algonquin viewbook 2012 13

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  • 7/31/2019 Algonquin Viewbook 2012 13


    ottawa . perth . pembroke

    viewbook 2 012-2013

  • 7/31/2019 Algonquin Viewbook 2012 13


    1 ottawa campus

    goforthe life

    you want.GO to Algoi College adcage yor lie or te etter.

    Ts tsas aa a. Sm cm t

    s m g sc, sm cm at gaatg

    m st a sm cm m t c.

    Ag Cg gs m ta sst

    gs a ac t a, t actc, t ga

    c, a t b s b sss

    a sta at t s scc a g

    t t ca b amg abt.

    G s at

  • 7/31/2019 Algonquin Viewbook 2012 13


    2 ottawa campus


    03 OTTAwA CAmpus

    07 MediA And deSiGn

    09 AdvAnCed TeChnoloGy

    11 hoSpiTAliTy And TouriSM

    13 BuSineSS

    15 heAlTh AndCoMMuniTy STudieS

    17 poliCe And puBliCSAeTy

    19 AlGonquin CenTreor ConSTruCTionexCellenCe

    21 GenerAl ArTS And SCienCe

    23 ConTinuinG And onlineleArninG

    24 The lAnGuAGe inSTiTuTe

    25 pERTh CAmpus

    27 pEmbROkE CAmpus

    29 STudenT SupporT ServiCeS

    30 CAreer And ACAdeMiC ACCeSSCenTre

    31 STudenT reSidenCe(oTTAwA CAMpuS)

    33 inAnCiAl Aid

    35 how To Apply

    36 pROGRAm ChART

    37 AlGonquin CenTreor ConSTruCTionexCellenCe

    39 AdvAnCed TeChnoloGy

    44 BuSineSS

    49 heAlTh AndCoMMuniTy STudieS

    69 hoSpiTAliTy And TouriSM

    71 MediA And deSiGn

    78 poliCe And puBliCSAeTy

    82 GenerAl ArTS And SCienCe

    85 lAnGuAGe inSTiTuTe

    85 CAreer And ACAdeMiCACCeSS CenTre

    86 heriTAGe inSTiTuTe/perTh

    88 AlGonquin in TheoTTAwA vAlley/peMBroke

    93 ConTinuinG And onlineleArninG

    96 deGreeS o opporTuniTy

  • 7/31/2019 Algonquin Viewbook 2012 13


    3 ottawa campus



    Yore ever ar ro te tig

    yo eed at te woodroe ca.T Cg a sg

    attacts a as accss b

    bc tast, a t cams s

    ct cat t t

    Cg Sa, a ag ta a

    gc cm.

    Loca n Canaa cnccaal c, o Oawa

    ca on Wooo An

    w ao o

    Alonn Coll oa

    o a o,

    aacn clo o 18,000

    n a.

    Abt a tsa tm acta

    ca t m, g t 1,050-b

    sc cams. T ottaa

    cams as ss stt-

    rstaat itata, tss ct

    a attc acts.

    T ga cams s cct

    b a sa t 180,000-

    sa-t Ag Ct

    Cstct ecc t st

    s w A.

    NeW ALgONquiN CeNtre Or CONstruCtiON exCeLLeNCe

  • 7/31/2019 Algonquin Viewbook 2012 13


    ottawa campus 4

    Cc t t Bwa Matams

    mat a bt-sg mcca b

    a, a a tg tst ottaas

    msc a cm sc b gt.

    Ta a a eg Stta at

    gatg ac t staats a cas,

    a a gt.

    ottaa as a s msc sc

    ma tasts, m cbs t tata

    cgz msc stas tgt

    t smm. T ats cata as

    smtg .

    C t nhl ottaa Sats,

    ta a cct at Sctaba pac.

    Ta t ottaa itata Amat

    sta t ottaa w a

    S g t a smst, t,

    cm ba, j t s

    wt t ra Caa Sata

    t gst satg t .

    A sg s cag, t t

    ra Ct, t ra dstct

    a Sas Stt a s t as.


    Canaa ban caal c

    c o an a onn own.

    Oawa o c balanco nl, on, ooo

    ac an ola c n.

    ByWArd mArket

    rideAu CANAL pArLiAmeNt BuiLdiNgs

    wa t a c Stabcs C at T obsat ag t t s a a atc

    Tv. T g s cs a s gat a ttamt. wt s -cams ats, b s b cc. as c G sas at Bts n Bts a t a st- sca at tMatac Ct.

    T A s t bst acs -atcg. J ma T vast Sts tams gt at T tss Z, Ags stat--t-at tss ct. ps, ts a ag scatst cbs, ccts a t -cams ts.

    T Stt Cmms, g Stmb 2012, cat a sca b, at, t ottaa Cams,g stts t a ac a, t st, t t mt s a t s btt cassm a m.

    hAnGIn OuT On CAmpus

    the studeNt COmmONs

  • 7/31/2019 Algonquin Viewbook 2012 13


    5 ottawa campus




    o ss camss cs matas

    sg t atst sta, cg S a

    Camtasa. Ma casss a aaab .

    Ts ast a, a mb accss ab,

    ac c cmtg a a mbbst, ca gt Ag

    mat t g.


    ollo o Titter or fd o aceoo.

    yo alwa

    lgged i

    at Algoi.





    Owen Sound





    North Bay


    St. Catharines








    1 HOUR

    2 HOURS

    4 HOURS

    place to viit

    T a ma ctg cts

    t st t ct a t

    cg camss. T ma t

    t stats t mts

    a stacs t t ast

    cts, ct st a

    ts css.

    Cec ot all

    e ave to oer at

  • 7/31/2019 Algonquin Viewbook 2012 13


    ottawa campus 6


    ite Zoe

    Ags tss ct s a

    stat--t-at act t Ct

    psa Tas a t

    at stct a ac

    tss gas. Mmbss

    a aaab t stts, Ag

    Cg ms a t



    wms a ms Ag

    T ast tams a

    agast cgs ota,

    ag t pca a nata

    Camss. T 2011 Ag

    T ms bastba tam

    CCAA s masts, a

    t 2011 ms bastba tam

    st ac t oCAA east

    rg. Tts a t a

    -tm stts.

    Ms Bastba

    wms Bastba

    Ms rgb

    wms rgb

    Ms Scc

    wms Scc

    Ms vba

    wms vba


    Lear ore at


    t Alc dan

    o a w a o

    la, onanan o-ca ac

    oo acac

    a. raon a

    n sb a ron

    po Alc acl

    conol (na

    na). pc

    o aon oan n a a a

    o a an nal.

    WOmeNs vOLLeyBALL

    itNess zONe itNess ANd heALth prOmOtiON prOgrAm

  • 7/31/2019 Algonquin Viewbook 2012 13


    7 media and design


    T Sc Ma a dsg

    tas a jct-bas aac tss mt a mts

    catt tacg. eac t

    gams as ts

    mt tat ss ts gaats

    a jb-a a ma.

    Iagie. Iire. Create.

    w tac stts t b gac

    sgs a amats, ts a

    acts, b sgs a t

    sgs. w c ssas atsg, bacastg,

    jasm, cmta ct,

    tga a m.

    Every rogra oer

    ie eeriece.

    m tag at a-

    assgmts, tactg t gst

    sas a tcg as

    t t st ssas, t

    tss, aas cmtts

    a , gt as-

    c at t Sc

    Ma a dsg.

    media ad DeigWn o n cla w awn c o o

    an ca, o w awn c o ow wolloo olon a an n ano con.

    Wn on l wa anwn ac

    on, o w onn anw. yoll b

    o fn an n an naon

    o lo cn ca a a Alonn Coll

    scool o ma an dn.

    ExpECT mOREA a tdet o te cool, yoll lear aot career at i a variety o edia ad deigector, eeriece ad-o tdio traiig ad develo eetial ie ill reired toe ccel. Or crricl i idtry-drive ad rogreive, ocig o ot teory adractice, o tat yo ca or o real-orld callege or real cliet.

    Tae a virtaltor o or media adDeig rogra at

    Lear ore at and design

    BACheLOr O AppLied Arts-iNteriOr desigN

    BrOAdCAstiNg - teLevisiON

  • 7/31/2019 Algonquin Viewbook 2012 13


    media and design 8


    AnD mEDIA sTuDIEs

    Degree prograBac A Ats

    (it dsg)

    Bac imat Tcg

    (itact Mtma a dsg)


    Advaced Diloa progra

    Atsg (oCAd)


    Gam dmt

    Gac dsg

    Diloa progra

    Bacastg ra

    Bacastg Ts

    htct Tcca


    itact Mtma d

    it dcatg

    Msc ist Ats


    pt Ma

    pssa wtgpbc rats

    Tat Ats

    Gradate Certifcate progra

    dcmta pct Scttg

    itact Mtma

    ktc a Bat dsg


    unIVERsITY? COLLEGE? no eed to cooe e yoca get bOTh!

    Sa gams t Sc Ma a dsg g ts

    tt. i t Jasm a pbc rats gams, stts

    c t as -tm st at Ag Cg a t

    as at t ust ottaa. At t , a bt a ma

    Jasm m Ag a a hs Bac m t

    ust ottaa. T bst bt s!

    wt t Bac imat Tcg, itact Mtma

    a dsg, a at Cat ust a Ag Cg

    cg bt a bacs g a a aac a ats

    ma tat ts ms a t a as- agt g .

    bacelor o Alied Art i Iterior Deig

    o gam s t ota a s Caaa

    acct b t Cc it dsg Acctat (CidA)a

    tata gazat tat ss a s t sg

    cat. Cmmcg 2015, a mmbs t Asscat

    rgst it dsgs ota (Arido) b t

    a gaat t a baccaaat g t sg.


    last a pbc rats stts as

    $10k t ra ottaa Mta hat Ct

    yt gam.

    Over 300obl con

    ac a aalabl o

    n o connc o

    Coll nwo an wocollaboal w o

    n on lao,

    pa, nboo o o

    obl c.

    Ti rogra gave e te ill et ad tool reired to lac

    y career i Iterior Deig. Ti ecitig rogra aae

    yor creative irit ad iire yo to elore every detail ad

    aect o deig. Today, I a te aager o Iterior Deig

    ad te Cro Collectio or te Ofcial Reidece. Ta yo,

    Algoi, or elig e realize a lietie drea.

    ANN mALONe-BiANCONi, NatioNal Capital CommissioN

    musiC ANd iNdustry Arts

  • 7/31/2019 Algonquin Viewbook 2012 13


    9 adVanced technology

    goinnoVate.Yo ca alot ee te oltio. y st bac a t abtt. St b st, g t t. Tag aat a g t b

    t btt ta , gg a sstm tat cagstg. Bt t tat, t t as b,a t mast sm c ss. m agsg a acatg bm t sgg a btc am, t Sc AacTcg as t ta tas mst ctg cags.

