo r Algeb ra Gam e/Tra i l 57

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IntroductionThis activity book includes 20 activities focusing on algebra, all of which arephotocopiable within the purchasing establishment.

The activities address different aspects of algebra and are appropriate for a range oflearning styles. They are arranged by National Curriculum Assessment Levels (4 - 7)in order to aid differentiation and facilitate their easy incorporation into any scheme ofwork. With in each level the activities are arranged in order of difficulty.

Each activity is also referenced to the Framework for Teaching Mathematics.References to the Framework have been taken from the Yearly Teaching Programmes

and page numbers refer to the appropriate Supplement of Examples. The symbol (K) isused to identify the Key Objectives for each year.

The t e ach e r s ' notes and resource sheetsThe activities are organised in double-page spreads. The left-hand page of each spreadincludes teachers' notes, offering advice on appropriate ways of using the activity andany additional equipment required. Ideas to enrich students' mathematical thinking arealso included. The resource sheet on the right-hand page can be photocopied for

students to use. Teachers may also photocopy the resource sheet onto acetate and viewwith an O H P to facilitate whole class discussion.

The role of the t eacherMany of the activities are suitable for whole class lessons and contain much scope fordiscussion. However, all the materials have been designed to contain sufficiently clearinstructions to be accessible to students with minimal teacher support. This makesthem ideal for use within whole class differentiated topic work as the teacher is leftfree to discuss structural issues within algebra with individuals or groups as they arise.

F u l l answers are given for each activity. A reference grid gives teachers guidance onho w best to integrate the use of the M i c r o S M I L EAlgebra software pack to enhancestudents' understanding.

The AppendixThe two resource sheets contained within this section have been designed to savestudents' time. The Mapping Jigsaw Resource Sheet provides a template to create theirow n mapping jigsaw, and the Algebra Game/Trail Resource Sheet provides an easy-to-use recording sheet.


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M i c r o S M I L EA l g e b r a S o f t w a r e P a c k

The activi t ies included in this publicat ion are complemented by the MicroSMILEAlgebra sof tware pack, a s tandalone resource which can be purchased separate lyf rom SMILE Mathemat ics . When used in conjunct ion wi th Algebra Makes Sense, thetwo resources can be even more effect ive in developing algebraic skil ls.MicroSMILE Algebra consis ts of 5 programs:

• A l g e b r a M a g i c enco urages col lecting l ike terms an d s impl i fy ing express ions.• E q u a t i o n B u s t e r develops students ' ski l ls in substi tut ing and solving equations.• E q u a t i o n s R e s o u r c e is a resource program that aims to demonstrate different

appro aches to solving l inear equat ions.• M a p p i n g M a t c h looks at the relat ionships between mappings, term-to-term

rules, posit ion-to-term rules and algebraic expressions.• P r e d i c t challenges students to look for rules connecting 2, 3 and 4 variables.

To help your p lanning, the table below shows which programs f rom MicroSMILEAlgebra ca n be used in conjunct ion wi th act iv i ties f rom Algebra M akes S ense .

A l g e b r a M a k e s S e n s e M i c r o S M I L EA l g e b r a

Level 4 Think of a Number Equations Resource

Level 5 Matching Mappings Mapping Match

Number Problems Equations Resource

Solve It Equations Resource

Level 6 Algebra Game Equation Buster

Mapping Diagrams Mapping Match

Random Code Equation Buster

Algebra Problems Equations Resource

Level 7 Equivalent Expressions Algebra Magic

Whose Rule is Correct? Predict & Mapping Match

Algebra Trail Equation Buster

Letters for Lengths Algebra Magic & Equation Buster

Fibonacci-type Sequences Equations Resource & Equation Buster

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M a p p i n g J i g s a w s

TypeSuitable for individual, small group or whole class.

ObjectiveTo use problem solving strategies to complete jigsaws which involve simplemappings involving addition, subtraction, multiplication and div is ion .

Framework for Teaching Mathemat icsUnderstand addition, subtraction, multiplication and division as they apply to wholenumbers and decimals; know how to use the laws of arithmetic and inverseoperations. (Y7 p. 82)

Express simple functions at first in words then using symbols; represent them in

mappings. (Y7 p. 160)

ResourcesOne copy of the resource sheet (consumable) for each student or each group.

Scissors and glue.


The activity consists of two jigsaws, Jigsaw A and Jigsaw B . Jigsaw A uses simpleaddition and subtraction mappings, whilst Jigsaw B uses simple addition,subtraction, multiplication and division mappings.

Students are required to cut out the 12 squares from Jigsaw A . There are two squaresthat require the students to complete the missing number so that each number iscorrectly mapped. Students should be encouraged to complete this jigsaw and gluethe completed jigsaw into their books before cutting out Jigsaw B.

Jigsaw B consists of 24 squares. These squares w i l l make two jigsaws. By carefulsorting, students w i l l realise that although both of the jigsaws make 3 by 4rectangles, one is '3 by 4' and the other is '4 by 3'. Students should be encouragedto glue their completed jigsaws into their books.

Enriching Mathematical ThinkingStudents can be encouraged to create their own mapping jigsaws, using the MappingJigsaw Resource Sheet on page 56. This is an excellent homework activity. Studentscan then swap their jigsaws (already cut up) and solve each other's puzzle. This canbe used as a starting activity for a follow-up lesson.

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M a p p i n g J i g s a w s

Cut ou t the squares f rom J igsaw A.

Arrange the squares in a 3 by 4 rectangle.Fi l l in the missing numbers so that each number ismapped correc t ly.

r - 4 T


4-+ 3

+ 6

13 -5 ^315I

- 9


- 5 20



Cut out the square s from rJ ig saw B .

Arrange the squares intwo 3 by 4 rectangles.



x2 ^ 2 0

+ 9 36T

+ 2




- 4


60 ^20












+ 4

» 5

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F u n c t i o n C o d e s

TypeSuitable for individual, small group or whole class.

ObjectiveTo use simple functions to decode words and messages.

Framework for Teaching Mathemat i csExpress simple functions at first in words then using symbols. (Y7 p. 160)

G i v e n inputs and outputs, find the function. (Y7 p. 162)

ResourcesOne copy of the resource sheet for each student.

DescriptionIn the activity, consecutive numbers starting at 1 represent the letters of the alphabet.A simple function has then been used to create a code. The inverse of this function isused to decode the message.

The activity starts with an example to show how the function 'divide by 2' is used todecode a message. Students are then given two messages to decode by investigatingwhich of the six given functions has been used. The decoded message w i l l onlymake sense when the correct function has been used. By the same process, studentsare then required to decode four mathematical words.

The code used in the challenge uses a different function from the six that are used inthe rest of the activity.

Enriching Mathematical ThinkingStudents can be encouraged to create their own codes by using a similar technique.This provides an excellent follow-up activity that can also be used for homework.

Teachers can then use the students' experience of creating these codes to discussinverse functions. Students should also be encouraged to discuss which functions areimpossible to use for coding.

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Using the function 'divideby 2' , the message below is decoded as 'hello' .

;T16 10 24 24 3 0 ^

16 — • divide by 2

10 — • div ide by 2

2 4 — ' div ide by 2

2 4 — • div ide by 2

3 0 — » d iv id e by 2

E l = » h

£ 3 = > e

1 2 3 = ^ > l

1 5 ] = ^ o

Decode Message 1 by using the function 'divide by 2'.

^8 18 44 18 8 10 4 50 40 46 30 < C

Decode Message 2 by using the function 'subtract 2'.

y 22 25 17 11 21 7 24 7 16 <^

divide by 2 and add 1 add 6

subtract 3 I 1 divide by 3

add 1 and then diwide by 2 I I divide by 4

Decode these mathematical words by using the correct function.Choose from the 6 functions above.

