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Algorithms and data structuresAlgorithms and data structures

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10.04.23 2 / 21Algorithms and data structures, FER


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Page 4: Algorithms and data structures Protected by  7.6.2014

Algorithms and data structures, FER 4 / 2010.04.23


Data structure where the last stored record is processed first Data structure where the last stored record is processed first Required operations:Required operations:

Addition (Addition (pushpush) of elements at the top of the stack) of elements at the top of the stack Removing (Removing (poppop) of elements from the top of the stack) of elements from the top of the stack Initialisation of an empty stackInitialisation of an empty stack

A single operation A single operation pushpush or or poppop requires an equal execution time, regardless requires an equal execution time, regardless of the number of already stored elementsof the number of already stored elements

The case when the stack is full may require the allocation of The case when the stack is full may require the allocation of additional memory and repeated execution of the programadditional memory and repeated execution of the program An empty stack does not necessarily imply an errorAn empty stack does not necessarily imply an error

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Algorithms and data structures, FER 5 / 2010.04.23


Stack Stack – array implementation– array implementation

It can be implemented using a static data structureIt can be implemented using a static data structure According to the principle According to the principle Last In First OutLast In First Out ( (LIFOLIFO), elements are added to or removed from ), elements are added to or removed from

the one-dimthe one-dimenensional array of a given structuresional array of a given structure The value marking the top position of the stack is updatedThe value marking the top position of the stack is updated

Initialisation of an empty stack:Initialisation of an empty stack: Resetting the position of the topResetting the position of the top

StogPoljem (StackByArray)

#define MAXSTACK 5

typedef struct {

int top, array[MAXSTACK];

} Stack;

void init_stack(Stack *stack){

stack->top = -1;

} stack->top








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Algorithms and data structures, FER 6 / 2010.04.23

Push an element Push an element on on the stackthe stack

int push(int element, Stack *stack) {

if (stack->top>= MAXSTACK-1) return 0;


stack->array[stack->top] = element;

return 1;


Determine the complexity!

Calling program:

Stack stack;


push(5, &stack);

push(2, &stack);

push(7, &stack);

push(-4, &stack);

push(1, &stack);

push(9, &stack);










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Algorithms and data structures, FER 7 / 2010.04.23

Pop an element from the stackPop an element from the stack

int pop (int *element, Stack *stack) {

if (stack->top < 0) return 0;

*element = stack->array[stack->top];stack->top--;

return 1;


Calling program:

pop(&element, &stack);

pop(&element, &stack);

pop(&element, &stack);

pop(&element, &stack);

pop(&element, &stack);

pop(&element, &stack);Determine the complexity!










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Algorithms and data structures, FER 8 / 2010.04.23


Write the function Write the function that that poppopss elements from a stack elements from a stack implemented implemented with with a a static array. The single element is a floating point number. If the static array. The single element is a floating point number. If the operation failed, the function returns 0, otherwise 1.operation failed, the function returns 0, otherwise 1.

Write the function Write the function that that pushpusheses elements elements on on a stack a stack imlemented imlemented with with a a static array with maximum capacity of static array with maximum capacity of MAXMAXRR records. A record to records. A record to be stored on stack consists of an integer and 10 floating point be stored on stack consists of an integer and 10 floating point numbers. If the operation failed, the function returns numbers. If the operation failed, the function returns 00, otherwise , otherwise 11. . The function prototype isThe function prototype is

int push(struct node element, Stack *stack);int push(struct node element, Stack *stack);

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Algorithms and data structures, FER 9 / 2010.04.23


There is an unformatted file There is an unformatted file stack.dat stack.dat on disk, organised as a stack. At on disk, organised as a stack. At the file beginning it is written the maximum allowed capacity of the stack, the file beginning it is written the maximum allowed capacity of the stack, expressed as the number of records (expressed as the number of records (intint) and the address of the last element ) and the address of the last element written on the stack (written on the stack (longlong). ). An element on the stack is a record with the An element on the stack is a record with the passed examination data for a student:passed examination data for a student: ID number (ID number (longlong)) Name and family name (24+1 character)Name and family name (24+1 character) Code of the course (Code of the course (intint)) Grade (Grade (shortshort))

Define the data type Define the data type StackStack and write the necessary functions for and write the necessary functions for handling the stack. As the main program use the main from handling the stack. As the main program use the main from StogPoljem.c (StackByArrayStogPoljem.c (StackByArray.c.c))

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Page 11: Algorithms and data structures Protected by  7.6.2014

Algorithms and data structures, FER 11 / 2010.04.23

Basic termsBasic terms

Linear listLinear list A=(aA=(a11,a,a22,...a,...ann))is a data structure is a data structure consisting of an ordered sequence of elements, selected consisting of an ordered sequence of elements, selected from a data setfrom a data set