    Advaced TecologyT Sc Aac Tcg at Ag Cg s

    ma t st-sca a atcs gams

    tat a sg t tac t a tcgs

    tata a mgg s: A Scc a emta

    Tcg, imat a Cmmcats Tcg, a

    Mcaca a Tastat Tcg.

    had-o roeioal oortitie

    w tac tcca ts, b s, cmt gamms

    a macsts. w ta tccas btcs, aat, atmt

    sc, at a astat, btcg a ss mbttcmmcats gg.

    Over 1,000nmb tata stts at Ag, stg mta 100 cts

    adVanced technology

    Itereted i a career itraortatio or aviatio?

    Cec ot or aazigacilitie at

    mOtive pOWer teChNiCiAN

    Bit - phOtONiCs ANd LAser teChNOLOgy

  • 7/31/2019 Algonquin Viewbook 2012 13


    adVanced technology 10

    Degree progra

    Baclo o inoaon tcnolo - Nwo


    Baclo o inoaon tcnolo - poonc

    an La tcnolo

    Advaced Diloa progra

    Bocnolo tcnoloCo ennn tcnolo - Con


    Co s tcnolo - Nwon

    Co s tcnolo - sc

    mcancal ennn tcnolo

    Wl mobl tlconcaon ennn


    Lear ro eeriece.lag-g gams a tagt b c

    a gag act a ag tcca a

    tcg scs. Ts gams a ac b

    st atss a c-at cat a

    tts tat g stts t ts

    t scc a aac tcg c.

    Lear o te leadig edge.wt ts ag stat--t-at

    abats, cg tca, btcg, aac

    tg, gmatcs, ss, mcaca mg,

    tastat, btcs a cs macg,

    a t ta a a m cct tg t a

    matab tt.

    Lear ore

    Diloa progra

    Aaon manan gnal A an scnc

    Co poa

    Co s tcncan

    elco-mcancal ennn tcncan - roboc

    inn Alcaon an Wb dlon

    mcancal tcncan - toolan

    mo pow tcncan

    Wa an Wawa tcncan

    Wl mobl tlconcaon ennn tcncan

    Gradate Certifcate progra

    goac inoaon s

    tcncal W

    Otario College Certifcate progra

    Aaon tcn - Aca mannanc


    i wo on a oc la

    o an o cln,can an lconc wboa

    . W a o a-ac ow

    o oa, o i lan acon

    c an collaboa w

    a o a al l oc.COmputer eNgiNeeriNg teChNOLOgy

    COmputiNg sCieNCe studeNt

    GO GLObAL.Ag s tata tts a st

    aba ma gams, ts t ct.

    i ba 2010, C egg Tcg stts, a

    a sac ats t hsa, tagt ata

    ss pt-a-pc hat t ct tma

    sts bt b t ottaa cma. i Mac t sam

    a, a g m t C a yt w gam

    ta t ncaaga t b a ata cassm at aa sc a t sc a t ct Maaga.

    eLeCtrO-meChANiCAL eNgiNeeriNg teChNiCiAN rOBOtiCs prOgrAm

  • 7/31/2019 Algonquin Viewbook 2012 13


    11 hospitality and tourism


    hoitality ad Tori

    A t gams tg t Sc

    hstat a Tsm cmb t ttca

    g a actca, as- c tat

    a ma b tas ca, stat a

    tsm ms.

    world-cla eeriece

    w ta t bcm stat a tsm as

    w t ss cs a ast cs, tt

    a ta css, sttcas a aststs,

    bg bat, ss a jmt t s s.

    Yo love layig ot.y t a agat ma, g tta st t ma t tmmab. Mab g ts gatt--t-a ta acs

    a tg abt tm. gtc as , at cat, ast-acbsss sg tm,

    t Sc hstata Tsm saccss t a amc agg st tmtss tts.

    Tae a virtal tor at

    hospitality and tourism

    Te bacelor o hoitality ad Tori maageet

    T Bac hstat a Tsm Maagmt

    gam s stts a ccm tats

    a st b t st. y a accss t

    css a at bas t s

    ts a-acg . its t bst bt s

    as- a cat c t tata,

    sac-bas acama.

    sOmmeLier prOgrAm

  • 7/31/2019 Algonquin Viewbook 2012 13


    hospitality and tourism 12

    plaig to erol i a Algoi scool

    o hoitality ad Tori rogra?

    y ma a a st-ss

    scas bsa, t t $3,000.

    92%elo wo a a a

    Alonn aln

    stdet ileet teir

    ill i tre-to-lie learig

    eviroet, icldig a

    125-eat retarat, tate-o-

    te-art rodctio itce ad

    deo la, ad a ll-ervice

    teacig travel agecy.

    Joi te coveratio o

    acb at



    Degree progra

    Bac hstat a

    Tsm Maagmt

    Diloa prograCa Maagmt


    ha Stst

    hstat Maagmt ht a


    Tsm a Ta

    Gradate Certifcate progra

    et Maagmt

    a ntt Maagmt

    Sa Maagmt

    Otario College Certifcate progra

    Bag a past Ats


    C (Atcs)

    Ca Ss C Tag

    Ca Ss C Tag


    hastst (Atcs)Lear ore

    CuLiNAry skiLLs - Che trAiNiNg

    tOurism ANd ANd trAveL hAirstyList

  • 7/31/2019 Algonquin Viewbook 2012 13


    13 business

    gosucceed.maye yore a eergetic etrereer,or ee yorel a art o a dyaic teaWa o owa, oon o b ccl n bn a

    n bn a. to a an, oll n bn nllnc a wll a

    a. yoll ln o bo a Algonquins School of Business, w

    wo-a aa a n an.


    Gt a t scc. T Sc

    Bsss at Ag Cg as

    a sga csag

    a ca t

    cc a mag mmat

    mab gaat. w

    a t agst bsss sc

    east ota.

    Or iio: yor career

    w a stts cas as

    a cs a aagas, bsss

    amstats a bsss

    maags, ma scs a

    matg ssas, acctats

    a m.


    In busInEss

    Degree prograBaclo o Al Bn

    -Bn sl Can manan

    Advaced Diloa progra

    Bn Anaon


    nancal sc

    gnal Bn

    han roc

    innaonal Bn


    maal an Oaon


    Diloa progra

    Bn Acconn

    Bn man

    Law Cl

    Law Cl (inn)\

    Ofc Anaon ec

    Ofc Anaon Lal


    poonal Acconn

    sall an m en


    Gradate Certifcate progra

    gn Bn manan

    innaonal Bn manan

    man an Bn

    inllnc rac

    Oanaonal qal manan

    so Bn manan

    Otario College Certifcate progra

    Co so sc

    Ofc Anaon - gnal


    Learig tat itegrate ie ad tecology:

    Te bacelor o Alied bie (e-bie sly Cai maageet)

    gam at Ag Cg tacs t a ct bsss a

    css-mmt mtgs t m ct bsss a

    tcg sts.y a t ca atcat tgts a as,

    s sac a aatca ss, a c at,

    -gaz tt matas a stats.

    BACheLOr O AppLied BusiNess - e BusiNess suppLy ChAiN mANAgemeNt

  • 7/31/2019 Algonquin Viewbook 2012 13


    Mb lag pgams at Ag,

    c g stts m ct

    a t st

    Lear ore

    business 14

    Te et o ot

    All ie rogra coie relevat ie

    teory it alied ie ill ad are tagt

    y aioately dedicated roeioal it

    coectio to te ie coity, o

    dertad te oledge ad ill eloyerare looig or. parteri it iee,

    orgaizatio ad aociatio alo el to ere

    tat ere rovidig te ot relevat, -to-date

    ie traiig.

    mae it real.

    A a tdet i te scool o bie,

    yor learig eeriece ill eted eyod

    te claroo, it or eeriece ad

    iteri, cl ad coetitio tat elyo eace yor oledge ad oe yor ill.

    Cooe yor bie Adiitratio ajorStts t Bsss Amstat gam at Ag

    Cg ga a stg at bsss amtas, a

    a t tt t cs a maj c t scaz

    at cmtg t st t s t gam.

    Algoi College Gradate Certifcatew stt gttg t t g f,

    a ga ctcat ts ma ca ta

    acats t t t ast? wt a

    gaat g t bst ca, ts

    st gams g a g t g-ma

    scazats cs . Cooe ro ie

    gradate certifcate rogra c a maretig adbie Itelligece Reearc, Orgaizatioal qality

    maageet, Gree bie maageet or sort

    bie maageet.


    Lear ore

    w a t t

    t, s bsss

    cags a st

    ga as. Tas t

    Ag cat,

    a ts!

    ALiCjA guLAjski ANd jOeLLe pAtry, algoNquiN College

    BusiNess graduates, aNd proprietors of sweet

    solutioNs marketiNg

    BusiNess AdmiNistrAtiON

  • 7/31/2019 Algonquin Viewbook 2012 13


    15 health and community studies

    gocare.Yore looig or ore tajt a jo. Yo at to ae

    a eaigl dierece.Tg t Sc hata Cmmt Sts, ca a t bg-bg, gt astag t ss. Ts g t.

    healt ad Coity stdie

    T Sc hat a Cmmt Sts s cat t

    tacg stts at t t t b a m

    cag, jst a ma sct.

    mae a dierece.

    w tac cat a s, actca ss,

    mta scs s, ta gsts, mca

    aat tcgsts. o gaats sg msm sas

    a ma mat m accssb tg bas,a sa ca a st t a ags.

    TAkE IT up A nOTCh.ra a cag ca? T Sc hat a Cmmt Sts s ma tts

    g ssas t aac ss a cta aa st. o aa s Scat nsg gammg,

    sc as ctca ca, atg m a mgc sg. i a g t -t a ca at tm aa,

    otat t nsg gams c assst tata-cat ss Caaa ss tg t a

    sg ca, a mtg t ssa a cata mts m cssa b t Cg nss

    ota (Cno). its tm t g t.

    Cec ot teaazig acilitie at

    Te silatioCetre or healt stdie

    virtal tor at

    health and community studies

    deNtAL hygieNe

    eArLy ChiLdhOOd eduCAtiON

  • 7/31/2019 Algonquin Viewbook 2012 13


    health and community studies 16

    Go reared.Te silatio Cetre or healt

    stdie at Algoi College e te

    latet tecology to give tdet i

    ealt care feld te cace to e

    tate-o-te-art eiet o alot-

    real, iteractive aei.

    t an no ,

    co, caon an iCu-ll

    onon, a wll a o al

    ca oc. t slaon

    Cn a ln laboao, w

    n ac n a nonn

    o o clncal nc.

    LIVInG LEARnInGAs a stt t Sc,

    a m g a act t

    ct st c. yas a t tt t tst

    ss acmt sttgs t

    . y ma as a a cac t

    atcat tssa ag

    cs, a cmmt sc

    jcts ca a tata.

    J aead.