)7 3 6 6 3 9 8> > 37 33 41 1 35 9 s)

)20 16 38~Tj^ (j 4 72 20 4 ^ ?

^ 3 36 21 15 6 54 3 ?

The message below is decoded as mathemat ics .

42 6 63 27 18 42 6 63 30 12 60

What function is used to decode the message?

I o J = C > j


1 3 ^ > m



2 0 ] = £ > t

2 D = C > U


2 5 l = ^ > y

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R e s o u r c e S h e e tAlgebra Makes Sense

M a p p i n g M a c h i n e s

This is a ' doub le ' mach ine

input doubleouble output

If you input3 into th e ' doub le ' m ach ine , th e outpu t will be 6 .

The m apping d iagram be low shows what th e ' double ' machined o es to some o ther inpu t numbers .




doubleou tpu t


1 6 "




Draw a mapping d iagram to s h o w w h a t th e ' doub le ' m ach ine d oes tosom e d i ffe ren t inpu t num bers .

Draw di ffe ren t m apping d iagram s to s h o w w h a t h ap p en s to 3, 4, 5and so m e o ther inpu t num bers when y o u u s e t h e following mach i n es :





add 7dd 7

subtract 2ubtract 2




in pu t— • multiply by 5 add 3 output

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S t r a w s a n d T r i a n g l e s

TypeSuitable for individual, small group or whole class.

ObjectiveT o explore sequences of numbers created from patterns involving straws and


Framework for Teaching Mathemat i csGenerate and describe simple integer sequences. (Y7 p. 146)

Generate sequences from simple practical context. (Y7 p. 154)

Begin to find a simple rule for the nth term of some simple sequences. (Y7 p. 156)

ResourcesO ne copy of the resource sheet for each student. Isometric dotty paper may helpstudents with drawing their patterns for triangles and hexagons and square dottypaper for drawing patterns for squares.


T he activity in i t ia l ly looks at the sequence of numbers generated by patterns usingstraws to create triangles. Students are encouraged to draw other patterns to create asingle row of triangles and to record the number of triangles created and the numberof straws used. Students record their results in a mapping diagram and are asked toidentify a rule or function that w i l l map the number of triangles to the number ofstraws.

Once students have identified a rule or function, students should then test their ruleon given numbers of triangles and numbers of straws by drawing. Students are thenencouraged to investigate other sequences generated by patterns involving othershapes made from straws.

Enriching Mathematical ThinkingT he investigation of other sequences generated by patterns involving straws andother shapes can be an excellent homework activity. The sequences created by thestudents' patterns can be a good starting activity for a follow-up lesson. Invitestudents to draw an example of their pattern and then show the start of a mappingdiagram, mapping the number of shapes completed to the number of straws needed.Yo u could challenge the class to find the inverse for their rules or functions byasking them how many triangles there would be for a given number of straws.Students may need help in identifying the inverse of their rule, especially if it is

formulated in words, and this can lead to valuable class discussion.

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I S t r a w s a n d T r i a n g l e s

In this pattern straws have been used to create triangles.

There are 4 t r iangles.There are 9 st raws.

There are 7 t r iangles.How many straws are there?

1. Draw 5 more patterns for a single row of triangles.

n u m b e r o f t r i a n g l e s n u m b e r o f s t r a w s

Copy and complete the

fol lowing mapping diagramshowing :

• the number of triangles• the number of st raws.

2. If you know the number of triangles, what is the rule for calculating the

number of st raws?n u m b e r o f t r i a n g l e s n u m b e r o f s t r a w s

Copy and comple te themapping d iagram usingthe rule.








2 0 1

1 3 /

Draw mapping diagrams and find the rules for other pat terns made fromstraws, for example, s t raws arranged to make squares, pentagons andhexagons .

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T h i n k of a N u m b e r

TypeSuitable for a pair or the whole class working in pairs.

ObjectiveT o use 'think of a number' type problems to generate algebraic statements.

Framework for Teaching Mathemat i csConstruct and solve simple linear equations. (Y7 p. 122)

ResourcesOne copy of the resource sheet (consumable) for each pair. Scissors.

DescriptionThere are five 'think of a number' problems. The first part of the resource sheetcontains instructions for the activity. It may be useful to talk through theseinstructions before the students embark on the activity.

This activity works best with students working in groups of two pairs. Let each paircut out the five 'think of a number' problems and work together to find a solution toeach problem. When each pair is confident that they have been able to explain why

their answers work for all five 'think of a number' problems, they should thencompare their explanations with another pair. During the plenary session ask pairs ofstudents to share their explanation with the rest of the class. Use their explanation asan opportunity to demonstrate how to represent a variable and construct a linearequation.

Enriching Mathematical ThinkingStudents should be encouraged to invent their own 'think of a number' problems andtry to explain why they work. This is an excellent homework activity. The students'ow n 'think of a number' problems can provide a starting activity for a follow-up


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T h i n k o f a N u m b e r

For each think of a number1 problem:

1. Try the problem with different numbers.

2. Try the problem on an other person.

3. W hat do you notice?

4. Ca n you explain why?

Invent your own think of a num ber1 problem.


Think of a number.Add 2 .

Multiply by 3.Subtract 6.Divide by 3.

Subtract the number youfirst thought of.Wha t number a re you ,left with?

Think of a number.

Divide by 2.

Add 3 .

Multiply by 2.

Add 4 .

Subtract the number you

firs t thou ght of .

What number a re you ,

left with?

Think of a number.Add 5 .Multiply by 2.Subtract 8.Divide by 2.

Subtract the number you

first thought of.What number are you,left with?

Think of a number.

Multiply by 4.

Subtract 8.Divide by 2.

Multiply by 3.

Divide by 6

Add 2 .

W hat number a re you ,

left with?

Think of a number.

Add 5 .

Multiply by 4.

Subtract 20 .

Divide by 2.

What number are youleft with?

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M a t c h i n g M a p p i n g s

TypeSuitable for an individual, or for a pair or the whole class working in pairs.

ObjectiveTo identify which functions were used to create mapping diagrams.

Framework for Teaching Mathemat i csSubstitute positive integers into simple linear expressions and formulae. (Y7 p. 138)

Express simple functions in words, then using symbols; represent them in mappings.

( Y7 p. 160)

Substitute integers into simple formulae. (K) (Y8 p. 139)

ResourcesOne copy of the resource sheet (consumable) for each pair of students. Scissors and


DescriptionStudents identify which of the three functions was used to create a given mappingdiagram. This in i t ia l activity could be used as an introduction to the whole class.

The main part of the activity requires students to match mapping diagrams to thecorrect functions by cutting out the functions and mapping diagrams. Students caneither record the matching pairs by copying them into their books or alternativelythey can stick the matched ones into their books. One function and one mappingdiagram w i l l not match. In order to complete the activity students are required towrite down the missing function and create a mapping diagram. Mapping diagram Dand F provides a useful discussion point for the plenary session highlightingsubtraction and multiplication of negative numbers.

Enriching Mathematical ThinkingThe functions used to create mapping diagrams D and E can be used as examples of'many to one' mappings which have no inverse. Students can be asked to writedown other functions and matching mapping diagrams for homework. Students canuse their examples as a starting activity for the next lesson, e.g. by showing amapping diagram and asking the rest of the class to find the matching function.

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I M a t c h i n g M a p p i n g s

Which of the three functions below was used to create this mapping diagram?


d o u b l e

Functionm u l t i p l y b y 3

• • I Functiona d d 3

Mapping diagram

f \3

'— » - 6

7 10

1 4

63 66

Zi 5*

Match e ach of the functions at the bottom of the page to the correct ma pping diagrambelow.