A linear list is empty if it contains A linear list is empty if it contains n=0n=0 elements elements List elements List elements aaii are called are called atomsatoms A list can be A list can be implemented implemented using the static data structure - using the static data structure -


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Algorithms and data structures, FER 12 / 2010.04.23

List List implementationimplementation

The dynamic data structure to The dynamic data structure to implement implement a lista list consists of a consists of a pointerpointer to the first to the first list element and of an list element and of an arbitrary number of atomsarbitrary number of atoms

Each atom consists of aEach atom consists of a data data part and apart and a pointer pointer to the next list elementto the next list element For each list atom, the memory is allocated at the moment when needed to For each list atom, the memory is allocated at the moment when needed to

store data, and it is released when data are deletedstore data, and it is released when data are deleted Granulation Granulation is is of the of the sizesize atom atom

struct at {

int element;

struct at *next;


typedef struct at atom;



atom atom

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Algorithms and data structures, FER 13 / 2010.04.23

Empty and non empty listEmpty and non empty list

Empty list

52 42

Non empty list



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Algorithms and data structures, FER 14 / 2010.04.23

StackStack – list implementation – list implementation

Stack, earlier Stack, earlier implemented implemented with an array, can with an array, can also also bebe implemented implemented with a linear with a linear listlist Insertion to and deletion from the list is performed on the same end of the listInsertion to and deletion from the list is performed on the same end of the list Head of the list serves as the Head of the list serves as the toptop of the stack of the stack

StogListom (StackByList)

struct at {

type element;

struct at *next;


typedef struct at atom;

typedef struct{

atom *top;

} Stack;

void init_stack(Stack *stack){

stack->top = NULL;



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Algorithms and data structures, FER 15 / 2010.04.23

StackStack – list implementation (push element) – list implementation (push element)

int push(type element, Stack *stack) {

atom *new;

if ((new = (atom*) malloc (sizeof (atom))) != NULL) {

new->element = element;

new->next = stack->top;

stack->top = new;

return 1;


else return 0;


Calling program:

Stack stack;

init_stack (&stack);

push (5, &stack);




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Algorithms and data structures, FER 16 / 2010.04.23

int push (type element, Stack *stack) {

atom *new;

if ((new = (atom*) malloc (sizeof (atom))) != NULL) {

new->element = element;

new->next = stack->top;

stack->top = new;

return 1;


else return 0;


Calling program:

Stack stack;


push (5, &stack);

push (3, &stack);





StackStack – list implementation (push new element) – list implementation (push new element)

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Algorithms and data structures, FER 17 / 2010.04.23

int pop (type *element, Stack *stack) {

atom *aux;

if (stack->top == NULL) return 0;

*element = stack->top->element;

aux = stack->top->next; /* address of the new top */

free (stack->top); /* release the old top */

stack->top = aux; /* set the new top */

return 1;


Calling program:

pop (&element, &stack); stack->top



StackStack – list implementation (pop element) - I – list implementation (pop element) - I

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Algorithms and data structures, FER 18 / 2010.04.23

int pop (type *element, Stack *stack) {

atom *aux;

if (stack->top == NULL) return 0;

*element = stack->top->element;

aux = stack->top->next; /* address of the new top */

free (stack->top); /* release the old top */

stack->top = aux; /* set the new top */

return 1;


Calling program:

pop (&element, &stack);

pop (&element, &stack);stack->top



StackStack – list implementation (pop element) - II – list implementation (pop element) - II

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Algorithms and data structures, FER 19 / 2010.04.23

Stack – list implementation (pop Stack – list implementation (pop element from element from emptyempty stack stack))

int pop (type *element, Stack *stack) {

atom *aux;

if (stack->top == NULL) return 0;

*element = stack->top->element;

aux = stack->top->next; /* address of the new top */

free (stack->top); /* release the old top */

stack->top = aux; /* set the new top */

return 1;


Calling program:

pop (&element, &stack);

pop (&element, &stack);

pop (&element, &stack);



Complexity? O(1)

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Algorithms and data structures, FER 20 / 2010.04.23

Memory usageMemory usage

Representation of stack using a list requires more memory per data Representation of stack using a list requires more memory per data (because a pointer is surplus)(because a pointer is surplus) More flexibility is achievedMore flexibility is achieved

Multiple stacks can simultaneously use the same memory spaceMultiple stacks can simultaneously use the same memory space Memory usage is proportional to the size of data on the stack, not Memory usage is proportional to the size of data on the stack, not

determined by the maximum stack capacitydetermined by the maximum stack capacity On the other hand, capacity of a single stack is limited only by the On the other hand, capacity of a single stack is limited only by the

available memoryavailable memory