    Do yo ave revio eeriece or tdie i ealt or coity ervice?Yo ay e ale to colete a diloa rogra i a orter eriod o tie

    trog iteive rogra c a Develoetal service worer, Early

    Cildood Edcatio, maage Teray ad social service worer. Aoter otio

    availale to alifed tdet i tartig a rogra eyod te frt eeter

    trog Advaced stadig or trog rogra ridgig

    Lear ore at


    hEALTh AnD COmmunITYsTuDIEs

    Degree progra

    Bac Scc nsg

    Advaced Diloa progra

    A Msm Sts

    C a yt w

    Mca raat Tcg

    Massag Ta

    Massag Ta (its)

    rsat Ta

    Diloa progra

    dta hg

    dmt Scs w

    dmt Scs w


    ea C ecat

    ea C ecat


    tss a hat pmt

    lba imat Tcca

    pactca nsgpactca nsg Tn (g-

    Ta ns)

    rcat a ls Scs

    Sca Sc w

    Sca Sc w (its)

    Gradate Certifcate progra

    Cca its otat t

    nsg ota

    otat t nsg ota


    Otario College Certifcate progra

    Acamc pata Mmt

    m ota Cg dma

    pactca nsg t BScn

    otat t nsg ota

    pactca nss

    dta Assstg (ls i a ii)

    psa St w

    Gba Sts

    GLObAL sTuDIEs

    wat t ta aba t ga a stag gba sct? Ags -a Gba Sts gams a a at Ga ya t, g ctg sc gaats t cac t ga ss aj cs tat a t a btt stag t . T cs s g asats, st ss, tata/cta aass,

    a statgs st-sca acamc sccss.

    pa t Ga ya Gba Gam t t m

    mat t gams cs.

    Cec it ot at

  • 7/31/2019 Algonquin Viewbook 2012 13


    17 police and public safety

    goprotect.Yore ot cotet to it o te idelie.

    e stct ts t st a gt .Bt at t b a ct tct, scc ss a g, a acts tcs

    T pc a pbc Sat isttt gt t

    police ad plic saety

    T a a ma ca

    tts aaab t ts

    a ss a

    t s t ts a

    as- a. hg ga

    b ts stts, t pc

    a pbc Sat isttt (ppSi)

    mstats ts cmmtmt

    t ssasm a a

    bass, a s t mst

    aac acts ts


    protect yor coity.

    w cat stts

    as t b c cs,

    gts a aamcs.

    w a cag as

    t cmmt a

    jstc scs, st ctms

    cm, a assstac

    t taas.

    100% pass at t ast as

    gaats paamcs gams

    tag t pca ctcat am

    police and public safety

    veteriNAry AssistANt/veteriNAry

    teChNiCiAN prOgrAms

    pArAmediC prOgrAm

  • 7/31/2019 Algonquin Viewbook 2012 13


    Diloa prograCmmt a Jstc Scspaamcpc atsvta Tcca

    Gradate Certifcate prograAac Ca paamcvctmg

    Otario College Certifcate prograp-sc gt ecat aTagvta Assstat


    police and public safety institute 18

    Lear ore

    GO hAnDs-On.T pc a pbc Sat isttt

    ss a mss aa tag atcg acts, cg smat abs,

    ambacs, a m tc gt

    tag, tss acts a a stat--t-

    at 10,100 sa-t Ama hat Ct

    act ta gams.

    DID YOu knOw?T vctmg a st-

    a pc atsgams a aaab

    tg dstac


    Cec ot te aazigacilitie o te

    te ppsI virtal tor at

    pre-serviCe ireighter pOLiCe OuNdAtiONs

  • 7/31/2019 Algonquin Viewbook 2012 13


    19 algonquin centre for construction excellence


    Algoi Cetre or

    Cotrctio Ecellece

    m cstctg bgs t

    sgg m g-ct

    bgs, s tas a

    a ta t ct

    t sct. n tcgs a

    bg mts a cagg

    t s t gam, c

    tg cstct sss t

    scaz s.

    A edcatio ilt to lat

    Ambts as ca

    ag, -ag

    t cs ta, aac as

    sss, sas stats,

    stmats, cats sc

    maags. w ta cabtmas,

    cats, st mta s

    a s. w tac t s

    tccas sc s,

    mbg a A/C sstms.

    pst-sca gams t

    tt t a a ta tt

    c, atcs

    gams a t a

    t jb a bcm a ct

    tass js.

    To yo, tere o etter eelig ta ildig oetig yorelfgrig ot

    o it goig to ft togeter ad te ig yor ad-o traiig to ae

    it real. t calln o o o fn nw wa o a b, on

    an o fcn. T act t Algonquin Centre for Construction Excellence

    (ACCE) wll ac o wa o n o now o n o o bl no a

    ca o lo.




    Advaced Diloa progra

    Accal tcnolo

    Cl ennn tcnolo

    elccal ennn tcnolo

    Diloa progra

    Accal tcncan

    Accal tcncan (Wn


    Bln Concon tcncan

    Cabnan an n


    Concon ennn tcncan

    Concon ennn tcncan

    (Wn On)elccal ennn tcncan

    han, raon an A

    Cononn tcncan

    powln tcncan

    Gradate Certifcate progra

    gn Acc

    Otario College Certifcate progra

    Wln an abcaon tcn

    construction excellence Tae a virtal tor


    BuiLdiNg CONstruCtiON teChNiCiAN

  • 7/31/2019 Algonquin Viewbook 2012 13


    algonquin centre for construction excellence 20

    sETTInG ThE sTAnDARDTe Algoi Cetre or Cotrctio Ecellece,

    ic oeed i seteer o 2011, rig te

    et geeratio o careter, ler, civil

    egieerig tecologit, iterior decorator, ad

    ay oter trade ad roeio der a igle,

    gree roo i ti oe-o-a-id livig laoratory.

    T Cts ccm a actct a sg t cag a amc cag g

    a as bt stts, act a st tat

    bt Caaas cstct a sg st

    cas t cm. it 24 -tm gams a

    atcss tat t ss a tag stts

    t bcm as t .

    dsg as a tm-g bg, ACCe s ct

    t bcm t agst leed patm ct bg

    Caaa a s as a scas a tacg

    abat sstaab cstct. da tactt t bg a t g ab cct

    c gaats a mta aa a

    gab abt g bg actcs.

    ner o year Algoi

    College a ee traiig

    tdet i te illed trade

    Algoi tdet eled deig te

    e Algoi Cetre or Cotrctio

    Ecellece, jst as t a a a

    t cams mastas: t tss

    ct, t obsat a t

    Stt Cmms tat 2012

    han alwa lo won w an, i co o n oAlonn an a Cabnan an n tcncan

    oa. i lo oa an all nal, an on

    nc, calln a co w ac oc i wo

    on. i a on, a aaon, o wo o a n a an

    fnn o w i wll b abl o all ll

    i an.CABiNetmAkiNg ANd urNiture teChNiCiAN studeNt

    or ore ioratio aot te Algoi

    Cetre or Cotrctio Ecellece viit


    Lear ore at

    ive-stOrey BiOWALL iN ACCe BuiLdiNg

  • 7/31/2019 Algonquin Viewbook 2012 13


    21 general arts and science

    gofind yourself.

    Geeral Art ad sciece

    A 15 Ga Ats a Scc stams stat t a -

    ccm ats a scc t at sccss ma t

    cas ag t ca ts t aas tat

    tst mst. w st, acamc ass

    tsts a tts a c t g t.

    Dicover yor otetial.

    y ca a a Ga Ats a Scc (GAS) ctcat a tat

    g t ss sts t t t cg gams.

    wt a ta sc a GAS, a aa t a cg ma

    a tas cts st. w a ta agmts t mt

    Ag ma gams amsss, as as agmts t ottaa

    sts tas cts.

    Lear ore at

    Csg a ca at s a bg

    cs. y ma a sm aabt at t st, bt

    jst t a t c at

    at t t t st

    . A Ga Ats a Scc

    gam at Ag ca a t t ass g .

    general arts and science

    pre-heALth sCieNCes


  • 7/31/2019 Algonquin Viewbook 2012 13


    general arts and science 22

    Ater a 14-year rea ice ig cool, I a

    ervo ad ecited aot tartig te pre-healtsciece rogra. It a oe o te et deciio

    I ever ade ecae it a oeed a lot o door

    or e. T tacs a st scs

    aas t i tm. i j t

    cag sg ms t s at i as

    caab g. T a as a , as

    i a b acct t t tst gam atMcG ust. its c m tat at

    t t smtg s at gt t t.

    WesLey COte, studeNt, geNerAL Arts ANd sCieNCe prOgrAm



    Diloa progra

    Abga Sts

    Otario College Certifcate progra

    Cmmt Sts

    dsg Sts

    emta Sts

    itct t Cct At

    itct t At

    itct t Msc ist Ats

    Jstc StsMa a Cmmcats Sts

    p-Amat a istat

    p-Bsss Sts

    p-hat Sccs




    boo a ca tor

    ABOrigiNAL studies desigN studies

    bild yor o eroalized



  • 7/31/2019 Algonquin Viewbook 2012 13


    23 the centre for continuing and online learning

    gofurther.I yo at to tart a e career, or tae yor career to te et level, yo

    eed a edcatio. bt yo till ave a lie to live. ho do yo ae it or?

    Connn an Onln Lann a obl w co o a-a wll a n nn, on wn an onln.

    Te Cetre or Cotiig

    ad Olie Learig

    At Ag, ctcat,

    ma a gaat ctcat

    gams a at s tat

    a bs sc. wt

    120 gams a 1,000css aaab, a a t

    cct t t.

    Cotiig Edcatio

    pct g ssas a

    t atm cmmtmts,

    Ctg ecat css

    gs a s a

    a cams cct

    t g. psss a st as,

    a a- ca ams.

    Olie Learig

    Accss gams a css

    ts ct .

    Ga t as- ss a g

    m m, t c

    a, a bt m

    t at gams a css tat

    Ag s . o lag

    ccts tg tcg t

    stcts a cs matas.

    ll-tie rogra o availale

    i at t t ma at-tmgams , ca

    st -tm.

    rc t sam ma, ctcat

    gaat ctcat as a

    -cams gam.

    itact t stcts a

    cassmats tg

    scss bas.

    Accss cs ctt 24/7.

    Cmt t t gam tt

    ag t cmts

    m c.


    h t a ac

    t b as as a

    ca. Gt a tast t tg

    as- ag, a atcs

    c-. i g t st,

    ta aatag 100+

    atcat agmts t sts

    . i m tat

    , stg egs as a Sc

    lagag (eSl) gam

    at Ag a b. i aa cmt a g, cs

    Gaat Ctcats t

    t ca. G, scc. w

    gt t.

    Do yo ave at it

    tae to lear olie?

    -tm gams ma t as

    t saz st a

    m sc. Bt a t

    sam a as -cams stts,a t mst b cmt t

    t sam tm am. T t gt,

    s-sc, a stg

    cmmtmt t g t

    a ct ag, tg a

    aatca ss.