• You will find that one function does not match a map ping diagram.Draw a mapping diagram to match this function.

• You will find that one map ping diagram does not match any of the functions.Write down the function that was used to create this mapping diagram, g

T 7 ^Mapping diagram A











Mapping diagram D

t >4

f \16

t >4

f \16

7 4 9

10 100

-1 1

1 1

Mapping diagram B











Mapping diagram E











Mapping diagram C

5 30

2 • • 12

7 42

10 60

24 15

Mapping diagram F



5 i








• B F u n c t i o r^ H

s u b t r a c t f r o m 8

Functiont h e r e m a i n d e r w h e n

d i v i d e d b y 5Function

s q u a r e


a d d 10

s u b t r a c t 2 t h e n d o u b l eFunction

m u l t i p l y b y 6

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N u m b e r P r o b l e m s

TypeSuitable for students working individually or for a pair or the whole class working in


ObjectiveTo use 'think of a number' type problems to generate and solve simple linear


Framework for Teaching Mathemat ics

U se letter symbols to represent unknown numbers or variables. (Y7 p. 112)Understand that algebraic operations fol low the same conventions and order as

arithmetic operations. (Y7 p. 114)

Construct and solve simple linear equations. (Y7 p. 122)

K n o w that algebraic operations fol low the same conventions and order as arithmetic

operations. (Y8 p. 115)

Construct and solve linear equations with integer coefficients using appropriate

methods. (Y8 p. 123)

ResourcesO ne copy of the resource sheet (consumable) for each pair. Scissors.

DescriptionT he activity starts with an in i t ia l number problem and demonstrates two possiblemethods which students could use to solve it. According to the ability of the groupand their prior experience at solving equations, teachers may decide to concentrateon using one method. There are six problems for students to solve. This activityworks best with students working in groups of two pairs, each pair attempting tosolve all the problems and then discussing their solutions and methods used with theother pair. It does not matter in which order the problems are tackled, but studentsm ay find it easier to discuss their work if the problems are cut out and shared. Oncethe group has solved all of the problems, it is worthwhile encouraging the studentsto present one of their solutions to the rest of the class.

Enriching Mathematical ThinkingIf teachers have decided to concentrate on one method to solve the problems, a goodplenary session would be to analyse why the other method works.

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N u m b e r P r o b l e m s

I think of a number, then multiply it by4, and then add 5.The an swer is 29. What number did I start with?

Here are two different approach es to solving the problem.

Let n stand for the num ber.

The answer is 29.< r 5 ~


So n = 6

U s i n g e q u a t i o n s

Let n stand for the number.

Multiply by 4. A nAd d 5 4n + 5

The answ er is 29. A n + 5 = 29

Subtract 5 from both sides A n = 24

Divide both sides by 4 n = 6

So n = 6

Therefore the starting numb er is 6.

Solve the following problems. Explain your answers

I think of a number, then multiply itby 3, then add 6. The ans wer is 33.

W hat n um ber did I start with?

I think of a number, then multiply itby 8, then add 3. The answer is 35.

W hat num ber did I start with?

I think of a number, then add 4, thenmultiply it by 10. The answer is 50.

W hat nu mb er did I start with?

I think of a number, then multiplyit by 7, then a dd 5. The answ er is6 1 .

W hat n um ber did I start with?

I think of a number, then multiplyit by 6, then ad d 9. Th e ans wer is5 1 .


W hat num ber did I start with?

I think of a number, then add 5, thenmultiply it by 3. The answ er is 33.

W hat nu mb er did I start with?

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C o m p l e t e t h e M a p p i n g s

TypeSuitable for an individual, a small group or the whole class.

ObjectiveT o explore simple functions expressed algebraically, and to complete and record

results i n a mapping diagram.

Framework for Teaching Mathemat icsSubstitute positive integers into simple linear expressions and formulae. (Y7 p. 138)

Express simple functions in words, then using symbols; represent them in mappings.

( Y7 p. 160)

Substitute integers into simple formulae. (K) (Y8 p. 139)

Express simple functions in symbols; represent mappings expressed algebraically.

( Y8 p. 161)

ResourcesOne copy of the resource sheet (consumable) for each student.

DescriptionThere are four simple functions, expressed algebraically, that students use tocomplete the mapping diagrams. For each function, students need to use the inverseof the function in order to complete the mapping diagram. There are then threecompleted mapping diagrams where students have to identify five mistakes. There isone mistake in the first mapping diagram and two mistakes in each of the remainingtwo. The final three functions are more challenging.

Enriching Mathematical ThinkingA good starting or plenary activity is to discuss the meaning of inverses, i.e. the

inverse of an operation takes you back to where you started. Use everyday contextssuch as breaking an egg, adding 6 to a number, pumping up a tyre, lighting a match,turning an empty mug upside down, dividing a number by 2, etc. Emphasise thatsome operations have inverses and some do not.

Some students may require support in using functions such as x -> 8 - x andx -» 20 - x. It is worth using these two functions in the plenary session anddiscussing their inverses. Yo u might also want to ask students to discussmathematical functions which have no inverses, e.g. x -> [x], x —» x 2.

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C o m p l e t e t h e M a p p i n g s

This mapp ing d iag ram shows wha t happensto numbers when us ing the funct ion 'add 4 ' .

1 . Complete the mapping d iagram for thefunct ion 'add 4 ' .

2. Comple te these mapp ing d iag rams .x + 2 x


2 351











Jt + 4



9 2



3. These comple ted mapp ing d iag rams con ta in 5 mis takes .F ind and correct the mis takes .

2 * + 2



1 1


¥ 6



2 3





2 3


•J C + 2 + 1


5 4



4 . Comple te these mapp ing d iag rams .



2 J C - 3


2 0



2 0 - J C




* 2 + 1


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TypeSuitable for a pair or the whole class working in pairs.

ObjectiveT o use everyday language to help students to identify the order of operations within

an algebraic expression. To help students to appreciate the need for accurate use of


Framework for Teaching Mathemat i cs

U se letter symbols to represent unknown numbers or variables. (Y7 p. 112)Understand that algebraic operations fol low the same conventions and order as

arithmetic operations. (Y7 p. 114)

Express simple functions in words. (Y7 p. 160)

K n o w that algebraic operations fol low the same conventions and order as arithmetic

operations. (Y8 p. 115)

Express simple functions in symbols. (Y8 p. 161)

ResourcesOne copy of the resource sheet (consumable) for each pair. Scissors.

DescriptionThere are ten algebraic expressions and ten statements. Students are required tomatch the correct statement to the algebraic expression. One statement and onealgebraic expression w i l l be left over. Students must then write a statement/algebraicexpression for the un-matched algebraic expression/statement.

A good introduction to this activity is to write three different numbers on the boardand invite students to make as many different results using the three numbers. For

example, i f the numbers 3, 4 and 5 are used, possible results are 4 ± (3 + 5) = 1/2,(3 + 5) -r 4 = 2. Ask students to describe how they reached their totals by usingwords such as 'then', 'divide into', 'divided by'. Wi t h students working in pairs, getthem to match the expressions with the correct statements. Students should substitutenumbers for letters in order to check that they are correct.

Enriching Mathematical ThinkingWriting a statement and algebraic expression for the unmatched algebraic expressionand statement is an excellent homework activity. Discussing their results w i l lprovide a r ich starting activity for the next lesson.

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Match the s tatements with the algebraic expressions.

One s tatement and one algebraic expression do not match.Write a matching s tatement/algebraic expression for each.

S ta tements

I -


Multiply b by 2 then subtract from a

Subtract c from a then multiply by b

A dd b to a then divide into c .

Multiply a by b then divide by c.

Divide c b y b then multiply b y a.


Multiply a b y c then divide into b .

A dd b to a then divide by c.

Algebraicexpress ions

Multiply ab b y c.

Multiply a b y 4 then subtract c


Subtract c from b then multiply by a

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TypeSuitable for a pair or the whole class working in pairs.

ObjectiveTo substitute numbers into simple expressions in order to progress through a grid

made of hexagons.

Framework for Teaching Mathemat i csK n o w that algebraic operations fol low the same conventions and order as arithmetic

operations. (Y8 p. 115)

Substitute integers into simple formulae. (K) (Y8 p. 139)

Express simple functions in symbols. (Y8 p. 161)

Substitute numbers into expressions and formulae. (Y9 p. 139)

ResourcesOne copy of the resource sheet and one dice for each pair. Each student requires asmall counter. One copy of the Recording Sheet for Algebra Game/Trail for eachstudent, (page 57). (Optional).

DescriptionStudents place their counter on the [Start] hexagon. Students, working in pairs, takeit in turns to rol l the dice and then move on that number of hexagons. After thein i t ia l throw students must then substitute the value shown on the dice for d in thealgebraic expression. Students must then move their counter the number of hexagonson the board equivalent to the value of the algebraic expression. If the value of theexpression is positive, students move forward, if the value of the expression isnegative, then students must go backwards. Students should be encouraged to recordtheir calculations on the Recording Sheet for Algebra Game. Once a student has

announced the value of their expressions, the other student can challenge i f theybelieve it is incorrect. If the challenge is upheld, the student misses a go. For anincorrect challenge the student forfeits one turn. The student who reaches the[Finish] hexagon first is the winner. Students do not need the exact number to f inish.

Enriching Mathematical ThinkingA t the end of the game, or as a homework activity, let students swap their RecordingSheet for Algebra Game/Trail and check their calculations. Ask students toinvestigate what is the furthest hexagon from the finish where they can win in onethrow, or, what is the quickest route (least number of throws) to win? Algebra Tr a i l

at level 7 (page 41) is a harder version of Algebra Game.

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Algebra Makes Sense| L e v e l 6

M a p p i n g D i a g r a m s

TypeSuitable for an individual, a small group or the whole class.

ObjectiveTo generate and use simple sequences of numbers, recorded in a mapping diagram tocreate an expression for the nth term.

Framework for Teaching Mathemat i csGenerate and describe integer sequences. (Y8 p. 145)

Generate terms of a linear sequence using term-to-term and position-to-termdefinitions of the sequence, on paper and using a spreadsheet or graphical calculator.

(Y8 p. 147)

Begin to use linear expressions to describe the nth term of an arithmetic sequence,justifying its form by referring to the activity or practical context from which it wasgenerated. (Y8 p. 155)

Express simple functions in symbols; represent mappings expressed algebraically.

( Y8 p. 161)

Generate terms of a sequence using term-to-term and position-to-term definitions ofthe sequence, on paper and using I C T. (K) (Y9 p. 149)

Generate sequences from practical contexts and write an expression to describe thenth term of an arithmetic sequence. (K) (Y9 155)

ResourcesOne copy of the resource sheet for each student.

DescriptionThe first four mappings are created from practical contexts. In the first mapping, the

nth term is given so that students can see the connection between the mappingdiagram, the term-to-term rule and position-to-term rule. Some students may needsome additional support to generate the nth term in the next three mappings.Students' answers to the last two questions can provide valuable discussion pointsfor the plenary session with an additional challenge of finding two differentmappings which could describe 5 -» 25 and writing each one in the form of n —».

Enriching Mathematical ThinkingA s k i n g students to create their own mapping diagrams and generating the nth termin the sequence is an excellent homework activity. If students are stuck for ideas,

get them to look back at the first four questions and replace bugs for spiders, squaresand hexagons for triangles, etc. Students' examples w i l l provide an excellent startingactivity to l ink the nth term to the term-to-term rule and position-to-term rule.

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TypeSuitable for an individual, a small group or the whole class.

ObjectiveTo solve simple equations to find a code and then to use the code to decode a


Framework for Teaching Mathemat i csSimpl i fy or transform linear expressions by collecting l ike terms. (K) ( Y 8 p. 117)

Construct and solve linear equations with integer coefficients (unknown on either orboth sides, without and with brackets) using appropriate methods. (Y8 p. 123)

Substitute integers into simple formulae. (K) (Y8 p. 139)

Construct and solve linear equations with integer coefficients using appropriate

methods. (K) (Y9 p. 123)

Substitute numbers into expressions and formulae. (Y9 p. 139)

ResourcesOne copy of the resource sheet (consumable) for each student.

DescriptionA code is created using numbers 1 to 27. Students are given clues to the code in theform of equations. Students must solve the equations in order to find the code. Thecode must then be used to decode a message. It is worth pointing out to students thatthe number 27 indicates a space and that students w i l l find it easier to crack the codei f they solve the equations alphabetically.

Enriching Mathematical ThinkingA good introduction to this activity is to use a basic code where a = 1, & = 2,c = 3, and so on and ask students to find a word with the value 100 (numeracy), or aname of a student with the least value. An excellent homework activity is tochallenge students to create their own random code. Students can then swap theirequations and message with other students as a starting activity for the next lesson.

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R a n d o m C o d e

a b c d e f 8 h i J k I m n

5 23 14 12 18

o P q r s t u V w X y z

17 9 22 27

Complete the random code using the algebra clues.r

£ + 7 = 1 5 k-\ = r t = am+\A I

d - 1 = 1 0 m-k-b v = a 2

2e = 30 ^ n = 1 3 a 2

vv = —V

2 / + 2 = 4 0 i/> = 3 x=fr

3 / 1 - 2 = 1 9 4q = g + 12a 2 + 1

* = 2

7 = 3 / 1 - 1

s. ,— . —

Decode th is message us ing the random code.

23 9 15 5 24 15 27 13 17 22 9 2 7 17 1 26 2 7

2 15 16 16 5 14 15

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A l g e b r a P r o b l e m s

TypeSuitable for a small group or the whole class working in groups.

ObjectiveT o provide a range of methods for solving everyday problems using algebra.

Framework for Teaching Mathemat i csK n o w that algebraic operations fol low the same conventions and order as arithmetic

operations. (Y8p . 115)

Construct and solve simple linear equations with integer coefficients (unknown oneither or both sides, without and with brackets) using appropriate methods. (Y8 p.


Express simple functions in symbols. (Y8 p. 161)

Construct and solve linear equations with integer coefficients (without and with

brackets, negative signs anywhere in the equation, positive or negative solution)using appropriate methods. (K) (Y9 p. 123)

ResourcesO ne copy of the resource sheet (consumable) for each group of students. Scissors.

DescriptionT he activity starts with an in i t ia l problem and demonstrates two possible methodsfor students to use to solve it. According to the ability of the group and their priorexperience at solving equations, teachers may decide to concentrate on using onemethod. There are six problems for students to solve. This activity works best with

students working in groups of two pairs, each pair attempting to solve all theproblems and then discussing their solutions and methods used with the other pair.

Enriching Mathematical ThinkingIf teachers have decided to concentrate on one method to solve the problems, a goodplenary session would be to analyse why the other method works.

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A l g e b r a P r o b l e m s

Six bags of rice and 5kg of potatoes together weigh 23 kg.W hat is the weight of one bag of rice?

Here are tw o different approaches to solving the problem.

Using f l ags

Let r stand for the we ight of a bag of rice.

x 66 r

5 >

The total weight is 23kg



r = 3


Using equa t i ons

Let r stand for the weight of a bag of rice.