    To lear ore, viit and online learning

  • 7/31/2019 Algonquin Viewbook 2012 13


    the language institute 24

    To lear ore, viit


    egs as a Sc lagag

    egs as a Sc lagag itata Stts

    egs lagag istct ncms t Caaa (linC)

    g lagag Tag

    c as a Sc lagag

    c lagag Tag t

    a Gmtlagag esstas itata ecat nss


    Sg lagag

    Tacs egs as a Sc/g lagag

    t Lana ins t agst, mst at

    sc-agag tag act

    east ota.

    wt a a cm

    t Caaa, a tatastt, a sct stt, a

    ct stt a cat

    gmt m, t

    lagag isttt ca

    t sc agag tag eSl, Sl, g lagags

    a Sg lagag.

    eNgLish As A seCONd LANguAge

  • 7/31/2019 Algonquin Viewbook 2012 13


    25 perth campus


    Te Algoi College heritage Ititte i pert oer ay ie

    rogra, icldig Cotrctio Caretry Advaced hoig; Caretry

    ad Joiery heritage; ad maory heritage ad Traditioal. stdet

    at pert ca alo re tdie i social service worer, peroal

    sort worer, Early Cildood Edcatio, ad Ofce Adiitratio

    Eective rogra.

    ne rogra

    pgam gs at t pt Cams ct t a t t at

    t ctg gs t a 2012. T pc ats pgam,

    mms a at bt ottaa a pmb Camss, s at

    t pt Cams. Aat rs Bgs s a Gaat Ctcat gam

    tat cmmts scat tas gams.

    ne ca

    T pt Cams s cat a 39,000-sa-t, leed-ct bg

    tat ss stat--t-at ag mts t s tas, at

    ca, a cmmt sc stts. T act s cmt w ab,

    g accss a cams. y ca a m abt t

    cams a s gs at

    Lear ore at


    AT ThE pERTh CAmpus

    Aat rs Bgs

    Cat a J htag

    Cstct Cat

    Aac hsg

    ea C ecat

    Mas htag a


    oc Amstat ect

    psa St w

    pc ats

    Sca Sc w

    Tae te o p Ca

    a n o mona o

    a, 8 a.. o 3:30 ..

    Call 613-267-2859 toarrage a aoitet.

    the NeW ALgONquiN COLLege heritAge iNstitute BuiLdiNg

    heritage institute

    perth BAsiN

  • 7/31/2019 Algonquin Viewbook 2012 13


    perth campus 26

    sTuDEnT LIE In pERTh

    ta o o o o

    no l a a la ac aan

    baco o a acc n

    ownown co, o lo p

    bal naal onn.

    Sta t at t -cams tss

    ct, b t Ag Stt


    wa tg pts ma atsa

    ss, bts, ats ss a fa

    mat, a sc smtg .

    Mt t s t scc

    tag t at a staat,

    b ca.

    d b t ams Mat Sata

    mgs t octb ca g

    c, m-ba s a ba,

    cs, jams a ss a s.

    J t cbats. Ts aas

    smtg gg pt. Cc t

    t Gac sta, sta t Mas,

    Stat pa Msc sta a m.

    watc bats ass tg t cs

    t ra Caa.

    Ta a ag st ag t ma

    ab at tas.

    vst t ca cs act. y

    tast cs, cs a c

    cam s s.

    Ta a m at t - tat.

    e t sg aaa ata

    aas camg, g, cag,

    sg, css-ct sg, sag

    a smmg.

    uo gradatig ro te heritage Caretry ad millor progra i

    1994, I a eloyed it a retoratio cotractor aed i kigto

    or to year. Ti a a ecellet learig oortity or e, ice

    I a etrted to or ideedetly to diatle ad recotrct old

    tier rae ad log ildig. Trog te roce o decotrctio ad

    recotrctio o old eritage ildig, I a ale to elore itiately

    te ier-orig (ad ot-orig) o tee trctre ad develo a

    rter dertadig o traditioal cotrctio tecie.

    peter rAmsAy, Carpentry and Joinery Heritage

    $10 mILLIOnIveted i te e AlgoiCollege ca i pert

    sitated etee Ottaa ad kigtoa t a

    s m ac, t pt Cams s m t

    250 -tm stts.


    w t a ca tast scs pt, t cams s a st

    a m t, s tg s ab, cg

    aab sg. vst t pt Cams bst t a ct

    stg aatmts a sa accmmats aaab t.

    w t at t c, t cams cata

    cags baast, c a sacs, m 7:30 a.m. t 3:00 .m.,

    Ma t a, tgt t cg a. i s, j sttg

    t s b t ac t stt g.

    pART O ThE COmmunITY

    T pt cams s a tga at t ca cmmt.

    stts t Mas htag a Tata gam, stca

    pt ss as a g ttb. Stts t Cstct Cat

    Aac hsg gam a jst s cstct t

    st g m, sg t ct a g csat as

    t gg cs.

    i t Sca Sc w, psa St w, oc

    Amstat ect, a t ea C ecat gams,

    stts gt t acmt tts t t bcmct ms ca bssss a gazats.

  • 7/31/2019 Algonquin Viewbook 2012 13


    27 pembroke campus

    netled alog te ore o te itoric Ottaa River, peroe

    i oe o te rettiet all citie i Caada ad oer tdet

    a ae city eviroet tat i alale, riedly ad aordale.

    ne aterrot ca

    o cams, st t a 2012 a t cts att, s a ata

    t sm Ags gams, cg ot At,

    ot At natast, st Tcca a t emta

    Tcca pgam. T 100,000-sa-t bg m

    cata a sca tss acts 1,000 stts, a as

    s a at - a at-tm gams bsss, tcg,

    at a cmmt sts.


    AT ThE pEmbROkE CAmpus

    Bac Scc nsg,

    4-a g gam,

    cabat t t ust


    Bsss (C-)

    Cmt Sstms Tcca


    ea C ecat

    emta Tcca

    ( a 2012)st Tcca

    Ga Ats a Scc

    Mt p Tcca

    (C- Atcs)

    oc Amstat ect

    ot At

    ot At natast


    psa St wpc ats

    pactca nsg

    raat Sat (C-)

    Sca Sc w


    TAkE ThE TOuR. ts t pmb cams a aaab Ma t

    a m 8 a.m. t 3:30 .m. Ca 613-735-4700 t b a atmt.

    the NeW pemBrOke CAmpus

    algonquin college in the ottawa Valley

    vst t pmb cams



  • 7/31/2019 Algonquin Viewbook 2012 13


    pembroke campus 28

    sTuDEnT LIE In pEmbROkE

    pmbs ts sts aa mt cts cts

    att aAgs ottaava cams.

    Mt t s sm gat

    sg c at t cts

    ma staats. d ts

    c as.

    u at sm t cst cbs

    t pmb Stt,

    bas a gat dJs tmsc g.

    e pmbs t g

    a bg tas, a j as accss

    t ab s a as. Ts s

    tat ct.

    vst t pmb ams Mat

    m sg t a,

    s ca c, m-ma ba

    gs a ss, gac mat,

    a a-cat j.

    St pmbs stc t

    a ta t tag bgs a

    30 ag-sca mas tat t

    pmbs st as g


    ej a c gam at t ab

    pmb Mma Ct, t

    pmb lmb kgs a

    t c Caaas bst J A

    c tam.

    Gettig arod

    T Ct pmb

    s mt bc tast

    scs. Stt ag s

    aaab cams. Gc

    sts, a acts a

    tg s

    a a cmtab ag

    stac m t cams.

    Located aot 140

    ortet o Ottaa,

    Ag Cg t

    ottaa va s ct

    m t amat 850

    -tm stts.

    Livig ace

    Aoabl on aalabl wn waln anc o pboca. yo can acc o onln on l o l n an

    conac w lanlo n aa. O On ho n la jn a

    a o o o ca an oban on n aa.

    GO Ask.As a stt at t pmb

    cams, a accss t a

    s st scs, cg

    ttg, csg, aca a,mmt csg, at

    scs, assstac t sabts,

    a -cams mmt

    tts. Jst as.

    GO AR.Sm Ag Cg gaats

    m pmb g a a.

    st Tcca am

    maag ag st s a acss

    Caaa. ot At

    gaats a g ts

    t t smmt Mt est a

    Mt kmaja.

    Lear ore at

    $36 illioa bn n n rnaancsa oc, nw Alonn Coll ca

    n pbo.

    Alonn o tcncan oa can b ann b alo

    wan. too a, o cla wa n w bo nal

    an cal calln a bo o an l ow a

    nal. W lan a o o o an lon. o

    ncoa wol co ow, anan an ca o o

    o alon w all n n . t o oa o w

    ll o confnl n wooc an a o an a aonal

    caon... a a .

    niCole BerGevin, ForeStry teCHniCian grad, 2011

  • 7/31/2019 Algonquin Viewbook 2012 13



    Lear ore at

    Coellig service

    Cat c c cs t ta...

    ? rg t m,

    tm? n ... jst sm

    st ta tgs tg?Csg Scs ca

    t t sa, acamc ca

    cags a sts acg,

    as as acamc a ca

    ag mat t sct

    stts. Csg s , ssa

    a cta.

    stdet Eloyet service

    n t t jb sac? Stt

    emmt Scs ccts ms

    t a caats a s

    stts t sm tg, t

    aat, sacg cma

    mat a jb sac statgs.

    stdet Aair ad Orietatio

    w tat stg s at

    cg c. Stt Aas

    a otat s a ba ag

    ts tat gt

    cams, t cgs st

    a a t tmat cg c,


    otat stts M gt Cams scas m sta BBqs Smm Caa S tbg

    ... a mc m.

    w as t Stt la gam,

    c cats amazg as

    tts a ts stts

    acss a t camss.

    Tet Cetre

    n t ta a assssmt amss

    t a Ag Cg gam, a a

    am tat cs ,

    a tst a ssa ctcat?

    wt tg t gt t a -

    tm gam, sm t

    ss ta a am

    at st-sca sttt,

    t ta a ctcat mt

    tst st, t Tst Ct s

    t scc.

    healt service a c ss a

    cts a aaab cams t

    ma at ca a as

    at stsagg m t

    f acc a bt ct t mgc

    tatmt accts a ss.

    accssso cool n n

    a wn o o n

    o coll, no on on o

    l o. ta no ca

    . eon cai a


    rANk BOWiCk, professor aNd CoordiNator,

    eleCtriCal eNgiNeeriNg teChNology

    Algoi a a eart. we ave

    tdet coig ere ro very

    dieret eviroet ad it

    very dieret eedAorigial

    tdet, iteratioal tdet,

    dialed tdet, ad igle

    aret. we at everyoe to eel

    ae ad orted.

    WAyNe mCiNtyre, direCtor of

    studeNt support serviCes

    sTuDEnT suppORT sERVICEs

    Csg Scs

    hat Scs

    Mams Ct

    Ct Stts t dsabts

    rsc otac Scs

    Stt Aas a otat

    Stt emmt Scs

    Tst Ct

    29 student support serVices

    sTuDEnT suppORT sERVICEs

    Yore ot aloe at Algoi. we yo eed el o ay id i acadeic, it ocial ad eotioal ie, or

    it eloyetit tere or te aig. stdet sort service i dedicated to creatig a cltre tat ort te

    etire tdet eeriece.

    studeNt suppOrt serviCes

  • 7/31/2019 Algonquin Viewbook 2012 13


    stdet o ed te ill

    ad traiig tey received i

    Acadeic ugradig to eter

    ot-ecodary rogra i


    I i I ad o aot te Acadeic

    ugradig rogra a log tie ago. it as

    ctg t bg t tgs ms tat i t

    st. i a cm sc a g a, tast t stgt t gam a t t tacs

    s m t scc.

    jiLLiAN eNg, former aCademiC upgradiNg studeNt, Now

    eNrolled iN the soCial serviCe worker program

    career and academic access centre 3


    Lear ore

    Te Career ad Acadeic Acce Cetre

    as t cat, tag a

    mmt tg acamc gaga asmt.