Multiply by 6. 6rAd d 5. 6r + 5

The total weight is 23kg. 6r + 5 = 23

Subtrac t 5 from both sides. 6r = 18

Divide both sides by 6. r = 3

So r = 3

Therefore the weight of one bag of rice is 3kg.

Solve the following problems.

Eight similar books and a 60p pentogether cost £64.60.

What is the cost of one book?

One side of a rectangle is 5centimetres longer than the otherside.If the perimeter is 30 centimetres,what is the length of each side?

Nelson bought one pair of jeanscosting £44, a jumper costing £36and 4 pairs of socks.The total bill was £90.How much was one pair of socks?

The total age of two twins and theirmother is 55 years. The mother is33 years old.

What is the age of the twins?

Barbara and her three children w entswim ming . The chi ldren were halfprice.The total cost was £ 6.What was the cost for one child?

In a triangle, the first angle is 10degrees smaller than the secondang le. Th e third angle is three tim esas large as the first angle.What are the sizes of the angles?

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TypeSuitable for a pair or the whole class working in pairs.

ObjectiveTo use everyday language to help students to identify the order of operations within

an algebraic expression.

Framework for Teaching Mathemat i csK n o w that algebraic operations fol low the same conventions and order as arithmetic

operations. (Y8 p. 115)Express simple functions in symbols. (Y8 p. 161)

Distinguish the different roles played by letters in equations, identities, formulae and

functions. (Y9 p. 113)

ResourcesOne copy of the resource sheet (consumable) for each pair. Scissors.


There are ten statements and ten algebraic expressions. Students are required tomatch each algebraic expression to the correct statement. Two statements and twoalgebraic expressions w i l l be left over. Students must then write statements/algebraicexpressions for the unmatched algebraic expressions/statements.

A good introduction to this activity is to write four different numbers on the boardand invite students to make as many different results using the four numbers. Forexample, i f the numbers 3, 4, 5 and 6 are used, possible results are:

(4 x 6) ̂ (3 + 5) = 3, (3 + 5) -r (6 - 4) = 4, etc.

A sk students to describe how they reached their totals by using words such as 'then',

'divide into', 'divided by' , 'product o f . Wi t h students working in pairs, get them tomatch the expressions with the correct statements. Students should substitutenumbers for letters in order to check that they are correct.

Enriching Mathematical ThinkingWriting statements and algebraic expressions for the unmatched algebraic statementsand expressions is an excellent homework activity. Discussing their results w i l lprovide a r ich starting activity for the next lesson.

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Match the statements on the left-hand side with the correct algebraic expressions onthe right-hand side.Two statements and two algebraic expressions do not match.W rite ma tching algebraic expressions/s tatements for each .

• 7 0

The product of a and c is divided by b. 1 a -b 1The product of a and c is divided by b.c

Divide a by c a n d then divide by b. ca -b

1 | a + bSubtract b from a and then divide into c. c + d

Multiply a by c then divide into b.a + b

Multiply a by c then divide into b.c

Subtract b from a then divide by

Subtract b from a then divide by c.a + b

Divide th e sum of a and c into b. ! b IDivide th e sum of a and c into b.ivide th e sum of a and c into b.1 a + c

! The sum of a and b is divide d by the sum of c a n d d.a u— + b


a is a dde d to bthen divided in to th e product of c a n d d.J 1 b 1is a dde d to bthen divided in to th e product of c a n d d.Jis a dde d to bthen divided in to th e product of c a n d d.J

A d d a to band divide by the product of c and d.dd a to band divide by the product of c and d. 1 c d

The s u m o f a divided by c a n d b divided by d.


The s u m o f a divided by c a n d b divided by d. 1 y |

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E q u i v a l e n t E x p r e s s i o n s

TypeSuitable for a pair or the whole class working in pairs.

ObjectiveT o use substitution and algebraic manipulation to identify equivalent expressions.

Framework for Teaching Mathemat i csConstruct and solve linear equations with integer coefficients (with and without

brackets, negative signs anywhere in the equation, positive or negative solutions).

(K) (Y9 p.123)

U se formulae from mathematics and other subjects; substitute numbers into

expressions and formulae; derive a formula and, in simple cases, change its subject.

(Y9 p. 139)

ResourcesOne copy of the resource sheet (consumable) for each pair of students. Scissors and


DescriptionThere are 30 algebraic expressions. Students are required to group the algebraicexpressions into 10 equivalent groups. As the activity may w e l l take students morethan a lesson to complete, the expressions have been divided into two sets. Thesecond set can be used as an excellent homework activity. Students can decidewhether to record their work in their books or alternatively stick the equivalentexpressions in their books, recording their substitution of values for each expression.

A good introduction to this activity is to work through the in i t ia l example and thenask the students to write other algebraic expressions which are equivalent to3(2a 2 + 1). Students can then check their expression by substituting a suitable value

for a.

Enriching Mathematical ThinkingA sk students to write down three expressions which are not equivalent but which

give the same result when the same value is substituted into each. For example,a + 2, 2a + 2 and 3a+ 2 w i l l all give the same value when a = 0. Then challengestudents to find three expressions which are not equivalent but which give the sameresults when two values are substituted into each. For example, 2a 2 + 2, 2a + 2 and2 a 3 + 2 w i l l all give the same value when a = 0 and a = 1.

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IE q u i v a l e n t E x p r e s s i o n s

fT h e s e t h re e e x p r e s s i o n s a r e e q u i v a l e n t .


+3 3{2a 2 +1) 4a2

+3 + 3a + 2a2

-3a^ •>

Check that they are equivalent by subst i tut ing values for a.

For example let a - 7.

6 x 7 2 + 3 3 ( 2 x 7 2 + 1) 4 x 7 2 + 3 + 3 x 7 + 2 x 7 2 - 3 x 7

6 x 49 + 3 3 ( 2 x 4 9 + 1 ) 4 x 4 9 + 3 + 3 x 7 + 2 x 4 9 - - 2 1= 294 + 3 = 3(98 + 1) = 196 + 3 + 21 + 9 8 - 2 1


= 297 = 297 = 297

For each group of 15 express ions be low:• Cut out the expressions and match them in groups of three equivalent expressions.• Check your groups of three equivalent expressions by subst i tut ing values

for m and x. 0

2m-m 2 (̂10m + 10) 3m2


m{m +1) + m 3m 2 + 2m- 2-2m_

5(m + 1)

j(6m 2 -4) -m(m - 2) (m + 1) 2 -1

2m(2m-1) 5m+ 5 m2


4m 2 - 2m m2

+ 2m-2m 2


- m)

x{-+3) 0.5 JC 2 + 3x 3x - 21 J

6x + 3 JC 2 3( JC -8) + 3 ± + 2 :2 !

; 3(2*+ J C2

) 2x + 6 3{x - 7) :

; 2(JC + 3)L

^(X +2)( JC + 4)-4 2(JC + 2) + 2 I

! x-05x+2 i(x + 4) 3x{2 + x)

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W h o s e R u l e i s C o r r e c t ?

TypeSuitable for an individual, a small group or the whole class.

ObjectiveT o generate algebraic formulae from practical contexts and to recognise equivalent

algebraic expressions.

Framework for Teaching Mathemat i csConstruct and solve linear equations with integer coefficients (with and without

brackets, negative signs anywhere in the equation, positive or negative solutions).(K) (Y9 p. 123)

Generate terms of a sequence using term-to-term and position to term definitions of

the sequence. (K) (Y9 p. 149)

Generate sequences from practical contexts and write an expression to describe thenth term of an arithmetic sequence; (K) (Y9 p. 155)

ResourcesOne copy of the resource sheet for each student.

DescriptionThe in i t ia l problem looks at how four students describe the relationship betweenrails and posts in words. Each student's description can then be used to express therelationship in algebra. Once all the algebraic expressions are completed, studentsmust then find the description that does not describe the relationship between therails and posts. The second problem challenges students to find the relationshipbetween straws and circles.

Enriching Mathematical ThinkingA s an additional activity, for further classwork or homework, students can draw theirow n sequences made up of straws and rectangles/squares. They can then express therelationship between the number of straws and number of shapes in different waysand then use algebra to express the rule to show that they are equivalent.

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W h o s e R u l e i s C o r r e c t ?

Four students, Karen , Joe , Nikki and Rajan are working on problems w here they haveto find rules. They have each found a rule connecting the number of rails and the numberof posts.

N u m b e r o f r a i l s ( r )


1 Vi r





N u m b e r o f p o s t s ip )




^ K a r e n ' s r u l e ) -

To find the numberof rails, take thenumber of posts ,minus 1, thenmultiply by 3.

J o e ' s r u l e J -

To find thenumber of rails,take the numberof posts, minus 3then multiply by 3.

rC i kk i ' s ru l e

To find the numberof rails, take thenumber of posts ,multiply by 2, minus3, then add thenumber of posts .

Karen's rule can be writen in algebra as r = 3{p -1) .• Write Joe's, Nikki 's and Rajan's rule using algebra.• One of the rules is incorrect. Which one?

\ R a j a n ' s r u l e J -

To find the num berof rails, take thenumber of posts ,multiply by 3 thenminus 3.

The four students, Ka ren, Joe , Nikki and R ajan have each found a rule connec t ing thenumber of straws with the number of circles.

O O( X X )

N u m b e r o f s t r a w s (s ) N u m b e r o f c i r c l e s (c )





- ( K a r e n ' s r u l e j -

To find the numb er

of straws, take thenumber of circles,multiply by 2, thenminus 2.

rC J o e ' s r u l e

To find the numb er

of st raws, take thenumber of circles,minus 1, thenmultiply by 2.

rC i kk i ' s ru l e

To find the numb er

of st raws, take thenumber of circles,multiply by 4, thenminus 2, thendivide by 2.

R a j a n ' s r u l e ) -

To find the num ber

of straws, take thenumber of circles,multiply by 4,divided by 2, thenminus 2.

Write each student 's rule in algebra and find which one is incorrect.

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Algebra Makes Sense| L e v e l 7

A l g e b r a T r a i l

TypeSuitable for a pair or the whole class working in pairs.

ObjectiveTo substitute numbers into algebraic expressions in order to progress through a grid

made of hexagons.

Framework for Teaching Mathemat icsU se index notation for integer powers and simple instances of the index laws. (Y9 p.

115)Substitute numbers into expressions and formulae. (Y9 p. 139)

Expand the product of two linear expressions of the form x + n. (Y9 able pupils


ResourcesOne copy of the resource sheet and one dice for each pair. Each student requires a

small counter. One copy of the Recording Sheet for Algebra Game/Trail for each

student (page 57). (Optional).

DescriptionStudents place their counter on the [Start] hexagon. Students, working in pairs, takeit in turns to roll the dice and then move on that number of hexagons. After thein i t ia l throw students must then substitute the value shown on the dice for d in thealgebraic expression and round to the nearest integer. Students must then move theircounter the number of hexagons on the board equivalent to the value of the algebraicexpression. If the value of the expression is positive, students move forward; if thevalue of the expression is negative, then students must go backwards. Studentsshould be encouraged to record their calculations on the Recording Sheet forAlgebra Game/Trail (page 57). Once a student has announced the value of theirexpressions, the other student can challenge if they believe it is incorrect. If thechallenge is upheld, the student misses a go. For an incorrect challenge thechallenger forfeits one turn. The student who reaches the [Finish] hexagon first isthe winner. Students do not need the exact number to f in ish .

Enriching Mathematical ThinkingThe Recording Sheet for Algebra Game/Trail can be found on page 57. At the end ofthe game, or as a homework activity, let students swap their recording sheets andcheck their calculations. Ask students to find which hexagon they should land on toguarantee a win on the next move.

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• Take turns to roll the d ice .• Substi tute the n u m b e r on the dice into the algebraic express ion .• If the resul t ing number is a fraction or decimal , round to the neares t whole number.• Move the counter forward or backwards the resul t ing number of h e x a g o n s .

Star t {-d) T 2 (0 +1) T 3{d-V> d + 2 3 0 - 2 )


>3d- Jl

d 2-2

4 + d 3d2 3

d + d

4 + d V2Z^L T (1-d )0 + 1)| 5-2d

d A

2(d-4)^1-^)0 + 1 ^ 3 J - 42 3 12-26?

- J 0 - 3 )

7 - J3 25 J

20 +4) | ^ + 3 Y 4 ^ - 3 Y 3 - 2 d ^ ^ ^3d

d 2

-(4-d) | 2 J . 3 | ^ Y f + 1 l ( 6 - < f f

Finish -d + 34 - J 2

d + 1

7 - r f


V4 - 2 d

2 d - 3

20 + 3)

30 2 -d) 2(0 + 4 )

4 - ^

Sd + d

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L e t t e r s for L e n g t h s

TypeSuitable for an individual, pairs, a small group or the whole class.

ObjectiveT o solve problems involving area and perimeter of rectangles, using algebra.

Framework for Teaching Mathemat i csU se index notation for integer powers and simple instances of the index laws.

(Y9 p. 115)

Construct and solve linear equations with integer coefficients (with and withoutbrackets, negative signs anywhere in the equation, positive or negative solutions).(K) (Y9 p. 123)

U se formulae from mathematics and other subjects; substitute numbers intoexpressions and formulae. (Y9 p. 139)

ResourcesOne copy of the resource sheet for each student.

DescriptionIn the activity, the lengths of each side of the rectangle are given in algebraic terms.A useful introduction to the activity is to ask students to explain why the area is 2x 2

square in the in i t ia l example. The five problems are in order of difficulty andprovide students with the opportunity to use algebra to solve open-ended problems.This activity works best with students working in groups of two pairs, each pairattempting to solve all the problems and then discussing their solutions and algebraicexpressions with the other pair and getting them to note any differences in theapproach. In problems 2, 3 and 4, students are asked to find possible values for thevariables. This can lead on to a discussion on l imi t ing the values in i t ia l ly to positiveintegers. Some students may need support with the Letters for Length - Challenge.

Enriching Mathematical ThinkingU se the Letters for Length - Challenge shape in the plenary, but replace 5JC with

another variable such as y. Then ask the students to find four different integer valuesfor x and y of four isosceles trapeziums with the same area, where the area is lessthan 40 square units.

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L e t t e r s f o r L e n g t h s

This rectangle has length 2jc units and width x units .

The area of this rectangle can be written as 2x2 square uni ts .

If the area of the rectangle is 24.5 square units, thenthe value of x is 3.5 units.


Solve the fol lowing problems.

L e t t e r s f o r L e n g t h p r o b l e m 1.

What is the value of x if the area of thisrectangle is:(a) 12 square units?(b) 3 square uni ts?


r iL e t t e r s f o r L e n g t h p r o b l e m 3.

The area of this shape, made from twocongruent rectangles, is 28 square units.Give some possible values for x an d y.

X y



L e t t e r s f o r L e n g t h p r o b l e m 5 .

What is the value of x if the area ofthis r ight-angled isosceles t r iangle is:

(a) 8 square uni ts?(b) 40.5 square uni ts?

L e t t e r s f o r L e n g t h p r o b l e m 2 .

The area of this rectangle is 48 squareunits.Give some possible values for J Ca n d j .