    Acadeic ugradig

    need to ecoe college eligile? Acadeic

    ugradig Acadeic ad Career Etrace

    (ACE) Certifcate allo yo to ear a Grade

    12 eivalecy. o st t css

    t mt t amss mts

    st-sca gam cc. Css

    a egs, mat, bg, cmst,

    cmt ss a sccss statgs. Acamc

    ra Ass ca mt t t as

    sts abt cg gbt a

    accss cs cg gam.

    Acamc ugag css a at

    Ags w (ottaa) cams

    cat, as as at pmb a

    Smt as cats.

  • 7/31/2019 Algonquin Viewbook 2012 13


    31 student residence (ottawa campus)

    gofor residence.Livig i Reidece at te Ottaa Ca s a tt

    stts t ma s, j cbs, att sca ts, j cmmtts

    a mms tmss a tat cg as t . it cmbs a

    t bts g t, g a sa, sc a

    st mt.

    w a rsc, cmt a sat , c s

    s t matc t mmats a sma tsts, caact tats a

    sg abts.

    1,050 stts t-bm sts

    t Ag rsc t ottaa Cams.

    ho ad e old I aly to Reidece?Stts ca a at

    w acct acats a a tca a a

    atg st cm J.

    I a deoit reired?

    A $500 st s stts s

    t acat.

    ho do yo cooe o get ito Reidece?

    Mst stts a acct a st-cm, st-s bass;

    , a sacs sca gs (sc astata stts a Abga stts).

    we ill I fd ot i I ave a lace ecred i Reidece?y b t as s as cmt acat

    tg sg ta (g t amt

    rsc s). y b t b ma at

    acat s sbmtt.

    wat i I ave ecial acceiility eed?

    w a 10 sts (20 bs) stts g ba-

    ts. A t sts a t rsc s cmt

    accssb. i cjct t Cat ust, as

    t Attat Scs gam, c asssts stts

    t t a-t-a actts.

  • 7/31/2019 Algonquin Viewbook 2012 13


    student residence (ottawa campus) 32

    Reidece Lie

    T rsc l gam,cat t rsc bb, s a t as a sts a abt t Cg a t t acamcs, ata sa gt. Sttsa cag t b gag t cmmt b atcatg t Stts rscCc, as as ts a

    ss tat a brsc otac Scs.Sm t ts ca a t c rscSa, t aa Sasam st a hat e.

    Reidece ee iclde: db-sz b


    A t-c batm a a

    tctt tat cs a s, a -

    sz g a a mca

    itt accss a t t

    at a cma

    Ts ac m a -st

    a acts


    Accss t cmm gs,

    gams ms, m g, sma

    t m

    To lear ore, viit

    COLLege resideNCe

  • 7/31/2019 Algonquin Viewbook 2012 13


    33 financial aid

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  • 7/31/2019 Algonquin Viewbook 2012 13


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    mal: [email protected]

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  • 7/31/2019 Algonquin Viewbook 2012 13


    35 how to apply

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  • 7/31/2019 Algonquin Viewbook 2012 13




    OTTAwA . pERTh . pEmbROkE

  • 7/31/2019 Algonquin Viewbook 2012 13





    chitectural Technician, Architectural Technician (Weekend Offering), andArchitectural Technology (Articulation Agreements in place see page 99)

    0188X01FWO 2 Years (Technician)OntarioCollegeDiploma

    0188W01FWO 2 Years(Technician WeekendOffering)OntarioCollegeDiploma

    0018X01FWO 3 Years (Technology)OntarioCollegeAdvancedDiploma

    n ideal programfor those interestedin:pursuinga careerin architectsoffices and otheropportunitiesin the building industrygaining anin-depth knowledgeof buildingand constructionandthe practical skillsto assistin thepreparation ofconstructiondocuments

    Opportunitiesfor employmentmay exist in: architects offices contractors draftingservices governmentagencies

    Occupations include:

    building material sales representatives facilitiesmanagers dealingwith construction,realestateand planning

    uilding Construction Technician (Articulation Agreement in place see page 99)

    Opportunitiesmay exist foremploymentas: construction framers interior andexteriorsystemsinstallers doorandwindowinstallers concreteformworkers deckandporch designers/builders juniorestimators assistantproject managers

    0644204FWO 45 WeeksOntarioCollegeDiploma

    orthoselooking to:gainknowledge andskills inconstruction sitesafety,computer-assisteddesign and drawing, and buildingstructure and layoutunderstandthe principlesof building science, appliedmechanics,and appliedbusinesspractices, in order to pur-suea careerin theconstructionindustry

    English, Grade12 (ENG4Cor equivalent). Mathematics,Grade 12(MAP4Cor a mathematics with


    binetmaking and Furniture Technician

    Opportunities mayexistfor employment as: furniture makersand cabinetmakers furniture repairers,refinishers andrestorers kitchenandcommercialcabinetrybuildings boatbuilders and refitters jobestimators furniture, tool, hardware andmachinerysalespersons self-employed individuals

    0575X04FWO 45 WeeksOntarioCollegeDiploma

    esigned to help you:learn internationallyacceptedmanualand technical skillsessentialfor designing andbuilding furniture andcabinetsgain hands-on experienceproducingtraditional andcontemporary furniture and cabinetry

    English, Grade12 (ENG4Cor equivalent).



    nstruction Engineering Technician, Construction Engineering Technician (Weekend Offering) andCivil Engineering Technology (Articulation Agreements in place see page 10


    English, Grade12 (ENG4Cor equivalent). Mathematics, Grade 12 (MCT4Cor equivalent). ApplicaGrade12 (MAP4C) with a gradeof 60%or higheror Gra(MCF3M) will be requiredto take additional preparatorymathematicsas partof their programof study

    Opportunities foremployment mayexistin manyareasof

    the construction industry,including: costestimating ofresidential, commercial,andcivilprojects

    surveying,project management,buildinginspection,materials testing,and qualitycontrol

    construction inspection

    There is generally moreopportunity foradvancement foragraduateat thetechnologistlevelas compared to thelevel of a technician.

    0190X01FWO 2 Years (Technician)


    0190W01FWO 2 Years(Technician WeekendOffering) OntarioCollegeDiploma

    0192X01FWO 3 Years (Technology)OntarioCollegeAdvancedDiploma

    hisprogram is ideal forthoseinterestedin:a blend oftheoryand practicaltrainingin coursessuchassurveying, construction principles and projectestimatingthe optionofa third yearofstudy, dealing withmoreadvanced topicsin the construction/civil technology industry

    TECHNICIAN and TECHNICIAN (WEEKENDOFFERING English, Grade12 (ENG4Cor equivalent). Mathematics,Grade 12(MAP4Cor equivalent)with60

    higher, or Grade 11 (MCF3M).

    Applicants who have been out ofschoolfor a periodof timeencouragedto take a refresher coursein mathematicsprior

    start of classes. Refresher/upgrading courses are availableAcademic Upgrading courses, Centrefor Continuing and OnLearning coursesand throughlocalschoolboards.

    TECHNOLOGY Students whohave completedallof the course requirem

    equivalent to the 09/10or 10/11ArchitecturalTechniciaprogramof study areeligible to apply to theArchitecturTechnology program.The number of seats in theTechnoprogramis limited. Shouldthe numberof students excenumber of seats,selectionwill be based on academicperformancein theprogram.

    Algonquin College offersAcademic Upgrading coursesin Enmathematics, biology, chemistry,computer skillsand succestrategies.Thesecourses canbe used to meetprogram admrequirementsor to improveyourskillsbefore startingthispr

    Formore informationcontact: 613-727-4723ext.5722

  • 7/31/2019 Algonquin Viewbook 2012 13





    1501X01FWO 1 YearOntarioCollegeGraduate Certificate Fall

    hisprogram offers an exciting opportunityto:gainknowledge ofthe specializedrange oftechnologies thatreducethe environmental impact of human habitationandcommercial activitylearn more aboutmaterialsandmethods designed toprovidesustainable energyconservationimprovementslearn aboutdesignfactorsrelated toeco-friendlyconstruction,such as building orientation, to maximize theuseof renewable resources

    Opportunitiesmay exist for employment within: architects offices engineering firms contracting firms governmentagencies concerned withconstruction realestatefirms facilities managementcompanies

    AnOntario College AdvancedDiploma inArchitecturalTechnology.

    An OntarioCollege Diplomain ArchitecturalTechnicianConstruction Technician, InteriorDesign or InteriorDeco

    This is an appliedprogram that builds on skillslearned in prstudiesor in theworkplace. Applicantswithout a communitdiplomaor degree maybe consideredon an individualbasis

    een Architecture

    ectrical Engineering Technician andElectrical Engineering Technology (Articulation Agreements in place see page 100)

    0317X01FWO 2 Years (Technician)OntarioCollegeDiploma

    0318X01FWO 3 Years (Technology)OntarioCollegeAdvancedDiploma

    eal programs forthoseinterestedin:

    designing,buildingand troubleshooting electricalcomponents and circuitspursuing a careerin theelectrical, communications,utilitiesmanufacturing or firealarmfields

    Opportunitiesmay exist foremploymentin:designand testing manufacturing,installation and/or supervision diagnostics andanalysis of electrical, communication

    andfire protectionequipmentand systems powerutil it ies

    TECHNICIAN English, Grade12 (ENG4Cor equivalent). Mathematics,Grade 12(MCT4Cor equivalent)or Grade

    (MCR3U). Applicantswith Grade 12 (MAP4C) with60%(orGrade11 MCF3M)will be requiredto take additionapreparatorymathematics as partof their programof stu

    Applicantswhohavebeenoutofschoolfora periodoft

    encouraged to takea refresher course in mathematicspthe start of classes. Refresher/upgradingcourses are avthroughAcademic Upgrading courses, Centrefor ContinOnlineLearning andthrough local schoolboards.

    TECHNOLOGY Successfulcompletion of Algonquin's ElectricalEngine

    Technician programor equivalent, plus the specified admathcourses.This leads to admissionto Level 05 of thiprogram.Applicants whohave notcompletedthe ElectEngineering Technician programmay be givendepartmeapprovalto register forsome coursesin theTechnologygram, provided all prerequisiteshave been completed.