L e t t e r s f o r L e n g t h - C h a l l e n g e

The area of this isosceles t rapeziumis 54 square uni ts .

What is the value of x ?

L e t t e r s f o r L e n g t h p r o b l e m 4 .

The area of this shape, made from arectangle and right-angled triangle, is36 square uni ts .Give some possible values for x a n d ) 7 .

JC y



5 x

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Algebra Makes Sense| L e v e l 7

F i b o n a c c i - t y p e S e q u e n c e s

TypeSuitable for an individual, pairs, a small group or the whole class.

ObjectiveT o investigate possible 'end' numbers in parts of Fibonacci-type sequences using


Framework for Teaching Mathemat icsSolve substantial problems by breaking them into simple tasks, using a range of

efficient techniques, methods and resources. (K) (Y9 p.29)Construct and solve linear equations with integer coefficients (with and without

brackets, negative signs anywhere in the equation, positive or negative solutions).

(K) (Y9 p. 123)

Substitute numbers into expressions and formulae. (Y9 p. 139)

Generate sequences from practical contexts and write an expression to describe the

nth term of an arithmetic sequence. (K) ( Y 9 p. 155)

ResourcesO ne copy of the resource sheet for each student.

DescriptionA good introduction to this activity is to show students pictures of pine cones andsunflowers and ask what these have to do with the Fibonacci Sequence. A pine coneis formed of spirals. There are 13 spirals going anticlockwise and 8 going clockwise.

A n average sized seed head of a sunflower has 55 spirals going clockwise and 89spirals going anticlockwise, smaller sunflowers have only 34 and 55 spirals, largerones have 89 and 144. These numbers al l appear in the Fibonacci Sequence. Themain activity is about the end numbers of parts of Fibonacci-type sequences. Let

students work in pairs to find possible values for the missing numbers. Then letstudents share their solutions and strategies with the rest of the class. If the strategiesthat the students have used do not involve algebra, it is worth challenging them tofind the missing numbers of the last two sequences if the starting number isunknown.

Enriching Mathematical ThinkingF or students who have confidently explored the end numbers of Fibonacci-type

sequences, challenge them to explore the following :

Is it possible to have the 1st and 5th term of a Fibonacci-type sequence equal?

Is it possible to have the 1st and 6th term of a Fibonacci-type sequence equal?

H o w would you describe the sequence if the 1st and 3rd or the 1st and 4th terms

were equal?

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F i b o n a c c i - t y p e S e q u e n c e s

The mathemat ic ian Leonardo Fibonacci (1175 -1250) is bes t remembered for h isFibonacci numbers and the F ibonacci Sequence.

1 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 5 , 8 , 1 3 , 2 1 , 3 4 , 5 5 , 8 9 , . ..

This sequence, in which each number is the sum of the two preceding numbers ,appears in many different areas of mathemat ics and sc ience.Here is part of a Fibonacci- type sequence where each number is the sum of the two

preceding nu mb ers . Th e end number is 4 1 .

2 , 7 , 9 , 16 , 25 , 41

Here is part of another Fibonacci- type sequence.The end number is 5 2 .

8 , I . I , I . 5 2

W hat are the miss ing num bers?

Here is part of another F ibonacci- type sequ enc e.The end number is 5 2 .

8 , I . • , 5 2

What are the miss ing numbers?

Here is par t of another F ibonacci- type sequence.The end number is 5 2 .

• • • • • 5 2

What could the miss ing numbers be?

Inves t iga teInves t igate the poss ib le end numbers for par ts of o ther F ibonacci- type sequences .

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Algebra Makes SenseL e v e l 4

A n s w e r s

M a p p i n g Machines

input output input







Student's own exam ples )

add 7





Student's own examples

input output input

subtract 21 multiply by 5, 15




add 3

I Studen t's own exam ples j ' Student 's own exam ple s




S t r a w s and T r i a n g l e s

7 triangles require 15 straws.

1. Choice of numbers will vary,but each input for 'number of triangles' willbemapped on to the output for number of straws by the function 'multiplyby 2,then add 1'.

number of triangles









number of straws








3. For single rows of squares, the fun ction u sed w ill be 'multiplyby 3, then add 1'.

For single rows of pentagons, the func tion use d will be 'multiplyby 4, then ad d 1'.

For single rows of hexagons, the function used will be 'multiplyby 5, then a dd 1'.

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T h i n k of a N u m b e rLet x represent the number first thought of.

A The answer will always be 1.

2{x+5)-8— x= 1

B The answer will always be 0.

a n + a - 8

The answer will always be the number first thought of.

J 4*-8 '

^ 2 )+2 =X

The answer will always be 10.

2 ( - + 3 ) + 4 - * = 1 0

E The answer will always be 2 times the number first thought of.

4(* + 5)-20_ : 1 t

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M a t c h i n g M a p p i n g sThe function 'add 3' was used to create the first mapping.

Mapping diagram A matches the function 'add 10'.Mapp ing diagram C m atches the function 'multiply by 6'.Mapping diagram D matches the function 'square'.Mapping diagram E matches the function 'the remainder when divided by 5'.Mapping diagram F matches the function 'subtract from 8'.

The function without a ma tching map ping diagram is 'subtract 2 then dou ble'.

The mapping diagram without a matching function is mapping diagram B.This m atches w ith the function 'multiply by 2 then add 3' or equivalent.

N u m b e r P r o b l e m sA The number is 9.B The number is 8.C The number is 4.D The number is 7.E The number is 1.F The number is 6.

C o m p l e t e t h e M a p p i n g sX



I 5



2i8 8

JC + 4/

1 1 1



2 6

3 9

6 i92

x + 2 J C - 6 3x

8 i~23~

4 9

1 0 l25

5 T


5 7



" 8 ?2 3

1 7


2 5 *

6 9


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C o m p l e t e t h e M a p p i n g s ( c o n t i n u e d )2x + 2 x -


2 3





5 *


1 1 *

S o l v e It

2x + 3 = 39

J C = 18

6 ( / ? - 4 ) = 3 6

a- 1 0 = 1 3










8 i

3 9

2 0

9(/? + 3) = 36

9(p + 3) = 27

3 t y - 2 ) + 1 5 = 3 0









8 - J C








2 0 - ; c

2J C + 3 = 1 4 5J C = 71

/? = 10

JC = 9

a = 46

p = \

p = 0

y= 7


1 4 *


2 0

8 i





2 .5

J C - H 2 + 1



/2 i






J C 2 + 1

1 01

2 I50


2 6

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A l g e b r a M a t c h



1 Multiply b by 2 then sub tract from a. 1

rJ a-2b

Subtract c from a then multiply by b. 1 — b(a - c)

. 1 cAdd b to a then divide into c. 1 — J

a + b i+ b i

Multiply a by b then divide by c. I — Jab

-c i

Divide c by b then multiply by a . | — •! c— xa

L_ 1

— _b i

Multiply a by c then divide into b. \ — JT> ]

i_ 1 - ac I

Add b to a then divide by c. | — J a + b

i_ 1

— _ _ _ c 1

Multiplyab by c 1 — m abc iL_ 1

r, Subtract c from b then multiply by a. \ *J a(b - c)i_ 1

4a-C ma tche s the state m ent I Multiply a by 4 then subtract c.1 1

"Divide c into a then subtract b" matches the a lgebraic express ion bc

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A l g e b r a G a m eNo answers required .

M a p p i n g D i a g r a m s1 . 4 ^ 2 0

5 - > 2 52. 4 ^ 2 4

5 - > 3 03. 4 - > 9

5 -> 114 . 4 - > 9

5 - > 1 2

1 2 - > 6 01 0 0 ^ 5 0 0

1 2 - > 7 21 0 0 - > 6 0 0

« —> 6ft

1 2 - > 2 51 0 0 ^ 2 0 1n-> 2ft + 1

1 2 - > 3 3100 297ft 3ft - 3

or « -> 3(ft - 1)

5 . 50 -> 200ft—> 4ft

6. 50 -> 201ft —> 4ft+1

7. 5 0 - > 2 5«-> ft H - 2

8. Mapp ings (a ) , (b ), (d) and (f) a ll map 3 ^ 9 .

9 . Many poss ib le answers , e .g . n -> 3ft, n -> 16 - ft, etc.

R a n d o m C o d e

a b c / 8 h j 7 k / m n

5 8 23 11 15 19 14 7 12 20 10 18 2 26

o P 9 r 5 r u V w A: v z

17 21 4 9 16 24 22 25 1 6 13 3 27

The m essage s ays : "c rea te your own message" .

A l g e b r a P r o b l e m sA On e book cos ts £8 .00 .B On e pair of soc ks cost £2.50C On e s ide is 5 cen time tre, the other s ide is 10 centime tres .D On e chi ld cos t £1 .2 0 .E Th e twins are 11 yea rs old.F Th e sma llest an gle is 34 °, the sec on d ang le is 44 ° an d the large st angle is 102°.

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Algebra Makes SenseL e v e l 6

A n s w e r s

A l g e b r a S o r t





The product of a and c is divided by b.

Subtract b from a and then divide into c.

Multiplya bye then divide into b.

Subtract Mrom a then divide by c.


Divide the sum of a and c into b.

The sum of a and b is divided by the sum ofc and d.


a is added to b then divided into the product ofc and d,


The sum of a divided by c and b divided by d.








a + c

a + b

c+ d


a+ b

a b_

c d

The two unm atched s ta temen ts and thei r a lgebraic express ions are :

II Divide a by c and then divide by b


* a + C nr a

b be

a + b

cdAdd a to b and divide by the product of c and d.

The two unmatched a lgebraic express ions and thei r s ta tements are :

r — ia + b— — • T h e s u m o fa and b, then divided by c. (or equivalent)

— • D ividea by c and then add to b.(or equivalent)\ a u— + b II c |

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E q u i v a l e n t E x p r e s s i o n s2m-m 2 = -m(m - 2 ) = m 2 + 2m-2m 2

m( m + 1) + m =^ ( 6 m 2 - 4 )

m 2 +2m (m + 1) 2 - 1= 3 m 2 + 2m-2-2m

m( m + 1) + m =^ ( 6 m 2 - 4 ) 3 m 2 - 2

(m + 1) 2 - 1= 3 m 2 + 2m-2-2m

5(m + 1) 5m+ 5 i(10m+10)4 m 2 -2m = 2m(2m-1) 2 (2 m 2 - m)

6JC + 3J C 2 3 ( 2 J C + ^ ) 2>x{2+x)2(x + 3) 2 J C + 6 2{x + 2) + 2

x _- + 22

x-0.5x + 2 = i ( x + 4 )

0 .5^ + 3JC * ( § + 3 ) ^ ( J C + 2 ) (J C + 4 ) - 4

3 J C - 2 1 3 ( x - 7 ) 3 ( J C - 8 ) + 3

W h o s e R u l e is C o r r e c t ?Joe's rule r = 3(p - 3)Nikki's rule r = 2p-3+pRajan's rule r = 3p-3

Joe's rule is incorrect b ecau se3( /?- 3)= 3p-9.

All the other rules can be rearranged to show that they are equal to r = 3p- 3

Karen's rule s= 2c -2

Joe's rule s = 2 ( c - 1 )Nikki 's rule s = ( 4 c - 2 ) + 2Rajan's rule s= 4c + 2 - 2Nikki's rule is incorrect because ( 4 c - 2) + 2 = 2c - 1 .

All the other rules can be rearranged to show that they are equal to s = 2c - 2.

A l g e b r a Tr a i lNo answers required.

L e t t e r s for L e n g t h1 . (a) x = 2 units

(b) x = 1 unit

3. Possible integer solutions are:

x = 1 u n i t and y = 14 unitsx = 2 units and y = 7 units

5. (a) x = 4 units(b ) x = 9 units

2. Possible integer solutions are:x = 1 unit an d y = 6 unitsx = 3 units and y = 2 unitsx = 6 units and y = 1 units

4 . Possible integer solutions are:

x = 1 unit and y = 24 unitsjc = 2units and y = 12 unitsx = 3 units and y = 8 units* = 4 units and y = 6 units

Challengex = 3 units

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F i b o n a c c i - t y p e S e q u e n c e s8, 12, 20, 32, 52

8, 22, 30, 52

Possible positive integer values for a and b for the following Fibonacci- type seque ncea, b, a + b, 52, where 52 = a + 2b are:

a = 2&b = 25a = 4&b = 24

a = 6&b = 23

a = 8&b = 22

a = 10&£ = 21

a = 12&£ = 20

a = ^4&b = 19

a = ^6&b = 18

a = 18&b = 17

a = 20&b = 16

a = 22&b = 15

a = 24&b = 14

a = 26&b = 13

a = 28&b = 12

a = 30&b = 11

a = 32&b = 10

a = 34&b = 9

a = 36&b = 8

a = 38&b = 7

a = 40&b = 6

a = 42&b = 5

a = 44&b = 4

a = 46&b = 3

a = 48&b = 2a = 50&Z> =1

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A p p e n d i x

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O t h e r products from S M I L E M a t h e m a t i c s

Focus ing on Handl ing DataDiscussing Data

Real Data

Focus ing on Thinking Skillsand Problem SolvingReasoning

Whole Class Mathematics Projects

Focus ing on Mental Mathemat icsImaginings

Maths in your Head


The Make Sense SeriesFractions, Decimals and Percentages Make Sense Volume 1 - (NC Levels 2-4)

Fractions, Decimals and Percentages Make Sense Volume 2 - (NC Levels 5-7)

Multiplication Makes Sense

Ratio Makes Sense

Spreadsheets Makes Sense

Sof tware f rom SMILE Mathemat icsAlgebra

Angle Estimation

Co-ordinatesEnriching Number

Exploring Geometry


Mathematical Puzzles




Properties of Number


Sense of NumberSymmetry and Transformations

For full details of these publications and other resources to enhance any scheme of work contact:

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IntroductionAlgebra Makes Sense contains 20 act ivi t ies made up of student resource sheets anteachers ' notes, a l l of which are photocopiable within the purchasing establishment.

The act ivi t ies address different aspects of a lgebra and are appropriate for a range oflearning styles. Th ey are arranged by National Curr iculum As ses sm ent Levels (4 - 7) inorder to aid differentiat ion and faci l i ta te their easy incorporat ion into any scheme of work.Within each level the activities are arranged in order of difficulty. Each activity is alsoreferenced to the Framework fo r Teach ing Mathemat ics .

Format of the activit iesEach act ivi ty is accompanied by teachers ' notes. The teachers ' notes offer advice onappropriate ways of using the act ivi t ies and any addit ional equipment required.

The role of t he t eacherMany of the act ivi t ies are sui table for whole class lessons and contain much scope fordisc uss ion. Ideas to enr ich students ' m athem atical th inking are also included . All themater ials have been designed to contain suff iciently clear instruct ions to be accessible tostudents with minimal teacher support . This makes them ideal for use within whole classdifferentiated topic work as the teacher is left free to discuss structural issues withinalgebra with individuals or groups as they ar ise . Full answers are given for each act ivi ty.

S M I L E o ^ oMATHEMATICSIsaac Newton Centre