    Algonquin College offersAcademic Upgrading coursesin Enmathematics, biology, chemistry,computer skillsand succestrategies.Thesecourses canbe used to meetprogram adm

    requirementsor to improveyourskillsbefore startingthisprFormore informationcontact: 613-727-4723ext.5722


    eating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technician

    Opportunities mayexistfor employment as: service techniciansand installers parts/equipment salespeople forresidential and

    commercial heating,air conditioningand refrigera-tion contractors, wholesalers, publicutilities,oildistribution companies and government

    English, Grade12 (ENG4Cor equivalent). Mathematics,Grade 12(MAP4Cor a mathematics with


    0590X04FWO 45 WeeksOntario College Diploma

    n excellent opportunity to:learnhow toinstall, service,maintainand troubleshootresidential heatingand coolingsystemsgain practicalexperience for a careeras a servicetechnicianwriteGas(G2)andOilBurner(OBT2)TechnicianCertificateofQualificationexaminations

    werline Technician (Co-op option available)

    1511X01FWO 2 YearsOntarioCollegeDiploma

    heprogram is well-suitedfor students who:enjoy a hands-on,physicalapproach tolearningenjoy analyzingand solving problemsare team-orientedandenjoy workingwith othersareableto maintain high levelsof vigilance ina work environmentenjoy the challengeof workingoutdoorsin all weatherconditions

    Graduates of this programmay find employment withelectricpower generation, transmission and distributioncompanies, electrical contractors and publicutilitycommissions.

    English, Grade12 (ENG4Cor equivalent). Mathematics (MAP4Cor equivalent).

  • 7/31/2019 Algonquin Viewbook 2012 13






    viation Management (General Arts and Science) (Articulation Agreement in place see page 100)

    Opportunitiesfor employment may existwithin: charterservice companies teaching positions(forthosewho choosean

    Instructor rating)

    0438K01FWO 2 YearsOntarioCollegeDiploma Falland Spring

    hisprogram is designed to:enablestudentsto develop theknowledge andskillsrequiredby commercial pilotsprovide therequired levelof proficiencyto completetheTransportCanada Commercial Pilot License writtenexamprovide upto 250 hoursof flight time experience

    English, Grade12 (ENG4Cor equivalent). Mathematics,Grade 12(MAP4Cor equivalent)witha g

    60%or higherminimum or Grade 11 (MCF3M).

    Applicantsare requiredto complete a Category 1 Aviation MExamprior tothe startof thefirsttermof this program.

    Algonquin College offersAcademic Upgrading coursesin Enmathematics, biology, chemistry,computer skillsand succestrategies.Thesecourses canbe used to meetprogram admrequirementsor to improveyourskillsbefore startingthispr

    Formore informationcontact: 613-727-4723ext.5722

    viation Techniques Aircraft Maintenance

    Opportunities foremployment mayexistat theentry levelas aviation technicians in: aviation maintenanceand aircraftmanufacturing research and development componentrepairand overhaul

    1503X01FWO 1 YearOntarioCollegeCertificate Fall

    hisprogram allowsstudents to developthe knowledge andkillsrequired to workin theaircraft maintenanceindustry. Thisrogramis offeredin collaborationwith Centennial College.

    English, Grade12 (ENG4Cor equivalent). Mathematics,Grade 11(MCF3Mor equivalent).

    elding and Fabrication Techniques

    Successfulgraduatesmay findworkin a broad varietyofindustries including machine shops,fabrication andmanufacturing companies, ship repair, miningand build-ing construction.

    English, Grade12(ENG4Cor equivalent isrequired).1507X01FW0 45 WeeksOntario CollegeCertificate

    achelor of Information Technology (Network Technology) (Articulation Agreement in place see page 100)

    To be eligible foradmissionto thefirstyear of theBacheloro

    Information Technology(NetworkTechnology), the applicant m Ontario SecondarySchoolDiploma(OSSD),with a minim

    six Grade12 4Uor 4Mcourseswithan overall average of7better.

    Your six Grade 124Uor 4Mcourses mustincludeone G4U or 4Mscience courseand bothGrade12 4UEnglishand Advanced Functions (MHF4U).

    Grade12 4UPhysics (SPH4U) and Calculusand Vectorsare recommended.

    Forthis program, mature studentstatus is definedas: MatuApplicantsare personswho satisfyall of thefollowingrequments:1. Are 21yearsofage, orolder, byDecember31of the yea

    which theywishto enroll,and2. AreCanadiancitizensor permanent residentsof Canad3. Donot meetthe normal admissionrequirements aspub

    this calendar,and4. Havebeenawayfrom full-time studiesfora minimumo

    calendar years,and5. Havenot attended a universityor college asfull-timest

    These applicantsare requiredto submitproof of age,biograinformationand a transcriptof their mostrecent studies.

    Full admission requirements canbe found at: www.carletcuuc/regulations/admdegInformationTechnology.htm

    Opportunities mayexistfor employment as:

    Internet networkspecialists(intermediateto seniorlevel)

    networkadministrators(intermediateto senior level) networkanalysts(intermediate level) networkapplication programmers/developers

    (intermediatelevel) technical sales support(intermediate to seniorlevel) advancedstudiesandappliedresearchersin

    communicationsand networking trainersandeducators

    6178X01FWO 4 Years

    OntarioCollegeAdvancedDiploma/Bachelorof InformationTechnology Fall

    his collaborativedegree/diploma programwith Carletonniversityallowsyou to:

    gainknowledge,skillsand hand-ontraining inthe areasofadvanced networking technologies,computer systemsandsoftware designacquire anddevelopa soundgrounding inscience,mathematics,social sciences and methodologiesfor problemidentificationand problemsolving

  • 7/31/2019 Algonquin Viewbook 2012 13





    0336X01FWO 2 YearsOntarioCollegeDiploma

    hisprogram is ideal forthoseinterestedin:employmentin computerprogramming andsystems analysisanalyzing, designing,building,testing andmaintainingsoftware

    Opportunities foremployment mayexistas: programmers/analystswho analyze, design,code,

    text, andmaintain systems database designersandadministrators

    English, Grade12 (ENG4Cor equivalent). Mathematics,Grade 12(MAP4Cor equivalent).

    NOTE: Applicantsare encouragedto acquirebasiccomputesuch as keyboard proficiency andthe useof an office softwa(word processing, spreadsheets,etc.)prior to thestart of thprogram.

    Refresher/upgradingcourses are available throughAcademUpgrading courses, Centrefor Continuing and OnlineLearnicoursesand throughlocalschoolboards.

    Algonquin College offersAcademic Upgrading coursesin Enmathematics, biology, chemistry,computer skillsand succestrategies.Thesecourses canbe used to meetprogram admrequirementsor to improveyourskillsbefore startingthisprFormore informationcontact: 613-727-4723ext.5722

    mputer Programmer (Co-op) (Articulation Agreement in place see page 101)

    mputer Engineering Technology Computing Science (Co-op) (ArticulationAgreementin place seepage 101)

    0006X01FWO 3 YearsOntarioCollegeAdvancedDiploma Falland Winter

    hisis an ideal programfor those wishing to:pursuea rewarding career increativehigh-tech softwaredevelopmentdesign, build andtest commercialsoftware solutions,usingtodays sophisticateddevelopmenttechnologies

    Opportunitiesmay exist foremploymentas: softwareprogrammers/ developersin a widevariety

    of application areas,including:embedded systems,web, database, scientific, high-tech companies andgovernment

    testersin qualityassurancedepartment positions trainersintechnical customer supportpositions

    English, Grade12 (ENG4Cor equivalent). Mathematics,Grade 12MCT4C orequivalent). Applicants with Grade 12(MAP4C) with60%minimum

    11 MCF3M will be requiredto take additional preparatomathematicsas partof their programof study.

    NOTE: Applicantsare encouragedto acquirebasiccomputesuch as keyboard proficiency andthe useof an office softwa(word processing, spreadsheets,etc.)prior to thestart of th

    program.Programming experienceis nota requirementto eprogram.

    Applicants who have been out ofschoolfor a periodof timeencouragedto take a refresher coursein mathematics, priorstart of classes. Refresher/upgrading courses are availableAcademic Upgrading courses, Centrefor Continuing and OnLearning courseand throughlocalschoolboards.


    mputer Systems Technician (Co-op) (Articulation Agreement in place see page 102)

    Opportunities foremployment in a varietyoforganizations,in bothprivate andpublicsectors,mayexist at thejunioror entry level in: network/system installation, maintenanceand/or

    administration hardware/software sales and support customer service support technical support specialistsupport

    English, Grade12 (ENG4Cor equivalent). Mathematics,Grade 12(MAP4Cor equivalent).

    NOTE: Applicantsare encouragedto acquirebasiccomputesuch as keyboard proficiency andthe useof an office softwa(word processing, spreadsheets,etc.)prior to thestart of thprogram.

    NOTE: Newstudents whowish to apply to theComputer SyTechnology Networking (0155X01FWO)or the Computer STechnology Security (0156X01FWO)programs must first athe Computer Systems Technician (0150X01FWO)program

    0150X01FWO 2 YearsOntario CollegeDiploma

    his is an ideal programfor those lookingto:preparefor a career ininformationtechnologygain strong,hands-onexperienceandgoodworkingknowledge of installation,configuration, administrationandtroubleshootingtechniquesfor computer systems, operatingsystems, and networking equipment and environments


    otechnology Technologist (Articulation Agreement in place see page 100)

    Opportunities mayexistfor employment in: bioresearch facilitiesand analyticallaboratories commercialbiotechnologygoodsand services

    production plantnurseries governmentandacademiclabsandenvironmental

    protection agencies bio-pesticideresearch/

    production fermentation studies

    1020X01FWO 3 YearsOntarioCollegeAdvancedDiploma

    hisprogram providesan exciting opportunityto:explore howbiotechnologyisimprovingthequality oflifethroughbreakthroughs in healthcare, pharmaceuticals,agriculture,forestry,fisheries, and industrial and

    environmentalprocessesdevelop a strong background inlaboratory andtheorycourses in biochemistry, microbiology, geneticengineeringand relateddisciplines

    English, Grade12 (ENG4Cor equivalent). Mathematics, Grade 12 (MTC4Cor equivalent). Applica

    Grade12 (MAP4C) with a gradeof 60%or higher, orGra(MCF3M) will be requiredto take additional preparatorymathematicsas partof their programof study; OR

    BiologyGrade11 (SB13Cor equivalent)witha minimumOR

    ChemistryGrade 12(SCH4Cor equivalent)witha minim60%,but bothare recommended).

  • 7/31/2019 Algonquin Viewbook 2012 13



    ectro-Mechanical Engineering Technician Robotics (Articulation Agreement in place see page 102)



    Opportunities may exist to repair, adapt and maintainequipment in the following areas: electronics alternateenergydevices/powerplants automated environmental processes automationof outdatedmachinery producing drawingsusingcomputer-aided design

    (AutoCAD) programmableLogic Controllers(PLC) computer NumericalControl (CNC) machinery aerospace automobilemanufacturing medical facilities

    0550X01FWO 2 YearsOntarioCollegeDiploma

    hisprogram is ideal forthose looking to:gain hands-on experiencewith electronics, microprocessors,PLCs, CAD, CNC, machinetooloperations, welding, andfluidpowerpreparefora careerin industries using automated equipment

    English, Grade12 (ENG4Cor equivalent). Mathematics,Grade 12(MAP4Cor equivalent).

    Algonquin College offersAcademic Upgrading coursesin Enmathematics, biology, chemistry,computer skillsand succestrategies.Thesecourses canbe used to meetprogram admrequirementsor to improveyourskillsbefore startingthisprFormore informationcontact: 613-727-4723ext.5722

    mputer Systems Technology Networking (Co-op) (Articulation Agreement in place see page 102)

    Opportunities in a variety of organizations, in bothprivate and public sectors, may exist for employment atthe junior to intermediate level as: project managers networkadministrators networkinstallersand implementationspecialists systemadministratorsandmaintainers

    networkcabling installer

    At the intermediate level as: technicalsupportspecialists technicalsales representatives customer servicesupport representatives

    0155X01FWO 3 YearsOntarioCollegeAdvancedDiploma

    hisprogram will provideyou with:practical knowledgeand skillsin structuredcabling designand implementationdesign, administrationand supportskills foradvanced

    networking technologies and topologiesadvancedsecurityconceptsenterprise-level UNIX/LINUX knowledge andskillswireless technologydesignand implementation skillsintroductionto small business managementandprojectmanagement knowledge

    Successfulcompletion of Algonquin's Computer SystemTechnician (0150X01FWO)program requirements.For dflowthrough students, a cumulativeGPAof 2.5or higherequired; OR

    Applicantswho have notsuccessfully completed theTeprogram,but with similarequivalentknowledge/ experwillbe assessed on an individualbasisthrough an Adva

    Standing application to the Technology program's Leve

    NOTE 1: Oneof thekey criteria forAdvanced Standing applincludes successful completionof: CCNA Rev3.12 (orbettethroughCisco accredited institution; or CCNACertification v640-801or better.

    NOTE 2: Newstudents whowish to apply to thisprogram mapplyto the Computer Systems Technician (0150X01FWO)pthrough DuringLevel04 of thetwo-yprogram,a sign-upprocess will allow students wishingto pComputer SystemsTechnologyprogram to apply andbe asseligibility to thethirdyear of theprogram.


    mputer Systems Technology Security

    Opportunities for employment in a variety oforganizations, in both private and public sectors, mayexist in: government privately-managedsecurityfirms security audit/penetrationconsulting firms law enforcementagencies ITconsultingfirms communicationscarriersandISPs

    0156X01FWO 3 YearsOntarioCollegeAdvancedDiploma

    n ideal programfor those interestedin:performinga criticalrolein protectingandsecuring corporatenetworks, communicationsand datain theIT security fielddevelopingthe theoreticalknowledgeand hands-on skillstoassess, recommend, implement and troubleshoot variousadvanced security solutions.

    Successfulcompletion of Algonquin's Computer SystemTechnician (0150X01FWO)program requirements.For dflowthrough students, a cumulativeGPAof 2.7or higherequired.

    Applicants whoarenotflowingdirectlyfrom the CompuSystemsTechnician (0150X01FWO)program to the ComSystemsTechnology Security programOR applicants whavenot completed a qualifyingversion of Algonquin'sComputer SystemsTechnician (0150X01FWO)programsimilaror equivalent knowledge/experience, will be asonanindividual basis throughan Advanced Standing applicattheprogram'sLevel05.

    NOTE 1: Oneof thekey criteria forAdvanced Standing applincludes successful completion of: CCNAExplorer training (version) throughCisco accredited institution; or CCNACerti

    version640-801 or better.

    NOTE2: New studentswhowish toapply tothisprogram mfirst applyto the Computer Systems Technician (0150X01FWprogramthrough DuringLevel04 of thetwo-yearprogram,a sign-upprocess will allow students wipursue theComputer Systems Technology Security prograapply andbe assessed foreligibility to thethird year of theprogram.


  • 7/31/2019 Algonquin Viewbook 2012 13



    echanical Engineering Technology (Articulation Agreement in place see page 103)



    English, Grade12 (ENG4Cor equivalent). Mathematics, Grade 12 (MCT4Cor equivalent). Applica

    Grade12 MAP4C with a gradeof 60% orhigherwillbe

    to take additionalpreparatory mathematicsas part of thprogramof study.

    Anyphysics and/or chemistrycourse(s)is recommende

    Opportunities foremployment mayexistin: manufacturing aerospace


    Occupations may include: productdesign/testing electronics/computermanufacturing automationandcontrol ofsystems/processes

    0010X01FWO 3 YearsOntarioCollegeAdvancedDiploma

    n ideal programfor those interestedin:pursuinga careerin creating,modifying andimprovingengineering designslearning theskills requiredto solve mechanicalengineeringproblems


    echanical Technician Toolmaking andMechanical Technician Toolmaking (Co-op/Apprentice/Diploma) (Articulation Agreement in place see page 103)

    BOTHPROGRAMS: English, Grade12 (ENG4Cor equivalent). Mathematics,Grade 12(MAP4Cor equivalent)with60

    higher or Grade 11 MCF3M).

    Opportunitiesmay exist in manufacturingfirms, machineshopsor R&D labsas: toolanddiemakers moldmakers CNC programmers/operators patternmakers quality controllers

    processplanners mechanical draftspersons tooldesigners specializedsalespersons mechanical designers

    0054X01FWO 2 YearsOntarioCollegeDiploma

    0054C08FWO 2 YearsCo-op Apprentice/Diploma

    hisprogram is ideal forthose interestedin:

    acareer intoolanddiemakinggaining theknowledge andskillsrequiredto set upandoperateall standard machinetools, computer-aided design(CAD)and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM)

    otive Power Technician

    English, Grade12 (ENG4Cor equivalent). Mathematics,Grade 12(MAP4Cor equivalent)

    Opportunities foremployment mayexistas: apprentice technicians technical advisors partor service managementtrainees maintenance supervisors mechanical supervisors warrantyclaims processors productsalespeoplein theautomotivefield.

    0557A04FW0 45 WeeksOntarioCollegeDiploma

    hisprogram is well-suited forstudent who:enjoy a hands-on approach tolearning about theautomotive industryhavestrongobservationaland analytical skillsare team-orientedandlike toworkwithothers

    eographic Information Systems

    Opportunities may exist for employment in: utility/resourcemanagement companies survey/engineering/environmental firms softwarecompanies municipal, provincial orfederalagencieswithin the

    students existing field if andwhere GISprinciples areapplied

    1588X01FWO 1 YearOntarioCollegeGraduateCertificate

    hisprogram is ideal foranyoneinterested in:learning how toapply geographictoolsto applicationsfromarchaeology to zoologyin boththe privateand publicsectorsmap-making, remote sensing, computerprogramming and

    database managementusing a computertocreate a SmartMap(amapwhichcanbe used in an interactiveway to helpmakedecisions)

    Applicants must havea two- orthree-year OntarioColleDiplomaor universitydegreein a relatedfield,or equivawith department approval.

    Applicationsmaybe required tocompletethe EnglishLaAssessment for Advanced Programs(ELAAP) administetheTestCentrefor whicha fee of$40 willbe charged.

    Applicantswith International transcriptsmustprovide p

    TOEFL score of Internet-based(iBT)-overall88, withmin22 in each component,or equivalent. Programmingexperienceis nota requirementforthisprogra

    study; however, applicants areencouragedtoacquirebasicprogramming experiencepriorto thestart of theprogramof

    ternet Applications and Web Development (formerly Internet Application Programmer)(Co-op) (Articulation Agreement in place see page 103)

    Opportunities foremployment mayexistin: analyzingbusinessrequirements designing, developing and implementingweb

    solutions assistingwith acquisition, installation,use and

    troubleshooting of Internet applications and services

    Occupations may include: web administrator Internet applicationdeveloper web application architect webprogrammer e-commercearchitect/developer webspecialist

    3002X01FWO 2 YearsOntarioCollegeDiploma

    hisprogram will provideyou with:training in Internet technologies andInternet programmingexpertise in developingInternet applicationsknowledgeof client-side andserver-side scripting languagesand database programming

    English, Grade12 (ENG4Cor equivalent). Mathematics,Grade 12(MAP4Cor equivalent).

    NOTE: Applicantsshould havebasiccomputerskills such aboard proficiency,Internetbrowsing andsearching,and thean officesoftware suite(word processing, spreadsheets,etto thestart of theprogram. TheMobileLearningCenter Coaoffers trainingin these skillsif needed.Whileprogrammingexperienceis nota requirementto enter theprogram aptituprogrammingis necessaryand would include strong languaproblemsolving andlogicskills. Thisis often demonstratedandenjoymentin solving wordproblemsin math.

    Algonquin College offersAcademic Upgrading coursesin Enmathematics, biology, chemistry,computer skillsand succestrategies.Thesecourses canbe used to meetprogram admrequirementsor to improveyourskillsbefore startingthisprFormore informationcontact: 613-727-4723ext.5722

  • 7/31/2019 Algonquin Viewbook 2012 13



    ireless/Mobility Telecommunication Engineering Technician andWireless/Mobility Telecommunication Engineering Technology (Co-op) (Articulation Agreements in place see



    1190X01FWO 2 Years (Technician)OntarioCollegeDiploma

    1191X01FWO 3 Years (Technology)OntarioCollegeAdvancedDiploma

    hisprogram is ideal forthose looking to:enter into thelucrativewireless/mobilityindustrydevelop essential skills, fromelectronicsfundamentals tocurrent, state-of-the-artwireless and relatedtelecommunications technologies

    Opportunities may exist for employment at the entrylevel and subsequently at the intermediate level as: basestation technicians mobile systems technicians wireless networkinstallers/technicians wireless applicationdevelopers pre-and post-telecommunications sales support

    analysts wireless networkmaintenance technicians wireless networkinstallationspecialists

    TECHNICIAN: English, Grade12 (ENG4Cor equivalent). Mathematics, Grade 12(MCT4Cor equivalent)witha grad

    orhigher, orGrade11 (MCR3U) will berequiredto take addpreparatorymathematicsas partof theirprogramof study.

    NOTE: Applicantsare encouraged toacquirebasiccomputerssuch askeyboard proficiencyand theuse ofan office software

    (word processing,spreadsheets,etc.)priorto thestartof thepProgrammingexperienceis nota requirementto enter theprog

    Applicants who have been out ofschoolfor a periodof timeencouragedto take a refresher coursein mathematics, suchMAT8000 Math Fundamentals, prior to thestart of classes.Refresher/upgradingcourses are also available throughAcaUpgrading courses, Centrefor Continuing and OnlineLearnicoursesand throughlocalschoolboards.

    Students whomaintain an academic GPA of 2.5or better inthetwo academic terms leadingup to a co-op termmay regtheco-opprogram. There aretwo optional co-op periodsoffduring theSpringterm;the first, after Level 02 andthe secoLevel 04.Both mustbe completed to graduate as a techniciaco-op experience.

    TECHNOLOGY Successfulcompletion of Algonquin College's

    Wireless/Mobility TelecommunicationEngineeringTechprogram,or equivalent.

    Applicantswho have notsuccessfully completed theTeprogram,but with similarequivalentknowledge/experiwillbe assessed on an individualbasisthrough an AdvaStanding application to the Technology program's Leve

    NOTE: Students whowish to apply to this programmust apWireless/Mobility Telecommunication Engineering Technic(1190X01FWO)program Dur04 of theTechnicianprogram,a sign-upprocess will allow swishingto pursue theTechnologyprogram, to apply andbefor eligibility.

    Students whosuccessfullycompletethe co-opversionof the Teprogrammay apply to theco-op version of theTechnologyp

    3014X04FWO 45 WeeksOntarioCollegeDiploma

    hisprogram providesyou with:the necessary knowledgeto work asan operator inOntarios

    water andwastewater systemsa blend ofhands-ontrainingandtheorycourses inchemistry,biology,hydraulics and mechanical systems

    Opportunitiesmay exist for employment withinconsultingfirms,constructioncompanies, publicinspection agen-cies, government, industrial plants,hydro-electric andnuclearpower generation stations and water filtration/distribution plantsas:

    waterandsewagetreatmentoperators complianceofficers wateranalysts labassistants

    English, Grade12 (ENG4C, orequivalent). Mathematics,Grade 12(MAP4Cor equivalent). Biology, Grade 11(SBI3C orequivalentis recommended Chemistry, Grade 12 (SCH4Cor equivalentis recommen

    Algonquin College offersAcademic Upgrading coursesin Enmathematics, biology, chemistry,computer skillsand succestrategies.Thesecourses canbe used to meetprogram admrequirementsor to improveyourskillsbefore startingthisprFormore informationcontact: 613-727-4723ext.5722

    ater and Waste Water Technician


    1182X01FWO 1 YearOntarioCollegeGraduateCertificate

    hisis an ideal programfor those looking to:pursuea career intechnical documentation,in advancedtechnology industriesgainthe skills necessaryto writeabout newtechnologies

    andproducts forprint or onlinereaders

    Opportunities mayexistfor employment in: government publicly-funded institutions such as hospitalsand

    schools business advancedtechnology industry

    For the Technical Writerprogram, applicants shouldideallyoneof thetwo following conditions: Successfulcompletion ofa university degree,witha str

    showingin thecourses forwhich high standards of writdemanded.

    Successfulcompletion of a three-year OntarioCollege ADiploma, witha strongshowing in thecourses forwhic

    standards of writingare demanded.

    However, applicants possessing the following background wbe considered: Successfulcompletion of a two-yearOntario Communit

    Diploma, witha strongshowing in thecourses forwhicstandardof writingare demanded, paired withdemonstration of significant experience in theworkplacproduction of a varietyof writtencommunicationprodu

    chnical Writer

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    6066X03FWO 4 YearsBachelorof Applied Business

    rovides the opportunity to:acquire a wide rangeof currentconcepts, principles andskillsin e-business, supplychain management, projectmanagement, and business analysis

    develop personal andinterpersonalskillscompletepaidco-op workplacements (earn atleast half thecost of your program)study and learnin a small-classlaptopenvironment

    Opportunitiesmay existin: supplychain management materials management procurement/contract management logist ics production andinventory management businessanalysis

    e-businesssystems applicationdevelopment technology-relatedbusinessdevelopment project management

    OntarioSecondarySchoolDiploma (OSSD). Six Grade 12university(U)or university/ college(M)co

    including oneGrade12 U English course andone GradeMathematicscourse, withan overallminimum average(Ontario Academic Courses (OAC) canreplace or be usecombinationwith U or M courses.)

    Transfer Credit Recognition

    A) Applicants with degrees ordegree-levelcoursesCanadianInstitutionsempowered to award degrefromother degree grantinginstitutions recognizeDepartmentof Education:BAB(eSCM) degreecoursecredits willbe grantedbasecomparison of contentand learning outcomes. Applicandegreesthat haveacademicaffinity (e.g. Bachelor of CowithBAB (eSCM)couldbe grantedup to 32 of 48 creditoutlinesare required documentation.

    B) Applicants with diplomasor courses from postseinstitutionsrecognized by theMinistry of TrainingCollegesand Universities:Applicants with a three-year Business Administrationdwithacademicaffinity to BAB(eSCM) from: an Ontarioc

    Institute of Technology andAdvancedLearning or othernon-degree grantinginstitutionsrecognizedby the MinTraining,Colleges and Universities;and a minimumcumgrade point average(GPA) of 3.0(B) or 75%couldreceiv28 or 58%of BAB(eSCM) coursecredits based on a comof programcontent andprogram learning outcomes. Thmaximumis based on a comparisonof recognizedOntaBusiness AdministrationProgram Standards to the degoutcomesof BAB(eSCM).Course creditsfor other threediplomaswillbe grantedon a course-by-coursebasis.Ccreditsfor applicantswith oneor two-year diplomas wiaffinityto BAB(eSCM)or withindividual coursecreditsevaluated on a course-by-course basis to a maximumof25%of BAB(eSCM) credits. Forall course credits, a mingrade of B (75%) is required. Official transcriptsand coudescriptions/outlinesare required documentation.

    C) Applicants with degrees ordegree-levelcoursescountries other thanCanadaor frompost-secondainstitutionsnotrecognized by theOntarioDepartmEducation:Applicantsmust have their degreesand degree-level coevaluated by a recognizedCanadianpublicor privateinthatspecializesin theevaluation of international degreprograms. BAB(eSCM)degreecoursecredits will be grbased on a comparisonof contentand learning outcomeApplicantswith degreesthat have academic affinity (e.Bachelor of Commerce) withBAB(eSCM) could be granto 32 coursecredits outof therequired 48.Officialtranscripts and coursedescriptions/outlines are requiredocumentation.

    D. Applicants with priorworkexperiencelearning iSupply Chain Management:

    Applicantswith directly relatedeSCMexperience canaadvanced placement (course credits) throughthe AlgonCollegeOffice of Prior Learning Assessment and Recog(PLAR).This Officeutilizes assessment standards of theCanadian Associationfor Prior Learning Assessment (CTherequirements forPLAR coursecredits varyfroma chexamto a complete portfolio relating experience andottrainingto therelevant BAB(eSCM)courselearning objPLAR coursecredits can beawardedforup toa maximu12 BAB(eSCM) courses.

    Continued on nextpage>




    achelor of Applied Business e-Business Supply Chain Management (Co-op) (Articulation Agreement in place see page 104)

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    achelor of Applied Business e-Business Supply Chain Management Continued

    CHOOL OF BUSINESS continued


    Course Credit for Co-op Work TermsIn addition to theeightacademic semesters,threepaid co-oterms area requiredelement of BAB(eSCM).Applicants widirectly relatedeSCMexperience canapplyfor credit foronco-op work terms. Documentation required includes thenamlocation andcontact informationof theemployer anda comdescription of job responsibilities verified in writingby supe

    or managersto which theapplicantreported.In general, sixof directlyrelated eSCM experienceis requiredfor oneworcreditand a progressively increasedlevelof responsibilityisrequiredfor additional credit.

    0214C01FWO 2 YearsOntarioCollegeDiploma

    orthoseinterestedin:pursuinga careerin financialor managementaccountinggaining thefundamental skillsof computerized accountingsystems for a technology-oriented work

    Opportunities foremployment mayexistin allsizesofbusiness andall levels of governmentin: financialaccounting managerialaccounting taxationaccounting

    English, Grade12 (ENG4Cor equivalent). Mathematics,Grade 12(MAP4Cor equivalent).

    Algonquin College offersAcademic Upgrading coursesin Enmathematics, biology, chemistry,computer skillsand succestrategies.Thesecourses canbe used to meetprogram admrequirementsor to improveyourskillsbefore startingthisprFormore informationcontact: 613-727-4723ext.5722

    usiness Accounting (Articulation Agreement in place see page 105)

    usiness Administration (Co-op for Accounting, International Business, and Materials and Operations Management Majors) ( Articulation Agreement in place see page 106)

    Opportunities foremployment mayexistin: Accounting:Financial accounting/ management,

    taxation, auditing, and cost accounting Finance: Banksand trust companies, mortgage and

    insurance firms,brokerage and investmentcompanies,and mutual funddealers

    General Business: Alllevels of government,andprivate-sectororganizations

    Human Resources: Planning, recruitment/

    selection, training/development,compensationmanagement, industrial/employeerelations, andhealthand safety

    International Business: A vast number of privatesectororganizations, fromSMEsto largemanufacturingand service concerns, including publicsectorand government

    Marketing: Marketing communications, salesprofessionals,brand managers, research

    Materialsand OperationsManagement:Purchasing and supplymanagement, customerrelationship management, logistics, and materialsmanagement

    0216X01FWO 3 YearsOntarioCollegeAdvancedDiploma

    CCOUNTING Financial and managerial accounting, taxation,anagement information systemsand financial management

    INANCE Gain high proficiency skillsneededto completedustry professional designationsand licensing

    ENERAL BUSINESS Broad and deep knowledge necessaryo functioneffectivelyin a widevariety of business positions

    UMANRESOURCES Exploreall human resources technicalpecializations, including recruiting, selection, training,ompensation,and labourand employee relations

    NTERNATIONAL BUSINESS Gainawiderangeofternational business skillsto pursue a careerin thecompetitiveobalmarketplace,including international marketing,anagement, research, and marketstrategies

    MARKETING Creative and strategic planning regardingdvertising, promotion, sales,research, distribution,pricing, androductdevelopment


    hainmanagement processes such as purchasing, productionanning/control, inventory management, logistics, andstribution

    deal forthoseinterestedin:acquiringthe communication,planning,teamwork,andanalyticalskills requiredfor a rewarding career in businessgaining a solidmanagementfoundationin generalbusinesspractices,with theoptionof specializing in oneof theareaslistedhere

    English, Grade12 (ENG4Cor equivalent). Mathematics,Grade 12(MAP4Cor a mathematics with

    content,is required).


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    CHOOL OF BUSINESS continued


    usiness Marketing (Articulation Agreement in place see page 105)

    0214E01FWO 2 YearsOntarioCollegeDiploma

    eal forthosewho wantto:are excitedby the prospect oftakinga hands-on approach tolearning and interacting with industry clients and businessleaders

    are seekinga careerpaththatoffers a rangeof employmentopportunities andplacesthemat thecenterof anorganizations decision-making processes and creativeexecutionenjoy interacting withothersin a groupsettingareinterestedin examining business situations andcreatingcustomized solutions

    English, Grade12 (ENG4Cor equivalent). Mathematics,Grade 11(MBF3Cor equivalent).

    Algonquin College offersAcademic Upgrading coursesin Enmathematics, biology, chemistry,computer skillsand succestrategies.Thesecourses canbe used to meetprogram admrequirementsor to improveyourskillsbefore startingthispr

    Formore informationcontact: 613-727-4723ext.5722

    1206X01FW0 1 YearOntarioCollegeCertificate

    orthoseinterestedin supportpositions in theOntario Courtsnd in professionalorganizations.

    Opportunities foremployment mayexistin a varietyoflegal environments such as: clerk/registrar court service office